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March 27, 2024 56 mins

This week Tamika D. Mallory and Mysonne discuss various topics related to health and peoples well-being, such as the potential dangers of sleeping with cell phones due to radiation,  the Food and Drug Administration and its role in regulating products that can be harmful to consumers and the importance of voting and being aware of the decisions made by federal agencies. Next, they introduce Dr. Robert Singleton, an anesthesiologist, who discusses health issues that disproportionately affect the Black community, such as obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes. In this conversation. He also, touches on the use of Ozempic and weight loss drugs and the impact of misinformation and media.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Yeah, that's what's up.

Speaker 2 (00:08):

Speaker 3 (00:08):
It's your girl to mek A d.

Speaker 1 (00:10):
Mallord and it's your boy my son in general.

Speaker 3 (00:12):
And we are your host of t M I to.

Speaker 1 (00:16):
Miki my Son's information, truth, motivation and inspirations.

Speaker 2 (00:20):
That you know, what's happen, what's you know what?

Speaker 3 (00:25):
I was reading an article that says we're not we're
not supposed to sleep with our cell phones on the
side of the bed. They say, not even in the room.
But what I be trying to understand is why do
they sell us stuff.

Speaker 2 (00:43):
Let's gonna kill it? That is, I mean, that's how
I think that's the one.

Speaker 3 (00:49):
No, But I mean this article was saying some serious ship.
It was saying, basically, the radiation from the five G
is like not humanly consumable, like it's not good for
you. You should not have it in your space overnight, like
it's already And I guess it's true because now you're
talking about twenty four hours a day you're dealing with

the radiation from the towers and your phone. And they said,
do not even have it next to your bed. They
talked about also like the tea television, the rays, like
how people sleep with the TV on overnight. I know
I do sometimes it.

Speaker 2 (01:25):
I'm scared of the dark. Oh see, I'm scared of
the dok.

Speaker 1 (01:28):
I'm been scared since I was a kid. I don't
play but no, no, nor don't play.

Speaker 2 (01:34):
But that.

Speaker 3 (01:36):
TM I the real con they's too much information. It's
not but I but you.

Speaker 2 (01:42):
Know, I do.

Speaker 3 (01:43):
I sleep and I also, thankfully I am not afraid
of the dark. When I was a kid, I was
so afraid of the dark.

Speaker 2 (01:48):
It wasn't funny.

Speaker 3 (01:49):
I used to wake up and swore that I saw
things running across the I mean it just was. I
had a monsters in my it was bad. I was
traumatized in the projects we had to with the aluminum
for I told the story before over the light bulb
so I can have a night light in my room,
Like this is very very serious when I and I
had to get over that. So now I will at

least sometimes I turn TV and I just I won't
even have it on too fall asleep because I can
do that AnyWho. The phone is a little different because
when I wake up, for like, I wake up all night.
That's part of my anxiety. I you know, I'll look
a little bit send emails. But they're saying in this
particular article that is actually not healthy for you at

all to have your phone in the room and definitely
not next to you, because you are basically consuming all
this radioactive energy throughout the night. Now people sleep with
it in their bed. Yeah, with the whole phone, the
charging chords, the that's not good. That's not good, and

the extension chord because the thing don't don't run long
enough in the stags over there, like yep, all of
the all of the above.

Speaker 2 (03:05):
Yeah, need the stuff.

Speaker 3 (03:06):
But that's really I mean this thing. All I know
is that the rate that we are being diagnosed with cancer,
these little articles they hide it over here. It is
behind a paywall. You might see one or two posts
about it on socials. Meanwhile, this is information we really

need to have.

Speaker 1 (03:28):
So I need to create like a little phone box,
right that you could put your phone in and blocks
the radiation.

Speaker 3 (03:38):
How would your family members reach you if something is wrong?

Speaker 2 (03:40):
But you can hear it with blockeration, so you only
use it. Take it off the box.

Speaker 3 (03:47):
Well, I have a house phone, so I think maybe
the house phone is still.

Speaker 2 (03:51):
Is the radiation blocker.

Speaker 3 (03:54):
All I'm saying is the rate to which we are
getting being died knows with cancer, and people are saying,
where are we getting all of this cancer from. Sure,
the food is important, and they didn't specifically say that
it's going to give you cancer. It basically implied and
said that these are some of the things, and one

of them is not being able to rest properly because
it's like you have energy going all around you all
the time. It's not healthy.

Speaker 2 (04:22):
So I was just.

Speaker 3 (04:23):
Reading that and it just it really brought me to
my thought of the day because also, you know, Painkillers
is one of my favorite shows on Netflix. I watched Painkillers,
I've watched Dope Sick. I love these shows, and well
it's not that I love them, but I'm into it
because of my personal experience with opioids. And I as

I was watching Painkillers for like the fifth time, I
really honed in again on the Food and Drug Administration.

Speaker 2 (04:58):
Yeah, big thing.

Speaker 3 (05:00):
Well, actually it's not. And that's what's scary.

Speaker 2 (05:05):
Well, explain that.

Speaker 3 (05:06):
Well, because it's not like it's not it's not a
forty thousand person department within the federal government. There are
it's a smaller entity of people who have guidelines that
they're pretty much checking off. I don't know why, Like,
I don't know why I thought that these people was

in white coats and there are people within the Food
and Drug Administration that are actual doctors and all of that.
So let me not scare people. But it's not as
robust as I thought. I'm thinking that there is a
lad and everything that they do, they gotta bring it
on something like what and that is not the game.

It's so you have to be really careful, really really careful.
We got a doctor coming up. We're gonna talk a
little bit about it.

Speaker 1 (05:59):
Pretty much goes to you know, I put it in
the song and so on, on painkillers, the serious and I'm like, oh,
they pretty much make drugs.

Speaker 2 (06:09):
You deal, we do a hundred years and they pay
a fine.

Speaker 1 (06:15):
The crazy thing is that when we looked at the
reality is the family who created the the OXYI, which
is one of the most addictive drugs in the world
that's killed probably about a million.

Speaker 3 (06:28):
I think it's one of that because.

Speaker 1 (06:30):
It was that when they made it, they said it
was a five hundred thousand.

Speaker 3 (06:36):
There's a lot of parents.

Speaker 1 (06:37):
Who are who have overdose to and they were they
had to pay like a four hundred million dollars five
with their billionaires.

Speaker 2 (06:45):
So they paid this five.

Speaker 1 (06:46):
They go back and they continue to make more money,
and they ain't take Isak off the market. People are
still being prescribed. And they know the addictiveness of it.

Speaker 2 (06:56):
They know the mortality rate of it, they know all
these things.

Speaker 1 (07:01):
But if ray ray on the corner, he get caught
with ten to twelve field, is he gonna do ten
and twelve years? So maybe more so it's just like
we we have to just be open mind. And that's
why when you say you thought this was this robust,
they know this is just another agency.

Speaker 3 (07:18):
It's like any other agency. And because lobbied exactly say
lobby I'm gonna say lobbyed, so right, And then then
that means that outside entities like the medical industry, they
have actual power and the decisions that's being made. It's

just like, yo, this is why I don't like to
talk about the sex stuff, because this is why people
be like, I don't I'm not, I don't care about voting.

Speaker 1 (07:46):
I don't want to because because it's a lot, because
who's gonna vote when you know that they're playing around.

Speaker 3 (07:53):
But you have to pay attention to these things right
like when you elected president or you elect certain types
of people, congressional members and others. These are the things
that we because we're looking for police accountability, students, debt relief,
women's health issues, we look at this and say, we
don't always start reading the fine print of how people

feel about certain agencies. So they might be talking about
defunding certain agencies and making people responsible for figuring out
what their their concoctions for food and whatever are on
your own. They can be so drugs, they can be
saying that I'm not saying they are people. I'm not

saying that they are I'm saying they could make those decisions.
And because it's not something that comes top of mind,
you don't even read that part of the campaign with
materials or on the website for the president. You're not
even looking at that. And we should actually know that
the Food and Drug Administration is being fully funded and
has the type of things that they need to be

effective in their jobs. Anyway, just I was in my
fool in the day today is the agencies, the aid
the federal agencies need. Everybody needs a boss. The transportation
industry not just the boss needs the airplane people are
they doing whatever?

Speaker 2 (09:17):
This isn't The only people that have bosses is poor people.
Oh that's it.

Speaker 3 (09:22):
The transportation people are not, not the Deltas and the
I love Delta by the way, not the American.

Speaker 2 (09:28):
The pilots, you're crazy, you know. It's unny. They may
they not forty, but I'm doing I want, I say
what i want to do what I want.

Speaker 3 (09:35):
But it's really the ones that own the companies Southwest,
but the.

Speaker 1 (09:41):
Pretty much pilots are contract it's pretty much because they
don't even have any Jewish. The Delta, the airlines don't
have any jurisdiction over the pilots.

Speaker 3 (09:50):
Well they can fire them, yeah, but they got you
they have. I think there are the pilots unionized because
I know that the employees, like Delta employees are not unionized.
People like me lost and are working to try to
get them union.

Speaker 1 (10:03):
When we have a situation, they pretty much said there's
nothing that we can do to the point will win
the pot.

Speaker 3 (10:08):
Right because the fact the legislation is that the pilot
is in charge on the plane. I mean it's it's
it's very technical and that's the type of stuff. It's like, damn,
we talk so much about who's sleeping with who who's
and that type of stuff. Will be knowing. I'm trying
to get myself to.

Speaker 1 (10:23):
Learn you will. That brings me to my music segment.
I just had one at first, but I'm going to
introduce my song into this because of what we were
just talking about. You know, we talking about painkillers, and
we're talking about voting. We're talking about all these things.
And you know this new remixed song that I have

out right now to Jay Z's and it's the twenty
fifth anniversary of the song reasonable Doubt and I mean
of President Yet Presidents twenty seven, okay, And it's the
twenty fifth anniversary of the song their Presidents. And when
I was listening to the song, it's one of my
favorite songs that Jay ever made. And then I was

just talking thinking about presidents and he was like, I'm
all for presidents to represent me, and I was thinking
about the selection. I'm thinking about all of this. You know,
we got guys that we got Trump just talking crazy,
and I'm just like, none of these people actually represent me,
Like there's nothing that they do or say that represents
me as a black man in America. So I remixed
it under that preference, and I talked about a lot

of different things. And so I want you to listen
to that song. It's my songs their President's remix called
none of These Presidents Don't Represent Me.

Speaker 2 (11:36):
And also the second.

Speaker 1 (11:38):
The second song is my twenty one savage man. I
was listening to this album I was working out two
years today and it's this song called letter Letter to
My brother.

Speaker 2 (11:49):
You know what I'm saying, And.

Speaker 3 (11:50):
Is it really briant brother?

Speaker 1 (11:52):
B are you d d a letter to my brother?
And he was just talking about the realities that go
on his street life, you know, like how you just
you're trying to make it out sometimes, he said, he
said a line that was crazy. He said, I've got
a good heart. It is just in the wrong place, right,

he said, most of us just have good hearts within
the wrong place and survive will be pray. You just
trying to make it out, which he used to making
out when he's just gonna cuff you like, And he
was just talking about so many things that the average person,
especially black men in our community, experiences, you know, and
it was just like it was like, Wow, this is
a song that had a lot of substance in it.

So just want to highlight spot like that twenty one
Savages letter to my brother. Go listen to that and
my songs. None of these presidents don't represent me.

Speaker 3 (12:45):
It's still adult track, and I hope that people will
listen to it because I feel it they don't represent me.
I hate to say it because I don't like it.
I don't want Donald Trump is my president. I really don't.
And I don't give anybody the impression that.

Speaker 2 (12:59):
I'm for Donald Trump at all.

Speaker 3 (13:01):
But Joe Biden really disappointed me. Not and I'm not
talking about the fact that I knew I wasn't going
to agree with on his politics because we was definitely
going to fight him. We knew that we were getting ready.
But no, he disappointed me. He disappointed me with this
Gods situation. Definitely, I'm disappointed. I had an expectation, not

that he would not be assigned this as he proclaims,
but I had an expectation that when the people would
that as the people rise up the way that we have,
that he would have he would have I had. I

had an expectation that as the people have really you know,
the way that people are rising up, I had an
expectation that he would step back and say I have
to I cannot. I'm not even saying that he actually
feels it or loves Palestinians, or that he was doing
it because I believe he was gonna do the right things.

I'm saying that I thought that he would say I
can't even do this, like he keeps saying. They keep
saying Trump is a threat, and then yet you acting
like Trump. So I didn't. I didn't. That for me,
I'm disappointed in that. I thought they were more That's
what I was gonna say. That's it. I got it, Mice,
I got it. I thought that they were going to
be more politically astute than they have been.

Speaker 1 (14:34):
I didn't spend nothing, anything, nothing. But let's get into it.
I would guess.

Speaker 3 (14:42):
I guess in our last few shows. I don't know
if we even noticed it, but we've been talking about
health a lot. I realize, especially with all this extra weight,
that a lot of people act like they don't know.
But I have a few friends, including my dear friend Peaches,
that does not let me forget because she will send
me a picture of myself out somewhere in a minute

and be like you see this circling the fat in
my cheeks, my neck, and it's okay because do we
do that for one another. It's not like she's trying
to like disrespect me or anything or shame me, but
she knows what I want to look like. And I
realized that I didn't have to be in the situation
that I'm in the backfat this, and that all of

these things happened to me because I thought that I
could just steal. I thought I was still thirty. I
don't know what I thought, but it's not. It isn't
so I'll yes. And what I realized is working out
by itself is not enough, Like you do have to
actually take care of your inside. I never knew this
whole theory of gut health. I never heard that before

in my life. I knew your stomach, but then when
I hear people talking about how much is happening in
your gut, I'm like, wow, there's so many concepts that
I can tell you right now. My family members that
live in Alabama, North Carolina, no wherever, we talk about
no gut health like at all. We did these things.
It was can you try that good piece of pork

chop and tear it up. Now. They don't live like
that anymore because so many people have died from art
disease and whatever, and over time people have become introduced
to these things. But that wasn't the thing we were
talking about today though. Today we get an opportunity to
talk to doctor Robert Singleton, the second, who is an
anesthesiology physician, and he also is very big on the

internet talking about health. And you know, I don't know
if enough of us, Like I was talking to somewhere
recently and they were like, oh, certain things never show
up on my page. It's also what you follow like
and what you're interested in. And when I came across
the algorithm, when I came across doctor Singleton, obviously we

were introduced to him by LaToya Bond and our team
and they were like, Hey, you got to check this
guy out. It's some real robust discussion and rich discussion
going on on his social media about health in general.
And I'm grateful that he's taking some time today, Scrubs
and all to come on and be a guest on
TAMI to talk about our health and help us get

straight on like what we pose to be doing to
get health in our community.

Speaker 1 (17:31):
How you doing, doctor, and how you doing today?

Speaker 4 (17:33):
I'm doing great, great, glad to be here, and I'm
glad that we're talking about health because it's so important.
Like you said, there's so many different health conditions that
affect us as black people disproportionately, and so it's important
that we have conversations like this to help ourselves, to
help our communities.

Speaker 5 (17:51):

Speaker 1 (17:52):
Let me.

Speaker 3 (17:52):
Let me give a few points about how legendary you are.
You are a board certified and caesiologists in Chicago. You
went to Howard University. We have Howard University nutcases that
follow us that they don't pull, they do not play

about the hu you know. Okay, but you are a
medical school grad from Howard and then also the ambassador
for the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation. This is a very
very serious topic for me, and I'll tell you why
in the second and since completing your anestesiology training in

twenty sixteen, you've been committed to serving as an advocate
for patients and their families, practicing evidence based medicine and
insurance patience safety. And I'll tell you why this topic
is so sensitive for me around anestesiology. My mother in
twenty twenty. Prior to twenty twenty March of twenty twenty,

she had been told she has an issue with her
sophia gets where it closes and she has to have
it stretched, maybe every years or so. So this is
something that we believe, well, we pretty much know that.
It became her new reality after working at near right
next door to the World Trade Center during nine eleven.

So my mom, you know, she was there and the
fumes and whatnot, and then her esophagus changed as a
result of the pollution that so many people down there
faced and what have you. She lived, thank god, but
she did start to struggle with this thing.

Speaker 5 (19:36):
The last time that she.

Speaker 3 (19:38):
Was getting before this twenty twenty incident, the last time
she was getting her esophagus stretched, the doctor told her
that they did not like the way that she responded
to the anesthesia. They said that when it was time
for her to wake up, she was having a major difficulty.
They did not like the way she rebounded and they

felt uncomfortable about it. However, with my mother, her situation
is either you get the stretching or go into complete
liquid diet, and even then she can choke and die.

Speaker 5 (20:11):
So she doesn't.

Speaker 3 (20:12):
Have a lot of options, right, So they did the
surgery in March of twenty twenty, and sure enough, my
mother had a stroke and lost the ability on her
left side.

Speaker 5 (20:23):
My mother was a dance.

Speaker 3 (20:25):
Instructor for a number of dance classes in her community.

Speaker 5 (20:29):
You cannot be her in my line on the dances.

Speaker 1 (20:32):
You got vible videos.

Speaker 3 (20:33):
And every eighty million people watching her videos of her
line dance instructing and all of that. And now she's
in a wheelchair. She moves around a lot better, you know,
over to time things have gotten better, but she does
not have the ability to do much with her left
side and she needs twenty four hour care. So anesthesia
is a big topic of a place of pain for

us when we even start talking about it, And ironically
it is coming up on the Timeless. She's beginning to
choke again because in twenty twenty, once they did get
through the surgery, now she's starting to have the same
issues again and here were people having to try to
figure out what to do. So just for the personal reference,
this topic is really you know you and what you

do is very sensitive to me. But again, thank you
so much for joining us, and we just want to hear.
I'm sure how you got into this in the first place.

Speaker 4 (21:27):
Yeah, So, I've always wanted to be a doctor. I
just didn't know what type. I really liked surgery, but
anesthesia is one of those fields that doesn't get a
lot of exposure or it's not as known as the
other fields. Everybody knows about pediatricians and cardiologists, but anesthesia

is a really behind the scenes type of medicine and
for most of the time you don't really you know,
see or hear much about anesthesia because for most of
the procedures that we do, everything goes smoothly. But we
do have those instances where there are emergencies, where there

are traumas, where there are you know, incidences of cardiovascular collapse,
difficulty breathing, or we have to step in, and those
are very critical.

Speaker 6 (22:20):
Moments where every moment matters.

Speaker 4 (22:23):
We saw that a lot with COVID and just even today,
you know, it's essential that patients have anesthesia doctors to
make sure that their procedures are safe, and so I
gravitated towards anesthesia. I've been doing this practicing independently since
twenty sixteen.

Speaker 6 (22:41):
Absolutely love it.

Speaker 4 (22:43):
I can't see myself I could not see myself doing
any other any other job.

Speaker 1 (22:49):
That's amazing. I just I would like to know, like
being an anesthesiologist, being in the field of medicine, what
do you think are the biggest things that affect black
people that you can think of?

Speaker 4 (23:01):
Yeah, so we have, like I said earlier, a lot
of unique diseases and a lot of issues that affect
us disproportionately. One big one and today's the last day
of heart health minds, But one big one is as
far as cardiovascular disease, our people are between thirty and
fifty four percent more likely to die of a cardiovascular

disease compared to our non Hispanic white counterparts. We die
of heart attacks more, we have higher rates of obesity,
higher rates of diabetes, and there's a lot of different
reasons for that. But it's important that we have conversations
like this, we spread reliable health information and take some

steps to reverse that.

Speaker 3 (23:49):
Tell me the connection, because you know, we can dispel
the myth. Right now, you're anestesiologists. People are like you
just put the needle in on and knock me out,
Like what do what is your role or how do
you even know about all these other medical things because
people would think that that's not your area.

Speaker 6 (24:08):
Yeah, so that's a good question.

Speaker 4 (24:10):
You know, we as anesthesia doctors are periodicative physicians, and
so whenever a patient is before me, I have to
make sure that they're optimized respiratory wise, cardiovascular wise, that
all their organ systems are ready to undergo the stress
of surgery and anesthesia. And so I have to I

have to manage diabetes. I have to tailor each anesthetic
to each patient because it is not a one size
fits all thing. I desire and tailor my anesthetic to
each patient's need. And the biggest thing, you know, if
there's there's no surgery without anesthesia, and so we it's
essential that we're there to make sure that patients are

are still, that they don't have pain, and they can
go through having a surgical procedure.

Speaker 1 (25:01):
Mm hmmm. So I asked you about, you know, what
other things that affect us? What do you think causes
those things? It is our personal lifestyle choices. Is it
that we're forced to eat certain foods? And what do
you think are the biggest things that causes those situations
that we have?

Speaker 4 (25:21):
You know, that's it's it's multifactorial there's a lot of
different things. Uh. Some of it is cultural, you know,
the kind of foods that we gravitate towards as a culture.
A lot of us don't have health clubs and our
neighborhood we don't have neighborhoods that are safe enough, safe
enough for us to go on walks and jogs.

Speaker 1 (25:41):

Speaker 4 (25:41):
Many of our people living uh, food deserts where you
don't have access to whole foods or you know, organic
healthy produce that's at a reasonable price. And so there's
things that you know, within our society are keeping us
from being healthy and also just lack of information that's

keeping us from changing our habits in the way that
we live.

Speaker 3 (26:07):
Yeah, it's environmental racism, is what we call it. And
you know, and I mean and food desert's a real thing.
When we first arrived in Louisville, Kentucky, where we were
fighting for Breonna Taylor, we lived there for three months.
During that time, we learned how the people were suffering.

Like one supermarket in the entire area where all these
hundreds of thousands of people lived, one supermarket did not
I went in there one time. The fruit was terrible.
It wasn't even a good supermarket, right, and so we
found out that we had to, you know, start bringing

fresh produce just to deliver to the community to even
have a conversation. And it's so important for people to
understand that between our activism, your work as a doctor,
it all connects, because you can't even have a conversation
with somebody about fighting for Breonna Taylor while they're hungry.
It's like, you know, hey, I hear you terrible. What

happened to that system? I'm hungry, but I'm hungry and
maybe after you feed me then I can meet you
on the battlefield. So I hear you, you know, talking
about Well, first of all, tell us the conditions. You said,
it's Heart health Month, and I know that applies to
all of us as black people and other races. But

what would you say at the top two issues? Maybe
there's more for men and women that are avoidable, like
things that you know, if we just don't do this,
more than likely we will not have these issues.

Speaker 4 (27:49):
Yeah, so's there's three major issues. I mean, like you said,
there's a lot of issues that we could talk about,
including high cholesterol, and but the big three would have
to be obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Obesity, high
blood pressure and diabetes. Those are three issues that affect

us as black people more and for the most part,
they are somewhat reversible, treatable, preventable if we are if
we just do some common sense things to improve them
and educate ourselves. The thing about high blood pressure is
that it's a silent killer. You don't really you can't

feel whenever you have high blood pressure, and a lot
of people, especially if you're not getting your blood pressure
checked regularly, if you're not going to the doctor regularly,
you could have really really high blood pressure never know it.
And the first time that you may be diagnosed with
high blood pressure is whenever it's so high that now
you have a stroke, Now you have a heart attack,

now you have a brain anchuriskecond one diabetes. You know,
a lot of us have diabetes that runs in our family.
But actually diabetes is a condition that, uh, it's preventable,
it's it's treatable if we have the right medications, UH,
and having our diabetes under control can prevent cardiovascular disease.

Speaker 2 (29:20):

Speaker 4 (29:21):
And then the last one, obesity, you know, we talked
about it a little bit earlier. There's issues with access
to adequate food and exercise. But obesity is one of
the big things that you know, people don't realize the
more weight you have that the more the harder your

heart has to work to pump blood to all of
those tissues throughout your body, and all that stress on
the heart leads to elevated blood pressure and heart disease.
And we call a lot of medical conditions comorbid conditions,
and so usually if you have obesity, you also it's

very likely you have a lot of other conditions like
sleep avenue, like cholesterol, and also your your risk of
cancer goes up with obesity. So I would say those
three things are the big three whenever it comes to
hard health that if we could target those, we could
get our numbers down.

Speaker 1 (30:20):
So do you think, you know, being a graduate of
an HBCU, that it makes you focus on these things more,
gives you more you know, insight into what's actually going
on with black people? Do you think it affects that?

Speaker 6 (30:34):
I definitely do.

Speaker 4 (30:35):
Only about five point seven percent of doctors in this
country are black, and it's been proven through many different
studies that our people do better whenever we have positions
that look like us you're more likely to take your medications,
You're more likely to get age appropriate screenings, to take

health advice if you are a patient of a doctor
who you can trust, who you feel has your best interest,
to understands you know, the words that you're using, who
understands your family, dynamic, your lifestyle. And so we need
more black doctors, and we need our black doctors to
be present in.

Speaker 6 (31:15):
The community and advocate.

Speaker 4 (31:19):
And that's that's one of the reasons why I became
more vocal on social media, because you know, I said, man,
I have this platform, I have this sphere of influence.
Let me try to educate people and try to get
people to come on board with some of these issues
and learn about their heart health and ways of being

more healthy.

Speaker 3 (31:41):
We talked about diabetes, and now I have people who
have diabetes saying they can't get their medication because the
folks that have obitity issues are using the medication to
lose weight. And that's the old zembic piece. And we
actually were talking about that a little earlier in this show.
So I want you to to to sort of speak

to this ozific phenomenon. I've recently learned that people have
actually been using it for this reason for a longer
time than we are now exposed to. But it wasn't
it's not it wasn't as popular. Social media didn't know,
So that is one thing. But then also with this
COVID nineteen environment and the dynamics of what we experience,

where so many people were like, get your vitamins, your supplements,
your c moss, your you know, all the things, the
good stuff that a lot of time, the flax seeds,
all the things that we were not necessarily using. Are
you one of those that supports that because there are
some doctors like that stuff is no good. It's you know,

that's not gonna you need vaccines, vaccines, you know, drugs
directly from the doctors. Do you think there's a balance,
like can you speak to those two issues? Ozimpic and
supplements en vitamins.

Speaker 4 (33:00):
So ozempic is a medication and a lot of diabetes
medications oral hypoglycimic agents. They have always had an off
label use of weight loss, a side effect of weight loss,
and you know, if you notice a lot of these drugs,
the drug commercials years ago, they mentioned that weight loss

is a potential side effect. So we've known that off label,
these drugs can be used for weight loss, but it's
just gotten that approval that now it can be used
specifically for weight loss, and it is a phenomenon. People
are using ozimpic and other weight loss drug other diabetes drugs,

you know, like crazy, and it is causing a problem
for people who need it for diabetes don't have access
to it. But as far as you know, is it
good to take them or not just for weight loss?

Speaker 6 (33:56):
It really comes down to h or.

Speaker 4 (34:01):
I think the most important thing is to look at
a person's overall health picture, which is why these drugs
should be prescribed by a position. And so if you
are somebody with severe heart disease with sleep happening with diabetes,
a lot of times by losing weight, you know you can.
Weight loss can cure diabetes, weight loss can cure high
blood pressure, and so these drugs are important. Weight loss

is important to prolonging your lifespan and making you healthier.
So that's why it's important to have these medications prescribed
by a position.

Speaker 3 (34:36):
But what you're mixing that with if you have thyroid
disease or something like that and you're taking ozepic because
you're trying to be cute.

Speaker 4 (34:45):
That you know, that's why the most important thing you
have to have a position, and they're going to look
at your total health picture, look at all the medical
conditions that you have, and they'll be able to decide
whether it's safe for you to take Ozmpic or not.
There's some people because of their health conditions where it's
not safe for them to take and they should explore

other weight loss drugs or even surgery for weight loss.

Speaker 3 (35:11):
So oh, surgery for weight loss?

Speaker 1 (35:13):
What about the supplements and all those things? Did she mentioned?

Speaker 4 (35:18):
So I am not I am the biggest person who
will say if you don't need medications, you know, it
should not be the first line of treatment for anything. However,
you know, with a lot of these supplements that are
out there, the flax seed or sea moss, the problem
with them is most of them are not regulated by
the FDA, and so sometimes they'll put these claims on

the bottle and it'll say, oh, this will cure this,
this will help with this, But those claims have not
been investigated or upheld by the Food and Drug Administration,
Whereas the medications that we have a lot of times,
millions of dollars have been spent to study them to
make sure that they're safe. And for a lot of medications,

we have extensive research comparing one drug to another. And
so that is why a lot of physicians feel more
comfortable prescribing medications than we do suggesting supplements.

Speaker 6 (36:14):
And so you know, we do have patients too on supplements.
We just it's important that you tell your doctor that
you are on those supplements.

Speaker 4 (36:23):
I have seen cases where patients end up in trouble
because they're taking supplements but not telling their doctor, and
it's interfering with their meda prescribed medications. And so if
you are taking supplements, it's important to tell your doctor.

Speaker 3 (36:39):
M Yeah, because they can have high protein. That is
a reaction. Why I see, I never I mean because
I think the supplements. It's like, why do I have
to tell anybody that I take supplements?

Speaker 1 (36:50):
But I guess I see, this is another form of
kind of like medication. So you don't want to, you know,
just be contradicting medication. If they're prescribing you something, you
want to let them know what it is that you're
actually taking.

Speaker 3 (37:05):
Yeah, but what would be a reason why somebody would
want to hide that they would take in a supplement
because black people just we just know, don't tell everything
to anybody, right, you.

Speaker 4 (37:17):
Know, if there's a lot of reasons, I don't think
it's so much hiding. I think people just don't think
it's important.

Speaker 6 (37:22):
You might not consider it, right, That's what I was say. Medication.

Speaker 4 (37:25):
You know, if you're taking, you know, some vitamins, you
might not think, oh, I should tell my doctor I'm
taking vitamin E or whatever or chen saying. But especially
in the context of surgery, a lot of vitamins and
supplements can increase your risk of bleeding. And so we
need to know, and we specifically asked, but we need
to know what are you taking both prescription wires, over

the counter and selflement ours.

Speaker 3 (37:51):
Do you do anesthesia for classic surgeon classic surgeons?

Speaker 5 (37:56):
Are you in those rooms as well?

Speaker 4 (37:58):
Yes, So I've worked with a lot of plastic surgeons.
MA may makeovers, uh, prest augmentation, all the fun stuff.

Speaker 5 (38:09):
That's why I needed my back.

Speaker 1 (38:12):
So you so you've become this internet phenomenon. Do you
get any hate on the internet? Do people tell you
to shut up, you don't know what you're talking about?
Or does it more love you know what.

Speaker 4 (38:23):
Most of it is love. I will say that most
of it is love. There are some topics that are
very controversial. The first topic that really got me on
social media was COVID and man whenever, as soon as
you mentioned COVID, as soon as you, you know, bring
it up, you're going to get people who are going

to be very h It's yeah, it's very polarizing. You know,
are vaccines good?

Speaker 6 (38:51):
Are they bad?

Speaker 4 (38:53):
And so COVID is probably the one topic where I'll
get the most hate, but overall it's mostly love.

Speaker 5 (39:00):
Let's close this out here.

Speaker 3 (39:01):
But I want to just frame this. We were talking
about it earlier and now I want to bring you
into this discussion. We were talking about this show Painkillers. Say,
what is it a documentary?

Speaker 1 (39:14):
It's not. It's a show based on It's based on
the true story, but it's not.

Speaker 3 (39:18):
Dope Sick is the same. Have you seen Have you
seen either one of these?

Speaker 6 (39:23):
I haven't seen it.

Speaker 3 (39:24):
You said you should watch because you mentioned the Food
and Drug Administration, And what I thought this is these
are based on true stories. Both of these shows Hulu
cut has but.

Speaker 1 (39:38):
It's based on the same It's based on the same family.
It's based on a person who created I Cotting Right.

Speaker 3 (39:45):
So, as you're going through this film, in my mind,
prior to turning it on, I thought the Food and
Drug Administration was two three, four, five big buildings in Washington,
d C. With hundreds of thousands of people wanting things
and doing things. And you know what I'm saying, like
a major operation. And what we find out in these

shows is that it actually is a few people at
a desk on one floor in one building that's not
even a building that's just for that in particular purpose
I'm in. I'm seeing chemists, I'm seeing like right, bog administration,
I'm seeing major operation. And what we actually find out

is that there are people who have guidelines in front
of them, right, And I believe they're intelligent and you know,
very knowledgeable, but they have guidelines in front of them.
And so when your product comes up, they're basically checking boxes,
looking at and making sure it matches up with whatever
the new laws and you know, all of those things,
and then they make determinations on whether or not you

you know, pass now this opioid family, these people are
this particular product of OxyContin.

Speaker 5 (41:01):
They denied them many many, many, many many.

Speaker 3 (41:04):
Times, because they wanted to take their product from it
being near death, you know, and what is it palatable
care right, They wanted to take it from that to
being used for more things and being more accessible to people,
and the FDA consistently denied, denied, denied, denied. Then in
the movie, because I went to check to see if

this is true, eventually there was a meeting, something happened
with the man from the FDA, which happens in all industries.
Next thing you know, it was approved, and then after
a short period of time, the man quit his job
at the FDA and went to go work for the company.
So when you say, yeah, you really check it out,

I mean.

Speaker 1 (41:47):
It's my mind, yeah.

Speaker 3 (41:50):
Because I would think that that's illegal somewhere. But then again,
as the show goes on, if this show continues, you
find out about how many other people have left, you know,
they might have been working for this law firm over here,
working for the government.

Speaker 5 (42:05):
And then they go into private practice. That's actually not illegal.

Speaker 3 (42:09):
Many times we go into elected positions and into public office,
and you when your time is up there, you want
to go to private practice in some of these areas,
So it's actually not illegal but I want that makes
me question and wonder when we start talking about the FDA,
and I do want to look and see FBA on

my label. But am I really trusting and believing that
what they're saying is right because how deep is their love?

Speaker 6 (42:42):

Speaker 4 (42:44):
Yeah, And I mean it's it's so unfortunate that we
even have to have this conversation. I think that, especially
within the past four or five years, we've had this
discussion more and more. But there's there's no branch of
government that's immune from corruption. You know, there's corruption in
all walks of life, unfortunately, and that's just another reason

why it's important to have, you know, whenever you're making
decisions about your health, why it's important to have a
doctor who you trust to, has cultural competency, who can
kind of help you, you know, navigate that tell you
their own personal experience, you know, with those drugs, tell
you about the patients that they have, and use their
experience and expertise to help guide you and help you

decide should I take this drug or that drug.

Speaker 3 (43:34):
Yeah, that's the big takeaway, it really is.

Speaker 1 (43:37):
And it's called the Sacler the Seckler.

Speaker 3 (43:39):
Family, the Sackler family, right, okay.

Speaker 1 (43:42):
So well, basically, you know, we just want to say
thank you for coming here. And I like the representation
man seeing a black man, you know, being in medicine
and being knowledgeable. It maybe to start inspiring. You know,
we don't see a lot of us in these spaces,
and when you say it's only five percent of us
in the space, that's crazy to me when we should

be definitely present in spaces where where things affect us,
you know, way worse than it affects everybody else. So
we definitely need to be in there. And I appreciate
you for your representation and the actual work that you're doing.
You know, continue on being great black men. You are legendary.

Speaker 3 (44:25):
It's been all about legends, but the legends man legends,
you certainly are one.

Speaker 6 (44:30):
Thank you guys so much. I appreciate you.

Speaker 3 (44:32):
Thank you doctor Singleton. We appreciate you and joining us.
I don't know, anyway, I was gonna say, maybe I
shouldn't talk about it, but you know, it is something
that actually happened to me, and it had it was
actually pretty traumatizing. So you know, during the Women's March, obviously,
the the the controversy that we faced was very very significant,

and I was being called anti Semitic, which you know,
people were saying, I hate Jewish people. I didn't even understand,
Like I was so so not knowledgeable about certain things
that we say, biases that we have, Like I didn't
even know. I was so focused on addressing black people's
issues that I never even taken the time to learn

these things. And I had to learn by hell fire,
basically because I was like what, Like I knew what
anti Semitism meant, but it really wasn't a turn that
was in my regular talking points every day to have
those accusations against me. And it was very very harmful,
you know. Of course we were going to school, was
going places. My seeking engagement was getting canceled, you know,

you know the story. Everybody who's listening, most people are
aware of what I suffered and the the you know,
because of those accusations against me. And so I had
a doctor at the time, as she was a white
woman who I never took the to figure out whether
she was Jewish, but I eventually began to feel something

from her, like as I continued to see her during
this time, especially because the anxiety that I was experiencing
was so severe that I was going back and forth
meeting with her.

Speaker 1 (46:21):
She was real cool.

Speaker 3 (46:22):
We actually sit around and talk for a little while.
After the appointment, she became very short, she wasn't really interested,
and you could tell that her personality towards me changed.
And so I eventually, obviously we're smart enough to know
to stop immediately having her to be my doctor. And

later on there was some things that was written in
my personal file, things that, yes, I do understand when
you're talking to your doctor, they're gonna write notes, but
it was the way in which the notes were written
I could tell. I could see the difference from where
we started to where we ended up then.

Speaker 5 (47:03):
And there's some people who would say, well, why would
you even.

Speaker 3 (47:05):
Make the assumption that just because she was possibly Oh
and by the way, she was a white woman anyway,
so regardless of whether she was actually Jewish or not,
she was a white woman. And at that time, there
was so much hate against us from all different types
of people, especially white people. And then you add the
layer of whether whether they knew it was true or not,

just the mere fact that I was getting called this
hateful leader and you know, I'm anti Semitic or whatever.
It really scared me that someone had I was in
the care of a person who could have really been
hateful towards me because of what the media was saying.

Speaker 5 (47:43):
And you know, so therefore, I.

Speaker 3 (47:47):
Realized that I need to have my own people monitor
and manage my health. I'd rather bet on my own
people because at any given time, if you upset somebody,
maybe from any community.

Speaker 5 (48:01):
Not saying black people also.

Speaker 3 (48:03):
But I, like I said, I'm pretty cool with black
folks for the most part, for the most part, for
the most part. But I realized that I need my
care to be in the hands of people who look
like me, you know, because you put in your hands
and solar's life and you have no idea what they're behind,
like what's going on back here.

Speaker 1 (48:22):
Yeah, And it's also that you know, there's there's shared experience,
there's there's a shared experience of last life in general
that people are able to identify with and connected, you know.
So I don't have any issues with people who don't
feel the same way. It's just like all the like
when people got mad when what's her name when she

said I'm with any everybody black, Like people want to
see you just want to see people from your coach
you win, you know, you know, just based off misinformation, right,
Like you're saying that you had a doctor that you're
a cool with, that you you of confidence, and that
you have to you know, loved her, and this was somebody.

Speaker 2 (49:05):
That you trusty.

Speaker 1 (49:07):
It was all these things and just based off something
in the media, false information that people put out into
the media. It changed the whole creaction and her perception
of you. And I'm just and I just think we're
at a time where people are just so lazy and
I don't and I don't get it. People are so

lazy that they take anything that's put in the media
or social media at face value.

Speaker 2 (49:33):

Speaker 1 (49:33):
They don't they don't do any research, they don't do
any due diligence, They don't consider the individual. There are
people that we know every day of our lives that
will look at something that's put on social media and
take it at face value. Sure, there are things should
you should you pay attention, right, Like Denzel said, one
of the realist things, he said, if you don't listen

to it and to the media. If you said, if
you don't listen to the media, then you're uninformed. But
if you do listen to it? Do you're missing for
literally just talking about you know something that happened with
Tory Lanez and his lawyer putting out this new appeal
and code. But about over two or three weeks ago,

there was a guy who I'm not even gonna say
his name because he's one of the biggest misinformation people
in the world, that was saying that there was a
video tape that was supposed to come out, and the
video tape was from Asian woman and she had taped
the whole situation and she had saw it and she
was following them from the whole thing, and it was
gonna come up in the appial And this is a lie, right,

He called out people threatening people, all types of stuff,
and this was this was a complete lie. There was
no basis for it. But there were so many people
online that was coming at people saying, look this and
that and this information and it's just so dangerous and
it's so terrible to me. And I just want people
to just start using common sets, like I want us

to start using common sens. The internet and media and
social media cannot completely control your mind to where you
don't even use your own common sense. And you don't
do any type of due diligence to even research to
see is this remotely truth? Is there? Is there five
or six different because if if there's a level of
remote trueness to it, then you might be able to

find it on five or six or seven different respectable places.

Speaker 3 (51:31):
It's no such thing. I don't agree with you.

Speaker 1 (51:34):
You don't know. So what do you think?

Speaker 3 (51:36):
Because I don't agree, I agree with you that misinformation
is a problem. I think people when they turn their
phone on, unless they really pretty much trust who they're
talking to. That's like on this show, and there are
many other shows big by Teszling. You think about you
know a number of people you listen to Aman the Seals,
You're listening to the Native Pod with Angela Rode, Tiffany

Cross and what's our brother's name? Andrew Gillum, And there's
Joy and Reid. There's so many and even Joy. While
she is on her show attempting to be the most
authentic and having the most integrity possible, she's still on
a network that if you tlip to the net show
or to a few others, they lie like him, right,

And so I think knowing your person that you're getting
information from and kind of you haven't really found them
to be a person that lacks integrity, for you know,
or you forget about integrity, because that's a whole nother
let me take that away. If you haven't found them
to be someone that misinforms or misreports information, then you

could kind of listen to them and whatever. But there's
not that many credible places.

Speaker 1 (52:47):
We know.

Speaker 3 (52:48):
The New York Times was exposed for having a writer
writing about issues or things that happen on October seventh.

Speaker 5 (52:57):
To Israeli's that was not true because if you go
right now.

Speaker 3 (53:01):
And google rapes or you google children being beheaded. Even
though not only has the American government had to say
after President Biden said he saw something that he did
not see now, they tried to say he didn't mean
it that way. Whatever, he still said he saw pictures
of babies beheaded, And then the Israeli governments had to say,

you know what, actually there's no evidence of such, right
so we know that, we know that. But if you
go right now when you google, it's the shit still
all over the place. People still say black folks, brown folks,
other people. They still saying it in their talking points,
So I don't know that there are many credible places.
The way I look at it is when I turn

my phone on and I read it's entertainment, that's what.
Unless it's somebody who I truly believe and trust it's entertainment,
lives are being destroyed.

Speaker 2 (53:56):
That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (53:57):
You can't entertain at the expensive somebody.

Speaker 3 (54:01):
Else's well, but there's no accountability mechanism unless you sue
people you know, or whatever, and it's very expensive to
go to court and go through all of that. And
you know, I'm a person who has many friends that
are lawyers, and they all are prepared at any time
to go to that for me and for you, right.
But there are a lot of people that don't have that,

some people that even have the lawyers. And by the
time you get to a certain level, lawyers are bleeding
you dry right hourly, they're bleeding you drop. So not
everybody has the ability to go out there. And the
other thing is, if one a little bit of what
this person is saying is true about you, then how
do you go and fight the rest of it? It
becomes so murky.

Speaker 5 (54:43):
So what I'm saying about entertainment is that I don't
look at this thing and say, unless I'm you know again,
unless it's somebody I trust, unless it's a video of
something that's really moving to me, or unless I have
the opportunity to speak to the lawyers, the family.

Speaker 3 (55:01):
The people involved. I look at it and I just
keep scrolling and see it. Okay, you put it in
the bank, you heard it. You might hear it again.

Speaker 1 (55:09):
You can't play people's names, you can't play people's lives.
And that's another episode in the books TM. We appreciate y'all. Man,
Keep supporting us. Make sure you go to the t
of my page. Let us know what you want us
to talk about, anybody you want us to interview. Keep
supporting us. Make us number one again like you made Street.

Speaker 3 (55:29):
Party Have Mercy.

Speaker 1 (55:30):
Please please number one, number one podcast growing. We are
number one.

Speaker 3 (55:38):
You are growing. But I do not want people to
think that because he says number one that you don't
have to help us.

Speaker 1 (55:46):
Truly's stay number one. You gotta go get your you
gotta get your brother, your sister, your cousin and tell
them to tune into t M.

Speaker 2 (55:54):
I I'm not right to make his life.

Speaker 1 (55:57):
I'll always be wrong.

Speaker 2 (55:58):
We'll both always and always be authentic.

Speaker 1 (56:02):
Souryoni, that sow Yooni. That is save Regodi, then Seyodi.
Check out the video version of TMO.

Speaker 3 (56:14):
Every single Wednesday on Iwoman dot TV.

Speaker 1 (56:17):
That's how we
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