All Episodes

March 26, 2024 30 mins

"Once you get your target to trust you, you can you can do what you want to them: kill, get information, betray, recruit, wherever." 


Show Credits:

  • Produced by Tenderfoot TV in association with iHeart Podcasts
  • Host/Writer: Neil Strauss
  • Guest: Aliia Roza
  • Executive Producers: Neil Strauss, Donald Albright and Payne Lindsey
  • Lead Producer and Editor: Tristen Bankston
  • Additional Editing: Miles Clark and Christian Brown
  • Supervising Producer: Tracy Kaplan
  • Consultants: Nooshin Valizadeh, Chelsey Goodan and Jaime Albright 
  • Cover Art Design: Byron McCoy
  • Original Music: Makeup and Vanity Set, with additional music by Ben Fleisch
  • Mixed and Mastered: Dayton Cole
  • Theme song: Killer Shangri-lah by Pshycotic Beats featuring Pati Amor
  • Special thanks to: Oren Rosenbaum and the team at UTA, Beck Media and Marketing, Oren Segal, Rebecca Jensen, Rose Baruc, The Nord Group, Meredith Stedman, and Alex Vespestad  


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
All eight episodes of To Die For are available now
to Bitch absolutely free, but for ad free listening and
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Speaker 2 (00:18):
Warning, the following contains graphic descriptions of violence and sexual
assault that may be too intense or triggering to some listeners.
Discretion is advised.

Speaker 3 (00:32):
Three Alia Rosa is demonstrating one of the tactics she
learned during her espionage training. The idea is that through

certain breathing exercises, is she can deepen the residence and
power of her voice.

Speaker 4 (01:04):
I know that sometimes you feel lonely.

Speaker 5 (01:08):
I know this.

Speaker 4 (01:08):
Sometimes you feel betrayed. I know this. Sometimes you feel.

Speaker 3 (01:14):
Sad and speak to the deeper part of her target's
subconscious mind.

Speaker 4 (01:19):
And it's okay because I feel the same. And I
want to tell you that you're not by yourself in
this world. I feel you. I'm very very proud of you,
and you're so beautiful.

Speaker 3 (01:41):
But there is a price to pay for this.

Speaker 4 (01:43):
You have a beautiful soul and beautiful spirit.

Speaker 3 (01:48):
Because after a certain point.

Speaker 4 (01:50):
Please always remember that, no matter what, promise me that
you will never give up.

Speaker 3 (01:58):
You get so good faking your emotions.

Speaker 4 (02:01):
Because I believe in you. I know you can do it.

Speaker 3 (02:07):
You lose touch with your real feelings.

Speaker 4 (02:11):
I love you.

Speaker 6 (02:15):
To kill you, I'm really sorry I had to.

Speaker 3 (02:21):
Do it that. I go on my.

Speaker 6 (02:26):
Juts away funds, my god, I go to to have you.
I had to kill you.

Speaker 5 (02:44):
Uses So what.

Speaker 3 (03:05):
Episode four, chapter ten, Seduce Yourself.

Speaker 4 (03:17):
At the first day, the female teachers said to us,
you are very privileged to be here because those knowledges
which you will learn here in these roles will change
your life because you will become almost like a superhero
super humans. Why because you would know how to make

anyone to do what you want.

Speaker 3 (03:41):
This is a Lei Rosa talking about her first special
training class at the Russian Military Academy. She was being
trained to become a seduction spy or a swallow for
Russian intelligence training. Though may not be the right word
for it, violated, manipulated and traumatized might be more acts.

Her introduction to the Russian world of sexpionage came a
day earlier, when, after her horrifying experience with the main
colonel at the academy, she was called into the office
of a lower ranking officer, a lieutenant colonel for another
one on one.

Speaker 5 (04:16):
So I walked.

Speaker 4 (04:18):
Into her room and she was sitting at the huge
wooden table with the big on a big like you know,
like Soviet Union style cheer, like her throne, like she
was like the queen. And in fact, she was really
the queen of the academy because everybody respected her. She
had really big assignments in the past. And you know,

she was a corneal. I mean, like that's a high
rank for a woman. And she was about fifty each
She looked just perfect in her uniform. Everything was so
clean and nice, and her haircut was just so perfect.
I felt so shy and so stupid and so small

in front of her. And she told me, why are
you standing there like a fool? Come and see it.
So I followed her order, I said, and she said,
where is Thank you, ma'am. I was like, I'm so sorry,
thank you, ma'am. Okay, So do you know why are
you here? I said, well, I am happy to serve

my country. And she said that I am the lucky
one because I've been chosen. I will be studying additional.

Speaker 3 (05:42):
Aliyah was then briefed on the special program she'd be
placed in where she'd be trained in the art of
seduction along with four other female recruits. She was then
sternly ordered not to share a word about these classes
or techniques with anyone else at the academy or in
the outside world.

Speaker 4 (05:59):
She asked me straight when it was the last time
you had sex? And she asked me so directly, so
I just I think, like that moment, I felt like
my cheeks were blushing so much that she noticed that.

Speaker 3 (06:15):
Leah hesitated trying to decide whether to tell the female
colonel that the last time was when she'd been assaulted
earlier that day.

Speaker 4 (06:23):
I wanted to tell her that because I felt that
she's so powerful and she just knows what to do.
But then inside of me, something told me I should
not tell her, they think, because it might be bad
for me, because it's not safe. My father always taught
me never share with anyone anything. You always have to

have your secret. And I didn't tell her anything. I
was just blushing, and she asked me, are you fucking virgin?
And I just said no, I'm not. Okay, Well, I
guess you don't know anything about sexy either.

Speaker 5 (07:03):
That likes so much work to do.

Speaker 3 (07:07):
The interview, already unusual, became even more uncomfortable at this point.

Speaker 4 (07:14):
Okay, so do you know how to receive an organism?
And I said, well, I think, I think I do.
I guess And then she said, okay, I got it right.
Go to your dorm this evening and there is a

task for you. You have to masturbate in order to
please yourself. And then tomorrow I am going to ask
you in front of your classmates and you will you
will start your education. I was so confused. I was like,

why would she ask me such a weird thing to do. Besides,
I didn't really masturbate before because I didn't really study
my body, and it's according to my culture and my religion,
it was forbidden.

Speaker 5 (08:15):
And she said okay, go and I left absolutely.

Speaker 3 (08:21):
Confused, overwhelmed on every level. Alia did not do the
task she was assigned that night. The next morning, at
shooting class, she saw the mail colonel again.

Speaker 4 (08:36):
He looked at me a few times with these eyes
like checking on me, and every time he looked at me,
I had very disgusting feeling inside of me, and I
was just holding myself together, not to cry, not to scream,
not to run away. During that shooting class. I noticed

that Na, who was my future classmate in that special program,
she was smiling and looking at the Cornal and he
was kind of like smiling bag. I noticed that there
is some kind of like connection going on, but I

didn't know exactly what was that, so I decided to
just collect more information.

Speaker 3 (09:45):
At four PM, Eliah had her first top secret class.
It took place in a smaller adjacent building that she
hadn't been to before. She walked into the classroom, treading
what faced her and saw four other women sitting there.

Speaker 4 (10:00):
I entered the class, I saw these beautiful, blonde, blue
eyes girls, and I thought myself, when I'll never make it.
I felt so ugly and just different and so stupid.
And all these girls, they were just so gorgeous. They

all had they note books ready to learn, and everybody
was so excited.

Speaker 5 (10:33):
All female.

Speaker 4 (10:34):
Cornell came in and we all stand up and we
said hello Cornel, and then she led us to sit down.
So the lesson has started.

Speaker 3 (10:46):
At this point, the teacher appealed to their sense of
patriotism and to their egos, telling them how lucky they
were to receive this powerful information. And the coveted field
assignments that would follow.

Speaker 4 (10:57):
She continued, knowledges such as manipulation, influence, seduction, programming of
someone's brain, you can use as an agent to recruit
informers from different countries. First of all, you need to
understand that everybody has the big spots and their goals

and dreams, so you have to manipulate his dreams and
his weaknesses in order to get what you want. And
this is very powerful because you don't just use it
for seducing someone. You use it for anything and for everyone.

The first question, the female cornel asked us, how did
you do your assignment? Did you succeed with your task?
And she started to ask each of us did you
do your task your homework and said yes, did you
have any difficulties? She said, now I do it quite often.
It's okay, it's normal to me. Then another girl she said, yeah,

everything is okay. I did it, it's fine. So then
I had to answer the question and I said, honestly,
you know, I just couldn't do it because it was
too loud and I couldn't concentrate, and I just I
didn't feel like this way, you know. So she said

in a very strict way, and almost like angry way.

Speaker 5 (12:35):
She said, okay, the meriat to you.

Speaker 3 (12:38):
The female colonel, then lecturally in front of her classmates.

Speaker 4 (12:42):
If you want to do any homework I give you,
then you can tell goodbye to this academy and to
this position. You don't understand how privileged you are to
have this job. You don't understand how privileged you to
be here in this room and getting this secret knowledge
is nobody has. You have to be so honored that

you are here right this moment and you didn't do
such a simple task. How are you supposed to seduce
any criminals if you don't even know how to seduce yourself?
And I was like, that's interesting, kind of like sentence,
that's interesting thing. So how are supposed to seduce myself?

She explained to us. You need to know how to
experience an orgasm in order to have organism with any
man you sleep with, so they feel that you really come,
you're not pretending. How can you do it if you
never experience orgasm yourself?

Speaker 3 (13:53):
As Aleah spoke, I wondered at first why a Russian
military colonel is talking like an American self improvement teacher.
Then I realized she wasn't She was talking like a
cult leader. And sure, maybe the idea was that in
order to connect with someone else, we must first make
that connection with ourselves. But behind these lectures and assignments

was a far more sinister motive. We are conditioning you,
step by step to surrender your body and your pleasure
to the state, to turn you from a human being
with natural desires for love and sex into an emotionally
void soldier for whom love, sex and pleasure are weapons
to protect national security.

Speaker 4 (14:37):
Then she gave us the task to find the sex
partner in academy, so we should practice our skills on someone.
I was really shocked and I was really surprised. The
first day was difficult, and I was super tired. I

just wanted to go to my dorm and just lay
down and sleep. I was exhausted.

Speaker 3 (15:06):
As Aleah walked to the female side of the dorm
and approached her room, she heard men talking the hallway outside,
which was out of the ordinary. They were senior students
and seemed to know that some of the female students
had been asked to find sexual partners. One of these
men began talking to Aliah as she walked into her room.

Speaker 4 (15:28):
He came closer to me and he's like, oh, you're
the new one, and he said yes, and.

Speaker 5 (15:36):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (15:36):
He just fucked me, and I just couldn't do anything.
Then he left and I just was laying there as
an idiot.

Speaker 5 (15:45):
He basically he came and he just used my buddy.
And that said.

Speaker 4 (15:52):
And I said myself, like I cannot handle this, and
every day I cannot allow everyone in my body any
moment they want. And I was super angry at myself
and just lost, and just I felt so hopeless because

I couldn't do anything, and I didn't know how to
stand for myself. I was angry for myself that I
couldn't say no, and I couldn't reject anyone. I couldn't
do anything. I just I was just used. I was
so confused from the beginning of the education and that

event which happened with Coronell. So I just wanted only
one thing. I wanted to be strong enough so not
like I could reject, but I could protect myself. I
just wanted protection, that's all. And I didn't want for
sure give my body to anyone whoever wanted it. And

that night I decided that to find the way out
of this circle of sexual abuse, but I didn't know.

Speaker 3 (17:08):
How Chapter eleven Killing Tools. After her experiences, Aliah began

not just to be a student at the academy, but
an observer, silently trying to figure out how the system worked,
who was important at the academy, and how she could
keep herself safe. Meanwhile, the classes continued. After a week
or so of lessons on human psychology, the instructor introduced
a new female teacher, a major, who then took over

a portion of the class going forward.

Speaker 5 (18:04):
I looked at her and she was so beautiful.

Speaker 4 (18:07):
I was so shy, and I thought myself, Wow, I
want to look like her. She was just perfect. She
was tall, she had beautiful skin and features, and she had,
you know, this sexonist about her. I remember something was

inside of her eyes. She looked so powerful and beautiful,
but her eyes were full of this pain or loneliness,
and I felt like I liked her.

Speaker 3 (18:44):
For her first lesson, the new instructor asked to lee
at a stand up and come to the front of
the room.

Speaker 4 (18:50):
She asked me to walk in front of the whole class.
I walked, and then she stopped me and she asked
the whole class, Okay, so tell me what mistakes in
working does she do. My classmates Elena and Natalie and
other girls, they were telling, Okay, she, you know, she

walks too shy, she dropped her head down, she doesn't
look in front of her, and she has this, you know,
very unstable walk. And I was so embarrassed. So she
probably saw it in my eyes and she said, that's okay.

We all start from something. So she was quite nice
to me in the beginning, and she said, just copy
me and just do what I do, and just walk
with me. And she showed us how does she walk,
so we could copy her and do the same, and

she walked like a Victoria's Secret model. She explained to us.
The body has to be fully relaxed, and your hands
have to be relaxed, and when you walk, you look
straight in front of you, and you don't drop your
face down on too much up because your eyes have

to be on the same direction that your target, so
you look more or less into the eyes. The next
day was much more fun, and I just loved it
because it was all girly stuff and I felt like
I'm a Cinderella or something.

Speaker 5 (20:34):
Like that.

Speaker 4 (20:36):
That day she brought all kind of makeup, mascaras and
eyeliners and lipsticks and like so many things. She basically
taught us how to do the good makeup by applying
like toner first and then a cream and then the powder.

Speaker 3 (20:58):
The major then tell the students a less and about
one of the most vulnerable parts of a man, his eyes.

Speaker 4 (21:05):
Men when they look at the face of the woman,
they look at her eyes and lips. There's two things.
Eyes is a very important tool to seduce your target.
When you put eyeliner and you put mascara, you can
play with your eyes to make it more intriguing and
sexy look, and that's what your target wants. And I

remember I was like taking different lipstick and trying on,
and she explained that red lips associated with the female
vagina for men, so when men look at female lips,
the most attractive for a man red lipstick. The next

technique was important, of like our appearance the wavy dress,
so we were wearing uniform, but in a civilian world,
of course, we had to learn how to work clothes
men like basically and if you would start okay, so
as less close as possible. This is wrong because men

they want to have imagination, They want to see some
small part of body, but they want the woman to
be covered so they can imagine what her body looks like.
A basic black pencil skirt and white shirt which is
like unbuttoned and your target can see you cleavage and

also like black high hills when it's always a game,
always intrigue all this maybe yes, maybe no, that's the
most sexist clothes for any male target.

Speaker 3 (22:53):
There was also another reason for this type of clothing,
what a magician would call misdirection.

Speaker 4 (23:00):
Should always put accents on your butt and on your
breast if you will have a very deep neckline. When
she needs to seduce target and eventually kill the target,
the focus of the target eyes would be on her breast.

When he focused on her breast, basically right on her voice.
And having this conversation on a drink, she can basically
give his briefcass to another agent or he would walk
by and put the buck on his suit.

Speaker 3 (23:38):
When it came to make up, Leah was taught an
additional lesson that less is more.

Speaker 4 (23:43):
Let's makeup as well less lipstick in terms of like
not too much like lipstick and powder.

Speaker 3 (23:51):
This was for two different reasons. One is that if
you're seducing a married man, you want to make sure
he comes home clean without evidence of an affairs clothing.
The second reason Lee explained is also related to evidence.

Speaker 4 (24:06):
If you need to kill your target, and you need
to kill your target after sex or like during sex,
you cannot leave any evidences behind you. So no glitter,
no even like makeup, no perfume as well. It's important
because then even like smell can stay on pillows or

on his short hair as well, like either you were
a weak pointytail or something. So you don't leave your
hair next to his body because then they can truck
you and it's easy. Also, no earrings unless it's like
not that easy to unlock. Heels have to be very

comfortable because like heel is a good tool to kill
as well, Like you can really punch someone with a heel.
It's like really good for eye my balls. Like nails
are good if you also know how to use them.
You can kill with nails, you know, like literally like

with the could nails if I go like to your
head like this and then put these two fingers into
your eyeballs and I just punch like that then straight
away you will feel pain.

Speaker 5 (25:24):
You will go down.

Speaker 4 (25:25):
Like this, and then it's easy just to put you
down and I punch you with my knee.

Speaker 3 (25:33):
As Aleah tells me this, I question whether or not
it was right to do these interviews in my home.
She goes down to discuss another reason why the right
clothing was important, also familiar to magicians, concealment.

Speaker 4 (25:49):
If you need to hide some sort of information like USB,
then you need to think where to put it. So
for example, when you cut your heel and you put
it inside in your heel, you can go anywhere. It's
in your heel, so it's always with you. The hiding
place the best for female agents would be their own

vagina to store some important things which you know they
cannot lose. Sometimes you have to be in the situation
where they can take all your clothes off and your bags,
so it's only one place really to hide something.

Speaker 3 (26:29):
After posture, clothing and makeup, Aliyah was taught about another
important tool voice.

Speaker 4 (26:35):
The tone of your voice, the way you speak with
your target. It could be also like deep or high
the tone, so when you start to speak with your target,
you need to adapt your tone to his tone. And
if you do the same poses when you speak, and
the same stress and accent onwards, so it also helps.

Speaker 3 (26:58):
It's like, I'm amazed as I listen to Eliah speak
how in depth their classes went. At this point, She's
had weeks of training and hasn't even gotten to the
first word exchange with a stranger. The only other people
I've ever heard discussed social dynamics at this level of
micro manipulation before with a pickup artist I wrote about
in the book The Game. In fact, the technique she

just mentioned was actually in the book called mirroring.

Speaker 4 (27:25):
You need to become his mirror in everything and body language,
in speaking, intonation like voice, tone, everything, eyes, same interests,
same goals, same ideas. Everything has to be so mutual.
So then eventually your target developed think like, oh, it
feels like I know you for many years, so I

can trust to you and my friend. And when you
do this, then you can you know, all the focus
on the trust, and then at the same time, behind
you can you can do what you want, kill, get information, betray,
recruit wherever.

Speaker 3 (28:05):
Each day the techniques became deeper and more elaborate, until
Aliah learned the hypnotics speaking method you heard at the
beginning of this episode.

Speaker 4 (28:14):
She told me that there is a breathing technique which
I can use to make my voice sound deeper and
sound more sexier. And she said, okay, breathe in. I
breathe in, and she said place your air like down
there where it's like your bottom of your body. And

now she said, now feel your place, feel your vagina,
feel your sexuality, and now you exhale.

Speaker 3 (28:47):
The instructions continued.

Speaker 5 (28:49):
She asked me, now you talk.

Speaker 4 (28:51):
When I started to speak, I sound just different, so
deep and sex see and sensitive. And she told me, now,
remember how your voice sound, So every time you want
to seduce your target, you have to sound like that.

Speaker 3 (29:14):
As the lessons continued, they became more and more extreme,
until one day.

Speaker 4 (29:20):
I walked into the class and I took my seat
as always, and every table we had dilda, we had
lubricant and condoms.

Speaker 5 (29:36):
I was really shocked.

Speaker 4 (29:42):
Then our female teachers said, today we have a special
lesson and this is very powerful techniques which I will
just show you if you want to terminate your target,
it's very important.

Speaker 3 (30:06):
Elia's story continues in episode five, which is available now.
You can keep listening for free on Apple Podcasts. For
full credits, check out our show notes. If you or
a loved one are a survivor of sexual assault, you
can visit rain dot org. That's r AI n N

dot org, or call one eight hundred sixty five six
four six seven three for free, confidential twenty four to
seven support
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