All Episodes

March 26, 2024 31 mins

"Every single mission, I would ask myself, 'Why would you do that?' And I'd tell myself, 'I'm saving lives. I'm saving the world. That's why I sacrifice my body for this mission."


Show Credits:

  • Produced by Tenderfoot TV in association with iHeart Podcasts
  • Host/Writer: Neil Strauss
  • Guest: Aliia Roza
  • Executive Producers: Neil Strauss, Donald Albright and Payne Lindsey
  • Lead Producer and Editor: Tristen Bankston
  • Additional Editing: Miles Clark and Christian Brown
  • Supervising Producer: Tracy Kaplan
  • Consultants: Nooshin Valizadeh, Chelsey Goodan and Jaime Albright 
  • Cover Art Design: Byron McCoy
  • Original Music: Makeup and Vanity Set, with additional music by Ben Fleisch
  • Mixed and Mastered: Dayton Cole
  • Theme song: Killer Shangri-lah by Pshycotic Beats featuring Pati Amor
  • Special thanks to: Oren Rosenbaum and the team at UTA, Beck Media and Marketing, Oren Segal, Rebecca Jensen, Rose Baruc, The Nord Group, Meredith Stedman, and Alex Vespestad  


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
All eight episodes of To Die For are available now
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or on Apple podcasts.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
Warning, the following episode contains explicit language and sexual themes.
Listener discretion is advised.

Speaker 3 (00:33):
When I spoke yesterday for seven and a half hour,
I realized that it's still there. It didn't heal. You know,
it didn't. It's still fucking like painful fuck.

Speaker 4 (00:49):
Elia Rosa has returned to my home to continue telling
her story. Yesterday, she had a seven and a half
hour therapy session. Part of living with PTSD is never
known when a small incident, even as an Elia's case
at a friend's birthday dinner, can send you spiraling into
a dark place.

Speaker 3 (01:09):
When I'm sharing my story, I want to send a
message that everyone who suffers needs a professional support. And
you know, it's really difficult to heal after a big trauma,
and that's why my therapist took seven hours instead of
just one. You ask me like, I want to understand you.

I want to be you. Who am I I don't know?
I thought I knew. I thought like, oh, like I'm
this I woke the Red Carpets and I am building
this business and I'm so successful, everybody say, But in reality,
actually I'm not. I'm still that girl who was raped

and abused and went through that view without even understanding
why would I even do that? Why would I go
to the military. Why I had to aladd this coronel
like took advantage of me every single time, And why
would I train my brain to like having sex with

him even though I didn't, And every single man I
had to go and seduce and do all these missions.
Every single time, I always close that feeling that what

the fuck you're doing? Why would you do that? And
I would say, well, I do it for good. You
know how amazing it sounds when I would say myself,
I'm saving someone's lives. I'm saving the world. That's why
I sacrifice my body for this mission to kill you.

I'm really sorry I had to do that.

Speaker 4 (03:12):
I got on my.

Speaker 3 (03:16):
Juty things a week I.

Speaker 5 (03:20):
Was sold, and my god, I got to tell you.

Speaker 3 (03:29):
I had to kill you.

Speaker 5 (03:34):
Says so.

Speaker 4 (03:55):
Episode six, Chapter thirteen, Tears of Weakness.

Speaker 3 (04:09):
Every day we had gun shooting classes and we would
go to the shooting range almost every day I had
to see that cornel and I didn't know how to
behave and he always looked at me in this weird way.
And then a few lessons.

Speaker 4 (04:26):
Aliyah had left off her last interview with the story
of her lessons on seduction and honey trapping. But while
the teachers in that class expected her to use her
body to serve the state, there were other officers who
expected her to use her body to serve them. So
life at the academy was unsafe for Elia, and there
was no escape or way out, at least so it seemed.

Speaker 3 (04:49):
And then after three lessons, one of the student came
and said, like, the Coronel so and so calls you
to come to his office, like shit. When I was
working in the hallway, I remember I felt really lost.

I knocked the door. He invited me to the room
and he told me to sit down. So I sat
down in the chair and he asked me, so, how
is my lessons, my educational progress going on? And I said, well,
it's going okay. I study, I suppose well. But then

he said, you know, I can improve your life right now.
Your life here is not that casual and easier. You
work as every other student. But I can help you
with many things, and I can help you with the
next job positions. I'm very powerful, you know it. I said, yes, sir,

I know. And he said that there is a special
department which was established recently by President put In, and
they're looking for you very professional, very clever, educated agents.
And he said that I can refer you to this

department and it's really high level job position. And I'm thinking,
all this would be great, I guess, and he said
to me that I can refer you and just take
off your clothes. And I understood something that moment. I understood.

First of all, if I want to survive here without
any male student, just come to my dorm and just
take advantage of my body. And this cornel is the
main teachers, so if I will have like protection from him,
then nobody will touch me.

Speaker 4 (07:08):
Fortunately, Elia's training was all about seducing and controlling men
with more power than herself. But would it work on
the predator who had sent her to that training.

Speaker 3 (07:19):
Second, I remembered when our female teacher said in the class,
you will be dealing with criminals, so how can you
make criminals to commit to you? And falling in love
with you, and she told us there is like, you know,
step by step strategy which you can use. So I

was thinking, I don't want to be used just like buddy,
but if I have to, I will do it, but
I will do it on my conditions if I have
to play your game like Eventually, Alvin and I.

Speaker 4 (08:06):
Started the game, and so Leah studied her seduction lessons
with extra diligence, with the intention of using these techniques
not just to protect her country, but to protect herself.
The first step of this game speaking herself stand out
is more than another student for the colonel to abuse,

but as someone who he saw as more special with
greater potential.

Speaker 3 (08:32):
I had to plant in his hat a seed that
potentially I could be his protege and I could be
that special for him close to his heart. And I
didn't know by that time if I could do it
or not, but I thought, you know what, let me

just use these techniques, you know, practice it on him,
and let's see what will happen.

Speaker 4 (09:00):
She immediately began developing and executing this plan step by step.
It started with a lesson she learned on the first
day of class.

Speaker 3 (09:09):
It was a long process. First of all, I had
to train my brain to like him. I had to
show him that I really enjoyed, which I didn't of course.
So I put on my wall his photo and started
to look at him and trying to find some sort
of positive things he may have. But he didn't, so

I tried. I tried to trick my brain, telling my
brain that he's not so bad. You know, he's still educating,
like many students to be the best agents, and he
helps them. I would say he was a good man
at some point, like somewhere, So it helped me to

look at him in a way where I would respect
him for his kind of actions. I wouldn't respect him
what he did to me or some odded girls.

Speaker 4 (10:06):
It's uncomfortable to hear the story of a victim training
herself to like her abuse her, but tragically this can
be the norm in a society where predators have absolute
power over victims who have no other recourse. In the
Gulag Archipelago, author Alexander Soljanitson's famous book on the Soviet
prison camps, he tells this story of what happened to

women there.

Speaker 5 (10:31):
Attractiveness was a curse. Such a woman had a constant
stream of visitors on her bunk and was constantly surrounded.
They propositioned her and threatened her with beatings and knives,
and she had no hope of being able to stand
up against it, but only to be smart about whom
she gave in to, to pick the kind of man
to defend her with his name and his knife from

all the rest from the next in line, from the
whole greedy queue.

Speaker 4 (11:11):
After Lea convinced herself to start liking the monster who
would hopefully become her protector, the next step was to
brainwash him into liking her.

Speaker 3 (11:19):
I started from compliments. Female teacher said that every compliment
has to be very authentic and it has to be
very related to what man does in his life, not
the way he look. So man really appreciates compliments when
it goes towards his actions. Man connects with you faster.

Every time I would say my coronel, I would tell
him some compliments like that, so he would get used
to it.

Speaker 4 (11:53):
As a Leah's plan progressed, she attacked the one vector
on which almost all men are vulnerable, even when like
the colonel, they know the game, and that factor is
the male ego.

Speaker 3 (12:05):
My cornel. By that time he was forty eight, so
for him it was very important about his sex performance,
and I had to put it into his brain that
the sex performance was so amazing to me. I created

that situation for him where I said, I'm so grateful
for giving me such an amazing experience and amazing pleasure
because I have never had it before. Instead of telling
him you have bustard, you like almostraate me and you
take advantage of my body every single time, I made

it opposite because I told him the story about my
first sex experience when I was raped by my coll
and I said that I couldn't feel anything and I
felt so bad, and I you know, I thought, like

sex doesn't have any pleasure, and now I know how
to feel pleasure. And I would just say to him
from that perspective where he is just a sex guru,
a sex machine, you know, who can perform any moment, anytime,
that he's just amazing.

Speaker 4 (13:33):
Complimenting the Colonel sexually though was not enough. However, it
built up enough trust so that Aliyah could start flattering
him emotionally as well.

Speaker 3 (13:43):
I wrote a letter. It was full of compliments. I
started from the words, I really appreciate having you in
my life because I've been so lonely and I didn't
know anything. And in this letter I shared a little
bit the story where I felt like a victim and

he helped me to go through my traumatic experience. In fact,
he didn't, but I made him in this story to
be a hero, because the female teach us that if
you create a story and you make your target to
be a hero in your story where he saves you,

he feels good about himself. It was not real, but
you made him to be this hero.

Speaker 4 (14:39):
Meanwhile, the classes continued and the techniques became more and
more physical. Every time Aliyah took notes on what would
work on the kernel.

Speaker 3 (14:49):
Because you were five girls in the class, we did
massages to each other. One of the massages was like
sexy massage, how to give pleasure during massage to men
or women. Also, there are certain dots on the body,

certain spots which you need to pressure, because we would
call it like dots of sexuality and dots of honesty
and also dots of killing, like when you can basically
kill by this pressuring these spots. But if you pressure,

if you touch the spots of honesty and sexuality, then
your target most likely will have like strong connection with you,
and then your target can tell you any information and
basically trust you.

Speaker 4 (15:46):
The massage techniques really learned, we're mixed with the teachings
of NLP or neuro linguistic programming, specifically a concept called anchoring. Ironically,
this exact technique was also part of the book I
wrote about how pickup artists work in the United States.
Here's an explanation of that technique from the audiobook two

Time orlen Over and Whispered. That's anchoring. It's when you
associate a physical feeling like attraction with a touch or gesture. Now,
every time Ross raises his hand like that, she gets
attracted to him. And as this pickup artist was anchoring women,
he was trying to date in La Aliyah at almost

the exact same time in the early two thousands, was
doing this to the kernel to save herself from these
types of men.

Speaker 3 (16:35):
There is one important thing which I did to him.
That's why he wanted to see me every day. I
put an anchor with the positive memory into his brain.
It's exactly how our female teacher told us to do. So.

When I was doing massage, I said, well, I wanted
to relax close your eyes and memorize the best day
of your life, the best when you felt so good,
so amazing, and so happy. And he started to remember
that day when he was awarded with his coronal rank,

and he said it was a parade and he was
very proud of himself and it was one of the
best days of his life. And when he was telling
me that when I was doing massage, I was pressing
some bodied spots. So next time, if you touch the

same spots, he will remember again good memories. This is
the anchor.

Speaker 4 (17:54):
The next step was for Leah to connect herself to
those good memories, to get the kernel to make a
personal emotional attachment to her.

Speaker 3 (18:03):
So I asked some of you know students, and I've
heard some of the conversations that Mike Cornell had similar
background as me. He was sent by his dad to
the military. And I decided to take it as a

tool to connect him with me. His brain will think
that I can trust her because she had the same background.
So I started to share my life story and I said, well,
you know, my father, as you know, like he sent
me here and my grandfather was national hero. And I said,

you know, I just feel so obliged that they have
to be proud of myself. And I feel like I'm
so weak and I'm so inexperience, and I just feel
so lost and so lonely. And I started to cry,
you know, like these tears like women tears, the tears

of weakness, because every man wants to see that he's
stronger than a woman, and strengths of woman is in
her weakness. So I sat on the sofa and I
started to cry, like just like a little mouse, you know,

without like to being too hysterical or too dramatic.

Speaker 4 (19:36):
Eliah's plan worked, and soon the colonel was consoling her
by sharing his own experiences growing up with a father
who also sent him to the military when he was
a teenager.

Speaker 3 (19:47):
And when I was sitting and presenting that I'm crying,
I was thinking, this is exactly what I wanted. So
he started to relate his story to my life him.
But yeah, but how would you become so powerful and
so successful? I don't have any idea how to do it,

I said. I want to be like you. I want
to be the female version of yourself because I admire
you so much. You're just perfect. Please help me. What
can I do. And that moment I looked into his

eyes and it was important to read his reaction when
I would tell him this word, and I saw that
a rising desire to teach me and help me. That's
the moment where I understood that he's on board.

Speaker 4 (21:05):
Chapter fourteen the assignment. As Eliah's seduction escalated, so too
did the teachings in her classes. Until one day, as
you started to hear at the end of episode four,
she walked into the room to discover an unusual scene

set up even for this place, and.

Speaker 3 (21:32):
Every table we had dilda, we had lubricant and condoms.
I was really shocked. Then our female teachers said, today
we have a special lesson and this is very powerful

techniques which I will just show you. If you want
to terminate your target, it's very important. So you need
to write everything wherever I'm telling you and then practice
it on your dildo. The way she explained to us,
She said, every man pride is in his lower body part.

She opened the condom, she put the condom on the
dildo and replaced our dilders, and we put on the
top of the condom and we just looked at her.
She started explaining that knowing how to make your target

to have an orgasm according the time you want. It's
very important.

Speaker 4 (22:49):
Aliah goes on to explain in more depth how the
teacher taught them to count out a rhythm and slow
down or speed up in order to control the exact
moment when their target would orgasm. Be at as most vulnerable.
She then covered other techniques designed to get a man
to surrender his logical mind to desire.

Speaker 3 (23:09):
Very important for us was to give our target the
understanding that it could be the best sex experience in
his life, so he had to be hooked on it,
and he would want to give something for this experience.
Because we were not prostitutes, we were not hookers. Our

mission was to get information out of our targets and
hook them on our skills. I understood, if I want
to be the best, I have to learn it. But
she said you shouldn't do it quite often, so you
should just give some some teas that you can do it,

and you can reward him by doing that when he
does something to you. For example, if your target gives
the information you need, you can reward him with the
very special oral sex techniques which he's never been experienced before.

If he doesn't do it, then it could be just
sex without oral sex. You know you give me information,
I give you perfect oral sex.

Speaker 4 (24:25):
Leah clarifies that there were two different situations for which
he was taught these techniques. The first was to kill
a target.

Speaker 3 (24:34):
I learned that if you know how to do perfect
oral sex, it's one of the biggest power you can
have over man. By just knowing this, you can easily
kill your target.

Speaker 4 (24:52):
The second was to get a target to trust you
and give you regular information without ever knowing you're an
undercover agent. And it was these techniques that would allow
Lee to actually shift your power relationship with the colonel
so that she started to become the one with the control.

Speaker 3 (25:08):
But if you need your target to trust you and
to believe you, and you need to get some information,
you must make him to believe that you trust him. First,
when he is releasing and you touching him in his
neck or somewhere very private, then that moment the body

remembers this touch. So the next time, if you want
him again to get hird or give you information or
do something you need, you touch that spot. That's it.
When you say words, you're the best man in my life.
I trust you, I'll always be here for you. I
love you. Like all this words, I mean, all this

total bullshit, but yeah it works.

Speaker 4 (26:00):
At the end of the class, the moment came that
Ale hadreaded most the teacher's homework assignment. The goal of
this one was a degree of brainwashing that was evil
even for here. To desensitize these young students to the
act of sex.

Speaker 3 (26:16):
She said, you have to be sexually opened, very open,
so when you have sex with your target, you wouldn't
be attached. And in order not to be attached, you
have to have sex with many, many partners. So for you,
sex wouldn't be a big event in your life. It

would be like normal daily routine. She just said, like, well,
you need to have a more sex partners, and it's easy.
You have like full house of like practicing tools. Just
go and practice basically.

Speaker 4 (27:00):
After the class, Eliah went to see the colonel again
and for the first time, she had something she needed
him to protect her from.

Speaker 3 (27:09):
When I spoke with him, he asked, me, okay, so
what did you learn, Like did you already started to
learn like oral sex techniques? And I said, well, yeah,
we started, so he said, look Okay, so what exactly
did you teach you? So when I would show him
the way I always thought he would correct me and say, oh,

like she doesn't give you all the techniques, or like
ask about this technique, or like you should practice more,
this is the way you should do it.

Speaker 4 (27:41):
This moment, when the colonel stepped into the role of
mentor and Aliyah as protege, created an opportunity for Leah
to ask for her first favor.

Speaker 3 (27:51):
I told him about my teacher, my major, who said
that we should have like different partners, and I said
that I am not really in to that because I
just I want you, only you as my sex partner.
I don't want anyone to take me. I just want
only you. That moment, I wanted to trigger and play

on his ego it's only you.

Speaker 4 (28:20):
The colonel took the bait and made his first move
toward protecting Leah, But there were consequences because it turned
out that the major who was teaching Leah's class was
also sleeping with the colonel.

Speaker 3 (28:33):
So after that conversation, then the major found out that
I sleep with her lover, basically because he told her
you can educate her, but do not give her these
tasks and don't send her to any other tasks. That's

where it was the point when she started to hate me.

Speaker 4 (29:02):
There was a clear motive for the hate. The tactics
the major had totally were working all too well on
the kernel. Soon Elia didn't even have to ask him
to protect her. He did it on his own and
in his own way.

Speaker 3 (29:16):
There was a moment where I started to be very
important to him, like dear to his heart, where he
asked me the name and the department where my colleague
who raped me works. That's the moment I understood that

he cared about me, So I did it right. So
all these techniques which I implemented on him, which I
used on him, I thought, like, it does work.

Speaker 4 (29:52):
That's all a Leah thought about it at the time.
But then several months later she received the news.

Speaker 3 (30:01):
A few months later, my colleague from the same department
where I had my internship. He told me that my
former colleague who reaped me was found dead in his
apartment and the police stated that it was a suicide.

I don't know. I had thoughts that it may not
be suicide. Perhaps my coronell had some involvement in his death.

Speaker 4 (30:44):
Leah's story continues in episode seven, available now. Continue listening
for free on Apple Podcasts. For full credits, check out
our show notes
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