All Episodes

November 18, 2021 36 mins

Devin covers the release of Red (Taylor’s Version) and roasts Carolina's half-hearted attempt to enter the Taylor Swift stan community. Then, Carolina and Devin continue their conversation with Quarantween correspondent JESSIE KANEVSKY. This week, they all rate their celebrity crushes in a game Jessie carried with her from the boy band tour days, plus more of her tales from the hallowed halls of TRL and the streets of Manhattan chasing unnamed tour buses around and meeting the likes of P Diddy and Katie Holmes on a random school night.

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Speaker 1 (00:15):
Hello, True romance listeners, this is your co host, Devin Leary.
I am without Carolina Barlow. You can't hear her giddy
little laughter in this intro. We're continuing our interview giving
you a part two of our conversation with Jesse Kanevsky.
Jesse is a is a human piece of history from

the era of standing outside that big, old trl glass
building and just waiting to be a part of it all.
So please continue to tune in to our interview with Jesse,
and that will be in just a few moments. I
do just want to say it might be better that
Caroline is not with me for this this intro, because

a momentous event happened in my life, in all of
our lives this past week, and and I don't think
Carolina has proven herself capable of commenting on it. That
would be the release of Red Taylor's version. Guys, she
released Fearless Taylor's version. Yes, that was a dream come true.

Yes I loved don't You? And Mr perfectly Fine, Yes
I'm listening to today was a fairy tale as a
grown adult, But it wasn't the iconic type of album
that Red was and and Red was is really, you know,
probably my number one favorite Taylor Swift album because of
All Too Well. Even though I love Um controversially, I

love Reputation, and of course I love nine nine Um Lover,
but you know, Red has a special place in all
Taylor Swift fans hearts. I think it's what proved that
she is the breakup vote of our generation and one
of the greatest songwriters of our time. And you know,

I think part of the significance of All Too Well
is the clues that are involved, the fact that it
allowed us, It gave the nation the opportunity to solve
a mystery, a riddle, to to be a part of
it all by connecting the dots and the lyrics to
realize that she is talking about Jake Dylan Hall, because
she's talking about the scarf she left at his sister's

house and he's still got it. Paparazzi pictures of her
with her arm around Jake outside Grilla Coffee and Park
Slope with Maple lt She's got the scarf on, she's
got her arm around him. They're hanging out with his sister,
Maggie Jyllan Hall. You may have heard of her, So
then they break up and there's a photo of him
like wearing the scarf, which like, come on. So I'm

obviously even fifty eight pm last Thursday, I'm just watching
the go watched in the clock, uh and waiting for
Red Trail Taylor's version to drop. Final two minutes of
that day. I just couldn't do anything but watch the clock.
And then when midnight hits, like, that's when I start.
That's when it starts. That's when I get into it.

And Swift fans are texting me, you know, my roommate
test it's been uh, you know Jesse Knevski, who you'll
hear later on this podcast, Beth and Jess Jacobs. We're
sending lyrics, we're going back and forth. We're already diving
deep into the clues. What she's saying, you know, like
this is this is how deep we are in day one,

hour one of day one, and obviously the whole next morning.
So when I get a text from Carolina Rose Barlow
at three fifty six pm Eastern time, PM Eastern time,
and now we'll say, okay, if you're in Carolina's world,
he k California, Hollywood, Tinseltown. So that was PM still

pass lunch time. Okay. So at three fifty six pm
I get a text from Carolina all too Well with
a crying Jeff of Lauren Conrad from the Hills, the
famous Jeff that you literally don't even have to scroll
down one page to find when you search crying on
the Jeff finder in your text messages. So clearly Caroline
didn't put a lot of thought in this. She's just like, Oh,

I'm crying it all to all. You're crying it all
to well at three ft six pm for the first time. Okay.
Then she says, a better man with the second most
popular ever crying Jeff, that random old man who's like
holding his hand out. We all know it again. First
scroll down the texting Jeff search, you'll see this man.

That's what Caroline saw. That's what Caroline saw. Said. Oh,
let me, let me offer some meaningful commentary on this
whole red Tailor's version thing. My commentary is all too
Well crying Jeff, a better man, crying Jeff. And it's like,
we can't go back there at this time. We can't
go back maybe three fifty six am. Yeah, but you're

coming in at three six pm with this like I
can't go back to My first response is to all
too well, when I'm already watching TikTok's explaining every single
lyric and going back to, you know, every single paparazzi
shot that's ever been taken of Jake Jillen Hall, clips
of Jake Gillen Hall and random talk show you know,

like that's where I'm at. Anyway, It's just, you know, Carol,
we love her, we do, but it's like, if you
want to be a part of the conversation, you've got
to commit. If you don't want to commit, just throwing
or even bother. So I hope that she'll learn from
this experience. I think anyone who doesn't engage in the

swift verse is really at a loss. I don't really
care if people judge it. I think I'm sorry for
your loss that you're not a part of this. But um,
a ten minute song about the experience of being a
young we'll say a girl, we won't say a woman,
because she was the age of us student in college
when she met Jake Jillen Hall. And you know, this

older guy who seems to know so much more about
the world because that's how he presents himself comes around
and talks to you, like, Hey, I know so much
more about the world, and I choose you, and I
think you're special, and that glow shines on you and
like it's intoxicating, and then they start to resent you
for not being older. Like I've been in that position

where you're like, um, in what world were you expecting
someone who like understands the full scope of finances and
the seriousness of extended familial relationships and showing up for
bridal showers and family events when you chose to date

a twenty year old And what world did that happen?
I've been there, and I really hope that this red
Taylor's version abnormalizes men in their thirties dating twenty year
old women early twenties women, Like it's just why I
I'm twenty nine. I cannot physically wrap my mind around

the idea of dating a college student right now, Like
what would we talk about Fortnite dances? I'm too old
to even though if Fortnite is still even popular? Like, uh,
what was he going to do? The water bottle challenge?
Flipping a water bottle until it lands upright, Like I
don't get that, but a lot of men seem to.

So now, without further ado, I've gone off for a
long enough time, and I'm going to say we will
be right back. Please return with us. Listen to the
remainder of Jesse Knevski's interview with us. You won't regret it.
It's one of my favorite conversations of my life. And
I'll see you there. We'll be right back. Oh, welcome

back to true Romance. Let's get into the interview for today. Okay,
So in yours, so, I feel like you're an expert
on this and it's very relevant to Pete Davidson. But
and I hope you don't say Jake Jillen Hall is
your answer answer for this, because Jake Jillen Hall is
very polar. I know you love him. You think he's

nice because you saw him from a window and he
like looked kind or something. That is the exact story.
So you think he's a really nice guy. But what
do you think makes a heart drop? So I think
it's the unattainable nous. It's like the fantasy. The fantasy

is exactly what you want, but it's not ever going
to happen, and it's not reality. And that and like
another level of excitement to it. Okay, so you you
think the fantasy is what drives it in us? Well,
With boy bands specifically, they were catered to whatever girls

at that time wanted. It's like, here's the dewy eyed youngster,
here's the sweet boy, here's the bad boy. So they
hit every fantasy that was happening at the moment, and
we bought it. We were like, hell, yeah, here we go.
And I remember at the time in high school, these
like guys with acne and braces and in their old

Navy performance pleas, were like, we want nothing to do
with you. You're horrible. But here these boy bands that
are like, hey, did you want to get a picture
with me? I'll take a picture with you. It's like,
oh am, I going to devote my time too. It's
not going to be this loser. It's gonna be the
guy who has an album out. I really relate to
that because I think part of my obsession comes from

so much rejection from boys in like middle and high school,
where I really felt like I would see these guys
on TV who seemed like really and I would watch
their interviews and they seemed like really nice and friend,
and I was like, wait, none of these, no man
I've met or boy I've met in real life seems
to get it what I'm delivering. Like maybe it's them.
I think that was it. Like I was like, but

there's other boys out there. It's not just my middle school.
It's not just my high school. And like if if
Dean from Gilmore Girls really saw like my personality, I
think he would get it and then we could be
to get you know, like that's so loose in my
head that I'm going to go find this guy that's
on TV and see if this goes the way I

think it's gonna go. I respect that because maybe I
would have, uh, maybe I would have had a boyfriend.
Wait a second, maybe I could have been with Dean
from Gilmore Girls, and I would have had a high
school boyfriend and we would have been long distance, just
like my fantasy and my lies that I told um.
Speaking of which, which of these boy bands do you
think would have made the best husband partner? Boyfriend, boy

band star, the best husband partner? I have to say
it's hard now because it is like they are actually
husbands and partners, so cheating a little, like so we
know we know, yeah, so we know it's not Justin.
We know it's not Justin. I would give it to
the Kevin's. I would say Kevin Richards from the Backstreet
Boys and Kevin Jonas because we can see that they're

doing a good job and they're keeping you're right, You're right. Okay, First,
who do you think would be the best hook up
of all them? Again? Now they're like old men offense
for them, so like, if it's I probably am saying
like rich from LFO, Rich Cronan from LFO, may he

rest in peace? Like awkward, but if it's funny twenty one,
I would give it to Joe Jonas because he just
first of all, he's my favorite Jonas brother and he
gets a nice highbrow I love him and you love him.
I like him and Sophie, so I know, I like
they're really cute. Yeah, okay, I have a con troversial one.

They're actually both really controversial. I think Justin timber like
and Nicholas might be really good in bed. I feel
like you have to reevaluate your choices. These are people. Yes,
they're both boys. I mean nick La is just kind
of like loser. No offense to him, But they're too

m conventionally attractive to have ever had to learn how
to like go down on a girl. You know, I
think Justin is conventionally attractive. Is that weird? I don't
think so either. I really don't. I think that he
hasn't they've never had to work for it, so they're
probably not good in bed. But that's just my personal opinion.
I was also surprised. I remember, even as a young girl,
being surprised that Justin was getting the spotlight out of

all those guys. I remember J C. Chase. I really
thought Lance had a chance. I was like just I
never thought Lance had a chance, but ja C. J
C was like a solid talent. He had a lot
of lead lead singing. He had a great voice. He
was he was writing a lot of songs. But I
know why didn't he succeed? I wish I wish he had.
He I think he's probably successful right now because he's

like hosted a couple of things, and I think he
writes music and stuff. Okay, so I think he's not.
I think he's just because I don't write his name
on my wall anymore, it doesn't mean he's not. Yeah,
once you take down. The pin up doesn't mean that
they're you know, over, unless you're in all of them. Yeah,
that's sorry. Sorry, sorry. What was the best celebrity reaction

you had at or outside of trl? Terre l to
me will always be me in Scott Fol's place, Like,
okay that there's no like, there's no contact. Yeah. So
I was there every time he was on TIRA. But
the day that I'm like actually on camera with him,
why he So what happened was after school I was

like Scott Folis on terral and going to the city
and I didn't have I didn't have a ticket for
a reservation. And I got there and I saw the
audience coordinator and and I brought a bunch of photos
of me and Scott fully with me, and I was like, hey,
can I get up? I'm like, Scott Folly's biggest fan.
And I started showing to the pictures and she was like, yeah, sure,
get in line. She goes what there's no security. She

was like, do you think you'll cry when he comes out?
And I was like, I don't know, maybe, and she's
like she was like, we loved tears and I was like, great,
I'll cry. And then they did this weird thing that day.
They never did it again where they like, if you
didn't guess the countdown right, you had to move to
another room and right away like number ten was like baha, man,

I got that wrong, and they sent me out of
the room and this girl and the audience starts crying
and I'm like, you, bitch, you are not a fan
because you took my bit. It was me So I
we were sent to this other room and i go
up to like one of the producers. I'm like, are
you gonna bring Scott Foli in or what? And they

brought Scott Folly in and there's like a clip my
mom's favorite clip. She's like, he looks scared where I'm
like standing there and I'm like just holding his arm,
just like who. That is amazing in every way. And
also I like that, like I like to know that
he was even though he did say it was weird,

I like to know that he did that it. Let
me tell you, he was the nicest guy always. I'm
happy that he's the Scott that has been more much
more successful. I mean, he's in Shanda Land. Well. I
was watching the new season of You on Netflix and
I was very excited. I was like, yeah, but he wasn't.

He wasn't in it like I thought he was going
to be in it more. But anyway, he's also in
Gray's right, he's going to be in Grays. Yeah. You
mentioned Jonas Brothers. So was Jonas Brothers the last boy
band that you really followed. Are you still in the game?
Are your days behind? So? My days are behind me
except for the Jonah's like like, if they're coming in town,

I'm going to the show. But like, okay, first of all,
I did not have Dumoa, I did not have Twitter
or anything. We found these guys with good old Elbow,
Grease and gomption. How do you find them? How did
you find them? We like, how are you like, oh,
Scott Polisantil today gotta go, I mean the TV Guide,

the guest um but for but like we used to
show up at their hotels, like the Trump and that
we could find out by like calling around and being
like so and so staying there, or we would say
can I be connected to so and So's room ah
and and they would be like, oh, they're not checking
in until the twenty nine and we'd be like, okay,

I'll fall back then Oh my god. Again amazed at
the lack of security in general, like in the world
from the old once they started getting really big, they
would have aliases, but you could always just like qull
for a manager or something like that. Okay, Um, it's work, Yeah,
it is making calls. I mean that's like what I
got paid to do as a producer, was like cold

calling people. And you're doing that in like the ninth grade. Like, Hi,
this is Jesse Knevski may be connected with the Trump Hotel.
I was like, how Jesse from Brooklyn Carter. This is
Jesse from the Yahoo group Boys of Felicity. Do you
recognize Um? Okay, so you still follow the Jonas Brothers.
Interesting about the Jonas Brothers is that and I chose

to have a crush on Kevin because I thought he
was attainable, you know, when you like the guy that
you're like, that's the most likely that he and I
could connect. And it turns out it's true because he
ended up marrying like a hometown girl. I am not
a hometown girl of his hometown, but I easily could have.
He did marry like a true Jersey girl. He did
Jonas Brothers they still do it for me. I had.

I had a great time at this show, was like
the last show I went too before COVID and I
was like in the pit screaming my ass off. So
but I don't I don't have the energy to do
the work that goes into it. Like I'm not standing
outside of a hotel for hours or following tour bus
or whatever. But a concert I can do once in
a while with proper babysitting. I do remember recently you

I was like at your computer at work and you
were like, oh my god. One of the boy band
girls just asked me to like get in a car
and drive across the country to go see a town show.
And I just can't do it anymore. I don't remember
of Elbow Grace. I don't remember that, but that tracks completely.
I believe it's true. That feels right. What is your

craziest memory from the boy band groupie scene? I'm sorry
not to call you a groupie. Your band aid she
was a band aid. Yeah. I feel like my memories
are pretty team compared to my friends. Like some of
my friends like we're pulled on stage there in music
videos and stuff. Mine were pretty team. I think Like
for me, it was just the the fact that I

was like sixteen seventeen and I was like, Mom, we're
taking your car. We're going to the city. We'll be
back before we leave for work in the morning. And
nobody questions us. And we were just like in a
station wagon. We would have no agenda. We'd go into
the city. We'd see a tour bus. I remember one
night we saw a tour bus on the fdrm, like,
let's just follow it and see what happens. It pulls

up to the restaurant. Well we didn't know at the time,
but it pulls up to it store of us, and
it pulls up to our Italian restaurant? Did he comes out?
We get pictures with Diddy. We we didn't get back
in the car like that was that was not enough
for us. We're driving around. We end up like seeing

Robert Schwartzman and like talking to him for like an hour.
Then we go we take pictures with Katie home somewhere,
and then we go to a diner and we're home
at two in the morning, and nobody questions us. Nobody's
like that is weird. You left like at nine pm
you came home at two am and you have pictures
with Diddy. Nobody said what were you doing? Like, nobody

question this that it is such a fun New York
adventure though so pure, like you didn't actually do anything bad. No,
it was pretty innocent, but like it happened all the time.
And I just remember being like, whose life was, Like
this is so strange. He reminds me of I was
in Scotland once, like when I was in college for

a school trip and I was drinking a lot at
the time, and like blacked Own came to in the
park and I was like hanging out these teenagers, and
these two teenage girls were like, I can't do a
Scottish accent, but they were like, you are from New York,
do you know? Jay Z? And I was like, you
know what. But it's like you were actually living the

New York life of the adventures and stuff. Well I
was literally I was at home watching tr L every
day at four pm. But but you were there. Yeah,
I was in it one time, like there was a
bunch of cell phone numbers had leaked. I don't even
know how it would leak back then, but whatever, And
I called Nick Carter from the Backstree Boys and he

answered and he was like who's this And I was like,
Jesse from Brooklyn and he was like, oh, what do
you want? Like and I remember I asked him like
there was a question about an Elfo lyric and he
didn't hang up, but he just didn't say anything, and
I was like, so do you know the answer? And
then finally he hung up. But I was like, why

did he say on the phone with me for as
long as he did, Like why didn't he hang up
when he heard me say Jesse from Brooklyn and realized
this is a stranger. Okay, you called Nick Carter for
the Backstree Boys and asked him a question about an elfhoe. Yes,
he didn't the answer, and then he said, dude, the

answer to the question. Yeah, Okay, I'm really crying. It's no.
The thing is though, also like I think this was
a different era. It's like why it's why Selena Gomez
goes to rehab now and like falls out with Francesca,
her best friend from the kidney Yeah, and it's like

we don't know what happened. It all happened behind closed doors.
We have no idea. You're you were living in this
era when it was like paparazzi, it was leaks, it
was all. It was like they were much more attainable.
And now I'm understanding why, because the hotel people are like,
oh yeah, Nick Carter, he'll be checking in January twenty
nine at four pm, and Ashley Parker angels like, you
have a van with gifts, sure I'll check out. Like

it was just they didn't know any better and now
they do. And that's I think sad for us because
we don't get to get us close, we don't get
the face just not the same anymore, like that innocence
is gone. I remember LFO, We're all really fun to
go see and hang out with, and they weren't as
popular as an in Sync or Backstrey, so you've got
more time with them. I remember one night me and

my friend Alexis called Rich Cronin's room and he was
on the phone with us for like three hours. And
then the next day he had like a performance for
Much Music and he was like with Alexis, she was
on the phone you all night last night and we
weren't there, and we got out of class and everybody
was like calling us, like Rich was asking for you

guys at the show. That's so amazing. Wait so you
were connected with him? Wow? Uh yeah, I guess by
a random phone call. Okay, so you guys had three
hours together. That's more than I get with like my therapist.
So that's a lot. Um. Okay. So what is your

favorite boy band love song? Um, it's All or Nothing
by Oh Town. I walked home Daniel to a piano version.
That's so moving. Yeah, I know that, I remember that
you love that song. What's your favorite boy band breakup song? Uh,

don't Want You Back by the Backstreet Boys. I don't
think it was a single, might have been great, great song.
And finally, which boy band do you think Pete Davidson
would be in? I feel like you literally could put
him in as the bad boy on any of them,
Like take a J. McClean out tonight and put Pete

Davidson tonight bed with his wife and kids and put
Pete Davidson there. Okay, that makes sense. But also now
this is reminding me, what do you think of one direction?
Did you follow them at all? I didn't. I guess
I was tired by that point. Um I did not
another one? Come on, people, So I felt I was.

I literally felt like, oh, what are they listening to?
What are people listening to? Who are these kids? Right? Exactly?
I remember when camp Rock came out, I was like
seven years old growing a camp Rock party and people
were like, that's enough death. So like by the time
One Direction came out, I would be well into my thirties.
Listen put it aside, Jess. So now we're gonna conclude

with a game that Jesse brings us from the boy
band scene. And she did try to explain it to me,
and I was confused. I need to have it explained
to me again. It was called Top five twenty because
when you're sitting around waiting for boy bands, there's a
lot of time to kill. Okay, so this game took
up a lot of time, and it's your top five

twenty guys. So you have you do up to twenty
guys in five and rank them by through one. But
your number one spot can only be one person. I'm
so confused. You have twenty choices, it's like your top five,
but you don't have to limit yourself to five. And
so we would just sit there, go around the room

with the car and everybody would say their list it
was cause quite a star sometimes what was the controversy?
I remember? This is like my favorite memory of this
game is a bunch of us had driven to Atlantic
City to see the boy band Natural. Do you even
know Natural? No? I don't. Another Loop Perman Gift, And

after we left the concert, we now have like a
two and a half hour drive back home. Like, okay,
let's play Top five twenty. And my friend Donna, who
her number one was always like eminem or justin Timberlake,
all of a sudden put play Goodell from Take five,
another Loop Perman Gift boy bands on her lists. And
my friend Nicki, who not a very tall person, when

I tell you she grew six ft. She was like,
you got that kid off your fucking list. Why. It
was like nobody else had ever really said Clay Adell
on their list except Nikki, and now all of a sudden,
he's done out of nowhere but the number one spot.

So that was Nikki's guy. That was Nikki's guy. Everybody
knew it, okay, and you get that kid. She went
nuts and it was contentious the rest of the ride home.
Everybody else was like trying to do the list and
they're like um Nick Harter, So who would be number

one on you guys list? Now? Boy bands? So it
can't be any real boys, Like it can't be like
Fred from my office, Like, it can't be that. Yeah,
but it's gotta be like selebt any slept Yeah. Okay. Oh.
I feel like even though I said that Pete Davidson

was my number one crush, the truth is we wouldn't
end up together. We wouldn't be long term, so I
can't keep him there. And I think my number one
is gonna have to go to Channing Tatum. I've discussed
this many times. That's a great choice. I love a
square draw. He's talented, he works really hard. He's a parent,
he's shown himself to be a good parent. He's funny,
he makes fun of himself. He's a really good dancer.

I think we'd have a great time. He's clearly smart,
he's come He's had a very like storied life. So
that's my number one. I'm standing by it. Number two
spot this is going to be the bad boy category.
So number two my bad boy category, Dennis Rodman, Pete Davidson,
machine Gun, Kelly, all all of them. I'm attracted to
Travis Barker, Yes, and I will say, uh, Robert Downey Jr. Okay,

he's turned it around, but I'm very attracted him. He's
very charming to me. Number three, I'm gonna go with
Old Cloud assex, Robert de Niro always always always to me,
rest in peace, James Gandalfinie always always always. I guess
this is kind of like an Italian stallion section as well. Um,

this may not seem like a classic to some people,
but Bob Oden Kirk, Oh yeah, no, I get it
funny all around. Um, I hate to say this. I'm
only going on looks alone and not personality at all.
Let that be known. Ashton Kutcher, I know, I know,

I know, but Ashton Kutcher, I can't. I can't separate that.
I'm sorry, I know. And then I will say Ricky
Martin stand by. I know he wouldn't come for me,
but I would send for him. Okay, that's okay, that's okay.
So I'm actually very attracted to gay men as Carolina nos. Okay.
So number four, I'm going to combine four and five

to save time, and I'm gonna do four and five.
I've new new kids, on the block, new guys on
the scene, like people are who are hot right now? Okay,
And I'm gonna say Michael B. Jordan's I'm gonna say unfortunately,
And I know this is controversial because many people have
disagreed with me kJ Appa from the Riverdale series. Most

people disagree, And that's okay, okay. Uh. Jack Nicholson's son
whose name is Ray Ray Nicholson extremely attractive in a
pornographic way to me. And then I'm gonna say Donald Glover.
I don't know how many that is. And then I'm
gonna say Harry Styles. I saw him in concert. It

all made sense to me. And I'm gonna leave it there.
Those are my newbies. That's that. I know. That's not twenty.
I can't do math, but I'm wrap it up. Those
those are the new bees that I find myself attracted to.
Oh and um the guy from the White Lotus that
we loved, Lucas Gauge. Okay, now, I was gonna throw
on my list too, Jesse, what about you? So my
I actually I am not fully prepared my list. I

was like trying to type it out quickly. I only
got up to the number three slot. And I'm drawing
a blank after that, but I'll go backwards. I'll start
at three. Okay. Number three are like my forever guys
is Scott Poley and Mark Pole Gosseler. Um, I haven't heard.
My number two is the guy from Never Have I

Ever that plays a hot guy, and I just want
to give this this claimer that like I looked at
him up, he's thirty years old, like it's okay, um,
Joe Jonas of course, and Raymond Abloch who was save
from Degrassi, Yes, yes, stand behind, stand behind. And then
my number one, which has been my number one for
like years and years, is John Cena. I yes, yes, yeah,

I've had had encounters with him as well. Okay, I'm
going to run through some of mine. Let me just
say that I have a predilection for older gentleman. So
I'm gonna say Roger Sterling a k. John Slattery for Madmen. Yes,
you know something that like consistently shows up Jon Hamm

obviously consistently shows up ray Leota and Michael Keaton, Yes,
much older than me, but like I understand that, I
think the confidence is there. Ray Leiota from Goodfellas, like
would love to go on a day with him and
let him ruin my life. I zach Efron now is
number four. I really like. I never have liked over

buff men until um I met him visually through the Internet.
Michael B. Jordan's I'm There, I'm with you. Eric Andre
is someone who I had a little bit of like
a like a like a deep obsession with. For a second,
we're getting closer. Bradley Cooper, Ryan Gosling kind of conventional

but still people that matter a lot to me. Reynolds, Okay,
Ryan Reynolds. Yeah. Again, someone who I'm like, Okay, this
is all making sense. Gosh, to put someone up in
the number two and number one, it seems really hard.
The younger guys for a second, Lucas Gauge being one.
Joe Kirie, who plays the tough guy on Stranger Things,

I find very charming. Lastly, I'll end with this and
I'll let him be number one because he's such a
good guy. He deserves it. As Kyle Chandler classic, I'll
go home with him. Wait, I also want to say
Kyle Chandler, Yes, and Jesse Plemons I am very attracted to.
Oh yes, I like that as well. Um there's just

so many. There's so many, so many beautiful menace in
this fucked up crazy and see when you're killing time
and you're sitting around waiting for a boy man to
come out, you go and you you say the good
you say, oh that's a great choice, or you say,
I don't know about that one. Do you really think
they deserve the number fourth slot? So there was a

lot of debate that came with the game. I get
it now, I truly get it now, Jesse. Thank you
for spending this time with us, Thank you for talking
to me about my checkered path, just being such an
amazing armed to the Torso that is the Trueman's Pod.

I'm honors to be a part of this pod. Do
you want to plug your Instagram account? I don't stands.
I deleted it because I posted something. So I'll tell
you this story. So I had a Tears of Stands
account that was a meme account, and I posted a
meme that I made of lou Perlman and then I

spiraled in my head because it was like starting to
get some heat and people going this meme is dark,
and in my head I could see myself being canceled,
and it was like a Friday evening and I was like,
by Monday morning, they're gonna be talking about me on
the Today's Show saying I took it too far, and
so I quickly deleted that account. So I don't want

to plug nice Okay, you don't want anyone to find
her anywhere. He wants privacy. Don't call hotels saying that
you know, when does Jesse Kanevski check in? Yeah, if
you are waiting outside my hotel, I will stop and
sign for you and take a picture. It's only right
someone hands you an action figure Pez Dispenser. You gotta

have your trademark, all right. I'm gonna work on my
trademark over the weekend to send a Channing Tatum and Hi.
I love you both. Thank you so much. Jesse, thanks
for having me. We'll catch you next time on your
rooman shoe all man, it's our romantic love me, baby,

don't leave me hangin. I want true
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