Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Two Teas in a Pod with Teddy Mellencamp and Camera Judge.
Speaker 2 (00:16):
Hi, guys, welcome to another episode of to Teas and
a Pod with myself, Teddy Mellencamp.
Speaker 3 (00:21):
And Tamra Judge. We are here in San Francisco, Sam Francisco.
Speaker 2 (00:28):
Uh. We are here with Alexis Bellino in San Francisco
for the Janet Jackson concert. Janet Jackson is on tour
with special guests Nelly. Guys, I just realized.
Speaker 4 (00:40):
This, Nelly. Oh my god, Hey yeah, did you save
this treat for me?
Speaker 5 (00:46):
I did? I did. It's called Together Again.
Speaker 2 (00:49):
Tour tickets are on sale now at live nation dot com.
Check out your dates and cities at livenation dot com
or Janet Jackson dot com.
Speaker 5 (01:00):
I think we can interview Janet.
Speaker 4 (01:02):
Speaker 5 (01:03):
Sorry, Lexa's Janet Jackson's nose.
Speaker 4 (01:05):
I will take a hot backseat to her.
Speaker 5 (01:08):
Speaker 2 (01:08):
We only have seven minutes for your pod because Janet
Jackson and Nelly are coming right in, so I don't hate.
Speaker 4 (01:15):
You for it. I will be sitting right over there
in the corner watch it.
Speaker 2 (01:19):
We wish we're not that cool. There's not that much
shame in my game. I mean I may have recorded
a video of us singing hot in here and tag
Nelly and hopes he's gonna meet us tonight.
Speaker 3 (01:30):
Did not is the cringey things I'm telling you have
to stop doing.
Speaker 4 (01:34):
You know what.
Speaker 2 (01:35):
Listen, I embraced being cringe. Between that and crying in
the sauna. I just can't take it, Listen, I can't
take it. At least I'm aware of my cringe. You
think your cringes are iconic?
Speaker 3 (01:46):
They are?
Speaker 4 (01:47):
And she doesn't think she has any cringe? Hey problem?
Speaker 5 (01:50):
Wait a minute, who s you on here? Oh my gosh.
Speaker 2 (01:55):
Okay, So first question, alexis the OC trailer just dropped
and we can already see that this is going to
be a dramatic season.
Speaker 5 (02:03):
How do you feel since filming wrapped?
Speaker 4 (02:06):
I mean, it depends on what minute you asked me.
To be honest, it's a lot, because it's my feelings
are truly into it. It's not just I mean, and
it involves so much of like more than anyone's ever expected.
Was two women going to be on the same cast
that have dated well, I mean, I mean we do
have the Slade situation.
Speaker 5 (02:24):
However, did you date Slade?
Speaker 4 (02:26):
Speaker 2 (02:26):
Speaker 5 (02:27):
Have we ever made out with them?
Speaker 2 (02:28):
No what I'm paused, I No.
Speaker 5 (02:33):
No, she didn't.
Speaker 4 (02:34):
I meant there was three girls on the cast, and
here I am, and I just made fun of him
at them at that whole situation. At rob fledged dinner,
right No, at the Bravo con, I sat on stage,
I'm like, well, was the only woman up here who
hasn't slept with Slade Smiley And I was poking fun
of it and here I am dating. It's like, that's
what God will do? Do you Well?
Speaker 3 (02:54):
Evidently she went on. Gretcha went on Hot Mike, which
just Alex Baskin's podcast, and said that at Rabakhan, you
made it all about yourself and you kind of ruined
the moment well from I mean, because you went out
on stage and you made a comment basically saying that
you're the only one it was that on the script
or not on.
Speaker 4 (03:15):
The ss off script, And Andy Cohen went up and
said it it was a I was off the cuff.
It was to make people laugh and it did. It
will roll on to the next thing. It was not
about myself, And then we moved back on to VICKI
and I'm.
Speaker 2 (03:27):
So sorry, cry me a river Gretchen Jeff Lewis said
that I killed people, So.
Speaker 5 (03:33):
Like, let's get it in track and you're the way.
Speaker 4 (03:36):
What she says isn't God. It's like, okay, she can
have that thought, but it's not fact.
Speaker 5 (03:39):
No, it's not.
Speaker 2 (03:41):
But let's move on. And I know we have a
lot of questions. But the first question that I have
is I have a small little bone to pick with you.
Oh okay, it's a small bone. Okay, Well I have
a bone to pick with you too, So there we are.
Speaker 5 (03:52):
Well, great, well let's go.
Speaker 4 (03:55):
Speaker 2 (03:56):
Now my bone is I was working for Extra doing
the red carpet at Kathy Hilton's party. You came up
to me, graciously, excited, said I'm going to talk to you.
You're going to be one of the only interviews because
I love Tamra. And then I asked you, are you
with John Janssen. You looked at me dead in the
face and said no. And then the next day it
was released to People magazine.
Speaker 4 (04:23):
I could not tell you, But when I got in
the car, I told Emily we had just made it official,
like like not official, but moved past friendship level a
little bit before that. I could not tell you because
we had promised the exclusive to people. What are you
supposed to do in that situation, Teddy?
Speaker 5 (04:40):
You could have winked well, I don't know.
Speaker 4 (04:42):
You could have been or you could have under.
Speaker 2 (04:45):
Like, I'm not going to give you the inside scoop
because I'm so close with Tamra, so.
Speaker 5 (04:49):
I love you by association and then not give me any.
Speaker 4 (04:52):
Crom Okay, well, if you give me, if you give
me the thing of all the to dos of what
you're supposed to do now that I'm back in this world,
then I will follow them. But it was very new
and I wasn't going back on Housewives at this point.
I did not had not signed any contracts. I'm still
my feet are still getting wet.
Speaker 3 (05:07):
By the way, speaking of signing contracts, there was a
good month where you and I were communicating before we
started filming, and You're like, I don't want to do it.
I don't know should I do it, I'm not gonna
do it, I'm gonna do it, I'm not gonna do it,
I am not gonna it.
Speaker 4 (05:19):
Was mostly I'm went down to the wire.
Speaker 3 (05:21):
You call me the night before and you tell me
I'm sorry, tam I know you want me back, but
it's just not gonna work out.
Speaker 5 (05:26):
And then she signed her contract.
Speaker 4 (05:27):
No, but do you want know what happened?
Speaker 5 (05:28):
Can I tell you?
Speaker 4 (05:29):
The fun part about.
Speaker 2 (05:29):
This is it because you like to do like a touch,
like you want to lead somebody on a little bit
or No.
Speaker 3 (05:35):
Nope, that's not at all. She likes to keep them guessing.
Speaker 4 (05:37):
Nope, not at at all. One hundred percent was not
in my mind. I was not going to do the show.
And then I was sitting on John's couch with him
and I had about like, they give you the time
where you have to decide, right, this is a great
story because you're gonna laugh at me when you hear this.
But they were giving me the time crunch, and I
so I called my psychic. My psychic at like eight
o'clock at night, I text her and she's in. She's
on the other side of the country, okay, And I go,
I know it's eight o'clock. I need to see you tomorrow.
I have I have to make a decision before I
have to talk to you sometime tomorrow. Can you get
me in?
Speaker 5 (06:06):
Was she like this?
Speaker 3 (06:08):
She had no, she had no clue.
Speaker 4 (06:11):
I'm talked to her in a year had no clue,
and I just said it's super important, and she goes,
you know what, I don't. I'm full, and then she
take me back an hour later. So it's nine o'clock
at time, my time, midnight her time. She's like, I
can get you at one o'clock tomorrow. I said my time.
I said perfect. She puts me on zoom and we
have a session. And my mom came through and said like, basically,
alexis what are you doing. I'm back here working my
butt off on the other side. I set this up
for you. You're supposed to do it. And my mom
and my song no listen to this, no listen to this,
and this isn't just passed. My mom had just passed,
and this is I'm not I'm not gonna cry you guys,
I'm not gonna cry. But listen, this is the best
part of the whole story. My mom said. Because I
looked at my psychics Tracy, I go, I just I
don't know. I just don't know how I can do this.
And Tracy looks at me and goes, your mom just
told me Jesus didn't take the will, baby girl, I did.
Now get your big girl pants on and go Jesus
take the Wheel as my mom and my song. So
when she's when my psychic said I go, I'm going back,
I called John or Yeah, because I was when John
at that one. I called John first, I then called
I called product or Spencer. Then I called all of
you are girls, you and Heather and said I'm back.
I'm going And from that point on I never looked back.
It was then on I'm going back.
Speaker 1 (07:32):
Speaker 4 (07:33):
And I literally got judged in my shoulders all the
way down to my feet. No, Tracy doesn't know that's
my mom and my song.
Speaker 5 (07:38):
That's crazy. But now I can't get this out of
my head. What Jesus jugs takes? They're smaller, said, they're smaller.
Now let's talk about your Jesus.
Speaker 4 (07:52):
Jugs because I messed up boob right now. No, your
boobs are perfect.
Speaker 5 (07:56):
I felt at the airport and it felt nice to me.
Speaker 4 (07:59):
No, well, you didn't feel hard enough like.
Speaker 5 (08:01):
Later long after we hang out with Mellie. Yeah, after
Janet Jackson, we'll be filling you.
Speaker 3 (08:06):
So I have a question, what is it like being
back ten Was it ten years you were off? Did
you ever think that you were going to come back.
Speaker 4 (08:14):
I never did. And even when I when I called
Spencer and said, I want to sign on with you
and I want to do something, but I never thought
and I told. My first word to him was I'm
ready to work as long as you're okay taking me
on without Housewives being an option. He said, I'll take
you anyway, and we started working. And then that was
basically in the same month almost that Housewives started reaching
out to me, and I was still affirm no.
Speaker 3 (08:37):
I told you, O, can you confirm that Housewives reached
out to you before you even started dating John.
Speaker 4 (08:43):
Housewives was connecting with me and asking me before I'd
even John. I even knew who John Jansen was. I
mean maybe i'd seen it who barely barely barely. I'm
letting you know, barely. I'd never met him.
Speaker 5 (08:57):
I was never what did you watch the show when
you were not?
Speaker 4 (09:00):
I watched a couple of the episodes from the season
when she first came back, and he was I think
there was flashbacks. I don't even know.
Speaker 5 (09:05):
Did you think he was hot when you were watching it?
Speaker 4 (09:07):
I didn't even I didn't look at him like except
he's just John, like just a character on I didn't
even I didn't wasn't looking at anybody thinking anyone's hot
or not or oh my gosh, I like this nothing.
It's so organic the way it happened, and it's it's
really weird. It's just all God. And I believe to
this day that my mom is who brought John Jansen
into that restaurant.
Speaker 3 (09:28):
That chills again.
Speaker 2 (09:30):
Do you think once this happened with the psychic and
you talk to John, what were what was his thoughts on.
Speaker 5 (09:37):
You going on?
Speaker 4 (09:38):
Well, first of all, he hated that I called my psychic,
and that was one because he's Christian and doesn't believe
in that.
Speaker 3 (09:44):
I was going to ask you, does Jesus approve of this?
Speaker 4 (09:47):
I said, you know what, I will deal with all
of the things I've done in correctly in my life
at the at the Parly Gates, and everyone else can
f off, because that's the only judge I have, Jesus,
jugs I love. Well, it's all the only one that
matters is me and God.
Speaker 2 (09:59):
I mean, we're all human. We all make mistakes and
we all do things. But speaking of mistakes, let's talk
about below deck.
Speaker 4 (10:05):
Oh good God, hold on.
Speaker 5 (10:06):
First off, how much should it? How much should it
cost to.
Speaker 2 (10:09):
Go we heard to go on below deck if you're
not a crew member that you have to pay.
Speaker 5 (10:15):
How much does it cost to go on below deck?
Speaker 4 (10:17):
Well, okay, I have things I'm not able to disclose. Okay,
you like that?
Speaker 5 (10:23):
Yeah, I appreciate it. She got a wink.
Speaker 4 (10:26):
I'm trying to learn your what you need. It's not
a nudge, it's a lot.
Speaker 3 (10:29):
I know what it is because they asked me to
be on.
Speaker 2 (10:31):
Yeah, but it's is it more or less than twenty
thousand dollars?
Speaker 4 (10:36):
So what is? What is not? Undisclosab Well, i'll tell
you what I can't tell you. Let's just say it
was one hundred thousand dollars for per person to attend
this yacht that you're going or mega yacht that you're
going on, for this experience that you have for three days,
they have you pay a very minimal amount. Like it
is like us go into the four seasons? Did you
have fun?
Speaker 3 (10:57):
And it was the only thing I saw as a
clip you wrapping your arms and legs around your then fiance, Drew.
Speaker 4 (11:03):
He was not my fiance at that point, he was
my boyfriend.
Speaker 5 (11:05):
Did he proposed on below deck? Please say no?
Speaker 4 (11:07):
He did not, damn it, and we were we were
too new. But honestly, I hadn't kissed a man at
that point in my life for probably like eight seven years,
so years.
Speaker 2 (11:17):
I was gonna say, well, by the time you got
divorced from your ex husband, when was the last time
you guys had kissed.
Speaker 4 (11:24):
Oh, I don't know that. I just know it'd been
a while. And I did like Drew and love I
did love Drew. I did have a love for him.
There's not there's no denying that. I'm not gonna say
yes to a proposal to someone if I don't love
them and feel like I can see our future working out.
Did things start to happen in the last year and
a half of our relationship. Yes, my mom's death is
was just the There was no recovering from that because
I was alone for twelve or twelve to fourteen days.
I have to go back to the calendar. It's between.
I flew out, thought I was leaving in three days,
only packed two outfits. You guys would be proud of me,
But I still packed a big suitcase.
Speaker 2 (12:03):
Was the only one that checked a bag, and I, honestly,
I had to take deep breaths.
Speaker 4 (12:07):
I know, I'm sorry, but I did, and so I
did keep doing laundry because I ended up staying for
fourteen days and it did not My mom was passing
over at this time, like she when I told her,
she pat like she was like, okay, I'm going.
Speaker 3 (12:19):
And I was alone. I was alone with my brother
flew out his meaning he wasn't there for you emotionally.
Speaker 4 (12:26):
I was just alone and I had to drive to
the airport by myself two and a half hours after
just sending the body bag off to the You know,
it's just there's so much and it wasn't like we
just I broke up with him pretty soon after that,
but it wasn't like we it just ended. We were
still it's an engagement.
Speaker 3 (12:54):
Now when we reconnected at Pravo Con, you were broken
at the time time you had told me like that's we.
Speaker 5 (13:02):
I never forget it.
Speaker 3 (13:03):
You and I had this deep conversation with Andy Cohen
standing over us.
Speaker 4 (13:06):
And I told you things I shouldn't have, but I
was I was an open book because I.
Speaker 5 (13:09):
Don't think things you shouldn't have.
Speaker 4 (13:12):
I don't think so I mean that I was being
We haven't spoken in how many years.
Speaker 3 (13:16):
I know what, we're both the same way. We just
have like diarrhea of the mouth and we just talk
and you know, we don't expect for somebody to a
peak thing, and we didn't. And I never repeated anything,
and I will not repeat anything that thank you said,
but we've kind.
Speaker 4 (13:27):
Of thought, yeah, what I did tell you at that
moment is not meant for this podcast.
Speaker 3 (13:31):
It was very yes, yes, but you what I'm trying
to say is you were kind of you were in
a bad place.
Speaker 5 (13:36):
Your mom had just passed.
Speaker 4 (13:37):
You know, just broken up with Drew, just had another
life threatening family emergency.
Speaker 3 (13:41):
Yeah, so a lot of things had gone on in
your life and you were just I don't think that
Housewise was even in your it was it was.
Speaker 4 (13:48):
Not your focal point. But they did start reaching out
pretty much right after that.
Speaker 5 (13:51):
So it was first they did after you went on
stage and said that.
Speaker 4 (13:54):
And that was not my intention. By the way, now
that's going to be said that, Oh first it's John
Jansen is what got her back on the show, And
then it's going to be that now it wasn't.
Speaker 5 (14:02):
It was funny.
Speaker 4 (14:03):
I thought it was, well, you got the audio.
Speaker 5 (14:04):
I was in the audience, we were rolling.
Speaker 4 (14:06):
Everybody needs a laugh. Okay, let's make fun of ourselves.
Speaker 5 (14:09):
I think that was a fine thing.
Speaker 4 (14:10):
I have sloppy seconds too, Okay, people, I'm not I'm
not sitting here gonna pup fun.
Speaker 5 (14:15):
And then you know, I mean, you're not sloppy, but
you are seconds right now.
Speaker 4 (14:18):
I got sloppy, So I got, I got and he's
not sloppy, but I did get seconds of something. But
this is what this is what makes me understand life
is different now that you're forty seven finding love again.
I'm not going to find a virgin. So guess what
He's had sex with somebody at this point in his life.
Speaker 5 (14:35):
Speaker 2 (14:36):
I have this gut feeling and I don't know if
I'm just making it up, but I feel like probably.
Speaker 4 (14:42):
No, you don't even know where she's going. I know her.
Speaker 5 (14:46):
I could finish her sentences. I feel like you're about
to get engaged. I do shells again?
Speaker 4 (14:54):
Well, is that because of the red carpet statement? When
they asked us in John's answer and I froze, and
John's answer.
Speaker 3 (15:00):
Was, by the way she can find out if somebody's
pregnant before they're psychic.
Speaker 5 (15:06):
Jesus jugs Unfortunately.
Speaker 2 (15:07):
I do know if somebody is cheating, if somebody's lying,
like I can always feel it.
Speaker 4 (15:13):
I am not swear you never said a word, because
you do know some things that have happened in the
past couple of months.
Speaker 2 (15:18):
No, she does not want because she doesn't tell me
too much because then I'm going to come on the pod.
Speaker 5 (15:24):
And her mouth to be honest.
Speaker 2 (15:27):
But I feel like, and if he hasn't yet, or
if you guys haven't looked at rings, I do feel
like it's happening in the near future.
Speaker 4 (15:33):
So I'm doing it up. I will be honest with you.
We have looked at rings and we are talking about it.
It could happen tomorrow, it could happen six months from now.
I just I do know it's coming because we've already
talked about our entire future. We already have a plan
in place.
Speaker 3 (15:49):
So will you let it be known on social media afterwards?
Speaker 4 (15:53):
I don't know, because I don't I don't know when
it's It would depend on I don't know when it's
going to happen. So I could say yes to that
now and if it's six I don't don't.
Speaker 2 (16:00):
Know when, but let's say it's it doesn't happen within
the next year.
Speaker 5 (16:04):
Would you would you want to leave?
Speaker 4 (16:06):
Speaker 3 (16:06):
Like, do you have any and it's very organic? No,
it's very organ How long have you been divorced? Now
divorce six years. I'll have to be I'll be honest
with you. I never thought that you would get divorced.
I really thought neither did I Now I really did.
This is this is something I want to touch and
I love it. You're saying that because I feel like
America thought I was living a facade and you honestly
are in Heather always felt that there was something amiss
with jem Andi.
Speaker 4 (16:33):
Yeah there's something, and that's okay because but we were
still fighting for our marriage, both of us. We were
in therapy. We were fighting, and we're not going to
sit there and say no married couple that thinks, you know,
you have three kids. You want your unit to stay together.
You want to keep your family unit together. No one thinks,
oh my gosh, I'm going to get divorced tomorrow and
then we go tell old Universe. You know, I was
still fighting for it and never believed divorce was an
option at that point. I really didn't on the show.
When I was on the show before. So now fast
forward ten years later and I've been divorced six of
those years. A lot of things crumbled and it was
not the show. I'm letting you know right now, Housewives
of Orange County is not what ruined my marriage, right there.
Speaker 2 (17:13):
Was a lot.
Speaker 3 (17:13):
I always say that when people say, oh, you know
reality shows ruined marriages.
Speaker 5 (17:17):
No, your marriage is going to marriage. Yeah, yeah, it's
going to be highlighted.
Speaker 3 (17:20):
If you're on a shaky ground, it's going to get
but it's also not I don't even believe that if
you're on shaky ground, I don't think it's going to
get worse.
Speaker 4 (17:27):
That can either build you or it can destroy you.
I feel like the show, if you're meant to stay
together and you both have the will in the way,
you're going to stay together regardless of the show. The
show is not what ruins people. And I know that
they say Housewives has the curse because look at how
you were divorced. So many people get divorced. I don't
believe in that. Here's what I don't understand and where
I want people to get where I'm coming from. I
don't need to hide my private life just because somebody
else dated the man I'm going to marry someday that
I don't have to hide my life. If I did
that a man to how many people's lives, I couldn't
do anything. We couldn't. We couldn't do anything. I've been married,
he's been married. We have We obviously loved those people.
I was engaged. It's like we're our lives are so
similar John and I is that it's like we don't.
I have no jealousy, no regret about any of my
past or jealousy towards his, what he had with anyone else.
We only know what we have with each other. Yeah,
that's it.
Speaker 3 (18:23):
What do you have to say to the people that
are saying, oh, alexis the only reason you're back on
the show is because you're dating John Jansen?
Speaker 4 (18:32):
And I would say, I can totally see why you
would think that, And it's not because I was talking
to everybody before John's name even was in.
Speaker 2 (18:39):
My universe and the quiet woman picture wink if wink,
if it's incorrect, But did you guys make out that night?
Speaker 4 (18:48):
Speaker 1 (18:48):
Speaker 4 (18:49):
No, Teddy, you don't know the story, do you? She knows?
I know it. She knows the story.
Speaker 5 (18:52):
So you guys aren't.
Speaker 4 (18:53):
No, I don't. Really, you aren't sleeping together after Oh
those are rumors?
Speaker 5 (19:00):
Are not having said? They do keep secrets?
Speaker 2 (19:03):
No, we only tell each other's secrets to one another,
but like other people's, we don't because we know this
is our job and it puts us in a compromising
situation to know too much about other people on other shows,
because then we can push each other and it's not authentic.
Speaker 4 (19:19):
I get it. I get it, because you do have
to keep the authenticity for it to be a good show.
And you guys have a great chemistry, so that's why
people think you actually make it.
Speaker 5 (19:26):
But she does know all my secrets, and if you
ever fucking cry, I would.
Speaker 4 (19:29):
Never, So don't talk about her.
Speaker 3 (19:30):
Hym Right, Okay, I have two, right, I've actually there's
actually three, and I've seen them both, three, all three
of them.
Speaker 4 (19:36):
Okay, so let me. I'm going to clear it up
with you guys. You guys, this is an exclusive except
people did already get this part of it. It is
true that that night we met and we took that photo,
and we asked Ricky and Ryan, who you know? Who
are my good friends?
Speaker 3 (19:48):
I know Ricky, I don't know Ryan. That's his new husband, right, Yeah,
that's who I knew that because you were with Ricky,
which Ricky was in my wedding, and I.
Speaker 5 (19:56):
Want to see the guy that did you dirty.
Speaker 3 (19:58):
Yeah, so Ricky was with her Lexus.
Speaker 4 (20:03):
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Speaker 2 (20:04):
Speaker 4 (20:04):
I don't judge people. I can't.
Speaker 5 (20:06):
The person said judge people.
Speaker 4 (20:07):
Let me finish your last name.
Speaker 5 (20:09):
I don't judge friendships.
Speaker 3 (20:12):
If you want to be friends with somebody that I
agree with that I just because I had a falling
out with somebody doesn't mean you don't have to like.
Speaker 4 (20:20):
And if you have a party, you're going to say, Okay,
Alexis is coming, Shannon is coming. You want to come?
Come if you don't, yeah, I don't, I do.
Speaker 2 (20:27):
Speaker 4 (20:28):
So what happened that night was November eighteenth, I remembered
as clear as day, and I was there with Ricky
and Ryan and we were getting ready to leave. By
the way, I officiated their wedding. Yeah, but we were
getting ready to leave and paid the check and all,
and then John sat down next in the booth next
to me. At this time, I didn't even know who
he was. He just there's people sat down and he
was with a few other people, quite a few other
people in the picture. There's like eight of us or something. Anyways,
one woman that was with him is she wanted She
was like, well, John's over there, and you guys were
on the same show together. I go, really, and I
look over and it's John, you know, and I'm like okay,
and she's like, well, you guys should talk. So then
their group ended up joining our table. We took that photo.
We asked Ricky and Ryan John and I both looked
at them and said almost in sync, and said, please
do not post that, because you know, I literally just
met the man two minutes ago, and I knew what
would happen. Right.
Speaker 3 (21:20):
Let me guess Ricky posted.
Speaker 4 (21:21):
Ricky didn't understand my words, and he posted it. So
then all the rumors I.
Speaker 2 (21:25):
Started, I cannot understand your words or does he like
to have a little clout?
Speaker 4 (21:29):
Well, just he just posted it. He goes, I don't
give a fuck what any one thinks. But that's not
okay for me, because then of course it blew up around.
The rumors start flying that I'm dating John Jansen, and
that's when I got upset because I'm like, we're not dating.
Speaker 5 (21:43):
But did he get your number?
Speaker 1 (21:44):
That night?
Speaker 4 (21:45):
He did, and it was hard for him. It took
him a moment, but we were talking, and then we
planned a boating day together, all all eight of us,
and then and then but we ended up spending almost
every night on the phone together after that. I had
him come down to San Clemente to go to the
beach with me while I dropped one of my children
off for two hours and we sat and talked on
the beach, I mean, and there was no kissing, nothing.
We stayed friends and we went to lunch. And then
that's how that photo got leaked to TMZ, because someone
at his private yacht club snapped a photo of us
and sent it to TMZ. Rumors are they're still doing
They're dating. We had not even held hands or touched
or anything at this point. We're still friends. So I
was getting starting to get really mad, okay, and then
it was like we just couldn't fight it anymore. And
then the friendship turned into what it was. And that's
when everyone started seeing us out and we had to
make a statement to America just that okay, yeah, we
actually are dating. I didn't want people think you can.
Speaker 3 (22:42):
You ember you sent me a message.
Speaker 4 (22:43):
I tell you because you were in a podcast and
I was on a podcast and I was sticking up
for you. Guys were on your podcast and that you
I heard you say that, well, because.
Speaker 3 (22:51):
EMIES and I were talking and I knew like the
conversations that we had, you know, I'm like, no, these
are not true.
Speaker 4 (22:57):
They're just friends. And that's what I and I told
that because that's true. We were just friends.
Speaker 3 (23:01):
And then one day we were on the podcast and
she texts me, you always text me I'm on the pod.
I don't know what it is or either that or
I'm always on.
Speaker 4 (23:07):
The pod you are?
Speaker 2 (23:08):
I mean, yeah, five days a week at nine am
or on the pod.
Speaker 3 (23:12):
So so she's like, can you call me? There's something
I have to tell you.
Speaker 4 (23:16):
Because I didn't want you to defend me anymore about
it when it wasn't the truth, because I wanted you
to know the truth, and we were one of the
first people.
Speaker 3 (23:23):
It was like two months after you met him or
something like that.
Speaker 2 (23:25):
I have to ask another question, what I had possibly
seen at BRAVOCN or different times that I've hung out
with John.
Speaker 5 (23:36):
They both were pretty big drinkers together.
Speaker 2 (23:40):
Is he still a big drinker, because it doesn't You're
not a big drinker from what I've gathered.
Speaker 4 (23:45):
Okay, well here's the real of that. And yes I
like alcohol and I have fun and party, but ian
a big drinker. My mom passed away and I started
to want to rely on something else for alcohol for
my pain and I was over indulging. And so when
I met John, I was not drinking at all. It
was I took a three four. However, along my hiatus
was I took time off, and I told John the
first time I met him, even a quiet woman, when
I met him, I wasn't drinking and we still went
to Shamrock and danced and where we're He's just like,
you don't want to Can I get you something? I
was not, and Ricky and Ryan were like, just have one,
and I'm like, you, guys, I'm not. It's good. I
went that long time. He literally every time, even as
a friend or when we became more, would not drink
one drop out of respect for you, out to respect
for me. And then he got stem cells. Three months
into our relationship, he got stem cells and he can't
drink then, So then I support, I was ready to start,
and I'm like I can have a glass like I
could have a slipper champagne, I can have a glass
of wine. And he was doing that and he had
supported me, so I'm like, I'm not doing it. So
we went six to seven months of our relationship without
any alcohol and we just now started like here and there,
we'll have a glass of wine.
Speaker 2 (24:55):
Or so when you had sex for the first time,
was had Were you guys completely sober?
Speaker 4 (24:59):
Speaker 5 (25:01):
Yes? That was a weird question.
Speaker 4 (25:04):
That is a very rare Why is everyone drunk on
the first time they ever have sex? I met?
Speaker 2 (25:09):
Was it a wild, crazy first night or was it
just like passion intimate?
Speaker 3 (25:14):
Oh my gosh, how many times did day you have sex?
Speaker 2 (25:18):
No, if you say door like Larsa, I'm going to
lose it.
Speaker 4 (25:22):
Well it's more than that.
Speaker 5 (25:23):
But whoa Alexis? Are the rumors true?
Speaker 2 (25:27):
As he hung like a horse, Alexis, laid down and
unzip your pants because if you're having sex, I.
Speaker 4 (25:35):
Did not know, donnically didn't know this was I told
him I didn't know the human am anatomy could do this,
Like I did not know. And because I keep telling him,
I'm going to have to get like vaginal rejuvens.
Speaker 3 (25:45):
I feel like the best sex of your life.
Speaker 4 (25:48):
It is.
Speaker 3 (25:49):
I mean, well, there's a lot of rumors about what
he's passed. I am not going to talk about my
when was the last of you?
Speaker 5 (25:56):
And that he had sex five times in one day?
Speaker 3 (25:59):
Well, by the way, keep it my nineteen ninety five guys,
keep up.
Speaker 4 (26:03):
Keep in mind. The difference is we do stay together
almost seven nights a week now, but through our relationship
it has progressed to that because I have three kids still,
so we can't stay the night every single night together
unless he wants to come to me. I'll come over
to his house twice a month, twice a week, I'll
stay there, and then one night a week. We're really apart.
So it's not like you guys are married. It's just different.
Speaker 5 (26:27):
We hold on. Is there a big break in between?
Speaker 2 (26:30):
I'm sorry, I need to know, Like, if you're having
sex four to five times a day, how long is
the break in between?
Speaker 5 (26:35):
Like I remember when you first get.
Speaker 3 (26:37):
With somebody, is it like passing in the hallway You're like, hey,
you want to bang one out?
Speaker 2 (26:41):
Like five times a day?
Speaker 1 (26:45):
Speaker 4 (26:46):
My poor children and his children have to listen to this.
Speaker 3 (26:49):
So, okay, there was a time where you had to
turn off your comments on your Instagram because anytime you
would post about John so times.
Speaker 5 (26:57):
Your comments you're what you would write in your post.
Speaker 2 (27:01):
I was like, she's looking for people to come in,
and that's it rich from you.
Speaker 5 (27:06):
I know, and I did, but also comment.
Speaker 4 (27:09):
You know what, guys, I am not having a social
media account that I have to squelch myself. I squelched
myself for too many years of my life, and now
I lost a lot in my life. Now I'm not
squelching for anything. I feel like everyone's like, why are
you throwing it in everyone's face. I'm not throwing on
anyone's face. Get off my Instagram. There's seven million people
you can follow. Don't follow me if you don't want
to see my life.
Speaker 5 (27:32):
No, I agree with you today.
Speaker 4 (27:34):
I agree.
Speaker 5 (27:35):
You won me over on the plane and I followed
you after me.
Speaker 4 (27:38):
That's all I know.
Speaker 2 (27:39):
I said that, just warned you know what I Today
we're at baggage Claim and I looked at my Instagram
and I said, Alexis, we're about to spend some time together.
Speaker 5 (27:49):
I think it's time that I followed you.
Speaker 4 (27:50):
Only did that for the podcast.
Speaker 6 (27:52):
You about anything for the pot Oh my god, I'm
gonna have to ask you a question now.
Speaker 3 (28:07):
Fans have come forward and insinuated that you and I
have only mended our friendship because of the show and
trying to get back at Shannon and all those kind
of things. When we got back together, me and Shannon
were still in a good place.
Speaker 4 (28:24):
And by the way, you didn't even know John Jansen
and I were going to happen, because I hadn't met
John Jansen yet, so there was no You did not
even know, and you didn't even know I was getting
talked to by producers for the show.
Speaker 3 (28:34):
Again, you didn't tell none of this.
Speaker 4 (28:36):
None of this was in your mind when you and
I made up, not one thing soon.
Speaker 5 (28:40):
It was magical moment.
Speaker 4 (28:41):
Still, it was a magical moment. I was still two
or three weeks from ever even knowing John Jansen at all.
Speaker 2 (28:46):
Something else that came up was I guess Megan King
Ques John of love bombing you. And then there was
some back and forth about this, what is your thoughts
on because this does not anything to do with the show,
so we can talk about it.
Speaker 4 (29:01):
I just hate giving any of these people that used
to be my friends or thought they were my friends,
that decide they want to do that and do it
in the media, who are looking for a moment in
the spotlight to write John and I's unbelievably like horrible
at this point media coverage because we're the most hated
people in America, Like we are hated right now.
Speaker 5 (29:21):
I can assure you I hated.
Speaker 4 (29:23):
I'm hated way more John I. John and Eye's relationship
is so hated. And I don't even want to give
two cents to her or a couple others who have
gone to the media. If you're my true friend and
you're worried about somebody love bombing me, pick up the
fucking phone and call me and text me because you
have my number. So guess what it's not. It's not
a true friendship. And I'm also fucking pissed about it.
Speaker 3 (29:45):
Can you tell I saw you my body lange like,
I like, I'm like my heart is about tobout myself.
Speaker 4 (29:50):
You're not a true friend.
Speaker 5 (29:51):
You are literally doing it for media exposure.
Speaker 3 (29:54):
We have talked several times. Yes, Megan and I I
thought how I love I do love her.
Speaker 4 (29:59):
She could have done as call me after she knew
she really hurt my feelings and said I'm so sorry,
Like that's how you down and talk. I think that
you don't need to sit down and talk. And then
how do you think that Vicky feels about parent because
Vicky is also one that has decided to jump onto the.
Speaker 5 (30:17):
Well not I wasn't even gonna say.
Speaker 3 (30:19):
I will sayin i've ever met in my entire life.
Speaker 2 (30:23):
Do we think that Vicky is jealous that you're an
official friend of at this point?
Speaker 4 (30:30):
Is that a title? Official friend of me?
Speaker 5 (30:32):
Just not a question, that's a statement.
Speaker 4 (30:35):
Official friend of means you're a piece of shit. You
didn't join the cast full So no, I mean nothing
to be jealous of.
Speaker 5 (30:41):
Do you think that you will move in together with
John before getting married?
Speaker 4 (30:49):
Well, we've talked all these things through also, but well
probably we We probably will keep both houses. My twins
are still in high school and they're not out of
high school for two years, so I don't think there's
a move in looking in the future before marriage. I
think it would probably be after and my kids. One
of my kids is going to stay with me and
live in my house. The other one is going to go,
so I'll still have a child for a while with me,
So I don't know. We are looking at all Avenue.
So James just graduated high school. Yes, yes, he's going
to go off to college. Is he going away or
is he staying close by? He's staying close by? Oh good,
he is close And his funny comment was, Mom, I'm
just going to be at John's all the time, like
I'm just going to pop in there. I go.
Speaker 5 (31:32):
So your kids ask kid, now, how tall is he?
Speaker 4 (31:35):
Six five and growing?
Speaker 5 (31:37):
Holy hell? How tall is your ex husband?
Speaker 4 (31:40):
Well he's only six one, but my dad was six
three or six two and a half and his dad
was six four.
Speaker 3 (31:46):
So James got can I tell you a sweet little
story about James. So I'm in the middle of a
lawsuit with your ex husband.
Speaker 4 (31:55):
Which I had no by the way, which I had
Please preface that with I had nothing to do.
Speaker 5 (31:59):
You had nothing to do with it at all.
Speaker 3 (32:01):
So we were at a restaurant, Eddie and I and
James was working at the restaurant. He came up and
he's like, Tara, hi, and I'm like hi, and he goes,
I'm James Billino. And I just went my.
Speaker 5 (32:15):
Heart sunk because here I am in the middle of
the lawsuit. I'm like, is he gonna yell at me?
Your heart? I sung because you're like, fuck, I'm old.
Speaker 3 (32:22):
No, because because all this, you know, was around him,
and he was so kind and so sweet.
Speaker 4 (32:30):
And my kids are good. My kids are so amazing,
and they don't let a lot of things fade. They
just they just are strong individuals and they know kindness
is the way through the world. And at the time,
you and I weren't in a great place. We weren't
well we.
Speaker 1 (32:44):
Were, we weren't in a bad place.
Speaker 4 (32:47):
Now we were still. I was still commenting on some
of your Instagram and we were doing something.
Speaker 3 (32:50):
Yeah, and then we saw each other at Andy Cohen's
live show and all that.
Speaker 4 (32:53):
We weren't like, Yeah, we weren't good, good place, but
it was weren't get made up. Let's say we had
kissed and made up. Yes, what I'm saying is you're
a good Oh thank you. I just have good kids.
Speaker 5 (33:03):
Oh yeah, I love that for you.
Speaker 4 (33:05):
She's going to sleep in my room tonight, not yours.
Speaker 5 (33:09):
Let's see where everybody ends up.
Speaker 4 (33:11):
Oh god, it might be all four of us.
Speaker 2 (33:16):
Other than Tam Right, you cannot do you have to
cut her out of this equation the play but killed No.
Speaker 5 (33:24):
Probably well no, because I mean we've already crossed over on.
Speaker 4 (33:27):
Hold on, I have something to ask you.
Speaker 5 (33:29):
Oh you Oh, I forgot about the bony because.
Speaker 4 (33:31):
Because you have been a little dirty to my man,
I have Okay, So I just wonder where you get
those feelings.
Speaker 3 (33:38):
When you're inside it and you know the truth. You
your eyes are wide open and you're like, it's so
annoying and you want to fight for him because what
the public knows about him is not the truth.
Speaker 4 (33:49):
You can figure out and piece together what you want
on this, but there's a lot of this part of
the story that you don't There's there's there's so much
to the truth, Teddy that you don't know. John is
one of the kindest, nicest, most generous, amazing, god fearing
humans I know, and gives back to the world and
constantly keeps getting beat down and still tries to rise
above that.
Speaker 3 (34:13):
Like I think the thing that people don't know about
John is John raised his kids by himself. He was
a single dad that raises kids, and that says a
lot for a man. There is no mother, did amazing
and never missed a soccer turn. I never missed any
never missed one thing with his kids, and his kids
are unbelievably incredible.
Speaker 2 (34:32):
I love them and there's nothing more that I love
than as much as we joke about me wanting to
be a know at all than to be proven wrong.
So so we'll be proven wrong this season too, because
the truth will come out. Yeah, and in a lighter
note other than Tam you cannot bring her into this
on the show.
Speaker 5 (34:54):
Who do you feel like you have the closest relationship with?
Speaker 4 (34:58):
I mean, obviously Heather and I are tight.
Speaker 5 (35:01):
Who would you tell your secrets to Heather?
Speaker 1 (35:03):
Speaker 4 (35:03):
Yeah? Absolutely?
Speaker 5 (35:05):
Can you tell your secrets to me tonight?
Speaker 4 (35:08):
I will tell you some of them? Yes, and you'll
have to earn You just followed me so you could
earn it more.
Speaker 5 (35:14):
Baby Step, Oh my god, Baby Step. Thank you guys
so much for tuning in.
Speaker 2 (35:18):
You will be so excited because not only do we
have this special pod that we just released, but you
will also get a double pod with both the a's
and both the t's, So make sure you keep listening
throughout the weekend.