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April 29, 2024 52 mins

Alexia opens up on how she’s coping after Todd decided to end their marriage and how she’s overcoming the heartache and moving forward. 

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
With Alexi Napola and Marisa Patton and iHeartRadio Podcast. Hi everyone,
and welcome back to I Put Forward a new week,
new info, new discoveries, and I'm so happy to have
my best Sie back with me today.

Speaker 2 (00:18):
Alexia, how are you doing? Okay? Yeah, I'm not great. Well,
since you've been gone, I had to let.

Speaker 1 (00:26):
The audience know what has happened in your life, and I'm.

Speaker 2 (00:30):
Sure that they want to hear from you. So she's
here today, hot topic today. Tell me because I'm hop
of because well, you're talking.

Speaker 1 (00:39):
About hot and you're in the hot seat. But you know,
I think the audience is going to give you grace
and we're gonna let you tell us as much as
you feel like telling us, because this is a thing
that takes baby steps and it's all very new.

Speaker 2 (00:54):
And well, let's just dive in. I guess right. Okay,
So how are you doing?

Speaker 1 (01:01):
Obviously some shocking things have happened in the last two weeks.

Speaker 2 (01:05):
How are you feeling how handling things? Oh, it's been
three weeks, so I'm still taking it all in and
trying to understand to to process it. You know, I
think that, like in every relationship, you kind of like
go back, you know, to the seven years and we've
been together, because even though we were married for two

years and three months, because I count every day, you
just can't help yourself but to go back to those
seven years and say what went wrong? Right, I know
you're gonna make me cry.

Speaker 1 (01:37):
Wait, traice system hard to talk, I know, I know,
I know, all right, take your time, take your time.

Speaker 2 (01:45):
Time for the first week, for the first two weeks.
Actually still today it's been three weeks, and I'm still
going back in my head, like what happened? Yeah, And
you know, I'm a positive person, so I try to
think about all the beautiful times and we had together,
all of our beautiful troops, and I'm very positive. So

I want to remember that, you know, And I don't
want to have any anger. But I understand that an
anger is also one of the grieving stations. Stations are
I said, session, sorry, one of the stages of stages. Yeah,
I don't even know what I'm saying, okay, because I
find myself like lost. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you've been like
the blindsided. You're getting your bearings. Yes, So, but like

I said, it's been really really difficult. It's been very painful, hurtful,
and you know, I'm just getting through it. And I
want to thank you that have been like my rock,
have been by my side every day, and everybody, everyone's
all pour of love and support.

Speaker 1 (02:52):
Yeah, well everybody loves you and you feel good and
be happy.

Speaker 2 (02:56):
And my children, you know, Peter and Frankie that I
have been, you know, by my side. And I just
believe that the only way to heal is with love
and through love. So I'm very lucky to have that
because I really do believe that love is the healing power.
It is. And you know what, you give so much love,
how you're not going to get it back. When you

give love, it comes back. When you give anger and hate,
that's what you get back. No, I don't want to
feel that. I'm never going I felt anything of you know,
hate or angry because I still love him and like
we love each other. It's not because we don't love
each other, but it's just very sad that I guess
we can figure out a way, you know, to to
fix things. And and that's why I was in such shock,

because I'm like a fighter, right.

Speaker 1 (03:42):
Right, Well, somebody gave up somebody.

Speaker 2 (03:45):
And I was never expecting that. You know, I thought
things were good. I wasn't either, right, I really was.
So it's been really shocking and I'm devastated. You know,
I'm pretending for tending but you know, to be okay.
But you know, I cry a lot. I stay busy.

I stay busy, which helps me a lot always, you know,
to think less of my own internal things.

Speaker 1 (04:12):
You're very good at that, because I'm the first one
to lay down and put a blanket over my head
and just isolate. I isolate and lick my own wounds.
But you're very good at keeping busy.

Speaker 2 (04:22):
But you also have Frankie. Yeah, well, I have no choice.
I have to be strong and I have to keep
on going. Yeah, I have to keep on going. I have,
you know, two sons. I have a business and you know,
and I have a life. I just can't afford to be,
you know, at home in my bed. Then that's not
how I heal, right. You know, for me, healing is

to be around keepers that love me. For me, healing
is you know, to go on walks to exercise. For me,
healing is you know, talking to people, just getting it
all out.

Speaker 1 (04:55):
Everyone deals differently, everybody.

Speaker 2 (04:58):
Yeah, I mean I'm very religious, so obviously I pray
a lot into prayer, you know, and praying a night
helps me fall asleep. I mean, for the first two
or three nights, I didn't even sleep, so you know,
I'm getting there, but I'm surprised you're sleeping already because
that's sleeping like five hours. But I mean for the
first two nights, like when the news broke out before that,

because I knew a few days earlier. I you know,
I just didn't sleep for like two straight nights, just
thinking it was like it was like a nightmare, like,
oh my god, what is this? Like I still think
this is real, Like I still think that maybe there's,
you know, a chance for us to to fix it
because we love each other. So for me, love has

always been such a powerful source. But you know, some
people argue and say, you know, love is not enough,
you know, and we're you know, into each other, we
like each other, like, you know, it was just I
don't know, like I'm still again just wrapping my thoughts around,
my head around it and just trying to understand how

we got here. Mm hmmmm hmm. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (06:08):
So and let me ask you something, because you know,
when the news hit the press. I remember someone DMed
it to me on Instagram and then I called you
and I said, oh my god, it's out. We only
knew like three or four days beforehand. What what what
did you think? Where do you think that came from? Like,

how in the world did that get out there?

Speaker 2 (06:30):
I have no idea. I don't even know about that.
I know that I was driving and my phone started
blowing up and I had to pull to the side
because I was shaking and crying. I'm sorry. It was
actually talking no Johnny. I was talking to Johnny, and
Johnny was like, Alexia, please just pull to the side,
and I just like broke down, like couldn't. Like to me,
it's still like a movie. It's like a it's like

a surreal moment, Like I can't believe that this is
happening to me after seven and a half years, Yeah,
has this and like and how much love we had
between us that we will have a conversation and how
well you know, I was never given that opportunity.

Speaker 1 (07:06):
Well, because it's like he's not like you. He's not
like you, and he doesn't do things the way that
you do. But I didn't think he'd do them like
this and surprise you. But some people just can't handle
the talking, you know, and it takes two.

Speaker 2 (07:20):
Yeah, absolutely, And like I said, I mean for me,
everything I saw, everything was okay. You know, like couples,
you fight on a lot of things. It's very argumentative,
so am I. And so you know, we had some
good fights but that from that, some real good ones
for the books. But you know, but through that, like

I said, we would always you know, have a comeback
and you know, and you know and make up and
what not. Just a couples do right, right, And so
I didn't know that he could have been so unhappy
that he would fill for the worst. Yes, you know,
because I say that it's like a conversation you know,
that you have with somebody, like I feel like I
deserve that. So after seven years, oh my god, that conversation.

That's just not even a normal way to exit a relationship.

Speaker 1 (08:06):
You just don't get up and surprise someone and blindside
them and not really have a conversation about it.

Speaker 2 (08:13):
Like who does that? I can't think of what relationships
that's the most difficult because you know what divorces happened
every day, separations, breakups and whatnot. But it's not how
you come into the relationship, it's how you leave. And
I would have never expected him to leave like this.
You know, I didn't deserve it. I didn't deserve it,
And that's what I need to tell myself, Like you

did not deserve this, because you kind of like go
back and you start thinking, like, you know, maybe you
know I've been a terrible wife, maybe I've been this,
that and the other.

Speaker 1 (08:44):
You kind of start blaming you blame yourself every time.
What did I do wrong? What did I do wrong?
Why wasn't I good enough? Why wasn't I perfect enough?
And then we beat ourselves up, and then we try
to make it because we're fixers.

Speaker 2 (08:55):
Oh yeah, you try to make it. But that's always
been me and he knows that, you know. You know,
I'm already to talk yet obviously when I'm talking from
a place of love and because how much I love him,
and I will hopefully continue to speak this way because
I want to feel love in my heart always, absolutely,
you know, towards him. So but I'm just so just

disappointed about the way he handled this, about the way
you know, I just being here, just being here and
having to talk about this, like your my life changed
in a second, like everything in my life, like in
a second.

Speaker 1 (09:29):
You know.

Speaker 2 (09:29):
It was like on Friday night, we were out at
a restaurant having drinks and dinner, having a good time,
and that's it, and then you know, and then it
was over. So to me, it's been really really tough,
really really difficult. Sorry, my friend, that's been shocking for
me too. I can't even imagine how you feel. Yeah,
I mean, we were supposed to be in New York

right now, right now, right you Actually we're in New York.

Speaker 1 (09:53):
We're doing New York, like from New York. We have
an appearance here this weekend because the show must come on,
the show must go on. But this was before, this
has been in the planning stage for six eight weeks now,
so we had planned to come Steve Todd, the four
of us, and then all of this happened. So and

then Steve said, well, you girls just go lectually. Probably
you'll have more fun with her alone. And now I'm
here alone with her, and yeah, there was a whole
plan for us to all be together.

Speaker 2 (10:22):
So so to me and that and you know, many
other things, like I said that only him and I know, yeah,
and you know, and that's why I'm feeling the way
that I am right, you know what I mean, And
I can't say that I was blindsided.

Speaker 1 (10:45):
So how do you feel at this point? I know
you're doing a lot of prayer and you're trying to
think of the good things, but you know, realistically moving forward,
I mean, at least for me when I have a breakup.
I've never been good at this because I am sure
like a lot of people out there, you glamorize the
good times and they always in your mind outweigh all

of the horrible things. I know, it's just something else
women do and then we think we can fix it
and everything was really perfect even though everything was really horrible.

Speaker 2 (11:19):
And I know you're trying to focus on the good things,
but how are you really going to get over this
if you keep just thinking about the good times and
how much you love him? Realistically? I just need to know,
I mean, I just think the prepare that I want
to be, you know, like like I need him in
my life. You know, I'm just not that person that
you have a breakup with and then you'll see them again.

Oh that's what I do.

Speaker 1 (11:43):
I'm a Capricorn, I do a drastic cutout, and I
never see you again and never speak to you again.

Speaker 2 (11:48):
And that's that I mean, I feel like if the
person really hurt you, and I am hurting right now,
and I believe that he did hurt me because you
know my pain like you knows my pain. And I'm
sure for him as well of course, because again, like
I know, we love each other so much, right, So
I think that that's what makes it harder, because I
think that when you don't like the person and you

want to get out, then it's just easier. You're thank you, right,
But even with all this happening, like I still have
love for him, and I'm still in love with him,
so I know it's gonna take.

Speaker 1 (12:22):
That's a beautiful thing because I would be well, my
stage of grieving would be under my covers, obviously starving
myself not starving. I wouldn't even be able to eat,
and I be you know, crying a lot, like eight pounds.

Speaker 2 (12:38):
By the way, but I think you look terrific. Just
what was You look gorgeous?

Speaker 1 (12:43):
And I see everyone else in the room smiling like, yeah,
go bro, hot bro, revenge body, revenge body.

Speaker 2 (12:51):
Now I see why people get the revenge body because
you literally don't eat. And you know, okay, I know
you're you wait a few I'm sad. I eat. I mean,
no matter what emotion I'm going through, I'm gonna. Oh yeah,
I saw you like fives at Pippins the other night.
Yeah I did.

Speaker 1 (13:11):
They were so good, but you know what, and I'm
vegan and I ate them. They were humbo.

Speaker 2 (13:17):
Yeah I ate. But yeah, you get like this, not
in the stomach that you can eat. You can eat, So.

Speaker 1 (13:25):
I know I've been there. But again, I think that
the most.

Speaker 2 (13:28):
Important thing has been the outpour of love, support from
friends and family, from my friends, from my family. You know,
even though you guys know I'm not big on social media,
you know I did see and read a lot. I mean,
not all of all of the comments, but you know,
all the comments were just.

Speaker 1 (13:48):
Overwhelmingly supportive, supporting me and how much love.

Speaker 2 (13:52):
I can feel the love. So thank you for that,
because that makes the world of a difference, because I'm
the kind of person that you all know I feel
about social media and a lot of times, you know,
and this is what makes it so difficult, because we're
public people run a platform and and you guys get
to weigh in and give your opinions, and you know

sometimes that they're not so nice, they're horrible. Because I
did see a few say, oh, of course we saw
it coming. Why do you see things coming? I know
I read those tims like, how did you see it
coming up? I didn't see it coming the show that
you saw for two minutes, two seconds for a time,
and they picked the most salacious clip because that's the
one that's going to be the most interesting people. Nobody

saw it coming. I didn't even see it.

Speaker 1 (14:35):
Coming because like for me, the D were like divorce
is just like yeah, like that's not the D word.

Speaker 2 (14:42):
I like, exactly, Oh, well, that makes two of us.
I wish there would have been that word, not the
other one. So I wish we were to be talking
about the D that we both like and not the
D that you know.

Speaker 1 (14:54):
I always say that we're in love with love, but
I think we're in love with the D.

Speaker 2 (14:58):
Well, that's different. That's for it, by the way, that's separate.
But so yeah, back to that, you know, there were
a lot and this is what makes it even more
difficult for me. It's not because you know, I don't
read all the comments. But then if I don't read them,
I have some friends that bring it up to my
attention and they send me, oh did you see this?
Did you see that? And then everybody starts forming an

opinion of you and your relationship. It's very toxic and
it's horrible. Yeah, and you don't need really very bad
and I will, luckily for me, Like I said, I
try not to read those, and I don't read all
of them. I'm surprised you didn't shut your comments off.
But actually four actually, you know what.

Speaker 1 (15:37):
It was a good thing because ninety seven percent of
it I couldn't read it all. Obviously, it was like
right almost like like a lot, like thirteen hundred comments.
It was a lot, but I read a lot of
positive and supportive things, which may be very as it
should be.

Speaker 2 (15:53):
Yeah, but people can be cruel moment like that. So
I was so readers and there's bad people, but you
had a lot of love, no, I know that. That's
why I'm thanking everyone. Yeah, and as I should, because
at a time like this, it's already so difficult that
you're going through something like this, so you add you know,
people saying, you know, mean things, and you know, just
giving their opinion that they don't know anything, and it

could get to you. You're already struggling going through your
mental breakdown, right and then in addition to that, you
start reading that and it could really get you down. Absolutely,
you can really get you down. But thank you for
all your love and support, because I think that that's
what it should be about. About being positive about we're
with you, we're praying for you. You know, you got this,

you know, and building, you know, uplifting the person, not
putting them down already it's such a horrible at the
point in their life.

Speaker 1 (16:43):
I would like to personally thank everyone to put a
nice message to Alexia, because you know what, when you're down,
you're gonna want that too, And if you put negative
stuff out there, it's just going to come back to you.

Speaker 2 (16:53):
So always be kind and supportive.

Speaker 1 (16:55):
I know Instagrams or any social media platforms such an
easy place to breed hate.

Speaker 2 (17:02):
But when you're.

Speaker 1 (17:03):
Hateful, you live in a you live in a suspended
place of hate and anger, and then you never get out,
you never have any happiness of your own.

Speaker 2 (17:11):
You have to turn that around and be positive and kind.
I mean, people just don't get it. They just I
even heard that there were some people saying this, that
I was doing this for a storyline. You believe that
you could be so low, like you can be such
like a malicious, horrible, disgusting person that you would say.

Speaker 1 (17:33):
That they're they're writing on your coattails for a storyline
and attention, of.

Speaker 2 (17:37):
Course, but they would even say something like this. I mean,
who's going to put their marriage on the line or
say something like this for a storyline? I mean, if
you do, like you're like disgusting and pathetic, and you
know like that's by the way, I like my character.
That's not who I've been.

Speaker 1 (17:53):
You know what, the audience knows when it's fake and
when it's real.

Speaker 2 (17:58):
I wish it was fake. Yeah, I know me too.
You don't know how much I prayed and cried for
this to be fake.

Speaker 1 (18:04):
Do you know how sad I get it before I
go to bed every night, because I know how it
feels to go to bed alone.

Speaker 3 (18:11):
And with your thoughts even and that heart. No, no,
I goes sleeping with me. No no, no, I don't mean
also been. I don't mean the company of a body.
I mean your thoughts. That's when the pain sits in,
sets in when you're alone with your thoughts before you.

Speaker 1 (18:25):
Go to bed at night.

Speaker 2 (18:26):
Not for me in the morning, but for me, the
most difficult time of day for me has been when
I've gone home, you know, not to the apartment, and
you know, we would more or less get home at
the same time, him a little earlier, and he would
always tell me, how come you get home later than me?
Because I was like going to be home before him.
He liked, like his wife to be home. But you know,
the beauty bar picks up in the afternoon, so a

lot of times I would go later. My date would
start later than his. Therefore I would finish later than
you're open later. So I would get to the apartment
and he was already there, so he was either reading
his book or he was like in taking a nap
or you know, having coffee. You know, he's expressedive before
going to the gym, but I was look forward to that, like,
you know, let me hurry home because he's there, and
then we would talk about our day and whatnot, whatever

and no, and then every night we will go out
to dinner. So that time of day for me, when
I get home and I see it's not there. It's
just that's so hard. It's been very, very hard because yea,
I'm going to go to sleep. I'm so tired from
like everything that I'm taught throughout the day. That a
little exhausting. And Coco's been sleeping with me. Coco's so cute.

Speaker 1 (19:31):
I love Coco's Alexia's dong.

Speaker 2 (19:33):
She's very cute. Yeah, it's like she knows I need
her so like she's been sleeping with me. But my friend,
you know, I'm I'm scared about the future, super scary.
You know, it's scary. Just everything, Like you know, it's hard.
I mean, it's different your fifties than your forties. Like

I married Todd thinking I was going to be married
him for the rest of my life. And and let's
not forget you still had your mother around, you know,
when you go through these things and you don't have
your mom and your dad to talk to. Got about
my mother's cart would give a lot of good advice, right,
and she never took it to herself to herself. She
was married and divorced five But I'm very good, but

my mom always gave really good advice. I've been praying
a lot to my mom. Yea, and and you know,
I know this sh'll guide me. I do that. Her
and Elsa her up there already planning your future.

Speaker 1 (20:30):
They're up there to calm down.

Speaker 2 (20:32):
Because I know I'm around. I think I'm going to
be more careful about my future because I'm getting older.
And yeah, and I'm not there yet, right right there yet.

Speaker 1 (20:44):
So speaking of their power, Peter and Frankie handling everything,
you know.

Speaker 2 (20:54):
Peter doesn't talk much, you know, he keeps everything to himself.
And but all I can know is that he's been
by my side every single day. I've seen him more
like these last three weeks that I've ever seen him,
because he knows when I need him, he knows he
has to be there, and he is. Frank I can't

even tell you. He's an angel full of positivity. You know, Mom,
You're strong, Mom, you got this. Yeah, Mom, you know
he's just there. Mom. I love you, Mom. That tastes beautiful.
Life is good here. He told me all these things
shown limits in language. Yeah, But I just look at
him and like, this is why I keep on doing this,

Like how could Like I can't cry in front of him.
I'm always with him so you know, it's it's been
really really hard. I mean all of us, Evenugh I'm Frankie.
You know, changes aren't good for him. You know, He's
like the other day, we're having coffee and he's like, mom,
Tod's gone. So it was like I have to run
to my room to start crying.

Speaker 1 (21:55):
Right, And what I mean, I understand that you want
to be strong for him, but it's okay you to cry.
I mean, should he should know that it's okay.

Speaker 2 (22:03):
No, But you don't know.

Speaker 4 (22:04):
No mom likes for their kids, you know, to see
them crying, you know, so you know, of course I
tried to do it like when he's not there, but
it broke my heart when he looked.

Speaker 2 (22:15):
And he's like, mom, Tod's gone. So it's like, it's hard.
It's been so hard, Mariso. I would never imagine this.

Speaker 1 (22:22):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (22:23):
I know me either. I'm in utter and complete shock
and dismay. Always.

Speaker 1 (22:30):
Well, because you guys were used to, like, you know,
you would argue, you'd get over things, and you'd move on,
and you know, you get used to that kind of
thing and it becomes a routine.

Speaker 2 (22:39):
And because we love each other so much and we're
still saying, like I love you to each other, and
you know, there's it's like, I don't know, it's just
so crazy that like I.

Speaker 1 (22:47):
Don't know, is there a cliffhanger here? Is there maybe
there's a reconciliation. We never know, you know, Crazier things
have happened. Look at Liz Listen, Lisa Taylor and Richard
Burry the same again.

Speaker 2 (23:00):
I will Yeah, you would marry him again. Yeah, I
would marry Todd again. Yeah you would. All right, Well,
I mean I only married. I was only married for
two years, so yeah, I would like to like have
a few more years with him. And by the way,

I had as many texts of people reaching out to
me and calling me as the day that Hermann passed away.
Even people that I hadn't spoken to in years and
I hadn't stayed in touch with, you know, called me,
texted me. And I'm still three weeks later receiving you know,
text and messages from people. You know, people have been

with me for so many years and I've gone through
my with me through life that and my journey that
you know, they're rooting for me because they're like, I
guess you know this poor woman. Everybody's like, but how
did it happen? Like he was so in love with you,
like you know, you guys are so in love that
that was the majority of the text. But what happened?

I mean, they're so in love, they were so good together,
they're so beautiful together. And that's how I felt the same.
I felt like, how is this happening? Why did this happen?
Like we love each other so much? So yeah, thank
you for you know, for like I said, you know
to all my friends and my family and my family
are really my friends because I have very little family.

So the people that I'm referring to, you know exactly
who you are. And you know, once again here they are,
you know, voting for me and being there for me.
Do you still believe in love and marriage? And you
know marriage, I don't know anymore. Truthfully, that's it. I've
been lucky in love, but I haven't been lucky staying married.

Well to me, well you know so, but no, I'm
like done. I really thought I was that's it that
Todd was, you know, going to be my Okay, so
let's find her forever. Let's I am not giving up
on load, Okay.

Speaker 1 (25:03):
So Okay, so let's say you would have a long
term relationship again, but not sign the paper about relationships.

Speaker 2 (25:09):
But I believe in love, so you're gonna Yeah, I
believe in love because I'm a hopeless romantic me too,
and I need to be emotionally connected. You know, to
I already people, I already see your future.

Speaker 1 (25:21):
And this is this conversation is funny to me because
I know you're hurting and I felt the same way
in my last breakup. And here I am happy and
married and I don't want to be with anybody else.
But I'm really excited for you to do love so
and I can live vicarously through you.

Speaker 2 (25:38):
And I'm gonna take charge of your love life. Now
you're gonna leave me, My mom and your mother and Herman.
We're all in charge. Now, just leave it in our hands. Prayer, prayer,
and that my marriage didn't work out right well, Herman
wants you to be have the best and.

Speaker 1 (25:57):
Be happy, and so do I, and so does I
do behind and so does Nancay.

Speaker 2 (26:02):
Oh, you know your parents always on people the lovels
always want that. Yeah, they always want that. But what
I can't do is until I haven't healed properly, and
I you know I can't move on.

Speaker 1 (26:13):
Well, of course you need time to heal, honey. I
pulled a blanket over my head for two years. You
know that went two years is too much? Bro Well,
then COVID hit, so I got that extra year. I
did a year and then you know what, it's never.

Speaker 2 (26:25):
Too much or too long. It's honest, whatever whatever may need,
it's whatever you need. I mean, I see people move
on after three months. I see people six months.

Speaker 1 (26:34):
But they're not. It's not a healthy You're not healthy mentally.
For that, I emerged a butterfly, a self healed human being.

Speaker 2 (26:43):
On my own.

Speaker 1 (26:43):
I always say, like your wounds, I left my own wounds.
I never went to a therapist. I am a mom
or dad to talk to because they passed away. And
I did it all by myself. And we've talked about
this before, and you know it made me better and stronger.
I needed that because I was very weak emotionally.

Speaker 2 (27:02):
You know, maybe that's why I kept just jumping into
things that I wasn't ready for. So me isolating myself
and coming out stronger, maybe a better person, a better partner,
and I attracted something better for myself.

Speaker 1 (27:16):
You know, so you know, you take all the time
in the world that you need.

Speaker 2 (27:19):
You know I'm talking about strong. You know. Everybody like
life doesn't prepare you for like emotional strength, you know
what I mean. It's like we're not born with that
emotional strength. You know, I have it because of all
my life lesson. Yeah, it's like everybody's like, you got this,
I know, but you can't.

Speaker 1 (27:36):
That pisces me off.

Speaker 2 (27:37):
Can I tell you? I know you are? That's what
That's what I keep saying.

Speaker 1 (27:43):
Stop falling into this whole persona that everyone has thrown
on you. Alexi here so strong, You're so strong. Take
the time, cry, break down, be weak, do it in private,
do whatever you have to do.

Speaker 2 (27:58):
But don't force yourself. That's strongest telling you, because you
know I speak from the heart. It's not the same,
you know, when you're fifty seven years old. My birthday's
next Friday, May through and I'm turning fifty seven. Yeah,
and it's like you feel differently inside. I don't care
how good you look at the outside and how healthy
you are, because thank goodness, I am, but inside it

feels different, like you feel like I don't have so
much time left anymore. It's true, you know, and it's
like starting over and it's not even about the man.
It's starting over and so many aspects of that lie.

Speaker 1 (28:30):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, so it's yeah, it's very it's very
scary times, very scary times.

Speaker 2 (28:37):
But you know what, I have no choice, you have
no every time I've had to be strong in my life,
it's because I've had no choice. Yeah, right, no other choice.
And you know what, You're right, I've come back stronger
and better, you know, how much more? Like how much more?
I know how much all I want to do. This

is the last time and healthy and this is it time.
You know. I don't care about what other people think.
I care about you know, the material things and where
I live. I mean, I just don't want to have
to be moving every year or two, right, right, But
it's not so riet. I mean that's a different story
that having to move, so that's different. But I don't

care about any of that stuff. I would get all
of that up, everything, every single Paarachhue. I have every
single perse, every single piece of jewelry for my kids
and myself and taught just to be healthy and happy.
That's it. That's all I'm want. I don't care about
anything else. But you know, I guess I haven't been

fortunate in that way. You've been fortunate.

Speaker 1 (29:43):
In many ways, and your future is going to be
bright because you're a very hard worker. People don't know Alexai.
She's a super hard worker, and she's always made her
own money, been very independent, had her own businesses. I
know they don't really talk about that on the show much,
but you and I used to work together a lot.

She's always been an entrepreneur and an independent person, and
so you can always take care of yourself. You don't
need a man.

Speaker 2 (30:10):
So that's not and I never and so you know,
which is very funny. So I have never been with
a man because of his financial position and how much
money he's had. Never and I've had prenuptials with both
of my husbands. That's true with Todd and with Herman.
So if you saw it, you would definitely see that
I'm not a gold digger. And now I haven't been

with any of them for their money. And many of the.

Speaker 1 (30:33):
Things you have you buy, you buy yourself from me.

Speaker 2 (30:35):
I remember the relationship already with money because Herman had
left me a life insurance when he passed away. And
my kids are trust so you know it had nothing
to do with that. But people are always you know,
quick to say, oh yeah, because you know this, that
and the other. And I even even think about Lisa
so much because she gets such as well yeah, and
I'm like, people don't understand that when you love the

person like and it's a it's an emotional stability. Even
if you know you fight or whatever it may be,
the dynamics of your relationship is you're like attached to
them psychologically, it's a lot. It's like you're co dependent,
and it's this emotional stability. So I'm more scared of
that lack of like emotional stability than the financialstability, because

I know I can make money, and I know that
I work, and I know that I have a good
income and I know what I have, so I'm good
with that. But it's like that emotional psychological stability.

Speaker 1 (31:29):
Course, it doesn't matter if you have money, you don't
have money, or you live in a thatch hut with
a mud floor underneath you emotional connection with another human
being and then they're no longer there that even if
it's death.

Speaker 2 (31:44):
It was like er my rug, like all of a sudden,
what how you say that pull a rug out from
under you.

Speaker 1 (31:49):
But even like when somebody dies that you you're close to,
you lost that emotional attachment, that person is no longer there,
you have a right say that.

Speaker 2 (31:59):
Is a lot like death because it's a loss and
you need to grieve it. And I think it's even
worse because you know the death. You know they're not
there physically anymore. So it's easier because you're not seeing
the person, you're not talking to them. You don't have
to gut it. Does there are different things. I unfortunately
have gone through both of them. Absolutely, so I can

speak because I've been in both and it's a different
kind of loss, but their losses and you need to
heal from them absolutely. And you know, like I said,
it's been three weeks on my healing journey.

Speaker 1 (32:35):
Well you look gorgeous, and you know you lost eight pounds.

Speaker 2 (32:39):
It's you're killing it. But anyways, but I am on
my healing journey, and you know, I I'm very fortunate,
like I was saying, because I have so many friends
that are like my family, and and that's the only
way where I can do this. This is the I mean, honestly,

the support system that I have. I'm very, very lucky.
And I tell all my friends every day thank you.
You know, they all call me. They've offered everything from homes,
to cars, to trips, to to everything everything.

Speaker 5 (33:16):
So see that's home, cars and trips. We needs a
man exactly. So they've offered men too, but are the
greatest thing in the world. We need a friend with.

Speaker 2 (33:29):
It wasn't anything, not only no, but you know what's
more important that the love that they have for me
and my boys. You know, they've been in my life
in my happiest moments and my slightest moments, and they've
been there for years.

Speaker 1 (33:44):
Anyone who's been here long enough seen.

Speaker 2 (33:46):
It all exactly.

Speaker 1 (33:48):
I'm a lifer, right, I've seen it all to twenty
four years.

Speaker 2 (33:53):
Y'all do something. A lot of people don't have this, right,
you don't have aren't fortunate that way. And I think
that that's why I can be with you here today,
because you've helped me tremendously for three weeks. Every single
day I would have to come here tomorrow for that event.
By myself, I wouldn't have come. Oh no, you know,
I just couldn't have done it now. But you know,

because of you, Because like my friends, you know who
you are. There's so many of you, but you know,
and there's a few here in the room as well.
And I think it's just such an important, you know,
thing to have absolutely in your life because and you know,
I never got you know, even though I was married,

I always kept my friends. And that's the best advice
that I can give. Like any of them, you kept
them separate. No, I mean I tried to mix some,
I kept them separate. I kept them each on every way,
you know, because to me, my friends, you know, I
choose my friends. You can't choose your family, but you
choose your friends. So for me, friendship has always been

so important. My mom had so many friends because my
mom was an only child, so she always which is
a half brother, and but she didn't grow up with him,
so she was always her friends just like you, yeah,
kind of like you. For her, friends were always so important.
So she always taught me that you needed to have friends.
And my friends have been my friends for like the

last twenty years.

Speaker 1 (35:17):
I actually, in my last breakup, I had to cut
a lot of people out of my life because sometimes
maybe I'll have to do that too. Sometimes, you know,
when you come mingle friends in a relationship, they choose
the exs or they choose you. They all have to
make you know, you have to make a choice, and
you end up losing friends. But I feel like you

kept it kind of separate and you'll be okay. I
had a mass exodus that I had to make for myself.

Speaker 2 (35:45):
Well used to.

Speaker 1 (35:45):
Cutting people out of my life.

Speaker 2 (35:47):
Well I think so too, because those weren't really your friends.
So my friends have proven to me throughout the years.
Remember I went through a divorce with herman, and it
was kind of like the same set of friends. Yeah,
I mean yes and no, but they both loved us
and they both liked us, so they were like, you
know what. But besides that, it was like a different
kind of Yeah.

Speaker 1 (36:06):
He would have never said to anyone, you know, I
wasn't that person.

Speaker 2 (36:11):
I think you should be put in that position. And
I'm really not worried about that anyways, because like I said,
my friends are my friends, you know for so many years.

Speaker 1 (36:19):
Well, I'm not going to hang out with talk, so
don't worry about that.

Speaker 2 (36:22):
Are you going to follow him? Follow LARSA? Said up,
who's them following him?

Speaker 6 (36:27):

Speaker 2 (36:27):
Should your friends follow your ex? Well?

Speaker 1 (36:31):
I mean that's next, that's next podcast, next podcast. So
let's talk about some more fun stuff because.

Speaker 2 (36:44):
We got out with forward. Because okay, so I don't
want to cry anymore. I'm in New York City, the
day is beautiful here, and you have a bit of
a fascination with nudity and pornography. So let's just hump
into that. You're already smiling. Yeah, you always get to smiling.
You are my friends. You are one of my friends.

That always makes me laugh. Have you ever been to
a nude beach? Bro? Actually have with Todd? What did
you guys get naked?

Speaker 1 (37:14):

Speaker 2 (37:15):
Did you know that? The naked thing? It was so
fun because you know, we live in Sunnyisles, so we
would walk in Hollandale Beach, the number one nude beach. No, yes,
it's in Hollandale, so you know we were. This was
like in the beginning, Oh sorry, Halover, Hollover, same thing
starts with an h oh, okay, Hollover.

Speaker 1 (37:34):
Oh I just shook down the whole Hollandale neighborhood. That
zip code.

Speaker 2 (37:37):
I'm sorry, Hollandale it's Hallover. Okay, their apartment's so weird.
Now down the real estate Hallovers in Sunny Aisles, which
is like prime real estate, and they allow that there,
which is fine because because it was there before the
prime real estate arrive. Right, you talk at Marco Polo
Hotel and Marco you know, all those other stuff.

Speaker 1 (38:01):
But we have a bartender here. Mama needs a refail
and so yeah.

Speaker 2 (38:07):
So actually the first time, well, I used to go
to Europe, which obviously is on nud beach. They have
nude beaches. Everyone really topless, you know, back in the
day when I was either way.

Speaker 1 (38:18):
I've seeing some sad ass titties on the beaches of Europe.

Speaker 2 (38:21):
Of course, why would you do it, because they don't
do implants, I know, like the US, you know, like Miami.
Of course you'll come here to the nude beach and
everybody's tits are perfect, I know, but I saw some drippy,
poopy boobs.

Speaker 7 (38:33):
You know.

Speaker 2 (38:33):
They do it for what else?

Speaker 7 (38:35):

Speaker 2 (38:36):
Yes, D three Vitamin D. Vitamin D is good for
the rest and it lifts the back up. No, that
that's guy that would need a lot more than vitamin D. Okay, beatal, Yeah,
they do it because it's more like health and you know,
it's just a culture. It's a cultural thing.

Speaker 1 (38:52):
Yeah, pertaining topless when I moved. Let me ask you something,
and I'm sure you might agree with me. I'm just guessing.
Why is it always the people that shouldn't be naked
or naked?

Speaker 2 (39:04):
Why? You know, because they're free not complain hold, they
don't have any complexes. The people that have like the
perfect bodies, they're like, oh wait, I have two apps,
not four, So I'm gonna leave on my shirt because
I'm fat. So the guy that's already or the woman
that really doesn't care about her physique and about what
her body looks like, she's the first one to take
off for clothes.

Speaker 6 (39:24):
Oh yeah. And then the ones I have the perfect body,
they're like, oh my god, Vina, like I have like
a little like dimple here, like I have a little
bit of cellul like and then mind you, the other
one is like yeah.

Speaker 1 (39:35):
And then the fat is of the tiniest pepy and
then they go in the cold water and it's becomes inverted,
like why would you you.

Speaker 2 (39:41):
Look that much to see all these deals details?

Speaker 1 (39:43):
Like why would you take your pants if you look
like you have a clitterist and not a penis, Like,
why would you take your pants off?

Speaker 2 (39:49):
Exactly complain. I think that that's for.

Speaker 1 (39:54):
If I had a negative pepy.

Speaker 2 (39:57):
But have you been? It looks like you've been and
you and you stuck. It looks like it like you.

Speaker 1 (40:05):
I've been to Europe many times, but I mean here
and all over. Oh no, no, no no. I went
with Kelly, my child childhood friend that you know. She
said to me one day because she was always crazy.
She took she dived into the seaquarium late at night
and swam with the killer whales without fear. She would
jump up, could climb all the way to the top

of the water tower and tell everyone to come. She
would do the craziest ship. One day she says to me,
let's go to the nude beach, Like there's a nude
beach on the key, and.

Speaker 2 (40:35):
She goes, yeah, I remember on the key, yeah yeah.

Speaker 1 (40:37):
And keep skating until we went to the nude beach.
We were in her little rabbit convertible. She was so funny.
Her car had a siren on it and she'd flipped
the switch and pulled people hot guys over and they
would pull over and we were the Rabbit convertible without.

Speaker 2 (40:50):
A siren, but she had a siren.

Speaker 1 (40:51):
Built into the car and it go whoa.

Speaker 2 (40:54):
She like pull out.

Speaker 1 (40:55):
People would pull over and then she'd just get their
phone number.

Speaker 2 (40:58):
But she was crazy. I thought. We used to pick
up guys back by the way. Well, there were no apps,
there was no Instagram, there was no Tinder.

Speaker 1 (41:07):
Apps, and tell people they're in trouble, you pat them
down and if the pad down felt good, you got
their number.

Speaker 2 (41:12):
Anyway, so we went to the new beach. She's like,
let's go, and I said, okay.

Speaker 1 (41:17):
I was always like a deer in headlights for there
because I didn't know what she was going to camp with.
So we go to the new beach and there's it
was like, so we don't have to go back after
it's finished the story, because I don't want time to think.

Speaker 2 (41:29):
Oh, like we went to the nude beach like nude,
Like I have to tell you my story. Okay, yeah,
I don't want to get sued for that. This is
quite humorous to me.

Speaker 1 (41:37):
So do you remember the old masks that people would
like go swimming and snorkel with And the.

Speaker 8 (41:43):
Mask was big mouse, It was big and oval, and
it was a big like glass and it was all
one of the Okay, so we got there and there's
a guy coming out of the water and he had
the mask strapped around his waist and all his junk
was pressed up into the.

Speaker 2 (42:00):
Glass of the mask. His testicles is peabeach. I don't
know you wanted to look whoa? Because I was fascinated.
I'm like, how'd you get that all in?

Speaker 1 (42:10):

Speaker 2 (42:10):
Is that your where your fascination of penises comes from? Well,
what's your childhood trauma? Fascination of penises come from? Where?
You're definitely not from a nude beach. Yeah, I was, yeah,
and evident. It's so hard to hear it hadus yeah.

Speaker 1 (42:25):
Because you're like, why would you be naked, put a
mamo on, throw a glass off, get.

Speaker 2 (42:30):
The hell out of here? Where do you think people
look up more guys at a nude beach or women
at a new beach. I couldn't keep my eyes off
any of it. It was like, whoa. So I feel
that men and women look more at men because I've
seen it. I've seen like guys and there, and it

doesn't even have to do anything with sexuality. It's just
like people are more curious, and I guess because it's
more like stranger, right, it's more unique to see like
a penis versus like a boob.

Speaker 1 (43:01):
Yeah, well, I mean that would fascinate me more.

Speaker 2 (43:04):
No, I feel like I've seen like straight guys looking
at guys, you know what I mean. I think it's
just like a penis thing, Like everybody wants to look
at the penis.

Speaker 1 (43:11):
Yeah, I mean, I love a It's very fascinating tool. Right,
really is one of the most sot too funny. God
Creaty and I were, you.

Speaker 2 (43:20):
Know, we lived in there in sunny House whatever, and
he knew about how over beach, so he's like, you know,
we used to walk on the beach. So he's like, oh,
let's just walk like a little bit this way. So
we keep on walking. But he knew exactly the day,
and I had forgotten that I hadn't like been in
Sonny House for such a long time that I had
forgotten that there was a new beach there. And we
just start walking. He doesn't tell me anything, and I

like start looking at people and I'm like, oh my god, babe,
look at that guy.

Speaker 1 (43:44):
He's naked.

Speaker 2 (43:45):
And he's like I'm like oh my god, look at
that girl. But by the way, there were so many
more men than women. So that's why I'm saying, I
don't know, it's like that men like to have it
like you know, hang lately.

Speaker 9 (43:53):
It's like a like whatever, a cruising spot. It's a
cruising spot, right, I mean it could be that. I
mean there were some women, but again I was just
looking at the guys, and he was like, oh, like,
don't keep on looking, because I.

Speaker 2 (44:05):
Wanted to look at every single guys.

Speaker 1 (44:06):
I find it quite interesting that then I would look
in the front.

Speaker 2 (44:10):
Calet me finish my thought. The plus, he always had
an excellent tan okay, stopping. Todd never went there, and
actually all there was like noha guys, So I would
never go there. But no, but it was fun. So
him and I went as good to be the big

fish in a little pond. Huh, leave Todd alone, talk
about Steve.

Speaker 1 (44:39):
Took me to a new beach.

Speaker 2 (44:40):
He didn't take me. We were walking and we lived
next door under we lived. We lived next door, and
it was just cool. We're walking on the beach and
he knew exactly that we were approaching all over and
we're walking like towards the bridge, and all of a
sudden he could see my face. You know, I'm trying
not to look, but I'm looking at it light up
and all of a sudden, I know, because I didn't

even know. I had forgotten about how over. So I
was like, oh my god, that guy's naked. And then
I looked again. The guy's nagging, and we're like, what's
going on? Everybody's naked here. So we were like I
was in my beginning, he was in his in his
bathing suit, would.

Speaker 1 (45:12):
You but we thought we want to lay out naked,
even if everyone's laying out.

Speaker 2 (45:16):
I would do it like alone with talk now with
other people, like I would do it like with him
like in Europe, you know, like on a boat or
you know something like that. Okay, on a beach with
other people. No, not really. And would you take it
all off or just your top? My top for sure? Yeah, yeah,
I could take off my top, like you don't want
to burn the goods down, you know down there. I

think it's like a little weird, you know, maybe like
a little little tiny like g I mean, you go
to the beach here anyways, and all the beaches in
Miami looks like a nude beach because all their asses
are out, It's true, you know, and all the boobs
are out and whatever. So you know what, It's kind
of like every beach is a nude beach nowadays. But
it is funny and it's it is entertaining to like
walk by it and see like so many people naked

at the same time, and they all have a great tan.
That's why I said, you know, you know, I'm not
going to.

Speaker 1 (46:06):
Say that name.

Speaker 2 (46:07):
They're gonna threw you bro, not me.

Speaker 1 (46:09):
Yeah, who's gonna assume he had a good tan?

Speaker 2 (46:11):
And he knew where the new six is that going
to come out of page six? That's going to be
the headlight. That's going to be the headlights? You said,
not me. It's a grand poola hall over me.

Speaker 1 (46:23):
All right, let's let's just say nude is going public.

Speaker 2 (46:29):
Norwegian cruise lines get them on the wins.

Speaker 1 (46:32):
Now has nude cruises, Norwegian Norwegianduego. It's called the Norwegian Pearl.

Speaker 2 (46:44):
Pearl La La La La. It's set sail in twenty
twenty five.

Speaker 1 (46:52):
It's an eleven. Yes, I got the deacon. Did you
book that already?

Speaker 6 (46:55):

Speaker 2 (46:55):
Man, that's not for me. It's a right voyage throughout
the caravan in days days.

Speaker 1 (47:01):
You know, can suitcases? Oh my god, listen, you know
we're gonna make money with like a soothing sun block
for penises, because soothing a soothing sun block?

Speaker 2 (47:14):
Yeah, yeah, how you're going to have your people imagine
like applying it and like yeah, that's weird.

Speaker 10 (47:19):
Well, they might have appliers on the ship that might
be like a whole other service so they can make
money on. We need to go on there and help
them with their marketing. Think about the cruise ship workers.

Speaker 2 (47:31):
Oh my god, Yeah, that's too much for me. I
can't Yeah, so you wouldn't do that. I definitely would
not do that.

Speaker 1 (47:39):
I wonder who they market do they? Who are they
marketing for this crazy local people?

Speaker 2 (47:46):
Yeah? Right, and it's maybe like that's on their bucket
list or like like a free experience, but like maybe
one day. This is an eleven day cruise, right, Like
who's going to be naked for eleven days? Naked? And wait,
how many passengers? So how many oh those cruise ships?
Are you like five thousand people? Well? I don't know,
I would say at least two thousand. Where do you

find two thousand people that want to hang out naked
for eleven days straight in Miami? Is that? Where? Is that?

Speaker 1 (48:13):
Where it should be an only fans ship and everyone's
just you know, getting content.

Speaker 2 (48:18):
It's a whole little it's a little. If you want
to talk about OnlyFans, you do it. I'm just saying
it's up today. It's crazy thought.

Speaker 1 (48:26):
So, so do you think, like, how would you feel
that your waiter serves you his food naked and your
bar turner makes you is.

Speaker 2 (48:35):
In order a hot dog? I ordered a burger.

Speaker 1 (48:38):
Exactly, okay? And why are you starting my drink with
your unit type of thing?

Speaker 2 (48:44):
Right? I would do these requirements you have to have
it like a certain size or oh my, a certain way.
What about the women too? I think that's gross. Honestly,
that's gross. Is your reader really.

Speaker 1 (48:55):
Doing this or not pulling your leg? It's all over
the internet.

Speaker 2 (48:59):
You haven't seen it? Oh I am? But is that
even allowed? I thought there was like a lot or something. Now,
so what do you think the least people swingers going
on these shay they're like they're they're so liberal and
they go topless and blah blah blah. And then in America.
We're having ships out of Miami. But you know, Chips,
you know, a nude cruise is code for swinging. It's

a swing ship. It's oh yeah, you know, everything goes.
I mean, if you if you can be naked around
two thousand other people, of course they're going to do everything.
And do you think they go to dinner naked too,
and go to like the General, like the bar, or
like that big slopper. I mean, I get it to

fool like the four the Chakuzie. Okay, if you want
to go and naked. I mean it's so gross because
you know, everybody peas there and the whole thing. But
it's so gross. But imagine at the restaurant everybody's sitting
and everybody's like naked, right, And what about people that
aren't groomed. Grooming is a high of high importance to me,
Like it's a fifteen off, so little veil. They're not

going to be of their European they're not going to
be groomed. Yeah, in some countries more than others.

Speaker 1 (50:09):
No, of course, Well that's not gonna be part of
your dating repertoire at all.

Speaker 2 (50:13):
I have plans for Alexia, and it's not going on
that cruise.

Speaker 1 (50:17):
No, absolutely not, absolutely not, And you're not going to
get a job there either because you don't need it.

Speaker 2 (50:29):
Well, my friend, this has been so fun. Thank you
for making me laugh. I always do after all of
my crying. You honestly, you really bring so much stoy
in my life. What can I tell you?

Speaker 1 (50:43):
And you make me laugh, you make me giggle, I
make myself giggle.

Speaker 2 (50:47):
You make me forget about everything else that's going on.
I forget about everything going on too, and then you
have to remind me arantine we're a good team. Yeah,
maybe we should go on a cruise, but not that
kind of a cruise.

Speaker 1 (51:00):
Okay, yeah, all right, I'll work on that.

Speaker 10 (51:03):
Yes, listen, if you're like a high end cruise line
and you want to sponsor me and bro, like it's
Carlton Cruises or.

Speaker 2 (51:11):
For celebrity Royal Caribbean.

Speaker 1 (51:14):
Yeah, okay, anything, but we want a cruise with people
that work clothes.

Speaker 2 (51:22):
Yeah, clothing clothing required. Uh huh.

Speaker 7 (51:28):
All right, everyone, thanks for listening, Thank you, Thanks much, wrong,
thank you, and I know this is very hard for you,
and let's keep supporting a lank you for love Instagram.

Speaker 2 (51:40):
On my Instagram in real life, not on my Instagram.
I don't know you. You don't know you, so the
only one that can allow you come up to me
and whatever. Just be kind, not only to me, I
want everybody to just be kind to every kind to
one another.

Speaker 1 (51:53):
You never know what.

Speaker 2 (51:54):
People are going through in their lives. You know, you
never really know the truth. You don't live with us,
you know, just like you know, be even us here
that we talk about other people. You know, this like
our job because it's hot topics, and sometimes you know,
we have to talk about other customs. Sometimes we're heartless
and ruthless. You know. I tend to not be you know,

so judgmental, mad my opinion, but you know, I don't
like to hurt people. So you know, just be thoughtful,
you know, be kind.

Speaker 1 (52:22):
We're all we're all out here hurt, and we're all
out here human. Right, all right, everyone, thanks so much
for listening.

Speaker 2 (52:29):
I put forward I found Thanks for listening.

Speaker 1 (52:33):
Follow us on Instagram at iPort Award Podcast.

Speaker 2 (52:37):
Make sure to write us a review and leave us
five stars at Astell Approxima
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