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November 16, 2023 33 mins

After watching this week’s RHOBH, we can’t tell if we like this new Erika or miss the old Erika.

Then, Teddi has a confession to make and it is about Garcelle…

Plus, we have to discuss Larsa’s reaction to Guerdy’s cancer diagnosis.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Two Teas in a Pod which Teddy Mellencamp and Camra Judge.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
All Right, you guys, welcome to another episode of Two
Teas in a Pod with myself, Teddy Mellencamp and tam Rijudge. Hi, Teddy, Hi,
I'm excited to do a little recap of Beverly Hills
in Miami with you. But first off, did you see
what just launched?

Speaker 3 (00:31):
Yes, Alex's new podcast, Bravos Hot Mike and Kyle is
his very first guest, and I will be number two.
I'm not sure if it comes out weekly, but go
ahead and check that out.

Speaker 2 (00:46):
Yeah, I'm sure he's gonna get a lot of good juice.
We all love Alex so much and we all trust him.

Speaker 3 (00:52):
So Alex we had on recently. He is executive producer
of Orange County, Vanapup Rules and Beverly Hills, so he's
got a lot of behind the scenes. He's going to
be interviewing people from the cast, producers, just everyone to
give us a little tea.

Speaker 2 (01:09):
Yeah, so make sure you go and subscribe to Hot Mic.
All right, let's get into Beverly Hills.

Speaker 3 (01:18):
Let's get into it.

Speaker 2 (01:22):
It starts off where Durite says Kyle's choice not to
drink allowed her to have more control over everything. However,
Durite says she misses doing silly things with Kyle on trips.
Kyle says, this is who she is. They can take
it or leave it. Do you think the women should
just let Kyle be about the drinking.

Speaker 3 (01:43):
Yeah, they should, but it's difficult because actually, me and
Heather have had conversations about, you know, not drinking on
the show, and if the cast came back all sober,
like what would that be like? And we have some
of our best moments a Housewives and we've had just
a few too many drinks.

Speaker 2 (01:59):
But you know, it is just.

Speaker 3 (02:00):
Her personal choice not to drink anymore, and they have
to deal with it, and I it is what it is.
Get over it.

Speaker 2 (02:07):
I am a little confused why Garcela and Sutton are
so bothered and they're talking heads about Kyle trying to
live a healthier lifestyle, like what do they care?

Speaker 3 (02:16):
Well, these women are acting like not drinking and working
out is something terrible, They've never heard of it before.
Oh my god, you got to stop this, making it stop,
and then sutting who works out anymore?

Speaker 2 (02:32):
I was like, I mean, I do.

Speaker 3 (02:34):
I mean I do, but I also don't come home
from a forty five minute flight at one o'clock in
the afternoon from Las Vegas and no, put my cabinet
and get vodka. Oh that, I'm like I was. Usually
when you come home from Vegas, you're like, because you know.

Speaker 2 (02:50):
It's anything, you may want to come home and have
some pizza and like our cheeseburger.

Speaker 3 (02:55):
But she's bordering a glass of water and some electro lights.

Speaker 2 (02:58):
Yeah, like you want to recover.

Speaker 3 (03:00):
Not keep the party going.

Speaker 2 (03:04):
But yeah, well, I hate to say I hate when
I'm right.

Speaker 3 (03:10):
Well, she didn't pull it out of her purse though, Okay,
it was in her bathroom cabinet, and I'm kidding it wasn't.
You know who I'm really shocked at is Erica. I
feel like she's really opening up. We're seeing a totally
different side to Erica this season.

Speaker 2 (03:26):
I agree. Well, they start out where Crystal asks Erica
if she misses her old life. Erica says parts of
it she misses, like Christmas time, but she doesn't miss
the fighting, arguing in the pressure. What about the flashback
to Tom?

Speaker 3 (03:39):
I know, she says it. She'll forever be changed from
this but can start to have fun and have some
normalcy in her life. It was this very sweet moment.
We're seeing Erica in a totally different light. I'm the
only time I've been around Erica a couple times at
events when we went to Vegas to see her show,

and Brabo Khan has been nothing but so sweet to me,
even way back to Andy's baby shower the first time, better,
so kind, so sweet. I was a little afraid of
her way back then because she's always so quiet and mysterious.
But now she is no longer quiet or mysterious. She
is laying it all out there for you guys to
hear it.

Speaker 2 (04:21):
Yeah, I mean I think she You're just we're seeing
like a lightness.

Speaker 3 (04:25):
And here's the problem. What I feel like the cast
is missing a polarizing character. We don't have Lisa Rena anymore.
Erica has given up fighting for lent.

Speaker 2 (04:40):
What about no? But then God threw her bone by
letting the elevator doors open and the magic mic Oh.
Do we think the polarizing character could be Anne Marie?

Speaker 3 (04:49):
I don't know, because they haven't put her on the
damn show yet. Why do we have to wait seven up?
Six or seven episodes to see her.

Speaker 2 (04:56):
I have a question, are we gonna see Are they
going to add her to the lineup or she is
already in her lineup.

Speaker 3 (05:02):
She's already in it, but she's only going to have
half the airtime.

Speaker 2 (05:09):
Well, I don't know. We're getting a lot of marriage
conversations this episode. Kyle says she's expected more from Risio
during what she went through, and she says he likes
to drink and has a lot of business events. She's
in a place where she doesn't want to go out
and be social. Kyle says she's not happy and working

on herself on the inside, while Mauricio is focused on
his work. Yeah, I get that.

Speaker 3 (05:38):
I mean she had made a comment I'd be happy
in the mountains. I've actually had a conversation with her
once where she said she'd love to live and I
think it was Aspen. Yeah, and that's how I feel
about Big Bear. Like when I go up there, I
don't think about anything. I barely check my phone. It's
like such a peaceful place. I don't I'm like exactly
with her. I don't want to go out, I don't
want to drink. I don't want to go to dinners

and events and things like that. I just don't I
think it's maybe it's our age. I'm not sure we're
about the same.

Speaker 2 (06:06):
But Eddie also doesn't want to.

Speaker 3 (06:08):
Eddie's not a big but he's very social. So you
know he'll go like go out to dinner and do
things and oh, let's plan dinner with this couple. And
but he doesn't drink. He he I shouldn't say that
he rarely drinks.

Speaker 2 (06:21):
Yeah, he does. If he drink, but.

Speaker 3 (06:24):
If he's going to drink, he's going to do it
to get drunk. But if we just he was not
going to social drink. Like when we were at our
you know, we had a conversation about Bravokan and he goes, now,
I know why you have you want to drink when
you're around these people and you're filming, it's no easier.
It's just such a toxic environment. He goes. When I
was at Bravo con and the party was going on,

I'm like, can't beat him. You got to join him.

Speaker 2 (06:50):
I had a much better time. Well, especially if you're
going to make and I mean, I think that's also
like what everyone's talking about. When you're making that small
talk with people that you don't one hundred percent know,
So it's like you're just yeah, it's not yeah. You
get more comfortable when you've had a care.

Speaker 3 (07:06):
Balls get bigger when you have a cocktail.

Speaker 2 (07:08):
Let's yeah, you got it, balls up okay. But also,
now we're at another dinner party where they've housewives had
to bring out a game. I'm like, Beverly Hills, we're
at two dinners now, like you're going to have to
have some more organic conversations without a card. At this point,
the card says it's monogamy natural for humans. Kyle says

it is difficult for some people to be monogamous. Garcel ask,
if you found out there was infidelity, one time? Is
one time enough to let it go? Kyle says she's
dealt with rumors for years, and she kind of doesn't
answer the question, and then they get into I love how.
Garcel says she sent an email to some friends.

Speaker 3 (07:53):
When to out her husband's cheating.

Speaker 2 (07:56):
For the record, it was the entire allegedly because I
worked there company of Creative Artist Agency where we were working.

Speaker 3 (08:08):
There when that happened. Oh my god, well good for her,
Good for her. I'm like if my husband was cheating
on me and I found out, there'd be no protecting.
I'd be blasting his ass.

Speaker 2 (08:19):
Well, I'm trying to remember for certain, because I worked
for a partner, so I don't know if she sent
it to only the partners or because I was like,
you know, you're c seed as the sistant on the
partner's things, or if it was to it was company wide.
Either way, it went company wide within five minutes because
everyone was like, holy shit, did you see Carsell email?

Speaker 3 (08:38):
Well, I mean, I'm with Dury. She said I'd pull
a lorrain above it. Yeah, I wouldn't want to go
to jail. But Kyle obviously knows something about Marisa that
she wasn't sharing. I felt like she really shied away
from everything. Of course, there's been rumors for years, But.

Speaker 2 (08:55):
I do think I am loving Garcel this season. Yeah,
I'm loving gar Cell as much like I.

Speaker 3 (09:02):
Think Ranna and I love the red hair.

Speaker 2 (09:04):
Yeah, I think she's bringing it. Then they talk about, uh.

Speaker 3 (09:13):
What, I think.

Speaker 2 (09:15):
I'm just having a flashback of the scene, sorry, of
all the women in their cowboy hats and Crystal not
having one on and me wondering if she missed the
group chat memo. Then Erica says, Then Eric opens up again.

She says, she went from having a lot to nothing.
She doesn't want to look at the bills these days
since she's had anxiety about money. I do think it's
very It was one refreshing to hear but also relatable
when she says, like, listen, there was a time where
I would just go out and buy anything. Right now
I have to know, like do I really need this?

Like today I couldn't go do that. But you know,
she starts to open up again.

Speaker 3 (10:07):
Yeah, I mean I think one thing she said, like
she wonders if she'll ever own a house again. That
was like that was sad because she went from living
in all these big, fabulous houses. And the problem is nowadays,
the market the way it is, you have to have
a big down payment to put down on a.

Speaker 2 (10:23):
House, and you have to have good credit and credit and.

Speaker 3 (10:26):
All that, so it's not easy. Like my kids talk about, like, Mom,
how am I ever going to be able to afford
a house? And I'm like, oh, probably have to buy
you one.

Speaker 2 (10:34):
But here's the thing. I think she will come around,
like she has another TV show coming out, like she's
a hustler. She works really hard. I wouldn't be surprised
if she writes another book. I'm just guessing she has
never said anything about it, but I would feel like
there is a time for that in a space.

Speaker 3 (10:48):
Our land, herself a billionaire.

Speaker 2 (10:50):
Ah who knows? And I know you guys are going
to say I am biased, you are just kidding, But
sudden sense of fun this trip? Is this sour as
the grapefruit juice in her purse?

Speaker 3 (11:06):
Yeah? Yeah, I was a lot to deal with.

Speaker 1 (11:10):
She was.

Speaker 3 (11:13):
Odd, like later on in the episode where Kyle's like,
are you okay? Like is there something wrong? Blink if
you're in trouble? Like something was just okay?

Speaker 2 (11:23):
So I'm not going to say it. What do you
think was going on?

Speaker 3 (11:29):
She was intoxicated while she was filming. It was just
very strange behavior.

Speaker 2 (11:37):
I also am curious why if she knew that any
of this was coming sudden, why would I make the
the unfortunate comment for her and watch what happens live
about the vodka in the purse, Why she wouldn't just
zip it?

Speaker 3 (11:54):

Speaker 2 (11:54):
Because that I mean, now there're time stamping the one
PM alcohol. Then they're also planning to Garcel saying that
Sutton's gonna have to start fighting her own battles.

Speaker 3 (12:07):
Now, that was like the smartest thing she said in
the entire episode. I love because she really does protect
Sutton a lot, but Sutton was just so out of
her mind in this entire episode.

Speaker 2 (12:21):
Yeah well. Erica tells Sutton to apologize to Davis, who
was the performer when the elevators open. She uh. Sutton
says she didn't say the show was shitty, she was
just the one part when she was spread eagle. Erica says,
the lid thing is still an effect, but God gave
her a pass to confront sudden.

Speaker 3 (12:41):
This whole magic mic thing is just such a joke,
Like she wore pants on purpose so she'd get on stage.
She brought a giant stack of bills to give to
these guys, and then once she did get on stage,
it was like it was horrible, it was disgusting. She's
embarrassed all the things.

Speaker 2 (12:58):
And I'm sorry, And then talked about vibrators and then
wrote a mechanical bull like if I was going to
pick things that the ballet didn't want to see, it's
you riding that bull that awkwardly.

Speaker 3 (13:11):
Oh, my god, I didn't mind her writing the ball.
I thought it was totally on course for her. The
way that she was on there for two seconds and
it was.

Speaker 2 (13:20):
Actually fourteen seconds they time stamped it kind of reminds.

Speaker 3 (13:24):
Me that's how Shannon would write a mechanical bull.

Speaker 2 (13:27):
Well, oh god, no, the math is mathing the map.
Oh don't okay? Anyways, moving right along, Then, Kyle tells
Sutton that they wouldn't leave her at Magic Mike because
she was unhinged. Sutton says she is sorry that she
ruined it for all of them. Garcelle says she wished

Duria went after Sutton because she feels like she always
has to be the one. Sutton tells Duri that she
loves to use the word zip it zipp it with
her and says, Islands is golden. We think, do you
think Son's playing the victim in the situation instead of
being honest about what happened?

Speaker 3 (14:07):
She's playing a victim. She's insufferable. She really is a
Does she always been this bad? Or is this just always?

Speaker 2 (14:16):
This was my point. You have to understand the very
first breakfast I ever had with Sutton, she said to
me and Eric, she called both me and Erica white trash.

Speaker 3 (14:26):
Oh ouch. Like, yeah, I would love to see Garcel
form a deeper friendship with a group other than I
feel like she really sticks by sutton side and kind
of protects me.

Speaker 1 (14:38):

Speaker 2 (14:38):
I feel like in order for there to be a
true friendship, they have to let Sutton figure it out
a little bit. Because Sutton does it, alienates herself and
then wants everybody to pick up the pieces for her.

Speaker 3 (14:52):

Speaker 2 (14:52):
But Garcia also we have to remember Son's not nice
about the other women. She's this terrible thing.

Speaker 3 (14:59):
She hasn't this season and been very nice, that's for sure.

Speaker 2 (15:01):
Like, what does she ever I want to go back
in the history of time. What has she ever done
for any of the women that's nice? Or Karen?

Speaker 3 (15:11):
She gave them boots, yeah, because they're from her store.
Still nice.

Speaker 2 (15:18):
She forgot a gift at Rena's for whoever was it for?
Garcel then flips out, then yells at Crystal, calls her
ugly leather pants, says the thing about the hot tub.

Speaker 3 (15:29):
Oh yes, the flashbacks, Yeah, I mean all of it.

Speaker 2 (15:32):
But here's the thing. Then Sutton tells Kyle that Erica
intentionally embarrassed her Sutton says to Kyle, defend your friend,
and Kyle says, just because I see another perspective doesn't
mean I'm not your friend. Sutton says. Kyle comes in
when she hasn't heard the whole story. But then we
get into another conversation. Remember between Diana and Sutton last

year where they keep saying the back the thing, back
and forth.

Speaker 3 (16:01):
Or no, don't remember what?

Speaker 2 (16:03):
Yeah you remember over they were like and then and
now and then.

Speaker 3 (16:07):
Oh yes, yes it was you.

Speaker 2 (16:14):
Yeah, So they had we had one of those moments
with Sutton and Diana last year, and then now she's
doing it with Kyle.

Speaker 3 (16:21):
She's like name them, name them, name them, name them,
name them, name them, name them. She's like shut up.
She's like, I just shut up.

Speaker 2 (16:33):
But clearly she's trying to do that so Kyle will
lose it because Kyle's telling her she's lost it. And
here I think it's all very clear what Kyle is
insinuating is going on with Sutton without saying it.

Speaker 3 (16:47):
I thought was weird. Is Kyle going to Sutton's house?

Speaker 2 (16:49):
I don't know why.

Speaker 3 (16:50):
I just felt like that was just not natural, Like hey, sudden,
and Ston's like, did you come to my house un announced. No,
I'm pretty sure you knew you were filming.

Speaker 2 (17:01):
I'm pretty sure you knew you were filming when you
poured that drink and thought you were in venting to
poor Auby again from moving the damn candle or whatever
he did.

Speaker 3 (17:10):
That poor guy? What if he'll be back next season?

Speaker 2 (17:13):
Abby? Do you want a job? I may even be
better to work for. Yes, but I do feel like
it's gonna get We're just going to keep seeing more
and more of this. But I have a question for
the listeners. Are you guys enjoying in the season. Does
she seem like a fun time to you? If she does,

you're welcome to go hang out with her whenever you like.
I'm sure she'll be at her store.

Speaker 3 (17:39):
Go let's give her a chance. Maybe she was having
a bad day. Maybe she's gonna come back next episode
and be just the life of the party.

Speaker 2 (17:50):
Fun, easy going, easy, breezy, beautiful. You realize that Garcel
probably at this point is like shit, what did I
get myself into it this one?

Speaker 3 (17:58):
Yeah? Sure she put her foot down.

Speaker 2 (18:03):
She didn't put her foot down, let's see, but she
also had her back all Bravo con right, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (18:09):
I wasn't I wasn't her keeper.

Speaker 2 (18:12):
Oh wasn't her keeper?

Speaker 3 (18:13):
I don't remember.

Speaker 2 (18:15):
Oh my gosh, I don't know. I don't know either.
But they were always on the same side, so who knows.
So what that means there wasn't a blowout.

Speaker 3 (18:22):
If there's VICKI always on the same side, doesn't mean
everything's perfect.

Speaker 2 (18:28):
Yeah, true, true, true. All Right, we're gonna take a
little break. We'll come back and talk about Miami, speaking
of relationships that are not perfect. All right, we are
back to talk about the Real Housewives of Miami, which

at this point, I really just feel like I should
call it the Lenny Hawkstein Show.

Speaker 3 (18:53):
I know, I don't want to hear about Lenny anymore.
I'm so worried that Jody's gonna run. But I will
have to say, after watching eight Housewives shows from the
flashback to current Housewives they're airing right now, Miami was
the first one that I was watching. I kept didn't
have to keep checking the time. I know, more time
is left. I literally checked the time once and it

was like forty five minutes into it. I'm like, oh
my god, they're she is so good.

Speaker 2 (19:21):
Know what Also it is is because we're really seeing lifestyle,
like even watching Nicole, where normally I don't want to
see people walking through and doing a household was.

Speaker 3 (19:31):
A little bougie this episode.

Speaker 2 (19:33):
I know it was just like fine, cool, uh huh,
but I appreciate it. I'm like, get it.

Speaker 3 (19:40):
Be who she has it to get, So go get
it girl.

Speaker 2 (19:43):
Yeah. I mean she even said like, well, if it
doesn't work out with him, I'm sure I'll figure it
out somewhere else.

Speaker 3 (19:50):
Like she, I have a mad respect for her for
somebody that's with somebody that is very wealthy, she still works,
it works, makes her on living.

Speaker 2 (19:59):
Well, this first thing was very awkward and uncomfortable in
all ways, and I don't.

Speaker 3 (20:05):
Even really know what to think about this scene to
be honest with you.

Speaker 2 (20:12):
Well, first off, I want to know what the statue
of limitations is on keeping something in confidence, because they
clearly pointed out that Larsa only kept this in confidence
for less than six hours. Well, I know, Tam, I
know we always are going to have Larsa. We love Larsa,
But in this moment, that's one secret you maybe shouldn't share.

Speaker 3 (20:35):
Here's the thing when somebody says take it in confidence.
I don't think Larsa totally understood what she meant, like
be quiet, because Larsa says at the very end like, oh,
don't worry, I won't call TMZ. So I had.

Speaker 2 (20:52):
But yeah, she says that in response to Gertie saying
I'm going to tell all the women, like, let me
tell you.

Speaker 3 (21:00):
Didn't she tell half the women already in the last episode.

Speaker 2 (21:05):
She told three of them.

Speaker 3 (21:07):
Yeah, okay, I just say I don't really truly believe
Larsa was doing it to be mean. It wasn't like,
oh my god, I heard this, I'm I tell you,
don't tell anybody?

Speaker 2 (21:17):
Well, I mean, Larsa made a comment since then saying
that she was doing it so all the women would
rally behind Gerty and not be in a situation similar
to what she was in, which is where she sits down.
She kind of puts her in a situation where it's
not that comfortable for her to open up, and then
she opens up and says she has cancer. Larsa is
in a lose lose situation at this moment. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (21:38):
But my thing is is, like, you know, I feel
bad for Gertie. I hate that she's going through this.
I'm happy that it's behind her. But the way that
she went into it and the way she was talking
to Larsa, it almost felt like she was setting her
up a little bit.

Speaker 2 (21:53):
But Tam, if I sat down with you and I
was about to open up to you and you said
to me, no crime.

Speaker 3 (22:01):
That was the first thing she'd say it like that,
She's like, no crying right like she she was like,
yeah she did. She didn't go no crying.

Speaker 2 (22:08):
She's like, oh, she goes no crying today, We're not
crying this lunch.

Speaker 3 (22:12):
Well she didn't know she had cancer.

Speaker 2 (22:13):
Well I know, But that's my point. Then it's not
that easy to have the conversation. It doesn't it doesn't
give it.

Speaker 3 (22:20):
I think if if somebody said to me, go, well
you know what, Larsa or Teddy, we might cry. I
shed a tear, like I have something really sad to
tell you. But she didn't do it like that. She
was like and that like pull it out of me,
pull it out of me. Eh. It's like just I
don't know.

Speaker 2 (22:37):
I I do agree with that part when Larsa did
say that she could have, but we also don't know
what her mental mindset was.

Speaker 3 (22:45):
At right point right, And I you know, I can't
say that I know how I would feel or act
if I was just told I had breast cancer, like
that would be hard. You don't know how anybody's ax.
So I'm not putting her down for it. I just
she was giving larsa lot of mixed signals and LARSA
do everything perfect. No she didn't. She did not.

Speaker 2 (23:05):
Would you have a coming home party for Eddie after
five days?

Speaker 3 (23:11):
Maybe? Not?

Speaker 2 (23:15):
Shit, You're not I have Thanksgiving?

Speaker 3 (23:17):
No, I'm not. I'm not a big I don't throw parties,
so no, that's not my thing. Though I'm not like, well,
here's the thing, you know, antisocial.

Speaker 2 (23:26):
If in ten years it still feels like this for
LARSA amazing yeah, But now that I'm headed into fifteen
five days, feels like a nice little vacancy.

Speaker 3 (23:37):
Sounds like a vacation. Eddie's gone today. He went dirt
bike riding with his friends. So normally, normally he works
out of the house. His office is next to mine,
and it's, uh, yeah, he's here a lot.

Speaker 2 (23:51):
But I did think it was a nice party. The
sushi looked delicious. Everybody's kind of.

Speaker 3 (23:57):
I mean, I thought it was sweet. I think that
they're so in love. I could you saw them together.
I spent time with them in Scotland. They are so
adorable together.

Speaker 2 (24:06):
No, I love them together. And I think I mean
when I when I weigh out the other couples in
this group, I mean what I rather have Todd saying
the things he said, or like being overly supportive of my.

Speaker 3 (24:22):
Yeah and other I really like Todd. There's something about him.
I just find him very endearing. I don't, Well, we're
not seen eyed eye on this.

Speaker 2 (24:35):
Todd says that he looked and listen. I like. It's
not that I dislike Todd. I just I feel like
we're not we're seeing a half of Todd.

Speaker 3 (24:44):
Well, probably because Todd's like, listen, I got shit. I
got shipped on on the show. And I'm a business
guy and I don't really need this. It's not helping
my business. It's not helping me in any way. So
I'll show up when I have to. I'll do the work.

Speaker 2 (25:00):
Well, did he have to to support this event? Not really? Well,
he keeps referring to Todd says he looked at the
guest list and Alexia had made and there was a
person invited, he would not tolerate because she was bad
mouthing his steps on.

Speaker 3 (25:16):
I'm like, you were bad mouthing your steps on last season. Well,
I wouldn't say bad mouthing. I think he was trying
to be a parent and say you need to start
doing this, and you you know, I don't know. I
don't think it was bad mouthing. So you do not
agree with Todd's feelings.

Speaker 2 (25:34):
It's not that I I it's not that I agree
or disagree with Todd's feelings. Do what I want somebody
to talk about my stepchild in any capacity. Absolutely not.
His delivery does not feel organic or authentic to me.

Speaker 3 (25:50):
Yeah, but I don't blame Todd for not wanting to
be around Adriana if that's truly why he didn't go.
And little does he know she's still spreading rumors about him.

Speaker 2 (26:00):
Well, little does he know that. Flash forward to six
months later, him, his wife, and Adrian are going to
get a fight at the Miami airport.

Speaker 3 (26:07):
At the airport, Yeah, but.

Speaker 2 (26:10):
Then they are approaching They also talk.

Speaker 3 (26:13):
About why they didn't have a party for this.

Speaker 2 (26:16):
They are approaching the one year anniversary since Lenny dropped
the ball on Lisa. Lisa says she is now fighting
for what is right and deserved. Lisa says Lenny does
not give a damn about her and is disgusting. The
women tell Lisa to stop talking about Lenny in front
of Jody.

Speaker 3 (26:31):
Thank god. I was so happy when that happened because
I thought, am I the only one that's like stop?

Speaker 2 (26:37):
I don't think she can stop.

Speaker 3 (26:39):
No, she can't stop.

Speaker 2 (26:40):
I mean she hasn't worked. Six months later and she
hasn't stopped.

Speaker 3 (26:44):
Lisa, Stop, Lisa.

Speaker 2 (26:46):
We're just saying you should probably stop. The part of
the scene where she's eating the not getting to the
pizza with the.

Speaker 3 (26:53):
Kids, that was heartbreaking. It was because she's consumed but
talking about Lenny and the shit he's doing. And then
didn't her little girls say something like, yeah, she's just like,
it's so good. Her little girl looks exactly like her,
and her son looks exactly.

Speaker 2 (27:07):
Like Lenny exactly.

Speaker 3 (27:10):
Do you think Jody and Lisa will get married or
do you think Larson and Marcus will get married first?

Speaker 2 (27:17):
I wouldn't. I think I think both will probably get
married ultimately, But I think I wouldn't be surprised if
Joe Jody and well, it depends. I don't think that
Jody and Lisa will do anything until everything is figured
out one hundred percent.

Speaker 3 (27:31):
Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 2 (27:32):
And if Lisa is going to get anything and spouse
the support that will end if she gets married.

Speaker 3 (27:38):
Oh that's true. But I feel like Lisa has never
gotten any closure on this, and I think it's really
hard for you to be in a relationship for thirteen
years and then just find out he's got a full
blown girlfriend. He's gone, like, well, I would hope to
think there was some kind of lead up that she
kind of suspected, so it wasn't just being blindsided.

Speaker 2 (27:57):
And one of her confessionals, she said, he's been treating
me this way my entire our entire time together, Like
I I think you probably know, like I think some
marriages are like this. I don't think he's ever treated
her the way she deserves to be treated, and that's
why she's probably in the situation that she's in. But
it's really sad to watch. Yeah, But then we get

to Nicole and Anthony boat shopping, and all I could
think was, do Nicole and Anthony want to adopt a
third child? Because I'd be happy to move in.

Speaker 3 (28:33):
I mean those boats.

Speaker 2 (28:36):
I love boats and I love boats.

Speaker 3 (28:40):
I agree with the boat boat yacht.

Speaker 2 (28:44):
I love both. I love being on the water.

Speaker 3 (28:47):
Yeah, I grew up. I grew up not in yachts,
but both boats like boat like boats, yeah, like you know,
koozy beers, the yeah floating in the yeah jet ski.
See you doing all that? Yeah? I asked Eddie. I'm like,
is we leaving Big Bear yesterday? I'm like, do you

think do you see yourself like going out on the
lake and getting a boat. And he's like, I don't know,
I'm not really like the boat guy, like we've done
it before and it's like eh, I go yeah, until
you have a boat and you're driving it, and then
you're like yeah, then you're addicted like everything else you
do when it comes to any kind of outdoor dirt

biking anything like that.

Speaker 2 (29:31):
Listen, you guys, get a boat. I will be there.
And it doesn't need to be a yacht. It could
be pretty much.

Speaker 3 (29:35):
I haven't seen too many yachts on Big Bear Lake,
but well.

Speaker 2 (29:38):
Listen, I mean it doesn't even have It could pretty
much be like a little paddle boat and I would
want to go on. I love it my dad.

Speaker 3 (29:46):
We always had boats growing up, but I was always
here that saying, like, what is the happiest day of
your life when you're a boat owner the day you
sell sell it?

Speaker 2 (29:52):
Yeah? Yeah, I mean it's kind of the same as
a horse. You just you're going to be losing money
no matter what. Then we get to Gertie talking about
her surgery coming up, and asked, and has I didn't
realize she had rustled tell her kids, not her? That
would have been hard.

Speaker 3 (30:13):

Speaker 2 (30:14):
I don't know that I could have let anyone do
that on his own.

Speaker 3 (30:18):
Yeah, I mean that's a that's a hard conversation to have.
I would want to be there.

Speaker 2 (30:23):
I would want to be there too. There, But Gertie
is saying not to bring her somewhere with any birds.

Speaker 3 (30:30):
I don't like birds either.

Speaker 2 (30:31):
I don't like birds either. I mean clearly my dad
sent me some and I, oh, my god, forgot about that.
Remember those birds last last easter. Oh we're getting right
around to it. Better not send me birds again. But
I was like, and let Gertie know that birds live outside.

Speaker 3 (30:49):
But when there's like a flock of birds and they
go over your heads a lot, I just don't like it.

Speaker 2 (30:53):
Yeah, well they pooh, but they're disgusting. Dirty birds, dirty
bird dirty. But then Martina and Julia sit down where
Julia and Martina kind of have a conversation about how
Julia is not being very present with her and her
cancer treatments because she's worried about the opera.

Speaker 3 (31:16):
I'm like, when she started singing, I'm like, no, God, no,
make it stop. Nope, no, I'm pretty sure she. Martina
would have rather had her there at her last treatment
than her practicing opera opera for this is.

Speaker 2 (31:33):
What I want to know. Are you practicing because this
is a new thing.

Speaker 3 (31:36):
Oh, it's going to be the season finale, I see
it already.

Speaker 2 (31:39):
No, okay, So would you rather listen to Lisa Barlow
CD or Julius.

Speaker 3 (31:46):
Go with Lisa? I mean that's it's a tough one.
It's a tough one.

Speaker 2 (31:52):
Yeah. But then Gerty Gertie arrives and she asks Martina
how she was able to be intimate during radiation, and
Martina says she did everything, leaving it there.

Speaker 3 (32:10):
Okay. Then they talked for her, Yes, good for her.

Speaker 2 (32:15):
Then Larsa is having a charity basketball event for Make
a Wish and Larsa says she hopes the women keep
everything positive because it can all go south. And the
thing that they're already not even positive when they find
out they have to wear basketball fastball shorts?

Speaker 3 (32:28):
Alexia, are those like the long basketball shorts? She's like yeah,
She's like, oh okay, Like they're already worried about their wardrobe.

Speaker 2 (32:39):
Yeah, they're like they haven't. They're like make a wish?

Speaker 3 (32:42):
What No, no, no, we're worried about the basketball shorts.

Speaker 2 (32:45):
I'm sorry, long shorts on this tour.

Speaker 3 (32:47):
So could you imagine those shorts on me and you?

Speaker 2 (32:51):
Honestly, we should be concerned, but I'd be so thrilled
to be able to wear those shorts all the time,
all the time. I just that's good life. But I can't.
I wonder how many hours until it goes south at
this next event? Will it be six hours? The same
amount of time.

Speaker 3 (33:11):
Before somebody starts screaming?

Speaker 2 (33:13):
Yeah, I feel like that's how long they could be.
I think six hours is pretty long to be positive
in this group. Six hours, Yeah, six hours is too
long to be positive in this group. We can't expect that.

Speaker 3 (33:24):
No, no, god, no, that's a long time, all right.

Speaker 2 (33:28):
So We just found out good news for those of
you guys who are off next week. They are airing
all of the Real Housewives shows, so we will be
recapping for you at the beginning of the week so
that you can listen through.

Speaker 3 (33:40):
Thank you, Thank you, Bravo. I'm so thrilled, not even
a week off. Bravo.

Speaker 2 (33:46):
You are the gift that keeps on giving. Thank you
so much.

Speaker 3 (33:49):
You're so kind,
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