All Episodes

November 15, 2022 71 mins


Things we wish we could Do Over after I Do.
And then , the D word… DIVORCE.

Teddi and Tamra get real admitting what happened off screen in their marriages when the Housewives cameras weren’t rolling.

Oh, A Cougar we love!
Teddi is in NYC for WWHL with… JOHN MELLENCAMP! It hurts so good!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Two teas in a pod with Teddy Melon can'ts and
camera edge. What is with some hooker nails? Oh? They're
so bad? The hooker nails are So I went off
to Hailey Beaver and spo and it came out wrong,

but it had already taken so long, and I'm so
do I'm over three weeks doo, and my girl that
comes through my nails was out of town, so I
was only home one day in between the retreat. So
now I'm just stuck here in this situation. Okay, here's
something mind blowing. I have not had my nails done
since Bravo. Con Hold on, what, by the way, I

have your freaking shoes here because I don't have any
other shoes to wear tonight. Well that's all right, I
have your shoes here too, your White's sus. But I
actually bought you a brand new pair because I've been
I've warned them a couple of times, and I think
I might have scratched them, so I bought you. I
wouldn't have cared you did not need to buy but
that's okay. I love them, and I also bought them

in silver, So are they not that so comfy to
wear all night. Well, why sales across the board are
so comfortable and you laugh at my tributes that I've
had for seven years. But I can get back that
I have to wear those your tributes that I'm gonna
be wearing tonight. I already am embarrassed because my entire family.
Just to give you a backstory, thoullon dollars, you shouldn't

be embarrassed. You're no the ones I have our shoots.
Oh no, those aren't tributes. Yeah right, you're wearing those tonight.
I don't have another option because I'm doing no, not
with the color suit I'm wearing tonight. They're they're there.
I like them because they're they kind of go with everything,
but their their platform for a short girls and they're comfortable.

So you know, would I have to get into the
marriage retreat after, But we need to first discuss with
that since I've got to be your okay. First of all,
I feel like I have not seen you, well I
haven't in a while, but I feel like I feel
like a free woman since filming stopped. It's like I
feel like I'm actually living my life now. And well,
I I can tell because all of a sudden, You're

back on the group text and I'm on I'm on
the gram too, I'm on the ground and I haven't
been on the ground and probably three months. I mean
every once in a while and shoot something out there.
But now I'm like, Okay, let's go, let's live life,
let's go to target, Let's do all the things that
I haven't been able to do for the past three
and a half months. Like we're no makeup. I feel

a whole new pep in your stack. Oh I am.
I am very happy to not be filming right now.
Very happy. I can't even tell you. I mean all
the things I'm doing, not wearing makeup, wearing sweats every day,
working out every day, making dinner, going to target, like
all those things are just like like I am in,
haven't I'm like, oh not. Every minute of my day

needs to be completely scheduled out. I mean, I can
imagine what my family feels because every minute of my
day is about me. Yeah, well, this will get up
the fact that you Okay, before we even get to
New York, we have to talk a little bit about
this marriage, marriage or tweet retreat situation because we tweet. Okay,

you tell me about it because you didn't give me
any information. Just okay, going on this marriage retreat, I
don't know anything about it. Tell me all the details, Okay,
So I don't know. I mean, I feel like you
and I have talked about this a little bit. But
I feel like when me and Edwin originally started on
the show, I we had gone through something pretty difficult

and I just shut it down any any thought of
processing through it anything, because I just wanted to give
the illusion that our life was perfect and every thing
was perfect, and everything was good and it is good.
We're great parents, we have fun together, all of it.

Like it doesn't mean that it's bad. We just never
put in the work to fix what was going on
in our past. And it's one of my biggest regrets
because especially something reparable, something it's something reparable, but it
was something that was changing me as a human being,
Like it was constantly weighing on me, and I think

the kind of we we scheduled the marriage treat a
long time ago, but kind of the final right before
we left for the marriage treat, we went to the
patron event and the patron event was great, and then
at the end of the event, we got in this
huge fight and like, you know me, I'm not I
will negotiate, but I'm not really a fighter. Like I
like that's how i am. And in my mind, not

in on the show, but in my marriage, I'm not
the fighter. I'm the more of it. I shut down
and like I'm also like in my mind, I'm always justifying,
like I'm going through cancer stuff, I'm dealing with this,
I'm having with this hard time and you know now
you're yelling him. It was at the end of the
patron event. We were both drunk, for sure, both drunk,

but like I couldn't find our room, my room key
and blab and he just like kind of started coming
at me. And it was to the point I even
called my dad in the middle of our argument, and
it was like one thirty in the morning, and I
was like, I cannot deal with this. I'm shutting down, blahblah.
I really thought we were going to wake up the
next morning and we were not going to go on
the wedding. But that's the level of how bad the

argument was. Calling Okay, so you called your dad, Did
your dad give you good advice? Does your dad's side
with you? What do you what do you do? Because
if I called my mom to be like you just
get out, you get out, he gets on like we
were on speaker phone, and my Dad's like, what the
hell are you two doing? This is craziness. You both

you drank too much at an event and now you
are trying to fight about things that happened eight years ago,
Like stop it. Get in your rooms to Edwin looking
her purse, do you see the room? Like treating us
like we were children children because we were acting like children.
But if you haven't dealt with something that happened eight
years ago, it will come up in situations when you drink, especially. Yeah,

So then we went on. You know. Then the next
day was like brutal because we both kind of woke
up not add percent on like what the night entailed.
But then I went to my my call history and
I was like on the phone with the Coogs for
twenty four minutes at one thirty in the morning. I
was like, no, this isn't gonna be good. And then
I saw my text to Kyle and Jen and I

was like, uh so, and Edone just kind of like
looked at me and he's like, well, we're gonna go home,
and you know, like we just said we're mad at
each other, like we're just mad. And then we went
on this wedding retreat. I mean just sorry, we went
on this marriage retreat and as you do all these
quizzes and tests and these things, and like pretty much

and I don't know, I want you to take it
to like just for us, but like my entire like
disposition and everything about me is in the low blue circle,
which means I'm a complete introvert. And like self acceptance
is like this huge thing for me. I mean, this
is I can I can tell you that that's one

of your things. Self acceptance is very important to you. Yeah,
it is, and it's not. I mean there was forty
of us in the room and I had the lowest
of anybody insecurity, and I was like, holy crap, I've
done all this work on myself, and do you feel
like you're insecure? Well, that's why I asked the guy.

I said, listen, I he goes, there's a difference between
being confident and having insecurities. He's like, you're confident, Like
if you believe in what you're saying, you are confident.
You're He's like and you say no to a lot,
but you also want to please people, and that's including
your husband. And you always want to pretend that everything's okay,

and you always want to pretend that life is great
and that is not reality. And he's like, and just
because you will show some vulnerability, that doesn't mean that
you're showing vulnerability to your spouse. And that's where Edwin
and I had like a true breakthrough where he looked
at me and he's like, is there something I'm doing
where I'm not giving you what you need? And I'm
like a million percent, like I need like kindness and

warmth and love from you. And he's like, I would
have no idea you needed those things. He's like, you
don't understand. You're on autopilot. Yeah, I have. You're a
busy girl. He's like I had. He's like, I am
constantly giving everything to everybody else because I don't think
you need it. He's like, now I'm looking at your

scores and I'm shocked and and then his he doesn't
need that. Isn't it crazy that you've been married to
somebody and they don't really know what you need? Yeah,
Because we become this type of people that were married
to that. You should be able to read my mind
and if you can't, then you're an asshole. Why was
and I know this is this is bringing up past stuff,

but I was watching a clip, um because someone in
our group chat was telling me, Teddy, you need to
go back and watch old Orange Counties before you start
recapping them since Tim will be on with you. And
I said, I don't think I ever want to watch
before before Eddie comes into the mix, and he said,
you need to watch the limo scene. He's like you're
gonna get chills and watching like the rawness of you

saying like I want to get a divorce and like
how long had you been feeling that way? Do you
ever have those moments with Eddie? And like what did
it take you to get there? Okay? With Simon, it
was a long time coming. We I mean people were
taking bats at our wedding how and would be married?

And of course I was pregnant with Sydney when we
got married. Um, he was the safe butt for me.
I was a single mom for many many years and
I thought like this is a guy that he was
very structured and controlled, and he controlled me and I
felt like that's what I needed to be. I was
this free spirit that was just not making any sense
in this world anymore. And I had a child that
I was raising, and I felt like I needed to

be structured. So, you know, I I got married to him,
and things were bad. A lot of the times they
were they were bad, and they were good, they were bad.
There was times in our marriage that I actually went
on anti dupressant's because it's the only way I could
I could stay married to him. And he would tell
me things like, you need to stay on those because
when you're on them, then you're good, You're nice to me.

So I always thought I had to stay on him,
and I go off and I go back on and
and when we um signed up for the show, I
never thought he would do it because he's such a
control freak and he also wanted to be a star.
So we got on the show and things just went
downhill because I was very much expected to be at

home and when you know, when you get on the
show and all of a sudden, you're going on trips.
My first trip was in San Diego with the girls.
I had never been on a girls trip ever in
my life. And then it, people got attention started coming
to me, and you know, social media wasn't as big
back then as is now, but still like we'd be
out and people be like, oh my god, it's camera
and he didn't like it, and it just got It

was where our our foundation was rocky, and it had
been rocky for years. So we were doom for divorce.
It was going to happen. And the last season that
we were on together, we kind of knew we were
going to get a divorce, but we didn't want to
play it out on TV. And it was crazy because
it was actually my daughter, Sydney that kept saying to me, Mom,
let's move out, Mom, let's move out. And I do

think that's where a lot of for trauma comes from,
because she saw the fighting and arguing and all that stuff.
And I eventually took her her and I went and
looked at apartments and places and we found a place
and and I loved him. You know, it was it
was difficult, but it was the worst situation in a
marriage you can ever imagine. I mean, I'm sure there's worse.

You know, he wasn't beating the ship out of me
or anything like that, but it was a bad marriage. Bad.
So the marriage I have with Eddie is polar opposite.
We and and sometimes I worry about what would you
say it was perfect our marriage? Yeah? But no, I
don't think it's perfect. I fear sometimes because we don't argue,

We don't, we hardly ever argue. And then I then
I get in my head going is this normal? Is
this okay? Are we supposed to at least you know,
you know it's as far as marriages go that I mean,
this is my third marriage. This is about as perfect
as it comes. We get along, we don't fight, we're
best friends, you know, But it took me three times
to get to where I'm at um. I can't see

we never we disagree. Eddie will blow up about once
a year. He's one that kind of keeps things in,
keeps things in, but he'll blow up about once a year.
I'm not a mean fighter when it comes to marriage.
Because I was with with Simon, I would yell and scream,
I hope you die. I don't want to be married
to you. I hate you, and my mom would say,

don't say those things, and he would do the same
to me. So we got into a habit of doing
that and went you into a habit of saying things
like that. There's no returning. You can't take your words back.
Those words hurt. So with Eddie and I, I will
not say mean things. I never say mean things. He
will more than I will if we get into a fight.

He's like once a year he'll blow up for everything
that's bothered him in the whole year. That's how Edwin
is too, So he holds it in because he doesn't
want to have any controversy, whereas like, I'm okay to
just have a conversation and not turn into a fight,
Like let's just and and something they said to me
when we were on the retreat it was like, listen,
if you go into every conversation in your marriage and

it's a fight and there's one person that's gonna win,
that means there's always a loser. Yeah, And you don't
want your person, if you love them, you don't want
your person to lose. You want your person to win.
So like, ultimately it's just about sharing what it is
that you need. But this kind of brought me, brought
me back because I had a couple of women from

the show that you know, I still talked to, but
not as much as like Kyle or whatever, text me
are you and Edwin okay? Because I did that post
and those kind of questions like of course it comes
from the heart, and I know that it's with good intention,
but it's also you're so scared to be vulnerable on

the show sometimes because the other women will use your
vulnerability as weakness. And I really wish if I could
go back, I could have just let it all play
out and not try to like not try to like
keep up with the Jones is at this level of
perfection that we do because the second that I posted that,

I was getting hundreds and hundreds of ms like I
needed to hear this today. It doesn't mean my marriages
do exactly. And that's when it comes to the show.
That's what makes you know. A good housewife, a one
that sticks around for a long time, is one that
is very open with what is going on in their
life because there's so many people out there that relate.
I actually this season do talk about we do talk

about our marriage and a little bump in our marriage,
and it's not anything horrible. It's something that a lot
of people relate to. But I didn't have to do that.
But I you know, for me, like to a fault,
I'm almost too open, where Eddie tends to be a
little bit you know, he was raised, you know, don't
admit to anything and don't talk about your life and

everything is private and you know, totally different in me,
I'm just kind of like diarrhea of the mouth. Yeah,
I mean, so a long story shot from both of
us in regards to the marriage or treat In regards
to TAM's marriage with Eddie, I think it's okay and
it doesn't mean that we're doomed. If there's a bump
in the round. It's part of I As I started

to open up more, the more I hear the same
thing happened to me, or this is what's going on
in you know, like people just want to remember we're
not alone and these are you know, did you get
a lot out of the retreat? I did. I mean
mainly it was there was something that I wanted questions.
I wanted to ask questions on and I never felt

like I could. And every day that we were there,
like doing the work, doing the work. I mean I
never even got in the ocean where in my copa
like I there was like it was just so much.
And then also learning from other couples, there was another
woman there that had gone through cancer, like just so much,
like it was so beneficial. The final day, like we
were completely done, like we just had our plane was

delayed so we had longer time. This was with nobody
else there. Finally, like I don't just opened up and
answered all my questions, like he was just like I've
been hearing you. I wasn't ready to hear it because
then I feel pain because of some of the pain
that I caused. You. Let's talk about it and you

can ask me anything and the fact and I honestly
like I probab. Right now, I feel like a thousand
pounds have been lifted off because I've been wanting to
know the answer, you know what I mean, Like I'm
been wanting to know the answer to this, afraid to ask,
afraid for the reaction, afraid for the truth. Maybe yeah,
And then now that we're here and like you were

with me the last time we were in New York
and there was tension between him and I, and today
I wake up, he's caused me. It's like, good morning,
I love you, I miss you. Kicks the masks today,
you know, like it's just completely We told each other
what we needed and then we gave it to each other.
And I think so often, like especially me being a
no at all, Like I want to be right all

the time, and I'm not right. It's okay at least
you admit it and you acknowledge it. So for me
and Eddie, Eddie is the one that's extremely loving and
caring and like, for instance, I have things on my
mind and I knew I had to do this podcast
and today, and I wanted to make sure that I
was reading everything. And he his back hurt, so he

laid in bed longer than normal. I'm up super early,
like you. And then I go back into the room.
I'm like, hey, good morning like that, and he's sitting
on the edge of the bed and I'm talking, I
gotta do this, i gotta do that, do that, Okay,
I'm gonna go do the pot And he looked at
me and he goes, no, hug no, nothing, like you're
not gonna hug me and tell me you love me.
And I'm like, I'm not mushy like that. He's very

Eddie's very affectionate and very loving. And very wants to
hold me all the time and touch me, like if
we sleep, either his foot's gotta be on me, his hands,
I mean. And I'm like, just me, you know what
I mean. And so I'm not a very like. My
kids aren't like that either. My kids are just like me, like,
don't don't touch me. You don't need to touch me.

I don't know. I think that's just how I was
raised and how I raised my children. And so he's
just so affectionate. And he's always like, are you sure
you love me? And I'm like, yeah, Like do I
have to say it all the time? I don't know.
People do like Edwin. Edwin's biggest thing that was about
like he wants to feel validated. Mine is more just

I want to feel like I don't. I want to
feel the love. Yeah. And I was telling my dad
last night and it was funny. I was talking about
it because he was like, tell me about the trade.
When did you know? Like he's so like and like,
why do you Why do you got to give up
about everything? Teddy? Why why? And I was like, you

don't think that you do, but you do? You are me.
We are very similar. We hold on to ship for
a very long time. But it does. When you do
hold on to negative feelings, you know, it comes out
in other ways, if it's a sickness or cancer or whatever.
It really does. Ultimately, what did you take What did

you take away from the retreat? I took away. I
just need to be more open. When I need something,
I have to ask for it. I mean, I think
because you know that we keep everything severn when it
comes to financials and this, and like we're like two
well oiled machines and in order to like and we
have sex and we do all those things. But like,
in order to build intimacy, you have to like share

your highs and your loves. Like the guy asked that
when he goes, when was the last time you told
Teddy when you had a bad day at work? And
he's like, I don't want to burden her with that.
And he's like, Teddy, do you think that that's a burden.
I'm like, no, I would love to hear that, because
I'm always thinking if he's in a bad mood, it's
because of me. Yeah, Eddie actually came home from visiting
his grandmother who is not doing well. She's nine. I

thought she's ninety six, but he said she's ninety eight,
and he went to go see her and she basically
raised him. And she came home yesterday and he was
very snippy with me, just very snappy, and I thought
he said he's sad, So I just gave him a
space and walked away. Didn't ask him any questions. I
just said, house grandma. He's like, oh, she's okay, But

the truth is she she's at the end of her life.
And and he hasn't had anybody pass away, especially somebody
as close as his grandma, ever in his life. So
he's not one when he's super sad about something that
will come up to me and say, this is really
bothering me. I know someone's bothering him when he's snippy

and angry. Yeah, so that's not communicating. Yeah, so it's either.
But also it's like finding that had like I really
it's so silly. But like one of the things that
Edwin and I love doing most on this trip was
there was like an hour downtime and we started playing tennis. Yeah,
like just because like I don't really like to work
out like four in the afternoon, it's like not for me.

We had this downtime between our morning side and then dinner,
and he's like, do you want to work out? And
like the thought of like going to the gym right now,
and like I'm going to try to amp myself up. Yeah,
I can't work out later in the day. It's not
for me. But like it was a way for us
to just effortlessly communicate. I mean, either us are good terrible,
but yeah, but it's a way for you guys to reconnect.

And that reminds me, Like, you know, filming in the
past three and a half months, it's been all about me,
and I've been super busy, even like my daughter said, Mom,
you're on the phone all the time. Are you're filming,
are you're doing this? Or you're talking about housewives? And
and I have to be mindful, like now that we
stopped filming, I gotta let that go. But Eddy, I
really hadn't done much in the past three and a
half months together. So I told him, I said, let's go.

He had bought me a new dirt bike six months ago,
but it was offesome. I thought you looking hot, So
I said, let's go. Let's go for a day trip.
And he loves riding the dirt bike. So we went
out to started Wells out by Barstow and just for
a day, went out for a couple of hours, rode
the bike and then turn around and came back home.
But I definitely felt during filming like a disconnect each

tween us, for sure. But also if you're surrounding yourself,
you know, with unhealthy and I'm not saying I don't know,
but if you're surrounding yourself with people that are also
in unhealthy marriages and they're doing the same thing, it's
hard to kind of go all right, I gotta check myself, yeah,

and remind myself I am making this all about me
and vice versa. It's hard not to be about you.
It's like, you know, you're busy all day long, and
then you're filming in your hair and makeup and this
and that, you know, and it's plus we're raging narcissus
and now it's all about Thanksgiving and Christmas. I get

through New York right now, Yeah, Okay, I talk about
New York. Okay, So I just got to New York
and I'm dying, because dying it's an extreme term. But
I get to the hotel and my dad has an
apartment here, so I knew he wasn't staying here, but
there's obviously two rooms and I not at the Games
of different There was a request because I wanted to

be near where my dad stays. Okay, so I did
here and I'm like, Hi, how are you um checking in?
And I see the room that they had me checking
into and I'm like, uh doch. But to be douchy,
I'm like, I'm pretty sure I got the upgrade and
they're like, no, there's already another meloncamp in the upgrade.
And I'm like and I'm like, oh there is Okay.

So I'm like maybe he had a you know, I
go to all these places. Maybe there's a flood, maybe
they're you know, like whatever. So I go into my
shoe box that I'm in right now with this is
my closet, which is just that little thing right there
with my seven thousand clothes, and then I get the
text for my dad like come to the apartment. You know,
like we are very much like now, why did you
stay at the apartment. It's it's like a studio, like

it's a huge loss, but like I'm not gonna like
lay on the couch by like him and his profriend.
I'm goodfriend with him. Yes, we're all here together. I
worked out with this morning. But I get there and
still trying to like figure out the whole room situation.
I just put my bag down, went to his room
and then had my brother comes over too, and we

all are sitting around my dad's table like it's so weird.
They wouldn't give me an up They didn't give me
my upgrade they promised me because they said another mollen
Camp took it. And Hud looks at me, He's like, oh,
is that your sweet? It's like he just came here
to have fun. But in his suite there's a guitar,

there's all kinds of ship like it's so did they
think it was They thought it was your dad? My dad?
So I am dead. So now all day long all
we do is text like I'm like, oh, down here,
can't get the hot water to work. It's like do
you want to come up to the suite, Like but
I've been together, and they're like it's festive holiday. So

I send a text to like the person that's managing
is the week and I'm like, hey, can someone pick
up my suit? I don't realize HUDs on the horn
and he was like, hey, I just saw that your
suits velvet green. I just got a red velvet. Can
I walk the red carpet with you? I'm like, so, wait,
when are you on Watch The Heavens Life tomorrow? We

thought it was tonight. Okay, so pre take go in.
It's not live this week. No, it's not live. We
pre tap. It's at three thirty. Yeah. Yeah, I hear
Andy pre tapes. So now he has two kids at home.
He pre tapes a lot of his shows. I actually
like it rather than at ten o'clock. Um thing, But

did you I've been getting a lot of messages about
it because everyone's like, the the amount of responses about
your watch what happens live blah blah blah blah blah blah.
I'm like, I don't even care. I just want to
survive on Twitter, yeah, because yeah, yeah, they're like, you're

engagingly tirer than the fans. Like, my engagements are high
because people want to hate on it. That's because you
pissed people off for some strange reason. I don't get
it myself, but you tend to piss people off. But
I guess you know, I'd rather piss people off. And
I mean, hey, at least they're talking. I don't know
what they're talking. People can't just let things go. I

just don't even know why you piss them off. So,
I mean, guys, we've gotten a little you know. We
we haven't seen each other for a while, so we
wanted to catch up. And we think that maybe the
rest of this episode will do some of the listener questions. Yeah,
and I have to recap. Yeah, I have some that

I just printed out. I didn't even put it in
the lineup, So some really good questions. Have you watched
Buying Beverly Hills and what are your opinions. I haven't
watched all of Buying Beverly Hills, but I have watched

some and I think it's it's good, it's glossy, it's houseborn. Yes, yeah,
so as a somebody has a real estate license and
loves interior decorating, I love watching anything house related. So, um,
any house show that's out there, I watch it and
I thought it was great. I thought it was amazing.

I am blown away how Alexeia sounds exactly like her
mom and when she is glammed up. Um. She looks
a lot like her mom, and fair is absolutely beautiful.
But I love how she's just so you can you
can see the difference in the personality. She's still it stoetics,

stoetic still, but it's here's the thing. All of those
girls are so warm and loving and like the second
I went to the premiere, Oh I can't I got
it today the story about did I tell you about
to read at the premiere? Oh? Please tell give it away?
So we go to the premiere and it's at this

house and I'm trying to leave with the Readdred always
says the same driver and you know, I'm trying to
get her to go and getting to read. I'm like
an Irish goodbyeer. So like when I'm done, we just
did that on a wedding. We just did that. And
he goes, I have never done this before because he
is such a loving Kring's gotta hug everybody, say goodbye.
It was so cold. WI into the bathroom, like let's go.

He's like, I've never done this before. I'd just like
to go. Like I already talked to everybody. I gave everybody,
you know, their accolades. I gave love. Now I'm done.
I don't want to have this this awkward goodbye for me.
Goodbyes are awkward. Not to Read is happy to put
in the time, like there was somebody, Yeah, so there

was someone that saying it at the premiere, so like
all these things are happening and to Read and I
are like think that we're investigators, like walking around trying
to figure out what happened. But and it's time for
us to go. I'm talking God knows who by the
front door because I'm just trying to leave, like I'm
like Doret now and she's like, I'm just gonna go
to the restroom. And there's a security guard that doesn't

know who Dread is and he says, no, there's a
v I P that needs to go. So then comes
out all wrapped up. We need to find the guy,
We need to find who the v I P is.
So then we spent another thirty minutes searching for who
wouldn't let Durt go to the bathroom. Then we find

the security guard. We had to get the producers and well,
I mean this is like I was like, really, this
this is actually the story, And I'm like did you
actually pee though? And she's like, no, I didn't know.
I did not tinkle. But she really, she really does
have a good heart and always one thousand candies in

her car, so I was happy. She's very sweet. Yeah,
so it was definitely. But all the all the girls
are so amazing and so supportive of each other, and
that kind of the show is great. It's on Netflix.
It's a must watch. It's eight episodes. I'm dying for
a second season. Yeah, I think so too, And I
think it'll just start to more become more organic as

they go. Yeah, it's good, Teddy. The next question is
what do you guys think about Leah not being included
in the Legacy cast. Don't have a problem with it.
I don't think that she was on the show long
enough to be in the Legacy. How many how many
seasons did she do in New York? A couple? I

don't I don't mind her not being in the Legacy,
But I mean, how long has Kelly ben Simona on?
I didn't watch, but she's from the beginning, so I
don't know. I feel like people in Legacy should be
from the beginning that been on for a hot second.
Um I'm not happy that Ramona is not on it.
I feel like Ramona is New York. Um. You know,
she actually text me and told me that life is

so easy and simple now and she's really loving life
without the cameras, and I can see that. I felt
like that for a long time. I'm sorry, I mean, Okay,
I hear her, she says. Ramona tells page six, I
do not want the show any longer. She told us
Friday it's not for me at this time, but sources
tell us that Bravo didn't offer the longest serving member

of the cast an opportunity to return the revamp lineup.
Then on her Rhett On her interview with Carlos King,
she says, um Ramona agreed to do the show to
promote her business, but she was worried she'd be boring,
but the producers told her, Ramona, You're nothing but boring, right.
She she thinks Real House Lives in New York put
Bravo in the map because of big time advertising. Exect

told her, so, okay, enough of that. Just because something
is politically correct doesn't mean it's right or good for
viewers or add money. I just I don't want to
hear the ship from Ramona, I just don't. And then
Carlos tells Ramona about his interview with Ebony and how
politics need to be kept off these shows. We can

watch the view for that, and she says Ebony felt
she was a cast to discuss current as she was
regarding race. Ramona says she wasn't cast for that, and
Ebony test tape to Bluelanne first and was a totally
different person to what we saw. She said. At the time,
Ebony was engaged for a Jewish man was about to
become Jewish, but the relationship ended, so maybe the only
thing she had to fall back on was the talk

about her struggle for race. I don't watch you and
I want Yeah, I don't watch Housewives shows to talk about,
you know, politics or things like that, are religion, race
and all that. It's just it's hard to um put
those into a show that's all about arguing and yelling
and screaming and all those things. I just I don't

want to see it. But I don't also find taking
a little break from Ramona. I'm I'm, I'm. We had
a little bit a little bit, yeah, but Legacy, I
think it's for the The O G S Legacies for
the O G S, I think, which which leads me
to one of my questions. If you both end up
back on your original shows, would you continue the podcast?

I would say, I think that hearing camera's point of
view on Beverly Hills without me on the pod and
me giving you know one, we'll both have guests, which
I think changes it up, but I think it gives
a different inside view that you would not be able
to get anywhere else. Yeah. Um, which leads to me

my other question was why can't Tamera recap O see
there's so many other housewives out there that recap their shows. Um.
I would say. Our response to this is we are
the only Housewives podcast that is aligned with Bravo. We
were the only ones at Bravo Con. We were able
to put out so much incredible content that you guys

were listening to listening to. So we need to abide
by some rules. We know we can. We know we
are great together, but we can also crush it alone
with other guests coming in, So like, why don't we
just play by the world. I do know one of
my cast members did complain about our podcast from Provo
Con and I'm just gonna leave it out that yeah, jealousy.

I had a feeling that what's going to happen? I mean, yeah, yeah,
But you know what, I'm happy to say. I don't
want to recap Orange County. I don't want to. It's
hard to not live. I lived it and I'm gonna
see it and I just don't want to. And and

that's just something like, even if I'm asked to, I
don't want to because then I be here. Do you
think there's anything that you are going to have done
during oh see that I'm going to fully disagree with
what you did, and then you're gonna be mad at me.
I won't be mad at you, because I'm already mad
at myself. There's definitely things, you know, alcohol driven conversations

that happened that you know me, I get explosive and
I look back and I'm like, oh god, that it's
not my best look. But that's me. And I give
you my all and I don't hold back in anything,
and I'm I judge me. I don't care. I don't care.
You know what is a friend for if you can't say?
You know what? Time when you're acting like an asshole,
or you were out of line or whatever I've expected.
The hard part for me is I won't be able

to say it to your face. I'll have to be
saying it. Essentially, it's a confessional podcast is a confessional
on crack because it's like, you know, a full hour
dedicated to recapping what you saw. And but I feel
like as we go on, we're both able to like, yeah,
you know, we I don't really, I don't. I don't

have a lot of feelings, so I don't. I don't
get my feelings hurt so bad. But I would say
that more people to this day come up to me
and talk about our podcast, then they talk about real house.
I know, it's crazy. I can go anywhere the grocery store,
Turcker Treaters came up and mothers were talking about twats
and all that. It was just insane. And by the way,

cheers to two point five million downloads last months months
of October, two point five million downlards like I think, oh,
by the way, our producers just sent it's a message
that said, actually it's over two point five millions. Because
I go mone of us talked about it, because that's
just how we are. We got a hard on, so

we got to admit it, and then we got so
many more downloads. And this is a moment for us
to thank our team at my heart because Tam and
I are huge ship talkers and do all that we
can disture it and all the way, but they do
so much for us. It is really a group like
they give us an outline. Of course we get to
say what we want to say and get to take

out what we want to take out. And of course
we have attorneys at Takeout Stuck as well, but they
are an amazing team to work with and we are
very blessed and thankful off We are beyond um this
one I keep getting. I sent it over on the thing. Teddy,
would you consider returning to Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
with a huge offer? Okay, listen that for one, it

doesn't exist. You get a huge offer after you've been fired.
You're gonna get whatever offered is that you left on.
You're gonna get that next season offer. For me, it's
not about that um as you know, like a year ago,
I would have said a percent, know all, I wanted
girls trips and my dad as like my dad likes
to say this, close your legs, Teddy, close your legs.

Don't tell anybody like He's like, no, you need to
play hard to get and all the things, and I'm like, listen,
here's what I saw when it came to Beverly Hills.
At the reunion. We saw so much of a storyline
that happened off camera, that happened between these relationships. And
I saw a lot of people pandering to Twitter and
what they think fans think. If I was to return,

it wouldn't be about the huge offer. It would be
a season four housewife offered the same way that everybody
come back. Of course you would take it, but of course,
but mainly because there are things like which I couldn't
really say before Now I would change. But you're a
different person now, And I think that people can actually

see that on the podcast and they listen like, you're
more open about life. But I mean, I think that's
part of the conversation we had earlier. When I started
the show, I was a shell of a human being
because of what was going on with me and that
one and I was and then I went into a
group of women who you guys know, they are very

like if you show a sign of weakness, They're going
to attack you. It's pathetic and I wish I would
have shown my weaknesses instead of trying to measure up
to their strength. Yeah, what I mean, I think it's
very different. So I don't know. I have I there's
been no offer that's since slipped under my door in
my closet since I've been Yeah, who knows. You never know.

Now this question comes from England. Did you realize that
twats means idiot in England? I'm like tracks. I'm like, well,
twats means a lot worse in the States, but we
spell it different. Okay, okay, well it tracks. Yeah, And
people want to know if I saw. I'm still selling
real estate. I still have my real estate license. I

renew it every four years. I will never let that go. Yes,
I sell a few houses here and there, but don't
really have the time for it. But you know what,
it's always a good fallback. Um. The next one is
which housewives are most supportive of our friendship and the podcast? Um.

For me, I would say I could probably get like
eight percent of the housewives on all the franchise franchises
on the phone right now, like I did before this
podcast and talk about something that was just late. Um,
I think most people are supported, unless you're someone that
like takes yourself too seriously, because they're gonna be time

where Tamra is gonna be pros somebody and I'm gonna
be pro somebody. That's just what it is. But um,
unless I mean even we came around with reasonably shady
because we all support each other, we want each other
to do well. Of course, of course, I feel like
I'm I can pretty much contact any housewife. Yeah, and
they'll talk to me. I mean unless they hate me.

I don't know. Okay, I have a question for you, Teddy.
It says, why does Teddy always say she had no
money when her daddy obviously is so very wealthy. Um,
and I think you're just a trust fund baby that
just lives on your dad's coattails. So when my parents
got a divorce, I was in the third grade. My

mom got a significant amount of money, but she was
a young girl. She married my dad when she was eighteen,
so we moved to a completely different state, new place. Whatever.
She got a like a lump sum and then would
get child support. Um, she didn't know how to manage
her money, and she By the time I was in
high school, we didn't have any money. And then my

woo with my dad was that if I wanted to
move to California UM and not go to college, I
had to support myself. So I don't have I mean,
I have no trust fund. There was no trust fund. Crazy.
That's crazy because you think, like, of course you feel
I mean people, viewers, whatever, listeners think oh, he's got
more money than God. He's John Mellencamp. In fact, Eddie

had a truck on his whatever Spotify John Mellencamp and
he's like, oh, oh my god, I didn't know that
was Teddy's dad. That's Teddy. I go, yeah, he goes
I grew up with these songs. I'm like, yeah, theybe
I know, I know. So people just think that you have,
you know, unlimited money because your dad's rich. And that's

like saying like, we have money. Does that mean like
Ryan my son, Ryan's rich? Oh yeah no, And I
don't say it because listen any chance that I can,
I mean, hello, I'm here doing watch What Happens Live
with my dad because we are capitalizing on the joke
of me living in his shadow. And all of those things,
but financially I never had his back. Actually, when I

was fifteen years old, we got into an argument and
we didn't talk for three years over money. And we always,
because we you know, want to pretend that we have
no feelings, we will say things like the best three
years of my life, you know, like we make those jokes.
So he like tough love, like like a tough love
type of guy, Like if you got to somewhere and

do this for school, I'm not paying for it. Yeah,
he's very um with with the girls, with my sisters,
and I um, but here, here's where he will and
I will. I will always say here's where he will
give us money. If he wants us to come home
for Thanksgiving, he will fly us all everybody but Black

stop it, everyone but Edwin, well the significant others. He
doesn't fly the significant others, but he'll fly. Oh is
that extra tickets gonna kill him? Yeah? So that like
if he says come home for Thanksgiving and I'm like no,
we already have plans in l A. And He's like,
I'll get your plane tickets, Like that's his thing for
you and the kids, but not not for Edwin. That

is classic, But same with my sister. It's just like
how it does. It's like the husband's Does your sister
live close to him? No, she lives in South Carolina.
She lives where I grew up, and he lives in Indiana, Indiana,
but he has a house me or where she is
now too. But like my sister and I are very
very similar. Everybody thinks that we grew up with the
silver spoon in our mouth, but we grew up with

my mom who you know. So, but your dad's new girlfriend,
is it new? Yes, because the last time was for
a while. He's dating Meg Ryan, right, Well yeah, um,
I mean she's not. I mean she's new ish. Do
I know who she is? I mean she used to
be my best friend? Stop it? She used to be

your best friend. Uh huh, she used to be one
of your best friends. M hm, So she's your right.
She's a couple of years older, buddy, I I still like,
I mean, you could probably do the real He's very private,
so I'm not even gonna say her name, but I'm
sure if you go through my Instagram you can figure
it out. And it's not. Is it weird? Is it weird? No?

Except when they're like talking, like my dad is very
like straightforward, and so is she. She's Puerto Rican, so
she's just so they both Okay, I'm gonna look for
the Puerto Rican girl on your Instagram. So I actually
met her through Edwin. So when I first met Edwin,
she was one of the first girl, like she was
like his road dog. And how long they six months

or something? But they met ten years ago through me
at a concert. She came as mine and adwas when
she was a teenager. She's four five years old or something.
How seven, he's the same age as my mom. Oh
my god. Um. Normally I would never even talk about

it at all, but like he's been figuring with her
a couple of times now, so I'm like, all right,
I must be in the I'm sure we watched her
happens five have the flash tour in the sobody somebody
somebody asked me, how does Tarma deal with hot flashes? Well,
for the record, I've never had a hot flash in
my life, so there's that I don't know. Um. I

got this multiple times and debated if I was even
gonna bring it up because I don't remember to bring
this girl's name up. But there was multiple questions asking
thoughts on Heathery're hanging out with Gretchen? Um, don't care,
no opinion, do not care, haven't seen the girl in
over ten years, have no relationship, friendship whatsoever with her?
And how there's a grown as woman if that's who

she wants to hang out with, and so be it?
Did you notice? Okay, I don't know if you follow
Heather right now? I do not? Okay, Well I do? Um.
So I was looking through her carousel of photos from
this baby shower? Which is the girl? Correct? Oh, Heather?
It was Heather baby shower. Yeah, Heather. I don't know

her name, but I don't watch that show. But I
was telling Sunset, it's a great show, uh with that
guy with me? To us anyways? Not true? Well, her
boss was a douche to us. Just how they're actually
work for him? Yeah? Or does she work in the
one in I see? Um, he owns both of them,
so it doesn't really matter any who. When I was

going through Heather's post of the baby shower, I remember
having a conversation with Heather where she says she does
not use filters and and and every photo I believe
except the first one and the one of her angregion.

There is no filters took the picture and I'm curious,
digretgien Curate because we all learned group photos and all
of a sudden you're like, oh, he looks like how
why did that one make that? I'm wondering, did Gretchen
take the photo? Filter them? Bow know how that's like
a completely different and how there doesn't use filters. She doesn't,

she really doesn't. Like. When we were on the plane,
I was like, let me put on subtle filter. She said,
Now I'd rather people be surprised in a good way
when they see me. And I was like, you know what,
I like that? Yeah, You're like anyways, to move on,
pitch Um. People have been asked me about what I
posted the other day about when I've frown on my skin.
I do this on off season normally about every three months.

It's skin suticles. It is retinal. I used the point
five because it's very strong. Well, I put it on
for three days in a row because I knew that
I had thing going on and I'm going on a
trip this week and I'd be out camping, not wearing
the makeup. Well, I got a call. I have to
do an interview today for my confessional. My skin is

flaking so bad. I can feel like this and the
skin will come off of me. Um, it's dry under
my eyes, so I have all this dry wrinkled. I'm like,
you guys, really, They're like, oh, it's gonna be fine,
we can fix it and post. I'm like, okay, oh yeah,
I'm sure they'll take the time to make sure. I'm
sure they will. So when you see that interview when

my skins falling off my face and creepy under my eyes,
it's because I was using that. But it's a great product,
telling you it takes away everything on your skin. This
wasn't another good one. Would you guys discuss housewives for fun?

If not on the pot? The one time that we
hung out before doing the pot, other than when we
were at church, tam we went on like a It
was me Edwin, Edwin and Eddie and Tamma and I
were on such a big discussion about housewives. Yeah. Well,
our husbands were like, we're leaving now, but you're like,

come on. They did, but they were like, guys, we're done.
Like they had to tear us apart because they're like
conversation stop. Hence why the podcast was made, which I
read something about like because we were in the top whatever.
There was some article about what makes the best podcast
and it was something wrong, you have to be able
to have something that somebody else can't say that you

guys can say. And I was like, we truly, whether
we were on this podcast or not, we couldn't help ourselves.
We would dissect every single thing. Um. One last question
of mine is when are you guys gonna go live
live shows? I know we have talked about that. I mean,
you didn't have to deal with it as much, but

I can tell you Bravo con and there and us
having to play those out was the next level of exhausting.
But I'm talking about on a stage like at the Improv,
seeing on stage and doing a whole show. Okay, Well,
if you could have your dream, where would it be? First?

I see, No, I honestly think I'd rather go out
of state. I'd rather go like, oh see, like I'm
I'm a nobody here and I have you know, post traumatics, distress,
synder whatever it's called from the Improv and Irvine because
that's where I got sued. So, um, that's not a
place I ever want to go unless some money's right.

But I mean, I would love to go out of
state to states that I haven't visited and people that
I haven't seen, and I just think it would be
fun to do that. I think, which leads me to
my final question is when we ever do a show
like that's not a podcast, and I think it's Teddy
and Tamra road show would be pretty hilarious. Um, alright,

so before we end this episode, we should do Houselive
headlines so that our next spot we can just be
recapping Potomac and Salt Lake because where we find and guys,
there's no scandal between. Why were we sign we're only
a week behind? Because I went on the Week's couple
retreat and I just I just wanted a week off.
They I heard asked me, do you want to do

a podcast, you know with somebody else? And I said,
I would really love a week off, which I needed.
I finally feel human now. Um, okay, so the first
one is actually Darby and Luke from Summer House are
getting to know each other, including a weekend long day
d C. Okay, I don't know about I don't really
know who Luke is. He seemed really nice when we

met him at Bramo Con. But what I did see
is actually doing a TikTok in his apartment. I could
see the same painting, even though whatever, I'm sure she
did that on purpose. But that's my thing, Like, if
you're gonna don't play coy with me, I don't just
tell me we're hooking up, Like, I don't need to
see the TikTok and try to decipher it all. Just

give it to me. We're boning down, that's what I
want to come, boning down. We're boning down. It ain't
gonna last, but this is where we are. But I mean, well,
good for her. I mean, like it was said in
one of the episodes, she does not deserve saggy balls.
I mean he deserves some balls, you know what the

thought of saggy balls is. Bring me back to the
bottlip scene of Meredith and I feel when she kept
making that face where she's like and he's like and
talk from talking, and that that little girl voice, no,
like there's an give sexy voice. I'm one of them, Meredith,

one of them. Stop stop stop stop stop, And I
don't need to see that speaking. Actually, she is rumored
for Real house Lives and Girls Trip season four. Do
you want to get the cast that we're getting right here? Yeah? So,
according to Bravos and Cocktails because they have all the
dirt to Laura's Margaret, Robin Ashley, Garcela's Sutton, Emily Gina

are part of season four Real Housewife Ultimate Girls Trip.
The season will take place in Hong Kong and will
film for one week in January. I don't know that
there's any truth to that, but one of my good
friends reached out to one of the girls on this
cast supposed cast, and they said there was absolutely zero
truth to it. However, I will tell you this, when

you do get asked, you are not allowed to say
anything UM. And this is supposedly called Dynamic Duos. I
know for a fact that season four is cast. I
am not on it, but you guys know. But I
do know for a fact that it is cast. Do
I know that this is the cast? There's also another

rumor that's going around that has been um sent to
me that they're gonna redo season two, which I was
on the X Wives Club because from what I hear,
the ratings were through the roof and they were going
to send them to UM Australia and everybody was coming
back except for me and Taylor because we're on we're

no longer X wives, so UM, I don't know there's
any truth to that either. No, I mean I would
have known. Vicky would have said something, Brandy would have
said something to me. Nobody has said anything, but but
they're not a lot to say anything either. But that
being said, I would probably rather go to Australia than
Hong Kong's have been to Hong Kong already. I haven't
been to Hong Kong. I have been to Australia, to
be honest with you. So so nobody really knows. Lots

of rumors out there. Bravo and Cocktails loves to put
a story out there. Okay. The next one is Tom
Girardi Sperms c fo embeziled ten millions, spent thousands on
esport and real estate, the chief financial officer of Tom
Girardi's law firm and best at least ten millions from
bank accounts, and he's stolen funds to renovates sans was

home purchase the Caribbean mansion and shower and escort with
a monthly stipend and gifts, including a hundred and twenty
dollar first a federal prosecutor setting court. Thursday, government lawyers
disclosed allegations against for Majority and Keys CFO Christopher kmone
Camon don't know how to say it and not obviously
the sport he was hiring. Um and yeah, I mean.

And then Erica posted something about it. What did she post?
She just posted that it happened. I think just her
posting that it happened was once again her saying I
had no idea this was going down. Well, it sounds
like the entire from this point, let's say, let's say

how to add in real quart. Hey babe, I'm podcasting
right now with sam Hi Edwin. I love you too.
I have one question, because we were just talking about
the couple's retreat. What would you you're on speaker, what
would you say? I pretty much said that we were
going through tough times, We've gone through highs and lows,
and our one takeaway from the trip I gave mine.

What would you say? Your one takeaway was I think
that many today. That's kind of what you said. It's

the same thing. Oh, my god, did you guys rehearse this?
We didn't. Um. I love you so much. I'll call
you when we finish. Okay, let me too. But that's
so sweet, guys. So Erica's captain was actually h for
the ten millions for the ten outsorry. Erica's captain actually

was this ship gets crazier and crazier. Wow, it is crazier.
Compare her to jin Shaw maybe Innanna's there's no comparison.
And to say I'm biased because I say that is
one person. Even people have also compared to Teresa, and

I'm like, no, Teresa, have no idea, what's going on?
How many times have I signed tax papers or whatever
with my to Teresa, I'm like, no, no comparison whatsoever.
Speaking of Teresa, Teresa praises Caroline Manzo for not outing
family feud shades Melissa and Joe Gorga over disgrace on
her NOMA State a Bitches podcast. Teresa complimented Caroline as

well as Dina and Jacqueline. They've never aired their dirty
laundry out there, said Teresa of the three former castmates.
Like I know stuff of course behind the scenes. She
went on to say that's why I like, I knew
what was going on, and I was like, lots of likes,
lots of likes. Look, they never aired their dirty laundry
on National TV, you see, for everyone to know that,

they kept it private. And I have to say, she added,
I compliment them for that. Teresa indicated that her own
family isn't nearly as so private. She also claimed that
before this family fame thing, her family had none of this,
perhaps alluding to their dirty laundry. So Teresa is very
much um. She keeps things in. She's very very like families.

Everything private. You don't talk about things like. It's very mafia.
So if you are to guess, would you think who
do you think the bigger problem is Joe or Melissa?
I think Joe is very you know he and I
love Joe, but I feel like he he's outspoken. He
says how he feels and he puts it out there.

I don't hear Melissa. He's on like a comedy tour
right now or something. I mean I saw on Melissa's story,
Joe Gorga calls out crazy Jennifer Aiden for lies of
a Brookon Drama, Joe Gorga is clearing up the alleged
lies about Jennifer's now infamous drink throwing incident. Everything that

you heard is a lie, Grega said on The Chicks
and the Office podcast on Friday. Aiden's social media assistant Erica,
said a video shared TikTok that Gorga called her effing
dirty b I t h However, Gorga maintains that Aiden
was the instigator of the altercation. The story is out
there that she threw a drink on me and I
was saying these vulgar things to her. No, first of all,

I was fifty feet away with my wife. Jennifer likes
to dig a lot, and she gets involved with my
family business. Grega then admitted that his wife, Georga, did
say something to of course co star that may have
ticked her off. However, he said he expected the women
to not get into a verbal argument as how euselid
to do. But he noted that Aiden is not like that.

If you watched her on the TV show through the year,
she drinks a lot, she's violent, she throws things, she
breaks glasses, she wants to stab you with it, she
throws knives throughout it. I mean, this is who she is.
She's crazy. That's the whole career, and that's the whole cast.
They drink, they throw their Italian, they do all the things. Um.
All I know is the night after that happened, we

got our food delivered to our room and the girl
that delivered the food had all the dirt on it. Yeah,
and we we we didn't know anything about it, so
it was a big deal. Who knows what happened. It
was kind of it was dramatic, dramatic and embarrassing. Yeah.

Bethany response to Carol and Luanne for podcast bashing. Okay,
you guys know how we feel about the podcast bashing.
But Bethany Frankel says she can't apologize for being successful. Okay,
right there, Yeah yeah sorry. Interview for Access Hollywood House

Life Nightcap with Lauren Hubert, Bethany reacted to Carol Luan's
negative comments about her new Rewives podcast. I'm sorry they
are having a hard time with this. It makes sense.
It's already very successful. It's an incredible I yeah, it's
got buzz. It's interesting, said Bethany. I can't apologize and
I can't apologize for having great ideas for being successful.
To start, added, I've tried to do that for so

many years. Part of the reason I left your house
I was in New York was having to do with
feeling self conscious about my success and the great opportunities
that I have had first and that other people have
been inspired and done them themselves. She said. Her co
stars negative comments were predictable, and Bethany hopes they feel
better soon. Whatever your preconceived notion and an expectation are
of this podcast, it's not that it's not the run

of the mill. It's giving everything that you want. You
just didn't realize, she shared. It's so much information that
I didn't even realize. I have just for my ability
to break down the genre. It's sort of how it started.
I said, I think her podcast is probably great. I'm
sure it is, I said. I started to watch it
on my I listened to it on my in my

car on my way to Trader Joe's the other day,
which is another amazing thing I got to do. I've
been a Trader jose in four months. But anyways, um,
I ordered to get into it, and then I had
to go into the store. I haven't watched listen to
the rest, but truthfully, everything Bethany does. She pretty much
blows it up. She does, it's gonna be great. I
mean the fact that people like watching her wash her
face and talk about her drug store. Well, here's the thing.

I think that it is gonna be a great show.
The only part that I had issue with in regards
to this was her repeatedly saying, you know, I'm above Housewives.
I've moved on. They are not a lot of people women.
A lot of people have said that, and that is
that's the part that bothers me. Like, here's the thing,

you know what, just say it, be authentic about it
the way we are and say, hey, listen, people want
to hear us talk sh it on on Housewives. We're
gonna get paid to do it. Let's go for it.
I think that people's biggest problem is that she's talked
down on Housewives and said so many horrible things about
you know, the show and her cast mates. That now
she's doing this, which is a great idea. Yeah, and

I hope, I hope she gets a lot of success.
We did get one tweet that made me laugh because
I am having a feeling that you don't know what
this word means either, but I'm taking it as a compliment.
Having listened to be first episode, I can say Teddy
Mellencamp and tam Ra Judge OC do it better and
without supercilious undertones. Everyone listened to two teas in a pot.
What is super supercilious? I would say, like funny, but mean.

I have absolutely no idea what I mean. I saw this.
I was dying, so I'm like, there's no way that
tam Google's Alexa. There's gotta be ask. Can't you ask? Alexa?
She's right there? I see her behind your back, Alexa.
Oh she's not plugged in. Sorry I had to. I
had to unplug her. Supercilious behaving or looking as though

one thinks one is superior to others. So I was.
I was absolutely wrong behaving or looking as the one
thing inks one is superior to others. Now we know
we're just as bad as everybody else. Supercilious people think
very highly of themselves, more highly than others. If your
sister tends to act snobby and superior, you can describe

her as supercilious. Well we add that to our vocab. No,
I don't know. You know, I was thinking about that
because my vocab is you know, I barely made it
through high school, didn't go to college, however, But I
thought if i'd feel superior to you because I made
it to eleventh grade UM and then had to take
an EXEAS and my junior year. Yeah, but I seriously

feel like I grew up with a learned disability. My
dad has one, and I know I have one, so
it's very hard for me to retain anything. So um
I thought about like taking a class online class or
something to expand my vocabulary. But then I'm like, I'm
fifty five years old, doesn't really matter anymore. No, we're
not going to know what supercilious means. I also can't

do my son's second grade math. It is what it is.
Um Uh. The next second, the next of those Real
Housewives of Salt Lake City star jin Shaw blowout in
public argument family drama on video full TMZ link here.
Jen Sauce jin Shaw sentencing and her fraud case isn't

the only thing she's on the edge about these days.
The Real Housewives absolutely lost it during an explosive argument,
screaming and cutting on the streets of Salt Lake City.
TMZ obtained the intense footage of jin and four other
people having a blowout downtown Salt Lake City, and you
hear Jim screen, and you hear Jen screen several times.
F you were told this heated showdown happened around nine

pm on November five, as they say, Saturday nights all
right for fighting. It's unclear what sparked the dispute or
who the other combatants are, but there are some clear
chatter about this about someone's husband. There's also one person,
not Jen, who hurls a homophobics or a few times.
I didn't hear that. I didn't, did you hear? I

didn't hear. I didn't hear that either, Um, but I did.
I thought the person and the video was um Angie,
not Angie Harrington, the other Angie, And it's not it's
not it's not her. Was that was that Heather gay
with her or not? It's very hard to make out
who's in that video or not. I mean, there are

so many rumors. I mean, there are even rumors that
this fight is happening between gen Shaw and her child.
But well they said family drama, So family drama. Somebody
saying it's her oldest son. I don't want to report
on that as knowing, because we do not know. I
do know that if you are in a situation where
you could potentially be spending fifty plus years in jail,

leading quit fighting on the freaking streets, yeah, where you
can be recorded. Like I really start to wonder now
at this point if all these fights and all this
curated drama is not just like an attention and grab
all the time, no matter if it's her family, friends,
whoever it is. I don't know who's in that video,
but like, make it stop or if you can't, you

much don't leave your house. Yeah, but we got a
little tasty gnshaw when she came into our hotel room.
It's just crazy. Um. And then the final headline and
you can go for that one, um. Andy Cohen in
Serious XM three year d O renewer expands daily radio

show three more deal, contract extension, Way to Go Andy,
Um continues on and on. But guys, we are at
our capacity for today and I look forward to seeing
you tomorrow. Damn. If you were to guess, what do
you think? The hardest question, and he's gonna ask me, is,
oh my god, why did you do a podcast with
Tara Judge? What were you thinking? Do you want to

ruin your career. I'm gonna say I needed somebody that's
um what Okay? So maybe maybe it's at Lisa vanner
Pump question. Maybe it's where you left off your last season.
That wasn't my last season, Banner Pump, but already left
it wasn't your last season, that's right. So I think

I'm going to get a lot of this season questions
with my guests. You might be surprised. Did you look
at the tweets that were sent to Andy? Do you
have any idea? Yeah? And was that where you said
you wanted off yourself U? But then people are like

I was like, damn, um, yeah. So the problem isn't
gonna be me answering any of these questions. I'm fine.
If I was there with you sitting on those two chairs, fine,
I could go as bananas as I want. You don't
have to remember, my dad's going to be in my
other chair. And if you think I'm gredgy to know
it all, I Daddy Mellencamp to the rescue. Like, my

question is who's getting first chair? Oh my gosh, Well
I went back and looked, and I always had first
chair except for my last season, which makes sense. Well,
it also depends on who the guest is. If it's
like an A lister, like of course they're always going
to get first season actually airless, No, it's the one.

But one time I was second chair. I mean she
was great, she was like a comedian, but like it
wasn't a a I think only whatever I was in
at that moment. M M. I never know how they picked.
I really don't. I don't know how they picked. But
I just I really looked at my dad. I'm like, Dad, please,
because you don't understand if you want to talk about intimidating.

I was like, I need you to please just go
into this, this show a little bit of like I
want fun, fun, cougs fun. His responses, what does he drink? No? No,
and I won't be able to drink either. He looks
at me and he goes, why Andy Cohen can't fire me?

Oh he's a hardass. I'm scared of him. I'm scared, scared.
I'm scared for tomorrow. All right, Well, you guys you're
gonna be fine. Thank you for listening. Please tune in
to watch What Happens five and we will be doing
a recap episode next So we will have multiple ups
this week. Thanks for tuning in. Bye
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