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December 8, 2022 40 mins

This ‘friend of’ is READY for her snowflake!!Angie K reveals the BTS of the moment Jen Shah poured champagne all over her head… and let’s just say there is A LOT to discuss.Plus… the good, the bad and the ugly of the SLC Housewives. Angie isn’t holding back and neither are the Twots! Buckle up!!

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Two teas in a pod with Teddy MELONCTS and camerage Edge. Angie,
thank you so much for being with us today. Oh,
I'm honored. Thanks for having me. We did a little
um intro for you, but then we realized we don't

want to butcher your last name. So can you just
say it for us once and for all. Yeah, it's
like a cat, but with think Kake cats and abus
cats the name. We'll just continue calling calling you the
good Angie. That's how we've been referring to you on
the pod. I'll take that. Are you Greek and Greek? Yeah,
my parents are both from Greece, one of the most

beautiful places in the world. Yes, absolutely, I love going there.
I want to have you always lived in Salt Lake. Yeah,
we were born and raised. My parents came here, they
got married in Salt Lake City, and we were all
raised in Salt Lake. Do you return to Greece a lot? Uh? Yeah.
We go back for vacations with my dad to where
he's from, to the village that he was born and

raised in, and then we also go there and just
vacation and Creed and Santorini and Mikingos, yes, well, and
bind us next time I go to all those places
years ago, I'll be your tour guide. Yes, well I
like it. Um, so are you guys LDS? No, we're
actually Greek Orthodox, which growing up here, I was probably

one of the only non Mormons in my school and
in my neighborhood. But I grew up around a lot
of Mormons, amazing families. They were very loving and welcoming
to us. So I had a great experience being non
Mormon in Salt Lake City and being the only Greek
Orthodox person for miles. So I have a question then,
being in that cast. Is there any practicing Mormons? No,

it doesn't seem like it's Jack Mormons, but no practicing Mormons.
How Jack Mormons? Mormons? Mormons? How does Salt Lake City
the people in town feel about How do they feel
about the show? Uh? You know, I think a lot
of people that are Mormon are really offended by the

way that the church has been spoken about because it's
being seen in negative light. And I can respect that, right.
We are all proud of our religion and our culture,
whatever that looks like. I don't think a lot of
the Mormons love how it's being represented. I think a
lot of people that have left the church can probably
relate to the girls. So there's a both sides. Um. Yeah,

so I think you see a little bit of both
as far as religion goes. Since we're kind of just
getting to know you, I feel like as the season
is progressing, we're seeing a little bit more. I have
a couple of quick questions. First, have you ever been
on the show prior and we just haven't seen you
prior to this season. Yes, I was um at you know,
a small snippet at Heather's beauty lab and laser ground

opening in season one, and then I filmed with Lisa
and Jen season two and one scene um was two
days before Jenn got arrested and they ended up throwing
it away. It was a scene where we filmed a
shot tank like shark take and they just yeah, they
did away with the entire scene. But it was a disaster. Anyways,

things didn't go with Jenna and I and as usual,
ship hit the fan and so um, I wasn't looking
forward to seeing it anyway, but it never came out.
So I have filmed a bit and um I was
at least as event for her fresh Wolf uh lawn.
UM kind of party and yeah, so I filmed the
little So when they offer you a snowflake next season,
are you gonna take it? Well, I will pull my

hand out flakes lands in it. I'm ready. I predict
it's gonna land in it. Oh, I heard about this stuff.
I've been around for a while. You know you're saying
you're you're definitely one of the I've been around about
fifteen years. So do you do you feel like Dana,
the other Angie, and you are all kind of like

like auditioning to be the next housewide by having three
friends of is a lot? Does it ever feel that way?
I mean, there was something this past episode where you
you know, you could see that the other Angie wasn't invited,
and then Whitney released the text messages like what exactly
is the dynamic? Do you feel like the women are
welcoming you guys? Are they trying to push you out? Well?

I feel that the group is kind of divided in
half right now. It didn't really start out that way,
but based on things that have come up, it's it's
ended that way. Um. You know, I don't want to
say I'm auditioning because I feel that I'm being myself.
Everything that I'm doing I would do in real life.
Sometimes people say, oh, you're doing too much, But it's like,
I'm not going to minimize who I am because I'm
not auditioning. I'm I'm acting in a way that I

would in the real world. And this is a reality show. Uh,
you know, maybe some of the other girls feel that way.
I just feel that, you know, whatever happens is meant
to be definitely the you know, people are supporting the
friends that they want to come on more and then
trying to throw the other ones under the bus, you know,
laughing at them or you know, um not being supportive

during the episodes and online, and I think they think
that that's their way of of I seeing people out
of the group. Um. Well, because I was kind of
thinking this past episode when you took everybody to um
San Diego, your friend's house, you were talking and Gin
poured the champagne on your head. Clearly that wasn't funny,
and to me it almost was like, was she trying

to get power of you as a housewife and kind
of trying to put you in your place? Was that
ultimately what it felt like? That's that's exactly what it
felt like to me. It's like, you can be my
friend as long as you're my bitch, but you know,
if you're trying to come up here, then I'm gonna
push you back down here. And I felt like that
even filming with her last year. UM, if I spoke

to Lisa or went to Lisa's event, they never showed
the episode. Um, they never put in the episode, but
it was like, you you fake. I mean, this was
not the first snowball she threw at me. That's one thing. People.
It was like a build up of like multiple snowballs
being thrown at me on and off camera. And you know,

at that moment, it was like, you know what, don't
try and take over the tour. The sun is shining
on you. So I'm gonna humiliate you. I'm gonna demean
you and degrade you, even though you have stood up
for me off and on camera. And you know, she
humiliated me, not just in front of the group of ladies,
but in front of the entire world. I just felt
that that was so disrespectful and that's not who I am,

and that's not how I have treated her her or
would ever treat her. So you feel exactly that in
a moment that you know, women are supposed to friends
are supposed to build each other up, and she totally
demeaned me and degraded me in front of the That's
exactly what it looked like to as a as a
prior wine thrower. But mine was at Mine was about

anger or somebody interfering with my divorce situation, all this stuff.
The way that Jed did it was just so like
there was no anger, was just like I was gonna
I'm gonna do it was just embarrassing mad. You did
it out of anger and like somebody's face. But she
but she deserved it. I mean, I don't know if
anybody deserves it, but at the moment, like she deserved it.

You did not deserve that. Like it was just like
the way she did it so slowly and then asked
you you handled it so well, I would have lost
my ship, and then for her to pourt over her
head to make it sound like, well you know that
now we're even yeah, because I would never return that favor.
I would never do that in the first place. And
I felt that Jen and I had a different friendship

and to know that she would go there with me.
It really hurt me because I would never do something
like that. I've defended her and I would never do
such a thing. So I was that was an eye opening,
pivotal moment for me and our friendship, and I felt
that she's the one that threw our friendship away by
doing that after over a room, over a room, and

you know, I was being lighthearted. I was having fun
on the tour and know for her to take it
to that in front of people, we we all know
she wasn't having fun. The girls that want to support
and say it was fun and funny, there was nothing
funny about. How could they be supporting that? How like,
just walk me through this and speaking to Heather or Meredith,

There's absolutely no way those girls would have taken it
that way. They weren't at a club, and it wasn't
like shooting champagne through like. It wasn't that setting. It
was meant to humiliate you. It was And I know
in the moment they all said they you know, nobody laughed.
If you thought it was funny, why don't you laugh?
In the road he thought it was funny. Why didn't
you raise your hand when I asked if you thought
it was funny, and then you know they decided to

now jump on this bandwagon and double down on Jan
and say they thought it was funny. You know, these
women have daughters, and I have a daughter as well.
I can't imagine a woman that has daughters and it
is raising children would condone that kind of toxic behavior.
And you know, it only just shows their true character.
Now I know how they feel about me, and you know,
I know who they are, and and your true colors

are coming out. Now you've known Gen twenty years, have
you never noticed any toxic behavior come out of her? Well?
The difference is, I think when filming with Jen or
when she might feel that you are taking someone else's aside,
or you know, you are becoming friends with other women
in the group, which is natural, I mean we're also jealousy. Yeah,
I felt that there was jealousy there. I felt that

there was like this territorial thing where you know, if
you're gonna be on here, you can't talk to anyone
else or become friends with anyone. But that doesn't mean
that I'm not going to support Jen if I form
friendships with other women in the group. That's sort of
what happens naturally, So yeah, you know, and I watched
her do it to other people, never really thinking she
would turn on me like this and humiliate me like this.

And I think the biggest thing is that I you know,
I think I took all that I could take, and
you know it happened on camera. I responded to the
drink for by bring phase up. And you know, when
you're poked and poked and poked, at some point you're
gonna blow. Well, you handed it to her in the

limo like that was the moment. I was like, all right,
we're we're reaching out to the good Angie. We need
her on because you were so like I think in
the moment when just this is my thought, when in
the moment with the champagne, you could tell for a
second you wanted to cry, like you I've been in
that moment, Like you were like hold like holding back tears, like,

holy sh it, did this really just happened to me?
But you kept it together until you got alone and
had the conversation. But then once you were in the limo,
like you stepped into like high gear and you handed
it to her. But not even in a way that
anybody can say, anybody can really dispute it, alright, forget
what the line was. You said something like, are are

you a stand up person? Or are you a stand
up And that was like, Mike, drop well, and you know,
just to show you what what kind of a friend
I have been the biggest thing to me was that
she returned to the friendship, that it wasn't one sided,
that it wasn't just give give give. So it was
like she had a moment to support me in front
of the girls and she turned on me after, you know,
me being a supportive friend and everything that I felt

that I have done for her, and she knows what
I'm talking about. Um, you know I feel that in
that moment, Yeah, I could have dumped the drink back,
but I wasn't going to go, you know, to her level.
I was taken back. Yeah, I did want to start
crying in the moment, but I didn't want to ruin
the trip for everybody else, and so I just held
it together. Obviously I had my breakdown, and then when

I pulled myself together, I brought facts. Yes, she did
like it was facts, right, it was all factual. I
didn't lie. I stated facts and I told her the
truth and I don't you know, I wasn't going to
bring any of that out. I was going to finish
off the season, finish off the year, keeping that a
secret that you know she didn't make good on her

husband's party. But you know, once the drink dumb hit,
it all comes out. Yeah, you're confessional when you're throwing
from the papers. It was a weak style, like throwing

one at a party. Right for one second, did you
ever even consider the hand me down gift as a gift?
Absolutely not. It's like are you giving me like is
this like a gag order gift or like you think
you're giving me hush money? And in that moment, I
just thought, wait. A minute later, off camera, she said, oh,

that's just for everything with Sharif's party, and this light
bulb went on, like okay, I see this like manipulation tactic.
Here you can tell me you're not paying me back
and here's a little gift, so don't say anything. And
it was funny because somebody had wrote something on social
media like Jen gives Angie a gift with her skin
cells on it. Yeah, really like yeah, like no, thank you,

I don't need the re gift and um, let's just well,
Teddy and I gave her an original plan that you
were supposed to pay for your husband's party and keep
the re gift. Did you get any money so far?
Well from who she's not having any that is, I
can't give way spoiler, you can't. But if we're still

in the episode, the answer is no, and I have
to ask for my money from from a very dear friend. Right,
Teddy and I gave her a gift of coming into
our hotel room at Brovocn and letting her use our lamb.
Don't let me into this, Okay, it was my lamb,
but we were you were in there and she did
the glam and then as we left, she went back
in there and took the alcohol out of my mini fridge.

Hey girl, welcome from my world, I mean my cabin
that's gone dry since she my my my heart. The
guy that does my makeup was still in the room
cleaning up, and he's like, she came back in and
she like literally got into took the alcohol left, and
he's like, you need to go. Well, that is you

know that is uh in gen shaw form right there.
So how did you meet her in the first place?
Jen was well. We went to UM College around the
same time. I was in Beauty College Girls because I
didn't go to college and she was in college, joined
the club yes now it's okay at the University of Utah,
and we just kind of had friends in common. And

then Jen was a guest of my hair salon, so
I just kind of got, you know, reacquainted with her
again over the years and um just sort of kind
of came back together. Jen's fun, She's easy to want
to be friends with. She she has things, she has
fun energy. You can see how people are drawn towards her.
Very charismatic, and you know, that was the biggest thing

when I called her out and said are you you
know I think some people thought, oh, yeah, you call
her out on her charges. That's not what mattered to
me in the moment. What mattered to me in the
moment was you can't keep a friendship. And if you
can't keep a friendship with me after everything I've done,
then you cannot keep a friendship. So for me that
was more important than the charges. Like I, all I
wanted was support and love in return, and and she

couldn't take it. She couldn't take that you were getting
any empty spotlight, which is really when we hear about
the sentencing and all of the snake you're getting her.
I don't want hers. I'd love to have one. But
the funny thing about the party is like, you know,
to go back to that, she was five days away
from her husban's birthday party with no location and the

local roller that's a key nugget, very key nugget. The
roller skating rink that she was supposed to have it at,
not taking a roller skating rink skate. So I I
even called for her to beg because I'm very persuasive.
I thought, Okay, I will get them to close down
for your party. They said no. Now they wanted the
party to be filmed the following week, still no location.

I said, would you like to do it at this
club that I felt with stud the theme which was
Harlem Nights I'm a member of up in downtown Salt
Lake called the Alt Club. She said no, And then
I'm like, well, you can use my house. What do
you say to a friend that's five days away? No, lose,
you can use use my house and she's going to
open her home. We're going to use Angie's house for

the viewers go back and watch me, saying, hey, it'll
be like a house for me. Was like me being
my lighthearted, fun self, just making the most out of it.
I didn't know anyone at the party except the girls
on the cast, so these were Cherif's friend. I threw
her a lifeline, like, here you go, I'm gonna help
you out. Yeah, you can use the house, not knowing
that she was going to go, m I A and Hey,

I want a piano, I want a casino table. Do
you know a bartender? Do you know about this? Do
you know that my party plan she asked for all
those things, my party planner um backed out on me.
My party planner backed out. I find that interesting too,
that nobody would host her event, nobody would be willing
to do the party planning. So I said, I wonder why, right,

And I know now in hinds at him looking back,
thinking well, no, wonder. So I said, it's okay, we
can do it together. But you know, hey, girl, we
gotta get your husband a cake. We gotta. I mean,
she knew what she was wearing and that's all. She
didn't show up to the tasting in the restaurant to
look and put together the menu. It's like she just
went completely and then she kind of complained about the
way that you planned it, and we're confessional. I thought

my party looked a lot more classic and beautiful than
the one she threw in season one, supposedly through from
Meredith for um with all her friends with a bar
again even though her husband doesn't drink, and with no expectations.
Do you think she paid for that? Do you think
it was a production cost? Production doesn't put on I think,
as we know, those kind of a bed. How did

you have any idea that any of this prior to
the show, that any of this was going on? And
do you think Coach had any idea either? Uh? Well,
you know, Jen was still standing by that she was innocent,
and I stood by her as a friend. She hadn't
pled guilty yet while we were planning the party, so

I think I also viewed her in a different light
at that moment. Um. I'd like to think Coach didn't
know anything. You know, he's very well respected in Salt Lake.
I think he's a great father. I think, you know,
he's gone a lot. I think he's removed, So I
wouldn't their comment on that, because I'd like to think no,
but there's no proof that he knew anything, and any

comment removed. We need to we need to remember that
he's very removed. He's gone all the time. I mean,
you know, Jen would be at my house just we
would be having you know, bonding time. I'd be listening
to her with everything she had going on until five
in the morning. I wake up at seven because I'm
a mom. Jen got to sleep in, so unlike Heather,

I didn't put her in an uber. I drove her
home at five in the morning. Many a night I
was because she's alone a lot, and I loved at
the time being with her and you know, being have
you spent time with her since she pleaded guilty. No,
I haven't even spoke to her since season finale. Haven't

heard from her. She's you know, there are moments where
I thought, should I reach out, But then suddenly she'd
start cyber bullying me or posting really horrible things online,
being demeaning again. So just when you see a glimmer
of thinking, you know, having compassion again, remembering she's a
mother with two sons and she's going away. But then
she would hit me with another snowball, and it was like, Okay,

I was reminded of who she is and what she's
capable of, and that it's not worth it for me
because it's not consistent. Like it was one sided. You know,
she had all her conditions on me, but yet I
was expected to act a certain way, but continue to
bully me, to cyber bullying me, to talk about me,
and totally disrespect me. So I've just learned that even

there's no going back with her because she's not really
capable in my opinion, of consistent friendship. So moving on
to other cast members, who are you close with? Umm,
I'm close to this with Lisa. UM. I love Lisa.
We love Lisa. We have a lot in common. We
both run business, we both have children up close to

the same age. Um, except I know I would say
we're homemakers, but um, you know, Lisa loves to talk
about and I'd love to cook. She's so much fun.
I love her. I really value and appreciate the support
that she's given me during this time. We talk every day,
multiple times a day. I also really loved Whitney. I
think she's very sweet, very down to her earth. Um,

you know, we've grown very close. She was the last
one I thought i'd be friends with because I'm like
old enough to be her mom. And how old is
Whitney and how old are you? Whitney starty seven and
I just turned forty nine. But I just yeah, but
I just love her. Um, she's a sweetheart, and dann
as a sweetheart. And as for the others, they've just
really shown me their two colors. What did you think

about the fence staff with the h Do you think
that Angie h actually really knew about it or do
you think she's just playing coy here? Well, if this
is an opinion thing, I absolutely one think they did
that together. And she was completely over going on And
you know that's another thing you know that really hurt Jen. Um.

So I got to hear about that long before it
was ever even you know, announced, and I immediately knew
she was involved, and you know the way that she
downplayed it to Jen, Oh, you'll have to talk to
my husband. Um, I have no idea what you're talking about.
Ask him. Who throws their husband under the bus like that? Like,
you know, I don't know what you're talking about. Just
puts it onto her husband the way that she did

that after she released under the bus. Again, it just
goes back to this girl has like zero moral compass
and she's willing to throw her own husband under the bus,
like let him. You know, she's got nothing to lose,
Like what does she do? She doesn't even have a job, right,
So her husband now was like in a position of
posibly have issues at work and in business because she's

throwing him under the bus. She knew worth it. Yeah,
it looked like he just came out and said that
because he knew it was going to come out. My
next question, it's like, was there a rumball and talk
about it behind everybody's back that they everybody knew he
was behind it, and that's why he brought it up.
When it happened, Jen called him and called him out
on it, he started crying like a little girl. Of course,

like a little bitch. What iran? Like a little elf
on the shelf? Bitch? And he was never clean. It's like,
it looks like he's coming clean to be fourth, right,
and because he feels guilty, he's coming clean because Jen
called him out nine months prior and he that's kind
of what we thought we talked about before. He just

looked so cringe e and Mare's didn't even seem shocked
by it. So I was like, something is everybody knew
every this was already out and for Meredith to even say, oh, well,
don't feel bad, you apologize it was so cringe e
all of it. And then also Danna, they have really
showed us very little of her um and what they

have shown it's it's like I can't figure her out yet,
but I have seen that even I feel like Heather
said it to her this past episode where she was like,
don't step up to jet, you know, like, if you
want to be here, these are the rules. Just do
you think that there's going to be a part, you know,
without any spoilers, where we are going to see Dana

come into her own and she's going to get more.
She going to continue, you know, having to follow the rules. Well,
I think at the end of the season Dana finally
realizes she can have a voice and come forward and
see what she's really thinking. But yeah, she was um.
She was told to downplay, you know, her feelings, which

I thought that was you know, that was so cringey
when Heather told her to do that. It's like like
it's like people want the friends up to just stay
silent and stay down. And the point is, you know,
you're supposed to be real self, and Danna wanted to
bring some things to life but was made to feel
that she couldn't. But yeah, I think towards the end
of the season, Sweetheart, Danna does have an opinion, but

it took her a minute to be able to voice
that opinion the guest. The guest like she was trying
to push your down. Right, don't have a voice. Don't
call Jen out because that's why I had or chooses
to do, Like, oh, I'm just going to support Jen's toxic,
but that's why she's getting paid for. Right is to
have a voice. But also, who doesn't love a friend

like I personally when I was on the show, I
feel like you're the same camera. If a friend up
came on and wanted to create drama, it makes your
life easier, so much easier. Like I'm thrilled, and I'm like,
if you're not even old time, you're willing to do
this like yes, like it's a good thing. So I
can't believe, especially having such a small cast, that they

would really just want to push people aside. But that's
kind of making me wonder a little bit about her.
Heather and Meredith and well, you know, we met Heather
at brovocon and she seemed like we had a good
time with her. She was super sweet, super nice. But
the Heather that we're seeing right now, she's just I
don't know if she's just having a bad season. Is
this her true colors? It's very confusing. What are your

thoughts on Whitney and Heather's friendship. I love Winny. I
think she's been a very good friend. What do you
saw from Heather like, don't say anything. I'm gonna bring
you down. I'm gonna control you. I don't want you
to step up and say anything. There's like some control
things going on. And it feels similar sometimes to gender myself.
Where Heather was good with Whitney when Whitney was quiet

and conforming and agreeing with everything she said, and now
that Whinney has her own opinion and it's sort of
standing not sort of Whinney's standing out. She's gone through
a lot, she's becoming her own person, she's forming her
own opinion. Now, that's when the friendship started. To go sideways.
So you know, they're all good if they can control
the narrative. That makes sense. That makes so much sense, really,

m And now I have to ask kind of it's
a kind of a classless question, but you they talk
about it a lot on Salt Lake So I just
I'm seeing your background. I'm seeing like even your little

our zoom nugget. Are you the richest Salt Lake City?
You know you didn't? Uh? You know, I have seen
everyone's financials, but um, you know, Lisa's always sweet says
you have the most beautiful house of all of us. Um,
I do want to add that I am self made.
My dad and my mother were raised in dilligence and

came here with nothing. So I like to share that
because I don't want to ever obviously brag, but I
have worked hard along with my husband to get where
I am today. So I haven't seen everyone's financials, but
I think I'm definitely one of the I'll take I'll
take it as yes, what kind of does just our
She's like, yeah, I'm not gonna brag me. Yes, what
kind of business are you in? Um, I'm in the

beauty industry. I own multiple hair salons called lunatic French salons. Um.
I am an owner of a cosmetology school pub much
of the school um and um yeah, and I also
own a beauty supply called Urban Beauty, where we distribute
high end beauty products. So yeah, see, I want to
see all of this. I hope you have a snowfl
next year so you can start to uncover your and

then tell us about your husband. Because I met you
guys at the horse show, and you guys were both
so nice and such the fact that both of y'all
were there to support your daughter riding like I loved it,
so thank you. Yeah, she can't shake us. We follow
her everywhere. We have darling little girls. Elector, that's eleven
years old. My husband is a hairdresser too, which is
so crazy. I met him in a hair salon when

I was nineteen and um, when I was twenty. When
we started dating, he was twenty four. And you know,
he's just a very down to earth, humble guy. He
works really hard and here he was just like buff,
We're just hairdresser, and I'm like, wow, this guy is
so shy. And at that time, if you were a hairdresser,
you know there was no straight hairdressers and felt like

so I was like, oh, there's no need to worry
because this guy would never even give me the time
of day. And then I started working at the same
salon and we fell in love from there and we
were very young. We got married young. Um we started out,
um six years as hairdressers, opened our own salon together,
uh six years later than got in the school industry.
We have that franchise company of lunatic frings that we

opened together. My husband grew up with horses doing uh
you know, his dad had a ranch and he grew
up just a good old boy, hard worker. And UM,
my daughter, I think got exposed to the horse world
because of him. He and his dad bought her a
little pony when she was two and a half and then, um,
you know that's the beginning of her dream, which she

wants to write in the Olympics. So she's a little equestrian.
We follow her like you around to all these horse shows. Um.
We now manage our multiple businesses together. Obviously we don't
do hair anymore. And you know we're just partners in life.
We're partners in business and partners in in raising our
little girl together, And how does he feel about the filming?

You know, I think he loves it. He thinks I
was made for this, which is so funny. A lot
of people say, oh my gosh, Angie is so sweet,
She's so kind. I'm worried about her going into this show.
And my husband always says, do not worry about Angie,
which made for this. He can hold her own. So um.
You know, he's happy and supports me doing it and
has had my back and he's excited for me. Did

he film very much this season? A little bit. He
was at Sharif's, you know, the guy's dinner that was brutal.
That dinner was brutal, brutal to watch, brutal to watch.
I was like, this is so awkward. Yeah. I think
some people love seeing the husbands and other people use
it as their snack time to you know, use arresturants.

I mean, the Seth conversation is just yeah, Seth in person.
You know, I'm gonna say, meeting both of them. Seth
has a lot of personality. I know sometimes people feel
he's created. When you say meeting both of them, do
you mean meeting Meredith and so compared compared to narrative.
He has a personality, right, you know, he's the CEO

of fun over her because it's like in a relationship
there's opposites, and you know, Seth has a lot of personality.
He can hold his own in a social setting. When
he was at my house for Sharik's party, he was
very friendly. He was a lot of fun, very interesting
down earth conversations. But I know on film he says
and does some cringing things, So personally, I was shocked

when I met him, And you know, he was nice
to actually have a conversation with, and I can see
where he'd be the balance in a social setting for her,
because Meredith doesn't really have a whole lot to say.
Is she a whole lot of fun? No? Not really?
Would you have? She was sweet Meredith. She was talked

about Tama. We don't want to hear sweet the house.
Well okay, well yeah, she's fine. Um. I think because
I'm friends with Lisa, there's never a chance for her
and I to form a friendship. She was nice to
me when I came on, and suddenly I just filled
this shift with her, and obviously her opinion about the
dream being poured on my head being fun and funny,
and uh, now I see what kind of person she is.

So her and I are very different, um, because I
wouldn't find out funny and second of all, uh yeah,
I wouldn't call her fun. She can be nice, she
hasn't been nice to me if if I look at
you know, how she's talking about the dreamstuff. She's always
so serious, for sure, but now saying never because the
dynamics on this crazy franchise, and I thought we were

off to a great start, and then after you know,
I had Lisa's back, the dynamics shifted, so things are
not you know, I wouldn't say we are the best
of friends by any means. And then I have a question,
because this is a lot from our listeners. They are
constantly saying, why is it that on Beverly Do you
watch any other franchises? So why on Beverly Hills was

there so much discussion about Erica and her husband and
all the things playing out in the press and constantly
the women. I mean, for at least two seasons, the
women have just been on her about everything that's come up.
We're barely seeing anything with gen Sha. We're solely seeing
her talking about starting to take antidepressants her mental state.

But I don't really see any of you guys having
those tougher conversations. Was that something because you all were
just being respectful of the situation, or is it because
of fear or what do you think it is? Well,
first of all, I think because she was telling the friends,
I'm innocent, I'm innocent. Um, when you have history with someone,

the right thing to do is have their back and
believe them, even though you might be questioning in your
mind is this true? Is she capable of something like this?
It was easy for Danna, I think because Dana had
zero history with her, so Danna could just you know,
speak her mind, speak her mind. But with the girls,
I think people were on eggshells. But you know, I

think by the end of the season, you see people,
even though she still has not pled guilty, based on
some of her actions, the girls are starting to question
her more and um starting to question her innocence more.
But I think there's a lot of fear surrounding by
surrounded by Jen. I hate to say this, but I
think there's fear surrounding Jen and people's relationships with her

because nobody wants this person like screaming in their face
and calling them out and calling them every name in
the book, and you know, going at them. And that's
what I see with Meredith and Heather. It's like, are
you guys afraid of her? Like, why do you condone
her behavior. I'm not afraid of jen Um because I'm
a respected woman. Ladies. You know I'm not Um. You know,

I'm not afraid of her because I have the truth
on my side and I have facts on my side,
and so that's where it's different for me. But I
think there's been a lot of fear that people don't
want to film with her and have her screaming in
their face or be on her bad side. That must
not feel good, right, just to know that if I
say what I'm thinking, they've seen what she's capable, They've

they've seen how she gets in people's faces, they've seen
how she goes to people, and I think it creates
some fear in the back of their mind that like,
I don't want to be in this position, so I'm
just not going to poke the bear. I'm going to
go along with her. I feel like she's going to
reactivate her Twitter again just to let us all have
it after after this podcast, right, I think that she

kind of you know, I didn't watch that interview she
did because I'm not going to listen to anything that
negative about myself. But it sounds like she was negative
about you girls, and oh yes, like what I like spots,
but I mean the two pussies And I'm sorry me
being called wonderbread is what I got sent by texts,

like people kept saying, you're Greek. Why is she calling
you wonderbread button? Okay, I just that's what she does.
That's what makes her feel better. I spend time working
on my brand and building my own brand, and I
don't even drink her poison or listen to that stuff
because it's just too much and nobody believes her. Everybody
knows the truth. I was actually shocked that Shannon posted
a picture with her on her Instagram the other dance

like what she text me and said. I have actually
talked her since then. She's like I met Jen Shaw,
I go. I know, I saw, and she she was
really nice to go. She was nice to us too,
but be careful to be careful. Um, is there anything
because I know we have to wrap, but is there
anything you should tease for us that the rest of
the season or any juicy nuggets. Well, it's gonna continue

with high drama. There's a lot of you know, um
issues with friendships. The group's very divided, I think with
everything coming up with season finale. Uh, there's a lot
building up. There's a lot of people waiting in line too,
you know in a congolance, you know, the want to
want to hold Jen accountable and touched her about their issues.

There's other things in the friend groups that are building
up where there's drama that's going to be coming out.
It's it's it's pretty much, I think, on fire from
here on out the end. So it was like getting
dump just sort of started all the drama, and I
think the fire is going to continue, especially through the
rest of San Diego and on through the season finale.

Oh my god, refresh my memory. You guys do not
find out that Jen plays guilty until after you finished wrapped.
You wrapped that was in July and we wrapped in April. Well,
I hope to god the production came back and got
your guys expressions after finding out that she is guilty
or pleading guilty. Um, that would be my wish it

was a shocker. It was a shocker. I'm not gonna lie.
I was. I was actually so many emotions. I was sad,
I was mad, I was you got sad? Mad? I
felt lied to. I was sad for her family, for
her sons. I mean, as a mother, how can you
not feel bad? That's the last thing, right, I guess.
I always wanted to believe in the good side of her,

that she was the person she told me she was,
she was the person that I was sitting here with
at my dining table until five in the morning. I
wanted to believe she was a person. So there was
a lot of disappointment. And and then where do people
find you so they can follow you and get to
know more about you as well? Oh thanks for asking.
Angie catsin Avis with the k k A. T Angie

catsin Avis is my handle, and I think I hope
you get to see more of me. I don't want to,
you know, I know, well some peoples wanted a friend
of like, dumb yourself down, don't say anything. I'm being
my real self and reacting in a way that I
would in real life. And it's been fun and it's
been a major learning experience and the craziest thing I've
ever done. Well, we are predicting that big things are

to come for you. You are excited to keep watching.
And thank you for joining the twats. Thank you for
having me. It was anor and I love chatting with
you guys. And I'll see you at thermal in a
couple weeks. Well when you come out, because you guys,
you know when you met you were literally half a
mile from my house and sat sorry sorry, fighting myself

over next year, next time we're gonna be going out. Okay,
that sounds amazing. I'd love to spend time with Yes, nay,
thank you and you have a great day. Happy, happy holidays,
Happy holidays, guy than Tamil. We loved her. I can't
wait to get more details. But I have to tell
you something so random. So I went to tag Cove
and our our post from our Instagram, and I went

to tag Robin as well. She has tagging turned off.
Robin Robin does Robin dickon. Oh my god, So that
must mean that she's getting so much happy like for
you to turn tagging off like Andy does it because
he just doesn't want Oh he doesn't have tagging off.
He has messaging me she has tagging off. That's like

you know, a housewife is getting the vis I honestly
didn't even know that you could do that. I didn't know.
I obviously I guess she could, but I never even
looked into it. So no one can tag her because
she's probably tagger in the stories, but we couldn't do it.
So Robin, you know ebbs and flows. Believe me. I
think I've had to turn tagging off before as well.

So I've had to turn comment and off before, and
I think I have to turn comment in off in
a few scenes in season seven teams. I'm gonna have
to turn commenting off for TAM's behavior. Yes, we might
have to turn the podcast off because of my behavior,
just saying oh my gosh, well Tam, I hope that
you feel better. Went off to the Vegas. I gotta

get medication now, I have to. I have to be
in Vegas on Thursday. In my throat literally feels like
razor blades. Well, I'm glad I didn't see you then,
so but next week maybe we can. If you're feeling better,
we can see each other in person for one of
the pods and talk to you soon. We got Miami
coming up. You guys, don't forget to watch that. It
comes out on December. So excited about that. Okay, have

a good day. By m
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