All Episodes

April 25, 2022 59 mins

Teddi and her besties Rinna, Kyle and Erika are sipping champagne and we stuck microphones in their faces.The BH gals are spilling shocking amounts of tea aka Champagne. They are dishing so much dirt we had to get the bleep button out!And we play kiss, marry, kill with each others husband’s AND Ex’s!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Two teas in a pod with Teddy Melancamps and Tamra Jedge.
All right, here we are with two teas in a
pod with myself, Teddy Melancamp. I do not have Tamra
Judge because she was supposed to be doing a podcast
with another person from the Real Housewives at Beverly Hills

who refused to do it with me. But I do
have three of my gals here. Can you guess who
they are? If you were to listen in right now?
Who do you think they are? I think I'm a
given what do you name? Kyle Richards, Lisa, Renna, and

Erica Jane have joined us for two Teas in a pod,
and we're so excited to have you here, especially because
everybody thought you were shading me, Rena when you said
you would never do a podcast. I don't do podcasts.
It's just the way I said to you. I turned
you flat out down, and you were like what I
was like, I don't do podcasts. I just don't do
unless you're Brad Pitt. If Brad Pitt called me and said,

rent out, will you come on my podcast? I'd say yes?
But why am I here today? Because you love me?
But why Because I told you Brad Pitt was going
to be here, no what else somewhere dress and had
to toe Gucci likedre because Derek couldn't be here. So
I'm literally and had to tow Gucci to represent you, guys.

I wish you could see a full visual. Not only
is she in a full Gucci outfit, she has Gucci
which Kyle would yellow. She meets on Golden Pond with her.
That is so cruel, but it's true, Henry Fonda hat
this is what you get for not being available today.
But you know what Lisa says something. I don't do

podcasts either, unless they're friends. You know, I have not
done one since I think I did um Michael Rappaports
was the last time. So I'm here in like Lisa
and Kyle. I mean, we're here to support you, Teddy,
because you are a friend of ours and because someone
canceled on you really quickly, and I think that's bullshit,
And so here we are. So here we are like

somebody canceled who was going to be here, who's on
our show? And but she was never gonna that person
was never going to be on with me. She was
gonna be on with Tamra and then she canceled because
what you talked ship last week, we are here because
we love you, Ted. I don't let's keep it, lad,

I don't let me just like we just have like
a little like thing that runs along the bottom that
says everyone's here's opinion is their own and everybody. I'm
sure you guys don't actually listen to the podcast however,
with Tamar and I say her snippets on Instagram, right,
but we always say you're only as good as last
week's episode. So the same as gonna go for y'all,

and I need right now, just you know, a little
confirmation from you guys that you will not hold anything
against me when I start capping the ship that y'all
get into this season, because it's a lot. I can't
say that I won't, but I know that you're doing
it from a friend perspective, so I'll let you go.
I think you're going to have to be objective regardless,

and that we had to prepare ourselves, yeah, because I mean,
I'm I have to go alright, we're like, you know what,
I gotta go home. Now there's the thing we we
know you, so it's okay, alright, well just glows off.
All right, So let's start just something casual. Um, each
of you, who did you have your biggest conflict with

this season? Oh? Okay, okay, I had a number of them.
I had more than one. But anybody in this room, yes, yes, yes,
I mean, um, there's a moment that Lisa and I
have a hard conversation. Kyle and I have a hard conversation.
More than a hard we had. We had a moment

and I regret it, but I also you know, I
I don't want to give anything away, but I do
regret it. Thank you Lisa for the conversation, the hard
conversation you had with me. And then you know, there's
also this other thing that happened in Aspen that you
know will come forth. I had an issue with a

lot of people. We also have to say one thing
that Kyle said up once that I'm still dying about.
You go damn her because I'm just easy to forgive.
And she knows that that is true. Kyle forgives the
easiest out of any of us, she really does. I
think I might be the one likely to forgive or Erica,

I don't know. Yeah, you know, well, look, I'll be
honest with you, Teddy. Since you were on the show,
so much in my personal life has changed, which me
which means my perspective on life has changed, which means
I hold on to it. I'm more I'm like more
vicious than ever. But no, I you know, I just
want to say this. I wish you were there with us,
because there have been so many times said I would

have loved your clear voice, in your clear perspective. And
I think that's fair to summary because I can't remember
ship and if you ever need anything, be shooting and said,
start like this, like Teddy, what happened, Teddy? What happened?
What happened? Teddy? Here's the thing, guys, if only here's
what happened. Guys. Sometimes I get revved and I like

to use my hands rev ted You remember everything that
anyone says or does. See I started the show like that,
and now I'm like, yeah, Teddy. Also, she remembers that
she holds onto every little every where I let things go,
which is why you need someone like Teddy to Sometimes
does over analyze ship where I'm like, no, that's actually

not it. Like well, because also I have a situation
where like I will read people's energy and assume it
has to do with me when it has and that
was called paranoid again, Yes, that's right. Yeah, like I
originally when I first met Erika, our issues were never
an issue that we had. We just read each other's
energy wrong, and I was always like, she doesn't like me,

what's going on? What do I need to do? What
I need to I had nothing to do with I
just thought you had some someone else in your ear
that was not that was swaying your opinion. And that's
my I wonder why you would get that impression, right,
I wonder who that person is, right? And I saw
that person right now? Could that person have worms? And
what was the question? Your question was? Okay? In the

beginning of the season, my first issue actually was with Sutton.
You mean this one? Yes? And then I had something
going on Crystal, Yes you did, and then I had
something Yeah that's true, and I mean, yeah, there's a
lot of stuff that happens. I was very busy. You
guys kept me busy. Well what do you want to keep?

You slow and come definitely not okay? And what about you?
Na um, Well, this has been a it's a hard
see and for me obviously, um because about a month in,
you know, I lose my mom, which is obviously very
very very difficult. But before that, um, I have a
thing with Sutton straight out okay, And when in regards

to your mom and everything, that you have the obligation
to show up to work, and it is an obligation.
It's an obligation to show up to work. I think
that's gonna be tough because people are going to be like,
why are you working? You know, but people understand that
first of all, a you you know, you you do
sign on to do this, and it's a reality show,
so it's whatever is going on in our lives and

be we are all also your friends that you can
lean on, and it's a good distraction when you like
need a friend to lean on. And like I know,
when I lost my mom, I wanted to go and
be my friends. Yeah. You know, the truth is my
mom would have said, get yourself on that plane and
go to Mexico. And that is, you know, ultimately the
decision that I did make because you know, what are
you gonna do? Go home and sit in your room

and just I know you're concerned about that, but I
have to step in. I have to say something. I
know what a good daughter you were to Lois, and
we all knew love Lois, So I don't want to
beat yourself up over the fact that you had commitments.
Do you see what I'm saying? And your mother was
both it really was a commitment. And also, like it's true,

I wanted to come be with you, guys, because what
else do you do after you lose a parent, Like
are you supposed to go in your room and just
sit and cry? I mean, everybody grieves differently, and grieving
is a process. Sleeping under a contract is very difficult.
It's very different. By the way everybody has to go
to work. There's who doesn't have to show up for
their job. This is my job, yes, but everyone has

a job. That's why. Yeah. No, there was never any hesitation.
I know when we were face timing you when your
mom was yeah, in hospice and just seeing the pain
in your face was really hard. But everyone's been through it,
you know. Here's the thing. You know, I'm actually not
sad that I am doing this in a public way

because I think grief is such a taboo. It's so
something that's not talked about you're not you're supposed to
grieve a certain way or not you even grieve, and exactly,
it's like it's a process and I'm here to show
you how I did it. And every day is different.
And some days you may take it out on other
people some days or you'll see me, you know well,

which leads me to the next question. Any Housewife not
cry this season? Did I cry this season? Okay? Listen,
I've been trying to put a lot of shut out
of my I think I try to block out a

lot of cried. Did Sudden cry, Garcela cried? Cry? Did
Garcela cry? Or Sudden cry? Suton cry? Sutton cries always
like me? Sunn cries? Bond that ever? Anybody everybody cried that?
I can remember everybody, but I don't know about Garcella.
I don't remember. Diana cried, Diana cries, everybody cries, prettybody cries? Okay,

which you're talking about Diana? Um, what do you think
of the new tricking more? I love Diana? Do you
need to sing more? Well? On on O C and
Jersey They've both recorded these group albums. We do that, ever?
Not do guys ever? We should never do it. Ever,

by the way, people thought there was a rumor that
you were doing a John Mellencamp collab that I will that,
I will like, I will cop to that. And there
was also I saw where I was dating your father.
You know what that is an option like that idea
actually for just like a minute, you know, hey, maybe
for a moment if I'm ready to call you mom.
Oh no, but you know what, I don't know if

your dad's ready to suck me. God can give me
another drip. Get me out of here. You guys have
come on. You know it's gonna hap take another yao.
Because Teddy and her dad and were on a group chat,
we could talk and scoop about you. And just when
I was in Celebrity Big Brother, I came out and

Kyle and my dad's group chat was going off, like
there was so many times I was like, what have
you all been doing it here for three weeks? Chatting
it up? I love it. That wasn't going off was
our group chat, which leads me to believe that there
was some friction there. What was was there something that
happened between the including because we were all super chatty,

it was a lot and then all of a sudden
it stopped. And then I would like chime in and
one of you would right back, and I was like,
why was that. Well, here's the Can I just speak
for myself. I've been so wrapped up in my own
disaster that some times I neglect to chat, to enter
the chat, and then when I do, you know, I'm

taking everything very personally. I'm hyper sensitive and somebody can
look at me wrong and I think it's like the
worst day of my life. So maybe I didn't enter
the chat when I should have. Remember, we weren't speaking okay,
but we ended up speaking clearly, but I don't remember.
Oh my god. Yeah, it's like it's look I said,

like I said, it's so funny. This came at the
other day, Erica. You said that these women are like
your sisters, and I said, yes, I'm an only child.
I don't have sisters, but I would imagine that if
I did have sisters, that these would be the women
I would. You know, you lean on and you also
fight with and you come together and you make up
and you move forward, and there's that common bond. And

as someone who does have sisters, I can yeah, you
do have some sisters. Well, speaking of sisters, is there
any update like after what happened on Watch What Happens
Live with garcel saying that she had a closer relationship
absolutely with Kathy than you did you know? I really was,

so I was. I will just tell you, I was
home making a pre passover, a pre pass over dinner
for my family, my husband, in laws and everybody, and
someone sent it to me the clip of Garcels saying that,
and I just immediately started to cry because honestly, she
answered it so quickly, and to be honest, you know,

the question. The question was for people who don't know,
do you think you're closer with Kathy than Kyle is
right now? And she said absolutely. But the thing is this,
first of all, it was very pompous, very pompous to
say something like that, like arrogant. I mean, you've known
her for really a reality TV show season and a half.

Because Kathy was busy with Paris's wedding, she really wasn't
there as much in the beginning of the second season
compared are to us being blood sisters for our entire
lifetime and family go through things and you know we
will always come back around. You know, blood is thicker
than water, as they say, and it just it really hurts,
like she you know, and Garcella and I won't argue
or anything, and I just thought she really certainly didn't

think of my feelings in that moment. She just thought
about maybe wanting to impress the audience or something. I
don't know, but it really hurt my feelings. But with
that said, um, I guess a little Birdie got back
to her and told her that I was upset, and
I did get a text apologizing and saying that it
was reckless of her. Think was Sutton. Yes, By the way,

she never even told me this. I never did because
I was like, I'm so sad. I mean, I was
really so upset. My husband kept saying that okay, and
I was like the whole I was just like my
mind was elsewhere. But then she sent a text saying
I'm really sorry and she said it was reckless of me.

So she did acknowledge that because it really was. It
really was. And actually, with the worst part of all,
it creates more damage, that's the problem. That's the thing.
It creates more your soft spot. Like anyone that knows
you knows that you protect your family very closely, and
your relationship with your sisters is complicated. But there's a
lot of love there and a lot of you know,
family stuff that's there. And that's one place that you

can strike at Kyle and it will hurt her and
you know, and she knew that. Anybody knows that. But
do you think that creates more damage, you know, for
the d and my relationship. Like I mean, imagine her
and her son have a falling out and they're not
speaking and I'm talking to her son and I say, oh,
I'm closer to her son in Garcella's right now. I mean,
that's blood. Like, you can't say that where all of
you guys invited to Cathy's birthday? I was not. I

was When was Cathy's birthday? Well there's your answer? Oh
my god, that was funny? Um can I let's clear
something about that? So I was invited to Cathy's birthday
dinner at Craig's and I said yes, and except that, yeah,

but excuse me. Wait wait, I was invited last year
and I went. That was last year. That happened last
we went to Mr Chile's last year and out, So
I did we did? Oh? My god, Yes, but jes
because I was Cookie, just so you know, I wasn't

on the show, and I was all but her like
I remember, Yes, we clarify something really quickly because it
was a lot of headline saying Kyle and Kim boycott
Kathy's birthday. There was no boycott. I was actually filming,
as a lot of people don't realize that when we
wrapped the show, which when we're which we call primary shooting.
When we're not filming together anymore, we do interviews up

until even after we filmed the reunion, we're still shooting
our sit down interviews. So I did not wrap until
seven thirty that night, and the dinner started at seven.
I had nobody him to watch porschas I would have
then had to change and then gone to drop of friends.
I wouldn't have gotten there until eight thirty something, so
I was like, I would have missed the whole thing.
So I had to last a minute say I'm not
gonna be able to make it. That is the only

reason I was not invited. I was not invited. So
the people that went were Crystal or was Crystal just
Sutton and Gars? Okay, all right, So that that's where
we are. We have to take a little break. We'll
come back and we'll do some more stuff. It's an
ad break, bitch. Oh sorry, sorry, sorry, Alright, we're back. Hi.

I'm Teddy Melon camping right back with two teas in
a pod. We are back. And these girls were just
it was piping hot the tea because they can't wait
for ten seconds for a break. This is no shade
to Crystal. But I saw something the other day that
she she was asked about me not showing up with
the birthday and she said, um, well, that's because Kathy

has a lot of different groups of friends and she
was invited to a different party. I'm like, no, I
actually was invited to that party too. I just genuinely
could not make it because I got finished filming shoes.
I wasn't invited. Lear that Rena and Erica were not
invited to I just on the record, Jane Girardi, whatever
my name is is nut were probably will never be invited.

I have my next question is it happened repeatedly? Now?
Do you realize that when ship's hitting the fan? I mean,
I know that you've seen the memes now, but do
you realize the face that I don't I can tell
you this. I am so why not want you to
make it for me really quick? She can't. It has

to be in the moment. All I can say is
these editors are are the ones that find these nuggets.
I think I do not know that I make that thing,
and they pulled her up. It was a little they
find that I don't know it. I do not. I

remember you making it with Denise, remember the first time
the Bahamas. Yeah, that's it's called the ren A smirk.
I'm gonna call it. I just called it the you
know what, I do not know your clothes like. It's
kind of like, here's what I can tell you. Here's
what I can tell you because I do remember the
scene with Kathy, and I remember sitting there and I

remember because I think I might have said it to you.
I remember that my head. I remember my head cocking
back and forth in a way, almost like a torontosaurus.
I thought, I'm not what I was looks like. I
remember sitting there going cocking my head as I'm listening
in a way, and I thought they're going to get that.
They're going to get that. How weird. I can do

it Brad Garski does it the best. Brad Wig is
very much on pointing. I sent him that wig you
bit you did? Oh yeah, because they get him a
long straight If you guys want to look good in
Brad Carresci the jewelry and send the clothing to We

don't want that ship anymore. You guys don't want that Brad.
Do you need a different way? And I send him
the roquel welch Lisa Wrennaway doesn't wait, wait, do you
need to pretty? It's a repel wention line is what
you need to be sending. I have a bone to
pick with you. Yeah, you never said you never sent
me any pretty mess hair either. I'm my hair people.

Yesterday Angel said, oh I would love to do it
the way he does my hair sent me Tex. Oh
you were not at the launch for the hair. I'm like,
it's because it was filmed. Meanwhile, I was like, actually, wait,
do I have my hand up? Like we're in school?
Can I say something? That ship has been in transit
the war and China and everybody else has sucked up

my supply shipment, But we'll get it to you. I'm
to get called them. Where's my phone? If I want
to have any kill I'm calling my part if I'm
going to get accused if we're an extensions all the
time when I don't let me have some second. You
see how I slang that Rentom beauty lip gloss? You
sling it better to know anybody? Thank you, and you
know I appreciate that. I know you do. By the way,

do you know what's in the bottom of like if
you ever look in the framing of my pretty nice hair,
what's in the right here? I need to see it? Well,
the boxes are right there, right out on the floor
she's thinking about. Okay, it's right of the screen on
the floor, like the front and center. Baby, Well, we're

selling shot right in your mouth while in right now
you know what I'm getting killed if any of our
websites tap the link in our bios, Okay, you better on. Wait,
can I ask you one question? Do you want this
link that you're currently rock I don't know what do
you guys think I should say this? What do you

when you want? You know? But we'll talk about this after.
But if you want more length, I can certainly give
it to you you. So maybe we should do that. So
then when I want to break from the short and
then also too, we can color it and ship like
that if that's what you want to do. Oct we
also need to talk about the New Housewives, because the
Housewives Diana and show Yes, I'm so sorry. So I

met Diana the one time where the one time I
filmed with you guys this year where I didn't actually
film with you, when I was working for extra and
everybody treated me so terribly that it was I did
not not you guys, that it was the worst day
of my life, and that I decided that I would
never film with housewives again, and then turned down the
Harry Hamlin party and the Kyle Now come to the

Harry haml part if that wouldn't have happened in the desert,
that was because I didn't like how I was treated
at that party I felt, but not not by you guys,
but some of the other women. Not Diana. She was lovely.
Diana is cool. My least favorite thing about a housewife
is a housewife that pretends that they hate to be

a housewife. If you hate doing this so much, why
are you here? And also why are you telling somebody
that got fired? I don't need to hear you venting
about how much you hate your job when I'm doing press.
Why when I was doing extra working for extra at
that event, a couple of housewives were venting about how

hungry they were they wanted to go eat over it whatever.
The steak place was across the street and blah blah blah,
and I was feeling was getting in trouble. Next question. Anyways,
That's when I decided to start saying no to any
of my drop ins. And unless I was ever holding
a diamond, I wouldn't go back because of that feeling.
So that's why having me there, Because honestly, I remember, um,

not this season, but last season at Kyle's death Christmas party,
the I call it the Christmas execution party, but I
walked into I remember you being such a source of
clarity and being, you know, just like, hey, everybody in
this room has had legal problems. You either are with
her or you're not. And it was something like that.

You were very clear, very concise, You're either gonna be on.
You're either gonna wait or you're not going to Uh,
You're gonna judge Erica right here and now. And I
really appreciated that because that's the kind of clear ship
that we need, and you wrapped it up beautifully. So
I hate to hear you say that because I think
that especially right because because actually I'm not like I

really will take each situation as it comes, as you should,
as you should, but I can't help myself. It's like
my own like mental issues. But I think, but I
think also to that there is this sort of myth
that because the four of us here are friends, that
we automatically stick up for each other. Lisa Manna let
me have it on a personal level this year, and

she also called me and she was like, hey, you
better fucking pull your ship together right now because you're
in real danger of losing me as a friend. And
I didn't say that. Well, say that exactly, this is
what happens on this show, sister like, hey, bitch, you

know what you need to pull yourself together. And I
respect her for it because it's not this alliance that
people think it is. It's not teams you really should have. Well,
I have a question speaking on you know, what happened
at that dinner and what's continued to happen the last
two years. Do you feel like your story has been
used to kind of be almost like a scapegoat to

everybody else's stories. I think that my story was overwhelmingly
covered in a lot of places, like it was bigger
than anybody's story. Yes, and I couldn't get away from it.
And it just kept going on and on, and every
day there was something new, There was a new case filed,
or there was a new something, and so it was
almost like you could not not talk about it. That's

what we're here to do. We're here to talk about
what's going on in people's lives. I believe me. Do
you think I wanted to slap on a pretty face
and in an outfit and get over there and get
my ass kicked every day? The answer is no. Is
it what I signed up to do? Yes, it is.
So I had to do that, and you know, look,

it was so much. Often when people don't realize, like,
for example, you show up, we're not in a good mood,
or we feel overly emotional, or is our duty to
show up whether we want to or not, even though
we know this stuff is coming at us and obviously
you don't want to be there necessarily, and you are.

That's why I appreciated it, even though things were going down,
you still showed up. Everything never left. The scariest moment
I ever had with Erica was when we let's ask
and I could kill Dree for that moment because I
finally got the balls. I honestly like trying for you.

What's a terrible moment because then da, she's scared of you, Erica.
After I thought I I looked like a little peanut.
I was like, Aerica, I feel and then she's scared
of LATEX will do that to you, America, let's hear yours.
You also got a reaming from cooling that night. Did

you get in trouble? I was late? She was late
today and like that. Also all that also produced the
most used meme of me and the bicycle. So you
know what, sometimes there's magic and the we have to
tell the backstory this so we all they never showed this,
but in Berlin we were all waiting on a couple

of people A lot of the time. It just that
was Eric and K I mean, will can I say
something that's also as you know Teddy firsthand, sometimes those
things are super tight, and especially if you're creating looks
all of it. I'm only saying this because our main
producer who we all loved so much, um and the

fact that we all love him equally shows how good
he is at his job. Chris Colin, we love you,
but we miss you so much. Um. But he we
all got to the boat early, and then they were
trying to catch a sunset or something and Erica wasn't there,
and so we had just entered the boat. They made
us leave Erica, but they never showed any of this.

And then we all of a sudden heard Erica getting
a tongue lashing outside to get on the boat. And
we're all all, you've never seen all of us sit
up straight or start chugging our drinks. We're like, let's go,
Oh no, I got my asski, but you know I've
got my ass kicked several times. There was a time
that Dreete and I were in the bathroom and the
door was kicked open. I mean they're ship like like
people don't get that, Like, you know, we're getting on

this boat. You know they're trying to you know, yes,
they're following our lives, but like our is wanted it
to look beautiful and on it start start waiting for
Derek to get powdered down to fit into her. I mean,
Eric got to get powdered down my latex top. But
you know, and that, but that also see like I
equate that too. If you're wanting a shot, you know,

I equate that. I'm like, wait a second, I gotta
get you don't give me enough time. It's like when
I met you guys at the zoo when we got
to have up close personal contact with the panda, and
I was like late for that, and then I came
home with the most nasty double throat lung infection ever
from Berlin. Remember when I was riding around with you
on the back of the limo and I had like,
I was like dying, well can I can? I I

feel like now it's a really safe place to tell you,
um to tell you that the pretend amnesia comment was.
I knew that wasn't oh, I love you, But it
wasn't that he was telling me to say it. It
was we had gone to dinner the night before the

three of US state se and I was so pissed
leaving the dinner because you were annoyed at me or
who knows what. I like, I breathed and you were
like giving me the look, and I was like, why
did she not have my back and blah blah blah,
and he's like, I don't know. It's like pretend to amnesia.
And then I was like, I didn't even And then

when I said it in real life, it wasn't like
I stored in your memory, stored my memory. He never
told me to say. It's just something that he was
like helping me vent through. And then I was like,
holy sh it, I just really stepped in. You know what,
that's fine, and like looking back on it, and if
you look back, I go, you know, this is what
I hated was that I say, you know what, that

may be true. I can't remember, but it could happen.
And you go, I don't know why you're pretending, like
you pretend to amnesia. And I was like, I said,
I don't remember. Nothing is better than Renna in Mexico
saying I don't know, dude, And you tell that star. Okay, okay,

if you're willing to tell the real story, to hold on.
We have to take a quick little break and we'll
come back with the story to pay the bills. All right,
So now we're back and we're all going to be
talking about the meme, you know the math equation where

Renna's making the face and I can't remember what I said. Okay,
so I need the backstory on this. Okay, So for
like four years, I'm going to say I was taking
sleeping pills. And I don't know if you've taken sleeping
pills over a period of time. Um, I took a
sleeping pill that you know. I just took it every

night because I could guarantee i'd go to sleep. Oh,
it really is. That's how it works. It works. So
what I can tell you is this sleeping pill race memory.
I testified because I was on the same one. Which
one is it ambient restaural rest? It's a benzo, So yeah,
I was, I was taking it. I don't know, Johnny Depp, Well,

we're not making excuses. We're just telling you what happened.
I'm just telling you and I'm not going to say
that I'm perky because I've never heard this yet. It's
I know you haven't finally sharing it from And it's
not an excuse. It's that I finally figured it out
because I'm no longer on the sleeping pill. And so
the minute I got off of the Sleeping Pill because

it's very fun. I need to ask you a question,
was the Sleeping poll when you sang the Lola song?
Which Lola song? What is that Lola song? Did I
say the video where you're like Lola had died and
I was just very sad. Lola was the dog that

passed away, devastated that the dog died. So from my perspective,
I was like, I've caught red a red handed. And
I was like, I don't remember. Oh I say that,
I don't remember, And I really, in that moment didn't remember.

It got the best means out of it. You'd already
gone to sleep. I've taken it for a period of time,
so if you take it, it's a side effect and
it affects your memory. But I don't know this until
I know un and all those Seriously, do you remember
in the limo when I asked you, you know it's

it's probably one of the first times you and I
had done a scene alone. We were together alone in
the back of the limo. We were going to your house.
Your sister Kim was going to be there, and you said, right,
it was when she had the bunny in her hand.
She gave it to Kim, but before we're driving around
and and she goes, I've thought it over, and I
talked to Harry and I did say those things. Okay,
cut to my life falling apart. I'm on the exact

same medication. I call up and I go, Lisa, I
know exactly what happened. I can't remember ship things are erased.
I'm searching for words. She goes, Erica, that's sleeping pills.
That's we were on the exact same one. So I'm
not saying that's an excuse for it's just actually we
realized that what season was this? You were? Were you

on with the bunny before? Give me a bunny for dough?
That's different, No after, because I wasn't on for too.
But I want to say it's my second season because
Landa wasn't there. I was on the sleeping pills for
four years and then I went, you know what, I
got to get off of these, and I got off
so successfully. I got off, thank God, because it really

fucked with my memory. They really did. It's the true story.
I feel like you have a pretty good memory now. Well,
because I'm not on those pills. Well, how so on
that same token. How has the show changed since you
guys each first started. You all started at different times.
Well you should go first, because Kyle, you're the eve
been there. I mean, the show changed so much. And

we started the show, we had just come out of
UM two where everyone lost all their money and people
were struggling losing their homes, and um, this is supposed
to be a show about opulence and lifestyle. And we're like,
we don't feel comfortable talking about this. And they used
to do this thing when they say how much was
this party? And I'd be like, I do that. They

still do? I know, but I don't even and they
hated that I would not. Well, I grew up saying
you don't talk about money, so I would say no,
did I? But then I ended up. But then they
ended up like putting the price on it on the
bottom numbers, and I was like, this is very uncomfortable,
very uncomfortable. Um. It's also, you know, none of us
had glam hair and makeup. We we just we would
go get ready and whatever. Um. So that was like

another that's another thing. Obviously in twelve years world the
world changes and we're changing, we're evolving and all of that,
and the show evolves with that. But in that sense,
you know that has those things really stand out to
me a lot. But um, it's very different. Obviously the
people are different, so the dynamics are different. But the
world is different now than it was twelve years ago.

You couldn't make the jokes now that we even made
twelve years ago, the things people said twelve years ago,
if you were saying now, oh my god, I can't
even think about it. Do you find yourself censoring yourself
like when we're when do you find yourself sort of thinking, Look,
I want to say X, Y and Z, but if
I do, it treads on a place that perhaps won't
be received. Well, I think in life, we're all we're

all thinking like that. Now I'm not talking, I'm not
even thinking about the show. In life, you think, okay, well,
you know, everyone has to be careful how they say,
but yet you also have to say true to who
you are. That's true. So you know, it's walking the
razor's edge because you know, but even during the pandemic,
I would watch, you know, people give hugs on TV

and feel uncomfortable. So it's just how things are constantly evolving,
like well, I think the world is really we've received
really like a one to punch. If you think about
pandemic and you think about all the social changes unrest,
however you choose to say it, there's a lot of
different things that play now, and so what wants used
to be permissible is not. And it's hard because you're

asked to tell the truth and you're asked to give
your opinion, but what's right and what goes over the
line and what doesn't now, especially when you're on a
show like Real Housewives. That's my point that that's where it.
I'm finding the struggle when I because now I'm watching
as a viewer, like no matter, I'm watching all the
different I had never watched the franchises before and I'm

watching all of them. And sometimes i'm watching it I'm like,
this is the last thing that I want to see
right now. And sometimes I'm like, this is amazing. Either
I'm learning from it or it has to feel like
an escape. If it feels why you have to evolve
at the time. Yeah, that so it's like if you're
not evolving and it feels too stagnant, or if it
feels like forced friendship, I'm not interested. So season wee

with Camille. I mean, everyone saw the stuff that went
down with Camille and me, and the only I mean,
I think she's on the cover of In Touch or
one of those saying that I thought it was going
to be one of the naked photos that we no, no, no,
no that The only comeback she had for me was oh,
You're a bully. That's what she said to me. And

at the time that was like the word of the moment.
I know it sounds weird now because but for me,
bully when you know that in those times, the little
boy you've seen the movie is picking on the kids
in the playground. It wasn't used like it is now.
It was like just becoming a thing. So I said
during the reunion, quit you seeing the buzzword of the moment?
Can you imagine now with the bullying? Well I just
did in the trailer Hunting, so yes, I can. I

just used the buzzword of the moment, and that is
the word victim. So okay, okay, So there you go.
Let's talk about the trailer a little bit. Do you
think that the trailer depicts this season. I think it's
a great trailer. It is great. But what it was
even better about it is it's only a teeny little
sniff snip Sniffet's there's so much more. If there was

one scene that each of you could remove from this season,
and what would it be? All right, Eric, I look,
I have my hand at first, and that is the
we're in Aspen, we have had dinner, and we go
to the girl's house. They were staying in a separate
place from r Scarcell, Sutton, Cherie and Crystal were staying

somewhere else, and I got into it very heavily with
them that i'd remove that because I haven't seen it.
I experienced it. But what I experienced was bad, so
I can only imagine how bad it looks. And then
I went, well, I went wild, give too much away.
I just it was bad and it caused a problem

between Kyle and myself, unregretful. Obviously, we've been friends for
eight years now, so and my relationship with her is important.
So clearly we've worked it out. We're sitting here today
and that's all I can say. Oh my gosh, did
you remove the lot of there? I'm trying to think,

which is your bad paper up? We're just talking about
you can, you can, I know which one you want
to you can't. We've already we've gone what. I've already
paid my karmaic debt for that. I really I feel that,
and I think it's okay now and we're going to
move on from that. I think that the hardest scene
for me this season. I don't think I would remove it,
but when I I do have a breakdown um over

my mom and it's just a painful thing to know
that it's coming. It was hard to watch. Is this
in front of the other women everybody? Like I fucking
lose it? Like lose it like I never have. Is
this in it's AT's house? That's okay? I know. I
was just trying to think of time frames. So I

don't necessarily ever want to remove a scene because you
know that's what we're here to do. But that one,
I think is the most that's gonna be hard for
you to watch for me to know that's coming. Okay,
So for me, I'm going to do something weird because
I only have one thing in my head that I
can think of. Is there something you think I should remove?
I'm going to ask each of you from your perspective,

if you could if you're my friend like that I
can think of, I can think of. I mean, I've
always thought of you to bed it, even though sometimes
I can't think of when you actually to be honest,
like you know what, Kyle, I would love to say
that I've had like a real falling out with you,
But even though we've had like you know, we haven't.
We've had our disagreements or whatever. I can't think of

any time that I thought that Kyle was dirty. I
truly think and this isn't me kissing Kyle's for all
of you guys that want to like jump, I mean,
you had group therapy, therapy that me being obsessed with Kyle.
I really do think that Kyle is the glue of

like she is she is. I said that we all know,
we all love you. Watching you on Girls Trip made
me so. I don't know if you guys, I know
I've seen some of it just hilarious all the time,
making us laugh. And that really is the Kyle that

we are around. That is the Kyle that we often thought.
There's no Beverly Hills without Kyle. I agree. I mean
I thought, after Kyle was our leader, if Kyle quit
i'd be like, full joke, because before we get to
the apro full joke, I'll just tell you what I mean.
Where I had on that suport which I thought was
a sexy dress. I mean I bought it, so I

thought i'd wear it with a black with a sheer,
and I went to Garcela's birthday and then those pictures
were not right. You embarrassed yourself if I wasn't there
getting that, but you looked Eric and I were not
at our best that night. I'm not going to the trailer.
Teddy says, I did it the trailer with that broth

thing happening because I wasn't there. Not the trailer, the
pictures that they all posted from that night, the group
shot where Kyle has like one eye and she the
front on one leg with one leg. I actually posted
about it, saying I'm not looking forward to this episode.
I look like I was about to dry heave while
talking to Sutton in Diana. I didn't know that that
part of the trailer say something I had a good

time with you from what we can remember. I'm so
sorry I missed it. Fake um April Fools that I
was quitting not do that by I'm all of a sudden,
I didn't see anything on April Fools. I don't know.
I think I was in Mexico or something for the
kids spring break. And our mutual friend Latol sends a
text message and she's like, congratulations, you finally did it, Kyle,

And I'm like, what the funk is she talking about?
And did you really? Yeah? Good for you girl, that
really took her. I didn't believe it for a second.
I was like, it was because don't just anywhere? What?
Um what? I really have no ideas someone did that
as a joke. I saw it like daily Mail. I

don't need to know. It was a post like April
fol Kyle, I don't even know. And then they did
the hashtag it that it was a um an April
Fool joke, but everyone thought that I had quit and
last and then I just felt bad because I mean,
I think about all the time, let's be honest, after
twelve years, obviously think about it more than ever. But
I would have told you guys for you know. So
I was like having to make calls and saying just

so you know, I mean, I didn't do this as
a joke. It's funny because I think that. And I
can't speak for any other franchise, and I'm not I'm
not pretending to, but the relationship and you know this, Teddy,
even though quote you're not on the show, You're still
a part of our lives. And that means something to
me because we wouldn't be sitting here if we didn't

love you. Because this is something I actually talked to
Tamar about and often. And that's something I know when
you when you Kyle did Ultimate Girls Trip or whatever
it's called, No Shame. I haven't watched it, but you said, look,
you know there there is a camaraderie and a bond
in Beverly Hills. I I'm not gonna speak for anyone else,

but I'm just talking about us. Like when de reats
home invasion happened. I know. The first person to tell
me was Lisa Rinna. I talked to you, Teddy, and
we were all on the way while I was working.
She came after. But the truth is I threw my
phone down. You you, Teddy were coming out of the gym.
I was coming out of the gym. You got out
of bed, Lisa, and we were all there. Not because

there was anything other than our friend was in Our Friend,
I had a horrible and I had and I and
the more that I have watched the other shows like
and talked to actually Tamar, who you know, I do
all of the podcasts with n OC. She she says, like,
there's things where you know, it has to be the
first person that walks in the door, where to sit,

where to do this? I'm like, I have to tell
you we didn't have any of that. None of us
could care. We don't care. And there is not there's
not that in Beverly Hills. There isn't that situation about
marriages or relationships or anything like that about trying to
be the most powerful. By the way, I saw that
a lot on Ultimate Girls Trip. Did you really Yeah,

it's apparently very very I noticed. I'm not going to
say names. I get myself in enough trouble in our our,
our our show. I don't need to cause problems on
other things. But um, I saw, you know, who had
the egos, who wanted to be front and center, who
was very unaware of the cameras, who was very aware
of the cameras. But you could see it a little bit.

If you watch, you can see them taking selfies like there,
you know, when we're in you know the Sprinter vans
you would watch on Girls Trip, the girls are like
fully doing their photo shoots like the ones that did
when he threw up in the van and Provence, Lisa
and I were passed out. I just want to be
I just want to very fair with the audience that

when we're in Sprinters, we're fucking cussing everyone out, staff
filming me, like we don't want that ship, like leave
me the fust. Nobody cares about being the first to enter.
Nobody cares about the main seat. We don't even care
about her. There's the main seat. Oh yeah, there's like
there's amazing in the sprinter. Yes, did you know that?

Least when we want the worst seat, I was saying,
trying to want and we don't have to talk as much.
That's exactly I'm trying to hide in the back so
I can go to bed. Like the talk take a break.

Let these little bit any juice about the new ladies,
Hello asked, I need to know Diana's coolest about Diana's amazing.
I liked her when I met her. I'm going to
tell you something She's uh no, bullshit, down to business.
She has smart, super smart, and has an incredible personal
story to tell that far out weighs anything that And

I'm just gonna say this, any of us have ever
been through in this room. And I mean, if you
get a chance to interview her, you should have her
on She's I mean, I aspire to the level of
No Fox that Diana. She she really I think she's great.
So that part of the trailer where she says, like

you want a new villain here, I am like that.
She's just like, oh please, I know who does she
butt head with? Butt heads with the most Sutton Garcela shocks.
That was about Sutton more than Garcella. That one just
so everyone Crystal, she knew, you know, I forgot that. No,

I get along fine with This is the part that's
confusing to me about Sutton is that we it's called cameras.
We have social graces like that. You know, she'll send
me flowers for my birthday. She's she's, she's that it's
let's get drinks, but you never actually schedule the drinks.
I think that's just life. That always does say she
wanted to wants to do that. Um, But when I

saw her at Porsche's. Bob Mitzvah is that bar. When
I saw her Mitzvah, she came up to me and
I was not Mike. I had said I was not filming,
And of course when a housewife approaches you, you know,
then all of a sudden, the little and she's like, oh,

I didn't realize that the dress that you had on
was appropriate, she said, And I was like, well, I
said it a Kyle before I chose it. Um, what
does that even mean? I mean, you guys have very
different taste. Let's just put it out. But she has.
You don't know, she was wearing something that had like
fifty two heads on it or something. What were you wearing?

You know what? I don't like. Here's what And maybe
I'm just speaking for me. I like everyone to be themselves.
I want people to be their own individual personality. If
you want to show up in this, and you want
to show up in that, and I show up looking
the way I do, why can't we all just to exist?
Why why bring that up? And that's the Well, that's
my point is that it's not a competition for me.

It's just this is my lane and I'm gonna I'm
gonna do it if you want to look like however
you want to look. I celebrate that. I always want
all of us to do well. I always want all
of us to make as much money as possible. Why
are you laughing at me? But also what thinking about it?
But she's always had a stage with my outfit. She
always wants she wants to comment that I'm boring that

I wear these outfits that listen, that's wh why I'm
a basic bitch. Get used to it. Well, there are
fabulous If you were a basic, wouldn't be sitting here, No,
you would because we'd be too bored. Um that's you know.
What I'm saying is that everybody is comfortable. And the
the thing with Sutton. Here's the thing with Sutton. She

has a very sarcastic sense of humor and it can
come off the wrong way to certain people. And I
don't know, I always like got that and I like
teaser back. Our relationship is all about being sarcastic back
and forth through each other. Ship that Southern bullshit. That
is her passive aggressiveness. I don't know. I want her on,
I really do. I want to hold about it with

the CShell dress, can I say, well, it was yes, okay,
do you know what's going on there? Thank you you
and I can bet put downs. It's bless her heart.
It bless her heart. It's like when when I first
brought Edwin back to South Carolina. I said to him,
I go, people are going to ask you where you
went to school, and they're gonna ask you your family name.

And I said, they don't mean high school. You and
I both didn't graduate from college, so this is gonna
so just make up a laugh. No, no, I said, no.
I said, so just be like I didn't and move on.
And he couldn't follow the instructions, and he's like Huntington's
Park high control things. They are questions that you are

meant to fail. But okay, I know you guys have
had issues and by the way, sudden I get into
it together sometimes trust me, but we always work it out.
I don't think she's doing that on purpose. I really
think that that is it's almost like this defense mechanism.
She has a sarcastic sais you. I know, maybe from

the South, you have a different take on it. I
don't know. I don't think she need Here's the thing
I feel like Teddy that I understand all the hidden messages.
You know it's too and I'm not That's I'm not
saying you are. I'm saying that's the question. I don't
think they like that. I have a question. Here's the difference.
Can she take I'm getting I'm getting revd. Do you

think that she can take the joke back? No, she's
never been able to. Here's the thing. I can tease
each other because I can take the joke back and
you can be like I'm rev ted, and then you
can walk like me and Provence and you can do
all the things and I can laugh. She has not
been able to laugh tracks. Yeah, and then but I will.

I do you know our relationship is very based on
sarcastic humor. But yes, I see what you mean, as
long as you don't actually joke with her back. But
is anyone in this room gonna own up to the
nineteen seventy five phones? It was Oh my gosh, I'm

I'm sorry. That had to be nice. Oh my was
born phone? That's definitely listen. That man had a flip
phone and a seventies. She needs to learn how to recycle.
I'll tell you that listen. I don't don't. Well, hey,
you know we're all we're all on the eco friendly thing. Okay,
so we have two games to finish. I love a game,

all right. The first game was all of our husbands
or ex husbands were playing Mary Fu Kill Kill, Kill,
Kill Kill. Now we have if they have to pick one. Oh,
that's fine, that's fine. Now it's fine. I listen. I'll
be honest, you know. Um, with everything that's happened, it's okay,

it's not good, but I'm at peace with whatever comes
my way. To start, Okay, i'll go who. I'm not
marrying anybody because I will forever be married. No, you
have to be. I don't know how to play this,
so I'll help you. Okay. So if it were started,
then you started only because of age, I would have

to kill Tom. Yeah, I would have to listen. It's
an individual. Harry because the one time I saw him
with the nails, I don't know that. I could be
married to the critics. And then I would have to
marry Mo because I like the way he has with
my kids. Okay, I would marry MAURICEO, have sex with

Harry and uh and kill Edwyn. No, no, no, we're
gonna by that way. I can't wait. Wait strike that.
Hold on. We can also add peak and what happens
about to kill? But everyone here this actually Pique and I.

He was very kind to me during all of this
turbulent time. I really appreciate his friendship. He's been Look,
we started off on a wrong foot, like Deret and
I did, but I do consider him a friend and
he's been very sweet to me, and so yes, I
would want to kill him, but I don't know what
I think wants to kill? Who are my options? How
many men have to choose from? I've got married and

Uri because dere is supposed to be here, but she's
on the table too, on the table and Tom and
oh my gosh, so many amazing off and Tom's on
the table. Man, I'm here. Bring it on about my fault.
When someone doesn't get mentioned what happens to them, then
they're even worse than being killed. They're forgot about. By
the peak, his ears are already perked, and he's already

waiting for me to pick him for something because and
not to be killed. Because when he had COVID, he
sent me a text of a couple of days. Don't
worry about me. I'm fine. Thanks. You know, I'm gonna
start texting Peak because he and I don't text. And
I have a feeling that you cannot pick your own husband.
No you can't, Okay, so then I mark really ok Yeah,

why don't you fucking marry Harry Hamlet wouldn't you have
a time Kyle? And then I will have a threesome
with Edwin and Harry's fine. I can kill Tom. That's
how we did. Why are you killing more Tom? I

killed Tom. I'm sorry it killed him. Everybody's killing Tom.
But we love Tom for whatever, whatever, what are we
gonna do? It's really for god. I forgot my own husband.
Oh my god, her husband? Now you husband an option
for me? Okay, Branda, you had to play. You did

not want to play on my birthday. You have to
play now you don't have a fucking option. I didn't
want to play your birthday. Harry. He's been playing this
game since the first day I met her. I love
playing games. It makes me so happy that white Camille
Gramer's wedding. I am going to um Mary. I'm in
to marry Maritio. I'm going to fuck um I'm going

to fuck, don't you say, Harry Um not Harry. I
like Edwin Hewn and Peak Hedwin Edwin? Did I gonna
someone so much better? I'm gonna kill Tom and will
I do Peak? I don't know. He's out the side, honey.

I'm gonna go shopping with people. What did you do
with Mike Nylon figuring shopping? Peak, Christians Christians shopping Robin Crystal.
Rob wasn't on the table. Rob wasn't on the table.

Christian wasn't on the table, mikel wasn't They were served
up here today. But I just want to say something
really quickly. What when Invasion PK showed up with like
Bowman leggings or something. I forgot what they were. To
tell me your Derek Kemsley's husband, without telling your Derek
Kemsley's husband. I know that's a good guy to go shopping, right,

like the man to get you everything you want everything,
But I'd still like to have a threesome with your
husband and your husband. So there you go, and I
think about the Spanish. I have to ask one last question.
I know we're supposed to never have I ever, but
we ran out of time, so My next question and
my final question is are you currently having sex? Yes,
and it's good. What if person the person then the

same way, she won't tell me because tell one person
used to be She won't know. You said, look at Erica,
look at me older? Are you young? Younger than the
Oscar winner? No? I haven't had sex with that. Yeah,

but she didn't. Five lived in your apartment complex. I
don't love an apartment complex. No, not the complex, the
condo complex, the guy not not know who Erica Fox.
We don't need to know any names because we're not
gonna get he knows what is he famous? No? Thanks
guys for tuning in. Leave your review on tonight's episode Anywhere,
say how great we are all the things? Five they

how rude we are
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