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November 19, 2024 2 mins

Mental Health Check-In for today: Lean into your teams. The key is allowing yourself to take in all the love from your teammates. Lean into them!! 


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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome into Unbreakable of Mental Wealth podcast with Jay Glazer.
I'm Jay Glazer. Today's a mental health checking. I know
last week I told you guys, I went down a
bipolar rabbit hole. I talk to you guys a lot
about having teams, and really, really I can't stress this enough.
To lean into your teams when that gray hits, when

you don't have to go is keep it a rabbit
hole as I went. But when we're off and I
leaned into my teammate, Rosie, leaned in a god and
the God guy snuggled with my dog a lot their teammates.
But the other thing man just being around my Fox
and Ivil Sunday career this weekend, Oh my god, it
just changed everything for me. And the key is allowing

yourself to really take in kind of love from your teammates,
because a lot of time, when you're in that gray,
you're pushing back, you're combat of haveing like a pity
party for yourself. So I made sure I went in
Fox and the full sun of this weekend. I'm like,
I'm gonna do nothing but give out and feel the love.
And it really really kind of lifted me that final

step out of the hole that I've been stuck in
for about a month. Leaning your teammates again, cannot tell
you enough. And the other big thing I did is
I told Rosie exactly what I need when I start
the spiral. So a lot of times we tell people, hey,
we're struggling, but we don't tell them what the preferable
model is to give back to us and we are struggling.

So with Rosie, I said, Rosie, when I'm struggling, first
of all, ignore all the stuff I say because I'm
not me. It's not myself when I'm saying this, So
please give me grace. But the other thing is, please
let me know that you are giving me grace. And
she's phenomenal with me, making sure you know that I

know that she's not going anywhere. I'm not pushing her away.
I used to think I was pushing her away. It's
a fear of my abandonment issues, and she made sure
that right away. And I'm not going anywhere as bad
as you are, I'm right here with you. Those are
some of the things I told her I need. And
she also knows to do whatever it takes to get
me out of this fark. As far as disrupting the

vicious cyclon men. So if I'm in one of these things,
she'll go, come on, let's go take the dog to
the park. Come on, let's go run the stairs. Come on,
let's go to the beach, something really quickly. So those
are things that she told me. Hey, I think this
would be good for you. So we communicate as teammates again.
Back to teammates. Lean into your teammates, just keep walking
this walk together.
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Jay Glazer

Jay Glazer

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