Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is Unbreakable with Jay Glacier, a mental Wealth podcast
build you from the inside out. Now here's Jay Glacier.
Welcome into a Breakable mental Wealth podcast with Jay Glazer.
I'm Jay Glazer and well, this week we're gonna have
a special podcast. We have a return guest. And the
return guest one of the most popular guests we've ever
had is my lovely wife, Rosalie Glazer, Rosie Glazer from
a Rosie Tennyson. But the reason why we're having Rosie
on again is we've told Rosie's story, but so many
of you have asked, hey, can you give us a guide?
How did you find the love later in life? What
is it you two did to find a lot love
in your fifties and the outpouring of questions and I
think hope that we've given people is fantastic. But I said,
you're right, let's give people a guidebook. Let's give people
a little taste of what we did, because there was
a lot of work that went into our journey, right. Yeah,
So Rosie and I honor a honeymoon actually jotted down
a good fifteen things that we've done over the last
four years and in the past to get ourselves into
this position to find love and then get ourselves in
a position where we don't screw up love and get
ourselves in the position we take this love and we've
run with it to where we are right now. So
we're going to go back and forth on certain different things.
But first of all, thanks for coming back here on
my podcast. It was hard to get this.
Speaker 2 (01:33):
Guest, and this time I'm coming back as your wife,
which is super cool. And I just had a recent
name change. I'm changing my last name from Tennis andical Eazer,
which is really never thought i'd be doing that, so
it's really special.
Speaker 1 (01:48):
I love it. It's great, and just you know, again,
a lot of hard work went into this for the
two of us to find love later on life. I
never knew I was capable of feeling this level of
jewel until Rosie. Until this, I always thought that I'd
sabotage everything. I always thought that I would grow alone.
And I think you also had kind of made it
almost a decision right that, like, yeah, it's not gonna happen,
and that's good. I'm just going to take care everybody
else in the world except for you.
Speaker 2 (02:16):
Yeah, I had always been looking for it, but I
just was like I was waiting, I was waiting for
the right person. But meanwhile I kept getting like older
and older, and then at some point I was like,
oh my gosh, I'm like, you know, my fifties and
I still haven't found it. So it was really nice
when I was found you, and I was just preparing myself.
Speaker 1 (02:36):
All right, So let's dive in here, right, We're going
to go back and forth here. I think i'll kind
of you want me to read back and forth? Yeah, right,
So this is this isn't this isn't no order of
how we fell in love.
Speaker 2 (02:48):
This is a good one. Let go of the ghost
of the past. You shouldn't keep them around, seriously, let
go of the ghost of the past. More in the loss,
so you're not mourning it when you meet your new relationship.
Even if you believe that's all you need to move on,
it's not fair to the other person. So that's like,
you know, if you're hanging on to the you know,
goes to the past of the ex boyfriend or the
ex girlfriend, and you know when you're with the new person,
and you don't want to spend any time talking about
that those people because that's not you know, they usually.
Speaker 3 (03:18):
Don't want to hear it.
Speaker 2 (03:19):
So just don't let the past relationships affect your future relationship.
Speaker 1 (03:23):
You don't want to just constantly talk about this and
that that, or yeah, show off who you've been with
in the past.
Speaker 3 (03:28):
Exactly, you don't.
Speaker 2 (03:29):
Nobody cares. Yeah, they want to be you're genuinely interested
in them. So that's something that that's a big one
that I think of a lot of people.
Speaker 1 (03:36):
If you're talking about your exits, then you're not putting
that person across from you right on the pedestal exactly. Yeah.
So now a lot of those folks is how to
find love but also how to keep it once you
meet that person. Yeah, right, exactly right. So another one
here is don't wait till everything's perfect to find that
perfect matter. And what I mean about this is like
when you're boxing, Okay, you don't just throw punches when
everything's perfect. Gotta throw constantly. I can't just throw across
when oh I see that opening. I gotta throw them constantly. Right,
I gotta throw my bombs, I gotta throw my jams,
I gotta throw my my hooks. I gotta constantly move
and bob and move. I gotta throw from different angles
in different situations. Same with your love life. You can't
just say, okay, now I'm at the greatest place I've
ever been. Okay, this person has all these boxes that
I want checked. Just doesn't work like that. Life doesn't
work like that. A lot of us we hold ourselves
back because we're like, oh, well, this isn't perfect, and
that's not perfect in this or I'm not in the
best place right now.
Speaker 2 (04:35):
Fuck that right Like I wasn't it when I thowt you.
It wasn't in the best place work place, in the workplace.
So but because of COVID, because I because normally I
would be working, but during that time I was off.
So the situation was how I was able to meet
you because I was available to go hang out with you.
Speaker 1 (04:53):
So yeah, yeah, I love it all right, this is
the next one here, I love this one.
Speaker 2 (04:56):
Break your mold of a type. It's hard enough to
find love, so don't make your a cup of water.
Speaker 1 (05:01):
Speaker 2 (05:01):
So, if you have a prototype of what you know
this person have to be, here's the.
Speaker 1 (05:05):
People have a list.
Speaker 2 (05:05):
Yeah, they have a list. Thistle bit Histortare they have
to you know, have this amount of this job, just
make this amount of money. If you have all these
requirements that your lists, your your pool gets really small
rather than being like, you know what, I'm open for whatever,
and it becomes a couple becomes yeah, I love that exactly.
Speaker 1 (05:23):
I have a good friend with one of the most
beautiful women I've ever seen in my life, still Signal,
and she has this stupid hype rule one of my
best friends, and I was like, you're you're taking away like,
by the way, I'm not saying this because I know,
but you're but yeah. But then by the way, there's
like a great dude I want to set her up with,
and she's like, no, he's not a certain amount of height.
And then later on and then I, you know, told
him now she has this stupid I rull and then
later on you have to know him where She's like,
you know, I think I like to go with him,
and he's like, no, way, I'm being with somebody this
shallow that's going to be like, hey, I care more
about how like having get old too, We're gonna you
get shorter and you get whatever it is, right, So
you got to kind of look past for it's like, hey,
I just want someone with this color hair, Well those
dudes can balls. Yeah, I mean it doesn't make any sense.
Speaker 3 (06:12):
It doesn't really girl, I want her to.
Speaker 1 (06:14):
Have this kind of body or this or that, like
it just limits you like soul. And then but again,
like Rosie and I what we got together, we didn't
make this bond, like, hey, we don't want to become
that couple that just doesn't take care of themselves and
let themselves go. And I've been in those kind of
relationships for your stress to we're just gonna eat and drink,
like creating this and that. Rosie and I aron a
health journey, so we always are present our best.
Speaker 2 (06:39):
So yeah, it's not only that we we bond too
because we like if you're we're doing paleol right now,
So it's like a each we each do like together,
so it's like something we do together. We work out together,
so we do a lot of things that are beneficial
to ourselves, but we do them together.
Speaker 3 (06:52):
So it's something that we share which bonds is too.
Speaker 2 (06:55):
Love this one for you, Oh yeah, this is this
is what I did before I met you and I'm single,
and I was always like waiting and waiting write a
love letter. To your future mister or missus right what
you want in life, Like I want to feel like
God has a hand in the set, has a hand
in setting this up. How I wanted to be treated,
how you feel about them, and what you're looking for
in your soulmate, I your partner in crime, confident you
travel together. In other words, just setting your attention so
and just put it away somewhere like that, you know,
And I would do it from time to time. I
would write like what I was wanting and in my soulmate,
and I found in you, which is keeper cool.
Speaker 1 (07:32):
And Rosie kind of got me, remember too, Like I
used to go outside even growing up, and I talked
to God about her. It turned out to be her.
I'm a big I'm a big softie like that, and
I'm very very romantic romantic, and I've always kind of
been like that looking for that person because I always
didn't feel lonely on the inside. So I've always been
kind of talking to Rosie to my soulmate. Herd thing
is write a love letter. I love that because then
you're going to see but it's a love letter to that.
I want to be treated like this, but I can't
wait to meet you. I love you, and it makes
it more like, hey, all right, it makes it feel
like it's closer.
Speaker 2 (08:08):
Yeah. Yeah, it makes it feel like it can happen.
And you're just you're putting your attentions out there, which
is really powerful.
Speaker 1 (08:12):
How many times did you write that?
Speaker 3 (08:14):
I did it quite a few times.
Speaker 2 (08:16):
Yeah, And I put it somewhere like and I would
see it like years later, and I'd be like, oh
my gosh, but I was still you know, I would
find them from time to time and I'd be like, Okay,
I still haven't found that person, and then.
Speaker 3 (08:26):
Give you a hope every time did Yeah, it would,
and then recently I found it.
Speaker 2 (08:30):
I was like, oh my gosh, I wrote the things
I wanted I found and you really so yeah, that
was everything I wanted to.
Speaker 3 (08:36):
Well, I gotta see this.
Speaker 1 (08:37):
Yeah, okay, ready again, I'm going to kind of use
some sport analogies here, Sell Scout. Do an autopsy of
past relationships to see the things that you did that
you want to improve upon. You want to chance to
get one. Yeah right, yeah, so don't worry about things
they did, so sell Scout. So what I mean by
this is the NFL. You'll you'll, especially like the bye
week code will go and they'll look to see what
they've done right and wrong at that point, or they'll
look at their own players and go, hey man, when
you're when we're trying to throw a pass over here,
we're tipping our hand, or we're we have a flinch
over here. But you self, scout, You don't just look
at the other team. You look at yourself and see
where are we giving our ready our own game plan?
Where were we hurting ourselves? Where were we shooting ourselves
in the foot? Same thing there, So don't look and
see where oh I was in this relationship and this
person of this, This is where did I do this
and this and this? Where did I have a part
of where it fell apart? And work to improve upon
those That's the key.
Speaker 2 (09:43):
That's where the powers because you can't change anyone else.
The only thing you can change is yourself. So yeah,
that's right, that's I love that one.
Speaker 1 (09:50):
That's a good one.
Speaker 3 (09:51):
That's a really good one.
Speaker 1 (09:52):
You're right. A guy in Greg Hardin who we found
on this podcast we just passed away and he's coached
he's coached me between the years. Coach Tom Brady's which
Michael Phelps, Charles Woods and people like that. And he
was telling about the story with Brady and he's like, Tom,
how old are you? You know? Tom was like nineteen?
How old are your coaches? Fifty? What's chances they're going
to change? Well? Probably not. How long they've been doing this? Yeah,
thirty years? So who could change? Not them? But I can't. Well, yeah,
you could change, that's it, right, I said, You've got
to be the one that change and make those improvements,
because you're not going to change somebody else, but you
can change how you deal with things. Hey, where did
I have a part of where this thing fell apart?
Responsibility of work? And proved by that? So I don't
do this to the next person.
Speaker 2 (10:36):
Yeah, and that's a great opportunity. So when you do
meet that person, you've already you know, you've done work.
Speaker 1 (10:41):
So that'sact. Right. I love this.
Speaker 3 (10:44):
So put the monsters to bed, go right, Oh wait,
this is okay?
Speaker 1 (10:48):
The monsters bad.
Speaker 2 (10:50):
Yeah, So it probably would have happened earlier for us
if we didn't think that things were blockiness. You know
who was we were? We were blocking us, we were
telling our solves it. You know, it took Jay to
be relentless for both of us to put those monsters
to bed.
Speaker 3 (11:04):
And if he still didn't, I wouldn't have found love.
Speaker 1 (11:08):
So you gotta go out and yeah, we've got to
So nothing's against.
Speaker 3 (11:11):
Us with us, and you were fighting for us, like
very hard, and.
Speaker 1 (11:15):
We put these monsters to bed. What I mean by
this guy is again when I say that I wasn't
feeling worthy of being loved. I always thought like it's
just never gonna happen. And so I was the one
convincing myself and I was the one sabotaging because I
felt like, you have these outside sources that were against me.
I was convinced that I had these outside sources that
were against me and that no matter what I did,
I couldn't beat them because it was preordained that I'm
never going to find love. Rosie. I had a dream.
Speaker 2 (11:47):
Yeah, I always felt because I had a dream there's
this when you were like eight eight.
Speaker 3 (11:51):
And there's just a monster that like you know, had
me in.
Speaker 1 (11:54):
It and said you'll never you'll always be mine, You'll
never find love, and then you believed it for your Well.
Speaker 2 (12:00):
Yeah, so I always had like yeah, yeah, So I
always thought that you know, this is like it's never
gonna happen for me. There's something blocking me. There's something
stopping me. But at some point you get to realize, wait,
you know what, there's nothing blocking me.
Speaker 3 (12:12):
It's just me. I'm the one who's blocking me.
Speaker 2 (12:14):
And I got to put the monster to bed so
you can hut the monster can find love, because there's
if you feel that way and you're there's something you're
thinking that's blocking you, then guess what, you'll always have
these walls up and your you probably.
Speaker 3 (12:25):
Will succeed in that.
Speaker 2 (12:27):
Or you say, you know what, I'm going to put
this monster to bed and I can't find it and
I am lovable and you know you can find that too.
Speaker 1 (12:33):
You know when we both did that. So again I
heard this about Rosie. Her sister brought it up. I
was like, oh my god, you you thought that since
you were eight, Like that is hard. But then I
told her I have the same thing, like I feel like, man,
something in the universe that guess me, And then we
realize it was us. Yeah, we work to get past it.
And then still you're so afraid, even going up to
your wedding day, you're horrified. You believe this story that
you've made up for all these years, right.
Speaker 2 (13:05):
And it's comfortable to cling on to you because it's
what you've always told yourself, so you're really comfortable with it.
And when you challenge it and yeah, yeah, grateful is
the story you're most comfortable with. So somebody you've got
to challenge it and rewrite your story so you can
have a happy ending.
Speaker 1 (13:17):
It's the racket, you said that.
Speaker 3 (13:19):
Yeah, it's a racket.
Speaker 1 (13:21):
You're running yourself, right.
Speaker 3 (13:22):
Speaker 1 (13:22):
So now here we are about to get married. Try
not to cry as I met myself. But we're in Italy.
It's just the two of us, and she's about to
walk down the island and I look at her. Try
not crying, but I said, baby baby, she's across, she's
about to walk down. I'm already up there at the altar,
and I'm like, baby baby, and she looks me and
I said, hey, the monster's dead, and the two of
us just start crying. By the time she got to me. Look,
I'm crying right out. The time she got to me,
we were just the two of us because fifty four
years from fifty three years from me of this painful
thought that I didn't control it. Something was genuinely against me.
It's a painful existence, it is. And we got to
put that pain aside. And I said, you know, if
I had to wait, I don't resent how long it
took him. So glad about our journey for two things.
Number One, I do think the pain I've been in,
I've been in it so I can help others through
their for sure, right with the podcast like this in
a book and just and be able to just how
many people I've been able to hope now to give
words to mental health. I had to go through this
so I can help others through theirs. But the other
thing was, if I wait fifty three years to found
my soulmate and I get it for the rest of eternity,
I'm good.
Speaker 3 (14:39):
It's definitely worth the wait from me for sure.
Speaker 1 (14:43):
Put the monster to the monsters to bet okay, don't
do things only when you women ask for it. A
lot of times the women are more I hear my
female friends. We heard a lot. Oh he's not he
doesn't kiss me enough, he doesn't hug me enough. He
doesn't do this. So under promise and over deliver. It's
the best business advice. It's also the same advice in
love and so like, I don't just hug her when
she asked for it, I'm just kiss her when she asked.
I don't just rub her back when she asked, I
don't just wire flowers when she asked, I'm constantly thinking
every day I actually wake up, what can I do
to improve my wife's life today?
Speaker 3 (15:21):
Speaker 1 (15:21):
Really my girlfriends. Yeah, and you do the same thing,
but I did have to explain it to you. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2 (15:28):
It's like little little things that show the person that
you Karen. It's just but you're really good at.
Speaker 1 (15:34):
That, and don't look at it like, oh I did
that already. I put my time and I got him
a card, I got already have flowers I already gave
I already gave him a kiss. I already gave them. Oh,
it's constantly and everything. It's an every day thing.
Speaker 3 (15:45):
Little, it's not even, it's not even. It could be anything,
but I.
Speaker 1 (15:49):
Do like this one. I want to do this one
which one life is a chicken?
Speaker 2 (15:52):
Say oh that you can Sayandrew, sorry, Yeah, So like
this was like when we went to Thailand and we
were with some monks and stuff.
Speaker 1 (15:59):
And way living back kids were like tiring, some monks
not partying some.
Speaker 3 (16:05):
Months and right, let's kavalayah and we went on let me,
let me so I want to.
Speaker 1 (16:12):
Thailand on a mind, body spirit journey. When Rosie and
I broke up, that's the thing with like change and
that's really where I learned from these monks like and
they got me to learn from me. So basically like
monks out there, like your therapist, I go out there,
I was doing I was fighting more time in the jungle,
which is right, I was. I learned breath work and
meditation and this gratitude listens to every day you go
back and listen to this podcast, you could hear a
lot of things that I do now in these rituals
for myself. But also after I said, man, they they've
really helped me out my next off season. And once
I got myself a position with Rose and I got
back together, I said, I'd like for you to come
with me so you could learn all these things. And
I I dressed it up as like so you could
do it, so you can help me with because folks,
I'm crazy, Like I'm not easy, right, I have a
clinical depression of anxiety bipolar ADHD. Insomnia. It goes on
and on and on. I'm like, I really want you
to help learn all this, so you could help me,
so we could do this breath work together, we could
do this meditation they get, we could do this gratitude
list together. But it was really more for Rosie. Yeah,
without without letting her know, is really for Rosie, and
she needed this too. She needed these and she's got
a therapy for a long time. But the way they
do it out there is different. Different.
Speaker 3 (17:29):
Yeah, they coach you and they get you to think
differently to what you what you would.
Speaker 2 (17:32):
So when you and I start dating, I remember I
was feeling kind of a little unworthy because I wasn't
used to getting showered with love.
Speaker 3 (17:39):
I wasn't used to you know.
Speaker 2 (17:40):
Here I was finding getting everything I wished for. But
when you get it, sometimes you feel unworthy of it
and you feel like not deserving of it.
Speaker 3 (17:48):
So that's what I was telling that. I guess it
was fear.
Speaker 2 (17:50):
It was fear of like, oh wait, everything's happening, but
now it's going to get taken away, or you just
feel undeserving. So so I was explaining this to the
months and they're like, well, okay, so what's your your
favorite food? So I was saying this R and D
chicken sandwich, which is like if I could eat anything,
I love the same. So the monk says, okay, so
when you're eating your chicken sandwich, are you worried that
the person across from you doesn't think that you're worthy
of that chicken sandwich? Or are you just enjoying your
chicken sandwich? And I was like, yeah, actually, I'm enjoying
my chicken sandwich and the fries and you know, whatever
else I have with And she's like, okay, so when
you're eating your chicken sandwich, do you think that the
person sitting on the seat next to you doesn't think
that you deserve that chicken sandwich?
Speaker 3 (18:29):
And I'm like no, I'm just enjoying.
Speaker 2 (18:31):
My chicken sandwich. And so she says, well, this is
your life. Your life is the chicken sandwich. Don't worry
about what you know, if you're deserving or not worthy
of it. Just enjoy your chicken sandwich.
Speaker 3 (18:42):
So that's what I realized. Life is like the chicken sandwich.
Speaker 1 (18:47):
Just enjoy it.
Speaker 2 (18:47):
Enjoy it when it happens, enjoy it while it happens.
Don't worry about it getting taken away. Don't worry that
you're worthy. Just enjoy whatever it is that you're experiencing
and truly and just enjoy it.
Speaker 1 (18:57):
So she came out of this and she was like,
Oh my gosh, my life's a chicken sandwich. Someone, what
are you talking about? What were your life is a
chicken sandwich? How you going? Maybe the monkey you came
out to your life? But she came out.
Speaker 2 (19:10):
It was really a different mind shift from feeling like
I'm worthy rather than being like, oh wait, no, I'm
going to enjoy this, and it's it's enjoy and enjoy
the chickens.
Speaker 1 (19:20):
So I think the last one here, we'll finish this
off here is protect your value and self esteem. And
what I mean by that this is something Rosie made
sure of. She made sure Rosie like, you cannot walk
all over Rosie. I have my meltdowns. I cannot fuck
with roasties. She does not take my ship now. At
the same time, it's very compassionate for me, but I
had to learn early, like I'm used to running people over.
She's like, uh, I'm protecting my value and self esteem. Yeah,
And my respect for her is through the ceiling used
to walk over with people and they just go I
just let them do it because I don't want to
be more upset.
Speaker 3 (20:02):
You're in two seconds.
Speaker 1 (20:06):
Same for you. A lot of us will just take
it because we don't want conflict, and also we're like,
oh this will we'll get through it if I take it.
Don't just take it. Make sure. And she told me, Jay,
we're going to be together. You're always going to treat
me like this queen. You're never going to walk over me.
I'm never gonna be a door mat. She explained it
to me. She doesn't exactly like this. She said it
going in say it to your partner too. I deserve
to be treated like like a lion I deserve to
be treated like a lioness. I deserve to be treated
like a queen. If you don't, this isn't going to
work for us.
Speaker 2 (20:39):
And that'll that'll hurt the dynamics of your relationship because
then you'll want presenting them because you don't like the
way they talk to you or whatever it is.
Speaker 3 (20:45):
But if you communicate and don't do it when you're mad,
do it, okay, you said.
Speaker 2 (20:48):
The earler, I didn't like this or that, and then
the person. It gets a person a chance to be like,
oh okay, so then they they know how to treat
you as you're teaching them.
Speaker 3 (20:57):
So and you're really good at that. You're like you
take no's well.
Speaker 1 (21:02):
Despite the ada tell me yeah, and then uh man,
I had I had one more here and now I'm
sitting here going, oh my gosh, what was it? Oh yeah,
So Rosie and I have started a lot of rituals together, Yes,
a lot of rituals. And like we do a ton
of stuff now in the morning and I'll tell people
what is like. We get up, we do like we
were doing breath work, am meditations, We do breath worcommendation
right all this in the morning. We take our dogs
to go walk this to go out in the morning.
But while we're there, we do a gratitude list and
things were grateful for the day before. It can be anything.
It could be like, hey, I'm grateful for the sky today.
IM grateful. We always start with them grateful for God.
I'm grateful for each other, and then I'm grateful for
we saw dolphins. I'm grateful for could be a pair
of shoes.
Speaker 3 (21:49):
Great conversation I had conversation with your brother.
Speaker 1 (21:51):
Right, Like it could be, Man, I got a great
phone call today. I got it doesn't have to be big,
it doesn't have to be small, could be anything. And
I had to learned that, Tilan. How like for me
and for you too, You're like, it's hard to feel
grateful when and even I've explained to a lot of
people it's easy, Like it could be like, hey got
my helps today, Hey I got I got a pretty
cool text from somebody. Hey, I've got this, I got,
I got a new belt, I got a new shirt
that I really like. Anything.
Speaker 2 (22:23):
It could be anything, just little little things that could
there's big things too sometimes, but a lot of a
lot of times it's not that it's just something small.
Speaker 1 (22:30):
Right, So the point is, so then we do the
gratitude list, then we work out should run these stairs
here in Malibu, and then we have the incredible and
that's when we do our breath recommentation right down at
the bottom. And then we'll go usually do another workout.
And this is all before like eleven o'clock in the morning.
We have these rituals. At night we do this. Then
we do appreciate, celebrate and smile.
Speaker 3 (22:49):
We take like that's something a month's hottest, which you
really good.
Speaker 1 (22:52):
Two things at night and we're like, okay, something that
happens today and you like appreciate it, really celebrate, like
throw a party in your heart, like really celebrate this
thing and have the hugest smile on your face. So
because think about it, like, first of all, one, when
you smile, your body doesn't know and your brain doesn't
know what's real or fake. It actually releases like a
doorphins to help boosh your mood. But also think of
how you are the next morning when you come home
from a cool party, think about how much better life is.
So you're throwing a party in your heart, like a
couple of things sakes two to three minutes. Throw this
party in your heart, but really celebrate, really smile, really
feel it. It's so much better to go to bed
that way than dreading the next morning, or dreading all
the things that happen, or dealing with your problems, which
I used to wake up. I used to bed go
with the worst anxiety from the crap that I had
to face the next day, or what I was fearful
was going to happen the next day, or bad things
that happened that day. I'd sit there and harp on
them instead of what we do now, which is we
just celebrate and you have a book of prayers. We
also read a prayer and what we do these prayers together.
My point is we have we created all these rituals together.
Don't get tired of it. Like you're never in a
place like Okay, been there, done that, We're good now.
There is no we're good there, We're good now. Okay,
You've got to continue to grow. And a lot of
times we don't feel like doing these Yeah we do
them anyways, we don't know us. Yeah, to make sure
that we have your rituals. Create rituals together and keep
it going. Don't say now on board of them or
create nums like but just do this together.
Speaker 3 (24:32):
Right, It's a really good way to bond and just
spend time together. And yeah, I get it.
Speaker 1 (24:38):
Where else do you want to add everybody?
Speaker 2 (24:40):
Yeah, just like yeah, it's like we both found love
later in life. And it was like something that I
think because I have a lot of people that have
reached out and they're like, oh, it gives them hope,
you know, because in most of the people, a lot
of people are out there, are single, they don't have
they haven't found their soul met so like I think
when they see our story, it kind of gives them
hope because they're like, wait, know it's not too late,
because if you're thinking that, then it's discouraging.
Speaker 3 (25:04):
But if you realize it, it's never too late to
find love.
Speaker 1 (25:07):
Yeah, it never is. One of the things behind in
there again like self scout taking him into what you
did wrong. And I look back now and I'm like,
I was a lot for a lot of people, right,
I was a lot because I was trying to create
this image of me I thought would be the one
that would get love. When it turns out the real, flawed,
fucked up one is the one that everybody loves. And
I see people now too. They're still doing putting on
this front and there's so much energy and it's just
no vulnerability there. And I'm most like, hey, just just
be you, like I know that person's there, Just be you.
People aren't. What I realized is people like the glaze.
People love Jaglz exactly.
Speaker 2 (25:50):
And that's what when I look back on past relationship
or even our relationship, the memories are that I admire
the most, and I like the most are the ones
that when you're vulnerable, because those are the ones I
remember and I'm like, wow, you're genuine and vulnerable. And
that's the parts that when I would look back, I'm like,
always we'll remember.
Speaker 1 (26:08):
And the last thing is again, all that we're teaching
here and now coaching here now enough to take a
month to do this right here, right.
Speaker 3 (26:16):
Now, exactly right.
Speaker 1 (26:18):
Yeah, start it now. Start it to day. When I
was sitting here in my career, I would I would.
I wouldn't put things off to the next week. I'm like,
I'm gonna use this stuff now. Start changing my life now.
And it took eleven years for me to get my
first full time job. Every single day I gave myself
hope of now I'm doing something now, and eventually, thank
you God Almighty in Heaven, I broke through. So start
these now right. Start your journaling now where you can
do certain things right. That's the other thing we both
journal now, which I need to do before with Thailand.
You've done it your whole life.
Speaker 3 (26:52):
Yeah, that's been very helpful for me. That has been
very very so.
Speaker 1 (26:56):
That's another ritual for us. Sometimes you and I will
go in journal together to put music on and journal
right right. So look, I really hope we've been able
to help. We've never done this before where the two
of us have sat down and just given us game plan,
our guidebook, if you will, coaching people how to find
love later in life. Never too late to find love,
trust us, It's never too late to fly. It's true.
Speaker 3 (27:23):
It's true, it's true.
Speaker 1 (27:25):
We love you, We appreciate you all. Maybe thank you
for teaching me how to be and how to feel safe.
And it's the biggest gift anybody can ever give me,
is feeling safe. It's not the money and the fame
and this and then that. It's man, this, it's just
safety that I don't know who ever felt before. It's
the biggest gift anybody ever get.
Speaker 2 (27:49):
Thank you for always supporting me and being there for me,
and you always like always have my back, and I
always know that you know, just for loving me because
you're so really good at it.
Speaker 1 (28:00):
Love your baby now. It's never too late to find love.
Just keep walking and walk together