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January 16, 2025 28 mins

Welcome to Unbreakable! A mental wealth podcast hosted by Fox NFL Insider Jay Glazer. Look, it has been a very difficult for those of us out here in Southern California due to the horrific fires. A lot of us have lost everything. I really wanted to take this podcast to get the rest of America to understand exactly what is going on out here. With these horrific fires you’re seeing the best of people in the worst of times. So, I wanted to bring on one of my best friends who has been in the middle of it all, the one and only Jake Steinfeld. Jake unfortunately lost his home in the Pacific Palisades fire. But amidst the loss and devastation, the California fitness guru offers a lot of hope and has zero doubt that his city will build back even stronger! Because whenever we have tragedy in this country it’s when people come together the most.  DONT QUIT!


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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is Unbreakable with Jay Glacier, a mental Wealth podcast.
Build you from the inside out. Now Here's Jay Glacier.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
Welcome into Unbreakable, a mental Wealth podcast with Jay Glazier.
I'm Jay Glazer, and look, it has been a really,
really difficult week for those of us out here in California,
Malibu Palisades. A lot of us have lost everything. Thank
out of my house is still standing. I'm evacuated. But
I really wanted to take this podcast to get the

rest of America to understand what's going on out here,
because whenever we have tragedy in this country, it's when
people come together. The most I saw at nine to
eleven that you've seen at Katrina. Now with these horrific
fires out in California, you're seeing it. You're seeing the
best of people in the worst of times.

Speaker 3 (00:53):
So I wanted it again.

Speaker 2 (00:54):
I'm one of my best friends who is really want
to talk about being on ground here and has been
in the middle of it. A guest here on Unbreakable
in the past. You know him as body by Jake.
I know him as my brother, Jake Steinfeld.

Speaker 4 (01:06):
How are you, buddy, Jay? How you doing man? Thank you?
It's it is. I look at you and you know,
as you being displaced, I am now one of the
many homeless people, believe it or not, in this country.
And this is not going to be a pity party
for me. This is something that unfathomable, surreal to say

the least. You know, you and I have been friends.
We've known each other for many years. We've been friends.
I feel like we went to junior hideing together. We've
had a lot of good conversations, a lot of conversations
went hot. You know my wife Tracy, I know your
wife Rosie with family, you know, with family. When I
look at you and you know in the background, I'm

used to seeing football helmets and all that fun stuff.
And when you're looking at me, you know, I always
call my office Michigan Control. And it was thirty years
of memorabilia, well actually forty five years of doing body
by Jake. But I was in the house in the
Palace Adades for thirty years.

Speaker 3 (02:07):
Is your house completely gone? Nothing else?

Speaker 4 (02:09):
My house is gone. It's gone. We lost everything, Jay,
we lost everything. I'm actually sitting here with a shirt
I have. This is one of two and it's really
interesting when look, man, where do I begin my wife
and I my daughter flew in from London to surprise
Tracy for her birthday, which was just this past Friday.

And excuse me if my days are not straight. Been
one blur and no doubt, insurance companies and dealing with
finding a place to live. And we'll get into it
a second, but I kind of want to give you
a perspective because my life has always been about don't quit, persevere,
you know. And there are a lot of guys, A
lot of people talk about it. Who the story when

you live it? And I've always tried to profess that
I've lived it, you know, as you know, I was
an overweight kid, I had a bed started growing up.
We all have our stories. I have a very blessed
in my life. It was the first guy I do
personal fitness training, made it an occupation, got to be friends,
to learn about how to build a business, most importantly,

having a great wife for thirty six years now and
four incredible kids. My daughter flew in and I was
at the house, you know, any other day of work,
and I had a lunch at Toscana, which you know right,
you know, on my way I put on a collar
shirt and I get on Sunset Boulevard. You know, I

heard about the fire, but we didn't really see much yet,
and it was a boatload of traffic. And I called
this guy I was supposed to have lunch with, which
I never canceled, and I said to this guy, I said, look, brother,
it's bumping a bumper right at my house. I'm never
gonna make it to our twelve thirty. I get crazy.
I'm a lunatic with being on time. And I said, listen,

I'm going to go back to the joint. Let's talk
next week. We'll make it, you know. And that's when
life changed. That's when life change. And life is about moments,
some of great moments, Jay, some of crummy moments. This
was one of those really incredibly prummy moments where I
saw the fire and I and I have video and

where I saw the fire coming and it was like, okay,
this is never going to get to us, never going
to get to us. And as I had the news on,
I just thought to myself, let me pack a bag
or two, which I did, and I called my wife.
I said, just in case, so so we literally had

you know, I took I took my valuables, right, and
I packed a little bag. Now here's something interesting. I
have a poem which I showed to you if you
played that episode back man called Don't Quit that I
was given when I was cut for my eighth grade
basketball team. And it's a poem that I got I
was fourteen years old, and that sat on my desk

at every desk that I'd ever been at for all
these years. And I picked that poem up and I
was going to put it in my bag, and Jay,
I said to myself out loud, what am I doing
If I take this poem? That means I'm not coming back?
I said, I put it down, Wow, And it kind
of assured me, or reassured me that. And you know,

I'm going to take a second here. I'm going to
recite this poem to you and all of you listeners,
because it's it's my Bible verse, and especially now more
than ever, it's when things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
when the road you're trudging seems all uphill, when the
funds are low and the debts are high, and you
want to smile, but you have to sigh when care

is pressing you down a bit, rest if you must,
But don't you quit. Life is queer with its twist
and turns, as every one of us sometimes learned, and
many a failure turn about what he might have won
had you stuck it out. Don't give up. Though the
pace seems slow, you may succeed with another blow. Success
is failure turned inside out, the silver tint of the

clouds of doubt. And you never can tell how close
you are. It may be near when it seems so far.
So stick to the fight when your hardest hit. It's
when things seem worse that you must not quit. And
that was the poem. It's gone. No, no, it's not
about the physical forever, the physical little plaque, that little

perma plaque. You remember perma plaques, right, Yeah, I was
given when I was fourteen. That's gone. But the poem herever.

Speaker 2 (06:41):
That's the part of this right. People say, well, we
lost all these memories. You don't lose memories. You lose
things remind you of great things. But the memories are
between your ears and me to.

Speaker 4 (06:50):
Say this, because you can't. And with all due respect
to you, Jay, and you're one of the greatest humans
that I've come across and been count as my friend
you're so open and honest about your life and your
trials and tribulations as all of us go through every day.
Everybody's got something, I say, my grandmother would say, you know,

everybody's got their own Michian Gouys and it's stuff. Yeah,
but when it comes to something like this catastrophic and
by the way, like I said, there's been catastrophes before
this moment, and the catastrophes unfortunately after this moment, and

what has invigorated me from this? And I gotta say this, man.
You know, look, I'm a Jewish kid, muscular Jewish kids,
so there's not a lot of us around a lot
of us. But you know it's too right here in
the phone. But you know, something happened and I'm trying
to unpack it. Where the loss of everything and what

I'm saying here, So please understand, I want your listeners
to understand. We're good. I have money and this is
not about him, not destitute. A structure fell down and collapsed.
It's gone. You mentioned about memories and mementos. I'm gonna,
I'm gonna, I want to say something here because you
haven't experienced it. Yeah, you're right, Yeah, I have four kids.

They all grew up in this house. I'm a crazy dad.
Crazy dad. I mean I saved huh everything, everything, the
little pictures from first grade, second grade to eighth grade,
ninth grade, you know, all that stuff. That's the heartbreaking stuff, Jay,

Dad's the heart breaking stuff, you know. It's it's all
that the other stuff. My friends of Coca Cola are
gonna get me another torch that I ran within the
twenty twelve Olympics. You know, my friend Joe Torri got
me autographed Yankee baseballs from the World Series. I hope
Joe will be able to give me another one. It's
your right though. It things for your kids, look for me,

You're right. It's almost signor for me to say.

Speaker 2 (09:05):
You know, like you know me, I aways trying to
motivate no matter what I try to people in the
worst of times, I try and get the best of them, right.

Speaker 4 (09:12):
Yeah, yeah, but but but here's the time. This is
where I do. This is what I do because I
motivate people all the time. Better blessing, I've done this
my whole life. You know, we're blessed with the ability
to make people feel good. We're blessed with the ability
to get people moving. We're blessed with the ability to
be able to say, don't sit in the corner, don't

roll up and die. This is not about that. This
is a defining moment in your life, at the fining
moment in my life where that poem is real and
those two words don't quit. My little brother who just
left here said, you don't just say those words. That's
your blood. You live it, and it's and it runs

through you. It's emotional as hell, but you you live it.
And I'm sure thousands of people who listen to you
in these podcasts and you have great guests on you
know this was an emotion. I didn't know I was
gonna have a little cry. But you know what, hey.

Speaker 3 (10:11):
Man, everybody cries the show man. You're good. Yeah, and
you know what you needed it.

Speaker 4 (10:16):
It feels good. And it's that kind of a thing
because it's real, it's not a script. But things have
to change, Jay.

Speaker 2 (10:26):
I want you to take them back to Okay. You
go pack a bag and then when you realized, oh shit,
it's here, or when you realize damn it's gone, like
it take us through that.

Speaker 4 (10:37):
That twenty four Oh man, I'll tell you. So we thankfully.
My daughter is amazing. She's thirty two years old. She's unbelievable, right,
you know, she's looking Uh. We knew we had to leave.
So like every other person in the palisades where we're
scrambling for where do you go? You know we had friends.
I'm not a bit I don't like bumping up in friends,

right right, right, So we Morgan found the hotel. We're
at the Regent here in Santa Monica. By the way,
I recommend the world to come here. Nicest, sweetest people
you can find. We checked in for some reason. We
got a room that we opened this we opened the
windows and we're looking out at the palisades as it's burning.

It's Tuesday night. I gather it is and Jay once again, Man,
I'm sitting there. I can't sleep and I'm and you
know me. We we have these conversations. Usually I get
three and a half hours sleep. I called a cough
and sleep. I go to bed. Everybody gets mad at me.
I go to bed. I'm gone right same place I will.
I mean, I can't sleep, and at about three forty five.

Speaker 3 (11:43):
But our brains don't shut off. Yep. We take a
plus taking.

Speaker 4 (11:46):
Plus five am. I jump up, I look out, and
I had a terrible feeling in my stomach. I had
a terrible feeling leaving the house. Now our kids are grown,
we had a dog. At one point the dog passed away.
Dog rode through the dog, and it was very difficult
for our family to get another pet. So we don't
have a pet. To me and Tracy and Morgan. Now

and I'm looking and I had this terrible feeling like
I left my home. My house needs me. It's crazy, brother,
but it's like it was like that's thirty years that
I left that house. That house needs me, and I
thought I was just felt terrible. And the next morning,

you know, he got the police. By the way, the firefighters,
the police are unbelievable. I go up there. We are
able to sneak up my daughter and I. One of
the Spanish newscasters was in his car and Chautaqua recognized
me and I said, he said, you need a ride.

Please take me to my house and I will tell you.
We drove up. Chautaqua made a righte get up on Toyopa,
which is where I live, and the houses around me
at that moment, we're up and I'm feeling pretty good.
And then I see we have a basketball who in
the front yard that was there before we got there,
and it was melted. And my daughter is in the

backseat puts her arm on my shoulder and I said, Daddy,
it's okay. Oh my god, and it's gone, Jay, the
house is gone. That field it was I'll never, I
will never. I remember it, Morgan my shoulder, standing there,
calling my wife us crying and just staring. And I

had to get back in the car and leaf wow.
I left, and then we have to get into action
insurance company. This is what I want to say to
everybody too. You want to talk a motivation, Make sure
you have insurance. Make sure if you have to pay
for it, pay for it whatever you can afford, because
God forbid you end up like me and so many

others by losing their homes. And if you have everything
in that investment, if that's your investment and you don't
have insurance, you're fucked shows over. So please take anything
from this moment is amongst the motivation, and we're going
to rebuild.

Speaker 2 (14:12):
By the way, unfortunately, a lot of people got dropped
by the insurance company two weeks before.

Speaker 4 (14:17):
But your bullshit. Totally know what this is why change
needs to happen now. I'm not going to get political
because I'm not. You know me. You know what I do.
I put fitness centers in elementary of middle schools around
this great country of Oz. I've been doing it for
the past thirteen years. You deal both sides. I art
here in California when Ald was governor. I've known Naland
since I'm nineteen years old, and I have this position

of chair of than the National Foundation for Governor's Fitness
Councils for thirteen years. I'm not about red or blue.
This is about the red, white and blue now more
than ever. You know when I talk about kids, this
is this is This is a kid's issue right now.
This is us coming together. You mentioned it to be
your show in times of tragedy, everyone comes to together.

Nobody cares what color you are, cares if you're a
Republican or a Democrat or what. It's so interesting for
those who keep doing that.

Speaker 3 (15:08):
Now it's not the time though.

Speaker 4 (15:11):
We need we need to change. We can't look backwards.
But when I listened to a mayor and listened to
a governor, skirt an issue. This has been decades in
the making. We live in the sixth biggest economy in California, right,
we pay the most taxes in this state. It's a
beautiful state and it's going to crap. And Brian killed me.

Was the one on Fox and Friends and said to me,
are you thinking about running for governor? I said, you
know what, you know what?

Speaker 3 (15:42):
I would love you governor.

Speaker 4 (15:44):
I would give I think it love that. Do you
have any idea what has happened in the last thirty
two hours. People from North Carolina, South Carolina, New York, Florida.
We want to put together uh fundraises. We want to
put together they're exploratory committee. Now listen. As an entrepreneur,
the one thing I learned early on in my life

is if you think you can do everything right, you
end up becoming a legend in your own shower. And
the one thing I do know, with all due respect
to the new president coming in, he understood coming into
this second term, you got to get to write people
around you. And already now I've done this. Look I'm
sitting here with you, right. We've talked about four or
five or six seven times since my house burned out.

People have reached out to me, from the business sector,
from the tech center, from law enforcement, the fire departments.
If you commit to this, we want to be next
to you. So I won't do this lightly. I never
thought about it before. A lot of people have always asked, Jake,
you want to run for Senate and what do you
do as a senator? You know, I mean, I know

what I do. You know, I love leadership, I love people,
and that's what I'm good at. And if you're good
at that. People are desperate for hope right now. They're
always desperate for hope. But what we want to do
is when this next catastrophe, whether it's let's just talk
California for a second, jay an earthquake, we talk about

month slides, another fire, we need to be prepared. Yes,
you got to get the right people. We can't make excuses,
and that's what it's about.

Speaker 2 (17:23):
And then when you do fuck up, sometimes you just
got to take your ass pupping like an adult.

Speaker 4 (17:27):
You take your resk exactly and not skirt an issue,
not skirt up. I'm not sitting in the governor's position
right now, and I'm not sitting in the maya's position
right now. We can talk from outside, but we both know.
Now by the way, I'm in the middle of right,
I'm one of I'm a statistic now right, my house

burned down, I lost I lost my home. Right, I'm
dealing with insurance. Thankfully, I have a great insurance company
in this company called Pure thanks for my wife, Tracy.
You know, but a lot of people don't. And this,
you know, I've read a lot about people saying some
negative things about rich people live in the Palisades. Though
that manasiones, I'm sorry to say that there are more people,

middle class, great folks who live in the Palisades, whose
homes were passed from generation to generation, who've lost everything.

Speaker 3 (18:21):
I want to say this to you about people who say,
oh about rich people.

Speaker 2 (18:24):
Listen, people who were rich, they got there because they
worked their fucking asses off. Let's not sit there and go, oh,
my god. You know, oh we're crying about a bunch
of rich people. You worn't your asses off. There's not
a maliboune. Palisades aren't about a bunch of people who
are born on third base and thought hit home run.

Speaker 3 (18:43):
They worked your ass off.

Speaker 2 (18:44):
I went eleven years making four hundred and fifty bucks
a year, get rejected by more fucking people than you
could ever imagine.

Speaker 4 (18:51):
I noticed. I'm here for that, right Listen, man.

Speaker 3 (18:54):
You worked your ass off together.

Speaker 2 (18:56):
So that narrative for people who say that that's not
act you know what, Oh but jamb who work their
ass off.

Speaker 4 (19:02):
But that's okay because there are that's a small that's
that minority, that noisy minority. Most of us.

Speaker 3 (19:11):
They've come together. People have come together.

Speaker 4 (19:13):
Most of us have love in their heart. And that's
what I'm going on right, this is all about California.
We don't quit. Jake Lazer, don't quit, Jake Steinfeld, don't quit.
And that's what we gotta go. We gotta stop with
the petty stuff. Pointing a finger and making fun. Social

media is easy. Everyone's gonna take their shots. But you
don't what though. We gotta stand up and step out
and don't quit and make That's what we have to
do because if we don't, we're gonna this is gonna
happen again and again and again.

Speaker 3 (19:46):

Speaker 2 (19:47):
I was down nine to eleven, and you know, looking
for a friend of mine through all the ship and
then eventually a pretty long list of people. And I
will say this. It's the best you'll ever see of
people in that tragedy. The love that was spread around
from person to person, no matter what race, religion, creed,

color doesn't matter.

Speaker 4 (20:09):

Speaker 2 (20:09):
They were there for each other. And I've seen a
lot of it here as well. Like in the worst
of times, you see the best of people, and I'm proud.
I wish it didn't take a tragedy for that, you know,
But you also ran to people who needed help.

Speaker 3 (20:23):
They didn't tear them down.

Speaker 2 (20:24):
So people run to people right now. Now's not the
time to tear people out, like hearing Jake lost everything.
There's a ton of people here. It's thousands who've lost
everything across all different classes. Fire does not discriminate. So
now's the time that you have to build each other up,
not tear each other down. Be the country we deserve
to be, which is United United States. Come together, and

as angry as you might be in your own life
right now, let's put it aside.

Speaker 3 (20:52):
You really want to step up.

Speaker 2 (20:54):
And you know, there's only a few times in life
you find out who the fuck we really are. It's
times like this, So who are you gonna be? You
need to be that kind that continues to keep people
in a hurry down and laugh at them.

Speaker 4 (21:04):
You know, but listen, I agree one thousand percent. And
they're always going to be those kind of people. And
that's and and that's okay because the great thing about
it is that just a small.

Speaker 3 (21:19):
Change, we need you.

Speaker 4 (21:20):
There's lots of people who want to want what we're
talking about. Now. I'll just say this, this is not
about the red or blue. It's about the red, white
and blue living the greatest country on the planet. You know,
as I said, I'm not kidding, man. I went to
Banana Republic right to get a to get a couple
of T shirts. Man, and I'm trying I'm trying on

a sweater that my wife to put this on. You know.
We talked about this, right and and this a guy
comes up to me and says, hey, did you lose
your house? I said yeah, He says I lost mine.
Five of the guys come out of dressing rooms saying
the same thing, and they're saying to me, Jake, give
us some inspiration, man, give us some sense of hope.

And it was like, my wife is sitting on the
couch and normally, well my life just want to go
get something, I go go ahead. Here. It was eight
women sitting on the couch and eight guys are trying
things on.

Speaker 3 (22:18):
And I have his like a minion, trying together.

Speaker 4 (22:21):
Trying to inspire these guys. And they said, and what
I found just like us now because I feel better
just talking to you. You just want to talk, you know,
sometimes you just want to be heard. You want to
understand that someone else is going through maybe a little
bit what you're going through, or has gone through it,

or God forbid, think in your mind, if someone gets
anything out of this podcast, it might be you know what, honey,
I heard Jake talk about insurance. Let's take a look
at our insurance again, and it could be the moment
once again. Life is about moments. And I started out

the show by saying, Unfortunately today for me, it's a
crummy moment, but it's it has become an enlightening moment
where I feel lighter, where I feel Jay, it's a rebirth.
I'm starting at zero, meaning I don't want to start
with that. You know, I'm fine. I'm talking about Jake

the human being. Right, I got no clothes, right, you
come into this world with no clothes, truly, Sometimes God
I got to get another shirt. I gotta get a
sport code. I got nothing to wear. I got nothing
a wear for real, you know. And to start, it's
it's a I feel electricity coming through my hands. Man,

I'm not kidding. I feel it energized, I feel a
rebirth that I haven't felt. And I'm always pumped up. Jay,
you know, I see your time. We're both with two animals.
I mean, people like we can light up ahead the
city just us sitting down talking. But this is even different.

This is at a different level, a high level. If
you listening right now, if it's something that you know,
maybe enlightened me.

Speaker 2 (24:11):
You know why, Jake, Because our pot, the goal to
the end of the rainbow, for people like me and
you is the ability to be of service to people.
So right now you are at ground zero and you
have the ability to be of service to so many others.
And that's why you're energized, you know, down there ground
zero nine to eleven. I was like, man, I'm gonna
try and save someone. I'm gonna try to do I'm

gonna I'm gonna pump up this firemanute, a police office
or whatever. It's like, Man, when we're able to be
of service. I talk about this for people with depression
my gray. Being of service is the number one pillar
of how to get through that gray, because when you're
of service, the roommates in your head can't tell you
that story about what a piece of garbage you are,
so all of a sudden, like what we live for, dude,

is you know your thing?

Speaker 3 (24:53):
Don't quit pumping people up and spot we have a whole.

Speaker 2 (24:57):
I would see a city now of people we and
try and help in so many different ways. I went
the other day to check in my house and get
more belongings the case it doesn't, you know, survive and
because we're still evacuated. But turns out the ground zero
for the firemen and there's four thousand firemen and support
crew four thousand. So I brought protein bars, right, and

then I said, okay, what else do you guys need?

Speaker 3 (25:21):
Socks and gloves? Great bat and I'm on it.

Speaker 2 (25:24):
I'm calling everybody for socks and shoes, and I'm asking
for more crates and crates and these protein bars to
get dropped off because these guys are going through twelve
hour shifts and they come back there they're exhausted tone
to make sure. But that for us, Jay, that's everything
we are. Again, you find out in life who you
are in times of these, do you run to it
or you run away from it? Even if you do
run away from it, run to somebody who you could

help out.

Speaker 4 (25:48):
Just like it's also no too that you're right. Both
of us have done what we've done in our lives,
and I've always been about, you know, helping people with
mental and fit physical health. This is even this is high,
This is at a higher this is trump higher level. Brother.

So when someone says now about thinking about one of
a governor, you know, I think to myself, come on, man,
And then I stopped, And I mean, my phone is
blowing up of people who are reaching out. It's it's
insane at that time to read the stuff to you.
So to be continued, because I got to jump, because
I got to meet my insurance paper. I love to

sit and talk with you, Lord, I thank you.

Speaker 3 (26:34):
Thank you for telling our listeners what it's really likes
they can understand. So like the one thing for me.

Speaker 2 (26:40):
Also, dude, I've gotten calls from every team in the NFL.
It's made me feel so loved.

Speaker 3 (26:45):
And I have my house.

Speaker 2 (26:46):
Being evacuated out of your house are two totally different things.
You see it the love so everybody out there. Jake
is telling you, man, step up and call someone, let
them be heard.

Speaker 4 (26:57):
By the way, and hearing from people is the sweetest thing.
And knowing that people are out there. And when I
watch you on Sundays with you and the fellas, you know,
it's a family and that's what makes you. It's sometimes
it's not even what you're reporting on. It's the rapport
that you have with each other that makes everybody feel

that they're sitting next to you guys at the sports
bar or at the dinner table, you know is sitting
in on a fun conversation. I want to take my
cap off to you and the boys. Appreciate all the
guys and you know how we all know for one
hundred years man and keep it up. I love you
and peace.

Speaker 2 (27:37):
Call me after and tell me what was the insurance
company to get whatever you guys need?

Speaker 3 (27:40):
A right buddy, I love everybody.

Speaker 5 (27:42):
That is my good friend. Jake's time, trold wert He
and I go to lunch every Tuesday together in Malibu.
Don't know where will we be doing that in the
near future. I know we're going to continue to do it,
but I wanted to give people a first hand account
what is going on out here, the amount of trauma,
the exhaustion from people can't get more of our an

inside look, and what Jake just did, and a couple
of times here I'm going to lie. He had a
whole hard time holding in myself. So I love this
podcast that it opens up and gives people a safe
place too, will put up and cry. No one's crushing
our manhood on the show. Nobody's cushing our manhood on
the show. That was Jake Seinfeld's. I'm Jake Glazer. This
is unbreakable. Let's keep walking this walk together.
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Jay Glazer

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