All Episodes

May 4, 2024 40 mins

LaVar, TJ, and Plax talk about Patrick Beverley’s antics after the Bucks were eliminated by the Pacers and how they’d react if they were in the fans position, Some Dude Show & Up on Game NBA Insider Cuffs the Legend joins the show, Zeke rejoins the Cowboys, and more!


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is up on game caught.

Speaker 2 (00:03):
Bye hush Manzada for the touchsdowns.

Speaker 1 (00:05):
This is the show for you. LeVar two with LeVar
airy tet TJ, Hushmanzanna and Plaxico Burres.

Speaker 3 (00:17):
J A love the way you break the game down.
L l ay Man, you were dracked by my flaw
number two overall.

Speaker 2 (00:22):
Number nine and Plaque Man you are sep five seven product.

Speaker 3 (00:25):
Ain't everybody new flat was growing up.

Speaker 1 (00:27):
Around her Man Three of the best to ever do
it on and off the field. Live from the tire
rack dot Com studio, So Fox Sports Radio. Here's pro
bowlers LeVar Airing, Tet TJ, Hushman, Zanna and Silver Bowl
Champion Plaxico Burress.

Speaker 2 (00:43):
All right, yeah, all right, all right, y'all, we have
made it to hour two. We have made it.

Speaker 4 (00:50):
We are here and we have lost things to discuss.
We are broadcasting live from the tire rack dot Com studio.
Tire rack dot Com will help you get there, an
unmatched selection, fast free shipping, free road has a protection
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way tire buying should be. We got cuffs the legend
coming on in a matter of minutes. But first I
just want to set it off. I'm anna save Darvin
Ham for when cuffs comes on. I want to discuss
the Clippers and this Patrick Beverly situation that took place. Now,

if you didn't see what happened, whatever was taking place,
there were some fans that were.

Speaker 2 (01:39):
Behind the bench.

Speaker 4 (01:41):
Patrick Beverly takes the basketball, throws the basketball upside the
side of a girl, a young lady's head. They give
him the ball back, then he throws it harder. The
first one was like a lob, like, I'm aa lob
this ball in your face. You know, I'm a hit
you in the face with this ball. I got good
dang with it. They gave it back to him. Then

he shot that bad boy back at him like a
little bit more, a little bit more force and power.

Speaker 2 (02:08):
Behind that that throw.

Speaker 4 (02:09):
The second time he was asked about the situation after
the game, here's what Pat Beverly had to say.

Speaker 2 (02:18):
Subscribe to my pot. Do I subcribe to you so
you can't interview me? Then no, disrestract you subscribe? Okay?
Cool again.

Speaker 5 (02:28):
There were a couple times within a bucket or two
and previous games, y'all have been able to kind of
get over that humber maybe was it anything they.

Speaker 2 (02:35):
Did in particular?

Speaker 5 (02:36):
Was it just one of those where the bucket didn't
go down, there wasn't a stop they made one? What
kind of prevented that you all from able to get over?

Speaker 4 (02:44):
Kind of like you have any move that might please
or just get out the circle please for me, please,
ma'am if you're not subscribed to my pot, I appreciated that.

Speaker 2 (02:51):
Thank you.

Speaker 4 (02:53):
I gotta say he totally diverted the attention away from
what would be, you know, the main topic at hand,
which was its behavior at at the game, at.

Speaker 2 (03:09):
The end of the game.

Speaker 4 (03:11):
When you see something like that, like, first off, if
I'm being honest, if I take anything like no personal
type of qualms towards it or anything like that, if
you just look at it at face value.

Speaker 2 (03:26):
It's kind of brilliant what he did.

Speaker 4 (03:28):
You know, every once in a while there's just you
get a guy they're willing to be the hell right,
they're willing to be the villain and to be honest
with you, it works. Our society subscribes to bad our,
subscribe our society doesn't subscribe to good.

Speaker 2 (03:47):
So while we sit there and we act like we're.

Speaker 4 (03:50):
Outraged when somebody does something outrageous.

Speaker 2 (03:54):
It's what we want.

Speaker 4 (03:56):
That's why Draymond greenstick works. That's why Floyd Mayweather when
he was pretty boy, Floyd couldn't get people to pay
attention to him, and he changed and morphed into money.
Mayweather the hell and everybody subscribe to it. Everybody wanted
to see Floyd get his ass whip, and so they

bought the they bought the pay per views, They watched
the twenty.

Speaker 6 (04:21):
Four to seven. So we ain't gonna be seeing Patrick
Beverley for a while. Okay, talk about it.

Speaker 4 (04:27):
I mean, I don't put him on that level, but
I will say there will always be work. There always
be an opportunity for Patrick Beverly to make money and
do things because he's controversial and he's abrasive.

Speaker 2 (04:42):
He threw a.

Speaker 6 (04:43):
Basketball in the stands and hit a woman right in
her face, hit her in the face with the ball,
and then asks for the ball back because he hit
the wrong person, and they gave him back to him.
They're done telling you. I'm telling you this. If he
would have thrown that ball and that had been anybody
in my family, I'm rushing I'm rushing. You ain't gonna

get TJ. The security gonna get you.

Speaker 2 (05:05):
He was safe. Listen, that's going like what did it?
Sounds good? But if you don't turn them powers.

Speaker 7 (05:14):
On you, what pep pep belly will roll you upbout
there now roll lost your mind? Beverly the pit bull
man talking about. That's national television on the hag on
the hall talking about and you know, lose all your
football credibility for something to get rolled up by Patrick

Bell all right, and you know what's funny, y'all both
gonna do the same thing, like what what Patrick Beverly
did was wrong on all accounts.

Speaker 4 (05:46):
He but they're not stopping me, t J. I'm just
telling you. They don't stop you but me. They ain't
stopping me. My g you that secure them security ain't
that They ain't big enough for. They ain't in my
weight class right now the way feeling right now, they
ain't ain't stopping me.

Speaker 6 (06:02):
They gonna drop you though, Nahna LeVar, since I had
my last little scuffle, I mean, why why they gonna
stop over?

Speaker 2 (06:11):
He ain't got no weight to have that, Hey, TJ.
You ain't got that. You ain't got that bulldoggin man.
Hey man, I'm two hundred and ten pounds.

Speaker 4 (06:22):
Man, I'm running through them boys, I'm running through I'm
past rush moving, and Pat Beverly gonna go down.

Speaker 6 (06:31):
Pat no easy win, man, he ain't easy win. Listen, Well,
the NB ain't gonna make sure he easy wins because.

Speaker 2 (06:39):
When you do what he did, that's wrong at on
every level. When he did that.

Speaker 6 (06:47):
Luckily, those people they're calm, they they were thinking before
they reacted. Patrick Beverley didn't do it because not only
did you do it once, you asked for the ball
back and you did it again, and then that you
calm down, you're disrespectful to the reporter because she didn't
subscribe to your podcast. He getting suspended, Bro, he's getting

at getting I bet you any amount of money. He's
getting suspended. At least he's going.

Speaker 2 (07:15):
To be a agent. It just didn't seem like he
cared about any of that. He's going to be suspended.

Speaker 6 (07:22):
You cannot do that in an NBA game, because let's
go back to our time years and years ago. Mm hmm,
run our test, Stephen Jackson, Yep, that's no, no, no, no, no,
it could have turned into that. That's my point, it

could have turned turns into that you have to al
read that because you're right. I mean, like, look at
it like this. Here, here's where I'll say you're right. Say,
for instance, they had one of your loved ones in
the head with the ball. I'm not We're not on
the ball back.

Speaker 4 (08:01):
Say we're all there together, right, Say we all in
the stands together, I'm not looking at TJ. And like, yo,
he just threw the ball in hit you know, Carrington
in the face. Right, you know what our is doing.
I'm gonna probably be in front of you. So you're

gonna get to him because I'm clearing the way.

Speaker 2 (08:24):
He gotta gotta lot, he gotta go off that parking lot.

Speaker 4 (08:28):
Man. Look here, we ain't gonna make it to the
parking lot. It's gonna go down right there, it's gonna go.
So your point is well taken, because there's just some
dudes that just don't play that game. They don't play
expect like you hit a woman in the face. Nah, bro,
like you gotta go. You got you gotta go home
with your wife and your kids, and you gotta accept

the fact that you let a man put it.

Speaker 6 (08:52):
And you didn't defend him, man, Please, you're gonna have
more problems at home, like you gotta argues you let
a man put his ball in the in your chicks
face and you can gonna throw the ball back the
ball the NBA. He's a free agent. If he signs
with a team, he will for sure be suspended first.
You just can't do those things, man, and agree with you.

I agree with you on that point.

Speaker 7 (09:15):
I agree with you on that point because it's like
the boss said, yeah, there are some people that you
know they ain't taking no shorts, no, and if then
it was on the other side, and that ball will
to strike my daughter Jevonna.

Speaker 4 (09:27):
He come on, man, exactly, I'm gonna be ahead of
you though. That's what I'm saying. Like there's some cats
that just don't rock.

Speaker 2 (09:34):
Like that, man, you know what I mean. So you're
gonna have a issue. Man, even if we.

Speaker 4 (09:39):
Don't get the pat Beverly, somebody gonna take that l.
Them security guards, they're gonna have to take that l.

Speaker 2 (09:45):
But it's only like one or two of them not
standing there.

Speaker 6 (09:48):
If you think they're gonna have to take that l.
If you think about this, there's been just in years
past this year, not as much players getting into it
with fans, having the fans re moved from the seats
in the game, because the fans are disrespectful. And now
when you do this, it can be an elevated incident

to the NBA has to avoid this at all costs,
and the only way to avoid it is to send
a message this is not going to be tolerated. And
so Patrick Beverley, he's going to be the example the
next guy to think about doing something like this. Y'all
see what happened to Patrick Beverley, Right, The NBA is
gonna have to set an example, and he's gonna be

the example. Remember mark my words, he getting suspended at
least twenty five games.

Speaker 2 (10:38):
Dang, I agree with that. I agree.

Speaker 4 (10:42):
All right, Well, i'll tell you what we had the sound.
Oh we did give the sounds. It'll be interesting to
see how it is handled because when you go into
it the way that you just went into it, like
malice in the Palace. I didn't put it together that way,
but that could have incited a right like type of deal,
because you know, if you run up on him, then

you got to believe his teammates are going to try
to help some of them at least. I mean, if
it's on the sideline, it's going to create some type
of something. So I think there's a lot of validity
to that.

Speaker 2 (11:14):

Speaker 6 (11:15):
And you know, yeah, well, hey, I made a mistake
when I threw the ball. Let me get that ball
back because I didn't throw it at the right person.
Like what I mean, they dumbasses for throwing the ball back, y'all.
I just were nice people, man, They just nice people. Man.

Speaker 4 (11:30):
Y'all listen, Pat Beverly, you wrong for what you did,
But y'all throwing the ball back to him, y'all more wrong,
y'all more wrong than what Pat Beverly's wrong was. And
and that should be stated. And it should also be
stated that you're listening to up on game. This is
Fox Sports Radio. We got cups to legend he's going

to be coming on in the next secment. Be interesting
to hear his take on the Darvin ham firing. I'm
certain we know what that's going to be. It could
be a therapeutic moment for TJ and Cuffs both being
our team got eliminated.

Speaker 2 (12:08):
You know, we are in our offseason.

Speaker 4 (12:10):
Now, what are we going to do moving forward, So
we'll get to all of that and talk some more basketball.
On the other side, is break Fox Sports Radio up
on game. We'll be right back.

Speaker 1 (12:22):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 8 (12:34):
Hey, this is Tom Berducci from Fox Sports, MLB Network
and Sports Illustrated.

Speaker 4 (12:39):
And I'm Joe Madden, and we're going to be around
to talk a little bit about managerial decisions and what
may have accredit to the dugout maybe in the nineteen eighties.

Speaker 8 (12:46):
It's the Book of Joe podcast. I can't wait for this, Joe.
We're going to dive into what goes on in the
dugout and behind the scenes in Major League.

Speaker 2 (12:53):
Baseball, cars, wind whatever else we want to talk about. Yeah, well,
there are no boundaries, right.

Speaker 8 (12:57):
Listen to the Book of Joe podcast on the iHeart
Radio app, on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (13:04):
All right, all right, welcome back? Yeah? Is that not
the California anthem? Right there? Welcome back? Is that not
the anthem? It could be? Wait when you hear that beat,
everybody know where that came from.

Speaker 4 (13:19):
I mean that you definitely could get right to that
right there. You know what you what else you could
get right to You could get right to up on games.
We are live from tyrack dot com Studios, yep, TJ
Hutchmanzade's LeVar Arrington, Plexico Burds, Plexico Burds, DJH Mizia, LeVar Arrington,
We're all here and we're going to bring in cuffs
the legend in a matter of moments.

Speaker 2 (13:40):
But first let's get some trending from iis pull and crawl.

Speaker 8 (13:49):
Well, I thank you, levarn what's trending? A big trade
today in Major League Baseball becoming official, the San Diego
Padres acquiring two time batting champion and two time All
Star Luis from the Miami Marlins. New York Yankees as
Garrett Cole threw off a mound today for the first
time since he was shut down in spring training because
of an elbow injury. Right now, the Yankees trail that

Detroit Tigers won nothing in the bottom of the first
inning on a home run to lead off the game
by the Tigers Riley Green. The NBA today fined Los
Angeles Lakers guard DiAngelo Russell twenty five thousand dollars for
verbally abusing a game official immediately after the Lakers' season
ending loss to Denver this past Wednesday. Round two of

the playoffs tips off tonight at seven pm Eastern from Minnesota,
as the Timberwolves host Denver Tonight at eight pm Eastern
from Boston. Game seven of the opening round of the
Stanley Cup Playoffs between the Bruins and the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Also today, the one hundred and fiftieth running of the
Kentucky Derby Get out of here, Thank you Fiousness anyway

post time at six forty seven Eastern. Fierceness is the
morning line favorite. At five to two, We've got another
update for you guys from the Kentucky Derby. Here are
the Kentucky Derby beverage prices. You're ready, Oh yeah, Well
start with a mint jewlup the signature of Kentucky Derby.
Drink twenty two dollars.

Speaker 2 (15:17):
Oh that's not bad.

Speaker 8 (15:19):
Glass of wine that's high eighteen dollars. That's how, a
beer fourteen dollars and a bottled water six dollars. Fortunately, however,
sales tax is included. Back to you guys.

Speaker 2 (15:34):
Of course it is.

Speaker 4 (15:35):
That's pretty pretty steep, twenty two dollars, but that's you know,
that's standard in California, so I guess I'm kind.

Speaker 2 (15:42):
Of used to it, you know.

Speaker 7 (15:43):
Yeah, I mean, listen to Kentucky Derby is not going
to hover price their beverages, especially when they playing an
alm of the leg and a piece of thigh meat
for a ticket, and and and they beg money. So
we're not gonna we're not gonna hit them over the
head for the beverages. But what we all wanna do,
We're gonna charge them for these tickets and the money

that they bet and will take care of everything.

Speaker 2 (16:07):
M all right, let's do it. Let's let's let's get
to it. Here we go.

Speaker 4 (16:13):
When you hear this is when it's time to bring
in the man, the myth, the legend, Cuffs the Legend.

Speaker 2 (16:18):
Here we go.

Speaker 1 (16:20):
Now it's time to check in with Cuffs, the legend.
From some dude show podcast on up on Game Presents,
Cuffs is giving you a spicy takes on what's going down.

Speaker 2 (16:32):
Take the heat like lepron and now.

Speaker 1 (16:36):
Here's Cuffs the Legend.

Speaker 2 (16:38):
It's gold time.

Speaker 4 (16:41):
Legend, all right, welcome into the show, sir, sir uh,
where would you like to start?

Speaker 2 (16:53):

Speaker 3 (16:56):
Well, yo, I'm here man in the night, beautiful fantaday.
It's like eighty five degrees outside. I'm having a stretch free.

Speaker 2 (17:03):
Time right now.

Speaker 3 (17:07):
Because you know, the Lakers are no longer alive. You know,
the funeral was the other night. So I'm stretch free
right now watching these games the night.

Speaker 2 (17:17):
Let me ask cuffs. Let me ask cuffs. Yeah, yeah,
where you at, cuffs?

Speaker 3 (17:23):
I can hear you.

Speaker 2 (17:24):
Where are you at?

Speaker 3 (17:27):
I can't hear you. I can't hear you.

Speaker 2 (17:29):
You are you in Carolina? Where you can't hear it?

Speaker 1 (17:32):

Speaker 6 (17:33):
I mean, I mean, let me ask cuffs this lesion
before y'all start talking crazy.

Speaker 2 (17:38):
Oh no, here we go. And what what do you
make of what Patrick Beverly just did? Your thoughts?

Speaker 3 (17:46):
Bro? Patrick Beverly, I've been on the record for years.
I've been trying to warn people for years that it's
two types of people in this world. Right you got
you got good people that you've got people who eat
mac ribs, right pack Ben is the type of guy.
Trust man. I think the jig is really up on

Pat bed because his skills have actually diminished in the
last four or five seasons, So he's no longer the
really the glue guy that he used to be that
can help teams when he was younger. So now he's
resorted to these antics and these like he's doing these things,
all these charades and stuff man to try to drop
traffic to his podcast. We know how it is now
where everybody want to get clicks and views, and I

get it, but it really makes him come off like
a sore loser because he's tried this act everywhere he's been.
Just in the last couple of years. He saw him
with the Lakers. He tried to do this with Lebron
and those guys. They deactivated his key far right, they
got him out of LA Then he went to Philly
for a short span and he went Now he's in
Milwaukee doing this. But I will say, y'all been athletes,

y'all being in games where the emotions are very high, man,
And the other night the emotions were very high, and
those players are adrenaline rushing. They lose, and they about
to get sent home out of the playoffs after they
worked all year. Those fans. We got to address those fans, man,
because the fans, just like on social media where you
see these people with these dog avays and these player avys.

The fans are getting a little too comfortable with the
way they talk to these players, as if they're like
just like animals or like at the zoo or something,
you know what I'm saying. And it's like I don't
like that aspect of it. But I can see both sides.
But Pat Beb just got to cut out the antics, man.

Speaker 2 (19:28):
You know.

Speaker 3 (19:28):
It's like if it would have been somebody else, you
might get more than the benefit of the doubt. But
he's always in these type of things with people. So
I just say, Pat Beb just gotta bela.

Speaker 2 (19:35):
Is he suspended?

Speaker 3 (19:38):
No, I don't. I don't agree with that. No suspension
though I even saw what ESPN did where they said
we not allowing him on our networks no more. It's like,
come on, man, like it ain't that serious. I think
the more serious thing is the way he disrespected that
female reporter in the locker room post game. I know
he pretty much want to you know, fole jobs for that.
He probably regrets doing that.

Speaker 2 (19:58):
He for that.

Speaker 7 (20:03):
He did come out and apologize afterwards for for the
uh you know, that little situation that he had with
the female reporter.

Speaker 2 (20:11):
He did apologize.

Speaker 3 (20:12):
I think he I think he regrets that for sure.
But like the fans man throwing the ball at him
and him throwing the ball back, that's all reacting.

Speaker 7 (20:19):
So they threw the ball at him. So they threw
the ball at him first, or Pat Beth threw the
ball first.

Speaker 2 (20:26):
I had through a first house. They get it. I
don't know. I mean, he threw the ball first, the
fans threw it back to him, and then he threw
it again.

Speaker 3 (20:36):
Yeah, I think I think in those moments, man, I
feel like we've seen We've seen guys lately, like Westbrook
has been known to get into skirmishes with fans. Chris
Paul got into a heated situation with a young fan.
I just think these fans, Luca Donnids got into it
with some fans this playoffs. Lebron's escorted fans out of
the arena. There. We don't know some of the stuff.
It could be racial stuff, it could be all type

of undertones. You don't know what these fans are really
saying to these players to trigger them like that. So
we only seeing like probably half of the story. You
know what I'm saying. So I'm sure they said something
to Pat Bell to make him really snap like that.
I just feel like he's always in something, so he's
not gonna get the benefit.

Speaker 7 (21:13):
And also from a media standpoint, I've been in this
situation several times, especially with me playing here in New
York and you know, losing a game that you are
not supposed to lose, or you know, getting sit home
not going to the playoffs. Like certain these reporters know
what buttons to push with certain players, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (21:34):
To get a reaction.

Speaker 7 (21:35):
And everybody, if you've been watching Pat Bell for the
last ten years of his career, you know what kind
of person he is. So the media, the media person
or or or persons know what players that what they
can say to them to get them going. And you
know they got new reactions that they wanted out of

Pat Bell.

Speaker 3 (21:58):
Yeah. Back not the right person. He's from the trenches
of Chicago, man, He's not. He's not the one.

Speaker 2 (22:06):

Speaker 4 (22:07):
Let me ask you about your your favorite coach and
what he was able to do with your favorite team.

Speaker 2 (22:15):
And I just need to know how how strong is
your opinion of how wrong they did. Darvin Ham to
fire him the way that they did, well.

Speaker 3 (22:27):
Let me say, let me break it down real quick.
Darvin Ham should have never been hired for this position.
I feel like Darvin Ham was better suited for Charlotte
Hornet's job, Detroit Piston job, a job like that were
some young players or you can just build like continuity,
you can build some chemistry. He was never going to
flourish in a win now championship or bus environment with

a D and braun and I just feel like the
Lakers put him in a bad position. So I wish
Hm well, like a lot of Laker fans, we've seen
everybody joking me included, like everybody been giving out, had
a hard time this two years. But he was just
in the wrong situation. He's in the wrong situation for
his for tactical reasons, like we've seen him like he's
not really good X and O wise, I think he

just needs to move on to a lower tier job.
But I think we really need to hold Rob Polinka.
That's who's key FOB needs to be deactivated. Because Rob
Polinka he broke up the championship team from twenty twenty.
We all know he sent KU's and KTP in the
Westbrook trade. Rob Pelinka has made some bad draft picks

and he's made some pecuiar decision making. Even this past
trade deadline where they stamp padded the trade dead line,
they didn't make any moves. So I say the more
Laker fans are putting more blame on Polenka overall than
they are Darvin Ham, because darn Darvin Ham is easily
to escape go, just like Frank Bogel was. And I
saw Laker fans this year asking they wishing they had

Frank Vogel back like this past year.

Speaker 2 (23:56):
That's how I mean how the Lakers had in the
last ten years.

Speaker 3 (24:00):
Man, It's it's been a revolving door since Kobe was there.
Kobe played for ten coaches. Kobe played for a lot
of guys that we see. We've seen Luke Walton, We've
seen uh, you know, Luke Walton was there first, then
Frank Vogel. And that's why the fan base is kind
of upset because there's no consistency from year to year.
It's pretty much like you got right flan Rob receiver, linebacker,

y'all having it. Imagine having a different coordinator every single year,
like that's hard for even the veteran guy. It's tough man.
So I think Lebron, Lebron, a d. They want a
guy that's proven. And I will say this, the hot
names are you know, Tylo, even though we see that
the Clippers are trying. The Clippers know what's up right now,
so they're trying to keep Tylo. But that would be

my number one choice, Tight Lou because he related Lebron.
But I don't want Mike Budenhauser if I'm a Laker fan,
because Budenhaeuser darthn Hammish from the Mike Budenhauser tree, the
coaching tree. So Laker fans don't want any part of
anything that has any anything with man.

Speaker 2 (25:01):
Right now, they cuff let me hit on what you
just said about Tyrontal Luke. I really believe this.

Speaker 7 (25:08):
If the lost as his Clippers were healthy and Kyle
and and Kawhi Leonard was in the lineup, and they
would have lost this series to the Dallas Mavericks for
the two Tyrone Lou would be fired. Yeah, I believe
that they're giving him a pass because they want they
want one hundred percent, and it just seems to me

that every time in Kawhi Leonard's career when they need
him the most. Outside of him winning that championship in Toronto,
he's not available. So I believe that the only reason
that the Clippers are extending Tyrone lou another year is
because they want on hundred percent. But if they were
lost that series to the MAVs and Kyle and Kawaliton

would have been healthy, he would be fired.

Speaker 2 (25:54):
I believe.

Speaker 3 (25:54):
Talk about the mad for a second, because y'all know
I've been saying there the last couple of weekends. The
duo in the world right now is.

Speaker 2 (26:05):
I gotta agree with you? Now, I gotta agree with you.

Speaker 3 (26:07):
Did you see Kyrie Irban last night? Like Kyrie Irvan
last night, Kyrie Irban put on the show. Even Luca
Donnads was amaze. And that's another reason why the Laker fans.

Speaker 2 (26:20):
Are And he wanted to come l A and we
ain't want them.

Speaker 3 (26:23):
Come on, man, Rob Alenka did not make that happen
for bron Braun. Man, God will still feeling type of
way because once can you imagine the chemistry with Kyrie
A D and Braun that was perfect fit basketball wise?

Speaker 7 (26:37):
Maybe maybe Kyrie Herbany didn't want to go to l A.
Wanted this bro the So who a you taking for
this series?

Speaker 2 (26:44):

Speaker 6 (26:44):
See and defolition Dallas is looking real tough right now. Okay,
see it's Denver in Minnesota. It's over in Minnesota.

Speaker 2 (26:53):
No, I'm talking about Dallas and okay see the MAVs.
Oh yeah yeah, Dallas, Dallas. Okay, see, so who are
you taking?

Speaker 7 (27:00):
Listen, I'm looking up Dallas narveis right now and they
have a possibility to possibly be in the in the
Western Conference Finals.

Speaker 2 (27:07):
I think they have a big man president in Gafflet.

Speaker 7 (27:11):
Yeah, he's just well he's only average what ten points,
eight rebounds in the in the in the playoffs. He
needs to be a double double guy if they want
to compete and to be OKC in this playoffs, which
they can do because this is gonna be a guard
played basketball series.

Speaker 3 (27:28):
Yeah, I'm very excited for this series, batt and wise,
because it's gonna be a stat patters dream That's what
I've been telling everybody. This is gonna be a stat
patters dreams. The X factor is gonna be Jalen Williams,
Jalen Wims, Santa Claric, Jalen Wims with the Braids. Yea,
Jalen Wims is gonna be the X factor because I
think we're gonna see Luca and Hga. They're going to

like neutralize each other. From mccorran standpoint, they both gonna
score on the average over thirty. But Kyrie is gonna
be an X tractor as well. But I kind of
tend to go towards the Mavericks in this series, probably
instead games. It's going to be a six or seven
game long series. But I'm gonna go with Luca and
Kyrie man because I just flat out for like, it's
their moment, it's their time and all that we can

see an upset in the Nuggets and Timberwolves series. I'm
with you.

Speaker 2 (28:16):
I'm with you.

Speaker 3 (28:18):
Jaden McDaniels is the X factor. Y'all watch this series.
Watch out for Jaden McDaniels. If Jaden mcdaims can provide
a scoring punch for the Timberwolves, they will be able
to give Denver a run. Because also Jada mcdaimes is
one of the best ISO defenders in the league. Wing
defenders and they're gonna put him on Michael Porter Jr.
And Michael Porter juniors. You know, he went haywire against

the Lakers, right every game, like hot twenties, almost thirty
fourths in some games. I don't think we're gonna see
Michael Porter Jr. Be able to do that against Jada
McDaniels in this series. Okay, Anthony found Is back to
carl Andy found Is back.

Speaker 2 (28:55):

Speaker 4 (28:55):
So I think the length of of Minnesota could be
a problem for Denver, That's what I think. It's pretty
interesting seeing two big dogs like that out there and
go Bear and Towns. I think I think if if

Towns is it, and you know, I'd be calling my
shots on these Cuffs.

Speaker 2 (29:19):
You know, I've been I've been I've been good since
the tournament. I've been good. I'm just saying, I'm just saying.

Speaker 4 (29:25):
I'm prefacing this by saying I've been good since since
the NCAA tournament when we was doing our bids and our.

Speaker 2 (29:31):
Calls on that. Here's my call on that, not on
the fox who you was, Well, No.

Speaker 4 (29:36):
None of us finished in the top three or four.

Speaker 2 (29:43):
By the way, I did know you did it that crazy?

Speaker 4 (29:46):
Maybe you did it anyway, Cuffs, it's going to be
if an aggressive Towns is on the offense side if
he's aggressive.

Speaker 2 (29:57):
But the amount of altering that those two big dudes create.

Speaker 4 (30:04):
I know everybody's like everybody shoots from the outside anyway,
but those two guys, if it is not a fast paced,
faster paced game and they're able to get back and
set up in defensive sets, that's going to be a
problem for for the Joker.

Speaker 2 (30:22):
I think it's gonna be the problems God, I would
say this.

Speaker 3 (30:25):
The last thing on that series is I think go
Beart is going to be able to guard Yokics one
on one without much help, and that's going to allow
that that's a different game plan the Lakers. What would
I tell you, bars Go Bear is going to guard
him man to man. It's not gonna be a lot
of help. And they're gonna solid on those other guys

because Jamal Murray is not one hundred percent healthy, so
don't forget that. And also nas Reid is going to
space the floor and when he's in the game with Yokic,
Yok's gonna have to come out to the perimeter and
play defense. Nos Reid is also a big extractor in
this series. The Wolves are number one in the league
and defensive efficiency this year. Don't forget that the Timberwolves

more to puppies. Man.

Speaker 7 (31:07):
Yeah, but one thing about Goldie Bell, Rudy Gober, he
is prone to foul trouble.

Speaker 3 (31:12):
If he's gonna that's why you have nogreed.

Speaker 2 (31:16):
The joker would destroy naj reading the paint. I mean,
come on now, let us be real.

Speaker 6 (31:20):
But you can't sit there and say you just don't
want everybody else to get off. You can't have Michael
Porter going for mid twenties. That's the key if you
If yerk is just gonna score, he gonna get this points.
It don't matter who's guarding him. It's everybody else, right.

Speaker 7 (31:36):
I believe that the Timberwolves can neutralize jokers a little
bit now that you have the opportunity to double down
on him with two seven footles.

Speaker 2 (31:46):
That's gonna cause anybody any problems. But if you're gonna
sit there.

Speaker 7 (31:50):
And say that Rudy go Bell is gonna guard this
man one on one in the Minnesota, Timberwolves are gonna
win this series. I don't think that's the recipe for
the Timberwolves to win this series.

Speaker 3 (31:59):
I don't think they're gonn trap. I don't think They're
going to trap him as much as the Lakers did.
That's what I'm saying. That's all I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (32:05):
All Right, the Celtics are looking pretty strong. Oh what
what I mean? Who do you see possibly giving them
a problem? Now? Nobody?

Speaker 3 (32:19):
The Calves and Magic series, the Magic and Calve series
had been pretty good. I've watched it follow emerging, but
I don't see any one of those teams giving Boston
a run. He might go five or six, but in
the Eastern Conference Finals, I think we're going to get
the East Coast matchup that everybody on the East Coast
want to see. Celtics and Knicks. Man.

Speaker 2 (32:38):
Oh, I'm here in New Jersey. Man, I'm shooting.

Speaker 3 (32:43):
He's already a top five New York Knick right now
as we speak, right now, with this performs right now.

Speaker 2 (32:48):
I'm sitting over here in Jersey.

Speaker 7 (32:50):
And when the Knicks took down the seventy sixes and
they're playing the Paces in the second round, and I'm like,
oh my goodness, the New York they have an opportunity
to get to the New to the Eastern Conference Finals,
because I believe that that's going to beat the Pacers.
And who would have sunk when when Nix and Leon

Rose made that trade for o G, everybody was saying
that Leon Rose in this, that this organization was crazy.
Was here they are sitting on the brink of going
to the uh uh the East Coast Eastern Conference Finals.
I can't believe it.

Speaker 3 (33:31):
We got to give coach TIBs some flowers because coach
Tibbs has came into New York and he matches the
intensity of the city, he matches the passion of New York,
and he's brought that culture that he had with those
Bulls teams with d Rose and Yo and Yo King
Noah and Lu Ding and those guys. If you noticed
that this this Nick team, they constructed this roster to

look gritty, just like Tibb's old team. So the coach
and the team, the identities matched. And that's why I
love Can.

Speaker 2 (33:59):
I give you some numbers real quick? And can I
give you? Can I give you some numbers real quick?

Speaker 6 (34:03):
And you tell me what you think. The Pacers play
up to their name. They pay fast paced, up and down,
up and down. The Knicks play a slow pace. And
we know TIBs he wants to play his starters heavy
minutes Josh hard Avis forty six minutes in the first round,
Brunson forty two minutes, og forty four minutes per game.

What happens if they start going up and down and
it's a long series.

Speaker 3 (34:33):
I think what's gonna happen is og Ananobe is gonna
lock up Siakham. Remind you they played together in Toronto,
but he knows his tendencies.

Speaker 2 (34:42):
If you haven't out Siaka.

Speaker 3 (34:45):
Yeah, you shut down. Yakam is low key there go
through score flax. He's low heater, bucket getter. Halliburton is
the assist guy. I assist Halliburton hasn't been scoring in
the hot twenties and thirties. It's been Tiakam that's been
carrying these guys since he arrived from Toronto. That's what
I'm saying. Between Josh Cart and og Ononovi, just those
two guys on the wing, the throwing bodies at Siakam.

I don't think Miles Turner is going to be a
big factor in this series like he wasn't the last
series against the Bucks because Brook Lopez is slow. He
couldn't really keep up with Miles Turner. But Isaiah Hartenstein
and Mitchell Robinson. That's one of the best one to
two combos in the league as far as your center rotations.
Like who else in the Eastern Conference has a better
center rotation than the Knicks right now, Like they can

start both of those guys as they want to. Those
guys can start for other teams right now, and they
have two of those guys and that's a luxury. So
I just feel like Longest Fike least stay out of
the way because he got bad bad luck. You know,
Longest Spike Lee can sit out a little bit. I
think they can pull it out. Man.

Speaker 4 (35:43):
That's Cuffs the Legends. Some dude show up on Game Network.
Make sure you check him out on the IG as well.
He is a trip fund to watch and listen to
when when doing the game plays in gameplay.

Speaker 2 (35:56):
So make sure y'all check him out. Cuffs.

Speaker 4 (35:59):
We appreciate you. Coming on, man, we're gonna wrap this
thing up. We're gonna talk Zeke back in Dallas. Yeah,
we're gonna rap with a little bit of football on
the other side of the break. This is up on
gang Fox Sports Radio. All right, welcome back in. We're
into Tirack dot Com Studios. Hope you guys enjoyed the show.

If you missed anything, make sure you check out the
podcast it'll be going up immediately following the conclusion of
our show, and take some time out to listen to Jonas.
The JKS Show will be coming on after us, immediately
following our rap and uh yeah, you'll get to have
some laughs with listening to him. But before we get

out of here, Fellas, I wanted to throw the Zeke
Elliott conversation.

Speaker 6 (36:46):

Speaker 4 (36:47):
They're basically saying that Zeke could possibly be the leader
of a running backs back committee backfield in Dallas this year.
This further makes me feel like this all in notion
is a crock of you know what what say you guys?

Speaker 2 (37:04):
Oh, I believe Ezekiel Elliot it's gonna be the lead back?
Who else? Today? I got nobody who we don't know.

Speaker 6 (37:10):
No mean, there may be somebody that, uh during the
preseason in training camp that shows like, oh I can
be that guy, but we don't know who is that
going to be? And as of right now, Ezekiel Elliott
to us is the best running back on that roster.
The Cowboys all in. Everybody's all in, everybody's all in.

But until you pay your two best players, Ceedee Lamb
and Michael Parsons. Them guys are gonna feel a certain
way about that. I don't care when, Oh we're gonna come,
We're gonna show up, We're gonna do what we're supposed
to do. But i'ma still feel a certain way about it.
I see all these other dudes getting paid. If I'm
Ceedee Lamb and Michael Parson, what about me?

Speaker 2 (37:52):
What about me? Have the Cowboys not learned? The longer
you wait, the more you gonna pay the salary. Just
keep going, can't hear you? And just keep going up? Listen?

Speaker 7 (38:04):
If I'm the Dallas Cowboys, I don't know why he
got rid of Zekoe Elliott anyway. I think you could
have got him for you know, uh, you know, for
a salary that would have been infinited you uh, the
team and him and still Tony Pollard still could have
been started running back. So he goes to New England
for one year and now he's back back like he
never left. Obviously, he sounds a one year deal, but

I was like eight million dollars. I don't know what
the what the numbers was, but I believe that he
will go back and he'll be more effective than he
was when he was a starter, because I don't believe
that he is going to carry the whole entire low.
I think there's gonna be like a maybe a two
or three running back system when he gets there. And
when I watched Zeke play last year in New England,

I mean he looked pretty good to me. I mean
it wasn't lucky. He was just totally washed up and
he couldn't run and couldn't catch you. I mean he
caught fifty one touchdown, I mean fifty one receptions last
year out of the backfield and rush for six hundred
and forty two yard was on the offense that we
can all agree that it's very lackluster. So for him
to get out of New England, which I don't blame him,

and to be able to go back to Dallas and
be able to compete in the division, obviously with the
with the Philadelphia Eagles in the NFC eason now the
Washington Commanders being in the fact that they've laying to
Jaden Dames, we don't know how they're going to be,
but they're still going to be one of the top
teams in the division and maybe win the division. So
for Dallas, I mean, I think I think it's a
good I think it's a good signing to bring Zike

Belly and to be that you know, he may be
the league dog in his backfield once again, that is interesting.

Speaker 4 (39:38):
I think it kind of is an indictment on how
how bad they are at putting things together to try
to win games.

Speaker 2 (39:49):
That's what I really think that, like, this is it.

Speaker 4 (39:51):
This is the curtain call right here for the l
Boys that went up bruh. This this offseason clearly solidifies
the window. You talked about the window closing for the
for the Lakers. The window has closed for America's team.
My guy, I don't see this, no times. I don't
see this being a super Bowl team, not with this roster,
not with this current rocks.

Speaker 2 (40:11):
You don't think that can take them where they want
to go? No, Okay, I don't. I don't. I'm with you, Yeah,
I don't. I do not. So no no Tiers Smith,
no left tackle. So we're gonna see how they look
the no, no backfield and unhappy and unhappy and an unhappy.

Speaker 7 (40:28):
Line ball fifteen to twenty. They're gonna run the ball.
Maybe twenty times a game.

Speaker 6 (40:33):
They the topic draft from Oklahoma can play. He can
play cowboy. They'll be all right. I think up front
that that tackle he can play.

Speaker 2 (40:42):
All right.

Speaker 4 (40:42):
Well, we're done today, y'all. Enjoy y'all's day. TJ I
hope that the sun Gods brings from Sun to l
A for us. Enjoy your day there in Jersey Plex.
Check out Jonas Knox. This is Fox Sports Radio. You've
just been put up on game
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