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May 16, 2024 53 mins






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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Yeah, you've seen the frustration overlaps into chronics, Stacey. He's
now into the gangster mode, you.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
Know, like.

Speaker 3 (00:16):
Literory like like.

Speaker 2 (00:20):
M hm.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
Hm literory like like.

Speaker 4 (00:30):
Yeah, friends, come on right. Yes, it works every time,
you know, ten.

Speaker 3 (00:35):
Times, ten times out of nine, every time, every time,
ten percent of the time. Yo, listen victory line bit Yo, man,
I missed y'all, we missed you to This is gonna

piss you off list.

Speaker 5 (00:56):
I'm sorry. I'm don want to apologize in events, but
I did go to a restaurant where Eric Adams.

Speaker 3 (01:02):
He invited me out.

Speaker 5 (01:03):
He was like, everybody knows Merrow is the New York
of entertainment. So he was like, yo, I'm an meetro
zero band. We're gonna pop some bottles.

Speaker 3 (01:18):
Yeah, like me.

Speaker 5 (01:23):
He's a migrant, he's stole role dumplem in the huss
He's a very good swimmer. He's a very good swimmer.
Which thank you for putting it out, Rainy Lizabelle. I
let you take this one because your hatred for this
man is so pure and undiluted that I love when
you intro the topics about Eric Adams because he sent
some ship that I was like, bro is this a

cartoon like.

Speaker 6 (01:47):
Eric Adams said that illegal aliens should be the ones
who basically addition to be fucking lifeguards because there's a
shortage of them.

Speaker 2 (01:57):

Speaker 3 (01:57):
He said, we got a lot of people that's good swimmers. Bro.
Do you know how fucking racist that they swim around?
The real white supremacy talking point?

Speaker 6 (02:09):
And we got this fucking wow every time.

Speaker 3 (02:14):
I'm like every time, I feel like every time I
come in here and I look at the topics, I'm like, okay, cool.
Like I feel like we've we've talked about Eric Adams
for the fourth fucking week in a row. Maybe we
can move away from this and the.

Speaker 5 (02:30):
Dog it's like trump, bro, It's like every time, Bro,
it's like this nigga's playing metal slug with two quarters
bow and he's just.

Speaker 4 (02:37):
Like, I gotta beat my high score. Yeah, I'm gonna
beat my high score.

Speaker 3 (02:40):

Speaker 5 (02:41):
This time, I got a sack at Joeya. Yeah you
know what I'm saying. I'm putting the whole dollar coin
in there. I'm beating the ship.

Speaker 3 (02:46):

Speaker 5 (02:47):
He said that the migrants are good swimmers, bruh. And
then I made the connection in my head because I
was like, he just did drink Champs a little while ago,
and he was out there and was it Nori because
ran laps around the Inlish channel.

Speaker 3 (03:01):
Do you remember? You know what I'm saying? What too is?
You got a cockaspanion?

Speaker 5 (03:04):
You know what I'm saying? Yeah, you remember that?

Speaker 3 (03:06):
No hold on Nori like like on foot, yes, like
he jogged around the English channel. It sounds like it
sounds like, yo, you're so washed. This is news to me.
He wrapped that line, bro, he said, I'm on laps
around the English channel.

Speaker 5 (03:25):
He said that ship.

Speaker 3 (03:26):
Oh it's a wrap bar. I thought. I thought Noriega
from Capon physically ran laps, sir with his legs, Sir,
the English channel.

Speaker 5 (03:42):
That man can't run to the fucking lobby of the fountain,
okay to meet the uber in time?

Speaker 3 (03:46):
He triple his venice venice. You know what I'm saying.
He got here, now you see what you got here? Now?

Speaker 4 (03:52):
Yeah, he got to.

Speaker 6 (03:53):
He went to man, I don't like I love I
love the Yeah he was, he was, he was, he
was my child.

Speaker 3 (04:05):
Yeah, yeah, I love I love Norri too, But like
if I pop up here with her, y'all not gonna
flame me? All right then but you're right all right.
But look, I'm saying you already.

Speaker 5 (04:14):
If I pop up with here, y'all gotta flame me
because I've been bald for a long time and it's
been established nor.

Speaker 3 (04:19):
I feel like he was just starting to get bald,
you know what.

Speaker 5 (04:23):
I'm saying, Like he was just like the tide was
just starting to and you got the head tends that
ship is cool.

Speaker 4 (04:28):
Yeah, you know what I'm saying, Like, you gotta.

Speaker 3 (04:29):
Fuck the skull tan on.

Speaker 5 (04:30):
You know, Bro, you would look way cooler with a
skull tann on your bare head than like a fucking
dark season. Bro.

Speaker 3 (04:37):
You know what I'm saying, like a dark season.

Speaker 5 (04:39):
I'm like, Yo, this is fucking yeah, That's what I said.
I mean it is bro like that ain't rainy?

Speaker 3 (04:43):
Yeah you think fucking how do you think?

Speaker 5 (04:47):

Speaker 3 (04:48):
I need Trump and Biden to pull up to this
debate with dark caesars each.

Speaker 2 (04:53):

Speaker 3 (04:54):
I need face Bron. They need the Jalen Rose like
the Steve Harvey like the Man Unit. They need the
Obama edit where they put the fat on.

Speaker 7 (05:07):
Me head.

Speaker 3 (05:07):
You know what I'm saying, Yeah, joints. Trump shows up
like the moderator whoever it is. They ask him. They're like, oh, so,
what's with this new look. He's like, let me tell
you something. I got diamonds doing the tuosy slide in
both ears. All right, drop the roof, let the smoke clear. Brent,
where's my where's look at my African American? Brent Fayaz.

Imagine body standing over there just staring at the space
like yeah, no Joe. He just says, rod waves, rod waves,
baby baby mother.

Speaker 8 (05:43):
Rod wave is shaking ass on a boat. We need
to put it.

Speaker 5 (05:47):
I tell you something, you don't know anything.

Speaker 8 (05:51):
Listen, Peckerhead, I'm gonna.

Speaker 3 (05:52):
See you are a Don Tolliver guy. Oh my god,
you very much.

Speaker 6 (05:58):
This is where we are with American politics.

Speaker 3 (06:01):
This is where we are.

Speaker 4 (06:03):
Listen, Biden and Trump is gonna get up there.

Speaker 5 (06:06):
The sd cause is gonna malfunction, and then they're gonna
be like they're gonna start talking like us about Kendrick
and drink.

Speaker 3 (06:11):
Yeah. I was gonna say, like what what, like where
do you see this going? Like because like we don't
we don't have to do anything like we like you
know how like like on podcasts and stuff like sometimes
like you gotta dress it up, make it entertaining and ship. Bro,
this is all This ship is a reality show.

Speaker 6 (06:28):
Now, Bro, our country is a fucking joke.

Speaker 3 (06:30):
Yeah, that's literally, Our country is a fucking joke.

Speaker 9 (06:34):

Speaker 3 (06:34):
These are our two presidential candidates.

Speaker 6 (06:37):
And then we got Catty who culture or whatever the
Eric Adams as our governors.

Speaker 3 (06:42):
Bro, how are we not supposed to laugh at this ship?

Speaker 5 (06:45):
Oh my god, you said it, because like, Yo, I'll
be looking. I'm like, yo, is it a serious politician anywhere?

Speaker 6 (06:52):
I mean outside of the fucking us, Yes, bro, yes,
some politicians actually do give a fuck about that.

Speaker 3 (07:00):
All of y'all. Shout out to the to the Sovereign
King whatever of kirk Ministan, shout out to that dude.

Speaker 4 (07:09):
Shut to the Royal Supreme Leader of kirk Medistan. You're
doing your thing. Yeah, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (07:13):
But Biden, the Trump Man, God damn you motherfuckers. Listen, man,
I'll say it. Somebody that just got to do the
old yellow ship man, take your old motherfucker's out behind
the shed.

Speaker 3 (07:24):
Yeah, tell George to look at the rabbits. Yeah, just look,
just and yeah, you.

Speaker 4 (07:30):
Know what I'm saying, Like, bro, or just let Trump
do it to himself.

Speaker 5 (07:33):
Bro, Just leave him in a room with half a
brook of coke, a ninety day supply viagra, you know
what I'm saying, like a Pinot library.

Speaker 3 (07:40):
And fucking some official Finch gear.

Speaker 5 (07:42):
You know what I'm saying, Like if you have the
right to quip man, you got the big you.

Speaker 3 (07:45):
Know, you know what I'm saying, and then just that'll
be entertainment.

Speaker 5 (07:49):
Bro, that motherfucker having an aneurysm, splacking cheeks, yeah, fake cheeks.

Speaker 3 (07:53):
But on a serious tip though, I think, like.

Speaker 5 (07:58):
Broad Wave, this is I'm sorry what.

Speaker 3 (08:03):
This is what happens when you when you go uncontested
for a fucking for fucking like for what for two
hundred and fifty years?

Speaker 5 (08:12):
That's it?

Speaker 3 (08:12):
Like when you've had you know what I mean, when
you've been at the when you've been spearheading every single
major global conflict and you've had no and you've had
one single attack on US soil that probably wasn't even
them people. You know what I'm saying, You know what
I mean?

Speaker 5 (08:26):
Like when you overdo it too, like in response, Oh
we're gonna send everybody's eighteen years old, yo, you want
a camaro, go get clapped. Yeah, yeah, Yeah, go over
there with Jake Jhall.

Speaker 3 (08:35):
Yeah, closing on that gap.

Speaker 6 (08:37):
We're closing in on on just centuries bro, where the
people just overworked and hire. We're really at the boiling
point right now, especially on top of the genocide. Yeah,
which I say, we got a good twelve years left.
And I mean that like the United States Empire, like
the structure of how they set the ship up. It's

not gonna last for a long.

Speaker 5 (08:59):
Time, not at all.

Speaker 3 (08:59):
You already have to miss you said twelve years. I was,
I was. I wasn't. I was in my bag yesterday.

Speaker 5 (09:03):
I was just outside cleaning the girl smoking and I
was just like, yo, I turned to a bunch of rhymes.
I was like, I was like, I was like, there's
only five years left.

Speaker 4 (09:12):
There's only five years left.

Speaker 6 (09:15):
I'm gearing up for the hardest fucking anti Eric Adams campaign.
Anybody that was seen in this side of the fucking universe.

Speaker 5 (09:22):
I'm running you for man. I don't know if you
know I'm running I'm running.

Speaker 6 (09:24):
You in do it because because it's violence throughout the city,
that's what we need. I'm gonna start beating the ship
out of everybody who be doing bad ship.

Speaker 5 (09:32):
Yeah, Yeah, fucking rats are bro We need a fucking
we need a real Rats are like a trash bag
motherfuckers are you know what I mean? And Liz is
gonna delegate one by one, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 6 (09:42):
All I know is twenty twenty six, Eric Adams is
up for reelection. We gotta get that bitch out at
want of the fucking brain eating bacteria worm that is eating.

Speaker 3 (09:52):
Through his skull. No, no, no, you mean the Robert
no brain.

Speaker 7 (10:03):
Said Jesus, And I apologize.

Speaker 3 (10:10):
I can't actually do this for too long.

Speaker 4 (10:11):
It's gotta it's gotta bruise.

Speaker 3 (10:15):
Noah, you know what, you know what you gotta do it.
You gotta go to the Doublin portal and do that
ship right up against the speaker.

Speaker 4 (10:25):
This is why we have nice things.

Speaker 5 (10:26):
Yeah, because we have nice things.

Speaker 4 (10:28):
Yeah, ruin it?

Speaker 5 (10:29):
You know what I'm saying. Like this reminds me of
the one time I was at my man Spider's house.
Side the Spider, we was playing, you know, on Xbox
because we want was on drugs.

Speaker 6 (10:40):
Okay, that's why he was playing Xbox.

Speaker 5 (10:44):
We had to take a calls right there. He's like, yo,
let's play it. Online instead because he was on drugs.
Xbox camera, one of the first Xbox cameras, you know,
had the option to be like yo, you could put
your fucking face on the camera and like talk ship
chat with the person that he's playing. Know it, my
man Spider turns the ship on terms of cameraon, it's
just a room full of goons on our end smoking weed.

On the other end was a spinning cock. You know
what I'm saying to.

Speaker 3 (11:09):
Spin, I mean, if you have the red equipment, you know.

Speaker 5 (11:12):
What I'm saying. You know, if you got a bell end,
you know what I'm saying, this is heavy on end.

Speaker 3 (11:19):
Yeah, if you momentum, you can't really do it. If
you got like a if you got like a like
a like a garlic clove, you know what I'm saying,
little a little you can't really a little smoky Yeah.
Hold on, this time it was your fault. Every other

time it's been against your will.

Speaker 5 (11:43):
This time.

Speaker 3 (11:45):
He said it was a spinning dick. This time it
was like now when you say spin, what access are
we talking about? Saying that a spinning dick?

Speaker 5 (11:59):

Speaker 3 (11:59):
What is that? What does it mean? Exactly exactly? Okay, Now,
because I'm trying. I'm just trying to get to the
bottom of it. I'm just asking questions. I don't know.

Speaker 5 (12:05):
So as well, you said you were spinning dick in
a child's classroom.

Speaker 3 (12:10):
I don't listen. Now, I don't ask about open cases.
So if this is this or this is opening so
they don't have to talk about it. But I was
just curious, you know, the people want to know, what
do you know about spinning dicks. I'm trying to find out.

Speaker 5 (12:25):
He's like, I'm.

Speaker 3 (12:27):
He's like, I'm on a webcam like. He's like, he's like,
this is a discord call. I'm not.

Speaker 5 (12:33):
I can't. I can't.

Speaker 3 (12:34):
I mean, you give me twenty minutes. Like a is
not a real person. He's half a eye. If he won't,
he's like that. He's like that movie where Johnny Depp
became the Internet.

Speaker 5 (12:43):
Johnny remember No One? That was another film, Nasty Man
Tally One. Yeah, yeah, I forgot. I forgot the name
of that ship. Oh Transcendence.

Speaker 3 (12:57):
Okay, bro, this motherfucker Johnny Depp became the Internet. That's wild.
How you go from how you go from Pirates of
the Caribbean to Ebomb's World. That's what that was, and
that was that's the older film, right, that's like, uh,
no old. I mean well now it is because it
came out in twenty fourteen, right, yeah, so yes, ten

years old. Twenty fourteen was ten years ago.

Speaker 5 (13:20):
Just so just to give a perspective, Yeah, just give
me some perspective. Yeah, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (13:24):
My son, Yeah I didn't watch.

Speaker 3 (13:28):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (13:29):
I knew I was watched because my son wrote a
card for me for my birthday, wrote it out. Did
you cry?

Speaker 3 (13:33):
Wrote a fresh show it's fucking dead. Yeah. I was
fucking in tears.

Speaker 10 (13:37):

Speaker 3 (13:38):
I was in fucking tears. I was like, beautiful bitch.

Speaker 5 (13:42):
I was like, I was like yo, and then I
wiped my eyes and I was like, yo, you have
a fucking glazeed me like that again, you little mother fucker.

Speaker 3 (13:48):
I whooah. What I'm saying.

Speaker 6 (13:51):
I couldn't even write though, like a nice happy birthday
policy the glazes police.

Speaker 3 (13:56):
Wow, you can't say nothing.

Speaker 8 (13:58):
Now what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (13:59):
You know what's crazy?

Speaker 3 (14:00):
Is it gay to give?

Speaker 5 (14:01):
Is it to compliment each other?

Speaker 3 (14:03):
Bro? Yeah it's you. She said, Hey, Liz already established
he's gay to be alive.

Speaker 6 (14:13):
Man literally gay for you to breathe, bro, because another
man already made that air like the trees making the air.
You're you're literally wow, you need something else to survive.

Speaker 3 (14:25):
Bro, you're a bitch, yo.

Speaker 5 (14:27):
That's crazy because that's you're right. Another man breathed that
air out. Now you're breathing it in. You basically come
swapping with a man.

Speaker 6 (14:34):
Come on, bro, what's what's high testing about that?

Speaker 5 (14:38):
That's not at all.

Speaker 3 (14:39):
That's not help. That's the helful behavior. That is ridiculous.

Speaker 5 (14:43):
It's crazy.

Speaker 3 (14:43):
The only thing I need in this life is Dominican
flight attendance. That's the only thing I.

Speaker 2 (14:53):

Speaker 5 (14:55):
Yeah, I don't know when I started talking to Dominican girls, bro,
because because they try to, they tied to us. Y'all
tied to us. So I got to be acting like
I'm Victor Colombian and ship and be like what I
turned into DJ Commilican show. You can tell you how
I got that flop. I know, bro, you see the face.
It's the pots the plot in the face, Bro, And
I can't go nowhere with my motherfuckers.

Speaker 4 (15:15):
The only place that I could go is.

Speaker 3 (15:16):
Like Middle America.

Speaker 5 (15:17):
If I'm in Middle America, They're like, yo, he just black.
You know what I'm saying. Like you go anywhere on
like the coasts with his like you know what I mean,
where it's not It's like it's like if you go
in the middle, I swear to god, bro, you go
to the Midwest, except for like Chicago.

Speaker 3 (15:30):
They got some Puerto Ricans over there. They're speaking of Spanish. Uh.

Speaker 5 (15:35):
Anywhere else you go, it's like yo, you black, you're
white or you Mexican straight up? Like so everywhere, Like
I've gone on tour and shit and been in like
Texas and ship like that, and motherfuckers is like hey,
like yo, black man, and I'm like, yes, black man.
I was like, I'm spicy black. You know what I'm saying.
I got a little extra song. I to speak Spanish

that do different things. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 8 (15:57):
I can't.

Speaker 5 (15:58):
I can't. I'm not gonna cosplay bro, Like you know
what I'm saying. Okay, Like yeah, I'll be in the
Young Dolf video.

Speaker 3 (16:05):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (16:05):
But I have the Dominican flag of man, you know
what I'm saying. So I'm not like over your friend.
You know what I'm saying acting like I'm a like
I'm a foundational black American.

Speaker 3 (16:13):
Yeah but you yeah, yeah, yeah American descendant of Yeah,
that's that's yeah, that's wild. That's the same ship too.
It's like, bro over there, like the diaspora doesn't exist,
Like they don't like they're just like, yo, you're one
of these three things. They don't matter what type of

Spanish you are. Yeah, no matter what type of Spanish
you are, it's just Mexican.

Speaker 6 (16:38):
A lot of people don't know. My sister dated somebody
who was like from South Carolina, some ship. He didn't
know what Dominicans were. He literally didn't know what like
Puerto Ricans were, even Jamaicans. Like he just demographics, like
he knew black people, white people, and Mexicans. So he
just assumed we was Mexicans.

Speaker 3 (16:57):
Look that sound different? Why I come me got top funny?
Like what's not call each other way? They don't sound
like boom Howard man, t man. Finally Maco Mexican man
something taco meat and that you only make out like

one every ten years, Chinese these things, Tao. That's why.

Speaker 6 (17:24):
But that's why I love being from New York, Bro,
because I didn't have none of those problems.

Speaker 3 (17:29):
Growing up, everybody was flavors.

Speaker 11 (17:32):
You know.

Speaker 6 (17:32):
It's crazy. The first time I saw a white person,
like an American white, I was like fourteen, Yeah, I said,
oh ship, what what are you?

Speaker 3 (17:41):
Because New York and.

Speaker 5 (17:41):
Be like yo, like I'm Jamaican, I'm Haitian, I'm.

Speaker 2 (17:46):

Speaker 3 (17:47):
And even the African like like, uh fucking eight.

Speaker 5 (17:51):
Just fucking crazy.

Speaker 3 (17:53):
But even they'll be like yo. For fucking West Virginia
be like my whatever, bro. Everywhere else it's like yo,
who the fuck? Like, yeah, you want what happened? At
the doctor?

Speaker 6 (18:08):
It was like, now where.

Speaker 3 (18:09):
Is this big trying to figure out she came? The
set is not. If you went to public school in
the nineties or early two thousands in New York, there
was at least like you got culture, bro, because there

was at least one in your class, and there was
at least one car.

Speaker 5 (18:35):
Oh yeah, I.

Speaker 3 (18:37):
Had a car.

Speaker 5 (18:38):
I had Mama Duke shout the mama Yo.

Speaker 3 (18:40):
Every Mama due is solid, bro. I've never met a
Mama du that was not, that was solid, individual, straight,
that would move funny. No, yeah, shot the mama dude.

Speaker 5 (18:48):
Shot the fucking uh goddamn it. Uh shot to Shira,
you know what I'm saying, shot them, saying, yeah, I
had the subway on on bird side.

Speaker 4 (19:00):
I see you.

Speaker 3 (19:01):
You know what I'm saying, Yes, sir, Yeah.

Speaker 5 (19:03):
You know what I'm saying. But yea New York City
is different, man. But what is different about New York
City that's not different about other places is that when
you fly into New York City as a Dominican, they're like, oh,
you got cocaine. Yeah, yeah, come here, you got cocaine. Well,
I know you got cocaine. Even if you don't got cocaine,
I know you got gokain. Come in, you got cocaine.
In a little time, that little cute little top bun
that you'd be doing, you got cocaine and that shit.

Speaker 3 (19:24):
Come on, let me search your bole, which actually happened
to be the case with the aforementioned Dominican fight attendants
that were smuggling hardcore drugs through JFK. That's damn I
hate when away from this, hold on, hold on. You
know you know when like somebody does something that like
fits the stereotype and you're like, goddamn, why fucking Like

when somebody drives like a fucking moron, and then they
happen to fit a stereotype and you look and you
look in the in the driver's window and you go,
maybe maybe they're having a bad day. It wasn't honest mistake.

Speaker 4 (20:02):
You better than me because I'm like, you don't want
to be that guy.

Speaker 3 (20:05):
You know. I don't want to be that guy.

Speaker 4 (20:06):
But sometimes I'd be in the coupy myself and I'd
be like, I knew it.

Speaker 3 (20:13):
My sister is the worst at that. My sister is like,
shout out to my baby sister. She just she has
the same birthday as you, by the way, but yeah,
birthday twenty five now, so like twenty four. I don't know,
I don't remember, but anyway, it's terrific. She's like the
most regretsive, like feminist whatever, right like. But then let

her get behind the wheel of a car. She get
cut off by somebody and she goes, I fucking knew it.
This is why these pictures do not deserve licenses.

Speaker 7 (20:44):
Get the fucking catch it, get the fuck out of
my way.

Speaker 3 (20:51):
Look at her, and I'm like, what the fuck is yo?
These pictures can't drive?

Speaker 5 (20:57):
Go have a bay, Oh my god, serve your purpose,
living purpose? What yo?

Speaker 3 (21:06):
I don't know what it is.

Speaker 10 (21:07):

Speaker 5 (21:08):
Once you touch the steering wheel, it just like this
ship just makes you to an animal, bro.

Speaker 3 (21:12):
Like they kill bill.

Speaker 5 (21:13):
Yo, my god, I'd be like, yo, fun, I've been
talking to people. I know you can't hear me, but
I'm like, I'm hoping that you lip reading because I'd
be doing ship and I'd be like, damn, bro, it's
gonna sound like a flex flex I'll be I'll be
in my ship, you know what I'm saying. And then motherfucker,
she's just saying. It's just like I'm the baby.

Speaker 3 (21:34):
What kind of cars?

Speaker 11 (21:35):

Speaker 3 (21:36):
What kind of cars?

Speaker 5 (21:37):
It's a two door? What kind of two seated? Two seats?

Speaker 3 (21:42):
Oh, it has two seats only.

Speaker 5 (21:43):
Yeah, I couldn't afford I couldn't afford the fourth.

Speaker 3 (21:47):
There's leather, isn't it.

Speaker 5 (21:49):
Yeah, it's old.

Speaker 3 (21:51):
Oh it's been treated interesting. It's been treated interesting by me.

Speaker 5 (21:56):
I went to the auto zone and I got leave wipes, okay,
and a guy on my hands on my knees and
I wiped it.

Speaker 3 (22:03):
What's your dashboard?

Speaker 5 (22:04):
Look like there's a lot of digital things.

Speaker 3 (22:07):
Uh huh awesome, yeah, awesome. Would it happened to be
a German car by the.

Speaker 5 (22:12):
Way, I think I think so all.

Speaker 3 (22:16):
Right, So with that said, everybody will be right back
because we're gonna take a break right quick. Let's take
a fish of liter lit. So we just beat the

funk out of Marrows. Thank you guys for amright. Was
it was that good exercise?

Speaker 5 (22:53):
It was I can't see my right eye. Yeah, but
you don't feel good? Think twice before you know what
I'm saying. Flex you know what my fucking back. I
love y'all, I love y'all. I love that we could
do that and get right back into it.

Speaker 3 (23:11):
Hey, Meryl, you pull that ship again. We're putting you
in the device. Don't make me give the device. Yeah,
speaking of love Love, Diddy's son.

Speaker 10 (23:24):
Love Love litt alone bit alone, King Combs, Yeah please,
that's as there's most. That's the most late nineties child's name.

Speaker 5 (23:36):
The name of my son King up, shut up, that's
a German shepherd name shooting.

Speaker 3 (23:41):
Did you work at j D sports BROV? What are
you talking about? You're a king of what from You're
a king of nine re bro king. You're embarrassing among them.
I can't believe you dropped the fifty cent.

Speaker 5 (24:00):
That's that shit is so crazy to me because it's like,
gout of all the motherfuckers, Yeah that got that don't
have time that you could have sent a shot at that.
They would just be like, oh yo, I'll get to this.

Speaker 3 (24:12):
Yo. I think fifty just sits at home collecting vitamin
water checks.

Speaker 5 (24:16):
That's it, and like scrolling through to the ground like yo, hey,
let me find this picture jay Z where he looks
crazy and that assumed then at a weird angle and
be like yo, yo, wait, anybody heard from Hove Just
stick away from this dish to blow over? I see you,
ha ha. I'm just like goddamn. Also, fucking why like

you beefing with fifty? If you're the beef with fifty
in like ninety nine or two thousand and two or
some shit where like his only outlet was smack DVD right.

Speaker 3 (24:45):
Then my dad would have been fine. Cause you're beefing
with twenty twenty four fifty with full access to the internet.
What the fuck? Like you could have chosen anybody else? Hey,
he knows how to use that shit.

Speaker 6 (24:55):
Yeah he released that this track at all fifty seven
had to say was I'm scared, scared for my life.

Speaker 3 (25:02):
I feel unsafe. This is not good for me. King,
Oh no, King Combs, What am I?

Speaker 4 (25:10):
That's the whole energy of the ship.

Speaker 5 (25:12):
You know. I just because you know that motherfuckers love
to talk ship on the end of like a mixtape joint.
So I just I just every time I read the captions,
I read it like he's talking ship.

Speaker 3 (25:21):
I just heard a.

Speaker 5 (25:25):
He's like, hey man, I feel hey this motherfucker man
he got he caught the Caseys talking about you the.

Speaker 4 (25:31):
Other house I did.

Speaker 3 (25:32):
I would never Hey, man, you want the investigation. I'm
scared for myself. How you going to go get it? Man?
Giggling like Bro, you don't laugh like that.

Speaker 2 (25:46):

Speaker 5 (25:47):
It's different because like immediately following nine to eleven, he
went on the mixtape and was like, motherfucking a Rams flew.

Speaker 4 (25:55):
The plane to the building coke price with up.

Speaker 3 (25:57):
T Grant is fucking me.

Speaker 4 (26:00):
Ain't say about your going the war, Prince when grand.

Speaker 5 (26:04):
Is fucking weak man man one of.

Speaker 6 (26:10):
The best performers I've ever seen ever, which caught me
fucking off guard. But fifty cent is a great performer.
But the fact that Diddy's son bro out of everybody,
the fact that you first of all, you're going through
something insane. You had your pops, because not only do
your pops have accusations, so do you. And now you
gearing up to face the biggest control of hip hop.

Speaker 5 (26:31):
Yeah, you doing and you're not built for this. You're
not built for this. Your diddy's son, Yeah, like you do?
You come up.

Speaker 3 (26:39):
You've been comfortable your whole lies.

Speaker 5 (26:41):
That's all be telling my kids all the time. I'm like, yo, listen,
I'm gonna punch you in your face. And it's not
like I'm abusing you. I just want you to know
what a full force punch of the face feels like.

Speaker 4 (26:50):
So what happens to you?

Speaker 5 (26:51):
You're aware, you know what I'm saying, and you don't
be like so you'd be like, Yo, you know what,
maybe I don't call that dude a pussy because he's
six ' nine. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (26:59):
I have four you know what I mean.

Speaker 5 (27:01):
So let me just jill or let me go in
the trunk, you know what I mean, and get a
tire iron and then call him a pussy.

Speaker 3 (27:07):
So it's just like bro situation.

Speaker 4 (27:08):
Little awareness, Yeah, like you know what I mean? And
you mean King comes has none.

Speaker 3 (27:12):
Yeah, let me get the fire exting with your first
before I call him pussy and then I'll spray it
on him. My dad did in.

Speaker 5 (27:23):
You know what I'm saying, But Yo, goddamn bro, Like
it's like the fucking Michael River clip where he was
like when he was talking about his son rapping.

Speaker 4 (27:32):
Yeah, he said, my son rap. He goes by the
name of kingtun Common and not the things he says
on these records.

Speaker 12 (27:38):
I said, sonated community about these things.

Speaker 4 (27:44):
And I'm just like, Bro, that is exactly yo, I'm hearing.
Did his son rap about?

Speaker 5 (27:48):
Yo, We're gonna see you in the street. We're gonna
put him things on you.

Speaker 3 (27:51):
I was like, what nothing? What things? You mean you're
legally owned fire yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're legally owned
home defense weapons. Fucking California gun club man. Shut up
out of here.

Speaker 4 (28:05):
You a rusty snub nose under the couch nigger.

Speaker 3 (28:08):
Yeah you never you never had. You never held a
thirty eight, specially with the fucking with the with with
the with the decaying handles. Is christ You never had
a thirty eight with the decaying handle rusty screws, Yo,
you never you give me out of here. You you
never had to hold up a thirty eight with two
hands so you can physically hold the barrel in place

because they get your gun. Brochanism inside has never been
fucking was it called like polished? Nothing? No, it's never
been oiled at all. Bro, that ship got that ship
got souls in it, clearing dohickey. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you

never held an ordnance in your entire life. Man, Get
the fuck out of here, Holmes. You know what, I
believe Ice Spice before. I believe that's right.

Speaker 5 (29:04):
Ices has definitely seen some goods.

Speaker 6 (29:06):
They got the same tone too. That's the funny thing
about the thing. He then I sound like a sixteen
year old board, you know, like he saw he hasn't
gone through puberty yet.

Speaker 4 (29:15):
No, he didn't give me that even one guy, you
know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (29:19):
At least I know about that.

Speaker 2 (29:21):

Speaker 6 (29:21):
He literally took Diddy's entire personality and was like, yeah,
I need that.

Speaker 3 (29:25):
Let me take the.

Speaker 6 (29:28):
And gover here going again to fing hip hop legend. Bro,
like fifty got shot nine.

Speaker 5 (29:34):
Times by talking ships.

Speaker 6 (29:37):
What I'm saying not somebody you need to.

Speaker 3 (29:39):
Go to war with. Bro.

Speaker 5 (29:40):
I got graized once and I was like, you know
what Let me let me show you. Let me let
me stop talking crazy on the block with no shirt on. Well,
fifth got shot nine times.

Speaker 3 (29:50):
You got nine shots at the doctor at your physical
because you have the whole coverage healthy show He didn't.
He got them divided because it's here. It's worried. That's true.
His reactions, that's true.

Speaker 5 (30:05):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (30:05):
So he got a quote half a dose.

Speaker 6 (30:08):
I can't even shame him for that because I will
do that. I'm not going pain bro. Give me two
shots and shut the funk up.

Speaker 4 (30:14):
The floor.

Speaker 3 (30:15):
You be good, No, no, speaking of her new single
is out, yeah, and I'm gonna keep it being it's
not good. It's not good. It's listen, I'm not I
want to say it's not I don't want to.

Speaker 5 (30:36):
Nah that.

Speaker 3 (30:37):
No, I'm gonna get into it. We cannot. We cannot
sit up here and like everything act like marginalized people
are beyond reproach. I'm sorry. You can be black and
suck at something, you can be trans and suck at something,
and you can be a woman and suck at something,
all right, And as somebody who's been behind Ice spice
pretty much the whole time, because even back when everybody

was like, yo, all she is just a fat ass.
She cannot wrap. She fucking sucks. I'm like, y'all are bugging,
y'all just hating on this girl because like she's flee
and she happens to have a fat but she putting
on for the city and she front of Bronx and
all that hassan fuck off.

Speaker 6 (31:14):
I'm like, you know what I.

Speaker 3 (31:16):
Mean, I just hate that we're in this time where
it's like either stand culture or nothing, like get the
fuck out of here. I'm allowed to like ice Fish
and also acknowledge when she misses this ship like the fu.

Speaker 5 (31:33):
Yeah, this is a this is a miss And it's
crazy because it's like like you're saying, we talked about
this ship before. It's like stand culture. It's like your fam.
Everything this person puts out is gold, platinum is yo
case And it's not that bro. I ain't listen to
Albumn so long where I'm like every single joint on
this is fire. Like I ain't skipping a single track,

I'm not running nothing back, but this, you know what
it is, it's the same ship. It's like, Shorty, you
already gave me this song. Yeah, you know what I
mean this, So give me something a little different. You
know what I'm saying, Like, I'm not even saying like
you switch up your whole aesthetic and flowing whatever. Bro
shake ass all you want to do your thing. You
from Highbridge, I know you know what I'm saying. I know, yeah,

I know that did the tumble way through Hyghbridge a lot.

Speaker 3 (32:22):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (32:23):
There's a lot of a lot of icy spices out.

Speaker 3 (32:25):
There, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (32:26):
That that that you know and that's yo, that's a hybridch shorty. Yeah, yeah,
rep your ship, you know what I mean. Do you
think But now you're in the game. You're a musician,
you know what I'm saying. You an artist, so yeah,
you have to mix it up a little bit, you
know what I mean. You don't got to do the
rainy shit and be like, Yo, let me give you
a dark waves and let me give you some Griselda
vibes and let me give you some house music. You
don't got to do that, but you switch it up
a little bit, yeah, and give me a hook.

Speaker 3 (32:48):
Then let me get to get the fucking dog cattle. Yeah,
that'd be hard though. The obsession with optics is annoying too,
because like, if me and you were up here and
it's just us, we just look like to old dudes,
like fucking you know what I mean, barking at the
young kids and on this woman. But then if we
defer to Liz, then then we also look like, oh, well,

Liz is the token woman on the podcast, we're deferring
to Live. What do you think? Yeah, I know what.
I think.

Speaker 6 (33:15):
I've said this shit before. I think women should be
women are should be allowed to be trash. Bro, like
you that asked this is why I fucking love Young
Miami because Young Miami.

Speaker 3 (33:26):
Is so bad. She's so bad at what she does.

Speaker 6 (33:30):
But it's like, bro, so what so so many other
male they get to.

Speaker 3 (33:36):
Exists out here?

Speaker 4 (33:38):
Exactly money, Bro, this is making money.

Speaker 6 (33:42):
There's so many male rappers who just get to exist.
You be trash, be ugly, be all of these things,
and they just they make their millions in silence.

Speaker 3 (33:50):
Nobody bother them.

Speaker 5 (33:51):
And this is not as Suck the Shaka. But when
I first heard Suck the Shaka, I was like, yo,
is this Am I hearing this right?

Speaker 3 (33:57):
Wait? Suck the Shakers so what.

Speaker 5 (34:01):
Silked the shocka you no, oh ship put the wash silk?

Speaker 3 (34:08):
The shaka was like.

Speaker 5 (34:10):
Oh yeah, who is this old baby?

Speaker 4 (34:14):
Oh oh this is.

Speaker 5 (34:17):
Yeah he's Master brother Master Wait oh wait wait, I.

Speaker 3 (34:22):
Do know who this is. I just didn't know his name.

Speaker 13 (34:24):
Oh never mind, get the Maya song a couple of Yeah,
give me back my money from the wash.

Speaker 4 (34:34):
Wait, because yo, he sounds crazy.

Speaker 5 (34:37):
Yeah, he's never on beat, like he just like it's
like it's like yo, he records the vocals and then
they's just like you throw just throw a beat.

Speaker 4 (34:45):
Whatever us what you got.

Speaker 5 (34:48):
By the way, it's regular to be off beat. Now
just say.

Speaker 3 (34:55):
Not even I stj Fish Honestly, bro Bro, we were
talking about this shit earlier, like the Bay Area shit.
Bro E forty plan in your desh. Come on, if
we're talking about watching this forty forty forty forty water,
come on, come a fat burger. I'm getting sour, slipperyact.

We love forty water. I mean, I'm sorry.

Speaker 6 (35:28):
As Ice Spice fan, as a female rap fan, as
a rap fan in general, she does have to progress.
Like the the Ig Bangers was cute and it's gonna
keep her audience. Yeah, like we are not her core audience.
Her audience are like seventeen, eighteen, nineteen twenty year olds up, so.

Speaker 3 (35:47):
To them, that shit is stumping. Her audience is her classmates.

Speaker 6 (35:50):
Yeah, it's that younger generation. So she's not making music
for me. But I would love to see Ice Spice
progress and like stay here.

Speaker 3 (36:00):
Yeah that's saying and it doesn't like they fucking cooked
me on Twitter because I said this ship and I'm like, bro,
criticism comes with the fucking craft, Like you're not gonna
like if anything. I want somebody to tell me when
the track is not not hitting or when a skit's
not funny, and then I'll be like, okay, cool, where
can I improve? What the fuck? Like, what are we
talking about?

Speaker 6 (36:19):
It's like the The Leaper thing where she did a
performance she was doing like a little bit.

Speaker 3 (36:26):
Cute about crazy.

Speaker 6 (36:30):
They was like, yo, you need to work on it.
Like your songs. You can dance, but your ship is
just terrible.

Speaker 3 (36:35):
Right now.

Speaker 6 (36:36):
I don't know what she did. She went to some campus,
some ship, and she came back and she started bodying
every single performance. Now it's okay, bro to not be perfect.
That it's cool to progress as you get bigger. But
it is is I understand where Rady's coming from because
it's like, now you got millions of people looking at you,
so you can't just keep doing the same shit.

Speaker 3 (36:56):
Yeah, and like to your because.

Speaker 5 (36:59):
This is crazy because it's a lot of fucking fucking
penis energy in this fucking room. There's a lot of
niggas in his room. And I think you the biggest
hip hop man everybody. Yeah, Like I want to hear bars, Yeah,
I want to hear eight bars from Ice Spice that
I have me.

Speaker 3 (37:16):
Like, oh ship, yeah yeah, yeah, that would be I know, hey, listen, I.

Speaker 5 (37:20):
Know you're listening. You know what I'm saying because you because.

Speaker 3 (37:22):
You're tapped in, you lock tapped into the culture. You
know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (37:25):
Give me some hard eight bars, some Highbridge ship, staycase
Dutch gut ship, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (37:31):
Like and she go to school in Yonkers or some ship.
So like there you go, bro, you got you got
the highbrid connect, you got Yonkers.

Speaker 4 (37:38):
You're like, what kiss? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (37:42):
Kiss on a riot video? Stop playing with the ryot.

Speaker 4 (37:49):
Oh my god, But that's the ship.

Speaker 5 (37:52):
It's like also too, like it's labels because labels are like, oh,
like labels, they just trying to make money.

Speaker 3 (37:58):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (37:59):
So then they're like, yo, all, I bet like, uh,
are you thinking the ship made money? This made money,
This single made money, this single money, bikini that made money?

Speaker 3 (38:10):
All right, let's go back to that. Well, you know
what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (38:13):
And she might be like, nah, bro, I want to
do a fucking song about how you know ship, I'm
the ship, I'm.

Speaker 3 (38:18):
His poopy you know, yeah, I mean you know yeah,
But I understand, like, like, yeah, you gotta give You
got to give artists the room to suck. And there's
plenty of male artists that suck and they still around.
I'm not saying that can't be the case for if Spice,
but also, fuck off, I'm not staying quiet about it

like I'm allowed to. If I'm allowed to go, yo
this ship bang y'all bugging, I'm also allowed to go
as a fan of the music and.

Speaker 6 (38:50):
Also a fan of Sean Paul bro that fucking all
that give me the light yo.

Speaker 3 (38:57):
In the face. Instead that that.

Speaker 6 (39:00):
Was a kick to the nest and they had like
the Honda Civic speaker, so.

Speaker 3 (39:06):
It just wasn't it. Wasn't mixed well, sound.

Speaker 6 (39:08):
Like that's not doing too well?

Speaker 5 (39:10):
Yeah, damn, Now you're gonna argue that something's gonna argue
with you on Twitter being like, oh, well.

Speaker 14 (39:20):
You shouldn't be even talking about ice spice as a war.
This is a female rapper. You shouldn't even interject with
the mixing. Well, I'll tell you something else. My dicking
balls about.

Speaker 3 (39:32):
About what anybody want to say about God damn it, motherfucker. Hey, hey,
listen you guys. I'm a nice guy, right, come on,
what it was the best best style around? What you

talking about? Victim on the floor like this? Please please
please please please?

Speaker 6 (40:06):

Speaker 8 (40:07):
Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3 (40:07):
The bottom line is these fucking artists need developments. Development
for four bad sneeds development. Yeah, I mean this is the.

Speaker 5 (40:22):
Yeah, listen, shot the Riggs Morales a real true an R.
We need more Rigs morales is and less whether fuck
these guys are you know what I'm saying? Guys that
will actually be like, yo, listen, I want to get
I love hip hop. Yeah, I grew up in this ship.
I was an.

Speaker 3 (40:36):
Intern at the Sores type ship type of guys.

Speaker 2 (40:39):
You know what I mean?

Speaker 3 (40:39):
Whre It's just like yo, I really.

Speaker 5 (40:41):
This is important to me, you know what I'm saying, Like,
I'm not just trying to make a buck to be
a true a R.

Speaker 3 (40:45):
If you can answer the question, is jay Z top five. Also,
this is what happens when when it when it goes
from actual taste makers who have to literally dig through
crates of tapes, CDs and vinyl. When it shifts from that,
when it goes from a physical human being that a
radio station or record label trusts and goes, yo, you've

given us five, six, seven stars, so now we trust
you to go find the next star. You have good taste. Yeah.
When it moves away from that to a numbers game,
then it becomes what gets the most views, regardless of quality.
That's why everybody's pumping out garbage, because it doesn't matter
whether someone retweets something saying this is fire or if

they retweet it saying this fucking sucks. Because number the
numbers are the same. So you get people that get
hate watched and hate listened to you or whatever, and
then it goes yeah, and then it goes viral on
TikTok or whatever, and it's everybody just clown in this person,
and it's like Okay, hey fucking Einstein, guess what you've
given this person visibility? Still, Yeah, it doesn't matter if

the visibility is behind yo, fuck with this. This is
fire or this is the worship.

Speaker 5 (41:53):
It's still a fucking spin dog.

Speaker 3 (41:54):
Hello, what are we talking about? It's like it's like
it's like I'm going.

Speaker 5 (42:00):
To the party, right, I got the flyer. I look
at the flyer. Yeah, this party is hosted by this
bell thieves and ring your what Yeah on the ones
in Tuesdays the Sun insane.

Speaker 3 (42:16):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (42:16):
I know what I'm saying, and I'm just like, yo, bro,
I was like, Yo, listen, I made this track in
my bedroom last night.

Speaker 3 (42:22):
Yeah, it's not mixed.

Speaker 5 (42:23):
Mixed at all, but playing right now, scroud. I recorded
it on a toaster, put a screen on it. Play
it right now because my label said that you know
what I'm saying, It sounds like the last joint that
did a million views on TikTok so put this on
right now.

Speaker 3 (42:36):
You have to, bro, I've never been in a studio
ever in my life, and I don't ever want to
be where somebody goes. Yeah, this should gonna go crazy
on TikTok. I never want to be in that room. Yea,
I never want to be in that room. I'm sorry,
you're gonna go crazytok? What did I say? What was
what's gonna go crazy on? TikTok?

Speaker 4 (42:56):
I could say something different, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (43:00):
I'm sure you, Liz. I feel like you go to
a lot more live shows than I do. But have
you ever been to a live show where it's maybe
it's like a newer act and like the audience will
pull out their phones for the viral part and then
like just put their phones away for that, like for
the rest of the song and they only know the
ten seconds from the fucking TikTok. That shit boils my

fucking blood.

Speaker 2 (43:23):

Speaker 3 (43:24):
Yeah, that shit is insane.

Speaker 6 (43:25):
Bro, I've never seen it because I only go to
like old fucking concerts.

Speaker 3 (43:28):
I'm I'm a fucking watch bitch. Dist Reunion, that's the.

Speaker 6 (43:33):
Type of shit that like that I couldn't do when
I was broken fourteen, So Reunion all that ship. But
you won't catch me out a fucking Olivia.

Speaker 3 (43:42):
Olivia. Oh so that's where you was at? You was
at the murder in Joint last I was class playing
as Jo we got it. I've never seen Liz and
Jo rule in the same room. Come on, baby, that's.

Speaker 4 (44:00):
Why we'd be like, where is John's got it?

Speaker 3 (44:02):
She's like, well, let me tell you what I think.

Speaker 5 (44:04):
Yeah, oh my god, ten dog, I'm telling you.

Speaker 3 (44:13):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 15 (44:14):
Yeah, but you're not listen labels stop okay, stop yeah,
and while y'all stop and think about what you're doing
wrong and how to fix music you can't. We're gonna
take a break, okay, and we'll be right back with
some information about Bulgarian.

Speaker 5 (44:32):
Prostates liter.

Speaker 8 (44:38):

Speaker 5 (44:41):
Apparently you cannot buy a prostate.

Speaker 3 (44:43):
No, no, you can't.

Speaker 5 (44:44):
That's crazy.

Speaker 3 (44:45):
Well in the words of Victor, and not with that attitude,
Victor fucking velvety ass voice.

Speaker 5 (44:51):
Yo, I don't. I don't never want to hear you
on the mic again. You're too close to my ear
wife and you say Victor mic is like the equivalent
Remember when Lane Stevenson Blue and Lebronzia.

Speaker 4 (45:06):
Yeah, yes, it's like that.

Speaker 3 (45:08):
It's like, yeah, we're like, oh the anti ways.

Speaker 5 (45:12):
Why why was my why's my? Why's my nipples hard?

Speaker 3 (45:14):

Speaker 5 (45:15):
Get into this? Yeah, baby, smell bag timed dum take
it away a minute.

Speaker 2 (45:21):
A c o Z asks washed jar question. How do
you know when you're truly washed? Is it a feeling
or is it a realization of your own inevitable mortality.
I hurt my back washing my beard in the shower
last week, and now I gotta let motherfuckers go first
going upstairs because it takes me mad long. I can't

hoo am I cooked. I was alive when Tupac and
Biggie died, by the way.

Speaker 5 (45:52):
It was BC.

Speaker 3 (45:53):
Yeah, bet it's crazy, bro.

Speaker 6 (45:57):
When I was twenty nine, everybody used to say, you'll
prepare yourself because and once you turn thirty you're gonna
have pains.

Speaker 3 (46:02):
I was fine, bro.

Speaker 6 (46:03):
Literally three days after I turned thirty, I get into
a car accident. Oh my god, be fucked up ever since.
So that wash ship is it's like it's a curse
because even if your body is not getting ready for it,
it's like.

Speaker 3 (46:18):
Something gonna happen day.

Speaker 6 (46:21):
Yeah, something what happened that's gonna change you, whether it's
you washing your beard or you trying to fucking pick
up a handball.

Speaker 3 (46:28):
Yeah, handball. But like Merrol was saying that, it sounds
like bc BC and rap cons it just means before Cardi.
So if you were alive before Cardi, probably if you
were an adult, yeah yeah, if you were alive.

Speaker 9 (46:46):
Before, they're trying to be crack. You know, if you
want you you washed for real.

Speaker 12 (47:00):
I don't know, maybe drugs mean mean you know, I
think an indicator of being washed is not so much
the physical.

Speaker 3 (47:10):
It's like if you're in a room and like a
solid like ninety seconds goes by and you have no
idea what anyone is talking about. Hey, you have no
idea what anyone has said in the past three to
five minutes because you're so like you're so insulated in
your own era.

Speaker 5 (47:29):
That's how you know you washed for real. You know,
as I was cleaning my pellis, I was thinking about this, yo.

Speaker 3 (47:37):
I was wiping down my vancins.

Speaker 4 (47:38):
You know what I'm saying. I thought about this question.

Speaker 3 (47:41):

Speaker 4 (47:41):
It really is like Noah, you that's.

Speaker 5 (47:44):
Fucking bullseye man, Like when you decide to freeze the clock,
like when you stop the clock right, like because everybody
stops the clock at some point, like yo, if you
see yo, yo yo.

Speaker 11 (48:00):
I just want to say, Liz just left and one
of the reasons I love Liz is because she gives
strong dap to the entire room before she goes.

Speaker 4 (48:06):
Yeah yeah, but she'll pull you in with it.

Speaker 3 (48:08):
Dah sworpion that nigga get over he.

Speaker 5 (48:13):
Off out there. Put my whole arm around your neck.

Speaker 3 (48:18):

Speaker 5 (48:19):
But it's like I know motherfuckers that went to jail
and came home and they're stuck in that time.

Speaker 3 (48:25):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (48:25):
I know other motherfuckers that went to jail and came
home and they dipped in the mirror. So you know
what i mean. It's really like a state of mind. Yeah,
you know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (48:32):
It's like, you know it actually is.

Speaker 5 (48:34):
It really is because like yo, my mother in law
FAI is like seventy seven years old. This bitch is
climbing mountains, kayaking and shit.

Speaker 2 (48:40):

Speaker 5 (48:41):
Yeah I'm not I'm like kayak not fuck out of here, bro,
kayaking listening to listening to Baby Keen. You know what
I'm saying, Yeah, talking about fucking yeah, talking about due
rag activity and ship like no, like I don't want
to do that.

Speaker 3 (48:54):
It's six am. Yeah you know what I'm saying. That's
to me.

Speaker 5 (48:58):
I know I was washed when I was just like, yo,
I had to make a division. But like I had
a barbecue at the crib and it was like me
like my brother, you know what I'm saying, Like the
the thirty five plus crowd. Then it was like the
cousins and shit, the younger cousins, like twenty five, twenty four. Yo,
I go to fucking I go to Providence. I play

for the Friars, the Fars. I play for the fucking Friars.

Speaker 4 (49:23):
Dog, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (49:24):
And I'm just like, all right, bro, you're not playing
twenty one with us?

Speaker 4 (49:27):
No, Like you know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (49:28):
Like that's when I'm like, I.

Speaker 5 (49:29):
Was like, all right, bro, we gotta this this. There's
weight classes in like in combat sports, and there's wash
classes else.

Speaker 4 (49:38):
And everything else. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (49:39):
Because it's like if I hit you up and this
I know if you're watching that, if I hit you
up tonight two o two am, and I'm like, yo,
rainy after party, I'm coming.

Speaker 3 (49:53):
Just get dressed.

Speaker 5 (49:53):
I'm coming to scoop you up.

Speaker 4 (49:55):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 16 (49:56):
No, no, no, no, no, puffy on Chail, are you like,
first of all, are you even receiving that call or
is your phone already on doing I decerned?

Speaker 3 (50:08):
Well, because it's you, I'm I'm I'm saying, okay, bet
say less, I'm getting dressed, I'm getting the thirty eight
special with the rotten pistol grip, and then I'm gonna
go save you because you're clearly in trouble. What the
fuck are you doing outside to m father for It's

clearly it's like, yo, not if you've been kidnapped. If
I get that call from you, it's it's a rescue off. Man,
I'm wallin.

Speaker 2 (50:41):
I was going to say, I'm saying, yes, we're popping out.
That's because you pay me.

Speaker 3 (50:56):
Yeah, holy shit, y'all.

Speaker 4 (51:02):
Victory episode forty five, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (51:05):
Hollow point, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (51:08):
I'm pretty sure it was forty six. Yeah, forty six?

Speaker 4 (51:12):
Okay, baby, is there forty six caliber?

Speaker 3 (51:14):
Dan good?

Speaker 5 (51:15):
We making one right now? We three d praying one
right now, y'all. Yeah, we'll see next week's radio fire
in the Motherfucker's Liz bellowd t's at the mother foruck oers.

Speaker 3 (51:22):
Oh go, Victor.

Speaker 5 (51:23):
Yeay, you know what I'm saying, we got fucking me
in the garden house and of course the nasty man,
freaky boy. You know what I'm saying, six three who
hit the euro whipwop? You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (51:33):
The silk he's on deck poon, He's like, now I
don't do that for that.

Speaker 3 (51:36):
We're doing we got the black poly w Yeah poem,
Yeah poem. I'm at this podcast. Shoot, they're getting fucking
shake shack for breakfast. It's six six ship. These guys
are gonna he.

Speaker 5 (51:53):
Got a fucking he got a concrete?

Speaker 4 (51:57):
What did shake that?

Speaker 5 (51:59):
Holy fuck?

Speaker 3 (51:59):
Were out of here? You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (52:01):
And of course you.

Speaker 5 (52:02):
Know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (52:02):
It wouldn't be the part if we did the shadow to.

Speaker 8 (52:04):
God mm, because that's not insane.

Speaker 3 (52:11):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (52:12):
Who, by the way, if you ain't got nothing to do,
you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (52:15):
You want to pull up? I can say this birthday
parties your boy.

Speaker 5 (52:21):
You know what I'm saying. We celebrating another trip around
the Sun at Shellers this weekend Saturday.

Speaker 3 (52:25):
You know what I'm saying, Baby, If you don't know
where that's at, its tough. You know what I'm saying, sorry,
Google it.

Speaker 4 (52:31):
It's in a place where you probably can't park your car. Yeah,
you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (52:34):
But you know what I'm saying. Pull up on me
and I can say that with all my whole chests,
just like Yo, chill, don't disclose your location. Che nigga.

Speaker 11 (52:44):
Look to me like bitch, I said, no such thing.

Speaker 4 (53:03):
A Vixury light light
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