All Episodes

November 27, 2023 • 56 mins

What is manifestation? Do you believe it in? What does it mean to you?

Dawn Dai sits down with Suraj Batheja, Co-Founder of the Manifest Company where they make "make self-care cool & bring culture to wellness" to discuss alcoholism, the power of manifestation, health, yoga, meditation and how The Manifest Company came to be.

The time is now to "Manifest That Sh!t"

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Good morning, good out, to noon, good evening. You are
tuned in to the Vitamin D with Dawn Day podcast
and I am your host, Dawn Day, here to get
you excited about your life so that you can live
life on purpose and for a purpose. If this is
your first time tuning in, welcome Vitamin D. It's upon
of my name. My name is Dawn, and you get
Vitamin D from the sun. So I'm here shed light
into your life. And I do this with inspirational insights

and conversations with celebrities and everyday people like you and me,
Because if you want to be better and you want
to do better, then you're going to have to be
able to see better. So join me on this journey
of living our best lives and understanding and realizing how
you are your greatest assets.

Speaker 2 (00:40):
Get your Vitamin D right with me, and get excited
about your life.

Speaker 1 (00:48):
The power of manifestation. What does that mean to you?
In fact, what does it mean to manifest When I
think of it, I think it's something I've mustered in
my mind, something that has been conjured up with my spirit.
I want to see come to fruition in my life.
But half the time I'm not sure exactly that we
have the courage to manifest. Perhaps we don't know how.
Perhaps we're trying to find a space, Perhaps we're trying

to find an explanation of what it means to be well.
I invite you to sit down and enjoy this conversation
with us, a conversation we're going to have with the
power of manifestation with the co founder of the Manifest Company.
His name is Sarajpathesia, and we're going to talk about
how he's overcome challenges, whether it comes from alcoholism, the workplace,

what it means to birth a project into real life,
and also what it means to carry out. So sit back,
relax and enjoy yourself and maybe you too can find
your space when it comes to manifestation. So, without further ado, Saraj,
how are you misay?

Speaker 3 (01:50):
Now? Would stay? Dondie?

Speaker 4 (01:52):
That was an amazing intro, So thank you and it's
a pleasure to be here with you.

Speaker 1 (01:59):
The pleasure is all oh min. We've been waiting for
this conversation for a minute, right too long?

Speaker 3 (02:04):
Too long?

Speaker 1 (02:05):
Certain, but they said the best things take time.

Speaker 3 (02:10):
That is facts, that is definitely facts.

Speaker 4 (02:14):
But you look amazing things are well, the spirit world
is treating you well.

Speaker 1 (02:18):
I got to come at all gratitude, you know. And
you know what I realized, even when it comes down
to gratitude, is that you are able to be in
the now. I think half the time when we're frustrated
about things in life, where we're trying to make something happen,
it's because we're either replying what happened in the past
or trying to project or curate so much what's happened
in the future. And it's like, well, hello, let's be

in the present. Let's enjoy this gift. And I'm so
excited as I look behind you and I see these
courage and power and love and all these great things
that we can do when we're manifesting. I think this
is going to really help spark this conversation.

Speaker 4 (02:55):
Yes, yes, and don't forget this one. Here on this side,
here you see those leafy greens that was actually made
for the American Diabetes Association.

Speaker 3 (03:07):
We may be working with them in the early part
of the year.

Speaker 4 (03:10):
So it just shows you, like, whatever you want, you know,
you put in your personal space and vision it and
whether it's healthy eating or healthy living or inhale excel
met behind me as well. Like you know, we always
need those positive messages to remind ourselves of how we're living.

Speaker 3 (03:28):
And like you said, be in the moment. You know,
the power of now is there's nothing like it.

Speaker 1 (03:37):
You know, it's so powerful because all we have is
right now. All we can control is right now. But
we can get so caught up and listen, I'm guilty
of it too, and perhaps we have to just make
room that we're all these spiritual beings have in this
human experience, and it's human of us to try to
replace something that happened in the past and get so
caught up in the happenings of the future that we

don't realize what in right now is gearing us up
for the future that we are that we want to manifest.

Speaker 4 (04:05):
Yes, yes, I mean, look, sometimes the mind could play
some dirty tricks on us, right Sometimes it's a it's
a foul play, dirty game upstairs. If you don't clean
out the closet, you know you need, yeah, you need,
you need to make sure even in the in the
in the toughest of moments. And trust me, we've all
been there. I know you know you've gone through your

trials and tribulations. We're going through, you know, trials and tribulations.

Speaker 3 (04:30):
On the daily.

Speaker 4 (04:32):
But how are you gonna, you know, reframe in a
positive light, in a positive manner to your point to
manifest what it is that you're trying to achieve and
that you know elusive goal. Even though you said be
here in the moment, you know, the moment's going to
set you up to where you want to go. Right
how you're living on the daily is going to set.

Speaker 3 (04:52):
You up to where you want to go.

Speaker 4 (04:54):
So it's really important just to breathe through some of
the trials and tribulations and make sure you're your head
and you know the right.

Speaker 1 (05:02):
Path because again, all we can control is right now.
So right now we're having this conversation, saraj I would
like you to share her just a little bit about you.
I was just looking over your LinkedIn profile and I
was like, wait a minute, you went to wake Forest.

I know that you said j Tennis. And then I'm like,
are you a lawyer or you have your just doctorate?
Or is that does that mean both? What does this mean?

Speaker 4 (05:30):
I had my JD, I went to law school, finished
that I didn't I didn't practice, I was looking to
actually become a sports agent, and so I was doing
these internships they call them externships in law school and
some of these big, you know, sports agencies back in
the day. And I met at that time a gentleman's

name is David Falk. He's Michael Jordan's agent. And at
that time he had everybody, Yeah, he had everybody had
like Jordans. You in like he was. He was like,
this are NBA basketball. And I met him at Elton
Brand's recognition dinner. It was near my house. So I
went and I like stalked this guy, like chased him
into the bathroom.

Speaker 3 (06:10):
When he went, I was like, here's my moment. I
started talking him.

Speaker 4 (06:14):
I was like I want to be an agent, Like
how do I do it? And he was like, you
gotta go to law school. If you want to be
an agent, got go to law school. So I come
home to my.

Speaker 3 (06:22):
Family, I'm like, I'm going to law school, David Fox, Sy,
I'm going to law school.

Speaker 4 (06:26):
And she's like, you know, Betha, you never even like
read a book through your childhood. And I was sudden,
you want to go through law school? And I was like,
you know, just driven guy, and my brother. I remember questioning, like, dude,
can you really do that? And my mom was like, hey,
at least he's doing something admirable, and like, you know,
I must have go to law school.

Speaker 3 (06:44):
That's a thing, right. So I didn't. I didn't stick
with the agent route.

Speaker 4 (06:49):
There was there was some things behind that, you know,
behind the scenes in that business. I thought was a
little bit difficult for me to try to compete.

Speaker 3 (06:56):
You know, you gotta have these runners on campus and
like that. That's that's not me.

Speaker 4 (07:02):
But it did get me in the business behind sports
and entertainment, and you know, I had a really long
successful career in about ten years in that business. Right
out of law school, I got into revenue production for
like teams and made a mark in the sponsorship business.

Speaker 3 (07:20):
So I was the number one.

Speaker 4 (07:22):
Sports you know, salesman at the Sacramento Kings that From there,
I was the number one producer and Maison Square Garden
and then AG recruited me out to La So I
came out here as VP of Global Partnerships, and that's.

Speaker 3 (07:41):
Really where I hit the wall. You know, I just
got burnt out.

Speaker 4 (07:44):
You know, it's like you put that corporate treadmill on
pace ten level nine, and you just you know, I
crammed like a twenty year career in ten years. I mean,
it takes people to go from a manager level into
into a VP position in my industry. Former Street takes
out usually ten years, I'm sorry, twenty years.

Speaker 3 (08:04):
I did in ten.

Speaker 4 (08:05):
So you know, that has an effect that has an
effect on the body, the mind, the spirit, the soul.
And I was drinking a lot, you know, when you're
in these suites, right and your corporate hospitality, and you
got this brand in and that brand in, and you know,
it's a.

Speaker 3 (08:22):
Lot of fun.

Speaker 4 (08:23):
You got the corporate credit card. You know, you're you're
putting it up, you know. And I was probably about,
you know, probably about twenty pounds heavier than I.

Speaker 3 (08:32):
Am now and just wasn't living my life right, you know.
It was just drinking a lot.

Speaker 4 (08:38):
And someone suggested how yoga to me, and I was like,
I'll try anything. You know, like I couldn't run, I
mean I was soberweight, I couldn't run, like it would
put a lot of weight on my knees and stuff
my back.

Speaker 3 (08:52):
So I said, all.

Speaker 4 (08:53):
Right, I'll give it a shot, and started, you know,
enjoying it. I cleared out more of the alcohol because
I noticed, like, you can't.

Speaker 3 (09:04):
You can't put one.

Speaker 4 (09:04):
On and go into one of those heated rooms and
try to do hot yoga, Like you'll literally die.

Speaker 3 (09:09):
It's too tough.

Speaker 1 (09:11):
You know.

Speaker 4 (09:11):
It's hard enough if you're if you're feeling good, never
mind if you're hungover.

Speaker 3 (09:15):
So I was like, well, I'm enjoying this.

Speaker 4 (09:17):
And then I was like, all right, let me let
me go like cold turkey for a month.

Speaker 3 (09:24):
You know.

Speaker 4 (09:25):
I had a New Year's Eve where I went out,
you know, the twenty fourteen going into twenty fifteen, and
I woke up my heart was palpitating. I had like
probably like fifteen VAKA Red Bulls and then before and
I just said, if I don't change my life, I'm
I'm gonna die like in ten years.

Speaker 3 (09:43):
And that was the start of it. And then I
started getting into the hot yoga and.

Speaker 4 (09:48):
And that's where I met you know, Carlton, who's you
know my business partner now and yeah, it was yeah,
Carl Frasier. Yeah, so it's u It's an evolution, like
it didn't come overnight. And then I started getting deep
into the meditation game. And that's really where I kind
of like self diagnosed my own issues. Like I never

I never sought help the alcohol issue. I just kind
of learned through mindfulness how and why I was drinking
so much. And you know where my poison pills were, right,
it was for me as vodka, Like I could never
have a sip of vodka for the rest of my life,
you know. But yeah, it was about six seven years

I went cold turkey, never had anything. And now I'm
at the point every once in a while if I'm
out socially, if I want to have like a beer,
I only drink probably half of it, or a glass
of champagne for toasting something like, I'll drink it. It's
just more I can control it. But vaka, I that
brings out a different side of me. That's like that

that that rids character gets going.

Speaker 3 (10:56):
It's just too much, so that stuff never be consumed.
But again that took trials and tribulations.

Speaker 4 (11:03):
I mean I meditated any time any anywhere from one
to three times a day.

Speaker 1 (11:08):
Wait, what you know, I was talking to someone this morning.
I went out to run and to go for a hike,
and once we got back, we were doing a conversation
of just talking about meditation and how some people you know,
do guided meditation, and the whole thing is like, how
can you quiet your mind? And we know that, you know,
a lot of things can come to fruition, especially when

we talk about menifestation when we use the powerfulness or
the mindfulness of our mind. And that's why they say
a mind is a terrible thing to waste, because here
you are. You turned a twenty year track record into ten.
Then Withever, ammunition, whatever that umph was in your engine
hit you to a wall where you had to check yourself.

And then you went through another mindfulness transition of saying, hey,
we can't do this anymore because you decided to love yourself.

Speaker 4 (12:00):
Yeah, and just like pick another way, like you know,
like I mean, look, I grew up idolizing, you know,
guys like Jordan and Kobe, and you know, going through
the wall at all costs, and in certain stages of
your life it's maybe it's required, I don't know, but
you know I did it. But as you get older,
you can't put that wear and tear on the body,

the mind, spirit, and soul. Like you got to start
leaning in and and for me it was about surrendering
and learning about like you know, universal energy and what
the universe can provide and and you know things like that,
and to your point, like I just fell in love
with mindfulness, Like the summer of COVID, I studied the
Doubta Ching you know, written by Lot Sue and Wayne

Dyer as a guru that I tune into, and he
kind of walked me through the course.

Speaker 5 (12:53):
You know that means the way right, Yeah, that was,
but the way is there is away, right, dal leaves
everything undone, does nothing and leaves everything undone, but everything
is done.

Speaker 3 (13:07):
So uh yeah, it was. It was spiritual journey.

Speaker 4 (13:10):
And then that's when Carlton and I you know, teamed
up and decided, you know, I said, all right, I'll
you know, I'll cash out my RAS and put it
into this and then we started. But it was a
very spiritual journey to get there. You know, it's going
from a number one salesman in a high powered ego

centric you know, sports entertainment marketing world into just feeling
better about myself and how mindfulness you know played a
part of that and studying the dow had a huge
impact on me. Yeah, So without that summer to really

focus in on you know through COVID of like you
know what I wanted. You know, a lot of people
when they talk about the power of meditation and mindfulness,
like they don't realize, like the answers come in stillness.

Speaker 3 (14:10):
Yes, just don't come during chaos.

Speaker 4 (14:12):
I mean it makes sense if your mind's racing, how
can the answers come, Like you gotta you gotta start,
you know, tapping into your gi and getting a little
more centered and focused. And then even though there's thoughts.
I mean, we're all human, right, I mean, the brain
is always going to operate. I mean that's that's a
big conception. People think you meditated should be constant calmness.
A lot of times it's just trying to think through

some issues and maybe spending a moment and just feeling
how does that feel?

Speaker 3 (14:40):
Like? Is this the answer? Is this the way?

Speaker 4 (14:42):
Sometimes I just lean into God and say, God, show
me the way, Like, what is it you want from me?

Speaker 1 (14:48):
You made something? Sure, you mentioned that. I guess you've
had your ups and downs. Oh yeah, what what happened
in that process? I just want to dig into that
a little bit more.

Speaker 4 (15:04):
From being like the high charging sports exact to transitioning
into the mindfulness practitioner is that and even.

Speaker 1 (15:11):
Yeah, and even staying on that track because I'm sure
like one minute you're like, okay, I'm going to stop.
I'm not going to drink anymore, and then you're doing good.
Then you fall down. And I always say, if you
fall down seven times, get up eight. If you can
look up, you can get up. And more importantly, your
location is not your destination. Where you are right now
does not determine where you're going to be. So therefore,
don't stop your trajectory of where you are meant to be.

So I just wanted you to just expound upon what
that's like. You know, in this journey we call life,
where we understand that the experience is the journey, and
the journey is the experience. What was your experience?

Speaker 4 (15:44):
Like I think the whole thing with regard to alcohol
was really I mean, at first, it was just like
cold turkey, like I just wouldn't touch it.

Speaker 3 (15:53):
I just had no clue, like, Okay, why was I
abusing this? What was it? You know?

Speaker 4 (15:57):
And then like I said, as I started meditating, and
that came to me, I was already in the yoga scene, right,
I was doing that, like I said, I started getting
into the yoga scene, started feeling better, started saying, okay,
well let me get some rest before this class.

Speaker 3 (16:12):
And I wasn't drinking, but I didn't, you know, I
didn't really know what was going on.

Speaker 4 (16:18):
It was just like, Okay, I'm not drinking because I
want to go to these hot yoga classes because my
body's feeling better, and I'm I want to drop some
weight because I was like twenty pounds heavier than I
am now, right, And then from there the meditation game
started picking up. And then I mean it took me
a long time, as I was still cold turkey, but
it took me probably about the better half of like

two years of meditating to really understand, like, Okay, I
was masking the hurt of my father, right, Like I
lost my father, and so I wasn't there that night,
and I thought maybe if I was there, I could
have you know, protected him or saved him, right because
he had he had a heart failure. So I thought,

you know, I was carrying a great deal of guilt,
and so my my mask was just like Okay, here's
this high charging power executive in sports who everyone loves,
is funny and it's like you know, the life of
the party, and that charge only lasts like a day
and a half or a day, because don't forget the

next day you need that same charge. So you're going
out again again and put it on again that night, right.

Speaker 3 (17:28):
Because you need your There's a hole, there's something missing.

Speaker 4 (17:32):
And that's when I started to realize, like, hey, wait,
why am I Maybe at that time, I was trying
to press out I don't know, right, I mean, it's
pretty pretty long time ago, but like, why am I
spending time with people I don't really know? Like you know,
I'm like hanging out these people that don't really know,
and you know, trying to impress people and you know,

living and it was affecting my health, right, So it
was at this point, my health is breaking down. Right,
Like I said, I woke up in that moment. My
heart was palpitating so fast that I was going to
jump out of my chest, and I was like, hey,
I need to I need to like fix the way
I'm living now.

Speaker 1 (18:08):
Did you have family and friends who were nudging at
your coattail like hey you got to slow down, or
hey what are you doing man? Or hey you're out
of line?

Speaker 4 (18:17):
I did I did a pretty good job of hiding it, right. Like,
like when I was in New York, I was don't forget.
I was also doing well financially, I was doing well professionally.
I was here's this guy, He's climbing this ladder and
it's quick, right, And so you know, my family didn't really.
I was living in the city and you know, I
had the bachelor pad doing my thing, and so it

was like people they were it was just a fun guy.
I was like, oh, let's see. Look when people come
into town, they want to go to the garden, right,
msgu I was working right, Like, people come in just
for one night and they bounce out. But I'm going
out every night because I'm hosting them, entertaining, I'm bringing
in brands, I'm bringing in business. My boss is happy

he doesn't have to go host these people because he
got a wife from kids.

Speaker 3 (19:01):
He's like, man, I'm gonna go home. Let Roger take
care of her.

Speaker 4 (19:03):
Right, and next day you're waking You're waking up and
you know, going in the steam room. I used to
have the steam room my apartment building. I'd go in
the steam sweat it out for thirty minutes, come in
and even though I'd be a basket case in front
of my front my computer.

Speaker 3 (19:17):
Because it's a heedache.

Speaker 4 (19:19):
People like, oh, he's just quiet, he's just doing work.
But it was like I was just staying at my
computer like just frozen. Like I was just like I
couldn't even think. I couldn't even have thoughts. I was
so hungover, you know, so wasted from the night before.
But then you know, around four or five people DM
texting be like yo.

Speaker 3 (19:36):
Where are we going tonight? And then like that surge
happens again, like you're like, oh, yeah, it's on, Yeah,
it's on.

Speaker 4 (19:43):
I'm on, I'm in, I'm in, I'm in, And you
getting that that wheel right, You're just constantly, constantly, constantly
going through those motions, and like I said, just get
to a point where like physically, mentaling, emotional and you
break down.

Speaker 3 (19:58):
And then it's another transformation.

Speaker 4 (20:00):
You know, you're going from one extreme to another right
where it's like, hey, I'm learning about you know, the
Dowta Chang and Wayne Dyer and Dalai Lama and Buddha
and you know, getting deeper into my Indian heritage and
things like that. You know, meditation, power of yoga, so

that that that's a different game in it of itself, right,
It's a totally different way of living your lifestyle. And
if nothing else, it's always been a healthier choice from me,
you know. And like I said, it took me a
long time to get to a point where I discovered, like, okay,

vodka is the issue, like that that stuff, to me
is poison. But think of how much meditation you got
to do to unravel that, because at first it's like, man,
I can't ever have a drink.

Speaker 3 (20:55):
And then I got to a.

Speaker 4 (20:56):
Point like after six seven years, I was like, man,
like it's same thing when I was plant based, right,
like I grew up in New York? Is it is
it feasible? I'm never gonna have a slice of pizza.

Speaker 3 (21:06):
Again, for rest Off, Like that's stupid.

Speaker 4 (21:08):
Like I like steak? Am I never gonna have a
piece of steak? I love shrimp? Right, It's like, am
I gonna deprive myself for that? And then it's starting
to really mindfulness start to step into like life's about balance. Well,
it's about balance, Like anything into extreme is bad, Like
you have to have balance, right, Like and then you know,

to your point, I did fall off once because I
did go out and try, you know, like and then
I realized, Oh, that's that's when I get out of control.

Speaker 3 (21:36):
That's that's my thing.

Speaker 4 (21:38):
Like I could drink that shit like it's water, and
and so I was like, okay, that right, But then
it was like okay, so then you're cold turkey again, right.
And then I was like, you know, one day I
want to if I get married or have a like
a kid or something, am I not gonna want a
toast to my to my bride at my wedding or

something or or you know, like there's so many friends
I've made through the years, like if you get together,
like I'm not gonna be able to have like a beer,
you know what I'm saying, Like I don't I don't
need to drink because that's kind of maybe more out
of my range. And so got to the point is
could I could I get.

Speaker 3 (22:18):
To that point?

Speaker 4 (22:20):
And then I realized my dragon, like I said, was vodka,
and I slayed it. And I was like, all right,
I accept it. I can never have a sip of vodka.
I've never drank like brandy or coognac or Scotch either,
Like I've never even been on that brown right, never
kill a guy. So like, none of that stuff even
phased me.

Speaker 3 (22:37):
Was vodka, Like I liked it.

Speaker 4 (22:39):
I liked it a lot because it got like I said,
it was masking some of the hurt inside. So I
got to the point where it was like, Okay, I
could be the fun guy. I could be the guy
everyone enjoys, you know, And that kind of energy and
being the center of attention kind of got me through
dealing with what I really needed to start dealing with.

But through the power meditation and mindfulness and yoga and stuff,
that's where I started really dealing with it and really
understanding where my limitations, where, my vices, where my weaknesses,
and to some degree, where my strengths will lay right,
Like I don't think we do a good enough job
of encouraging ourselves. Like it's okay, Like I took a

picture of a book cover. Yes I was in this bookstore.
I can't remember the author, but it was it's okay
to not be okay no, and it's okay to like
celebrate yourself like yo, Like this year was a tremendously
challenging year.

Speaker 3 (23:42):
It's tumultuous year. I'm still staying.

Speaker 4 (23:46):
I'm still still staying, you know, and I know twenty
four is going to be better, and I know, like
every day it's getting better. So I think we've got
to do a better job to be our own best
form of support and our you know, our best like cheerleaders,
because if we ain't cheering for ourselves, who's gonna.

Speaker 1 (24:07):
They say self love is the best love. And you
speaking about the fact of just I want to say,
running with your hair cut off, running like a chicken
with his head cut off. I imagine that to be
moments where you allowed life to happen to you. But
when you decided to slow down, when you said, let's
get this meditation on, let's up level our mindfulness. It
looks like that's what you decided to happen to life.

And I think it's so important that we realize that
we have a power of choice. So then what are
you choosing?

Speaker 4 (24:38):
I didn't even know what was gonna happen. I honestly,
it was just like I gotta meditate. I to learn
to meditate, like I gotta I gotta figure it out,
like I don't know how to do it. And then
I saw an ad At that time, you know, Facebook
wasn't as dated as it is now, but there was
an ad, you know, deep up Chroprah and Oprah Winfrey
had this like free twenty one day trial of Troper

Global and so I was like, all right, well what
am I? You know, it's a free trial. Let me
just try it. I keep saying I want to meditate.
And it was amazing. I fell in love with it
right away. It was like Oprah would speak for a
couple of minutes, then Deep Buck would speak for like
five minutes, and then they'd let you meditate for like
ten minutes, and then deep Buk will come back in

and bring you out of it. And I swear to
God like to this day. And I bought some of
the other you know programs within that app, but that
that first thirty you know, twenty one day trial whatever
like Desire and Destinies was called.

Speaker 3 (25:38):
I still still listen to those like every day. Yeah.
I pretty much can can write them, you know what
I mean.

Speaker 4 (25:46):
So that's where, you know, through all the storms and
all trials and tribulations, that's one thing I know was
right because I could have gotten a different experience in
a twenty one day trial, right like that was d
one that was the program for me. All of them
like abundant me, gracious me, you know, faithful me, abundant me,

like they were lined up.

Speaker 3 (26:11):
That was like it was just like that was like soothing,
It was like medicine. It was filling me up. And
it was like, oh, okay, I am.

Speaker 4 (26:20):
Here now, like I am learning to be in the
moment now, like I am a divine creator, like I'm consciousness,
I'm bliss, you know. And you know trip of Global
app has hundreds and hundreds of these programs, but that's
the one that just speaks to me, like, no matter
what's going on in the world, I could always come
back to that that particular program those twenty one days,

I could find something that's going on in my life
and be like, oh, I could listen to this one.

Speaker 3 (26:46):
I could listen to this one. I could listen to
this one.

Speaker 4 (26:50):
And then it got me to a point where, like,
you know, I started learning more about you know, you
came to our event where we're at yoga nidra right
where that's a deep form of meditative sleep. You know,
a lot of people don't know the importance of rewiring
your subconscious you know, beliefs. But even if they don't
believe in that, it still is your deepest form of sleep. So,

you know, Carlton and I have been working around the
you know the clock the last you know, two three.

Speaker 3 (27:15):
Years, trying to build this from scratch.

Speaker 4 (27:18):
You know, I do a couple of nidras a day,
not as much now, but you know when we were
really you know, going through it, and that kind of
got me through the sleep deprivation, right, and so like
that form of meditation, and then you know, I just started,
like I got so much better at it, you know,

calming the mind from racing and learning to put things
in different components and compartmentalize. But sometimes just do it,
like without any ambiyonce music, I just do it. I
do admit I like ambiance music. I think some people
might say, oh, I just want to clear my thoughts.
I think for me it gets me into a deeper

meditative state.

Speaker 2 (28:00):

Speaker 4 (28:01):
But man, I tell you, like, when I really get
to the point and you know, and you know enough
about it, like you get to that point where you
could just let your mind go and it just it
just flows. It just feels right. There's nothing there's nothing
like that in the universe for me, you know, but
it's a very hard thing to find, like when you

start tapping into it.

Speaker 3 (28:25):
Yeah, what's that.

Speaker 4 (28:27):
Yeah, it's no different than going to a gym, right,
Like you're going to work out on your body. You're
basically working on common your your existence, and the mind
is the focal point that you know, controls you know,
the body.

Speaker 3 (28:39):
Right. So yeah, it's been an amazing journey.

Speaker 4 (28:43):
But yeah, that started more towards middle of sixteen. I think, yeah,
like fifteen I probably started getting the itch for it,
but like sixteen is when I started like every day
through that app.

Speaker 3 (28:55):
And I had a chance actually.

Speaker 4 (28:57):
To meet Deep Up Chopper once. It was pretty cool
and I told him. I was like, yo, man, like
you're the reason I got off alcohol.

Speaker 3 (29:04):
Dude. He was like you know he he you know,
he was be lying in at this event, but that
caused attention. He turned around.

Speaker 4 (29:11):
He was like thanks, man. He was like, that's that's
why I do what I do. I was like, yeah, man, probably,
I don't even know.

Speaker 3 (29:17):
If i'd be alive. Man.

Speaker 4 (29:18):
It was like, you really got me a point of
like getting me to the mind from the stage.

Speaker 3 (29:22):
And then even when he would stop that you know
that the session.

Speaker 4 (29:28):
Sometimes I just kept going, like I was just on
my own without him que queuing it up.

Speaker 3 (29:34):
I just kept going.

Speaker 4 (29:35):
And Yeah, the mind's a powerful thing, right, It's also
like a powerful thing to waste.

Speaker 3 (29:42):
Right, you got to like really learn to program it.

Speaker 4 (29:45):
And I think as we all get older, you know,
life happens, right. You have some ups, you have some downs,
you have some trials, tribulations, and it's really easy, like
we said, to fall in that trap of not only
self talk, but like you know what you you know
how you're moving and so you got to catch yourself.

Speaker 3 (30:05):
And we wanted to tape play a different song.

Speaker 1 (30:09):
Hm, So I'm like, when did you find your song
or when did you notice rather when you had the
power of manifestation.

Speaker 4 (30:18):
Well, I think we're still going through it, you know.
I don't think it's like a one stop shop like hey.

Speaker 3 (30:24):
This fixes all.

Speaker 4 (30:25):
Like we got to keep every day learning, We got
to keep every day working on it.

Speaker 3 (30:29):
You know, life happens, right.

Speaker 4 (30:31):
You know, you got to catch yourself, Like you said,
you got to catch yourself before you wreck yourself. But
I think like when Carlton and I, you know, started
the company and I can get into that in the
second here. But when we started the company, I think
that's when we realized like we manifested a product out
of thin air, like like it wasn't like our background
where I was like head of sales of Lulu Lemon

or brand partnerships like Lulu Lemon or Athleta or you
know Guy or Nike Wellness or all these companies that
produce maps. And he wasn't like a chief designer at
like Nike or something. Right, it was like, you know,
we had gone to dinner July twenty nineteen.

Speaker 3 (31:13):
He was in town. I was in New.

Speaker 4 (31:15):
York and you know, we were rapping and he was
like working at FanDuel, which is the online gambling site.
You know, he was doing like CRM database marketing. And
I'm like, dude, you don't even gamble.

Speaker 3 (31:28):
Like it makes no sense to me, you know what
I'm saying, Like what is it you really want to do?

Speaker 4 (31:33):
And he was like, I really want to, you know,
figure out a way to get more people into yoga.

Speaker 3 (31:38):
Like yoga saved his life.

Speaker 4 (31:40):
Right, He had two bouts of depression and yoga is
really what inspired him to get past that. And I
with the meditation and mindfulness, you know, say hey we
should link you know, what are you thinking? And that
was when he shared with me, like the original design
for Manifest that shit. So I was like, ah cool.
I was like why I just that one design though,

and he was like, I went to this house showing
and you know, it was a little out of my range,
but he's like I walked out of there, He's like,
manifest that shit. So I was like all right, But I.

Speaker 3 (32:13):
Said, you know.

Speaker 4 (32:15):
What about you know, gratitude, peace and car Like everyone's
trying to manifest something different, right, Not everyone's on that
same energy level. And then then I said, you know,
not everyone does yoga, right, He's big yogi. But I
was like, some people meditate. I got more meditator. Some
people journals, some people hit trains. Some people read to
kind of calm their nerves and find their space. So

I was like, I think we should design dope products
and let people choose how they want to use them.

Speaker 3 (32:44):
And that's how it started.

Speaker 4 (32:46):
And then next thing, you know, like you know, he
was ordering samples and we were trying to figure out
what looks best on mats and then you know, how
to fulfill them. People order them it's not like we're
gonna ship them out of our you know, basement stuff.

Speaker 3 (33:01):
Like you know, that whole engine had to get built.

Speaker 4 (33:04):
And you know, I'm proud to say, like we are
the first and only, like mainstream company wellness brand that
you can go to and get your own customized yoga
meditation like no one, No one offers that.

Speaker 3 (33:20):
Like right now, you cannot go to Nike.

Speaker 4 (33:23):
Wellness or Athleta or Gayam or Manduka or Lulu Lemon.
You can't go to any of them and get your
own design map. Like you might be able to shift
a color scheme here and there on a couple, but
like you can't if there's something that means something to you,
like your mantra, your brand, or your purpose or what

you're striving for, or you want to you know, you
want to put a picture of board because that's where
you want to retire, or you want to get into Stanford,
Harvard or whatever whatever.

Speaker 3 (33:57):
That your north point is. You can do that with us.
You can't do that with anyone else. You can do
that with us.

Speaker 4 (34:04):
So that's like someone really proud of because it took
us the better half of September through June. You know,
it took us a better half of like nine months
to put that together. That wasn't easy.

Speaker 1 (34:18):
Well, I mean, the process in what you just described
to even get to where you guys were able to
connect with one another didn't seem easy. You battling alcoholism, him,
he's battling two bouts of depression. This seems as though
this is a perfect moment because something that you two
found healing in you decided to share it and spread
it so that others can find healing as well. And

that is phenomenal. So let's talk about it. Let's talk
about it. So, yeah, tell us about the Manifest Company.
I was looking online. I saw a couple of things
that always stood out to me. Find your space, Like
I'm like, wow, that's very important. And then the whole
idea of making self care cool as well as bringing
culture to wellness. I think some people think certain practices

are certain activities only are for a certain group of people,
are only those kind of people that do that. But
when I'm looking at the Manifest Company, I see people
that look like me, people that are into the same
thing as me. It's like, this is real life happening
with real people right now, and.

Speaker 3 (35:21):
Let's let's let's let's break it down. Let's be honest,
let's have a candid conversation.

Speaker 4 (35:25):
Right, like the yoga community, whether it was fifty sixty
years ago and started becoming like more you know, adopted
here and gratiated here in the US, And let's speak us, right,
because that's where we're living right now.

Speaker 3 (35:42):
Not as I said, right now, I guess because there
is there is, there is some manifestation going on on
my end.

Speaker 4 (35:48):
Right it has done a disservice, I think to all
of us. It's been very good to a certain particular demo,
and we all can read between the lines what the
demo is, and they have experienced great gains through it.
But when Carlton and I first sat and talked, he

was like, how do I And he was speaking.

Speaker 3 (36:14):
For himself, like how do I get more minorities into yoga?

Speaker 4 (36:19):
Like he said, yoga saved his life. Right, he's from Atlanta.
They don't now it's different. But like when he was
a kid, right.

Speaker 1 (36:25):
Like nobody was talking about sending down what's your feel
is and how you feel and being quiet?

Speaker 4 (36:32):
And I was actually gonna talk about diet at that point,
Like Atlanta is not a place that's like really focused
on you know, plant based diet or eating like there's
a lot of like fried food cholesterol issues.

Speaker 3 (36:43):
Right. Like he was like, look if I can inspire
people to get into some yoga because again, like how
I was getting off the alcohol to make sure I
can get into these rooms.

Speaker 4 (36:51):
You ain't gonna eat like a big fried meal and
then try to go do yoga like you're gonna start
preparing yourself and drink this water and eating better, eating lighter, right,
maybe some fruit and things like that. So he was like,
you know, I feel like no one's talking to like
my people, Like no one's talking to minorities, right, no
one's educating them on like yo, this is the power

of healing. Like you go in there and you're healing
your body, you're healing your mind. And so that's where
he was like, yow can how can we do this?
And it was like bring hip hop and culture and
design and color to a plain gray Matt.

Speaker 3 (37:31):
Like the MAT's been stodgy for years? Like who? First
of all, who who was the one that said yoga
needs to be playing gray?

Speaker 4 (37:39):
Like you ain't on top of an ash from praying
like that that's a big misconception of mindfulness. Mindfulness is
not necessarily like sitting and listening and doing a meditation
of like oh, you're at the ocean right, like, yo,
there's real shit going on every day, Like you got
people cutting each other off in traffic, people honking at you.

Speaker 3 (38:01):
That's where the mindfulness comes in. It's like, let me
take a breath. Let me take a breath.

Speaker 4 (38:05):
Maybe that person is bigger rush than me, you know,
let me not get through road rage.

Speaker 3 (38:10):
And I'm speaking this because I live it. I live
this right like, I go through it just like everyone else.

Speaker 4 (38:17):
But at first it was like how we also get
you know, more minorities into into yoga into mindfulness.

Speaker 3 (38:24):
And then like with my desire.

Speaker 4 (38:26):
To bring in the mindfulness component and meditation component, now
that it just became like, yo, how do we get
more people practicing self care? And there was I will admit,
don there was a selfish agenda here in one way.
If people are in a better form of themselves, they're
going to be kinder to everyone around them, which helps us.

Like I don't like going out dealing with like dickheads,
Like I just don't like It's not like I like
dealing with people when they're amped up, you know, or
just difficult to deal with, Like I'm trying to track
more energy that's kind and benevolent and patient and grace,
like I feel like we don't give each other enough grace.

Like yes, business is intent, yeah, you know, look, business
is intense. I understand, Like emotions happen and stuff, and
I'm guilty of it too.

Speaker 3 (39:20):
Sometimes I can be quick and blah.

Speaker 4 (39:22):
Blah blah, but like I'm never coming from a hurtful space,
like I'm never trying to take advantage of someone or
or you know what I'm saying, Like I'm still my
core is still sound. And so I felt like, you know,
and Carlton, you know, also felt the same, like self
care and self love starts putting people on a different path,

and then when can manifestations start happening? When you feel good,
you attract better, Right, you got the right people coming
to you, You're also giving the right energy out to
attract the right people.

Speaker 3 (39:55):
And so that's where we were like, Okay, if we're
going to.

Speaker 4 (39:59):
Have you know, love and power and gratitude and courage
and every math has a story, right, you know, I
was like every man has a story, right, Like it's
your personal math.

Speaker 3 (40:14):
It's your personal math. Every man has a story, like
what's yours? Right, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (40:20):
So I was like, that was where I was like,
if we're going to be like Manifest Gratitude.

Speaker 3 (40:24):
And Manifest Piece and Manifest like we should be the
Manifest Company. And I think, like for me, the dream
is and the vision is.

Speaker 4 (40:34):
You start seeing people posting it being like, you know,
I was down on my luck. I got a Manifest abundance, Matt,
I got three job offers last week.

Speaker 3 (40:43):
Or I was.

Speaker 4 (40:44):
Going through a really difficult love experience, you know, my
boyfriend or my girlfriend or what have you was treating
me like I didn't want to be treated and so
I had enough courage to walk away because I got
my Manifest courage meditation that or you know, I found
the love of my life or whatever, like whatever they're

trying to manifest in their life, I hope they achieve it.

Speaker 1 (41:08):
You guys are focused on your physical, your mental, and
your emotional health. And I guess that's what we constitute
as true wellness.

Speaker 3 (41:18):
Yeah, because I think that's again that's another misconception.

Speaker 4 (41:20):
People think like, oh, I went to yoga, I'm healthy,
or I went to I meditated, I'm healthy, like I
worked out today, I'm healthy.

Speaker 3 (41:26):
Nah so nah, sorry player.

Speaker 4 (41:30):
Healthy wellness is like a wheel, right, like you need
you need sunshine, like you got to get out, you know,
get some air. Right.

Speaker 3 (41:39):
Indeed, yes, yes, yes, good cats, that was when I
said it. But I laid it up perfectly, so hit
it out of the park. I love it. I love it.
So that's why you know why we designed like the
jean jackets and the beach toes. Right.

Speaker 4 (41:52):
You know, there's some plans obviously for next summer to
have like beach towel of.

Speaker 1 (41:56):
The aprons in the kitchen for food. No matter where
you are, you can tap into whatever it is that
you want to manifest. You know, here's another thing that
I want to highlight to. You were talking how just
like usually mats in the story they may have told before,
was just a plain gray matt. But we know how
powerful symbols are, how images work, and we know this.

Anybody that is successful will tell you the power of
a vision board. And it's almost like being on these mats,
like you're getting the vision of what you want. And
just when you talked about abundance like I have been
on that met heavy. I stay on that met heavy
because I was in a space of calling forth abundance
in my life in every area. It's not just financially,
but a peace of mind. We're talking about health. Things

are working in access for me, overflowing for me. And
I know myself, whether I'm in my meditation form or
stay or if I'm doing yoga, I'm breathing in these
uncomfortable positions and doing all these stretches where abundance is
staring me right in the face. So I reminded why
I'm going down this path.

Speaker 4 (43:02):
I never understood this. Why isn't someone and you can
do this with us, Why don't someone just put their
vision board on the map. You know what I'm saying, Like,
put your vision board on a map. So then that way,
when you wake up, you do your push up, set
ups or read or just stretch, like, just stretch on it.

Speaker 3 (43:21):
So it's constant immersion.

Speaker 4 (43:23):
It's just it seeps into your stream, your stream of consciousness,
and like, you know, no other way.

Speaker 1 (43:29):
That would make all the sense in the world. So
in case somebody is wondering, check out the website right now,
you are listening, go to the computer, take your phone
over there with you tied the volume and go to
the Manifest Company dot com. Yep, go to the Manifest
Company dot com and take a look at the product.
A product that's just not just to be there, to

be warned, to be set on, to be you know,
put on as a bib. You got tell us about
the products.

Speaker 3 (43:56):
Yeah, so right now we really focus it on the
map business side. That's how we started, right. Carlton and
I met in yoga, and you know I got into meditation.
So we have we got seven foot mats for those
like you probably.

Speaker 4 (44:08):
Need that if you're six two and above. We got
regular size mats. I mean, our products as good as
anyone out there, you know, Lululemon, Alo Yoga, et cetera.
It's it's more of a sleep performance mat, but sturdy enough. Obviously,
it's it's like a tank, like it's easily gonna last
you two three years, even if it's heavy use. We

got the yoga mat towels where we have six different
designs and mantras. And that's for the folks who do
like hot yoga right right, because you got to put
that on top of the mat and we got the
you know, the ones that have the little yogi toes
on it so it has a good stick, it's not
gonna slide.

Speaker 3 (44:48):
We got the.

Speaker 4 (44:48):
Aprons, we got the of an mits, and a lot
of that is because nutrition is such a major part
of health, like let's face facts, like that's probably you
know that, and sleep and hydration and probably the three
most easy components that people can handle and probably don't
do the best with. Talking about sleep. We have eyemasks,

we have a manifesto of eye masks. We do have
a pre order model. You know, beach toads and jean
jackets are jean jackets.

Speaker 3 (45:17):
You've seen them in their fire.

Speaker 1 (45:19):
You know, they're so fire about that because I remember
when we were at the restaurant eating talking about the idea,
and that's when I went to the Yoga Neser event
and I was like, Okay, now I'm so because now
not only you sharing your story of what you overcame
and overcoming, but also I saw the idea of just

having a jean jacket, a denim jacket, and I said,
this is the power of manifestation. Because I was there
when it was being talked about. His idea and maybe
there was just a one off product. And now I'm
at this event, this awesome event that was in this
pool penthouse overlooking Hollywood, and I'm like, Dawn, there is

the denim jacket, Dawn. These people are standing about what
it means to say I'm possible and even the whole
story of saying because I think oftentimes, you know, you
hear this quote that God doesn't call the qualified, he
qualifies the called, and we get so caught up of
thinking that we have to again, I'm gonna write that down.

Speaker 3 (46:26):
Do you drop it when I'm not ready? I got
a pain, I got a no point. I'm gonna write that.
God does not say that again, call.

Speaker 1 (46:34):
The qualified, He qualifies the called. Oftentimes, because we are
these spiritual beings having this human experience, we think as
though we need to have a resume of all these qualifications.
But we understand that faith isn't doing because that's where

it calls the work, and we know faith without work
is dead. Fat the same with dreams and the same
with manifestation. You have to put in the work. And
oftentimes we hear it is called sweat equity.

Speaker 4 (47:08):
Yeah, and I'll talk a little bit about that too, though,
because I feel like a lot of times I think there's.

Speaker 3 (47:13):
Some posers in the mind on this game.

Speaker 4 (47:15):
And when I say that, there's like people who think, oh, okay,
well I'm gonna manifest you know, a half a million dollars,
but I'm gonna do it right here for my couch.

Speaker 3 (47:24):
Like, if you can figure out a way to like
literally get a half.

Speaker 4 (47:27):
A million dollars to show up in your back account
just because you sit on your couch, I would love.

Speaker 3 (47:30):
For you to be my instructor and my crew because
I don't know that. I mean, you have to work.
I mean one of our one of.

Speaker 4 (47:37):
Our like seven steps is like work your ass off.
You know what I'm saying, Like you have to work
your ass off.

Speaker 3 (47:44):
You have to have faith. I mean.

Speaker 4 (47:45):
Our big thing I think that we really differ in
our philosophy is everyone says you got to get specific
on what you want, and that is true, that there's
no denying that. But what Carlton and I learned is
you gotta feel worthy. That you got to be open
to receipt if you no. But it's true, if you
don't feel that you're worth you know, a hundred million dollars.

You don't feel that you're worth a million dollars, you
don't feel that you're whatever you're trying to manifest. Like
everyone has their different range. Right, If you don't feel
that you're worth that, it ain't you ain't ever gonna
attract it.

Speaker 3 (48:16):
You ain't ever it.

Speaker 4 (48:17):
Doesn't matter because subconsciously that's what used to happen in
the corporate game. I thought I had to work so
hard to overcompensate because there was like I felt like
I wasn't worthy of that. And then when I finally
got there, I was so beat up and banged.

Speaker 3 (48:32):
Up that I couldn't hang on to it.

Speaker 4 (48:36):
But again it was subconsciously, I didn't believe I should
be sitting in those chairs being a VP at a
global company, right, And now.

Speaker 3 (48:44):
It's like, no, who was I kidding? I should be
the CEO of that company? You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (48:52):
You know what I'm saying, But that's what you And
I'm not a guy who's arroganting, cocky.

Speaker 3 (48:56):
I'm not saying I got it, like I keep that
opinion to myself. I'm saying, but I have there's confidence
in knowing I am worthy of that.

Speaker 4 (49:06):
I know I'm good enough because I worked that hard
and having more faith, yes exactly, and having more faith
and like what we're doing and what I'm doing or whatever,
and like it'll all work itself out right.

Speaker 3 (49:19):
But like that is a place that both Carlton and
I weren't at when we started this company.

Speaker 4 (49:27):
We wanted certain things, but we didn't believe we were
worthy of it.

Speaker 1 (49:32):
So now that we're talking about all this good work
that you're doing using something that has helped heal you
and now has helped in helping to heal others, I
understand that there's a percentage of every sale that goes
to various nonprofit organizations. Can you tell us about them
and what they are?

Speaker 4 (49:50):
So when we first started, we knew we weren't going
to have a big marketing budget, right, so I told Carlton,
I was like, let's you know, let's doing it some
profits to nonprofits. And you know, I said, from a
marketing perspective, it's smart, right we align ourselves to people
doing good things in the community. It's a good way

to get our name out there. And so we teamed up,
you know, with Eat, Move Meditate, who's in La here,
Amir Madison Adrian. They're great, and their big thing is
like eat. They promote like a plant based lifestyle. They're
not saying like you need to go plant based one
hundred percent of the time, but you know, start thinking

about incorporating more veggies and your fruit and your diet move.

Speaker 3 (50:37):
You got to move every day and meditate.

Speaker 4 (50:39):
They want to make you know, access to mindfulness and meditation,
you know, accessible for everyone. So they're one of our partners,
Black Boys Own, which I don't know if you're familiar
with Black Boys Own, but they're great. You know, they
teach the next wave of Black boys the importance of
yoga and meditation.

Speaker 3 (50:59):
They don't alienating against women. One of their founders is
a woman.

Speaker 4 (51:03):
But there's a sister organization called Black Girlsone, And we
had the relationship with the president of Black Boys Own.
Accessible Accessible Yoga, which is for people with like body
movement issues because they believe like yoga is for everybody,
like literally like every human body.

Speaker 3 (51:25):
And those are the three we work with the most.

Speaker 4 (51:27):
Now, you know, we do work with a couple others
here and there, depending on like the time of year
and stuff, but those are the three that we usually
work with.

Speaker 1 (51:35):
The most thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,
thank you so much. Yeah, I think that finding your space.
I feel like I'm even finding more of my space
and this conversation and I hope that whomever is listening
can definitely find their space as well. And again, can
you share where people can check out your business or

a mad perhaps if they're interested in the customeration? How
do people contact you and find more information about the Manifest.

Speaker 4 (52:04):
Yes, well we're big on Instagram, The Manifest Company dot com. Sorry,
the Manifest Company is our ig handle. The Manifest Company
dot com. All one word is where you go for us.
There is a tab for customization. It's pretty you know,
there's directions, but it's self explanatory. You can create your
own design. You can insert it image.

Speaker 3 (52:26):
You know.

Speaker 4 (52:26):
Once we get it, you know, you know, we put
it into mat format and it goes to print and
you'll get it within two to three weeks max. But
people have designed some pretty cool, pretty cool stuff.

Speaker 3 (52:40):
I mean, the only rule we have I'll be candid, like.

Speaker 4 (52:43):
If you send in something that's like loot or like
there's no porn in politics. Other than that, will pretty
much print anything else that inspires you and then our
current designs are pretty cool in and of themselves as well. Right,
So we've got current designs there, but our bigger, biggest differentiators.

Speaker 3 (53:00):
We're the only people that you can get your own customize, Matt.

Speaker 4 (53:05):
And I'm just looking forward to seeing like whether people
put like their dream vacation homes or whether they put
like their trip to board Bora or I told Carlton Man,
I was like, make me like a big giraffe mat,
like a big yellow giraffe mat, and our seven foot mats.

Speaker 3 (53:22):
I'll go into one of those yoga studios and drop
it down. That'll against some.

Speaker 4 (53:25):
Attention, right, like you know what I'm like, you know,
like for kids, like if there's some animals you love
or whatever, like you know, even if there's a superhero,
put it on a mat.

Speaker 3 (53:35):
Like I don't think Marvel's gonna come after ourself for one.

Speaker 4 (53:38):
Mat or if we get big enough and they do,
I'll deal with that problem.

Speaker 3 (53:42):
I'd love to have that problem, you know what I'm saying.
So yeah, it's just be creative, you know, put put.

Speaker 4 (53:48):
Your art on a mat, like, you know, get on it,
like work out on it. If nothing else, have something
that you're striving towards and.

Speaker 3 (53:55):
It's only going to be beneficial.

Speaker 4 (53:57):
Like I said, if you're in a better a better mood,
you're gonna help those being in better mood.

Speaker 3 (54:01):
Right, So we all win, We all.

Speaker 1 (54:03):
Win, everybody wins. So if this is you and you said, hey, down,
I'm interested in manifesting my best life, Dawn. What if
my background is and is clear and squeaky clean, like,
am I still worthy of it? I'm here to tell
you that you are. I'm here to tell you that
you have the power to manifest your best life and

it's going to require you to show up, and it's
going to take confidence with just simply knowing who you are.
And guess what on this journey of manifestation is that
you identify who you are. That's why it's called finding
your space. So have grace with yourself and know that
you can do anything that you want because the power
is you and the power is within you. Well, thank you, Saraj,

Thank you so much for joining me on this conversation.
For all of you listening, make sure you check out
the Manifest Company Atthmanifestcompany dot com and order you're at today.
Spread some love to somebody and more importantly, manifest that.

Speaker 4 (55:03):
Sat Now I'm gonna stay don We love you. You
know that we can't thank you enough for having us
as a guest. I look forward to continue watching you
shine and grow, and I just can't wait to tell
you up on those big lights and billboards.

Speaker 3 (55:16):
I hope you just don't forget us, That's all I can.

Speaker 1 (55:20):
You want me right there, because listen, I was going
to reach out to you because I had a matt
that I need to here you go. I have my
listeners like Dawn down and I was like, oh my gosh.
I couldn't believe that it didn't hit me off the
brid to be like, yo, get m but we got some.

Speaker 3 (55:34):
Sorry, that's good. All right, much love, peace, snappiness since
all your listeners.

Speaker 4 (55:38):
Thank you for tuning in, and I hope you guys
have a happy holiday season.

Speaker 3 (55:42):
We look forward to working with you.

Speaker 1 (55:44):
All right, take care.

Speaker 3 (55:45):
Now, mistake, peace, love, happiness.

Speaker 1 (55:48):
So yes, I hope you find something that you want
to manifest in your life. I hope you realize that
you are worthy because you're living life on purpose for
a purpose. And you know here on Vitamin D we
talk about how you are your greatest at so if
you'd like to be a guest, I encourage you to
shoot an email at Vitamin D as down daisbeaks dot com.
You can also check us out on all social media

at Vitamin D Dawn Day. What do I say? We
here for a good time, not a long time, so
we gotta make it count. So pull up on me
and if you want to follow me personally, you can
find me on all social media at Dawn Daispeaks. Now,
before I head out of here, you know I always
say I'm an a business of making dreams come true

and I damn She'll like, don't forget about mine. So
until next time, always remember you had your greatest sass

Speaker 2 (56:44):
Get your vitam Indy right here with me, and get
excited about your life
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