All Episodes

April 16, 2024 49 mins

Greg talks talks to Rocco Miller of about what he’s made of the recent coaching cycle, the pressure new coaches face early on, & how the offseason shapes a team’s non-conference schedule, & Greg recaps Monday’s college basketball coaching and player movement

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Podcast Highlights

10:35-Interview with Rocco Miller

36:55-Recap of Monday’s coaching and player movement

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
The moment for the Oh welcome to Mommy mas Vegas.
Pick us because seasons with myself. Creigs Peterson now part
of the Recent family and podcasts Maybe on excellent podcast
for you as we're gonna be joined in Sigma number
two by Rocke Miller. He does amazing workover at Bracketteer
dot org. They're gonna look at this great game that
we all know and love, and he's gonna be joining
to be talking about what we've seen in the coaching carousel.

We're gonna be talking as well about just how ramfunctious
this offseason is and how the transfer portal sets up
a little bit of everything out He's coaching moves, how
the coaching carousel it decides what these teams are gonna
be doing with the guards are non conference scheduling, and
he's actually some of that does help out a lot
in terms of college basketball scheduling as well. So we're
gonna be talking about that aspect of things. We're gonna

be taking a look at some moves of impact that
we've been seeing with the guards, these coaches, and some
of the approaches that we might be seeing in the
transfer portal. Along with that, a growing trend of these
players that they enter into the NBA Draft, but they
decide where they're gonna be transferring to as well. We
saw that with Jabrie Abdulla Raheem on Monday. We also
saw that with a guy like a Jordan Ivy Curry

as well, and most of these guys that they decide
where they're going to be transferring to, shock, shock, surprise, surprise.
Oftentimes they actually transfer. They don't stay in the NBA Draft.
They've seen a few exceptions, but most of these guys
they do stay in school. And when it comes to
it as well, we're gonna be talking about the role
that I said some of these teams have with regards
to both NBA Draft decisions and these guys that are

out there in the transfer portal, whether or not they
want to be all in on these guys in the draft,
if they want to cut their losses, maybe risk losing
them as well, because that's something that really does weigh
on a lot of these teams. As I'm alluding to
them just perhaps having a situation where they've got a
guy that is both in the NBA Draft and transferring
to them as well, which puts them in a little
bit of sicky spot. So we're gonna be talking about

that nuance of college basketball and segment number two with Roco,
and then in the final segment, you're gonna be getting
like twenty five plus minutes of the news and notes
that we saw in college basketball on Monday. We saw
a lot of guys come off the board. And I
will be talking with Roco as well about how much
we're going to be seeing happen when it comes to
the months of late May early June, because I do
think that that's really going to be the primetime spot

where we do see a lot of these transfer moves made,
so we're gonna be chatting with them about that. So
you've got a lot on tap for this show. This
first segment is going to be a little bit shorter,
and I've got this first segment set aside for question
So please please please, if you have a question, go
it segmat idea. What I have you for this podcast?
Do fire those in one of two ways. First one
is my Twitter sashack sideline at gene unders forty one.

Keep in mind letters him he mean does that matter? So,
as per usual, please send these into the timeline and
the other way that is bying an Apple podcast review.
If you rate this podcast five stars, it is very
much appreciated. From there, you're able to fire in whatever
you'd like to here on this podcast via that five
star review. Like you said, we've got about like twenty
six minutes of news and notes coming up. We've got
a twenty minute interview with Rocko Miller as well, So

I'm cutting this first segment short. I'm pretty much for
it to take two breaks with this long of a podcast,
so we're going to leave it right here and coming
next were are going to be talking to Rocko Miller
about what to expect this offseason. I'll also ask him
if there's a conference in general that he thinks might
be looking to recruit the Transfer Portal in a little
bit of different ways, and just in general try to
improve upon some of their weaknesses like the SEC did

with a lot of their jump shooting. That was a
big theme that we saw from them this offseason, and
a theme with Rocke Miller is great inside analysis. He
joins me next right here unto soups with myself, Gagi Speterson.
Now a part from podcast I'm Right Your Love Las

Vegas look ut the good zoops with myself. Gregis Peterson
now part of the Vson family of podcasts, and it's
always great to get this man aboard. As Rocke Miller.
It is tremendous workover at his website bracketeer dot org.
Obviously when it comes to bracketology is prime time of
year is February and March. But he's still hard at
work in April May helping out these teams set up
their non conference schedules. Shaking a look at all those

non conference schedules, says, this is going to be actually
a very busy time for that, and I know that
he's got his finger on the pulse of a little
bit of everything that's going on in college basketball. You're
able to follow Roco over on Twitter. Slash checks at
his first and last name, Rocke Miller, and then the
number eight all together in Roco Always pleased, my friend, Thank.

Speaker 2 (04:13):
You, Always a pleasure talking to you. Greg.

Speaker 3 (04:15):
How have you been here in this first week after
the season ended. I guess we're one week into the
offseason officially.

Speaker 1 (04:20):
Tell you right now I'm having some withdrawals of not
having college basketball games, but I think that's all of
us at this point, but had said at the very
least with regards to college basketball action that's happening off
the court, very very hot and heavy. We've got over
sixteen hundred players in the transfer portal. We've had one
hundred million billion coaching moves as well. And just first
question for you, it's a little bit of a broad one,

but what have you made out of this offseason where
it feels like we've seen more coaching movement really than
ever before.

Speaker 3 (04:46):
I think when we get to the total number, it's
going to be similar to what we've seen in recent years.

Speaker 2 (04:51):
Now again, I think the.

Speaker 3 (04:52):
Carrisel got a little busier than the last three or
four offseasons basically because we're fully away from any kind
of COVID interruption and we're also starting to get away
from the five year COVID cycle.

Speaker 2 (05:03):
After one more season, I think that's a good place
to start.

Speaker 3 (05:06):
And the next big thing is realignment is going to
hit college sports in a major way next year, probably
even bigger than.

Speaker 2 (05:13):
Before as we look to.

Speaker 3 (05:15):
Unfortunately for basketball, football's created a power two kind of
structure where you really see the pattern of these coaching
hires being dominated by the SEC and the big ten
being probably the best jobs that a coach could desire,
followed by some sort of Pecan order led by the
Big twelve, followed by the ACC and the Big East,
probably Big East n ACC. So that tier structure is

kind of starting to take fold in my opinion in.

Speaker 2 (05:41):
College basketball as well.

Speaker 3 (05:42):
I think that's also starting to translate over to the
nil power structure in terms of player movement. And I
don't know how much longer it will take, but we
have these leagues all going to sixteen to eighteen teams,
and it just seems like every either mid major or
somewhat near high major coach is jumping at the opportunity
to take that next leap. And then also I think
the athletic directors at the institutions where changes were made

are looking forward to that as well.

Speaker 2 (06:07):
Whether it be a guy that you might.

Speaker 3 (06:09):
Have thought was doing a good enough job to keep
his job, that exact job that coach may have had
before is in fact going to be a different job
starting next year with different levels of expectations. And so
I just think from the top down, the hierarchy of
all of college basketball is completely impacted by that, and
it has a trickle down effect into the next level
of what you might want to call mid majors, and

then down to the low majors. Everybody's got to kind
of shuffle and look out for themselves if they're in
the coaching business, whether you're in a high level assistant
coach or a really talented low major head coach. I
think more and more people are having to bet on
themselves for what their next move is, you know, just
based on the sport as a whole changing.

Speaker 1 (06:49):
Yeah, it certainly has been interesting to take a look
at all these fast risers because you were talking about
so many of these coaches, and we've seen some like
a Danny Sprinko go from Montana State and it two
years now he's the coach over at Washington. You take
a look at someone like at Josh Shurtz, he was
at the D two level not too long ago. Now
here he is coaching up Saint Lewis And what if

you made out of the It feels like fast rises
of these coaches, and it feels like teams and organizations
in the same and age they're more willing to give
a younger coach an opportunity. And it does feel like
we've seen a little bit of a changing of the
guard with the guards to these coaches in college basketball.

Speaker 3 (07:25):
I think the main pattern there is everybody just wants
to get to the NCAA tournament. If you have a
guy like a Danny Sprinkle who's going to Washington or
a Steve Watz who's going to Oklahoma State. Whereas two
years ago, those two coaches were both coaching in low
major basketball, in the Big Sky and in the Southland
Conference respectively. You know, they were two guys that were
able to prove they could get different levels of teams

to the NCUBA Tournament each year in a three year
span and really impressed deflec directors at the highest level,
mainly because they were able to put a roster together,
put a staff together in less than a calendar year,
and get them tournament level talent and able to surprise
a lot of people win their leagues. You know, whether
it's Western Kentucky just making a run at the end

of conference, you're saying, just constantly getting bag throughout the year.
Where a Utah State team who kind of took the
country by surprise from the opening tip and kind of
waltz their way into an at large bid later in
the year. I think both formulas were highly successful for those.

Speaker 2 (08:21):
Two gentlemen as a good start, and then I think, you.

Speaker 3 (08:24):
Know, athletic directors have the pressure themselves to win and win. Now,
if you can go out and find a guy that's
totally proven, they can work within this new landscape.

Speaker 2 (08:33):
Whether it's you know, the NIL component.

Speaker 3 (08:36):
Of it, it's the player acquisition, the player departures, the
player arrivals. You got to have your pulse on all
of it. You need to probably start looking at having
a GM, especially at the highest level. You've probably heard
Mark Pope talk about that during his press conference yesterday
at Kentucky. I mean, it's going to be pretty much
at the biggest level by next year or the year
after at every school, and so you need to constantly

be managing your roster looking at some type of big
man that's going to create rim protection, create high screen
and roll. A lot of these coaches are going to
modern offenses. So even just looking at mid majors, one
pattern I'm seeing greg As you look at John Jakes
at Cornell, Ethan Faulkner at Youngstown State, Matt Graves at
Indiana State. Those are three programs that decided to promote

those three guys because they like what they see.

Speaker 2 (09:21):
They like that modern offense.

Speaker 3 (09:22):
They know that those guys have worked really hard behind
the scenes to help build those programs and they want
to see it continue. I thought that was great for
those three schools to do what they did, because I
don't think the game's changing anytime soon. It's only going
to continue evolve in that manner where everybody can make threes,
you need elite rim protection, you need to have an
elite big man, and it applies to kind of every
level of the sport. And after you saw Alabama get

to a Final four this year in Natoaates's model and
him being one of the originals, I think it starts
to become more of a copycat sport even more so.

Speaker 2 (09:52):
Just very fascinating stuff.

Speaker 3 (09:54):
But the trends are kind of really showing and exposing
themselves through the different fires that you see across college
bas Yeah.

Speaker 1 (10:00):
The trends are really showing. And I'm so glad you
mentioned that because there is one trend that I'm really
picking up on. As johinmy on the show, we do
have Roco Miller, who does great workover at Bracktereer dot
Org Jeenemy right here on costco soups, and one of
those trends is we see these coaches taking these jobs
and trying to bring some of the players that were
with them at their old spot with them. We saw
this this past season with South Florida bringing in the

Kennesau guys over with Abdulah Raheem, that was massive for them.
We saw that with Austin p You saw Corey Gibson
bring over a lot of the guys from Northwestern State,
and we have yet to see overly much of that
in this cycle. Obviously, the Devirees family package over at
West Virginia is certainly one of those.

Speaker 4 (10:40):
But how do you take a look at that aspect
of things, because we did notice a few of the
Indiana State guys decided to go to Texas a few
days ago, so that's one that might not quite be
going the way of Josh Shirtz, but anticipate quite a
bit of this happening as well as offseason.

Speaker 2 (10:53):

Speaker 3 (10:53):
Yeah, and I think even the internal promotion that surprised
a lot of people was Shake.

Speaker 2 (10:57):
Diebler at Ohio State. He was able to keep one
of their key guys right out of the gate, and then.

Speaker 3 (11:02):
Also get Michi Johnson to return from South Carolina. They're
right in the mix for a bunch of very good players,
including Conwell, who's visiting there right now from Indiana State.
So unfortunately for Saint Louis and Josh Shurtz, they're not
able to pull some of these top Sycamores. Robbie a
Viola is still to be determined. I think that's a
big part of the hiring process. If you can hire
a guy that's not only going to bring his talents

and hopefully some of his staff with him, but also
bring some of their starting five kind of makes the
separation between other candidates because other candidates could be sitting
assistant coaches, they could be sitting NBA assistants, they come
from all different shapes and sizes. Could also be a
current D two coach. We're seeing that trend more and
more each cycle as well. Yeah, of course, if you
have the ability to find an Abdua Raheem type, bring

them over. West Virginia did a great job with Devrees
at least getting his son for one more year there,
and that's going to also help I think Entice a
few other kids to come and play there at a high.

Speaker 2 (11:56):
Level and ideally get them back to the tournament in
year one.

Speaker 3 (11:59):
That makes your decision a little bit easier, quite a
bit easier in fact, especially you know, based on what
we said earlier in this conversation, it's now officially a
year to year sport. It's going to be hard to
find a school that is willing to.

Speaker 2 (12:11):
Wait two to three years, especially the higher up the
chain you go.

Speaker 3 (12:15):
You know, like Ivan Thomas going to Hampton, maybe they're
okay with him taking three years to get to the tournament.
They're starting from the three hundreds and trying to work
their way up the CIA. But there's not a lot
of those anymore. After you know, what we've seen two
years ago at Southern Mississippi, what we saw last year
at SMU, you can get a team from the three
hundreds to the top seventy five with a couple of

portal moves and maybe a couple of staff changes. So
that's now maybe an unrealistic expectation because obviously the numbers
say two hundred and fifty teams are going to fail,
but there's still going to be some success stories, and
that's what everybody's chasing.

Speaker 1 (12:50):
Yep, absolutely, that is what everyone's chasing. And on this podcast,
we're always chasing great guests, and we've got that with
Rocko Miller, and I do think that it is so
interesting to be able to dive in on that front because,
as it is, been a trend that we have been
seeing very much in college basketball over the last few
seasons as well. But as we know, there's going to
be a lot of decision making that happens with the
NBA Draft as well. And how much do you take

a look at the transfer portal sort of process right
now and realize, hey, maybe in a month or two
is when things are really going to get hot and heavy.
Because I just take a look at the portal right
now as I refresh verbal commits, there's over sixteen, one
hundred and fifty players in the transfer portal, and though
there are going to be a few guys that come
off the board in the next few days, I just
take a look at things, and I really take a

look at these calendar itself. I think late May, early
June is when we're going to be seeing a lot
of this.

Speaker 3 (13:36):
Action, you know, I think coaches are going to have
to hedge their bets, you know, assuming of course, starting
at the highest level, where they're going to be guys
that enter both the NBA Draft and the transfer portal
at the same time.

Speaker 1 (13:47):
Some guys actually decide on the school that they're going
to and then enter the NBA Draft.

Speaker 3 (13:51):
Yeah, so today we saw Jabira abdur Raheem transfer from
Georgia and commit to Providence. That actually happened earlier, but
when he initially announced, he said he was already entering
the NBA draft process. So we're going to have quite
a few of these guys as we did last year
and previous years, since this whole portal process plus NBA
draft process plays out simultaneously.

Speaker 2 (14:11):
I think if you're at the school.

Speaker 3 (14:12):
That the kids committing to, let's say it's Providence in
this example, you're going to have to head your bets
a little bit.

Speaker 4 (14:17):

Speaker 3 (14:17):
You don't want to take three or four of these
guys and to have you know, two or three of them,
or god forbid, all four of them go to the draft,
because then you have to start all over and there'll
be nothing left from the portal.

Speaker 2 (14:27):
You got to be careful with it.

Speaker 3 (14:28):
But you know, depending on where you're at in your
roster construction process, perhaps you already have solid pieces you
feel good about. Why don't we take a chance on
a couple of these guys just in case they don't
get the NBA evaluation that they're hoping for, which, by
the way, I think out of last year something around
two hundred and fifty or so, I could be off
by a little bit.

Speaker 2 (14:45):
It was in the two hundreds.

Speaker 3 (14:46):
I remember early entrant started the process, and by the
time we got to the end, I think around one
hundred stayed in. So you have a little bit better
than fifty percent chant that the kid will come back
to college at this point. Plus, if you're at a
big East school or higher, probably offering a decent chunk
of NIL money as well, So it makes their decision
easier than ever.

Speaker 2 (15:05):
And now to return to school, it's the more risk
averse decision.

Speaker 3 (15:09):
Of course, it's risky when you go pro because then
you don't know where you're going to land, and if
you're not getting the evaluation you want, the college decision
is the safe landing spot. So from that sad point,
I think it's really good for college basketball. I think
a lot of these guys will end up back in college,
especially the ones that aren't sure or you're not seeing
in any mock drafts right now.

Speaker 2 (15:26):
So I think it will pan out.

Speaker 3 (15:27):
But I think you also, like I said earlier, you
have to be very careful as a coach to not
take too many.

Speaker 2 (15:33):
Of these guys and then get burned in a couple months.

Speaker 1 (15:36):
Yeah. Absolutely, And I do think that that's such a
fine balance for these coaches. If you do go all
in a guy that is in the NBA draft process
and they decide to leave, well, then you're left holding
the bag and like June, Joe, why and you're trying
to get someone at the last minute, And we have
seen a lot of the situations not pan out. Even
if you get a guy that you want, they're a

little bit behind the eight ball. They don't recognize the
system as well. So that is certainly something that I'm
going to be watching out for moving forward. And I
do think that they are some of the biggest guys
of intrigue when it comes to this process and just
when it comes to taking a look at the transfer
portal and when it comes to all these guys that
are going to be moving around. Just do you think
that there might be a conference or two that is

going to be perhaps going in a little bit of
different direction. And by this, I mean we saw this
with the SEC last year. They looked themselves in the
mirror and they said, we don't have any jump shooting whatsoever.
And you see school like Tennessee bringing Dalton connect Alabama
was already bringing in shooting, but we saw like Florida
bringing Walter Clayton guys like this. Do you think that
there might be a conference that had a little bit

of a rough go of at this past tournament that decided,
you know what, maybe we'll decide to bring in a
little bit of a different breed of guys this season.

Speaker 2 (16:43):
I think it's a little early to say. I have
to kind of wait and see how rosters materialize.

Speaker 3 (16:48):
We're getting clues here and there, as you know, you
see Aaron Bradshaw comes over to Ohio State from Kentucky,
Michie Johnson coming in, that should help their shooting. I
would think the Big Tens the league that could maybe
be a little bit more offensive.

Speaker 2 (17:01):
I think Big Ten's got a.

Speaker 3 (17:02):
Bad rap over the years, even though they send a
lot of teams to the tournament.

Speaker 2 (17:06):
Of course, of being more of a defensive kind of
a tough league to watch.

Speaker 3 (17:11):
It's officiated a little bit differently, as is the Big East.
The SEC got pretty fun this last year, as you
saw with Arkansas, Kentucky going to in Florida and a
bunch of those teams playing multiple games into the hundreds
and regulation. I think that's the trend you're going to
continue seeing. And I think that's for two reasons. One,
because I think players themselves are becoming more and more consistent,

especially if you're able to pull the diamonds in the
rough out of mid major balling up to the higher level,
which is basically how Alabama was built, you'll see more
and more schools do what they've done. And then also,
I think the thing is is if you're constantly starting
fresh with a new roster year after year, even if
it's the same coaching staff, the easiest way to implement
a new system is to go to more of a

five out systematic model that's easy to teach. You're not
going to have a bunch of growing pains in November
and December because you quite simply can't afford those growing
pains nowadays.

Speaker 2 (18:05):
Because it could ruin your resumes to the point where
you can't make up for it later in the year.

Speaker 3 (18:08):
Like that's probably something in South Florida might wish they
changed last year. Maybe there's nothing they could have done
about it, but they took two brutal losses, and then
although they looked like in that large team for much
of January and February, they were kind of already played
themselves out of the mix. I think the system has
to be able to fit a one year model, and
I think some of the coaches were ahead of the
curve who have done that in the last season, in

the previous season, and you just think you're going to
continue to see more and more of that because you
can't over complicate things anymore with such a short amount
of time with these guys.

Speaker 1 (18:38):
Yeah. Absolutely, And I do think that it's going to
be so interesting to see how so many DC attacked
the transfer portal. We just kept down the nets a
week ago. So there's a lot of teams trying to
retool for what we're going to be getting in the
twenty twenty four to twenty five campaign. But as you know,
it's never too early to take a look at scheduling
as well, and how much of what happens the next
few weeks does go into the schedules that we are

going to be seeing when it comes to the non
conference portion of part of things, because I know that
you do a great job of meeting up with these
teams and just what do you look for in general
to determine whether or not a team is going to
be a contender a pretender, and how these teams should
be really focusing on their non conference schedule, because I
think that it's a fine balance for these teams in general,
but when one that is very, very difficult to reach.

Speaker 3 (19:22):
It's a situation where it all goes hand in hand
with both the coaching carousel and the roster changes. So
scheduling is right up there in level of importance.

Speaker 2 (19:31):
A lot of the.

Speaker 3 (19:31):
Major schools, as you've seen in the last year and
a few years, they've agreed upon a few early games
that are slowly being announced or maybe you're already.

Speaker 2 (19:39):
Aware of that's a carryover from last year.

Speaker 3 (19:42):
For example, you know, Yukonning and Zaga came together for
a two year package, so they'll get to play each
other again in Madison Square Garden this year. You're starting
to see some announcements. Texas Ohio State will open the
season in Las Vegas, and that will be part of
an event we'll have all Power six level schools. I
guess we're down to Power five now without the Pack,
but in that event and so some of those events

are already signed and agreed to. But a lot of
the teams that really really want to go after scheduling
are kind of waiting in the weeds as we speak
to a make sure their players aren't going to bolt
on them before they agree to a tough schedule and
be kind of wait for you know, which Power teams
they can actually get to agree to play. The teams
are going to see, not how the strongest schedules are

going to be probably the teams that just hired a
new staff, like maybe a Kyle Smith at Stanford. I
know they're working on maybe one or two tough games,
but I think you'll see them have a lot of
home games, especially with their situation going to the ACC
and having big travel starting in January.

Speaker 2 (20:39):
They're not wanting to go very far.

Speaker 3 (20:40):
But that's a team where so far they basically just
have a bunch of home games against winnable opponents, and
they're going to try to rebuild that culture into a
winning culture, and Kyle knows what he's doing, so I
wouldn't expect much from a team like that. It varies
across the board, but once a team starts feeling a
lot better and more confident about their roster, that's when
my phone typically starts ringing a lot to get them
games or to see what's left or who's willing to

play and what arena can we get the game in.
That's where things get really fun. So we're not quite
there yet unless it's a couple of vary established teams.
But but what I've found here in these last couple
of weeks at the start of the process is that most.

Speaker 2 (21:15):
Of those games are already determined and committed to.

Speaker 3 (21:18):
So we're a little bit ahead of schedule comitted last year,
which I'm excited about. But I think we're going to
go into a little bit of a freeze until the
portal calms down.

Speaker 2 (21:25):
And a lot of commitments come out.

Speaker 1 (21:27):
You have no doubt about it. Just a weaker move
from Yukon being able to win the title. There's going
to be a lot of retooling these next few weeks.
But as we know, championship teams. They're not built on
the fly in October. They're built right now, and it
is very important to be taking a look at all
this in ROCO. I know that you're doing an amazing
job of it, and you're going to be helping out
a lot of these teams. Y'all will set up their

non conference schedules. Y'all try to put them in the
best position emily be possible to perhaps get one of
those that large bids. Hopefully we won't have one hundred
million million teams steal bits past like this past season.
But and zeb made for a very interesting gain tournament.
And I know you're hard at work just taking a
look at this great game that we all know in love.
So we'll love to get people to them. No, it's
all on tap for you and how people are able

to fall on on social media and other platforms.

Speaker 3 (22:09):
Yeah, thanks Greg so at Rocko miller e is my
handle on Twitter. Follow along for any and all updates.
I'm also just reposting a ton of transfer commitments. Hopefully
not overwhelming anybody with that, but it's very important to
what next year is going to begin to look like.
I have a few different articles coming out on bracketeer
dot org in the next few weeks look ahead stuff
and some synopsis from last year, so hopefully if you

find that interesting you'll take a look at those. Lastly,
the non conference schedule pages per conference will begin with
Big ten and the SEC, and then we'll go on
to the Big twelve. Those will hopefully be starting to
appear live on your end of things beginning May first,
so a lot of efforts going into that as well.
Some of the schools we're still waiting on responses for,
so we don't want to put those fully up until

we at least have a good amount of data on
each team. Don't expect too much longer on that, and
then we'll work our way all the way through each
of the thirty two leagues throughout the summer and that
will help puzzle together, which doesn't end until really September
these days, which is kind of crazy.

Speaker 2 (23:07):
But otherwise, yeah, I appreciate it. Bracket cheered out org
is the place to find all.

Speaker 1 (23:11):
Of that, absolutely, and our good friend Rocco does such
a great job. Take a look at this awesome game
of college basketball all twelve months out of the year,
and he's going to be helping so many of these
teams try to be able to build their resume for
March with regards to these non conference games, and he
is really the scheduling guru when it comes to college basketball.
So big cakes Rocco for joining me on because he's
now part of the Vson Family podcasts and coming next.

We saw a lot of player moving in college basketball
on Monday. I'll give you a recap of it next,
Emma Land, you're a little in Las Vegas for because
seats with myself Greig ets Peterson now part of the
Vcon family and podcasts. It is always great to be

joined by Rocko Miller. He does such an amazing job
taking a look at this great game that we all
know in love of college basket ball. I don't think
a lot of people know this, but behind the scenes
he actually does help a lot of these teams with
regards to her scheduling, with regards to just being able
to set up things for the season. He just absolutely
loves this game of college basketball. He's a tremendous bracketologist

and he's just a tremendous person that we have in
this field in general. So big thanks to Rocco for
joining me in last segment. Now it is that time
the podcast that I give you a recap of all
the news and notes that we saw in college basketball Monday,
we saw a few guys a player for the NBA Draft,
and there is not a lot of surprise with regards
to some of these declarations. As Jacobi Walter, he was

over at Baylor this last season was her top score
and he was decided that he is going to be
entering into the transfer portal. And personally, maybe it's just
me feel like he's going to be a little bit
better at the NBA level than he was in college.
I need was the Big twelve rookie of the year everything,
fourteen and a half points, four and a half boards,
but did feel like when it came to Baylor sometimes
he just got a little bit shot at me. In general,
I think that he's going to be tremendous at the

next level, but I do think that for Baylor it
was a case where sometimes he offensive revolve a little
bit too much around him and not out about it.
He was a rock solid player, but I do think
that Scot drew after he decided that he is going
to be sticking around town he's going to be able
to do a lot with this team in general, and
we did see DJ Wagner he has decided that he's
going to enter into the transfer portal. A little bit

surprised that he has yet to enter into the NBA draft.
He could be one of these guys that is both
in the draft in and the transfer portal. But last
season solid over at Kentucky. You expected more out of him.
He had ten points, three point three assist per contest.
Former like top twenty five recruit, this is a guy
that was very much solid after by oh so many.
So we shall see what is going to be happening
on that front. But no question about it, there's going

to be probably three hundred and sixty two D one teams.
I would like to have them on their team. And
Terry Sunter is also now in the transfer portal as well.
Three Sonner rock solid year this past season over at Texas.
I don't been a lot of the struggles that Texas
had on him. Did a nice job playing alongside Max Asmis,
gave out forces three rebounds, eleven points per contest, and
has become a better three point shooter in his first

year at I always say, he only shot about twenty seven
a half percent for distance this year, shot about thirty
four and a half percent or so from three point range.
He was able to give the team about one point
three seals per contest as well. So I do like
when he's able to bring to the table and going
to be interesting to see where he ends up. We
know where this man is gonna end up, though that'd
be Connor. Hickman decided that he is going to be
going to Cincinnati, so yes, he is on to Cincinnati

and was very rock solid at Baylor last season. For Hickman,
I don't know if he's necessarily gonna do one thing great,
but you know that he's gonna do a lot relatively solid.
He was able to give Bradley fourteen and a half
points three assists on forty percent three point shooting. Stands
right in the neighbor about six foot three, so he's
got relatively give versatility. I think that Wes Miller is
going to be able to do a really good job

with him, and I do think that he's going to
be able to make a very big impact. It's going
to be interesting to see the impact of this man.
Jaden Henley he was over at De Paul this last season,
and as we know, for De Paul it was not great,
to say the least, but he has decided that he
is going to be transferring it over to UNLVN. For
you and a V they've had a lot of transfers
on paper that just haven't panned out. And for Henley,

he actually began his career at Minnesota before transferring going
over to Depaulitis. So this is school number three and
three seasons and when was that Minnesota shot about thirty
seven and a half percent from three part range, registered
about five and a half points per contest. This past
season averaged more like eight and a half points per
game and nearly a seal per contest, but only shot
about twenty seven percent from three partrange. It was just
a rudderless and sad system in general that DePaul ran.

So I don't necessarily pin at all on him, but
he has decided where he is going to be going,
and I do think that that's going to be a
celigate for unlv But once again, can they do a
lot with these transfers is a question. Rollie Wister, he
has decided that he is going to be entering in
the transfer portal missed the second half of the season
at Utah after he was a good facilitator for them.
Now Davion Smith really still is thunder as he was

much better just in general, So something that you do
want to be looking up for. But that said, he
was able to put up ten points generated this seal
and a half, five and a half assists, four boards
per contests. Not really got that's going to light it
up from three part range, but does have himself a
nice overall game. So I do think that there's going
to be a lot of schools out there that want
a guy that started at the point guard spot for
four seasons, and there were schools I wanted this band

Ronnie Brown over at Virginia Tech six with six little
bit of a combo player last season that as at
Virginia Tech was just a designated shooter, shot about forty
percent from three par range, three and a half points
and assists per contest. This is going to be a
solid get for Callen what they're going to be looking
to build under Mark Madson. I have full faith in
Mats and is going to be able to turn things
around at cal does take a lot of time, as
this was one of the settest programs in all of

college basketball prior to him taking the job. So it's
going to be very interesting to see what happens on
that front end. I do think that this is going
to be a big impact. Get As for Kent State,
he could tell that the drop off with them not
having sincere carry in the fold last season, that was
big for them, and I think that this guy could
be able to fill those shoes. Sion Medley, he was
over at Saint Louis's last season. Didn't score a lot,

but he was a good defender. One of the only
guys for Saint Louis that defended. Give me about a
seal per contest throughout their forces four and a half
points per contest. He shot about thirty six percent from
three parts. He's heading on over to Kent State. This
is one of those very under the radar transfers that
I think is going to have a big impact. I
think that this is going to be absolutely massive for them.
So I do like that pickup. And this is a name.

Lamar odin junior, he was over at Drexel this last season,
really didn't put up massive numbers at all, but for
Odin Jr. He has decided that he is going to
be adding on over to Charleston Southern. He's going to
be playing for Sad Nimleyan for Odin Junior, it's going
to be really interesting to see what he's going to
be able to provide moving forward. And it's Odin, not
ode On. So I just want to make that clear

because this is not the son of the NBA player
or anything like that. But while he's over at Drexel
this past season, was able to register about five points
per contest, fall from what he did T seasons ago.
T seasons ago more like eight and a half points, five
and a half boards. Was really able to put in
there a nice performance as a six or six, a
little bit of a do it all player for Drexel.
One lea better defenses in all of college basketball, and

that's something that is very much been a looting Charleston Southern.
So I do think that he's going to be able
to come in right away and be able to give
this team a nice little bit of an impact. As
I think that this gentleman is going to as well.
Don Trees Giles, he has decided that he's going to
be entering into the transfer portal, a former four star
recruit was able to log about twelve and a half points,
five point eight rebounds per game six to six. Really
do it all sort of player needs to work out

his defense. Was part of a Georgetown team that this
past season played absolutely no defense whatsoever, and as we know,
while he was over at un See, the defense was
leaving a little bit of something to be desired as well.
But a nice go to score, that's it. Will Poppet
relatively saw it from three part range as well, So
I do think that that is going to be a
relatively good pickup for who is ever going to be
able to lay in him. And this is a relatively

solid pickup as well. Zen Key is heading on over
to Dayton, and my goodness, this Stayton program has been
able to bring in better and better transfers every single year.
Key last season did experience a little bit of a
fault in Ohio State, and you have to think that
he was someone that felt like he probably wasn't going
to be getting a lot of minutes with a Bradshaw
decide that he's going to be going on over to
the Ohio State University that is absolutely massive for Ohio State.

North of seven feet tall. He disabled pop threes, has
really good versatility, disable man things down and low and
for Key he was during the twenty twenty one, twenty
two and twenty two twenty three seasons a starter at
his best year during the twenty two to twenty three
campaign ten and a half points, seven and a half
boards a block per contest. Not necessarily going to go
out there on pop threes, but this past season that
dropped to about six half points per contest. But losing

de Ron Holmes, most likely losing Nate Santos, they did
need to just be able to retool in general, and
this is a very good way for Dayton to be
able to do so. That is going to be massive
out there in the Atlantic ten and since here Harris
he was able to average about three and a half
points per contest for Illinois this past season. Not honestly
the world's greatest three point shooter. He has decided that
he is going to be entering into the transfer portal,

so we shall see what his prospects are going to be.
Cam Corn, he was over at Florida State this past season.
He's another guy that is going to be transferring within
the conference. He has decide that he is going to
be heading on over to Pittsburgh and for Koran. Last season,
he was one of the few players for Florida State
that was able to be relatively consistent and put up
some good numbers. Signed and a half points per contest,
gave the team four boards. Would like to see him

have a little bit more range, if not really going
to be too much of a shop blocker. At six
foot ten, He's not a guy that shoots threes. He's
not necessarily the world's greatest for him protector, so to
have a few question marks there, But all in all,
I do think that he's going to be able to
go into Pittsburgh, and I do think that he's going
to be able to make a nice impact for a
Pittsburgh team that has been playing a little bit of
a slower tempo here in recent years. I was talking
about cal a little bit before they got another addition

in the fact that bj Oman is going to be
coming over. So you get a nice shirt shooter from
Virginia Tech that you can mold into your own. And
bj Oma was one of the most well rounded players
at the mid major level last season sixteen and a
half points, four point two boards for a North Dakota
team that was vastly improved on defense this past season,
was able to give the team a block per contest,
only shot about twenty eight and a half percent from
three part range at six foot eight. But he's got

a nice skill set. I absolutely love what he's able
to bring to the table. So that is going to
be a big one as well. And then we did
see Tray Bonham decide that he is going to be
entering into the transfer portal. He was playing at Chattanooga
this past season, logging about sixteen points per contest. And
for Trey Bonham, he spent a year at Florida and
he saw a little bit of run while he was
over at Florida as well, So it's going to be

really interesting to see what his prospects are. And for Bonham,
he was another one of those guys that was a
two time transfer, was left out to begin the season.
He had to sit out about ten or so games
before he was really able to make his impact. Also
gave the team five boards three and halfphicis per contest
while shooting forty one half percent from three points a
two time All So Cam player, So I do think
that he's going to be able to come in right

away and is going to be able to make a
very nice impact. You've also got Tony Perkins, who he
made his decision known that he is going to be
transferring out over to Missouri. For Missouri, they won as
many games as myself in the SEC this past season.
But I do think that this is going to be
a cell gift for them. Fourteen points, four and a
half boards, four and emphasis per contest. Not a guy
that's going to light it up from three last year
shout about thirty percent for three career, about thirty one

a half percent three point shooter. But if Tony Perkins
can decide to buy in a little bit to As
for Missouri, they were not great on the defensive side
this past season. They were very much a team that
when they had success two seasons ago, they would gamble
for and they would get turnovers. So I do think
that they're going to need to do a little bit
more of that moving forward. If he's able to have
some active hands, I do think that that is going
to be a big pickup for that Dennis Gate system.

This is a big pickup for UAB. They've done a
nice job hitting the transfer portal in recent years, and
Tyram Moore he's going to look to give UAB more.
He's coming over from Georgia Southern, no doubt, some familiarity
there as Georgia Southern was competing out there in the
Sun Belt and for tyr Moore, he was able to
supply seventeen points three assists per contest for Georgia Southern
this past season. He shot also forty percent for three,

which considering he was a go to option for a
Georgia Southern team that absolutely sucked and they knew that
the ball was going to be going to them, this
is a very very good get for them. So I
really do like what they're going to be able to
build there, and I think that he's going to go
to UAB and instantly become a go to guy. Tristan Maxwell,
he has entered in the transfer portal. He was playing
this past season over at Hampton and the rebuild over

at Hampton after they had a coaching regime change in
the offseason, that is going to be very very prevalent.
By the way, something that we were talking about with
our good friend Rocko Miller. Haven't seen a lot of
guys follow their coach yet in the transfer portal. We
shall see if we're going to be getting a little
bit more of that moving forward. But for Maxville, two
seasons ago he was over at Georgia Tech, and for
his career at Georgia Tech was about a four point

per game score, so and he proved that he can
do something at the ACC level, just wasn't a fit
at Hampton. Six a half points, two and a half
of sis per contest for a Hampton team that quite frankly,
it was a bunch of just misfit pieces, I think
is the best way of putting it. So we shall
see what happens on that front. And then you did
see Andrew Carr decide that he is going to be
entering in the transfer portal. Carr was tremendous with just

being able to step the satchy. A season ago he
was able to pop threes at about six foot ten,
so he's got a really nice skill set there. Thirteen
and a half points, six a half boards on thirty
three point shooting for a week for a team that
their defense in recent years has left a little bit
of something to be desired, but that offense, it certainly
has been good and rock solid. And then you did
see Kurt Lewis, he was playing over at Missouri this

past season, he decided that he is going to be
transferring on over to Etsu. Lewis really didn't do a
whole lot while I was over at Missouri. He was
at Eastern Kentucky to begin his career. While he was
at Eastern Kentucky before dropping it down to John A.
Logan College, which has really provided a lot of good
talent in general. I still remember you did see Jay
Scrobe actually go immediately pretty much from John A. Logan

into the NBA. I do think that this is going
to be a nice get. He just couldn't find his way.
Kurt Lewis was like a top ten junior college transfer,
and while he was at Eastern Kentucky for two seasons,
he put up ten and a half points. He was stirred,
shot in the mid thirties from three point range, generating
nearly a seial and a half per contest. I just
have no idea what happened with Missouri last season, but
they couldn't find a way to be able to get

Kurt Lewis out there on the floor, so going to
be very interesting to see what happens here. But I
do think that this is going to be a great
landing spot for him out there in the Sookon, and
he should be able to go out there and should
be able to completely dominate. I also want to be
taking a look at some of these non one guys
as well. George Kimball, he was over at Eckerd College.
He was pretty much one of the best freshmen at
the D two level last season, averaged nearly twenty points

four and a half of cist per contest over in
the Sunshine State Conference. And he has decided that he's
going to be heading out over to Eastern Kentucky. As
I was alluding to, they plucked out Kurt Lewis a
few seasons ago. I think that this is going to
be a very nice gift for them, and I do
think that they are going to do a nice job
of retooling. And I like the colleges that are at
the lower level that are trying to get a little

bit more creative find these two guys. Oftentimes it does
lead to quite a bit of success. Jamie Kaiser, he's
going to be looking to rebuild his rep after a
season ago he entered as a top one and recruit
into Maryland and just did absolutely nothing whatsoever. And he
has decided that he is going to be transferring on
over to Butler. Jimmie Kaiser this past year four and
a half points per contest from three parts, he shot

twenty six a percent per distance. He was just a
complete liability in general for Maryland, that's not tremendous. So
Butler does have their work cutout for them. But if
he's willing to grow, if he's willing to improve, I
do think that that is going to be a solid
gift for them. You saw Montitas Mulcucus. He was over
at UCF Central Florida, just did not see a lot
of playing time whatsoever. He has decided that he is

going to be going to incarnate word. I know that
he's a little bit of a foreign product. Was a
part of a NBA academy and he was averaging right
around about fifteen points per contest as a part of
the NBA Academy. Going to be interesting to see his
skill set. He's a little bit of a six 't
seven wing and that's the sort of things that incarnate
word need to do. They need to be getting creative
and they are certainly doing that. About this big pickup

for ole Miss, says they're going to be bringing in
Elika Dia was over at Belmont this last season and
he's not going to be any sort of a rim
protector or anything like that. And Chris Beard godn't need
to preach a little bit more defense as ole Miss
last season was actually a pretty solid offense, couldn't really
give you a lot on e But for Dia, he
stands right around six foot nine, seventeen points, five and
a half boards, thirty four percent three point shooter. If

Chris Beard can get him to play a little bit
of defense, this is going to be a massive gift
for them. Is a guy that is absolutely textbook perfect
for this system. So I do think that Chris Beard
doing a good job and be able to find some talent.
And we were alluding to this one a little bit
before with Rocko Miller Debris Abdulla Raheem. He has decided
that he is going to enter into the NBA Draft,
but as already decided that he's going to be transferring

to Providence, and typically when you see a guy both
enter into the NBA Draft and decide where he's going
to be transferring to he's going to be transferring. We
typically don't see a lot of these guys actually stay
in the NBA Draft. But that said, for Abdulla Raheem,
he has a six point eight combo player. Last season
or right, Georgia was one of their top scores. He
was able to fly about twelve and a half points
per contest. Needs to be a little bit more of

a well rounded player, as he really didn't give you
a ton on the defensive side of things or anything
like that. But I said he was able to haul
in there at round about three and a half rebounds
per contest, shot thirty six percent from three point range.
So Providence is going to be getting a relative we
saw get there, and I don't expect him to actually
be staying out there in the NBA Draft as well. CJ. Jones,
he was playing over for u C aka the Flames

of Illinois Chicago. He has decided that he's going to
be transferring on over to Kansas State, and good to
see Kansas State jumping into the transfer portal a little
bit earlier. I think that they maybe learned that a
that lightning in a bottle when they were able to
get so many of the late transfers during the two
thousand and twenty two to twenty three season, that's probably
not something that's going to be overly sustainable moving forward.
And they jump in a little bit earlier this offseason.

And I do think that getting a guy in Jones
who was able to give fourteen and a half points
five assists per contest to his team out there in
the Missouri Valley Conference is going to be relatively solid.
I would say that this is probably not gonna be
a guy that's going to be like some sort of
a tough light sert or anything like that. But that said,
this is a relatively good pickup for them. This is
a good pickup for Akron as well. Akron has had
like three pickups here in the last forty eight to

seventy two hours. But they're going to be bringing in
Josiah Harris. Harris was able to log about five points
four rebounds per contest for West Virginia last season, and
two seasons ago he had won the best assistant turnover
ratios in all of college basketball. Now granded you didn't
give out a whole lot of assists in general. But
guy that's relatively widely with the ball, doesn't have great size,
but he's got relatively okay size, and I think that

he's gonna be able to help out an Accron team
that they're really putting together a nice little roster right
now for Akron. They get this pick up. Along with that,
they get another gentleman from West Virginia and Seth Wilson,
James Kunkwole. I believe that he began his career at
West Virginia, if I'm not mistaken, as well, was at
North Carolina this last season. So it's becoming West Virginia Midwest.

And I do think that that's actually a very good thing.
When you're able to get these sorts of transfers have
already played with one another. That's gonna be big. I
U p U y A k e e pee weee.
They are going to be losing Vincent Brady the second
he is decided that he's going to be going to
Missouri State. Average nine points about a seal per contest
this past season, while it was over at ie p
Uy two seasons ago, was actually a relatively solid three

point yer for i apuy I dropped to about thirty
percent this past season as everyone for Iapui was just
not great in general. So he's decided that he is
going to be heading out over to Missouri State and
for Missouri State to hire back on Conzo Martin this offseason,
who had a lot of success there many years ago.
I have my question marks as to whether or not
it's going to be working out quite the same this
time around, and for the more at State transfer and

any ricks the third he has decided that he's going
to be adding on over to James Madison as a
true freshman. Last year, he made a nice impact at
six with seven seven a half points, five and a
half boards. Not necessary guy that's going to pop a
lot of threes, but when he did pop up, he
shot about thirty one percent from this and some that's
going to be a gentleman of impact. A few guys
that decided that they were going to be entering into
the transfer portal. kJ o'do odour was someone that did

not see a whole like a lot of minutes for
Central Michigan. Meanwhile, Michael Avrau, he was last season over
at Siena five and a half points, five and a
half rebounds per contest as a relatively solid size. Going
to be interesting to see where those guys end up.
And he also did see Jack Scott who was happening
about two and a half points, two and a half
boards for a Princeton team that they just had not
necessarily a lot of depth whatsoever. They decided to not

use their bench whatsoever. He's decided that he's checking his options.
He has decided that he is going to be entering
into the transfer portal as well. And then you've got
Carlos Stewart who has decided that he is going to
be transferring back to Santa Clara. So the long winding
road of Carlos Stewart leads him back to Santa Clair
where he was just a few seasons ago. For Stuart
just didn't see a lot of playing time this last

season over at all, See averaged about four and a
half points on twenty seven percent three point shooting after
he for Santa Clara during the twenty twenty two to
twenty three campaign was a starter fifteen points, two point
three assists, shoots forty percent from three point enge and
this is becoming just more and more of a trend
in general. These guys that they transfer away from a program,
they don't like what they get at the new school

that they go to, they decide, Hey, you want me back,
and typically they say yes. So that is going to
be a reuniting that I think is going to work
out very well for all parties. JJ Trainor he was
over at Louisville this past season, played just eight games,
and when he was out there on the court, he
was able to make an impact. He log ten points
per contest, shot about thirty one percent for three. He's
heading on over to to Paul And it's going to

be very fascinating to take a look at this fall
team because I do think that when it comes to
having on Chris Holtman, it's better than what they had before.
I'm not necessarily the biggest stand for Chris Holtman or
anything like that, but I certainly don't think that he
can get any worse. And they brought in guys that
are just a little bit of cast offs, like CJ.
Gunn Is coming over from Indiana. They're bringing in Cooper

Enwright who was over at Drake, who was an okay facilitator.
But I'm looking at this roster, I'm not sure how
they're going to compete in the Big East. Isaiah Rivera
is a nice three point twoter that was over at
U I see Illinois Chicago, and they bring a NJ.
Benson who had a few rebounds at Missouri State. I
just don't know they're gonna be able to compete. That's
just me, So we shall see what happens there. Jill Mitchell,

he was a relatively solid player over at Texas. He
has decided that he is going to be entering in
the transfer portal line. For Mitchell, he was able to
put up some relatively nice numbers this past season. He
was able to log for the old Texas long words,
see most rebounds of anyone on the roster. As for Mitchell,
he was able to pull in there right in the
neighborhood of about seven and a half boards to go
along with this nine and a half points per game.
Not necessarily guy that would give you like a lot

of facilitation, will not be able to just step out
there and shoot a bunch of threes or anything like that.
But a rock solid low post player. So I think
that that's going to be of significance for them. And
then we did see Gyard Davis decide that he's heading
on over to de from Delaware and he's going to
be going to Syracuse. For Davis, he was a nice
impact guy this past season over at Delaware. He went
from being a little bit more of a number two

option to being the main man, and he took over
that mantle very well, seventeen and a half points, seven
a half boards to an halfsis as a six foot seven,
do it all player. Now he's not really a good
three point shooter, but for Syracuse, they did a nice
job generating turnovers this past season for his career, averaging
about aco per contest. So we shall see what happens
on that front, but not out about it. That's going
to be of a little bit of impact. Big Z

is a vere he ceased Sophy has said that correctly.
He has decided that he's going to be following his coach,
John Caliperry on over to Arkansas. At seven foot two,
he stable pop threes, will give you a little bit
over a blackbird contest, was logging right around about five
and a half points per game. He must love what
John Calipari was given to him last season because he
is a signed that he's going to be following him

would have been very interesting to see what he could
have done in that Mark Pope system, by the way,
But that said, I do think that this is going
to be a case where with him following John Caliperry,
he's probably going to be a main focal piece for
Arkansas this season. I think that if John Calla Perry
can coach him right man, we are looking at a
juggernaut in college basketball. And as we see one guy,
say in the SEC, this guy might be departing at

Sam Walter's six foot ten freshman who logged about five
and a half points per contest and shot thirty nine
percent from three. He's out there in the transfer portal
that should be someone. Then a lot of teams are
going to be after. He's got a nice little skill set.
So we shall see what happens on that front. And
Darls Stone Dubar, he was playing this last season over
at Hofstra. We saw Hofsta transfer last season and Aaron

Estrada entered into the SEC and he was tremendous for Alabama.
Tennessee is trying to capture that as well, Dubar he
has decided that he is going to be becoming a volunteer.
Shot forty percent from three with eighteen points, six half
boards and a little bit over a sealed per contest
this past season over at Hofstra. Do I think he's
going to be quite what Aaron action as Straw was
this past season. No, But at the same time, I

do think that he can come in there be a
nice little bit of an impact guy, and I do
think that that's a really good get. In general, you've
got Mohabakita, who's a seven foot one big man. He
has decided that he's going to be entering in the
transfer portal. Didn't see a ton of minutes over at Tulsa,
but if he's able to get in the right system,
it does feel like he's got some nice pieces to
be able to be a nice upside guy, and I
feel that's the same way with Janni Conan Niederhauser was

able to give Northern Illinois about a block and a
half five rebounds per game, and then we did see
Central Connecticut state guard Kellen Amos decide that he's going
to be adding on over to Rice. We give our
o de Lane Kiffin go owls for Amos. He was
able to put up about twelve points per contest this
past season for a Central Connecticut team that was much
improved on defense. I think a lot of that with
Zue to Amos. He's got a nice little skill set,
and I do think that he's going to help out

a rights program that just has not been able to
figure it out in recent years. For Amos, he's able
to give you about five boards to an emphasis as
a six to six, do an all sort of player.
The one thing that he doesn't really know well is
shoot threes, and that's something that Rice did pride themselves
on a little bit in past season. So we've got
a lot of intrigue out here in college basketball right now.
We're trying to see if we're gonna get a few

more NBA draft decisions as well. We saw Ogana Oneso
decide that he is going to be as well. I
don't think that he's going to be maintaining his eligibility.
He said that he's one hundred percent focused on going
to the NBA Draft, and I don't think that this
is necessarily going to be the world's biggest loss for Kentucky.
I mean he was a solid post player. He gave
you about five boards, three and a half points per contest,

nearly three blocks per contest, So he was a nice
rim protector for a team that really didn't play a
whole like a lot of defense in general. But going
to be very interesting to see what happens with that
moving forward and with Till Mitchell along with his transfer,
he is also going to be one of those guys
that is entering into the transfer portal while also entering
into the NBA Draft as well, just to clear that up.
And we are paying attention to everything that we're getting

in college basketball right now here on Cocoa Soups say,
there's a lot going on, but we're going to try
to keep it all straight for you because man, trying
to do this alone it would be very, very difficult.
And we want to make this the most successful college
basketball betting season ever. And if you do like Fearing
from the Time podcast SUPs, you're able toase subscribe wherever
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again to our good friend Rocko Miller over I practice
here dot Org. I'm coming at you guys every single

day throughout the year, regular season and off season, which
means I'll be back your to you once gain tomorrow.
This is so much forstening it
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