All Episodes

May 1, 2024 40 mins

Greg explains why this offseason with the May 1 transfer deadline we will know these rosters earlier than in past offseason, talks to Ryan Mcintrye of The Sports Gambling Podcast Network about the early winners of the transfer portal season & what programs have had a sneaky good offseason & Greg recaps Tuesday's college basketball coaching and player movement

Podcast Highlights

3:24-Why this offseason will allow us to know rosters earlier

7:28-Interview with Ryan McIntyre

23:00-Recap of Tuesday’s coaching and player movement

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
They were lookingly low. Welcome to Lovely Las Vegas because
gets seems with myself gaging speeders and now part of
Decent Family Podcasts, we've got an excellent podcast. Where As
joining me in segment number two, we are gonna have
one of our good friends, Ryan McIntyre board. He does
such great workover at the Sports Family podcast that works.
He's gonna be chatting with me about what we can
expect from some of these big twelve teams in the

transfer portal. I know that he's going to do an
amazing job take a look at that all throughout the
year as he does a tremendous job with Ryan and
Rush show taking a look at all things West Virginia.
We did the interview before we knew that Eduardo Andrew
I call Eduardo Andre three thousand for Fresco say was
going to be transferring on over to West Virginia. So
we're gonna be taking a look on that front. We're
going to be diving into how some of these coaches

have not decided to bring over a lot of the
players that they were coaching at their previous top like
we've noticed with a lot of these coaches. Darren DeVries
is an example of this. They haven't brought over a
lot of guys from their old stomping grounds. You expected
him to maybe bring over a little bit more more
than just his son over to Drake. So we're gonna
be having that conversation as well, and in the final segment,

gonna give you guys a recap of all the news
and notes that we saw in college basketball over last
twenty four hours. Now, the deadline to enter into the
transfer portal is May first, so I'm thinking that at
the time of this podcast, we're not gonna have them
all in quite yet. I think that we're gonna have
a little bit of clean up on this tomorrow. But
we're gonna talk a little bit about that with Bryan
mc tire as well. And as I did not get

in any Twitter slash xs questions, and I do want
you to fire those in if you do have something
that you want me to address on the show, whether
that be question, comment, segment, idea, what have you. You've got
one or two ways to be out for those in
first one is my Twitter slash ks I mine at
gena are and forty one keep in mind learns them
they meet us on atter, so, as per usual, please
you send these into the timeline other way that is
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five stars, it is very much appreciated. From there, you're
able fire on whatever you'd like to hear on this
podcast via that five star review. But that is very
interesting to dive in on the fact that all transfers,
whether they be graduate transfers, whether they be just underclassmen,
what have you, they all have to enter into the
transfer portal by me first. And I think as a result,
we're gonna know what we're getting a little bit earlier

in the off season as opposed to pass offseasons. Is
there probably gonna be a few guys that linger in
the transfer portal. Absolutely, And just because the deadline to
enter the transfer portals may first, doesn't mean these guys
have to be having their mind made up by me first.
I don't know if there is a deadline for that,
as far as I saw, there's not, so you could
legitimately have a guy and like October, decide that he's

going to be playing for a certain school, though I
don't think we're gonna be seeing a lot of that,
just with the way that the academic calendar is, but
I do think that as a result, we're gonna know
what we're getting a little bit earlier here in the
off seas. I think that's going to lead to just
a little bit less in general in terms of some
of these guys that they are going to be lingering
until like August, September, things like that, because we've noticed

that the last few seasons some of these guys they
do wait until the last minute. I think that that's
gonna make it a little bit easier on us handicappers,
which is very big because when it comes about waiting
three hundred and sixty two and I think it's going
to be three R and sixty three D one teams
as Mary Hurst I believe is going up to the
D one level, it makes it a little bit of
a challenge. Any sort of ease that we can get

is nice, and I think that I should be able
to deliver a little bit for us, and hopefully I
can make things easy on you this offseason as I'm
with you guys every single day, and a man that
does a great job day in and day out takeing
a look at this great sport of college basketball, that'd
be Ryan mctyre. We're going to be talking about so
many different topic picks with him, including the fact that
we do have the transfer portal closing for all these

guys on May first and some next. Right here on
Cosco Seats with Myself, Greg Peter said, now pardon every
right here, mommy Las Vegas, because good Seats with myself
gregis Peterson now part of the Visa Family podcasts. And

it is always great to be drawn by this man,
Ryan McIntyre. He did such great workover at the Sports
Gambling Podcast Network taking a look at this great game
of college basketball that we all know and love. He's
a man that has been around college basketball as he
was hard the coaching staff over at South Carolina when
they made their Final Four run for West Virginia for
quite a few years as well, and now with regards
to West Virginia, does a great job on the Ryan

and Rush Show taking a look at all things out
there in the Great State. And you're able to follow
on Twitter, slidehacks at money Line, Underscore Mac with Max Belt,
Mac altogether and Ryan. Great to have you Bart, Thank.

Speaker 2 (04:26):
You always appreciate it. Greg. Looking forward to talking.

Speaker 1 (04:28):
Some hoops, always looking forward to you joining me, and
how about if we talk about first things first. Really,
the biggest thing that I've seen over the last forty
eight hours, it just feels like there are some teams
that get it right in the transfer Portland. With Yukon,
They're not bringing in one hundred million billion guys, but
what I love about them is that they know what
they have coming back and they know the pieces that

they need to really accent and compliment them. They bring
in Aida Mahiti on Monday. And I want to get
your thoughts here because I just look at all the
moves made here in the off season, and I think
that Kansas has had a tremendous offseason and if you
look at every single one of their moves, it probably
trumps out of Yukon. But if I'm looking at one
singular player going to a team that it just really

fills the need and it feels like it all makes sense.
I think that this is one of the biggest moves
that we see in all offseason long.

Speaker 2 (05:17):
Oh absolutely. And I mean he was unbelievable in Saint
Mary's for Randy Bennett. And You're right, Yukon teams to
get it right in the portal, whether it's Trisian Newton
and Cam Spencer last year now Aiden Mahone, they seem
to know what they want, they know their identity. They're
very selective and it helps to have back to back
national championship in that pedigree going for him, where they
can be more selective. Like you said, they're going to

add a couple more pieces I think of the portal,
but like you said as well, I think it's going
to be the right pieces that fit their culture absolutely.

Speaker 1 (05:47):
I think that Yukon is once again in for a
nice year, and I mean it's just one of these cases.
Verdane Hurley, I feel like he deserves a benefit of
the doubt with everything that he has been able to
do here in the past few seasons, with them being
able to win back to back titles, he's certainly a
guy that makes that listen. I do want to sort
of broaden that out a little bit more. Is there
a few coaches out there that you take a look

at them and you think, all right, I don't necessarily
know how the pieces are gonna fit, and certainly I
know all the pieces are gonna fit with UKOM, but
just utilizing them as an example is there a few
teams where you might have a few question marks with
the roster, you might not know how the pieces fit.
But there's just a coach out there that you know
that they're gonna be able to get the job done,
and you're very willing to give that coach the benefit

of it out.

Speaker 2 (06:30):
I think everybody's gonna fall in love with Kansas Indiana.
That just especially with Kansas being able to bring back
a lot of their roster and then some of the Portal.
The guy that he flew under the radars his first
year in Oxford last year, I trust Chris Beard to
get it done in the portal, like the class he's
bringing Andy bringing in at six five sixty six sixty
seven kind of players Dray Davis, Devon Barnes, Mike kel

Brown Jones and Malindia like guys from winning program. I
like what Olemiss did in the portal another program. It
seems like they always get it right as well as
Alabama number eighten all Away from Auburn and then Houston
from Pepperdine and then Chris Youngblood who helped abdur Raheem
get it going from Kennesau to South Florida. So those
are two programs I like to have the benefit of
the doubt too, just with Chris Heard and NATO's.

Speaker 1 (07:13):
Absolutely with Chris Beard and Nato its these guys do
an absolutely incredible job. And I'm so glad that you
bring up Chris Beard as well because I also take
a look at what Old Miss has gone out there
in the SEC, and I'm just incredibly impressed by them
as well. Now Ole Miss is going to need to
do a little bit of a better job on glass
than they did this last season. That was a little
bit of a surprise to me. You bring in Jamerian Sharp,

you have Moose to CSA down low, and yet they
weren't necessarily the world's greatest rebounding team. But it just
feels like You're number two is going to be incredibly
different for ole Miss and everything that they're able to
develop as this just feels like a little bit more
of a Chris Beard style system. Bringing in Mickel Brown Jones,
who was amazing at UNC greens Bro Mobily Dia has
some experience out there in the SEC. Sean Padula maybe

turned the ball for a little bit much of for
Genie Tech, but he's able to do it all at
the Guards. I'm not sure how you view this All
Miss team, but I think that they're a big time
team on to come up that I think it really
makes some noise in the SEC this year.

Speaker 2 (08:07):
Absolutely. And Chris Beard it took him a year to
get it going to Texas Tech. I kind of view
it the same way. In Oxford, he's got the NIL
collective going. I think they're going to make a jump
here in the SEC and year number two and what's
become a very very competitive SEC because you look at it,
they were really good last year, but now they had Texas,
now they at Oklahoma. The SEC is not just a

football league anymore. The basketball has followed suit because of
the NIL collectives and the TV agreements.

Speaker 1 (08:35):
Absolutely, and I do think that with the SEC, it's
going to be really interesting to gayem this season because
I know that you've got a lot of infinity out
there in the Big twelve and now Texas, a lot Oklahoma.
They're going to be heading on over to the SEC,
and I think that's going to be so interesting to
take a look at the conference Ray Lineman front this
year because the teams out there in the Big twelve,
they're used to it they had to adapt to having

Central Florida, having BYU and company in the mix. But
as we know, if the SEC, it's been largely the
same conference for about a decade or so. And how
do you view the realignment and do you think that
this is brads a little bit of an advantage for
Texas at Oklahoma or do you think that this puts
some at a little bit of a disadvantage, because I
do think that these SEC schools are going to have
a little bit of a target on the back of

both of those schools.

Speaker 2 (09:19):
I think it's more so though in football than it
is in basketball, just with the Texas brand. But basketball
is going to be interesting just because Oklahoma and Texas
kind of are geographically already right there. So they're not
having to do with what BYU and UCF did and
some of the other Big twelve schools having to travel
to those places. You look primarily in the SEC, it's

the Southeastern Conference and they've already had to go to
Texas A and m LSU, So from a geographical standpoint,
it's not that big a transition. And I think playing
in the Big twelve year after years really put them
equip to transition nicely into the SEC.

Speaker 1 (09:54):
Yep, I think so as well, And it's going to
be a little bit of a different game as in
the SEC we saw so many teams like Alabama, like
Florida absolutely run it and gun it. So it's going
to be an interesting fit as what we're going to
be getting there is we've got a board. Ryan McIntyre
does great workover at the Sports Gamling podcast network. He
has joining me right here on Costco soups in.

Speaker 2 (10:15):

Speaker 1 (10:15):
Certainly has been an interesting offseason for so many teams,
and I was mentioning it before you do a great
job on the West Virginia front end. We all know
that the biggest transfer that the team has brought in
is Tucker de Brees because that was a little bit
of a package deal between he and his father, Darren.
But that said, I like what they did a few
days ago bringing Tobyoconnie, the gentleman from u s six

foot eight, hippopops and threes. They've got a little bit
of a pipeline really from the State of Illinois three
and the four guys. They're ragging again. We're playing in
the State of Illinois eight season ago. But how do
you take a look at a West Virginia team that
I look at them right now, and if this worthy
roster that we beginning night number one, I certainly do
think that they'd be struggling out there in the Big twelve.
But I do like the hire of Darren de Brees.

I do feel like though, that they're probably going to
need to hit the point a little bit more here
in the month of May to really fortify this roster.

Speaker 2 (11:03):
They need to share up the point guard position, especially
in the Big twelve, where the point guards come at
you night after night, but from a premer standpoint athletically defensively,
I like what they've done. They bring over the tandem
from the ALIGNI that came over with Chester Fraser, Sincere Harrison,
Amani Hansberry, Sinceire Harris has the upside to be one
of the premier defensive guys in America. He just was

playing behind Tarren Chance so he couldn't get on the floor.
Toby o'conni coming over as well, could be one of
the better defenders in the league, another six to sixth
versatile guy. And then of course it helps to bring
over the back to back Missouri Valley Player of the
Year and the coaches in Tucker Debris a nice start
here in the portal for coach of reason, you're number one,
but they really got to share up this point guard

position and then probably get a rim protector as well
at the five spot. Those are kind of the two
spots they're really baling in here and the next couple
of weeks as we quickly approach the end of finally
this portal.

Speaker 1 (11:56):
Era, Yeah, it's very interesting because the portal is closing
up May first. As we are recording this, there's a
few hours left for guys to be able to get in,
and by the time this s uploads, it's pretty much
going to be closed off. And how big do you
think that it is that now all transfers, not just
regular transfers, but graduate transfers as well, do have to
declare by me first, Because I honestly do think that

it's a little bit of a good thing, and I
do think that we should be allowing for player movement.
At the same time, I do think that there should
be some regulations just because if you look at like
any professional sports team, it'd be very very strange if
a team that you know in love, like I'm a
great Bay Packers fan, if like eighty percent the roster
year and a year out was just completely turning over,
and that's almost what we're getting in college basketball. And

I do think that's great that these players have a
little bit more movement. But I do think that this
is a step in the right direction to really playing
to both sides of it, having a little bit more familiarity,
allowing the fans to get to know these guys a
little bit better, and at the same time give these
guys the opportunity to be able to make some money
and go where they please. I completely agree.

Speaker 2 (12:58):
I mean, at some point we got to cut down
a little bit on the wild while West era that
we and dealing with, where everybody can just go wherever
they want one week. It's like the Aau circle now
in college basketball, where you could commit to one school
being another one the next week, and then another week
another one the next week. So just a little bit
of bringing it back to where it's a little bit

of hey, if I'm going to commit to the school,
I actually have to abide by it, kind of liking
the professional league. You can't just play for the Miami
Heat one week and then play for the Lakers two
weeks later unless you're cut. So I think it is
a good thing to have a little bit of regulation. Obviously,
you mentioned it too that these guys are in an
era where they can leverage, and they have all the

leverage with their playability with the nil so they do
have the right to do that, but it is in
a certain window now where it's not just anybody can
leave at any minute. Now.

Speaker 1 (13:48):
Absolutely, and let's not go back to the era where
schools will get sanctions for giving guys like peanut butter
to go along with their bagel and everything like that.
That was ridiculous. And at the same time, when we've
got guys going to eight different schools in eight years,
and if you think I'm kidding, see aj Store. That's
when we probably went a little bit too far. As well.

If we can get in the middle of A and B,
I think that we're going to be in some pretty
good standing. As joining me on the show, we do have.
Ryan mcdire does such great workover at the Sports Gamily
podcast iWork joining me right here on Costco soups In certainly,
it is going to be so fascinating to see what
we get with a lot of these moves over the
next few weeks. But do you just want to get
your thoughts here as to maybe a team or two
that you're not hearing a lot about, but you love

the moves that they've been making because we're all hearing
about Kansas, and rightfully so, I think that Kansas, if
they're not number one coming into the season, they're going
to be number two. They in Yukon look like very
very much powerful teams. I like what Indiana's done to
have some question marks with regards to the coaching staff
Mike Woodson and company there, but they certainly have made
some good moves. But we're who's maybe a team or

two that you're not hearing a lot about that you
take a look at some of the moves and you think, man,
this is working out really well and the team's not
getting the love that they deserve.

Speaker 2 (15:00):
I'll stick in the big twelve gear where it's kind
of a program that kind of stinks up on everybody
year in a year out, just because everybody thinks they're
boring to watch. It's Iowa State. You're for the tj
Alzienburger era where they finished what seventy thirty five the
last three years. You look at what they've done in
the portal, bringing a good piece with Joshua Jefferson coming
over from Saint Mary's, Deshaun Jackson from Charlotte, Nate Heist

from Northern Iowa, and then Shooter in Brandon Chatfield as well.
I like the pieces that they added to their core
that's already good. They kind of had that Yukon like
model where they had their core. They keep it attack,
but they added a couple pieces in the portal, and
I don't expect this program to take a step back
and be another top ten team once again next year.

Speaker 1 (15:41):
In Ames Yep, I'm right there with you. I absolutely
love what tj Alzienburger has been able to do it
over at Iowa State. It's certainly a little bit more
of it his sing style, but I think that it's
going to work out so well. What I love about
Iowa say it is that they do find a lot
of guys that just sort of fit their tempo as well.
They're not bringing in a whole bunch of guys that
were like playing at Alabama or something like that where

they were playing super duper up tempo, because that just
wouldn't be a fit for them. And how much this
time of year do you take a look at those
sorts of things, Because I do take a look at
some of these programs that are maybe like super up tempo,
and then they try to bring in someone for like
North Texas for example, and I do put a little
bit of a downgrade there. And then obviously vice versa.
If you've got some team that is looking to absolutely

run it and gun it. If you've got a guy
from Alabama going to North Texas, I think that that's
honestly the world's greatest fit as well. But how much
do you take a look at those sorts of things
as well, Because I do think that the style and
tempo that a guy is coming from is very important
as well, And that's something that I think does get
lost in the importance of things because everyone is just
curious about, oh, how many points did he square at

his other university?

Speaker 2 (16:45):
Great point, I look at what West Virginia had with
Kirk Kresa last year. I never really thought he was
the best fit in the world. Obviously he was a
really good player. He led the country and assists at
Arizona for two years, but it definitely does matter. You
can't just go from let's say Virginia to Alabam or
vice versa. Those won't fit. So just a couple teams
that are having some unique parts. Everybody's typing up Indiana

and they have added some pieces, but I think the
issue still remains, are they going to be able to
make Bremer jump shots. That's a big question. USC's added
a bunch of bodies, the must Bus and just interesting
to see how these parts meshin. And of course I
know Calipari is not there anymore, but Kentucky's always going
to be interesting, and Mark Pope bringing over some interesting pieces.

Car from Wake Forest, Laman Butler making a step up
in San Diego State, we from Oklahoma, and Amari Williams
from Drexel. So a lot of guys potentially making big
jumps here from their previous school to a blue blood.
And it's not just a blue blood. I mean that
fan base is crazy so interested to see how those
guys make the jump to a place like Kentucky.

Speaker 1 (17:48):
Yeah, it is going to be very fastating and Kentucky
is one of those schools that, in my opinion, they've
got quite a bit of work to do here. In
the next few weeks to be able to fill out
that roster. I do like that Mark Popez able to
build some energy, but at the same time, gonna need
some guys to be able to back it up, and
this man always backs up all the energy that he provides.

Speaker 2 (18:07):

Speaker 1 (18:07):
Ryan do such a great job over at the Sports
Gamily podcast, Howork. I know you're an eight when it
comes to college basketball, but you do great work on
the college football side of things as well. I know
you and Kobe Dang are also very much enveloped with
regards toike spring football, with reguards of what we're going
to be seeing in college baseball and so much more
so I love to get people at them. No, it's
all on tap for you and how people are able
to fall on on social media and other platforms.

Speaker 2 (18:29):
Well, Greg, especially with it being year round now in
college basketball with the portal in different areas. So yeah,
follow us on the college basketball experience, college football expirits,
and college baseball experience and the Big twelve experience all
year long. And for you West Virginia Mountaineer fans, go
follow the Ryan and Rush Show. We're covering all West
Virginia sports year round and appreciate you having me all
once again, Greg and look forward to doing it again soon.

Speaker 1 (18:52):
Absolutely, Ryan does a tremendous job taking a look at
this great game that we all know in love of
college basketball all twelve months out the year and always
lens great in So big thanks for Ryan for joining
me right here on Go Suits now part of the
Vison Family podcasts and coming in next you had another
Ryan bunction just stay in the Transfer Portal yesterday I'll
give you guys all the news and not for the
good week. Thanks college basketball over the last for all

everybody kill to be Las Vegas because because sits with
myself gregieps Peterson now part of the Vson family and podcast.
Always great to have Ryan mctyre board. He does such
a good job taking a look at this great game
that we all know in love of college basketball. It's
hard to keep up with one hundred million billion Transfer
Portal moves and yet he does so also well and
every single time he joins his podcast he lends such

good insights. So big thanks him for joining me in
last segment. Now it is that time the podcast at
give you a little bit of a recap ass all
the news and notes who he saw in college basketball
over the last twenty four hours. It's getting down to
the nitty gritty. I think that there's going to be
a few guys that enter into the transfer portal that
I missed out on, but just a few guys that
aren't nest usually the biggest guys. But at the same time,

I do think that they could be impact guys. Lukesbuque
is a six 't five little bit of a sharpshooter
that comes over from Illinois State. He was able to
put in there a few points. Was a nice little
gadget guy. I do think that he could be someone
that could be able to come into a program and
conna be able to do some nice things. He from
three point range has always been someone that has been
in the high thirties with that regard, so he's a
little bit interesting. You saw Javonte Brown, who began his

career over at Yukon and in Texas A and M
last season be relative we saw down low for Western Michigan.
He was able to average about nine points in fifteen
and a half minutes per contest. He was not able
to play for the beginning part of the season due
to being one of those two time transfers. He's the
guy that did enter it into the transfer portal. We
saw quite a few guys from Maryland, des er Shore,
de Bonnie Claxon, Elijah Wilson, these are guys that are

going to be in the transfer portal as well. And
then Jackson Edwards, he was one of the top scores
over at VEL Paraiso a season ago. He decided that
he's going to be entering. And I do have to
laugh at this one, by the way, before we get
back to Jackson Edwards, because I think that that's actually
a relative impact guy. Moses Flowers is in the transfer
portal as well. And Moses Flowers, my goodness, this guy

has been in college basketball literally for forever. I had
no idea he saw it eligibility. He left nicest year
at Saint Pound a venture average about nine a half
points per contest, shot thirty seven a half percent from
three par inch But because he only played nine games
for a season at Hartford, he is still eligible to
be able to play college basketball. So my goodness, gracious,
there you go there. But Jackson Edwards, who was over
at VL Paraiso this last season, began his square and

Murray said, he's an intriguing guy. About seven and a
half points five boards was the start of that shot
about thirty two and a half percent from three part
inche six foot six side. So I do think that
he's going to be able to make a little bit
of an impact for a team that might be wanting him.
And then he also saw lou Style Patterson, who I
remember Charlotte posted a few days prior that they were
all going to be running it back and everything like that.

When he's out there in the transfer portal and Patterson,
he is going to be a very sought after gentleman
after he last season over at Charlotte when they have
a log about fourteen and a half points per contest
shot thirty five percent from three. Good ball handler are
part of one of the four teams in all of
college basketball is that Charlie team. They always played a
very very shall we say, traditional grinder style, so it's

going to be interesting to see what we get there.
And then the Mountain West Rookie of the Year and
J T. Topp and this is a big ad to
the transfer portal. He decided that he is going to
be checking his options. He was the Mount West Rookie
of the Year last year, and he was able to
log twelve and a half points nine boards, show good
versatility at six point nine shooting about thirty four and
a half percent from three part range. I think most

teams in all of college bass are very much going
to be wanting his services. So that's one to take
a look at. And then we did see West Virginia
land a recruit after we talked with Ryan McIntyre. This
happened late in the night on Tuesday. Eduardo Andre three
thousand is going to be heading on over to West Virginia.
I actually really like Eduardo Andre three thousand, as every

Andre is called here three thousand on the show because
he is awesome. But that said for EDWARDO Andre when
he was out there on the floor for Fresco State,
they were just so such a better defensive team the
last two years. This is not a guy that's gonna
go out there it's gonna score a bunch of points.
Last two years at Fresdo State was logging about seven
and a half or so points per contest. He was
giving you about five and a half boards, a little

bit over a block per game. But he just does
a great job of the defensive side of things. I
felt like Fresdo State badly underutilized him and misused him.
So I do think that this is going to be
actually a very solid gift for West Virginia that's gonna
go a little bit under the radar. Prax and Maya,
he's a seven footer that was over at Washington last
two seasons. He has one over to Nebraska. Biggest thing
for Maya. He's another one of those guys that began

his career over at Fresco State. So President State has
lost ound on quite a few good big men. But
that said, the biggest thing for him is just being
able to be consistently out there on the floor. I
know that he felt with a few injuries throughout his career.
He was part time started this last year over at Washington.
His nast year came during the twenty twenty two twenty
three campaign when he was a consistent starter at about
nine points, block and a half seven rebounds per game.

This should be able to he up on Nebraska team
that was a little bit intermiss on the defensive side
things that we did see a big run on big
men on Tuesday as well. As you also saw coming
off the board. Matthew Marsh he was playing this last
season over at Wake forth he has decided that he's
going to Oregon State. This is a very very rare
win for Oregon State, and good grief, do they need

one for Marsh. He didn't necessarily do a ton this
past year, but I was over at wake for US
at sixty eight percent shoot her from the floor. A
guy that was able to give the team right around
about two and a half rebounds per game. His best
year came during the twenty twenty two twenty three campaign
in the ACC he was able to log about six
points a little bit over four boards for contests. Not
going to be able to go out there and give
you a whole bunch of shot blocks, but in comparison

to the talent level that Oregon State has been bringing in,
that is quite a bit of upside. So you do
like to see that. And then when the tail players
in terms of assists per game this past season, Elijah Hawkins,
he's heading on over to Texas Tech and this is
just big for Texas Tech. He's probably gonna be the
air apparent to Joe Tucson. For Elijah Hawkins. Not guy
that played super duper up tempo or anything like that

this past year at Minnesota, but a very up tempo
style when he was over at Howard, he averaged nine
and a half points seven a half as sis per contest.
And the big thing is while he was over at
Howard he actually put all of college basketball in terms
of turnovers per game. He was given the team north
of four turnovers per contest, cut that down by more
than a full turnover per game this last season. Took
some very nice strides forward for Minnesota. So I think

that that is a big ad for them, and I
think that this is a textbook perfect fit as well.
Three Phelips. He was playing over at SMU this last season,
he decided that he's going to be going to Texas
A and M. For Phelips. He's able to give you
more than a seal and a half per contest, four boards,
nearly three assists, fourteen a half points per game. Now,
the one thing that he doesn't do is necessary pop threes,
and Texas A and M is not going to be

requiring him to do. So this is a Texas A
and M program that always is not necessarily won the
world's greatest three point shotting teams or anything like that.
But he should be able to fit that defense really well.
He should be able to just fit the system that
I know has been so successful over the last few seasons.
He's a guard that's willing to rebound. So I do
take a look at this and I do think that
this is very big. And then also a former SMU player,

Jefferson Kolibali, he has decided that he's going to be
going to Pacific, and man, Pacific just needs guys. In general,
it was a really rough era for them the last
few seasons, and bringing in Kolabally it's a mark in
the right direction for them. It's going to be a
very long time in my opinion before they were able
to rise back up. And I still remember, like twenty

years ago they were consistently making the NCAA tournament. Cool
Obali was unable to get out there on the floor
this past season began his career over at Washington State
and at SMU was able to shoot about forty six
percent from three. It was on a very very low
volume of shots, but that said, just whatever wins you
can take if you're Pacific, you've got to be able
to take them, and this is a w for Kentucky.
Brandon Garrison, he has decided that he is going to

be huding on Overdall from Oklahoma State and he's going
to be heading to Kentucky. For Garrison, he was a
former top one on the recruit. He was able to
do a solid job last year for Oklahoma State of
being able to man the last seven and a half
points five and a half boards. Not a guy that's
going to be able to stretch a floor and pop three.
And trust me, the work is not done for Kentucky.
They've done a nice job of really being able to

add some stake. They haven't really had that sizzle quite yet.
But you know what, bringing in he Alanta Marii Williams,
this team is going to be a little bit more
tough minded. They don't have the versatility like we saw
out of Mark Pope back when he was coaching over
at BYU, But so far he's done a nice job
bringing in some guys that are going to be able
to allow this team to be able to play good
tough defense onlike what we saw a season goo from Kentucky.

So I think it's very clear that our good friend
and mister Pope got the memo that they're not going
to be looking to run it back from a season
to go, So it's going to be very interesting to
see what happens moving forward for Kentucky. But I thought
that that was a relatively solid ad for them. This
is also going to be a relatively solid ad as well,
as we did see Chiet from Opara enter into the
transfer portal. He was playing over at Harvard this last season,

and I think wherever Opara goes there's going to be
a lot of interest in him, as he last season
was able to do a pretty rock solid job of
being able to provide in a wide variety of ways
of Harvard sixteen and a half points five boards, shot
about thirty four percent from three part and she was
really that number two score by Malik Matt got a
little bit banged up towards the season last year and
does need to cut down on the two and after

a North spreing, But at six foot eight, his overall
skill set and it is something that a lot of
teams are going to be very interested in and I
do think that he has a chance to be able
to make a big impact for whatever team he's going
to be able to go to. And I have to
think that there's gonna be a lot of Power Conference
teams that are going to be very interested in his services,
to say the least. As White the last season was
playing over at Austin p for the Governators. He is

decided that he is going to be entering into the
transfer portal. White was a nice option for this team.
He was able to log about eight points per contest
for White from three part and she was shooting in
that pocket about thirty three percent from the outside. Was
able to generate a CEO per game pro pe. They've
had a little bit of rough search to the season
on Corey Gibson, but there's a lot of guys that
he brought in from Northwestern State that were all able

to gel together. So going to be interesting to see
who's going to be interested in in services. But I
do think that there's going to be quite a few
teams that are going to be in on him, and
it's going to be very interesting to see who's all
going to be in the fold for Holy Cross. But
you know that Cave Warren is going to be one
of them. He was playing over at Rice's last season.
We give our ode Lane Kiffin go Owelson for holy Cross,

they actually won a game against Georgetown this past season.
But for Warren, he's just looking for a little bit
of a new lease on life. Was only able to
give Rice about a point apt per contest. He's a
six or six, a little bit of a combo player
that I think in the Patriot Leake He's going to
be a relatively good fit there. So I do think
that that is going to be one of impact. And
the guy going from the Patriot League to the non
D one level, JT. Tan, who is about a three

rebound per game guy over at LEI, he has decided
that he's going to be going to Domingus Hills, cal
State Domingus Hills. And this is very easy for ANDDICAP.
Whenever you see something like this where a guy goes
from the D one level to the non D one level,
all you need to do is cross him off your
list of guys that you need to evaluate and move on.
So those are the ones that we like because it's
very very clean and easy, and this is going to

be very clean for a program. Whoever gets in Coleman Hawkins,
he has decided to He's going to be entering into
the transfer portal as well. Just a guy with so
much versatility. Last year over at Illinois twelve points six boards,
was able to throw in there a few assists per
game as well. At six foot ten, shot thirty seven
percent from three points. Got a little bit of our
off govid to begin the season, but he was really

able to close out the season with a flurry once again.
Probably need to improve that defense just a little bit,
as pretty much everyone on Illinois needed to. That said,
very good offensive piece, and there's going to be a
lot of teams that are going to be interested in
in services and Jakari Spence, there are quite a few
teams that were interested in in services. Last season played
at Mama then as a starter, he was able to
shoot about thirty four percent from three points this past

year two years ago, I actually shot thirty six percent
from three point range. For his career about thirty eight
percent from the outside. Was able to throw in there
a little bit under four assists seal and after contests
he goes to Jacksonville. Just what the doctor ordered for Jacksonville.
Jacksonville felt like they were a little bit out of
sorts on the defensive side of things, it felt like
they just needed that nice primary facilitator they are now

going to be getting in in Jakari Spence this year
be really able to help them out moving forward and
allow Jacksonville to be able to play that slow, controlled
style while still being relatively saw it on the defensive
side of things. Dhilo Johnanovich, she was playing last season
at Louisville, pretty much a walk on guy for Louisville.
We're gonna call it what it is. He's a little
bit of a big man that has decided that he
is going to be going to UW Milwaukee. But it's
one of those cases where one team's castoffs can sometimes

be another team's treasures. As for BJ Freeman being out
of the fold, that does really hurt this program just
moving forward as well as he was pretty much the
team for them eight season ago. But being able to
bring in someone like it Danilo Genovic, I think it's
going to be big for them. He brings a big
body at about six foot eight. He's a guy from
the great state of Wisconsin. Began his career over at Miami,

So we shall see what he's able to provide probably
not gonna be as much as Terrence Williams is going
to be able to provide USC. For USC, they're starting
to run out of Rossers spots as we have seen
Eric Musselman really at the portal hard. But bringing Terris Williams,
I think is big six foot seven combo player that
was able to log twelve and a half points four
and a half boards, shoots forty percent from three point ine.

I think that he just fits the air muscleman style
really well. And for USC, we're just wondering, all right,
they're bringing in all these mid major guys. I mean,
they were able to tear it up at their respective levels,
but are you going to be able to bring in
that guy that really adds a little bit more for
lack of a better term, oof. I think that this
really does it for them because chabuzo Ogbo, prior to this,
I felt like was one of the better transfers coming

in a nice sharpshooter while he was over at Poisey Staate.
But so when you're banking on a guy from Boise
State to really elevate the program, along with guys like
Josh Cohen from YOUU Metz, who I like. But again,
what's he going to be able to do out there
in the big ten? Clark say slay shirt. He was
solid at Penn. What is he going to be able
to do in the big ten? Well, this guy knows
the Big ten very well. He's gonna be able to
come in and he's gonna be able to lend quite

a bit of help. Freddy Kicks. He's got some familiarity
with this school as he has decided that he is
going to be going from Arkansas State and he is
going to be heading to Charlton State. Freddy Kicks two
seasons ago was at Tarleton State where he was one
of their top scores, and he was solved. This last
year at Arkansas State not quite as good as he
was at Charleton State. Turned the twenty twenty two twenty
three campaign where he logged about sixteen points six boards

a little bit over a seal per contest, but I
mean so for Arkansas State the three point shitting percentage
went down to sub thirty percent, but so he logged
twelve points five and a half boards to assists per game.
I think this guy just does a little bit of
everything very much knows that Charleton style. At six foot six,
he is a complete menace. So absolutely love that pickup
for them, and I love this pickup. As for Boise State,

they just weren't able to utilize Kobe Young to the
best of his abilities, and he decided that he is
going to be going to Kelsey Fullerton. This is going
to be a big get for a Kelsey Fullerton team
that last year they just didn't have a lot on
the back court for Young. He was a relatively highly
towny guy coming out of the Great State of Washington.
Just didn't really see a lot of minutes for a
Boise Stated career about twenty seven a half percent three
point shooter. But at six foot six, I think that

he's going to do a nice job filling a nice
role for the team, and I do think that he's
going to be able to come in right away and
make a nice impact US. I do think that kJ
Lee is going to be able to do so for
Central Missouri. He has decide that he's going to be
going down to the non D one level, and that's
a little bit surprising because for kJ Lee, he was
able to see some relatively okay minutes for Western Illinois
got a few sporadic starts here and there, so once again,

very easy for your handicap. He wants to get absolutely
nothing but the best. But no longer do you need
to evaluate him and see what he's going to be
able to bring to the table for a D one
school because he's no longer at the D one level.
So those are the ones that are able to keep
things all nice, clean, easy, and just moving forward in general.
And then we also did see you Wan Trey, a
former five star guy who overaded you See Santa Barbara

this last season for you See Santa Barbara. That was
one of the biggest disappointments in all of college basketball.
But he's heading on over to SMU as well. We're
going to be talking a little bit more about SMU
and the ACC as a whole tomorrow. Went we get
Brandon Marks of the Athletic Aboard. But for Trey, a
former top fifty guy, you put up some nice offensive
numbers fourteen a half points, five boards. He just clearly

wasn't the world's greatest fit defensively for you See Santa Barbara.
But that said, he's a guy that has a really
nice post game, not a guy that's going to go
out there on top threes or anything like that. But
I do think that this is massive upside for an
SMU team that's done an absolutely masterful job of being
able to scover the transfer portal. Bringing Kevin Boopy Miller
was very big for them, and now you're bringing you

on Trey or a guy with a lot of upside.
I think that this is going to be a very
very big year for SMU and year number one out
there in the ACC. And I do think that VCU
is staring at a pretty nice year as well as
they're landing Jamari Thomas. He my season was over at
Norfolks eight and he was a dominator out there in
the MIAK. He was a MIAC Player of the Year,
seventeen points, just under four boards for assists, shot thirty

eight percent from three part range, and he does a
nice job. But generating turnovers? Was he havoking about two
cls per game? Now with VCU and changing over the
coaching guard, to say the least, with micro Roodes leaving
and now they've got mister Odom in the fold, they're
not prioritizing that quite as much. But that said, I
do take a look at that, and I think that
it's going to be able to make a big giant

impact for them moving forward. As you tell that VC
was missing a little bit of oomp in terms of
generating turnovers. He's a good defensive player, he's a good
offensive player. Great fit for VC in my opinion. And
the Yakwan Sanders he was playing this last season over
at Sea now he has decided that he is going
to be ending on over to Hofstra, and Hofstar does
a good job of just being able to scour the
portal for some of these guards that they might be

a little bit more cast offs, to say the least.
And they've already got one Yakwan on the team, Yakwan Carlos,
who he decided that he was going to be entering
in the transfer portal in the offseason as well, so
they trade one for another for Saunders. He this last
season was able to give the team about two and
a half points per contest, shot about thirty five percent
for three unlike what you were able to get out
of Yakwan Carlos. He's not going to be popping it

from three part range quite as much or anything like that.
But that said, I know that two four seven Sports.
When he was coming out of high school, mad him
as a relatively highly touted guy. He was like a
top five prospect out there in the state of New
York in terms of the guard position. So I do
think that he's going to be able to come in
immediately and be able to give the team some nice
upside and for off under speede Clackson, they've been able
to do a really good job with their offense in general.

They still have a few pieces that they're probably going
to be needing to bring in a little bit further
down line if they want to be one of those
top teams out there in the Coast Conference. But they've
already been able to bring in Gene and are Rudin
hopefully I said that correctly, coming in from Ionia sharpshooter there.
Cruz Zavis was over at Saint John's. Michael Graham is
someone that's able to pull on some boards. He comes
in from Loyal and Marimount. So really like the hall

that they've been able to have, And then I like
this move as well. You've got Brandon Housley. He was
playing over at Southern Utah last year. He's going to
be adding on over to Utah States, so he's going
to be saying within the state. For Housley, he was
able to do a nice job of being just that
spot up, knock down the mid range jumpers sort of guy.
Not a guy that necessari shoots a well from three,
only about twenty seven a half percent, but was able

to log as a freshman at about six foot four
eleven points, three and a half boards three and emphasis
have to wonder how this game it's going to be
translating up to the Mountain West level. That said, I
do think that he's going to be able to come
in right away. He's going to be able to make
a little bit of a nice impact. I do think
that this is going to be an impact guy as well.
The Tulsa to Tennessee State, shall we say a pipeline

has been very, very big on both sides. And for
Carlos Williams, see last season was playing over at Tolsai,
he decided that he is going to be going to
Tennessee State. I do think that this is going to
be a nice impact piece for a Tennessee State team.
That was Roald Tivy saw it in the OVC this
past year with Carlos Williams. He was a pretty highly
touted junior college guy a few seasons agoing he was
solved this last year, shot about thirty two and a

half percent from three point range five points, a little
bit over four rebounds per game at a little bit
of an issue on the defensive side of things, but
at six o five he was able to stretch a
floor in a wide variety way. So I do like
what he's going to be able to provide. And then
we saw Nigel Burris who just could not get out
there on the floor last season over at Utah State.
He decided that he is going to be heading back
to shall we say the mid major level. He has

decided that he is going to be playing for Weavers
State in Nigel Burris was really able to bust through
when he was with FIDO two seasons ago. Two seasons
ago over at Ido, he's able to give the team
nine points that forty five percent for three. Literally did
not make a single three. This last season over at
Utah Sadie is only able to log about a point
per contest. Him going on over to Weaver Sate as

Vegas Weaver Say loves to feature just a little bit
more of a thin rotation. The deaf man has been
able to deliver thus far. Over at web Stay and
Eric Duff you saw them last year. Just really have
Dylan Jones by that do it all sort of player.
I think that they're gonna want to have a little
bit more depth of season and having a spot up
shooter like Nigel Burris. I think that that is very
much a step in the right direction for them. And

we are trying to take sides in the right direction
of being able to get you, guys, all that you
need to know in college basketball. We are scouring the portal,
taking a look at all these moves and getting except
for what we hope to be the most successful season
ever in college basketball. And if you do like hearing
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