All Episodes

April 11, 2024 43 mins

The 'Johnson' Cast On What To Expect For Season 4, Accountability, The Black Male Experience + More

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Way up with angela gee. And when I tell you,
these guys in here in their own individual rights, but
as a collective are way up. We got earthquake in
the building. Hey, girlfriend, I've been trying to get you
up here. We got okay, dej Larray.

Speaker 2 (00:17):
Yes, yes, what's up y'all?

Speaker 1 (00:18):
Aka Greg And of course Thomas Jones is here with
us today too, a.

Speaker 3 (00:23):
Ka omar, Yes, Johnson.

Speaker 4 (00:26):
All the Johnson's and then earthquake as well.

Speaker 1 (00:28):
Your character's name is go ahead, I'm trying to repeat
a booker.

Speaker 4 (00:37):
I love seeing the dynamic. But you and DL Hughley on.

Speaker 1 (00:40):
There together as the ogs on the show, but also
somebody who will take down your mama as well. But
let's get into it, because all of you are on
the show on Bounce TV, the hit show on Bounced
TV Johnson, which I know has to be amazing for
like people to watch, because I felt like guys really

needed a show like this, that's right, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:04):
I mean obviously we all know that.

Speaker 5 (01:06):
You know, black men have notoriously been portrayed as one
dimensional on television historically, and it was time it was
time for a show like this to show us being
more complex and more nuanced and you know, just getting
into the reasons of why we do what we do.

Speaker 4 (01:22):
You know, I still don't understand.

Speaker 5 (01:28):
It changes, you know, it changes, you know, but we
like to explore all that on the show. We like
to give black men and black women a very strong voice,
a very honest voice, a very authentic voice, and we're
having a good time doing it. We broke a lot
of records in season one. We we were the highest
rated half hour show on the network starting in season one.

Speaker 4 (01:46):
Okay, TV, bounce it up.

Speaker 2 (01:50):
And we got some legends on the show too.

Speaker 5 (01:52):
We got Earthquake, we got dl we got Cedric, and
we had.

Speaker 2 (01:56):
We had we have the legend on the show season one.

Speaker 4 (01:59):
Season one.

Speaker 1 (02:00):
Yes, Taj, this was your creation. You created a show. Yes, okay,
So tell me, like your background of what made you say, Okay,
I'm gonna do this. Because it's so hard to get
a show, to go from an idea to writing it
to actually making it to television.

Speaker 2 (02:15):
I knew there was an audience.

Speaker 5 (02:16):
You know, you see shows and you see people talking
about man, we need something different, you know, we want
to hear a fresh perspective. We want to we want
to and also too Thomas and I. We say this
all the time, but black women have have been creating
content and telling their story the way that they want
themselves to be portrayed over the past hire many years,
five ten years, really taking control of their narrative. And

I wanted I wanted us, you know, black men, to
do the same thing and really have a conversation, important conversation.
You know, we talk about important topics that happen in
our community. You know, relationships, you know business when it
comes to black men, you know, just just black men
living their lives. And so I felt like it was
Tom met Thomas Q Jones. You know, he agreed, very

like minded, and we partner it up into TY seventeen
and started shopping the show. So I wrote the original
pilot in twenty fourteen.

Speaker 1 (03:04):
Wow, and look at us ten years later, about to
go into season four doing it feel good?

Speaker 4 (03:09):
Now? How the earthquake did?

Speaker 1 (03:10):
When you got casted on the show, tell me what
your thoughts were? Who reached out how to happen?

Speaker 2 (03:15):
Said did?

Speaker 6 (03:16):
I said, You're getting Totain a good friend of mine,
Eric Rome, another good friend of their lines. I was like, well,
let me see what's up, and what I love so
much about the show, and what's so needed about the show,
and I challenge everybody to watch it, is the fact
that these four brothers who's the characters, hold each other
accountable for each other. And that's what's lacking in our community.

Speaker 3 (03:39):
You know what I mean.

Speaker 6 (03:41):
They don't harbor the fugitive.

Speaker 2 (03:42):
You know what I mean.

Speaker 6 (03:43):
They don't sit down and just allow someone else to
do something. They check each other and I think that
was very important and that's a message that needs to
be told. They even to say, yeah, you my boy,
but you're wrong on this, you need to be better
on this, and they challenge them, and I think that's
the lack of our community and.

Speaker 3 (04:00):
They need to be shown.

Speaker 6 (04:02):
I have four brothers, so I can't be out here
doing different things because my brothers would pull my coattail,
regardless of me being Earthquake the celebrity. We say that
all the time to each other. You wasn't raised like that,
you know what I mean? Yeah, Well, it's authenticate, you
know what I mean. You need somebody to sit back

and say, hey, what's wrong with you?

Speaker 7 (04:23):

Speaker 6 (04:24):
Tell us the real Why are you wilding out here
like that? And that's what that show to me, what
it does the accountability that they have for each other,
and they all are different. Ain't no one type of brother.

Speaker 2 (04:36):
You know what I mean?

Speaker 1 (04:37):
The same last name Johnson, which is the place for
guys who are best friends, same last name, which is
a coincidence, but friends from when you guys were.

Speaker 7 (04:46):
Young, childhood childhood friends they named Johnson. Obviously there's a
double ant.

Speaker 4 (04:53):
Jake, explain it to us.

Speaker 3 (04:57):
You can google it. Yeah, one of them anyway, one
of the meanings.

Speaker 7 (05:01):
The other one is Johnson is like the second most
popular last black name.

Speaker 4 (05:06):
What's the first one?

Speaker 3 (05:07):
I think it's william It goes back and forth, Johnson
and Williams.

Speaker 7 (05:11):
But essentially it stands for kind of the black male experience, right,
you know, even though its black men, we have different
individual experiences overall. There's a lot of situations that we're
in that we feel these accent because a lot of
people look at black men as monolithic. And the beautiful
thing about this show, like they said, is all four

of the characters are totally different, totally different complexions, totally
different energies, totally different essences, totally different career ambitions, and
so you get a chance to see four different black
men interacting with each other in real situations. So it's
a very very relatable show to anybody watch them, especially

black men.

Speaker 4 (05:53):
Even for me.

Speaker 1 (05:53):
While I'm watching it, I'm thinking about, like you look
at the different characters, and women are drawn to a
certain type of man. I feel like, but then you
get to see Keith's character because at first people might
be like, oh, I would never like he's kind of
geeky on there, he's got the corny jokes. But then
he does treat his woman kind of the best out
of everybody.

Speaker 4 (06:14):
I mean, yeah, exactly, you.

Speaker 2 (06:17):
Know, yeah, Book treats his mom.

Speaker 6 (06:22):
Don't worry mine, I need say black Gold Bachelor.

Speaker 7 (06:30):
Yeah, but no, that's the point is you get to
see all these four black men as black men, you know,
because a lot of people maybe attracted to a certain
type of black men because you know, that's what you know,
either the narrative is or that's what.

Speaker 3 (06:43):
They've been told to like you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 7 (06:46):
But sometimes they miss out on the black men that's
supposed to be for them, you know, because they're attracted
to something that they think they're supposed to be attracted to.
So the good thing about the show and what days
he's done as a writer in developing these characters is
making sure that there's every type of black men as
possibly possible as we can create that's available for people.

Speaker 3 (07:07):
To watch and also black men to see and say, hey,
that's me. You know what I mean.

Speaker 7 (07:11):
I don't have to be like Omar to be this,
So I don't have to be like Jarvist to be
like this. So I don't have to be like Greg
or Keith to be like this. I can be me
and I'm still good enough as a black man.

Speaker 4 (07:20):
Well, let's talk about some of the things that have
happened on the show.

Speaker 1 (07:22):
And you guys can binge watch this on Hulu right now,
but it is on Bound stev and season fourt starting
August thirty, just to put all that out.

Speaker 4 (07:28):
There right now.

Speaker 1 (07:30):
Okay, but let's talk about Omar's character first, because you know,
there's some things that you did that definitely broke broke
code in previous episodes. So I want to ask in
the room in real life, Okay, if you're a homeboy
likes a girl, nothing's happened, but you know he's very
into her, but you could tell she's not into him.

Is it okay for you then to step in the
woman likes you and sleep with her. Are there too
many women in this world for you to even do
that and step on some toes?

Speaker 3 (07:59):
I mean I feel think, yeah, you just have to know.

Speaker 7 (08:03):
That earthquake said, yeah, I'm thinking about it.

Speaker 3 (08:08):
I mean, I think that's fire.

Speaker 4 (08:10):
Okay, let's clear, she looks amazing.

Speaker 3 (08:12):
I think it's it's it's it's just you know, you
have to know who the friend is. You know my character, Omar.

Speaker 7 (08:20):
You know he's a very assertive I guess alpha male type,
and Keith's character is would be considered by social media
standards more of a beta character, you know, so he's
not as aggressive, not as assertive. But Omar, knowing that
about Keith, should take that in consideration before he makes

that choice.

Speaker 3 (08:45):
So I think if you care about.

Speaker 1 (08:46):
You're talking about the characters I'm talking about y'all in
real life. What are your real life character?

Speaker 3 (08:53):

Speaker 7 (08:54):
I think again, I do. I think you have to
know your friend group and you have to know your friend.
You know what I'm saying, Because it's certain certain guys
don't care, certain guys are like you know what, hey,
it is what it is but there's certain guys you
know that are really really either you know, not used
to getting that girl or not used to having the opportunity.
They're gonna fall a little bit harder for her, and

they're gonna they're gonna take it harder if you step
in and take advantage of a situation.

Speaker 1 (09:19):
I think guys act like they don't care, maybe, but
any I would think anybody would care, you know what
I'm saying. Like that's an ego thing too, And so
you may say I don't care because I think we're women.

Speaker 4 (09:30):
We have a very strict code.

Speaker 1 (09:31):
Like I like him and not that it doesn't happen,
but we know his hands off.

Speaker 7 (09:36):
But I do think sometimes you know, as men, when
you move, if you've moved on to something else and
that situation wasn't really something that you thought had a
chance to grow, then a lot of men.

Speaker 3 (09:48):
Don't care necessarily, you know what I mean. And I
think it's it just depends on the person.

Speaker 4 (09:52):
What do you think, earthquake.

Speaker 6 (09:54):
I'm gonna ask for approval, then I'm gonna move on.
I know I'm gonna tell you that I'm not gonna
sneaking if you come to me and say Hey, man,
she likes me, and what's up? And I'm like, oh,
it is yours and the vice versa, and minds is minds,
And I truly believe if she was mine, she would
never want you. So that tells me that she doesn't

want you, and somebody got to get it. So watching
to be your boy? Oh god, you know what I mean,
somebody gonna have it?

Speaker 4 (10:26):

Speaker 5 (10:27):
I think it's I think it's way too many uh
beautiful women in the world. My personal opinion to uh
to mess around with anybody in your friend groups.

Speaker 2 (10:38):

Speaker 1 (10:39):
I think that's what gets guys in trouble the most.
And I noticed that on the show too. It's not
being straight up and honest, like being straightforward about things.
Because Greg, even with your character, you ended up well
Greg's character JJ, you end up hooking up with, well,
not hooking up, but running into your ex fiance, who,
by the way, you didn't tell your current girlfriend was

ever your fiance, and then you also didn't give her
heads up.

Speaker 4 (11:04):
They guessed what I ran into her?

Speaker 5 (11:06):
Yeah, I mean you you people would call that being dishonest,
and I guess it is being dishonest, you know. I
think Greg had a reason for doing what he did.
He wanted to protect his current situation. He knew that
if he was truthful with her up front, then they
probably wouldn't have gotten to the point of where they
gotten too. You know, she would have taken it a

certain way, especially the way that she took it. The
fact that that he went over for dinner or went
to hang out with his ex. You know, that was
the end of their relationship essentially on the show.

Speaker 4 (11:38):
It's not necessary too.

Speaker 2 (11:40):
What was it?

Speaker 4 (11:41):
I mean, I mean, yeah, it was how long ago?

Speaker 5 (11:45):

Speaker 2 (11:45):
I think it was like maybe a year year and
a half on the show.

Speaker 3 (11:48):
Okay, yeah, but.

Speaker 5 (11:49):
I think I think that's the point is like everybody's
everybody's different. Everybody's going to react different. Some women will
look past it and some women or will say absolutely
not and that's it.

Speaker 1 (11:59):
That's some things that are okay to omit when you're
in a relationship and dating somebody, you know, omitting and
lying kind of go. There's a blurred line there, like
not telling somebody what happened and lying is is you know,
some people would say like, well, you know, I just
didn't disclose that information. Somebody would say that's dishonest. What
are some things when you're in a relationship that it's

okay to not tell the other person.

Speaker 6 (12:25):
For me, anything that happened before I met you, So it's.

Speaker 4 (12:29):
Okay to not be like I was engaged before.

Speaker 6 (12:33):
I might say that I'm such a thing as engaged
and married, but anything below that.

Speaker 4 (12:38):
What about kids?

Speaker 2 (12:39):
Like? Of course, absolutely, I can't.

Speaker 3 (12:44):
Drugs here.

Speaker 6 (12:46):
You come, get underneath you, underneath the bed. My new
woman is coming here. But I think the past is
the past. I deal with you doing the day that
I met you.

Speaker 3 (12:55):
I don't.

Speaker 6 (12:57):
I mean, how you treat me is more important, and
how we get along the is what doesn't for me?

Speaker 1 (13:06):
What if she used to be an escort and she
just didn't tell you. You don't think that's necessary?

Speaker 6 (13:11):
No, I be like, so that's what you got them skills?
I mean, I got a profession.

Speaker 7 (13:19):
I think it's I think it's objective too. I mean
a lot of things are subjective, man. I mean it's
a huge world of dating, huge conversation around you know
what's acceptable, what's not acceptable. But it's knowing who your
partner is, knowing what you think they might want to
know based off of what you've gotten to know about them.
You know what I'm saying, Some people want to know
about all your past situations. Some people don't want to

know about your past. They don't want to think about it,
you know, out of sight, out of mind. So I
definitely think it's it's subjective. And you know, in Gregg's
character on the show, you know, he didn't tell his ex, well,
he didn't tell his current girlfriend about his ex because
he was moving on from her.

Speaker 3 (14:00):
So part of it was he didn't.

Speaker 7 (14:01):
Even want to bring her up and he was actually
falling for this other girl and she was helping him
move on.

Speaker 3 (14:07):
And hell, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 7 (14:09):
And I know sometimes you know, that seems like it's
not being honest if you don't tell the person about
a situation like that. But what about his healing process?
You know, there's two sides to every coin. And that's
the beautiful thing about this show is that we don't
just say these things.

Speaker 3 (14:24):
We show people.

Speaker 7 (14:25):
These things through the characters, through the relationship dynamics, through
the performances.

Speaker 3 (14:29):
And that's why I think a lot of people like
the show.

Speaker 1 (14:31):
Yeah, no, I think it's very well written and the
topics definitely hit close to home. You have some or
maybe not anger management issues. Okay, oh yeah, Omar, not
you but on the show, oh my, you're like, no,
not mean, I mean, I don't know, but Omar.

Speaker 4 (14:48):
Has some anger management issues.

Speaker 1 (14:50):
Do you think he does or do you think that
he doesn't, because I feel like Omar doesn't believe that
he has these issues he's doing.

Speaker 7 (14:58):
Yeah, I think Omar is misunderstood. I think Omar is
a straight shooter. A lot of people don't like the truth,
you know what I mean. I think he's a very
deliberate person and that can come across as angry, that
can come across as aggressive sometimes, and we as black men,

that's what we go through sometimes, you know, even if
we're right, our truth sometimes is considered aggressive, just our
basic truth. And I think that's what Omar represents. So
it's a pleasure for me to play this character because
I'm able to help show people that even though Omar
has this certain stature and energy and he's dark skinned
with tattoos and this you know, stereotypical look that says aggressive,

he's a human being as well.

Speaker 3 (15:44):
He's vulnerable.

Speaker 7 (15:45):
There's really there's a reason why he acts the way
he acts, and he does the things he does, and
I don't think we really get to see that on
a lot of TV shows. I think sometimes black men
you see them as being just this negative, stereotypical person,
but then there's no backstory.

Speaker 3 (16:01):
How did he become that?

Speaker 7 (16:02):
And I think a lot of other people get the
grace of being given depth to their characters. And that's
what we pride ourselves on in this show, is given
all the characters depth.

Speaker 1 (16:11):
Now, Daisy, there's a part and you know coming back
that has to do with Omar's character where you want
everybody to come to church. Yeah, and you get up
and you reveal on the show that the pastor actually
touched you when you were younger. And I was thinking
maybe some of the anger and some of that comes

from like past trauma when you start to see things
like that.

Speaker 2 (16:36):
Yeah, that's the idea, you know.

Speaker 5 (16:37):
The idea is, you know, there's a lot of things
in Omar's past that he hasn't truly unpacked, you know,
coming up for us, you know, going to speak to
somebody professionally was looked at as a negative thing. You know,
it was looked at as a luxury. It wasn't something
that was considered something that we did in the neighborhoods

that we grew up, or just in our culture in general.

Speaker 8 (17:02):
So characters, Yeah, yeah, yeah, I wanted to make sure that,
you know, there was a character that had an opposing
perspective on that, because you know, there are people out
there who feel like when we're talking about mental health
and seeking counseling and things like that, that you know,
we're over compensating now and everybody's kind of blaming everything

on this mental health you know, fad essentially, And so
that's Greg's perspective, but that's not Omar's perspective, is not
Jarvis's perspective or Keith's perspective.

Speaker 5 (17:33):
But that's the beauty of the show. We want to
make sure that we are representing all perspectives on this show.
But yes, his past is catching up with him and
he is finally seeking professional help for something that happened
a long time ago, earthquake.

Speaker 1 (17:50):
A lot of people will say that comedy is therapeutic. Yeah,
so can you talk to me about that? And have
you ever done like professional therapy or do you feel
like you let it all out on stage?

Speaker 8 (18:01):

Speaker 6 (18:01):
I mean, I mean it's stending me laying on a
couch and paying one hundred dollars an hour. I'd rather
stand on stage and pick up twenty thousands.

Speaker 4 (18:11):
Tell everyone doesn't have that luxury.

Speaker 6 (18:14):
Open mic is there, but it's very therapeutic. They helped
me through some of the lowest times in my career,
and it also shop in my comedy with because I
was able to turn the pain into a joke. And
I am like him, I don't believe in therapy that way.
You know, people come to me all the time and say,

would you go to marriage counsel? And I said, I
didn't need a person to get her Why do I
need a person to keep herself? That has always been
my mentality. And we from that neighborhood. When I seen
that episode, I was like, yeah, I don't believe in
therapy on that part either. So it's the great thing
about the show, and you know, I'm just so fortunate
to be a part of it. They get all perspective

of all the people in the hood, of who we
are as.

Speaker 7 (19:00):
A people, and therapy comes in multiple ways, like, for example,
you know, I played football for a long time, played
from the time.

Speaker 3 (19:08):
I was eight to this.

Speaker 2 (19:13):
Thomas Q. Jones.

Speaker 3 (19:14):
Thomas Jones, you know.

Speaker 7 (19:15):
So I played football from eight to thirty three, and
football is a very irrational game. It's a very violent sport,
and when you get into the NFL, it's it's the
maximum version of that. And so you develop certain characteristics,
certain mannerisms, certain behavioral characters, that characteristics that are hard

to shed because in the NFL, in the locker room
and on the field, it's just the arrogance and the
aggression is in the air, and there are really no
consequences to the aggression. There are really no consequences to
the violence. There's really no aggression to how you speak
to people or how you talk to people. It's all
that matter is production. And when I retired, I'm still

used to being in the locker room. I'm still being
on That's not right. My real life is in a
locker room where I can say what I want to say,
and if something happens and I don't like something, I
can just punch you in the face.

Speaker 3 (20:14):
So you can punch me.

Speaker 7 (20:14):
In the face or you know, and it's considered respectful. He's,
you know, earning his respect. You can't do that in
the real world. You know, you can't put somebody over
a parking spot you know you're going to jail, you know,
so for yeah, or at the gym playing basketball. So
for a few years I was kind of in this
who am my space? Like between being a football player
between being a real person. That my therapy came from

acting classes, okay, because when I moved to LA and
I joined the two or three acting studios I was in,
I was able to learn how to use all that
energy and put it into characters.

Speaker 1 (20:50):
And that's great because not a lot of you know,
just when you think about the numbers of professional NFL
players who will go on to have a career just
as thriving as it was when they were in the league,
those numbers are not going to be very high, right,
No they're not.

Speaker 7 (21:04):
But also I committed to it and I let football go.
And that's hard to do when you've been good at
something for so long, and you recognize for something for
so long, to let it go and take a chance
that leap into the next thing. And that's what I
was able to do. When I was able to take
the coaching and take the criticism and also get a
lot of things that I didn't necessarily want to deal

with off of my chest and learn how to put
all that into a character. So now all the traumas
and things that I dealt with are the most beautiful
things in my life as an actor because, for example,
the Omar character in the episode that we're talking about,
where he's being the most vulnerable I've ever been as
an actor, I was able to use things in my
real life and put that into the character. And I

wouldn't have been able to do that if I didn't
have therapy in my acting classes talking to my acting coaches, right.

Speaker 1 (21:51):
And you know, part of the show is also that
your son wants to play football really badly, and that's
hard for a parent because you know, I'm sure you
want him to your ex wife or as soon to
be ex wife doesn't want him to play football, and
it's hard because he really wants to. But at the
same time, it is dangerous and he got injured.

Speaker 3 (22:09):
Yeah, it's dangerous.

Speaker 7 (22:10):
And plus he's working on his marriage and you know,
he's made some mistakes with his wife and he's trying
to clean it up, and you know, he cares about
his family. And that's that's the good thing about this character,
and I like it. It gives the good black men
that love their wives and love their kids and fight
for their families.

Speaker 3 (22:26):
It gives them a voice. You know.

Speaker 7 (22:28):
There's obviously the dead beat dad narrative that's out there,
and there's a lot of guys that aren't taking care
of the responsibilities. And I've said this before. If you're
a dead be dad, you can't be my friend, you
know what I'm saying. But there are good black men
that do love their families and ladies.

Speaker 4 (22:43):
You should not date a deabie dad either, because.

Speaker 7 (22:47):
No, no, no, no, listen. Deadbie dads to me are
I just don't know how you could be a debbie dad.

Speaker 3 (22:54):
I don't. I don't. I don't know what instinct you
don't have, it says Provide, and I personally don't. You
know what I'm saying.

Speaker 7 (23:02):
That's why I couldn't have someone like that in my
friend's circle. But there are black men who are going
through the court systems that maybe have, you know, a
dysfunctional relationship with the mother their kid, and so they
might not.

Speaker 3 (23:16):
Be able to see the kid.

Speaker 7 (23:18):
The thing I get the most from my character is
fathers that DM me, you know, or say, man, thank
you so much for speaking my truth. You know, because
it's because there are a lot of black men that
do care about their families and their kids, and sometimes
they don't have the voice that they might necessarily should,
especially in the Hollywood space.

Speaker 1 (23:39):
And you know, I hope us talking about all of
these themes on the show is going to make people
who haven't seen it go and binge watch it ahead
of season four starting August third. Now, I also want
to discuss squatting because that's a huge issue right now
in Atlanta, and it ends up because this show is
shot in Atlanta being an issue on this series as well,
and I was like, how would one handle that situation

in real life? You know, you Airbnb is your place
on the show, Greg's character and the person is not
trying to leave, and it's like, look, I did my
thirty days. Now I'm a resident and I live here.

Speaker 2 (24:11):
Well, you know, from Chicago, from Chicago.

Speaker 5 (24:16):
You know, it's funny because it seems like people from
Chicago got to let you know.

Speaker 1 (24:22):
From Chicago. She probably told you. She'll tell you in
a second, Okay.

Speaker 5 (24:27):
But you know, Thomas and I will discuss storylines as
we're prepping for a new season, and that was one
of the storylines that we discussed, and it's it's coincidence
because just after we, you know, create that storyline and
write it in, you start seeing these news articles of
this happening more and more.

Speaker 2 (24:47):
I'm sure it's been happening, right.

Speaker 1 (24:49):
They're trying to figure out laws to make sure that
people can't do that, because that's crazy. If I just
am here thirty days not paying, had to.

Speaker 4 (24:57):
Do is get one bill? Yeah, exactly, Jordash ordering my name.

Speaker 5 (25:00):
People are smart, you know, I mean, criminals are smart.
Criminals are too damn smart. It's like, you know, they
figure out how to cheat the system, and so I
think they're learning and taking advantage of these loopholes. So yes,
the character Greg has a squatter in his house in
season three.

Speaker 2 (25:15):
He's from Chicago. He won't leave.

Speaker 5 (25:17):
The issue is, you know, he can't just go and
change the locks. You know, he can't just kick him out.
He can't just be physical because the laws are on
the squatter's side, and Greg end up getting arrested. So
he has to formulate this this plan to kind of
make the squad leave on his own. But I just
saw an article last week about a woman who changed
the locks she got arrested.

Speaker 1 (25:38):
I mean, it's wild the stuff that they're doing. They're
changing the laws in some states, and so we'll see
what happens.

Speaker 4 (25:43):
But that was just something for me to wise that
was painful, you know.

Speaker 7 (25:47):
I mean, that's really and it's crazy. It's really happening
everywhere an earthquake.

Speaker 1 (25:52):
I want to talk to you about all the specials
that you've done, but your most recent one legendary.

Speaker 3 (25:58):

Speaker 1 (25:58):
You know, people talk about how cool it is to
even have, you know, specials on television, and there's a
lot of comedians. Godfrey was up here the other day
talking about how he's, you know, starting his goal fund
me because for some reason, like even though he's a
great comedian, the networks aren't knocking on his door. But
you I feel like I've been putting out specials like NonStop.

Have you self funded any of them prior to this?

Speaker 6 (26:20):
No, I haven't self funded any of them of my own.

Speaker 2 (26:24):
I am.

Speaker 6 (26:25):
Matter of fact, Me and Dave Chappelle is going to
do another one this year in Atlanta. Okay, yeah, we're
gonna do another one to follow up the hit one
that we had, one of the highest DERI yes, Netflix
special ever. It's horrid because it's subjectives. What's funny to
some person that's not funny to another. Being in the

business for thirty years and people come to me all
the time and say, well, Quake, why don't you have
your TV show and your movies?

Speaker 3 (26:51):

Speaker 6 (26:51):
I said, apparently I didn't make the right person laugh yet,
And that's the thing about it is. And Dave Chapelle
came to me and put his name and his relationship
with Nextflix up and said he wanted to produce mine,
and that in turn got me into the door. And
I knew this was gonna be a game changer for
me off of it in which it was and open

up everything else for what I'm doing now, my own
TV show, on radio show, and all the other things
that I'm doing. But it is hard on Godfield because
you know, you have to get into executives such as
my man over there and say, hey, I want you
to fund this special and it's a million comedians, and
you have to see in certain people even if you

funded yourself, that don't mean they're gonna buy it from
you and you and you can't hold it like it
took y'all ten years to get the season four if
you do a special, you gotta sell it within that year. Yeah,
because you know it's gonna turn, you know what I mean,
So you have to find it. So I'm just blessing up.
But I always believe and if godfeel was talking, when

it's your turn, it's your turn. Because as God turn,
just continue to continue to put the work in and
that opportunity is gonna come. And when the opportunity is
presenting yourself, be ready to be able to distinguish yourself
between the rest of the Communitians out and they'll take
care of itself.

Speaker 1 (28:13):
I feel like you made a lot of people, a
lot of men feel like I got to go get
this prostate exam, you know, and that special.

Speaker 6 (28:19):
Yes, I mean because I was. It breaks my heart
my people anywhere that we're dying for diseases that's already
godless gave a cure too, And the mental anguish that
comes along with especially your prostate exam, is keeping a
lot of the men from seeking the necessary treatment they need.

And if you are gonna have cancer, God forbid, the
cancer you want to have is prostate because it's ninety
nine percent treatable if detected early. And as a person
that has to always monitor and make sure minds don't
get into anything. I do it, and so I just
wanted to talk about it and make it funny so

you can even the best way to get my people
and I do our people is laughing to it, you
know what I mean. You can't preach it to it,
you can't demand it to it, you can't shame him
to it. You gotta laugh at to him.

Speaker 1 (29:17):
Yeah, I felt like that was so informational for people
while they were laughing.

Speaker 4 (29:21):
It's also like I better go get mine done.

Speaker 2 (29:23):
You know.

Speaker 1 (29:23):
I'm sure guys were thinking that when they were watching it.
I felt like you should get some type of endorsement
with life. You know, they're trying to figure out how
to make man go and go to the doctor even
you know a lot of people don't even go to
the doctor.

Speaker 4 (29:36):
Every year, so.

Speaker 6 (29:37):
Many women has came to me, he said, thank you.
See say you love quake, don't you quake went.

Speaker 2 (29:43):
Over it, you know, And then it then came to
me and actually.

Speaker 3 (29:48):
Told me crying.

Speaker 6 (29:49):
You saved my life because it was diagnosed and now
I'm going through treatment. Had I not went down there
and did it, I wouldn't even be here. I mean
it's it's is strange, it's humbling.

Speaker 4 (30:01):
I feel like that'd be.

Speaker 1 (30:02):
A good storyline, you know, in the future, just because
health and going to the doctor and black men and
I think people in general like not wanting to go.
But I think for in particular, you know, just that
because I thought about that watching your special and then
also on the show, because how do you guys come up,
Like do you sit down with each other and like,
this is what's happened in my life. This would be

a good storyline. How does that happen in the process, Yeah, I.

Speaker 2 (30:26):
Mean the process.

Speaker 5 (30:27):
A lot of it happens with conversations that Thomas and
I have ongoing. This guy doesn't sleep okay, you know,
he calls me to text me like two three in
the morning. I'll be knocked out. But we have creative conversations.
You know, pay attention to what's going on in the world.
Some things are taken from current events that are happening,

you know, controversial topics that people are discussing, gentrification, gentrification,
organized religion, things like that.

Speaker 4 (30:54):
But police brutality.

Speaker 2 (30:56):
Yeah, but a lot.

Speaker 5 (30:57):
Of it is taken from borrow from experiences that I've seen.
You know, friends of mine go through conversations I've had
with people, and we turn it into an entertainment factor,
but still keep it enlightening.

Speaker 1 (31:08):
You know, what are some things that you guys have
gone through that that happened on the show.

Speaker 3 (31:16):
I'll let the creator.

Speaker 6 (31:18):
Well, I take one going to the barber shop and
have a ball head and only have three strings, and
they charge you like they gave you a full failure,
fifty five dollars. Send me like a tip for what.

Speaker 2 (31:31):
Yeah, that's happening to me too, you know on the
where they charged them sixty five to shave your beard,
you know, and then you got to tip to tip
me like twenty dollars.

Speaker 4 (31:42):
I can't sympathize getting our hair down.

Speaker 6 (31:45):
Well, you have your hair, you know what I mean.
We're talking about us not having hair, and we can
shave our own head. The only problem is I can't
line mine up, so I have to go in there
and get it lined up, and you give me the
same price. And she was tutting Thomas, Hey, I like,
here you go, come on, man, I mean I don't
even have sixty string of heads. How you gonna charge

me sixty dollars? And it's a shame. So that part
of it. When he covered that at the barber shop,
I stood up and looked at my barber because we
weren't watching that. Yeah, I was watching the Bob. I say,
that's how I feel every time I pay you.

Speaker 3 (32:21):
You know what I mean?

Speaker 7 (32:21):
I think it's I think for me, I can't really
think of one in one particular. It's just the beautiful
friendship that we have as the four lead characters, because
we're like that in real life. The playful banter, how
we joke with each other, how we you know, make

fun of each other's insecurities in a way where it's
it's letting the other person know, hey, it's all right, man,
you don't have to take it that seriously. I think
that's the part that I really love the most because
that's how guys talk, right, You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (32:58):
When you're and your friend.

Speaker 7 (32:59):
Group, you know your friends, you know which friend is
going to be sensitive to what conversation or what insecurity
they have. And you know, I think because we're so
good friends, Derek's Brady who plays Jarvis, Phillip Smithy who
plays Keith, and then obviously Deiji and I, we've built
this brotherhood in this chemistry that's just magical. And when
we get on screen, when we get on camera, just

it's magic, you know what I'm saying. So I think,
just for me, that's how I am with my friends
in real life, you know what I mean. And a
lot of men watch the show, and I think that
that's what they connect to. They connect to. These guys
are real friends, and they're not acting like they like
each other. They really are really really are really good
friends and brothers.

Speaker 5 (33:38):
And shout out to the Women of Johnson too. Most man,
we have some incredible co stars. You know, this isn't
This is not a show about men just sitting around
complaining about life. This is us navigating life, our relationships
with you know, black women and Khalila Joy, Terrence Simmons.
We have the beautiful Terry J. Vond on the show
for a couple of seasons as well. You made an

appearance on this Women of Johnson. Can't think about Rosa
so many you know, and they're all equally important because
that's a part of the guy's story. And I think
that's one of the compliments that we get all the
time is the show is so well balanced when it
comes to these different perspectives, it's not heavily weighed on
the men's side or the women's side. It is equally

balanced and everybody has a perspective, right.

Speaker 7 (34:22):
We show the men make the mistakes with women, the
same mistakes that women talk about. We show the guys
doing that and we have the women call them out
on it, but we also have the friends call the
guy out on it too, you know what I'm saying,
because that does happen, you know, I know sometimes you
know it doesn't feel like men make each other accountable,

but it does happen.

Speaker 3 (34:44):

Speaker 7 (34:44):
If you really care about your friend, then you love
your friend and you want him to be the best
version of himself, you can't be afraid to call him out.
And that's what we do on this show. So the
black women on the show, great actors, beautiful, all different
essences and energies as well different hairstyles. I mean, the
blackness of this show is also something I'm proud of.
It's a very black show in regards to just the culture.

Speaker 1 (35:06):
The culture is a character actually, I mean, and you know,
shout out to Derek's Brady. He's not here, but he
plays the character of Jarvis. He get on my nerves
on that show so much. He's married, he was married
to a white woman, and his views on things can
be a little very like whitewashed, you know at times.

Speaker 4 (35:26):
But then.

Speaker 1 (35:30):
No, I mean, but that's sometimes things happen that make
you realize, yeah, that's true.

Speaker 3 (35:37):
We needed we needed him because he's a black man too.

Speaker 7 (35:40):
He's just that version of a black man, and most
of the time that version of a black man gets
written off right because he has a different point of view.
But let him get pulled over by the police. He's
still a black man regardless of whatever he's believing. So
it's the show is trying to be fair to all
as many versions of a black man as we can.
So when black men watch this, they can see a
version of themselves, because that's the whole point of it.

It's like we're not monolithic, but we were still black
and we still have similar experiences.

Speaker 3 (36:09):
We're just different. Jarvis gets a lot of people's nerves.

Speaker 4 (36:13):
You know what I'm saying, But you know, some great
moments he does, he does.

Speaker 3 (36:17):
He does.

Speaker 7 (36:18):
But what Deiji always says is, you know, we play
on the stereotypes of black men and then we flip
them on their heads, right, you know what I'm saying,
because you have to really give these characters somewhere to
go and somewhere to grow. And if you watch all
three seasons, which is streaming out on Hulu and the
season fours will be on Bounce August third, you'll see
how far these characters have come from season one to

season four, totally different characters. And that's an evolution process
that we try to create with these four black men
that you generally see at some point in real life
with real black men too.

Speaker 4 (36:49):
What can we expect for season four?

Speaker 1 (36:51):
Like, what are a couple of things, you know, as
we left off from season three at the end, and
I like the fact that y'all, by the way, shout
out some great organizations. I saw y'all was eating a
slutty Vegan, you know, I love that restaurant. Shout out
to Pinky Cole, Big Brother, Big Sister program. You know,
you guys also showed some love to them. But these
are real life things that can affect people's businesses, which

is a positive thing.

Speaker 2 (37:14):
That's right.

Speaker 5 (37:15):
Yeah, what we want the show to be as authentic
as authentic as possible.

Speaker 2 (37:19):
The culture is a character study, Vegan.

Speaker 5 (37:22):
You know, different locations that we film in Atlanta, different
artists that we have featured on the on the show.

Speaker 4 (37:28):
It's really nice.

Speaker 8 (37:28):

Speaker 5 (37:29):
You know, a show that I love when I was
a kid was New York in the Cover and I
loved how soundtrack was. Soundtrack was dope and like every episode,
every other episode they were I think it was Natalie's
name of it. They had a lot of performance, I'm
not mistaken. So we wanted to make sure that music
was a big part of the show as well. And
so yeah, Jay Noble's performed on the show, Kenya and Dixon,

Josh Dean, who's in Wonderlands, Emmy scres So. So season four,
it's going to be fun, a funny season. We're going
a journey in season four. Literally, you know there's a
chance we might be going to an exotic destination. Okay,
you know, change it up, Yeah, yea change it up

from Atlanta and go go to a nice beach somewhere
for a few episodes.

Speaker 2 (38:15):
So I'm really looking forward to that.

Speaker 5 (38:17):
And yeah, I think I think, I think the audience
is gonna be very satisfied. If you've been following these
characters from season one and you get the season four,
you're gonna be very satisfied as when you see how
far they've come and how far they've how far they've grown.

Speaker 4 (38:31):
Are you guys gonna still talk after the show and
have like.

Speaker 2 (38:34):
Oh the talk back?

Speaker 5 (38:35):
Yeah, I don't know if.

Speaker 3 (38:38):
I don't know if we're going to do that season four.

Speaker 7 (38:42):
But if you haven't seen the conversations Sir Johnson after show,
they're on YouTube. You can go to their Bounce YouTube
channel and you can pull up all of the after
shows and so after each episode we'll have a conversation
about what happened during the episode and the specific and
you know, get opinions and all that from the characters

and then Deij as well. Those conversations to me sometimes
are like the most I guess satisfying, you know, because
you when you're in the creative space like Deiji and
not most are most of the time, there's so many
things you're thinking about. You're thinking about the logistics, you're
thinking about being you know, you know, not reckless with

with what you're saying, what you're writing, not offending people,
but you're also thinking, you know, still keep it real,
still be authentic, you know what I mean. So there's
a lot of creative decision making that isn't just raw.
Where the after shows are just raw. You can be
raw in the conversation because you're talking about this character.

Speaker 3 (39:50):
You're not talking about yourself, you know what I mean.

Speaker 7 (39:52):
So yeah, if you get a chance, you can go
to the Bounce YouTube channel and you can see all
of the Johnson after shows from season one, two and three.

Speaker 1 (40:01):
Yeah, that's a good point though not offending people. Earthquake,
I know you have to deal with that all the time.

Speaker 4 (40:07):
And no, you don't think about it at all. I
want to talk about it.

Speaker 6 (40:13):
No, no, no, I'm under the banner of I'm a comedian.
You should never let a clown hurt your feelings. I
never write a joke and mean spirit. So well that's
not how I get down. So I walk in there
with it is a joke off of it, and you know,
so I don't. I don't. I don't have time for that.

So God given gift and I utilize it.

Speaker 2 (40:38):
I can. He's telling the truth.

Speaker 5 (40:39):
Because we're on set Earthquake will say whatever the hell
comes to mind.

Speaker 2 (40:45):
There's things that we had to cut out. Yeah, luckily
were the editors.

Speaker 4 (40:52):
See Bounce TV is a little different than stand up you.

Speaker 6 (40:55):
Know, right, Well, they give you the freedom and you
want to go there and then let them bring you back, okay,
you know, and that's you know, it's a great thing
they allow you and they have the best set period,
the atmosphere for you to be able to create. Been
on so many shows that you sit there and be like,
why did you hire me? You know what I mean,

I'm not an actor. I'm a movie star. So utilize
what I am, you know what I mean, and the
talent that's given to me, and you sit there. But
when you got there, they he gave me the script,
he said, Quake, I need this, this, this, this, and
he worked with me and we got it. And once
I got it, it was it. That's why I'm one
take Quake.

Speaker 1 (41:35):
And we would be remiss not to mention Quake's House
after Dark, which is coming soon. So just give us
a little preview of what that's.

Speaker 2 (41:40):
Oh, what I'm gonna do.

Speaker 6 (41:41):
I'm gonna do a late night talk show. I have
the number one show on Serious x Simon is called
Quake's House. And what I'm gonna do now is do
a late night talk show. If you want to know,
it's like the View with jokes. I bring four comedians
in and we sit down and talk about hot topics
and then each other other the rooms in the house.

We do different interviews when we have to do a
when we sit and doing something important with a kitchen
table thing like we have it there. And when we
do sketches like the Dave Chappelle had on there, we
go down to the theater room and I do my
sketches and off of there. And when we do a
musical guest, we go down there and just sit down

and say, we go down to the music room sometimes
like Tigger used to do, put them in the booth
bas bend and rock off of it. So we're putting
that it's called quake after dark and we're getting it together. Well, man,
I need all.

Speaker 3 (42:36):
These jobs I need you do. Yes, really a job.

Speaker 6 (42:41):
Yes, it's never as job. I'm not good at doing
things I don't want to do.

Speaker 1 (42:45):
All right, Well, listen season four August third on Bound TV.
But you could watch the first three seasons on Hulu
right now. Congratulations though to you guys, it's amazing to
watch the show. And I know if you haven't seen it.
Y'all need to go back and catch up so that
you're with us.

Speaker 7 (43:00):
August third, Thank you so much tuning in the season
once you can see Angelae.

Speaker 9 (43:05):
Episode episode Angelou is doing it and humbly from one
radio person to another, congratulations, thank you.

Speaker 6 (43:15):
No congratulations. I know what it took for you to
get here, and I'm so proud of you.

Speaker 4 (43:21):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (43:22):
I wouldn't you should have never told me I'd be
sitting in the same room with earthquake when I was,
you know, coming up in this.

Speaker 4 (43:27):
I appreciate you.

Speaker 3 (43:28):
I love you girl.

Speaker 4 (43:29):
I love you too for you.

Speaker 1 (43:30):
Thank you, guys. I appreciate y'all so much. Johnson know

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