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August 7, 2024 49 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You are now what I call.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
What a day you guys this way out, I'm here.

Speaker 3 (00:16):
Yeah, he's got a hold on me.

Speaker 4 (00:19):
Leg Rich, calm down, yes.

Speaker 3 (00:25):
Like the world is all clo I like, I like
when we started.

Speaker 4 (00:31):
Listen, y'all, I'm a mess. I was trying to drive
to work today and my phone is ringing. You succeeded, Yes,
because it's raining.

Speaker 2 (00:39):
I try to park in a parking spot, a garage
closer to the job. When I tell you, it just
took me like an hour and a half to get
here because of that.

Speaker 3 (00:48):
You dressed like summertime, though I don't feel like it's
raining with the outfit. It is sometime, but it's still
The weather is inclement. Is that's the right word, inclement.

Speaker 4 (00:56):
It can be warm and raining, but it's not that
warm though. It is all right.

Speaker 2 (01:01):
Well, it's also on Wednesday, so that means it's so
wealth Wednesday. And we have an exciting master Card roundtable
for you guys today, a priceless conversation with Salahgos from MasterCard.
Also Samantha Tweety and Rachel Rogers. You're gonna absolutely love
this conversation. Also, Stacey Tisday will be here with Michelle
Anthony talking about government contracts.

Speaker 4 (01:22):
Yes, Dona, I like.

Speaker 3 (01:23):
Any time for me to talk about Project twenty twenty five.

Speaker 4 (01:27):
Yes, because a lot of people I didn't know you
were for that.

Speaker 5 (01:30):
I am.

Speaker 3 (01:30):
I'm not for it.

Speaker 6 (01:32):
I'm against it, but a lot of people don't know
what it is.

Speaker 3 (01:34):
What it is the last time I said, somebody say
Y'm gonna play that number in a lottery, and that's
not what it is.

Speaker 2 (01:38):
All right, Well we'll talk about all of that, but
let's start with some love and possitivity. Let's shine a
light eight hundred two nine two fifty one fifty call
us up.

Speaker 4 (01:45):
Let's bread love.

Speaker 1 (01:46):
I'm shame.

Speaker 7 (01:48):
Turn your lights on, y'all spreading love to those who
are doing greatness.

Speaker 6 (01:53):
Shine a light on, Shine a light on.

Speaker 1 (01:57):
It's time to shine a light on them.

Speaker 4 (02:00):
Right his way up, I'm here, and Maino's here.

Speaker 8 (02:05):
Is here.

Speaker 4 (02:07):
Yeah, we gotta anyway.

Speaker 2 (02:09):
Today we want to shine a light on our very
own producer Dan.

Speaker 9 (02:13):

Speaker 2 (02:13):
Dan was out handling some business, but he could not
wait to get back to work, which is great.

Speaker 4 (02:19):
And even though.

Speaker 3 (02:21):
Do you know how disrespectful Dan was.

Speaker 4 (02:23):
Today, It's fine.

Speaker 2 (02:24):
He puts you in a little chair and he didn't
give you had phones, but that's fine.

Speaker 3 (02:28):
You was cousin. You were dealing with your parking isshoes.
He said, you know what, we gotta do something. He said,
we should go live without her.

Speaker 4 (02:35):
Why are you trying to ruin this? Shining a light on?

Speaker 6 (02:37):

Speaker 2 (02:37):
But you know what, it is great about being out
of work. People realize what you actually do. Some people
might be like whatever, but when Dan wasn't here, when
I tell you, Navy who runs the boards.

Speaker 6 (02:47):
Was wow. He was fine.

Speaker 2 (02:51):
But it also makes you realize how hard that everybody
in sales.

Speaker 4 (02:56):
Everybody was like what do we do?

Speaker 5 (02:58):

Speaker 6 (02:58):
It was different though while he was going though.

Speaker 4 (03:00):
Yeah, So thanks Dan for coming back to work.

Speaker 3 (03:02):
Were raised when you came back, so.

Speaker 2 (03:04):
He will all right, Thanks done for advocating. All right, Well,
who do you guys want to shine a light on?
Eight hundred and two ninety two fifty one to fifty Julian,
Who do you want to shine a light on?

Speaker 3 (03:13):
I have two groups.

Speaker 1 (03:15):
I have my children and my grandchildren and my cousin.

Speaker 4 (03:18):
Okay, the whole family.

Speaker 6 (03:20):
Well, my cousin came to visit and she broke her neck.

Speaker 3 (03:23):
Oh, natis almost one hundred percent back.

Speaker 2 (03:25):
Okay, that's amazing, because that's scary breaking your neck. Yeah,
that's a blessing. Shout out to her. Okay, who else
do you want to shine a light on the kids
and the grandkids?

Speaker 6 (03:35):
Yes, I have twelve children and twenty five grandchild.

Speaker 2 (03:39):
Oh my god, slow down, twelve children? You were busy, busy.

Speaker 6 (03:43):
I have eight daughters and four sons.

Speaker 4 (03:45):
Eight daughters and fourth cents. And how many moms just one?

Speaker 1 (03:48):
I have two bagby moms.

Speaker 2 (03:51):
All right, well listen, nothing like a nice, big family
and twenty five grandchildren. Christmas is expensive for all right. Well,
shout out to you. What a nice, beautiful thing to happen.

Speaker 6 (04:01):
Out to you.

Speaker 3 (04:02):
Shout out to you for your accomplishment.

Speaker 4 (04:05):
Oh, thank you. Well, this is about you today though.

Speaker 6 (04:07):
Okay, thank you much.

Speaker 3 (04:09):
I feel and you're cool.

Speaker 6 (04:11):
I love y'all.

Speaker 3 (04:12):
I listen to you every day.

Speaker 6 (04:13):
All right.

Speaker 2 (04:14):
Well, that was shining light eight hundred and two, nine
fifty one fifty if you couldn't get through. And when
we come back, we have your yet, we'll talk about
Kyles and Knat and why he does not want to
be part of any type of political campaign. We'll tell
you what he had to say when he was contacted
by the Secret Service.

Speaker 9 (04:29):
They say in the rooms.

Speaker 7 (04:31):
From industry shade to all of gossip out angelas speeling
that yet.

Speaker 2 (04:37):
All right, this way up, I'm here, mayno's here, no man,
good morning.

Speaker 4 (04:41):
Janel Rowlings is here.

Speaker 3 (04:43):
Lotioned up fully.

Speaker 6 (04:46):
Ask you the class, ask for lawrences.

Speaker 4 (04:48):
All right, well let's get into some yet now.

Speaker 2 (04:50):
Kyson Knatt recently was talking on a stream about the
Secret Service contacting him and trying to get him to
stream with Kamala Harris.

Speaker 4 (04:59):
Here is what he had to say.

Speaker 6 (05:00):
I got the.

Speaker 10 (05:03):
Colony politics, I don't know. Hey, I'm gonna keep it
a sack. I'm gonna go ahead and say it. I
don't give them.

Speaker 2 (05:15):
And he also said a woman that he has liked
for a long time contacted him saying, we need you
to be a part of this campaign. And he just
doesn't want to get involved with politics.

Speaker 3 (05:24):
But he don't have to be involved with politics to
understand what's right and wrong. And the reason why I
say that. You know, Republicans are running on multiple platforms,
but one particularly Project twenty.

Speaker 11 (05:34):
Five Right twenty twenty five, okay twenty twenty five, Damn
I knew I played the wrong number, and like a
lot of people that I know we had talked about
this off the record, that people don't even know what
that project involves it.

Speaker 3 (05:44):
It's definitely taken away a lot of freedoms. It's taken
away a lot of liberties that we have been exposed
to and have been able to take advantage of. So
if you are a person that's not into politics, you
have to understand how Project twenty twenty five would affect
you your community.

Speaker 2 (05:59):
And it's interesting because Donald Trump has said that he
has nothing to do with it, he's not involved, but
at least six of his former cabinet secretaries help and
write the document and one hundred and forty of his
ex staff members doing the effort as well.

Speaker 3 (06:13):
When I first read it, I didn't really know what
it was when I started writing.

Speaker 4 (06:15):
It's kind in twenty pages, but I.

Speaker 3 (06:17):
Started getting nervous for America because when you look at
someone or listen to or read some of the biggest
bullet points, it's all something to do with taking away
your freedoms to make choices on your own.

Speaker 2 (06:29):
Right, Like certain things they wanted to get rid of
is like head Start, like that program.

Speaker 3 (06:33):
No, you can't do that.

Speaker 6 (06:34):
I'm yo, may No, I was in head Start. I'm
a head Start baby.

Speaker 4 (06:38):
You aren't, okay, Yeah, so that would be a very negative.

Speaker 3 (06:41):
My mother was a chapter president and Alexandra for head
Start for like twenty twenty five years. And I've seen
some single parents that come up that wasn't for head Start,
their kids would have not had a head.

Speaker 4 (06:53):
Start all right.

Speaker 2 (06:54):
Also, regulations on contraception and life saving reproductive care, so
they want to read ROB I mean emergency contraception from
no cost coverage and you know, make it a lot
harder for women to have access to get abortions and
things like that.

Speaker 12 (07:08):
So they don't want abortions at all. No, they do
not under no circumstances.

Speaker 2 (07:13):
Under no circumstances, but also not even emergency conscraceptions.

Speaker 4 (07:16):
So you're not even pregnant yet, right, but they want
to having access to that. But and then they don't
want to.

Speaker 2 (07:22):
Give you head starch. So I want you to have
these babies, but I don't want to help you.

Speaker 6 (07:25):
But I do not even like a plan B.

Speaker 3 (07:28):
I do agree that there are some women out here
and men that are irresponsible and sometimes use the option
of having an abortion just because they made a mistake
or bad choice. I think people need to be more
responsible with the choices they make. But when it comes
to like in any circumstances, no, like with somebody, if
I'm not mistaken in the case of incest, they don't

want you to be able to have an abortion. A
case of rape, they don't want you to have abortion.
And that's where I definitely draw the line.

Speaker 4 (07:53):
It's just regulating women's bodies.

Speaker 2 (07:55):
That's the main thing, regulating women bodies.

Speaker 4 (08:00):
And let's move on from there.

Speaker 2 (08:01):
When we come back, we have about last night. That's
where we discussed what we did last night.

Speaker 3 (08:05):
That your I don't want to talk about what I
did last night.

Speaker 2 (08:08):
Yeah, I feel like we don't. You didn't do nothing.

Speaker 1 (08:12):
So about last night, I went.

Speaker 2 (08:16):
Down all right, way up, I'm here manos here. Rollin's
popped in because he's got a show tonight and.

Speaker 3 (08:27):
I'm excited about it. You know my history in Brooklyn.
I used to do the nicest rooms in Brooklyn. Back
one night at two seventy five Park Laflaholic.

Speaker 4 (08:35):
We were just there to see Tony.

Speaker 3 (08:36):
Tony is one of my favorite comments to watch. But
it's one night to the eight o'clock. You can go
to any of my social platforms. You can get tickets.
But it's only one night. I came here to do
some other.

Speaker 4 (08:45):
He's doing here one night only.

Speaker 3 (08:46):
Yeah, one night only.

Speaker 4 (08:47):
That's what the Stippers do when they do like different.

Speaker 3 (08:50):
I retired.

Speaker 5 (08:51):
I used to.

Speaker 6 (08:54):
Quarters for a short time, not a long time.

Speaker 4 (08:56):
I actually that's Ray Desjohn's club.

Speaker 2 (08:57):
I actually brought Johnell there one time and he did
surprise pop up and killed it.

Speaker 3 (09:01):
It was a good time and it's a nice reunion.
I've been part of Brooklyn culture, especially with comedy, for years,
and I was excited about coming back. Brady John has
did a great thing for himself by building his brand,
especially bringing some good comics to Ripland. So tonight two
seventy five park laugh for halics. I'm bringing the heat.
I'm up with my good friend. It's like a reunion
of Brooklyn. Mike, We're gonna tear down.

Speaker 4 (09:22):
Okay, all right, what did you do last night?

Speaker 3 (09:24):

Speaker 4 (09:24):
Because you said you had something I.

Speaker 3 (09:25):
Thought about, I was responsible. My son is in town.

Speaker 4 (09:27):
I know That's why I know you didn't do anything
I thought about.

Speaker 3 (09:29):
Because I have my uncle with me that always holds
me down with my son, and I was like, you,
I want to turn up. I want to turn up down.
So you know what a turn up is going to
be going to get my son and his cousin some
pizzas and chill with him for the rest of the night.

Speaker 2 (09:40):
So that's the level of donnay, daddy, dona.

Speaker 3 (09:44):
I'm rich, but I'm turning up to night.

Speaker 4 (09:46):
So you'll be alright, I'll be there. I'll be there.
What about you, mana, would you do that?

Speaker 12 (09:50):
I had to do a community event at the restoration
in Best You know we.

Speaker 6 (09:53):
Got that, Yeah, we know, we got that that.

Speaker 12 (09:55):
Yeah, that mayn Old Day coming up August sixteenth, So
I stopped over there.

Speaker 4 (09:59):
Why didn't you?

Speaker 6 (10:01):
I didn't know what it was going to be like.

Speaker 12 (10:02):
I definitely invited to main Old Day August sixteenth, wa
Avenue between Green and Lafayette, and then I had a
dinner with with the with the crew from uh you know,
from that series Graves End, and then I went to
the studio.

Speaker 6 (10:15):
So I was up till about five this morning.

Speaker 4 (10:16):
Okay, and here you are looking fresh.

Speaker 3 (10:18):
I was invited, didn't come yet.

Speaker 6 (10:21):
Well i'll be late, but it's all right.

Speaker 4 (10:23):
I'll be outside tonight the president. It's been raining so
much that.

Speaker 6 (10:27):
I've been you know not, but I still were the
one to keep you home.

Speaker 2 (10:29):
I was actually at Dumble House yesterday with my girl
Gig and with Jordie Joor. You know, Jordi Joory guest
hosts up here sometimes. So we left from the show
and went over there. So that's all I did. We
had some nice lip service conversations for my podcast, which
is out right now comes out on Tuesdays, and uh,
you know, we're trying to figure out some things moving forward.
I think whatever you have going on, you always have

to figure out. Now. You rebranded your podcast, Yes, you've
relaunched it like five times.

Speaker 3 (10:55):
Yeah, but this is the one. But I'm starting off
all wrong because I got a lawsuit against Disney and
Pixel and.

Speaker 4 (11:01):
Sounds good.

Speaker 6 (11:02):
I hope you win.

Speaker 11 (11:03):
I'm gonna win you one of those, one of.

Speaker 1 (11:08):
Those you make.

Speaker 3 (11:11):
I'm trying to make.

Speaker 2 (11:11):
Some talk about it, guys, and Terray is here, so
when donall gets out of here, Terrey's gonna.

Speaker 3 (11:17):
That's almost kid.

Speaker 4 (11:20):
All right, Well, anyway, it is way up. That was
about last night.

Speaker 2 (11:22):
When we come back, it's time to tell us a secret.
I hope y'all are ready for this. It's a no
judgment zone. I feel like it's gonna be a mess today.
But eight hundred two nine two fifty one fifty call
us up, tell us a secret. We're not gonna judge
you at all. You get to remain anonymous. But tell
us your secret. I know these guys up here have
some crazy secrets. I know Terray has some crazy secrets,

but her mom is in the room, so she's not
gonna tell them. Eight hundred ninety two fifty one fifty.
Call us up and tell us a secret. This is
a time to do it. It's way up.

Speaker 1 (11:53):
This is a judgment free zone. Tell us a secret.

Speaker 4 (11:58):
It's way up.

Speaker 2 (11:58):
I'm here, Maino's here, Danielle is here now rawlings.

Speaker 3 (12:04):
Oh man, you're really nice to me today.

Speaker 4 (12:06):
What I'm always nice to you? Donell stop it, smile
your face.

Speaker 3 (12:11):
Okay is a double Tandre.

Speaker 4 (12:14):
No, you don't know.

Speaker 2 (12:15):
Stop using the word. I know you just learned this phrase.
Stop using that for it has nothing to do with anything.
But I'll tell you what it is happening right now.
A double chandra of being anonymous and no judgment. Okay,
we're not going to judge any of these callers who
are calling in right now to tell us a secret.

Speaker 12 (12:32):
No, we're not. We're just gonna talk to them.

Speaker 2 (12:33):
Yeah, we're just gonna talk to them. We're going to
encourage them. Sometimes you have secrets that weigh you down.
So we're going to help people get rid of that
burden that's on their back of a secret. Eight hundred
two nine two fifty one fifty. I feel like this
is a safe space. So anonymous caller tell us your secret.

Speaker 8 (12:48):
Yeah, Joe the freshman year, I was mad about roommate
and his sister, oldest sister.

Speaker 6 (12:56):

Speaker 5 (12:59):
I've had that.

Speaker 6 (13:00):
So you was mad at him, so you knocked off
his sister, you think, and.

Speaker 4 (13:03):
You don't know, people be mad when with their sister.

Speaker 3 (13:06):
I had a rule with my friends nobody could take
my sister because dudes get drunk and they'd be like this,
you know who had that?

Speaker 9 (13:11):

Speaker 6 (13:11):

Speaker 3 (13:12):
Game was fire and then we're gonna have a problem
with people my sister.

Speaker 12 (13:14):
But if he don't know, and this is the secret,
then how did he pay him back?

Speaker 4 (13:19):
Did he know you did it?

Speaker 10 (13:20):

Speaker 5 (13:21):
He found out like three years later.

Speaker 3 (13:23):
Now, if you would have pulled a Dante West. That
would have been the next left. Don't go for the sister,
go for mom. Did he was he upset?

Speaker 1 (13:32):

Speaker 6 (13:32):
He was pretty.

Speaker 3 (13:35):
Oh you got your ass?

Speaker 4 (13:36):
You got beat up?

Speaker 6 (13:37):

Speaker 4 (13:38):
Oh my gosh, why are you let him beat you up?

Speaker 12 (13:42):
That's the real team, he told me attentions. He beat
that as everybody evenly.

Speaker 6 (13:50):
But you you don't really losing the whole thing though, Like.

Speaker 4 (13:53):
Did he beat you up?

Speaker 12 (13:56):
Oh my gosh, all right, I guess it was worth
for ass woman whatever?

Speaker 2 (13:59):
He okay, all right, thank you for calling. I hate
that he had to get beat up and that was
the real story.

Speaker 4 (14:09):
Caller, how are you?

Speaker 1 (14:10):
How are you doing?

Speaker 4 (14:12):
You want to tell us a secret?

Speaker 3 (14:13):
I've been married for a little bit and I'd still
be going out the strip club having sex with strippers?

Speaker 4 (14:19):
How much is that costs?

Speaker 6 (14:22):

Speaker 3 (14:23):
As long as you're using protection?

Speaker 6 (14:25):
Brother, not know you're using protection?

Speaker 4 (14:29):
Why do you think you do that? I'm just curious.

Speaker 6 (14:33):
Because i'd be bored to love big.

Speaker 2 (14:35):
So would you be upset if your wife found out him?

Speaker 4 (14:38):
Yeah and wanted to leave you?

Speaker 6 (14:40):
Oh? Yeah already?

Speaker 2 (14:41):
Do you do you think about what is your wife
doing while you're doing this?

Speaker 3 (14:44):
I was about to say the same she at home.

Speaker 6 (14:46):
Yeah, she had the other strip club.

Speaker 3 (14:48):
Okay, all right, she got home with you gone for
two hours, so you picture that. So eventually you can
do all the dirt you want, but it's gonna come
back and you're gonna have to pay those taxes.

Speaker 2 (14:58):
I just want to say, as a woman, whatever you're doing,
we're doing it worse, right, all right, Well, thank you?
I hate all right. Well that was tell us a secret. See,
no judgment in the room. May not even encouraged it.

Speaker 6 (15:13):
No, that wasn't right when you said, y'all do it worse.

Speaker 4 (15:15):
Yeah, just think about that every time my special I
said this girl.

Speaker 3 (15:18):
One time she said, don there.

Speaker 2 (15:20):
Whatever you're doing, yeah, I'm.

Speaker 3 (15:22):
Doing the same thing. And I was like, oh, you're
cheating on me. So women with the revenge is horrible. Yeah,
it break me.

Speaker 4 (15:28):
Down, all right, all right and we cheat up.

Speaker 2 (15:32):
Well that was tell us a secret eight hundred nine
fifty one fifty just in case you couldn't get through.
And when we come back, we have your yee tea
and let's talk about new Drake and Mano, I.

Speaker 6 (15:42):
Know you have something like it.

Speaker 4 (15:44):
This is what you wanted.

Speaker 12 (15:44):
It's only one record. I really listened to. It's the
moment your dog and savage.

Speaker 4 (15:48):
All right, we'll talk about it. It's way up.

Speaker 7 (15:50):
Yat is next Yo, she's about to blow the lid
off this butt.

Speaker 1 (15:53):
Let's kid it. Angelus feeling that.

Speaker 9 (15:55):
Yee te come and get the tea, all right?

Speaker 6 (15:58):
His way up.

Speaker 2 (15:58):
I'm here, Mayo here rowlings, and joining us is young Terray,
who I've known since she's been a little girl.

Speaker 6 (16:07):
Yes, so have I.

Speaker 2 (16:08):
But now she's a twenty one year old and she's
actually doing media.

Speaker 4 (16:11):
So she's gonna sit in one leave me out? She did?

Speaker 6 (16:15):
She did?

Speaker 4 (16:16):
He went to the bathroom and she sat in the seat.

Speaker 8 (16:18):
No, he's only here because I'm lay up.

Speaker 4 (16:23):
That's why he's in.

Speaker 3 (16:24):
My seat right now.

Speaker 2 (16:24):
All right, But let's get into this because, uh, this
is new Drake one hundred gigs for your head tap.

Speaker 4 (16:31):
It's a content dump that he did.

Speaker 2 (16:33):
He released this himself on one hundred gigs dot org
and it's his. He put it through his newly discovered
burner Instagram account plot Twist, which he's been updating since
last year.

Speaker 4 (16:44):
Do we all have a Burner account?

Speaker 8 (16:46):

Speaker 4 (16:47):
Man like a uh like a fake fin stuff?

Speaker 9 (16:50):

Speaker 4 (16:51):
Do you done it? Terrey does well. Drake does too.

Speaker 2 (16:55):
All right, Well, one thing that's on there is the
most talked about song that's on there is It's Up
featuring Young Thug and twenty one Savage's the snippit of that.

Speaker 13 (17:04):
I told the promoter tonight, put me across from a section.

Speaker 1 (17:08):
We don't play patty Cake.

Speaker 13 (17:09):
They just be head unders saying we don't do the inspection.
I can't sleep at night with dog Cock County corrections.
I think he did enough reflecting. I think my brother
learned this lesson. It's all just a part of the game.
We all got to roll a protection and just like
the judge, the hammers come out for a jus.

Speaker 4 (17:26):
All right, you like that?

Speaker 3 (17:27):
You like that?

Speaker 6 (17:28):
Solet promoter tonight and put me across from the section.
I want to be right across from you about this? Yeah,
I like that.

Speaker 4 (17:35):
Yeah, you're doing that. Have you ever done that? Put
me across from the section.

Speaker 3 (17:40):
I'm trying to get in the section?

Speaker 6 (17:42):
Put in there.

Speaker 3 (17:43):
I'm like, can I come up to this section?

Speaker 4 (17:46):
All right? Now, here's twenty one Savage on It's up.

Speaker 1 (17:50):
Oh rad cow, come my mind. Mouth made a couple
of songs. Thank you Hot now hit his ass up.
Thank you part now, bro Dany like he.

Speaker 2 (17:56):
Got shot down, all right, So make a couple of songs.
Think you how hit his af Think he pop?

Speaker 6 (18:01):

Speaker 2 (18:02):
People thought that this was shots at kendrick A twenty
one Savages manager Meazi has denied.

Speaker 4 (18:09):
That it is.

Speaker 2 (18:09):
He said, absolutely knock no shots all right now. Another
thing that happened is Drake was talking about the song
Hotline Bling and what was the inspiration behind that song?

Speaker 4 (18:24):
And here's what he had to say.

Speaker 6 (18:26):
Okay, so we.

Speaker 1 (18:27):
Used to be a bag together.

Speaker 6 (18:29):
We've just finished in her phone would be blown up.

Speaker 5 (18:32):
So I saved her name in my phone as Hotline Blake.

Speaker 3 (18:35):
And I was looking at it to you.

Speaker 6 (18:37):
I was like, hot Line Blake is the same, Like
that should be my artist?

Speaker 1 (18:41):

Speaker 4 (18:42):
That was about Rihanna?

Speaker 3 (18:43):

Speaker 4 (18:43):
Is that? Right now?

Speaker 6 (18:44):
I don't know who?

Speaker 4 (18:45):
Okay to say who was about? All right? Well?

Speaker 2 (18:47):
In addition to that, he also was talking to his
mom about how Too Good was about Serena Williams and
here is that footage.

Speaker 3 (18:56):
This is more about me and Serena.

Speaker 5 (18:58):
I gat that, but I want to make a song.
Well it's funny because.

Speaker 13 (19:03):
When I make songs about women, if I'm going to
talk about them.

Speaker 3 (19:07):
I'll at least do them the justice of making them
a song that they like.

Speaker 13 (19:10):
I know Serena very well, and I know that she'll
hear it loud and clear.

Speaker 5 (19:15):
But you'll also not hate me for it because it's lighthearted.

Speaker 2 (19:19):
And now he also, by the way, with Hotline Blink
said he contemplated putting Future on it at one point
that might have been hot, but they wouldn't be performing
it together now, I guess so. And I saw that
Guru was responding to Drake's video about collaborating with jay
Z and giving some more behind the scenes details if
you want to dig into that.

Speaker 4 (19:36):
But the whole timeline is all about this.

Speaker 2 (19:39):
Drake leaked everything that he has, footage, songs, all of that.
So and this also we told you about Drake's Burner account.
So they also dug up a post that was about
Ja Cole on that burner account from January twenty ninth,
twenty nineteen. It said, remember when Ja Cole got his
phone stolen out of his pocket by a fan and

they called jay Z from it, but he wasn't answering,
so they called from their own phone and he picked up.

Speaker 6 (20:07):
Come on so that fins have been around for a
long time. Long time? Has it always been Drake using it?

Speaker 2 (20:14):
I can't answer that, but we know it is his
burner account now, all right, so so interesting. I'm sure
a lot more is gonna come out of that. Now
when we come back, we have under the radar, and Donnell,
you're leaving us.

Speaker 3 (20:24):
I'm leaving y'all. Make sure y'all come check with two
seventy five Park Laughlaholics Tonight one show and Brooklyn go
to my website. And also also I'm gonna be hitting
the streets, not as a campaign dude knocked on doors,
but bringing awareness to Project twenty twenty five because we
have to stop it.

Speaker 2 (20:42):
All right, Well, thank you, Danna. I like how aware
you are. You're from DC, so it makes an a
from the area. All right, Well, when we come back,
we have under the radar, and let's talk about these
gifts to HBC used morehouse, Kyllege's got a twenty million
dollar anonymous gift.

Speaker 4 (20:56):
We'll tell you what Bloomberg is doing. Great news is
way up.

Speaker 5 (21:01):

Speaker 7 (21:01):
This in the news that relates to you. These stories
are flying under the radar.

Speaker 2 (21:06):
All right, way yep, I'm here Mano's here right, My
girl Terray is here right to Ray, twenty one years old.
I'm still in school, yes, all right, and she's been
asking to actually a guest host, so she's been preparing
for this. So we appreciate you. Let's get into some
under the radar if you need some money. Red Cross
is offering Amazon gift cards for blood donations. There's an

emergency shortage right now. So is that something you would
do toay?

Speaker 6 (21:34):
No, right, let's go.

Speaker 8 (21:37):
I feel like I should say yes, but.

Speaker 2 (21:39):
No, Okay, let's fine, be honest. What about have you
ever donated blood?

Speaker 1 (21:43):

Speaker 4 (21:43):
Mana, okay, never mind.

Speaker 2 (21:47):
Yes, I've donated blood before, though I don't want to
know what you've donated. Speaking of donations, Bloomberg Michael Bloomberg
has committed six hundred million dollars, all right, and this
is for four historically black medical schools through his organization,
Bloomberg Philanthropies.

Speaker 4 (22:02):
That is a huge, huge situation.

Speaker 2 (22:05):
One hundred and seventy five million dollars each going to
Howard University College of Medicine, also to Morehouse School of Medicine,
Child Strew University of Medicine and Science. And we'll get
seventy five million in Xavier University of Louisiana, which is
opening a new medical school, will get a five million
dollar grant. So that is a huge deal that type
of money. And previously he had also donated money as

well to Johns Hopkins and so I love the work
that they're doing, just talking about what we need as
far as doctors and for black people to have access
to be able to actually go to medical school. Morehouse
College got a twenty million dollar anonymous gift to expand
academic programs and professorships at the college. It's the only
liberal arts institution in the nation dedicated to the education

and development of black men. So that contribution is the
largest gift ever designated for faculty positions at Morehouse. So
that's a big deal. All right, we loved see it.
Now you know, we have the way up mix at
the top of the hour. Plus it's a Wealth Wednesday,
and we got a double Wealth Wednesday for you guys today, MasterCard.
You are going to love this priceless conversation and we

actually are gonna give you tangible things that you can
do if you're a business owner, if you're scaling your business,
if you want to be an entrepreneur, you definitely want
to make sure you pay attention. And then we also
have Stacy Tisdall, my co host for Wealth Wednesdays, talking
with Michelle Anthony about government contracts, how you can get
to the money.

Speaker 4 (23:27):
That's what it's all about on a Wealth Wednesday. It's
way up. Well, she's like the talk like they and
Jelie Jean, like they and Jelie.

Speaker 7 (23:34):
Jean, and she's spilling it all this is yeak, way up.

Speaker 2 (23:40):
All right, it's way up. I'm Angela, ye mados here.
So Ray is here? Yes, yes, you are ready for
your yet all right, well let's get into it. Unfortunately
it's over before it even started. Lauren Hill, she was
reuniting with the Fujis. They were doing a twenty twenty
four tour, but it has been quietly canceled three days
before the first date. I know there was no reason

that was offered to fans for the cancelation and the
refund notices that when at least they got their refunds
and they did not immediately respond to requests for comments, I.

Speaker 4 (24:11):
Would have went to that.

Speaker 2 (24:11):
I went to go see the Fujis when they were
first out.

Speaker 6 (24:15):
Obviously so they don't know why.

Speaker 4 (24:19):
Nobody's given a reason.

Speaker 2 (24:20):
But you did get your money back, all right, But
you know what is awful when if you were flying
somewhere and making plans to go.

Speaker 6 (24:26):
See flights, hotels no compensate that.

Speaker 2 (24:32):
Nope, but you can, I guess, get a credit for
your flight and then hopefully you booked a refundable hotel.

Speaker 4 (24:37):
No, we know, why?

Speaker 6 (24:38):
Why? Why break it down? Break it down, journalist, break
it down.

Speaker 8 (24:46):
Well, I mean, it's not the first time something involving
you know has been canceled. You know, that was a
big thing in the fall one of her concerts.

Speaker 2 (25:00):
We also don't know what the situation is with all
of them together as a unit, because it's not like
they really been doing that. So who knows behind the scenes, caculation,
what happened?

Speaker 4 (25:09):
All right?

Speaker 2 (25:10):
Well you know who knows. Now let's talk about Simone Biles.
You know she's been having this, she's well, she's had
Mikayla Skinner have some shady comments about the team about
the women's Symmestics gymnastics team, saying they had a lack
of talent, a lack of work ethic, and Simone Biles
posted the team winning and said lack of talent, lazy

Olympic champions and she put a heart. Well, since then,
Mikayla has gone on and apologized for her comments and
asked that Simon Boughs shut down all of the online
bullying that she has been experiencing since she said that.
Here's what she said on that video. Oh yeah, here's
what she said originally.

Speaker 14 (25:53):
But besides, Simone, I feel like the talent.

Speaker 8 (25:57):
And the depth just isn't like what it you to
be just noticed, Like I mean, obviously a lot of.

Speaker 5 (26:02):
Girls don't work as hard.

Speaker 14 (26:03):
The girls just don't have the work ethic.

Speaker 4 (26:06):
All right, but clearly they do because they won.

Speaker 2 (26:09):
And here is what you have to say, asking Simon
Boughs to please publicly ask people to stop bulling her online.

Speaker 14 (26:16):
Simone's latest post and others that followed it field another
wave of hateful comments, death threats to me, my family.
So to Simone, I am asking you directly to please
put a stop to this.

Speaker 4 (26:33):
All right.

Speaker 2 (26:33):
Well, Simon Boughs did talk to People magazine and she
said it's important that you have to teach them, as
in her teammates, to use their voices and if not,
your a voice for the voiceless, which is okay, it's
I just felt like it was right in that moment
to stand up for them because they're so young and
they haven't fully stood in their power yet. So she
felt like it was her duty to be able to

make sure they're her teammates.

Speaker 8 (26:55):
It wasn't that serious, though. I feel like what the
original statement that she made, well, calling them lazy, I
don't feel like she said they were lazy. I feel
like she just said they don't work as hard.

Speaker 4 (27:07):
I mean to use the word lazy.

Speaker 8 (27:09):
Okay, Well, listen.

Speaker 4 (27:11):
It was an opinion.

Speaker 8 (27:12):
It was an opinion, and you know, I don't think
sometimes people are one hundred and ten percent wrong. They're
not lazy obviously because they're at Olympic level.

Speaker 2 (27:21):
It was a little bit shady, though, you have to admit,
you know, and that's her former teammates, so it's also
like hating from outside the club, right, all right, Well
that that is your ut. And when we come back,
it's a Wealth Wednesday, and we do have my partner,
Stacy Tisdale talking to Michelle Anthony. We're talking about government contracting.
She has a fascinating story on how she got to

where she got to financially. She's the founder and CEO
of Anthony and Associates, Inc. Get ready for that. In
the meantime, everybody, Nicki Mina, I.

Speaker 4 (27:51):
Just way up.

Speaker 9 (27:52):
I had a dream of wealthy and I don't mind
sharing my wealth dog getting you straight financially, mentally and physically.

Speaker 7 (27:59):
This is Wealth Winnesday on Way Up with Angela Ye.

Speaker 2 (28:02):
What's up his way up at Angela Yee, And it
is Wealth Wednesday time. You know, we love that time
of the week. And my partner, my co host, Stacy
Tisday is here.

Speaker 15 (28:11):
Wealth Wednesdays is very thrilled to be shining a light
on Black Business Month. If you follow Wealth Wednesdays on Instagram,
we have the link in our bio. It's blackmoney dot
Com slash thirty one ways, thirty one days. And you
know it's impossible almost to get in the rooms where
the actual deals are made, but every night during the

month of August you are going to be invited into
those rooms for live deal making sessions. So again that's
black Money dot Com, thirty one ways and thirty one days.

Speaker 6 (28:42):
We want to help you scale.

Speaker 4 (28:44):
Okay, speaking of scaling, this person has done Michelle Anthony ladies.

Speaker 15 (28:50):
And Gentlemen, founder CEO of Anthony and Associates.

Speaker 2 (28:54):
We hear about government contracts all the time and how
important that is for people to be able to scale
their business. And I feel like so many people are
like government contacting government contracting, but as you can attest to,
not a lot of black businesses actually get these government contracts.

Speaker 15 (29:10):
And Michelle has gotten millions and millions of dollars millions,
ungs of millions of dollars in government contracting.

Speaker 4 (29:18):
Dare we say a billion?

Speaker 15 (29:19):
I'm just gonna shut up now, and Okay, so tell
us how government contracting helped you scale and develop AI
into what it is now.

Speaker 16 (29:29):
So the government does something that they call market research.
So I needed to do market research. So I started
researching my competitors, researching what else I could do. I
had been awarded the eight A certification. The aight A
certification is another social economic certification that the SBA will
give minorities. So you have to write a letter now
explaining how you've been disadvantaged. I can tell anybody how

to write the letter you need to write. But anyway,
so the AIGHTA program is a program where they will
set aside soul source contract up to four million dollars
in value, and so you have to apply and be
approved for the eight A. So for me, in the
eightday program, I received multiple That's where I got my
first million dollar contract two months after I moved to

Atlanta to do what court reporting.

Speaker 2 (30:15):
Right now, I'm with Stacy Tizzia and we are talking
to Michelle Anthony about government contacting for this wealth.

Speaker 15 (30:20):
Wednesday, when I first started hearing about government contracts, I'm
thinking of this is some service that has to be
related to government. But the government contracts they need everything
they do. They need absolutely everything. So you might not
even think that your business is applicable, but there's something
out there for you.

Speaker 2 (30:38):
How do you know what your bid should be because
you also don't want to price it too low.

Speaker 6 (30:42):
That's a part of your research.

Speaker 16 (30:44):
Those are strategies that I'm going to start teaching now, okay,
and that's called your pricing strategy. One of the things
everybody needs to understand the government is risk averse. You
have to have a performance record that the government can
trust when you understand how to leverage that, how to
team and how to partner and put together a package

that checks all the blocks for them. What you're doing
is is I'm eliminating your reason to your ability to
say no. Listen government contracting. Let me help you out.
It is one of those situations where you do this wrong,
you're gonna either face a healthy fine or jail time
because this is a federal government, so you can't pull
any of that stuff on them. You gotta come correct.
And if you're willing to come correct, understand that you

need someone to teach you what laws to pay attention to,
what do you need to make sure you do and
don't do in order to get you in trouble. And
I want everybody listening to me as black people, we
need to understand and learn how to whatever we gain,
we must maintain it, sustain it so that whatever we
gain it can outlive us.

Speaker 2 (31:49):
All right, well, thank you so much to Michelle Anthony
for joining us for Wealth Wednesday. And when we come back,
we have asked, ye eight hundred and two ninety two
fifty one fifty is a number, call us up any
question you have here to help you out from all
different points of view from me from the award winning
advice giver Mano and from a twenty one year old
point of view is way up.

Speaker 7 (32:06):
Hey, everybody, since whether it's relationship, for career advice, Angela's
dropping facts, you.

Speaker 2 (32:12):
Should ask what's up? It's way up with Angela. Yee,
I'm here, and the award.

Speaker 4 (32:16):
Winning advice giving winning meno.

Speaker 2 (32:19):
Is here, and young Terray, the twenty one year old
soon to be host is in the building. And this
is something that she's been wanting to do. Right she
asked me in advance.

Speaker 8 (32:29):
Give me another two years, let me graduate first, and
then I'm gonna hop on the radio with you.

Speaker 4 (32:33):
But right now we have to leak on the line
for ask ye what's up? To leak? What's your question?

Speaker 16 (32:38):
How is it today that you're hosting with angel Lee?

Speaker 5 (32:42):
How do you how do you feel?

Speaker 4 (32:43):
I feel good about it.

Speaker 8 (32:45):
It's something that I've prayed on. I've been consistent because
I remember a few years ago she was like, I mean,
I feel like as long as you're consistent and you
keep showing up and keep doing what you're doing, and
you know this is what you want to do, then
you know eventually I'll definitely mentor you.

Speaker 4 (33:04):
So I was like, okay.

Speaker 8 (33:06):
So ever since that moment, I had it in my mind,
like okay, Like I have to be consistent with her.
I have to show her like this is something that
I want. And finally, everything in God's timing. Because I
was at the Sherry Shepherd show. I asked if I
could run over to see her because I'm like, I
know her, and I ran over there and I was like,
can I come to the station and she was like, yeah,

you can, and like it's just been those moments that
I'm here right now.

Speaker 4 (33:34):
I'm so proud of you, and you're doing a wonderful job.

Speaker 2 (33:38):
She is, and you know what is great. She also
knows Mano and she had to show Mano. She interviewed
him when how old were you interview thirteen?

Speaker 3 (33:47):
I was yeah, definitely like thirteen.

Speaker 4 (33:50):
When she was thirteen. And that's how I met her too.
She would show up.

Speaker 2 (33:53):
With her camera and her little recorder and do interviews
all blow up.

Speaker 3 (33:59):
Wow, that's right.

Speaker 8 (34:00):
And I want to tell you out too, for giving
her a chance and given a lot of young ladies
a chance to hear the voice on the radio.

Speaker 4 (34:09):
Oh yeah, no, this is what it's all about.

Speaker 2 (34:11):
And if something like this could make her be like
all right, this is definitely what I want to do.

Speaker 4 (34:15):
I love the fact that we could be part of
that story.

Speaker 2 (34:17):
And I know that this show and our family of
the Way Up Gang, which is kind of like they
get along gang that may have created, we always support that.
And so even for me, the consistency comes with Terray
also knowing that she may text me and maybe I
don't text her back right away, but she'll just consistently
hit me up and be consistent in that way because
sometimes when people are really busy, it doesn't happen right away,

but like she said, it could happen in God's timing.
And then I ran into her. She was interning at
the Sherry Shepherd Show. I was like, Oh, this is
a young lady that's always doing I knew her for sure.
She was always as strength of a woman, always in
the right places, always I see being very professional doing
her thing, and I appreciate those things.

Speaker 12 (34:57):
Oh wow, it's a success story to love you guys,
Love you.

Speaker 8 (35:05):

Speaker 4 (35:05):
Nice bye.

Speaker 2 (35:07):
All right, Well that was ask ye eight hundred and
two nine two fifty one fifty is a number. We
appreciate that call Just for you guys who are listening
that have a dream or something that you want to pursue.

Speaker 4 (35:17):
That was just nice to hear. You know you like that.

Speaker 11 (35:20):
Mana, Mana's just touching it, Jery Mana.

Speaker 2 (35:25):
We're gonna say him, ladies, DMS till it works out, Okay,
And when we come back, you know what time it is.
We're talking to MasterCard, and I'm so excited for these
priceless conversations that we're doing. We have Salagas, who was
a senior vice president at MasterCard. Also Samantha Tweety who
is the CEO of the Black Economic Alliance, and a
Rachel Rogers. She's the author of We Should All Be Millionaires,

but she's also the CEO and founder of Hello seven.
You guys will love this conversation with real tangible things
that you can do to build and to scale your business.

Speaker 4 (35:58):
All Right, it's way up.

Speaker 9 (36:00):
You reaming wealthy, and I don't mind sharing my wealth
dogs getting you straight financially, mentally and physically.

Speaker 7 (36:06):
This is Wealth Wednesday on Way Up with Angela Ye.

Speaker 5 (36:09):
What's up, guys.

Speaker 2 (36:10):
I'm Angela Yee from Way Up with Angela Yee, and
I am so excited today to start these pricis conversations.
We are actually going to be giving you the tools
that you need to talk about demystifying black wealth.

Speaker 4 (36:23):
And there is nobody better for.

Speaker 2 (36:25):
These conversations than who we have here today. So let's
start with Rachel Rogers. Now, Rachel Rodgers is the CEO
of Hello seven but also a business coach and also
a national best selling author. We should all be millionaires, yes,
all right, So give us some background information, Rachel, on
how you got to.

Speaker 6 (36:42):
Where you are.

Speaker 17 (36:43):
Yes, Well, I grew up low income in Queens here
in New York, and I just watched my parents struggle
and I didn't want to struggle that same way. So
I was very focused on finding a way to get
myself out and build wealth. And now that I've done that,
what I do at Hello seven is teach others how
to do the same, how they can entrepreneurship to build wealth.

Speaker 4 (37:01):
All right, And then Samantha Sweety is joining us.

Speaker 2 (37:03):
You guys, by the way, all look amazing. I just
have to put that out here first foremost. But you're
the CEO of the Black Economic Alliance and you have
quite a background when it comes to finance and this
type of work. So can you just give us some
information on the Black Economic Alliance Foundation and what you do.

Speaker 5 (37:19):

Speaker 4 (37:20):
It is good to be here.

Speaker 18 (37:20):
I'm the CEO of a coalition of black business leaders
who came together really with one single focus.

Speaker 4 (37:26):
How do we make sure that we.

Speaker 18 (37:27):
Could advance black work, wages and wealth and do so
by leveraging partnerships across government and philanthropy.

Speaker 2 (37:36):
Sela Gus is here with us, and you are the
senior vice president of Massacard but also a financial inclusion expert.
So can you just give us some information on what
all of this means?

Speaker 19 (37:47):
Thank you, and this is part of a series for
a program in solidarity. MasterCard has a long history of inclusion.
So Insolidarity started in twenty twenty. We jumped on the
opportunity to address the wealth gap.

Speaker 5 (37:59):
In the US for Black Americans.

Speaker 19 (38:01):
From the beginning when we IPO to in two thousand
and six we started the MasterCard Foundation. Twenty fifteen, we
made a pledge with the World Bank to include five
hundred million people in the economy and we're now up
to the pledge of a billion. We have commitments for entrepreneurs,
for women, and so how can you think about inclusive
growth in the US if you don't focus on equity.
So in solidarity and you'll hear it here in the

series that through the series we're doing focuses on small
business and entrepreneurship, it's focuses on financial health and wealth.
As this conversation is on, and then we picked seven
cities where we knew that we could have an impact and.

Speaker 5 (38:36):
Kind of go deep.

Speaker 2 (38:37):
Right now, it is Prices Conversations with Massacre Samitha, let's
start with you. Based on the Black Economic Alliance, I'm
going to say, bea there, you got moving forward can
But based on research, what is the true cost of
the wealth gap, particularly for the black community.

Speaker 5 (38:52):
So I think there's two ways to look at this.

Speaker 18 (38:54):
We have to look at the numbers, right, because as
Black Americans, we are still on the losing end of
a six to one race wealth gap, and that is
very meaningful in terms of Black families, black children's ability
to thrive. But at the same time, we have to
think about what wealth really means. Right, So many folks
when you talk about wealth, they start picturing lavish vacation homes,

and yes, right, anh the wrong with that, But the
definition of wealth is simply owning more than you owe.
And we have to think about the fact that we
need to be at a place in this country where
that is no longer the exception, but the norm for
black folks. And what we know is that when you
get at this question of the true cost, owning more

than you owe isn't just about within your pocketbook or
your bank account or what you're passing down to your kids.
It's about the freedom that comes with that autonomy to
make those own choices about your life.

Speaker 5 (39:46):
And so, at the end of the day, wealth is
about power.

Speaker 18 (39:48):
So one of the things that we've been able to
do with the partnership of MasterCard as one of the
very early investors in the program, was to build something
called the Center for Black Entrepreneurship, a concrete driver of
actual solutions that are building wealth for.

Speaker 4 (40:02):
Black folks today.

Speaker 18 (40:03):
So the CBE is a partnership with Morehouse and Spelman Colleges,
and it's focused on training and creating an ecosystem of
support for the next generation of black HBCU entrepreneurs. So
we're providing the kind of curriculum and co curriculars mentors
access to capital, and then we've built a venture fund
connected to it that's actually directing that capital into the

hands of those business leaders as they are.

Speaker 4 (40:26):
Coming out of those HBCUs and as.

Speaker 18 (40:29):
We as BA think about it, what we know is
that those solutions are on the ground, making meaning for
students now right. We're also able to leverage all those
learnings and go and take them and advocate from a
policy perspective. So we're seeing those solutions move from Wall
Street to Washington boardrooms to state houses across the country.

Speaker 19 (40:46):
We are very committed to inclusive innovation. What does that mean?
That means tech, all the emerging tech, all the buzzwords
you hear so AI web three, all of those things
have to have diversity of people actually leading them. And
we know that when ferent communities touch tech and innovation,
you solve problems you wouldn't solve before.

Speaker 5 (41:04):
Right, we all know.

Speaker 19 (41:04):
The stats about how diverse companies are more successful, Diverse
leaders lead differently, and so just keep hammering on this
idea that we are investing in the future we all
want to see and these investments today will pay off later.

Speaker 5 (41:20):
But we have to keep doing it with the mindset
of this benefits.

Speaker 2 (41:23):
All of us, all right, It's priceless conversations with MasterCard.
We have more with Salaga, Samantha Tweety and Rachel Rodgers
when we come back.

Speaker 9 (41:31):
I got a dream of wealthy and I don't mind
sharing my wealth dogs getting you straight financially, mentally, and physically.

Speaker 7 (41:38):
This is Wealth Wednesday on Way Up with Angela Yee.

Speaker 4 (41:41):
What's up? It's way up at Angela Yee, I Angela Yee.

Speaker 2 (41:43):
And I'm so excited for this first installment of Priceless
Conversations with MasterCard. We have Salagas, who is the senior
vice president at Masteracard, Samantha Tweety who is the CEO
of the Black Economic Alliance, and also Rachel Rodgers, who
is the founder and CEO of Hello seven but also
the best selling author.

Speaker 4 (42:02):
We should all be millionaires now.

Speaker 2 (42:03):
Rachel, let's get to you and the mission of your company,
Hello seven is to teach historically excluded groups how to
end the cycle of financial stress and also how to
build generational well. What strategies can you share on how
to build it within the Black community.

Speaker 17 (42:18):
Yes, I believe that entrepreneurship is going to be the
great equalizer. This is how we're going to close the
wealth gap. And so how do we get more people
becoming entrepreneurs even if they have no access to capital,
which is the situation, especially for most black people.

Speaker 4 (42:30):
So what we do at.

Speaker 17 (42:31):
Hello seven is we assume that the entrepreneurs that are
coming to us have no network, they have no capital.

Speaker 4 (42:36):
To start with. So where do you start when you
have zero?

Speaker 17 (42:39):
So what we teach them how to do is exactly
what I did, because this is my journey as well.
Is what skills and natural challenge do I already have
and how can I use those skills to create a company.
So we help them build a service business and then
they can take the money from that service business and
use that to build products or to build tech if
that's what.

Speaker 5 (42:57):
They want to do.

Speaker 4 (42:57):
That's how we do it.

Speaker 17 (42:58):
We have a twelve month program and our goal is
to get them to seven figures a million dollars in
annual revenue. I see myself as a community builder, and
that's what we do at Hello seven. So we have
a community of thousands of entrepreneurs. And I explained to them,
like we actually have a directory that we've created where
we're like, what are your skill sets?

Speaker 5 (43:16):
Who do you know? What are your offers?

Speaker 17 (43:18):
Right, so that they can hire each other, so that
if they're looking for a lawyer or an accountant or
a graphic designer or whatever for their business. They're first
going to the community to say, let me hire another
black woman, let me hire another woman of color right
to support my company. And then the other piece to
it that is so incredibly important is just having someone
to cheer you on. We need to be able to

say I'm having a rough day, I just lost a
big client, I don't know what I'm gonna do, where
everybody's like, I'm gonna intro.

Speaker 4 (43:44):
You to this person.

Speaker 3 (43:45):
I got you.

Speaker 17 (43:46):
Let's get on the phone right like, and you have
a cheer squad immediately available twenty four to.

Speaker 4 (43:50):
Seven right now.

Speaker 2 (43:51):
It is priceless conversations with Massacre. So Lah, let's talk
about insalidarity. There's different programs for different needs as well,
so discuss them of what can happen.

Speaker 19 (44:02):
So we have a program called start Path and it's
for entrepreneurs and the secret sauce to ours there's a
lot of startup programs. Incubator is that once you get through,
you should have a commercial agreement with MasterCard or one
of our partners, and that's like game chain that act
and we're big and we.

Speaker 5 (44:20):
Could be challenging to work with for smaller companies.

Speaker 19 (44:22):
So this is like someone holding and so when we
started in solidarity, we started this for underrepresented founders.

Speaker 5 (44:29):
We made it a little earlier because we.

Speaker 19 (44:31):
Know angel capital doesn't function in the same way, and
a little bit of hand holding through like you know,
every start path program is And to me, that's a
great example because it meets the moment and the need.
We know that entrepreneurs and funders, especially in tech and fintech,
underrepresented don't get the funding, don't get the resources they need.
We have those resources, so we expose them to all

sorts of technical tools. So we were able to take
a program we had meet the need in terms of
the population we're focused on. But we also win too
because the FinTechs make us smarter. They help us with
those commercial deals we talked about. Those are services we
can now offer we couldn't offer. That's why maybe we
don't have to acquire another company, and it puts us

on the forward kind of front row of emerging technology.

Speaker 5 (45:16):
So I always use that example. That is right, it's
our assets, it's.

Speaker 19 (45:21):
Our board winning program, it's our technology, but it's also
these amazing entrepreneurs who maybe wouldn't have gotten a shot
up with us. Yes, and I love giving people resources.
So if you go on my LinkedIn page, I actually
have a post about small business resources and then also
just resources in terms of economic mobility, just search the
log offs. I think I have a red shirt on spot.

But something I'll mention here one is digital doors and
so we have a program in side MasterCard where you
can get on, you can set up a business, you
can get cybersecurity. A lot of people don't realize how
many attacks there are. I also say Strive USA is
our all business program in general MasterCard.

Speaker 5 (46:03):
Go on the website.

Speaker 19 (46:03):
You can get resources also, and then don't discount your
local partners. Like we said local, but local is so important.
So if you go on Intolidarity, if you just search
in Solidarity on the MasterCard website, we have all of
our local partners listed. There are people like Samantha, like
the New Orleans Business Alliance, like Doctor Key in Atlanta,
Operation Hope, et cetera. Those organizations have a lot of

good resources also.

Speaker 2 (46:26):
But this was definitely a priceless conversation honestly, like I.

Speaker 4 (46:31):
Had a great time.

Speaker 2 (46:31):
I feel like I'm forever a student and I always
say that but also reaching out to and that's why
I love that we were able to sit down and
have this priceless conversation in solidarity with Massacred. Thank you
so much for bringing us together as well as Salah, Like,
this is amazing.

Speaker 5 (46:47):
Thank you guys here like this, I'm like, do we
have to stop?

Speaker 4 (46:50):
I know we're going to keep it going.

Speaker 5 (46:53):
Thank you?

Speaker 4 (46:53):
All right?

Speaker 2 (46:54):
Well, thank you so much to Sela, Samantha Tweety and
Rachel Rogers. You can Myseffo interview on my YouTube cham
Way Up with Ye and we'll be continuing these priceless conversations.
I can't wait for you guys to see what we
have next. And when we come back. Of course, you
have the last word the.

Speaker 1 (47:09):
Fall Tappian to get your voice heard. What the word is?
He is the last word on Way Up with Angela Yee?

Speaker 4 (47:16):
What's up? Its Way Up with Angela Yee.

Speaker 2 (47:18):
I'm here mate, Toray you guess hosted for the first
time ever.

Speaker 4 (47:23):
Yes, it won't be the last.

Speaker 2 (47:24):
All right, Well, again, thank you so much to everybody
who joined us for Wealth Wednesday. That would be Michelle
Anthony and of course my partner Stacy Tisdale, but also
our priceless conversations with MasterCard, with the senior vice president Salagas,
Samantha Tweety, who's the CEO of Black Economic Alliance, and
Rachel Rogers, who's the CEO and founder of Hello seven.

You guys are going to love these conversations. It's one
of the first of many. It feels like a Friday
for some reason. But I'll be at Tatiana tonight. Shout
out to my girl, Ingrid Best from I Best Wines.
We're celebrating her gold medal winning wine I Bestes And
of course I'll talk about it tomorrow and I'm gonna
go see Downell Rawlings as well.

Speaker 4 (48:05):
Also, if you're going to.

Speaker 2 (48:06):
The Ice By Show in New York, that location has
been changed to Terminal five. And if you are in
the d in Detroit, Kamala Harris is having her first
presidential rally in Michigan featuring her vice president running mate
Minnesota Governor Tim Walls. So this is all part of
the Kamala Walls Swing State Tour with visits in Philly,
Western Wisconsin, Detroit, Raleigh, North Carolina, Savannah, Georgia, Phoenix, and Vegas.

And this is gonna be Michigan's biggest rally to date,
more than fifty thousand people a RSVP, so they actually
had to move the venue to an airport hangar to
try and fit everybody. Just so y'all know what's going down.
Shout out to Chris Carson and bush Man who are
going to be hosting this event. Shout out to JLB,
and of course you guys have the last word.

Speaker 3 (48:49):
So my secret is I slept with my sister. We
went out for our girls' birthday. Then going home, I
dropped or off home.

Speaker 5 (48:56):
Then I went to go drop.

Speaker 6 (48:57):
Her sister off home, and one thing led to the.

Speaker 3 (48:59):
Nart and then I ended up getting with my sisters
or with my girlfriend's sister

Speaker 1 (49:04):
Going way out turn out with angela ye

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