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December 31, 2024 11 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You are now Angelo what I call her yee.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
Way up.

Speaker 3 (00:12):
Yeah, let's get everybody his way up with Angela yee
Happy New Year's Eve. And I want to say, one
of the biggest stars who ever came on the show
is going to be joining us today. And in case
you didn't hear it, you are gonna love this interview.
Don Chito is gonna be here today. I mean, of course,
you know don Chito from Ocean's eleven. You know him
from Traffic, from Buggie Nights, from Fight Night that's on

Peacock right now, also from Crash Devil in a Blue
Dress and Hotel Rwanda. That's when he got nominated for
an Oscar for Best Actor. So I want to say
I was blown away having a chance to sit down
and have this conversation with Don Tito.

Speaker 4 (00:49):
So you're gonna enjoy it so much.

Speaker 3 (00:51):
In the meantime, let's shine a light eight hundred two
nine two fifty one fifty call us up.

Speaker 4 (00:55):
Let us know who you want to shine a light on.
It's way up. Oh yeah, See, this is.

Speaker 1 (01:01):
The type of joint you got to dedicate to somebody.

Speaker 2 (01:04):
Let's make sure that that especially.

Speaker 1 (01:06):
Somebody young money.

Speaker 2 (01:14):
Turn your lights on, y'all spreading love to those who
are doing greatness. Shine the light on it, shine a
light on. It's time to shine a light on them.

Speaker 4 (01:25):
What's up? It's way up with Angela Yee.

Speaker 3 (01:27):
I'm Angela Yee And this is the first segment I
ever came up with this show. This is shine of Light.
This is where you guys get to call in and
spread some love. Maybe talk about somebody in your family,
maybe your significant other, maybe a complete stranger, a co worker,
anybody who is doing something positive who you want to
spread some love, show some love to, and just shout

them out on the air.

Speaker 4 (01:48):
Hey, Antoinette, who you want to shine.

Speaker 5 (01:49):
A light on?

Speaker 6 (01:51):
Hey? How are you good? How are you good? Thank you?
I would like to find the light on tomorrow's pay Okay,
Jesus excellent mother of five And when I say excellent,
I need a cut above the rest. They really don't
make them like her anymore. All of her children are
thriving on every level. And this is spiritually, mentally, physically, educationally,

and I think that needs to be, you know, lit up.
I think we need to really keep empower in women
that are doing their best in above and beyond and
that is who I would like to sign.

Speaker 7 (02:27):
A light on them.

Speaker 3 (02:27):
That's beautiful, five children and they're all thriving. That is
not an easy feat.

Speaker 6 (02:32):
It is not. And you know what, she also takes
crime for herself and that inspires other women because we
all go through a lot, but she takes time for
herself too, and you know we have to remember that
and remember to put ourselves first. So I just really
want to acknowledge that she's a sister of mine. She
inspires me, she uplifts me, and I think that's excellent.

Speaker 4 (02:51):
All right, say her name one more time.

Speaker 6 (02:53):
Her name is Tomorrow Tamara. She's at me. Thank you
so much for this opportunity.

Speaker 4 (03:00):
Thank you all right, Well, that would shine a light
on them.

Speaker 3 (03:02):
And if you couldn't get through that number is eight
hundred two nine two fifty one fifty.

Speaker 4 (03:07):
It's all day long.

Speaker 3 (03:08):
Anytime you want to shine a light, we are here
for it, okay, bab And we got a lot of
fun things for you on the show, a lot of
great music to make sure you keep it locked as
way up at Angela Yee.

Speaker 2 (03:17):
Girl, go gay. Everybody since whether it's relationship or career advice,
Angela's dropping facts. You should know.

Speaker 3 (03:24):
This is asked, what's up this way up at Angela? Yee,
I'm here, my guy beatout. It's here right, and you
know it's time for ask ye eight hundred two ninety
two fifty one fifty any question you have. We definitely
want to make sure that we are of service and
can help you out.

Speaker 4 (03:38):
We got Billy on the line.

Speaker 8 (03:40):
Hey, Billy, Hey, how you doing.

Speaker 4 (03:42):
I'm good, It's me, I beat out. We can't wait
to hear your question.

Speaker 8 (03:46):
Well, you know I'm in the dating World dating team. Well,
I'm gonna take my dating life a little serious. But
you know, other than had content relationship and I just
want to thok suggesting dating contracts to these new people,
I'll start dating. You gave me on part dating like,
I want to set my boundaries, my expectations and my
non evotionables with stuff. Do you think I'm doing too

much about acting someone the time dating contract?

Speaker 4 (04:09):
Well, what's in the contract?

Speaker 5 (04:10):
What are the terms?

Speaker 8 (04:12):
The terms is gonna be my non evotionable. You can't
talk for your exits no more because everybody want to
go back to the exits.

Speaker 4 (04:17):
What if they have kids?

Speaker 8 (04:23):
Talk about the kids? Turned business hours from nine am
when school starts, the three fem of school finished.

Speaker 4 (04:28):
Now what else is in this contract?

Speaker 5 (04:30):
You know?

Speaker 8 (04:31):
I don't know. I'm just I'm just trying to think
about what I'm putting and maybe my expectations. Like if
I called you, there should be a time limit that
you gotta call me right back of twenty minutes or more.

Speaker 2 (04:40):
But if they're sleeping, what are you sleeping?

Speaker 8 (04:43):
You need to tell me that you got ta you
got the red line some of these terms and conditions.

Speaker 3 (04:48):
Man, And now what happens if they violate the contract?

Speaker 8 (04:52):
Oh, they get documentation like in the work place, but
you're gonna get a write up and after three starts
you terminated. Wow, I have to take my heart in
my feelings.

Speaker 3 (04:59):
You can't just instead of having a contract, just break
up with somebody if you don't like how I'm it's documented.

Speaker 8 (05:06):
I need accountability. I need to hold myself accountable to
make sure I'm not going accepting the thing red flags
and more so, if they.

Speaker 4 (05:13):
Give you a contract to sign, you'll sign.

Speaker 8 (05:15):
Also about like what the contract says.

Speaker 1 (05:18):
Technically, this is kind of like a pre enough agreement
if you want technical, But it's not even a relationship yet.

Speaker 4 (05:23):
It's just when you first start dating, right.

Speaker 8 (05:26):
Yes, but in dating people tend to be lying a lot.
I want to date for long term, not for if.

Speaker 3 (05:31):
Probably don't care if they're going to violate the contract anyway.

Speaker 4 (05:33):
Yeah, sure, I'll sign it.

Speaker 5 (05:35):
It's got to get notarized.

Speaker 4 (05:37):
And then I don't know about a contract.

Speaker 3 (05:42):
But I think having a being very clear on your
intentions and your expectations is a great.

Speaker 4 (05:49):
Thing to do.

Speaker 8 (05:51):
All right, So I don't know about a contract.

Speaker 5 (05:53):
You're right.

Speaker 8 (05:54):
You the second person that shut me down.

Speaker 1 (05:57):
The third No, how about a verbal contract that could work?

Speaker 7 (06:00):

Speaker 8 (06:01):
Handshake a verbal contract. We do that every day and
people still be lying.

Speaker 3 (06:06):
The truth is that people will do what they want
to do when a contract ain't gonna stop nothing true, Right,
Thank you for calling Billy. That was ask ye eight
hundred two nine two fifty one fifty. If you couldn't
get through, you could leave a message and we will
ask your question that way, Or you can click that
microphone on your app and leave a message asking your
question and we will get to you.

Speaker 4 (06:25):
It's way up with Angela, yee.

Speaker 2 (06:35):
It's way up with Angela ye. Let's go. You are
a media maven, right.

Speaker 1 (06:40):
You never know what Angel's going to say.

Speaker 4 (06:43):
What's up?

Speaker 3 (06:43):
Its way up with Angela yee, I'm Angela ye. Beat
that is guest hosting with me. You know what he
usually leaves before the interview. But Dot, you don't hear.
But when I tell you this, whole entire floor is
so excited and so am.

Speaker 5 (06:56):
I prepared to be very disappointed.

Speaker 3 (06:58):
Now, So Ocean's fourteen is happening, it feels like, I mean,
hearing conversations about it.

Speaker 5 (07:05):
And nobody called me.

Speaker 4 (07:07):
How did they not? Though that's impossible, is it.

Speaker 5 (07:11):
I'm just saying that we've seen everything happen.

Speaker 1 (07:13):
Okay, I imagine if it's happening, they're going to call
me for sure, But I don't.

Speaker 5 (07:17):
I don't know that it's happening. I just think it's
been a lot of talk.

Speaker 3 (07:20):
So yeah, a lot of talk about the script is
ready and they've been working on it.

Speaker 4 (07:24):
And but you like it though, right? You would? You
would be willing?

Speaker 1 (07:30):
Yes, I mean, I mean it would depend you know
what I mean, Like I almost wasn't in the second one.
What interesting story. The timing of it on paper at
the time is going to be a direct conflict with
Hotel Rwanda.

Speaker 4 (07:47):
Oh, Hotelwanda's classic, and.

Speaker 1 (07:50):
I was like, there's no way I'm going to do
Ocean's twelve over Hotel over Hotel Rwanda.

Speaker 5 (07:56):
So I'm sorry.

Speaker 1 (07:58):
And then Brad playing the character Achilles in the movie
that he did tore his Achilles and it pushed the
movie eight weeks, which was the window that I.

Speaker 4 (08:08):
Was able to do.

Speaker 3 (08:09):
Too crazy is that all the times that you probably
have roles that you really wanted to do but timing
wise you couldn't. You know, that has to hurt sometimes
when you're like, man, I want to do it, but.

Speaker 1 (08:18):
I mean, I'm going to say honestly, I'm sure that happens.
But I've rarely been in that situation. I've been very
fortunate and blessed in every word you want to use
to have the opportunity to do most of the things
that I've I've.

Speaker 5 (08:30):
Wanted to do.

Speaker 3 (08:31):
Right now, Beata is here with me and we are
talking to the legend Don Cheetle.

Speaker 1 (08:36):
Like when we shot that video, Kendrick was so with it,
like between takes, you know, and in our part of
the video he's handcuffed to the table and he's, you know,
doing this whole stuff. And cuffs, and we'd cut and
they would go to take the handcuffs off and he'd
be like, no, in character, and he's in character.

Speaker 5 (08:53):
He stayed in them the whole video. I was like,
does he know that he doesn't he's in the cameras.
He's like, no, he's dead likely committed. And I had
wanted him.

Speaker 1 (09:02):
He was something that I had thought about casting in
my movie that I did miles ahead and having played
the role of Junior, and we talked about it for
a long time and he was ultimately he said, I
don't think I'm ready to do that, and I'm kind
of working on a project right now and I kind
of don't want to, like have to see that through.
And I also don't want to come in here halfway.
And I'm like, no, I get it. And it was

to Pimp a Butterfly. I was like, I think you
made the right choice on that one.

Speaker 4 (09:26):
This was such a blessing to have you here today, honestly, Like.

Speaker 5 (09:29):
And where's the so I thought it was. I thought
there was like some money, it's supposed to happen.

Speaker 3 (09:34):
Yes, the check is in the mail. I hate that
Kevin Hart has it.

Speaker 5 (09:39):
I'm never seeing this ninety.

Speaker 3 (09:44):
But make sure you guys watch Fighting Now. It is
an amazing, amazing series. When I tell you when I
first started watching it, that's definitely a binge worthy show
to get into. And it's got its funny moments. It's
got you on the edge of your seat, Taji. I
mean that moment where she had to yeah, man, oh,
that's all I have to say.

Speaker 4 (10:03):
You know exactly.

Speaker 3 (10:05):
You gotta watch it if you haven't watched it. But
I feel like people are into it and shout out to
Will Packer too.

Speaker 5 (10:09):
Shout out to Will pack Yeah.

Speaker 3 (10:11):
On set must have been so much fun. I can't
even imagine what this might be real. All right, well, anyway,
it's way Up with Angelaye Dantino. Thank you, all right,
thank you so much to Dan Teto for joining us.
You can watch that full interview on my YouTube channel,
Way Up with You And when we come back, you
guys have the last word.

Speaker 2 (10:29):
Take up the phone tapping to get your voice heard.
What the word is? Here's the last word on Way
Up with Angela Yee.

Speaker 4 (10:37):
What's up?

Speaker 3 (10:37):
Its Way Up with Angela Yee and Happy New Year's Eve,
whether you're sitting at home with your family and friends,
taking it easy. A lot of us are homebodies, or
you went on a vacation, or you're planning to go
to a party, or you're just spending some time with friends.
Just make sure we live every single day like it's
meaningful and with purpose. Happy New Year's Eve, be safe.

We love you so much. This is your show, so
you have the last word.

Speaker 8 (11:02):
I just want to sign a light on my brother
Charles Minnie Junior, who is playing basketball over sing in
Russia right now. I just want to send him a warm,
happy holiday, and I'm said that he can't be with
us this year in the many other years.

Speaker 6 (11:14):
Just keep doing your thing.

Speaker 7 (11:15):
God will bless you and I love you very much.
Happy to your bro. I just want to shine a
light on my sister Samithall.

Speaker 6 (11:23):
She always going hard. She's in school right now.

Speaker 7 (11:26):
She's a director of a nonprofit called Urban Neighborhood Services.
Shout out to them, and I just want to shine
a light on her because she's a always shining the
light and the way for others, and you know, sometimes
those type of people need to be appreciated. Thank you, Samantha.
We love you.

Speaker 5 (11:42):
You go girl, It's time about the trier.

Speaker 2 (11:47):
You tapped in and way up with Angela. Ye I
wanted now now

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