Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You are now Angelo what I call her? Yee? What's up?
Its way up with Angela Yee. And Happy Friday. And listen,
we got a special guest joining us today. I know
you guys are excited for this. He makes amazing music.
We got Jid joining us today, all right, so get
ready for that. But also let's shine a light eight
hundred two nine fifty one fifty Call us up. Let
us know who you want to spread some love to.
It's way up with Angela y I'm shine imine.
Speaker 2 (00:35):
Turn your lights on, y'all, light spreading love to those
who are doing greatness.
Speaker 1 (00:40):
Shine the light on, shine the light on. It's time
to shine a light on him. What up, guys, It's
way up with Angela Yee. And this is one of
my favorite things to do is show some love. Spread
some love to people doing positive things. It's shine a
light on them. Eight hundred one fifty Hey, Kim, what's up?
How are you hi? Good morning? How are you good morning?
Or do you want to shine a light on?
Speaker 3 (01:08):
I really want to shine a light on my mom.
He works for the current public school and she really
goes above and beyond for her kids. She takes them
the chest takes.
Speaker 4 (01:18):
Them up if they need to rise.
Speaker 5 (01:21):
Speaker 3 (01:21):
She's just a really amazing teacher, so I have to
tin a lot on her.
Speaker 1 (01:25):
That's dope. Shout out to your mom. You know how
important it is to have great teachers that could really
change your trajectory in a positive way.
Speaker 4 (01:34):
Yes, yeah, so shout out to you, mommy.
Speaker 1 (01:36):
I love you all right, we love you, mommy. Thank
you for calling.
Speaker 3 (01:40):
We'll take care all right.
Speaker 1 (01:42):
Well, that would shine a light on him. And if
you couldn't get through, that number is eight hundred and
two nine two fifty one fifty. It's all day long.
Anytime you want to shine a light, we are here
for it, okay, bab And we got a lot of
fun things for you on the show, a lot of
great music to make sure you keep it locked as
way up with Angela yee. Oh, this is a judgment
free zone. Tell us a secret, what's up? It's way
up at Angela yee And it is a no judgment
zone time. I know you guys love this and you'all
be calling up here with some wild secrets. But guess what,
I am nosy and I love to hear it, and
I want you guys to be able to share anything
with me and know this is a place where you
can just be free. We've all made mistakes, we've all
done some crazy things, and we're not going to judge you.
And you are anonymous, so no matter what, unless you
committed a crime, we are in your corner. Okay, all right,
anonymous carlor. What's your secret?
Speaker 5 (02:34):
Speaker 6 (02:34):
A couple of years ago, I went out with this guy.
We ended up at the hotel and I went into
the bathroom and I overheard him want to phone you're
a friend, and he just stands that he was going
to leave me at the hotel. So when he went
in the bathroom, I took his car keys, I sole
his car, Oh my gosh, and I pooped in it?
What and locked the doors? Yeah?
Speaker 1 (02:59):
Oh my god? How did you clean yourself?
Speaker 3 (03:02):
We're not going to talk about that.
Speaker 1 (03:04):
This is yeah, this is a secret. Be that you're
not talking about all that. So wait, okay, a couple
of questions here. One, why was he going to leave you?
Speaker 6 (03:11):
I don't know, but I had to leave him before
he left me.
Speaker 1 (03:14):
And you stole his car, so you just drove it
somewhere else, pooped in it, and then left it there
with the doors closed, yep.
Speaker 4 (03:20):
And the keys on a dashboard, Oh my gosh.
Speaker 1 (03:23):
Okay. And then did he ever call you after that? Yeah?
Speaker 6 (03:27):
He asked me why did I do it? I told
him you had to.
Speaker 1 (03:31):
Did you get back together with him?
Speaker 6 (03:33):
No, he tried to go out with me again, but.
Speaker 1 (03:36):
Oh my gosh, he is a bold man. That might
have been the one.
Speaker 6 (03:41):
Yeah, maybe, but I wasn't taking that risk. I had
to get him before he got me.
Speaker 1 (03:46):
You definitely got him. You know what it's like to
get that detail. Oh my god. All right, Well, thank
you for calling diarrhea.
Speaker 6 (03:56):
Speaker 1 (03:57):
The fact that she even had to poop at a
time like that, wow, all right, Well that was tell
us a secret. Eight hundred two nine two fifty one fifty.
I told you we don't judge, and if you couldn't
get through, you could leave a message. You can play
your secret and last word. And maybe you didn't want
to have a back and forth. You just want to
put it out there and disappear into the darkness of
the night. That's fine too, all right. That's eight hundred
two ninety two fifty one fifty. That was tell us
a secret. It's way you put angela yee go right.
Speaker 2 (04:24):
Everybody since with its relationship for career advice, Angela's dropping facts.
Speaker 1 (04:28):
You should know this is ask What's up? This way?
You put Angela Yee, I'm Angela Yee and new Mayna's
in the building and it's time for ask Yee. And
you know Mano is an award winning advice giver and
we have Samora on the line, so let's hear today's advice.
What's your question, Samora ki yee, Hey questions.
Speaker 3 (04:47):
I've been getting my boyfriend for five years. Two years
Jennie proposed. I turned him down. I wasn't ready. I
felt it was too soon, But now like I feel
like I'm ready. The only thing is I don't know
how to get him to suppose to me again. So
I'm just like, what should I do? Should I propose?
Speaker 1 (05:04):
How did you stay together after saying no? Because I
know that's tough to like, was he thinking this ain't
gonna work? Or was he chill?
Speaker 3 (05:11):
There was no issues after. It was a little weird after,
but we stay together. Everything is Ryan still love me
and everything. But I just feel like now we're just
kind of on autopilot. So we're pretty for the next
thing now, like you know five years so.
Speaker 2 (05:22):
You read you all ready now to get married?
Speaker 5 (05:25):
Speaker 2 (05:25):
Yeah, so you know what you gotta do? Uh no, seriously,
since he proposed first, now you have to propose to him.
Speaker 3 (05:32):
Should I bring it up like a get on the
kne like that?
Speaker 1 (05:36):
Do what he did? Did he did? He do all that?
Speaker 2 (05:40):
Speaker 1 (05:41):
Return this? How about you talk to him and say, listen,
I know you know three years ago, will you marry me? Please?
Speaker 5 (05:51):
Speaker 1 (05:52):
That's how you do it, and because it's worth a
conversation now right before you even do that, he might
have this dream of wanting to be the one to propose.
Don't take some men don't like that. You think he
would like that? Like for you to shut down.
Speaker 3 (06:06):
I feel like guys don't like I wtle proposed, but.
Speaker 6 (06:10):
So desperate you.
Speaker 1 (06:12):
Gotta do it. Joke around with him and be like,
what if I propose to you? Because you know I'm ready,
and see how he reacts. That's not a real proposed,
but I'm saying what his reaction is to know if
you should do it or if you should.
Speaker 2 (06:22):
Let him know how that man felt when she said no,
he had to pick his face up off the floor.
Speaker 1 (06:27):
But they stay together three more years. Yeah, but he.
Speaker 3 (06:30):
Said not right now.
Speaker 1 (06:32):
She said it was too early, and that's fair.
Speaker 2 (06:34):
He told his family, he told his friends, and then
he had to go back to them and tell him
that it didn't go through that this is crazy.
Speaker 1 (06:41):
Now you need to propose that. But now you might
have to go back and be like, oh my god,
she ruined everything, Like she proposed to me and I
wanted that. It was always my dream to do X
Y and Z. Just ask him, Just be like, what
if I propose to you?
Speaker 2 (06:55):
No, propose to him, because you sent that man back
to his mother with with with a broken heart. You know,
I mean, you know how many people he cried to
over that one knee?
Speaker 6 (07:03):
Speaker 3 (07:04):
Okay, thank you guys.
Speaker 1 (07:05):
She's like, I don't know what I'm doing. But at
the end of the day, at least y'all still love
each other and you're still together, and now you're ready.
But I do feel like ask him first, have a conversation, sit.
Speaker 2 (07:17):
Down, you'll ask him, and then he gonna propose. You
don't got he's traumatized. He won't even use that knee
no more.
Speaker 1 (07:24):
Listen, go to dinner and be like, I know I'm
ready to get married now I know before I wasn't.
How would you like to do this? Would you? Would
you want me to ask me?
Speaker 3 (07:34):
If he turns me down, I'm gonna call you guys
bag Yeah.
Speaker 1 (07:37):
Go for it in my advice, so don't. Yeah, all right, well,
thank you for calling. Okay, thank good life. All right,
that was ask ye eight hundred two nine two fifty
one fifty. If you couldn't get through, you could leave
a message and we will ask your question that way,
or you can click that microphone on your app and
leave a message asking your question and we will get
to you. It's up with Angela ye. Look, you want
to know my name? What's up? Its way up with
the Angela Yee and Elliott Wilson is guest hosting, and
we have in the building. You know how we make
our New Year's resolutions, and it feels like one of
your resolutions is Okay, I'm gonna make sure I do
more music and give you more of like JID songs
put it out. Would you ever sell some of those songs?
Speaker 5 (08:29):
Speaker 1 (08:29):
I have, I've been.
Speaker 5 (08:30):
I've been selling songs on the load for years. I
didn't gave wrote for artists and sold a lot of
good songs that you probably heard.
Speaker 1 (08:37):
So metro booming. This is something else that everybody is like,
when is this coming? So of that project? How much
is done so far?
Speaker 5 (08:46):
I like the little try to around, which is amazing.
I don't vowed to like not give any false hopes. Okay,
but I would say it's in a good space to
where it is a hundred percent or should come out
one hundred percent this year. I will say that.
Speaker 1 (09:04):
Okay. The sounds that you gave to other people, like
that you wrote for other people that you're like, man,
maybe I should have kept that.
Speaker 5 (09:09):
When they blow up, I can give you all the
I wrote this song for it on that recent project.
Speaker 1 (09:15):
Speaker 5 (09:16):
And literally when I'm writing a song, I'm reading the
worst is coming out. I'm like, nah, this this is
too freaky, Like yeah, I try to like channel sometimes
or I'll just write it like you know what I'm saying,
And no, none of the songs will be good for me.
Speaker 1 (09:36):
Right now, I'm here with hip hop journalist Elliott Wilson
and we're talking to Jid. Does your family still feel
like you know? Does anybody feel like you change? You
got time for everybody? Hope they do.
Speaker 5 (09:45):
I hope everybody them out last time. I hope they
feel like I'm.
Speaker 1 (09:54):
Great Christmas. I'll take everybody to a cabin scared to
hear the next hour. They don't want to talk about it.
Speaker 5 (10:03):
But you know my family, family, everybody's great.
Speaker 1 (10:06):
All right, Well, listen, we appreciate you for coming through
because I know you know that you have a lot
going on, and that you're you're super busy, and that
you have this new project that's going to come out
before metro boomers project do we have it? Is it
like first quarter journalist is coming out? Promise.
Speaker 5 (10:28):
I don't want to make no faults promises.
Speaker 1 (10:29):
I promise you that, okay, dollars be before forever in
the day. I think this is a year we will
get more gym music than we ever have.
Speaker 5 (10:38):
Need to say that you need whole record.
Speaker 1 (10:43):
Look at me, who come frost this? J Warm say this.
Speaker 5 (10:53):
I gotta I gotta tell what this? So at the
Rot Nation brunch you introduced me again.
Speaker 1 (11:00):
J Yeah, we met before.
Speaker 6 (11:06):
You know.
Speaker 5 (11:09):
This guy. But beat no, no, no, beyond that, I
wanted to say so much, I kind of got that
was the first time I ever been like struck or
just had a loss for words, because first off, he
like the o GM like, I respect you, but I want.
Speaker 1 (11:20):
To tell like, Bro, I use seven.
Speaker 5 (11:22):
Of your lines on the album.
Speaker 1 (11:24):
Bro, like assume.
Speaker 5 (11:29):
Like, well you know what I'm saying, but I don't know.
You're trying to get attention to grades, you know, chasing ghost,
they chasing all that.
Speaker 1 (11:35):
So it happened, It.
Speaker 5 (11:36):
Happened, bro, Ji hope I used that too. That was
a line I used on the song Mike remixed Home.
She said, Jim hole Bro my favorite.
Speaker 1 (11:46):
It's inevitable. No, but honestly, thank you so much for
coming through. I always appreciate you. And when the new
patches come out, like anytime you're in town, I would
love for you to pull up, pull uponus, pull up.
But when we come back, you guys get to have,
of course, the last word because this is your show.
Speaker 4 (12:00):
Take up the phone tap being to get your voice heard.
Speaker 1 (12:04):
What the word is the last word on Way Up
with Angela Yee? What's up this way up at Angela Yee?
And you guys, what a great show. I hope you
all are being safe. We know it's like holiday season.
Don't overdo it because and that means you know when
it's time for the New Year's resolutions. You are going
to have a further way to go if you overdo
it now, So the best thing to do is preventive,
but enjoy yourself a little. Just make some smart decisions,
right small steps. I'm talking to myself because that's what
I need to do. But anyway, this is your show,
so you have the last word.
Speaker 4 (12:35):
Hey, angelaeja y'a. I'm calling because I was cheated on
before by my boyfriend for almost three years. He cheated
on me with his coworker, and I still come back.
Speaker 1 (12:48):
I like to join the line on my mother.
Speaker 3 (12:50):
She will die new sixty five years young.
Speaker 1 (12:53):
Just graduated.
Speaker 3 (12:54):
Last moment for you to degree and creative life.
Speaker 4 (12:58):
Never too late, Love your mom.
Speaker 3 (13:00):
Brandon in South Carolina,