All Episodes

December 5, 2023 34 mins

Leanne is back to continue exploring this complex topic of worthiness, diving into the paradox of feeling worthy when you DON'T feel worthy. Once again Leanne talks about the 5 Blocks to God’s love, originally introduced as a 'Self-Imaging' formula, and how these blocks, if not addressed, can hinder your experience of love and worthiness.

This time however, the spotlight turns to the third ingredient and God Block: Self-Worth, as Leanne emphasizes the importance of understanding what you're "weighing and measuring" to define your own worth. She shares personal experiences of tying self-worth SOLELY to external factors like appearance, relationships, and achievement, and how goal-setting can be great, but if that's the ONLY place you are finding your worth, that's where the trouble lies.

Leanne encourages and invites you to create a new definition of self-worth, only this time around taking a "spiritual currency" into account and seeking God's perspective on your divine worth, teaching you how to embrace the concept of taking radical ownership of your own Self-Image... while inviting God into the process as your co-pilot and divine partner.

HOST: @LeanneEllington

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:09):
If you want to go on a journey. If you're skeptical,
don't worry. Not here to preach, going to keep it
clean and talk to me and recase where faith needs
all nature. Get in touch with your creator with a bacon,
love and je.

Speaker 2 (00:25):
She even speaks Hebrew. What's that? What's that?

Speaker 1 (00:37):
What's that? Passion? You should talking transformation?

Speaker 2 (00:41):
What's done?

Speaker 1 (00:42):
Got? Well?

Speaker 2 (00:45):
Hello and welcome back to what's God got to do
with it? And we are here to continue this series
where we're just breaking down this really complex topic of
worthiness and really what I call the paradox of worthiness,
as in, how do you feel worthy when you don't
feel worthy? And this is the fourth episode in this
series where on the first episode called Unraveling Worthiness breaking

down the Five Blocks to God's Love, I introduced you
to what I call the five blocks to God's Love
and how I discovered that for me when it came
to actually feeling worthy of being loved and not feeling
like I had to earn it or like when i'm
this or when I do that, then I'll be lovable.
I mean loved right now as I am. That was

really hard for me to grasp at first. It's kind
of like something was blocking me from receiving it. But
as I shared, God wasn't blocking me, and my circumstances
weren't blocking me. I was blocking me and my thoughts
and perception of myself. That's what was available to me.
And this really paved the way for us to get
into each of the five what I call God blocks.

That for me, I was blocking God's love and really
any love for that matter, from coming my way and
truly feeling it, truly receiving it. And that was the
resistance that I kept bumping up against. And that's what
was blocking me from feeling the power or the truth
in this idea that I don't have to hustle for
my worthiness, that it's just there right now and it's

always going to be there. But that's why I now
call them God blocks, because if you are blocking them,
it feels like that love is not even there. So
on one side of the coin, these five things they
can act like kind of like a magic recipe, and
all of these are five ingredients that add up to
this recipe for worthiness. But those same things, if you're

not aware of them, and if you stay blocked by them,
they will literally block you from love and block you
from feeling that worthiness, hence why I call it the
paradox of worthiness. Also, when you simply become aware of
those five blocks and acknowledge them and care for them,
they can literally transform and become like a powerful gateway

or bridge to connection and worthiness and peace. But also,
like I shared in the other episodes, these blocks were
the perfect place for me to invite God in and
ask him to help me, and my prayers just became
things like, Hey, God, meet me there, help me see
what you see, help me find that worthiness, help me
unblock what's blocking me from you, and really just remove

anything or unlearn any lie that is not coming from you.
And that's why I believe it's so important to recognize
your own God blocks, as in, you know what's keeping
you from receiving the love that's available to you right now,
and what's keeping you from feeling like you're worthy of
receiving love and worthy of being taken care of or

just value beyond the size of your genes or bank
balance or relationship status. And that's why I'm so excited
to keep this conversation going, because awareness is truly enough
to start that transformation and create those new neural pathways.
So in episode thirteen Removing the Blocks, where we talked
about self acceptance and God waiver and grace, we talked

about self acceptance and of course the paradox of acceptance
because it's like, well, how do you accept yourself when
all you've ever known is self rejection or self criticism
and shaming yourself. And then last week in episode fourteen,
which was called Divine Partnership, which was health and self
care with God's Support, we talked about health and self
care and the paradox of that if you don't even

know how to do that, like actually take care of
yourself and your health, or maybe you feel like all
your attempts have failed in the past. So if you
missed those episodes, definitely go back and check those out.
But just like we did for self acceptance and for
health and self care, what I'm gonna do is I'm
going to show you this next ingredient and God block
from three different viewpoints. So first, I'm going to walk

you through it as one of the five ingredients that
become this recipe for worthiness within your self image. And
then I'll share how that same ingredient, that very same
thing can actually be a God block if you're blocked
by it or you just don't feel worthy of receiving it.
And then of course we will take a look at

what God has to say about it. So let's just
dive in, shall we, And let's take a look at
the third ingredient to your self image and worthiness and
the third God block, which is self worth. So when
I talk about self worth, what I really mean is
what are you weighing and what are you measuring to
comprise your own worth or value? And so for me,

for so long, actually most of my life, if I
wasn't weighing and measuring my worth by my gene size,
my scale weight, my bank balance, my relationship status, anything
like that, I had no idea who I was. In
other words, if I didn't weigh a certain weight or
think I was living up to certain you know, quantifiable standards,
my entire self worth went out the window. And that meant,

like I could just get on the scale and my
mood would go out the window if it didn't say
what I wanted to say, because my entire value or
what I thought of myself was wrapped up in that
one thing that you know, lived outside of me. By
the way, but that one thing completely held all the
power in my life. And that's only because that was
the only measuring stick that I knew how to use.

That's what I learned. But I wasn't just weighing my
own worth by those kinds of measuring sticks. I was
probably measuring your value too. And just please not like
this was not my proudest stage of life. But in
the name of being real and transparent and vulnerable, I'll
be honest and admit that if we met ten to
fifteen years ago, I would have looked at your thighs

and your stomach and decided how much self esteem I
and really confidence I had the right to feel compared
to you. And it wasn't personal. Well, obviously to me,
it was like I was obviously judging you, but it
was more because I was judging me, and it was
so I could have a reference to know exactly what
I was comparing myself to because that was my measuring stick,

and that was my currency that I was using to
determine how much I was worth. So of course it
was the currency I was using to judge you. And
again I'm not proud of it, but this is just
what I became aware of and some phases of my life,
it was how much fat was hanging over my genes,
the number on the scale, a calorie count, a number
of reps. But then I moved on to things like

bank balance, or relationship status or likes on Facebook. Heck,
I have used them all and who I was at
the time. If I wasn't counting or measuring those things
or those quantifiables, I didn't know who the heck I was,
because it's all I knew until I learned something else.
And that's why I believe it is so important to

not only create a new definition of self worth for
you and your self image, but also to look at
the currency of your soul and seek God's truth about
your divine worth and once again not just figuring it
out on your own, but how to make sure, yeah,
you're taking radical ownership of what you can and cannot influence,

but asking God to step in and do a lot
of the heavy lifting in your head, heart and spirit.
And so the easiest way to do that is to
first simply gain an awareness and understanding of what you
are currently weighing and what you're measuring and the currency
that you are living your life and really judging yourself by.
And so I want you to simply take a mental

inventory and ask yourself, what am I weighing and what
am I measuring? And so are you judging yourself twenty
four hours a day based on the gene size that
you're wearing, or your current career status, or the number
of likes or comments you got on Facebook or Instagram?
Or are you defining and setting the currency that you
want to be measuring yourself by and that God is

valuing you by and really working towards that, which I
know for me was a foreign concept for so many years.
But in other words, are you valuing yourself based on
a current of your own choosing that you actively voted on,
or are you valuing yourself based on the currency that
you arbitrarily or subconsciously picked up along the way, And

is it the currency that society or social media or
the rest of the world is using. And there's nothing
bad or wrong about measuring your self worth by any
of those external factors. I mean, you're human and you
are allowed to care about those things. But here's the
big distinction. The problem arises, and it really is a
big problem that I really want you to look at.

But the problem arises when your self worth is solely
or only comprised of those factors, as in, that's it, Like,
that's your worth, that's your value. And that's why I'm
so adamant about talking about all of this, because most
people have never taken a look at this part of themselves.
So let's do that right now, And if you're up

for it, I just want you to, first and foremost,
let's relinquish any shame and just chalk it up to like, hey,
I didn't know what I didn't know. But I also
invite you to get really honest with yourself and ask
yourself and just really think about your own self image,
Like are you weighing yourself on the scale and letting
it dictate how you feel about yourself? Or maybe you're
a hostage to your gene size? Or how many pushups

you can do or how many calories or carbs you
ate that day?

Speaker 1 (10:17):

Speaker 2 (10:18):
What about social media or how many likes you got,
like are you valuing your worth based on that? Or
maybe it's your accomplishments and your successes right like, or
if you don't get complimented or validated by somebody else,
do you feel defeated or deflated or just kind of
mach like you can't find your worth? What about your
bank balance, your relationship status? Are they where you think

they air quotes should be? And if not, do you
totally disqualify the value that you have or the value
that you bring outside of those things? And is there
anything else, like any other measurement or quantifiable that lives
outside of you that holds all of the power in
your life or maybe it just holds too much power? Right,

That's what we want to just simply become aware of.
And again there is no shame, no judgment, as I
promise you, I was literally valuing myself by all of
the things that I mentioned at some point. But again,
when that's all we have to use to account for
our worth, we just feel empty. And that's when we
are actively blocking the value and worth that's available to

us and that God sees in us and wants for us.
And of course I'm just sharing some examples of how
we as humans validate ourselves based solely on those external factors.
And again there's nothing wrong with using these to value
ourselves to some extent, because I mean, you're only human.
But if we only rely on this external stuff to
validate our worth, we're just gonna get totally lost and

go down an empty path. If you know, again, if
I'm gonna put it bluntly, that's really what's gonna happen.
You're gonna feel that it's gonna feel meaningless and empty.
And I promise you, when it comes to your self
image and your divine worth in God's eyes, how you're
weighing and measuring yourself absolutely one hundred percent matters, and
there is a way to connect with God's version of

how he sees you. But if you don't identify the
currency you're currently using and create a new definition of
value and worth, that would serve you, and that would
move you in the direction that you really want to go,
and that would make you feel happy while you go,
Because again, if you think about a lot of these
a lot of these quantifiables are not making you happy.
But if you don't create a new definition, you will

be stuck with the one that you have. And if
valuing yourself based on your divine worth and how God
sees you, it feels like a really big stretch, or
maybe it's too big of a stretch for you right now,
or just releasing and breaking the chains that your weight
or bank talents, or financial situations or relationship status holds
over you like that, if that hold over you and

breaking that feels impossible to break, then that's what I
mean when I say that the same ingredient to creating
your self worth in the eyes of love and worthiness,
that same ingredient is actually acting out a block, and
it's a block to God's view of your value and
God's view of your worth so that you can fully
receive that. And of course you know the word nerd

in me as I do every episode wants you to
know that the etymology of the of the word worth
its original definition, and it probably won't surprise you that
the adjective form of the word worth means significant or valuable, appreciated,
or highly thought of. It also means deserving and capable.
But what's really interesting to me, and the part I

really love about this etymology, is that the word worth
in verb form, so as a verb it means to
come to be, it means to become, and it literally
means to turn into. And so how about that, like
the literal meaning and origin of worth is all about
transforming and coming to be and turning into and to me,

that's an invitation to come to be something of value
and significance and appreciated by yourself and highly thought of
by your and of course borrowing God's eyes if that
feels like a really big stretch, and a lot of
people are like, wait a minutely, and that sounds braggy
or cocky or braggadocious to think highly of myself, But
what I really mean is receiving the highly appreciated value

that you're already that is already there for you, like
the receivership part of it. And when I think back
to the version of myself who did not appreciate and
value and think highly of herself and Pam, what I
really needed was the verb form of worth, that same word,
so that that could come to be that, so that
I could essentially step into that and become that and

become something of value to myself. So I was thinking
of it of like, oh my gosh, like somebody needs
to tell me that I'm worthy or make me feel
that way. And what really needed to happen was this
internal transformation, like the verb form of worth to transform
into receiving that because like I said, what I really
wanted was someone else to make me feel that when again,

if I couldn't feel it, like how could I even
receive that from a if or when they did see that?
And trust me when I say I didn't see it
and I couldn't see it. I sabotage relationships. I pushed
away love, I rejected and deflected praise and compliments because
I didn't feel worthy of receiving it. And that's why
I keep bringing this up and bringing up this concept

of renewing your mind, because that's really what needs to happen.
Because who you are right now and how you feel
about yourself today does not have to be the end
of this story. You have the power to today start
valuing and appreciating yourself differently, but you must renew your
mind and ask God to help you see things differently.

And I also mentioned this last week too, but there's
this crossover sometimes that take place when it comes to
the other ingredients and the God blocks that come in.
I also mentioned this last week too, but there's this

crossover sometimes that take place when it comes to the
other ingredients and the God blocks that come in. So,
for example, self acceptance if that's a block for you
and you are unaccepting of yourself and flat out rejecting yourself,
of course you won't like value and find yourself worthy.

Speaker 1 (16:19):

Speaker 2 (16:19):
Or if self care and taking care of your health
is a block for you because it's like, how do
you value what you don't deem worthy to take care
of and what you don't honor mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually,
of course it's going to be a block in self worth.
So that's what I mean when I say some of
these five ingredients, there's crossover, like they can actually block
each other. And that's why I keep saying that all

five of these ingredients that we're talking about, they're all
part of this recipe of worthiness. It's not just one thing.
And I'll talk about how God values you in just
a moment, But first I want you to ask yourself,
how are you valuing yourself? And so instead of bank
balance or weight or likes on Instagram or whatever you're using,
what if you started paying attention to what your heart,

soul and spirit really need and start weighing and measuring
things within that type of currency. And trust me, I
know this is simple, not easy, and really That's why
I take all of my clients through a process where
we invest a good amount of time to figure out,
like what their individual self worth currency looks like for them,
because just like you, they can't use a cookie cutter,

one size fits all approach. We all need to figure
out what this looks like for our own lives, our
own needs, our own circumstances, even our shortcomings.

Speaker 1 (17:31):

Speaker 2 (17:32):
We want to integrate that because like it's one of
those things where you're not going to feel amazingly confident
in every area of your life, like you can own
the parts of you that you're like, you know what,
I'm not the best at that, but I can still
feel worthy of feeling love and receiving worthiness and all that,
even within my shortcomings. Right. But that being said, I'm
just here planting that seed in your brain. But also

for me, a lot of dots got connected. And this
actually became a lot easier when I looked at it
through God's eyes and I used his word. So, for example,
in Galatians five sixteen through seventeen, and this is the
NIV version, it says, so I say walk by the spirit,
and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

For the flesh desires what is contrary to the spirit,
and the spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They
are in conflict with each other, so that you are
not to do whatever you want. Then twenty two through
twenty three goes on to say, but the fruit of
the spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,

and self control. Against such things, there is no law.
And this is the fruit of the spirit. This is
what God is sharing with us, is the fruit of
the spirit rather than the fruit of the flesh. Right
And so to me, this just reminds me, like Leanne,
walking by the currency of the flesh, like the worldly currency,
and walking by the currency of the spirit are in

conflict with each other. It literally says that, and he
literally says, they conflict with each other so that you
don't do whatever you want. And for me, when I
was walking by my own currency and doing whatever I wanted,
and when I say my own currency, weight, genes, bank balance,
you know all the things. When I was doing what
I wanted and measuring myself by the worldly currency, I

was miserable. But when I surrendered this over to God
and I started walking by the spirit and not ignoring
my human desires, like just not letting them lead me
and own me and letting them solely dictate my worth. Right.
So again I didn't ignore them, I just didn't let
them own me. But only then was I able to

feel my true worth and value outside of my weight
or other you know, worldly measurables. And again it was
a process, but I first had to become aware of
what was happening and commit to transforming it and renew
my mind. Honestly, I had to do that over and
over again. And so for you, whatever you're chasing to

make you feel worthy or loved, imagine what would happen
if your new currency included a spiritual currency. Right, things
that God tells us comprise the fruit of the spirit, joy, love, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,
and self control. Imagine if you started weighing and measuring
that on a daily basis, or you started measuring things

like peace, like how much peace do I have? Or
how much compassion am I giving and feeling for myself?
How much contribution am I making to others? Right? And
that's another thing that's really worth mentioning for me when
I'm so caught up in the worldly currency or comparisonitis,
or my own self currency, like obsessing over my weight
or what other people think of me. Not only is

this a super empty and lonely way to live, it
definitely was for me, but I also felt so selfish,
like when I'm in that place, it's all about me
and my stuff and my desires and my goals and me, me, me, me, me,
me me. And I find myself in this selfish only
thinking about me rabbit hole, and that is not how

I want to live my life, okay, And this verse
in Matthew kind of reminds me of that. So in
Matthew sixteen twenty six, this is the NIV version, it says,
what good will it be for someone to gain the
whole world yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone
give in exchange for their soul? To me, it says Leanne,

what good is it if you gain those worldly things
that you think will make you happy, like the money,
the relationships, the body you think you want, Like what
good is any of that if you have to forfeit
your soul to get it? And it's true, like when
you're obsessed about stuff like that, it is soul sucking.
It's empty, and again, you can care about it. But

when you're obsessed and it's all you are weighing and
measuring your worth by, that's when it's soul sucking and empty.
But that's what happened to me when I led with
all those things and totally ignore the spiritual currency. And again,
please don't hear what I'm not saying. Like goals are awesome,
Like set those goals, go after some sort of goalpost
or finish line. But again, if that's all you're using

to comprise your value or worth, that's where we get
into trouble, and your soul and spirit is what suffers
the most. I also love this one from First Samuel
sixteen seven says, but the Lord said to Samuel, do
not consider his appearance or his height, for I have
rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things
that people look at. People look at the outward appearance,

but the Lord looks at the heart. The Lord looks
at the heart. And I just think this is so
powerful to hear that and see that that people look
at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. Again,
you are allowed to care, you are allowed to have
quantifiable goals, but make sure that it's not the only
thing driving you. And I would go as far as say,

make sure it's not leading you, like even in those goals.
Make sure your spirit is the one guiding you, not
the goals or the beliefs of the world. But if
you are stuck in the rut of chasing a body
type or financial status or relationship status or whatever it
is to dictate your worth, and again, no judgment, no shame.
And the only reason I'm even able to talk about

this is because this is how I was and who
I was for so many years. And that's why it's
so important to even just see this and have this awareness,
because you'll totally miss out on the value and the
divine worth that is here for you right now, and
miss out on all of what's available to you right now.
Hence why it's another block. But what if instead of
looking at the worldly view or worldly measurements and measuring

sticks of your own worth, you created your own new
definition of worth and a new currency with which to
value yourself and ask God to meet you there and
even borrow his eyes right because the God that I
know he loves you and he wants you to know
how valuable and lovable and worthy you are right now,
and that you don't have to reach a certain proverbial

mountaintop to get there. But also the God I know
would have so much love and compassion for you if
you are struggling to feel that and to know that.
And that's why I call it the paradox of worthiness,
and in this case, it's the paradox of self worth
and knowing how to value yourself when you don't feel
like you have any value outside of your accomplishments or
status or measuring sticks. It's so challenging, right, But this

is also again where that hyper dependency on self comes
into play too, Like what if you, yes, take intelligent
action and ultimate responsibility for your role in your ability
to transform how you see your worth? But also while
you do that, what if you let God in and
surrender this to God too, you know, as in surrender
your definitions of worth in general and the currency that

you're currently using to determine whether you're good enough, smart
enough enough, period really and just started looking at it
like what if what you are really looking forward to
feel worthy and valuable can't be measured in this worldly currency,
and what if what's missing was to start looking at
your worth through the lens of a spiritual currency, but

also surrendering the idea that you have to carry the
burden of creating this and healing this all on your own.
I want to repeat something that Ketrick said in the
Self Reliance episode and his sorry not sorry if I

sound like a broken record when I share this, but
it's really that powerful. He said, sometimes you are waiting
on God, and sometimes God is waiting on you. So
where are you waiting, like waiting for a certain weight
or gene size, or bank balance or relationship status to
feel worthy or valuable right now? And waiting for someone
to magically make you feel that way about yourself when

you don't feel it for yourself, or waiting for the
perfect time or the perfect moment or things just feel
perfect for you to start feeling worthiness in your bones,
independent of what's happening in your circumstances. Okay, where are
you waiting on God? And where is God waiting on you?
And what if now was the perfect time to once

again just meet God there? Where can you simply draw
a line in the sand and commit to renewing your mind,
so that you can start valuing yourself by God's definitions
of worth more and the world's less, and valuing yourself
by a spiritual currency more and the world's less. And
I wish somebody had told me this or asked me

these questions decades ago. And I mean, doesn't that just
sound so much better than feeling like a victim to
the definitions of value and worth that the world is
giving us? And listen, I could go on and on
with more, but bringing it back full circle to this, Okay,
God's love is filled with new definitions of your value
and worth that you are most likely truly desiring. So

when you get stuck going down the rabbit hole of
chasing goals that you don't get me wrong, can be fun,
but they're never going to fully and truly give you
the worthiness that you're really desiring. And if you don't
deem yourself worthy of that kind of love and value
right now, or you feel like, Okay, I'll be worthy
when I reach that milestone or hit that goal or whatever,

you are outright blocking that love from God, but not
just God, blocking it from anyone else to truly give
you the love that's available to you because if you
don't feel worthy of receiving it, it's like it's not
even there. But it is there. It's there right now
for you, and you don't have to hustle for it
or work for it. It's just yours right now. But

most people are walking around controlled by this worldly currency
and definitions of success and totally neglecting the mental, emotional,
spiritual currency that will truly be what makes them happy
in the end and what they're working so hard on
that outside stuff to create in the first place. Like
that's why we do it in the first place, Like
we want to feel all those things that we're not measuring, right.

But this is a major problem when it comes to
your self image and when it comes to receiving the
love that's available to you. And that's why I say
self worth is both an ingredient to a self loving
and worthy self image. But that same thing, if you
don't believe it or feel it, it's outright blocking you
from receiving that love. But here's the really big distinction

that I really want you to get and I want
you to remember, because just like I talked about that,
there's a paradox to acceptance and a paradox to health
and self care. This is the paradox of worthiness that
keeps coming up, Like how do you feel worthy when
all you've ever known is unworthiness or feeling like you
have to keep proving you are or earning it or
working for it or hustling for it. And so when
it comes to the ingredient of self worth as part

of the recipe of your self image, this is where, yes,
I do believe it's our job to take radical ownership
of it. Like this is the part where we put
in the work as a human because if we want
something to be different, we need to see and do differently.

Speaker 1 (29:01):

Speaker 2 (29:01):
But when it comes to the side of the coin
where the concept of your own value and worth is
a God block or a spiritual block, and it's blocking
you from receiving the love that's available to you, that's
where I'm here to just keep watering that seed that
I planted in your brain back in the very first
episode of this series, Like what if the God blocks
side of it wasn't yours to break through? What if

it's where you invited God into this conversation, right, what
if it wasn't your job or it wasn't your responsibility,
or at least not fully your responsibility. And remember what
we said about self reliance. What if it was where
you moved into that God reliance that we talked about
in God's guidance, and this is where you invited God
into it and just ask God to help you and

meet you there. And just to make it super simple,
what if it was as simple as praying something like, God,
please show me where I am chasing the world's currency
for my worth and value rather than seeing it through
your eyes. God, please show me my divine worth through
your eyes, show me what you see, and just pray

that over and over again. And the reason I love
that simple prayer is because the first half, where you
would say God, please show me where I'm chasing the
world's currency for my worth and value rather than seeing
it through your eyes, you're asking for revelation and wisdom
and awareness of what you're you know, trying to transform
and walk away from. And the second half of it,

where you say, God, please show me my divine worth
and you know, show me through your eyes, show me
what you see. You're asking for a new view and
a new belief and in turn, a new identity. And
I'm telling you if you pray this over and over again,
he will show you and he will meet you there
and he will give you that revelation you are seeking.

And this is again where it's not just my faith talking,
even though that's a big part of it, it's also
what neuroscience says, what we focus on expands and as
I keep sharing with you, what we give air to
air is attention, intention, and repetition. It grows and expands
and becomes you like, your brain will learn it. It
will just become part of the way you think. But

you've got to renew your mind and you must practice it.
And so that's an invitation in its own right. Like
what if you just gave air attention, intention, and repetition
to God, Please show me where I'm chasing the world's
currency for my worth and value rather than seeing it
through your eyes, And God, please show me my divine
worth through your eyes. Show me what you see. That

is my invitation to you. Okay, So that's it. That
is the big picture side of self worth and what
I wanted you to get access to and just start seeing.
And of course that means with God's guidance, And yes,
there is a part of it that you play when
it comes to taking radical ownership of your self image.
And as you're learning through this podcast, there is a

science to the self image, but also the side of
self worth where it is a God block and blocking
you from receiving the value and worthiness that you hold
right now. And yes, it's a catch twenty two because
it's what you need, but it's also what's blocking you.
And the big distinction that I shared being that block
is not yours to do anything about. That God block

is where you ask God to show you his power
and all you have to do is surrender and ask
him in prayerful request, God, please show me where I'm
chasing the world's currency for my worth and value rather
than seeing it through your eyes, and God, please show
me my divine word through your eyes, show me what
you see. And that really is the nutshell of all

of this, And that's my invitation to you, like just
try on this new story, this new perspective, these new
simple prayers, and there's so much more I could say
about this topic, but we're going to stop there for
right now. So that is this third ingredient and third
God block. But we're going to be back next week
to talk about the next ingredient and next God block,

which is all all about earning back your own trust
with God as your copilot. So like, no more making
promises and breaking them, no more you know, losing respect
for yourself because you don't believe a word you say.
We're going to talk about earning back your own trust
with God as your co pilot, and again not just
figuring it on your own, but how to take radical
ownership of what you can and cannot influence, but asking

God to step in and do a lot of the
heavy lifting in your head, heart and spirit. So I
will talk to you then we'll be back with more
What's God Got to Do with It? But in the meantime,
I would definitely love to hear from you, So just
tell me where you are in your story or maybe
what questions you have, like where do you feel you

need clarity or support or wisdom in your own journey.
I definitely want to hear from you, So head on
over to What's God Got to Do with It? Dot
com and scroll down to the form to share your thoughts,
your questions, your feedback, and you can do that instantly.
So What's God got to do with it dot com.
You'll find all the ways to do that, And if

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God Got to Do With It is an iHeartRadio podcast
on the Amy Brown Podcast Network. It's written and hosted
by me Leanne Ellington, executive produced by Elizabeth Fozzio, post
production and editing by Houston Tilley, and original music written
by Cheryl Stark and produced by Adam Star
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