All Episodes

August 19, 2019 47 mins

Jana is on the set of her new Lifetime movie! She tells us about how she’s balancing acting and caring for Jace in between takes and she opens up about how her anxiety has worsened after events in the news.

While filming, Jana has bonded with her character’s grandmother, Dee Wallace! Dee has appeared in 200 movies, including E.T., Cujo and The Hills Have Eyes. She tells us what she haslearned about spiritual healing and you won’t believe the advice she has for Jana.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Wind Down with Jane Kramer and Michael Coffin and radio podcast.
Hey what's up. It's Jana and Easton winding down from
New Iberia, Louisiana. Did you ever think you'd ever come
to New Iberia. I never thought my career would take

me here. It's it's an unreal experience. So I am
in obviously New New Iberia, Louisiana. And if you guys
have been following me, I booked a lifetime Christmas movie.
It's called Christmas in Louisiana. I'm really excited. It's been
a lot of fun. It's been it's been a lot

of long hours, but it's been incredible. Um. I've truly enjoyed,
you know, getting back to work and acting and you know,
just being on set. And so obviously we do not
want to miss a wine down Monday. So I made
sure that we were able to get east In here
to be able to record a podcast together. And you know,

he's like, where are we going? Are we going to like,
you know, Park City, Utah? Or are we going to
like Hawaii? And I'm like, no, baby, New Iberi, Louisiana. Um,
but it's actually a really cute, quaint town. And all,
like all the shops have put up Christmas decorations on
Main Street, so it looks really cute. It's crazy. It's
the whole town transformed into this winter wonderland. And it's hot.

It's so hot. Um yeah, crazy hot. But luckily today
we're inside. And I just took Eastern on his first
movie set and funny thing happened. So I was holding, well,
I'll let you explain it, Easton. So yeah, Janna took
me onto the set and uh, she's such a pro.
She's like here, you just staying here. I'm gonna go
do my thing. She walks out in front of the

cameras and I'm watching her through the monitors and looks cool.
It looks like a movie, you know, like like I
feel like I'm already watching Lifetime to a vision woman
and and I see Jane is in you know, there's
like four different cameras on her in the shot and
she's on her phone. Uh, and we were just hanging
out by backstage. We were hanging hanging out in the

holding area. We're in the holding are hanging out like
we're just on our phones. And so I thought she
was continuing like like while they're because they're still setting
up the shot and everything. She's on her phone and
then they called rehearsal and she's still on her phone
and I'm like, oh no, I mean, I know Jane
is like person on the call sheet here, but being
pretty cavalier with this. So and then they start rolling
in like it's like they call action. They do the

whole clapboard thing, and Jane is like still on her
phone and I'm like, oh my god, like like did
she know he started? And he's he since starts freaking
out and he's about to be like, Janna, Janna, your phone.
I was gonna text you and say I think the
rolling but and so he got in the car and
he's like, hey, so, um, were you were you supposed
to have your phone in that scene? Because you know,

you were on your phone. I was like, that was
the whole part of the scene. I'm understanding now. Yeah,
you were like supposed to be like texting or know,
somebody to be texting. And then my mom was supposed
to come up, and I was supposed to, you know,
be like I'm preoccupied mom. But it was just so funny.
You know, you were saying that you didn't know what
was going on, thinking that you're public. Man, she's like
a little like not professional, like on her phone. Was

that your actual phone? No, they gave you. They don't
let you have your own phone, okay, because it probably
would distract you too much. But yeah, no, it's a
it's like a it's a set phone. Props. Well they
say props phone. That's here the biz name the movie. Yeah,
when they say the biz the breakup Sarah, Sarah, my

girl said you would have got that breakup to I'm
very disappointing myself. So you know what's funny though, I
kind of want to Sarah Um Almost Grutsky instagrammed Um
a clip from the breakup, And it's funny because this
in that instagram. I know the scene is very famous.
I don't. He's like, you know, I want I want

you to want to do the dishes. Gary. He's like,
why would I want to do the dishes. It's not
about you wanting to do dishes, Gary, it's about you
wanting to help me. And so I just have always
loved that scene. But it's so true and it's fascinating
because it's I mean, it's not like we want to
be doing the dishes. No, not at all. Do you

help your wife? Yes, yes, I do. Um. You know
we're talking about this the other day though, there's a
I did. I did something for her right before I
left to come to New Iberia, and she she was
thanking me profuse, like I had bought her a gift.
And I saw it as like, oh, this should have
just been like oh great, thanks um, but she was

acting like it was the greatest thing ever I got.
I got her wedding dress cleaned. It's been we haven't
gotten clean since we got married two years ago. That's
so thoughtful. Um See, I thought it's been it's been
an errand I've been putting off for months in the
back of my head. So like I felt like, oh man,
I've been really dropping the ball, like I should have
done this a long time ago. But the stuff like
that will happen. Uh. And I think that like I

don't know, I just like sometimes I think, like, oh,
I should be helping out more so this doesn't seem
like a miraculous thing that like I did something yeah,
um uh. But but sometimes I don't notice, you know,
when something needs to get done. I think we talked
about this once before, like, um, because Mark talks about
his wife paints all the base boards like once a
year because the kids like scuff up up with their shoes,

and he's like, I don't even notice that they need
to be painted, right of course. Yeah, it's interesting what
we see and then what I don't know. I just
always find it so fascinating. I feel like, Mike can
I do a pretty good job with things around the house.
I know we've talked about it before. But by the way,
Mike is home right now with Jolie. I decided to
take Jace. The entire time, I wanted to take Jolie,
but you know, she just got like her routine and everything,

and it's just, you know, I don't want to get
her out of that. But she is coming, um this
next week, so I'm really really excited to have her.
And then Michaeil beyond next week's episode. Um, so that'll
be nice to have him because I haven't seen him
in a few in a few weeks being out here,
but m Yeah, and then I'm really excited because I

have just really gotten close with my grandma. On this movie.
We've created such a like an amazing like his Kinship Award.
I just feel like we connect on such a different level.
And So her name is Dee Wallace and she is

the mom from E T. I mean, if you look
her up, I mean her she's been in so much stuff.
I it's like a hundred and eighty something films and
TV show she's been in. She's she's just incredible and
she's got a ton of stories, especially working with Steven Spielberg. Um,
and just life and love and loss. Uh. And so

I'm really excited, um to have her come in the
trailer whenever we're because we're actually working right now and
this is in between takes we're doing this. That that's
because how much I love y'all. Um. So yeah, so
I'm excited to have her come in the trailer and
do a little interview. But before I want to take
a quick break, I think something else too, that it's

something I I'm kind of dealing with right now, is well,
two things. I have really bad mom guilt, obviously like
other moms do. But I also am struggling so bad
with anxiety that I honestly think I might have to
up my medicine. And I don't want to, Like I
feel it's making me sad because I don't want to

I don't know, I don't I don't want to rely
on something. But at the same time, I feel so
anxious all the time now, and I don't know if
that's because and this is like I don't mean to
go and I don't want to go dark. But at
the same time, Okay, So we got to New Iberia
like a week and a half ago, two weeks ago,
and we went to Target and I was totally fine

in the car ride and I was with Jason and
the nanny, and then I just finally hired UM an
assistant because with everything I'm doing in socials and the
Wine Down Tour, which by the way, I can always
tell you guys about, but just everything else it's kind
of going on. I just I really feel like I
need some extra help UM, because I just feel a
little overwhelmed. And so we're in the car and everything

was fine, it was totally good, and then we go
to Target, and all of a sudden, I just have
this massive anxiety attack, and I like, I just you know,
Lauren and Kylie they're sweet girls, but I, you know,
I get so embarrassed when I have anxiety attacks. So
I kind of just what I do is I just
shut down. And I was just like I had a
total a plan. I wanted to get Julie Barbara Barbie Dolls.

I wanted to get her like I had a whole list.
I wanted, you know, stuff because she's coming, you know,
I want to make sure Jolie has all her things,
and I want to surprise her with this big dollhouse.
And you know, I wanted to get Jason food and
and you know, I wanted to get some there was
it was like one of those super targets. So you know,
I was like, all right, I want to get strawberries
and great so whatever. And I go in there and

I was like, oh, you know what, I'm just gonna
Amazon all of it. And they're like what, um, yeah,
I'm just gonna um. I just I don't know, I
just want to Amazon all of it. It's it's fine.
And this was we drove about thirty five minutes to
a target because it's in Lafayette and and they're like, okay,
I thought you wanted to come here. I was like
I do. I just I just I now am deciding

that it's just easier to just go on Amazon and
I'm just gonna I'm just gonna get Barbie dolls, and
they're like, okay, all right, yeah, well let's just get
the at least the things for Jason, like okay, And
then I started to really dissect it. I'm like, all right, well,
I've always had anxiety, I get that, but what else
was it? And it was because of the shootings. I
was like, I I the second I got there. I

because it was because two days before that, I read
something about how the mom and dad were protecting their
baby that just died. I know, and I'm not trying
to go like but I'm just like, I grabbed Jay
so tight because I first put him in the in
the parking in the in the cart, and then I
grabbed him really fast when I get in there, and

I was just like and I started looking around and
I was just and and I thought it was just
my normal anxiety. But then I realized where my anxiety
was coming from. I mean, like, how do you not
think of that now when you go to every when
you go to a place like that. But it's like
you shouldn't live in fear. But at the same time,
now I'm like Oh my god. That is totally where
it came from. Because I'm like, I'm in a study

I don't know, and I'm like, I don't know these
people around and I'm like, you know, and it's honestly,
it's anywhere, even if even if it's but I'm like,
if they do it at a Walmart and at a
church and at a movie theater, I mean the list,
I mean, it's just like goes on and on. I'm like,
I don't feel safe to even go to a flipping target,
you know, in my in my life because I'm a

I'm a white male, I've had a lot of privilege
in my life, Like I've never had to worry about anything,
and I always think like, oh that that stuffing never
happens to me. I'll never happen to me. My wife
and I went and saw um Elvis Costello the other night,
and where's at the Greek Theater in l A. And
I was like looking around and clocking guys like that
guy's acting weird. And then it's like, Okay, if something
goes down, where am I going to go? And it's
like it's just crazy that that you have to think

that way now, and uh, and I totally understand feeling
like that type of intense anxiety from doing that, and
like someone like you that already struggles with anxiety, like,
my god, you know, like that's going to happen more.
I'm just I just felt like almost helpless. I'm like,
if something happens, I mean, I was holding him where
it was like I can protect him and if I

get shot, he'll be like he'll be okay. I'm like,
that is what's going through my head. It's so aft up. Yeah,
but I'm like, but I'm like, well, I don't. I
know it's also good not to live in fear, but
I'm like, how how can I? How can we not?
Because I know, I'm sorry, I didn't need to bring
it down. I'm just like I'm really struggling with that
because I'm like, I don't want to leave my house

now to protect my children, you know, I'm like, or
so that I don't die and then they don't have
a mom. It's it's crazy. I don't know. I don't
know what the answer is, because you can't you can't
just stay home all day, but and you don't want
to have it totally affect your life like that, but
also how can you not think of that? Yeah, you
know it's because before it's like, oh, well, I you

know that happens that um, that could happen at a
bar with a disgruntled person, but like, no, now it's
at Walmart, like everywhere, it's happening everywhere. I know. I
didn't mean to bring it down. I just was like,
that's where it's just another layer of anxiety now where
I'm just like, man, this is just I just I
don't know what the answer is. I'm not I don't

even want to get to like, I don't want to
get political because I have a gun and I would
like to keep my gun, but again, I just to
protect myself and my children and my family. But yeah,
I mean, I think there's certain things we can do.
But at the same time, I don't want to get
into it because I just I don't know. But I
just know that I'm curious what how you guys are reacting,

and what you guys think and what and what how
you guys feel about going to public places and what
you do and how you think of it, because I
don't know what it is. Sometimes when I think about
death and I believe and I love. You know, I
believe in God, and I believe in heaven, and I
believe all those things. But when I start to really
truly think about it, I go down this rabbit hole
where it's just like, but my kids are they going
to be okay? And then they're not, and like I'm like,
but if I go to I'm like, it's just like

rabbit holes me. I don't know helped me, guys, I'm
asking for help. What do you guys do? What's the
email East and give it to him dot com wind
down at iHeart radio dot com. I promise I'll bring
it up after this, guys. I just had to let
y'all in on why if anyone saw me in Target

and Lafiette while I ran out of there terrified. And
Lafia it's a great area too, you think, oh yeah,
it's it's beautiful. It was a whole Foods right next door. Like,
but I'm like, hey, you never know when you when
you perform concerts, does that go through your head? It
didn't until so one girl, Um, I think she was
on the voice something. I think she got Christina Grimy. Yeah,

that was terrifying. And then I played Route the year
before the shooting terrifying because I'm like, wow, but no,
there are definitely times I I'm on stage. I mean
even here on set, I'm just like, Okay, where am
I going to duck? Where am I going to go?

It's so it's so disturbing that that's like where our
minds have to go to. Or maybe it's just mine.
I don't know. I don't think it is because do
you see that outbreak at that mall where everyone started
like it was a massive like stampede because people thought
there was an active shooter. People are just so heightened now.
I saw a video from New York Times Square and

and it's like like the entire country as PTSD. Yeah,
it's can I have a spot because I need to
brighten this off? You know? Sometimes I just want to
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That's right. I've I've told the story before, but Mike

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I have never been more excited to welcome a guests
than I am right now on our show. Don't roll
your eyes at eyes the one and only Ms D Wallace, Hi,

I have I am so excited that you said yes,
first of all, that you would talk to me. Well,
the only thing that I'm really upset about though, is
the fact that we don't have wine with us right now,
because let me let me tell you, guys, my first
stop with D you. Okay, So I've obviously been a
fan of yours for a very very, very long time.

You were beautiful, You're an amazing actress. I just I
just love you. So when I found out that you
were playing my Grandma, I about crap myself, Like, I
was so excited, and I just, you know, they always
say to not I get scared to meet the people
that I that I've watched and grown up with and loved,
because what if you were a complete be? You know? Yeah, yeah,

I know. So I'm like, okay, well, here's the thing
I'm gonna just I'm like, okay, my favorite thing is wine,
So I hope she loved wine. And then I'm thinking,
oh god, what is She's an alcoholic? And I go
to her door and then I give her a bottle
of wine and she's like, I'm an out, you know,
or just something. I'm like, then she's gonna hate me
the rest of the time we shoot. So anyways, I
d was in the hallway and I knew she was there,

and I went up to you and I gave I
was like, hey, I know, coming to New Iberia is
kind of crazy. It's a very small town. I'm ordering food.
So I got you some food, got you happy. But
then the cherry on top was then I brought you
the red wine. O m G. You were in like
flint baby, and like flint, and she basically said, will

you marry me? And I was just like, from that
moment on, isn't when I knew that we were going
to be best friends best I just love it. But
you've just been incredible to work. But we just have
a heart connection. We do for sure, And I want
to talk about that because you say you do a
lot of healing work and we haven't been able to
touch on it on set. So that's why I'm glad

that I got to steal you away from set to
talk about it. Where did that come from? And when
did you know you had that innate ability to be
able to not only heal, but to have that that
feeling into that to to recognize it. You know, we
all have it. It's not some big mysterious thing. Uh.
The interview information of the universe is out there for anybody.

But you have to hold your intention to get it
and ask for it and be open to it. And UM,
when I was a little girl, I would get hits
like one time, my it was I don't know, two
or three in the morning, and I was around eight

or nine years old, Kansas City, and I was very
very close to my grandmother, who raised me for a
lot of my life because my we were poor and
my mom had to work all the time. And I
woke my mother up and I said, something's wrong at
Grandma's house. Huh. And God bless my mother. She got

up and we went in and called to Grandma, and
Grandma didn't answer, so we got in the car and
we drove over there, and the cat had gotten up
on the stove and turned all the gas on, and
Grandma was in her bed room and just hadn't heard

the telephone, but the place was filling up with gas.
So we all get little messages like that. You've all
had those thoughts where I should call blah blah, you know,
and then you either do or you don't, and then
you go, gosh, darn it, And I wish i'd call
blah blah, you know. UM walked by my neighbors two

months ago and I went, you know, I should really
go see Francis. I really kind of feel a calling
to go see how she's doing. She died two days later.
So we we all get the messages, we just don't listen,
and if we listen, we kind of let him go.

So now I ask for the messages intentionally. And um,
it all started actually when again, um, when my husband
of eighteen years passed away suddenly, and I kind of
dropped my knees and I said, I don't want to
be piste off and I don't want to be a victim.

I want a way we can heal ourselves. And I
really believe that's what in the Good Book it means
by asking, you received because literally within thirty seconds I
got my first message, which was used the light within
yourself to heal yourself. So I've just been learning and

expanding on that for twenty five years. And you were
on set when he found out about that, about your
husband of eighteen years. Yeah, I was in Newfoundland shooting
the Newfoundland No New Zealand newfound was a whole other
different movie, New Zealand shooting the Frighten Nurse, and he

had a heart attack and I flew back and they
did the angioplasty. He was fine. They were holding filming,
so he said, honey, I'm fine, I'm going home tomorrow,
go back, And I did. And four days later he
got up and a blood clot hit his heart. He
was gone, and my baby found him, my little girl.

Yeah sex, I mean, oh gosh, yeah yeah. So you know,
you can imagine. So I flew back home again, put
on his party service, took my kid and my nanny
and we flew back and I finished the film. Wow, yeah, damn.

But that's really when it started opening everything up. I
had a one of the largest acting studios in Los
Angeles at the time, and I would be watching scenes
and get slammed with information, just slammed with information. And

so all my students lives started to change. They started
to book jobs, uh, find mates that they've been looking
for forever. Then their parents wanted me to work with them,
and then their friends, and now I've got clients all
over the world. So what are you doing? That's that's
what I want to lead into. Where can my listeners basically,
where where where are you doing this? Where are you

spreading our d hold workshops? Is it the email that
you showed me. I do hold workshops and I do speak,
but um, I do private sessions all over the world
every day when I'm not shooting. You know, it's the
dichotomy of d um, I do horror films and then
I and then I heal people from fear. Go figure

it works for me. Um. But you can book a
private session at I am a M I am d
Wallace dot com and just email me through there uh
incredibly powerful sessions and you can ask the channel. I'm
a clar audience channel, which means I hear messages. Sometimes

they get pictures too. Sometimes I don't call myself a medium,
but a lot of times I talked to the other
side too. Wow. So I just think that's fascinating. I
really do, because I I believe in it, and I
think there's yeah, you can't deny. You cannot deny what
comes through when person after person person, oh my god,

because you know, the channels say it happened at three
years old, um, with with your dad, what happened, and
and then the tears come and it's like, oh my god,
that's when my baby brother was born, or that's when
so and so died, or you know, and I think
I shared with you too that because I want to

share this with the listeners, because I think it's so
important for us to get some insight into what's running us.
Is that the way we see ourselves in the world
and the way we see the world seeing us is
all set in stone by the time we're seven years old.

Remember you saying that on set. So if you really
want to know what's running you and why you can't
get on top of it, go back and see what
was taught to you verbally, what was modeled to you
that's a big one, or what you erroneously put together
that's probably incorrect, you know when you were little. Yeah,

oh man, I love that. Can I get a private
reading later? I will pay for it. I will. I
keep telling you come on over, to come on over
to my room. Baby. You know, it's funny we were
talking about high stems. I feel like I get really
close to things, especially with work, and then it doesn't
end up. But I think it's because I'm I'm holding

myself back. We're all holding ourselves back. Well, how do
you break free from that? Though? Because it's like, even
when I want to talk about that, like I can't
because I'll just start crying because I know I'm doing it.
It's like I'm I know what I'm doing and I
can't stop it. Yes, you can, but how well you
can't find the how if you say you can't, So

I can find what's running me. I can heal myself.
I can be my own truth. Um. You know, we
spend most of our lives saying I don't know, So
there's no way your brain is gonna find out if
you keep directing it not to know. Yeah. Um, and

what most people don't get see, we're all energy. Everything's energy.
We learned that in fifth grade, guys. And energy has
to have direction, it has to Most of us are
allowing our energy to be directed by other people's thoughts,
other people's comments, other people's belief systems and perceptions, including religion,

whatever religion you were brought up with by the time
you were seven years old. Um, past lives, um, things
that are passed down to us genetically. And my channel
has a really interesting take on genetics because according to
my channel, and I have never known my channel to

be wrong yet of all the private sessions I've done. Ever,
my channel says that genetics is just an idea that
we've all said, Okay, I'll buy into that. That runs
in the family. All accept that. But if we truly

are the directors of our own energy, which we are,
because nobody else is going to choose our thoughts for us,
nobody else is going to choose how we want to
feel or experience things, We're all a choice about those things,
and that choice is your freedom or your Hell. Hey,
men's sister he on set, she'd go, that's always when

we know right before they say and camera and action last,
that last be okay, I just have to switch gears,
just like a little teeny weeny. But um, so obviously
you know you had I mean you have. I mean
how many you and Barry were talking about it. Three

I just passed my two movie. That's incredible. I don't
know when that happened. No, but that's that's incredible. I mean,
what do you out of all the films and TV
shows you've done, obviously, do you do you think people
are know you most from E T or Is that what? That?
What's usually the you know? I think it's a toss

up between et and Coujo and the howling. Uh. If
I go to Disneyland, for sure, it's et. Uh. You know,
I go to a horror convention, it's it's all Coulo
in the Hewling. What's been your favorite project you've worked
on to work on? What's no? What's the favorite like
of those two d What has been your favorite? Could

could hands down. I just think I went as far
as I could go, as honestly as I could get there.
And in a project like that, that's not easy because you,
by the very genre, you want to overdo and overact
and over dramatized the the emotion instead of always going

for the truth and allowed owing that too then blossom
in the most real way that it can. I mean, obviously,
I will always be indebted to the universe for bringing
me ET. I cannot tell you the number of stories
that I have where that film has changed people's lives.

But you've also have nightmares with the E T Phone
Home that people like me come up to you and say, no,
you did not, Yes I did. Sorry, oh m G
O MT listeners. Don't walk up to d Wallace and
say ET Phone Home, okay, take it from me, not
the right thing to do. You know, I love you

so much that because you were an open book. I
mean the second we started first, the second we started
talking about how many marriages we've both had together. I
mean that's I was like, this is my lady, I
just what have you learned the most out of out
of love and your experiences with love and the relationships
that you've had, Because you know, me came in crying
today in the trailer because I'm you know, what have

you learned? What's the best piece of advice that you
can I think the biggest thing that screws U up
in relationships is that we continue to look for the
other person to define who we are, and we continue
two mm hmm. Let their needs and their feelings and

their well belief systems um instruct us as to what's
okay with us. And I think if if everybody could
go okay, I'm going to become the most complete, balanced,

centered me that I can be, and then I'm going
to attract someone who's complete and balanced, and then in
both our completeness, we don't complete each other, but we
create a complete relationship. I think that's the biggest challenge

for all of us, especially women, because you know, God forbid,
we eat an apple and the snake comes. I mean,
we've been inundated right with the fact that we're second
class citizens since the beginning of time. Have you seen
any change in that though? Well? Sure, I mean you know,

m hm, piecemeal, piecemeal. The suffragettes got us the vote,
and now we've got the hashtag me too moment, and
I think more and more and more women are claiming
they're right. Um, I mean, you know what, thirty years ago,

we didn't even having the right to go to college?
What yeah, most women? No, No, it wasn't accepted, wasn't
accepted socially everybody. You were supposed to get married, to
have the babies, clean the house, and have the dinner
ready at six o'clock. And I'm not saying that there's
anything wrong or less for that life, but not to

have the choice. See, when you take choice away from people,
what you're like when yeah, she's yeah. When when you
take choice away from people, um, you screw with consciousness
and then and consciousness doesn't just create itself. It's not

something that's just there. You define your consciousness. You choose
how conscious you want to be. And if somebody takes
your choice away from you, which is everywhere in our
world right now? That limits you from yourself creation and

that's not okay. Now I agree with you on that
for sure. Where do you want to look? What would
you want to do next? Like do what's your dream role?
What's your dreaman? Have you already done it? Are you
kind of just loving what you're at where you're at now?
Or is there something that you haven't done yet that
you want to do. I want to play a none

that's really tormented and searching about her faith and what
the truth is. I've always wanted to play that part.
Don't ask me why I don't. It's interesting. Um. I
kind of have faith running in and out through my
family pattern my This kind of sums up my family.

My older brother was a Methodist minister and he worked
his way through seminary shooting pictures for Playboy. That's kind
of sums up my entire family right there, Die economy. UM.
I have just commissioned, um an awesome script for my daughter,

Gabrielle Stone and myself who By the way, gabriel Stone,
her daughter, has a book out. Um It's fantastic. It's
called Eat Pray hashtag FML and great story about her
life and relationships. It's UM, it's it's so great. So
you guys definitely go check that out as well. Thank
you for that. Of course, we're having a loved moment. Um. Uh.

But it's a road trip, a mother daughter road trip,
and all kinds of weird things happen. You don't really
know what's going on. I'm telling her, Yeah, go sleep
with that guy. And I brought some coke. You've never
tried it, have something, you know, and UM, little by
little by little, you find out that we're on a

road trip to Portland for an assistant suicide because she's
dying of cancer. Oh my heart. But it's a beautiful, beautiful, poetic, funny, UM,
heart wrenching script. And so that's my that's my big goal.
You know, we've we've really been focused for a few

months now on springing her book and you know, making
a success out of that. UM. She also is a
director and has UM m HM an option on a
best selling internet book called Spilled Milk, which is a

true story about um a young woman who was sexually
molest by her father for years and gave herself up
for that to protect her other siblings and in high school,
her counselor talked her into bringing him to court and

he was convicted and he gets out in two years. Yeah,
and so uh, we're really focused on financing and raising
money for that both those projects now and getting those
off the ground. Amazing. Well, I love it. And again,
everyone go to i amd Wallace dot com for an
amazing read and to connect with her world, because I'm

telling you, I've I've been blessed to have her enter
mine and I hope that she sticks around because that's
just the worst though. I feel like it's like summer
camp and then people leave on sets. And that's what
I hate the most is because you form that that
friendship and that heart connection that I don't I don't
want to ever lose that. And well, it takes it
takes an effort, it takes intention and choice, but we've

already haven't one. Okay, do thank you for coming up.
Appreciate a great pleasure. Hey Eason, do we have an emails? Yes?
We do. Um, this one is from Katie Uh. She says,
um she loves the show. First of all, thank you,
thank thank you. Katie Uh. She's twenty five years old.
She was with a guy for two and a half years.

They had two dogs, they lived together, made a lot
of life changes together, but then he broke up with
her about a year ago, and she was expecting they
were going to live their life together. When he broke
up with her, he said she was a hard person
to love. There's a phrase she replays in her head
over and over and over has become her mantra, and
she says, in the years since he's broken up with her,
She's made a lot of bad decisions. Her eating has changed,

her mood has changed. Uh, And she started sleeping with
him on and off kind of as a crutch, and
then finally in May of this year, she blocked him.
Hasn't spoken to him since, but she wants some advice
on how to get out of that funk and how
to ignore or how to how to react to that phrase.
What do you do when someone says you're hard to love? Honestly,

I feel like that's not when someone says like you're
a hard person to love, I would just switch it
and be like, well, what's maybe there's something for them
that they're a hard person like they like they have
their own there's yeah, it's projecting onto her, So it's like,
don't don't take his stuff because so this kind of

brings me to kind of what Michael and I struggle with.
He'll be like, it's never good enough, and I was like, no,
it is, but that's how you feel like it's not
good enough because you have your own issues if not
feeling good enough. So just because I'm like, I've I've
said good job to this and and this, but he's like,
but but then you're not happy about this, and I'm like,
but I am, but you're you're taking it in a
different It's like, just because you have like you feel um,

because you struggle with not feeling good enough, you're projecting
that onto me when I've never I haven't said anything
that even doubt it. What just I loved that date?
That was amazing. What do you mean it wasn't good
enough just because I said next time, let's go to
the movies, or I would like, hey, this was so
much fun. Way, maybe next day we should go to
the movies. That'd be so much fun too, you know
where it's like, that's not I was not like saying,

and I get like the timing of things with that situation,
but I also think it's also they're projecting their feelings
on you and you know not to I don't want
you to go to to blame too. I think you
should look into yourself. Okay, what are the parts that
I should work on? What are the parts like? So
for me, I'm like, Okay, I can be a little
passive aggressive, Okay, let's work on that, you know, And

so how so I can be a little easier to love.
And the important thing Katie to think about is that
she says here like because I'm hard to love, I'm
never going to have a family, I'm never not true.
Yeah no, and don't and don't let that define you,
because you are you and you know someone's gonna I mean,

Lee Bryce wrote a damn song about it, and it's
about you know, Sarah Bryce. It's like I love yeah,
so it's you know, it's don't make it easy. It's
just such a good song and it's fine. And I
just you know, don't let that define you and just
know that you know you're you are who you are,
but also work on yourself. That's good advice. Thanks Eastern Um.

Here's one. Uh. This is from Danielle. Okay, she loves
listening to you and Mike on the podcast and following
you on Instagram. That is your Instagram is great. I'm
a big fan, been a big fan for a long time,
and everyone loved your dancing on your Instagram. We talk
about how much you love wine. What are some of
your favorites. She says that after being pregnant her chase

her taste for it. She loved changed. She's always looking
for new wines to try. So, what are some of
your favorites. I'm a big cap girl. I love red wine,
so I like Camus is my favorite. Came a special
select um, and then I like knig anything from Orne Swift.
I'm a huge fan of Oran Swift, so abstract. UM.
And then I love of Um. I love I can

never know if it's how it's pronounced, but I think
it's called Papillon pepion. Oh it's really good. Um. Those
are probably my favorite. And then a nice like middle
of the middle of the road wine. It's called Saldo.
It's like about like twenty bucks, real, real, real tasty.
And then um, and then uh, this wine called It's

a blend, a red schooner from the brother of Chamus. Yeah,
well there you go. If you want to if you
want to sit like Jana, and if you want to
drink some wine and wind down. We are coming to Michigan, Chicago, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Chicago,
I think already said that, and we are coming Louisville.

So we're going on tour. It's like a comedy session
meets a therapy session meets me singing music. So you
just go to Janna Cramer dot com and get tickets
and we'll wind down and drink all this wine together.
So let's read one more email. But before that, I
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here's one last email before we wrap this bad boy up.

Let's do it. This is from Brittany. Brittany Um, she
would like Mike to be included on this, but maybe
you know, sorry Brett, maybe maybe it's better without him
to talk about this. Uh, you're She wants you to
talk about your recent triggers and how you're overcoming them. Wolf.
Yea too heavy of one to end the show on,

but oh, Easton, I want to, and then a good note.
We talked about heavy stuff today. Um, Look, triggers are hard,
Triggers are tough. We were going through right now. We're
in a season where it's it's it's been really tough.
But um, how do I deal with my triggers? Yes?
How how are you overcoming them? I think the healthiest

way to deal with triggers to talk about him. What
I've learned in the past is that I used to
shove things down and not talk about it, and then
it would come out so sideways, so I would be
like upset at him about a lampshade, But really I'm
talking about the trigger that I felt two weeks ago
that he had no idea about. So I think it's
staying ahead of it and being like, hey, I'm triggered
right now and I just feel I feel sad and

I feel lonely. And what the other person needs to
do is meet you with empathy and grace and say
I'm sorry you're feeling that way. What can I do
for you and just that's been the best thing for
us because we've been able to really do that. But
it's the days where we don't and we let we trigger,
we let the triggers swallow, and it's bad because it
does not come out in a beautiful light. Um, So

just try and stay ahead of it and be honest
and be vulnerable. I know that's hard because I get
it wrong all the time, but I think that's the
best thing that you can do in the relationship when
you have triggers come up. Oh yeah, it's hard to
I mean, I think it's hard to think about that
stuff when you're in it. So it's so important to
to remember these words for when you're experiencing that because

it's it's that's a good way to get out of it. Yeah,
for sure. All Right, Well this has been fun. I
hope you guys have had fun on set in my
trailer in New Iberia, Louisiana. Talk to you next week.
Mam Ma, mam mow.
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