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April 25, 2022 72 mins

LeAnn explores the fascinating concept of shifting our consciousness to alter our perception with Brian Scott, author of the bestselling book The Reality Revolution.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Holy Human with Leanne Rhymes is a production of I
Heart Radio. Hello, my friends, welcome to another episode of
Holy Human. You are in for a mind melding, conscious expanding,

and a bit of an edgy episode today. My guest
is the very motivational Brian Scott. He is the author
of the best selling book The Reality Revolution, and he
believes we can hack our reality to create a better past, present,
and future for ourselves and for the world. Now you
probably are going, what the hell does that mean? Well,

you're about to find out, so stop in for what
is sure to be a wild and dynamic discussion on
today's Holy Human. Yeah, Bryan Scott, thank you so much

for coming on Holy Human. I am thrilled to have
you on here. I do your meditations every morning. Oh
oh my gosh, that's crazy legit, Like, oh my gosh.
So my doctor, her name is Dr Mendi Peltz. She
turned me onto your book, and I have started digging
into your book. My husband's been reading your book, and
then I've started to do your meditations and I love

them and I have tons of questions. Hopefully. I'm so
incredibly honored. This is very special for me. It feels
like I've I've shared my whole life with you, watching
you grow up, and you know you played my hometown
of Shy in Wyoming in two thousand seven. Oh I'll
be I'll be cool back home now. I love it. Well, Yeah,

thank you. I want to dive in because I have
a ship ton, which is an actual measurement. I'm here
all day. I'm just so excited. I was just when
Lauren reached out and it was like Leonaron wants to
talk to you. I couldn't fathom it. It It was such
an amazing thing. I went back and started listening to
your music again, and your album Chant the Human Voice.

Oh my gosh, it's so amazing. I keep you playing
it over and over. It's just pure love coming out
coming out that every single song. I thank you so
much for making my life better for so long in
so many ways. I tell you, I worked on a
ranch in Wyoming when I was in college, and they
only had like one radio station and they would play

your music like every thirty minutes. It's cool to be
able to talk to you, somebody, an amazing creator with
an amazing voice that has actually read my book. I
can't believe it. How old are you. I'm forty nine. Okay,
you're forty nine, Okay, so I'll be forty. I'll be
forty in August. So you're a few years older than me.
I'll be fifty in August as well, so you will
when your birthday August seven. Oh, it's okay. So you're Leo.

I'm a virgo. I'm on the cusps, on the cusps,
I love it. I love August babies very fun. Well,
there's a lot of August babies out there, that's for sure,
because Christmas time is Christmas. It's the time of gifting. Yes. Um,
So tell me about the Reality Revolution For those who
haven't read your book, what is the Reality Revolution? The

Reality Revolution started out from my book, and it's just
an interest and obsession that I had. As I started
to experiment with different meditational techniques and study physics, I
started to work with other people. I noticed the world
was sort of changing, and I'd even found in some
scientific research in the placebo effect, people couldn't do proper

scientific studies. And I started to see in the world
around me it was changing. The relationship between people's consciousness
and the world around them was different than when I
was ten years old or fifteen years old, there was
something that I could see in the world changing, and
I felt like I wanted to document it. I kind
of felt like with my podcast, what I'm doing is

sort of like I'm a I'm an anchor, just kind
of narrating this experience that the planet is having as
we're entering into a new time when it's we're becoming
creators and and in the past we have had the
ability to create our reality through our imagination and thoughts.
But it feels, at least and from what I've been
able to document and study and research, that it's accelerating

and we're living in this new age where the relationship
between our thoughts and the reality around us is much faster.
There used to be a sort of delay, you know,
you think of an elephant, and then you might see
an elephant thirty days later. But now it's everything is
happening much much faster, and I wanted to document that.
I wanted to document with other people were saying about it.
I wanted to research it. I'd had some experience it's

is that were so profound in my own life that
I felt kind of like I might be going through
some sort of psychosis or insanity, and so I had
to for my own well being document or understand what
was happening to me. And in the process, I've learned
a ton of cool stuff, and I've been able to
apply this and learn from other people. And it seems

I've just been somebody sort of narrating what the world
is going through. If that makes sense, the changes in
our reality and the revolution we have in the way
that we understand our mind and the reality around us.
I love that. I would love for people, like I said,
who haven't read your book, I would love for you
to share your experience because you had a near death experience. Yeah,
you started to dig into the metaphysics of things and

quantum physics before your your experience. But and I'm wondering too,
as you share your experience, because you had started to
play with these different realms of reality, do you think
that it saved your life? So please share with this
share with people what I'm talking about. Going back it
it kind of really started. I was coming out of

a relationship and I was in a very difficult business
that I had started. It was I was working fifteen
hours a day and I was incredibly depressed, at that
really low point, and I had no hope. There was
nobody that was going to come and save me. And
I'm praying and I don't know what to do, and

terrible thoughts are running through my mind. I have some kids,
and so I felt like my choice wasn't to give up.
I have to figure something out. And I felt like
the only thing I could do was to understand my mind.
If I could go in and understand my mind, maybe
I could change this. I didn't feel like I could
go to any therapist or anybody that could help me.
So I started to experiment, sort of like a consciousness astronaut,

and I had the time and a place, and I
started meditating, trying every technique, different forms of meditation. I
had come from a background where I had, you know,
learned how to use hypnosis and linguistic programming. I had
a sort of background about what was going on, but
it was all knowledge based. So I started to experiment
long periods of meditation, different meditation techniques, different mantras, different things,

and I started to really have some amazing experiences in
my consciousness. And so as this is happening, I'm just
sitting in my house and I hear this sort of
voice for me to get up. I'm it's in the
middle of the night, and I awakened, you know, to
see my back door is open. My cat's gonna get out.
I'm all worried about my cat. But for some reason,

I look up and there's this kid just pointing a
gun at me. And I'm in the middle of a
home invasion. And I don't think they had realized I
was in the house because I was laying there on
the couch. It was after my Broncos had had won
the Super Bowl, so I'm just kind of just vegging
on the couch at three in the morning, right, And
so I shut the porch door, and I hear this
gunshot and I'm kind of running, and I have this

experience where time slows down. It feels an had not
had that experience before. It felt like suddenly I could
see everything. I could see different possibilities around me. I
could see myself being shot over here in a pool
of blood, and I could And then as I walked,
it was like I was in the Matrix in the movie.

I feel this bump on my back and I turned
around the corner and there's someone else there. And he
starts shooting at me. But I feel completely at peace,
like nothing's gonna go wrong. I wasn't scared. I'm seeing
bullets go by, you know, I'm able to escape. Called
the police and they're like, it looks like you got shot,
and you know, a bullet had bounced off of my back.

And at that point I had a lot of knowledge
and had done a lot of stuff. But it was
very inspiring because in that moment, I realized I had
just wasted my life. What was like? What were I
what would I if I had died in that moment?
What were my kids gonna think? You know? What was
I gonna do? I had? I had so many opportunities
to help people that I had wasted, and I felt
like I had been given this second chance, and every

breath at that point felt like it was a gift,
like it could all end any time now. So I
felt this overwhelming urge to take what I had learned
and apply it and help other people with it. I
didn't matter anymore at that point, and it was a
beautiful feeling. But I was also starting to experience these
shifts that happened after this happened. I started running every day, right,

and I there'd be a lot. I would always run
cut the corner, you know, instead of going around and
cut the corner. Come upon this lot and there's there's
an old building there that's been there forever. And I'm, okay,
that's not right. I'm seeing objects in my house that
I have never had in my house. I'm people are
contacting me, acting like they're might bad in your house

that I know for sure that I would never have
had that, And like, um, you know there's movies that
are slightly different. There's all these little variations. I start
to really get concerned that that something is wrong with me.
My dad at the time had been experiencing dementia, and so,
you know, the scientists part of me is like, something's
wrong with my brain. You know, maybe this maybe it's

a post traumatic stress that that's occurred. And so I
had to find a way to rationalize these things, these
shifts in my reality that had happened. And it wasn't
going away. There were it was a constant. I felt
like I was in a world that I had not
been in before. So I kind of went back and
started looking at physics, talking to physics professors, studying the

dynamics of reality changes and parallel realities, and I started
to come to a conclusion that I had shifted a reality.
So it was either I was in some sort of
dream and I had died when that had happened, and
I was just living some sort of dream scenario, which
is very possible to me, or something else had happened.
And I continued to research the concept of realities, and

in the process I wrote my book. The point of
that book cause I have all this knowledge, maybe I
can help other people with it. And I talked about
my journey and under standing the relationship between my consciousness
and the reality around me and what was really happening.
That was the focal point where it kind of started.
And then to support my book, I started creating meditations
for my podcast, and really the podcast became this incredible

venue where I could help people out and and I
could share my knowledge. It just became this wonderful thing,
another outlet for me to be of service that I
didn't think I had before. And so that's sort of
the story that how it all came about. I love
that you say, what's really happening? Because when I start
to when I start to think of these parallel timelines,

which I would love for you to explain your understanding
of it um. But when I start to think of
these parallel timelines, I go, well, what's really what is
really happening? Which one's real, which one is not? Are
they all are none of them? It's a question that
we don't have to answer. The best summary the best
summary um that you get from different models, for instance,

Reality Transurfing, which is a book that was written in Russia.
In Frederick Dotson's book Parallel Universes of Self, you get
an idea that if you walk out your door, there
is an information field that is available that all the
stuff that could happen. If you start bouncing a basketball,
it's going to bounce a certain way, and there are
laws built into the universe that will determine the different

ways the ball can bounce. So there's this sort of
alternative space of all the things that could happen. So
these realities exist at a minimum as information, and if
you tune into the frequency you can awaken. You can
waken the dynamics of that reality and if it can
manifest into a physical space. There are physicists that will

argue using string theory that these realities are real. Many
of them will argue that we don't have access to them,
that there's a barrier between these different realities. It's incredibly
difficult to document any physicist or scientists that was trying
to document it. It's only documented through consciousness. There's a
problem in general with current scientific thinking is that they

forget about the consciousness. They'll study the tiniest quantum particle,
and they'll try to understand that the laws of the
universe and the energies of the universe, but they don't
really integrate the understanding of consciousness and what is the
tiniest level of consciousness. How does consciousness interact? We know
from different physics experiments that the observer has an effect

on any particle, so we know that we play a
role in the way that the reality is actualized into
real space. So there hasn't been a discussion of that.
So a lot of times people are experiencing parallel realities,
but they can't explain it to other people. And the
only way you really know it is from your own
personal experience, as I would experience these things and really

experiment with it like an astronaut, go into different realities.
I started to experience amazing things, and the more I
got used to the dynamics of it, I realized there's
a sort of system that you can use. You can
you can earth through these different realities intentionally, and so
it's always a constant experiment that's complex and hard to understand.

But we're all at the that that point now where
we're trying to understand it. So all I'm doing is
just experimenting, right. I love that they said curiosity killed
the cap, and I think it brings the cat alive.
You know, Tilly, when you're talking about parallel realities and
you say that there's a barrier between these realities, what

is that barrier? And are we moving in and out
of different realities and timelines during a twenty four hour
period like a normal day. Do you think that we
move in and out of these As I experienced this
more and more, I think we ride waves that bring
us into different realities, and it's based on our emotions

or things that we're going through. We are constantly moving
through different vibrational timelines in my own experience. Anybody that
ever talks about this, they can only give you their
own depression or experience of it, and it's always going
to have this certain level of complexity. But in my
own experience, you're shifting all the time, and it can
be based on the level of vibration or energetic frequency

that you're at. And how does that shift is that
our emotions are what shifts are? It is emotions. For instance,
have you ever woken up and yeah, woken up on
the wrong side of the bed, right where you stub
your toe or you do something it's just so annoying,
and then you and then you break their your coffee mug,
when you go downstairs and you get in your car
and you have a flat tire. It seems to be

a sequence events, not just one, and it seems to
be related. You ride this wave of misfortune right, So,
and have you ever had the day when you wake
up and you're super happy, You're petting the cat, coffee
is so good, something wonderful. You start to convince yourself
that something wonderful is happening, and then there's a sequence
of events that occur through the day. You We're moving

through rivers of vibrational timelines that that lead to each other.
So if we're in an up filled state, emotionally, it
pulls us into a timeline. A lot of times people
that don't know the dynamics of this, they get pulled
into they watch the news and it's negative and scary.
They have some scary event, they get into an argument,

and then they're pulled into a darker timeline where these
things it's the same equivalent energy. Sometimes you drive through
a neighborhood and the colors are brighter. Everything seems more
beautiful to me. I've found that, you know, I can
start to see the dynamics the imagery I'm moving through
different timelines based upon these energies. That's my best explanation

of it as I understand it. Yeah, no, totally, I'm
I'm with you on this. So there's a million places
I could go here. First, I'm just wondering, is timeline
jumping and this this kind of reality surfing the same thing?
Is it similar to manifestation? Is it the same? Are
we are we discussing the same thing. I do believe

we are. What's happening is manifest station is a more
simplistic understanding of what is happening. Um In many cases
we don't know need to know how it works and
a lot of times we make the mistake when when
we attract something by manifesting it, we try to understand
how did this happen? The only difference between manifesting of

what I'm talking about is that I'm I'm trying to
explain the process and it helps me to understand or
use the process. But you're not necessarily manifesting something. You're
you're you're choosing something that's already there. That's the only
once you understand the dynamics of these reality shifts. You
were doing the same thing before, but it's something that
exists already and you're choosing it in the infinity of

possible realities. But essentially they're the same thing. For some people,
it's it's better for them not to totally know all
the complications of the nature of how they manifest something. Right.
I totally agree with you. We are all creative beings.
We are created out of creation. So like, how how
do you how does creation stop? It doesn't? Um, it

does not. So one of our meditations that I did
the other day was knowing God. I could be completely
quoting this wrong, but knowing that you are God, Um,
do you believe that we are? I do can you
can you explain? Because I love this conversation. Does not
your Bible say you are God's? Isn't that what Jesus
tried to argue when they said, how could you blaspheme

and say you are God? And He's like, well, doesn't
it say that in your Bible? Uh? If we understand
the true understanding of God, God is all there is,
that are we saying that we're separate from that? If
you understand and and realize the nature of of a creator,
a conscious creator of the universe, and that all things
are God, then are we really trying to say that

we are not a part of all things? At a minimum,
we know that the energy of God has flown. We
couldn't breathe, we couldn't think. So you can talk about
this on a variety of different levels. And some amazing
writers don't take my for it. Somebody makes sit here
and say, oh, your got But um, there's some amazing
writers through history that have really established this fact in

a profound way. It depends on how you want to
look at it. If you want to look at it
from a science perspective. Walter Russell talked about the secret
of light and the nature of light within you and
how you are the light and you're you're becoming aware
of your that you are the light, that you're the creator.
Neville Goddard an amazing teacher from the sixties that was

very radical. You know, Lucio Ball loved to go to
his lectures. He really makes the argument biblically that the
Bible is explaining all throughout that you are God. Now,
a lot of people that come from that Christian background
will say, well, that's blasphemy, right, It's very blasphemous. My
wife when I say that, oh no, I you know,
you better be careful. And it's so it's it's a

it's a shocking thing when I it is is uncomfortable.
And even though I totally believe, I believe that in
our most conscious we are then the Creator, because we
are then consciously we we then become God or however
you want to say that, And that's what you're saying,
is where that we are now in a place in

this lifetime, which is beautiful. I mean to be alive
in this moment where we are starting to become conscious
enough of that consciousness and of that choice, and it's
so powerful and so mind bending, because you're like, for me,
the first place that I go, and I know you
talk about this in this book is radical responsibility. And

so with radical responsibility, I would love for you to
talk about that a little bit because when we are
consciously creating, we then take responsibility for all parts of
creation and for people that are going through really difficult situations,
who have gone through difficult situations in childhood. How do
you explain radical responsibility and say that we are creating

these realities or is it just because we're unconscious that
this is happening. I'm not sure. Okay, what I am
sure of is that we'll be right back with Brian's
answer after this break. Welcome back, friends. Brian was just

about to expand upon radical responsibility and whether we create
our own realities, sever yourself from whether it's true or not.
That's the first thing. The idea is, if you can
take responsibility for everything that happens in your life, then
you have the power to change it. So if I'm

riding in an uber and I am in the back
seat and there's a car accident, it's my fault. I
chose the uber at that time. There's something there, some
reason and we have bad things happen to us, and
it's hard to take responsibility for It's so easy to
have an excuse and say that's their fault. And what
we what we internally do when we when we don't

take responsibility for everything, is that we're giving our power away.
We're saying that that thing is what caused it and
we had no control over it. So when you want
to become the operant power in your reality, and so
the process of taking responsibility gives you the power. A
lot of times there might have been stuff that it's questionable.
I mean that there's no way it could have been

your fault. You were three years old, you know, and
you don't have control. But there's a lot of other
stuff that we don't know. But if you can actively
take control. We're stuck in many times by our by
our past that's creating our constantly. Our past is constantly
creating our reality. So go if you can go back
and revise it and imagine a different reality that happened.

And it's more than just responsibility, truly revising that. If
you do it enough, suddenly the timeline you're on changes
as if that thing never happened. It's so amazing when
people do shoes to take responsibility. That's when I really
see people start to gain control and power in their lives.

It's a really important first step. A lot of times
people have made so many excuses for the things in
their life that they don't have that power or a
belief in it. It's easier to stay in victim mentality
because it's also comfortable sometimes, like we don't necessarily want
the responsibility. I know for myself, like I've had loads

of responsibility on me since I was a child, and
I wanted to rebel against responsibility so much in my
life that when someone has made to take radical responsibility
of like, oh yeah, as a creator, I know that
that is my mission and the only way too consciously create.
But at the same time, I think a lot of
people hear that and they're like, I don't want that job.

I don't want to I don't want to be god.
You know, my sister after that happened, that event where
I was shot at, she was like, Brian, it's your fault.
You created that, And I was pissed when she said
that it's not Mike, I didn't do that. I didn't
create that Um, when I when I took took responsibility
for it is when I was able to to deal

with it and understand it. So, yeah, things happen all
the time, and um, it's hard to take responsibility. It
is more comfortable, but we we can change that. We
can change. So it's it's a proactive response to in
the future. It's a it's a mentality that that's more
important the truth of it. If you want to argue

the truth of it, sure you can find reasons why
it's not your fault. But if you accept the responsibility
no matter what, then you are the power and you
have the power and the source to do whatever it
is you want to change it. Well, I think what
I'm hearing you say is that you have the you
have the power, and you are responsible for the weight
in which you react to or respond to something that

has happened to you. So that takes you then out
of the victim and puts you in driver's seat. And
so that's where the radical responsibility comes in because now
you stand in the power of being able to shift
that and which it's interesting, I've been going back one
of your reality surfing like our long meditations, which I
love they make me so happy, by the way, Like

when I'm done, I'm just like vibrating with joy and
is so good. One of them is to go back
in the previous event that's happened. And you just mentioned
like going back into earlier memories or past memories and
rewriting those, And so when we're talking about, you know,
quantum jumping, I guess the the answer to this would

probably be it takes no time because time time is
existing in the one space. But say I'm rewriting a
childhood memory and I'm feeling into this memory, I had
this completely loving childhood, My parents were always there for me,
all of these things. How long does that take for
your nervous system really to believe that everybody's gonna be

a little different. Sometimes you're so ingrained with that past experience.
You've relived that past experience for decades, right, so you're
you're trying to change your neurology in a short period
of time, you can. It's gonna be faster than it
took to create the situation. And an amazing example that
Neville got heard gave where I got the ideas of

revision is he had somebody that had really bad vision
because they had been in a car accident. And so
over three weeks they went as they went to bed,
they imagined that they missed the accident they were driving
up and then they just went around it and and
they skipped the accident. And and by the third week
she started seeing better. And and then she goes to
her um optimologist and they're like, this is amazing. You

can see perfectly. It probably is an amount of time
for you to your neurology has to believe it. Uh.
Some people are really good at imagining and some people aren't,
but it's a it's a level of imaging. You probably
have a huge advantage because you've act it. And actors
are the best. Actors are the best. If you ever
noticed you've been around actors, they create reality so much easier.

Sometimes to their detriment, they take on a bad role
and it changes them and their reality. But if you
take on a good role, it's more than just remembering.
It's becoming this person. It's an acting role. If you're
a good actor, you're you're the best creator. So if
you if you can act out this role where this
thing didn't happen, beyond just imagining it, that's when it

works the fastest because it locks into your body and
your thoughts and actions. Right. Yeah, it's so interesting that
you mentioned acting, because as I was about halfway through
your book, I literally thought to myself, this is what
I do, or any actor does when they act. What
an amazing way to establish, like to to be able
to go into these roles in these war into these worlds.

But a lot of people get lost, like you're saying,
in these worlds, and they're not able to come back
to themselves. And so being able to establish and knowing
your own frequency and then being able to, like if
I was able to envision the whole script in my
head and play these scenes over and over again, so
they felt so real that when I actually walked into

it to do it, it was like, Oh, I've done
this a million times. I know how this would play out.
Your book has given me a new way of looking
at how I would approach acting. And You're right, I
have a freaking vivid imagination. I'm an only child, Like
I used to spend hours on end making up characters,
making up stories. And that's what's been really good to

recognize as I've been reading your book is how creative
I am in my mind that if I don't consciously shift,
I'm not creating music. If I'm not creating something in
my life, idle hands for me is like my mind
will go to creating the worst of things, like I will.
It's you know, it's just I need to be constantly

creating every day. If we are lag I'm where I'm
not really creating, um, then then my mind goes to
those dark places and it imagines things that could go
wrong or so I'm trying to constantly every day remind myself.
If it's you know, making a bond'sy tree or a
new recipe when I cook or painting something, I've got

to create something every day, even if I scrawl a
little picture, I want to be actively creating in that state.
That's what the acting superpower is. You're creating vivid realities
that are your character, which is deep. I mean, the
acting is a superpower for some people they don't unaware,
but it's a superpower. We all do it. I mean,
if you think about it, we all do it all

the time. Like to me, we all have multiple personalities
Like no, no, nobody's walking around is like one full
whole person like we all have these fractured personalities, pieces
of us where we got stuck in life along our timeline,
and I just find it so interesting to what degree
it basically are we acting like? That's what I've noticed,

And how much hand we take the mask off? How
much can we reveal of ourselves? But to some extent
we're all playing a character. Which one of those characters
is coming to the forefront just depends on multiple things.
I find this all clearly so fascinating because it's, you know,
I look at myself. I think, look what I created
at such a young age, and I remember having this

epiphany probably I was probably thirty and I had this.
I was I went through this major breathwork experience and
there's epiphany of like, oh my god, I knew how
to do all of this. We all know how to
do all of this as children, and then we forget,
we lose our imagination, we stopped with the curiosity, we

stopped playing. And if you allow yourself to suspend disbelief,
it's like, how how far can you go into play?
Is what I feel when I work with your stuff.
When I listened to what you're saying, it's about letting
ourselves play again. Jesus Advitea advises us to become like
a child when we're in that childlike state, that innocent

state is when we are connected to imagination as it
truly is meant to be. And we all can remember
when we were when we were children and we were
playing in the backyard, imagining and having fun in that
that world that now it's it's not the same, it's
just different. Over time, you have these experiences that take

away that playful, childlike innocence that we had, and that's
when we were most powerful, when we were in that
free state. Sometimes we're spend our adult lives trying to
get back to that that childlike innocence where we had
our power. It's an interesting dichotomy. We don't realize that
we we didn't really grew up. We we we just

changed and we lost our power over time. So but
it's there, we didn't it's there. That's the thing that
never left. And it's funny. I wrote a song actually
on my new album called Innocent, and it's exactly what
this is. A out is that we are told that
we lose our innocence, but we don't get truly there
it's just like all the ways in which the blocks

we've built up to love, which I also feel is
it's like love, innocence, God like to me, those are
all the same thing. How can we remove those blocks?
Like when I sit in your meditations or when I
go to create something, it's easy to kind of go
down that darker path of like this won't happen. Like
there's there seems to be kind of two voices, and

I think this is probably for a lot of people,
this hopeful, creative, innocent voice, and then there's this other
voice of like this will never happen. You're wasting your time.
What are you doing? And how do you deal with
that doubt? And they the suspension of disbelief when that
voice creeps in. What are your tips on dealing with
that doubt? It's probably the hardest thing that I had

to change. I needed to change deep subconscious beliefs. What
worked for me was sleep meditations where I would isolate
this belief that I had and I needed to believe
in myself. I need to believe that I was strong,
I was happy, I was successful. Whatever it was that
I needed to change, even though I knew it, I
knew there was some part of me that didn't what

I talked about in the book, it's it's the only
person that that's gonna changes. This other person that's within
us are subconscious and so you have to start to
create a relationship with our subconscious. I use the analogy
in the book like Lady Hawk, if you ever saw
that movie with Michelle Peiffer, where between night and days
they would they would see each other, you know, and

they loved each other and they could talk, but then
they would switch into their animals. Right, And it's just
like that when right before we're going to sleep, our
lover is there and we we we can communicate with
them because the subconscious is that part of us, the
female aspect of us. I believe that is nurturing and
taking care of us. But right now I can't really
talk to my subconscious. There's that little period of time.

If I can, I can do it in some trance states,
in meditation or during a sleep meditation. And for me
it took a long time. I had some deep beliefs
about myself and that I was worthy. The hardest thing
for me to program myself was I felt guilty. I
looked back over my life, and I was ashamed. I
was ashamed of things I had done and I had

not forgiven myself. It was such a simple thing, and
I needed to love myself. I needed to accept forgive
myself to say I was sorry. And so it took
a little bit of time. Some people it's it's easy.
Some people are very hypnotize herbal and they can change
as a hypnotist. It's hard to hypnotize me. So it
was just like I had to do it over and

over and over again over a long period of time.
And eventually, I, you know, subconscious okay, okay, I get it. Okay,
I I except what you say. And I could feel
that change. And I when I knew that change had happened,
how do you know? Like when did you know? You
start asking yourself questions And I mentioned this in one
of my podcasts. For some people, it's like a click.

You can feel the shift. It's you're dying to that
old person, um that the the other person in your
past sort of dies and goes away. I can feel
the change. I question, do I believe this? I do
believe this, So that everybody's going to be a little
bit different because we are built up with all these
different experiences over time, and my own case, it's looking

in the mirror and asking myself, is this true? And
I could feel it. I'm confident, I'm happy, I'm successful.
And I could say that in the past, and it
was all lies. I knew it was. I wasn't happy.
I knew I wasn't confident. Uh so, and I could
look now and I am. I could feel it, and
there's a switch. Everybody's gonna be a little bit different.
But that was what I had to do. And I

and the number one thing is I just knew I
had to change these deep beliefs about myself before I
could do anything, because it was those beliefs were also
creating my reality and putting me into other realities as well.
I love that you just call this subconscious the lover,
your lover, Your lover is awake, are your lovers? I
love I love the example. I've heard people interpret the

Adam and Eve story that Eve is the subconscious, right, Oh,
rib is just protecting the heart. Right. So the Bible
is all about you personally. Each of the characters are you,
and and and Eve is just your subconscious and in
the you know, Adam and Eve story. She talks at
night as they go to sleep. She's the one that says,
and you know that's that's the time when Eve communicates

all of her worries and concerns. So it makes more Yeah, right,
that's the first time, I mean, as a woman in
this world, to have that placed upon you, you know,
as as this evil like this evil temptress. There's something
so beautiful about what you just said and so freeing.
That's why there's like tears. I had the same you know,

um those old texts when they would talk about they
would always use the female to talk about the subconscious.
They weren't making gender arguments in the Bible. Like, that's
what I just love about that interpretation. For a while,
I just gave up on the Bible. I couldn't read it.
It triggered me. It brought up memories of pastors and things.

But then when I realized it's not what I think,
that it's all about me and the story is about me,
then I made more sense the whole thing, right, agreed,
jumping from there because that was beautiful, By the way,
thank you so much for that. That was like a
moment of when we're creating these new timelines for ourselves
that we're wanting to jump into. But I feel really,

really good when I come out of your meditation. I'm joyous,
my body is vibrating, and then I'm walking into my
quote unquote reality. I don't even call this reality anymore.
I'm like, which ones which? This reality? My current reality
that maybe out of alignment in a lot of ways
with what I'm wanting to create. How do I continue

to bring that same vibration and feeling from where I
just was into the now moment? Well, you already have.
The first thing is there's nothing that you um are
doing wrong or right. As soon as you do that meditation,
just know that it's changed. You're gonna get back in
habitual patterns of thinking, thinking that you're in that other life.

But if you just remember that first, and I try
to give myself obvious little triggers to remind myself of
this vibrational state. Every time I walk through a doorway,
I'm reminded, okay, I'm so that I do that a lot.
When I go to the bathroom or I walk through
the porch door, I'm reminded, okay, I'm back in the
state something that you regularly do petric cat or dog

or whatever it is. When you drink water, you remind
yourself some trigger. So on a regular basis after the meditation,
I find it effective to give my self things to
remember too that that anchor me to that meditation. And
sometimes during the meditation, if I can do something like
squeeze my thumb or or pinch myself in an uncommon place,

and then if I want to bring that energy up,
I'll do that thing. I'll anchor myself to that and
I can bring up the memory of it. So we
are constantly reactive to the environment around us. We are
mostly creating, are and entering into realities by the reactions
that we have. And so a big thing that happens
to us as we become better creators is that we

become neutral to our reactions. It's hard. It's almost like
we have if we're learning a martial art. You have
something terrible happen, and your initial response is immediate. You're angry,
or you're scared, or something terrible happens. It's all habitually
built into our um neurologies. Right. It's a tough road.
You're trying to figure out a way to change this

reaction so you know that everything is working to your advantage.
Is a meditation that that works for me. I try
to say that if if I'm driving on the road
and I have a flat tire in the past, I
would my whole day is just I got this flat tire.
But now everything's working to my advantage. You know, up
the road, I could have had a car act saved

my life. Thank God, it's a wonderful thing. I'm so excited.
I always try to look at it from this filter
that everything is to my advantage, and then my reactions
have changed. Uh, it's a hard thing. It's a hard
thing too, because your reaction is instantaneous, so you're it's
just like you're learning how to block in martial arts
or a dance. If you're a dancer, you have an

immediate movement that you learn, and so you're just learning
a reaction. It's hard to do, but it's a good
question because you're nailing the hardest part. We can create
these realities in the thirty minute period and we really
start to ride the wave, but we're we're falling off
the surfboard once we go in and we react immediately
to somebody saying something or doing something, but we can

get back on that's I mean, that's what I guess.
That's when you become conscious and you can I guess
staff you're maybe you react, but you can snap yourself
out of that by basically choosing differently. And I know,
I mean it's hard sometimes to choose differently. Right, you're
on the right track if you're aware that, Okay, I
I'm aware that I'm right now, I'm responding to what's

going on. I can change it. I mean, nobody's perfect,
and you're gonna have stuff come up. But if your
awareness as an observer, if you become more of an
observer of what your feelings are and your actions, and
that's why you have such a superpower as an actor,
because that's what actors are good at, is they have
that neutral observer. They know how they act or respond,

how they think, all the little details that most people
are not aware of. When you become a character, and
you're becoming a character, when you're entering a timeline, you're
choosing a new script. Essentially there's infinite numbers. You're choosing
a new script, you're loading up the new script, and
you're essentially in a new role, and so that's what
you're just playing this role? How would I act in

this reality if this was true? Right? Which I love?
So if I'm creating these new realities and the people
around me are not co creating these realities, or maybe
they are, maybe they aren't, but if they're not consciously
co creating them, can the people within maybe this I think,
I hope this makes sense. Can the people that are

within my reality still remain in my reality? In some cases,
when you go actively about actively entering into a timeline
and people do not vibrate at that frequency or resonance,
then you'll find that they sort of slip away and
they're not generally there, or you're not attracting them. They're
they're not in that timeline. In some cases, you know,

you raise, it's like you um, you raise the vibration
of the people around you, and slowly they start to
tune and into it. If a part of them is
attracted to that, is tuned into that, that feels good.
So there's multiple ways that this can happen. In my experience,
some people that's not that their intention, and they end

up just naturally falling away. And then some people you'll
attract new people into your environment. It's so it really
does depend. If you're awakened in a conscious state and
you're the creator, you'll see a lot of people around
you that are sort of just um like zombies, and
you know it just it sort of depends on where
they're at spiritually, and you can bring them with you

if there is in that vibe or in some cases
they're sort of disappeared from your reality. In every situation
is different. All right, I know that this is a
lot to absorb, but we are going to break it
down even further right after this quick break Welcome back Love's.
We were just talking about how your relationships are impacted

when you actively alter your timeline path and you're no
longer vibrating at the same frequency. I love that you
just said that because not a lot of people say that,
because I've heard they fall away if they're not vibrating.
But if there's a piece of them that is interested
in the and the road that you're taking, like they can,
they can start to shift to which a dig because
no one ever explains it that way. So thank you know, Yeah,

an interesting perspective that I we're all moving through state
and so it's very easy to forgive people, uh, free them.
You know, you have somebody that's terrible to you, that's
angry and yells at you all the time, but still
there are being a pure light there God, right, So
imagine them differently. And when I imagine them differently from
that place of a loving place, they change into that

loving thing that I see. Um, they're not the state
that they're in. So I can see them differently, right.
I love that. That's beautiful. So your name isn't really
Brian Scott right now. My last name is Binkson, Binkson, okay,
and my first name is Margaret Margaret. I love that
you talk about changing your name in this book because

I guess about six months ago, um, all of a
sudden one day I was really piste off as something
and I was like, this is Margaret. This is Margaret.
And I like Margaret because Margaret just tells you. She
tells you how it is. She doesn't hold back, but
she's very kind about it. But it's just like a bam,
this is it. So I love that you talk about

name changing because I've literally I've been playing around with
this piece of me that feels like Margaret, and when
I step into her like, it's easier sometimes for me
to express, like fully express how I'm feeling. And obviously
I'm not gonna I don't say obviously I'm not going
to change my name like to Margaret. And so I

was wondering when you talk about you know, name changes
can shift your reality, andy can shift your timeline and
shift your vibration. Can I shift lean, like the vibration
of the name Lean. Absolutely with that thought, okay, tell
me how well. I wasn't even aware of how powerful
it was. You know, I chose my name change because

nobody can spell my last name. It's you know, it's
kind of a weirdly spelled name, and if people were
to look it up, they could never find it. And
you know, Brian Scott worked. It's my middle name, so
you know, you get bs with me. It works. And
I was like, okay, I'm just gonna I'm gonna use that,
And then I realized I could. When people asked for
Brian Scott, I was this different person. I wasn't Brian Binkson.

I was able to release I was Brian Scott. Now
when people ask me, I've heard of Bran Scott. I
want to talk to Bran Scott. I was able to
use that name change to eliminate my old identity. I'm
still Brian Binkson right, but it's empowered me to be
free and how I reidentify myself and I can be
someone else. Uh, you know, Parallel Universes of Self is

a book I mentioned before by Frederick Dodson. I recommend
that book highly, and he talks about uh identity shifting
where people just completely moved to a different house, change
their name, and in the process they're actively very good
at changing their reaction. There's that, but people have done

it that weren't in trouble and they have found amazing
power and shifting your identity you go through and what
we're constantly living through. How we identify ourselves by our family,
by our race, by our political choices, by the country
we live in. All these things define us and they
become like baggage. You know. So a lot of times

people struggle changing their realities because they're just tied to
so many belief systems and things. So by changing your name,
you give yourself permission to say, Okay, this is another
person and he doesn't have these beliefs, and it was
one way I was able to change the belief system.
Like you would asked before about myself, Brand Scott believes
in himself. Brand Scott is confident. Brand Scott can talk

and doesn't get nervous in public speaking, right, And so
it's empowered me for sure. I mean that's the thing
with Margaret, Like Margaret has no problem telling people Margaret
do an album. I would love to hear how different
the music be, right, I know, I mean, trust me,
I have definitely, I've definitely thought about it. But you know,
it's it's interesting because I'm playing around with this idea

of big te trauma, little T trauma. It's like I'm
probably around with this idea of literally in and like
lean like capital letters leanne and how you know that
is the I guess, the highest version of myself. It's
it's just amazing that you mentioned that because I haven't
heard a lot of people talk about the energetics of names.

And then how I can move into this bigger, expanded
version of of myself with this still still in the
same name, but this you know, bigger version of me. Yeah,
if you're out there and listening to this podcast, and
you're struggling and changing what you think of yourself and
your reality. Give it a shot. Change your name. Yeah,

I mean give it a shot. You could do it
just for yourself. I mean you don't even have to
do it publicly, like just in your own world. I
love it. I love that. That's really fun. You were
saying earlier that you're seeing this world like shift into
like a new level of consciousness as you look out
over the landscape of everything that's going on right now,

how are you seeing a shift and what are you
seeing as the positive and negative effects of this shift?
Like you even talk about that, you see there's a
world where everyone is wealthy, which I thought was fascinating
in your book. I might wait, wait, I have such
a hard time envisioning that. I'm sure there's a lot
of people that do. I would just love to hear

your thoughts on that. When I say that in the book,
your immediate thought is impossible, Right, You think there's always
got to be a small number of people that are wealthy.
That's just because of the way we are creating our
reality based on what we know. But I am fascinated
by the shift that's happening in the world. We are
going through a reality revolution. What the way I'm experiencing

my reality is different than when I was younger, And
that's what a lot of people are telling me experientially,
something's going on. So I've gone out and really researched this,
and it's fascinating in the spiritual community, how people, you know,
everybody I interview on my podcast will say, obviously something's
going on. I'm seeing it. U there's people that have
there's some really interesting channelings and people that have looked

at what's happening in the world that I find super interesting.
The idea that we're moving into a level of complexity.
There's a new light particle that we are accessing that
makes you know, all matters is light, so um in
the law of one material, which I would I totally recommend.
I found very fascinating. They were moving through densities of experience.

It's very much like we're in a school. You know,
when you're when you moved from third to fourth grade,
when you have learned about basic math to algebra, everything
got more complicated. And so we're in a sort of
school setting and we're starting to access a level of
complexity that is related to our own creatorship. We're moving

towards the ability to instantaneously manifest our reality. And everything
that we're learning is these lessons of love that we're
happening in the world. And for instance, if you look
at the world right now, all these crazy things are
happening that we might not have seen in the past.
And what is happening is people's unconscious natures are now conscious.

So you see people that are willing to say the
most terribly terrible things that they would not have said.
They would set it in the privacy of their own home,
and now they they'll now they'll say it without a
mask on. Right, you see people doing crazy things, and
you say, what's going on with the world. Another aspect
that's happening. As we've talked about before, You are God,

I am God. We're all God, and there's a connection
that we have. We are all one being. So when
I when I see you lean, I see me and
it's a different People are starting this veil that we
have our of our separation is changing, and we're starting
to see ourselves in each other. So when we see
something terrible happening on the news, it's different than before

because it's happening to me when I see something terrible happened.
Before I could distance myself or oh, it's just something
happening in another part of the world. But now I
see it, and I see something and it's I take
it personally because I see myself looking out of everybody's eyes,
and so there's there's awareness of a connection that's happening
and a greater power and connection to love. And I

know that is a connection we can all love and
agree on. And we'll be right back with more Brian Scott.
Right after this, Welcome back everyone. Brian and I were
just talking about a collective reality shift. So you were

saying you take things personally because now you feel the oneness,
which I totally understand. Like I I think i've It's
been really interesting for me as a as a creator
and as a performer. You know, you talk about being
pulled into people's energy. Actually want to get into this
really quick with you. I started to notice, I think

that's really kind of what sent me on this kind
of spiritual to any of the past ten years is
I noticed I would come off stage and I would
feel really sick, like I was. I didn't feel good
I was just like really drained, and I was like,
there's there's got to be something going on here um.
And I didn't I mean, I at the time didn't
realize like how much energy it took for me to

give out what I was taking in from the people
around me. I didn't realize, like what a I guess
a conduit. I am for so much energy. And I
think a lot of us, so many of us are codependent,
and which is so easy to like, just somebody feels bad,
We're gonna just go feel bad with them, instead of
like staying in our own energy. You talk about the

pendulum um, which is which I love the the idea
of can you explain what that is and how how
people do get pulled into these different energy fields? If
you sit and think about it for a second, and
if if our thoughts create reality, then you ask the
next question, what happens when groups of people and their

thoughts create reality? And what happens is this was theorized
by this Russian physicist of a deem Zealand. And the
concept works when you understand it. Um group of people
that's thinking a similar thought creates a sort of energetic structure.
If you had the eyes to see, you would see
this sort of structure. And they've talked about it through

the ages, and you know, in magic they would call
it an eager gore. If it became conscious, this group
structure of thoughts that becomes a sort of entity. It
may be conscious, it maybe not, but it takes your energy.
That's just what it wants it naturally. It's like a phenomenon,
right that those are all like perfect. Everything is a pendulum.

Your family's a pendulum. Baseball's a pendulum, Football's a pendulum.
Music is a pendulum. Each of them have their own
sort of thing. And the thing is that the reason
they use the pendulum is that you can oppose it.
If you're actively saying no, no, no to this thing,
you're still giving this thing energy. So part of the
awareness of becoming aware of these higher energy structures that

are pulling your energy. We give all this energy through
our lives too. We start out in the school or
the family that we're in, or the church that we're in.
It's all natural. We're giving this energy and if and
the things we're posing, we're giving energy. Everything is just
an equation of energy and where a lot of times
we're giving our energy to these pendulums. We end up
in a corporation that we're working in that we don't like.

And a lot of times the pendulum will take you
on its own timeline that has nothing to do with you,
and in your mind you think, oh, I need to
uh do the things the pendulum tells me I need
to do right. And so it's all energy just being
given away. So when you become aware of it, you
can't avoid it completely. First thing you happens when you
become aware of this, you go to the airport and

you see these sort of pendulum zombies, people that are
obviously just stuck in some pendulum, be it politics or
whatever it is. They are lost within that pendulum and
the pendulum is sort of creating their reality. Some pendulums
are so good they're aware that we're creating a reality
and they use it against us. You see it um,

you know, you know, with media and a variety of
different things. So the number one thing is just an
awareness of this. We can't escape it. Some pendulums create
group behavior where it causes war, and it can become
destructive and deadly. When we get caught up in certain pendulums.
You see people that just get caught up on the news,

on on Facebook or whatever, and it's just this thing
and they just can't let it go either way. And
so it's just an awareness that we're an energetic being
and we create our realities with energy. And so it's
just an awareness of where we're giving our energy and
how to maneuver through these pendulums. That an understanding of this, Wow,
I'm giving all my energy to this thing that's really

not it's not helping me at all. The question is
that that the physicist stacks you know, football game, say
that the guy kicks the field goal and he misses,
and the whole stands booze him and yells at him.
How could you miss the field goal? Where does that
energy go? Does it? It would he would explode right,
The field goal kicker would just explode, right. So it

goes into something else. It's a part of nature. There's
a natural sequence of this energy, and as you become
aware of it, it empowers you because you have you
take your energy back or and in some cases some
people are good at manipulating pendulums. They understand the dynamics
of how pendulums work. And they use them to their power.
They use pendulums to manipulate and get energy. And you know,

I have some comedian friends and they become like pendulum vampires,
like they are able to take the energy from the
pendulum when they're in a in an audience that cheering
for them or whatever, they become. I have friends that
are addicted to crowds. They want to be up in
front and talking to them because they can feed that energy.
So it's a dynamic that plays a role in and um,

you know musicians that want to you get up and
you feel that energy. It's like surfing. It's amazing, right, Yeah,
it's a it's a drug. I mean it is. It's
got to be. I can't even come close to imagine.
Like when I'm on stage now, I very much read
the room, you know, like I'll have a set list,
but then depending on how the audience feels like, I'll

change that around. I feel like the audience used to
kind of take me on their ride of wherever they are.
And now I wouldn't say it's manipulate, but I can
change it to where I want the audience to go,
Like if they're like if they're quiet and I want
them to get louder. Like you know, there there are
ways like they're there are ways to like play with

that energy. It's interesting that you say that, though, because
when the kicker, if it gets booed, where that energy
goes I mean some of us. I would have to think,
like for myself, that some of that energy like goes
into like it would into the kicker, right, some of
it does, okay, but it doesn't all There's there's this

this this mechanism within the nature of energy, and it
becomes this sort of pendulum. And uh, at some point,
when enough people give energy to something with their thoughts,
I believe that these pendulums sort of becomes conscious, they
become conscious beings. And so ultimately we're wanting the love

in this world, I mean, is what we're we're hoping.
I guess that's the consciousness shift is. You know, we've
all fed fear for so long. What have we all
decided to choose in this whole other state of being,
which is love? And I think I think that is
I feel like that's the consciousness shift We're we're starting
to see, is that we're we're at the lowest of

the low we're at rock bottom. And so I'm hoping
is that we're all coming to a place where we
are feeling more of this unity consciousness, are understanding more,
but where we do have more empathy for one another,
and that we you know, we don't just like look
at Ukraine and think, oh, that's not our country, So
why do we have to worry about it? Like we're
our hearts are opening And I think that to me,

that's the consciousness shift that I'm the hope that it
in our lifetime. I'm hoping that we get to see
more of it. Absolutely, and that's why I love your songs.
You sing love into the world right. I can hear
the intention in that song. You have this desire to
bring love through your voice. And when we really as

spiritually start to think about love, everything we've experienced from
when we were raised by our parents um has been
lessons in love, good or bad, and and love to
me now that I have tuned into this energy is
a living, intelligent energy that is working through me and
it is the closest I can get to an expression

of of divinity. And so we're we're all it's an
all a lesson of love, This intelligent love when we
tap into it. The biggest thing that I've learned as
we start to go through these experiences and I understand
my power is I am sort of and you are too,
a secret agent of unconditional love. And a lot of
times we end up in these situations where they're there

seemingly isn't any love in this situation. When I ask myself,
where's the love? It's in me, and suddenly I find
that I have a responsibility to bring the love to
the moment because without me, it's not going to be there.
And when you have that realization, it changes everything. It
changes everything. Like you did with you, I'm gonna sing
love into the world because I'm the I'm the love

right now, and if it I don't see it around me,
I'm not going to react to that. I'm gonna say no,
I know about the love. I'm tuning into it and
I can, I can spread it out. And that is
what I see happening. A portion of this planet has
tuned into that living, intelligent energy of love, and it's
changing everything. Yeah, yeah, totally. I think for those of

us who said intention to be a vessel of love
in this world, I mean so many times as human beings,
we fall I know I fall short of it all
the time, but I feel like we all have the
ability to do that. That's what we are ultimately at
our highest, we are we are love. We are a
vessel of love, and we have a choice how to

bring that into this world. And I know there are
there are places that I've played before and I'm like,
why the hell am I here? This isn't feeding me?
Like you you say that thing of like you know,
is it just about me or is it about the whole?
I'm like, yeah, why the hell am I here? This
is so stupid. I don't know, you know, why am I?
Blah blah blah. And I had this epiphany one time,

like you're just saying I'm being placed here, Like I'm
being placed here for a reason. And sometimes I think
with that responsibility in mind, I've wanted to rebel against
that responsibility. I don't want to be the only one
that loves in this room, Like I don't want to
be the light today. And it's so when you just
said it so perfectly, I just had this aha moment
of like, yeah, sometimes I get exhausted and I want

I want to be in the room with other people
who bring the love, and you have to realize that
you're going to be used in places all the time
where you are the only one all the time. I've
yet to fully surrender to that, and I think I'm
starting to what you just said. I had this big
aha moment for me of like, yeah, there's a there's
a beautiful full surrender of of use me. And when

you say used me, you don't know it's not like
use me and put me in all the most beautiful
places that I could ever play, or like show up,
show up with the most loving people I can possibly
show up with. You will be used in the places
that will be challenging. I get an image in my
mind when when you're saying that it's like a puppet,
like I'm sometimes being used, just like like I don't

even know why I'm in this place in this time
dealing with this situation, but I'm being used right now.
So and before I didn't know. Now that I have
this knowledge that I'm the love. I gotta I gotta
bring the love. And even in the moment it might
feel uncomfortable or you don't want to be there, but
you look back on it and I'm just so grateful
that I had the opportunity to be the love in

that moment because I could see the shift and feel
the shift around me. Of you know, if people don't
see the love, how can they understand it? When when
they see the love in that moment, then then they
start to awaken the love within themselves that's already there,
they just aren't aware of it. So yeah, I become
more grateful for those experiences in the past. I wasn't

you know, I didn't realize I was being used. This
is an uncomfortable situation. I don't want to be here.
I don't really like these people, but um I now
love them. I love them. Yes, there's a John Batiste
on the Grammy's the other night said I love you
even if I don't know you, I still love you,
And yeah, I like I relate to that totally. Um,

I relate to that. Thank you so much for coming
on here. I love this conversation. I literally could talk
to you about this for days. I always asked my
guests about music choices. Yes, I love to know what
floats your boat in the music arena, and I would
love to know what you're holy five are that This
could be anything from your whole life, or it could

be like what you're digging at the moment, like whatever,
whatever you want to share. I had the funnest weekend
thinking about what my top five was, Like, oh man,
I'm bringing back some um so. Number one has got
to be released by Pearl Jam. I'm a huge Pearl
Jam fan. I've seen I've seen them sing in live
so many times, and that song is personal to me.

He's crying out to his dead father that he didn't
really know and ask you know that there's this It's
a beautiful moment and and I love that in this
song and his voice is beautiful. Second is you probably
haven't heard of it. It's in amazing song. It reminds
me of some of your stuff on the Chat album.
Um it's it's a long song. I love long songs.

Gentle Collapse Feels Good by King Black Acid. It's just
when I hear that song, it feels like pure love.
It's powerful, wonderful. In some streaming, I can't find it.
You can find it on YouTube. But Gentle Collapse by
King Black Accid it's a twelve minute song. It's just
King Black Acid and it's amazing. My third is Let's

Hurt Tonight by One Republic. I think that they're just
amazing songwriters and that song is speaking to this idea
that love is pain, and Let's Hurt Tonight. It's this this,
it's that that paradox. We all realize the pain of love,
but you know what, let's do it. Let's let's feel
this paint. I love that and the music behind it,

and and it's just so well produced. It's amazing. And
every time I hear that, I just start singing along.
So um. Another one it also reminds me of of
your music from the Chat album is when the Music
is Not Forgotten by Dead Man. It's this beautiful duet
and they're singing from a time like when music has
been forgotten, and they're telling the story, let me tell

you this story about this this thing, and and and
they're they're introducing song. It's just this magical. You feel
like this the magic of the music in the moment,
and it's just beautiful and the way they sing it
fun forget And I want to have ties on this

because it's so hard to pick five, so it's impossible,
So I have a tie. I'm gonna pick a tie.
Then UK Magic by Olivia Newton John because when I
when I hear those lyrics now, it's like my higher
self is talking to me. I just love it. Hell

them guessing, Oh my god, I love it. I mean,
I love that your higher self as Olivia Newton John
right right, And I had a crush on Olivia Newton
John when I was a kid, so well my higher
self right. And then um Time by Hans Zimmer. It
just I love that song. I spend my background soundtrack

to so many wonderful things in my life. And I
heard they were playing this in Ukraine with the air
sirens going off on Instagram and I w was It
just gives me goose bumps whenever you heard that song. Yeah.

By the way, the music to your meditations are great.
I totally enjoyed them. Metaverse Brian Larson is a genius.
Is He's doing all that music himself, and I agree
with you it it feels it touches me. I love
his music Metaverse with two teas. He chose Metaverse before
Metaverse and you'll he's just the sweetest, nicest, coolest guy

and his music is Brian Larson. The channel is Metaverse
with two teas. Awesome. I'm gonna check it out. Also
shout out to my son who's making music scruff. How
old your son? He's sixteen? Oh wow? The music? Yeah?
Does he play an instrument? He creates all of his

own beats, all of the different music and and then
sings as well. So it's cool to watch. I am
a huge mu the lover. I love it so much.
I you know, paid for my college by working in
a music store buying the U CBS so um when
those existed, When those existed, and you just got I
got access to so much. I just I think I
lost a decade making mix tapes. You know, I remember, right,

the mix tapes for the jam Right, if you're my friend,
I would have a mixtape i'd make for you. That
was my thing, you know, so, oh my god, that's
still like, that's still my love language. Like if you
make a great playlist for me and give it to me,
it's just like, because I'm always one making the playlist.
So if somebody has good taste of music and can
make me a playlist, I'm like, oh my god, you
just spoke when the iPod came out and I could

just make it because before I'd have to record it
from the CD to the tape. Right when the iPod
came out and I could just make a playlist, I
just was. It was the most amazing. What is this?
I get it? Thank you so so much for coming
on here and discussing authorings multiverse with us. It's been
um reality surfing. It's just been I love it. We're

welcome back any time. I would love to chat with
you again. Thank you. And that wraps up this episode
of Holy Human with the fabulous and thought provoking Brian
Scott again. His book is The Reality Revolution, and you'll
also find more content and multiple meditations on his YouTube channel.
Highly recommend going and checking those out. I do them

practically every day and I love, love, love his meditations,
so I highly recommend checking those out. And I would
love to know your thoughts on those two. You can
share them in the comments wherever you're listening, and you
know I truly love receiving your feedback, so have at
it in the nicest of ways, of course, and I

will see you next time, my friends. Until then, take
care of one another. I love you. On the next
Totally Human, I'll be joined by internationally acclaimed life coach
Stephanos Stefandos for a double topic episode. We'll discuss the
hacked of the Father Wound, which I knowe so many
of you inquired about after the Mother Wound episode last year.

We'll be discussing all things Father Wound and exploring our
sacred sexuality. Trust me, you will not want to miss
this one. He was so kind. I look forward to
you guys tuning in. Holy Human with Me Leanne Rhymes
is a production of I Heart Radio. You'll find Holy

Human with Leanne Rhymes on the I Heart app, Apple podcast,
or wherever you get the podcast that matter most to you.
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