Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:11):
Good morning, peeps, and welcome to wilk F Daily with
me your girl, daniel Moody recording from the Home Bunker, Folks,
I am recording this a head of the vice presidential debate,
so to hear my commentary on that. Hopefully you tuned
in to Mary Trump Media for our live coverage and
hopefully you will have tuned in there, and then also
don't forget every Monday through Thursday on YouTube is the
Danielle Moody Show Live, so you can join me there
as well. But at the time of this recording, I'm
having some wild thoughts, folks, and I'm gonna share them
with you, which is I woke up this morning and
I was filled with a sense of dread that I
have not felt since July, since the change in the ticket.
And in all honesty, this is what I'm gonna say.
This has nothing to do with what the Harris Wall's
team is doing. I think that they are doing phenomenal.
I think that this ticket has revitalized people. I think
that they're messaging their road shows. Everything that they're doing
is Chef's Kiss perfect. So this is not at all
as what would normally be my critique on what Democrats
need to do and how they're shitty at messaging and
dah da da da, da da da. What I woke
up feeling a sense of dread around is that there
are just really well funded people and to keys organizations,
news outlets that are all conspiring to end democracy. And
it just struck me that if this were a normal election, right,
like if this were twenty twelve, and you know, it
was really about the Republican candidate versus the Democratic candidate,
and made the person with the best ideas win, right,
the one that can convince the American people of your
ideology wins, then I would say, hands down, Kamala Harris
is going to win. She has plans for our health care,
for our economy, for our education system. She has plans,
not concepts of a plan, but an actual plan. And
so if that were the case, and there warrant multi
billionaires like Peter Teel, Elon Musk and these other right
wing billionaire set that have all the money in the
world in order to spread their lives, that convinced the
American public that we should have a dictatorship, have a
American oligarchy. Because something, you know, I have to tell
you my mind has been working overdrive and I have
not I did not sleep last night at all, Like
I just my brain was just churning, churning, churning, and
I started to think about something. Hang with me for
a moment, one of my guilty pleasures, and I know
I'm going to embarrass myself and I don't care. I'm
telling you all. The truth of my guilty pleasures is
that I hate love watch the Kardashians. Yes, I have
fueled their multi billion dollar empire because I watch it.
Funny enough, with very much an analyst's mindset, which is like,
how did we get here, like as a society where
at one time, let's just walk down the path of
America and how you had these group of religious right
wing zealots that left the British to flee from persecution
because they were right wing zealots. They were not looking
for religious freedom. They were looking to indoctrinate everyone around them.
So let's just be clear on that they come to
the United States and create this thing called democracy where
you were not going to have to serve a king,
and that there are not based on royal blood, this
designation of wealth, that we are going to have a
more equitably just system these coming from the people obviously
that created the Transatlantic slave trade and used it in
order to build said country. I digress. But what happened
was instead of their being and there were still the wealthy, right,
the Rockefellers and others, right, that were the titans quote
unquote of industry, But we kind of moved away from
this idea of these mini fiefdoms and people you know,
had their own homes and their white picket fence and
you know, their own backyards and all of these things.
But over the course of time, and I've actually like
been watching this through the Kardashians. The Kardashians were rich
when the show started twenty years ago. I don't even
know how long they've been on the air. It feels
like forever. They were rich, living in Beverly Hills. One
parent was an Olympian, the other one was a famed lawyer,
sending their kids to school in Beverly Hills, private schools,
you know, doing all these things. But if you go
back to like the beginning of the show, they were
regular rich. You have the big house, and you have
a couple of nice cars, and you throw parties, right,
But you're like working. They were going out and doing
speaking and you know, and selling shit and like whatever.
Kim Kardashian was organizing friends closets for money and like
doing things. But because of Reality TV, because of their
ability to recognize that they were indeed the product. So
instead of them partnering, which is how they started partnering
with brands, getting endorsements and then you know, hawking that
brand stuff, they started to say, wait a minute, why
am I only taking this piece when it's my celebrity
that's selling X And so I am now going to
commodify every aspect of my life from the eyes on
Instagram to Twitter, to this, that and the other thing
to the reality TV show And now they are uber rich,
private planes and staff of fifty rich, multiple nannies, security,
like the whole nine. They went from this regular idea
of the quote unquote American dream, which is ascending to prosperity,
to blowing that shit out of the water to where
they have created this culture of celebrity worship and commodification
of brand and image and all of these things. And
they've done it, whether or not you like it or not.
In probably one of the most brilliant fashions, which is
why they are multi billionaires. Now that being said, they
didn't start from nothing. They started from millions and then
we're able to parlay that into billions. Right. But they've
all these celebrities now have created these dynasties where we
have gone back. We don't have a centralized king, but
they all have their own dynasties that are being fueled
by us. We are paying into it. And once these
people and the industry realized you can control engagement through
algorithms and all of these things and sell you stuff
all the fucking time you're being sold to. It is
like our tension became the ultimate product that has fueled
this new age of like the Downton Abbey's and the
Bridgeton and all of that fantasy type of thing. But
it's happened in real life where the rest of us
our wealth has decreased while the wealthy have become exponentially wealthier.
So I think about this, folks, and I think about
the position that we're in where twenty years ago, a
six figure salary should have been able to buy you
a home, having a six figure salary should have been
able to buy you a home. Having a six figure
salary in twenty twenty four means absolutely nothing, but it
meant everything in two thousand. So because the uber wealthy
has increased their wealth by such a scale in such
a short period of time, there was never any trickle
down that happened. Like we as middle class, working class
people that get app just got bigger and bigger and bigger.
It's wild to watch it in real time as you're
watching these shows and you're sinking to yourself, well, wait
a minute, what's happened with me over the last twenty
years and my economic viability? While these people went from
normal rich to filthy fucking PJ private Jet rich, what
has happened to the rest of us? Well, corporations have
bought up mortgages, driving prices through the roof. It has
become just a known debt to even go to university,
which you were told that you needed to do. So
you're already you're told, oh, make six figures, right, but
you're in order to do that, going into six figures
worth of debt to then be locked inside of this
trap of just keeping your head above water. Because I
was saying to my mom the other day, and I
promise you. I'm getting back to Peter Tiel and like
these technocrats is that I don't even think in the
grand scheme of things, what we perceived being the quote
unquote middle class is even the middle class anymore? Like
I think that for you to be considered middle class,
you need to be making well into the six figures,
like not with a one in front of it. And
that's fucking wild. So we're making more money or working
to make more money in order to actually have less.
And so you have these people who are sitting in
their fiefdoms, in their dynasties that they've created. Elon Musk
is on the verge of becoming the world's first trillionaire.
He's the most despicable, disgusting human being, which makes me
think about higher powers and really like, this is what
we're this is who we're giving this to, right, Like,
what's the lesson here that the rest of us are
supposed to learn, like to be as disgusting, as cunning
as you know whatever, in order to just get yours?
Like is that the lesson? But you look at these people,
and because we're grinding so much harder than we did
twenty years ago to get so much less, and we're
so exhausted by doing it, but we're being force fed
that we're not doing enough. You need to grind, hard,
rise and grind in all of these things. These master
manipulators who have created the algorithm that have turned our
lives upside down and make us just center capitalism in
a way that I don't think that we had really before,
because it wasn't shoved in our face all the time.
Of all the things you could have. Even look at
the people cleaning you watch those cleaning videos on Instagram
or on TikTok. These people that like have every gadget
for everything, like the screen cleaner and the ear thing
cleaner and the bub blah blah blah blah, and they
have their fridges look like the Wegmans or a Target
or what have you. And it's like this over consumption. Oh,
I must have eighty six juice boxes in my fridge
at all time and they must be aligned just so,
and I must have this thing, and in a I'm
not successful unless I have pop up, up, up, up, up,
up up up. All of those things have just become more.
Everything is more, and so because of that we worship
wealth and we worship celebrity, and so it doesn't even
matter that Elon Musk isn't smart, It doesn't matter that
Peter Tiel is a lunatic. It just matters how much
money they have and people listen to them, because at
the end of the day, why is Reality TV, Real Housewives, this,
the Kardashians blah blah, Why are they so successful? Because
we want a window into what life could possibly be
if we all won the lottery, and they weaponized that.
The Republican Party has weaponized that that desire. And so
I think about my parents when they were my age,
like where they were and what they had, and I
was having this conversation with my mom and she's just like,
you can't even compare it because she's like, I made
so much less than you guys made, but I was
able to buy a home. I was able to do
all of these things because interest rates may have been
at five percent when I bought, but the homes were
twenty thirty, forty fifty thousand dollars, so it balanced it out.
But now you're looking at interest rates that are six
seven percent and homes on average way I grew up
on average or six hundred and fifty thousand dollars. And
this was a neighborhood that was like middle working class neighborhood. Teachers, doctors, firefighters, nurses,
some sprinklings of doctors and lawyers, but it was like
regular people. So you look at this and you look
at these forces, the Republican forces that lie and tell
people that the reason why your economic conditions are bad
is because of Democrats and because of whatever lie that
they want to tell you. But the thing is is
that most of us are seeking an answer why am
I struggling so much more than my parents did, but
I make more money? The weaponization of wealth and the
lies that they're able to tell, and the forces also
that this collected one percent can hold on to their
dynasties and then we have no choice but being forced
to like work for them just to get a little breakoff, right,
Like it's the serfdom, and it's absolutely wild. But when
you look at corporate mainstream media and what they're doing
to ensure that there is a Trump win, When you
look at Elon Musk and what he's putting on his
social media to two hundred million followers, when you're looking
at those that are advocating their responsibility because they just
want to keep their money. You just realize that, like
while I say at the end of every show, power
to the people, and to all the people. Power. The
people have been slowly robbed of their power and agency
over the last twenty thirty years. Oh it was cut
the cord with the TV behind me, cut the cord
and just get streaming. And then every outlet became streaming.
So now if you're paying for cable and all of
these streaming, you're actually paying more than what you were
paying like ten years ago, because everything has its own
fucking streaming app. They're coming at us from every direction.
And I honestly don't know if we ever right size again,
meaning that the ninety nine percent hold the ninety nine
percent of wealth. I don't think that we do. I
don't know if the insatiability of the wealthy is ever tamed,
because the more that they have, the more that they want.
I say all that to say that we're already living
inside of the Hunger Games. We're already living inside of
this kind of weird, altered reality where this certain set
gets wealthier and wealthier beyond our wildest dreams and the
rest of us struggle more and more and more, but
we're told that we're the problem and not the system
because a few have been able to succeed. But it
was like succeeding when if you're running a marathon and
I'm starting from mile twenty with fresh legs and everybody
else is starting from mile one, but I win? How
am I considered the winner? But that is where we
are in America. And that is what the Republican Party
is exploiting right now. And I'm refer it's the weaponization
of wealth and envy and this like insatiable greed that
the wealthy have like they can't ever get enough. And
I don't know where it ends, I really don't, but
it's something that has been keeping me up at night
and making me wonder about how much does it take
these days in order to be comfortable. By comfortable, I
mean that if a bill comes up unexpected, you can
pay it and it's not you know, there's no sweat
on your brow, right, that you can have small luxuries
like vacations and gifts for yourself, like and own a
whole like what is that number? And I think that
because the system has been so rigged again Republicans are
able to exacerbate the pain that we're all feeling because
it's the pain that they've created. Because I'm decades into
the workforce and wondering when this is a trickle down
actually happen, it doesn't, And just you know, honestly, I'll
close out with this, which is that I poke fun
at economic and anxiety because I think that it is
code for racism. But there is actually a shared struggle
that is happening. But instead of us dealing with that
shared struggle, we're pitted against one another because of our race,
because of our immigration status, because of our sexual orientation,
our gender identity, and we never get to the core
of the core. So if they can keep us struggling
over that basic shit, then we don't realize that they're
robbing us blind. That is it for me today, Dear friends,
on this woke Wednesday again, make sure to tune into
the Daniel Moody Show, which is live on my YouTube
channel Monday through Thursday. Head over to YouTube, type in
Daniel Moody channel and subscribe. Share it with your friends.
I'm making a lot of fresh, incredible content over there
that I'm really proud of and building a community where
we can chat in real time, so do head over
there and check it out. As always, Power to the
people and to all the people. Power, get woke and
stay woke as fuck.