All Episodes

March 1, 2018 21 mins

Can CBD (hemp) help you on your journey to your goal? Aching back or joints, over all mood. Exactly what is CBD and how can it help? Josh Hendrix from CV Sciences teaches me all about CBD and we even talk about saving the world. Check out the podcast and hit me up @WorstAnthony if you have something you'd like addressed on the podcast.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Have you ever looked at a portrait and wondered who
was this person? Really, it's really a love story. Harriet
was motivated by love and he became known for his
undercover reporting. He got himself arrested. And also it's a
tremendous grass ll L cool. Jay. I'm Kim Said, director
of the National Portrait Gallery and your host on Portraits

find us wherever you get your podcasts. Welcome back to
the Workout Wednesday podcast. My name is Anthony, and I

know the name says Workout Wednesday, but this podcast is
really mainly about health wellness, some workout tips and stuff
as well. This specific episode is going to be real
different from what we've done in the past. But just
to catch up quick, the last two weeks, I did
not post a Workout Wednesday podcast. The first week that
I missed was because Carla Marie, my co host here

on Power if you're not familiar, she broke her hand
needed emergency surgery. So between driving her to doctor visits
and stuff, um and surgery itself, kind of missed out
in the whole week kind of got away from me.
And then last week, um, Josh Hendricks, So I'm gonna
talk to you later. Was scheduled to uh to be
on the podcast. We have to move some things around,

so back on track. UM already know who's gonna be
on for next week too, so we'll talk about that
at the end of the podcast. It's pretty cool, but
just to catch up, you know, I can sit here
and and kind of preach about different things you could
do to to better yourself, um, help yourself on whatever
journey or on. But I've also got to be a

hundred percent honest. And the last two weeks I've been
real bad. Haven't been sleeping well, uh, wasn't drinking the water,
which is like the easiest thing. The first thing we
started this podcast out with was making sure you're drinking
off water every day and track. It missed a couple
of workouts here and there. And the reason I'm saying
that is life happens. Things happen. Your friends break their

hands and you gotta take them to the hospital sometimes,
and uh, other things getting the way. Work gets in
the way, family gets in the way. But you can
always get back on track. So that's where I'm at now,
starting another workout program again this past Monday. This podcast
is being posted a little later than I wanted to.
On Wednesday, I was caught up watching the Seaton Hall
of Illanova game and unfortunately my Seaton Hall Pirates lost

in overtime. And then I just stared at my blank
TV screen for about twenty minutes because I was really depressed.
That stunk. But let's get into this podcast. So I
don't know anything about this topic CBD. You've heard of
CBD oil and pills and stuff like that. But luckily
I don't have to know anything about it because I've
got Josh Hendricks on the phote. Hey, Josh, howre you

doing good? How are you good? So you've got your
your hemp farm down in Kentucky. You got CV Sciences
makes a bunch of CBD products. But for people who
don't even know what that those letters stand for, what
is CBD? So the best way to break it down
is a lot of people probably know what th HC is,
and so th HC is the active ingredient in marijuana,

and it's what gets you high when you when you
consume it. Uh cb D is also phytocannabinoid, but it's
non intoxicating, so you're not going to get high off
of it. And so cannabina dial is what CBD stands for.
What we're learning through research, and there's been about sixteen
or seventeen hundred medical studies published on pub med dot

gov involving cannabina dial on different people and different reasons
that they might be taking it. Is that we take
it as a supplement and we try to bat we
try to find our balance and balance our indoconnabinoid system.
But quite basically it just leads to a better quality
of life. Cross Fitters that work out twice a day,

their body is a temple and they benefit from my
from plus c V d O and I have My
mom was thinking always had some kind of issues, seven
different prescripture medications, et cetera. Uh, you know, she's she's
now taking plus touduo and she thinks she's the hippest
chicken town. So but she's really just happy that she
doesn't have to take these these awful synthetic drugs and so. Um.

You know, if you're a a consumer of supplements and
you're used to that our red products, such as our
raw formula, that's gonna be in that raw state. It's
not it's not gonna go you know, you two receptors.
It's really gonna focus on your body, so workout related
anti inflammatory responses. Were might be using it for minstrel cramps.
I tell people all the time, anything that you when

you when you think of it, you're like, oh, that's
something I would take a towel on ibyprofen or one
of those types of thanks for it. That's where the
raw comes in and the places that and then we
decarboxylated into our green product and that is all the
activated phytodemus. So that's really um. I had Maggie Frank
on my radio show this morning and I was asking

she's our educated and she's said, you know, the green
is really you just want a slight adjustment that you
have a little bit of stress in your life, anxiety
or you know some days you might not need it.
She was thinking about being a mom and how hard
that is. Some days she needs five or six sprays
and some days she only needs to. And so that
green product is going to be our full plant complex.
It's gonna really be a full body, mind and body

health supplement. Yes, So what are the different forms that
people can kind of take a CBD? Uh? Yeah, So
we have we have topicals which are bombs. Uh. The
next category I was gonna get to is our gold category,
and that's really our strong, our extra strength version. But
the topical is going to be direct application for skin

conditions and exemo and all that kind of stuff, as
well as joint pain and and arthritis things like you
knows that measure that people would use a save or
a bomb for. Uh. Then we have the sprays at
our green level, and that's really just a convenient way
to take varying doses of CBD, varying serving says, and

you take that orally, Yeah, you're just gonna stay under
your tongue. Yeah, I tell you all the time. And
some days I need two cups of coffee and some
days only need one. That's that's kind of how I
look at CBD. You may not need the same tin
milli ram pill every day, which brings me to the next.
With sprays in the green, droppers in the gold, and
so those are gonna be sublingual. You're gonna take those

in your tongue and you are going to have a
better absorption rate with that. Now that anytime you swallow
something into your stomach, you're gonna lose a little bit
of that, you know, the product, because it's just not
gonna absorb been on your cut health. So a lot
of people do prefer to take it sublingually, which you
can do with our soft jols. You can just bite
down and do the same thing. But so then we
have a pill or a capsule soft jill at every

level as well. So you're talking about pills, sprays, droppers,
and bombs essentially, Okay, and I saw that. Um, there
are different studies, their varying studies that say that CBDs
can help with a ton of different things like metabolic health,
which here obviously on a fitness kind of themed podcast,
people are definitely all interested in that. But then you're,
like you mentioned earlier, there's stress resilience there. Um, it

can help your immune system, you're nervous system, Like, how
does the same thing, the same core element affect all
those different systems in your body. Well, so what we're
learning about the endocannabinoid system is that it's the master
control system. It's gonna it's kind of kind of uh,
control your abuse, your health, your maune health, and your

nervous system and all those things that you just mentioned.
So you're trying to balance the like I said, the
master control system, the puppet master, if you will. And
when you do that, now all these other systems cannot
correct and you know, heal themselves or fix themselves or whatever,
they're out of whack. Uh. You know, Just just so
your listeners are clear, CBD is actually not plural. Okay,

So when you're saying so cannabinoids with the THHD, there's
endocannabinoids and pidocannabates. Your body produces endocannabinoates. So when you've
heard of the runners higher, that feeling of euphoria you
get after a great workout or um whatever, that's that's
your body producing canvas like compounds. They're really more similar
to cannabid dial which is CBD. And so when you

take cd D, you're supplementing your body is something that
you know you essentially haven't been producing enough of. Whether
whether you don't work out or you eat unhealthy don't
pay attention the chemicals and toxins you're consuming. All kinds
of different things can lead to that endocannabinoid endocannabinoid system
getting out of balance. And when that happens, you know

it has different effects on different people. And so what
we tell people is, you know our products. You know,
I have a doctor on our medical Advisory board and
he was on my show and he said, if I
told you could take three to four dollars worth of
cd D every day, a cup of coffee, bottle of water,
however you want to quate that, but your quality of
life would improve, no matter what that means. Everybody has

a different health goal, whether that's I want to have
more energy and be more productive at work, or man,
I'm tired of taking all these medications for all these
problems that I've had for years. There's probably a good
you can figure out an amount of CVDD. It's gonna
at the very least improve your quality of life. That
we tell people we want you to harness your human
potential by balancing the system that bounds all right now,

for someone like me, maybe my biggest issue day to
day is, you know, the stupid injuries and the gym
are just being sore or pulling something. What do I
do in that? What's the what's the product? I guess
for me, either red or green is where I would
steer you. I think the red, like I said, it
is very we get a lot of good feedback from

athletes and gym rats. If you will um same thing
with the gold bomb, if you have you know, specific
related sore nous, neck, back, shoulders, whatever you could read,
that is a direct application. But then even the green
which is this spray, because you can take as little
as two sprays or you can take eight. And I
think what, like my friends realized, they thought they had

a great life, pretty wife and lots of you know
that everything seems fine. But with four or five sprays
of the green peppermint oil every day, they're telling me,
you know, I've never been this clear head, they've never
been this on. I never felt so comfortable my own skin.
And so life is hard. Life's all about balance. I
never tell anybody, oh, you should really do this, But

if you're you don't have any diagnosed diseases or you know,
take any serious pre scripture medications that you're trying to
transition from your you probably wouldn't need to go into
the gold categories to anything green or rib So my
co host on my morning show um Here on Power
and Any through three is Carl the Marine, and she's
talked about her back pain forever. What does someone like
her look to do to really back pain. I mean,

you know it's That's the funny thing about this is
it's not specific to anybody. You and I can beat
the same height, same way that Matt I may only
I may respond better too. Three milligrams a day and
you may need fifteen. And you might like the goal
and I might like the green. Well, you know, we've
been trained as a society to go to the doctor,
tell them what's wrong. They give us a prescription, We

go to the pharmacy, we go home, and the bottle
says take two a day. What we don't realize is
that's suggestive. Everybody just thinks that's gospel and they've just
lived that. Well, we've got to start listening to our bodies.
And so I tell people all the time, the easiest
way to find your balance is to buy the green spray,
because it's right there in the middle. And if you

find that two or three sprays is all you need,
of course you can go back down to the red
level and just take the red self chelse and see
if that helps you. If you find out you're using
fifteen sprays a day, then you have some more serious
issues need to do it, and so some of the
simple economical standpoints. And because you're going to get a
more concentrated version in the gold, you can move up

to the gold. But yeah, everybody wants to I'll spend
two hour are saying I can't tell you how much
to take or what color to start. That you got
to find your bounce, and then it never felt somebody
will raised their hands say well I've got this, and
they want me to tell it's like you're not listening.
I need you to trust your body, you know, use
your instincts. Let your body tell you when it feels,
you know, when it feels best. And then for someone

like her who is maybe using a CBD lotion for
her back, right, one of the bombs that you guys have,
is there any chance of addiction that comes up to that?
With that would because obviously with other drugs there's there's
always a chance of addiction. Usually, well, thank god, this
isn't a drug. This is a natural supplement and it's
actually uh the World Health Organization just released to study

saying they didn't believe it to be addictive and it
certainly wasn't going to be used for recreational uses. And
things like that, because it doesn't have an intoxication factor
to it. Um. So no, and especially not a bomb.
I mean, you might. I'm addicted to chapsticks simply not
to be dry. But that was that would be a
fall at the addiction category that I think you're referring to.

So no, the bomb would not be addictive. Other than
you might. You might, really you might become obsessed with
feeling good, which right. This question actually came from two
people on Instagram. Do you get the munchies from stuff
like this as a side effect? No? Um, handbag tracks
and plus vidual products are adapted to so when they
go into your butt. My mom called me and she said,

I don't understand. When I take it at night, it
helps me sleep better, but when I take it in
the day and help, it gives me more energy. And
I was like, well, that's because it's going it's doing
what I'm telling you to do. It's going into your body.
It's trying to adapt to its surroundings. So your body
knows at nine o'clock in the morning it needs to
get going for the day, and it knows at nine
o'clock at night it needs to start shutting down and

this can just kind of help enhance that. So, um,
you know, I know that's probably not the best to
answer to your question, but it's certainly not a drug
or anything of that nature that help. Yeah, you're basically
not going to get the side effects that you normally
would if you were smoking weed or something, right, Okay.
Angie asked this on Instagram. Does CBD help with autoimmune diseases?

Is that something that you've found or anyone's found that
it does. Yes. I mean, there's there's tons of studies
on popbed dot gov, but I don't that's specific that
I can say other than go to that website and
check it out. But yeah, there's definitely a lot of
good studies going on. And that's the same you know,
we brag about the fact that there's sixteen or sevent
studies that's nothing compared to your central nervous system or

your immune system or you have the studies that haven't
done for sixty seven years, So we're a little behind,
but we're catching up in the the studies that are
being done as a results are fascinating. Here in Washington,
marijuana is just legal all around, so you don't have
to worry about anything. But obviously state to state, UM,
there are different laws, there are different regulations. Even if
it's you know, approved for medical uses, it's still regulated

differently state to state. Do you think that if we're
going to get to a point soon where it's legal
across the board, marijuana or him marijuana, U mean, I
go back and forth on that. I mean, I don't
have anything against it. And obviously hemp farmer and hemp
advocates try to try to separate the two as much
as I can, because they are they're too totally separate. Well,

what's the biggest difference, Well, I mean the legal difference
is HIMP doesn't have any PHC in its Legally, hemp
is canapus with less than a point the percent t HC.
But nobody's growing marijuana in a hundred acre field either,
So I want it in the very controlled environment. They
want to control that intoxicating substance TACHC. They you know,
they want to get forty fifty six th HC in

there so that you're highs and tens and all those
things that people are looking for in the smoke marijuana.
Whereas hemp is we want the THHC to stay low
because we want to be a health product. We want
to when you're talking about UH plus CD or hemp extrakes.
But it's also you know, you're gonna harvest the seed
just like you would. She is seen, and it's gonna
compete with soy one, you know, hopefully one day and

then you're gonna harvest that stock and you're gonna you know,
it's already being used in say these and B and
W tour panels and dashboards and stuff right now, and
once the American out of the industry catches up to that,
you'll start to see that happen. And so you know,
I think of a farmer with overalls on driving a tractor,
what do you think of hemp? And think of an

indoor warehouse with tons of lights and all the beautiful
marijuana plants when you think of marijuana, And that's that's
kind of how I try to describe it. And I
know that this is uh, this is kind of a
health and fitness and workout podcast, but I know, and
you kind of touched on him before that just the
hemp industry can actually kind of help save the world
a little bit, which sounds dramatic. Yeah, ironically, I hate

that free and over you know, I like to under
promise and over deliver when I give him my hempsfield
and I ended I always say, when you look at it,
it's gives farmers a new opportunity that they desperately need.
Because farmergan comes down everywhere. The average age farmer is old,
so younger people are starting to get interested in it,
which is going to hopefully help save some farms like
mom and uh. Then you get into the processing of it,

and you're talking about economical felt, very economic development, um
jobs and all that stuff that are they play well
politically for sure. And then you get into the you
know what we do manufacturing and distributing products into the marketplace,
and it's health products like health supplements like plus C
d O, very healthy nutritious food items like hemp seeds

and hemp hearts and hemp oils, cos very safe and
effective cosmetics like Dr Browner's body care products and things
like that. And then like I said, you've got the
fiber and it's more sustainable and more durable. Yeah, I
mean over time, that's kind of a win win win,
isn't it. Yes, I mean it sounds like did you
grow anything on your farm prior to growing hump. Yeah,
so we uh the grandfather's farm and a gentleman farmer,

is it sad hobby? Even him and his neighbors, they
still have cattle and hey. And then we took grew
tobacco for forever. We took the tobacco buy out in
two thousand four, which meant the government paid us for
ten years not to grow tobacco, and a lot of
people did that. That's that's a big thing back in
early two thousands when it's back of the industry was

heading to Asia and South American other places. And uh
so that the last year that my grandfather got his
check to not grow tobacco, we started growing hemp out there.
You know, it's been very experimental. I'm actually taking this
year off because I'm so busy traveling and I'm trying
to fix some uh some different things at the farm,
and there's not a shortage of people wanting to grow

in for stress. Me, switching from tobacco to hemp is
a message that gets played up a lot, But I
think himp will probably fall more into a commodity category
similar to um avocados. Even when I don't want to.
I don't want to say or corn because those are
really going into the tank right now price wise. But

I think, you know, in a nuance market, you'll see
it developed like alvocados and then hopefully it'll be as
normal as cord and so well listen, I mean, I
feel like I've just learned a ton about something I
knew nothing about. So thank you. And if people want
to find about find out about you or CV Sciences
or any of any of your projects, where should they go? Oh? Yeah,

so um plus cbd oil dot com. They can find
all of our consumer products there. We're in health stores
across the country, so checking the local health and store
for Plus CBD Oil. If you want to learn more
about our company, c V Season, cat Bes and Victors
Sciences Plural dot com, you can go to that website
and then uh at Hendricks Hemp Hendrix with an X

like Jimmy on Instagram and Twitter, and I have a
radio show called the Hemp Happy Hour that you can
find on at tunes and learn about HIMP once a week. Cool. Well,
thank you very very much. I appreciate it. Yeah, thanks
for having me. All right. Next week's guest is gonna
be talking about, um, kind of our addiction to sugar
as just a culture of society and how we can
kind of wean ourselves off of that. I know a

lot of people are really excited when I posted about
the guest that I'll be having, So stay tuned for
that obviously. If you will love the podcast, if you
want to hear more of it, rate it on iTunes.
If you're listening on iTunes, make sure you like it
on I Heart radio favorite, follow the channel, all that
good stuff. If you don't like the podcast, don't rate it,
that would would suck. Just stop listening, and that's fine, um,

all right. And every single week I have been giving
you tips and challenges to move forward. I think this
week I'm actually not going to give a challenge. Um,
not because we're all perfect or on whatever journey we're
supposed to be on flawlessly. It's actually quite the opposite. Personally,
I explained earlier in the podcast, how I've fallen off
a little bit. So I think I'm gonna take this

week to reset, get myself back on track, make sure
I'm sleeping, drinking water, working out all that good stuff.
So I'm I think it's a good opportunity for you
to sit back and say, Okay, what could I be
doing better at? What have I fallen behind a little bit?
What am I slacking in? And fix that for the week,
and then we'll come back next week. We'll learn about
more stuff and challenge ourselves a little more and hopefully

get closer to whatever that journey is that you're going towards.
All right, thank you so much. I know you could
have done anything with your time, and you spent twenty
minutes with some idiot with a microphone. So thank you
very very much. See you next week. Have you ever
looked at a portrait and wondered who was this person? Really?

It's really a love story. Harriet was motivated by love
and he became known for his undercover reporting. He got
himself arrested. And also it's a tremendous dress. Ll cool Jay,
I'm Kim said, director of the National Portrait Gallery and
your host on Portraits. Find us wherever you get your podcasts.
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