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March 8, 2018 22 mins

Excessive sugar can lead to all types of health issues, but did you know cutting out sugar could also keep you looking younger longer. The benefits of limiting sugar in our diets are almost endless and there are some simple hacks to make the transition easier. Give this podcast a listen and take some of the lessons along with you in your journey.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Because I don't want to be stuck wearing my old,
outdated glasses. Because I want to wake up and just
be able to see. Because enough is enough. At the
Ice Center, we've heard it all, all the reasons why
it's time for lacing. Over the past thirty years, the
Eye Center has helped tens of thousands of people realize
the freedom lacing provides. Now is the time for lacing
for a limited time with one of Northern Virginia's leading surgeons. Plus,

get an additional eight hundred dollars off when you schedule
within thirty days. Register for your savings and schedule your
free consultation now at the Eye center dot com. Some
restrictions apply. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to the Workout Wednesday podcast.

Thank you for hanging out with me again. If this
is uh your first podcast, thanks for giving it an opportunity.
I know I'm posting this on a Thursday, and actually
it's it's really important to what I want to talk
about today. So for the past like week and a half,
I've felt like crap, and a lot of that is
because I stopped focusing on what we focus on here
in the podcast together. I wasn't eating properly. I was

skipping days at the gym stuff like that. I wasn't
even drinking the right amount of water. And I know
I talked about that last week, but I think it
all finally caught up to me. And yesterday, which was Wednesday,
I felt like absolute garbage. And I went home and
I passed out for most of the day, and I
really attributed to the fact that I have not been
taking care of myself. So what I decided to do

was on Monday, this coming Monday, which would be in
March twelve, I'm going to start something called the fifty
Days of Fit, and I'm going to make sure that
not only am I drinking in the right amount of water,
because that's where it all kind of starts from. I'm
gonna do something physical, some sort of physical activity, every
single day for fifty days, so that's the remainder of March,
and then it would end on April, which I mean

beneficially for everyone, it gets you kind of ready for
the summer, hopefully if you've got some summer plans, maybe vacations,
hanging out by the pool. But it will help me
kickstart myself into getting into that routine. If you do
it for fifty days. I mean, there's no way that
it doesn't become habits. So if you want to join me,
feel free to hit me up Instagram, Worst Anthony on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter,

all that good stuff. I'm probably most active on Instagram
and you can always shoot me an email. My Day
Friday show at Gmail starting Monday, maybe think about it
for over the weekend. Can you do the fifty Days
of Fit now? It doesn't have to be anything crazy.
Even if you wake up and you do like a
Tobata workout, you can go listen to the Tobada podcast
I did a couple of weeks ago. If that's something
that takes sixteen minutes but it really works you, and

you can then count that as one of your fifty days,
one of your days, one of the exercises you can do, workouts,
you can do four your fifty days of Fit. So
hopefully you join me. But today's podcast guest, it's actually
pretty cool. She's going to give us our workout Wednesday
kind of tip of the week, something that we can
either add or take away from our daily lives that
kind of help us get to whatever our journey is

leading us to. And it's all about sugar. So let's
just go ahead and say hello, Dr Julie gats A,
good morning. Good morning. So you are kind of an
expert in the field of sugar use disorder or SUD. Yes,
I am. And now most people just say, oh, you're
addicted to sugar, or you like sugar stacks, have a
sweet tooth. Why is it even being called a disorder? Well,

it's generally how the mode works these days is to
call anything that's a little abnormal with disorder. So in general,
what it is is it's a metabolism mess up. And
people that truly do crave sugar, they usually have an
imbalance happening within the metabolism of their body or most
likely their digestive system the gut in particular. And one

of the things that I've seen is one of the
major factors is when somebody has an overgrowth of Candida
albacans in their digestive system, which is a yeast presence
in everyone's digestive track. What happens is it craves sugar,
It needs sugar to grow, you have intent sugar cravings,
and and it imbalances the whole system. So people then

you know, quote unquote think they're just weak and they
don't have any self discipline, But really it's your body.
It's that yeast specifically in your body, screaming out trying
to get you to have eat more sugar. Yes, I
mean when we're talking about this subject, Yes, this is
the reason. And people who have been on and about
E therapy in the past, even once or twice, and
then you know you put multiple times, even as children,

they've never had this rebalanced. And so as they get
older and their diets get a little off and stress
comes under their system. Uh, this grows even worse and
gets out of balance some the Candida takes over your
sort of personality. Normally, I'll post question. I'll post the
question to Instagram or Snapchat, like, Hey, I'm talking to
this type of expert this week, so hit me up
with questions. And what I get excited for is when

my family or my really close friends get excited enough
to text me and let me know that they have
a question as well. My cousin who lives down in
LA was like, oh, I definitely need to listen to
this specific episode. And I feel like a lot of
people around the country do battle with Okay, I know
sure is bad for me, especially artificial sugar or process sugars,
but hey, it's found in almost everything now, it feels

like and on top of that, you do have cravings
and people do get addicted to it, and people have
a very hard time removing sugar from their diet. It's
totally true. The first thing that I would have somebody
do is, uh, just one, make the make the choice
that you're going to do it. You can't halfway. And
number two, start eating frequent meals like truly eat too,

you know, the six meals a day, and make the
number one aspect of the meal a protein. Now why
is why is it eating more frequently help? Well? It
keeps you from spiking up your your blood sugar in
the body, and then it keeps you from having the
crashes that you then needs something quickly to raise that
back up to feel better, because that's where somebody would

would crave the sugar just simply from skipping meals or
eating poorly and not eating frequently enough. Is there one
main culprit? They're like a man. If people can just
remove this product or this type of food from their diet,
they'd be decreasing their sugar intake by a lot, or
is it really just across the board there's there are
a ton of different culprits. Well there's a ton of

different ones, but I would stay in general, grains are
just tough on the body because they refined carbohydrates, and
we're really not eating them in the whole form where
you soak them overnight. You're actually getting good sources of
grains like our grandparents head. So in general, people will
reach for the crackers of the bread or the pretzels
and and you know, just easy the pancakes of waffles.

Let me just stort to this. I'm really hungry, and
eliminating the grains in general kind of takes away a
lot of the sort of lazy man's food, is what
I would call it. Okay, So cutting out grains helps
a lot a lot, and then you know the obvious sugars. Certainly,
if you're going to try to get sugars out of
your diet, you don't want the chocolate bars in your
desk drawer, of course, and I do. I know we're

going to get into questions from the listeners in a second,
but just get this text from my friend Sam. I
know that there are probably a lot of benefits to
cutting out sugar from your diet, which will go into
But this is an actual question I just got. Is
it true that I will age slower if I cut
out sugar? I mean yes, And here's why. The sugar
is basically sort of it's like sticking a kid with

a cast with a pen and asking him to run
the race. He's already handicapped. So if you're going to
try to get the energy and your body from eating sugar,
you will feel better, you will have a great twenty minutes,
half an hour, and then you're going to be depleting
your system one because the sugar has to be broken
down by something, so it takes your own reserves and

nutrition to do that. And uh, you do this over time,
and you've depleted your system. Plus you're not replenishing what
you should. So you know, do people look older that
are poor on poor or diets. Absolutely. I've been a
doctor for twenty seven years, alternative doctor, and I've watched,
you know, a lot of my elderly people look so

vibrant and young, and their eyes are alive, and their
skin look good, and they just look amazing. When we
fixed what's happening digestively with them? Now? What does it
even mean? Um, you use intern alternative doctor. Well, I'm
a chiropractor and I specialize in nutrition detaxification, and I'm
pretty much the person everyone comes to see when they've
been everywhere else and they're at their last bit. So

I see everybody at the end of the line. All right.
So one of your first tips, I guess for for
cutting out show girls and whatnot, was eating smaller, more
frequent meals. Yep, that would be one of the number
one that I would have them do. And you know,
plan on having small meals. If it's two eggs in
the morning, fine, if it's a you know, a big
piece of chicken, you know, and that's your lunch and

some green vegetables and the same thing a bit later. Uh.
If you do that, I know it does get a
bit boring to eat so much protein, but you know,
people really don't eat enough fish. You should probably be
having it nine to twelve times in a week. There's
twenty one meals in a week. Well, I definitely don't
do that. I don't either, but it's a it's a
wonderful sore. There's all sorts of different types of them.

You know, steak is great, cork chops are fine, but
I want it clean meat, clean sort of proteins, and
then steamed green vegetables come after that. And the reason
being is they're easily broken down. The cell wall is
semi broken down when you slightly steam them, and uh,
they're easily assimilated. Salads are fine, but not when we're

trying to correct somebody's digestive system. So we do this
frequent meal toss out, you know, the sugary foods, which
is the obvious because if it's in the house, you're
going to go get it if your sugar gets a
bit low or your blood sugar gets a bit low,
and and then you know, carry an emergency snack back,
whether it's some you know, raw vegetables, some almonds, things
like that, um, just some something simple that you can

carry around and just have when that's when that's actually occurring.
I love that you said toss out the sugary food
because that's actually when I when I know that I
need to kind of like get back into eating. Probably
maybe I I slacked off for a little bit. I
will go through kind of my cabinets and everything I covered,
and I'll just start tossing stuff. It's it's the only
way otherwise you know where you hit it, you know

you're gonna go find it. What else you have for us? Um.
The other thing is when you're going to start this,
you know, do it just slowly. Like what you're saying is,
you know, toss it out, get rid of that, and
you know, go to the grocery store and by yourself,
you know a week's worth of meat, you know in
protein sources, and you know, hard boil some eggs so
that in a in a pinch, you can crack open

an egg and there's your meal, and ten minutes after
eating it, funny enough, you sugar craving will be gone.
So if you can just be a bit patient and
put in the obvious good, I always look at it
like this. I always think of my patients, like two
year olds, sick two year olds. What would you feed
a sick two year old. You'd feed them lots of protein.
You'd give them, you know, steam, green vegetables. You wouldn't

give them coffee teas and soda pops. You'd be you know,
putting water into the system, and you'd be really establishing
what should be going into the system for a normal,
healthy human being. That makes sense the same way for us. Yeah, exactly.
It's funny because as and I don't listen, I don't
have kids, but as we get older, we always make
excuses for ourselves. But you also want better things because

you know what you're supposed to feed people. That's right,
and it's for some reason we don't take that knowledge
and apply it to ourselves. That's exactly right. You know,
we were talking about the Candida albucans being, you know,
an overgrowth of this natural yeast in the body, and uh,
many people aren't even aware that that can be something
that's affecting them. And um, I've seen so many you know,

people that have known they've had yeast problems over the years,
and boy, oh boys, it really Uh it's sort of
a sad state of affairs. They've been everywhere, they're on
special diets, they've bought just product after product after product
to try to handle the symptoms that come along with yeast.
And the medical world is not a world that's going
to put this back into balance. So they're very frustrated.

And once that candida gets out of control, you do
have all these crazy symptoms that occur, you know, throughout
life because it's not been handled. I didn't even know
what candida was before I spoke to you. Do you
find that as like a normal things I've I would
assume a lot of people didn't don't know that it
even exists. It's true, it's true. You know, they've probably
heard the word before. But and it's usually associated with,

you know, yeast infections, and no one wants to talk
about that, but it's definitely that's one of the symptoms
that it causes in the system, and it's just it's
a normal thing in the body. But when you take
um antibiotics, for example, I use that a lot. It
wipes out not the bacteria that made you sick, but
it wipes out all the normal flora in the gut itself.

And this is where candida goes crazy. You know. Candida
symptoms can be yeast infections in women, athletes, foot ring,
worm jacket thrushian babies, um people can have itchiness, they
can have lot swings, depression, fatigue, low energy, and yeah,
I mean, it's just well, think about it. The digestive
system is the key to everyone's tellth So if it's

off balance, you're going to have anything that's going to
affect digestion, and I can't name one disease that doesn't
stem from digestion is one of its major sources. Could
we go into some questions that people hit me up
with on Instagram? Yes, all right, so let's see. The
first one is from Sean and he wants to know
if fruit is a good substitute for sugar cravings and
the crave of artificial sugars. Well, it's better than nothing, okay,

but if you're still craving, it means you haven't handled
the craving. So you know, if you're you know, in
between meals and you're just craving some sugar and you
eat fruit instead, that's fine. But once again, if a
little kid is craving something, you don't feed them and
appleby for dinner. You actually make them dinner, So you know,
the small, frequent meals would be the first thing to

do if you're trying to curb this, because even though
it's a natural sugar and broken down easier by the body,
it's still going to perpetuate. What's what the real problem
is in the first place. Okay, But if you're if
you're normally someone who goes to a Snickers bar or
a cookie for a snack, this could be like a
good step one. Absolutely yes. The other question I have
here from Kayla on Instagram once you get a sugar

because everyone's had a sugar craving at some point, like
I just need something sweet or whatever, how do you
combat sugar cravings? Is there other other than just a
long game and this? Is there a short thing you
can do, a quick thing you can do to fix this? Yeah,
the best thing that I've seen, it, hands down the
best thing I've seen in all this years of practicing is, Uh,

there's a product that we've used called color rex k
O l O r e x okay, and it's a
it's a herb that's indigenous to New Zealand. And what
it does is it actually kills off the Candida um colonies.
And UM, I've never seen anything works so quickly all

in the past with all the different things that I know.
My goodness, I've actually tried to ward off Candida patients
from coming into my office because it's been such a unsatisfying,
uh sort of thing to try to handle with them.
But once I got my hands on this color rex.
They go on it for um one month and the
candida dies off. Now they might have some of the

symptoms of some of this is dying off, but it's
pretty much handled. And I've not seen anything that's worked
this way. My husband was a really poor eater growing
up and had so many antibatics because he had chronic
sore throats and tons lightest And I was like, wow,
he's definitely a candid a guy. He craved sugar like crazy,

and every everything that he could have on the list
he'd experience. And he started taking this and couldn't actually
believe everything that he'd been experiencing for fifty something years
was gone. Well, the crazy thing is once you do
remove sugars and not listen. I'm not like the world's
healthiest eater by any means at all, um, but there
are times where I'll really be strict with my diet

and it usually kind of sucks for like three or
four days because you have the cravings. You're you're trying
to get yourself into a new rhythm and stuff. But
once you get past that, once you really like are
strict and you you force yourself to eat properly and
keep the crappy things out of your diet. You realize
that all these other parts of your world become better.

You go to sleep easier, you wake up easier, You
feel more energized throughout the day because your your body,
I guess, and now that you say it, it makes sense.
Your body is getting back on track to what it
should be doing to begin with. It's I mean, you've
hit it on the head. If you can do anything
for three to four days, it's amazing how fast you
can make something change where you know you actually believe
what you're doing, and you know it is a bit

of willpower to start it and get it set up.
But you know, the other thing is when you're doing
it correctly, you're also not hungry. Now you may want
to reach for something different, but if it's not in
the house and you only fill it up with good things,
you know, you're kind of forced to go to the
fridge and check out what you do have his choices,
and funny enough, you feel pretty good about it even
after eating it. We've talked about, you know, possibly looking

younger as you age. We've talked about energy. What are
some other benefits that people should know when you cut
out sugars so that they can kind of be motivated
to do that. Well, you you've listened quite a few
of them. But I mean the number one thing that
I see as energy starts to come back. Um, you
know that sort of draggy thing that happens in the
afternoon or the morning, fatigue that you need the coffee

to just you know, crick yourself up and act like
a normal person with your coworkers. It's interesting when you
knock that out and you start to eat well, you
actually have the energy that you would have had artificially. Um.
People do sleep better because once again they're getting nutrition
in at the digestive system. So once they get these
nutrients in, the body can relax at night and the

brain doesn't have to fire off because it's lacking minerals
to relax. People start to dump the puff you know,
no one likes and I tell them they're puffy, But
I see so many people's faces look puffy. And we're
even talking sometimes fit looking people, but they're all sort
of puffed up. And that always has to do with
what are they what are they consuming dietary wise, so

you know, they get on something like the color Rex.
They get on good digestive enzymes, which I also am
a big proponent of. Um. The same company makes one
called absorb ad and it helps to break down the
food that you are putting in so you get the
most from each meal. We actually had a doctor on
here talking about absorb ait. Uh let me think like

three podcasts. I think memory serves me right, Yeah, yeah,
I mean I love that because it's it's worked so
well on my patients over the years, so you know,
I'm a huge fan of that one as well. And uh,
you know, you start to see hormones change things where
you know, you you pretty much everything that you can imagine.
Your skin improves, you know, the eyes look clear, the

bags start to change from under the eyes, and you know,
I've seen everything under the sun change when you fix
the digestive track. And this is really just cutting out
sugar and getting your digestive digestive track kind of back
in order. Yeah, and you know number one, eating proteins
and seemed vegetables to start. And then once you start
to get this feeling better and you get the you know,
they can beat out with the color rex and the

digestive enzymes in then you can cheat and then see
how you feel. Pretty much, don't need anybody else to
tell you how much better you are with or without it.
If you have something that you shouldn't and you feel lousy,
that's very true. Done my job usually with the podcast
UM every week I like to give everyone listening, myself included,
a little challenge, and normally I do that kind of

on my own, but I feel like this is a
perfect opportunity for you, doctor to give everyone one thing
that they can maybe remove from their diet. And I
know you said to start slowly. You're not gonna go
You're not gonna go cold turkey right away. But if
there's one thing people can just remove from their diet
starting today going until the next week, they'll actually kind
of see and feel it, maybe not see, but feel
a difference. It would be the It would be the grains,

because the sugars we've all done at one point, but
you get these grains out of the system. Stop eating
the pancakes and the toast for breakfast, and you know,
make this hard choice and don't grab the sandwich for lunch,
and stop eating the pasta and the pizzas for dinner
and that's hard enough. But there's so many great substitutions.

And I don't mean substitutions for grain for grain, but
I'm talking. I mean, heck, who wouldn't like a steak.
Who wouldn't have a perfectly made chicken breast, you know,
with with all the trimmings, and you eat that and
you're like, Wow, I feel a lot better, sleep better,
and I'm not laying on the couch holding my belly
because I had one pizza slice too many. I like that.
So just get rid of the grains for a week

and kind of see how you feel. Yeah, that's exactly right,
Thank you. I know that sugar is based on the
messages on Snapchat and Instagram that I've been getting. Sugar
is definitely a thing that people know that they need
to get rid of. And there's a million documentaries that
you can find that talk about all the dangers of
the sugar industry and how much sugar is pumped into
what we eat and drink every day. So I love
the fact that I finally got to talk to someone

who can help, you know, take at least the people
who make the time to listen to this podcast, take
them out of that cycle. Hopefully me too. Well, let
me give them the resource to find what I was
talking about. Um, they can go to www. Dot Nature's
sources dot com and uh they have more information on
what I'm talking about, and they have free samples and

if they use the code radio they get off their
first order. Cool. Yeah, it's with a no brainer. It's
not expensive. And you start applying something that's you know,
has its uh, its legs in the history, it's it's
definitely works. You'll see a nice change. Well, thank you
very much for making time and appreciate it very much.
Thanks a lot Anthony's pleasure. So there you have it.

That's your challenge for the week. And like I said,
I am starting the fifty days of thing. It's really
more for myself, but I would love for people to
jump along the journey with me. You could always reach out,
like I said at worst Anthony on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook,
and Twitter. If you ever have questions that you want
answered on the podcast or guests that you would like
me to try to get on the podcast, feel free

to shoot me a message on any of those platforms.
Like I said, I'm most active on Instagram. Probably. Thank
you so much for hanging out with me. I know
you could have done anything for the past like twenty
two minutes, but you hung out with me on the
Workout Wednesday podcast. So good luck on your journey. Talk
to you next week because I don't want to be
stuck wearing my old outdating glasses, because I want to
wake up and just be able to see. Because enough

is enough. At the Ice Center, we've heard it all,
all the reasons why it's time for lacing. Over the
past thirty years, the Eye Center has helped tens of
thousands of people realize the freedom lacing provides. Now is
the time for lacing for a limited time with one
of Northern Virginia's leading surgeons. Plus get an additional eight
hundred dollars off when you schedule within thirty days. Register
for your savings and schedule your free consultation now at

the Ice center dot com. Some restriction supply
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