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March 23, 2024 46 mins

In the latest episode of the WrestleChat Podcast, host AntMan, and Michael Glavin or how he's now known "the Glavalanche," discuss the excitement building up for WrestleMania 40 in Philadelphia. With just two weeks to go, the podcast delves into the most anticipated matches and storylines, highlighting the high-profile clashes like Cody vs. Roman and Seth vs. Drew McIntyre. The hosts discuss the possible outcomes and the impact of these matches on the wrestling world.

AntMan also explores other significant storylines, including the under-promotion of Gunther and Sami's match, and Logan's three-way dance with Randy and KO. A major point of discussion revolves around the tag team championship, which is gaining unprecedented attention this year. The episode touches on the broad appeal of the event, noting the strength of the overall card and how it compares favorably to previous WrestleManias.

The podcast isn't just about match analysis; it also features engaging discussions about the wrestlers' personal lives, like Seth's potential break from wrestling to spend time with his family.

There's a segment with Cody Field, WWE’s Community Impact Correspondent and a Special Olympics multi-gold medalist, who shares his excitement about his first role as a correspondent at WrestleMania.

The episode concludes with an invitation to listeners to subscribe to their YouTube channel for a chance to win a replica of a WWE title belt and to follow along with their WrestleMania journey in Philadelphia!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
When it comes to professional wrestling. If you are talking
about it, we are talking about it. Welcome to the
wrestle Chat Podcast with the Yeah Man. In just two weeks,
the center of the wrestling universe is going to be
in Philly for wrestle Mania forty and the countdown is
on y'all, just fourteen days away. The burners are heating up,

the action is getting intense, and we are here for it.
Welcome back for another Wrestling Chat Live. I'm your host,
The ant Man, MG, Michael Glavin or how you shall
be known from now on the Gladalanche Back.

Speaker 2 (00:36):
To the Glavalanch.

Speaker 1 (00:37):
We'll talk about it all and man, we know that
the biggest match or matches of Mania is Night one
with Cody Seth Roman and the Rock Night two with
Cody and Roman, But right now it feels like it's
it's hard to pick what the second biggest storyline or
match will be at wrestle Mania forty. Theoretically one one

think it would be Gunther and Sam, but the way
that things you know, are kind of going at the
moment for those guys's it's barely getting like a third
tier promotion. Arguably it could be you know, Logan and
his three way dance with Randy and Ko. But that's
that's getting about the same time that the Intercontinental match
is getting just at the current time. To me, for

the first time since you know, last year's Night one
main event, it feels like maybe the tag Straps are
getting the most important spotlight other than the main events.
What do you feel is getting the most attention and
is it pointed at the right place? Michael, I think so.

Speaker 2 (01:33):
I think it's it's a great problem to have right
now in that, you know, regardless of what we think
is the next like best match or whatever, really all
of the matches are shaping up to be really really
good this year. It's a stacked card, and so I
think we have a little bit of awesomeness blindness because

if this card would have been three years ago at
a Mania, we would have been losing our minds because
the booking, you know, in that time period gave us
more random matches, less story, less build up. So while
I see, you know, as we're kind of approaching this topic,
I don't want to be like this is the next

focus and all the rest of this is garbage, because
that's not the case at all. Very very good card. Honestly,
I think there's a lot of buzz around Drew McIntyre
right now. I think we're, you know, we're reading some
things in the dirt sheets that that Seth may want
some time off, you know, behind the k fabe curtain. Uh,

that that maybe it's time for for Seth to spend
some time at home with his kid and and maybe
with his wife. I don't know if she's gonna take
any time off or not. But but there's a lot
of buzz around dreamc and Tyre and he is super
hot right now, and so, uh, for me, the the
low hanging fruit would be, hey, you've got you know,
Roman Reigns, you got Rock, got Cody. But but right

there in that tag match, I think you're you're setting
Seth and Drew up to be that next must see matchup.

Speaker 1 (03:10):
Well, and this is the point, what's the one that
I didn't mention the World title matched? All the focus
is really going, and justifiably to the Cody Roman Rock
Seth match, and then the Cody Roman match, so much
so that I forget that Seth is in a different match.
I know that Cody is, but I forget that Seth is.

I mean, you see Seth showing up, you know, last
night on a SmackDown, which we'll get to coming up
here in just a little bit. But I forgotten for
a minute that he had a match, that he had
a match with that entire How do you forget that?

Speaker 2 (03:44):
Well, I mean, in your defense, I think that the
Seth and Drew have not been given the most time, yeah,
to build the story. I think it's been some because
it's kind of been an absence of Seth. Seth is
really the only of anomaly in the situation because Drew's
been very front and center with multiple guys kind of

having multiple feuds at the same time with his heel turn.
But here's what I would say, and I'm gonna choose
to be optimistic. You know, Roman and Rock are probably
gonna disappear after Mania for a while, even though Roman's
been working part time for quite a while now. You're
probably gonna just even nothing else for it. From a
character standpoint, You're gonna have to reset. You're not gonna

you know, you're not gonna throw Roman right into a
feud with some random guy right after he drops you know,
the title longest reigning of modern era so you know,
Rock's probably I think we've heard that Rock's gonna film
a movie over the early summer, and so Roman and
Rock are gonna disappear. And I think what you're gonna
see happen is we're gonna kind of go back to
supersena type type champions where hey, Seth has been on

every week, Cody's gonna be on every week. And I
think that once all the waters settle from, you know,
all these big feuds and matchups, I think Seth is
actually going to be elevated or Drew or the title
or whatever you want to call it, just because there's
gonna be less of this part time vibe infringing on

the week to week. So even though it doesn't feel
like there's a lot of being given to Drew and
Seth going into it, I think that the world title
is going to be a huge focus coming out of Mania,
and even if Seth does take time off, there's going
to be that chase for rematches and things like that.

Speaker 1 (05:32):
Yeah, and I think that'll be a nice, nice refresh too.
And you know, we have it'd be interesting to see
the Universal or the undisputed Universal title on TV every week.
We haven't seen that in years. I haven't seen the
guy who holds that title on a consistent basis in
a long time. And we understand why we're talking about
the characters though, is like, it's interesting not not seeing

a character who holds a title beyond every week. That
will change. I think that if Code he wins it,
which we're all kind of seeing that, maybe that's the
direction they're going and probably jumping the gun a little
bit here, but that is that's kind of the direction
we see things going. It'll be interesting that every Monday
or every Friday, or every Monday and Friday we see
the undisputed champion on TV. I want to thank you

guys for being on with us. Whether you're watching on YouTube,
we're on x We're on Facebook, We're also on Instagram.
So if you're watching live right now, I want to
encourage you to chime in, leave a comment, let us
know what you think about what we've talked about so far,
what you would like to talk about as well. We'll
bring it up here on the show. We'll feature your
comment as well. Thank you guys for watching it and
being part of the show today, and also let us

know where you're watching and where you're a part of it.
Right now, chime in and let us know. We'd love
to connect with you in the chat there in fourteen
days where we will already be making the rounds in
Philadelphia for WrestleMania. If you're not subscribed to us on YouTube,
do that now too. Not only will you be able

to come along with this on every adventure that we
have in the city at Brotherly Love, but also you
get a little shot at this right here, get a
chance to choose between a world or undisputed title. Once
we hit ten thousand followers will draw one lucky sub
that gets to take their pick. So imagine that just
showing up on your doorstep one day, one of those.

Whichever one you want, Michael, which one would you choose?

Speaker 2 (07:23):
That's tough. So at one point I did own the
first run black WWE title, that one at the network logo,
the one on the bottom but with the black background. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
that one.

Speaker 1 (07:37):

Speaker 2 (07:38):
And I've got the old version of.

Speaker 3 (07:42):
The Big Gold Oh as tough as that is, I
would probably lean to the new Gold WWE title just
because man, it's sharp look, and that's probably where.

Speaker 2 (07:55):
I would go.

Speaker 1 (07:56):
If you're watching on YouTube right now, just make sure
you hit subscribe. That's literally all you have to do.
If you're joining us from another social platform this morning,
right now, jump over to YouTube after we're done here
and hit subscribe. There's nothing, there's no other hoops to
jump through. You don't have to. Okay, I'm subscribed. What
else do I have to do? If you subscribe, that's it. Literally,
that's it. Tell Okay, how about this? Tell a friend,

Tell them and have them sub too, because we won't
do the drawing until he hit ten thousands. So once
the quicker we get there the quicker, we'll know who
wins it.

Speaker 2 (08:23):
Now to that point, as easy as that is. If
you still want to email me your name, date of birth,
social Security number, your pet's name, and your mother's.

Speaker 1 (08:32):
Name name, I'm telling you that, don't do that. Fine
with that, don't please don't do that. Someone else's going
to be busy in Philly here in two weeks is
WWE's Community Impact correspondent. His name is Cody Field. He's
a multi gold medal winning athlete in the Special Olympics.
He is a giant WWE fan and his first time

being a correspondent, I'm excited for us to be Cody's
very first interview coming up here in just a little
bit Monday night, Michael, we got a response from Cody
Rhodes to The Rock, you know, him singing to Cody's
mom singing Mowana in her ear. He's kind of given
us a little preview of what that might sound like.

Something big that's been talked about this week is how
the rules seem to be relaxed for these two superstars.
The rules that I'm talking about are the rules that
things you say and things you don't say on network television,
both using language that we don't typically hear from wrestlers
in WWE. While language may be strong at times, we

don't often well get into cursing, you know, and both
of these guys have on w DOE television. However, with
these two, we've seen a lot of it over the
last couple of weeks. Cody the Red, White, and Blue,
smiling baby Face is calling The Rock an a hole
and explaining what LDS means to the rest of the
United States minus Utah. Before we jump into the actual promo,

do you think there's a time and a place for
this language? And I think my root question is is
it necessary for this feud Michael.

Speaker 2 (10:11):
That that's a tough thing to say. Here's why. Obviously,
you know, I've got young kids and they do watch
wrestling with me, and I do want to teach them about,
you know, using our words in a productive manner and
not saying you know, you know, coarse things or whatever.

But there also is the concept that you're dealing with
good guys and bad guys, and the bad guys do
bad things. And it's not a hard concept for a
kid to say, Hey, you know, I see the Rock
and I hear the things that he's saying, and they're
not nice things, but he's a bad guy, and so
the Rock doesn't bother me with anything that he's saying,

as much as I feel like Cody needs to be
a little bit more careful. Obviously, Cody can be a
role model for a lot of kids. Now, what I'm
not saying is this is the end of the world.
Purity across the world has been you know, destroyed, and
all that type of thing.

Speaker 1 (11:14):
That's not what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (11:15):
I did enjoy Cody leaning in a little bit, and
I think it was the appropriate matching of energy to
the Rock. A lot of it is Dwayne kind of
steering where things are going, and the rest of us
kind of just have to keep up and kind of
match that that level of energy. So I think it

was appropriate for what happened that particular you know news cycle,
but I do think we need to be careful with
it going forward, more Cody than than mister Hollywood Rock
right now.

Speaker 1 (11:48):
Sure, well, I know that you and I are on
different sides of the aisle on this, but I thought
Cody's response, not not talking about the language talking about
him responding to the Rock on Monday, I thought it
was I thought it was fine. I didn't think it
was a home run, though I mentioned on our three
and fifteen Instagram live that we did on Monday, which
we hope to do again this Monday. If you guys
are into it, we'll talk to you and give three

topics in fifteen minutes to talk about those before Monday
Night Go Monday Night Raw goes on the air. I
really wanted to see some aggressive passion from Cody. Rock
was talking about into Cody's mom. That's kind of crossing
the line in this match. But I didn't feel that,
you know, I'm ready to run through a brick wall
with this guy feeling after his response, after Cody's response

to the Rock, which is what I was hoping for.
But you loved it, right.

Speaker 2 (12:39):
I did, you know? Because again I'm zooming out and
taking into consideration that him getting all hyped up and
offended in this that whatever it goes against the well
composed Cody Roads that we've seen before, him being headstrong
and kind of freaking out because somebody talks smack about
his mom. You know. To me, the promo was don't

get angry, get even, And I think Cody did a
good job of bringing some intensity and poking at the
Rock while maintaining this professional composure that I've grown to
love out of him. I mean, even last night on SmackDown,

when when you know he's doing his entrance and the
smoke in the entryway and then the pyro goes off
and then the smoke clears and he's just standing there.
The way he poses in his suit and the look
that he has and the hand over the buttons of
his coat, he's just pro man. He just looks like

a million bucks. And what I don't want to see
is that just super awesome, like just sharp looking guy
on the hunt for a title to kind of be
un done by losing his composure over something so petty
as as a promo. Now, if Dwayne would have, you know,

in a making up a situation, would have gotten in
his mom's face or something physically related, that's different. But
just to throw some words out, I think Cody did
the right thing by just kind of using words to
settle this without really flying off the handle.

Speaker 1 (14:27):
If you're right, that's what I love about this wrestle Chat.
Let's talk about it. You can chime in too. We
want to share your thoughts with the world. Just comment
with your thoughts on Cody's response, what you would have
liked to see him do, if you thought it was perfect,
if you thought that that was the appropriate response. Let's
know your thoughts on this too. Just chime in on
the comments here. We'll share him speaking of Cody, but
a different one. Cody Field, WWE's Community Impact corresponded WrestleMania Weekend.

He's going to be here for his first interview in
this role with me and Michael when we get back
here on wrestle Chat Live in just two weeks.

Speaker 4 (15:12):
The eyes of the world is gonna be on Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
the site of the fortieth anniversary of one of the
greatest spectacles in all of entertainment, WrestleMania, at the center
of the action for WWE, It's what I believe the
hashtag we Want Cody was really all about. It's WWE's
WrestleMania forty Special Correspondent Cody Field. Cody, Welcome to wrestle

Chat today.

Speaker 1 (15:37):
My man, I'm a living dream touchdown maker. You have
to be Cody. This is gonna this is huge, your
WWE's honorary special correspondent for all the festivities coming up
at WrestleMania forty. Give me some insight to everything that
you're gonna be doing during WrestleMania Week.

Speaker 5 (15:55):
Well, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna interview some superstars.
And what I'll be doing is I got some really
good questions on my sleeve for this one. And I'm
telling you this from right here in my heart that
I want Cody Rhodes to finish that story. No hands
off the bat. I want him to finish that. And

what I'll be doing is is I'm gonna if Cody wins.
For example, I have a spack smacked up. Good question
from what's next?

Speaker 1 (16:28):
What's next? And what do you say?

Speaker 5 (16:32):
Go for it?

Speaker 1 (16:33):
What are you most looking forward to? Is it that?
Is it that Cody finishing the story?

Speaker 5 (16:38):
I want, well, not just Cody finishing the story. I
want Becky Lynch to whoop Ria's guts because only one
reason is because I remember Becky when at wrestled Maya
thirty five, like she pinned Ronda Rousei, like not just
clean affair. Y've got her shoulder up but the ref

didn't see it, which I believe Becky godder that time.
And it's payback on Rhea. M.

Speaker 2 (17:11):
Yeah, that's awesome. Now, now I've heard something, Cody. I
have heard that you do a little bit of snowboarding,
if I'm if I'm not mistaken. Uh Now, furthermore, I
have actually heard that you have gold medals in snowboarding.
Tell me a little bit about that and that part

of your life.

Speaker 5 (17:33):
I've got a few different gold medals. So the three
I got from World Winter Games in pyung Kang, South Korea,
twenty thirteen. The other ones, oh this is undertaker style
right here thirty four A State Games and oh losses
wow wow. And a silver from the Winter at Camps

in twenty two.

Speaker 2 (17:57):
That's incredible. That's incredible. Ye okay, but but here's here's
a really really important question. I'm gonna throw your way.

Speaker 5 (18:04):
Are you ready or ready?

Speaker 2 (18:06):
Okay? Naturally you're gonna want to add more gold to
that impressive resume. So if you had to pick between
grabbing either the World Heavyweight Championship off of Seth Rollins
or taking down the Tribal Chief himself for the WWE

Undisputed Championship, who are you gonna take down.

Speaker 5 (18:36):
Seth? It's gonna be all Seth for one reason. I
want to take Seth down for well, no, no, I take
it back. I'm going back to my question there. Sorry, Roman,
I don't want Seth. I don't want to lose. I
don't want to go against Seth. He'd be probably curbs
down my head through my next week. But Roman, I
could I could remmic his spear and put it like

in a cutting edge that one.

Speaker 2 (19:02):
Take him down with his own move.

Speaker 5 (19:04):
Wow, take down with his own Superman. I can do that.

Speaker 2 (19:09):
That's awesome.

Speaker 1 (19:10):
Spear versus spear, Superman punch versus Superman punch. I like this.

Speaker 5 (19:15):
How about this one? If I put one into a
Cody Cutter from and then into a Superman punch.

Speaker 2 (19:22):
You're finished, Roman, It's over.

Speaker 1 (19:24):
He's done. He's done. Like this, you've worked You've worked
with United Airlines for a couple of years. Now, how
fun has that been?

Speaker 5 (19:37):
I love United? Actually, so I want to shout this
out to Troy and Helene my my choice, my boss,
Helene's my mentor. Yes, those two they know how to
pull me on the spot me and the other athletes
on the spotlight because oh my gosh, So Chris went
was waiting for me. He was trying to wait for

me yesterday on my flight over here. I couldn't see
him because I had to get to the flight like
like running all the way there.

Speaker 1 (20:09):
But they get but they get a shout out here
on here on the podcast.

Speaker 5 (20:12):
Shout out, yeah, Chris McElroy, David Riley, and Hannah Freakin Atkinson.
Oh my gosh. Hannah's also my ski team too.

Speaker 1 (20:23):
Oh wow, that's awesome.

Speaker 5 (20:25):
You like you're the head coaches for my ski team.
My father Mark Field.

Speaker 1 (20:31):
Really okay, yeah, how how young were you when you
started skiing? Then?

Speaker 5 (20:38):
I started skiing at five, but I went to snowboarding
at fifteen.

Speaker 2 (20:43):
Okay, okay, that's a pretty big change. How was it
going from skiing to snowboarding? Was that? Was that a
difficult change for you?

Speaker 5 (20:52):
Nope, nope, it was like a thirty minute less It
was like a less than a thirty minute lesson. Actually,
because I was It took me thirty minutes at learn
it in Loveland at Colorado Mountains.

Speaker 1 (21:05):
Yeah, could I learn a little bit, just a little bit.

Speaker 2 (21:15):
I tried to go from snowboarding to skiing, and I
was laying down more than I was standing up. So
there's no way, no way that that I'm I'm gonna
be able to pull that.

Speaker 1 (21:26):
He has no gold medals, Cody, He has no I
have zero gold medals.

Speaker 5 (21:30):
Well, once a snowboarder, always a snowboarder. Once on the
light side, always on the dark.

Speaker 2 (21:38):
Side, Cody. It sounds like you've had a pretty busy day.
Sounds like you've you've made the rounds as a correspondent.
If I'm not mistaken, you met uh, somebody pretty cool today.
Am I to understand that you met Becky Lynch today
over FaceTime?

Speaker 5 (21:55):
Oh my god? Yes, So I asked my buddies here
or if I can actually, if I get Becky's book
and just bloody read the heck out of it because
Becky I told her one thing that I want to
see at Wressel mean, that's beat the heck out of
Rhea Ripley. Even though I met ri at the roll Rumble.

I respect her, but Becky I respect even more because
that man handles stuff or the disarmor, both of those
all combine taken to school. So my money is on Becky.

Speaker 1 (22:32):
Here's the deal. If you want her book. Listen, you're
a part of the press. Now, you get things like
that before they come out. You have a chance to
read stuff like that. That's part of the perks of
being in the media and in the press is that
you're supposed to get in an advanced release so you
can read and give critiques. Right, So you probably have
a good chance of getting hooked up with that. I
would think you've already answered some of these, but I

want to get some some finality on a couple of things.
When you do work on this side of the business,
you're supposed to be unbiased. You're supposed to have you know,
you know, not supposed to lean one way or the other.
You're supposed to just call the action in front of you,
right and report the news. But as you know, I
want you to put the correspondent thing aside, and I

want you to just be a fan just for a moment,
to give some finality to some matches. Okay, you you've
been emphatic, but I want I want to get some
I want to get some some finality here. Seth rollins.
Is he going to win against Drew McIntyre or is
Drew gonna take the title.

Speaker 5 (23:30):
I think it's true. Well it's I think it's true
because that claim or kick took out Seth. And when
I saw, when I saw, and I think it was raw,
so on raw. When when Seth was coming into aid
whoever jay us so when he aided him, Seth got

a claim or straight through the skull and he was out.
And one reason why I want Drew to win. He
is our cert he's our global ambassador for Special Olympics.
If he wins, I promised my my family, I get
the world title in a replica, I will.

Speaker 1 (24:13):
Some connection there for sure. Yes, you just hung out
with her a little bit on FaceTime today and you
said to her, so I'm guessing that your answer to
this is Becky, but we we, like I said, we
need to write it in stone Becky versus Rhea. Who
you got Becky?

Speaker 5 (24:28):
I'm gonna go win to Becky because she's a veteran
and number two Ria maybe on her game, but with
all the Judgment day around, it's probably gonna I think
either there's two different options I got, but Becky if
she fends off the judgment day, which which is perfect, Yeah, Becky's.

Speaker 1 (24:47):
Gonna win that, Okay, Becky Lynch, it is Becky's it,
Bailey and EO who you pick?

Speaker 5 (24:57):
Bailey? For sure, she's another pat She may have milk
damage control, but she made it. She can break it.

Speaker 2 (25:05):
Ooh, that's a good way to look at it. I
hadn't really I hadn't really thought about it like that before.
I was torn in this one as we've been talking
about it on the show, because obviously it's going to
be a great matchup regardless, but man, I wasn't sure
who I thought would would come out on top of
You've made a pretty compelling argument that Bailey's like, Bailey's

the builder of the whole thing, so maybe she's the
one that brings it all crumbling down.

Speaker 5 (25:32):
I like that yeah, I'm very surprised because she did.
She did do this on one of the shows on SmackDown.
She could understand what EO Osca and Kyrie were saying
as she learned a little Japanese, which is like, that's
totally on fire for me.

Speaker 1 (25:47):
Yeah, yeah, that's huge. You started off the conversation today
talking about it. We're going to kind of end this
part of it right now with with it chiseled in stone.
You're saying Cody's finishing the story at WrestleMania forty. You
know it.

Speaker 5 (26:05):
I want him to finish the story because then it's
a beginning for him, and it's not just gonna end
the story. It's just the beginning.

Speaker 2 (26:14):
That's right. That that's a great point. And and there
there have been people all over wrestling Twitter that are like,
you know, the title is the entirety of the story,
and once Cody has the title, then you know, Cody
doesn't have a story anymore. That's that's dumb, that's dumb.
We then we get to see Cody go through countless

amazing matches as our as our fighting champion. So I'm
right there with you. It's just the beginning of the story.
If Cody uh dethrones the tribal chief.

Speaker 5 (26:46):
He truly is a good site for good eyes.

Speaker 2 (26:50):
We're ready for Cody.

Speaker 1 (26:52):
You are the especial correspondent for WrestleMania forty. That means
you're going to be in the middle of the action
the entire weekend. So where can we watch you? Where
can we find you? Where can we see your interviews?
Do you know where there's going to be posted?

Speaker 5 (27:04):
Do you know Peacock will have us on wrestling?

Speaker 1 (27:06):

Speaker 5 (27:06):
I can figure that because I know this because I
watch a lot of the pay per views on Peacock.
And the best part is every wrestle Mania I've seen
was all on Peacock and everywhere else.

Speaker 1 (27:21):
But He's the thing.

Speaker 5 (27:21):
Here's the thing. I have watched all the Undertaker's matches,
all of them, and I'm like, how can you do
a tombstone and still have that streak? But I wrestled
Maana thirty when I saw that Taker went down with
a concussion, But you did. I owe him a streak

for one reason. I'm extending that streak with snowboarding.

Speaker 2 (27:49):
There you go, there you go. You know what? You
know what? I love? You're You're a newer correspondent. You're
you're diving in head first, but you're already like cutting
an amazing pro in favor of Peacock. Like you're you're
dropping like all the promo stuff for Peacock. I love that, man.
But I know that I know that we're gonna be

able to see you on WWE's YouTube, and I know
we're gonna be able to see a bunch of stuff
on social media from you. So I'm excited to see
a lot of your interviews and a lot of the
different stuff you've been doing. Man, So so cool to
be behind the scenes of all the WWE.

Speaker 5 (28:25):
Stuff and also find it on like WWN Special Olympics
is social media. That's another one I want to add
to that.

Speaker 1 (28:33):
Dude. That is great, Cody. Thanks for letting us be
the first interview before the weekend starts.

Speaker 5 (28:39):
And I appreciate you on YouTube. So I'm watching this
for Bloody Store.

Speaker 1 (28:47):
Cody, you are amazing. Thank you for being on with
us today, my friend.

Speaker 5 (28:51):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (29:00):
Fun times with Cody Field with such a fun time
with that dude. Man, It's gonna be fun to watch
him at WrestleMania. I mean, he's gonna be with all
the stars WWE's socials, so you can follow Cody. It's
gonna be a lot of fun watching him, and it's
really cool that we get to be his first interview.
I'm excited to meet Cody face to face in Philly
two and we want to take you along with us here.

In two weeks, you're going to be in the City
of Brotherly Love for WrestleMania. If you're not connected with
us on Instagram yet, please follow along at wrestle Chat podcast. Also,
if you haven't hit subscribe on YouTube yet, do that
now because everyone who subs is in the running for
one of those right there. That is the Undisputed title
or the World title. You take your pick an official

WWE replica. Once we hit ten thousand, we'll do a
random draw and the winner takes their pick of one
of those two titles. You said you would probably do
the Undisputed title. The more I've looked at the World title,
the or I've liked it, and you know it's both

of them are great, both of them. Whichever one you pick,
if you win, is gonna be awesome. I don't know,
I just I like to change up. But we have
a couple, you know here in the room that are
that are kind of like the the undisputed, same format,
that network logo, what have you I do like what
they've done with the world title. Uh, there's some different gold.
Many stars are going to be taken home this year

because the Slammy Awards are back for the first time
in a little while. They're all fan voted. So we've
got we've got best Entrants, We've got Return of the Year,
we've got rivalry, even NXT getting involved with the NXT
Superstar of the Year, Social Star, and so many more.
I believe they air on Sunday before Night two of

WrestleMania on Peacock. The Slammies are back, and there's there's
been no word of the you know, the Andre the
Giant Memorial Battle Royal. So if we have to choose,
I'm gonna choose Slammies. Are you in the same boat,
Oh for sure, for sure.

Speaker 2 (30:56):
Yeah, Slammy's being back is cool, and you know it's
gone through different versions and so being able to vote
and and and be a part of all that, it's
going to be super cool.

Speaker 1 (31:06):
So this week, yeah, like every week, I sit in here,
it's in this room part of my studio. My workspace
every day of the week, I'm working along and I
typically have, you know, at least part of it. The
Pat McAfee show in the background, and I was on
this week and I hear it. I think that I
hear my name. Let me play this for you. This

is what I heard.

Speaker 6 (31:28):
We were just talking about JJ and bron Braun having
a podcast.

Speaker 1 (31:32):
I love this.

Speaker 2 (31:32):
Did you know this was coming?

Speaker 1 (31:34):
The man they call ant Man.

Speaker 6 (31:35):
This dude's the guy for the future, almost seemingly the
next chosen one.

Speaker 1 (31:40):
Ant Man's the man like.

Speaker 7 (31:41):
Raw talent, you know, and what he bring, what he brings,
he has, the charisma, he has, he has the leadership skills.
He is a walking highlight. You can't you can't teach how,
you can't teach tenacity. That's what he brings.

Speaker 6 (31:57):
He's Doug for great to watch, love watching him. Lucky
to be here.

Speaker 8 (32:02):
Let's go an man, shout out hey, thank you an
man that stopped. Stop clapping, No, stop clapping. My first
thought was he's talking about Paul Rudd. He's talking about Paul.
I mean, that's just where my mind goes. Marvel's aunt Man.
Of course it is Paul Rudd. But no, he's not
talking about Paul Rudd. But he surely doesn't listen listen

to Wrestle Chad, does he? No, No, he doesn't. Pat
doesn't listen to the show that he was talking about.
NBA star Anthony Edwards, a twenty two year old phenom.

Speaker 1 (32:32):
That is just I mean, he's just fantastic. It's funny
because I actually I get several tweets of Anthony Edwards
every single day, and it's clearly by people who don't
ever look at the avatar. I'm not Anthony Edwards. If
you just look at it for a second and you go, yep,

that's that's not the guy that dunk.

Speaker 2 (32:55):
He didn't stop you from clipping that audio though didn't.

Speaker 1 (32:59):
No, he did not. It said it said my name.
I didn't say he was talking about me, but he
did say my name. It's clear that I'm not the
guy dunking on people. I mean, just again, just look
at the avatar. You'll clearly see that I am not
Anthony Edwards. But I will say it was it was
good to get a little SoundBite from Pat McAfee, even

if I had to edit it down and edit out
NBA comments and Anthony Edwards's name out of it. Nonetheless,
it was fun hearing that, and I text you I
think he just said ant Man. Well, I'm hearing it,
and your response was I hate you right now. You
never know, Pat, You never know if he.

Speaker 2 (33:41):
Is so plugged in.

Speaker 1 (33:43):
That's true.

Speaker 2 (33:45):
There was a legitimate possibility that he randomly saw our
show and just thought you were great, because I mean,
I think you're great. So why wouldn't Pat mcka if
you think you're great, I mean, listen, is.

Speaker 1 (33:58):
There a chance? Sure? Is there a good chance? No,
not a good chance at all. Friday's Pat McAfee show
was on location in Iowa as Caitlin Clark is winding
down her college basketball career. Just a beast. She's just amazing,
and it was cool that they took the entire show there.
Pat took the show on the road and the tribal

chief stopped by to chat with him a little bit.
I didn't hear Roman say anything about the ant Man,
so he must have not been listening to the show.
Roman talked about Hey, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Roman
talked about the Rock, he talked about Cody, he talked
about the Wise Man. He even talked about see Him
Punk and Michael Cole see where those go. But a

fun story about Paul Hayman. I thought that was on
that show that involved Pat. Was Pat divulging that Paul
was actually the one that came up with Pat's promo
on Austin Theory back when Pat was supposed to go
out into the ring and apologize to Theory and Paul
could see that Matt was spinning his wheels thinking of
what he should say or what he should do, and
Paul simply just kind of sauntered over and said, you're

supposed to go say you're sorry the Theory Passli, Yes, sir,
he goes, You're sorry that he's such a deadbeat, right,
You're sorry that he's such an awful wrestler. Pat told Paul,
you know what, I'm going on the show on Monday
and telling the world that promo was all you, And
Paul's like, no, no, no, no no, maybe down the
road sometime, but not right now. What a brilliant and

giving mind. Paul Hayman is so stoked that Paul is
going into the Hall of Fame. What'd you think when
you heard that? Michael?

Speaker 2 (35:35):
Uh, you know, Paul is just awesome, and Pat McAfee
is just awesome. And when you put him together exactly,
it just creates this beautiful, multi layer cake of awesome
with a beautiful cream cheese topping on the front of it.
It's really just great and you can't go wrong. Pat

McAfee is just a gift from God and Paul Haymon
is a legend. Just let it ride, man, just let
it ride.

Speaker 1 (36:10):
Just for a second. I want to double down because
I saw this comment, just because out of the mouths
of babes, I don't think that was a babe. I
think that wasn't all. How are you feeling about Roman's
time on the Pat McAfee show, comment and let us
know if you had a chance to watch that. He

had a lot of things to say, had some words
for see them punk use some language as well. That
was interesting. It is Pat McAfee though, and they even
have a disclaimer at the top of every single hour
that there are some curse words and if you're young,
that you should probably get permission from your parents. So
we can all kind of expected to come from from

many people, including the guests, So we got a little
bit of that from him. It was cool. That he
even talked about. He mentioned the Rock in a not
an un flattering way, but he did say, you know, listen,
I didn't go to Hollywood. Hollywood came to me. Hollywood
came good, old good. And it's funny. The majority that
he has been been drug a little bit for some
comments more recently and maybe even a couple that he's

made on on Pat mcafeel on Friday, but the majority
of the time we only get little doses of Roman Reigns,
and what we do we get the concentrated verbage of
Roman Reigns that is strong and to the point which
I'm loving Michael. How about you?

Speaker 2 (37:28):
Uh, you know when Roman Reigns shows up just to
add water because she's ready to go, He's concentrated and
and you know, expanding on that comment that he made
a little bit, you know, saying that you know, Rock
went off to Hollywood, and when I think, oh, stop
at you. But but you know, when Rock saw what

was going on, Rock wanted to come back, and Cody
went off and was doing whatever he was doing, and
when he saw what was going on on the WWE,
he wanted to come back. And Romans, just like I
didn't have to leave. I'm the reason they wanted to
come back. Man.

Speaker 1 (38:06):
Pretty good.

Speaker 2 (38:07):
That is being in tune with not only who you are,
your place in the company. Just a great heel line too. Man,
He's just Roman's just great. And to think we hated
that guy in twenty fifteen, you know, Vince new Vince
he did.

Speaker 1 (38:24):
And let's get into last night. I mean we had
we we actually did for the most part, have both
men live up to their word and it just be
Roman Reigns and Cody Roads, which we haven't had a
lot of and we even brought this up last week,
is that you know, Rock, Remember the match is not
with you, The match is with Roman. And we finally

got Roman and Cody together in the ring to talk
to each other overall thoughts on what they had to say,
because it wasn't especially strong in verbiage, but it was
strong in nature that it is just going to be.
It's going to be us two in that fight at Russell, Mary,
what do you think of mine?

Speaker 2 (39:01):
I think this was to your point that that you
made where where people have been saying, like, hey, what's
what's with Rock in the middle of all this? I
think this week was that subtle you know people say
when you when you drive a boat or a big ship,
it's not about making a turn, it's about adjusting that
one click and and letting it and go on. So
I think I think this week was that one click

to say, Okay, let's get Cody and Roman back in
the ring together. And I will bet that over the
next couple shows leading into WrestleMania, we're going to see
the heat slowly but consistently turned up on that. I
love kind of the the you know, the Romans cronies
being in the crowd and kind of coming out, Oh

but wait, you.

Speaker 1 (39:47):
Know, uh, here's my family too.

Speaker 2 (39:50):
Here's here's my family too. You know, the face guy
knew what was going to happen and was prepared for it.
Guys were not on top of him. They were way
out in the crowd. But it was an insurance policy
from a very very smart potential champion. Thought it came
off great. I think it was a great segment. Was
it low impact to your point, Yes, but I think
that's okay because we got a little bit of time

to build that over the next couple shows.

Speaker 1 (40:15):
Agreed, we have two more weeks before WrestleMania, and I
did like that. There wasn't there was no action and
there it wasn't especially you know there it wasn't talking
about each other's mamas, you know, like The Rock likes
to do. And we also, do you notice we didn't
get a twenty minute real promo from The Rock this
week either. If he's not on the backdown, he's not
doing reels unless he's talking about skincare right now, which

how is that going to get worked into a storyline?
It has to at some point, right hey, Rock, bag's
under your eyes looking a little I don't know. The
I did think was interesting if you follow any any
of the rest of Cody's family on social talked about
strong language. There was There was one reel of Dustin
because he he is just down the street from from

where I am, not far. Dustin has the Roads Academy
Wrestling School, and he was holding up the tag titles
and he was showing him he goes pulling close here
and all he says was F the Rock and that
was the whole rule that would say F That was

it though. That was the only thing that he said,
and that was the end of the promo. And then
on Friday, it was a picture of you know, probably
from back in ae W with Cody and Dustin in
one slide and then the other one Dustin holding Cody when
when Cody was born and it just said I love
my brother man. What would it look like if the

walls came down and we had an opportunity to have
Dustin show up at WrestleMania forty because we know it's
not going to be clean. What no matter what the
rules are, night number two and no matter what happens
on night number one, Night number two is not going
to be clean. There is no way that Roman or
the Rock either one are they're gonna go that Roman

is gonna go out there and fight that fight himself.
While I love both, you know, Jay and and and
seth Rawlins, they're not family like the family of Roman is.
But Dustin is family. And if family shows up, I
mean you even see it on Roman's new shirt. Family

above all, what happens if.

Speaker 2 (42:27):
Dustin shows up at WrestleMania forty Michael, I think I
think there's two sides of it. I think there's the
the within wrestling story part of it, and then I
think there's the reality moment of it. I think within
wrestling makes a lot of sense for Dustin to come

to his aid. But you know, if Cody in reality,
if Cody is booked to win, this is and I mean,
I don't I don't get like super sentimental or we
don't really get emotional on the rust Chat podcast. But
it's a big deal. You're talking about Dusty Rhodes, the

American Dream worked for so long and was such an
integral part of wrestling, not only in territory days in
the NWA and a lot that he did there, but
look at his contributions to NXT and a lot of
these people that are in front of us week in
and week out. For the Rhodes family to be acknowledged,

no pun intended by Cody having a having the world title,
not just because of the family element, but also what
he's been through. He didn't feel like he was taken seriously,
he was pigeonholed into the Stardusk character to leave to
make a name for himself, to come back in such

this monumental and respectable way, it's a huge moment, and
for Dustin to be present in that within the story,
but also in reality, is a huge moment for their
for their family, and for uh, you know, in honor
of their father. So I hope that whatever, as you

put at, walls are built up between camps right now,
that we can build a door in the wall for
that moment to happen, because I think it could be
very meaningful, not only for the people involved, but it
could be extremely meaningful for.

Speaker 1 (44:38):
Us to watch and be a part of. I think
that has to be an excused absence, I would think. So.
I think it has to be an excused absence. He's
got to get a note and uh and just just
not be on aew that day. I think it has
to happen. I think it could be really cool. Man.
Thank you guys so much for hanging out this today.

Love for you to chime in even after this is over.
If you're listening to this later on the free iHeartRadio
app or anywhere you love to listen to podcasts, thank
you so much. Love it. If you gave us a
he us five stars a little review and hit subscribe there,
appreciate it. And also don't forget to subscribe on our
YouTube a chance for you to win either a world

title or a undisputed title. Once we hit ten thousand,
we'll do a drawing from everybody that is subbed, and
that could be you as long as you've subscribed to
our YouTube. So appreciate you doing that and can't wait.
We're two weeks away from WrestleMania. We'll be there in
Philly and we'd love to take you along with it,
so make sure you hang out with us, all right.
That is going to do it for us today. For

Michael Glavin, I'm the ant Man. We'll see you next
time here on the wrestle Chat podcast
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