Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You know, funny, we're just taught here talking before we
started about the differences in the summer weather and our
different parts of the world. Welcome back to the wrestle
Chat podcast. I hope your summer is going well and
nothing is stuck to your dash at the moment like
it is on Michaels. I don't know we need to
get into that yet, but it's funny what summer does
to not only you, but to your vehicles. To you know,
if you don't get out in the morning, you might
as well see as much sunshine as you do in
the winter, and it'd be gray and cloudy, because if
you don't go out in the morning, you're not going
out at two o'clock in the afternoon, that's for sure. Michael,
welcome back. Good to see you, my man.
Speaker 2 (00:39):
It's good to be here. It's a lot a lot
to cover today. I've been on pins and needles, like
we haven't talked much over the last few days since
the Summer Slam pay per view, a few little comments
here and there, but man, I'm so stoked to dive
into all kinds of things that we need to cover.
So man, been looking forward to this for days now.
Speaker 1 (01:02):
Let's do this. Let's start off with a grade for
Summer Slam. Summer Slam my, I mean it's my one B.
If if WrestleMania is one A, SummerSlam is my one B.
Every single year, I've always loved this U P L E.
Excited to uh. I always just like the time of
the year as well, but it always seems to perform
much like WrestleMania, and man, this year no exception. This
year might even be more like WrestleMania was in in
the surprises, in the in the turns, and the new
champions that were crowned. It feels like a whole new
set of storylines came out of this plague. Grade A
through F. What do you think for for Summer Slam?
Speaker 2 (01:40):
Ooh, that's that's tough. I think what I'm gonna do
is give it an A minus. I don't think it
being in B territory is doing justice the way it should.
So there there were just a few, a few little
things that I'm I'm not complaining. I want to be
very clear, I'm not complaining. But if i'm you know,
fantasy booking, what I would have done while it was close.
There's just a few little things I might have done
a little different. So a minus for Summer Slam this
year for me.
Speaker 1 (02:18):
You know, I'm not sure that I really have anything
that I would I would critique and go, oh man,
I really wish something would have gone a different way.
I didn't think some of the stuff we talked about.
I can't think of one thing a couple of matches
that maybe no, I mean not necessarily not. I mean
off the top of my head.
Speaker 2 (02:35):
Right now, we'll get there and you're and you're we're
gonna harken back to this moment and in a few
minutes and then we'll go from there.
Speaker 1 (02:43):
But there's always room for improvement and I know that,
and so I would mine is a solid be just
a solid bee for Summer Slam. Let's start with a
new world champ. Gunther. Gunther, he walked and listen, this
might be controversial. I'm not really the controversy guy. It's
just kind of speak my opinion and you can like
it or don't or whatever. But I thought when he
walked out on Monday, it looked like the guy had
been the champion for the last year.
Speaker 2 (03:10):
Speaker 1 (03:12):
And to be honest, he felt to me more like
a champion than Damian Priest ever did, and so I
really like seeing him especially. I mean you've mentioned this
with Cody Rhodes, how he always walks out in that suit,
has that belt, looks like the champ before he had
the belt. Felt that way about Gunther. I'm seeing Gunther
walk out there with the new version of a big
gold sitting on his shoulders, like, oh yeah, that's where
that belongs. That dude is so money every single time
he comes out. And to see him as the champ.
I didn't know that it was going to happen at
this one. I mean, if we made some predictions last
week and it's like it could really go either way.
To see that it actually did happen for him this quickly,
and to look at the reins that he's had, you know,
when he was the European Champion, longest ringing European Champion,
longest ragning intercontinental champion. I mean, it's not going to
be super hard to become the longest reigning world champion,
at least this version of the world champion. I'm not
sure what the number of days I'm getting a light
show evidently. I'm not sure what the number of days
are for the World Champion as the lineage, but I
probably see that he could challenge. Yet, how you feeling
about Gunther Man? I know you like this dude.
Speaker 2 (04:21):
Yeah, I do really like him. Here's where a little
bit of the anus comes in. The booking decision was correct.
Him winning was the right call. I don't dis like
Damian Priest do. I feel like it was premature and
he was kind of just getting into his own on
being a champion. Yes, that doesn't mean the title can't
change hands. I feel like Gunther just got there too quickly,
and then to not win in a clean finish really
bugged me too. And I know that we're protecting Damien.
He's a very prominent character on TV right now. I
know why. I'm not an idiot, but I feel like
Gunther getting it with the way it all unfolded, just
cheapened it just a little bit. I know he's working heel.
That's fine. So destination two thumbs up. The journey to
get there, I thought it was a little lackluster, only
for Gunther himself in that the way that I view
him as a champion. I don't think he needed to
overcome odds, but to be perfectly honest with you. I
would have rather had the brock Lesnar Kofi Kingston match
where it's over in fifteen seconds, and I feel like
that would have just catapulted him and given him that.
But this back and forth with interference passing out the whole,
it cheapened it for me, for Gunther, and so I'm
still happy with it. I'm super stoked for him as
a champion. I just wanted to get there just a
little different.
Speaker 1 (06:03):
See. You know what's funny is that that's what I
actually liked about him winning. That's fine because we haven't
talked about this because I mean, obviously we we we
saw it, which we'll get to here in a little
bit with with how the judgment Day one point zero
falling apart in essence leading up to it, but we
I mean, you saw things happening, You saw something was
going to go down. Was it going to be here?
We didn't really know it a.
Speaker 2 (06:28):
Year ago when they started teasing it.
Speaker 1 (06:31):
Yeah, No, that's what it feels like. It really has
been like a year ago. But what I did like,
if it was going if there was going to be
that was going to be part of the scenario of
Damien losing. I'm glad it wasn't a straight up turn
as in like smashing him over the head with you know,
with a chair, because then that would be oh, that's why,
that's why Gunther won.
Speaker 2 (06:55):
Speaker 1 (06:55):
And distraction, Yes, I get that him putting Gunther's leg
over the him being uh Finn Balor uh putting Gunther's
leg over the rope. That seemed a little weird after
after Gunther just kicked him in the head, which was
so you go kick him in the head and he
saves you.
Speaker 2 (07:13):
That seems Damien rolled him toward the rope, but we
won't he did.
Speaker 1 (07:17):
Won't he did do that. But the fact that if
you there was no you know, physical interference on Damian
by Finn Balor, he didn't actually touch him. And then
to have actually Gunther uh choke him out basically, you know,
make him pass out was I felt it made Gunther
look strong, in in in the uh in the victory there,
so I liked it. We have different opinions on now.
Speaker 2 (07:42):
Here's the here one last thing that I'll say super quick.
If I was triple H paulk and I had to
book this match, I would probably lose sleep for weeks.
Leading up to it. But but no, I want to
give props because this is the problem you want to have,
is two guys who can legitimately be champions and then
having to work the equation of how to make it
work without just completely burying one guy or the other. So,
even though I personally wished it would have been a
little different, the difficulty of this booking is not lost
on me. So it's probably as good as you could
do with two guys that are just on fire right now.
Speaker 1 (08:28):
Now Nia jacks being the WWE Women's Champion, is that
a problem you'd like to have.
Speaker 2 (08:35):
You remember a second ago when you said that you
thought overall the show was pretty good and you probably
wouldn't change anything. Let's talk about it.
Speaker 1 (08:46):
But I don't house you booked that match. I mean,
you're saying that it was booked in the first place.
Maybe what do you mean that she was in the
match with Bailey, that Nia Jackson was there in the
match with Bailey. Maybe let's go back to King and
Queen of the Ring. You don't think that Nya should
have won Queen of the Ring, not at all. I
see that, you know, listen, not I say that I'm
not a controversial guy. And then here I'm going to
say a couple of things. I was you mentioned last
week on the show. You're like, I don't know that
fans were clamoring to have Naya Jacks back. It didn't
really matter if the fans did. I think there was
one person and he's on the board of directors, cousin
maybe listen.
Speaker 2 (09:31):
One of ninety seven.
Speaker 1 (09:32):
Yeah, no, kidding. The uh so you're just gonna focus
in on this one is that No, we're getting them
all just over time. But I, personally, I mean we've
mentioned this too. Personally, have a problem with Naya. I
just always sat on the edge of my seat with
a grimace when she wrestles because and it's not even
from Becky, it's not even from the incident with Becky.
It's just in general. I'm like, oh, and maybe that's
a good thing. Maybe that's what they want. They want
you to always feel like, oh is that kind of
how I felt throughout the La Night Logan pall match too,
But always on the edge of like, Okay, either someone's
gonna get seriously hurt or die in this match, and
I'm not it could be heard. It just feels like
something is always right within an inch of something bad happening.
So now to have her as the Women's World Champion
or the WWE Women's Champion, where do you go from here?
With Naya here?
Speaker 2 (10:32):
Here's what I will say. Her showing on Saturday night
was better than we've seen in a long time. I
still did what you mentioned, which is kind of like
Grimace the whole time, but it wasn't as much. It
felt a little more well rounded from a character standpoint.
My issue with her is, and this was a similar
problem with Sasha Banks Mercedes Monette very early in her
time too, more so in NXT, and the first like
five minutes on the main roster is it feels just
such like a high school bully person character. And I
don't feel like she's come into her own in some
way or another. And and and maybe it'll get there
with time. I do think Bailey fizzled a little bit.
I love Bailey, I love what she does. She's just fantastic,
But she seems to be destined for the Dolph Ziggler
treatment that because she's she can be anything at any
point in time. She's the company girl. She's gonna do anything.
Let me back up company woman. Let me show a
little bit more respect than that. She's a company woman
and will do anything that anybody asked her to. That's great,
but she did fizzle a little bit as champion. It
just it wasn't a strong pairing storyline wise, And I
would say that is the biggest detractor of my grade
for me was okay, n I went over. That's fine.
I can take it or leave it. It's fine. Even
the match wasn't like super great. I mean, it was
cool to see Bailey get sad on three times. That
was kind of a cool finish, but but it was
just lackluster for me. And and again, if on random
happenstance that Bailey or Naya Jacks is watching this episode
of Russell chap podcast, they everything. I love you both.
I think you're great. I'm I'm happy you're there, But
it just it this one just didn't hit for me.
Speaker 1 (12:36):
Has there in your in your mind? Has there been
as much interest in Bailey since turning away from Smiley
ponytailby Bailey?
Speaker 2 (12:48):
I think she had great character work as a part
of damage control, but it was overshadowed by damage control
and kind of the she had to eat a lot
of crow for people that were around her, but her
heel character was actually really good in my opinion.
Speaker 1 (13:05):
I also think that a lot of her work was
really good because of who she was working with. Yeah,
she did really well. I mean her and Sasha were
second to nine oh yeah, yeah. And there's no Sasha Bailey.
You know, there hasn't been another Sasha for Bailey.
Speaker 2 (13:18):
I don't think we've to your point, and to zoom
out a little bit, I don't think we've really had
those NXT caliber matches of the WWE four horse women
like on the main roster, like we saw in NXT.
You know, I remember NXT Takeover. Was it Brooklyn? Maybe
that was Sasha and Bailey. I think that was the
night that Bailey won the NXT title for the first time.
But I mean that was nothing short of a clinic
and and we've not really seen much of that kind
of caliber matches in the women's division on the main roster.
Do I think it's coming, Yes, I mean the people,
the people that are coming up are just they're going
to bring it. But I think there there is a
little bit of the changing of the guard that's happening
where we're going to see more of those main event
caliber matches in this.
Speaker 1 (14:12):
With Nia Jack's being the champ, I'm anxious to see
what happens between her and Tiffany Stratton. That'll be fun
to watch over the next several months. New Intercontinental Champion
bron breaker that I'll say this on Monday night, when
I saw it over his shoulder, he's talking about it
and he said it. It made me look at the
title again and he said Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion. And I
don't remember heavyweight ever actually really being used as the
Intercontinental Champion in there in that vernacular. And I looked
and it says heavyweight on the title. Ye has that
always been there?
Speaker 2 (14:51):
I don't think if you go back to the Oval
Championship if but on this one, on this one, I
believe it's always been there.
Speaker 1 (14:58):
Yet it's always been heavyweight. We just don't say it.
Speaker 2 (15:01):
Yeah, we just don't say it. But the cred that
it adds I.
Speaker 1 (15:05):
Think so too. Yeah, Yeah, I like that, and I didn't.
I was like, well, why don't we say so? Does
this insinuate that either the US title or something else
is gonna come that's not a heavyweight? I don't know
that may have been thinking too much about it, But
I did think that that was interesting that I hadn't
noticed before he said it, and I saw it on
the title. Yeah, And I don't know if anybody else
that's watching or listening right now did that too. But
who's taking the icy title of a broad breaker.
Speaker 2 (15:33):
It's gonna be a while long, I think. I think
I think they'll let Gunther stand there. I don't think
they'll let anybody pass that up. You still have two
years for that to yeah, And I mean I know
that russell Mania fell the way that it did, but
six hundred and sixty six days is champion is a
little unfortunate.
Speaker 1 (15:52):
A little weird. Have that on the record, Yeah, I mean,
can we let Broun go six sixty seven at least?
But so we're not talking about, you know, Gunther being
the Antichrist or anything exactly.
Speaker 2 (16:03):
But no, I think Bron will have it for a minute.
He's a nice young guy. He's able to defend it
a lot. And I if you don't mind that I
dive into it. I am so happy with the way
that they played this booking between him and Sammy. I
said this last week. I love the fact that he
did not go over the first time. I feel like
in previous regimes it would have been like that Braun
Kid's great, let's put him over to the moon.
Speaker 1 (16:32):
Speaker 2 (16:34):
It was a story and braun Faced the veteran, came
up short, learned what he needed to learn from Sammy, adapted,
and overcame and now he's the new Intercontinental heavyweight champion
and man so happy for him. But on that it
seemed like we got like ninety to thin face turn
out of him on that post show because he cut
a promo like thanking Sammy's ain and giving him flowers
and all this type of stuff, and I'm like, whoa bro,
you were like trying to murder people backstage about ten
minutes ago. So it looks like we're getting a face
bron Breaker for a while.
Speaker 1 (17:20):
I missed that part. I didn't see that backstage. Is
that post show on from SummerSlam?
Speaker 2 (17:26):
Speaker 1 (17:27):
Okay, yeah, interesting. Excited about this one. This is a
long time coming. You talk about the icy title going
on bron Breaker being being you know you know, or
our Guntha, the world title going quickly on Gunther. This
one played out for a long, long, long long time.
I thought maybe at least six months, six months ago
this would have happened. And no, I guess I heard
today on Logan Paul's podcast that he is the longest
raining ust title holder. I believe so, and now it
belongs to La Knight. Yeah, congratulations to La Knight. This
is a huge win, a lot of support, and it's
one of those ground swells that we don't often get
that last as long as they as long as this
one has, and it doesn't really happen that often anymore.
It's and mainly because a lot of times those ground
swells are like, oh, ground swell, let's give it to
that guy. Oh, groundswell, let's give it to that guy,
and they didn't. They kept teasing us with the money
in the bank, you know it's gonna be him. He's
up there, he's taking it off. Now he gets pushed
off and somebody else wins. And it just seemed like
time after time he was getting screwed out of actually
taking home a title. And to have La Knight, after
all the years that he's worked in this business to
finally take home the US title, his first title in
the big leads at WWE, Congratulations to him. That's huge
and it was a Naya Jack's match. It had me going,
oh my god, I think they're both dead. I think
Logan Paul's dead. Oh, I think he just blew out
his knee that he on his podcast. He had Undertaker
on this week, and it was they shot it the
day added did you watch it?
Speaker 2 (19:07):
I haven't seen it yet. It's on my It's on
my queue, though I had a few others to catch
up on.
Speaker 1 (19:11):
First, it's the day after he had only Uh, Logan
had only had four hours of sleep talking to Undertaker,
and Undertaker goes, wait, I got a plane, so it
had to be here at ten am. Sorry, but he said, uh.
He was talking about his flip off the top rope,
and he said he trained for that and he only
wanted to do it once. He'll never do that move again.
And there's also we'll have to go back and look
for it. He says that the ref secretly quietly goes
over and puts the rope in his armpit and walks
down it to wipe it off to make sure that
it was clean, had no oil, had no water on
it before he did that move, which I thought, Oh,
I've got to go back just to see when that happened.
He said, you can see it if you watch closely.
Speaker 2 (19:51):
I'll tell you what I don't. I mean, keep in mind,
I'm only talking about my personal experience here. I'm not
talking to It's not a fact from history. I'm just
saying I have never seen a move like that before,
to jump on the rope, turn around and do a
flip like that. And then you're talking about a guy
who's only been pro wrestling for a year and a
half or something like that. It's just low. I hated
that guy two years ago. I referenced it before. If
you go back to the beginning of this podcast or
whatever it was, you know, Logan Paul's a hard guy
to like, but man, he just and and and to
hear Triple H talk about him. You know, he said
it in the press conference. After Logan has made up
his mind that he wants to do this, he's put
everything else on hold. He's not boxing, he's not doing
any other athletic anything because he wants to be a
WWE superstar and he wants to take it seriously. And man,
he just he just deserves so much respect and credit.
But to that point, l A. Knight finally got a title,
echoing what I said last week. US title wasn't my
first choice, but I understand with all the storylines in play,
you know, I'm gonna take what I can get. But
it was a great match for both guys. Both guys
went over in my opinion, just absolutely fantastic. Something else
that La Knight said in the press conference, I'm gonna
paraphrase add in a little bit what I heard, not
necessarily what he said, but La Knight talked for a
minute about how, yeah, people wanted this a long time ago.
You know a lot of people think that maybe things
have fizzled down or something like that, and he said,
that's only a problem if you don't realize that I'm
not going anywhere. And he just said, there's plenty of time.
This is just the start. I've been patient so far,
and I'm gonna continue to be patient. And just massive
respect for that guy, and he's he's gonna be a
working champion and I'm.
Speaker 1 (21:56):
Excited for it. Good stuff. A lot of buzz was
it going to happen, and we had to wait all
the way to the very end of a really rushed
stipulation in the in the World title match, the return
of Roman Reigns. I said, world title, WWE title.
Speaker 2 (22:16):
They're all world titles.
Speaker 1 (22:18):
Of course, Roman Reigns is out back and O T
C written across his shirt. That'd be the original Tribal
Chief decided to come back home and retake his position
or just knock that guy off and go back and
sit on the couch. Kim, I don't know. I guess
he is going to be on SmackDown coming up on Friday.
Can't wait to hear what he has to say. Are
they going to put at the beginning? Are they going
to make us wait until you know the last ten
minutes of the show. He walks out and says three words,
because that's all the time he has for Which one
are we getting?
Speaker 2 (22:47):
I think it'll close. If it was raw, it would
be the beginning. Since it's Smacked Down and it's only
a two hour show, it'll be at the end.
Speaker 1 (22:55):
Yeah, eight fifty five, that's when you need to tune
in so you can catch it. And will Paul Hayman
be with him? That's what I'm wondering. He didn't come
out at SummerSlam, but it was pretty cool to see
the pop, the grin that he gave that he gave
Cody Rhodes there at the end as well, kind of
interesting or the little smirk. I don't know if it's
a grin, whatever it was, but that was it. But
definitely going after Solo Soca, anticipating this be a build
for Survivor series. I would guess you, I would.
Speaker 2 (23:26):
Think so before I hit that. I texted this to
you the other day, and I really do mean it,
and I want to say it, you know, in front
of everybody else that's watching. I wish I could go
back to twenty fifteen after the Rock holds up Roman's
hand at the Royal Rumble and just say, hey man,
I'm sorry. I I mean, when you're as deep in
this as you and I are, it doesn't always translate.
Stuff doesn't always translate to make us pop, okay, like
oh that's cool, you know, no, no, no, no, no, We're
just we're in it all the time. The magnitude of
Roman reigns it, I mean, I assumed it was coming.
I knew it was coming. I was prepared for it,
and the moment that music hit, I was on my feet,
hands on my head, just in awe of the aura
that is Roman Reigns and even his character work in
the way he walked to the ring. He wasn't mad,
he wasn't rushing, he wasn't anything except Roman reins. I'm
gonna walk to the ring. I'm gonna handle my business.
There is no question that my business is gonna be handled.
And then I'm gonna turn around and walk back out.
And I was that entire moment. I was in complete
awe of Roman Reigns. I am so glad he's back.
I missed him. And and to be honest, I recognize
this prior to WrestleMania too. I loved what he was doing.
We talked endlessly about the bloodline work and things like that.
But I'm just glad he's back. But we have interesting
things on the horizon because it could go about seventeen
different directions, you know, and and you know, wwe said it,
Busted Open said it, A lot of a lot of
people have said it. You know, is he coming for Cody,
is he coming for Solo? Is he gonna rebuild og bloodline?
Is he gonna absorb new bloodline? So many things that
could happen, But Survivor Series does seem like the plausible
place to make something happen.
Speaker 1 (25:50):
It'd be interesting to see that's coming up in in November.
It's always the Thanksgiving tradition Survivor series and ironically not
happening in America this year, happening up in Canada, which
is gonna be a little interesting for the folks you
know traveling up there. I mean, talent wise, hang out
here with your family, eat some turkey early maybe, and
then go up for the pl e before we jump
into a Monday night raw on some things there. On
Monday was the release of Damian Priest. Even though he
lost his title, he still got him a brand new documentary.
Have you watched this yet?
Speaker 2 (26:28):
I have really good, Really, I've had time to. WWE
just has specifically their WWE twenty four documentaries. It started
a few years ago. They just have those dialed in
man and you and I are production in video guys.
On top of being wrestling fans and watching a WWE
twenty four documentary is a full encompassing experience for me.
Not only is it just visually beautiful production wise, but
telling Damian Priest's story, h I mean, people people just
don't realize how he's not old, but how old he
is comparatively to wrestling. You know, you wouldn't think he
would be this successful so late in his career, but
he is. But but just that he is, it's very
clear that he is a very genuine individual and he's
thankful for for where he's at. I think it's very
common for us to see wrestlers that buy into their
own hype and things like that, where you can just tell, hey,
you're you're kind of a kind of a jerk. You know,
Damian Priest is a real one. And and you know,
I'm not going to say anything else other than that,
I would encourage you guys, anybody that's watching UH to
go check it out, really really good, worth the time,
and and just left left a good feeling in me
when it was all said and done.
Speaker 1 (27:57):
A couple of big things from Monday One. It appears
that we have they haven't given themselves a name or
said anything really yet but about who they are. But
I'm guessing it's a judgment Day two point zero. No
longer a Damien Priest and no longer Rhea Ripley. Why
she wouldn't be in it, I guess would well, I
guess it would make sense if if Damien's gonna be
a part of it. She would not be, And so
I could see that what's gonna happen with her and
Damian Priest? Are they gonna team up and just start
a new one? Are they gonna go out and just
be friends and live their own lives as we see
on TV? My guess would be the latter, But anxious
to see what happens here with this new faction. And
I still think the odd ben out on this whole
thing is not JD. It's Cartilito. I was Carlito part
of Judgment Day.
Speaker 2 (28:52):
Yeah, I don't know. I'm completely indifferent about it right now.
I don't want to fall into the trap of like, oh,
Judgment Day two point oh sucks, Like I don't want
to fall into that trap. Am I a little concerned? Yeah, Carlo,
you know odd, it's a little odd, But you know,
I've been so happy with everything we've seen, you know,
over the last year or so. I don't want to
fall into that trap where I'm just being like a
grumbling pro wrestling fan, and so I'm gonna give it
some time see where it goes. I would say I'm
less concerned about Judgment Day two point zero and whatever
they do. More so to your point of what are
Damien and Rhea doing, because I really don't want Ria
to disappear into the women's division again and just kind
of be a solo competitor. She's really good on the mic.
Having her present on screen as much as she was
with Judgment Day, I believe helped the product. So I
hope she just doesn't disappear. I don't think Damien's going anywhere,
because he can still have her, you know, a shot
at the title again in a rematch and and things
like that. But but it's.
Speaker 1 (30:12):
It's interesting they both have business with this two point
zero or whatever it is, so I anticipate seeing them
together at least until some of that business is handled
for sure. The other one is another one from from
Monday is another faction I'm trying to get out there.
The debut of the Wyatt Six actually in the ring,
fighting same place eleven years after the Wyatt Family debuted
on a WWE exact same place. Pretty cool. And they
also brought out a rocking chair in a lantern with
him too that Uncle Howdie ended up sitting in for
the entire match. Absolutely love that. It's funny though, because
tag matches in general, whether it be a you know,
a traditional tag match or a six man tag, have
all resorts at some point in the match to being
just a free for all that the ref just stands
in the corner and watches, and I thought that happened
a little too much maybe in this In this bout,
I did like the look of those three guys together
wrestling with the with Uncle Howdy and Sister Abigail hanging
out on the outside with the smoke that surrounded them
pretty much the entire match. Great look. It's cool to
see them actually have something in the ring than just
these vignettes and videos, to see some action actually happen,
and anxious to see where this goes moving forward. Obviously,
I don't think this whole deal is going to be
the feud that they have moving forward, But what is next?
I think it's what we always look to, what is next?
What are we going to see next. I'm enjoying what
I'm getting from these guys right now because it's not
a rush. Everything feels like it's calculated and planned and
planned with the right tempo as well.
Speaker 2 (31:55):
Yep, I totally agree with everything. Only thing I would
add is as many good things that are happening right there.
For me, the standout, no doubt is Dexter Loomis, the
way his look has changed, the way he moved in
the ring. Just really really good stuff. And Joe Gacy
no scrub either, Really good work by everybody overall, Just
like you, I'm excited to see where it goes.
Speaker 1 (32:27):
We've got to have Friday Night SMIKEDWN coming up tomorrow night,
looking forward to that of course Monday, and really what
I'm looking forward to I think probably the most is
finally hearing from La Night as the brand new US champ.
That's that, and Roman reigns obviously, but just him finally
getting gold. It was a cool moment just for me
as a fan. So excited about that. Michael, anything else
we need to hit on before we see audios here?
Speaker 2 (32:53):
Yeah, I just want to point out we're like almost
to the halfway point to Rustle Maniac. That's weird and
it's crazy to think. I thought about this the other day.
We're almost to the halfway point to wrestle Mania again.
Speaker 1 (33:08):
Is that October? Yeah? April?
Speaker 2 (33:14):
Yeah, so October and things are just things are popping
and normally it sucks right now, so super thankful everything
everybody's doing there at WWE. It's a great time to
be a pro wrestling fan.
Speaker 1 (33:30):
Yeah, well, chime in, let us know what you think
about everything that we talked about here, Gunth being the
new World Champ, La Night being the new US Champ,
bron Breaker, I see title holder now, I see heavyweight champion,
the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion. Excited about that, But I want
to know what you guys think about all this as well.
Chime in, let us know. You can find us on
Instagram at wrestle Chat podcast, find me on x at
the ant Man, and for Michael Glavin, I'm the ant
Man and we'll see you next week here on the
wrestle Chat Podcast