Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Got another Survivor series in the books. I hope you
guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving. On the ant man, He's Michael.
How was your Thanksgiving?
Speaker 2 (00:09):
Bud? It was good, Man. I ate, and then I ate,
and then I ate and.
Speaker 3 (00:16):
Then ate some more. On top of that, No, okay,
and then I slept. Oh, then you slept? Okay, got it?
Did you eat after you slept though? Yes, okay, got it?
Speaker 1 (00:25):
So it returned after that, you know, I did the
turkey and on the smoker did a turkey in a fryer.
Speaker 3 (00:29):
Oil is fryer, by the way, if you get a
chance to do that, they're really good. You don't have
to worry about stuff catching on fire as bad. But
then I went ahead and through it.
Speaker 1 (00:38):
Since I had the smoker going, you know, Texas, no
smoker is small, so you got to get that thing
up and rolling, and it takes quite a bit to
do one turkey, I thought I'll go ahead and throwing
the brisket as well. Had a brisket, so I threw
that one in and it was a nice change because
after I was starting to get sick of the turkey,
I was like, oh yeah, I got that brisket then
I smoked as well, put.
Speaker 3 (00:58):
That in some chili. Man, this might just turn into
a to a food podcast, so that'd be okay. I'm
here for it. Put it in chili, dude, if you
get it.
Speaker 1 (01:10):
I diced it up, and it's just in fact, I
think I'm gonna have some of that here a little
bit Summer Slam recap, Man, SummerSlam is always a fun Now.
I've said this before. It wasn't always my favorite pay
per view back in the day, Poe. Now, I really think,
just personally for me, wargames added so much to it
because I didn't I never really got into what was
going on with the original Survivor series plan, what the
configurations and why they were configured that way. Maybe they
has done a better job of doing those configurations than
those teams. And then you add in war games and
it makes it even more fun. I loved this one overall,
but man, there were some things that a lot of
people were talking about afterwards. One in particular, the women's
wargame match and singling one person out. Now we've we've
shot our shots on certain instances about Naya Jacks, but
some people just got ugly on on on Twitter with
the hate for Naya Jackson. She even responded to a
couple of them, Bully Ray responded to a couple of them.
Hers were much nicer than his, but he did have
you know, Bully did.
Speaker 3 (02:18):
Have a great point on busted open.
Speaker 1 (02:20):
Now, the particular part that a lot of people were
giving her crap was like the ineffective chair shots that
she was given.
Speaker 3 (02:26):
But he agreed.
Speaker 1 (02:29):
I won't get into everything he said, because I can't
do it like Bully does. And he explains it from
a you know, from a personal point of view as well,
and has been there and done that. But he talked
about it takes just as much art to swing a
chair as it does to do a hurrican rana or
to do anything else in wrestling headlock takeover.
Speaker 3 (02:49):
You have to know how to do it and how
to do it correctly.
Speaker 1 (02:52):
There's some people who know how to throw it.
Speaker 3 (02:55):
You know, I say throw a chair, swing a chair.
But what we forget so often is there has to
be someone to receive it, and they have to give
you an opening. If you don't, that's where elbows get broken.
That's where arms get broken and hands get broken, and
people get really hurt because they don't know how to
take one or don't want to take one. And something
I didn't think about that Bully was talking about was
Naomi didn't really give her much room to do anything
in and you know, knowing that you should go listen
to it. I think it's on their podcast for Busted Open.
But in the moment, we always have kind of had
our thing with Naya. Just from a fan's point of view,
You've got to be able to take some criticism. Listen.
Speaker 1 (03:37):
Both of us have been very vulnerable in whatever jobs
that we've had in the past as well and open
to criticism there. So we only say this with Sometimes
it looks like you're unprepared Naya. I know she's not,
or don't feel like she. I mean, she's a pro,
she knows what she's doing. But man, sometimes it looks
bad and some of the instances there look bad.
Speaker 3 (03:59):
From what I was wanting from your side, Michael, did
you feel that there was ever a point of being
unsafe or just just being lazy in this match?
Speaker 2 (04:08):
Well, I'm gonna I'm gonna shoot pretty straight. Nothing sticks
out in particular, mainly because I was kind of zoned out.
You know, it was the first match on the card. Sure,
you know, thirty minutes of entrances later, that's true, you know.
Speaker 3 (04:28):
I'm like, the countdown is what you were looking for?
Speaker 2 (04:30):
Right? And the match got going and I was watching
it with somebody and they asked a very simple question
as someone who doesn't watch wrestling all the time, They said,
why are they doing this? To which my response was
I don't know.
Speaker 1 (04:54):
And what in particular, just certain parts in that match
or how they were bringing people in?
Speaker 2 (05:00):
No, I'm no, like, why is the match occurring, not
the stipulation of the match, not how does the match work?
Why why are we in this steel prison? And what
got us here? And I couldn't really give an answer.
And you know, to me, the pacing felt slow of
what I did watch, and it didn't have the story
to fill in the gaps. And we talked about that
we did last week, and you know, call it a
self fulfilling prophecy or whatever, but I think there was
great wrestling that happened in the match. I think there
was some cool spots and different things like that, but
without a story to tie it together, I just wasn't
as engaged with it. And it's not just a women's
wrestling thing. I feel like people always want to go, oh,
you just don't like women's wrestlingte the lights. I don't know,
but you know, everybody wants to criticize, like, oh, you
just don't like women's wrestling. No, there's been lots of
women's wrestling that has been very, very good. In fact,
the women's wrestling nowadays is good more often than not.
But with this in particular, we had to have had
to have a War Games match for the women. They
gave us the match, and it it was what it was,
so as it pertains Naya Jack's, yeah, a little sloppy here,
a little sloppy there, we're seeing the same thing. I
think she's doing better than she's done previously with her character,
in with her in ring stuff, but both individually and
at large, just didn't hit for me well.
Speaker 1 (06:43):
And I don't want to dogpile on her, but what
she does have to and everybody does, and we'll say
it here, you have to be able to look at
your art with a critical eye, just as critical as
anyone else, if not maybe more. How many times do
we finish doing one of these and you have something
to say about what you said or did on the podcast.
I have something to say about something I said or
did on the podcast, and we both go, well, I'll
remember that and try to do better on the next one.
Speaker 3 (07:13):
That's simply it.
Speaker 1 (07:14):
Yeah, you don't need to go on and post a
picture of one of the of Eosky's trash can and go, hey,
look this is Naya Jackson's new profile picture that in
itself is garbage. That's not helpful and not fun and
doesn't make this atmosphere any better. Now, you've got to
be able to look at the situation and go, was
this my best performance?
Speaker 3 (07:35):
No? Messed up here, messed up here, messed up here. Listen,
it's live art. Things happen.
Speaker 2 (07:41):
But to that point, in a match, in a situation
that most of Nya's team had not been in previously,
the majority of her team had not been in a
war games before. Sure, And so when you're to your point,
when you're live, when you're in a match that you're
not comfortable with, with more people than is in any
other match other than the Royal Rumble, like, there's a
lot to contend with. So, same as you, I don't
want a dog pile on everybody. We have to call
the performance what it is, but there's there's grace in
that that we we realize it's a very very unique
match situation.
Speaker 1 (08:20):
And I will say this not that Nya is ever
going to watch this. I hope she comes on the
podcast sometime. I wanted to talk to her for a while.
But I mean, we've talked about the instances, but it's
not just about you. We've talked about other people, guys, girls.
It made no difference. It's just the the element in
the moment. What did we see And for the most part,
I mean like she is a very very believable character
to me, absolutely, Like when she does I don't know
what it's called her her finisher where she's on the
second rope and they're laying down and she crushes them. Basically, yeah,
like I heard, I feel And there's some time I'll
watch people fall off something I'll go, oh, I feel that, Yeah,
I do that. When when Nya does, that's a believable character.
And you know, leaning into that more and accentuating that
versus the areas that may not be so great are
is where I'm looking for that to improve and lean it,
just like you said, the story. Now you can do
a great story quickly, and that happened in our next
match was his La Knight. He lost the US titled
shins Kate knockemore Schinz Kate coming back with a brand new,
very sinister look. I wish this was the look that
he came to WWE from Japan with. He's not a
he's not a funny or fun character. He's a menacing
character that he is going to shred you apart. That's
what it looked like, That's what it felt like. The
match was relatively quick, and for that to happen with
with a star such as La Knight, I wonder where
Night goes from here. I think that, I mean, I
think this might be Shinske's opportunity to kind of soar
with this title, maybe more than previous previous opportunities.
Speaker 3 (09:59):
But I want to what happens to La Night.
Speaker 1 (10:01):
Is this his opportunity to take a little time off
and come back and challenge for one of those world
or undisputed titles?
Speaker 2 (10:09):
Uh? You know, I don't know. I'm gonna come with
a pretty controversial take here.
Speaker 3 (10:15):
I take, I'm hot take.
Speaker 2 (10:18):
I'm curious to see what happens. I'm not in the business.
I don't know any of these people. But the moment
his entrance music hit and his face hit the camera
for the first time, I went, he's losing tonight. You
could tell he was telegraphing the bleep out of it.
Speaker 1 (10:38):
And interesting from what I've heard people call that booboo face. Yes,
boo boo face, yeah.
Speaker 2 (10:42):
Walked out and uh. And to be honest, the match
felt different to me from his side. I think he
I think there was some politics happening that he was
trying to you know, I think she speculation, pere speculation, speculatory.
I know no one, I know no one but Shinsky.
The title going to Shinsky was the right move. That's
the only way to give him back some credibility after
previous regimes botched him multiple times over. This is a
great character for him. He needs the momentum. This was
the right call. I understand that maybe it was a
little quicker than maybe what La potentially thought, or this
that whatever. I don't know. If it also could have
been an acting mishap. Maybe he was trying to act
concerned but it came off indignant. I don't know, but
it kind of left a sour taste in my mouth.
Because it looked like from me as a above average fan,
you know, staying in the dirt sheets and stuff, it
looked like he didn't want to do business.
Speaker 3 (11:57):
Interesting, and so I.
Speaker 2 (12:00):
Think what happens next with him will be very telling
of how those conversations that day played forward. Because if
it's if it is what it looked like to me, dude,
you can just screw off and get to the back
of the line because you got to drop a title
to win a title to do and so this was
always the plan. If it wasn't your plan after six months,
then so be it. But like, it just looked like
he didn't want to do business.
Speaker 3 (12:28):
And so yeah, let me ask you this, what would
you what would you think about?
Speaker 1 (12:32):
So there's a lot of comparisons, like to him and
Stonecold or him and the Rock And I think his voice,
I guess normal talking voice sounds like the Rocks or
something like that. People always compare the three of them
or him with those two at least, what if you
leaned into it not to being stone Cold like, but
to having the attitude that Stone Cold had and having
the aggression that Stone Cold had, and having the swagger
that Stone Cold had. What if you what if this
character got pissed as pissed as Stone Cold was every
time he came through the curtain.
Speaker 2 (13:09):
Yeah, that'd be great. And Uh, to be honest.
Speaker 3 (13:12):
There's a whole generation that doesn't know Stone Cold in
the moment.
Speaker 2 (13:14):
It's true in two things. Number one, until I read
it online, I never compared him to anybody. Okay, he's
got a deep, raspy voice that sounds kind of like
other people. I never bought into that. Sure, maybe if
you stretch it to me, there's some similarities. But he's
got the attitude, he's got the looks, and if he
just he's one zamboni short of like a really really
great you know, take off to a run. But we'll see,
we'll see what he does next. But but again, I
felt that something was off in that match, and I
think whatever happens next with him will tell us what
that is.
Speaker 1 (13:56):
We'll have to watch coming up tomorrow night on SmackDown
and see if if he he's not back on or
what happened if this story continues with he and Shinsk
or if La Knight's written off or comes back in
some of the fashion there, Because we do have Royal
Rumble coming up in January, so that's where if he's
going away, I expect to see him pop back up.
Let's hit the Men's War Games match, Bronson reed heard after.
I mean, come on, just because it's aew you at
least saw what happened to Edge when he jumped off
the top or Adam when he jumped off the top
of the cage.
Speaker 3 (14:28):
Did we not learn anything? You're at least twice his size.
Speaker 2 (14:31):
Right, It's tough. It was tough to watch, oh.
Speaker 3 (14:35):
Man, that's all I thought while he was standing up there.
Speaker 2 (14:37):
Yeah, and I do I you know again, I'm not trained.
I don't know wrestling, but it just when he landed,
it just something didn't look right. And and what it
was was he was just still standing up and you
do a you know, a ten to fifteen foot jump
and land on your ankles. But at the same time,
maybe he felt like he had to adjust mid air
because he was gonna I don't remember who was on
the table, but like he was gonna kill whoever was on.
Speaker 3 (15:09):
This Roman and Punk helps him off. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (15:12):
Well, honestly, aunt, let me let me level with you here.
If I have borderline the face of the company laying
on a table fifteen feet down there, and I know
there's a whole gorilla position of executives watching this. I
would rather bust both my ankles be out of work
for three months than injure Roman reigns.
Speaker 3 (15:38):
I maybe would have taken it down to the top rope.
Speaker 2 (15:40):
And I mean, you're talking about if you injure that guy,
you're disrupting one of the top storylines in all of wrestle.
Speaker 3 (15:52):
We rewrite WrestleMania again.
Speaker 2 (15:54):
So all that to say, I'm not I don't even
think he messed something up. Maybe he was just being
careful to a fault.
Speaker 1 (16:02):
Could could Yeah, And you know, sometimes being careful ends
up getting you hurt too, which looks you know, if
that was the case, that's what happened. Let's go fast
forward all the way to the end and see the
guys all stand it up, all the guys who won.
Speaker 3 (16:14):
Of course it's the bloodline.
Speaker 1 (16:16):
Plus see them Punk all standing there with their with
their ones in the air, except for Punk's uh sleepy
sleepy time hands folded there and it just lingers and
it stays there and they talk and they're still there.
Speaker 2 (16:33):
We're hugging and.
Speaker 3 (16:34):
Whose music's about? Oh no, it's it's the it's the
recap video. Huh. Interesting. I think that was a little
troll on US fans.
Speaker 2 (16:42):
Maybe you know, it used to be they would time
pay per views right up to ten o'clock Eastern or
Central or.
Speaker 3 (16:49):
Whatever it is exactly so you knew, you knew. So
if you're if it's quartered till, you're like, how we
got time somebody?
Speaker 2 (16:56):
But now they just run till they run, And so
you're kind of sitting there like, is it gonna happen?
But I I thought we were gonna see old DJ
coming out to do something, but.
Speaker 3 (17:09):
Ye, nothing there.
Speaker 2 (17:10):
I don't know.
Speaker 3 (17:11):
Raw we saw Punk again, but this time interrupted by
by Seth. You know, I'm wondering. So this has been
a long story, A year long.
Speaker 1 (17:19):
When I even mentioned that last year, I should have
I should have knocked you out, Seth saying to Punk,
I should have knocked you out when you came back,
should have done it. Then when I had the opportunity,
I felt bad for you. And here we are now,
just before I mean, I don't think there's is there
another pl before the end of the year.
Speaker 2 (17:36):
I don't believe. So I think the next one is
Rumble Okay, I thought so, but that's in that's the
end of January. For some reason, I thought there was
something at the beginning. Maybe not, but oh there's they're
promoting Saturday Nights made event. I wonder if that's not
taking the place in one. It probably is, but it's
on network quote unquote yeah yeah, so I wonder if
that's not taking its place.
Speaker 3 (17:57):
And I hope we don't get this blowoff or this
this feud happening there.
Speaker 1 (18:02):
I'd rather see it. If you're going to wait a
year to have it, let's make it great. Let's not
just blow it off in one match. And we saw
it get interrupted obviously with Sammy's Ain and that go
down Drew McIntyre.
Speaker 3 (18:15):
Making his return. But what's his beef with Sammy? Help
me out, am I forgetting something? Is it just the
blood line?
Speaker 2 (18:22):
I think it's probably just the bloodline in general, and
Drew potentially working heel. Maybe he goes for the Sammy's
Ain is by no sense of the word, a weak competitor,
but not at all in the bloodline. He's down the
food chain a little bit.
Speaker 3 (18:40):
Well he's not even He's not even blood right.
Speaker 2 (18:43):
So so I think it makes sense maybe Drew's trying
to play a heel kind of angle and do like
take out the easy one of the group, even though
Sammy's not easy. But I don't know. I mean, they've
not let us down with telling the story very true yet,
so I'm very optimistic that we'll know what's going on.
Speaker 3 (19:01):
I was surprised to see him come back.
Speaker 1 (19:02):
I wasn't thinking that's where we would see Drew next,
so anxious to watch and see what happens there. We
also saw the end of probably what has drug on
in some people's minds a little too long, the New
Day celebrating ten years last night, even e big E
coming back, but not to the warm welcome that every
you know from the fans, Yes, from his partners, no,
he wanted to come back and be their manager and
they said no.
Speaker 3 (19:29):
So my thought is, are they going to Are they
going to keep the name New Day and just Koffee
and I have creed his real name in my mind,
but woods, are they just going to keep the name
and it just be those two or do you think
they'll come up with something new.
Speaker 2 (19:48):
For I think they're keeping it because I saw that
Kofe tweeted today that it was, you know, a New
Day for the New Day. I want to talk over
arching of the show into this segment. The promos on
Monday Night, all of them were fire dude like punks. Uh,
and then the whole New Day segment just ripping the
feels out of my body and continually running over them
with a.
Speaker 1 (20:18):
Vehicle like great heel turn too. I mean, I haven't
seen a heel turn like that. If if ever in
a long time, you you expected it to go differently.
You didn't expect Kofe to be like, you.
Speaker 2 (20:29):
Know what, man screw you? Yeah?
Speaker 3 (20:30):
Yeah, he done?
Speaker 2 (20:32):
And uh, I think it was really really well done.
I'm curious to see what happens with it because if
we recall, we tried to put Odyssey Jones into the New.
Speaker 3 (20:41):
Days, That's right, and then he just something happened. He disappeared.
Speaker 2 (20:45):
Yeah, different show, different time. But uh so you would
think that Biggie really is done and maybe with him around,
they needed to completely write him out of the New
Day now that they don't have another person in the
New Day. I don't know. But at the same time,
you've got people online going we're gonna get a triple
thread at Mania between the three New Day guys, which
that's a weird kind of stretch. I don't know how
you get to a.
Speaker 3 (21:14):
Triple see what they're buddies at the end of this though.
Speaker 2 (21:17):
Yeah, So I don't know if, like they were going
to move forward with just those two. Yeah, I don't know.
I don't know if we do a storyline where Biggie's
chasing him and he comes back, like, I don't I
don't know. I don't know.
Speaker 1 (21:31):
I kind of thought if he stepped in the ring,
he was cleared already, but maybe I'm wrong.
Speaker 2 (21:35):
You know.
Speaker 1 (21:35):
They talked about how many people broke their neck and
have come back. There was one that I guess that they.
Speaker 3 (21:40):
Forgot about Hurricane Helms. Yeah, and I broke up. I
broke my neck and I came back hashtag.
Speaker 2 (21:51):
There were several people that chimed into I noticed that
Tomaso Champa today that like, I broke my neck, guy
came back, you know. So No, it was. It was
a great segment. Absolutely, just phenomenally well done. I think
it's gonna be It's it's painful to watch, but it's
it's fun to watch.
Speaker 1 (22:15):
So I'm excited to see how they do great you're
you nailed at great promos all throughout RAW. Looking forward
to I think we're about three weeks away, uh, a
little less than a month from it having a brand
new mark on that show when it moves to Netflix,
and uh, you know, we'll have we'll have some NFL
football to uh to weed out some of the streaming
issues one more time.
Speaker 3 (22:40):
So we had a fight.
Speaker 1 (22:41):
Now, we have a couple of NFL games coming up
on Christmas, Christmas Day, and then we'll have January six,
brand new RAW on Netflix. We've got a few more
raws before then, so be anxious to talk about those
in the in the coming weeks and leading up to the.
Speaker 3 (22:56):
Christmas break as well. I think it's going to do
it for this week.
Speaker 1 (22:59):
Looking forward to to smack Down coming up to night,
mainly for the L. A. Knight shins k knockmore. I'd
be anxious to see what happens there and if we
see L. A. Knight on SmackDown and.
Speaker 3 (23:11):
I don't know why, and kind of the same attitude
you saw from L. A. Knight.
Speaker 1 (23:15):
I was thinking of just attitude in general towards Shinske
and the whole situation. So it'll be interesting, interesting, to
see which way that goes. If he did have boo
boo face and we don't see him for a while
or or ever again, that would be.
Speaker 3 (23:28):
A shame for sure. Or if it's a if it's
a new angle and a new uh new attitude for
for l a night, So uh watch Backdown coming up
tomorrow night and Raw next week, and we'll be back
on here with a wrestle chat to talk about it all. Michael,
get to see bug, get to see a man fix