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April 11, 2024 16 mins

WWE strides boldly into a new era, and this year’s WrestleMania leaves no room for doubt: Triple H now embodies the face of the company, leading it into an exciting future. Jeff and I delve into what this era means for the company, its wrestlers, and, above all, the passionate fans.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Everybody's getting a story now, and this is one of
the coolest things about wrestling that has not been the
case all right, Like Legato and LWO would just be
having matches. They wouldn't be getting designated backstage segments where
they're talking about the reason why they're fighting. They wouldn't
get in ring promos where they're talking about why they
hate each other.

Speaker 2 (00:25):
Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready? Shuts up? About to
hit the fan?

Speaker 3 (00:31):
Welcome to On Sanctioned Thursdays, un Wrestling with for ready.

Speaker 2 (00:39):
What's up? Everybody?

Speaker 1 (00:39):
Welcome to a brand new episode of Unsanctioned Thursdays. The
show that you the people made happy with me as
always is Jeff di Let's start the show, all.

Speaker 2 (00:50):
Right, you guys.

Speaker 1 (00:51):
This is a big one for me anyway and for us.
I mean, we're going to talk the future of WWE.
But I wanted to share with you guys some of
the process of trying to create your own federation and
what that's like. I'm trying to get a TV deal
first to go through. So it's a concept with a
sizzle reel that we shot that's about five and a
half minutes long, A little bit shorter I think the

original cut was five and a half. I think cut
it down to five oh two just to keep things
short and sweet, but you still have to get all
the information in there. And I went I won't say where,
but I went to my first place to pitch. I'll
disclose everywhere I went after we've gone everywhere. But I
don't want to, like, I don't want to expose people
in any sort of way before I've seen everyone, because

you know, someone says yes. I want to treat everybody
else else with respect to and hopefully get more than
one yes. But we pitched to the first place. It
was while I was on vacation in Hawaii. That's how
much I want to make this shit happen. That I
pitched when I was on vacation in Hawaii. The pitch
went well, it was only the person who needs to
say yes. That was the on the Zoom meeting nice

and it was me and my two producers, who are awesome.
I have a lot of experience and like documentary stuff,
and the type of show we're doing is a is
a bit is a little bit different, and there is
a documentary style to it as well. So that's some
more information for the people out there. But but yeah,
it went really well. The lady asked all the right questions.

She enjoys wrestling. She respected wrestling, which I was very
nervous about because a lot of places, there's only so
many places you can pitch because not everybody loves professional
wrestling or respects it. But she treated it with a
ton of respect. She even knew a little bit about it.
She knew some people in the business that have that
have transferred over, so she was as educated as she

could be without being you know, like a huge fan
of wrestling. But uh, yeah, the meeting went went really well.
I should find out this week if it's a yes
or a no. She's the only one that has to
to really do it. She's processing it and putting it
up against you know, the other the other shows that
they're going to pick up and things like that. Do
they have to find the budget for it and all
that kind of good stuff. But if they say yes,

I will still take the other meetings. But I'll let
you guys know that we already have a yes. If
they say no, I'll tell you that too. If I
fall on my face, you will know. And if I'm
flying real high, you guys will know that too.

Speaker 2 (03:12):
So that's the process so far.

Speaker 1 (03:14):
I had another meeting booked for tomorrow, which will have
been Tuesday this week, but it's getting rescheduled, so I
won't have any new information for you guys just yet.
It's a couple of weeks until my next meeting. This
will go for about the next eight weeks, I'm imagining,
and then i'll.

Speaker 2 (03:29):
Know for sure.

Speaker 1 (03:30):
But anyway, that's the update, Jeff, Sorry for blathering forever.

Speaker 3 (03:34):
What are you talking about. That's great news. We're excited.
That's what we want. We want updates, buddy.

Speaker 1 (03:38):
And now let's talk wrestling. So everything's changing. It's the
Triple H era, or as did Stephanie McMahon say, the
Paul levec era or the Triple H Era. Either way,
it is the Triple H Era. He is in charge.
The Rock is not in charge. Triple H is in charge.

And we've really seen that the last few weeks in
the stories that they've been telling. Everybody's getting a story now,
and this is one of the coolest things about wrestling.
That has not been the case all right, Like Legato
and LWO would just be having matches, they wouldn't be
getting designated backstage segments where they're talking about the reason
why they're fighting. They wouldn't get in ring promos where

they're talking about why they hate each other. They'd just
be wrestling. Everyone has a story, everybody's represented. If you're Japanese,
you have people to watch and connect with, if you're Latino,
you have people to watch and connect with. And they're
not just wrestling, they're getting actual storylines. He's doing subtitles
for people and saying, Yo, just speak your language and
do your thing, Like, who cares if people don't understand it,

they'll read they can read. I've loved everything he's tried
to implement. I think he's done a great job. I
think the only places where they drop the ball a
little is on gating getting talent. I think not getting
will Ospray was a mistake. But outside of that, man,
I just I can't say enough good things about where

wrestling's going. And people are trying to compare it to
the Attitude era, and I would discourage all from doing
that and just let it be what it is. Let's
see what this era is going to be. Right now,
we're calling it the Triple H Era. Ten years from
now the fans will define what it's called, and we'll
know what it is. But it's not the Attitude era.
It's different, it's unique. It's its own, living, breathing thing
right now. And like The Rock said, and The Rock

is not solely responsible for this because other wrestlers contributed
to make it cool.

Speaker 2 (05:30):
But when he said wrestling's cool again, he was right.

Speaker 1 (05:33):
But it was cool before The Rock came in to
save the day and have that whole storyline. It was
already cool, like Seth Rollin said, And that's because of
the work that all these wrestlers have put in in
AEW and WWE. But we're talking WWE this week, Jeff,
I'm really excited. What say you about the state of
the WWE.

Speaker 3 (05:52):
I'm excited about it. Things seem to be going in
a nice direction. We've been waiting for a Vinceless era forever.
We don't condone any of the behavior that he's done
and all those things that we.

Speaker 2 (06:04):
Weren't really aware of.

Speaker 3 (06:05):
We just love the world of wrestling, right We're excited
that now Triple H is at the Helm. And I
remember when Triple H got it, like to run NXT
or whatever, there was nothing better. NXT was amazing and
everyone was like, that's because Vince isn't doing it, Triple
H is doing it. So I think that's really what
they're trying to say in a way to separate themselves

from the Vince the recent Vince kind of scandal is
to be like, look, it's the Triple A chair.

Speaker 2 (06:30):
It's the Triple A chair.

Speaker 3 (06:31):
Because we've never named an era after any one person.
It was these these terms we used, was like the
attitude era, the what was the era? Yeah, the these
kind of things that we never just named it after
a guy. We weren't like, oh, that's the you know
DX era. No, there was so many more things going
on the DH. But I think that's what they're trying

to do. And I think what's what they're trying to
say is like now now Paul's in charge. Now Triple
H is in charge, and what feels good about that
is where the second Vince to everyone is saying, like
Michael Cole feels much better on the announcing, Well, everything
feels better.

Speaker 2 (07:06):
You know.

Speaker 3 (07:07):
Wrestlers are coming back because they don't mind working with
Triple H. Some women are coming back because they don't
have to fear being sexually harassed or treated like a
second class citizen. So I think what we're really saying
is Triple H is here, and it's gonna be a
lot better, and you're going You're gonna witness a lot
more kind of healthy, modern style management.

Speaker 1 (07:30):
And I don't think he's going anywhere because they're doing
bigger business than they have ever done. The previous gross
record was twenty one point six million here in Los Angeles,
and they broke that record. They sold more than ninety
thousand tickets for both days. They crushed Philadelphia. Business is booming.
It's literally bigger than ever. The wrestling business is so crazy, man,

it keeps getting bigger, not smaller. And this down was
trying to get rid of it and take it off
TV ten years ago. Let's talk about the Bloodline. They've
done a great job with this story. It's had multiple chapters,
from its inception to its comic relief characters when Sammy's
Ain joined and became honorary, to the addition of new
members like Solo Sokoa, to the many times people have

tried to take away what is rightfully Romans his seat
at the head of the table, to bringing in the
Rock and now the championship is gone. The thing to
fight for is gone, So what's left to fight for?
Only one thing, Jeff, the Head of the Table.

Speaker 2 (08:34):

Speaker 1 (08:34):
This has to this story has to come to fruition.
The Rock cannot be done with wrestling, and he's not
because Aatsi's talking about striking, and so no movies are
going to get made for a little while. And that's
why The Rock's doing this in the first place. Well,
I'm sure he loves wrestling too, but that's the main
reason why. And it's not going to end anytime soon,
so he still has time to wrestle, and this should

and I believe everyone thinks it will lead to a
match for who is the true head of the Table.

Speaker 2 (09:01):
The Rock look good in the ring.

Speaker 1 (09:02):
He could still move, he could still wrestle. His chest
isn't as dieseled out as Roman Reigns, but he still
looked great out there. And it's got to lead to
Roman Reigns versus The Rock for who is truly the
Head of the Table, And whoever is going to go
make the movie next will be the one that loses
that match, and the one that.

Speaker 2 (09:19):
Remains will be the Head of the Table. What do
you think, Jeff, what do you want to see?

Speaker 3 (09:23):
I love that. I think I kind of said this
once on a past episode, but I love that the
head of the table that like pepper necklace or whatever
the thing is that.

Speaker 2 (09:32):
I like pepper necklace. I like it.

Speaker 3 (09:34):
Whatever the heck that thing is. It's become a title.
They've made it a belt. So it's like if you've
got all these guys competing for who the head of
the table is, it's it's become its own thing. Like
they don't have to say we've got a new strap.
They just now we kind of have this thing that
is like who is the head of the The real
head of the table isn't even in the bloodline. It's

Paul Hayman.

Speaker 2 (09:56):
That's who the head of the table is.

Speaker 3 (09:59):
God, I love that guy. I wish we spent more
time talking about him.

Speaker 2 (10:02):
Paul Hayman is.

Speaker 1 (10:04):
I know I'm supposed to say Bobby Heenan, but Paul
Hayman is the greatest manager ever. And I've even said
Bobby Heenen's better on this podcast, but I think I
just say that out of respect to Bobby Heenan. I
personally loved Paul Hayman more than Bobby Heen. He was
my favorite, and I think that's the first time I've

ever said that on this podcast.

Speaker 2 (10:28):
Like he's so.

Speaker 1 (10:32):
Next level great on the microphone that it's hard to
say someone is second to him because the gap I
think is so big between his mike skills and everyone else's.
His ability to get a crowd to love him or
hate him in seconds is second to none. So if
you want to talk about Paul Hayman for the rest

of this show, I have no problem doing that.

Speaker 3 (10:56):
I just love him and I think he deserves some
honorable mention. But I will say that I think this
Bloodline could be one of the most badass stables to

ever exist in pro wrestling. But I wish they would
move the writing outside of inter fighting and make it
just this like hard group that nobody can penetrate. You know,
everyone's trying to fight the family, and almost everybody's got
some sort of battle with the family. I don't want
to see them crumbling from within. I'd like to see

all the people trying to get to the bloodline, but
blood is thicker than water and they can't kind of
penetrate how bad ass because it seems like no matter
how successful the stable gets, someone branches off, you know,
the Rock from the Nation of Domination or now Damian
Priest seems like maybe he's leaving, Maybe he's going to
do a solo thing.

Speaker 2 (12:03):
It could. I hope he doesn't, but he could.

Speaker 3 (12:05):
It's what it feels like in my opinion. But it's
all these different things. So I really wish we could
keep the bloodlines, inner squabblings down and boost up them
being this inseparable family that just takes over wrestling.

Speaker 2 (12:21):
I think that'd be a lot cooler.

Speaker 1 (12:22):
Well, I think there's room for both of those things
to happen, for them to have inter fighting, and then
when that story solved, there is a new leader, and
then they can have strength again because they if you remember,
they did have strength, and they had the tag titles
and the Universal Championship, and there was no crack in
the arm or crack in the wall. Everything was solid,
And it wasn't until a little bit of doubt came

from Sammy's ain when he started putting seeds of doubt
into jay Us. So that's when things started to crack
a little bit. So I think I think they can
go up and down with that kind of story and
become strong again, because I don't think Rock's going to
beat Roman reigns to be the head of the table.
And I'm hearing ww's all right, aready signed another fat
to cousin coming soon and probably another one pretty soon

after that, So there's room for fresh blood to get
in there, and maybe that story that you're hoping for
does happen. Dude, But the Bloodline story has been awesome
for multiple years now, and uh, they've been killing They've
been killing it.

Speaker 2 (13:16):
They've just been killing it. Yeah, I love it.

Speaker 3 (13:19):
I think that the I think that what they've done,
they know they got a jackpot there. And I think,
where do you think Roman goes from here?

Speaker 1 (13:25):
Well, it had well after the Rock, then I think
he's going to Hollywood, So I think, yeah, I think
he'll beat the Rock and then someone in the Bloodline
will have to beat him and become the new head
of the Bloodline. I don't know who's going to be
ready for that. Maybe it's one of the new people
coming in, Maybe it's a new Sole brother.

Speaker 2 (13:41):
I don't know. But if he if the rumors are true.

Speaker 1 (13:43):
And he is gonna take a break and try to
make movies then that would that would make the most sense.
Speaking of jackpots, WWE is finding new ways to make money, Jeff.
And they're putting sponsors in the ring. They're putting sponsors
around the ring. They've got a hydration station that was
used to destroy more people.

Speaker 2 (14:05):
Well, you had to have something else to throw at people.

Speaker 3 (14:08):
But are we PG or are we not rock?

Speaker 2 (14:11):
What's going on?

Speaker 1 (14:12):
I thought it was hysterical PG or not. PG means
whatever anyone says, it means. These days, they bleed, now,
they cussed, they're dropping f bombs. There's nothing PG about
WWE lately. I was cracking up. I will say this,
there are spots that really work well for Snoop Dogg
and professional wrestling. And I get because he did a

great job with the Olympics with Kevin Hart that they
wanted to give him a shot doing commentary. But he
was with Kevin frigging Heart, and that's why it was
why I worked. That's why it was working so well
because he was with a professional comedian. It did not
work in this sense when he was on commentary. Not
even his goodbye was good great, and not because he

was leaving. It was actually funny and good, but everything
other than that, man, it really took away from the match,
and I wish they hadn't done that.

Speaker 3 (15:04):
We haven't got to keep the snoop off, the off
the microphone, keep him off the microphone. This guy, I
love your Snoop, I love your attitude, I love your career,
I love pretty much everything about you. But when you
try to be funny, he didn't know the names of
mooms that like some of the moves. He was like, Oh, snap,
what was that?

Speaker 2 (15:24):
You gotta watch you back, Boo boo.

Speaker 3 (15:26):
I'm like, what is he? Oh, look at this chick.
One time they took a table out and he did
a Scooby Doo impression that showed that he's almost sixty
years old. It was the most embarrassing, cringey. He's like, oh,
they got picnic tables up in this place.

Speaker 2 (15:42):
Oh, Scooby Doo, get the table Boo boo.

Speaker 3 (15:44):
I was like, oh my gosh, get him out of
the commentary.

Speaker 2 (15:49):
Brutal, brutal, God bless you, Snoop. Please staff commentary.

Speaker 1 (15:54):
But anytime you want to save a match at WrestleMania
and beat up the miz, We're here for it. Thank
you for listening unsanctioned Thursdays. I hope you guys are
liking the show. We love doing it for y'all. Don't
forget to write us some reviews. Tell your friends, tell
your enemies, tell your mama's, tell everybody that you know.

Speaker 2 (16:11):
Play it for your dogs, and we'll see you.

Speaker 1 (16:13):
Guys each and every week on behalf of Jeff, I'm
Freddie Prinz Junior Saying.

Speaker 2 (16:19):
We Are.

Speaker 1 (16:25):
This has been a production of Iheart'smichael Toura podcast Network.
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