All Episodes

April 10, 2024 34 mins

WrestleMania 40 etched its place in history. Jeff and I delved into the most impactful matches, the future of WWE and Cody Rhodes finishing his story which culminated in a triumphant journey to becoming the WWE Undisputed Universal Champion.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome back, everybody to a brand new episode of Wrestling
with Freddy. Today it is wrestling with Friends, because with
me once again is the great one. Mister Jeff Die.
We're talking WrestleManias day one and two. All the crazy
stuff from Seth's wardrobe, what to Snoop Dogg on commentary
and live music, to bagpipes and money in the bank

getting cashed in. We're getting into all of it, and
we're getting into it right now. And now your mate.
Events introducing the hosts are Wrestling Within Freddy, Jeff Died
and for Ready Price sounor. Mister Jeff, how are you, sir?

Speaker 2 (00:40):
I'm feeling good man. WrestleMania it always juices me up.
There's always a little you know, the day after Christmas
where you're like all the adrenaline dumps.

Speaker 1 (00:49):
It's over.

Speaker 2 (00:50):
You know, It's like, oh man, I was so excited
about Christmas, and now Christmas is over. I know that
we still get a Monday Night Raw, which will be
very excited. Yeah, Raw after wrestleming. He's always good. But
then what the Tuesday after that? That's the real day
after Christmas. So we're going through that a little bit
now that two nights of WrestleMania is over. I'm feeling
a little I'm all jacked up, but I'm a little sad.

Speaker 1 (01:11):
You hear that NXT Tuesday Night, all the pressures on
you to make wrestling fans happy, to make all of
us happy. I'll disagree on one thing you said the
Monday after WrestleMania. There's never any matches, So I don't
know if it's always good, but there's always like a
good surprise for sure. Yeah, there's always a good surprise.
But everybody's tired, so nobody wrestles on Monday night ra

after WrestleMania. But let's get right into the show man
because it had look, it had some misses which we
can get into.

Speaker 2 (01:41):
If we have ques we call the missus Freddy, should
we call it night one?

Speaker 1 (01:47):
I mean, now there's there's a there's some good stuff.
Night one. My match of WrestleMania was Night one. Sammy's
Ama Luther. But yeah, so let's let's jump right into it.
It started off with our champion. And when I say
our champion, I mean strictly Jeffson, my champion, Ria Ripley,
the rest of you. If you want, you can apply

to have her be your champion as well, but we
approve it. She was wrestling former multi time champion, another
Grade one Becky the Last Kicker Lynch, and this story
they did, I just want to talk about it because
the match was good. It wasn't great. Becky Lynch had
like one hundred and four fever and was suffering from

the flu and still went out there and wrestled in
forty eight degrees.

Speaker 2 (02:33):
I know this weather was just trash Night one and
Night two, the weather is garbage.

Speaker 1 (02:37):
Brutal, brutal, brutal, but they were able to give us
what I thought was a really solid finish. And I
wanted to talk about the match because I like what
they tried to do with this story. And the story
was Becky wanted to fight Rhea, not so much to
be the champ, but to see if she could beat her,
to see if she had what it takes. She said
that multiple times. Well, the part that I thought was

cool and did Ariel hell wanting for this was they
went old school eighties style and had a fight on
a talk show. And it wasn't necessarily a wrestling talk show.
It was The Mixed Martial Arts Hour with Ariel Helwani
The MMA Hour with Ariel and I've done his show
before and he's a huge wrestling fan. This guy was
at the Screwjob in Montreal as a young fan, cheering

for Brett Hart and watching this go down. And now
he's the voice for news when it comes to UFC
and mixed martial arts in general, and he has wrestlers
on every once in a while. He had Shim Punk
on and se Him Punk talked a lot the interview
where he talked a lot of shit on Tony Conn
and aew And now I guess they're going to release
the footage of you know what.

Speaker 2 (03:40):
I'm not supposed to be excited about that, but I'm
excited about it.

Speaker 1 (03:43):
I think everyone is in a weird way. But he
had he features wrestlers, and he featured Rhea and Becky
Lynch called into the show while the interview was going on.
I was like, yeah, I heard you were talking some shit.
I'll be right up, Jim up the elevator and they
just fought and beat the hell out of each other
right there on the show. Some of you may go, yeah,
but that's all the work, Well yeah, it is all work,

but everything is work is a work, and if it
brings ten more eyeballs to wrestling, then that's a good
thing and that's a win. And I think it probably
brought quite a few more than ten. That means more
money for the brand, which means they can afford to
pay wrestlers more money, which means they can afford to
pay more wrestlers, which means if there's a big enough
demand for it, there could be another wrestling show because
they have enough wrestlers. It's all good things, And I

like how since they've done this, this TKO takeover and
this new creative direction with Triple H which we'll get
into more on the Thursday and sanctioned episode. I thought
they told a good story in a condensed amount of time,
and they took as many opportunities as they could to
put the story over. And I thought the era of
Ill Wanted thing was smart. Did you like this match
at all or was it just too cold for them

to move out there?

Speaker 2 (04:49):
It did look a little a little clunky, but I
like the match.

Speaker 1 (04:53):
What do we think about that entrance? Okay, the lead
singer of the band oddly looked a lot like really
that was the weird part. At first? I was like,
is that Ria Ripley from like three years ago? Like
what happened? Yeah? But WWE's been screwing up the sound
with these musical acts. They It started with Top Dollar
back when we were like, please don't let them wrap
on an open mic again. Yeah, and then all the

live stuff except the bagpipes. All the live music was whack,
like Lil Wayne was did not sound good. This did
not sound good. The sound kept cutting out. It was
just weird. And I would have rather heard her own
music and have her come out with like like sex
slaves on their knees bowing down to hers she like
watch something crazy like that. I didn't. I didn't click

with the music thing at all. But I don't think
it was the band's fault. It's just the sound was awful.
People back on aew sound This was awful. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (05:48):
I think that wrestling has become very it's still very dated.
Those are the moments where it feels dated when you
see her singing along with that and you're like, what
with the gothic and the leather and the spikes, and
it just still feels very like we're bad guys and
we're gothic. It was like just gone, what is this?

It was very, very confusing.

Speaker 1 (06:10):
I did like the look. I did like the look
that they were trying to put out there, but the
rest of it just didn't. It just didn't play like
she should have wrote in on a on like a
like a Harley Arned Indian motorcycle or something like that,
something bad as.

Speaker 2 (06:26):
The whole stable real Ripley, Finnbala or damn. They all
look like nineteen ninety six Utah, like rebellious, like Leo
SLC Punk. Yeah, like all the ones that are like
our parents are Mormon, but we don't do that. Look
how naughty we are. We're into eye makeup and tattoos

and oh leather and the music I listened to is extreme.

Speaker 1 (06:52):
So anyways feels like that. But I love we dyed
our blonde hair black. We're extreme.

Speaker 2 (06:57):
They make up makes it look like I'm crying.

Speaker 1 (07:01):
Do kind of look like nineties Salt Lake City punk.
That's really specific and weird, but I did.

Speaker 2 (07:08):
I did love the match. You know, it's good to
see Rio Ripley kicking. But we predicted it, we called it.
It's I think we called everything right.

Speaker 1 (07:15):
I think I think you did, for sure. I think
so yeah, and that match was really cool. She like
did a double. She did her finisher and smashed her
in the turnbuckle first and then did it again after that.
I was like, now your ass is gonna stay down, bitch,
and just held her there. It was a really cool finish.

Speaker 2 (07:32):
I also don't want to make it sound like I'm
talking trash. That's always what I'm afraid of whenever I'm
trying to just be honest on here, I'm always afraid
that someone's gonna think I'm talking trash. They did more
extreme things outside of the ring as far as like
really executing like moves than they did in the ring.
Like Becky did this like leg drop off the top
rope that like looked like she just kind of fell down,

like she didn't like really jump up.

Speaker 1 (07:54):
It looks like she just kind of like it looked
like it landed on her throat. It was very weird.

Speaker 2 (08:00):
But then outside the ring they did this like hard
slam onto the thing, and I was like, oh, that's
like really convincing. So anyways, it was really good. I
was very happy with the finish. I love Ray Ripley,
I love Becky Lynch, and I'm happy with it.

Speaker 1 (08:11):
So I want to touch on my match of WrestleMania quickly,
and I don't know how you felt about it, but
I loved Sammy z Ain versus Gunther. My kids watched
it will My daughter watched it with me. My son
only cares about Kevin Owens and anime that's it. Charlotte
watched with me. I really loved this match. They even
after we recorded last week's episode, because we record these

on Mondays, I said, they're doing the Rocky three storyline
where Rocky's talking to Apaulo Creed and he's like, I'm
afraid okay. They did that exact scene that Monday night,
after we recorded that exact scene. They just stole it
straight up, not stolen, but paying tribute to Rocky three.
In that moment where he's like, I'm afraid, okay, I
don't think I could win. They did the whole thing.

So now I know that's why I knew Sammy was
gonna win. In that moment right there, I told my kid,
I was like, he's gonna win. And they went out
and they had what I thought. There were two men
that stole the show in different ways. One was Gunther
and the way he sold and the way he attacked
like this dude that he lost for a reason because

he's moving up the ranks and is gonna be a
threat for a world title really really soon. Gunther's the man.
Sammy has always been a great story since the bloodline.
This was awesome. My kid loved it. I loved it.
It was my match, my match of WrestleMania, my Mania match.
And we'll get into the other guy that I that

I think stole the show a little bit later. But
what'd you think of this story or.

Speaker 2 (09:40):
What is it about this that made it your WrestleMania match.

Speaker 1 (09:45):
When it's two guys trying to outsell each other, when
it's two guys trying to make the other guy look
as tough as he can possibly be, those are the
matches that just kind of like pull me over the
moon because I see like just nothing but selflessness, Like, oh,
you thought you made that my hit look good, I'm
gonna make your hit look even better. And these guys
just without over selling it, Shawn Michael's hault Cogan style

just really made one another look fantastic. Thought they told
a good story of Sammy not staying down. He's always
gonna get up no matter what I thought. Gounther was
super patient in waiting to show his frustration. He didn't
just get pissed off right away and rush the whole
match because they had time. I loved that Sammy's lady
was out there, like just everything about it was was

just right to me, especially when it's two guys trying
to outsell each other. That's why I loved it. I
liked it.

Speaker 2 (10:34):
I don't have much to say about the match, but
I just thought it was good. It does feel like
two guys really trying to climb the ladder in the
same ring together, so that's fun.

Speaker 1 (10:43):
I liked it. I like both these dudes.

Speaker 2 (10:46):
I think they're both you know, they're be guys to me,
but I both trying to be a guys and I
root for both of them, so it was good.

Speaker 1 (10:55):
It was a good match. It was very dramatic.

Speaker 2 (10:57):
The audience seemed surprisingly alive for so I think there
was something magic about this match.

Speaker 1 (11:03):
Sammy's the magic Goonther's just the shit, but Sammy is
because we relate to Sammy man, He's the every He's
the everyman. Goonther's the big bad villain. Sammy's the everyman

So before we get into the Cody Roads seth Rollins
tac team match against the Bloodline, the LWO wrestled against
Legato and or Legato beat down Dragon Lee. So raymy
STEREO's partner, Dragon Lee couldn't wrestle, Andrade said, I'll be
your partner, even though the story they told us, he
came out with the Legato side and then he flip

sides and he takes Ray's side, and he's the newest
member of the LWO. So we think he may not be.
He may have just been a one time thing. But
this was the man that I felt stole the entire
show minus the main on day two. But as far
as Day one goes, he made so much of his opportunity.
This is a tag team match that had Jason Kelce

and some other dude that plays football gimmicky in this match,
and every time this dude was in the ring, he
was frigging perfect, and every move he did looked so
real and so legit, and he was just I mean
everything from his the back moon salt landing on his feet.
Oh you dodged that. Here's another one, Papa got him.

Here comes my kick. Oh psych, I didn't kick you,
I hit you with the spinning elbow for Papa. This
dude was so money and if this leads to a
Santos versus andred At like SummerSlam or something like that,
they will steal that entire pay per view. Those two
guys were absolutely killed Andrede was awesome. I know this
wasn't the most compelling match for people to watch because

it was the C story. Sammy was the B story,
Cody being the A story, But I just had to
mention him because I freaking love this dude. I follow
him on Instagra. I wish I looked like him. I'm
trying to work out, and then I realized it's because
I ate ice cream. It's probably why I don't look
like it. But yeah, man, I just thought he absolutely
made the most of his opportunity and he was flawless,
like zero mistake everything. It wasn't like, oh, he was

like ninety percent on this, No, he was one hundred
percent perfect on every single movie did. It was unreal
and I loved it. Go ahead, Jeff, what do you
want to get into tag team?

Speaker 2 (13:20):
I think this is the best match that we've talked about.
I had more fun watching this match than Becky and Rhea.
I had more fun watching this than Guther and sammy' zan,
Like Mexican wrestling is the greatest. I mean, I actually
think the worst part of this was the celebrity spot
with the football guys. Yeah, it was like and also
it was so obvious. I mean they got the Luca

masks that look exactly like Philadelphia of Eagles masks. I
mean even the way the Luca mask goes up with
the kind of the wings.

Speaker 1 (13:49):
To be fair, there is no Luca mask that fits
either one of those guys.

Speaker 2 (13:52):
Yeah, but all these guys are so good. There was
multiple spots that were awesome. They did the thing where
they grabbed the ropes and they fling him all the.

Speaker 1 (14:01):
Way across so many spot feet.

Speaker 2 (14:04):
On this Androtte jumped off the top rope onto dudes
multiple times in the ring out of the ring, like
there's just so many, so many moments, and I love
I love lucha wrestling.

Speaker 1 (14:15):
Andrede put Ray on his shoulders and jumped off with
Ray on his shoulders, so awesome, like I've never even
seen that. It's amazing.

Speaker 2 (14:24):
And also Dom good on dom Dom caught the brunt
of that spot. Oh yeah, like Androtti's whole body went
on Dom. Outside the ring, You're like, good look, good
thing that kid's young, because that was a pretty big fall.
A lot of weight came on Dom.

Speaker 1 (14:38):
Yeah, man, it was all right. Tag team match we
called this. We called this from Jump Street. You guys,
Cody Roads, Seth Rollins versus the Bloodline, the Rock and
Roman Reigns, the former Universal Champion. It went down the
way we thought it would go down. There was there
was no way they could win or it makes the
main event the following night less interesting. So the bad

guys had to win, and the bad guys won, and
I wasn't you know, I liked the match, but the
way they made the stipulation, it could only go one way,
so there wasn't much suspense. Like my daughter walked out
of the room a couple times, came back in, you
know what I mean, Like she just wasn't because she knew.
She was like, oh, I thought this was going to

be the main event. I was like, nah, that's tomorrow night.
She's like, oh, well they're gonna win, Like she knew,
and she's fourteen, So it was it was what it
was for me. But it was a good build up.
It was like watching a trailer for a movie, right,
I'd rather see the movie, but the trailer was cool.

Speaker 2 (15:38):
Yeah, I thought it was as underwhelming as it could be.
It was very, very underwhelming. There was some cool spots.
I like when they use the tables, which I don't know.
I wish someone was keeping count of this. There was
so many table spots in Night one and Night two
of wressel MAINI forty seven tables, but I'm telling you, dude,
it was a lot, which makes me happy.

Speaker 1 (15:58):
I like stuff like that.

Speaker 2 (16:00):
But the match was good, but I don't think it
was Night one main event of WrestleMania good. That's just
my criticism. And I think that we went from a
busted ass Night one to an incredible Night two. And
maybe that's why Night two seems so good is because
Night one was so underwhelming.

Speaker 1 (16:20):
Now Night two was dope. Let's get right into night two.
The show opened and it's seth Rollins, who we have
to talk about before we get into this match. And
Drew McIntyre so my daughter while we were watching this,
and I even wrote this to you guys as if

I came up with it, said, he looks like a
professor from Hogwarts. This was on night This was a
night Night one, and I said, yeah, he's Professor Rolinicuez.
He's the new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher. And
she started giggling. I've said this before. You dress as
stupid as you want, Dude, I still think one of
the top three wrestlers in the entire planet. Night too,

he challenged me again when he came out like Willy
Wanka's cousin and walked out there with the whole parade.
Now I get that they're celebrating. This is what I
said to my daughter. I said, they're celebrating the culture
of the local community, and this parade is like they're
kind of local things. She goes right away, she goes, well,
they didn't do that in La Dad. I said, well,

so they kind of did, with like the Hollywood stage
and all that. She goes, No, that's this is just weird.
She's not buying it. But my man came out dressed
dressed like a fool and walked out. See Unpunk was
the commentator for the match, and he even shit on it.
But that's pretty much in his wheelhouse. And then they
told the story of seth Rollins who's been injured for

like nine months, it feels like, and eventually he was
going to break down, and Drew McIntyre was the one
that was going to break him. And he said it
in an arrogant way, he said it in a humble way.
He said it in and I feel sorry for you
kind of way, like I'm gonna have to break Yeah,
Like he did everything everything you can do to be
the heel in this storyline, but people still love Drew.

He even kept reminding him that he's the reason Cmpunk
wasn't there. Cmpunk's wearing an armbraced through this whole, this
whole thing for his torn muscle. And then they had
this match which started off and I honestly thought, oh
my god, is it going to be one, two, three
and over because right away Drew hits him with his
finisher and I was like, are they doing that? Like

is he going to hit it boom? And then the
whole match is over and then Damian Priest is going
to run out because that would be the way that goes,
but no, instead it was an aew match where they
hit each other with their finishers twenty seven times each
and kept kicking out and kept kicking out and it
was a pretty freaking awesome match. Dude, I know you
liked this match. I know you liked this match.

Speaker 2 (18:52):
Yeah, I did like the match. I'm I'm a huge
fan of MacIntyre. I just couldn't get over it. I
was just sitting there, going, what are we doing?

Speaker 1 (19:05):
It looked like Adam Rose, remember that like NXT guy
that came out with like all the party people. He
was like a British guy. I was like, yo, it
looks like that Adam Rose walk, Like, why are they
redoing that?

Speaker 2 (19:16):
I couldn't understand what the dude. It was very confusing,
but it was good.

Speaker 1 (19:23):
I was. I was happy about it, but it.

Speaker 2 (19:25):
Was also very confusing to my old school wrestling brain.

Speaker 1 (19:31):
All Right, moving on, I've never heard the word creep
applied more appropriately. That's what that look was. It was creep.
I want to talk about my favorite ladies match of
the WrestleMania, which was Bailey versus EO. And this story
has been like the sweet the Sweetcake story right like,

it's it's poor Bailey. She's been the victim. She tried
to create something awesome. It got taken away from her
by evil EO and jealous Dakota, and then once Kyrie came,
Kyrie's like, man, forget this, get rid of her. Man,
we can run this Japanese style and we'll keep Dakota around.
And they asked her out and would make fun of

her and talk all this shit and made everybody love Bailey,
and they kept talking about she's never had her WrestleMania
moment winning that championship. Getting over this match was so
much fun to watch. I don't know if she's the
best wrestler, but she's the coolest wrestler, Like the move
she does and the attitude on her face and the
way she just looks at you and she gets one

over on you, like everything she'd I wanted her to
win for a little bit, and I'm pulling for Bailey,
but she did a few things where I was just like, yo,
why doesn't that make her wrestle every week? Like she
did a flip out of Bailey's finisher, landed and just
looked at her with her hands up like what, bitch,
I'll kill you. You got nothing on me, And Bailey
was undaunted and hit her with the belly to Bailey

like three different times and finally nailed her with the finisher,
and EO's down and out and Bailey's the new women's champion.
But this match was I keep cussing this week, but
it's WrestleMania.

Speaker 2 (21:12):

Speaker 1 (21:12):
This match was freaking awesome. I had a ton of
fun watching it. It was ten degrees warmer in the arenas,
so that had to help. But El Scott, I know
she's not the champ anymore. And Bailey was great too.
I'm not trying to take anything away from Bailey, but
she just is so smooth with it, like everything is
just as cool like a rock star, Like you just
want to hang out with her, like she's just sick.

And I love this match. I thought it was awesome. Jeff,
I like everything.

Speaker 2 (21:37):
I think that what happened with Damage Control is it
was something cool. We wondered if it would become something else,
and it did. And because it did exactly as we predicted, like,
I felt like the storytelling was a little too on
the nose.

Speaker 1 (21:54):
We're like, I bet.

Speaker 2 (21:54):
They're gonna turn on Bailey, right, Remember we've kind of
predicted that before it happened. Yeah, but then it seemed
like for weeks they were making it too obvious that
that's exactly what was going to happen, so then our
prediction just seemed like, well, of course that's what they're
gonna do. Then have them turn on so like it
felt like the ending to a story that was just
a little too predictable for me.

Speaker 1 (22:16):
I agree with everything you just said totally.

Speaker 2 (22:18):
But I do like Damage Control, and I do like Bailey,
I think, and I like the story even I just
think it was a little too obvious what was going
to happen.

Speaker 1 (22:26):
It didn't really surprise us much.

Speaker 2 (22:28):
We're just kind of like, yep, of course, but uh yeah,
damage Control is super cool, and I'm curious what they're
gonna what what Bailey's gonna do now? Like, what is
the next chapter for Bailey.

Speaker 1 (22:37):
I hope it's not over. I would love to see
those two wrestle again the way Sina and Orton did
back in the day, back and back and forth. I
would because those two put on a great match, and
it'd be a shame if it was a one off.
It was too it was too good. I'd like to
see what they come up with next. Run out of time, Jeff,

Let's get right to it, But before we do, I
got to handle some business. Are you cool with that,
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Let's move on to the main events. Cody versus Roman
bloodline rules. As the Rocks said it would be, so
it was, and everything kind of happened. This was a
like the Bailey EO storyline, a predictable storyline, but one
that everyone has been very very committed to, and so
committed that wwe changed course. For those of you who

don't know, they had a different plan, and the fan
out cry was so loud that they switched back to
their original plan of making Cody the Universal Champion. Almost
called him the heavyweight chen this story he's been going
on for two years, Jeff. We were at what we
thought would be the culmination last year in Los Angeles,
but Cody lost and had to wait another year for
whatever reason. But now I guess was the time The

Rock came back. The Rock tried to steal his match.
The fans demanded that not happen. Cody came back and
made sure it wouldn't happen. The Rock made promises that
he kept. I'm gonna make him bleed, I'm gonna make
him cry, sweat bleed, all the liquids from your body
will be on this belt, and I'm going to show
it to your mama. And he did, and he's the
ultimate heel in The crowd loved him and hated him

for it. I thought they did a great job telling
this story. Everybody knew he was going to win. The
bloodline rules was basically every other match Roman Reigns has,
which is all the Bloodline comes in and interferes in
the match. So I don't understand why it was such
a big deal this time, since that's been every match
since the bloodline has been created. But but yeah, man,

it was good to see Cody win. My daughter asked
me who Dusty Rhodes was. I got to tell her
all about Dustin Rose, the American Dream, and and yeah,
it was a real feel good moment. I think it's
great for the company. If you saw the cover of
ww E two K, you knew Cody was going to
win a long time ago. He is the face of

the franchise now. But I think they picked the right
guy moving forward. And we'll see what's next for Roman.
You know, we'll talk about creative wise and Thursday's unsanctioned,
but maybe he's he's taken a step away from wrestling
here pretty soon, and he's going to chase the Hollywood
Dream as well. You never know. But what did you
think of the story, the match and all the stuff
in between, sir.

Speaker 2 (26:57):
Well, all the interruptions were was fascinating.

Speaker 1 (27:01):
You know.

Speaker 2 (27:01):
It's like you think at this point they'd be in
a cage match, not even so that we could see
a cage match, just so there's no shenanigans, you know,
like like just to be a preventative cage just has
nothing to do with them climbing it. They don't have
to get out. Nobody has to be thrown off of
it or thrown through it just to keep so Socoa out,

just to keep the whatever celebrity they want to hit
the music for it to run down in here. There
was a point where it was literally Cody Roman and
then out of nowhere we had this like dream sequence
of just John Cena, Roman, Reigns and Cody were just
outside of the there was There wasn't even about them anymore.
It was this whole separate thing that just happened in

the middle of their match, Like we took like a
commercial break from the actual match to watch all this
like weird stuff. I liked it, but it was very
confusing and all kind of at once. But I did
love the match. I My only complaint about the main event,
because I liked it, was that all the good guys
come out from the back and hoist him up on

their shoulders, and his mom's in the ring and all
this stuff. It's like, I don't need to see La
Night in sweatpants and and Freddy or Samy's ain going
this is the moment it's just what it's all about,
you with your family, and here you enjoy it, and
I was going get it, knock it off. We're all

breaking character. He's soft as hell. It's crying about winning
the championship. It's like, you know, like the crude three
years ago, we didn't even like Cody Rhoads. If we'd
have brought up start us on this podcast back then,
we would have been laughed off the network going to
these guys wasting their time talking about Cody Rhodes. He
wasn't even famous in his own wrestling mid place that

he invented.

Speaker 1 (28:49):
He was super famous. I'd take you to task on
that one. No one cared about Cody Rhoads till they no.
They cared enough that they even started booing and then
started hating him at aew That's my point.

Speaker 2 (29:01):
We hated, Yeah, they like he left his own thing.
We nobody could care less about Cody Rhodes. I don't
know how this happens so fast. It is fascinating that
he's the guy that they picked to dethrone Rum and Rains.
I'm very, very very surprised about it, and I look
forward to seeing what he does.

Speaker 1 (29:21):
Yeah, let me throw this at you then, because I
look at it from a completely different angle. I'm looking
at a guy who failed, had to leave, was humiliated,
humiliated his family's name even with the stardust and losing
to Steven Emmel and all his bullshit and then the
dashing mustache and all that shit that he had to do.

Goes to Japan, tries to be reborn, meets some other
guys out there, comes up with an idea, turns that
idea into a plan, turns that that plan comes to Fruition.
That Fruition is a company ae W and he is
all elite. He puts on an Amazing Man with Sammy
Gavar when he knows he's getting ready to leave, to
put the title over to him. He got over big

in AEW. Then they hated him in AW because he
got two over, which happens in WWE and everywhere. Then
he leaves the company he started to get a rocket
ship strapped to his ass, and the company that fired
him to become then the world champion. I could tell
you another story like that. It's the story of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
He came from nothing, he didn't speak the language. He
got famous for bodybuilding. He moves to America. He can't

speak Bill Burst talked about this, he couldn't speak the language.
But he becomes a huge movie star. Then what's he
gonna do? Mary Kennedy then become the governor of California.
This is an amazing story, Like, this is what Cody's
gone through. And I look at it from the positive side,
It's like, look at all his shit. This guy accomplished
and then walked away from to get one more shot
in WWE, and then he actually pulled it off, and

now he's the cover of the video game. So yeah, man,
I think that's badass. That's the flip side of that quarter.

Speaker 2 (30:56):
It is true. I mean, that's you're making a good one.

Speaker 1 (31:01):
But that's not I don't give a ship. I still
know the same way.

Speaker 2 (31:04):
No, you told me the story. I really like it.
I guess what I was doing in my brain is going,
all right, why wasn't it this wrestler to dethrown him?
Why wasn't it this wrestler. Why wasn't at this wrestler.
Because you got guys who were at the company sitting
around going I thought that, you know, I thought that
I was climbing the Mountain to this.

Speaker 1 (31:26):
I thought that I was the.

Speaker 2 (31:27):
Guy, you know, like I've been popular over here forever
and uh and I just keep getting these crap storyline
you know. It's like, why is aj Styles the guy
to de thrown? Remember how bad we wanted Aj Styles
in w Yeah, but like why not you know what,
why not be the one?

Speaker 1 (31:47):
Why couldn't he be the one? Because it was always
bloodline rules apparently.

Speaker 2 (31:53):
So I guess what I was doing to my fault
was like just comparing going why why are we not
you know, giving it to so and so? And why
is Cody the chosen one? But it was beautiful and
the family versus family thing makes it a great argument too,
like to have you know, the bloodline and then the
Rhodes family, like those two things.

Speaker 1 (32:12):
So I do like that.

Speaker 2 (32:14):
I'm happy for him and the fact that everyone else
loves him so much. You got the ring announcer crying
as she introduces him as the man. It seems like
everyone in that locker room or backstage whatever it's called,
seems to be believing that this is the guy that
should have won.

Speaker 1 (32:29):
So then who am I to judge? It? Yo? How
much bigger was Randy Orton than everyone else in the ring.
It's amazing.

Speaker 2 (32:36):
So I was like, dude, so yeah, I know, s impressive.
You go, why isn't he the champion? Look at the
size of that free for.

Speaker 1 (32:45):
Real, he would be my champ. That's straight up, straight
up all right, you guys, whether you feel it was
Cody's time or not, hit us up on our social media,
on our Instagram when we post our little heads up
and things, post them online. Jeff post them on his
demand that we get hour long episodes if that's what
you want, and give us some good reviews. Tell your friends,

tell your enemies, tell everybody you know about us, and
tune in Thursday for Unsanctioned Thursdays where we get a
little deeper into wrestling. And I'm going to talk about
the process of my own federation and one of the
steps that I've already taken, and I'll describe what it
was like and all that good stuff so you guys
can get a better sense of it too. On behalf
of Jeff Die, Freddie Prince Junior, and this was Wrestling

with Freddy. This has been a production of Iheart's Michael
Toura podcast Network. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the
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