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April 4, 2024 18 mins

oin us for our first Unsanctioned Thursday of season 4 as we examine the seismic changes that unfolded during our podcast hiatus.  We discuss the evolving TV and streaming landscape, exploring its effects on the wrestling community, and how we watch our favorite wrestling TV shows.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Ladies and gentlemen, It's time for Unsanctioned Thursdays with Jeff
I and me Freddy.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
Let's start the show. Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready
shuts up? About to hit the fan. Welcome to Unsanctioned
Thursdays unter Wrestling with Friday.

Speaker 1 (00:27):
While we were gone, everything in the world happened in
professional wrestling, which is complete and total bs. You guys
couldn't wait until we were back. So here's what's happened.
Edge joined a w which was freaking crazy. Granted he
wanted to work with his friend with Christian and they
got to have an awesome match in Canada with a

spike baseball bat and this beautiful finale to their storyline.
But I never in a million years would have thought
he would have done that. CM Punk got fired by
the company helped build, and then rehired by the company
that fired him on his wedding day, and then got
injured and couldn't go to the WrestleMania that he was
said to go to. All while we were gone, WWE

has been making tons of moves globally and now they're
having international paid live events. They did the Elimination Chamber
in Australia. Ripley got to be there. Indy Hartwell, who's
a young wrestler, got to perform in front of her
home people. The crowd was going crazy. She couldn't even
help but smile the entire match, which was funny. Backlash
is going to be in France, Bash at Berlin in August.

They're going all over the world. I think they saw
what AW did in England and we're like, if that,
we can't let them have the biggest number. We got
to get the biggest number. AW has really started to
come back and find its groove despite not having MJF
which when he first left it had been a bit
of a struggle for them. But they signed Sasha Banks
aka Mercedes Monette or I should say formerly known as

Sasha Banks now known as Mercedes Monette. They signed Okata
and Jeff. They signed Will Ospray.

Speaker 3 (02:05):
This best signing you could get.

Speaker 1 (02:07):
I'd argue, yo, wwe fumbled this so bad, And Will
talked about this in an interview. He was like, Yo,
it was basically, and I'm paraphrasing, it was an NXT
contract or. It was millions of dollars at AW. Peace
like the fact that they didn't know this dude could
cut a promo. Forget the fact that he's arguably the

best wrestler in the world today. Okay, it might not
even be arguable, but I'm saying arguable just to respect
other wrestlers out there who maybe I haven't seen. His
work on the mic is top notch. I sent a
clip to my wife. I said, Yo, this is Tom Hardy,
but as a professional wrestler, and she wrote back, Oh

my god, he is like even my wife watched his
promo and I was like, this was amazing. That last
one he cut on Brian Danielson where he was talking
about his shoes in the ring. Look, look, everyone, bron
Danielson's shoes and you know what, I'll looked at him
and they were too small. Foolmy bruv and the whole
crowd just goes crazy. And he's got this this English like,

I don't know if it's a Northern accent. It might
be a north I don't want to get it wrong.
But it's not like probabrid. It's not like, oh I know, yes,
I'd like some tea and yeah, oh, I can't believe you.

Speaker 3 (03:19):
Spalked to me.

Speaker 1 (03:20):
Yeah, it's very like just rough and in your face
and take it or leave it, and his personality is
as such. And then he shows incredible respect to his
opponents at the same time as he disses him later on.
It's like he doesn't go at Brian Danielson until Brian
Danielson goes at him. He doesn't go at the Japanese
dude that beat him up in New Japan, the one

he just wrestled. I had never seen him work before,
but he's even speaking to him in Japanese and showing
him respect, and the promo like, this dude is a
top top star, a top top star. I cannot wait
to see where he goes. Dude, I've been talking a
long time. Jeff, jump in here.

Speaker 3 (03:59):
I agree with you.

Speaker 4 (04:01):
I think Osprey is the real deal, and he's not
the only person like that. You know, like wrestling has
a lot of really big stars, but I think that
this guy is the cream of the crop. And he
has the opposite problem of some of the things we
were talking about. He's still pretty young. He's only thirty
years old, and he's got every single thing. Also, you

don't have to be seven foot anymore to be a
big to be a successful wrestler. So I think will
Osprey might have been a Eddie Guerrero Ben Wall kind
of guy in the nineties, but nowadays he's a star.
He's literally he's there's sky's the limit for this guy.
So I think that WWE's screwed up big by not

going out and getting him, Like I would have thrown
the whole bank at this guy.

Speaker 1 (04:49):
To even think that he's an NXT talent is just insane.
It's just, oh, let's control costs, right, Like that has
to be what that was. They could not have seen
him cut a promo and then offer him. That's just
like how how how do you think you would get
someone that talented, who's gonna be in demand, and then
offer him seventy grand a year, which is an NXT contract.

Speaker 4 (05:10):
I think if you do what the Dodgers do and
you just go out and buy an Ospray, you buy
an MGF, you just throw the throw the money at
those just those two guys I just named an MJF
and Ospray, I think AE w Dies. I don't even
think that they could compete. They'd become another you know,
thing that would still exist. But I think WW wins

that war. If you could just go sign those two guys.

Speaker 1 (05:35):
MJF and Will Ospray are the two best of the
younger generation. Like there's there's nobody else even close, and
there's great wrestlers out there that I love, but in
comparison to those two, it's like there's those two guys,
and then there's a great group of guys beneath them,
and then there's everybody else. Like it's they're just their

top show.

Speaker 3 (05:56):
All right. I was gonna say, ae W. It feels
like what Tony Kahn is doing.

Speaker 4 (06:00):
Is letting the fan kind of sneak into his business plan.
It's slowly turning into this like, look who we have
from when when when I was young, Look we got edge.
Look we're giving Jake the Snake a bigger contract. It's like, dude,
you know you got to invest in these young cats.

Grow up your things, don't don't look for this nostalgic
pieces thinking that's going to get a pop and whatever
and might work, and people might.

Speaker 3 (06:28):
Disagree, but that's just how I feel about it.

Speaker 1 (06:31):
And for everybody who already knew about Ospray, guys are
jerks because none of you told me about him. I'd
only seen an Instagram clip of him getting flipped and landing,
so screw you guys, all right? Moving on? Oh, also,
they signed Okata the rain Maker and he had a
great match with not a great match, but a good
match with Eddie Kingston. So they're really embracing the Japanese

side of things in WW does to a certain extent
as well, especially with the with the female wrestlers. The
Rock joined the TKO board. While we were on that's
kind of big news Raw is moving to Netflix. They
announced that that was kind of big news. SmackDown was
moving to the USA network. That ain't news. The USA
needs wrestling. Their heart was broken when the Austroids one

of their highest rated shows, and and NXT is moving
to the CW, which to me was the only one
that was kind of like what the CW has no identity,
It's not like it was when it was the WB
and it had Dawson's Creek and Buffy the Vampire Slayer
and it represented young America so well, and what the
youth was inspired by. It is an aimless boat with

no sail, sitting in the middle of the water, waiting
to be consumed by a bigger whale, Like that's all
the CW is. I'm telling you that it's not a shot.
That's the nature of their business. They're about to get
absorbed into an app and not even exist anymore, and
there won't be a CW as we know it, like
a lot of channels have sunk and gone into the
corporate streaming services. I have no idea why NXT moved there.

It should have just been on Peacock. I don't know
why they couldn't cut a deal there, that's where they
already have their previous deal. But yeah, so it's moving
to the CW. And I've actually watched a couple episodes
during during our hiatus here, and I still wish they
would shoot it differently. It's still shot like you know
a high school play. Everybody just lines up in the
middle of the ring. Even if there's four people, they
just line up in a row. There's nothing cinematic about

their shots. And it's not like they have different camera
people like it's it's the same crew that shoots everything.
They get cinematic on Monday and Ira with the Rock
and Roman Reigns and shooting the Rock in the foreground
and Romans a little blurry and that a stab and
Roman's side eyeing him, and that establishes a little tension
in the bloodline. Like they can do cinematic shots. I've
seen them do it, and they just refuse to do

it on NXT. It basically should just be a hardcam
with no close ups and that's and that would be
the show. Maybe the CW has notes for him, but
I just can't. I just don't understand why it would
go there outside of they have nothing, and they were
the ones buying live golf contracts. The CW like they
don't know who they are anymore, they don't have an identity.
So this to me was just a very lateral move.

It doesn't progress the business in any way, and it
certainly doesn't progress NXT in any way. And that's pretty
much what happened when we were gone, you guys. Now,
one of those things, had they happened during the season,
would have been enough to talk about for weeks and

weeks on end. But that's like twenty things, twenty things,
and it's like they timed it out when our show ended.
They're like, okay, now make everything huge, So we missed everything.
But out of all that stuff, Jeff, what would you
like to talk on.

Speaker 3 (09:42):
I don't really care what we speak about.

Speaker 4 (09:43):
But there's been a billion things that have happened, and
we've noticed that the second week went on hiatus is
when everything exciting started happening. I would like to vent
a little bit about how difficult these TV networks make
it for us to watch things. It's just so hard
and it moves around. It's like I feel like I'm
constantly trying to It's it's the new hunting. You know,

we're not cowboys anymore. We don't go hunt our food.
We have to go hunt our content. What app is
it on? And oh, I don't remember my log in
for this? And now, oh you're gonna send me a
link that streams to a thing, and oh but this
is a special event, or this one's blacked out, or
this is a pay per view, but now the pay
per views are on Peacock. But now Peacock put it
to and it's just keeps jumbling around. If these TV

networks want to keep our viewership and our loyalty, maybe
figure out your crap.

Speaker 3 (10:35):
It's too hard.

Speaker 4 (10:36):
To like, you know, jumping from Monday nights to Saturday
nights and Now, wrestling's on Friday when I'm doing comedy,
so I come back to my hotel at one am
just to start Monday Night Raw.

Speaker 3 (10:47):
It's very, very flustering.

Speaker 4 (10:50):
But I don't know if you guys agree with me
or if you guys have those same if you feel that,
but it does feel like difficult to watch.

Speaker 1 (10:57):
You know, this has been an issue ever since all
the networks tried to catch up with Netflix and they
all started buying each other out. And that's that's why
anti corporate philosophies have always been good, and that's why
George Carlin was kind of right with a lot of
the stuff that he said back in the day. And
all these all these buyouts to create these streaming services.

Understand something. These aren't plans that are being executed. These
are moves that are being made. There's not a lot
of forethought that goes into this, if that's the right term.
There's not a lot of planning. It's just, oh my god,
they did this. We have to make a move. And
that's why all these streaming companies come up buy all
this content and then they go away and they cancel

all their shows. Like if you want to know, if
if a streaming service you watch is about to be
bought out, and you should cancel your subscription and save
ten bucks a month. Just watch how many shows they're canceling.
If they're canceling the majority of their shows and only
holding on to like one or two, they are about
to be sold. I'm not going to call out the
streaming companies that are doing this, but it's pretty easy
to find out they're they're looking to claim losses so

that they can just sell out, and it makes it
impossible to commit to a show.

Speaker 3 (12:07):
They're going to.

Speaker 1 (12:07):
Cancel it anyway. Why would I watch this crap which
then hurts the show. None of the contracts that they
signed with these shows are for more than one year.
It's not like there's no threat on the studio side,
Like if you sign if I write a great show
it's called it's called Wrestling with Freddie and Jeff and
it's an awesome show, we won't get a five year
seven year contract will be under one, but the studios

not under one, which means we can't work anywhere for
five to seven years. It's usually seven years is your contract,
So for seven years without permission, you can't go anywhere.
But there's no seven year commitment on their end to
keep the show, so there's no risk. There's no risk
on their end. They can kill you at any time
they want, and if they feel that they need to
sell the company, that's what they do. They kill show, show, show,

with no financial penalty whatsoever. The only penalties that happen
on the creative side of things the writers, the directors,
the producers, and the actors and the musicians and the
carpenters and everybody out the electricians and the gaffers and
everybody who makes your TV shows and movies that you love.
That's where the risk is. The studios have none, and

a lot of these bigger corporations that have come in lately,
like Amazon, they don't even care about television or movies.
These aren't tax ride offs for them. That's why they
bought them to claim them as losses. And they're assigning
executives from their companies all of a sudden in creative
positions when they have no experience in film or television.
So that's why I think it's so hard to find
something we like and then stick with it, because these

aren't plans, these are moves. They're just lateral moves that
people are making. And that's what the NXT thing felt like,
was just like, oh, you're going there now, Well where
are you going next year? Because CW probably won't even
be around. Well, then we'll go to Peacock. Okay, now
I am at Peacock. What happens if something goes instead
of if the networks would have just stayed the course
and said, let Netflix be Netflix and we just won't

sell them our content. And if we don't sell them
our content, they can't exist, and that should have been
the studio move to deal with Netflix is okay, you're
you're you have every episode of Friends on your network. Yeah,
you don't get to have Friends. Oh you want to
have this movie, So you don't get to have those movies.
And if you're not selling your product, they can't buy it.
They can't exist. But all these studios this money, money, money, money, money.

I gotta get my bonus, got to get my bonus.
You can have Friends for ten years, here you go. Yeah,
you can have the Star Wars trilogy for three here
you go. All these like huge franchises and that built Netflix,
and now Netflix can make their own movies and they
don't need your stuff, and now all these other networks
are like, well maybe we should stream too. It's like
you don't have to, right, you didn't have to, now
you did. And now every streaming service basically turned back

into cable because now they all have commercials. Again. Ah,
that's my half of the rant, Jeff, But yeah, man,
it's it's that's what the business is nowadays.

Speaker 3 (14:49):
It's very flustering.

Speaker 4 (14:51):
And also like, I mean, they've made some things are convenient,
you know, like I can binge watch something, but even that,
we're consuming it too fast. So they're going, all right,
you got to tune back in next Tuesday, we'll upload that.
It's like you have them all, just give me them all,
you know what I'm saying. Like, so it's very flustering.
Luckily Wrestling will be going to Netflix where we won't

have to worry about all this crap.

Speaker 3 (15:14):
But that's not till January.

Speaker 1 (15:16):
Yeah, but it'll finally have its new home, and I
feel like it'll be there for as long as it
was on the USA network, Like it'll be a double decade,
triple decade kind of thing, Like they have their home.
Netflix ain't going anywhere. And yeah, everybody who doesn't have
streaming services. Get ready to cut that cord and get
streaming services. Save yourself a couple bucks from cable and

satellite because they played themselves, and watch your wrestling. Man,
this is wrestling is. I don't know how long this
window is going to stay open, but wrestling has opened
a window. And it was before the Rock. The Rock
doesn't get to take credit for making wrestling cool again.
It was all these young wrestlers that came up that
made it cool again, but he certainly helped. It has
this window now where I feel like there's room. And
I'll say this on the show because you guys listen,

and you guys give a damn. I'm going out with
the wrestling show this year. I've already shot like a
little real for it. I might fail, I might fall
flat on my face. I might succeed. I might have
the highest rated wrestling show on television. I don't know
what's going to happen, but I had a plan and
I followed through with this plan and I made it happen,
you guys, and I'm going out with the show. I'm

not saying I have a TV deal yet, but I
have multiple places that want to see what we did,
and I'm gonna show it to them, and I'm gonna
sell the hell out of it. And if I'm fortunate
enough and someone says yes, it only takes one person
to say yes. If that person says yes, then I
will give you guys all the inside scoop on the
process of selling the wrestling show. There's probably a lot
of you that fantasize about being small time promoters too,

which is all I want to be is a small
time promoter if it becomes big time cool. But I'll
give you guys every single detail and talk you through
the process step by step, just to share that with you.
I like giving people inside information and I'm not giving
up the business that was given up a long time ago.
Go to YouTube type pro wrestling plan B. I want
to see some freaky shit type in pro wrestling plan
be and you'll see the old timers giving up the business.

So yeah, man, I love wrestling and I love movies
and television, and I'm not trying to combine them all.
But it's all a part of show business and I'm
happy to share the whole process. Whether I fail or not,
I'll tell you all everything we appreciate you guys listening
in every week. Thank you for the Wednesday love and

the Thursday love, and we will see you every single
week every Wednesday with Wrestling with Freddy every Thursday on Sanctioned.
Make sure you guys give us some awesome five star reviews.
If you love our show, share it with your friends,
share it with everybody.

Speaker 3 (17:37):
And that's it.

Speaker 1 (17:38):
Jeff, you want to say good bye to the people.

Speaker 4 (17:39):
We love you. Thanks for listening. Send me money on Venmo.

Speaker 3 (17:44):
Have a good week.

Speaker 1 (17:45):
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