Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Now your main events. Introducing the hosts Wrestling with Freddy,
Jeff Did Freddy, Prince tun Yeah, what's up everybody? Welcome
back to another episode of Wrestling with Freddy, or as
we like to call it, Wrestling with Friends. We got
a great show for you today. I had a very
strange deep dive wrestling weekend that we'll get into, a
super funny story that happened to me that made me
almost throw up or laugh. I chose laughter, and a
whole bunch of wrestling with me, as always is my
awesome co host, Jeff Buddy. We want to thank you
guys so much for the support. Please continue to give
us reviews. Those five star reviews are awesome. Makes my
boss is very happy. I want to start to show
with something sad, but it ends funny, all right, I
promise it ends funny. Buddy of mine from childhood took
his own life last week, and it just numbed me,
like I was just I didn't feel good or bad
or anything right for a good couple of days, and uh,
it really really messed me up. And then this morning,
and I've been talking, you know about how I wish
and dudes, you're by the way, you're not burdening your friends.
Man like, oh no, he's got enough on his back.
No dog that that space on my back is reserved
for you. Whether you have problems or not. That space
is reserved for you, and no one else gets to
have that space. Just in case you're feeling screwed up
and you gotta say something. So just know that you're
never a burden to your homies. They they guys don't
freaking talk enough. But I promise you, man, You're real
friends have space. They may say, some real ship that
sucks to hear sometimes, but there is room. You are
not a burden. Call your friends and you can reach
the suicide and Crisis lifeline simply by dialing nine eight
domestically here in the United States. That said, I had
this huge sort of release of emotion this morning. I
decided to go surf and so uh, I tossed the
surfboard on the top of the old school for not
old school is just a beat or like two thousand
eleven four runner um it's black. So if you see
me out there, say what. And I drove down to
the to the beach just to catch a couple of ways.
I just surf on a long board. Now I can't
surf on the on those six footers. I break my
ankles and my neck. Uh. So I have a big
old nine footer and I go out there and I'm
surfing and having a good time, and I'm I'm walking
back and there's a guy with his surfboard laying against
my car and he's like long hair, wet suits halfway
down and he's like probably I don't know, twenty seven.
He looks young. And I go, hey, bro, that's my car.
And he turns around and he goes, dude, I think
I know what my car looks like. Man, And I
started laughing because his voice is so awesome. He sounds
like Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, right, And so I go,
my man, I promise you that's my car. He goes, dude,
it's my car. And I go, try to open your door.
And he goes to open the door and nothing happens, right,
And I pull out my key while he's doing that,
and I unlock it and I go, now try it
and he opens the door and he still kind of
comes at me like what did you Like he's gonna
accuse me of like stealing his keys. But as he
does it, he looks like twenty ft down and there
is an identical two thousand eleven beat or unwashed for
runner that looks exactly like mine. And he turns back
to me and he goes and he's super excited. He
has this huge smile. He goes, Bro, we have the
exact same car. And I dropped dead on the ground.
I was either gonna puke or laugh, and my mind
chose laughter. And uh, it was an amazing morning. So
I feel very motivated and excited to be here today
to you, Jeff, my good friends man, I'm good. I
love that story because he wasn't like embarrassed or he
wasn't like, oh my bad man. He was like, whoa
same car? Bro? It was so like old school Keanu Reeves,
like what. I just loved him. So, by the way,
his name is Eric. He's super cool and I just
followed him on Instagram so we can go surfing again.
Nice dude, just shout out to Eric. You don't know
how much of my Johnny I didn't tell you. I'm
going to call you Johnny Utah in my context of
the trade numbers. You don't know what you did for me.
This morning. But you really took like a huge weight
off my shoulders. So may the May Poseidon love you,
Eric Slash, Johnny Utah. Wrestling numbers are in and wrestling
is good. I was just telling our producer that wrestling
might be the best it's been since the Monday Night Wars.
This has been so exciting to have two great companies
and you don't know what's gonna happen. There's also back
room gossip, but there's you know, everyone's jumping ships, some
people coming every I think it's very exciting times for
wrestling him. I think it's getting pretty darn close to that.
I don't know if it's there yet. Let's move on
to Monday Night Raw and my newest most favorite mask
wearing superhero Edge. I love the mask I still made.
I wish you would have come out with another mask
on and that's his new gimmick. But he did not.
He came out handsome as ever and hot and angry,
and he wanted revenge. He wanted accountability, he wanted answers,
and instead of getting him from Dom, he gets ready
to come out and raise like, dude, please hold on, dope,
Pita hell out of my son, you're six six, bro,
you look like a Viking. He's twelve. Please don't hurt him.
Yeah he is. He is the chest of a kindergarten bro.
I'm sitting there. I'm like, they're making dom Main interesting
without forcing him to talk and put it on himself.
So dom comes out with Ria and I saw another
one of those like memes out there where they do
the match imagery, and it was very Eddy and China
the way Ria was with Dominic, and there was kind
of like but reverse roles because Ri is just this
force of nature. Man. I really think they just booked
her beautifully and she's really stepping up, and it builds
two I love Damien Priest. It builds eventually to a
match that they have, but screw the match. I just
love the way they're working to make Dominic interesting. So
I love what they've done with it. I went from
completely criticizing Dominic to now going okay, okay, all right
each week and then they're kudos to Triple H and
the Gang of b for that. I'm very, very I'm
into it. Would you love to see a Dominic versus
Ray Mystereo match like that classic Dad versus Son kind
of it's gonna happen. It has to happen. It has
to and I think that's why they're protecting his voice
so he can watch all these people that are good
talkers on the mic and learn from them and get
more comfortable and confident because it's clearly working, like the
crowd's feeling it so and when you have confidence, it's
much easier to learn, and you learn much more quickly.
So all these little things, man, they have kept him silent,
which is so smart and so beautiful, because even if
he does have talent, we wouldn't know because he hasn't
had the confidence to show it yet. He's just young
and inexperienced, and he shy. You know. They gotta pull
something out to see if it's there. And I really
just I was so wrong on this. I think our
first episode, I said they should just blow this up
and get rid of get rid of it, because without edge,
it's gonna suck. And I'm super dumb and they're super smart,
and I I can't wait to see if they can
make this work. Even if they fail, they still have
done a great job building this up. At a certain point,
it's on the talent, and I think that triple h
and whoever else is on the creative team right now
are putting him in a position where if he can't
succeed in that then it's just not It's not meant
to be at that level. I don't think you're dumb
at all. I think that it wasn't interesting and now
they're making it interesting. That's all. I think that that's
all it was. And it wasn't interesting when you said
it wasn't, and now it's getting interesting and we're commenting
on it. That's all. I don't want to talk long
about this, but there was one really funny part the
return of bron Stroman. Oh god, you do you know?
That's my dream come true. The fact that he's back.
It makes me so happy. So he came in and
destroyed the entire tag team division. Um, which will take
now quite a few weeks for people to take it
seriously again. That's okay, um, but welcome back Braun. I
got love for the big man. He's super. I love
how fast he runs around the ring. It looks like
a bowl from the Bugs Bunny card, it's awesome. The
one that like Bugs slaps him in the cheeks and
then Bugs takes one of the ass and goes flying out.
That's what he looks like to me when he runs.
He kind of botched one of those he did. He
tripped and fell and then got back up and went
after it again. But he got back up. He didn't
tied us on Neil himself and going through the ring
one most used games. So anyway, the only part of
this segment we're talking about other than Braun's back is
Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston. It's like the winner of
the match, whoever it was, becomes the number one contender.
It was like a gimmick horseshit match that was gonna suck.
They knew it was gonna suck because they knew Braun
was gonna come and kill everybody. And it ends up
being KOFY and Xavier in the ring together against one another,
and so they square up like they're gonna fight, and
the Xavier just lays down and KOFE dives for the
one to three. But before it gets to three, everyone's like,
oh ship, they'll jump in the ring and ripped copiap.
That made me pop loud. I love that they didn't
even break the road dog rule because they waited and
circled around. Oh, and uh, we're gonna go to it
a little early today still of the week. Yeah, Austin
theory came out. I stopped counting the amount of times
he sold his hurt jaw from Tyson Fury at twenty two.
That's when I stopped counting. Yeah, I saw at least
another twenty cells. It's it's got the real live Morgan
feeling like my arm, my arm. It's like, we get
it your jawn. This is my conspiracy theory. Right here?
Are they ribbing him? Do you think Hunterson? Because this
was Vince's guy, And I still vow that Vince ribbed
carrying cross and gave him the Gladiator gimmick because Triple
H his favorite movie is Gladiator, and that was Triple
H is guy. And everyone can see how much that's
Triple HS guy if they watched Friday Night SmackDown. I
think this is Vince's guy, and Hunters now gonna just
like whack on this guy. I honestly think he sold
it like forty times throughout the show Man. It was crazy, like,
I know Tyson Furies the man, but but bro threes
enough A rib is like, I'm not trying to screw
you over. I'm just trying to go gotta you know
what I mean. It's just a rib at a high level.
It's like a you know, billionaires play ribs at a
higher level. Tip of the hat, Dude, I sold or
I didn't sell it, but had this actor he booked
a movie in like Bulgaria or some ship. And we
didn't always get along, and I would pull branks on
him and zup with his house on the market, but
his home who his home answering machine. This is back
in the day's cell phones were like big and he
got back home, I got a phone call and he's
cussing me out. Of course, he goes, they didn't even
work as good as you think because my answer machine
ran out of tape so people couldn't even and he
had co waiting, and I'll I hear him going, god damn.
He just slap the phone because he knew it was
another call. So yeah, sell your friends houses, guys, that's
a good that's a good prank to pull. So anyway,
KO theory, Kevin Owen's comes out and he is breaking
the fourth wall. He's doing everything except Eddie Murphy like
looking into the camera like what's that not? He comes out,
challenges everything Theory says and then hit something this like
two weeks in a row where he's like that, we're
not gonna waste time. In a few seconds, a referee
is gonna here he comes now, and we're just gonna fight.
And I think he's probably the only guy right now
they can pull that off because he has that credibility
of that kind of attitude for so many years. But
they had a match to steal a phrase from from Shamus,
they had a banger. Uh. They fought for what felt
was like forty five minutes. It's like eighteen commercial breaks,
and Theory can freaking work man. But they're making Kevin
Owens out to be a killer of all killers. I
would love to see carry and Cross with one title,
Kevin Owen's with the other title, and let's see who's
good enough to out talk and outwork one of those guys.
I think both those those gentlemen could have wonderful championship stories.
What say you? I love Kevin Owens. I'm still not
sold on Austin Theory. I think he I think he could,
you know, I think he's a star, But I don't
think he's a superstar and I don't think he's like
an A list guy. Um, he's learning, he's learning. Yeah,
and I think that we're just not there yet. And
Kevin Owens, Kevin Owens is the man. Dude like Kevin Owens,
Bronstrom and those are my guys. He did some episodes
of ww Rivals and if it was a rivalry, he
didn't like. He's straight up ship on it. I love
that on the show. No one's had the balls to
do that. Everyone else's company line, company line. And he
said at the top of the show to the producer, goes, hey,
if I thought that this sucked, can I say that?
And the producer kind of like ghosted up and got scared.
And I love Kevin Oens. I was like, dude, say it. Yeah,
he goes, He goes okay, and uh, the producer looked
at me, Ben Houser, he's the man, and I go, bro,
if it's too much, just edited out, like it's all good.
He's not gonna just totally dump on it. But when
it was things that he felt strongly about, he gave
his honest no ww E corporate line. But he was
just like, yo, I thought this rivalry between Stone Cold,
Steve Austin and Bret Hart. Spoiler, we're doing that one
that should have started here. It should have this guy
should have won here, Like he straight up challenged the
booking of it, and I'm like, this is great and
j B l who is uber knowledgeable, but the company
man started defending the position of the booking and it
was so cool watching the level because there was respect
between the two men. But they had a respectful debate
back and forth. First time that's happened on an episode,
and we got him for five episodes and he and
that's how he was everyone. He should have been on
it from Jump Street. That's my best of the week.
Most people that know about wrestling and know about you
know that you, uh, you worked for w t B
and four events and you were in those rooms. If
new listeners didn't know that Freddie worked at w w
E and worked right by the sides of all these guys,
I imagine those conversations happened when they are writing storylines, right,
like when you're sitting there, like someone say we should
do this, and someone else to say we should do this?
Or is it not like that? Usually it's like six
people all saying we should do something different. Okay, Yeah,
so that that's kind of a cool inside peak of like, yeah,
I would have done it this way, and someone else going, well,
here's why events did it, and here's why we said
it this way. Here's why. So that's pretty like inside baseball.
Pretty cool. It was awesome to get to be in
there while they were not arguing, but and it wasn't heated,
but they both believed in their opinions strongly, and to
be like hearing it and knowing that some of that
might even be edited out, I was just like, wow, man, like,
that's this is I didn't say ship for like five
minutes straight. I just let him go back and forth. Yeah,
I just let let it rip. We get to the
featured match of the evening, and if you're not into wrestling,
but you listen to the podcast anyway, you will enjoy this.
H It was a steel cage match. They they were
throwing promos to it all night. You love all kinds
of gimmicks, You must love a cage match. Love a
cage match, always have. Guess who I was rooting for, Freddie,
You know me pretty well. Guess who I was rooting
for I know who you should have been rooting for,
which was the Myths, But you were rooting for the
same person my daughter was rooting for, which is Bobby
Lashly Almighty. A lot of times in these matches, the
bad guys will attack the good guy before it starts
because there's no rules, and then they throw them in
the cage and then they get the advantage and beat
them up. Now, the only way to win this is
to pin your opponent one to three, but that's bowring.
The other way is to open the door to the
cage because your opponents so beat down that you have
time to walk out and exit and escape the cage.
Escape running away not a very you know, manly thing
to do, but many a he'll have one this way,
and a couple of baby faces too. And the third way,
and really the only way, the most superior and coolest way,
the way Eric the Surfer would do the ring. The
ring exit is to climb to the top of the cage,
over the top and climb down to the other side,
landing on your two feet. Boom. You're the winner. The
losers laid out in the middle of the ring, or
even better, halfway up looking at you and defeat and
despair like ah, I could have had him, And then
they just let go because the adrenaline is gone, and
they just collapse in the middle of the ring while
you have victory. MS is gonna win the match. He
climbs to the top of the cage slowly sally, Oh,
everything hurts in my body. There's just two more feet.
I'm at the top. It's Bobby's still down. He's hurt.
I can finally get over. And then from out of
the bottom of the ring like on a like a
mechanic sliding out from under a car, Dexter Loomis slides
out and is just creepily staring into the eyes of
a now horrified miss, and it's way goofy, and it's
and maybe and I'm not saying it in a good
or bad way because I'm still trying to decide how
I feel. So anyway, MS falls, Bobby wins. Dexter Loomis
goes into the ring and he puts the miss in
a choke hold and puts him to sleep. And while
he's putting him to sleep, he's patting his he's stroking
his hair the way a cat lady strokes her cat,
and it might be my worst of the week, but
it was almost my best of the week at the
exact same time. Did you watch this match? What did
you think? Yeah? I loved it. Uh. I like any
time I can get that finish that I was that
I'm hoping for as far as like, I'm so easy
to please. If the guy that comes out and going,
I hope he crushes him, and he did, so I was.
I was excited. Plus, like you said, still cage. You
can't go wrong. Even when it was old school, even
when it was like the blue remember the old blue,
Love the Blue. I missed so much easier to climb to.
You know, obviously you're not going to climb chain Link,
but you could do more moves off of the blue cage.
I like the color of it. I like everything. They
can't do as many moves. And depending on what show
it's on. When it's like chain Link, like it's tough
to be able to do any like the high flying
stuff or jump back or any of the kind of
any of those things. Some of those crazy fools still
do it on it's not as clean. We're gonna move
on to dynamite. If you listen. Last week, everybody hates everybody,
and now everyone is suspended, apparently very confusing, the tag Teams, Champs,
the Trios Champs, Kenny omega Um, one of the producers,
a CM punk who's injured for eight months anyway. I
think he might have known that, and that's why he
went off in that press groom because he's like, I'm
out of here anyway, I got eight months recoveries, so
I'm cutting throats. I don't know, but everyone's fired. Thank god,
m JF is back to save the company. If he's
able to hold any kind of number for his segments,
you're gonna see guys that are suspended right now get
straight fired because he's gonna go yo. I don't need
this drama. I got this kid, and he came out.
They loved him, and when he left they were laughing
and booing him. His button on his shirt even got
stuck when he got angry trying to get it off,
and I wouldn't even put it past him if that
was a work and it wasn't even really stuck, like
he just is. He's that freaking smart. And I bet
he saw it happen in an old wrestling video because
he's a tape head big time, and I bet he
was like, that's hysterical, I'm gonna steal that and use it.
I bet it wasn't even on accident. He's just that
frigging good. And we're not gonna get into much. But
there is no world champion. There's a tournament and Brian
Danielson is in this tournament, and I think Brian Danielson
is gonna win this tournament, and I think that gives
us m JF versus Brian Danielson, which will be a
story that every single wrestling fan in the world wants
to watch, will watch, and will be rewarded because Brian
Danielson ain't about all that backstage bs. Brian Danielson's about wrestling,
and m JF is not about all that backstage drama.
MJFS about stories and reasons why we are going to wrestle.
And if you put the two of those dudes in
a ring together, you could run their story for the
next two years. And when all those other people come
back from their suspensions and they see this story started
happening and there's no backstage drama, that's when a general
manager who is Tony Cohn, although he should assign someone.
That's when a general manager or a boss can say,
look at our numbers, look what we're doing, and you're
not here. So you get one chance to play ball
and do business. And if that's not good enough, I'm
rich enough. Here's the rest of your contract. Boom, take
a walk piece. And I know you love him too.
You're a hell too. Even though you're a nice guy here,
you're a healer. I I literally, when it comes to
a w there's nobody better than MJF. And also, I
know it's not a match. I know it's not a match,
but this was my best of the week. I've watched
it three times. It's so so clean, so smart. He
comes out, he hugs Taz and flips off the other
two guys. He does the whole like um buffalo thing,
and then he apologizes for the things he said last
time and all this years done and just completely flips it.
One of my favorite things in stand up comedy is
in the old school guys. None of the new guys
do it. I try to do it, but in the
old school, like, uh, what's Sam Kennison? You know these
guys they would they would they'll do Uh. An opinion
about a subject right, they'll go like, they'll do like
they'll be like a pro anti smoking Let's say it's
a joke about smoking cigarettes, They'll do like ten anti
smoking cigarette jokes, and then a few seconds later go,
I'm lying, and then just completely do like ten positive
smoking jokes. And he also like, I think, I don't know,
maybe just John Moxley is also that good. But John Moxley,
he legit looked upset. He looked piste off for sure,
and also him Jeff referencing w W E referencing Cody
Rhodes uh talking about the win, his contracts up and
about how he only wants to win the championship for
a bidding War of two thousand twenty four. It's like
it was just so smart, so clean, so well done.
Loved the shirt that I just I think everything he
does is brilliant and I'm so happy he's back. I
love the Moses line. I cannot talk enough about this guy.
It just sounds like I'm blowing smoke and and I
guess I am, but there's smoke signals to the rest
of the world. Would just say, yo, even if you
don't like wrestling, watch this guy. It's like watching a
stand up comic that has their following right, so it's
their crowd that knows the jokes, knows the energy, and
he has them eating out of the palm of his hand.
It's wild and he's so I think he's like crazy
young and this is rare generational talent and it makes
for just good TV because he's genuinely funny. Yeah, he's
to watch him just crap on people in a great way.
The wait Piper used to the thing about MJFF is
like I've always heard people say, like I'll be like, oh,
I hate them, miss and they're like, then he's doing
his job because he made you hate him. And I
always have said there's two types of like hating a wrestler.
You you want to change the channel, you just don't
want to watch him? Is not good. If I don't
like the rest of so much that I want to
change the channel, that's not him doing his job. I'm
changing the channel. But this is a guy who I
hate because he's being a perfect heal. He's so good
even when their fans going to m JF m JF
and he goes, he goes, shut up, shut up. I
only get so much time Jesus Christ like he becomes
kind of irritable and annoying, where you like, we were
rooting for you, jerk like it's the perfect he's the
perfect healing. So we talked last week about young Daniel
Garcia and now he's been growing on you and how
I didn't like this story and then I was like,
I'm gonna give it a chance. Well, now I really
liked this story. Chris Jericho made him go out there
and face Wheeler. You to the pure ring of honor
champion by himself with no help from the Jericho Appreciation Society.
It was like a They're saying, you know, I don't
have your back, you disrespected the family, and go do
it yourself. At the end of it, they got right
back into that story and Brian Danielson comes out and
poor Wheeler, you did just as like he lost the match,
he lost his title. He's in the quarter and Brian
Brian dance and pays him no mind, bro, and he
puts the title Wheeler's title around Ryan's waist and then
shakes his hand and raises his arm as you are
the champion, and and Wheeler doesn't get any love because
before Brian can pay any mind to him. Chris Jericho,
the dad who sent young Ryan Garcia out there to
fight by himself, comes out, but he comes out too
late because Brian's already congratulated and told him this, told
him that. And the look on Jericho's face. I know,
not everybody loves Jericho. I think when he gets someone over,
he really really really gets him over. And the look
on his face, without a single line of dialogue, was
just beautiful. That's how they went off the air. Well.
It was also great to see or hear Jericho on
the mic at the broadcast. He was so fun. He
kind of does like this heightened Jericho character when he's
on when he's on the broadcast, and it's fun to
just I'm getting flashbacks to when he did that move
to me, like he like he had like and that's
a terrible impression, but it was just so um. I like,
I think everything Jericho does his gold So I'm I'm
tight tight chest Jericho is when he's always here and
he's like and he makes it all about him, right Jericho,
And then baby faced Jericho has got more air in
the chest. That's gonna take us to Friday. The end
of the week Friday Night SmackDown, and Jeff, there's only
one wrestler of any true importance on Friday's episode of
Friday Night SmackDown, and that man is Sammy Zane, the
realist member of the Bloodline. He's even starting to look simoan,
this man he is. They featured him so wonderfully throughout
this two hour episode. He and I'm not I'm not
trying to be funny anymore. He was the glue that
held the entire episode together. From that, from his I'm
going back into character now, from his noble deeds in
the ring and saving saving Solo, the brand new member
of the Bloodline, saving him from what would have been
a debilitating chair shot and taking it himself. Two. Then
what's this motivational speaker backstage helping keep the peace even
though there's aggressive usso's. I say aggressive usos because I
always forget which one's mad at it. But he's keeping
the piece there and even in the match, is distracting, saving,
assisting in every way possible, until, of course, my man
carrying cross came in front the back choked out. Uh,
my man drew, which is a disqualification. That's illegal carrying cross.
She can't do that, and it was weird that it
was black and white. I think they're gonna stay committed
to it, but I wish they wouldn't let me hear
from your lips how much this man has earned your
respect in the last few weeks. Give it to him, Jeff.
I do like that he's in the bloodline, I think,
but it makes me laugh every time. It's very very funny.
Doesn't look right, but it's always hilarious, and he's doing
such a good job with it. He did take the bullet,
as they said on the broadcast, which was awesome. And
I love that the bloodline is even growing. Makes me
very happy. It's very cool to see. So I loved it.
Love Sammy's a and I'm on board. You're seeing it
in the Beard though the Samoan part in Sammy's a
much more now, right, I don't know, he doesn't think so,
ladies and gentlemen, for debut in a brand new segment
coming up right now. You don't even have to wait,
and it's called The Federation Speaks. We encouraged you to
call in, leave us a voicemail and if they were good,
then we would put him on the air. Well we
gotta couple. We're gonna see how it goes, and if
you guys step it up, maybe next time we'll get
even more In what say Federation? Hey, Freddy and Jeff
Mike here with a thought about cm punk and immedia scrum.
If it's not a poorly booked work shoot and is
indeed real, does the possibility not exist that Mr straight
Edge was a little high in his own googlash of
brain chemicals from the crowd in his hometown and a
little extra amped. And I don't know, I think maybe
I got something there. Thanks guys, great podcast. What do
you think? That's quite quite an allegation. He was wondering
if maybe he was a little too hyped up on
his own, on his own philosophies, so to speak, and
a little egotistical, and that's why he went off. What
say you? Here's what I think about the whole scrum.
And for people that don't know see him, I guess
most people probably know. But c mpunk just started uh
airing the dirty laundry of the locker room instead of
sticking to store line and sticking to what's going on
in a w wrestling that we see on camera. I
used to my My first opinion was, like, what a
jerk Seampunk is. Being such a baby and airing all
this stuff is inappropriate. Also, let the locker room be
the locker room, and let the wrestling be the wrestling.
And if you're gonna merge those, make sure it's storyline.
It's not just a thing. It screws everything up, was
my initial opinion. I like that someone named it the
gripe bomb, too, which is hilarious. I kind of now
I'm sighting a little bit more in the middle, leaning
towards CM punk, of like someone had to break up
the clickiness of the young Bucks and Hangman all these
guys back there. According to a lot of people, it's
very high school ish, very clicky with the e v
p s and stuff, and so if anyone was gonna
make the complaint, it would have to be someone as
high up as CM punk. I don't know much about
the locker room or how these things work, but I
think that sum Punk might have might be the hero
the locker room wanted. I have a slightly different take
on it. I mean, here's how I equate it. My
wife and I both have external businesses that we run
beyond like acting and things like that. And I know
her partners and her found a very difficult time working
with the younger generation. With millennials, right, they just didn't
understand the way their brains worked. And I remember everything
was like, you know, they don't they have it, They
want everything too easy, they don't want they want less
hours and more money, and da da da da da.
And I still, for whatever reason, had a very clear
image in my head of the older generation bitching about
my generation when I was younger. And so my philosophy
has always been like this is just how it's always
been right. And if you listen to what Cmpun said
in the beginning, he said, I can't wait to work
with this next generation, this young talent out here, and
get of them the spotlight they need. Now he went
in there, I think with that intention in mind. But
when you see how different that other generation thinks, and
what kind of stories they want to tell in the ring,
and how different it is than what you want to do,
and when your body won't allow you to tell the
stories that they told when you were in your prime,
and you start getting hurt all the time trying to
prove a philosophy, it's hard for that younger generation to
buy into your philosophy even more. They're like, he's talking
about us working and gonna get hurt. He's hurt every
match he's in. I also just quit real quick. Thing.
I don't know necessarily that that see him punk doesn't
connect with this younger generation. I think that he just
doesn't like clicky stuff because you know, you see shampunk
doing stuff with Dan Housing, and he you know, that's
a very new kind of thing. A guy like a
Dan Housing or an Orange Cassidy, these kind of things
are not classic wrestling things that he I think it.
I think it started well. I just think it wore
on him to the point where he's like, yo, I'm
I'm hurt anyway. I know I'm hurt. I know it's bad.
I got hurt in this match which he did. It's
now confirmed me at that triceps injury that he has
eight months of surgery. And I think he just said
sometimes I get old and cranky two on forty six,
and sometimes you just say fuck it all right. Hit
us with the next one man, Great question, Mike. I
already loved this segment. Hey guys, Richie here, always enjoy
listening to your takes every Wednesday. My favorite part of
Monday Night Row is the presentation of Bobby Lashly. I
think he's been silently positioned as the cornerstone of that brand,
elevating the United States Championship with great matches, including them
one this past Monday with the Mizen, that steel cage match,
and they're just building and building and building him as
this force. I think he has the possibility of being
a challenger to Roman Reins and that on disputed Championship
picture and the few. What do you guys think? Sorry,
I had to go EASTI morales. You can't be named
Ritchie and not here that all the time. Sorry, Ritchie.
So listen. If they are kind of doing a sneak
push on Bobby Lashly, I wouldn't be mad at it.
I will say this if you're it's not a conspiracy theory,
but if your theory is true, he's certainly positioned in
a way where they could do that because I don't
see him losing that title anytime soon. I believe he
does give it a lot more credibility. The younger generation
likes him. He's my twelve almost thirteen year old daughter's
favorite wrestler, so I get it. I love him too.
If he does get a push, you'll know it because
they'll put him back with M v P. I don't
know if they are secretly pushing Bobby. I'd be happy
if they did. I really love Bobby Lashly. This is
gonna be a silly thing to say, but I feel
like if you make Bobby Lashly the champ again, right,
he's just missing some sort of it. I know that.
I think that that because we don't how to label something,
we call it like an it factor. There is something
about Bobby Lashley that just isn't it. And I feel
like if you make him the chance, people are gonna
be upset, and there'll be a small amount of people
like me and Freddie's daughter that like it. Because I
just love Bobby lash I love the way he looks,
I love how you know, he just seems capable of anything.
I would love to see a Stroman Lashly kind of
back and forth, because they're both big boys, you know,
like that kind of they'll cancel each other out so
you can do other things with the other. With all
the titles and Belta steffor, I don't know if I
don't know if I like him as the champ, but
I love him. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for listening. Jeffrey,
Are you gonna be anywhere this weekend? Tell the people
where you're gonna be all month. I'm in Texas at
Hyenas Comedy Club throwing out a first pitch for the
Texas Rangers. Also follow us on our show accounts. Follow
us on Instagram, Wrestling with Freddie Twitter is ww Freddy
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