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December 27, 2023 23 mins

Our producer Alex challenges our wrestling knowledge on this special trivia episode. Find out who knows the most about WWE, me or Jeff, and join in see how you score.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
And now your made Events.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Introducing the hosts Wrestling with Freddy, Chef Die Handy, pres Tunior.

Speaker 3 (00:16):
Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to a brand new episode of
Wrestling with Friends. As the season wraps up, we want
to do something different, so today is World Wrestling Trivia Day.
You'll start the show with some WWE trivia and on
unsanctioned Thursday, we will come full circle by going to
ae W's trivia A short history, could it be Rich? Indeed?

To get the party started, we will have our producer,
Moderator Alex host the prestigious event Wrestling with Freddy Trivia
Challenge starts now.

Speaker 4 (00:49):
Yes, what's up buddy?

Speaker 3 (00:51):
How are you sir? How are you indeed?

Speaker 4 (00:54):

Speaker 3 (00:54):
From Moderator Alex? How are you?

Speaker 4 (00:57):

Speaker 3 (00:57):
You know?

Speaker 1 (00:57):
I love being on here. When you guys do your
questions and answers, figured why don't I ask you? I
ask you guys some good old questions. Will each get
a turn to answer one out of twenty questions. If
you don't get it, I'll let the other person try
to steal the point and at the end we'll know
who is the master.

Speaker 4 (01:13):
Have you ever heard parents sometimes say about their kids
or maybe sometimes kids will say about themselves. They'll say
something like, oh, I don't test well. You know, I'm
a great student and everything. I just don't test well.

Speaker 3 (01:26):
That's them just say that with auditions. I'm a great actor,
I just don't audition well.

Speaker 4 (01:29):
That's just them saying I'm stupid. That's what they're saying.
They're saying, I'm actually stupid. But I've found a clever
little play on words to make it sound like I'm
not stupid. So I just want to say, before we
start this wrestling trivia, I don't test well.

Speaker 3 (01:44):
You blow up my spot because I was going to
say I'm not so good at trivia, but now everyone's
going to know that's so thanks a lot, bro.

Speaker 1 (01:51):
These are the are these are really really easy question?
I mean you guys softballs.

Speaker 3 (01:55):
Are well super softballs a.

Speaker 1 (01:58):

Speaker 4 (01:59):
Now, now we look even dumber if we get it wrong.

Speaker 1 (02:01):
No, it's easy because you guys know business.

Speaker 3 (02:05):
All right, here we go.

Speaker 1 (02:06):
All right, we'll start with the first one here, and
we'll start with you, Jeff, mister Jeff Dye, who doesn't
test well, who holds the record for the longest w
W championship reign in history.

Speaker 4 (02:20):
Well, it's Roman reigns currently has the longest reigning title.
He's held it the longest currently and I think that.

Speaker 3 (02:31):
He's trying to convince him he has the answer.

Speaker 4 (02:33):
He's broke the record.

Speaker 1 (02:35):
He's trying to google it.

Speaker 4 (02:36):
I'm not hands are up.

Speaker 3 (02:38):
Yeah, what was all that click click click click, that
was earlier.

Speaker 1 (02:41):
You're right that in the in the in the modern era,
it is Roman rings, but it's not the all time
mister Preddy Prince. Uh.

Speaker 3 (02:50):
The correct answer is behind me on the poster on
my wall.

Speaker 4 (02:54):
I want to change. That is what I said.

Speaker 3 (03:03):
Oh it sounded oh you said it in some mold.
I got it just in time.

Speaker 4 (03:08):
He gave me.

Speaker 1 (03:09):
The answer was behind him the entire time.

Speaker 3 (03:11):
My man said I got it.

Speaker 4 (03:13):
Just slid that in there perfectly right before the buzzer.

Speaker 1 (03:17):
Oh good, we'll get we'll start off now with Freddy
and we'll just continue to flip flopping. What was the
original name of the w w E before rebranded.

Speaker 3 (03:30):
Oh thank you for that. Why don't you ask me
how to spell? Kat was the World Wrestling Federation and
the Panda Bear people made them get rid of it,
and then they started to get the f out campaign,
which was most excellent.

Speaker 4 (03:42):
Indeed that was, and now we are referred to as
the WWF Wrestling with.

Speaker 3 (03:47):
Until they come after us have to be w w
B wrestling with bro the w w F. Dude, you can't, can't.

Speaker 4 (03:53):
You can't do that. Stop.

Speaker 3 (03:55):
You're gonna They're gonna hear you, dude, and someone's gonna
like send it to him and they'll be like, how
I hate their show and not canceled, and it's gonna work.
All right, well, all right, next question.

Speaker 1 (04:05):
Mister Jeff Dye, who is known as the Beast Incarnate
in WWE.

Speaker 4 (04:12):
The Beast Incarnate, I believe is the one and only.

Speaker 2 (04:16):
Brock Lester, or, as Paul Hayner would say, mister Freddy Prance,
what is the name of the WWE championship title defended
exclusively on the SmackDown brand.

Speaker 3 (04:32):
It's the one I hate, so I tried to like
delete it because the name was dumb. But I believe
the first winner of it was Finn Balor, and I
believe it's called the WWE Universal Championship because apparently you're
even better than anyone in the universe. Corny's title name ever, No,
you got it? Yeah, let's go right on something I

even don't like. Look at that.

Speaker 4 (04:56):
I wouldn't have got that at all.

Speaker 3 (04:58):
All right, it's I think it's six semedo two.

Speaker 1 (05:01):
Wow, that's crazy.

Speaker 3 (05:02):
I have two.

Speaker 4 (05:03):
You've got to that. We're tired of one. Jeff got one,
but we'll Sam Martino.

Speaker 3 (05:13):
Just under the wire, just under the wire.

Speaker 1 (05:16):
All right, we're halfway done here, my friends. Look at
this almost who Jeff? Who won the first ever Royal
Rumble match?

Speaker 4 (05:25):
The first ever Royal Rumble. Let me just think about
it a little bit. The first ever Royal rumble. Hmmm,
I don't really know.

Speaker 3 (05:41):
That was the loudest typing ever.

Speaker 4 (05:44):
The first ever Royal Rumble winner. Let me think if
I can remember.

Speaker 1 (05:49):
Was it Mabel close? But no, I'll let Friday try
this one.

Speaker 3 (05:52):
I don't know. The very first Royal Rumble winner was
a man named Hulk Hogan.

Speaker 1 (05:59):
Really wow, wow, you are both wrong. Unfortunately it was
hacks Saw.

Speaker 4 (06:04):
Jim m No, it was dug In.

Speaker 3 (06:06):
Yeah cool Hacksaw.

Speaker 1 (06:08):
Jim Hacksaw and Jim Duggan won the very first Royal.

Speaker 3 (06:12):
No, I didn't have the guarantee of the no not
back in the day, No for sure, Okay, yeah, yeah, wow,
that's crazy. Are you learned something new? There you go,
so we'll not forget that, And we learned. That's pretty
And I love Hacksaw dude. He could beat people up
in real life. He was one of those guys like
you couldn't screw up.

Speaker 4 (06:30):
Yeah, he called me unfunny once. It was a guest
host on the Wrestling House, like the Old Wrestling House whatever.
That show was called Wow. When I was on it,
you know, I just all I was supposed to do
is come on and host the game show.

Speaker 3 (06:44):
And it was fun.

Speaker 4 (06:45):
We had a good time. I got pictures with all
the wrestlers. They were super nice to me, and Roddy
Piper was like, he's a comedian.

Speaker 3 (06:50):
I actually know this guy.

Speaker 4 (06:50):
This guy's a comedian, right, So Piper put me over
with all the other guys and they were nice to me.
But then years later, Jim hacks was on a podcast
and you know, when you're on a podcast, you're trying to,
you know, just be funny or whatever, and the hosts
were like, actually, our friend was on that show for
one episode, Jeff Die and Hackshaw goes, I don't know
if he was a comedian. He wasn't wearing very funny
to me, and then everyone started like tweeting at me,

and I was like, what Hacksaw talk trash? But then
he was like, I was just trying to be funny.
I don't know. I just like said a thing.

Speaker 3 (07:16):
Hacksaw is calling you out, dude. We got to have
a matt Heel Hacksaw. But I do love Heel Hacksaw.

Speaker 4 (07:22):
And I didn't know that he was the first winner.
Didn't Mabel win? Or was that he king of the ring?

Speaker 1 (07:28):
He was king of the Ring.

Speaker 3 (07:29):
That's what I was confusing.

Speaker 1 (07:38):
All right, next question, we're gonna throw it up to
Freddy here. What is the name of the stable led
by Triple H during the Attitude era in WWE?

Speaker 3 (07:48):
The name of that stable was called Evolution and wait Attitude. No,
that's his answer.

Speaker 4 (07:56):
That is the Oh no, no, no, no, that's not
my degeneration no the RT answer.

Speaker 3 (08:02):
Listen to this interrupt.

Speaker 4 (08:03):
I'd also like to say Jim Hexad Duggan won the
first ever Royal rumble.

Speaker 3 (08:07):
Listen to this disrespect. Listen to that disrespect. DX is
my answer.

Speaker 1 (08:13):
Well, you got it. Evolution was this stuff. I mean,
you're leading right now.

Speaker 3 (08:17):
Come on, it's twenty four to three, Bro twenty four
to three.

Speaker 4 (08:20):
Let him answer twice on the same question.

Speaker 3 (08:22):
Of course he's winning, wasn't I didn't say final answer.
You didn't hear final answer.

Speaker 4 (08:28):
I don't ever hear final answer. We've never said final
answer once on this entire thing.

Speaker 3 (08:31):
I'm certain I've said it every time. This scores twenty
seven to four.

Speaker 4 (08:35):
Oh, Jeff, all right for all for one hundred points.

Speaker 1 (08:39):
This is in your warehouse for a.

Speaker 3 (08:40):
Hundredamn, he got the hundred point question.

Speaker 1 (08:42):
Who is known as the phenom in WWE?

Speaker 4 (08:47):
Oh the phenom?

Speaker 3 (08:48):
Oh, the press. It's not easy when the pressure's on blanket,
I know the phenom. That's why Celebrity Jeopardy is such
a motherfucker, the real.

Speaker 4 (08:56):
Easy ones and go shit, I know this, it's not
behind it. So it's so I've heard it a million times.

Speaker 3 (09:02):
Yeah you have, and you know they all have a monoclet.
You're going to be so mad.

Speaker 1 (09:07):
Yeah, you're gonna be digging yourself out of it.

Speaker 3 (09:14):
This is our game show music. Yeah, look around the room.
Jeff's maybe one of your one million figures will actually
be the fena.

Speaker 4 (09:29):
I'm hearing him say, Oh, the British bulldog the British Bulldog.
But I just don't know. I'm blanking all.

Speaker 3 (09:38):
Right, I'm gonna say that. I'm going to just tell
you this. The first name is initials.

Speaker 4 (09:46):
Oh Aj Styles.

Speaker 3 (09:48):
There you go, There you go, mister A J. Styles.

Speaker 1 (09:51):
Dang it?

Speaker 3 (09:51):
Oh, I mean I mean moderator.

Speaker 4 (09:52):
Is that correct? And he's coming back?

Speaker 1 (09:55):
Sorry, Jeff, that was wrong.

Speaker 3 (09:58):
He is known as the f I'm gonna Phenomenaltaker, the Undertake. Oh,
I gave you bad advice, dude, I gave you.

Speaker 1 (10:08):
That's why I said you'll be digging yourself out of it. Undertaker.

Speaker 4 (10:13):
He's given the cool hints. Man, you're a good moderator,
you'll be am.

Speaker 3 (10:17):
I was good, it just was for the wrong guy.

Speaker 1 (10:20):
Oh, he's Undertaker in the cinematic match.

Speaker 3 (10:23):
The cinematic match, people, it's gonna take a long time
for people to respect that that.

Speaker 4 (10:28):
Those are those movie kind of matches that Bray Whyatt
tried to like invent were cool. People didn't cool, but
they just didn't take that.

Speaker 3 (10:35):
They took a shot with it. Yeah, I think so too.

Speaker 1 (10:39):
This one's for you. I think you'll know this one.

Speaker 3 (10:41):
What oh shoot?

Speaker 1 (10:42):
What is the finishing move of w W E? Superstar,
the Goat, John Cena.

Speaker 3 (10:50):
It is the I like the old names more, but
I think it's just called the A A which is
the attitude adjustment. Wasn't it didn't It formerly used to
be called the s TF.

Speaker 1 (11:00):
You yes, well, the STF is the leg move that
he did, but it was oh.

Speaker 3 (11:04):
That's the few. Yeah, it was called the F. Yeh.
That's way better. But you can't. You can't be the
face of the company with a finisher called FU. So
the attitude adjustments, sir.

Speaker 1 (11:15):
Nice. There he goes, Freddy taking the super lead thirty one.

Speaker 3 (11:20):
It's lost points.

Speaker 4 (11:23):
He's so mad about, you know, because it's so obvious now,
the pheno.

Speaker 3 (11:28):
They're all obvious after the fact. But when I'm telling you,
it's like celebrity Jeopardy and shout out to my boy McCauley,
who kicked ass on that show. Crush it. I will say,
not Becky, what I will bro She broke records, dude,
she broke a record for the most wrong answers.

Speaker 4 (11:41):
I would like to defend Becky Lynch on this a
little bit.

Speaker 3 (11:45):
It's hard.

Speaker 4 (11:45):
Well, no, because what they did is that all the
memes were like she she didn't get a single right
out of sixty questions. But there were sixty questions total.
It's not like she chimed in sixty times and got
sixty wrong. She chimed in six times and got six wrong.
But there might have been other ones that, like mccullay
got that she would have known if she if she could.

Speaker 3 (12:06):
It was only six. I thought it was more.

Speaker 4 (12:08):
Only got six wrong, all right, But there was a
bunch she didn't try. There's a bunch that the other
guys got right, or the other contestants got right. So
it's like it's not as embarrassing as as as they
tried to make it look like they tried to like
humiliate her, and it's like.

Speaker 3 (12:23):
No, just oh yeah, the way I heard it, she'd
missed like the most answers in history or some book.

Speaker 1 (12:27):
Yeah, that's what.

Speaker 3 (12:28):
That's not even close to.

Speaker 4 (12:29):
Be Well they said, no, that's well, nobody's ever gotten zero,
like she got zero, she got zero bucks.

Speaker 3 (12:35):
Well, my man Doulay won that ship. She's all that
for life? Do lay hill? What's so full? Psych suck it? Anyway? Well?

Speaker 4 (12:42):
The bad part too, about like even on a trivia
like this is like I don't mind getting anything wrong.
I didn't know, but then to get it wrong when
you do know, it is pretty pretty terrible.

Speaker 1 (12:51):
For He's never gonna let this go.

Speaker 4 (12:53):
Phoenom undertake her.

Speaker 3 (12:54):
You know, well, I'll keep reminding you about.

Speaker 1 (12:57):
Oh wow, Jeff, this one's for you, who famously defeated
Andre the Giant at WrestleMania three, ending his fifteen year
undefeated streak.

Speaker 4 (13:10):
I remember, in front of the millions and millions of
Hulk maniacs, that Hulkster, the Hulk Hogan lift up that
stinking giant over his head and slammed him through the
mat in front of the millions and millions of Hulk maniacs.
It was the one and only Hulk. Don't call me

Terry Boleia Hogan.

Speaker 3 (13:33):
There you go.

Speaker 1 (13:34):
Look at that for a hundred.

Speaker 3 (13:36):
Hated that match. That was actually negative three points.

Speaker 1 (13:39):
It went backwards.

Speaker 3 (13:40):
You shouldn't have taken it. You shouldn't have taken it.

Speaker 4 (13:42):
Listen, that guy can slam giants. He slams giants. Guys,
what have we ever done? Didn't slam a giant?

Speaker 1 (13:52):
Oh, Jeff makes my job so much fun, doesn't he?

Speaker 3 (13:55):
I love him.

Speaker 1 (13:56):
Freddy, which event known is known as the Grandest Age
of them all in.

Speaker 3 (14:01):
Ww granded stage of them all is one that Jeff
and I got to go to together. It was a
fantastic time had by all and Logan Paul came in
on a zip line much more slowly than Shawn Michael's
ever had. And it looks kind of weird and it's WrestleMania,
Sir Dan, Jeff Grand We're going to go this year.

Speaker 4 (14:23):
You're coming out, Alex.

Speaker 1 (14:24):
Where are we going for the rest in Philly? Philly, Philly.

Speaker 3 (14:27):
Let's go, man, I going to Philly.

Speaker 4 (14:29):
We should all go to Philly.

Speaker 3 (14:31):

Speaker 1 (14:33):
We are now starting the lightning round here. We got
a couple more questions left lightning.

Speaker 3 (14:37):
There we go. Who is this for?

Speaker 1 (14:39):
Jeff? Who is known as the viperhan Orton? Ah like that?

Speaker 3 (14:46):
Well that should have been reserved for the host. Well
this one, give that one to Freddy.

Speaker 1 (14:53):

Speaker 4 (14:54):
After I answered this.

Speaker 1 (14:56):
For Freddy Old you'll really like this one. What is
what is the name of the WWE pay per view
event that features a giant cage with pods in it?

Speaker 4 (15:07):

Speaker 1 (15:07):
With pods?

Speaker 3 (15:08):
I think it was created by Eric Bischoff back in
the day. It's it's beyond a cage match, It's a
cage match with pods and they call it hell in
a cell. No correct sir, sorry, Oh, elimination chamber, Son
of a bitch. I did it twice. I did it twice.

Speaker 4 (15:29):
Yes, I believe this was created by Eric Bischoff back
in the day.

Speaker 3 (15:35):
He's such a dick.

Speaker 4 (15:36):
He came up with many, many good ideas, but one
of his best ideas that we still use to this
day is the elimination chamber. Do you even do it
with girls? Now? That's how popular it is.

Speaker 3 (15:47):
I wish I knew that the answer.

Speaker 1 (15:48):
Yeah, these are moving quick here we are like four left.

Speaker 3 (15:51):
Yeah, I love the lightning round.

Speaker 1 (15:54):
Jeff, who is known as the Architect in WWE.

Speaker 4 (15:57):
Oh, he's been known as millions of things. What he's
most currently known as is the guy that married my girlfriend.
Give it up for seth rawlins right, it's the same.

Speaker 3 (16:14):
It's pretty tribute show.

Speaker 4 (16:16):

Speaker 1 (16:25):
Oh, this one was right up your all.

Speaker 4 (16:28):
I think that's four straight.

Speaker 1 (16:29):
I've gotten right, Yeah, yeah you have.

Speaker 3 (16:31):
Actually you're getting close he has. It's ninety six to
thirty two.

Speaker 1 (16:35):
He's getting really close. Freddie, which female wrestler, was known
as the Empress of Tomorrow.

Speaker 3 (16:42):
Now this is messed up, because if it's like jeopardy,
if I say the name wrong.

Speaker 4 (16:47):
Right, wrong, it's a true question. This guy's never said
is her name right?

Speaker 3 (16:51):
So I'm going to try very hard to remove a
full syllable and vowel and say it without the U. Oscar.

Speaker 1 (17:01):
Yeah, damnit he osca.

Speaker 3 (17:03):
Come on, man, guess how you speak some Japanese. I
got though, Jeffy got much.

Speaker 1 (17:08):
What is the finishing move of WWE Hall of Famer
Brett the hit Man Heart.

Speaker 4 (17:14):
Well many people have used this and call it the
figure four leg lock, but he referred to the figure
four leg lock as the sharp shooter.

Speaker 3 (17:22):
Wait, the figure four is not the it is. It's
like the figure half clover, turn them over, I mean
the clover leaf, the Texas clover. The figure four was
Rick Flair's I know.

Speaker 4 (17:32):
But the figure four backwards, when you abandon them back like,
it's like a figure four meets a Boston crab. Is
the sharp shooters? Yeah, because we should do it to
each other. And if you want to lay down and
be they got a.

Speaker 3 (17:42):
Bone, you get a bonus point for that bonus.

Speaker 1 (17:44):
Bo Okay, I'll give it to him. There you go,
you got a bonus point. All right, Freddy who won
who this was going to be hard? Freddy so get Ready,
who won the w w E Championship in nineteen ninety
nine and referred to himself as.

Speaker 3 (17:58):
Why to j oh, thanks for having few. Otherwise we
are going to be in big time trouble. I will
take that. I've been on the Man's podcast. If I
got this one wrong, that would be kind of a
big time dick move. Jeff has been on his cruise ship.
That's right. The man has his own cruise ship. It's
only for wrestlers and you're not allowed. And his name
is Chris Jericho.

Speaker 4 (18:18):
Yeah, Jara, the goat dude, most underrated.

Speaker 3 (18:23):
He was the first undisputed champ, right, yes, yeah, yeah,
ud Jericho is the freaking man everywhere he's well not WCW,
but everywhere else. Man, he's the man.

Speaker 1 (18:31):
Yeah yeah. Jeff who is known as the boss in ww.

Speaker 4 (18:38):
Well, so there's been a lot of bosses. There was
the Big boss Man who was the police, Big boss
Man Baby. He was a good guy police officer and
then in modern times became the bad guy police officer.
You know, he went heels. Sometimes cops, you know, they
go dirty. But I think you're referring to the star
one of the stars of the Mandalorian Sasha Banks wow orname.

What's her real name? Mo name name, Mercedes Money, which
is you know when we're gonna see her back? Hopefully
not soon enough. That's what I say. She's the best.

Speaker 3 (19:13):
Maybe a Dubs Yeah.

Speaker 1 (19:14):
Maybe, Freddy. This is another tough one for you, which
w W wrestler is known for his six one nine move.

Speaker 3 (19:25):
Let's go come on. When I first worked at w W,
E Vince assigned me to him as his writer because
he assumed I spoke as what he thought was Mexican,
not Spanish, mind you Mexican. And the answer is raymy Steadio. Yeah,
which is you know, we see.

Speaker 4 (19:40):
Ray Masterio Jr. We see Dominic Massterio. When are we
gonna get Ray Senior? You know, Reckoll get him in
the storyline?

Speaker 1 (19:52):
It never fails. But there's someone out there who's saying
he's right.

Speaker 3 (19:57):
Ye, yeah, I gets it, Jeff.

Speaker 1 (20:00):
This one is this one. I don't think this one
might be a little tough for you. It's tough for me.
I'm glad I got the answer. Who is the founder
of the wrestling promotion t n A Wrestling.

Speaker 4 (20:14):
TNA Wrestling is ran and operated I believe by Billy Corgan,
the voice of the Smashing Pumpkins.

Speaker 1 (20:24):
No, that's n W a ah shit.

Speaker 4 (20:26):
Wait, so TNA is probably ran by Tony Kahn or whatever.

Speaker 1 (20:32):
Extra one just because this is the last question you get.

Speaker 3 (20:35):
Yeah, the last three strikes. Three strikes, it's not I
think I got it a friend.

Speaker 4 (20:42):
Oh is it Jeannie Buss?

Speaker 3 (20:46):
It's not. That's Women of Wrestling. I believe the founder
of TNA was Jeff Jared ding ing Ding or his dad. Okay,
but I got three strikes just like him, So I
got it right, baby f Jerff Wow, impressious. And the
owner and the financier was a lady named was it

like Tricksy something?

Speaker 1 (21:08):
Dixie Carter?

Speaker 3 (21:09):
Dixie Carter, I doesn't say trixy parton.

Speaker 1 (21:12):
MAB total these points up here. We'll start with Jeff,
I have a I have a.

Speaker 3 (21:15):
Total right here. It's ninety six points for Freddy and
just underneath there at ninety five, mister Jeff died. Wow,
you had a couple of minus ones in there. You
forgot about really close match. Tons of respect to my competitor.
Better luck next year. You guys, don't what they're.

Speaker 1 (21:36):
Going back and Adam's Unfortunately, Jeff, you came right at
eight points. Well, Freddy Prince Junior and his let's go
phenom answer to eleven points. Let me take you not bad.

Speaker 4 (21:51):
This can't be right.

Speaker 3 (21:52):
I'm gonna gone with ninety six to ninety five closer.

Speaker 4 (21:56):
They re watched this whole episode.

Speaker 1 (21:57):
I skipped two questions that just were being repeated, which
was you know they weren't they asked the name of WrestleMania,
which is the showcase of immortals, so there's no reason
to ask that question a second time. So but I'm
sure Jeff would have wanted that.

Speaker 4 (22:11):
So yeah, I like those ones. I like the gimmeas,
I like the.

Speaker 3 (22:15):
Lake There you go.

Speaker 1 (22:15):
That was That was our first ever w w trivia
challenge here at w w F.

Speaker 3 (22:21):
You know who really won this match? The listeners.

Speaker 1 (22:24):
That's right.

Speaker 3 (22:25):

Speaker 1 (22:25):
I hope they tell us how much how Base scored.

Speaker 3 (22:28):
God won?

Speaker 4 (22:29):
God won?

Speaker 3 (22:29):
God he did he faced Vince Vince.

Speaker 4 (22:37):
That's the most spacious thing I've ever seen in my life.

Speaker 3 (22:41):
Vince, that God even thought he could compete.

Speaker 4 (22:43):
I agree that the storyline it makes every writer go,
how did he reject my idea. If this got through,
everybody's gonna want I get that mine wasn't great, but
it's better than him going into a Catholic church and
talking trash to a light source.

Speaker 3 (22:59):
That would have been a great argument for any writer
to do it when Vince killed their stories. Be like Vince,
you wrestled God on all Right, you guys, thank you
so much for listening. We will see you tomorrow on
unsanctioned Thursdays. Thanks for listening as always with me as Jeff,
I'm Freddy Prosz Junior Pitt. This has been a production

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