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December 20, 2023 30 mins

It’s done! Join us for our inaugural WWF Awards show.  Jeff and I reveal our choices in various categories like, Rookie Wrestler of the Year, Best Promo Artist of the Year, and Match or Feud of the Year (to name a few).  We’ve compared AEW and WWE in different aspects and will tell you who we think earned the victory . 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Now you're made events. Introducing the hosts are Wrestling, Win Pready,
Jeff died hand of Pready, Rich junior, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to the inaugural twenty twenty three WWF I Wards.
That's how I was for wrestling. Sorry about that trumpet,

Sorry for everyone's ears. Jeff Die my awesome co host
this evening at these prestigious awards, Sir, are you excited
to host your first award show? Very old hat for you,
very excited. Have you been thinking about your answers? Are
you do you you mean my prestigious awards? Yeah, I've
been thinking about them. Answers Well, I mean answer they

would just be like a just be like a podcast
to a holes talking about wrestling. This is this is
a prestigious awards. It's a big deal. It's a big deal.
If they could if people could see the trophies that
were all sitting next to us that we're handing out,
they would be impressed.

Speaker 2 (01:02):
They're gonna be a ship.

Speaker 1 (01:03):
I'll tell you what the weight. It's that weight. We
don't do digital trophies.

Speaker 3 (01:09):
People drawing the wrestlers though, so they're on weights, they're
on dumbbells.

Speaker 1 (01:12):
Yeah, that's right, that's right, So bring them with them
everywhere they go and just constantly work out. This is
the first time we've ever done awards. It is the
inaugural twenty twenty three WWF Awards. Don't get mad at us,
panda bear people. We love you guys too. My dog
looks like a panda bear. All right, sir, ladies, first

on wrestling with friends, because it's lady's night, ladies' night,
and we're gonna go. And I already know you're I
already know who won for you, and I already know
who won for me. It's gonna be the same person.
But the female Wrestler of the Year. This woman will
embody strength, power, promo skills, an uncanny ability to win

even when the chips are stacked against them. Sometimes they
don't even allow the chips to get stacked. It is
the best female wrestler of the year. Mister Jeff died
want me to.

Speaker 3 (02:05):
Do the honors.

Speaker 2 (02:08):
It is, as everyone knows.

Speaker 3 (02:09):
By Unanum's decision, it is the first ever everyone agrees
the do drop.

Speaker 1 (02:18):
I'm just kidding, of course. I mean, I like I
like Piper, but she's not even do drop. I got
love for for Piper and Nevin Boston around Chelsea and
smashing everybody. But it is Rhea Ripley. We uh fawn

over her constantly on this show. She is the women's champ, and,
as Jeff says, will be the women's champ for a
very very long time to come. There's speculation of maybe
a little WrestleMania with her and Becky Lynch. I think
she even wins that match. That's how, that's how it's
over and and she is. It's not she didn't have
a mo like Becky with the bloody nose and standing

in the crowd that made her. It's been a slow,
long development of a story that was written for her.
There was no accidental stuff that happened like a busted notes.
It was all scripted, acted, executed. And then she has
to be a solid wrestler in the ring or the
crowd's gonna call bs right away. And she is all

those things and a bag of chips. Real Ripley the
very first winner of the WWF inaugural Awesomeness Awards. Congratulations,
She's not here to make speech. She did give me
a little note that said thank you very much guys
rule and then some like really nice stuff. But I
don't want to brag about how great we are, so
we'll leave it to that next up. And this isn't

the Academy Awards where they make you wait to the
end to see best Female and best Male. We give
it to you right away because that's what you want.
The Male Wrestler of the Year, Sir, for.

Speaker 3 (03:57):
The JEFFI Winner honorable mention is Seth Rawlins. He has
really taken his career up a notch this year. Whether
you love him or hate him, whether you fake hate
him because he's a heel or whatever, but like if
you actually just don't like Seth Orleans, you've got to
give the dude credit that he's had an incredible He's
really leveled up. I feel like in the last year

big shoutouts him. But for me, if we're talking about
leveling up, we're talking about who's cool, we're talking about
who's great. My jeff Award for Male Wrestler of the
Year is l A Night. Yeah, that's my pick because
he's he's also leveled up. He's been great. He went
from what I would say in twenty twenty, what twenty

twenty two like a guy some people talked about to
a guy that ever bro he was.

Speaker 1 (04:46):
A manager for male models and a like he wasn't
even a wrestler. He went from not even being from
being awesome on NXT to being just It wasn't his fault,
but strapped with a horrible gimmick where he didn't even
get to wrestle to wrestling Roman Reigns in Saudi Arabia
for the World Championship. It's so, I'm not going to

argue with you. I'm not going to say you're wrong,
but I will say you're part right because your honorable
mention is my Wrestler of the Year. Mister Seth Rollins. Listen,
you listen to me right now, Seth Rollins. I don't
care how how weird you dress and how crazy it is.

It makes no difference to me. Dude, you're sick on
the mic, and you're awesome in the ring, and your
character knows it, says it, and people can't even get
mad because everything you say is true. You're awesome. I
think you're great. The inflatable shoulder pads were way over
the line and pissed me off, but it doesn't matter.

Because you're that damn good wrestler of the year. First
one of the year for me, Seth Freakin' Rollins. You've
got l who I'll have later in the show. Thank
you very much. I think that's an awesome choice, sir.

Speaker 3 (06:05):
That's a good Yeah. Seth Rawlins has had an incredible year.
I mean they're literally putting him on the face of
everything too. Yeah, the WB truck drives by, it's the
face of Seth Rawlins. Even the rumors about cmpunk coming
to WW all the thumbnails would be like some Seth
Rollins would find him find his ways someme in there,

like is he coming over there for this? It's almost
like they could like kind of sniff out that feud.
But that's fascinating.

Speaker 1 (06:31):
They're also bringing the two dollars bill back into currency,
and the face is Seth freaking r I did. That's
how damn good he was this year.

Speaker 2 (06:39):
Hot news, hot take.

Speaker 1 (06:41):
We break. That's that's a breaking news, bro. All right.
This next one was the easiest one or the hardest
one for me. Tag Team of the Year, sir. This
is this is tough because tag team wrestling doesn't get
a pre i'mary focus in WWE by any stretch of

the imagination, and AEW does give it a lot of attention,
but over the span of three separate shows, which is
very difficult to consume all three per week. So it's
hard for a tag team to get over unless they
were already over that said, woo, do you got well

on a drum roll? Or are you good on the drummer?

Speaker 3 (07:25):
I like the drum roll, but I will say the
it's kind of like you said, it's tough. Tag teams
are tough. When I picture tag team, I think.

Speaker 2 (07:33):
The Legion of Doom. I think of the Road Warriors.

Speaker 3 (07:35):
I think of Jimmy and Jay Lusso, I think of
the Young Bucks. I think that's what I think of
with a tag team, whereas the wrestling websites consider a
tag team even stables. So once I thought of that,
then I was like, well, then I'm going to change
my pick a little bit because it hasn't been a
big two versus two tag team kind of thing, so

I'm going to pick seems like cheating a little bit
the Judgment Day. I mean, who's had a better year
than the Judgment Day? Finn Balor Damian Priest, we Ra
Dominique Mysterio rising that he was almost my Wrestler of
the Year also and that I mean the Judgment Day
have had.

Speaker 1 (08:11):
A huge, huge, huge, huge, and they're the current tag
team champs with Prieston Balor. So I respect that. I
respect that my pick will stay in the traditional sense
and it will reject the dirt sheet philosophy, and you
have to just be an existing team of two. This
is not a trios Team of the Year. There is

no trios category because I don't love trios wrestling. But
maybe if you guys demand it next year, you'll get one.
That's right, We're coming back next year. What also my
tag team of the Year. And again this was really
hard for me because not everyone gets the love and
I wanted to pick Stark, some big Bill, but they

just haven't been a team long enough. So I'm gonna
go with the one that's been around longer, and I'm
going with FTR. One of them cuts the pretty decent promo.
I won't say which one because I don't want to
like bag on it on anybody, but their energy and
their vibe on all their promos always comes across. They
were able to get themselves over in multiple companies. They

were solid, solid champions and wrestled all the time, and
even when they do their singles work and split up,
they still can give a really good match. So this
was the hardest one for me this on this entire list.
FDR Tag Team of the Year, Jeff went with Judgment Days,
Damien Priest and Finn Balor. Who do you guys agree with?
Who was right? Next? Is the faction the Stable of

the Year, sir, So I think I know who yours
is because you already loved them and we already have
two of three of their members as award winners already.
So your faction of the Year, mister Jeff.

Speaker 3 (09:56):
Dy is I'm gonna say the Bloodline because who had.

Speaker 1 (10:00):
You're switching from Judgment the.

Speaker 3 (10:01):
Judgment Day I gave Tag Team, so I you know, yeah,
but that just.

Speaker 1 (10:05):
That improves their greatness, that's all.

Speaker 3 (10:06):
Yeah, I'm gonna say. I'm gonna say the Bloodline. I mean,
what was better story in maybe all of the last
ten years than the Bloodline storytelling? Anything with Paul Hayman.
I support anything that's going to give the new Sammy
Zay a big push. I mean, they made him larger
than life They've really done a great thing with the bloodline.
I was even at one point on this podcast and

you could find it and quote me that I was like, man,
they should win like an Emmy for this. Like the
storytelling was was that good? Like it was so so
fun to watch.

Speaker 1 (10:37):
I can't prove this, but I'm giving this show credit
for coining the term cinema with professional wrestling. I'm saying
that we said it first. Whether we did or not
we did, I'm saying we did. My Faction of the
Year is your tag Team of the Year, which is
the Judgment Day. The Judgment Day, have the Women's World
champion in Rihea Ripley, the tag team champions. I think

Dominic still has the North American Champampionship for NXT and
Damien Priest has money in the bank and he is
not gonna miss when he finally cashes it in. It's
not going to be one of those oh and he
didn't get it. Damian Priest is really really solid and
he's going to be the world champion against Seth Rollins
or maybe there's something crazy against Roman Reigns. I couldn't

see that happening, and there's no story to lead to it,
but he's going to be the one that dethroned Seth eventually,
even if it's after someone else just dethroned him, then
that person's gonna get pinned by Damian Priest, and Priest
is going to be the new ones. So that's my
Faction of the Year. And Finn Balor, by the way,
mike skills from when he started to where he is
now are way better and they do not pump in

those booze on Dominic Mysterios. So every single person in
that faction is awesome and we love you guys. So
those are winners for Faction of the Year. Next up, sir,
the rookies. Listen up, rookie. We're gonna duct tape you
to a ring post and haze you all day, but
at the end of it, you get to be Rookie

Wrestler of the Year on WWF. Jeff, who is your
rookie wrestler of that? I'm being serious, who's your rookie
Wrestler of the year, Sir?

Speaker 3 (12:11):
I should have checked with you and the producer to
make sure he counts as a rookie.

Speaker 2 (12:16):
That's the hard part.

Speaker 1 (12:17):
This is the loosest of the of the rules because
it's some of them are veterans that are just new
to TV. Some have only been on TV a little while.
Like you could go from anyone to Julia Hart to
l a night if you wanted to. Technically, he's you
know what I mean. So this is loose and I
give you as much latitude as you need. My good man.

Speaker 3 (12:38):
It's kind of like in Last Comic Standing when they're like,
who's this new young comic of the guy's been doing
it for eleven years, but it's the first time, he said,
like a TV break or anything. It's exactly like my
rookie wrestler of the Year. And like I said, it's
probably been a little longer than a year, but Dominique Mysterio,
he's won my heart as far as like, I hate

it this guy so much. And there was a weird
part of I'm never gonna be a wrestler and that
was never in the cards. But yet when he started,
I was kind of like jealous a little like, oh,
they're letting this guy wrestle just because his dad's a wrestler,
he gets to be a wrestler. The guy's clearly never
even worked out. Look at his outfit. He's terrible on
the mic, he's got the face of a child. He's

not even remember this, He's not even wearing a mask.
I was like, wear a Luca mask for God's sake.
Your dad is Ray Mysterio, because this is insane. But
it took a few months and a lot of like
great storytelling and a lot of like selling on his part,
Like he just did so stinking good. Then when I
see Dominique Mysterious, I'm like, I love this guy. He's

perfect for wrestling. He's I don't know, I just really
like everything he's done and the fact that he could
win me over. I'm usually pretty committed to the wrestlers
I do and don't like. Dominique is my guy. He
could still use some muscles, let's be honest. But other
than that, I'd like to say I'm a little more jacked.

Speaker 1 (13:56):
Dominic mystereo is doing things that I don't even think
the company thought he could do. And let me tell
you something, and I lived this when you were a
child of legacy. Yes doors are open for you, but
it is a hard, hard path to walk. Like what
you just said about Dominic were things that I had

to deal with where he said, why can't you just
wear a lucha mask? Your father's Ray Mysterio. Every audition was,
why can't you just do sitcoms? Why do you want
to do movies? Your dad did sitcoms. I'm like, yo,
I'm not trying to be that. I'm I want to
be my own man. It's hard when there's a junior
attached to it, because you're just a statue built to
honor that which walked before you. So let me try this.

I really think I got something. And Dominic was able
to do that. And as this will sound weird because
a door was open for him, but Dominic Mysterio is
a self made man. He made this happen and granted
the storyline and all that is the foundation that it
stands on, but it's his execution and it was his

ability to make this as believable as you can in
wrestling and get that type of reaction in that short
time period. And did it help his Dad's Ray Mystereo,
of course it helped. Did it help that he's getting
tons of TV time? Of course it helped. But all
those things you said about him are true. The fact
that he earned your respect dead on and that's why

he is also my Rookie of the Year, Dominic, Misterio.
This was tough because you could even call Santos a
rookie if you wanted sit because he hasn't been on
that long. But he's not, and I couldn't do that.
He's a straight veteran. It's just a g and he
would trump everybody. So Rookie Dominic mysterious, unanimous across the board,
even the Russian judge cave. I'm a perfect head, all right.

Break Through Wrestler of the Year, Jeff, This is someone
who's made a huge tremendous impact in the game. In
Sometimes it's shocking because they're brand news. Sometimes they've been
around a long time and they're getting another shot, like
like Dolph Ziggler back in the day when he was
wrestling for his career against the miz and everybody got
behind him again. So it can be from a veteran,

it can be from someone new, could be a rocket
ship strap to somebody. Who is your breakthrough Wrestler of
the year.

Speaker 3 (16:15):
My breakthrough Wrestler of the Year is going to a gentleman.
We've heard this story a number of times in wrestling.
Vince likes you to be strong, he likes you to
be big, he likes you to reinvent yourself. A lot
of times, well, I can't tell you how many wrestlers
have been laid off and now they get like maybe
like a second chance, right, Like Triple H is famous

for like letting a guy go and then you know,
hiring him back, and you're like, why did you even
let him go? Like wrestling has been very fickle, especially
in the last four or five years, of like layoffs
and then rehires and then wrestler's going to different places.
It's a very unpredictable job, it appears in these last
five years, and so some guys in the in the past,
what they'll do is they'll go away and then they're

so motivated by the disappointment of being released or fired
or maybe even the fear has been put in their.

Speaker 2 (17:05):
Heart of like am I gonna wrestle again professionally?

Speaker 1 (17:08):

Speaker 3 (17:08):
Am I going to be ever you know on TV?
Resting again? Is that my only chance I'll ever get?
And they come back jacked like gender mahaal And they
come back in a way where you go, oh, this
guy's been doing something while he was gone. And I
respect that. I like that every single time I see
it. It makes me happy. So my my winner of this
award is a young man named Walter Hahn aka Gunther.

I think Gunther has had that choice an awesome year.
I would have not cared about him in years prior,
and now he's a main main event guy who's getting
all the right looks, he's getting all the right storytelling.

Speaker 2 (17:46):
I think that.

Speaker 3 (17:47):
I think he's just He's worked hard, started a family,
got jacked, and I just I just like this guy,
and I think he's had a great year and I'm
happy for him, and I think he's my break breakout guy.

Speaker 1 (17:58):
I love that choice. Guther's awesome, and I think he's
earned his respect on a slow roll and wasn't handed
anything even though he was pushed. It was his work
in the ring that really got people excited about him
because he has such a strong, believable style. So I
love that choice. My breakthrough Wrestler of the Year is

pretty obvious because he wasn't my male Wrestler of the Year.
And for all the same reasons that I loved your choice.
This was a guy who was strapped with the worst
gimmick of the year. We don't have that award, but
if we did. Being called Max Dupree of the Male
Model Agency was definitely the worst gimmick of the year,

and he still committed to it with the same level
of commitment that he showed an NXT as La Night.
And when he got his opportunity to have La Night
be sort of reborn from the Lazarus pit because that
character was dead as far as as far as previous
management was concerned. He came back and he didn't just

run with it. He ran up and down the field
and scored like nineteen touchdowns on offense and defense. It
was a phenomenal performance. He got all the way to
the top and had it not been for Jimmy usso,
he would be the world champion, y'all, or the Universal
Champion as they call it in the whole universe. Even

Mars would fear him. So l A. Knight is my
breakthrough Wrestler of the Year, Jeff.

Speaker 3 (19:33):
He had a great And you know what it's crazy
is I should have switched mine, Seth.

Speaker 2 (19:37):
You know I should have.

Speaker 1 (19:39):
You didn't.

Speaker 3 (19:39):
Your awards are better than mine. I'm that's good. I
was just so excited to give to put l A.
Knight over on the podcast that I couldn't wait. I
gave him wrestler.

Speaker 1 (19:50):
See, he's the man. You could give him best female,
best best whatever. Dude, He's awesome.

Speaker 2 (19:59):
La La night and never was like Jeff's not even watching.

Speaker 1 (20:05):
All right, dude. The best promo artist of the year.
I think this is the easiest one, super super simple.
I say mine right away. It's MJF, Maxwel Jacob Friedman.
If you haven't seen a promo of his, please watch one,
even if you don't like wrestling. It's pretty crazy. Sometimes
it'll break your heart, sometimes it'll offend you. Sometimes you'll laugh,

sometimes you'll go what the fuck? But no matter what
he does, he commits completely to it, and they're awesome.
I don't even think there's a second place in this one.
You could if you love to see I'm Punk promo
on Monday Night Raw, maybe you throw that in there,
but I didn't. I didn't think that one was as
authentic as some of his other ones have been in
the past. So yeah, man, for me, it's MJF.

Speaker 3 (20:47):
What about you, sir, It's twenty twenty three, you know,
I'm like these annoying baseball writers that you think that
there's an obvious answer like oh, Keng Gravy Jr.

Speaker 2 (20:55):
Hall of Fame.

Speaker 3 (20:56):
And then I'm that annoying writer who's.

Speaker 2 (20:57):
Like, here's my take because I want to be different
and get more attention.

Speaker 1 (21:02):
Guess what.

Speaker 3 (21:04):
MJF is clearly your winner. Obviously, the guy's a stud.
He's the best on the mic maybe that's ever been.
And I know people go, what about Stone Cold? What
about the rock? Like MJF is young, incredible, funny, his
wrestling sensibilities are so good. He is easily the best
wrestler that's ever been on the mic, but in typical
try to be clever guy way like Jeff die Is.

It's twenty twenty three and my winner has one best
promo artist of the year fifteen years in a row.
It's Paul Hammon. Nobody ever will be Paul Hamon on
that microphone. MJF is good, but he ain't Paul Haman yet.
Paul Hayman don't need to wrestle. He don't need to
look good. He don't need to even dress well. He

doesn't even need to have a chin, He doesn't need
to have hair on the top of his head. He
is the best person that's ever grabbed a microphone in wrestling.
He'll make your most boring, giant, muscular wrestler that can't
talk on the microphone look like an absolute star. So
for fifteen years in a row, I award the Promo

Artist of the Year to Paul E.

Speaker 1 (22:13):

Speaker 2 (22:17):
He said he doesn't need it, don't need it. He's
proving it.

Speaker 1 (22:22):
Dude. Hey, sorry, do you ever hear that?

Speaker 2 (22:26):
That's pretty that's kind of mean.

Speaker 1 (22:30):
Actually you said it in a positive week, don't all?

Speaker 2 (22:41):
All right?

Speaker 1 (22:42):
The match for Feud of the Year, mister Jeff, this
is a singular moment. It could be from a Monday
Night Raw like Shelton Benjamin versus Sean Michaels back in
the day. Watch it on YouTube. That match is sick
and would probably still be my match of the year today.
It could be a feud that lasted over, you know,
two three months, or maybe two or three years, the

long term story and telling these days, this doesn't need
a chin. What is what is your matter?

Speaker 2 (23:09):
Few of the year, my feud of the year.

Speaker 3 (23:14):
This is a tough This is a tough one because
you know these wrestling you know they're all the kind
of thing you get kind of the same stories over
and over and over. My instinct when I first heard
this was to say the MJF John Moxley because I
just liked that for whatever reason.

Speaker 2 (23:31):
That's the first one that popped in my head.

Speaker 3 (23:33):
But I'm gonna say the MJF versus Adam Cole. That's
what I that's it was so fun the way they
did it, if it was, it was I started with hatred,
then becoming friends, then the the when is the friend
gonna cross the other friend? And then I don't know,
I just really liked that the most, So that was
my selfish pick.

Speaker 1 (23:55):
It's it's hard for me to go against that because
the match they had, which was the thirty minute time limit,
which sort of started the feud physically, where Adam Cole
would have had him if he just had like one
more second on the clock, and he had that moment
where he's staring at him there he's on his knees
and I think they're both on their knees and he's like,

give me five more minutes and Mjf's like, and it
sort of started this rivalry which turned into the Brocacos
for Life It's really hard to disagree with that. And
the match that they had was awesome when they actually

wrestled at the pay per view, which is gonna be
coming up for me again here in a moment. So yeah, man,
I'll agree with you on this one as well. Although
I will say this, there were a lot of contenders.
There were a lot of just singular matches that were
worthy of being up there. But yeah, I'm gonna go

with Adam Cole and MJF as well. Nice congratulations, gentlemen.
Match and Few of the Year, not match slash Few
to the Year. Match and Few of the Year. That
was awesome and they got to wrestle in front of
eighty two thousand people, which is just so sick heck,
which leads me to our final category of the evening.
Straighten my bow tie. There you go, sit the champagne.

The best pay per view event of the year, sir,
whether it be WWEAW or some random one that you
watched online, what is your best pay per view or
premium live event of the year.

Speaker 3 (25:33):
Here's my pay per view of the year. It was
tough because my instinct always goes to the same pay
per review. As I've said, my entire life, the Survivors Series,
the Royal Rumbles, the WrestleMania that we went to together
to watch, which was very fun. It's like I love
all of them all the time, every single year, with
occasion not occasion, I'm usually like a snobby wrestling fan

criticizing what I would have changed with my friends, But
we enjoy every pay per view nonetheless. They're always fun,
they're always great. But I think this year All In
in London with Chris Jericho and Will Osprey was as
the main event, but there was a million matches that
were just absolutely incredible, and I remember, like from beginning
to end going this was an incredible pay per view.

And I also, usually, for whatever reason, maybe it's the
patriot in my heart, I don't really like when the
pay per views aren't in America, And maybe it's because
the time difference or for whatever reason, I'm.

Speaker 2 (26:28):
Like, well, why did they go to Ireland or what
you know?

Speaker 3 (26:31):
Now I have to watch it a yeah, it's like
another Saudi pay per view at ten am.

Speaker 2 (26:36):
It's insane.

Speaker 3 (26:37):
No, I loved everything about this match, and I think
it gave Osprey a bigger pop just by it. It
was just so so so good. And to watch a
legend like Chris Jericho, who has done all of my
favorite things in wrestling, including starting a whole nother wrestling division,
having my favorite show, you know, Dark Side of the Rings.

He was great in WCW's great in WB. To watch
a legend put over will Ospray in the finish, just
the whole thing was so so, so so good. It
was my favorite pay per view that I've not only
seen a long time, but definitely of twenty twenty three.

Speaker 1 (27:10):
I couldn't agree more. This is my pick as well.
That promo that he cut on Chris Jericho a couple
weeks before the pay per view where he's like, this
much is changing my whole life. Bro, you don't understand
I have a jot Like he was just cutting so
much real stuff, sitting and I was not that educated
on will Ospray at me neither, And I'm sitting there

going like, yo, where has Tom Hardy been? Like what
the hell? This guy's a straight stud, Like in the
way that men man crush on Tom Marty because he's
a freaking stud. They just like and they like him
in interviews, they like him in movies, even if they
don't see his movies. They say that they saw it
like that was Will. He had all that energy and

that match you knew mint the world to him. It
was the first pay per view or premium live event
whatever they call him now where I was having anxiety
that I wasn't going to be able to watch it.
I was legit like texting with our producer Alex, like, dude,
how did this bleacher report thing? How does it work
on my Xbox? What the hell? Like? I didn't want
to miss a single minute of it. And I even

got to see the Ring of Honor match before where
Adam and and Max wrestled together before they wrestled against
each other later that night, which was another wonderful story.
So that was my pay per view of end of
the year as well. Jeff Any closing thoughts to the
viewers at home, the viewers because this is like the
Academy Awards, you know, Yeah, to all of you guys.

Speaker 3 (28:33):
We love that we get to share wrestling with you
each week. Wrestling is so fun. I've spent twice this
week I've had to explain to someone that they asked
me about podcasts, like a podcast with Freddie Prince Junior
but we talk about wrestling once a week, and then
you get the normal like wrestling, like you watch it,
you know, and then I get to explain to them
how awesome it is. And each time I explain it,
I'm like, yeah, I used to do it in a

way where I was like, you know, you don't if
you don't get it, you don't get it, like I've
been watching it, and now I do it with like pride.
I'm like, no, wrestling is so good. You're missing out
on so much if you're not watching wrestling. The stories
are good. I've never really had much shame about wrestling,
but now even when I'm talking to a hot girl
after a comedy show, I'm going, no, wrestling rules, Freddie

Prince Junior rules, and I'm happy to talk about it
every single week.

Speaker 1 (29:19):
So I love wrestling. I second that emotion. Ladies and gentlemen,
don't forget unsanctioned Thursdays coming up tomorrow, the show that
you created, it is for you. We love doing it
for you. On behalf of mister Jeff d I'm Freddy
Prince Junior saying good night of everybody and thank you
for watching Slash listening to the WWFI Waltz. This has

been a production of Iheart'smichael Toura podcast Network. For more
podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or
wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
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