All Episodes

May 1, 2024 28 mins

This week, Jeff and I wrestle with the idea- Is the WWE Draft still a headline-worthy event? We're tossing around catchy new monikers for the draft and we debate whether there was a big enough shake up across the brands. Plus, we're tackling AEW's latest epic saga featuring Tony Khan and the Elite. The plot's twists and turns have us on the edge of our seats, and we're dishing out our dream scenarios for how this storyline should unfold in the ring.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Jack Perry goes out there with Tony Kahan and Tony Kahan.
It's looking to the fans. You want him back. I
want him back, We all want him back. It's a
great Rocky Balbo moment. Guess what he is fucking back?
I'm sorry, curse. He didn't curse either. That's my beat
and he raises Jack Perry's hand. Yeah, Jack Perry and Jeff,
what the hell did Jack Perry do to the sweetest

guy in wrestling?

Speaker 2 (00:22):
Punches him in the stomach with a microphone and.

Speaker 3 (00:25):
Now your mate Events introducing no hosts. I'm wrestling win Freddy,
Jeff Died, Han of Fready, Prince Tunior.

Speaker 1 (00:38):
Good morning, good day, good evening. Whenever you're tuning in,
Welcome to Wrestling with Friends. I'm Freddy Prinz Junior with
me is always just a great Jeff Die aka Jackpot
died Jeff, how are you so good man?

Speaker 2 (00:50):
How you feeling?

Speaker 1 (00:51):
I'm a little tired. I went to C two E
two in Chicago, which is a big convention, and there
were a ton of aw wrestlers there, so I got
to hang out with them in the green room and
eat sandwiches and talk to Samoa Joe who was awesome,
and MJF was there who was always super cool. Julia
Hart I got to meet he was super nice. Ricky

Starks pretty. Ricky was there, man, super pretty.

Speaker 2 (01:17):
And I know you know half of the people you've named.
Have you met Julie Hart and Simojoe before?

Speaker 1 (01:23):
No No? And then Brody King. I met Brody King.
He was super cool. And then Dan Housen, dude, I
got to meet Dan out. Yeah, so it was really cool.
I had a great time in Chicago, great wrestling city.
So anybody a lot of fans out there when they
came up for autographs and stuff for like, I love
the podcast all that. Thank you guys for being awesome
out there in Chicago. I love that city. I've been
there a million times and I will be there a

million more. I had very good Deep Dish pizza and
I was like, I'm gonna double up both nights, and
then I got the hotel's Deep Dish pizza because I
was tired and it was rough sauce. Man, it was
not good, but the first night was delish, sir. That
was my weekend. How was your good?

Speaker 2 (02:00):
I was in Rancho Murrietta doing some stand up Comedy
which is just outside of Sacramento, and it was a
beautiful little area, very very fun. Then I went to Bakersfield,
California on Friday, had a comedy show there. If you
guys want to see me do comedy, just look at
my website and figure out where you can see me.
It's interesting. I have so many text messages about you
starting your freederation, about you starting the sing. It was

so funny because a lot of people heard the announcement
or saw it on social media. And then like one
of my buddies, Sean Jacoby, good fan, a good friend
of mine, a fan of yours, shout out to Sean
Jacoby He's like, did you hear about this? And sends
me the link about your thing. I was like, what
do you mean? Did I hear about it? One, I'm
a little annoyed that a good friend of mine wouldn't
realize that you're my friend and I would of course

I would know. And two you when you told everybody
you're telling it to me on this podcast that we're.

Speaker 1 (02:46):
Both home and say you knew before anyone? Why not?

Speaker 2 (02:49):
He tagged me like you check this out Freddy's Freddy's.
I was like, I know like I was like, I
was like a little snobby. Like if someone goes, have
you heard about this band? And you already like know
the band, you've been to that bunch of their cars,
why wouldn't I have known?

Speaker 1 (03:02):
Also, just watch the video.

Speaker 2 (03:03):
It's a it's a two screen. I'm in the bottom
part of the screen shot. It's amazing. Everyone's very very excited,
and I'm I'm super excited. Another thing that like the
way I go to all the Lakers games. I'm gonna
be at all of the Freddy Show.

Speaker 1 (03:16):
Yes, sir, you will. I might even put your ass work.

Speaker 2 (03:18):
I'm happy to be there.

Speaker 1 (03:19):
We will get into a little bit of that and
unsanctioned and then some other cool topics as well. But
there wasn't a ton of wrestling, but the wrestling that
did exist we're going to discuss. First of all, Drew
McIntyre has re signed, not resigned, but re signed with

the WWE, so we get tons more awesomeness from him.
We get the Glasgow kiss, boom head butt you right
in the face, we get the we get the clay
More kick. Waplow, just put a boot right in your jaw.
Jeff one two three two boots. Sorry bro and one
two three two. But we're gonna talk wrestling, and we
got to talk. I guess the draft a little bit.

I'm not a fan of the draft. By the way,
do you like the draft at all? We've talked about it.
We both don't like the draft, not because I don't.
It's hard to say when you don't like things in wrestling.
It's just that it seems unnecessary. It's like that, like
with the football draft. I'm gonna see players playing in
the NFL that I've never played before, whereas in the
SmackDown Raw Draft, it's like they're just going to a

different show.

Speaker 2 (04:23):
It just doesn't I know. It's a switch a room,
not a draft. That's what they call it. The ww
switcher roof. That's amazing in eighty seven, they bet they.

Speaker 1 (04:34):
That's a good idea. I like that switch a rule.
It's more like Red Rover than it is the draft. Dude,
it doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 2 (04:41):
And Vince would lose his mind, like, don't call it
a switchy, it just switch a room.

Speaker 1 (04:44):
Don't call it a switch to switch a room. Damn it. Yeah,
I wasn't a fan of it. I look, I like
what they tried to do with the war rooms, and
they tried to make it NFL E, but then they
should have gone deeper with that and shown like this
appointment when a couple of their talents get stolen, even
though not many did. Pretty much everybody stayed, but still

there should have been moments there where, like a backstage
segment where Nick Aldis goes up to the talent that
he lost raw and is like to like bron Breaker
and is like, all right, but next year you better
believe you're coming to the Blue Brain or whatever, you
know what I mean, Like, there should have been something
like that to commit to, because otherwise it's just video
shots that don't really mean anything, and that's another thirty

seconds that you could give to a match.

Speaker 2 (05:28):
Is this too silatious of an idea? So we always
talk about you know, Alex has put in a thing
like his Cafe Alive, and well, with social media has
really kind of encroached on what is real and what
is not real. You've got wrestlers tweeting out of character,
and then sometimes they're tweeting in character. You've got guy,
So there's always kind of this like, well, is this

too silatious? Instead of a WWE draft for SmackDown and Raw,
or maybe you could incorporate it into it. Wrestler's being released,
that's part of it. You put that as the because
there's all these releases. Oh god, if like you just
brutal devised the release now, people are going.

Speaker 1 (06:08):
Oh no, no, you can't, oh god no.

Speaker 2 (06:11):
People would tuning in like they let go of gingder Mahal,
like like, sorry so hard. The wrestlers are hugging them,
going eybuddy, you know, maybe you know good luck in
the future.

Speaker 1 (06:20):
Look, I'll tell you that, I'll give you this much.
People would watch like a mothered trucker. They would they
would watch, and they would tell their friends, and their
friends would turn on. You would see the rating just
climb as the show went on, like the three hours
of Raw. You just the number would get bigger and bigger.
But that would be the most the dirtiest business that

you could possibly do on someone that has sacrificed their
body for you. Like I would find you and I
would punch you in the face if I was that
wrestler and you were the guy that released me, and
I'd be like, that's gonna be on TV two. You
said them well, we let.

Speaker 2 (06:59):
These wrestlers off the hook all the time, like oh
it was in character or it was just this, it
was just dead.

Speaker 1 (07:03):
They'd be like, all right, let's let's really let's really
lean into this. No absolutely no, yes, but no, like
it would work, it would work. But I oh my god, yeah,
your mind is seen. Oh I will say this. I
think we know where Charlotte Flair is going to be,
which would be smacked down because they don't like to

separate couples and her and Entrade are are super loved up. Man.
As the kids say, well, they don't say it anymore,
but I don't know the new term, but the term
just before the new term was shipped. That's right, shipped.
But that's it's not shipped anymore. It's something new. My
daughter will know. I'll ask her what it is. But
so so that'll be cool. She'll be back on SmackDown,
which is where she belongs. SmackDown's always been her better

promos for better matches. It just feels like the ripe
branch is yeah. Man, there's certain people just feel like
La Knight feels like a SmackDown guy, not a wraw guy.
It just feels right like that undertake, he always felt
like a SmackDown guy, not a rock gay. I always
felt cooler on SmackDown. But yeah, so the only other
thing to really talk about on the IT for Monday

Night outside of the fact that Becky Lynch's champion, you
were right, I.

Speaker 2 (08:12):
Will say something about that when you're done.

Speaker 1 (08:14):
No, you start right now.

Speaker 2 (08:14):
I was just gonna say that I was happy that
Becky won. I thought this was great.

Speaker 1 (08:18):
Yeah, where people not happy.

Speaker 2 (08:19):
People were not happy. I'm looking at the internet thing like,
because people still love Becky, but I think that this
is mean guessing. I think that people wanted Live Morgan
to be the champ so badly that that's why they're
like upset about not that they're mad at Becky or hey, Becky,
just that they're mad that Becky got the belt back.
Because like all the videos about Becky's match and the

video about Becky raising the title has more dislikes than
likes on the ww YouTube page like everybody, and the
comments are all like, wait, have Morgan Lived Morgan? So
it's interesting.

Speaker 1 (08:52):
Yeah, the people are ready for Live right big time.

Speaker 2 (08:55):
Right, Well, this might be a great example and a
little chapter and another one of Becky's another chapter in
Becky's book of putting Live over. I mean it's helping
you know the fact that, like people think Live should
be the champ is a very similar tale of a
lot of wrestlers, like, yeah, Becky should be champing, Becky
should be just so it's kind of happening now Live
more than it feels, at least in my opinion.

Speaker 1 (09:27):
I think she's the next women's champion for sure, and
that they'll be able to tell a good story. And
Becky's a wizard on the freaking microphone. Like I don't
even like to say she's she's the best because she's
like at this point, she can own a crowd, or
she can be a heel. She can be a baby
face within the same promo if she even needed to. Like,

she's just a freaking wizard. So they can tell a
good story. And I do think that will be the
next champ. But you did call it on this, yeah, Becky.

Speaker 2 (09:56):
Also, she's witty, she's funny, she's really no had to
work on microphone in America. Anybody with a thick accent
from a different country. We don't know what bad acting
sounds like. If they if they you know if it's
a British guy, We're like, he must be the best
actor ever, like we we we have no.

Speaker 1 (10:13):
Idea how that is not you are dead on, like
you don't even know, Like Britain jokes about how they
sent all their bad actors to us and how we're
so intimidated by a good accent that we just accepted
as that's like known throughout the business. Like that's hysterical.
I'm glad that you're.

Speaker 2 (10:31):
Watching like the lead of Star Wars and she has
like a British accent and you're like, that must be
how they're talking tattooing. I don't know, this is good acting.

Speaker 1 (10:39):
But we don't slander Tom Hardy on this podcast because
Tom Hardy is the freaking man. He's a phenomenal care
what accent he uses, He's the man, all right. So anyway,
speaking of badasses like Tom Hardy who won a jiu
jitsu tournament, he entered a blue belt jiu jitsu tournament
in freaking one. Because he's a stud warrior. We love
him like we love rear Ripsy. So so I think

if there's criticism of this storyline and you're more dialed
into the people than I am man. I feel bad.
I'm not Since I left Twitter, I'm not as dialed
into the people. You guys got to hit me up
on Instagram when I post wrestling with Freddy's stuff. And
if you're mad about something, you gotta put it out
there so I know you're mad and I know what
kind of stuff to talk about. Even if you're mad

at me, you're allowed to be mad at me. But
Solo Soka, he's mad because he wasn't drafted very high.
And Paul Haymen is basically saying what I'm going to
say to y'all, be patient. I'll take care of this.
Be patient. I think they're going to take care of this.
This is the beginning of a story. It's chapter one

for this dude. Chapter one. Remember this dude had lost
for like a year straight after John Cena. He had
no story. He was just the guy that took the
bump to protect Roman Reigns from losing, which is okay,
and he did it really well. But he's evolving now
and this is chapter one of his story. And if
you're not excited for it because there's not a lot

of action going on, here's a couple of reasons. Why
WrestleMania just happened. A lot of cats are resting, then
they have the draft, so not a lot of people
are wrestling. There's not a lot of time for him
to get in and win matches. So another way to
get him over is through story and backstage segments. And
I think they've done a pretty good job with this
first chapter. Tomatanga is an ancillary character. He'll get his

own chapter when we learn more about him and discover
him in just a few weeks, I believe, And yeah, man,
I like it, do you and do you know if
the people do.

Speaker 2 (12:38):
I don't know anything about what the people are saying
about it, but one thing I will I love Solisika
and I'm a huge fan of like all the things
they're doing with that storyline. I almost want to, like think,
think about this when you're the Honky Tonk Man or
Doink the Clown, when you're in any of these guys, You've
got to climb and climb and climb, climb. Even Roman
Rings had to climb and climb and climb. You have

this whole WWE network that you have to like work
and you have to be good on the mic. You
have to be good wrestler. You have to do all
these things. You have to play the little politics. You
have to be Daddy's favorite in Gorilla, you have to
you have to see who the fans like and who
the fans hate, right, You've got to do this whole
thing well to my advice to Solo saicoacause I don't
know how he's really feeling, being the bottom of the

bloodline is a lot better than being the bottom of WWE,
Like just waiting for your turn in the MFT like that,
like that's that's that's okay, We're gonna We're still gonna
see you every week. You're still gonna get your your
things way sooner than the rest of the WWE will
because they've kind of created their own little their own
little bracket. You know. It's like there's guys that are

getting released each week who are like, well, now what
you know, Like, how do what do I do? So
even if Solo Sequoia has to lose every week and
people aren't that interested in this story, it's still pretty
good to be Solo Sekoa.

Speaker 1 (13:57):
I don't think he's losing again for a long time
ago that too. I don't think he's gonna lose again
for a long time. I think he's gonna be I
think it's his time and they're gonna start putting him
over while Roman's out and doing movies and stuff. He's
pretty cool. I like his look, I like his everything.

Speaker 2 (14:12):
I do too. Before forgetting he's growing barely been in wrestling.
I mean he's still super new, so like this, and
you know, he's never not been pushed, even when it
appears like maybe he's not getting a push like I mean,
the dude is in the main stories of everything every
single week. So I'm happy for him. But also I'm
not going to listen to much complaining if it's like,

why isn't so it's like, it's fine, you're doing great.

Speaker 1 (14:36):
Jeff, It's time for AE doubbles. I'm nervous. I'm very
Are you nervous, Jeff? You don't get nervous? What stand
up comic about about the storyline? The main storyline in
ae W, the EVPs have the Young Bucks have brought
Jack Perry back to a W. They told security to

screw off, get out of our way. Security, we're the EVPs,
and they brought Jack Perry in Okata as well, who
I think is pretty cool. Someone I talked over the
weekend equated him his attitude in the ring to like
a Randy Yorton, and I was like, oh shit, now
I can un see that. So they come in and
they bring Jack Perry in and they're gonna knock on
Tony Khan's office and they're going to try to get

this dude his job back, and we all believe it's
gonna happen, or at least that's.

Speaker 2 (15:23):
How you get jobs back. You go in and you
assault the boss until they hire you.

Speaker 1 (15:27):
Well, well he has an assault. They they haven't assaulted
him yet. They're just in there talking and having a meeting.
And this is the beginning of the show. And then
at the end of the show, Tony has now spoken
with Jack and the EVPs have let us know, and
Tony Shavani has let us know that at the end
of the show they're gonna have some time publicly for
all of us. And Jack Perry goes out there with

Tony Khan, and Tony Kah is looking to the fans.
You want him back. I want him back, we all
want him back. It's a great Rocky Balbo moment. Guess
what he's fucking back. I'm sorry, cursed. He didn't Curtsey either,
my back and he raises Jack Perry's hand. Yeah, Jack
Perry and Jeff, what the hell did Jack Perry do
to the sweetest guy in wrestling?

Speaker 2 (16:08):
Punches him in the stomach with a microphone. That's what you.

Speaker 1 (16:13):
Gotta do, dude, liver shot.

Speaker 2 (16:16):
Just what. I've never seen a microphone punch too, which
actually I'm pretty into because it makes a loud sound.

Speaker 1 (16:21):
You know, it sounded cool. Yeah, it's pretty cool. Oh
my ears. Tony Khan goes down, he's hurt. It's a

liver shot. They kill ask Ryan Garcia and so he's
down hurting, and then the EVPs come out, the young bucks,
they come out the man Jack Berry, what are you
doing about. We put our butt on the lote for you.
We push security out of the way. We got you
this meeting. Oh no, we did it. We're on your side.
Ha ha ha. And they grab him and Okada's out
there with him and he's like, no, no, no, don't

do the EVP double knee to the chinny chinchin. Do
the super driver that you do from the top from
the top rope, the Tony khn driver, the Tony Khan
driver is one hundred percent, but it's called from now
on the t They hit him with the TKD and
he goes down. He goes down hard. They protected him

so so nicely. They were they were good to their boss.
But this is the man who hired you, guys. Story
and now we're back in character and your sons of
bitches did this. Now, in my head, I'm thinking, holy shit,
how are they going to make this work? And in
my heart I'm going, holy shit, I really want this

to work. But I'm nervous, Jeff. And that's back to
my first question that I gave you. Are you nervous?

Speaker 2 (17:52):
I am not nervous. I don't know, ever, what's going
on with Tony Khan. I'm confused by it at all times.
He's a confusing guy. He hates Vince McMahon, but I
think he's secretly in love with Vince McMahon, Like I
think he wants to be Vince McMahon. He does all
the Vince McMahon things. He's like this, He's like the
mix of all the people we've hated in you know,

he's Eric Bischoff meets Vince McMahon meets Vince Russo.

Speaker 1 (18:18):
What if I told you that every wrestler I've ever
spoken to says that Tony Khan is the nicest person
in the world.

Speaker 2 (18:23):
I love that.

Speaker 1 (18:23):
His fault is that he's too nice. I love that.

Speaker 2 (18:25):
Yeah, he just is, like you know, the way we
judge wrestlers, like when they come out of the microphone,
like you need confidence, he need coolness, and he doesn't
really have a lot of that. I'd love to be
his friend, Druss me. I mean, the way the guy
lives his life is pretty sweet, and I like how
much he loves wrestling, but it's like he can't get
out of his own way. Sometimes it feels.

Speaker 1 (18:43):
Here's what I'm nervous about. I feel like on Collision Saturday,
which is after the Wednesday show Dynamite, they kind of
already messed up the story a little bit because they
said Tony Kahn announces next week show Dunda, this guy's
wrestling this guy, And I'm like, why is Tony Kahn
making this decisions right now? Shouldn't he be If they're

taking over the show, then it should have been the
evp's making that match and not Tony, Or why aren't
there Why haven't they been fired. If he's okay enough
to book a match, he's okay enough to go, oh,
you're going to saw me in the ring. You're suspended
or fired, whatever it is. So I was like, wait,
what's going on story wise? And I want this to work.

I'm not sure what's going to happen power structure wise,
but I'm assuming the EVPs takeover the Young Bucks and
Okata and Jack Perry and that's on Wednesday. Kenny Omega
is coming back, so they're going to have an interaction
during his promo where they're going to I'm assuming where
they say, hey, man, we've fired you from the Elite

and look at your replacement. Here he is, and Kenny
Omega is going to have to stand alone against the
Elite to fight the Power so the people will be
behind Kenny, and Kenny's like on Tony's T team. I'm
sort of just thinking this out loud, so bear with me.
And then Adam Page is healthy, so he comes back
and he ends up helping Kenny Omega and they both

team up against him in and then maybe one other person,
and Tony's got his Power Team against their Power Team
and they fighted the pay per view for control of
the company and Kenny Omega gets the pin in one, two,
three and great, but hopefully they do something way better
than that. And sorry that that sucks. But I just
don't know.

Speaker 2 (20:27):

Speaker 1 (20:29):
I don't know what their plan is. If Tony's okay
enough to book matches, yeah, does that make idea? Am
I just being paranoid and overthinking?

Speaker 2 (20:35):
No? I mean, we'll see what happens. The thing is like,
I think that AW finally has an opportunity here to
make something their own, like to have original idea where
it doesn't just feel like something we've seen before in wrestling.
Never has a wrestling group been started where it's just
the patience running the asylum, and it kind of felt
like that in different chapters of AW. It's only been

around for what five years, six years or whatever?

Speaker 1 (20:59):
Five years.

Speaker 2 (21:00):
The thing this, they have an opportunity. So it's always
been a boss in a territory, and then Vince McMahon
the boss of this, and then Eric Bischoff the boss
of that, and Ted Turner being daddy at WW This
is the first time a wrestling group has been made
of a bunch of wrestlers, so I think they really
have an opportunity to play with that in story where
it doesn't just feel like the young Bucks are the

rockers and the and the and they try to do
like an nWo thing. I feel like you could draw
like ideas back to everything that AW has done. You go,
they're just doing this if you're really nerdy about to
be fair, you could do that about any TV show,
sure if you oversimplified enough, But there are some pretty
dramatic overlaps between what AW does and pasted wrestling you're

dead on. So what I was gonna say is that
they have our unique opportunity here to really tell a
story that has these the the elite and these guys
who did start this wrestling thing, Like if they could
try to play with that a little bit more like
I think they could. Yeah, they claim that as as
their soapbox.

Speaker 1 (22:03):
Yeah, I could get back.

Speaker 2 (22:04):
I would love that we came over. I wanted to
be like blah blah, you know, and just totally play
in that world. I wish they would.

Speaker 1 (22:12):
Yeah I could. I can. I can be with that.
I can get with that. And the only other thing
that I had issue with was the Dynamite after Dynasty
with Swerve Strickland who, by the way, will be our
guest next week. He announced he would be champion. That
was his not his dream, but his plan, and he

made it happen in twenty twenty four. He said he
would make it happen in twenty twenty four. He is
the ae W World Champion and he will be our
guest next week and we are very very grateful to
have him back again.

Speaker 2 (22:44):
Vas to watch that episode or I'm sorry, listen to
that episode. I'm gonna be asking some very silly questions
and also Swerves I've already been preparing. Swerve is also
not the silliest guy. He doesn't like my not he
doesn't like it, but.

Speaker 1 (22:56):
He's gonna he's gonna kick you out, most.

Speaker 2 (22:58):
Silly guy, and I'm gonna be asking some good, fun
wrestling questions.

Speaker 1 (23:03):
So anyway, I'm already preparing good all right, So my
and I've gotten an answer to this question. But to me,
it was weird that the Wednesday after the pay per view,
which is their first show after the pay per view,
that Swerve didn't start the show with a promo. Instead,
he had a match with Kyle Fletcher, who's super legit.
I've seen him now with Ospray. I saw him as

a tag guy too, but I've seen him with Ospray
and he just killed. And I've seen him now with
Swerve and he killed again. He's he's super good, but
the match had no story, no anything behind it, no
reason to fight. I mean, the bad booking is you
at least let Swerve get half a promo out and

then Kyle Fletcher interrupts him and he's like, yo, man,
why are you out here? And Kyle's like, Kallus got
me a match, f you, let's go and at least
then that's that's something. But for him to not get
to say anything until the Saturday show felt like too long.
For me. It just felt too long. Their rationale was

they felt they'd get a higher rating based off Crossover
from the NBA Playoffs, which was playing right before that.
I don't to my knowledge, Collision does not get a
rating that's close to Dynamite, So to me, Dynamite's the
higher rated show. Now, if I'm wrong, I'm wrong than
Party On and I get why they did it, but
story and character wise, it still felt weird. Did that

feel weird too, too, that he was just wrestling this dude?

Speaker 2 (24:30):
Yeah, it's like, where'd this come from?

Speaker 1 (24:32):
Yeah? All right, Finally, k Fabe, sir, do you believe
in twenty twenty four that there's still a seat at
the table for our old and dear dear uncle who
we love because he's kind of crazy. You don't know
what he's gonna say all the time, and his name
is Uncle kay Fabe? Is there still room at the

table for Uncle kay Fabe? Jeff, I love k Fame.

Speaker 2 (24:57):
I am guilty of it every week. I don't bother
you guys as much as I bother my other rextling
group thread, but I'll I'll be like, I wish you
felt like that was real?

Speaker 1 (25:06):
Was that real? Guys?

Speaker 2 (25:07):
And everyone's like, you stupid idiot? Because I just, like,
literally like I want it so badly to be like
you know. That's why that's the only reason I'm mosied
on over to YouTube to watch the cmpunk Jack Perry
thing in the locker room, because I was like, Oh,
it's something real, you know, like we can confirm that
this is something. I want everything to be real. So yeah,
I think there's still room for it, even though I

think there's more room for it if you're if you
don't have social media, like if you are your old
uncle like and you're not watching it, then that makes
it a lot easier.

Speaker 1 (25:38):
I'm with that. I'm with that, all right, You guys listen.
We ask you each week, now, well only for a
couple of weeks, but we ask you, guys to leave
us reviews. Listen to reviews. Please do it, give us
the stars that you think we're worthy of. Write reviews.
This week, we've got one from this girl. Man, what's

up this girl? Amanda? And here goes the review. I'll
do it in a voice. I'll do it in an accent.
What accent should I do it?

Speaker 2 (26:08):
Well? We talked about British accents earlier. He got one
of those.

Speaker 1 (26:11):
Yeah, I got a bad one. Yeah, I got perfect.
All right, it's gonna not sound like you, Amanda. Sorry,
you seemed like a very nice girl. It's gonna sound
like an old man. Here we go. I don't listen
to wrestling podcasts, but once I heard Freddie had one,
I subscribed. The love and passion he has when he

talks about his co host is a great balance for
his excitement. I really enjoy listening. Good luck, well, good
luck to you too, Amanda. Sorry, that made you sound
so masculine. I could have made you sound like James Mason.
I do good, James Mason. I don't listen to wrestling podcasts,
but once I heard Freddy had one, I subscribe. That's

James Mason. You guys don't know who the fuck I'm
talking about. Why am I even talking? All Right? So
I already announced the big news for Swerve next week,
but don't forget we get the AEW champ. Stay tuned
tomorrow for Unsanctioned Thursdays. We're going to bring it back
to the days of side Quest, and we're going to
talk about Jeff's origin story and his love for professional wrestling,

and you get the reason why, which is always the
most important thing for a wrestler, and it's the most
important thing in podcasts as well. On behalf of the
Awesome One, Jeff Di Not the great One, that's the
rock the Awesome One. Now that's the miss the Fantastical One,
Jeff Die, I'm Freddy Bryns Junior saying we love you.

This has been a production of Iheart'smichael Toura podcast Network.
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