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April 24, 2024 27 mins

Jeff and I agree that the production at WWE has taken a turn for the best and their attention to details are leaving us with some great television moments.  We discuss the unfortunate injury to Rhea and how this now opened the door for one more Becky Lynch run as Women’s World Champion.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I love the new direction that they're going in Jeff,
as far as the way they're getting out of matches,
coming back into matches, the way they're shooting segments backstage
now and not just leaving the interviewers hanging out to
dry like they have for the last twenty five years.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
And now your mate events introducing the hosts are Wrestling
Within Freddy, Jeff Died and of fur Ready Price Soon.

Speaker 1 (00:27):
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a brand new episode of
Wrestling with Freddy, Wrestling with Friends because my cohort, my
partner in crime, my co host, mister Jeff Dye is
with me. Thank you, sir for being here. How was
your week? How are you, sir?

Speaker 3 (00:43):
Feeling good? The tour is going good. The last Cowboy
in La tour has been awesome. We were in Texas
this week, so that was very fun. If you want
tickets to come see me live, go to Jeffdie dot com.
The new tour has been super fun. Doing theaters is
a whole different beast.

Speaker 1 (00:56):
It's been awesome, dude. The theater life as opposed to
the c We'll have to talk about that off air
because people want to talk wrestling. But I do have
a question. Do you have a JBL cowboy hat? I do.

Speaker 3 (01:06):
I have multiple cowboy hats, and I've been wearing I
wear cowboy boots all the time and nobody even notices
because my jeans are just cowboy boots.

Speaker 1 (01:13):
I always thought you were like Converse or something. I
wear cowboboats.

Speaker 3 (01:16):
But also shout out to all the short guys. Me
and you are tall guys. We don't ever worry about
our height, but we've got short friends. You know, if
you wear cowboy boots around, not only will women like
it because they're like, this guy's a man. He's got
cowb boots, but a Cawai boot has a little heel
on it, So you're about an inch taller when you
wear cowboy boots. So just a little recommendation for our
short kings.

Speaker 1 (01:35):
So my dad's best friend was this cat named Paul Williams.
Paul Williams was a musician and he's still a musician.
He's still alive, but a famous musician in the seventies.
He wrote some Willie Nelson songs. He wrote The Rainbow
Connection that everybody loved, and now he's the president of ASCAP.
The musician's guilt and has been forever. And he's like
four foot ten and he would wear cowboy boots that

had these three inch heels because my dad was like
six two and a half when they be on television
together and my dad had him out as the as
the comic guest when my dad hosted the Tonight Show
and my pops was only like twenty twenty one years
old when he hosted. He's still the youngest dude ever
hosted and the first dude that Johnny let do it.
And then they came out and they he walked up
to him and it looks like that he's three feet

taller than Paul, but Paul still has those cowboy boots.
And the first time I came to Los Angeles after
we had left, Paul Williams picked me up at the
Burbank Airport. I was like probably a fourth grader and
he picked me up in a black Ferrari Testa. It
was just like Magnum p I's but he had musician money,
but it had like the T top right, so it

wasn't a full convertible. And I was like, WHOA, that's
the sexiest car ever man, And he goes, hey, little Freddy,
and I'm like, in my head, I'm like little, I'm
your he and he's he still calls me little Freddy
to this day, and I'm almost my dad's. Yeah, man,
short Kings rule and they make one hell of a musician,
just asked Billy Joel. Yeah, we got a lot to

talk about. A good week of wrestling. Yeah, it was
a good week of wrestling, and it gave me hope
that stories are in the pipeline. Maybe not for everyone,
but there are stories in the pipeline that have me
compelled enough to watch and I want to get into them.
But first and we'll talk story too. The one shit
thing that happened, Sorry for my language, The one horrible
thing that happened this week is our favorite female wrestler,

Ria Ripley, had to forfeit the title and she was pissed.
You could tell. It wasn't just she she's good on
the mic, but this wasn't just hey, let me perform this.
You could see she was pissed, like she was about
to go on the run of all runs. She just
beat Becky Lynch, who's the top female in the game,
which makes Ria Ripley the top female in the game

that match existed to put Ria in that position, and
then clearly she was going to have this awesome story
with liv Morgan because Live can act to especially in
the back stage stuff, which is more her strong suit
than out in the ring, at least I think more
like actory kind of stuff. It looked like they were
gonna have a storyline where Live is pissed and it's

gonna she's gonna take revenge and it is game on,
and this would be the time for Ria to really
really frigg and shine and whenever the injury happened, nobody
knows exactly when, but the storyline reportedly is when Live
attacked her on Monday Night Raw and got revenged way
too friggin soon. And I feel bad for both women,

more for Rhea because she has the injury, which is
at least three months if it's a shoulder, and her
story is destroyed. Her championship, she didn't lose, she she
had to give it up, and the Live Morgan storyline
is now smashed and they're gonna have to kind of
cut and pay something else together to make it work.
I think she's going to be the next champion, and

that way, when Ria gets better, she can have her
own revenge chore, and now she'll be the guy, the
good guy. You think he's gonna get the belt. I
think Live, Morgan, think Live. I think it's gonna be Becky.
That's probably You're probably right for me. The story in
my head was Live gets in and then when Rhea
comes back, Lives been raining terror on the division and

everyone's super happy. But the smart business move is to
put it back on Becky because she's the number one
dog in the company. I just don't know what happens
to Live. Then if she goes back to the back
of the line, well, I feel like, well, we'll Live
will try to come out and chase that belt from
Beck's is what I think. I think.

Speaker 3 (05:35):
Becky, you know, gets it. She's the biggest draw she's
a star. She's killing it in the ring. Come back
a little early, she'll she'll do her uh, she'll you know,
they'll build her back up again because you know, although
she's the biggest drawing and the most famous, like we've
there does feel like it wasn't as hot as it
once was. So I think if they could build that
back up and make Becky give her another chapter, if

you will.

Speaker 1 (05:59):
Yeah, I think it was and as hot as it
once was, because she wasn't the focal point point of
it this time. She was the one helping out. But
after everything I said you, I think, yeah, I agree
with everything you just said, and you destroyed my whole story. Sorry, no,
it happens sometimes. The logic sometimes defeats and wins the day.

But yeah, man, so we wish you the best. Rea.
It sucks because we love with a shoulder too. We
love it and I hate when shoulders get hurt. I've
had like eight billion operations on my right shoulder. But
the good news is the science is super advanced now.
The physical therapy is better than it's ever been. And
I don't think will be without Rhea Ripley for too

too long because she's a beast. So not a lot
of stories to get into. But before we get into bloodline,
I do want to say something about some of the
changes WW He's gone through, not just storyline wise, but technically.

I love the new direction that they're going in Jeff,
as far as the way they're getting out of matches,
coming back into matches, the way they're shooting segments backstage now,
and not just leaving the interviewers hanging out to dry
like they have for the last twenty five years. But
my favorite thing of the week, My favorite moment of
the week was Jay Uso was wrestling Finn Ballard and

Finn Balord loses clean and Jimmy's looking or Jay's looking
great so that he can go take on Damian Priest
at Backlash. And finally he gets out of the ring
because the rest of Judgment Day comes in and they're
trying to f him up and he's like, nah, you
get this super kick flopa and then he jumps over
the That's what it sounds like. And I'm a master

of sound effects, Jeff. Now, my man just had to
wrestle like a fifteen minute match, and now he has
to run the friggin stairs, and I love that. At
one point you see him like, hold up, we're gonna
just stop for one second. Catch my breath, point to
the crowd. Yeah, people love me. All right, I'm good,
let's freaking go. My man runs all the way up
the second half of these stairs, goes into the crowd
that's out by the concession stands. He's high fiving people.

There's babies there, they're like, yeah, I love you. There's
ladies there. I love you. Guys will like yo, a man,
I freaking love you. None in that way, but I
love you. And then this one last poor guy is
just in his way and ja just shoves about the
way and goes out through the through the hallway, and
then he sees like the security guard. The security guard's
trying to keep a straight face, but he can't because
Jaus was like, you didn't your face? Y ain't. The

guy's like yeah, okay. And then he goes outside and
we see Sammy saying, and he's just standing out there
in the cold, I don't know the temperature, it look cold,
and he's staring up at the building and Jesus was like, yo, man,
what are you doing out here? I just had to
bounce from the from the judgment day. They're trying to
kill me. What's going on? And Sammy's like, yo, man,

When I was a kid, I stood right here looking
at this building and I would watch matches and now
I'm going in as the Intercontinental champion and I'm doing
it right freaking now. And he just like goes straight
and now the camera that just followed him up, the
camera guy holding the steady cam, which I don't know
how much it weighs, but at this point it's feeling
like it weighs sixty seventy pounds. Probably has to go

all the way back through the arena. Sammy's now high
five and everybody. They're in Montreal, so the crowd loves him.
He goes all the way back down the stairs. The
camera stays with him. He goes back into the crowd
two different times before he goes into the ring to
wrestle Chad freaking Gable. That wasn't a one shot, you guys.
That was a wonner. That's great. That's like a Boogie

Knights wonner. Dude, like when the guy goes into the
swimming pool and back out of the point, you know
there's boobies everywhere, you know' scene but he yeah, scene.
But yeah, man, I thought that was the coolest thing.
It was so different for WWE, and it was a
great sort of like organic transfer from this match to
that match instead of just the same old stuff. And

I really hope I don't hope they do that kind
of shot every week because that'll get old, but I
hope they find cool organic ways to get in and
out of the action like they did. And I feel
when you see stuff like that, it makes you confident
that they're going yeah, and change. Change is tough.

Speaker 3 (10:15):
And if you're a young person who thinks, oh, I'm
fine with change, well just wait till get older and
then you'll start noticing yourself go, hey, some of this change.
You know, it's just one of the hard parts about life.
You know. I'm a big baseball fan, and as I'm
getting older, they're changing a lot of the unwritten rules,
you know, the bat flips and the pimping a strikeout
and like little thing the eye, but even the uniforms

of the jewelry, all the different things. But that's just
young people. It's getting cooler. Baseball is getting cooler. I
should be more fine with the changes instead of being like, well,
they shouldn't be wearing diamonds on there.

Speaker 1 (10:49):
It's fine. So things are good.

Speaker 3 (10:50):
So one of the things that's exciting about wrestling with
Vince McMahon leaving is you're gonna get changes. But it's
not just like, oh, a wrestler that Vince didn't believe
in my now get a chance because Triple Ah is
in charge. It's like no, no, No, you're going to notice
all sorts of changes things that they're the broadcast is
going to be different. The words they use won't be

policed a in a in the ways that they used to,
and we're noticing it with production already.

Speaker 1 (11:17):
They're doing things.

Speaker 3 (11:18):
That you're like, oh that's different, or oh I like that,
or maybe you won't like it, but there are these
exciting changes. And I got to say, overall, I'm really
into the way it's being shot and the way it
looks like.

Speaker 1 (11:28):
I like it a lot.

Speaker 3 (11:29):
They've gotten rid of a lot of those corny kind
of three D things, you know how they were like
really into that?

Speaker 1 (11:34):
Yeah, man, that was that was weird. I never got that.
I sometimes just because we have the technology doesn't mean
we have to use Yeah, you know what I mean,
Lucas practical effects rule. Man, I just heard the new
Beetlejuice has no CG. Nice.

Speaker 3 (11:51):
This is a little side quest, but you know, why
would a dinosaur in Jurassic Park in nineteen ninety three
look more real than a dinosaur or in twenty twenty
two with Chris Pratt. It doesn't make any sense. And
this is the things should be looking realer, not worse.
So yeah, same ideas, like this technology doesn't always need
to be used. I thought it was weird when you

would see a big stupid thing and at first I
hears how dumb I am.

Speaker 1 (12:16):
At first, I was like, is.

Speaker 3 (12:17):
That really in a stagium or is that just on
the TV ballue? I didn't understand what it was. And
then after a few of them, I was like, all right,
I get what this is. But anyways, I like the
way the new stuff looks. I think they're doing really
really good job. And maybe it's just because change can
be exciting, but I like.

Speaker 1 (12:31):
It a lot. Another change that we had it we
haven't really talked about that much is the commentators. Michael
Cole is a breadth of fresh air, and I think
it's because of one dude, and that's freaking Pat McAfee.
I have never heard Michael Cole laugh so much. I

have never heard him have such a good time. I
have never seen him have so much fun on and
off camera as I have since they paired him up
with this dude. That guy is like, I didn't know
how he was gonna do. Man, it's a hard job.
And there have been professional commentators that have come in
that have tried on, professional hosts of TV shows that

have tried to come in, and he came in and
it took him like one episode to find himself, and
now he's freaking killing it every single week and he's
really brought a lot to the I mean every time
he yeats, Michael Cole's literally saying things like please don't
eat in my face.

Speaker 3 (13:31):
Also add Pat mca anybody keeping a real list of
this podcast. Add Pat McAfee to the guys I used
to not like and then they came into wrestling and
I like him now, Like I was never a Logan
Paul guy, and now he's a wrestler.

Speaker 1 (13:43):
I love him. I thought Pat McAfee was annoying. He's
in wrestling, now I love him, Like do love Logan Fall? Yeah, dude,
besides Rond because he does cool flips and jumps off
the top of rope.

Speaker 3 (13:53):
You're like, oh, yeah, it's like any controversial person should
just become a wrestler. Because then I'm like, no, this
guy rules. It makes sense. He's got a Pokemon card
worth a billion dollars.

Speaker 1 (14:01):
I'm so old, so quick. All right, dude, moving on,
I want to talk about solo Soca and the Bloodline. Yes,
not Roman Reigns and the blood Line. He's no, He's
nowhere to be found. Jeffy's He's been seen on the
set of a Hollywood film. That's all we know. Solo
Soca came dressed way different. Usually he dresses like uh

my man. Daal Seem from Street Fighter Too. What a
great reference with the wraps around his wrists and his ankles,
right barefoot, coming in ready to do the stretchy arm.

Speaker 3 (14:33):
Don't yeah you know DDP says a not your mama's yoga,
but dal Seem was the first saying not your mama's yoga.

Speaker 1 (14:40):
You know. Dal Seam was making shut out. I was
on a weird algorithm wrestling algorithm on Instagram the other
day and he does like a lot of inspirational stuff
for wrestlers that are trying to get sober and things
like that. He's really changed a lot of lives and
help people just through philosophy, not just yoga. And he
said some quote that I'm going to screw up that
he did not screw up, but he was like, yo,

if you if you don't allow yourself to heal from
the cuts of others, you'll bleed all over those who
have never cut you like that. I mean, like, if
you don't heal from your past, you're going to harm
the people who love you now. And I was just
like scrolling through wrestling clips of like indie wrestlers and
like indie promotions on some algorithm, and all of a
sudden that just came up and had like motivating music

behind it. I was like, Oh god DDP, you're killing me, dude.
So anyway, we have the same account, but we've never
met anyway, So we have the same account, dude, just
so you know, Oh, that's awesome.

Speaker 3 (15:34):
Shout his name out.

Speaker 1 (15:36):
No, his name is Raoul. Haha, you'll never know. Now,
Sola Sikoa comes and he's not dressed like d'll seem
or or Sigat or was it was the other guy's name,
the tie Fighter Sack the mooe tie Fighter. Yeah, the
guy that was the boss at the end of the
first one. Yes, Sigat, not m Bison, the guy that

was the Mutai. I think, yeah, that dude. So he's
not like that dude either. You guys, he's dressed like
like like a bad guy in James Bond, like the
guy that gets no dialogue, but looks smooth. He's in
a suit, he's got a turtleneck. The turtle deck maybe
wasn't the coolest part of that, but the rest of
his suit was hot. And he comes in and Paul

Hayman's like, Yo, what what is this man? What's going down?
And Solo's playing the leadership role and he's not having
it from Paul Hayman and he's talking about I gotta
I want to know what this friggin word means. He's
talking about Toma Tonga, his MFT. What the hell is
the mftche had no idea. He goes, my MFT, mother,

motherfucking tongan. Is that it? No, I don't know, that's
what it is, multifaceted tonguean. I gotta get jacked like
tomat Tonga too, by the way, and stop eating ice
cream at night. He comes out and he's doing really well,

and you've seen him grow as far as his skills
and his comfort with the character and what he brings
to the table. But he's like, yo, I'm not a
number two guy now, I'm not a number three guy
that's gonna lose for the next year. I'm gonna be
a number one guy and you're gonna do what I
tell you to do. And this got me thinking, Paul, hey,

this is all character story stuff. If Paul Hayman's character
has access to Roman Reigns, which we know he does,
then he could find out if bringing Tomatonga in was approved.
If it wasn't approved by Roman Reigns, then this storyline
would be over. So my question is who else could
have approved it? And to me, the only answer is

the Rock, which would mean the Rock is sort of
working against the machinations of what we know and understand
is the bloodline, which then when Roman does come back
and he can say, what the hell is all this?
I didn't approve any of this. Why has Jimmy been
smashed and buried someplace? Why is Tomatonga here? Why is

this other new guy that WWE just signed? Why is he here?
I didn't approve any of this? And then Solo can say,
that's right, he did, and then you hear the music
and the Rock comes out and then they have their
match whenever that match is gonna be. But that was
the only that's where my head went. When Roman Reigns
isn't approving this stuff. I'm like, well, then who's given

him approval? Because he's not going to go against Roman
like that. If Roman's not there, that's kind of a
punk move. So it's got to be the Rock. That's
my weird conspiracy theory. What you think about that? Is
it just weird?

Speaker 3 (18:53):
Could be their way of keeping him in here? Well
he's not. I gotta say, I've I've I'm always beating
the same drums. But I hate part time wrestlers unless
you're injured, you know, like when you're injured, Like I
get it, you can't wrestle.

Speaker 1 (19:08):
And I know that, you know.

Speaker 3 (19:10):
Like as much as I might criticize wrestlers like the
miss or seth Rollins, at least they're there all the time.
At least they want to be in storylines. They want
to work, they want to do the live shows, they
want to do the the you know, house shows. But like,
I just can't do this, Like the Rock is like
I'll be back for WrestleMania, Like WrestleMania was last week.

What do you mean you'll be like, Well, that's not
exciting for me that I'm gonna see you again in
a year or like that.

Speaker 1 (19:37):
The that's like we've mission impossible when it was said
to be continued at the end, You're.

Speaker 3 (19:41):
Like, ah, son a bitch, Yeah, exactly, Like the Undertaker
came back after retirement sooner than a year, and so
it's a little disappointing to me that they're now trying
to creatively keep you know, Roman Reigns in the storyline
even though he's not around, and you're keeping the Rock
in the storyline even though he's not around. It's like,
I just I have very low tolerance for like part

time wrestlers, just because and we're supposed to as wrestling
fans go, well, it's because they're so famous. It's because
if they're in Hollywood, don't you want him to have
big movie careers. I don't care about their movie careers.
They make shit movies. I want to see, uh you know,
I don't care about if John Cena is in a thing,
like I want to watch them as wrestlers. It's like

when I go throw my first pitches, everyone's going, well, yeah,
it's fine if he's funny, but he's out there just
throwing a first pitch, we don't care. That's how if
you want to see John Cena in a movie I'm like,
I like him wrestling. I don't need him in a movie.
Why is he making Amy Schumer? You know it makes
no sense.

Speaker 1 (20:40):
He was funny in that movie. He was one of
my favorite things in that movie. They're good.

Speaker 3 (20:44):
I mean, I'm just saying I don't.

Speaker 1 (20:46):
It doesn't with you. I'm actually with you.

Speaker 3 (20:48):
I need you to be in my wrestling ring, making
the wrestling stories. That's what you're good at.

Speaker 1 (20:53):
I want to feel like you're committed to it as
much as I am as a viewer. So I get
what you're saying with that. I will say this very rarely,
are there is there anyone that's bigger than the business
because the business moved on after the Rock left, so
he wasn't. But at this point in his career, I
think guys like that get an exception. But I say

guys like that, I should say guy like that like
he's the only dude that I kind of give a
free pass to because it helped get Cody over. If
it helps get other people over, he can. To me,
he can pull it off. But I totally hear what
you're saying. It's it's like given an MVP to somebody
who missed you know, thirty games. It just feel weird.

It feel weird. Last thing, Hunters bringing back the Draft.
The cool thing when I worked there was the draft
gave you a chance to work with someone that you
hadn't worked with yet. They had two writers rooms, the
raw room and the SmackDown Room, and the NXT room
or ECW room it was, it was both. Back then.
It was like one dude in an office that just

hated his life and finally got to the SmackDown room
was like sweet human beings. I can actually like interact
with people again. But we got excited for the Draft
as a creative team because it gave you the opportunity
to get new people, try to get new people over
write new storylines. If God forbid, you were in a
story that sucked and didn't work, you know, you could

suggest that person get drafted and get another shot on
the other show. So it basically was opportunity. As a fan,
I only liked the Draft one time, and it was
it was when Vince McMahon was gonna draft the Rock
to smack Down and the Rock comes out and he's like,

you're gonna draft the Rock to smack Down to smack Down?
Is that what you want? You want the rock on?
Is that what you want? And Vince goes down and
he goes it doesn't matter what you what, and it
was like one of my favorite It doesn't matters ever
other than that, as a fan, I watching both shows

any sure, I don't care which show you're on, and
sometimes I want you to be on both anyway, if
you're the champion. So I never cared. It sounds like
you didn't give a shit.

Speaker 3 (23:11):
I never give a shit. And also I think that
they should. It makes things too predictable. If I know
who I'm gonna see on SmackDown and Raw, I'm already
tuning in, like you just said. It isn't like I'm going, oh,
there's a match with Seth Rollins, I need to watch tonight.
I'm watching Raw and SmackDown no matter what. So don't
tell us what to expect. You don't even need to

worry about that. And in fact, if I didn't know,
it might think make things a little more exciting. Like
instead of me going like what is Cody Roads doing
on Raw? You know for whatever, I would just go
we got Cody Roads tonight. Like I don't make it.
It'll make things seem more unpredictable if they didn't do that,
And maybe they have a better reason for doing it
that I'm just not thinking of or don't know. But

for me, I say, don't even have the two camps.
Just have wrestling.

Speaker 1 (23:58):
You can still call the show Smack and Raw. But
whoever shows up shows up. Yeah. Yeah, the storylines can
cross over too, man. I know, and listen to this
w w E. There's an eleven year old kid. I
won't say his name. He's not my son's football team.
He's obsessed with the brand. But there's only certain wrestlers
he'll watch, right. It's like, if it's not Cody or

Kevin Owens, he doesn't care about the other guy's wrestling.
So if you said, you know, you never know when
Cody's going to be on, he could be on Raw,
he could be on Smack exactly. You know what I mean?
Like those kids follow their favorite guys or their favorite girls,
whoever it is. Jeff, it's time to pat ourselves on

the back of my friend. Are you ready for some love? Hell?

Speaker 3 (24:45):
Yeah, I love love.

Speaker 1 (24:47):
Everybody loves love. Man, if you don't love love, something's
wrong with you. We got some love all the way
from Australia from Emma Frad. I hope I'm saying your
name correctly, Emma. But she starts off great stories, great show.
She gave us a five star review. I didn't even
know there were five stars, so thank you for that.
And she says, and she wrote a lot, so this

is you know, it's real. It wasn't just like your
sweet show Peace. I've been a listener of Wrestling with
Freddie since its inception over two years ago. I was
instantly fascinated by the earlier episodes that break open what
it's like to write for live TV and work with
wrestlers and big execs like Vince McMahon. Freddie is a
great storyteller and you can truly hear his passion for

the business, Oh thank you, willingness to grow as a writer,
and most importantly, prioritizing that the wrestlers have the final
say in their own promos. I do feel that way.
As the show evolved, it welcomed Jeff into the fold,
who instantly charmed me. It's so cool to hear both
Freddie and Jeff's opinions on storylines and in ring talent.
I now feel like I've got two more buddies who

love pro wrestling. There's always room for more and I
love hearing them recap, breakdown and predict all there is
in WWE. Aew and hopefully soon Freddie's own promotion. Ah,
thank you, thanks already and thanks Jeff, Emma. You're the
sweetest person in Australia. Thank you very much, Jeff. What
do you want to say to sweet m.

Speaker 3 (26:07):
I appreciate the love. We love that you like wrestling.
Yeah what, just she She's got no advice, She's just
a happy fan.

Speaker 1 (26:14):
Huh, just happy. And I freaking love Australia. We shot
Scooby Dooo down there and it's like my second third
favorite place in the world.

Speaker 3 (26:20):
He has shot Scooby Dude down there.

Speaker 1 (26:23):
Yeah, in this little little town, little area called the
Gold Coast. And uh at like a studio that they
had there that was like a Universal Studios, only it
was a Warner Brothers Studios, but it still had all
the same roller coasters. Pretty cool and uh yeah, man.
And there was a tiger one time there that they
let the baby tigers come and play with us, and
when it got hungry, it started biting my boot and

even at like three months it went right through this
like the steel toed boot. I was like, yo, yo,
he's bitding my foot. He's biting my foot. They had
to get him off. You can hear that story and
more on Unsanctioned Thursdays Every Thursday. They show that y'all
are responsible for That's why we do it every week
because you demanded more, so you get more. On behalf
of Jeff. I'm Freddie Prince Junior, wishing all of you

a fantastic day and a fantastic week of professional wrestler.

Speaker 3 (27:09):
Thanks for the love, Emma.

Speaker 1 (27:13):
This has been a production of Iheart'smichael Toura podcast Network.
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