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April 23, 2024 43 mins

In this episode, I share a highly practical real-life example of how I rewrote my story in real time. When I changed the way I was telling myself the story, I was able to reroute a travel experience from a frustrating and stressful one to one that was more peaceful and fun. I hope you find this story useful as you use the tools from my new book to shape your experience and rewrite your story. 


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Pick up the pieces of your life, pull them back
together with the word to write all the beauty and
peace and the magic that you'll start too fun when
you write your story.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
You got the.

Speaker 1 (00:13):
Words and said, don't you think it's time to let
them out and write them down and cover what it's
all about and write your story. Write you, Write your Story.

Speaker 2 (00:29):
Hi, and welcome back to the Write Your Story Podcast.
I'm Ali Fallon, I'm your host, and I am so
grateful to be here. I'm so excited for today's episode.
I have something really cool that I want to talk
to you about a handful of experiences I've had in
the last few days that have given me new insight
and have shown me even more clearly how I use

the concept of write your Story and the Write your
Story framework and the principles that I teach in the
Write your Story book and here on the podcast on
an everyday basis in a really practical way. And I'm
so excited to share this with you because it's been
an absolutely mind blowing epiphany for me. It's simple. It's not,
you know, I say mind blowing, but it is mind blowing.

And it's also like really simple and practical and so
I'm so excited to share that story with you here today.
I think it's going to be really helpful for you,
and I think you're going to resonate with a lot
of the concepts that I want to talk about. So
let's get started. Let's dive right in. One of the
things that I say in the book that I've been
asked about a handful of times on podcast interviews that

I've been doing leading up to the book release is
I say that the stories we tell ourselves become the
blueprint from which we build our life. And I've had
several people who have interviewed me ask me to share
more about that or just to explain more of what
I mean about that. And what I mean about that
is two things. Number One. One way to look at

it is that the stories we tell ourselves are the
filter through which we process our life. So the way
that you narrate your story becomes like you've heard the
term rose colored glasses. That's a great way to think
about it. If the glasses that you're wearing are rose colored,
everything that you see out in the physical world is
also going to be rose colored. If the glasses that

you're wearing are a deep blue. Everything you see out
in the physical world is going to be a deep blue.
And the stories we tell ourselves, the way we narrate
our life works in the same kind of way. It's
a filter, and whatever that filter looks like, that's what
your life is going to look like. So everything that
you see, everything you experience, all the data that's coming
in is filtered through that story, that narrative, and it

comes out on the other side looking the same way
the narrative looks. And so if the narrative that we
tell ourselves is really negative, if it's really coming from
a place of victimhood, if it is dark, if it
is helpless, whatever it is, that's how we're going to
see and experience the story. And same if that filter

is really joyful, if it's really excited, if it's really
you know, if it has like a positive expectation attached
to it, then everything that takes place in your life
is also going to be seen through that filter. So
that's one way to think about the analogy, and to
look at it in another way, is literally like a
blueprint to a house. The narrative that you tell yourself,
the story that you've created, the meaning that you've made

of the experiences that you have already had. Works like
a blueprint. So you think of like a blueprint drawn
on a piece of paper. You hand that over to
the builder of the house, and the builder is going
to literally build the house exactly the way that the
blueprint looks. They're not going to deviate from the blueprint.
They know better than to do that because the blueprint

is the guide. The blueprint is the map, and our
lives work a very similar way. We can affect change
in the physical world by telling a different story. So
if we're telling a story that again has a positive
spin on it, that has a positive expectation, that has
a sense of agency to it, then that blueprint becomes

a very sturdy blueprint from which we can build the
house of our lives, and that house becomes a sturdy
place for us to live. If the narrative that we're
telling ourselves, the story that's playing on repeat, is disempowered,
if it's helpless, if it's coming from a victim place,
if we're not the hero of our own stories, if

we have a controlling idea to the story that isn't
favorable for us, then that's the blueprint from which we
build our lives, and so the things that begin to
take place in our lives reflect back to us the
blueprint that we've created from our thoughts. So obviously this
is something that I've known for a long time. I'm
very passionate about. I've talked in a previous episode about

Esther Hicks and how that has come back around in
my life and how I have been really affected and
impacted by hearing her work again. And yet I wanted
to share this story with you because I want you
to see that even though this is something that I've
written about that I'm excited about, that I talk about
in this podcast, it comes up for me again and
again and again. There are always opportunities for me to

see how I've crafted the narrative in such a way
where the house of my life that I'm building is
not actually the house that I wanted to build, Where
the filter that I've put on my life is not
the filter I want to look through. There are a
thousand different filters that we could choose to look through
on any given day, and there's nothing morally right or
wrong about any of those filters. But whatever filter we

put on the story is going to impact the way
that we see our experiences. And I think that this
story that I want to share with you, or set
of stories, is going to demonstrate to you how that
works and how we can instantly really upgrade the narrative
that we have attached to our experiences. So this past weekend,

I went on a quick trip to Dallas to see
a friend of mine get married. It was a very
quick trip because I've got two little kids at home.
Mat agreed to stay with the kids and run point
at the home front and said that it was fine
for me to go just make a quick run to
Dallas so that I could see this friend and get married.
So I left my house at six fifteen I think
on Saturday morning, drove to the Nashville Airport, got on

a flight at like eight fifteen, Flew to Atlanta, flew
to Dallas, rented a car, drove the car all the
way to the wedding, which was like an hour outside
of Dallas. Hung out at the wedding, partied, left at
like eight thirty, drove back to my hotel, stayed for
you know, less than twelve hours at the hotel, and
then hopped back on a flight and was home by
noon on Sunday, so barely more than twenty four hours

that I was gone. You know, it's been a long
time since I've been on an airplane. I've been for
the last couple of years mostly at home with my kids.
If I've been on an airplane, it's been usually with them,
with the entire family. So this was the first time
in a while that I've been out on my own traveling.
And one of the things that I noticed about being
out of my element was I started to pay really

close attention to my thoughts. And like I talked about
on the Esther Hicks episode, if you haven't listened to
that episode, you should go back and listen to it
because it's really really powerful stuff. One of the things
that I talked about is how I don't typically think
of myself as a person who has very negative thoughts.
I maybe would have said that ten years ago in
my life, but now where I am now, I feel
like I've upgraded the story so many times that I

mostly think about myself as having pretty positive thoughts. But
what I shared on the Ester Hicks episode is that
she says to pay close attention to your emotions, that
your emotions are actually your guidance system, and when your
emotions are off, that's when you can tell that your
thoughts are off. When your emotions are out of alignment,
that's when you can tell that your thoughts are out

of alignment. For me, the emotion that almost always tells
me that I'm out of alignment is anxiety, and anxiety
has been a constant companion with me for most of
my life. I mean, I can hardly remember a time
in my life when I didn't feel anxious, and so
I think at a point in my healing journey, I
just kind of went like, Okay, anxieties along for the ride.

It's not going anywhere. It's gonna come with me. I'm
going to have to find ways to cope and to
coexist with this anxiety, because I can't imagine a scenario
where it wasn't this constant, you know, passenger in my car.
And I think that definitely is a coping mechanism, and
a really important coping mechanism and an important part in

the path of healing. Before my kids were born, I
felt like my anxiety was mostly under control, and then
after having babies, I had really bad postpartum anxiety. My
anxiety was worse than the depression that a lot of
women talk about. And my anxiety was so bad actually
that I would have these like really vivid flashes of terrible,
terrible things happening to my children and my brain. It

was almost like my brain was on this track like
a movie, and I couldn't turn the movie off. I
would like, picture, you know, I'm driving the car. I've
got two babies in the back of the car in
their car seats, and I would picture my the left
wheel of my car like sort of catching the road
and veering off the road and the car flipping over.
And then my brain would like play out the entire scenario,

like the paramedics coming and I would picture just horrific
things like my kids not breathing or bleeding or whatever.
I would picture being at the hospital and the nurses
talking to me and being like, wait, what you did?

Speaker 1 (09:20):

Speaker 2 (09:21):
You let them do?

Speaker 1 (09:21):

Speaker 2 (09:22):
And it was almost like I couldn't turn that off.
And so even though anxiety has ebbed and flowed throughout
my life, I think before having kids, I felt like
I was in a really sturdy place. It felt like
my thoughts were pretty much in alignment with my broader being,
and it didn't really feel like my anxiety needed that
much attention or my thought life needed that much attention.

Well then my kids entered the picture, and this crazy
anxiety explodes again out of nowhere. And so it's been
top of mind. It's been very present. I've been thinking
a lot about it and doing a lot of work
around shifting and reshaping my narrative. Again, a lot of
it has been around, you know, deciding that I'm a
good mother, telling myself that I'm a good mother. That's

kind of a detour from the story. But well, while
we're on that detour, I will say this one thing
because this has been super helpful for me. An incredible
guide in my story is a woman named doctor Kim Deramo.
If you don't know of her, and you may not,
because she's kind of in a different kind of circle
than the circle that I run in. But if you
don't know of her, you should go find her on Instagram.

She's such a fabulous healer. She's a really incredible woman.
She comes out of allopathic medicine, so she was a doctor,
an er doctor for over ten years, and she's moved
into this space of what she calls mind body medicine.
She started the Mind Body Institute, and she teaches people
how incredibly miraculously healing our own bodies are, and how

things like anxiety and PTSD and all these different you know,
autoimmune diseases and chronic pain issues, how much progress we
can make when we acknowledge that mind body connection and
when we allow the experiences that are causing that physical
pain to move through our bodies completely. And she teaches
like EFT tapping and all kinds of other really amazing

healing modalities that have been such a game changer for me.
Doctor Kim has been a teacher for me for the
last year and a half ish, and she came into
my life shortly after my kids were born, and one
of the things that she taught me is that postpartum anxiety.
What's happening actually is your nervous system is hitting a
set point of joy. It's like this thing has come

into your life that you love so intensely and so much,
and so much joy is trying to happen for you,
Like your world has just been exploded open to a
new threshold of joy, and yet you're nervous. You're hitting
this sort of ceiling on your nervous system. Your nervous
system's like, no, no, no, that much joy is not safe.

We've never been to that kind of joy before. We're
not going there. And so your nervous system's way of
blocking you from going to the joy is by telling
you this could all be taken from you in a second.
And when she told me that, it like resonated so
deep in my bones. I can't tell you how helpful
that tiny paradigm shift was for me. It was like

exponentially massive for me to start to see that the
anxiety around my children was really about my body being
blown up into joy, or really my soul being blown
up into joy. If we use Esther Hicks language, it's
like your broader being has been blown open to joy,
and your body, your physical being is going like no, no, no, no, no,
we can't go there. That's too much joy. It's too

much you know, happiness. It's that you can't let that in.
It's not safe. And so my body's trying to keep
me safe by keeping me at what the amount of
joy that I've experienced in the past, and the collision
of those two things it's what's causing the anxiety. So
there's a bunch of different things that she taught me
how to do to help my physical body open up

to the joy that my broader being was already experiencing.
And that has dramatically shifted my experience of motherhood. And
part of that, like I said a minute ago, has
been about really letting in, like I am a good mother.
I was built to be a mother, I was made
to be a mother. I'm really really good at mothering myself.
I'm good at mothering my children and allowing myself to

fully let in the joy that is here for me
to experience. So that's a slight detour, but it does
serve the point of what I'm wanting to share with
you today, which is that I go on this quick
trip to Dallas, I'm leaving my kids behind. So probably
some of that anxiety is getting ignited there that old
narrative that I have. You know, I'm not cut out
for this, I am not a good mother, I'm leaving

my kids behind. Whatever kind of like bs narratives that
I have personally about being a mother, and that the
broader society kind of dishes to us as mothers that
if we ever leave our kids behind for any reason
at all that we're a terrible mother. So I go
on this trip and I'm having this, you know, I
almost want to call it low grade anxiety, but it's
really not because I'm realizing as I'm traveling that the

anxiety is actually not very low grade. It's like either
my awareness of it has been earned up, or the
anxiety is worse than I remember it being, because I
do remember having an ability to kind of move through
my experience and have that anxiety be there and just
kind of be like it's fine, it's fine, everything's fine.
But as I was traveling this time, I was just like, Wow,

this anxiety is ever present. It's talking to me. And
because I've been listening to Esther Hickson, because I have
this concept of the gap between my physical self and
my broader being, I was like, this anxiety is talking
to me. It is showing me where there's a gap
between what I know to be true and my deepest self,

my highest self, my truest self, and what I'm telling
myself to be true in this present moment. So I
just started paying really close attention. I was like, I
want to know what the thought patterns are that are
generating this kind of vibration in my body. So just to

give you a couple of really simple examples, I'm on
the first leg of my journey. I flew from Nashville
to Atlanta, Atlanta to Dallas, and I just immediately start
worrying about having too tiede of a connection in Atlanta.
I'm like double checking the time, what time do we land?
What terminal do I land in? What terminal do I
have to get to? Is that going to be enough time?
I'm already picturing myself, you know, rushing and running from

one thing to the next. And I started imagining myself,
you know, like having a hard time getting my luggage.
And then at one point on the flight, I go
to look up my rental car information and realize that
I've forgotten to book a rental car. What happened was
a few weeks prior, when I was booking the trip,
I went to go book a rental car, and I

logged into my app for my rental car company and
realized that my name hadn't yet been updated to my
married last name. Since it's been so long since I've
traveled on my own and booked a rental car, I
haven't booked a rental car through my app, so it
was still my maiden name. Even though I've been married
and my name has been changed for a couple of years.
I saw that it was still my maiden name, and

I thought, you know what, I'm probably going to run
into issues if I show up at the rental car
company and my license has my married name on it
and my account is under my maiden name. So instead
of booking a car, I'm gonna call them tomorrow morning
and update, you know, my last name, and then I'll
book a car. Well, I just forgot to do that
after I had been in the app. In my brain,
it was like the task was sort of checked off,

and so I just totally forgot to call. So as
I'm on this first leg of my journey, I'm panicking.
I'm like, oh my gosh, I'm going to get to Dallas.
I'm going to get to the rental car company. They're
not gonna have any cars, and I know they're really
strict about this kind of stuff, and I'm screwed. And
the story I start telling myself is like, oh, Ali,
you always do this. You're such a space cad at
You're sodisorganized you know, this always happens to you. You're

always doing this, You're always making these kinds of mistakes.
It's such a simple mistake. You should have just booked
it when it was. And I'm noticing this narrative playing
out in my head, and I'm already picking out like
where did this narrative come from? Who told me that
I'm a space? Who told me that I'm disorganized? And
I'm picking all of that up. But I'm just really noticing,
I'm like trying to put some distance between that narrative

and my real self. Like what I mean by distance
is just going like, that's not me talking to myself.
That's a program I've taken on. That's someone else's voice
that I've taken on as my own. That's playing out
right now. But that's not me. That's not what I
really think about myself. That's not how I really feel
about the world. That's not how I feel about my

life experiences. That's not the moral I want to make
of this story. That's not the controlling idea of this story.
So I'm just paying close attention. And then I decide,
at one point on this journey, I'm gonna flip the narrative,
and I'm like, I'm just going to practice this with
something really simple, like the rental car, thing like getting
from one leg of my journey to the next, making

this tight transition in Atlanta. I'm just going to practice
flipping the narrative and I'm going to see what happens.
So I decided that the narrative I was going to
make for the rest of my journey was, you know
what's crazy? Things always work out for me, even when
I make a mistake, even when I forget something, even
when the turnaround is really tight. It's almost like weird.

It's like the Red Seas part for me, and things
just work out in my favor. I always get what
I need, I oftentimes get what I want, and things
just always work out great for me. I don't know
what it is. It's the weirdest thing. Things always work
out great for me. So notice how this is the
new controlling idea of my story. The controlling idea before
was I'm disorganized. I'm such a space cadet. This always

happens to me. I needed to be more organized or
efficient or something like that or whatever. I had to
like have this figured out. So I start wondering to myself,
what happens if I flip the script, what happens if
I tell myself things always work out for me? And
I'll tell you the first objection that my brain gave
me to telling this story is I was just like, Oh,

my god, how entitled of you to think that things
always work out for you? You know, I was having
this imaginary conversation in my head with an imaginary person
who's not real. It doesn't exist with someone going like, oh,
it must be nice for you, things always work out
for you. And it's almost like that imaginary person I
was having a conversation with was like another part of myself.
Like if you've heard of parts, work and therapy, we

have all these many different parts of ourselves. It's kind
of like the peanut gallery in your brain that's always
talking to you. The parts are often representative of different
people in our lives who have had an impact on
us or different influences. Is sort of like incoming data
from the media or whatever that have become these parts
of us. So that's a part of me that's talking
to me, that's going like, good, must be nice for you.

And I'm thinking about how sometimes I look at people
who seem to like skip through life footloots and fancy free,
not worrying about a thing, and things always seem to
work out for them, And I can sometimes have a
bit of that cynical attitude towards those people. It's like, Oh,
it must be nice for you, things always work out
for you. Doesn't happen that way for me? It was

just like what would happen if I took on this
story for myself? So I started telling myself over and
over again, things always work out for me. It's the
weirdest thing, Like, no matter what I do, I can't
mess it up. Things always just come together for me
perfectly in the end. Even if they don't work out
the way I thought they were going to, they just
do work out well. I like, you know, rush to
my quick connection in Atlanta. I'm about to get on

the second flight and I'm one of the last people
to get on the plane, and so I scan my
boarding pass and the attendant at the door says to me,
where are you sitting? And I said, I'm sitting in
Comfort Plus and he goes, okay, Well, because I've been
told that I'm supposed to make everyone check their bags.
But since you're in comfort plus, I'll let you take
your bag on. And I was like, oh, look at that.

Things always work out for me. And I just noticed
how flipping the script like that forced me to look
for evidence that that new script was true. It's something
so simple. It's like, even if I'd had to check
my bag, not the end of the world, they would
checked it, you know, Gate checked the bag, and I
would have picked it up in Dallas, no problem. But

I knew that when I got to Dallas, I had
another tight turnaround. I was gonna have to really quickly
run and get a rental car and hop in the
car and drive right away out to this wedding so
that I could make it to the wedding in time.
And so every minute mattered. So I got on the
next flight and I'm in a hurry trying to book
my rental car. I'm like, I'll just book the rental
car on the app as it is with my maiden name,

and I'll worry about the married name thing when I
get to my destination, because I want to just make
sure that I can at least secure a car. So
I'm in a rush trying to book my rental car
before we take off, and I have to put my
phone into airplane mode, and I'm like hurrying, hurrying, hurrying,
and I'm like, oh, the flight's gonna take off. I'm
not gonna have enough time. And all of a sudden,
the pilot comes over the monitor and says, you know,

there's some storms in the area. It's going to take
us a minute. We're going to be delayed by about
ten minutes, and we should get you up in the air,
no problem. I was like, Oh, look at that. Things
always work out for me. It's the weirdest thing. No
matter what I do, I can't mess it up. Things
always are just sort of working out in my favor.
Even if they don't work out the way that I plan,
they always work out for me. So I book my

rental car and I can still feel this kind of
low level anxiety going, like, they're never gonna let you
take a car if the name on your driver's license
is different than the name on your account. So I'm
still having this low level anxiety about that. And again,
you can't really call it low level, Like I was
like so aware of this sort of like weighty feeling

in my chest that was just like that's never gonna
work out. They're never gonna let you do that. You're
gonna be stranded in the Dallas airport. You know, Like
that part of me is like exaggerating things, like overly worrying,
overthinking these things. And so I just keep telling myself
the new story. I just keep going. You know what,
things always work out for me. Whatever I do, I
can't mess it up. They always just kind of work

out for me in the end. I don't know what
to tell you. That's just the way that my life goes.
So I get to Dallas, I go to the rental
car place. I'm a National gal, And if you've never
rented from National, then you need to know that when
you run from National, you don't have to check in
with an agent at all. You literally get to go
straight to where the cars are. They leave the keys
inside of the car, like you know, either in the

glove box or the cup holder or whatever. So you
just go straight to the aisle, get the car that
you want, and then you drive the car to check out.
So you're when you're checking out the first time that
you hand them your paperwork and your license, you're already
in the car and you're about to exit the rental
car company. So I go get in this really long
line of cars, and there's this woman in front of

me who pulls up to the attendant and she hands
over her license and her paperwork. And I noticed that
she's like getting into a long conversation with the agent
and I can't hear what they're talking about because I'm
in my own car, but they're talking back and forth,
talking back and forth, and finally they're kind of raising
their voices. She's getting really frustrated and upset. And there's

a line of I don't know, ten or fifteen cars,
and the agent is telling her she can't check out.
She's going to have to back all the way up
down this very very narrow pathway through a line of
fifteen cars. It's really stressful. The woman is in tears,
she's crying. She's telling this woman like, I don't I
can't possibly back up through all these cars. I don't

know how to do this. She's raising her voice, and
the agent is telling her like, I don't know how
to tell you. You know, if you don't know how to
back up a car, I guess that's your problem. She's
just like use the backup camera, do what you gotta do,
like it's not my issue, it's yours. And that was
kind of that. And the whole time I'm watching this
go down, my heart is like thumping in my chest
because I'm going, Oh my god, that's gonna be me.

That's gonna be me. It's gonna be I'm gonna go
up there, and she's gonna tell me the same thing,
Like this woman has the same issue I have, and
she's gonna tell me the same thing. And I'm gonna
have to back up through all these cars too, And
I'm like really feeling for this woman and really panicking,
and I just keep going. It's so weird. Things always
work out for me. And I pull up to the
window and I hand over my driver's license and she

goes to look up my reservation and she's like, I
don't see your reservation in here. Can you give me
a reservation number? And I'm my heart's something so hard
inside of my chest. I don't know, like I felt
like I was like almost having like a trauma response
or something like I felt like I was about to
get in huge trouble. You know that feeling you have
when you're a kid, and you didn't do something quite
the right way, and you're just like, I'm about to

get in huge troubles. I'm just like bracing for impact.
And I read her my reservation number and she's like, oh,
I have you in here, but I have you under
this name. And I was like, yeah, that's my married
name on my license. It must not be updated in
your system. And I just hold my breath and she goes, okay,

and she hands me my licen's back and she goes,
have a nice day. And I drive out of that
rental car garage. Every bone in my body just like
deep sigh, like I can't believe I got away with that.
And I'm like, it's the weirdest thing. Everything just ends
up working out for me. It's so strange. I don't
know how this happens, but things always work out in
my favor. Even if they don't work out the way

that I think they're going to, they always work out
for me. So I run to the hotel as fast
as I can, check into my room, change my clothes
super fast. I've got like a fifteen minute turnaround to
get in my formal dress for the wedding. Throw on
some makeup, brush, my hair, earrings good enough, check it
out in the mirror, rush out in my heels and

my dress and get in my car and start driving
to the wedding. I've got my directions on my GPS
on my phone, per the usual, and as I'm driving
i go, I notice that my cell phone battery is low,
so I go to plug in my cell phone and
I realize that I've brought a cord to plug into
the car, but the adapter isn't the same adapter. It

doesn't fit into the car, so I can't plug my
phone into the car. So I start to panic again.
I'm like, oh my gosh, my phone's going to die.
My phone's going to die. And I'm in the middle
of nowhere of Texas. I have no idea where I'm going.
There's nothing around here. I'm going to get stranded. I'm
going to not be able to make it to the wedding.
I'm going to have come all this way. I'm gonna
miss the whole thing. I'm going to miss it, and

I'm not even gonna get to see my friend get married.
So this is the story that's playing out in my head,
and I just start to tell myself. I'm like, you
know what, this is experimental. I'm just gonna stick with
my story. I'm just gonna tell myself everything always works
out for me. It's the weirdest thing. So I'm driving
through the middle of nowhere, Texas. I get the ten
percent warning on my phone there's ten percent battery left.

I see a sign for like a quick stop gas station,
and I'm like, Okay, I'm going to stop here because
I don't think I'm going to make it to the
wedding before my phone dies. And I don't understand the directions.
There's like fifteen turns that I'm supposed to take before
I get to the wedding, and it's another, you know,
thirty five minute drive. So I'm just gonna stop at
this gas station and see if some kind soul might

let me plug my phone in. So I stop at
this gas station. I'm in the middle of nowhere, Texas,
in a normal dress and heels. It's pouring down rain,
like pouring down rain. So I cover my head with
a scarf, run into the gas station and I ask

the attendant. I'm like, do you have a spot where
I could plug in my phone? And he's like sure,
come right over here. So he like ushers me around,
plugs in my phone. He's looking at me kind of
funny because you know, I'm in a formal dress in
the middle of nowhere, Texas. He's like, where are you headed?
And I was like, I'm headed to a wedding. My
phone's about to die. I don't know where I'm going.
You know, I'm still thirty five minutes away from the wedding.

There's just a lot of turns. I don't think I'm
gonna be able to make it without my phone. And
I'm looking at my watch going like I'm going to
be late, Like I'm not going to I'm going to
miss the ceremony. So he goes, well, plug your phone
in there, sit down right here. He pulls up a
chair for me, and then he goes, why don't you
write down the directions so that way in case your
phone dies, you've got a backup. So he goes to
get me a piece of paper and a pen. He
brings it over to me. I write down all the directions.

He's like, yeah, leave it in, leave it plugged in
for as long as you can, and then when you
have to atlast minute that you have to get in
the car, just take the phone, hope it makes it,
and then you'll have the paper directions as a backup.
So I wait about five more minutes. At the last
minute that I'm watching the GPS kind of tick up,
the wedding starts at five. It's for twenty five, twenty seven,

twenty nine, and I'm like, I gotta go. I'm going
to be five minutes late to the wedding, but I
got to get in the car right now. So I
unplug the phone, get in the car, drive the rest
of the way to the wedding. My phone literally makes
it until the minute I pull into the driveway is
when the phone dies. And I've got these paper directions
as my backup, so I'm like, you know, reviewing the
paper directions next to the directions that are on the

phone to make sure that I know exactly where I am.
And I get to the wedding, I'm the last one there.
I park my car, I run in the pouring down
rain to where the ceremony is happening, and I walk
up to the outside of the ceremony and realize that
the ceremony has already begun. There's a woman standing outside
the door. Who's like, hey, the ceremony has already started.

We're going to have you wait out here until after
the bri walks down the aisle. I'm like, totally makes sense, definitely,
don't want to interrupt the ceremony. I will wait out
here gladly, no problem. And yet it's also freezing cold
and raining outside, and I'm in a formal dress and
in heels, and like I have a scarf, you know,
kind of like over my head to shield my head
from the rain. And the bride's coming around the corner
and she looks out the window and sees me standing

out there, and she tells the wedding planner inside, like
let her in. So the wedding planner stops the procession,
opens the door, lets me in, has me like scoot
very like indiscreetly around a corner so that I have
a spot to stand in the back of the room
so that I can watch my friend come down the
aisle with her dad. I was just like, oh, my gosh,

things always work out for me. It's so weird, Like
no matter what I do, things always work out for me.
And I was just witnessing in real time how myself
telling that story became both the filter through which I
saw my experiences and also the blueprint that was building
the life in front of me. And what's most this

about all of it, I think, is how my anxiety dissipated.
How by the time I was leaving the wedding and
driving back to the hotel, I had found a spot
at the reception to plug in my cell phone, so
I had good cell phone battery. But I just was
in a different headspace. I was in a different emotional space.
I was more aligned with myself. I was like, Wow,

what a great day. I'm going to get every single
thing that I need and probably a lot of things
that I want because things always work out in my favor.
And shifting this story was like an instantaneous way to
shift my experience of the day. And who knows how
my experience would have been different if I had stuck
with this story. Oh my gosh, there's such a space

good at I can't believe you did this. You know
you're always doing stuff like this. You're not organized enough, Like,
how could you expect to travel on your own? You
can't even You're so forgetful. You should have booked this
back when you know, back when you tried a few
weeks ago, you can't be trusted like those types of
things that I was telling myself. Who knows how my
experience would have shifted if I was bringing that energy

into all of my interactions. You know, would the man
at the gas station have been so kind and friendly
to me? Would the woman at National Car Rentals? Would
she have been so kind and friendly to me? Actually,
the woman who got yelled at and had to back
up through all of those cars, I feel so much
compassion for her. I was really feeling for her because
I just felt like she really was not treated fairly

in that interaction. But you have to wonder what kind
of energy she was bringing to the agent that pulled
that anger and vitriol out of the agent. Like why
did the agent respond so differently to my request than
she did to her request? This is not me like
putting myself on a pedestal or making myself better. Then
it's actually genuinely me asking the question what happens when

we shift our mindset? What happens when we assume that
something really great is going to happen, When we assume
that something positive is going to come out of this
instead of something negative. You know, maybe in an alternate
universe or alternate timeline, I would have to back my
way through fifteen cars. But even that experience would have
felt really different. If I was telling myself things always
work out for me, then it would have felt if

I was telling myself, Oh, I'm such a screw up.
I do this all the time. This is my fault.
You know, I should have thought about this. If I
only I would have done this differently, this never would
have been happening to me. That energy is a really
different energy than like I got this. Yeah, things always
just work out for me. I don't know what to
tell you, but things always just sort of work out
in my favor. And this really made an impact on me,

this experience this weekend. It felt like just an important
moment in my life, another moment of realizing that I
have the agency to shift my own experience. I have
the agency to write my own story. The controlling idea
of my story is things always work out for me.
I mean, would you like to hear a story from

someone who says, I want to tell you a story
about how things always work out in my favorite no
matter how chaotic and weird things get things always work
out for me. It's the craziest thing. And I want
to tell you a story about how that's true. Isn't
that a fascinating story that you want to listen to?
Versus a story where someone says, like, you know, things
never work out for me, like my life always goes
to shit no matter what I do. You can almost feel, like,

feel that resonance in your body. Stop and just pay
attention for a second. I want you to pay attention
to what happens in your body when I say these words.
Things always work out for me. It's the weirdest thing.
Events and circumstances just fall together in my favor everywhere
I go. Just feel the way that feels when I
say that to you, or if you were to say

it yourself, feel the way that that feels in your body. Now,
feel the way this feels. Life never works out for me.
It's always just such a shitchin no matter what I do,
it just never comes together the way that I want
it to. Yeah, I mean like I'm always just screwing
things up. I don't know, like maybe if I could
figure out a better way and maybe things would work out.
But yeah, It's just never worked out like that for me.

Can you feel like I feel this like almost like
not in my stomach. I feel that having this in
my chest I was talking about the vibration of anxiety
comes back into my body when I tell myself that story.
And you know, I know this is sort of silly things.
It's like other things happen too along the way, where
like I was worried that the overhead compartments were going

to be full, and there was like this perfectly perfect,
like the size of my suitcase space in the comment
apartment right above my seat on the final flight of
the day, so that I didn't have to check my bag.
And stuff like that is just silly. It's like, well, whatever,
so you have to check your bag. It's not that
big of a deal. But I use this as an
example because there are plenty of things that are happening

in my life right now that are not petty or small.
They're not as small as a space in an overhead compartment.
There's some things I'm going through in my life that
I've talked about some and maybe some day I'll be
able to talk about them more. But certain things that
I have not been allowed to talk about fully because
they're still in a really delicate position and there's a

lot of people involved, and it's just not the right
stuff to talk about them publicly yet. But my husband
and I have been what feels like an incredibly long
all is Lost moment around one particular topic in our
life that affects many other parts of our life, namely
the financial piece, and it has been such a saga.

And it's like some days the external circumstances say to
me like things are going to work out perfectly in
your favor, and sometimes the external circumstances say to me like,
you're screwed. You are so screwed, and you've made huge
mistakes and you're never going to get out of this
alive and this is going to ruin your life. You know,
I know that sounds over dramatic, but I'm dead serious
that there are certain days where I feel the one

way and certain days when I feel the other way.
And notice the difference in the resonance in your body.
And the point I want to make with this, and
the point I want to have wanted to make with
Write your Story, is that you do get to decide
which story you choose to tell yourself. And there are
all kinds of objections that come up for me when
I try to shift the more positive story, the one
that I already talked about, which is like, oh, it

must be nice for you. You know, you sort of
feel guilty accepting the privilege or accepting the I don't
know of another word other than like status that comes
with being someone who things always work out for you.
I feel a sense of like, there's an objection that
comes up that's like, you don't deserve that, You're not
worthy of that whatever. But the fact of the matter

is like, the only thing that makes you worthy of
that story is choosing it, just deciding to say, yeah,
things always work out for me. I don't know what
to tell you. That story is a choice. And when
you take on that story, when that becomes the controlling
idea of your story, it changes the way that you
interpret your experiences. It changes the way that the data
comes at you, It changes the way you see things,

it changes the way you experience things, and it changes
the outcome. So with this particular outcome in our lives,
and again I can't share all the details right now,
but there is a circumstance that feels like it's teetering
on a yes or a no, Like it's it's unclear
whether it's going to go the way that we want
it to go. And when I think about it not
going the way that I want it to go, I

feel that sense of panic, dread, that havingness in my
chest that like, oh, this is going to be so bad,
We're never going to climb out of this pit kind
of a thing. But I'm choosing to say to myself,
things always work out for me. It's the weirdest thing.
They always work out in my favor. No matter what
I do, I cannot mess it up. No matter what
happens to me, this cannot be shaken. I oftentimes get

what I want, and even when I don't get what
I want, I get something better than what I thought
I wanted. And when I really allow myself to lean
into that story to believe it with all my heart,
I'm telling you it changes the way that I feel
in my body. It brings me into alignment with my
broader being. It makes me feel so free and safe
and happy and joyful, and like Esther Hicks says, it's like,

why would you want to feel anything other than those things,
And I know we have all kinds of objections that
come up. One of my objections that comes up even
as I'm talking about this is just like, well what
about the truth?

Speaker 1 (39:01):
You know?

Speaker 2 (39:02):
Think about this? Your brain so hates being wrong that
it would rather be miserable than wrong. In other words,
if I say things always work out for me, it's
so great whatever happens in my life, things always work
out for me. Even though that feels really good, my
brain so badly doesn't want to be quote unquote wrong

that it'll actually argue with me and it'll be like, well,
remember the one time when things didn't work out for you,
you know, or whatever. And the challenge that I'm giving
to myself is a challenge that I'll pass on to
you too, which is, what does it mean to be wrong?
Even if we don't get the answer that we are
hoping for on this particular topic in our lives, even

if things don't go the way that we've been hoping
that they would go, who's to say that I was
right about the way I wanted it to go. Who's
to say that things working out perfectly for me doesn't
include a no answer on this one topic? I mean
how many times in your life have you gotten a
no answer on a topic that felt devastating to you

at the time, and later you look back and went, Wow,
that actually was probably better for me in the end.
So I'm choosing to tell myself the story Everything works
out for me every time, all the time, no matter
what I do, no matter what mistakes I make, no
matter what seems to go awry, no matter how chaotic
things get, things always work out for me. The red
seas are parting in front of me. Everything works out

in my favor no matter what else happens. I'm choosing
to tell myself that story because it feels really good,
because it brings me back into alignment with myself, and
because it's the controlling idea of the story that I
want to live with my life. And I'm telling you
I said this an episode two weeks ago, and I'll
say it again. Just watch, like, just pay attention to
the way that things shift in my life, because I

just know this to be true from having done this
before with rewriting a story. There are going to be tangible,
physical examples of this shift in my life. And what
I know is going to happen is those physical examples
are going to show up. I'm going to share about
them with you. It's going to inspire you and motivate
you to also shift your own story. And all together,

we're going to shift our stories. And when we when
we come together and decide everything works out for us
in our favor, you know, God, the universe, whatever is
operating on our side in our favor, for our support.
When we do that together, it's going to be mind blowing.
It's going to be earth shattering, it's going to be
world changing.

Speaker 1 (41:26):
You know.

Speaker 2 (41:26):
All the changes that we hope to see come to
the world are going to come through that portal, through
a group of people who come together and decide that
everything works out in our favor every single time. So
I'm so excited to see how that happens for me
individually on a personal level, how it happens for you
on a personal level, how it happens for all of
us collectively and globally. I feel really energized, really excited,

like just such anticipation for what's going to come, because
it can only get better and more exciting and more
joyful and more peaceful and more sturdy from here. So
I hope this is incre to you. I hope that
you'll take on this controlling idea or another one that
seems to fit for you. If there's something totally different
that you need to rewrite, but I hope you'll take
this on and try it, just practice with it in

your life. What happens if you tell yourself one hundred
times in a day, everything works out for me, No
matter what I do, everything works out in my favor
every single time. It's like the Red Seas part in
front of me, and I get exactly what I wanted,
exactly what I needed, and most of what I wanted,
and even the things that I didn't get ended up
being in my favor in the end. What happens if
you tell yourself that story? What would change about your life?

I'd love to hear more from you. You can find
me on Instagram as always at Ali Fallon. Come tell
me more of your story there. Also, don't forget to
pre order your copy of Write Your Story if you
haven't already done that. The pre order bonuses are coming
to an end here very soon. The book is out
May seventh, and the pre order bonuses will be available
to you and tell the book is out, so until

May seventh. When you go buy a copy of Write
your Story, you can go to write Yourstory dot com
slash book and download eighteen hundred dollars worth of pre
order bonuses. They're going to be so helpful to you,
so meaningful to you, so impactful to you. I know
that I've heard from hundreds of you already who are
using the bonuses and loving them, and so don't forget
to do that. Go order the book ahead of time

wherever you order your books, Go download the resources, get
started using them, and let me know how it goes.
I can't wait to hear more from you soon. See
you next week on to Write Your Story Podcast
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