Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Attention Steve Harvey Nation. According to Global citizen dot com,
young People, young people play an important role in elections.
Research suggests that if young people voted as much as
older citizens, elected officials would be more likely to prioritize
the policy issues that are more important to them. Young
people make more make up more than one third of
eligible voters, which means they hold a lot of power
if they exercise their right to go to the polls.
Generation Z, people between the ages of eighteen and twenty three,
are also more ethically and racially diverse than previous generations.
A single vote. A single vote can make or break
and election. Over the past two decades, more than a
dozen races were decided by a single vote or ended
in a tie. If enough people vote in your district
or county, your ballot can increase your preferred candidate's chances
of winning an election and help get policies passed that
reflect your values and your community needs. Go to When
We All Vote dot org to register to vote now, Tommy,
you were talking about that earlier with our special art. Yeah,
that's all I'm talking about.
Speaker 2 (01:14):
If we can get the youth, if we can get
the youth to vote, It will definitely change the whole outcome.
If we can get the youth out there, man, if
we can get them out there in drolls, got all
these college students and people like my daughter's age nineteen
years old, and she was with us.
Speaker 1 (01:29):
She did her first vote with us. Time vote, Yeah,
first time vote.
Speaker 2 (01:32):
That was That was beautiful.
Speaker 1 (01:34):
Yes, let's go baby.
Speaker 2 (01:35):
Speaker 1 (01:37):
All right, guys, coming up in thirty three minutes after
the hour, we will play around. I would you rather
right after this you're listening hard Morning Show