All Episodes

July 30, 2024 26 mins

Two-time Emmy and Three-NAACP Image Award-winning, television Executive Producer Rushion McDonald, interviewed renowned real estate investor, financial expert, and creator of the REWealth Creation Summit.  Pastor Dexter B. Jenkins, a renowned real estate investor and financial expert and creator of the REWealth Creation Summit.  The REWealth Creation Summit is a unique opportunity for aspiring real estate investors, seasoned professionals, and anyone interested in securing their financial future through property investments. With a lineup of esteemed speakers and experts, this event aims to provide attendees with invaluable insights, proven strategies, and practical tips to navigate the real estate market and generate substantial wealth.  Dexter B. Jenkins is a faith-based financial mentor with more than two decades of experience in the financial services industry. He is passionate
about helping families build generational wealth with easy-to-implement steps.
Jenkins inspires and instructs hundreds of people with his podcast, programs,
online courses, and books. A popular speaker on wealth building God’s way, he is an authority on faith and finance.

  1. What is The SHIP Method, and why is it the secret sauce to wealth building?
  2. What’s the correlation between faith and finances? 
  3. What is the inner game of wealth, and how does one play it?
  4. What is your new book coming out this fall about?
  5. How can a person in their 50s get wealth quickly? 
  6. What does a person need to know before becoming a real estate investor? 
  7. How important is it to know about real estate before investing in property?





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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Welcome to the show. I am Rashwan McDonald, the host
of Money Making Conversations Masterclass, where we encourage people to
stop reading other people's success stories and start planning their own.
Listen up as I interview entrepreneurs from around the country,
talk to celebrities and ask them how they are running
their companies, and speak with dog profits who are making

a difference in their local communities. Now, sit back and
listen as we unlock the secrets to their success on
Money Making Conversations Masterclass. Hi, I am Rashan McDonald, our
host this weekly Money Making Conversation Masterclass show. The interviews
and information that this show provides off for everyone. It's
time to stop reading other people's success stories and start

living your own. My guest is a renowned real estate
investor and financial expert and creator of the re Wealth
Creation Summit. Please welcome their Money Making Conversation Masterclass. Pastor
Dexter BJK. How do you doing to say?

Speaker 2 (01:01):
I'm excited to be here? Man? Finally were we able
to get this thing together?

Speaker 1 (01:06):
Well? We find up because we talked about money and
I said some really prominent things. Renown Realty Inksperred.

Speaker 2 (01:16):
Where you're based at Pastor Jenkins. I am at Boston, Massachusetts,
born and raised there. No born and raised in New Avon, Connecticut,
and got to Boston on a basketball scholarship at Northeastern University,
and you ended up getting married and staying at a place.
So I've been here. I came, I hit Boston in

nineteen eighty seven and have been stuck here ever since.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
We'ren't a good stuck law. Championships have been through that
town since eighty seven.

Speaker 2 (01:43):
That was including unfortunately I'm a knicked fan stuck in Boughton.

Speaker 1 (01:49):
Well, we gotta go back to seventy.

Speaker 2 (01:50):
Two, fifty seventy three that we wanted three. So it's
been a while.

Speaker 1 (01:56):
Yeah, thank you for the correction that I represent Steven A.
Smith so revised me every year. Yes, the lack of
championships by the New York Knicks. Now, when we talk
about what you do, what do you do for a living.

Speaker 2 (02:12):
I'm I'm I'm a full time pastor, but then I
also run a financial literacy company, and then I also
run a real estate investment company. So you know, I
tell people I really flowed the intersection of faith, finance
and business, and I've done that. Man probably for the
last three decades of doing that, you know. So that's

that's that's who I am.

Speaker 1 (02:38):
Well, you know, it's really important to I bring that
up to try to establish your brand, your voice, your
level of expert. Now we always know that they say that,
you know, you can't grow new land, you know, so
when you buy land, it's one of the top investments.
Talk about the whole real estate tone that people keep
throwing out there about five don't rent by don't rent, Right,

it's the equity that you're trying to build in your
family and the foundation of generational wealth. Talk to us, right.

Speaker 2 (03:08):
But I think Rashaan, that real estate is what I
call the lowest hanging fruit on the wealth creation tree,
Meaning there was a treat ourself wealth creation, and a
person wanted to learn how to build wealth, it would
probably be the easiest way to do that until you
open the statement. More than that, the fact that we're

not building any more anymore, land is not being made.
In fact, God not making any more of that. And
so I just think that one of the one of
the simplest ways for individuals to get involved and build
well is kill real estate. And historically that has been
the case. You know, so either people have gathered their
wealth through real estate or they've gotten wealth they've invested

in it. And so it's just it's just a phenomenal
way for people to and particular people who look like us,
you know. And when I talk with people, I said, look,
our people came here to work their land, now for
us to own.

Speaker 1 (04:00):
It, right, A beautiful quote. Now, when I got your
series of questions Pastor Jenkins, real estate expert, you know,
found their creator of their re wealth creation summer, the
question said, how could a person in their fifties get
wealth quickly?

Speaker 2 (04:17):

Speaker 1 (04:18):
Come out about quickly?

Speaker 2 (04:19):
Now, it was that, well, well, I'm sure a lot
of your people are over fifty like me, cup I
just turned fifty six a couple of weeks ago, and
so I got a lot of people that what you know,
because what we what people have fifty think is that
in many respect that they should be uh sort of

kicking back a little bit. And I'm saying you should
be ramping up in your fifties and your sixty because
you you have a you have a life full of
knowledge that you know you can manufacture into whether it's
some course or some sort of teaching or whatever else.
So I think, really, what you got to do in
your fifties is do an assessment of where you are,
where you want to go, and more portly with sha

what you have done, and then find a way to
monetize that. And so, you know, I think you know
because my congregation, I have a number of people who
are in their fifties and sixties, and I'm always on
them and like, man, it's not time for you to
sit back on the porch. It's your time for not
to retire, but to refire, meaning get excited about something
else that you can bring to the marketplace. And as

you do that, you know you can you can make
some money doing that and build some work for yourself.

Speaker 1 (05:27):
But you know, let's talk about the falsehoods of retirement,
especially when they come to the government and social Security.
A lot of people believe there's a check waiting on
them that the government will provide to them through Social Security, right,
will take care of everything. How do you push past
that basic lie?

Speaker 2 (05:46):
Right? Well, I just do the simple math. I live
in Massachusetts, in Boston. I don't know where you are,
but I'm in Boston. I think the average Social Security
check is around fourteen hundred dollars a month. Right, you
can't live nowhere in Boston for fourteen hundred dolls month
in America, you know, you can't. You can't live no

place in you know, most of most of America for
fourteen hundred dollars a month. And so once you will
to begin to get people to see, hey, you know
what Social Security really was designed for is a really
outdated model of income meeting that there was X amount
of people who would provide for folks who are in
retirement and that, and it's just our dated model. So

really what we got to do is this, We've got
to shift our dependency off of other entities and put
it on ourselves, recognizing that I'm I'm the assets as
as you're talking about just being a master class where
where we're trying to get out the fact that listen,
it's not the real estate, it's not the stock, it's
not the crypto, it's you. And if you learn how
to really mind what God has placed on the inside

of you and learn how to monetize it, you know
you won't have to worry about sociecurity because you'll be good.

Speaker 1 (06:57):
Yeah, So let's listen up everybody who's watching it a
listening to this episode of Money Making Conversations Master Class.
You've heard pastors then can say, fourteen hundred dollars is
the average check for Social Security retirement. That's if you
take it in sixty five. If you take it earlier
than that is smaller. So you can still get there.

You can still have a plan to get there. That's
what they show us about. That's why we're talking to
him about plans to make you have a comfortable life
when you quote unquote retire. But I like what you said,
Pastor Jacob, it's not time to retire, it's time to refire.
So what plan of action do you put in place
for people who are basically maybe even giving up?

Speaker 2 (07:41):
Yeah, well, I think you have to start there. All
of this and you know this, and that's why you're
doing these math class It's about mindset, and I think
a lot of times we're dealing with people who have
to have to deal with what I call the inner
game of wealth and the in the game of what

it really deals with your beliefs around money, how you
think about it, how you feel about it, you know,
and an ununfortunate a lot of things that we learned
and maybe and in churches or maybe a mama's house
or whatever is wrong orbout money and so you got
to get people to renew their my injury wire they're
thinking around finances. Then we can begin to start talking
about Okay, what vehicle are you going to use? So okay,

now my mind is being renewed around money, right, but
then I need to find a vehicle. So is it entrepreneurship,
is it real estate? It has to be something you know.
And so really getting people to really really rishond and
tap into this thing called leverage, you have to create
some sort of leverage going forward. And so that's what

we talk about most of the done.

Speaker 1 (08:46):
That's important to say because I'm working through these steps
and need people to stay engaged with this interview. By
saying we started out of real estate stuff we passed
by on the regular basis, houses, faking LODs, places you
might stay. How does one start the real estate gain
not that much money?

Speaker 2 (09:06):
Right? Well, it all starts with education and to two things.
When I'm talking to people about raising their income level
making more money, there are two things they gotta do.
They gotta raise their awareness of Number one, what they're
able to do. And then number two, they really probably
won't have to develop a new skill of some sort.
So that ties into educating yourself. And so if you're

interested in real estate, what I begin to do is
have people. Man, you can go to YouTube and start
looking at that stuff you can get on podcasts, and
so just begin to your class, you know, just begin
to get your minds. I keep coming back to this
word mindset. It has to go before anything. We talk
about first getting my mind right. I mean, even talking

about what you and I caking about. People don't want
to talk about money. They're very uncomfortable about even having
conversations about money, you know what I mean. So I
start there, and then now we begin to talk about, Okay,
what's my education? So am I going to start reading books,
going to seven dollars, doing those type of things which
you really need to do. And then now you begin

to pick a track. So okay, back to real estate.
So I now begin to say, okay, am I a
real estate investor who wants to maybe fix and flip
like I see on TV? Or do I want to
buy and hold? Or do I want a wholesale or
do I want to be do a little bit of everything.
And so once once you begin to get the education
right and then really get a track as to what

really fits your personality because it's not a one size
fits all, right, then you go from there.

Speaker 1 (10:38):
It was really important as we talk about real estate,
we talk about financial that you created the we wealth
and right could the word read is in front of wealth?
Why is there?

Speaker 2 (10:50):
Well, well it's the r really is is the real
Estate Wealth Creation Summit. And then my my publisher, she
p Period. You know, she's put the ra a man
just to make it sure, but we really put that
summer together for the last we've done it the last
two years. And where you doing at We do it
in Boston. We've do it in Boston. So last the

first year we had about thirty some of our people.
Last year we had about sixty. And then we had
a virtual component toul so that people from Detroit in
different areas watching it. But it really was to bring
people together. Rashana talk about one thing, how do we
use real estate as a wealth creation tool? That's it,
And so the whole day centered around that thought process

and then exposing people to the different ways to do
you know, so some do it through fixing and flipping.
Some do it through buy and hole, some do it
through they don't want to have nothing to do with
fixing them toys. But what they'll do, they'll they have
money to invest it. So we brought all that together
in order to have people to do that and then
to give them some coaching after that, because you know,

it's all about it's almost like sometimes people go to
the either a church or even get really excited, but
then they don't have anyone to hold their hand the
it started. And so you know, we put together some
program helping to do that.

Speaker 1 (12:04):
How can we get in touch.

Speaker 2 (12:05):
With you if you go to Dexterbijenkins dot com. Uh,
and then you know, uh, actually what they do. First
of all they'll do is they'll get a copy of
what we talked about the ship method, so either the
head or of the foot or there's a green button
if they smashed that, uh, that will give them my
e book. And then also they they'll all the information

will be right there.

Speaker 1 (12:28):
Now the ship method. You brought it up, you know,
kind of jumped to guy right past you on Fly.

Speaker 2 (12:34):
We brought it up there.

Speaker 1 (12:36):
On Fly we talked were not he's gonna bring a
on flying conversation into the interview. We talked about it earlier,
No we did not.

Speaker 2 (12:43):
What it is the ship method, sir, Yeah, yeah, well,
well the ship method is uh, you know, I'm now
you guys do a pastor, but I'm a firm believer
that the Bible is more than just a religious book.
It's a success man. So if you look at the
Book of Proverbs, and the book will eclesiastics, it has
information in there that deals with living, including money from

the wealthiers man who have lived called King Salamon. So
as I've read through the Proverbs, because what I do
is I recommend everybody read at least one chapter in
the Book of Proverbs every day, so just thirty one chapters.
If you read one chapter a day, you'd be through
the Book of Proverbs throughout and you know, throughout the month.
And so as I did that, as I've done that
with Sean prow for the last twenty plus years. And

so as I've done that, you I begin to look
at these three themes that Solomon talked about when it
came to when it comes to building wealth. Number one
is stewardship, say jip So, meaning if a person is
able to stewart their money, well, they'll do well financially.
So stewart you mean. But stewardship is simply you give
you your money, direction, tell me what to do. That's

what stewardship is.

Speaker 1 (13:49):

Speaker 2 (13:50):
Secondly, it's ownership, meaning do you own the right thing?
Now all of us own something, but is it the
right things? And so really getting people to all the
things that produce two things with sean cash flow and
appreciation value. So if I can begin to accumulate those
things that either appreciate and value and produce cash flow,

I'm owning the right things. And then the last one
is entrepreneurship. You know, so South a lot about owning
your own business. Now. I don't know if entrepreneurship is
for everybody, but I do believe the first two of everybody.
You got to learn how to stooge your money right,
tell it what to do, give it directions, don't it'll
it got a mile of his own. And then I've

got to own the right things. Our people, we are,
we are phenomenal consumers.

Speaker 3 (14:42):
Please don't go anywhere. We'll be right back with more
money making conversations, masterclass. Welcome back to the money Making
Conversations Masterclass hosted by Rashaan McDonald. Money Making Conversations Masterclass
continues online at Moneymakingconversations dot com and follow money Making

Conversations Masterclass on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Speaker 1 (15:10):
Now when we talk about all this and start breaking
the doe, because you're breaking the die right now, because
we hear Bart thinking that Yogola has a theory about
buying black to block, Mike Epps and his wife buying
back the block, as these brothers in the Houston, Texas,
the neighborhood I grew up in Fifth Ward buying back
the block. Now when I hear you, real estate African

American man up in Boston area, what is your thoughts
when you hear these presentations of these projects about buying
black blocks within the African American community.

Speaker 2 (15:43):
I think it goes back to what you said earlier.
You mentioned that no more land is being created, right,
you know, I mean companies are being created, crypto and
all that stuff is always being created and manipulated. But
land it's always there. And I'll go back to what
I said earlier. Our people bought here to work the lane.
Now it's time for us to own the lane.

Speaker 1 (16:05):

Speaker 2 (16:05):
So I'm a farm I'm a proponent of us owning
where we live, because only where we work, owning where
we go to church.

Speaker 1 (16:15):
Right, Because the reason I'm being because you got a congregation.
I'm just challenging you with some broadcasts, you know, because
that means that you have a group of people who
can possibly pull money together. And because I know that works,
I do know that I missed out on an opportunity
in Houston, Texas and in their community called third Ward.
Now you buy back a block. You go in, ladies

and gentlemen, these houses are way wonefully under value, and
you go down to the city if they want you
to upgrade these communities. Because you upgrade the communities, they
are more property tax. That's what going back the community
is all about, upgrading the property tax, because that's the
only way you're going to improve school education for your
kids is by raising the property tax of your home

that you live in or the dwellings all the community
you live in. And So when I say that, is
this something that's been in your mind that you thought
about doing in the Bolshon area.

Speaker 2 (17:10):
I've thought about doing it in the Bosonaria. But I
also have thought about doing it in New Heavy Connecticut,
where I'm from. A real ride, you know what I mean,
Because I drive around. My dad passed last August, and
so I inherited some property from him, two pieces of
property that he had paid off. And my dad that
was a big thing to him. That was a legacy

move for him, because I believe in every man part
of his legacies, not only how he lives, but what
he leaves behind. Got it and so it was important
for him to leave myself properly. I'm an only child.
And then as I'm driving around the city and I'm
noticing all of these properties that are dilapidated, or I'm

noticing all of these areas that if they just got
what I call so love, they were appreciate in value.
But a lot of times because of people have lived
there so long, they miss it, right, you know what
I mean, You could get close to something, and so
I believe it's a phenomenalon any city I go to.

I was in My wife and I were in Puerto
Rico last week on vacation with our youngest daughter. And
I'm in Puerto Rico and I'm looking at all these
dilapidated buildings based off of the last hurricane that came there.
And so any city I go to, I bet you
I could take you to a place, and I could
pick out one or two places. I said, you know what,
and based off I was in Detroit last summer, same thing.

I'm in downtown to church and my son. I drove
a couple of minutes outside Detroit and I saw all
these neighborhoods. And if you know anything about the path
of progression, usually things come from down downtown and go
out there.

Speaker 1 (18:45):
Yes, it does.

Speaker 2 (18:46):
And so if you can get those properties ahead of
time and get a sense of what the city is
gonna do, and any any area that you live in
people listening to us and listen to all over the players,
if you can find out what the city's gonna do
and get ahead of that, they have the check for
you to build wealth.

Speaker 1 (19:02):
That way, Yeah, we're having to rewealth somebody on this
show right now. Pass because I want to challenge people,
because you're absolutely right, their properties in certain cities, big
cities that you could buy for a.

Speaker 2 (19:16):
Dollar even exactly you're going to rework it and raise
the value of their property because they know they're not
going to do anything with it.

Speaker 1 (19:27):
So it's up to us now, Like you said, the
mindset and the research. That's where it comes from. Because
of the fact that I do this show and it's
about the secrets of success, and when I'm listening to you,
it seems like it's about the mindset, it's about the motivation.
Tell us in detail your secrets of success when you're

talking to people about wealth building, right.

Speaker 2 (19:52):
Well, my mind, my mindset goes back to my father, right,
you know, my dad wants to properties. Yes, yes, I
mean just in general, you know. I I've grown up
in a family where entrepreneurship real estate only was just
what we did, you know. And so I'm so I'm
very fortunate in that fact that I grew up around that.

My first business school was a barbershop. So I saw
men and women, you know, standing there with a dream
in their heart and clippers in their hands, build something,
you know what I mean. And so so I've always
I've always operated like that. And what has been a
large frustration for me dealing with maybe as a pastor
and other people I deal with, is that you know,

they don't they don't see that, but I go it
goes back to I guess, okay, that shul This has
been your lifestyle from the womb almost, which is you.

Speaker 1 (20:45):
Know, which is all Traditionally white people are able to
succeed because they're not. It's that foreign to their level
of thinking.

Speaker 2 (20:53):
Yes, yes, and and and it's so much of you know,
we have to get people desire level up. Yes, yes, yes,
a lot of times if you don't desire this, that's
why I love That's why I love the name of
your show is you got to get people to desire
to make money. Yes, and if you don't have it,
you don't have a desire for it. Man, we could

talk all day long, so you know, we we we
That's why I'm so much on mindset. I'm on so
much on desire, so much on you deserve more. Don't
you believe you should have more?

Speaker 1 (21:25):
You know, the fire the mindset to.

Speaker 2 (21:29):
Get that, that's the motivation. I mean, you know this.
You know, if somebody cooks a play of food and
you're not hungry, it'll sit right there.

Speaker 1 (21:37):
Right But I take that plate of food, put in
a refrigerator and we eat it the next day. That's
the mindset of understanding value. Yeah, like you said, people
drive through the communities that they live in complaining about opportunity,
and they oftentime are on a bus driving past opportunity,

saving that money a little bit of time because everybody
wants to win the lotto instead of gradually getting there
with an understanding, understated plan. And that's that's what we're
talking about right now. And how we were we were
out summit on Money Made Conversations, Master hosts, guy past
the desk could be Jenis I got I got credit

because the fact that when we come out the box,
I oftentimes gets frustrated because the fact that I'm African
American and I see so many people who dream big
but out of plan. And you were in the congregation,
You're in there, you were the God business where people
pray but don't do the work. Watch out Now, that

could be frustrating because I see it on the economic side.
You see it on the spiritual side. Talk to us, yes, well.

Speaker 2 (22:52):
And and and you hit the nail on head because
God is a business person. People. People don't get that
that God is a business plan. You know, Salvation was
a plan. Well, everything about God is business and having
a plan and through sometime you know what we have,
what we have failed to do is we have aspirations

and dreams, but we failed to sit down, like I said,
like I like to say, sit eye, happy, hips down
plank because it's in the planning and you're putting that
plan of the action that dreams come to past, you
know what I mean. And so if you don't have
a desire, if you don't have a plan, if you

don't get the education and stuff that you need in
order to bring the past, it'll be it'll be just
a dream, you know. And so I'm always pushing cong
of my congregants. I'm always pushing the people that you know,
I'm talking to you about, Hey, it's good enough to
have to just good to have to dream, but then
I got to have some practical steps that get me
from A to B.

Speaker 1 (23:54):
Awesome. Now, you have another book coming out, you know
in the summertime, talking talk to us about your new
book and.

Speaker 2 (24:01):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's called The Real Estate Wealth Creation Blueprint,
And it's all about what we've been talking about, how
do we use real estate as a wealth creation too
and put together a simple blueprint to do that, you know.
And so it's all about what my wife and I
have done since twenty seventeen as real estate developers. You

know what I've learned as a kid, you know, through
watching my dad and other real estate individuals, and really
it's a tool to really to inspire and get people
to desire to become wealthy number one, but the number
two to use real estate as a primary creation too
for themselves.

Speaker 1 (24:36):
We know I wouldn't thank you for coming on the show.
I always feel that when I sit down, I don't
know everything, Pastor Jenkins, but I'm willing to learn everything correct,
because that's important to consume information and not deny yourself
just because that's not your laying of opportunity, and so
many people forget that you get and and you grow

by learning things you don't know versus sometimes trying to
understand the things that you do know. Got to expand,
and that's what you're talking about, expanding your wealth to
real estate. Mindset, refire if you're over fifty and don't
settle for the outcome that everybody told you is waiting note.

Speaker 2 (25:17):
Correct correct, one hundred percent.

Speaker 1 (25:20):
Thank you, my brother. Well appreciate you coming on with
Money Making Conversations master Class, the re Wealth Summit one
O one Creations Summit one O one.

Speaker 2 (25:30):
Yes, sir, April fourth, fifth of next year.

Speaker 1 (25:35):
I'm gonna come. I'm gonna keep this relationship April fourth
and fifth next year, So you're gonna come back on
in the phone because I want to get sorry, let's
get this number onto the the hundreds. Let's get this
number to the hundreds. Okay, yes, because it's if you
don't grow, then you don't win, correct, And that's what
we try to do with Money Making Conversations Masteric Class.

Thank your pastor Dexter B. Jinks for coming on money
Making Conversations Masterclass. Appreciate you all right, have a good day.
This has been another edition of Money Making Conversation Masterclass
hosted by me Rushaun McDonald. Thank you to our guests
on the show today and thank you for listening to
the audience now. If you want to listen to any
episode I want to be a guest on the show,

visit Moneymakingconversations dot com. Our social media handle is money
Making Conversation. Join us next week and remember to always
leave with your gifts. Keep winning.
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