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December 6, 2024 13 mins

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need
advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please
submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and
click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter
live on the air, just like we're going to read
this one right here, right now, and you never know
it could be yours.

Speaker 2 (00:19):
H uh huh. I'm buckle lap and hold on tight.
We got it for it you here it is Strawberry Letter.

Speaker 1 (00:24):
Thank you nephew. Subject he got fired and put out
of the house. Do Stephen Shirley. I was married for
six years to a man that I didn't even want
to be with at first, but he pursued me heavily
and I gave in after he proposed to me. I
waited three years to marry him, and I guess it
was my intuition because I had second thoughts about getting

married up until my wedding day. Looking back on things,
the signs were there that he was a cheater, but
we had sex three or four times a week, and
I was naive enough to think that would satisfy him.
Whenever he was in the bathroom room, he locked the
door and he'd be in the shower a very long time.
His phone was always in his hand or in his pocket,

and he stopped wearing his ring and told me he
didn't want to damage it at work. But I found
out that he's a liar that lies about everything. Here's
what happened. He works as a logistics supervisor for a
delivery service, and he had a driver that didn't show up,
so he had to cover the delivery route himself. And
he was driving a company vehicle and he stopped by

a woman's home and her husband came home and caught
them having sex. They got into a fight in the
front yard and a lady called the cops. My husband
had weed on him, so he got arrested.

Speaker 2 (01:45):
I didn't even know he smoked weeds.

Speaker 1 (01:47):
He got fired for having the marijuana in a company vehicle.

Speaker 2 (01:51):
I went to the.

Speaker 1 (01:51):
Jail to bail him out, but I heard what had happened,
so I left him there. He got out the next
day and all of his clothes in person belongings were
packed up in his car, and I put the car
on the street. I told him to leave and never
come back. When I saw him at a divorce mediation,
he got so mad that he admitted to having several

women on the side. How could he ruin my life
like this? Will I ever be able to trust a
man again? Please advise, listen, let me tell you something.
You should be thanking God right now that you got
out of this mess, and that God got you out
of this mess. This marriage was a disaster from beginning
to end. You said in the letter you didn't want

him in the first place. You knew up until your
wedding day that this was the wrong thing to do,
and you're right. Three to four times a week was
putting in work. So please do not blame yourself. Don't
blame yourself. Let's face it, your husband was stupid. I
mean you didn't know it at the time it was happening,
but he did a lot of stupid stuff. I mean,

what gave him the idea that he could do all
this and never get caught and then get mad and
tell you about it at the divorce mediation to what
make you feel even worse? You know, Well, he did
finally get caught, and that was a good thing for you.
I will say that again. It was like he wanted
you to find out because he really got careless with

the marijuana in the company vehicle, with being over this
married woman's house. I mean, that was just crazy. It's
going to take a little time. You ask if you'll
ever be able to trust a man again. It will
take a little time. But I said, go on, get out,
you know, get back out there and date. If you
allow yourself to open up when it comes to the

right one, and when the right one comes along, you
can begin to trust again. But you need to trust
yourself first. You said you had second thoughts, and that
was an important sign that you missed. So please don't
take your bad marriage baggage into your new relationship by complaining,
you know, to all the men and comparing all the
men to your low husband. This time, you know, just

be better at believing and acting on those warning signs,
because they are there.

Speaker 3 (04:07):
Steve, he got fired and put out the house. That
ain't even what this letter about. Just the worst subject
we've ever had, because this ain't got nothing to do
with him getting fired or put out the house. This
letter is about something totally different, I do, ma'am. He
was married for six years to a man that you

didn't even want to be with at first. Okay, but
he pursued you heavily, and you gave in. After he proposed,
you waited three years to marry him. I guess it
was my tuition, my intuition, because I had second thoughts

about getting married all the way up until my wedding day.
Oh my god. So your five alarm fire bells alone,
which is your intuition, has been going off from day one.
It went off the entire three years, and it continued

to ring, ring, ring.

Speaker 2 (05:12):
Right up until your wedding day.

Speaker 3 (05:13):
And you ignore it that I told women a long
time ago that intuition is real. See God gives women intuition.
And the reason he gives women intuition unlike he gives
it to men, is because it's women's device that He
awarded them to help protect them from the hunter, which

is us. So when we come with the hunting, with
the bait, the games, the traps, and sometimes the lies,
your bells and alarm clock that goes off is called
your intuition.

Speaker 2 (05:47):
It goes off to alert you danger. Danger.

Speaker 3 (05:53):
Now, if you ignore that, then we have this letter.
Look on back on things. The signs was that, and
he was achieved. It was all there. We had sex
three four times a week I was in there. I
have enough thank that is satisfying. But when it was
in the bathroom, he kill He locked the door. He'd
be in a shower a long time. His phone was
always in his hand, his pocket. He stopped wearing his

wedding ring. Told you he didn't want to damage it
at worked. Wow, famous people don't have to wear wedding rings.
Everybody know we married regular people. You gotta put that
damn ring on. You can't go nowhere talking about you.
You ain't because you because you're gonna use that as
the lat when we come back, I'll continued this. This
is not an enjoyable letter, though. I want you to

know that this is not an enjoyable letter for you
to see. I'm having a great time though.

Speaker 2 (06:41):

Speaker 1 (06:41):
We'll have part two of your response coming up at
twenty three minutes after the hour. The subject he got
fired and put out of the house. We'll get back
into it right after this. Join the Saint Jude family
and become a monthly donor. When you do, you'll get
a this shirt Saves Lives t shirt and edition Saint
Jude Scher text SHMS just seven eight five eight three

three Hell kids at Saint Jude fight cancer. That is
SHMS two seven eight five eight three three. All right,
come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject
is he got fired and put out of the house.
A title subject you don't like.

Speaker 3 (07:19):
Yeah, because it has nothing to do with the letter.
This letter is about a woman who ignored her intuition.
She's with this guy for six years, but the whole
time he asked her to marriage, she thought second. She
thought about it over and over. She didn't like the idea.
He pursued heavily for three years. He didn't marry her
because she just had a feeling about it. Then asked

you to marriage. She had doubts about this marriage all
the way up to the wedding day. Because intuition works.
It's God's protective factor that he instilled in all women.
It's called women's intuition. You all have it much much
sharper and better than men, and it protects you from
the game that traps in sometimes the lies. You have
to not ignore the intuition. But she says she always

knew he was a Cheetishi's designs were there. They was
having sex street four times. We thought that was satisfying.
But he go in the bathroom, locked the door, be
in the shower, long time, phone in his hand, and
didn't wear his ring at work. Didn't want to damage you, then,
she says, but I found out he lies about everything.
Here's what happened. He works as a logistics supervisor. This

is important because if you're a logistics supervisor, that means
you should be good at logistics.

Speaker 2 (08:38):
That's what it symbolizes.

Speaker 3 (08:40):
Let me show you why he ain't got the job
no more, because then the letter says he got fired
and put out the house. And let me tell you why,
because he don't know nothing about no damn logistics. And
so here's what happened. He works for a delivery service.
A driver didn't show up, so he had to cover
the delivery route himself. He was driving a company vehicle

and he stopped. Here we go by a woman's home
and her husband came home and caught them having sex.

Speaker 2 (09:13):
Where is the logistics in that right? Right? Dude?

Speaker 3 (09:18):
I don't understand you going by another man's house to
have sex with his wife. Man, where your room? Where
you got to get control of something? That logistics is off?

Speaker 2 (09:33):
Right here?

Speaker 3 (09:34):
Now, a husband come in and all hell break loose.
So guess what they got into a fight in the
front yard.

Speaker 2 (09:41):

Speaker 3 (09:43):
First of all, you're not leaving that bed, bro. Secondly,
you're naked. It's hard to fight naked. I'm not giving
you time to dress. Ain't none of this hit right?
But they fighting so hard in the front yard. I mean,
y'ad they bug and so so hard this woman called
the police. Let me tell you something. Do you know

it take a police at least a few minutes. Even
in the best of neighborhoods, it's a three to five
minute response time. I don't know where they at, but
let's just say they in a great neighborhood response time
it's three to five minutes.

Speaker 2 (10:21):
Five minutes or ass. That's a long ass fight. Dog.

Speaker 3 (10:25):
They fighting so hard that the police come and your
husband had weed on him, so he got arrested. I
didn't even know he smoked weed. What do you have COVID?
You can't smell?

Speaker 2 (10:40):
Goodness? What did you come? Stop it?

Speaker 3 (10:44):
You got to be having COVID? How the hell you
can't tell somebody been smoking weed. I don't smoke weed,
but I know what weed smell like. Yeah, he got
fired for having the marijuana in a company vehicle.

Speaker 2 (10:59):
What where's the logistics in this?

Speaker 3 (11:03):
I went to the jail to bail him out, but
I heard what had happened, so I left him there.
So you went to jail to bailly baby. I got
to get out. They found some weed in the car,
but you got out there. So you got to ask
the police as you offer a bail. What is he
being charged with disorderly conduct, fighting, domestic violence? What is

the domestic violence? Well, he was at a woman's house
and her husband came home and they was fighting him.
Yet why was he fighting my husband? Well, because he
came home early and he was over there. My husband
is a logistics supervisor. Where's the logistics in this? Because
he ain't got.

Speaker 2 (11:45):
No business, damn supervisor.

Speaker 3 (11:47):
He got out the next day and all his clothes
and personal belongings were packed in his car, and I
put the car on the street.

Speaker 2 (11:54):
I told him to leave and never come back.

Speaker 3 (11:56):
When I saw him at the divorce mediation, he got
so mad that he admitted having several women on the side.

Speaker 2 (12:02):
Where is the logistics in that?

Speaker 3 (12:04):
You already in here losing dog, Now you're coming in
here to make sure you lose. How could he ruin
my life like this? Your life isn't ruined. Your life
has been saved.

Speaker 1 (12:19):

Speaker 2 (12:21):
The breakup is often the blessing.

Speaker 3 (12:25):
Now you're no longer married to a Cheatah, Will I
ever be able to trust a man again? You won't
be able to trust him again, but you can trust
a man again. The man that walked in and his
wife was having second Will he be able to trust
a woman again?

Speaker 2 (12:44):
I bet you he will so after he got arrested
in everything.

Speaker 3 (12:49):
And all this here man, he got fired from his
job and all like that.

Speaker 2 (12:53):
And just.

Speaker 3 (12:55):
Please advise lady, the breakup is the blessing. You can't
trust him again, But you can't. But this dude consistently
makes stupid mistakes, and now you're away from him, and
you don't have to be.

Speaker 2 (13:06):
A part of the stupid mistakes. It don't make no
sense what he did.

Speaker 3 (13:10):
He's not a logical thinking person, so he's no longer
the logistics supervisor. And now you are free. Congratulations, Go
do you all right?

Speaker 1 (13:22):
Hit us up on Instagram and Steve HARVEFM with your
thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter, and check out the Strawberry
Letter podcast on demand.

Speaker 2 (13:29):
You have no idea what it is. This is Carlos Miller. Hey,
this is David Allen, grig Snoop Dog. You already know
what timing is your boy DC Young Flag. This is
Kirk Franklin. Hey, this is like a Kahn. What's going on?
This is your boy Kevin Harty. Bless up.

Speaker 3 (13:42):
It's DJ cagn And you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning
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