Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Welcome to the show. I'm Rashan McDonald, the host of
Money Making Conversations Masterclass, where we encourage people to stop
reading other people's success stories and start planning their own.
Listen up as I interview entrepreneurs from around the country,
talk to celebrities and ask them how they are running
their companies, and speak with nod profits who are making
a difference in their local communities. Now, sit back and
listen as we unlock the secrets to their success on
Money Making Conversations Masterclass. Hi, I'm Rashan McDonald, our host
this weekly Money Making Conversation Masterclass show. The interviews and
information that this show provides are for everyone. It's time
to stop reading other people's success stories and start living
your own. If you want to be a guest on
my show, please visit our website, Moneymakingconversation dot com and
click to be a guest button. My guest is a
certified functional nutrition counselor that's passionate about fiden quality CBD
products to improve people's labs through a holistic approach. They
combine CBD functional nutrition. They have clients achieved balance, reduce anxiety,
alleviate pain, and enhance overall well being. Please welcome the
money making Conversations Masterclass, Shallow Bigless. How you doing miss Bigless?
Speaker 2 (01:21):
Hey, everybody, thanks so much for having me. I'm doing
great well.
Speaker 1 (01:25):
First of all, CBD, I hear about it. What exactly
is CBD and why is it such a good product
in improving a person's daily life.
Speaker 2 (01:38):
Well, the short story is every mammal on the planet
has what's called an endocannabi dial system, and in that
endocannabid dial system, we have our CB one and CB
two receptors. Those two receptors help control our neurological and
our immune and neurological system. And with those two you're
actually going to be able to create balance. When both
of those are in balance, we have homeostasis, so everything
functions better our heart, our kidneys, our liver, our digestive
system when we're in homeostasis. So cannabis and CBD, HEMP,
CBD help us to achieve that homeostasis.
Speaker 1 (02:19):
We If somebody comes into your store because you're located
in Atlanta.
Speaker 2 (02:22):
Georgia, correct and Swanny, Yes.
Speaker 1 (02:24):
Swani, which is a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia. Now can
one get your products online? Your CBD product online. How
do they go about getting your product online?
Speaker 2 (02:34):
Our website is Level Minds CBD dot com, So Level
Minds with an SCBD dot com and we shift all
over the US. We have a lot of customers even
in states where recreational cannabis is legal, because we have
really high powered and really strong CBD products and products
of CBG in it, and in those states you can't
really get really good quality CBD. It's all on the
marijuana side.
Speaker 1 (03:02):
Now, when you talk about CBD, what draws a customer
to that product c.
Speaker 2 (03:07):
B D So the biggest draw the most common things
we get when a customer walks into the store is
going to be trouble sleeping and pain. Those are going
to be the two number one reasons that people are
coming in with trouble sleep.
Speaker 1 (03:23):
Trouble sleeping and pain are the top two reasons people
going to CB these doors.
Speaker 2 (03:28):
Yeah, okay, So whether that pain be topical I tore
a muscle, you know, playing pickleball, or I just have
product pain. We have products for both of those things.
And then of course sleep issues because especially after the pandemic,
people just are not able to sleep like they used to.
There's a lot of worry that's happening, and a lot
of things that's affecting sleep, and so so many of
our products are able to help with that.
Speaker 1 (03:57):
Now you're a functional nutrition counselor US a lot. What
exactly does that title mean when someone walks into your
place of business, which is Level Minds correct, yes, yes,
But the name.
Speaker 2 (04:08):
Of our stores Level Minds CBD health Club. So we're
more of just an all around health club where we're
actually helping people to live their best life. And that's
what functional nutrition does, just helping you to be your
best you without use of medications or anything like that,
all through nutrition, because we really can heal our bodies
with just food choices, whether that be herbs, mushrooms, and
all different kinds of food. I personally have chromes and lupus,
and I've put both into remission and I haven't taken
a single steroid or a single medication ever.
Speaker 1 (04:50):
So I have a good friend who has loopus, So
let's talk about that because I know what she has
to deal with. She lives in Richmond, Virginia, and so
if I wanted to send her some product, I can
do that and ask her to try it. How does
that work? Would just use as an example lupas. What
do you use to slow the anxieties or the impact
of what lupus does in your daily life.
Speaker 2 (05:16):
So lupus obviously is an autoimmune disorder. So when we
can activate that CB two receptor and try to balance
the autoimmune system to where our bodies stop attacking themselves
and lupas is going to move all over. Sometimes lupus
will attack your liver, sometimes it will attack your heart.
It's going to pick and choose, and it kind of
sets up shop where it wants to attack. So for me,
when I was in the height of lupus, it was
attacking my liver terribly. So for me, I was using
our focus oil at the time, which is actually absorbed
through our liver. If it's attacking your stomach or your
heart or anywhere else, you can use gummies or any
other form of edibles where it's broke down by our
stomach set of our liver. So it really depends on
what troubles she's having at that time and where she
is having the attack. But for the biggest thing is
is going to be calming the immune system, telling it
to stop attacking yourself. And with all of that when
your immune system calms, the inflammation starts to go down,
and that brings down anxiety, helps with insomnia, which so
many people with autoimmune disorders have terrible trouble sleeping. And
when we don't sleep, it affects our following day, it
affects our hormones, it affects everything. So I would say
a something for sleep and something for day during the
daytime for her for inflammation would be probably the best bet,
which would be our renew and our focus.
Speaker 1 (06:45):
Cool. I'm talking to Shalloh Bigless. She owns a company
in Swane, Georgia, which is outside of Atlanta, Georgia, where
she's called Level Minds. Yeah, yep, CBD and she has
products there. Now let's go to stereotypes. When you talk
of CBD, you think of weed, you think of smoking.
So I just want to settle my audience down and
know that this is not about smoking. But you have
like gummies, you have chocolate bites'. Let's let's talk about
the CBD experience, which is engaged, but sometimes it's being
I guess badly promoted because of stereotypes and what people
have heard or what they've thought. Talk about the journey
of beating down the stereotype of what people think CBD
is to what actually CBD does for the everyday person
and improving their lifestyle. Like you said, sleep disorder, pain
disorder can be remedied with CBD. Tell us now, shallow
floor is yours.
Speaker 2 (07:42):
So for anyone worried about, you know, feeling high or
anything like that, we have an entire product line which
is THHC free, and THHC is the molecule in the
cannabis plant which is psychoactive, So that's the molecule that
makes us feel high. That molecule we do not have
in an entire line. We have a daytime, a nighttime,
and all of our topical Now. We created this line
because we had so many people who are either active military, firefighters,
police officers who are drug tested all the time and
can't spike on a drug test, or people who just
don't want to feel anebriated in any kind. So that's
our family and professional line that can be given to kids,
that can be given to anyone of any age, and
that can help with daytime function, anxiety, stress, even after
traumatic brain injuries. It can help with neuron repair, It
prevents osteoarthritis helps bone regrowth. The inflammation properties that reducing
the inflammation is huge. When we are not stiff and
tense and in pain, we have such a good day.
We even sleep better on nights that we take something
during the day because we're loose throughout the day. It's
great for our mental function. It gives you just a
mental boost. And then of course nighttime. So many of
us suffer with nighttime, whether it be extreme pain at night,
if you're hurting all throughout the day, everyone who hurts
knows that when you lay down, the hurt gets worse.
It just starts to throb and you cannot think about
anything else other than that pain. So even if it's
just something to be able to numb that to where
you can sleep and get a good night's sleep. And
we're talking about true rem sleep. People are having dreams
again where they haven't been dreaming in years. And that's
when you know your body is asleep and you're actually
healing from so many things, including autoimmune disorders.
Speaker 1 (09:36):
Oh shallow, here's a you know, money making conversation, massacless.
So were talking about money. You into business to generate revenue.
Why did you get in this CBD business, and why
did you start your company? Which you name of your
store is Level Minds CBD. Correct, Why did you do it?
Speaker 2 (09:55):
I did not do it for the money. I've always
been in some form of health or wellness. I had
a pain and wellness therapy spa before this. I have
an eleven year old and a two year old, so
took a break from a lot of it and then
came back. And everyone who knows me, I was here
through my pregnancy. Iris was a toddler toddling around in
the store. So everyone who's in here, they know the girls,
they know our family. I'm doing this to help people.
The money definitely helps. I wouldn't say we're still a
small store. We're not one of these huge franchises. We're
not billionaires by any means. But it's definitely. I mean,
I have employees, I have, you know, we're able to
help other people. It's not just my husband and I anymore. So, yes,
we have grown, which is great, and that's all of
our customers. Like, we stopped advertising completely. We don't do
any paid advertising, so it's all word of mouth and
shows like this where we're just able to communicate with people.
So for us, and I think that passion shows and
that's why word of mouth has moved so well. But
when you do what you love, I think that the
money will follow. And that's what I try to tell everybody.
If you're really doing something that you're passionate about and
that you love, people will see that passion and they'll
continue to come back and they'll tell people about it.
If you even just go to our Google site, like
all of our reviews are one hundred percent organic, and
you see almost every single one mentioning the people in
the store and how detailed we were and how much
we were able to help them and explain to them
and educate them about the hemp plant. So it's do
what you love and the money will follow.
Speaker 3 (11:38):
Please don't go anywhere. We'll be right back with more
Money Making Conversations Masterclass. Welcome back to the Money Making
Conversations Masterclass, hosted by Rashaan McDonald. Money Making Conversations Masterclass
continues online at Moneymakingconversations dot com and follow money Making
Conversations Masterclass on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Speaker 1 (12:06):
Well, you know it's good, but you're on a mission,
and so your mission you have to navigate through a
lot of industry challenges because you know, we all have drapes,
and everybody who's listening to this show or watching this
show know that I want to be rich. You know,
we don't work otherwise, go work a normal job and
we know that check is consistent. It may come to
the health benefits, it may come with a four one K.
You're an entrepreneur. You're jumping out there on some degree
of faith. There's a business plan attached to it, but
you're on a mission. How do you navigate the landscape
and the industry challenges? Like you said, you're not a
big one. You're basically a mom and pop And I
say that not derogatory. Your single business does not tied
to a lot of massive advertising, our celebrity brand. Okay,
how are you going to win? How do you win?
Speaker 2 (12:58):
By continuing that that we treat every single customer as
if they were new and then once we get to
know you, your family, we know you by name. How
are you doing, how's this doing? You have any new ailments?
What's going on? So? I think that just speaks volumes
and everyone does love that. And the challenges in the industry,
they're always going to be here. Especially in a state
like Georgia. We are a very I don't know, a
very setback state we have. Yeah, we just there's a
lot of issues. But we pivot all the time. And
if we're if something is going to be removed from
our shelf that we know is helping somebody, we'll pivot
and we'll make something else. We'll come up with, it
will formulate, and that's how this industry is, and that's
how it's been since the beginning. It's just I don't
think it's ever going to change. I hope in my
lifetime and my children's lifetime that something big changes because
this plant has so many healing properties. Like I said,
every mammal on the planet is has these receptors which
are activated by this plant. So it's not just us,
it's our pets. We have thoroughbred horses using our capsules
that help with everything.
Speaker 1 (14:20):
Into my wife's dog when it's CBD, yeah, okay, to sleep.
Speaker 2 (14:27):
It definitely helps with anxiety, the same thing we suffer
from anxiety pains.
Speaker 1 (14:31):
You may have a customer here, I got a little
dog that box at the wrong time.
Speaker 2 (14:36):
Yeah, especially the little ones, they're very, very anxious. No,
it definitely helps during firework, during thunderstorms, all of it.
It could definitely help with anxiety. It's the same way
they're mammals like us. They have those receptors.
Speaker 1 (14:49):
Now here's a great thing about it is that you
was talking about your your business level of minds. Cbdep
introduce some innovative products. Let's talk about those products, like
when they call my eye with chocolate bites. And I
just want everybody to know because I just really bringing
you on the show was basically educating me. That was important,
but also to kill stereotypes and because all we think
about with you see CBD, at least in my little mind,
is we smoking. You're passing the joint, and that is
not the case. Here talk about some of your innovative
products and how people use them and why they're so popular.
Speaker 2 (15:22):
That's correct, And like I said, that's our family and
professional line where you do not have to feel high,
you just feel good. So many people will try, even
just a plane CBD drink and they'll be like, what
is this, Like do I feel high? And I'm like,
if you've never felt high, you would know when you
feel it. It feels very very inebriating, and they don't
feel that they just feel good. So what I tell
a lot of people is you actually feel more normal,
you feel more yourself. You start to feel less of
the things that are with us on a daily basis.
So I always like tell people to try whatever you're
trying for three days so that you can look back
on those three days and see what's missing. So anxiety stress,
even something as simple as I have a headache every
day I wake up, so you look back on the
last three days and you're like, wait, my headache's been gone.
And when you lose a headache, then you have less stress,
you have less pain, You're looser, I have more patience
with my kids. We have so many parents who are like,
I just let stuff kind of roll off my back now,
And that's our bliss line. Those are the chocolate bites
that you're talking about. So it's just a relaxed energy.
It's a stimulating product. So you actually have a nice energy.
You're able to clean your garage and you don't even
have you pass lunch and you're like, wow, I feel fantastic.
It helps pain. And so there's so many products out
that we have that do not make you feel high
at all. You just feel good.
Speaker 1 (16:53):
Okay, cool, let's hold it up because there are products
that you do sell that gives you that buzz.
Speaker 2 (16:58):
Speaker 1 (16:59):
I don't want to lose customer.
Speaker 2 (17:01):
I won't call it level.
Speaker 1 (17:03):
I can't get a buzz, But talk us about the
buzz customer, because we've spent a lot of time talking
about the family, the numb buzz related products that are good.
What makes the product that gives you the bud? What
is the buzz, what is the usefulness for that, and
what type of customer wants that.
Speaker 2 (17:23):
So for anyone who has not ever experienced what feeling
high is, I always like to call it a numbing
It's how numb do you want to feel? Sometimes you
just want to numb a little bit of the world,
numb the stress storm that we have up here. And
that's what I call our functioning users. Those are the
people with really high anxiety or incredibly bad ADHD or
they're on medication for it. Even people who are true
alcoholics who are trying not to drink during the day
or not drink at night. It gives this tiny bit
of numbing. Now. So of course, like any other substance,
you can overuse and you can numb so much that
you can't get off the couch. So that's up to
you how numb you want to be. But most people
are what we call microdosing functional users, where they just
numb the tiniest bit, take care of the storm just
a little bit so you can focus on what you
need to do. But what we love to see is,
especially with our drinks, we have very low dose TCHC
drinks all the way up to ten twenty five milligram
TCHC drinks. Now, some people are using it recreationally, that's fine.
Everyone in my store is twenty one plus, so that's
your prerogative. That's fine, But there are so many people
who have completely cut out alcohol because this is such
a it's a better feeling. You do not have to
hangover next morning, you do not have like angry spells.
I know all of us probably know at least one
or two people who get upset or get anger and
argumentative when they drink. That doesn't happen when you're using THCHC.
Normally you're giggly and just again the stress is numbed away.
So when you feel that, it's just such a better
experience than alcohol, which is very inflammatory and can definitely
cause a lot of issues. So the drinks have been
incredible add to the store, and we love seeing so
many customers become alcohol sober and it's amazing and they
tell us amazing stories all the time. My husband and
I are so close. We were on the verge of
divorce and this is something that's helped both of us
and we're both so much kinder. It's just another option
and that's where all the different products that we have
in our store are amazing. I'm sure that you can
find something that will help you. And yeah, even our
low dose THHC stuff, because we always like to teach
everyone in moderation. The same with food, same with medication,
and the same with THCHC. You don't have to feel
completely blazed and high all the time. You can feel
a little bit and you still feel good. So it's
just finding a balance, just like anything else.
Speaker 1 (20:11):
I won't just tell you something, Charlotte, You're good.
Speaker 3 (20:13):
You really what you do.
Speaker 1 (20:14):
I'm really enjoying this because I'm a guy who you know,
I'm a victim of stereotypes. I'm a victim of poor information,
of nervousness. For instance, let me just tell you I
bumped my knee against my counter. It was sore and
it stayed that way probably about six weeks, and eventually,
you know, through exercise it went away, but it was
you know, it was painful, you know, a very painful
moment there. Now, just going through that process, should I
have come to your place level mind CBD to get
some type of item off your shelf that would have
helped and relieved that pain that I was dealing with
for that six week period? Yeah, so what was that product?
Speaker 2 (21:00):
That product would have been our repair muscle bomb, and
you would have applied it topically to your knee. You
don't have to eat a gummy or have an oil
or anything like that. That would have helped with inflammation.
It would have helped with any kind of nerve damage,
any kind of bone damage that happened to the knee,
because what does pain do? You experienced it, so that
pain was causing you stressed because you're like, oh my gosh,
now I'm going to start hurting when I'm working out.
I'm going to hurt when I sit, I'm going to
hurt when I go to lay down, And then you're
stressed about that because and that's not a way to live.
At all. So this is what people who have chronic
pain have to go through. And yours was chroduct for
six weeks, which is long enough. But yeah, definitely with
your knee and anything for any kind of pain, we
always recommend sometimes two fold, depending on how bad the
pain is, would be topically and something to be ingested.
Speaker 1 (21:53):
So it is, yeah, and it was a difficult to bend.
Eventually it bent. But I'm saying is that, you know,
I went to the traditional you know store products I'm
not going to name the brand names of they will
heat related, and I rubbed and put a warm tile
on it and put ice bags on it. So you're
saying that, Rashan, you could have went there your location,
went online and got a bomb. And that's another thing.
You know, we're not talking about smoking. We're talking about
a cream, We're talking about bite, something you can consume
and eat. We're talking about family products that are not
non buzz related. Then you have the buzz related products
that allow you to numb, as you say, certain areas
that is impacting your daily life, that can allow you
to have a better relationship with your loved ones or
family and things like that. The endgame for this. I
know you said, Rashana, I'm not anything for the money,
and I respect that you also suffer from lupus and
you said this helps you there. When people come in
your store for the first time and you see their
lives changed because of your products, how do you feel
and what's the end game when you see that reaction
for them?
Speaker 2 (23:08):
I mean, it's it's like the grid ship makes my
heart grow bigger every time. So at this point my
heart is just massive. No. I cry with customers. I
hug them all the time. For us, and it's not
just me, it's my staff here too. They're so understanding
my husband as well, and for us. This is why
this is one hundred percent why we're doing it, because
we see so many lives change, so many marriages, saved,
so many better parents because of it. But yeah, and
like I said, the money that we're making now definitely
does help. At the beginning, it was very difficult saying
no to any kind of a check and insurance. Don't
even worry about the four oh one K. The insurance
was the most important thing for me, so all of
those things, it's definitely very difficult. But when you are
doing what you love, like I said, if you truly
have a passion and you're able to start and do
something that you love, especially if it has to do
with helping people in any way. It could be any
form of education, anything. I think that anyone could do it.
And when you see people come in and their lives change,
like I said, your your heart grows each time. So
it's just something that's it's really beautiful and shallow.
Speaker 1 (24:26):
As we've closed out data, if you tell us how,
we can order your product online, so you can go.
Speaker 2 (24:30):
To Level Minds with an scbd dot com. You can
order it for a local pickup. We even do delivery
through door dash. If you're close enough and you don't
want to come in the store, you can always give
us a call at six seven eight seven sixty five
two two two eight, and that's a store here. If
I'm not in the shop, all of my girls and
the people who are working here know that I'm just
a phone call away, so they'll call me on my
cell phone and ask me any kind of questions, especially
if it's anything to do with medication or anything more
on the medical side. Again, if it's something that we
don't have in store and that you've used we can
compare it, or we can find it and create it.
So whatever you need, we'll be there.
Speaker 1 (25:16):
She's a functional nutrition counselor shallow big List. Hey, thank
you for coming on Money Making Conversations Masterclass. You're fantastic so.
Speaker 2 (25:25):
Much for having me Rashwan. It feels awesome.
Speaker 1 (25:27):
Appreciate it. This has been another edition of Money Making
Conversation Masterclass posted by me Rashaun McDonald. Thank you to
our guests on the show today and thank you listening
to the audience now. If you want to listen to
any episode I want to be a guest on the show,
visit Moneymakingconversations dot com. Our social media handle is money
Making Conversation. Join us next week and remember to always
leave with your gifts. Keep winning.