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May 6, 2024 13 mins

Dear Steve and Shirley, I met a man, we clicked. He showed me his representative for the first few months. Now I see some things that make me wonder if I want to continue our relationship. These are things that I think he can control, but he didn't act like this in the beginning of our relationship. He has no filter in anything he says or does, and his delivery is always so shocking. I took him to meet my mom and he unleashed the madness as soon as we got in her driveway......................................................

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
All right, it is time for today's Strawberry Letter, and
if you need advice and relationships, work, sex, parenting, and more,
please submit your Strawberry Letter to STEVEHARVEFM dot com and
click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter
live on the air, just like we're going to read
this one right here, right now, and you never know,
it could be yours.

Speaker 2 (00:21):
It could be yours. Buckle up and hold on tight.
We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry Letter.

Speaker 1 (00:26):
Thank you, nephew. Subject. His delivery is always so shocking?
Is this about Steve? I know we'll find out. Dear
Stephen Shirley. I met a man. We clicked. He showed
me his representative for the first few months. Now I
see some things that make me wonder if I want
to continue our relationship. These are things that I think

he can control. But he didn't act like this in
the beginning of our relationship. He has no filter in
anything he says or does, and his delivery is always
so shocking. I took an to meet my mom and
he unleashed the madness as soon as we got in
her driveway. He asked if I grew up in that
little house, and I could not believe him. He grew

up in the project, so I told him he had
no room to judge me. He said he wasn't judging,
he just asked a question. He continued to insult my
mom and I. He refused to sit down because he
said the dining room table was too dusty. I kept
cutting my eyes at him, but he didn't get it.
He is also very direct in the bedroom. Our first

sexual encounter was encounter was at his house after we
watched a movie. He said that I had teased him
long enough with my legs all across him, and I
rubbed and touched all over him, so we might as
well go to the bedroom so he could give me
what I really want. I was shocked, but a little
turned on. I had no idea that every sexual encounter
would start off like this. Now he'll usually say something like,

let's go on ahead and get this out of the way.
He told me that he always always been like this,
and it's probably why he's still single at forty two.
I cringe when he picks me up because if he's
asked me more than a few times, if I'm sure
I want to wear what I'm wearing, so I put
him in time out for a few days. If he's

not willing to change, Is there a way to tolerate
this bad behavior? Well, only you can determine that. Only
you can determine that. But I will say this.

Speaker 3 (02:25):
Here we go again.

Speaker 1 (02:26):
Women always want to change a man. You cannot change
a man. You can't do that. Only the man in
question can change himself if he wants to. This man
that you have right here is who he is. He
is his authentic self. You don't like it, and it's
okay that you don't like it. You don't have to
put up with it if you don't want to, and

why should you. But you have talked to him about
his delivery and how he comes across to you, haven't you.
You have to tell him how this makes you feel.
I mean, especially if you think he's being rude to
you and your mom. I must say, though, him asking
you if you grew up in that little house could
have meant just that, asking you a question like he said,
or him saying he wouldn't sit at your mom's table

because it was too dusty, because it was too dusty
while it was blunt? Was he lying? I mean, it
sounds like you're trying to find something anything wrong because
you don't like how he says things. You don't like
how he says what he says, especially when it comes
to sex. So you know, maybe if he can temper
how he says what he's saying, then maybe you guys

can have a chance. But yeah, it's that how that
has you shook?

Speaker 2 (03:35):
Steve Well, I don't think it's nothing to this letter
except maybe you know, have a little you know, reenact
me to how maybe this could go. You know, dealing
with a man ain't got no coof what you want
us to do. He ain't got no coof this dude
of the damn food, forty two years old, single talking
to people like that. You know, look is deal h

y'all clicked? He has no filter in anything he says
or does, and his delivery shocking. Let's just start with
this one. I took him to meet my mama. He
unleashed the madness as soon as we got in her driveway.
He as if I grew up in that little house.
What he said was you go up in the little
ragged ass's house.

Speaker 3 (04:22):
Oh my goodness, what you send him?

Speaker 2 (04:27):
What we're finnah go in hire.

Speaker 3 (04:29):
That's what he really said.

Speaker 2 (04:30):
Oh you it's it's wait a minute, it's some people
that live in here. You lying, So now you dealing
with that. Then he get in the house and he
said he wasn't sitting down at your mama's table because
it was too damn dusty. You cutting your eyes at

him and everything, trying to get his attention, but he
didn't get it. So now you just have a man
who just he do like want to do it even
when y'all got ready to have uh, you know, you're
a litt little fan of the first time, you know,
after y'all watch the movie, he said, I had teased
him long enough with my legs all across him, I

rubbed and touched him all over, so we might as
well gone, Ma'm gone, get on in his bedroom, gone,
break it off, gone and gone in here and give
you this here. Let me go on in here and
give you this here. What you want, Yeah, I know
what you want. And then you were shocked. But you
was a little turned on all right now, But I
can tell you what I've know. You got in there

and it wasn't what he said it was gonna be.
That's probably what you're mad about now here. Now every
time y'all go get hair sacred, they're going here and
get this on out the way.

Speaker 1 (05:47):
I just look, are you rubbing your forehead right now?

Speaker 2 (05:52):
Why is you tied something? More? I think? Yeah, I'm
just rubbing my face. I'm frustrated with this dude. I
just don't know what. When we come back, Shirley, yeah,
you'll give me a statement or ask me a question,
and I'm going to show you, not in a clean way,

of course, I'm gonna show you some of the shocking
things that this man would be saying. So when we
come back, Shirley, just ask me some questions, like we're
dating and we're going to meet somebody. Ask me the question,
and then I will give you the answer that mister
mister delivery, mister shocking delivery always does. All right, that's

what we'll.

Speaker 1 (06:36):
Do, Okay, all right, Steve. Well, we'll have part two
of your response and our re enactment coming up at
twenty three minutes after the hour. The subject is today
for the Strawberry Letter. His delivery is always so shocking.
Back at it right after this. You're listening Morning Show.
All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter.

The subject is his delivery is always so shocking.

Speaker 2 (07:02):
She's dating this man who is He doesn't have any kouf.
He say whatever you want to say how I want
to say it, which is why he's single at forty
two and anybody putting up with this. So what I'm
gonna do is just for purposes. Shirley will ask me
a series of questions. I would take a pause, and

then I will show you the shocking reply. He's probably
using just anything, Sureley, I don't care what the subject is, grocery, shopping, pastors,
church or anything.

Speaker 1 (07:34):
So go ahead where I know you said you were
gonna take me out tonight.

Speaker 3 (07:37):
Where are we going?

Speaker 2 (07:39):
Well? You know, I mean I don't know. I don't
know where I could take nobody like you. You know, it
don't look like you've been nowhere, So I pretty much
anywhere I take you, I'll be good enough. What are
you wanna do?

Speaker 1 (07:51):
Ah anywhere anywhere?

Speaker 3 (07:58):
Pretty blunt with it is.

Speaker 2 (08:01):
All right?

Speaker 1 (08:02):
You know what, the first time we went over at
my mom's house, it didn't go too well. I think
we should go over there, and you know, you should
try and get to know where again go back go.

Speaker 2 (08:11):
Over there for what I've already been over there in
the little lot, how with tight as hair? You know.
I don't know who your mom is, but she she
must be that old ass lady that lived in the
shoe had all them kids. Because the crowded up in there,
it's terrible.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
Come on, honey, you can't talk like that. Well look, look,
we're going to church on Sunday, you know. And I
wanted to know.

Speaker 3 (08:38):
I bought this new dress. How do you like it?

Speaker 2 (08:40):
Well, you said, we going to church?

Speaker 3 (08:42):
Right, yeah?

Speaker 2 (08:43):
And then that's the dress you gonna wear. So what
are we going to church for? If you're gonna go
to hell anyway?

Speaker 4 (08:48):

Speaker 3 (08:52):
He's a trip? And wow?

Speaker 1 (08:55):
And after church I was thinking, you know, instead of
going out for a change, we could come home and
I can cook your dinner.

Speaker 2 (09:03):
Now, come on now, baby, what you know you can't cook?
Can you?

Speaker 3 (09:10):
Several times?

Speaker 2 (09:11):
No? Good? And hell, well you can't cook at nobody
fitting to do that. I made nobody feeling.

Speaker 1 (09:20):
That I made a roast. Okay, you know how to rot? There,
you don't know how to roast? You fell out a character?
You were Steve was talking to Shirley.

Speaker 3 (09:32):
Yeah, we're talking about.

Speaker 2 (09:35):
I'm so sorry, Get.

Speaker 3 (09:38):
Back in the character. It's not about me. Surely he
like my bad?

Speaker 1 (09:49):
All right?

Speaker 3 (09:49):
Did you really grow up in the projects?

Speaker 2 (09:52):
Did I really grow up in the project?

Speaker 3 (09:54):
Because you asked me about my Yeah.

Speaker 2 (09:56):
Ain't that way your mama staying now?

Speaker 1 (09:59):
Man, wait a minute, my mama, dog, it's like your
mama stay at that.

Speaker 3 (10:11):
You're gonna talk about my mom like that? That's not nice.
Don't talk about my mother.

Speaker 1 (10:16):
Mm hmmm.

Speaker 2 (10:18):
Don't talk about your mama will hurt me. I wouldn't
have nothing to say about your mama except when I
went over that first time. Well hold up, now, you
know I'm the one got to sit up in the
little dead ass little chairs and everything. You know, maybe
you need to spend some of your money, get a house,
keep over that and help your mama. I don't know
how she eating off that little dusty ass table. I
really don't.

Speaker 1 (10:40):
Hey, listen, I gotta go to work early tomorrow. Do
you mind dropping the kids off of school for me?

Speaker 2 (10:46):
Drop the kids off?

Speaker 3 (10:48):
Yes, the Maine my kids.

Speaker 2 (10:50):
Why do whoever made them kids? Drop them off?

Speaker 4 (10:58):
You're just so wrong direct though I know it's too much,
no filter, your delivery is shocking. Your delivery is just shocking.
I just have to tell you that.

Speaker 3 (11:10):

Speaker 2 (11:10):
Shock shock shock shock shock everybody shock. I was shocked
when you found out you had them kids because you
know you cause cause you know, cause you know, you know,
you know. Look you kind of look like you took
care of yourself, so I ain't know you had all
these kids. Now I'm just trying to deal with it.

Speaker 3 (11:29):
Wow, you seeing this? Wow? You just say anything? Huh.

Speaker 2 (11:34):
I'm not Finn start my life over at forty two
and start picking up with somebody three kids, yes, but
be crazy?

Speaker 1 (11:44):
All right, Well listen, my girlfriend and I, what do
you think about us going on a girl's trip because
we haven't done that in a minute and we wanted
to get away.

Speaker 2 (11:53):
Hey, baby, you go on all the trips you want,
but don't ask me for no money cause you know,
because unless I'm going down there and all them girls
is why would I pay for the troop? So what
are you asking me about to go for?

Speaker 1 (12:04):
No, I'm just going with Claudia, my best friend. You
know Claudia, right, my best friend, the tall one, you
know her?

Speaker 2 (12:13):
Oh Claudia. No, I won't go down now. I wouldn't
go down. Never Claudia, no way, how much Claudia away? Now,
why is that a question?

Speaker 3 (12:27):
I think we're gonna break up? I really do.

Speaker 4 (12:31):
I really think we're gonna we're breaking up.

Speaker 3 (12:34):
Yeah, you're too much.

Speaker 2 (12:37):
Well, you can break up with me if you want to.
You you have somebody to go eat with. Just ask Claudia,
cause you take your hair down there.

Speaker 1 (12:45):
Leave your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter on Instagram at
Steve Harvey FM, and check us out on the Strawberry
Letter podcast on the Free iHeart Radio app, where free
never sounded so good. Coming up next to his junior
and sports talk. Right after this, you're listening to the
Day Harvey Morning Show

Speaker 3 (13:05):
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