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July 17, 2024 13 mins

Dear Steve and Shirley, I'm a forty four year old married woman and my husband has been sleeping in the other room lately. He and I got into an argument on Easter weekend and he told me that he could do a lot better than me and find someone that doesn't nag him or treat him like a child. He's sixty seven and we've been married for four years. Since we got married, I bathe him every night.  I put lotion on his body and I suffer through bad sex. I also cook every night. I wash all of his clothes, and I wash both of our cars whenever they need to be cleaned.....................................

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if
you need advice on relationships, work, sex, oh, parenting and more,
please submit your Strawberry Letter at STEVEHARVEFM dot com. You
can click on submit Strawberry Letter. We get your letter,
and you never know we could be reading your letter
live on the air, just like we're going to read
this one right here, right now, and you never know

it could be yours.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
It could be yours. Buckle up and hold on tight.
We guide it for you here. It is Strawberry Letter, all.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Right, and if you thank you. Subject What's up with
my spoiled old man? Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a forty
four year old married woman and my husband has been
sleeping in the other room lately. He and I got
into an argument on Easter weekend and he told me
that he could do a lot better than me and
find someone that doesn't nag him or treat him like
a child. He's sixty seven and we've been married for

four years. Since we got married, I bathe him every night.

Speaker 3 (00:57):
I lotion.

Speaker 1 (00:58):
I put lotion on his body and I suffer through
bad sex. I also cook every night. I wash all
of his clothes, and I wash both of our cars
whenever they need to be cleaned or what. He complains
about me to his friends, and they all say he
is crazy and he's got it made. I overheard him
on the phone telling his son that I stop bathing

him because I'm lazy and I put my own needs
before his. He's dern right I do. I treated him
like a king, and nothing is wrong with his legs
or arms, so he can wash his own behind. I've
been snooping to see if he's entertaining another woman, but
I didn't see anything in his phone or computer, so
I have no idea what's gotten into him. He did

withdraw five thousand dollars out of his savings account last week,
and when I asked him about it, he yelled and
screamed so loud I thought he was about to have
a heart attack. I told him that maybe I treat
him like a kid, because I take care of him
like he's my kid. I stopped cooking and washing his
clothes last month. Yesterday he came in with his clothes

in a basket, neatly folded, and he had two plates
of food covered.

Speaker 3 (02:07):
In aluminum foil. I couldn't believe him.

Speaker 1 (02:12):
There has to be another woman, right, Does he think
another woman will treat him like I do?

Speaker 3 (02:16):
What should I do?

Speaker 1 (02:17):
Okay, wait a minute, Wait a minute, Wait a minute.
You're bathing a grown man every night. He's not sick
or anything, no medical reason for this. You're just bathing
him and loationing him and all of this. Uh huh no, no,
call me crazy, but I've just never heard of this before.

What's more, this man doesn't respect you. He doesn't appreciate
any of the things you do for him. His friends
were right. What is he complaining about. He's got it made.
There's nothing more to say here, really, except I'm glad
you finally came to your senses and stopped bathing him
and loationing him, cooking and doing the laundry, suffering through
horrible sex, and washing his car. Come on, lady, this

is a fully grown man, sixty seven years old. He's
capable of doing all the things that you're doing for him. Yes,
of course, he got another woman to do those things
for him. He's paying her. He is paying her. That's
the only difference. I'm sure that's why he went into
a rage when you asked him about the five thousand dollars.
Let this man go, please, He's not worth it and
you could do much better. That's all I have to

say to you.

Speaker 2 (03:24):
Let him go, Tommy, if you don't bathe me, glad
as Will. Now, I'm just gonna take if you don't
bathe me, glad as Will. What you're not gonna do
is start our relationship out with you bathing me, washing
my clothes, cooking for me, folding up all my stuff,
and washing my car. What you're not gonna do is
start our relationship. I'd like this, and they're gonna stop

four five years later. I'm not gonna take it. I'm
not finished down the wrest. Somebody gonna bathe me. If
you're not gonna bathe me, glad as Will, I'm sorry.
I have got gotten accustomed to being bathed. So I'm
gonna walk around here nicked for a few minutes and
see if you're gonna get done. If not, Gladys to
do it. I'm sorry you started out doing this. You
have got to continue what you started. What the older

ladies say, whatever it took to get that man, you
got to keep doing it. You started out bathing this man,
and I'm not gonna be walking around here dirty because
you don't feel like Bathy being And I'm not getting
in that car and that car ain't clean. I'm not
I'm not getting in that car and you ain't cleaning.
You don't pull that car, pull that I pull that
car out that garage and I'm leaving in thirty minutes

and I need this car clean before I get up
out of here.

Speaker 4 (04:33):
Hello, so you're not gonna do it? Fine, I go
to Gladys glads and.

Speaker 2 (04:37):
Cook me something to eat. And yeah, I brought two
things home with some fall in it. That's none of
that is for you. That's what Gladys mayan for.

Speaker 3 (04:44):
Men have any Ain't.

Speaker 2 (04:46):
Nobody brought you nothing from Gladys house. And gladysdon put
Gladyson put that gain in there. And they're down here
on my clothes, and my clothes excellent, and they are
folded and they looked nice. And I am gonna be fine,
and yes I am clean. If you sniff me, I
smell like some great soap because Gladys done took care
of me. I'm not finna sit up there and argue
with you. You've been cleaning clothes, You've been cleaning me.

You've been folding, watching them folding my clothes. You've been
cooking around here, you've been bathing. What what now all
of a sudden we threw.

Speaker 3 (05:17):
You so he can bathe himself.

Speaker 2 (05:19):
No, Shirley, for the last four years that we have
been married, she has been bathing me. And now we No,
everybody don't have bathers, and I understand that. I understand
that everybody don't have bathers. Once you get one. Oh,
you're not losing your bathe. Oh no, you're not finna change.
Why you make me feel Oh no, no, no no,

But why.

Speaker 1 (05:41):
He gets so mad about the five thousand dollars too,
Because that go to.

Speaker 2 (05:45):
The new bathel that ain't got nothing to do with
you no more. This is for her, This is for Gladys.
If Glady's gonna cook, and if Gladdy's gonna have food
for me, and if glad It's gonna fold my clothes,
Gladdys need a little money, So Gladys need a little
some some. But guess what, look at my Gladyson got
out there and.

Speaker 3 (06:01):
Clean dot car shiny.

Speaker 2 (06:04):
Glad to take care of me. I'm sorry, glad it's
got me on lock. Baby, what you can see i'd
have walked around here. You got me stinking around here.
I ain't clean or nothing.

Speaker 4 (06:13):
What is this?

Speaker 3 (06:14):
How's you gonna do me yourself? What is wrong with you?

Speaker 4 (06:20):
Jackie? If you listening, we're gonna start a new style.

Speaker 2 (06:23):
I want to get bathe tonight, tonight, Please call us.
I know the generator, I know the generated thing is
still kind of hot with us.

Speaker 4 (06:33):
But I want to get bathe tonight.

Speaker 1 (06:36):
All right, listen, we're gonna have part two of today's
Strawberry Letter.

Speaker 3 (06:41):

Speaker 1 (06:42):
The subject is what's up with my spoiled old Man?
We'll hear from Junior when we come back right after this.

Speaker 2 (06:47):
When I raised my leg up. If you don't get
up under that.

Speaker 3 (06:52):
You're listening.

Speaker 1 (06:54):
Morning show? All right, it is time now to recap
today's Strawberry Letter, and then we're gonna hear from Junior's subject,
what is up with my spoiled old man? A forty
four year old woman wrote in she's married to a
sixty seven year old man. They've been married for four years.
Every night, this woman, this dutiful, faithful wife, bathes her husband.

Now he's perfectly healthy, perfectly fine. She bathes her husband. Listen,
lotions her husband down. She cooks for him, she cleans
for him, she washes both their cars, I mean, and
on top of all of that, she has to suffer
through bad sex with this man.

Speaker 3 (07:34):
So I guess she just got fed up. Fed up.

Speaker 1 (07:37):
He started complaining, saying she's lazy because she stopped doing
these things. But his friends, his friends are telling him
what is he complaining about? Because he's got it made.
So she's thinking now that he's coming home with plates
of food and his laundry folded and all that, that
he's got another woman. Plus he took five grand out

of the and when she asked him about it, he
started hollering and.

Speaker 3 (08:02):
Screaming at her. So she's just wanting to know is
there another woman? And what should she do? Junior? What
you got?

Speaker 5 (08:10):
You know? I don't really like talking about people who
like bathing. I really don't like that. I really don't
think that's really something. I'm four, I'll be everybody take
a bath every day. But I just want to say,
I believe this man is allergic to soap and water
plus lotion as of lately, because that's what she said,
as of lately. You don't do that because wherever there's

soap and water. His ass ain't over there if she
ain't bathing him.

Speaker 4 (08:36):
What is water?

Speaker 5 (08:36):
One way you can get clean when she out there
washing them calls, get your ass on that hood and
just let this holes hold you down. Get some sads
on you. Become part of the car because you need
to bathe. Sir, you sixty seven years old. This more.

Speaker 4 (08:50):
If you don't want to bathe.

Speaker 5 (08:51):
Yourself, be where soap and water at. She do the
dishes after she cooks. Clowd your ass in the sink
and put your knees in your chest and let her
do them dishes and.

Speaker 4 (09:00):
Wash you there.

Speaker 5 (09:01):
Because you're not getting in the tub. Obviously, you need
to do some other things differently, sir. When she washing clothes,
climb your ass in the washing machine and get spunked
because it's soap and water in a washing machine.

Speaker 3 (09:14):
Just putting places for you to get clean.

Speaker 5 (09:16):
Sir. If you don't want it in the tub, she
ain't doing it. Be where she at. Just be out there.
When you own the hood and she take that glove
and she clean the hood, let it run up down
your back. Just get some signs on you. We gonna
clean off that's it. Just be right there by the
emblem on the car, Get in the sink, let that
dawn come across your back. And when she rubbing them dishes,

she rubbing you too. As your car soap onelver, it's soap, dishwashing, detergent.
It sways to get clean. Get in the dish washing,
get in there with the plates, sending forks and knives
in the spoon, and let her turn that off and
get clean, because that's all is, you know, if she
not doing it, that's the way you can get clean.
All the way around you.

Speaker 3 (09:59):
We ain't taking man bathe himself.

Speaker 5 (10:02):
He don't want you, obviously, Shirley. He don't want you
because he told the Sun on the phone, she stopped
bathing me.

Speaker 4 (10:07):
That's no excuse me.

Speaker 5 (10:08):
You still be dirty. He says that.

Speaker 4 (10:12):
Yeah, he told the son.

Speaker 5 (10:13):
That as of lately she stopped bathing me. Well, there's
other places where there's soaping water at you know, you know,
get it. Go to the car wash, get in line,
stand behind there, just walk her behind through that.

Speaker 4 (10:23):
Wait for your light to light up.

Speaker 5 (10:25):
Sons just coming, get jump behind clean take it too
many excuses?

Speaker 3 (10:31):
Should he vacuum first?

Speaker 5 (10:33):
I don't care what he do.

Speaker 4 (10:34):
He just can go.

Speaker 5 (10:35):
He can go after he get out, he can vacuum
himself dry. But you need to get It's what I'm saying.
There's no reason for this because she ain't bathing you.
You just gonna be nasty now.

Speaker 2 (10:45):
Now, well what junior let me ask though? Now she
started out bathing him for four years now, the man
he's used to that.

Speaker 5 (10:52):
Now that's what he used to Okay, but she tired though.

Speaker 1 (10:55):
She and we say all all the time, how you
how you uh? You keep him the same way you
got them?

Speaker 4 (11:02):
You got me in on this man, I'm in on
this now.

Speaker 5 (11:06):
Yeah, well but he it ain't happening now though, so
while we still dirty.

Speaker 4 (11:10):
When I'm trying to figure.

Speaker 3 (11:11):
Out, but is this a thing?

Speaker 2 (11:12):

Speaker 3 (11:13):
That's what I pressure.

Speaker 1 (11:14):
Washed the house.

Speaker 5 (11:14):
They put soap into pressure washing. Stand out there in
front of your garage and just get pressure pressure ways
to get clean. You ain't looking at just be a dirty.

Speaker 3 (11:25):
But back to my question, is this a thing?

Speaker 4 (11:29):
I would love to be bathed?

Speaker 5 (11:32):

Speaker 4 (11:32):

Speaker 5 (11:33):
Well if I could, if I could get my wife
to bathe me do? How long I've been sitting in
that toil waiting on how to bathe.

Speaker 3 (11:36):
Me, Carla, what you got? What you got, Carla?

Speaker 1 (11:40):
I've been married, it'll be twenty years next month.

Speaker 3 (11:43):
It's not a thing. I didn't think it was a thing.

Speaker 4 (11:47):
It could be a new thing, though, it could be
a new thing.

Speaker 1 (11:50):
No, it's not. You're grown.

Speaker 4 (11:52):
Yeah, when I raised this up, get under that.

Speaker 5 (11:57):
Man going down to the airport. When they clean the
planes out there, get get get get out there on
that tire and get clean with them planes, his whites
get clean. You ain't thinking of But.

Speaker 1 (12:06):
She didn't say they showered together. She didn't say, you know,
they take sexy baths together.

Speaker 3 (12:12):
She didn't say that.

Speaker 1 (12:13):
She said she bathed him and lotioned him down after
the fact.

Speaker 2 (12:19):
And now that may have been walking around as like
this here because you don't want to take care of
what you've been doing looking halfway white, that man, you
believe that that you ought to stop.

Speaker 3 (12:30):
I just don't understand how come you can't bathe on?
Why is she bathing?

Speaker 5 (12:34):
It's not defend this ain't nothing wrong with him?

Speaker 4 (12:38):
Would would y'all? Okay, let's go back to it to
what would y'all be?

Speaker 3 (12:41):
Michael, No, he could bathe me though, See right.

Speaker 5 (12:47):
There, surely you said now gonna happen?

Speaker 4 (12:52):
Can okay call it? You Obabe?

Speaker 1 (12:54):
Michael Ely and Idris Anthem and voice coach out together.

Speaker 3 (13:01):
Come on, boys.

Speaker 1 (13:05):
You can leave your comments of today's Strawberry Letter on
Instagram at Steve Harvey FM and check us out on
the Strawberry Letter podcast on the free iHeartRadio app where
free never sounded so good.

Speaker 3 (13:16):
Coming up next, it is Junior and Sports Talk.

Speaker 1 (13:19):
Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show
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