All Episodes

May 23, 2024 86 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Today show is pre recorded.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all bet all
at all. So given a.

Speaker 1 (00:15):
Black bus bush yeah, listening to.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
Show, I don't joy.

Speaker 1 (00:50):
Ye joy.

Speaker 4 (00:56):

Speaker 1 (00:59):
You know douse that.

Speaker 2 (01:06):
You turn, you gotta turn. You have to turn the

mout to turn my probably got to turn them out.

Speaker 1 (01:46):
A wad of the money. Come come on, you're think,
I sure will? Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice.
I said, come on now, dig me the one and

only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, Now, I'm
gonna be really honest with you this morning. I really
don't know what to say. I really don't. I was
sitting here and I was thinking what do I say today?

I do know that I want to be encouraging, uplifting
and inspirational in some way to affect somebody today. Oftentimes,
these conversations that I have in the mornings, they're designed
with me because I needed myself, y'all, to be honest

with you. I mean, you know, who makes the comedian laugh?
I used to say all the time, And even though
what we talk about in the morning is not a
laughing matter, it kind of like is who I am today.
You know, I need motivation in my life sometimes myself.

I think when I get in moments like this, I
often resort back to the same thing over and over
and over. And when I find myself in certain predicaments,
I can always fall back on the same thing over
and over. So while I'm sitting here trying to figure

out what to say to you, the one thing that
I did do this morning that I find to be
very consistent in me is that I find myself grateful.
I'm ever grateful for the things that God has done
for me. I may not always know what to say,

but I know how to say thank you. I do.
I know how to remember and reflect back on where
I come from. I know how to realize where all
my blessings come from. I'm very very conscious of my
journey that I've been on, the one that was from

then until now, that journey right there is it's been.
It's been. It's been. Uh it's been difficult, man, it
really really has. I ain't gonna lie to you.

Speaker 5 (04:34):

Speaker 1 (04:35):
Becoming successful was very difficult. But as hard as this
is to say, I really really mean this. I wouldn't
change nothing about the trip I've been on. Number one,
because I can't change anything about it. So I never

lived my life and regret. But the main thing is
was I discovered along the way now, not doing the
process when you're going through rough moments that you can't
hardly see the good in it at the time. It's
just rough for you and it seems unexplainable, and oftentimes
I thought it was unfair. But as I am now,

I needed every single thing that happened to me, that
happened to me to happen to me. I hope that
makes sense to you. I needed everything to happen in
the exact order and the exact way that it happened
in order for me to be the person that I've become.

And that right there, man, is just very comforting to me.
Mister Jakes told me one time, he said, the closer
you get to God, the more friends only you all become,
the more He will reveal to you are the how
it comes and what falls of a lot of things

that's happened to you. Because a lot of times what
troubles us is we just can't understand why we lost
that love on back then. We just can't understand why
we didn't get what we wanted back then, we just
don't understand how come our plan didn't work out and
we had to fail so miserably. Back then, we don't

understand the answers to these things. Well, the closer I've
gotten to God, the more those explanations have become crystal
clear to me. And See, the one thing that I
came to the realization everybody is that the things that
was happening to me, they wasn't really all bad. They
really wasn't that they didn't taste good. When it was happening,

I didn't enjoy what I was going through. But as
I look back on them and reflect now, it wasn't
all bad. Some of those things were so necessary for
me to get the information because see, I don't know
about you, but I'm kind of hard headed and stubborn.
I said, I don't know about you, but I'm kind
of hard headed and stubborn. I kind of like to

think that I know something about some things every now
and then, and the things I am convinced about. I
don't really really care for people trying to talk me
off mine. So I can be stubborn and hard headed.
Sometimes God knows that about me. So I think to
get some of the messages crystal clear through to me

that I needed to learn. That was this process I
had to go through. That process was my journey, It
was my trip. It was my woe, my pain. See,
everybody got them different, It don't matter what it is.
Everybody got a woe, everybody got a pain, everybody got
a trial, everybody got some tribulations, everybody got some challenge.

I don't care who you are is. Quit looking at
me thinking that I got it going on so tough man.
But if Steve, yeah, it's easy for you to say that,
but you ain't here. You don't know. Whey, Ben, if
you would stop hanging yourself up on your past, worrying
about your woes and your troubles and the situation you in,
and start praying and start asking God to get you

through it. See a lot of times you messed it.
You messed the message up yourself. Because when you're going
through some stuff, you ask God to remove it and
take it away. That ain't the lesson. You got to
learn your lesson sometimes it's got to be how to
be strong, how to see it through, how to bear
under it, how to carry that weight long distances for

long periods of time. That's how you get strong The
lesson is to make you stronger. But to make you stronger,
you got to carry the weight. You can't get stronger
you don't go to gym or you don't do something
at your house to lift your own body weight. See,
a lot of people can't even do push ups. They
can't get down, and in the course of a day,

give you a hundred push ups because they ain't they
ain't never tried it. They by it. They get to
twenty and that you shake it so bad they stop.
That's too much for me. Well, let me tell you something.
So I learned to quit praying to take stuff away.
My prayer became to give me the strength to handle it.
People oftentimes ask me, how do you do all that
you do in the course of the day. I don't

really know. I just know I can because I know
God don't put more on you than you can bath.
So when you ask me how you do all of
what you do in the course of the day, I
got God. God is good. He'll get you through whatever
it is you're going through. So when you trip it
and you don't know what to say, reflect and be

grateful for all you reflect on, think about God's goodness
and watch what he do for you. That's the cold part. Okay,
listening Morning Show, ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls. Anyone who
has ever trained an animal, let me have you undivided attention.

Anybody who has ever hung off the back of a
waste management vehicle or I wanted to do that when
I was I wanted to be gone, man, so I
could ride on the back of the truck. That's that
was my dream. Well, good thing I changed your dream,
ladies and gentlemen. Steve Harvey Morning Show, Live and Well,
full of gratitude. Shirley Strawberry calling for real Mississippi Monica

Junior and the legend of nephew Tommy Junior out. You
know what, man, I know you've been a little upset
with me and Tommy over the past few days. Ladies,
kind of God on us about it. It was saying,
you know, y'all been a little rough on him, you know,
because you know it's fist in his backyard and you

know he's sold. What now is it.

Speaker 6 (11:02):
Was no nopologize what is this? What it's acknowledging?

Speaker 1 (11:10):
That's it? Yeah it is. Yeah, we did it, but
not what Yeah, now, now it would make me feel better.

Speaker 7 (11:18):
Now if y'all showed up now for the memorrowing day barbecue.

Speaker 1 (11:21):
Now you have to come because you acknowledge what Junior,
Junior were already told you can't do that. Listen to
you just said you were gonna bout twenty five dollars
worth of meach that. Don't nobody want to go over
there and have to decide the piece he's gonna get.
I already told you. Well, it's just the.

Speaker 7 (11:40):
Fact, okay, decision is made you sound a little ungrateful
about the money I'm spending on the meat. See, that's
that's what hurt my feelings, because you you act like
I got to do what you do. Just be grateful
for the for the for the wing and the sausage
and the poa chop I'm gonna do for you.

Speaker 1 (11:58):
And see tell them I don't. I don't. I would
have to be grateful if that's all I could eat.
But I have created choices, and one of the choices
I have decide to just eat in my damn house
what I want as much as I want what I'm
not fit to do to sit over your house and
stand in no line with no damn paper plate and

then have somebody telling me you want the hamburger or
you want to salt. Yeah, I can't put both these
on the plate, you know, I don't. I don't want
to go to barbecue like that. And let me don't get.

Speaker 6 (12:33):
Back to the real reason. We don't want to be
a too How playing would you rather? We don't want
to do that though?

Speaker 1 (12:41):
Here the real reason I don't want to come to
the barbecue, because let's just get back to the real reasons,
because then we started the whole thing. You ain't got
no fence in your back. Okay, Now I'm not going
to go out here. Listen to me. If I go
over people house, I want to go to the barbecue.
I don't want to go to the cookout on the
wide open range. Why don't we just have it out
on the prairies somewhere. I don't want humble weeeze and stuff.

You're rolling up on.

Speaker 6 (13:07):
Here, Junior, when you're looking out where the fence line is,
what's on the other side.

Speaker 1 (13:13):
Of that house? Yeah, somebody house right there, see right.

Speaker 7 (13:17):
The good thing about them is they got a fence,
so they not really even gonna be able to see
you cause we sit high.

Speaker 1 (13:23):
Privacy is there? Yeah, I got you, mane, I got you.
You sit up on the hill, but the house behind
you gotta fit.

Speaker 3 (13:30):

Speaker 1 (13:31):
Ain't nobody tell me. Nobody gonna nowheresh y'all, it's just up,
all right, it's just coming up.

Speaker 8 (13:38):
In thirty two minutes after the hour, we'll hear from
the nephews. He runs that prank back right after this.
You're listening morning show, and it's time now for the
nephew to run that prank back. Nephew, what you got?

Speaker 6 (13:52):
You know this right here is no yeah, yeah, don't
it happens. Hey, it's happened. That right here is you
married your brother. You married your brother, and it can happen. Okay,
it can happen. I'm just a guy bringing the news
that you're married your brother. Take a listen, God dog,
if you would.

Speaker 9 (14:14):
Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach you common This is
she Hi, Carmen. My name is Keith, Keith from calling
you from the insurance group.

Speaker 5 (14:23):
Oh Hi, how are you good?

Speaker 9 (14:25):
You and your husband? What is it Harvey? Harvey? Is
that right?

Speaker 10 (14:29):
Yes, yes, it's Harvey.

Speaker 9 (14:30):
Okay, you guys actually put applications and actually went in
and got your physicals done for.

Speaker 10 (14:35):
Life Insurance, right, Yeah, yeah, that's correct.

Speaker 9 (14:38):
Okay, I actually am calling you from the insurance group.
I have you all lab results and everything as far
as your physicals and blood tests and things of that nature.
Is there any way I could possibly talk to both
of you guys at the same time. U N. Harvey?
Is that possible?

Speaker 10 (14:53):
Well, sure, he's at work right now, but I can
get him.

Speaker 11 (14:56):
On the side.

Speaker 9 (14:57):
Okay, it would be uh, it'd be kind of easy
about kind explain everything to both of you guys at
the same time. Is that if that's okay?

Speaker 12 (15:03):

Speaker 9 (15:03):
So I'm wrong, Uh No, nothing's wrong. I mean I
think I need to just try to bring a few
things to you guys attention. But I think you know,
after that, it's pretty much you guys decision on what
you do. But I just wanted to let you know
a few things about you know, the results and things
of that nature, Life Insurance, the whole nine yards.

Speaker 10 (15:18):
Okay, Okay, I'm right down. Let me see if I
can get them on the phone.

Speaker 5 (15:27):
Hey babe, Hey, sweet are look. I got the insurance
people on the line.

Speaker 10 (15:32):
They want to try get both of.

Speaker 5 (15:33):
Us on the phone to talk to us about the
insurance stuff.

Speaker 9 (15:36):
Oh cool, Hey, Harvey, how you doing this? Is Keith
keep from the insurance group? How are you?

Speaker 5 (15:42):
Hey? Good with that? Nikki good?

Speaker 9 (15:44):
Good? Listen, And I wanted to give you guys a
call and kind of follow up if you guys did
physicals and blood tests and the whole nine yards, and
I wanted to give you guys a call. It's kind
of bet if I talk to both of you guys
at the same time. So do you have a minute
that we could actually use a kind of get some
of this information out to you.

Speaker 5 (16:00):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm gonna break right now.

Speaker 1 (16:02):
I'm good.

Speaker 9 (16:02):
Okay, great. First of all, we've gotten all your your
lab results back everything, and I kind of got a
few questions for you guys that I'm a little puzzled on.
How long have you guys actually been married.

Speaker 2 (16:14):
We've been together free.

Speaker 9 (16:16):
Years, okay, now, prior to being married three years. How
long did you guys know each other before you got married?

Speaker 12 (16:22):
Oh, you say about five and a half, five six years?
About six years?

Speaker 9 (16:26):
Okay, You guys have been knowing each other pretty close
to nine years now, all together, yeah. Okay, are you
actually from the same hometowns you grew up in the
same hometown yeah.

Speaker 1 (16:36):
Yeah, yeah, we grew up.

Speaker 5 (16:38):
I mean, I'm sorry, is this question I mean, is
this about the insurance.

Speaker 9 (16:42):
Or well, I mean, there's a few things that that's
actually puzzling, Carmen that we need to this. This is
some news I actually didn't want to bring.

Speaker 5 (16:53):
You, guys. I mean we have to.

Speaker 9 (16:55):
I have to actually give you this news. Looking at
our records, looking at all of test results, and let
me be the person to tell you that we run
these results over and over and over, trying to make
sure we are completely one hundred and fifteen to twenty
percent right, Okay, it's.

Speaker 5 (17:09):
A problem with the test.

Speaker 9 (17:10):
Well, looking at our test, guys, Carvey Carmen, it's indicating
that you guys are related, and nine times out of
ten you are.

Speaker 5 (17:19):
You guys are siblings. What hold on, man, what.

Speaker 9 (17:26):
And I understand the shop.

Speaker 5 (17:28):
It took me.

Speaker 9 (17:29):
It took everything I had to make this phone call.
I did not want to make it. But looking at
our records, and we went over these records over and over,
and the blood work tells us that you guys are
actually siblings.

Speaker 10 (17:41):
Many help you kidding?

Speaker 5 (17:46):
Are you serious?

Speaker 9 (17:48):
I'm actually I'm you know what this is not that
This is not a laughing matter, not a joking matter.

Speaker 5 (17:53):
You know.

Speaker 9 (17:54):
Like I said, I did not want to call with
this information.

Speaker 5 (17:57):
What you did make the phone call?

Speaker 1 (17:59):

Speaker 5 (18:00):
Look you, I don't know what. You need to go
back and and and double check your records or something
because you've been married three brief check with the lab. Man,
can you check with the lab and like Paul is
back what Harvey and I.

Speaker 9 (18:15):
And I and I knew those questions would have come up,
and we we went over it. We went over it
and over it.

Speaker 2 (18:20):
And over it.

Speaker 5 (18:22):
Y'all need to go over it again because I don't Babe,
I got this. You made the call and this gotta
be wrong. So what you need to do is make
another call. It called back and let us know that
you need to know they made a mistake or you're
talking about me and my wife.

Speaker 9 (18:41):
And I understand it. Harry, All right, let me ask.

Speaker 10 (18:43):
You this is it possible, you know, and this is
just a question.

Speaker 9 (18:47):
Is it possible that your dad and maybe her mom
maybe knew each other at some point?

Speaker 12 (18:51):
And what.

Speaker 5 (18:53):
You're saying for my mom and dad that's so straight.

Speaker 10 (18:57):
Look at you need to have to go back and
do whatever you need to do.

Speaker 5 (19:00):
But I think you like you say something like that again,
I'm thinking my baby's gonna be coming down that beat
yours like that. Baby, baby, baby, baby, I don't old baby,
I got this an, I got a baby. I got
a baby. I gotta how he's gonna call me with
you what you know you from?

Speaker 1 (19:18):
People do like that.

Speaker 5 (19:19):
But that ain't all on you, sir.

Speaker 9 (19:21):
It is bringing you the result.

Speaker 5 (19:23):
Why don't you bring me the results in personal and
that I whomp you.

Speaker 10 (19:26):
That's what I'm talking about.

Speaker 5 (19:27):
Beating him up.

Speaker 9 (19:28):
Hey, sir, even if you beat the messenger at the
end of the day, that's still your sister.

Speaker 5 (19:33):
At the end of the day, I'm gonna womp you.

Speaker 10 (19:34):
But I don't care what he's talking about nothing.

Speaker 5 (19:37):
He ain't my damn brother, Bata. I'm gonna find out
what you whatever you willcle you in. You're gonna call
me time out. We brothers, my wife.

Speaker 9 (19:46):
I am that son. Somewhere down the line, somebody made
a mistake and you guys, a brother and sister got married.
I'm not as far for that.

Speaker 5 (19:54):
Well, let me tell you that don't you make the
mistake of callegue. He's in one of these numbers again
in your life.

Speaker 9 (19:59):
So I got one more test result. I do need
to get.

Speaker 5 (20:05):
What you've been talking about them. What else you got
to say? No, it's gonna be working me.

Speaker 9 (20:09):
The only other test result I have, ma'am, is that
this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show.
You just got prayed by your girlfriends.

Speaker 5 (20:24):
I told you, Like.

Speaker 9 (20:27):
I told you, I got one more thing. I got
to ask both of y'all what is the baddest And
I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land.

Speaker 5 (20:40):
Steve Show.

Speaker 1 (20:45):
Love Who Love You? Okay? Thank you?

Speaker 8 (20:50):

Speaker 1 (20:51):
All right?

Speaker 8 (20:53):
Coming up next, it is asked the CLO you're listening.

Speaker 3 (20:58):
Morning show?

Speaker 8 (20:59):
Coming up at the top of the hour. In entertainment news,
slut Walk founder and model Amber Rose says she's writing
with Trump still trending. Cameron the Rapper addressed his viral
interview with CNN's Abby Philip fifty cent sells his Ditty
documentary to Netflix, and Kelly Rowland had to check a
can Film Festival security guard. We'll talk about all of

these stories at the top of the hour. But right
now it is time to ask the clo. This is
from Duchess in Tampa. Duchess writes, I danced with a
man at a blues festival and I gave him my number.
He said he had a girlfriend when he met me,
but he broke up with her so he could be
free to date me. My mom said, this is a
big red flag. Is he wrong for knowing what he wants?

Speaker 1 (21:45):
Well, your mama ain't telling you it's a red flag
for lower of what he wants. Your mama's telling you
a red flag that the man told you he had
a girlfriend and then right after that, I told you
he broke come up with her so he could be
free to date you. That is not how men operate.

You ever heard the saying a bird in the hand
that's worth two in the bush. If we got a chick,
that's we date and then as soon as we meet you,
we're gonna stop dating huns. So we could go over
here to meet you, I mean, I mean date you
that that that's not how we work. We got to
see we got to see bout it first. So what's

gonna happen is he gonna keep the bird in the
hand and go over there and get in the bushes. Okay, okay,
Now you ain't gotta believe your mom if you want to.
But is it wrong because he knows what he wants? When? When?
What timeframe?

Speaker 9 (22:47):

Speaker 1 (22:47):
You just danced that the dude at the already you
old who blues concert? That's some sit down and sit
brown on likal music. Yes, due, I got a girl
we already on the day I just met you, And

now for her, I'm developing hate. I don't know why
it just happened. Then as soon as I I saw you,
I ain't going in back again. Well I want you now. Hell,

I'm I'm giving up everything for you here. Now you
can go and ask your mama. What I just said
was the truth?

Speaker 8 (23:50):

Speaker 3 (23:51):
Yes, come on blues?

Speaker 8 (23:58):
Yes on to Cynthia? And why could keep Cynthia? Says
my boyfriend and I don't see eye to eye when
it comes to sex. I like to freshen up, put
on matching underwear, or at least take my bonnet off.
He doesn't care about any of that. Do I lower
my standards of cleanliness to please my nasty boyfriend?

Speaker 1 (24:17):
Uh, you're asking the wrong person because he ain't taking
no show. I don't understand where you're coming from. Right there.
If you gotta do what you gotta do to make
yourself feel good, you know he he not in it
for the bonny bonnet, ain't even in the way. But

I understand where you're coming from. You gotta get what
you want, yeah, and you got to explain it to him.
And all he got to do is develop some patience. Yes,
And it to be better if he developed some patience. Yeah.
But on the other hand, I'll he stay with you.

Let's get it on. Why are you coming in here?
Be matching draws? You can lay them right over there
on the floor. They still maching on the floor. Yeah, man,
where did you put them on for? We couldn't get
him up.

Speaker 8 (25:34):
So you're saying they both have a point y'all said
what I said, Damon and Tifton says. My girl and
I were in bed and my mother called me upset.
I went to the kitchen and talked to her for
an hour until she calmed down. My girlfriend called my

mama's boy. Called my girlfriend called me mama's boy as
she left. Do men really be putting their girlfriends before
their mother's Well.

Speaker 1 (26:04):
It's not putting your girlfriend in front of your mother.
If your mama got an issue you, I mean, you
know you got to go help mama. Now, if the
woman don't understand that, she calling you a mama's boy
and then she left, then she want to be put first.
But you got to earn position over dudes, mama. Now,

you know you got to earn that position. That's hard,
position earned. You're talking about a boy's first love. It's
his mama, that's first woman he ever loved. Now, that
don't make you a mama's boy because you love your mama.
I love my mom and she would say I wouldn't
no mama's boy. But you know what I mean, you
got to replace that. To get in front of that,

you gotta do some proof. That's hard. That is really
really hard. Well, I can tell you I've had a
couple people in my life. It wasn't wasn't getting in
front of mama. So well, you ain't making it cut.

Speaker 8 (27:11):
All right, damon?

Speaker 3 (27:12):
M hm.

Speaker 8 (27:13):
Last one, Steve, last one. This is Willie May. Willie May, Okay.
Willie May says, my son has three children by his
first wife, and they are my babies. His second wife
has two children. I don't treat them like they're my
grandbabies because they're not. They already have four grandparents. Why
is my son trying to make me love those kids?

Speaker 1 (27:38):
See now, Willie May you know better? You know better,
Willing may come on, Willie may see it's the same
woman that's down there dancing in this other a clo question,
dancing down at the blues festival. These are the type
of people's names that's down at the blues will.

Speaker 8 (28:02):
Betty Jean, Yeah, come on, pat come on, he's just
named from your past. Sounds like they.

Speaker 1 (28:12):
Fit though they class Yeah, Win long there like a
Green Janet, guen Odetta, Pearl Nay Gladys Gladys Glass, Patty

may orifus what what Oris elb Ruth the book Root? Yes, Malakai?
Are you help? Will May No, I really got that

ful with I'm just going over old lass names right now.
I think there's way more interesting than that question, because
Winning mayf you care about your mother keys, she'd have
made up of mine. Those are still your grandbabies, now, no,
not to her.

Speaker 8 (29:16):
That's coming up Doc at the top of the hour,
Thank you, Celo, We'll have some entertainment news for you.
Right after this, you're listening Hardy Morning Show. So, SlutWalk
founder and model Amber Rose got people talking on Monday
when she came out in support of Donald Trump. She
took to Instagram to post a picture with the former

president and his wife, and in the caption, all she
wrote was Trump twenty twenty four with the trio of
American flag emojis. So does anybody care? I mean we're talking, Yeah.

Speaker 1 (29:51):
We care. Yeah, the founder of the slut Walk right there,
Amber Rode is supporting Trump. Who care?

Speaker 13 (30:03):
What she's supposed to be all for women's rights and
all this, and now you're supporting this candidate who appointed
Supreme Court justices taking away women's reproductive rights.

Speaker 1 (30:14):
Which one is it? You for women's rights or for
this candidate? Right? What does slut walk mean? Why would
you mean?

Speaker 13 (30:23):
Don't shame women for Yeah, their choices, sexuality, stuff like that.

Speaker 1 (30:30):
That's what that means. It's words. So she studied. You're
supposed to be all right with that.

Speaker 8 (30:37):
I mean, I'm just asking now that you're supposed to
be all right. Just let her be her if that's
what she wants to be, If that's her choice, then
respect her choice. Well, she's saying no judging women for Yeah,
well she she wants to change that narrative.

Speaker 1 (30:52):
If me and sleep around, ain't we dogs respect our
choice and to sleep around? She's just contradicting herself. I
think in a way change. But we are not understanding
what we are doing in saying to ourselves with this

support of Trump. Show me, show me anything Trump has
done for any black people. Just show me women, show
me the policy that was created, Show me anything he's
done for black people.

Speaker 8 (31:33):
Anything he said he's done more for black people than Lincoln.
He said that, of.

Speaker 1 (31:40):
Course when something stupid. Now remember the but remember the
overriding statement to y'all, he wants to make America great. Campaigns,
everybody he has points and everybody who supports him is
dising diversity. They're removing any affirmative action programs. They're getting

rid of all history being taught in schools. Just look
at what his Republican boys is doing down in Florida,
trying to do in Texas and liver I'm not surprise
they're trying to get rid of the Supreme Court. The
Mitch McConnell. Nell ain't not gonna be no reparations. Dog.
They're not gonna do nothing.

Speaker 8 (32:24):
He got through the Amber Rose of late all right,
we're gonna move on to other entertainment news. By now,
you've all seen the viral video clip of Cameron the
Rapper his interview on CNN with Abbi Phillip. He was
there to discuss what he wanted to discuss, and he
got mad when Abby Phillip asked him about the latest
Diddy video and she basically asked him if he recognized

Diddy's anger. Cameron didn't like the question, called out the producers,
saying who booked me? During the interview, Cameron also took
a drink of his sexual supplement drink and then made
sexual references about what he was going to do later on.
And Cameron responded to the interview saying, if they invite
me to see Ann for He went on to say

that he was basically disappointed that he wasn't asked about
his great podcast that he co hosts with former bad
Boy rapper Mace. So you guys saw this right?

Speaker 3 (33:15):

Speaker 1 (33:17):
Does he not do what he want to do? I
don't really know the brother, but brother, you a't see
an end somebody in your camp? Somebody, why else would
they want to talk to you see an in not
gonna bring you on to talk about your podcast. They not,
They just not. I know your podcast is good. I

know it's interesting to a lot of people. I've watched
it and had a couple of good moments watching him
and Mace, But that ain't what they brought you on
that one. Go ahead, Carl, I have a question. Do
they ask do they send you the questions ahead of time?
Do you know what your producers on television? They pre
produced this segment, but you know somebody on your camp

know what you're gonna get? Asked? Oh okay, so it's
surprised question. Yeah, television cannot afford for you to get
up in there and they have a segment that ain't working,
that's unproduced, and no one is everybody surprised. If CNN
had a known that's what they was gonna get from camp,
they would have never booked him on that show.

Speaker 8 (34:25):
CNN would have invited Mace because he worked with Puffy.
Yeah he made that's the one that it was a
bad boy artist, bad boy record, yea artists, yo, yo,
y'all think and inn know all this? Somebody You would

think someone at CNN would know I was thinking, I
don't know, Cam could have handled it a little better
and more more absolutely to Abby Philip espy.

Speaker 1 (34:56):
But you know, man, that's all right. We're not on
top of our business part of it. This is show business.
Show business is two separate words. They got a great podcast,
so that's a great show. We'll not there's some business
that go with this too. And your team got to
make you fully aware of what's going on because Abby

Phillips producers told them what this was about and told
them they was gonna ask him about that, and they
didn't prep him and they put him up there.

Speaker 8 (35:24):
And this is what you got, all right, coming up
in twenty minutes after the hour the other day. Remember, nephew,
you asked the ladies to call in if they thought
you were sexy. Well, we'll check Steve's voice down right
after this.

Speaker 1 (35:38):
You're listening Steve.

Speaker 3 (35:40):
Harvey Morning Show.

Speaker 8 (35:42):
Attention, Steve Harvey Nation. We're about to send someone to
Vegas to see a show. Awakening is the thrilling adventure
at when Las Vegas that dazzles audiences with and sooring
erless acrobats, high energy choreography and comedy. And you can
win two tickets to see Wakens. This prize includes the
two nights stay at whin Las Vegas, round trip coach

airfare for two and a four hundred and fifty dollars
credit resort resort credit. You can enter now and get
rules at Steve HARVEYFM dot com. That's Steve Harvey FM
dot com. It is sponsored by when Las Vegas sorring
Aery lists, Yees, Acrobat, all of that. Yeah, Steve HARVEYFM
dot com. Check it out, all right, switching gears here. So, Tommy,

you asked earlier this week for the ladies to call
in and leave a message if they thought you were sexy.

Speaker 1 (36:34):
Well they did.

Speaker 5 (36:35):

Speaker 6 (36:35):
Let's hey, no, what you want to say, sexy or not.
I'm just saying this will be me first time me
find out I'm ugly. If I'm ugly, then I'm just
gonna go.

Speaker 8 (36:50):
A female caller left a message, let's go.

Speaker 14 (36:54):
Good morning, Harvey and Marine Krim. This message is for Tommy. Sammy,
you are handsome. He is a hater. He's so negative.
I don't understand why he doesn't want you to have
your shot. But you're a handsome man.

Speaker 1 (37:10):
Call me negative all you want. I'm sitting here looking
at him, because now you can call that negative if
you want, but you don't know what we're up in
here dealing with hod Damn you say I'm positive here
every day and let him come on the zoo face Habby.

Speaker 8 (37:36):
Let's let's hear here, all right, let's hear what Michelle
from Detroit has to say.

Speaker 4 (37:43):
Good morning, Steve Harvey and everyone. I'm responding to the
comment about Tommy being sexy. So one, yes, I'm told
all the time that I'm sexy. Uh Two, I make
sure I feel myself every morning that I'm sexy.

Speaker 11 (37:59):
And three, Tommy, you are sexy.

Speaker 4 (38:02):
This is Michelle and I'm calling from Detroit.

Speaker 8 (38:05):
You guys have a great day.

Speaker 1 (38:07):
Oh thank you. Right here. You have to tell yourself.
What that says to me, is you are trying to.

Speaker 8 (38:17):

Speaker 1 (38:20):
What in that yourself? Everybody know the truth.

Speaker 8 (38:26):
All right, Jewel left the message for Tommy as well.

Speaker 2 (38:29):
This is Jewels.

Speaker 11 (38:30):
I listen to you every morning on my way taking
my grandson to school. And Tommy is sexy, and I'm
told I'm sexy, So you are sexy.

Speaker 1 (38:39):
Tommy Tappy birthday birthday, calling in here telling me that
you're told you sexy. That wasn't a question.

Speaker 8 (38:51):
Got go take me more tolles in a minute.

Speaker 1 (38:56):
People call me to throw her ball.

Speaker 8 (39:01):
Right after this.

Speaker 3 (39:03):
You're listening hard morning show?

Speaker 1 (39:07):
All right?

Speaker 8 (39:08):
Uh time now to check more of your voicemail, Steve.

Speaker 1 (39:13):
No, no, we ain't finish. Stop doing all these hands
as call got us up in here. Now we got
to deal with the after fits and the replification. He
already wrong.

Speaker 13 (39:22):
They'll let Tommy ask for people to these are for
Tommy he asked.

Speaker 8 (39:30):
For okay, and to call in.

Speaker 1 (39:34):
I want somebody to call it and tell the truth.

Speaker 8 (39:37):
Next week, let's see what gig from South Carolina's got.

Speaker 11 (39:41):
Hey, Steve, this is GG from South Carolina. I was
calling in because I heard you all asked if Tommy
was sexy or not. I am thirty three. I do
think Tommy is. I would say he's something to look at.
But Uncle Steve is very fine. Steve, you are exceed
and again this is easy from Arsboro, South Carolina, calling in.

Speaker 5 (40:04):
Have a great time, guys.

Speaker 1 (40:06):
You just want a old g R like Okay, I
did not solicit this. I did not ask for this,
and I'm old enough and been here long enough to
know not to buy anything to learn from me. Don't
let these people have you somewhere thanking you something.

Speaker 6 (40:31):
Because even she said that you're sexy, you don't think
you still don't think you said.

Speaker 1 (40:36):
No because I'm not. I'm not gonna see to thine
own self. All right, you've been lying to yourself. You
trying to get us to believe.

Speaker 8 (40:51):
So, Steve, did you hear the part when she said,
tell me something to look at.

Speaker 5 (40:57):

Speaker 6 (40:57):
I trust statue or something that means you something to
look at. We got to thank you anyway. Yeah, a
lot of plans or something. I don't like that talk
about sharing your phone.

Speaker 8 (41:13):
Here's something to look at. Tell me that what you said?
All right, this is from Nicole.

Speaker 11 (41:18):
This is the cold and I was calling to let
nephew tell me know that he is very sexy with
that boy head. Girl's another man with a boy head.
And yes, I am in my thirties. I am thirty
seven years old, and I get told I'm sexty every
day and I just one time I know he's sexty too.

Speaker 8 (41:38):
All right, let's yeah, okay, okay, another caller here we go.

Speaker 1 (41:43):
Hey, man, let me stop while we are head. I
see was one of the pleasures.

Speaker 14 (41:52):
It's call and unusual.

Speaker 1 (41:54):
But I'm calling Regard and Tommy.

Speaker 8 (41:56):
I think he's sexty too, and I like watching Ready
Love and I'm told I'm so, I think you should
let him.

Speaker 1 (42:03):
Know that she's because he's your nephew.

Speaker 11 (42:06):
Bye, let me know it.

Speaker 1 (42:07):
Yeah, she said, because he's your nephew in our family. Okay,
here we go and our family, Okay, we don't. We
don't let each other go around.

Speaker 8 (42:21):
Thank you yourself lying to yourself.

Speaker 1 (42:25):
Yeah, that's that's what I let me tell you. Timing
have been to a lot of our reunions in barbecue.

Speaker 9 (42:32):

Speaker 1 (42:33):
You never heard that. She's never heard that from Well,
you ain't gonna hear that from family. But I don't know.
Nobody said you even when you was little. They never
said you won't be a Yeah, you're gonna be a
handsome man when you grow up. Every every time they
had to keep you, they said, well he a little
strange looking.

Speaker 8 (42:54):
But yeah, because if you're gonna be handsome and all that,
they tell you that they do early on.

Speaker 1 (43:00):
This is what I'm trying to latch onto it now
because he never heard it as oh nobody. In the fact,
I'm not going I'm not doing this. I'm not we haven't.
It was a great call.

Speaker 8 (43:14):
Rachel is for you. Rachel from South Carolina got.

Speaker 5 (43:18):
To Casey is Rachel all the way from South Carolina.

Speaker 8 (43:23):
This message just for Tommy.

Speaker 5 (43:24):
Hey, buddy, I don't know about you being sickly, but
I just hope.

Speaker 8 (43:29):
You have a great dame.

Speaker 1 (43:31):
See that. Damn man, how about that? I ain't seen
the sex. I hope you have a good day. That
means get through it. Be you can't. That's what that
is deal with.

Speaker 8 (43:46):
All right? Coming up next, the sexy nephew Temmy with.

Speaker 1 (43:51):
The frank phone call was in two negatively.

Speaker 8 (43:56):
You're listening.

Speaker 3 (43:58):
Morning show.

Speaker 8 (44:00):
Coming up at the top of the hour right about
four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today and
the subject is the lounge closed last year. We'll get
into that, find out what that's all about. The lounge
closed last year. But right now the nephew is here
with today's brank phone call. Nephew, what you got.

Speaker 6 (44:18):
We're gonna call this man and let him know that
his wife is in my limo with somebody.

Speaker 1 (44:26):
Let's go cat dog.

Speaker 5 (44:28):
Hello, Hello, I'm trying to uh, I'm trying to read Rob,
what's up?

Speaker 9 (44:34):
Boss? Hey?

Speaker 5 (44:36):
Hey, how you doing? Hey? Hey, listen, man, my name
is Phil Dog. I know you threw some other people.

Speaker 10 (44:42):
Your brother, right, yeah, brother, Yeah, what's addams?

Speaker 5 (44:46):
Listen? Man, I'm calling you because there's.

Speaker 10 (44:49):
Something going on around holds. First of all, everything all
right with my brother?

Speaker 9 (44:54):

Speaker 10 (44:54):
You ain't this ain't no he ain't no trouble is it?

Speaker 5 (44:57):
No? No? No, no no no no okay, straight man?
Stiff to know you married to? Right?

Speaker 12 (45:03):
Yeah, that's my wife's boss.

Speaker 5 (45:04):
Okay, Well, what I'm.

Speaker 10 (45:05):
Trying to little man? I mean, what's having about?

Speaker 2 (45:09):

Speaker 5 (45:10):
What I'm trying to explain to you? Once again? My
name for you part time? I drive Limos and I'm
actually driving right now. Okay, up, Well I had seen
your wife, you know, I knew you were little brother.
You know I was like, okay, this this right here
ain't cool? Hold on? What you seen my wife?

Speaker 10 (45:31):
What do you mean my wife?

Speaker 9 (45:32):
How do you know?

Speaker 10 (45:33):
What are you talking about?

Speaker 5 (45:34):
Okay? Okay, okay, Rob, let me ask you. Is your
wife there right now?

Speaker 9 (45:38):

Speaker 12 (45:38):
My wife being gone? Man, she was out with her
sister in her home. Guns Man, they've been gone.

Speaker 5 (45:42):
What are you trying to get at man, get from Okay, Hey, hey,
I understand.

Speaker 1 (45:47):
Just listen to me.

Speaker 5 (45:47):
Man, listen, hey, man, I'd have been dog got a
many time by some ladies. You know what I'm saying.
I just hate to see brothers get gone wrong.

Speaker 10 (45:54):
And I was like, where are you coming from?

Speaker 9 (45:56):

Speaker 11 (45:56):

Speaker 9 (45:57):

Speaker 10 (45:57):
You go ahead and stood out with aldest revenue.

Speaker 5 (46:00):
Okay, over there, listen, man, I need to get to
drive my drive, my drive limousine. And what I'm trying
to say to you is what you're trying to say.

Speaker 7 (46:08):
Man, spit it all.

Speaker 5 (46:10):
Your wife is in the back of the limozine and
I'm driving right now. She in the back door.

Speaker 10 (46:17):
What what the girls out?

Speaker 9 (46:19):
And like that?

Speaker 10 (46:20):
What say y'all know?

Speaker 5 (46:22):
Man, if it was a bunch of girls out, I
wouldn't need to be calling you, brother, your wife is
in the back that it's limousine with a man?

Speaker 12 (46:31):
What the man?

Speaker 5 (46:32):
What the man?

Speaker 10 (46:34):
Hey, Julian, Hey, y'all step out, Hey, y'all step by
the room for a minute. Man, set out the room
for a minute. Step by the room.

Speaker 9 (46:39):
Just hold on, hold on.

Speaker 10 (46:41):
Step by the room for a minute. Man, step by
the room. Hello, se Hey, hey, look man, you need
to come collect man, because this ain't no matter right here.

Speaker 5 (46:51):
Dog, you're saying that.

Speaker 10 (46:52):
My wife you you got My wife's in the back
of the limousine you're driving. Man, she got old off
what she got on? What cod that she.

Speaker 5 (46:59):
Got a a black dress with white lines.

Speaker 10 (47:02):
And I'm I'm trying, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Speaker 5 (47:08):
I'm trying to make sure I got the right person.

Speaker 9 (47:11):
That what she had on.

Speaker 10 (47:13):
You know, my brother, you ain't got that accomplished. And
you said that you got my wife? What you the
house was talking about this?

Speaker 9 (47:21):
Just look cute, losten.

Speaker 1 (47:23):
I wouldn't starting this.

Speaker 10 (47:24):
Look cute and listen for your car. When are you
driving that?

Speaker 1 (47:28):

Speaker 10 (47:29):
Where are you driving that?

Speaker 5 (47:30):

Speaker 10 (47:30):
That's all I need to know about you?

Speaker 1 (47:31):
You have that?

Speaker 5 (47:38):

Speaker 9 (47:38):

Speaker 5 (47:38):
Listen, man, Well I'm trying to say this to you.
See I've been around. I've been on this road here myself.

Speaker 6 (47:43):

Speaker 10 (47:44):
You know, look, I just came his name to you.

Speaker 12 (47:48):
It's the row that's sitting in the back. Do she
got the curls coming down on the side. That's all
I need to know. Does she got the curls is
dangling on the side. I ain't hear you about I
hear you speak up, man.

Speaker 5 (47:59):
I said, you're the man. I can't talk loud. Man,
they're in the back.

Speaker 10 (48:03):
Look polish man. You calling me though, and this conceius
you won't call, and you you trying to make it straight, right,
so you bring your own number.

Speaker 5 (48:10):
To where I'm at, Boss, Dog. I can't do that, man,
I can't bring them up. You ain't do that.

Speaker 9 (48:15):

Speaker 5 (48:15):
You ain't gonna a crazy mom.

Speaker 1 (48:20):

Speaker 10 (48:22):
You ain't me a look though you call me?

Speaker 12 (48:24):
Put it on the phone.

Speaker 10 (48:25):
That put on the phone.

Speaker 5 (48:27):
I can't put the cataphone to a dog.

Speaker 10 (48:29):
Gett a phone, O, Ben, you need to drive it
up where I'm at, boss, trying out where I'm at
both because this is gonna be an a right now.

Speaker 5 (48:36):
I just got I said, I want to go up
back to my whole.

Speaker 10 (48:42):
Ye hold up, hold up, damn.

Speaker 5 (48:44):
Cass that man. I can't hear you.

Speaker 10 (48:46):
Dog, you you listen, listen all this whispering that you
need to need to stop this car and say you
need to put some stand outside of the car and
tell me where the others you at. I could come
meet you whenever.

Speaker 5 (48:55):
The hell you at.

Speaker 9 (48:56):

Speaker 10 (48:56):
You need to do that. Well to tell honey, you
to take the or some.

Speaker 5 (49:01):
Dogs because okay, you gotta calm down. Man.

Speaker 10 (49:06):
You don't even know me. Man, you ain't mess with
the one to listen about. Here's the thing about. Look,
I'm easily gonna find out what little things so the
r you drive and I'm gonna find yall or you're
gonna have to come and find the dogs. You'll mess
with the wrong one. Put on the phone, bouse, put.

Speaker 5 (49:21):
On the phone.

Speaker 12 (49:24):
They push the phone.

Speaker 10 (49:25):
Man, it ain't to be Hey, look look, hey, you
would help me out. Appreciate the call man.

Speaker 9 (49:30):
Put up on the phone.

Speaker 5 (49:31):
Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait
wait wait rob, Rob, what's that saying? Okay, listen, man,
you say this a game?

Speaker 10 (49:37):
Man, I finla come fired?

Speaker 9 (49:38):
Hey do you want?

Speaker 5 (49:45):
You know?

Speaker 12 (49:45):

Speaker 5 (49:48):
All I know is they're gonna stop at the hotel
for a miny man and changed class hotel.

Speaker 1 (49:53):
What's up?

Speaker 12 (49:56):
Just play?

Speaker 5 (49:57):

Speaker 10 (49:57):
Look you right me down you I'm on my way.
I'm on the dog.

Speaker 1 (50:03):
Come on, man, don't.

Speaker 5 (50:04):
Don't at all.

Speaker 1 (50:07):
Don't act like that.

Speaker 10 (50:09):
Man, And look, you got one more time to be
trying to tell me how a stray.

Speaker 5 (50:13):
Okay, I'm going to tell you man, but listen to me.
I want to tell you one more thing, Man, I
ain't got time for no more. One more things.

Speaker 10 (50:20):
One more thing. You need to be telling me where
you're at?

Speaker 5 (50:22):
Doog where you at?

Speaker 12 (50:23):

Speaker 5 (50:24):
This is Nephew from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You
just got prayed for your wife.

Speaker 10 (50:31):
No man, Dog, Nephew telling.

Speaker 5 (50:38):
Nephew tell me man, I all the radio Man, yuh.

Speaker 12 (50:47):
Dog, my bad man.

Speaker 10 (50:48):
You got me man, he got me Maine guy.

Speaker 5 (50:54):
Man before we go, Rob, what is man the baddest
radio show? Oh man?

Speaker 10 (50:59):
This Steve Morning Show with Nephew time.

Speaker 6 (51:09):
Remember back in the day when you was trying to
get busy in the limo, Remember you know no, okay,
I'm sorry, I'm the only one. I'm sorry.

Speaker 1 (51:23):
That was that inside. Boy, I know exactly where you from.

Speaker 3 (51:28):
Come on, uncle, not a limo action.

Speaker 1 (51:33):
The limo was where it was going down. Boy, what long.

Speaker 8 (51:40):
You're in that seat facing the other way?

Speaker 1 (51:41):
Wrap that wrap around seat, that rap around.

Speaker 8 (51:44):
You facing backwards. See, I couldn't sit that way.

Speaker 1 (51:50):
You know what?

Speaker 6 (51:50):
Back in the day, when you ride in a limo
with Uncle Steve, he don't let you sit by the door.

Speaker 1 (51:54):
You've got to slide all the way into the back. Yeah,
would make you crawl. Yeah, okay, we got to get
up out of here. I got to get about he
got one dough bo got the other people. Yeah, I
can be waiting for people get out for sure, lying
to the side looking at them blashes and then I gas.

Speaker 8 (52:19):
Off your equilibrium a bit.

Speaker 1 (52:21):
Yeah, it does, it does.

Speaker 6 (52:23):
Get ready to Get Ready to Nephew is coming to
town Dallas Fort Worth, Texas June fifteenth, is going down
at the Majestic, Baby at the Majestic. It's a Nephew
Time's House Party Comedy Jam. Tickets on sale right now.
Nephew Tommy's House Party Comedy Jam. Tickets on sale right now.
I got Tony Robberts with me, that boy, straight up funny, Dominique,

straight up out of watching DC. Straight up funny. Tickets
on sell right now. Get it while it's getting as
good and laying in the cut. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Speaker 1 (52:54):

Speaker 6 (52:54):
So not only am I shooting my TV show Ready
to Love in Philly, but I will be there at
the club Hit the Helium Comedy Club twenty six, twenty
seventh and twenty eighth of July twenty sixth, twenty seventh
and twenty eighth of July, sorreat.

Speaker 8 (53:07):
Nephew, Thank you. Coming up next Strawberry Letter for today,
the subject to the lounge closed last year. We'll get
into that find out what that's all about. Right after this.

Speaker 3 (53:16):
You're listening Dave Harvey Morning Show.

Speaker 8 (53:20):
It is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if
you need advice on relationships, dating, works, sex, parenting and more,
please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com
and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your
letter live on the air, just like we're going to
read this one right here, right now, and you never know,
it could be yours.

Speaker 6 (53:41):
It could be yours. Buckle up and hold on tight.
We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry Letter.

Speaker 8 (53:45):
Thank you, nephew, subject the lounge closed last year. Dear
Stephen Shirley, my husband and I have been married for
eleven years and we have our separate spaces in the house.
This has helped us cope with the day to day
stress of being married. I have a group of friends
that I play cards with once a month, but I
prefer to be at home, watching movies and reading. My
husband is nothing like me. He's very outgoing and he

loves to be outside, as he calls it. His need
to be outside has caused a lot of problems, and
it's the reason he's in trouble. He told me a
string of bad lies, and I called him out because
he thinks I'm stupid. It was almost two a m.
When my husband came home Sunday morning. I was knocked out,
and he woke me up just to tell me some

bad lies. He looked like he had just gotten off work.
His clothes were not wrinkled, and he was full of conversation.
He said he started drinking after work with a few
of his coworkers, and he met up with his doctor
after that, and he lost track of time after he
went to a cigar lounge downtown. I know for a
fact that the lounge that he supposedly went to after

midnight closed at eleven PM, back when it was open,
but it's been closed since last summer because of water dam.

Speaker 1 (55:00):
He couldn't tell me.

Speaker 8 (55:02):
He couldn't tell me any of his coworkers' names that
he was with, and he stuttered when I asked him
which one of his doctors he was hanging with. His
clothes didn't smell like cigar smoke at all. He looked
as if he had taken off his clothes, taking his
clothes off and hung them up at a hotel while
he was laying up with his mistress. He said, I

jumped to unreasonable conclusions, but he woke me up. Am
I wrong to assume that he cheated on me? Well,
you know, come on, the stuttering, the stud of stutter,
all of that. That's almost like a dead giveaway right there.
And no, you're not wrong. You're not unreasonable with your conclusions.
You know, you're right, you know, the saying there's nothing

open at that time of morning but legs. But to
his point, like you said, or to your point, like
you said, he woke you up with these bad, bad lies.
He was at a club that's been closed for water
damage since last summer. Come on, he's so busted. He
didn't have any cigar smoke smell. You know a lot

of people when when they smoke and stuff like that,
it's in their clotheses, in their hair. Come on, dude,
no one's picking up any of these stupid lies you're
putting down. He may as well tell you the truth
at this point. That's what I say, tell you the truth. Uh,
you know, at this point this stuff may break up
his marriage. But that's the risk he took when he

came home at two am with this pack of stupid lies.
He should have called Steve. That's what he should have done, Steve.

Speaker 1 (56:33):
I you know what, man?

Speaker 9 (56:34):
You know?

Speaker 1 (56:34):
Do you know? Dudes? Dudes, dudes, bruhs, Listen to me
what I can't help you. If he's stupid enough, I'm
not gonna be any help you. I can't save this
one dog. Y'all been married for eleven years. Y'all got

separate spaces in the house, you know, y'all in help
y'all cope with the day to day's stress of marriage. Day,
today's stress of marriage. Damn doog? I mean this is
not good. Marriage has his challenges, admittedly, but every damn
day to the point where y'all got separate spaces in

the house. And man, it might be time for y'all
to just consider getting nobody this here, because this is
every day. You rather be at the house. You play
cards once a month with some friends, but you rather
be at the house reading books and watching movies. He
ain't nothing like you, so he want to go outside.
And that's what the guy is asked in trouble. So

now what do you say? What got him in trouble?
Is even told you a string of bad lies and
he thank you stupid. So it's two am. Your husband
came home Sunday morning. I was knocked out and he
woke me up to tell tell me some bad lies.

Why did you wake her up? Dog? If you coming
in for some dirt at two a m. Get in
the house, be quiet, shut your mouth, go to bed.
What's the matter with you? Why did you wake her up?

And then when you woke her up you had a
you dumb look, I got you gonna lie, But damn dog,
you gotta organize the lie. The lie has to make
some siper. You have to organize your organize. Yeah, you
can't te random lies are easy to tell apart. You

must categorically organize with a timeline and some facts to
the lie. Every lie works that has facts in it. Oh,
the only lie that works is the lie that has
truth in the lie. One more time, one more time,

A lie works, and all lies that are good lies
have truth in it. Everything can't be a lie, your
dumb ass, You're set up in the here. You said
you woke your girl up. You look like you just

got off work. Your clothes were not wrinkled. He was
full of conversation. He said he was drinking after work
with a few of his co workers. He met up
with his doctor. Now right here, you're gonna need to
know who the coworkers were. You have to know your
doctor if you're gonna do that. And then he lost
track of time and he went to a cigar line downtown.
You already got he got to have at least passed

by the cigar line. That something.

Speaker 8 (59:58):
All right, boy, this boy right here, All right, Steve,
we'll have part two of your response coming up at
twenty three minutes after subject is the lounge closed last year.
We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening.

Speaker 3 (01:00:14):
Morning show.

Speaker 8 (01:00:15):
All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter.
The subject is the lounge closed last year.

Speaker 1 (01:00:22):
Now, let me tell you something. I'm not gonna be
able to help this man right here, and I'm gonna
tell you something else. I don't even want to because
if you're gonna come in here and you just stupid
and you lie dumb, I can't help you now this
man has stayed out all night. They already got married

issues because she would rather watch movies and play cards
once a month and read at home. He liked to
be out, and that's how he got in trouble. And
now he'dne told his wife a string of bad lies,
and she ain't buying none of it, because the woman said,
he thinks I'm stupid. So Sunday morning, two am, she
was knocked out. He came in the house. He woke

her up. Rule number one. If you come in late
and she sleep, why would you wake up up?

Speaker 4 (01:01:10):

Speaker 1 (01:01:11):
Why? Of course you done? And then he started and
then he came in and told you a string of
bad lives. Now he looked like he had just gotten
off work. Dog, when you come in late at night,
get them clothes off, Go take a shower, right, don't

even just let her hear the water run into anything,
but don't wake up. His clothes weren't wrinkle, she said.
He's sitting on the edge of the bed talking to
a property. Clothes ain't wrinkle close enough to get smelled.
He said. He started drinking after work with a few
of his coworkers. You got you gotta get them lined

up and he met with his doctor. You need to
get that line. He lost track of time and he
went to a cigar lounge. You gotta get that lined up.
All this right now is not a bad lie unless
it's not categorically lined up and you have no facts
or truths in it. You can't tell a lie, all right.

I know for a fact here we go that the
lounge he supposedly went to after midnight closes at eleven pm.
That you got to get a new cigar lounge if
you close, that's a but then and that closed at
eleven eight pm back when it was open, But it's
been closed since last summer because of water damage. I beat.

He couldn't tell me any of the names of his coworkers. Dog.
If you gonna say you was with some coworkers, organize it.
Have some coworkers' names before you wake her up. Had
the names have gone by the cigar out? Smoke a
cigarette in your car, get some odor on your clothes. Yes,

puffing up in the car, keep them windows up. You
ain't got to do nothing else. Drive by the club,
call somebody to make sure the club would go by.
Take a picture of anything. You ain't do none of this.
He couldn't tell me because and then he studied when
you asked him which one of his doctors he was

hanging with. Now we got another problem. Cole got a
man that got some damn medical issues. How many damn
doctors you got?

Speaker 3 (01:03:43):
But he was stuttering though he couldn't name any.

Speaker 1 (01:03:46):
One of his doctors. How many doctors? So now you
don't have the doctor's name. You ain't got the coworker's name.
You'd have mentioned the club that's closed, and you ain't.
Having no sense to smoke a cigaret in your car
on the way home, His clothes didn't smell like cigar smoked.
He looked as if he had taken off his clothes

and hung them up at the hotel while he was
laying up with his mistress. Lady foul assumption, He said,
I jumped to unreasonable conclusions. Well you know why she
did that, because you stupid, Because you didn't organize your

damn lie. You told a lie that ain't had no
truth in it. Coworkers you don't know their names. Doctor
you don't know his name. You went to a cigar
loud that ain't even open. You smoked a cigar, but
you don't smell like it. Boy, dumb, You just dumb

like a damn dough knob. And on top of all that,
you woke her up to tell this unfinished lie, this
underproduced lie, this lie. It ain't gonna get bought on Netflix.
You ain't gonna get on Hulu with this mess. You
have got to produce your lies better. You need to

hire a lie producer. That's what you need to do.

Speaker 8 (01:05:17):
If you're not a line producer.

Speaker 1 (01:05:20):
No, a line producer track of all the costs of
a production. You need a lie producer. You need somebody
who can produce lies for you because you need to
the best. Am I wrong to assume he cheated on me? Lady?
You are free to take this non non regulated, organized

lie in any direction you choose. You can say he
was out committing to murder if you want to. You
can say he was out digging ditches. You can say
he was out applying for a job in Nairobi. You
can tell it. You could do it, cause his lie
is unsubstantiated here with zero facts, Fellas, every lie must

contain truth.

Speaker 8 (01:06:12):
Listen to you, Okay, all right? Post your comments on
today's tri letter at Steve Barby FM on Instagram and
Facebook and Tadcast.

Speaker 1 (01:06:23):
I'm tied for him.

Speaker 8 (01:06:25):
On the free iHeartRadio app. Free Never sounded so good.
You can download it today now. Coming up at forty
six minutes after the hour, we have Junior and Sports Talk.
Right after this.

Speaker 3 (01:06:34):
You're listening Hard Morning Show.

Speaker 8 (01:06:38):
It is time now for Junior and Sports Talk.

Speaker 7 (01:06:40):
What you got Junior, well, shirly nine days away is
what I have because it's five k running fun walk
June first at the market Hunt Hill Bridge in Dallas,
Texas is only nine days away. Go to kears Hope
dot org to register. That's keears Hope dot org, k
R e R s Hope dot org.

Speaker 1 (01:06:56):
Because man, this is gonna be a lovely day.

Speaker 11 (01:06:59):

Speaker 7 (01:06:59):
Just out here working to change in shape of sickle cell.

Speaker 1 (01:07:01):
So that's what I'm working on. That's what I got
going on. Also, tonight Game two between the Pacers and Celtics.
The Celtics took game one one thirty three to one
twenty eight.

Speaker 7 (01:07:10):
James Brown hit a late three point shot with six
point five six left to send the game in the overtime,
where they took it over at one seventeen one seventeen
and the Celtics pulled it off one thirty three to
one twenty eight. Now, n what that Ken said? Here's
another sport thing I have to ask, and I'm just
telling you. Can it really be true?

Speaker 1 (01:07:28):
If other than this was a sport, would Timmy be winning?

Speaker 4 (01:07:33):

Speaker 7 (01:07:34):
Wow, man, I can't believe today, I couldn't work and
everybody believe you sexy all of a sudden.

Speaker 1 (01:07:40):
Wow, I can't. You ain't coming to my barbecue now?
You cute? This is too much for me. I'm struggling
with this.

Speaker 8 (01:07:51):
You may not have a fense, but you know, you
know the truth.

Speaker 1 (01:07:54):
I know I know other tractor when I see it,
like I know that face ain't out there. I know
that you know ugly and you see it. No, these
looks they hurt your feeling. Yes he did. Okay, Now
you know something you is different looking you?

Speaker 4 (01:08:11):

Speaker 13 (01:08:11):
What you you?

Speaker 1 (01:08:12):
If you was a turtle, you was a turtle, you'd
be you'd be nice. If you were a wolf? Ringe
got you ain't got.

Speaker 7 (01:08:26):
I just don't see it though, I'm looking at you
every day and they gonna call in here at the
at the mask.

Speaker 1 (01:08:32):
What what was the question you asked me.

Speaker 8 (01:08:34):
If it wasn't sports, what place would Tommy be in?

Speaker 1 (01:08:38):
God? Last than this was? What place with Tommy Lane?
Do you want me to answer you? Please? As for
me today? What place would Tommy?

Speaker 5 (01:08:54):

Speaker 1 (01:08:55):
On the cofor of the WHEDI box. No way, y'all
be on company read the back of the seal box.
Why are you looking at?

Speaker 2 (01:09:08):

Speaker 1 (01:09:09):
Yeah, thank you. I tried to stay out of it,
but you no help me.

Speaker 5 (01:09:14):

Speaker 1 (01:09:15):
I can't take this, not this.

Speaker 6 (01:09:17):
No, hey, it's been confirmed. I'm sexy and I'm not.
I'm not gonna I'm not gonna do it with y'all.
Y'all know ignore him to call? All right?

Speaker 8 (01:09:31):
Coming up?

Speaker 1 (01:09:32):
No, thank you? I needed that. Coming up. I'm waiting.

Speaker 8 (01:09:39):
A man on social media needs some advice. He wants
to know Steve, is it okay to lie to his girlfriend?
We'll talk about it right after this.

Speaker 3 (01:09:48):
You're listening Hardy Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (01:09:53):
All right, here we go.

Speaker 8 (01:09:54):
This is from Jordan on Steve Harvey f Them. Jordan says,
my girlfriend and I have been together for about six months.
When we first started dating, I was hooking up with
another girl who's friends with both of us. I told
my girlfriend that I was kind of dating someone casually
when we first started seeing each other, but that I
broke it off when things look like they were getting

more serious between us, which is all accurate and truthful.
I lied to her though, by telling her it was
someone she doesn't know, because I don't want it to
affect our relationship with our friend. So Jorda wants to know,
is this little lie acceptable to protect my girlfriend's feelings
and to not have her think anything bad about our friend.

Speaker 1 (01:10:36):
That's what he wants to know, to see perfectly what
that was? Perfect? That is perfect. I mean, I'm just
the pride that I have to be that young and
to think it out that there. Yes, shut your damn mouth,

you know, make you've already said it. You've already said
you were seeing somebody and then but you broke it
off when it got more sinous. But you didn't want
to tell us who it was, and you don't have to.
She's not gonna tell you everybody she been there. No,
let's revert back to this Strawberry letter, because this is
what I'm talking about. Uh. When you lie, your lie,

in order for it to be effective, must contain some truth. Now,
this young man right here has truth in this life.
I'm just so proud of you.

Speaker 2 (01:11:36):
You know, It's just.

Speaker 1 (01:11:39):
I can't you know, I'm damn the emotional about it,
because when I see somebody who understands the art of
what it is and how it's done, it's just it
just it warms. I mean, wow, thank you.

Speaker 8 (01:11:57):
All right, Well take a breather. As we move on
to bow On, Steve Harvey f them both says I
was dating this woman for a few months. We had
sex maybe yeah, five times, and one of the times
we didn't have a condom, but she said she was
on the pills, so I didn't worry about it a
few weeks. A few weeks later, she and I meet
up and she tells me she's pregnant. I'm understandably freaking out,

but I decided to do the right thing and be supportive,
regardless of how our relationship works out or what she
did or what she decides to do. Then, earlier this week,
I got a text from a number I don't know
telling me she's manipulating me and that the baby isn't mine.
I really don't know what to do now. Should I
confront her and tell her about the text, or should

I just continue to be supportive and see what happened?

Speaker 1 (01:12:45):
How do you mean? See what happened?

Speaker 9 (01:12:46):

Speaker 1 (01:12:46):
Listen to me. But you know if you have doubts,
you got to get it right. This got this got
blood tensit avel. Yes, yes, this got unity tests you
written all over. Now, be a man about it, because
if it's yours, you don't want to mistreat this in

any way. So be supportive. It's okay. You know she's
telling you it's yours. You have and you know what
you did. You know the possibility is that for you
to look at the time frame because at one time
you didn't was probably the last time, and now something
didn't happen. When you know how the months go, you
can count. So you got to be respectful because the

girl could be telling the truth now if you be
manipulated and it ain't chre after the when the babies.
But I don't know if you can do it now.
I think you gotta wait because the baby boys. But
you got to get it. You got to get a
paternity test. You've seen enough episodes of moripo text jeeve,

y'all got to be protected though, Man, what'd you say?

Speaker 8 (01:13:57):
What about the text that it got saying it wasn't
that he's being manipulated.

Speaker 1 (01:14:02):
What you said from a number you don't know, So
you don't know. The devil is busy on all on
all walks. It could be somebody try and destroy the girl.
It could be somebody just messing with you. It could
just be somebody messing so you don't know. Yeah, but
you have to you have to take this girl's word

for it for right now. You have there's a way
to get tested before go do that.

Speaker 8 (01:14:28):
But now we're gonna need some testing, don yes, all right,
thank you. Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning
Show right after this you're listening.

Speaker 3 (01:14:38):
Morning show.

Speaker 8 (01:14:41):
The controversial dating app Ashley Madison has revealed the top
American cities for adulterree. Okay, keep in mind, this dating
app slogan is life is short, have an affair. Okay,
So that's there's there's motto and their slogan. All right,
here's some of the top cheating cities. This is according

to Ashley Madison. All Right, Buffalo, New York, Tampa, Las Vegas.
We all should know that one, right, Atlanta, Richmond, Virginia, Cincinnati,
Uh huh, Baton Rouge wow. Uh, Miami fell off from

the number one spot. Any guesses on what the number
one spot might be? You're any guesses?

Speaker 1 (01:15:30):

Speaker 8 (01:15:34):
You would think so DC. Nope, Steve, New York, New York. No,
good guess. It's all good guesses.

Speaker 1 (01:15:46):
But no down Salt Lake City.

Speaker 8 (01:15:48):
You talk Atlanta, excellent guests. But the number one is Columbus, Ohio. Columbus, Hio,
the number one. Yeah, and Cleveland's also in there. Cleveland's
in there, oh three, Ohio, Cleveland, the Cleveland Columbus.

Speaker 1 (01:16:12):
I knew that for the survey was out everybody in Cleveland.
No light too short?

Speaker 8 (01:16:19):
Coming up in thirty three minutes after we'll play around it.
Would you rather right after this?

Speaker 3 (01:16:24):
You're listening hard? Morning show?

Speaker 1 (01:16:27):

Speaker 8 (01:16:27):
Now for a round it? Would you rather? Would you
rather wear a cape everywhere? Or would you wear an
eye patch everywhere?

Speaker 1 (01:16:35):
For a year? Come, I'm put this cape one concert
no no LTD lt D O TD had cape El
Soperman everywhere. I got that calf.

Speaker 8 (01:17:00):
Would you wear one today?

Speaker 4 (01:17:01):

Speaker 3 (01:17:01):
Would you wear one today nowadays?

Speaker 1 (01:17:04):
Yeah? I'm definitely uh huh, I can see it all right.

Speaker 8 (01:17:10):
Would you rather have sex?

Speaker 1 (01:17:11):
I'd be looking around, but I can hear that out
there because I say hunh too many times.

Speaker 8 (01:17:23):
Would you rather have sex seven days a week? Or
would you rather have sex just once a month?

Speaker 1 (01:17:28):
Which one seven day? Seven days? Great? Yeah? Great?

Speaker 8 (01:17:36):
Was the racing you're gonna perform seven days?

Speaker 11 (01:17:38):

Speaker 1 (01:17:39):
I mean it ain't gonna I ain't gonna be long now,
I ain't gonna hold.

Speaker 8 (01:17:44):
Don't we expect I'm not. We just did to lower
your expectations.

Speaker 1 (01:17:51):
You're be disappointed? Would be because she got somewhere to go?
I mean, she's gonna be there. I gotta go to work.
But well, wait a minute, watch it some days on
day two? Yeah, leaving already going to this job? All right?

Speaker 8 (01:18:09):
Would you rather marry someone with no emotions, no emotions,
or would you rather marry someone that's a compulsive liar?

Speaker 11 (01:18:17):

Speaker 1 (01:18:18):
I want a non emotional person.

Speaker 8 (01:18:22):
Oh you don't want to marry a liar? Liars?

Speaker 1 (01:18:25):
Really? Yeah? Because I'm not because I know that game?
Yeah with you every damn day.

Speaker 8 (01:18:40):
So what about being married to someone with no emotions?

Speaker 1 (01:18:44):
I love it when I do something wrong, shing no emotion,
I love it.

Speaker 8 (01:18:48):
What but when you do something right no emotions as well.

Speaker 1 (01:18:51):
That's fine I get over there. I got emotions. Hey,
you don't get nothing for doing nothing right when you're married.
Nohing you.

Speaker 9 (01:19:01):

Speaker 8 (01:19:02):
Father's Day is coming up.

Speaker 3 (01:19:03):
You just reminded me.

Speaker 9 (01:19:04):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (01:19:05):
I ain't gonna get stop.

Speaker 8 (01:19:10):
Would you rather do a cannonball dive into a kiddie pool?
Or would you rather do a cannonball dive into a
hot tub? You're find the break some either bither way.

Speaker 1 (01:19:23):
I'm not gonna survive either. Winter Well, I don't want
to hurt the kids. No kids, want to burn yourself today?
All right, I guess I get. I'm not gonna be
breaking my back on the edge of that hot tub.
I'm gonna jump in there with them key and let
him push up my fall. I'm gonna do the kiddy pool.

Speaker 8 (01:19:40):
Okay, that's today's rounded. Would you rather coming up next?
It's our last break of the day, and we'll close
out the show with the one and only Steve Harvey
right after this. You're listening.

Speaker 3 (01:19:51):
Morning show?

Speaker 8 (01:19:52):
All right, guys, here we are, last break.

Speaker 1 (01:19:54):
Of the day. Yeah, Hey, Shirley, before we do this,
I got something really important I want to do for
a fe end of mine. I've been knowing this friend
of mine for a number of years. Man, I mean
just one solid. He's just a solid man. He lives
out in LA. Man, He's helped me so many times.

His wife is forty two years old. Her name is Kitty.
I won't give their last name. I'm just gonna say Kitty.
His wife's name is Kitty. She's forty two years old.
She's with in stage kidney disease. Kitty has in stage

kidney disease. She's currently on dialysis, and the sister's not
doing well. When I tell you, this is a beautiful
woman mine. They have a family. They got eleven year
old daughter. This woman is beautiful inside and out. Her
husband is about the solid of a dude I've ever met.
But Kitty's in really, really bad shape and she's in

urgent need of a kidney transplant. Reason I'm doing this
because this not only could help her, but so many
people out there. The waiting list and time for a
deceased kidney donation is very long, anywhere between six to
ten years in LA if you're waiting for a deceased kidney.
But there are people who are compatible who could donate

a living kidney. Now. The reason I'm saying is this
is just a chance for some people to give back.
There is a higher chance of dying on dialysis rather
than getting the kidney transplant. So sadly, Kitty's mom also
died from kidney failure last year. She was only fifty
eight years old. And Kitty has this, like I told you,

eleven year old daughter named Kaylee, and she needs her
mom to live, and her husband needs his wife and
he's broken hearted about this. And as I was talking
to her, I just said I would do this. Therefore,
Kitty needs a living kidney donor to reduce the waiting time,
and there are people who are capable bull of doing this.

Now there is an opportunity to give back and help
Kitty by considering a living kidney donation now. In the
right setting, kidney donation is a safe process with minimal risk,
and the gift of life helps not just the patient
but also the family, society, humanity at large. It enriches

the life of not just the recipient but also the donor.
If you want to learn more ways on how you
can help Kitty, I'm gonna call this help Kitty get
a kidney. That's what I'm gonna call this. If you
want to know more ways of how you can help
Kitty in her journey and Core Kidney's mission. Get in

touch with us at this website. Now, you can go
to Steve Harvey FM dot com. You can go to
Steve Harvey FM dot com and look up this website.
It's called Core Kidney c O R E Core Kidney
at mednet dot U c l A dot E d U.

Core c O R E Kidney at med net dot
U c l A E d U. So if you
can help us out in any way, you can. Okay,
that's my message today. Just go to Steve Harvey FM
dot com and you can see this story. I will
post it just this way.

Speaker 13 (01:23:31):
Right, and we'll also have it on Steve Harvey FM
on Instagram to Steve Information.

Speaker 1 (01:23:36):
Okay, Graham, Wow, And I'm gonna put it on my
I G page too. I'm gonna put it on my page.
So that's what I wanted to say. I'm gonna help
kid out if we can get it kill. I mean,
it's just a dear friend, man, This brother is just solid.

Speaker 13 (01:23:55):

Speaker 1 (01:23:55):
I just you know, this is the first time I've
personally known the family going through this. Me personally, I'm
pretty sure it's a common thing, but I've never been
touched by it personally, and so finally we found a way.
You know, I'm in contact with them constantly and everything.
I've done everything I can possibly can, and now this
is all I got left is to use my radio

platform to save them. So that's what we got going.
It's gonna be a great day to day. Thank you
all for listening. JR. Let me just say this, folks,
get out of here. Let let me say this to
my two co hosts, my comedian stars, Junior and Tommy.
I'm gonna address both your thirty seconds to each thirty

seconds to First of all, let me deal with my nephew, Tommy.
Tommy is sad that you won't admit that you ugly
and deal with the fact that you're not an attractive man.
That's a sad, sad moment in life. I would it
would help you greatly if you would just come to
the realization stop lying to yourself. Sidney for a woman,
and I'm just not I'm just trying to ask you

to just come on over to the other side, because
this where you at. Stop listening to these old ass
people calling in in, calling you cute. That's my thirty
seconds for you. And over this holiday weekend, I want
you to realize that and deal with that. Junior. Here's
what I want you to realize over the holiday weekend.
Ain't nobody coming to your damn house because you ain't
got no fense. Ain't nobody sitting up in the backyard

having people walk up to you like we all need
an open air, like we are some damn festival or something.
Quitn't lying to me telling that, Ain't nobody gonna come
over and bother me? You know good? And hell, well,
everybody gonna come over there as soon as they find
out I'm in your damn backyard. And another thing, ain't
nobody sitting there come over your house? And you ain't
buying but twenty five dollars a week for me. I'm
not Finnsha sit up in here as a poor person

trying to decide if I'm gonna have a chicken wing
or damn saucer. Stop that those are my clothes remarks today.
Enjoy yourself, y'all, take care of yourself. God bless you,
and talk to God, because Steve through talking with your
Tommy Junior, Steve is.

Speaker 8 (01:25:58):
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