All Episodes

May 17, 2024 87 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Today show is pre recorded.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Y'all know what time. Y'all don't know y'all.

Speaker 1 (00:09):
All at all, So.

Speaker 3 (00:12):
Don't give a.

Speaker 4 (00:16):
MILLICANUS see listening to show.

Speaker 5 (00:38):
I want to join.

Speaker 2 (00:50):
Ye Joy show.

Speaker 6 (00:59):
You know you love you.

Speaker 7 (01:13):
Turn you gonna turn, got to turn the mouth turn

you probably got to turn the mouth.

Speaker 2 (01:46):
The word of the money up. Come come on you think,
uh huh, I sure will.

Speaker 8 (02:03):
Good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, Come
on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got
a radio show. Ain't God been good to me? But
then again, ain't He been good to you?

Speaker 2 (02:15):
Two? Though?

Speaker 8 (02:16):
I mean, really, man, think of all the blessings God
has given you.

Speaker 2 (02:20):
You know what, that's a good news today though, y'all.

Speaker 8 (02:23):
In the face of the world being the way it is,
the evilness that's out there, it just it just seems
like that's all that's on the news sometimes. You know,
we got we got news of parents not really standing
up being parents. We got news stories of children turning
on their parents. You got, you got everything, the economy,
you got places you thought used to be beautiful places

to go, Now they got travel alerts. It's just it's
all over us. It's it's all over. But the good
news is there's something that you can have in this
relationship with God that gives you a way to deal
with it all. And I'm not saying that it'll protect

you from every single thing out that is happening, because
some things are going to happen to you. You're going
to be in an accident from time to time. You're
going to make a mistake and fall down from time
to time. But man, wouldn't it be incredible to you
for you if you understood that you had some insurance
in all of this that no matter what happened to you,

you know you will covered. You know, look, insurance companies
as good as they are, you know, like our friends
that stay Farm or any other insurance company you know
they do, they do some amazing things. Insurance is a
really really good thing to happen in the event that
something happens to you. You know, you may not want
to pay the premium, but guess what in the event
that something happens to you that insurance is absolutely critical.

Speaker 2 (03:55):
Well, but guess what they cover certain things.

Speaker 8 (03:57):
You could get life insurance, you can get auto insurance,
you can get accident insurance, you can get health insurance.

Speaker 2 (04:05):
There is nothing that you.

Speaker 8 (04:07):
Can buy to safeguard you against life's decisions. You know,
if you make a mistake, if you cheat, if you lie,
if you if you fall down and you can't seem
to get it together, and you make a crazy decision
about how you're gonna go about securing an income, that

there are There are no policies you can.

Speaker 2 (04:32):
Buy for that.

Speaker 8 (04:33):
You can't buy a policy if you stop being the
man you're supposed to be, and and and and give
up on your children. You can't buy a policy if
something happens as a mother and all of a sudden
you're not the mother you're supposed to be. But there
is some insurance coverage out there for you. And that

relationship that you form with God, that friendship that you
form with him, that that alliance, that partnership, that prayer
that you put in all the time, there is an
insurance policy that you have taken out when you form
a relationship with your heavenly Father, when you form a friendship,

when you form a bond that protects you, that protects
you when these things happen in the event that they happen.
Now here's a great thing about prayer. Prayer can head
off some stuff from happening. It really really can. Prayer
can prevent some things from happening. You know, I'll give
you an example in my life. Okay, here we go,

because see, see's the best way for me to do it,
because see, what I don't like to do is talk
to people without letting them know. Hey, look I'm in
this hole with you. I feel where yet? Okay, here
we go. I was making some decisions a few years
ago because what I thought I was doing was counterbalancing
something that was happening in my life. You know, I

thought that since I wasn't happy or well for whatever
the reason I thought I wasn't happy, if I, as
wrong as I am, wanted to blame somebody else from
my unhappiness. That's really if I make a bad decision
because I'm thinking I'm unhappy with somebody, Holy pardon too.

Wrongs don't make it right, and I make a decision
to do something wrong, and now the consequences come when
I do something wrong. See, then that I already know,
as an intelligent thinking man, as most of you are,
that when you do something wrong, that you know there
is a consequence for that I teach that to my sons.

When you do something wrong, there is a consequence. So
as an adult, I fully understood the consequence. And so
what I was doing was I was making some decisions
that was causing some consequences in my life, that was
delaying my happiness, delaying my progress, causing my business not
to go the way it could go, so forth and

so on. Well, what I started doing was I took
out this insurance policy called Prayer, and I started putting
it in my mix on a daily basis. And then
I started putting it in my mix, you know, two
three times a day. And then I found myself using
it all the time. And then I really started putting
it in when I didn't need any help, when I

wasn't in trouble, I started putting insurance in. I started
making deposits into the bank. I started paying my premiums down.
And Prayer is like a premium, you just pay into it.
Then when situations started coming up, now that Prayer that
I had put in, that in those premiums I had
paid it started preventing me from making the decisions I

was making in the past. Thus I didn't have to
suffer the consequences. Thus, my businesses didn't have to be
delayed in this progress because I had put some payments
on some premiums. I had taken out an insurance policy
with my life, my real life. I'm talking about your
life where you make your day to day decisions in

I'm not talking about see life.

Speaker 2 (08:10):
Insurance is only good if you die.

Speaker 8 (08:14):
God has a policy that's available that's available for you.

Speaker 2 (08:17):
Why are you living? See?

Speaker 8 (08:20):
In order for an insurance policy to pay, something bad
got to happen. Now, there may be some others out
there I don't know nothing about, but all the ones
I got my co insurance, they only come into play
if I have an accident. I have an accident insurance
policy where if something happens to me, I got accident,
I got, I got My voice is covered in case

something happened to that. I got that, but I got
to not be able to talk to cash that one.
You understand everything I got homeowner's insurance. Don't nothing show
up on my homeowner's insurance unless it's a flood of fire,
of felt something bad got to happen for my insurance
to even make sense. When you take out the policy

with your heavenly Father, when you pay the premiums of prayer,
and that's all it costs. Man, itin't you ain't got
to have no money for this policy I put into
the policy. It pays me dividends and benefits for living.
Ain't nothing got to go wrong for me to cash

in on this policy.

Speaker 2 (09:29):
I use this policy for good things. I give you example.

Speaker 8 (09:35):
I use this policy to ask God to watch over
my family when I travel, make the decisions to pay
your premiums in prayer, Talk to your heavenly Father, get
you some insurance in your life. And when you have
little things like that, keep on stepping.

Speaker 2 (09:50):
Man. God loves you.

Speaker 8 (09:51):
Man, Man, I show hope you talk to God today
because guess what He shure would like to hear from you.

Speaker 2 (09:56):
That's for shepherds, listening.

Speaker 8 (10:02):
Ladies and gentlemen, feeling his presence, thanking him for it,
being grateful, showing gratitude, understanding that this is not a given,
that this is a blessing, this is a present from God.

Speaker 2 (10:16):
Yeah, it's a gift man, to be here, it really is. Man.

Speaker 8 (10:19):
Uh, you know, in my alone time recently, I have
found that I've gotten spiritually closer to God.

Speaker 2 (10:27):
I was, you know, struggling with this a long time.

Speaker 8 (10:29):
I was having for a minute, but it's brought me
closer and I really appreciate that. And so when a
girl do get home, it's gonna be nice. But I
have really taken advantage of this a long time and
learned a lot more things that I needed to know,
and the number one thing I needed to know to
put your trust in God's timing and his alone and

quit worrying about people. I have a new enemy and
I'm actually handling my new enemy in a different way.
I'm not even thinking about no form of retaliation. Ain't
no when I see him or no, I'm gonna live.
I have learned the older I got. Leave it alone,

let him have it. Because God then took care of
me this far, he gonna take care of me the
rest of the way.

Speaker 2 (11:20):
And the scripture that has.

Speaker 8 (11:21):
Affected me the most lately is touch not my anointing
that has turned out to be so true for me.

Speaker 2 (11:29):
Now listen to me.

Speaker 8 (11:31):
I'm not saying I'm more annoying than anybody else, because Lord,
no I'm not. But I am one of them. Now
what you think of me personally, I don't really care.
But what he thinks about me is critically important, and
so far he seems to be okay with me.

Speaker 2 (11:47):
So touch not my annointy.

Speaker 8 (11:49):
Be careful how you handle me, watch yourself, be very careful.
That's all I got to say, Steve Harvin Morning Show.
I might not even ask Junior what he walk this morning,
because I'm already own one heard Strawberry Color for real,
Mississippi manor him Junior and the legend that is Nephew

talking about Junior anyway.

Speaker 1 (12:13):
Go ahead, up not anyway?

Speaker 8 (12:15):
You know, man, it's just so true. Man, I just
I really have come to that. Man, it's amazing. I
wish I had gotten to this point a lot earlier.
I could have saved myself a lot of unnecessary grief,
you know, retaliating, getting back at you.

Speaker 2 (12:30):
Wait till I see you.

Speaker 8 (12:32):
Run up on you, run him down, find him all
this here?

Speaker 2 (12:36):
Oh man, come on now, Oh d I'm done, because
you know what.

Speaker 8 (12:42):
Wow, My favorite scripture was and still is Isaiah fifty
four seventeen. No weapon formed against me, so prosper But
what I had to learn was it didn't mean what.
No weapon's gonna be formed. They're just not gonna prosper.
Any time you make a decision, y'all, to do better,
to improve your life, to make a step forward, you

are going to be presented with the opposition because the
devil job is to rob you of your destiny. So
the devil all he gonna do is get his imps
to come at you to distract you. What they gonna
form the weapons, You just gotta understand they ain't gonna profit.

Speaker 2 (13:24):
So congratulations to.

Speaker 8 (13:25):
Me for finally understanding that, as old as I am,
sorry it took some long.

Speaker 1 (13:31):
Lord all right, thank you, Steve.

Speaker 9 (13:37):
Good sermon this morning, coming up at thirty two minutes
after the hour, we're gonna hear from the nephew as
he runs that prank back right after this.

Speaker 5 (13:45):
You're listening hard Morning Show.

Speaker 9 (13:48):
It is time now for the nephew to run that
prank back. Nephew, what you got.

Speaker 2 (13:53):
This run here? Shirley is you hit my car? You
hit my car?

Speaker 10 (13:58):
I'm the only light blue camera in the parking lot
right now, right now, you can put this.

Speaker 2 (14:06):
On T shirts.

Speaker 3 (14:07):
Right here.

Speaker 10 (14:07):
You're talking about the cross eye blanket cross So y'all
wating Raymond noodles all over the play.

Speaker 2 (14:15):
Right up?

Speaker 10 (14:17):
This is what I want you all to look for
listen to listen for this. When you listen to pray,
listen for me to do that, and then her right
behind it. You hit my car. Let's go get them?

Speaker 11 (14:30):
Oh you waite that there? Raymond NoDa's all over the place.

Speaker 2 (14:34):
Hello, I'm trying to speak to Adels. This is she?
Do you live in apartment number seveny eight?

Speaker 12 (14:40):

Speaker 11 (14:41):
That depends on who is asking.

Speaker 10 (14:43):
My name is Herman Wales. I live in building three,
apartment one on five. Do you live in apartment number
seventy eight?

Speaker 11 (14:49):
What you want with where I live?

Speaker 10 (14:51):
Look, maam? Do you drive a camera? A Toyota camera
light blue one?

Speaker 11 (14:56):

Speaker 2 (14:57):
All right?

Speaker 10 (14:58):
Your next door neighbor then told me that you ran
into my car. I got a bens a black one
of two thousand and five C two forty.

Speaker 2 (15:06):
Now I got light blue.

Speaker 11 (15:07):
Scratches on my My neighbor.

Speaker 10 (15:10):
Told you what your neighbor. Matter of fact, his name
is Brian Kendall.

Speaker 11 (15:16):
I told you the cross up live across the hall.
What the cross I that live across the hall told
you what ma'am?

Speaker 2 (15:25):

Speaker 10 (15:26):
All I know is he said he live in apartment eighty.
He lived next door to you. You live in a
supposedly apartment seveny age right here in Cambridge Court apartments. Now,
all I'm saying is he told me your car is
that which is the light blue car hit my backed
into my car. Now, I ain't trying to create no problem,
but somebody got to fix my car and I got
light blue scratches on my bens.

Speaker 3 (15:47):

Speaker 11 (15:48):
Last I checked my light blue clamoring. Wasn't the only
light blue camera they made?

Speaker 2 (15:53):

Speaker 10 (15:53):
You the only light you the only light blue car
in the parking.

Speaker 11 (15:57):
The only light blue car in the parking lot. Right now,
I ain't gonna say I've been the only light blue
car in the damn parking lot.

Speaker 1 (16:05):
Ma'am, I'm not look and I'm in the.

Speaker 11 (16:08):
Middle of watching t What can I do for you?

Speaker 2 (16:12):
What you mean? What can you do for me? You
didn't hit my car?

Speaker 11 (16:14):
He he ain't touch your damn car. If you got
some cameras out in this parking lot that saw me
hit your car, no, I.

Speaker 2 (16:20):
Don't have no cameras.

Speaker 13 (16:21):
But then I.

Speaker 11 (16:22):
Believe this conversation is over, and I don't give a
damn what the cross eyed man across the hall told you.

Speaker 2 (16:29):
Look, let me tell you something. You didn't hit my car.

Speaker 11 (16:33):
Hold on, hold on, player, Uh is you yelling at me?

Speaker 2 (16:37):
I'm not yelling at you, But you didn't hit my.

Speaker 10 (16:39):
Car to touch your damn the only light blue car
in the parking.

Speaker 11 (16:43):
Line, the only light blue car in the parking lot
now and as a matter of correct, my car ain't
even in the parking lot. My sister bar my car
go to the soop?

Speaker 2 (16:52):
Well, is it possible that your sister is the one
that hit my car?

Speaker 3 (16:55):
Now? Now?

Speaker 1 (16:56):
What okay?

Speaker 10 (16:58):
Is your sister when is she coming back? Maybe she
hit my car and didn't tell you she hit my car.

Speaker 11 (17:02):
She ain't hit your car. Shan't hit your car because
she would have told me she hit your damn call. Look,
I said, ain't nobody hit your damn car. My car
ain't got no damn scratches on it? Then give what
kind of scratches you got on your car? But I
can't do a damn thing about it. And even if
you did, let me just be clear, I ain't got

no insurance, no way, so I can't do nothing for you.

Speaker 2 (17:28):
Wait a minute, let me tell.

Speaker 11 (17:29):
You something you ain't got to tell me. You ain't
got to seeing me. Thanks, And as far as I'm concerned,
this conversation.

Speaker 2 (17:36):
Is over, let me ask you how hung call it back?

Speaker 8 (17:42):

Speaker 11 (17:42):
You act like I ain't got.

Speaker 13 (17:44):
Your damn my car.

Speaker 11 (17:50):
No, you had them scratches on your car all ready,
and you ain't finna use me as no excuse to
get you no new papers.

Speaker 2 (17:58):
I had no scratches already on my car.

Speaker 11 (18:00):
Yeah you had them. Oh yeah, you had no idea.
Now I'm gonna tell them. An insurance is justin if
he come over here now, because you gonna be using
your insurance and I already told you I ain't got it.

Speaker 10 (18:10):
Don't make me come over to your apartment number seven eight,
standing in the door.

Speaker 11 (18:13):
I'm on my way to the door now, I'm standing
in the door.

Speaker 10 (18:16):
Come on, come on, Look, I got thirty five hundred
dollars worth of scratches on my car that you need
to pay for.

Speaker 11 (18:23):
You the owner only ain't even worth thirty five one
hundred dollars. So you already doing better than me?

Speaker 3 (18:30):

Speaker 11 (18:31):

Speaker 3 (18:32):
What? What?

Speaker 13 (18:33):

Speaker 11 (18:33):
I'm already told you I'm tired of talking to you.
I'm watching TV and you ain't got talking to me
about I need to talk to.

Speaker 10 (18:40):
You about this car, Lady, I got thirty tout your car.

Speaker 11 (18:45):
My car ain't bumped up against your car. I ain't
even park next to know BMW's lately.

Speaker 2 (18:51):
It's a bens. What'll ever bu it's a.

Speaker 11 (18:54):
Ben C two forty a black Give a damn if
it's a ben seven this seven, I can't help you.

Speaker 2 (19:02):
They don't make a seven seventy.

Speaker 1 (19:04):
I don't, damn lady.

Speaker 2 (19:06):
Look, you know what? Can I say something to you?

Speaker 11 (19:09):
No, you can't say you know what you can say
to me? You can say bye.

Speaker 10 (19:13):
I just want to say one more thing to you,
one more thing.

Speaker 11 (19:16):
I'm gonna give you a one moment thing. Go ahead on.

Speaker 10 (19:19):
All I want to say is this, nephew, Timmy from
the Steve Harvey Morning Show, your sister robbing out of
DC putting me off.

Speaker 11 (19:25):
Oh that don't make me. You know what, I don't
even have y'all show. I listened to the show on
the internet and this, Oh you wait till I talked
to her.

Speaker 10 (19:39):
Ally, mister Dale, will Lizzen before you go? Can you
tell me what is the baddest radio show in the.

Speaker 11 (19:46):
Land, The Steve Harvey Morning Show.

Speaker 14 (19:50):
Alright, nephew told me you knew you didn't run into
nobody else.

Speaker 11 (19:54):
Damn, well, I ain't hear nobody because I'll be trying
to talk myself out there. Thok, so won't nobody in me?

Speaker 3 (19:59):
You know?

Speaker 2 (20:00):
All right?

Speaker 1 (20:06):
Lovelastic classic.

Speaker 15 (20:11):
When you said Sad needs a BMW whatever.

Speaker 10 (20:16):
Height you already doing better than me, That's right, classic, Las.
The Nephew is coming to Dallas, Baby Dallas Father's Day Weekend,
that is June fifteenth at the Majestic. That is Nephew
Tommy's House party. Comedy. Damn, it's a party. It's comedy
all wrapped up in the one. And we got my man,

we got Tony Robbins won when we got Dominique in
the building. And tickets are on sale right now and
they are selling pretty dog gone good.

Speaker 2 (20:44):
I feel good about myself, I really do.

Speaker 9 (20:49):
Congratulations for feeling good about yourself. Coming up next, it
is the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey. You're listening
Harby Moore Show, coming up at the top of the hour.
And entertainment news the first debate between President Biden and
Donald Trump iss sept for June twenty seventh. New survey
reveals which celebrity people want as their president. Hmmm, should

I tell you now it's Denzel Washington.

Speaker 1 (21:18):
Yes, He's got our vote.

Speaker 13 (21:21):

Speaker 9 (21:22):
And the news that read lobster restaurants are closing is trending.
Bye bye Cheddar Bay Biscuits. This is all coming up
at the top of the hour, but right now it
is time to ask the clo All right, Anne, and
south Haven says, my husband and I were at the
movies and the cashier dated our son in high school.

She called me missus Thomas, but she said hi Tony
to my husband.

Speaker 1 (21:47):
He didn't correct her.

Speaker 9 (21:48):
He said, it's no big deal. Why did he allow it?
Is this inappropriate?

Speaker 8 (21:56):
I mean if she dated the sun then in high
school and they don't, why would he can't correct people?
He can't correct people when you run up into people,
that's room. You can't stop or correct everybody. Why does bother.

Speaker 1 (22:16):
The familiarity?

Speaker 2 (22:17):
I think.

Speaker 1 (22:19):
You know, yeah, all the time?

Speaker 2 (22:25):
I got time for.

Speaker 3 (22:27):

Speaker 10 (22:28):
Do I got time for for what?

Speaker 2 (22:34):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 8 (22:35):
And if you if you young young and you call
me Steve, I will stop you and say it's mister Harris.

Speaker 2 (22:45):
But if your mama ain't talking.

Speaker 8 (22:47):
But see now I understand that, but everybody ain't that way.

Speaker 1 (22:52):
Mm hmm, I don't.

Speaker 8 (22:54):
I don't you know, I wouldn't write in about it.
Why didn't he correct her?

Speaker 2 (22:58):
I don't know, because.

Speaker 15 (22:59):
The mister such and such bothered.

Speaker 1 (23:04):
Yeah, you know, familiar with.

Speaker 2 (23:08):
It's mister Hayes.

Speaker 12 (23:09):
Yeah, she could have definitely hell wrong with you.

Speaker 2 (23:14):
We used to get knocked out for that. You missed.
I would have missed in front of something, what mister
miss I I still do that to people.

Speaker 1 (23:23):
M hmm yeah, yeah, all right, moning, I.

Speaker 8 (23:29):
Require it of all employees. You have to call me
mister Hardy. So I don't allow that.

Speaker 2 (23:36):
I don't care.

Speaker 8 (23:36):
Damn if we had family few and all this hip.
If I pay you, I'm mister hart.

Speaker 1 (23:42):
Okay, all right, well let me.

Speaker 2 (23:43):
Start incorporating that with my people. I'll tell you right now.

Speaker 8 (23:47):
You put Steve my ass.

Speaker 9 (23:53):
No worry about that. That's one, But that's all the
w one.

Speaker 8 (24:00):
I'm turning these corners, waking up every more and doing
these radio shows, and in that a portion of this
money that I make I give to you.

Speaker 9 (24:11):
Well, that's all the wife wants in this question, in
this little scenarios.

Speaker 2 (24:16):
I'm talking about employees.

Speaker 1 (24:18):
She wants her respect.

Speaker 2 (24:20):
Took this down at the floor.

Speaker 8 (24:23):
I just used it as a personal moment to be him,
So I don't really don't care about the question.

Speaker 9 (24:29):
The same thing.

Speaker 1 (24:35):
She touched your soul, all right?

Speaker 16 (24:37):
Moving on to testing, you know what goad.

Speaker 9 (24:43):
Testing Columbus writes, My boyfriend cheated on me, and he
blamed it on the eclipse.

Speaker 1 (24:50):
I thought he was joking. I thought he was joking,
but he was very serious.

Speaker 9 (24:55):
I'm more worried about him believing in strange phenomena than
him cheating. Should I encourage him to go talk to
someone whoa lady?

Speaker 8 (25:05):
If you believe that, if you let that would go,
you in for a whole plethora of fresh innovative lines.

Speaker 12 (25:16):
Yeah, the eclipse, lie, Yeah, I know that ain't a
good right. I specialized in quick laugh. Yes you do,
and that's not finn to be here now. The only
only reason I.

Speaker 8 (25:33):
Would use the eclipse in heaven an affair world, baby.
I didn't have my glasses on, sir, and it burned
out my redness.

Speaker 12 (25:43):
And I I couldn't see no more.

Speaker 1 (25:54):
Good one.

Speaker 8 (25:55):
And then I'll look I'll look dead at her and go, Darlene,
I'm sorry. My name see that I'm blind.

Speaker 9 (26:06):
So she's the one that needs to go and talk
to someone, not her man. All right, Moving on to
Leslie and Hartford. Leslie says, a female DMed me to
tell me she had sex with my husband. I didn't
tell my husband. Instead, I showed him the girl's IG
page and told him I was going to lunch with her.

Speaker 1 (26:26):
He didn't lunch, he said cool and kept it moving.
Is this proof she is lying?

Speaker 8 (26:34):
Well, that's what you're trying to figure out, you know what,
Like he didn't. I don't understand. What are you supposed
to do? What's going to lunch with her?

Speaker 2 (26:44):
Fault? Okay, cool, y'all going lunch, go to cool? Lying, Yeah,
have a good time, go go to lunch.

Speaker 8 (26:55):
Waste waste your time? Right, everything a man do ain't alive.
But see y'all so quick, y'all so quick to wanna
believe your man ain't nothing. That's why you always end
up with want that ain't. Your belief attracts to you

what you believed. If you believe all me and adult,
she's said to meet all of 'em. Okay, because you
have to verify your thought process. Have you ever thought
that the woman could be trick.

Speaker 1 (27:30):
Yes, So how should she deal with this?

Speaker 9 (27:33):
Because the woman did DM her and said she was
going she had sex with her husband, So what should
she have done instead of playing a tricky like she
did with her husband?

Speaker 8 (27:47):
Are your dudes ask your huh immediately?

Speaker 2 (27:53):
And I don't know no woman that didn't that would exactly.
But it was a trick you did.

Speaker 8 (28:01):
And when hey, me and this lady right here, we're
going to lund sorry, you have a good time.

Speaker 10 (28:06):
W he to give you the same ass if you
had asked him emails, Stay in Pocket.

Speaker 15 (28:16):
Said Steve, wouldn't me right?

Speaker 7 (28:23):
All right?

Speaker 9 (28:25):
Last one Felix and Pine Bluff says, I'm thirty nine,
my wife is forty five. Our birthdays are a week apart.
We usually celebrate together, but this is my big four.
Oh and I want my own party, she says. No
one knows I'm younger than she is. Would it be
wrong to plan a party for my fortieth anyway?

Speaker 2 (28:41):
Uh? Yeah, yeah it was.

Speaker 8 (28:46):
I mean, look, man, you're gonna play at the party anyway,
and your wife ain't gonna be there.

Speaker 2 (28:52):
It's stupid.

Speaker 8 (28:54):
How you think that's gonna be a cost? How do
you think that's gonna work? I'm playing Faudy, which you
will without you, But DN, are you going to invite him?

Speaker 2 (29:04):
So just a it worth it, it worth issue, big
faux old, just have it.

Speaker 9 (29:10):
Okay, all right, all right, thank you, Clo. Coming up
at the top of the hour, we will have some
entertainment news for you right after this. You're listening Hard
Morning Show. Well it has been set. Both President Biden
and Donald Trump have accepted an invitation from CNN to

debate on June twenty seventh in Atlanta. Biden posted on
X quote I've received and accepted an invitation from at
CNN for a debate on June twenty seventh. Over to you, Donald,
as you said, anywhere, anytime, any place, Okay. So Trump
responded to CNN saying the answer is yes, I will accept.

President Biden and Trump also accepted an invitation from ABC
to hold a second debate.

Speaker 1 (29:58):
On September tenth. Well, let's talk about it.

Speaker 9 (30:00):
The plan was to have two debates ahead of the
November fifth presidential election to set the tone for the
last few months of the campaign.

Speaker 1 (30:09):
So there you go.

Speaker 8 (30:11):
Well, I think it's a good move for Biden because
of the polling numbers, which I think are you know
they're so yeah. I just think it's a good thing
for Biden. Donald Trump's not a he's not a good debater.

Speaker 2 (30:27):

Speaker 8 (30:28):
He doesn't he rants, he goes off, he makes no
valid points. He knows nothing about foreign policy, and he
lies continues about person.

Speaker 2 (30:40):
He's just not man. I just don't But I don't understand.

Speaker 8 (30:43):
But what's the crazy part The craziness in all of this,
to me, it's just the number of people who are
blindly supporting this man when you know he lied about
that election.

Speaker 2 (30:57):
You know the election wasn't stolen, when.

Speaker 8 (31:00):
Every last one of these politicians have got no more.
The thing to make me sick was doing the doing
the insurrection on January sixth, when finally Mitch McConnell.

Speaker 2 (31:12):
And uh the other uh yeah McConnell and all the
Republicans that.

Speaker 8 (31:22):
Yeah, this is it. I'm done, this is it. That's
the final straw. Enough of this guy. They said that
when they was running for their life. Then they found
out that then people still vote. All of them have
changed their minds. It was a small protest. All these

people in jail, y'all kill these law offices, y'all kill
these people injured them really badly. Ye, it's just and man,
y'all can this is hipocrisy at its highest level.

Speaker 2 (31:56):
This is a sad thing.

Speaker 3 (31:57):

Speaker 8 (31:58):
The country is morally just the oh the way we
did this, pertry, Donald and I don't see the turnoment.

Speaker 2 (32:05):
I don't see.

Speaker 9 (32:06):
Well, yeah, we have to register, we have to vote.
And while we're talking about this year's presidential election. According
to a new survey, Denzel Washington is the celebrity that
people would most want to see as our president.

Speaker 17 (32:22):
Yes, president is better, make it more better?

Speaker 1 (32:28):
Yes, come on bleak yes lord, all right, here's here's
a full list.

Speaker 9 (32:36):
Okay, starting at number ten, this is who people want
to see as our next president. Mark Cuban number ten,
number nine, Elon Musk, number eight, Bill Gates.

Speaker 2 (32:48):
Yeah, yeah, that's Donald Trump.

Speaker 9 (32:52):
Number eight, Bill Gates, number seven, Matthew McConaughey, number six, Winfree,
number five, George Clooney, number four, Clint Eastwood number three,
talking to that, damn chill, remember that at the Republican.

Speaker 1 (33:18):
Number three, Any guesses? Any guesses?

Speaker 9 (33:21):
Number three, Wayne Brady, Tom Hanks number three, Wayne Brady's
not on the list. Number two Steve Harvey, Uh you should.
You might be able to guess this one though, because
he's kind of been toying with the idea of running

for office, saying it publicly. The Rock he's in, Yes,
the Rock, number two, the Rock you've been talking about it, yep.

Speaker 1 (33:53):
And number one.

Speaker 9 (33:54):
As we said, Denzel Washington definitely has our vote for sure.

Speaker 1 (33:58):
He will have the black woman's because you know, we
have been known to change elections.

Speaker 2 (34:07):
Who would you pick out of that list though, Denzel?

Speaker 5 (34:10):
Number one?

Speaker 1 (34:11):
Yeah, it's number one.

Speaker 2 (34:12):
Didn't really?

Speaker 1 (34:15):
No, really, you know you know what you think plan
in your face? No, sir, Oh you're looking for experience. Yeah,
Trump was Oprah. Oprah's on the list.

Speaker 9 (34:26):
But yeah, Denzel has my vote for sure in all
the ladies of America.

Speaker 1 (34:32):
Anyone you think should be on the list that's not
on the list, guys, Steve Harvey, uh.

Speaker 9 (34:37):
Huh, you could be background check though, he said that himself.

Speaker 15 (34:42):
Yeah, Dom, we got a former president, got ninety one charger.

Speaker 18 (34:46):
I don't about the promise you that back background checking
mean then you get.

Speaker 2 (34:52):
About four five months, six.

Speaker 1 (34:55):
Your sixth incidents.

Speaker 17 (34:57):
No, we want to Harvey, we will be your our cabinet.
I would I would love to be in a presidential debate.

Speaker 19 (35:07):
Though, Oh yeah, yeah, all right, moving on, we got
to show Red Lobster the restaurants some love, okay, because
they're preparing to close their restaurants nationwide, So we got
to say bye bye to the cheddar Bay biscuits and

all of that.

Speaker 1 (35:28):
You guys, have you eaten at Red Lobster. I'm sure
you have.

Speaker 2 (35:32):
Well, the biscuits can keep you open, obviously.

Speaker 1 (35:36):
What about those shrimps to be.

Speaker 8 (35:37):
Trying to sell more of that damn Fishquit worrying about
them biscuits.

Speaker 16 (35:42):
Everybody loves it. Brought it down, all right, Bye bye,
Red Lobster.

Speaker 9 (35:54):
All right, coming up, coming up, in case you missed it,
we have an encoreporate from Junior in celebration of Tommy's
birthday tomorrow.

Speaker 1 (36:04):
Right after that.

Speaker 2 (36:04):
I didn't ask for that.

Speaker 9 (36:05):
Again, you're listening Morning Show, all right, Come on, Steve,
please introduce Junior poet.

Speaker 2 (36:13):
Don't do it or no introduce? Oh yeah, it's your birthday, man,
a special day. I didn't ask for this. I know
you didn't, but it was back by POPULARI man. According
to who they talked to him.

Speaker 8 (36:26):
The ladies on the show, they like laughing Tommy, let's
just be real about it. This is from the ladies
on the show. We got two of them on a
laugh at the show, and they won't to laugh at
you though, And that's what this is.

Speaker 2 (36:37):
I think you could take it personally.

Speaker 1 (36:39):
That's what this segment is about.

Speaker 8 (36:42):
Yeah, I mean it's about it's about dragging you down
for your birthday.

Speaker 2 (36:48):
You know what I mean? Huh huh, that's not up there.

Speaker 8 (36:50):
I mean, I mean, you got two women on this
show to produce the show, and how you got in
this again, it was cause of me and I.

Speaker 2 (36:57):
Didn't ask for it, and you didn't ask for it,
so high, why don't they he asked for it?

Speaker 8 (37:03):
I think, I think I think Judy I asked for it,
I think, and them three.

Speaker 2 (37:07):
Ladies and four gifts to Tommy.

Speaker 8 (37:10):
Well, ladies and gentlemen, here he is, and I bet
he won't do it. Lady Jay wrapped Junior's ragging and
ass poems proceed okay.

Speaker 18 (37:20):
Well, talking me, I just I didn't ask for a Tommy.

Speaker 2 (37:21):
You know what, man, I ain't no need to looking sad,
look said, I'm not. I'm not gonna do the poem.

Speaker 1 (37:28):
Come on, here we go, happy birthday.

Speaker 14 (37:31):
And nephew Timy is the name of the No, no, no,
but you're not kill Come on, I don't want you
to doing no pity point.

Speaker 2 (37:39):
No no, I'm not doing a pity poem.

Speaker 20 (37:41):
I promise you don't finna give it to you.

Speaker 2 (37:45):
I'm not feeling sorry for him. Did he write a
new one? Here we go, Here we go, Just hold on.

Speaker 1 (37:52):
The poem is titled Happy Birthday, Nephew Tommy.

Speaker 2 (37:55):
Your birthday is tomorrow, so here we go.

Speaker 20 (37:58):
Tommy's birthday is Saturday, so let's give him a hand.
Happy Birthday, nephew Tommy or little man. At your age,
everything shouldn't be so frightening, like how are you still
scared of germs?

Speaker 2 (38:12):

Speaker 1 (38:13):

Speaker 20 (38:14):
You always think you handsome and fresh like flowers. I
mean to tell you that you take too many damn shouts.
I got to tell you this, and Uncle Steve will agree.
You not as cute and you show ain't sexy. Happy birthday,
and this ain't no hate, but we know you either
gonna take off or come in late.

Speaker 1 (38:33):
Happy Birthday timey the end.

Speaker 2 (38:35):
There you go, that's pretty much you. You happy.

Speaker 20 (38:42):
I wasn't buying you thinking thrill doing that.

Speaker 17 (38:47):
Mile wrote you a birthday poem?

Speaker 2 (38:54):
Yeah, oh, disrespectfulan's poem? Here didn't roll? Now y'all got
something about Yes, ain't you scared of germs?

Speaker 9 (39:06):

Speaker 2 (39:06):
I know, ain't you scared of blood? Frighten? Where's disrespect that?

Speaker 3 (39:10):

Speaker 10 (39:11):
Batter little man. Let's tell little man, well that is well,
well you ain't big man.

Speaker 1 (39:19):
So now you're in on it all right? Coming up
at thirty four minutes after no, you.

Speaker 2 (39:25):
Was in it. You just got in it. I'm sorry
I couldn't.

Speaker 1 (39:28):
Get Roscoe Wall's up next.

Speaker 5 (39:31):
You're listening morning show?

Speaker 1 (39:35):
All right, ladies and gentlemen. He is here, Carly, your
man Roscoe in the building.

Speaker 2 (39:40):
Ye, what's going on Roscott's this morning? Oh lady right now?

Speaker 8 (39:45):
I know that probably right here but in the MIDDLEESO, okay,
all over for brutal brow them all?

Speaker 1 (39:56):
You know him?

Speaker 2 (39:56):
Oh? Oh, oh, you know we're right another here he
ca was the world right over here?

Speaker 1 (40:02):

Speaker 2 (40:03):
Leave the dolphin? You wrote that? Oh yeah, I wrote that.

Speaker 8 (40:08):
You know, young head boys don't know knowing about leave
no damn door? Where they get that from?

Speaker 3 (40:14):

Speaker 2 (40:14):
Sound old? Didn't it?

Speaker 8 (40:16):
I'm gonna leave a door over I'm gonna leave the
door open. Yeah at late night, creepy because they got Alexa.
Now they ain't gotta leave the door over. They're telling
Alexa open the damn door that I'm gonna call on
Alexa opening the door. See out of that sound. Quell anybody?

What's going on with your colleague?

Speaker 20 (40:44):
All right?

Speaker 1 (40:45):
So a couple of things.

Speaker 15 (40:46):
First of all, we were kind of talking about this
with Steve. You heard about Tyrese You got served papers
while performing on Yeah?

Speaker 2 (40:56):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Has that ever happened to you? All?

Speaker 6 (41:00):

Speaker 2 (41:00):
Yeah, you got served papers?

Speaker 1 (41:02):
What song were you singing?

Speaker 2 (41:03):
Were you singing?

Speaker 8 (41:04):

Speaker 2 (41:04):
I was singing, Oh she's got paper? Here they come.
He's got paper?

Speaker 1 (41:17):
Oh me?

Speaker 8 (41:21):
And he walked right out there and handed it to me.
I wouldn't even surprise. I stay ready, I.

Speaker 2 (41:34):
Think quick.

Speaker 8 (41:34):
My whole life ain't nothing slow about me. I think
you're seven still friends, you're.

Speaker 2 (41:40):
Doing it rock?

Speaker 1 (41:41):
So you could you sympathize with Tyree? You've been there,
you've been there?

Speaker 2 (41:45):
All right?

Speaker 8 (41:45):

Speaker 2 (41:46):
I don't sympathize with him. I just been there. He
should have went on took them papers.

Speaker 8 (41:52):
Sigga, siger wonder have nine see ty read them pison mall.
Now they gonna find it, they gonna run there, They
gonna really make a fool out of shoot that chook
the papers. I really don't know how to help nothing.
I no wonder he didn't get on line though.

Speaker 15 (42:07):
All right, let's move on, we move it off from sorry, Yeah,
all right, Memorial Day, the countdown is on, grilling season,
barbecue time.

Speaker 1 (42:14):
You know how we do backyard.

Speaker 15 (42:17):
Family reunion, summer I want you. I'm trying to put
together summer playlist, summer play there, what do you want?
Al green, love and happiness?

Speaker 2 (42:33):
Down down, down, down, down, long and happen.

Speaker 8 (42:40):
Then come on, wait a minute, something going wrong?

Speaker 2 (42:47):
Somebody on the phone. What time is it? Three o'clock
in the morning? And way too in here, way too cool?
Something wrong? Been in with some one? Your help? Hey, happiness?

Is we you really? Really?

Speaker 8 (43:13):
I mean, you really feel good about somebody? Yeah? Ain't
nothing wrong being in love with some one?

Speaker 2 (43:24):
Yeah? Yeah, oh love it happened?

Speaker 13 (43:34):

Speaker 2 (43:37):
Yeah, that's it right there, Okay.

Speaker 15 (43:39):
All right, moment before we run out of town, before
I let go, you.

Speaker 2 (43:45):
Make me happy this you can't be come on out.

Speaker 8 (43:55):
You stood right beside me here and sure he gonna
forget it.

Speaker 1 (44:03):
I really love you.

Speaker 2 (44:09):
You should know if he said I won't to make
sure before I lit.

Speaker 1 (44:21):
Yeah, stop that prank phone call, bra Ba And what.

Speaker 9 (44:28):
You're listening morning show coming up at about four minutes
after the hour. It's my Strawberry letter for today. And
the subject is he wants to be the center of attention.

Speaker 5 (44:41):

Speaker 9 (44:42):
I wonder who that's about. We'll get into it and
find out in just a few because right now, you
know it, Right now it is time for the nephew
in today's prank phone call, which you got next for.

Speaker 10 (44:54):
You know you, you really didn't lost your man when
you when you way beyond.

Speaker 2 (45:02):
To do a prank.

Speaker 10 (45:03):
And on this particular prank, I actually mail some draw
to a particular household.

Speaker 2 (45:10):
I mailed my draw to a particular household.

Speaker 1 (45:15):
I went above and beyond this.

Speaker 21 (45:19):
Yeah yeah, yeah, So this right here is called the gift.
The gift all right this yeah, so okay, stop, I'm
the only one mail drawer.

Speaker 2 (45:32):
I'm the only one ever.

Speaker 1 (45:33):
Just send somebody the guarantee, that's all you dog A.

Speaker 10 (45:40):
Nobody went down there to the post all but put
their draws in a box and just send them.

Speaker 2 (45:43):
I ain't. Nobody doesn't ever make You're.

Speaker 10 (45:46):
The omagine ka all right, well here it is the
gift go dog.

Speaker 2 (45:53):
If you would.

Speaker 3 (45:55):
Hello, I'm trying to Uh, I'm trying to how you're doing. Listen.
We you and I we've never met. I wanted to
reach out to you though. Did you did you get
Did you get a package? I said to you last week?

Speaker 13 (46:10):
A package?

Speaker 2 (46:10):
Who is this?

Speaker 3 (46:11):
My name is my name? My name is Jason, And
I sent you a package?

Speaker 13 (46:16):
Do I know you? Who are you?

Speaker 3 (46:18):
Say? Again?

Speaker 13 (46:19):
Now, how do I know you?

Speaker 3 (46:21):
You don't know me. I'm just you know, I guess
you could say I'm like a secret admirer. And I've
been a minding you for quite some time. And uh,
you know, I sent you a little something and uh,
you know, I didn't know if either if you got
it or not if I had to write address, but
I wanted to know if you had gotten it. So
you know, this is like my first time reaching out
to you.

Speaker 13 (46:38):
I sent that package to my house.

Speaker 3 (46:40):
Uh yeah, I mean you got you got a pair
of a pair of my underwear with the rose feedals
all in it.

Speaker 13 (46:45):
You said, yeah, you're sends h to my house?

Speaker 3 (46:49):
Are you?

Speaker 13 (46:50):
And how did you know me?

Speaker 3 (46:53):
I've been a mind you for a long time and
I see I see you at your job, I see
you at your house, you know, at the grocery market
when I see you, So what you stocker?

Speaker 13 (47:01):
Well do I know you? Even?

Speaker 8 (47:04):

Speaker 13 (47:04):
Do I know you from?

Speaker 3 (47:05):
You don't know me? You know you don't know me
at all, but you you.

Speaker 13 (47:09):
Know, Wait a minute, Wait a minute, wait a minute.
You're intit of some draws to my house, got my
husband all up in an uproar.

Speaker 3 (47:17):
But I ain't Sam draws.

Speaker 13 (47:18):
And you don't even know me. You got a husband, Yeah,
I got a husband.

Speaker 3 (47:23):
Oh, okay, I didn't. I mean, hey, no disrespect, Brie,
I ain't. I ain't know you got a husband.

Speaker 13 (47:29):
You know you've been watching me stock me at my job,
in my house. You gotta know that.

Speaker 3 (47:34):
Hey, I apologize on that, but you so you did
get it.

Speaker 13 (47:38):
I don't want to apology.

Speaker 3 (47:40):
Yeah I got them, Okay, I mean what did you
think about the gesture? Though?

Speaker 13 (47:43):
I mean it makes funny something to you. My husband
got that package with my name on it. And I've
been for the last week going through hell let's checking
my Facebook, all on my emails, going through my car
history on my phone. I get he waked my up
in the middle of the night times about this, and
you're gonna ask me about are you crazy?

Speaker 3 (48:05):
You know? I was just admiring you. I thought, you know,
sending a pair.

Speaker 13 (48:09):
Of draws to my house.

Speaker 3 (48:14):
You like that.

Speaker 13 (48:15):
I don't even know you like that.

Speaker 3 (48:16):
I don't know, I know, but I was. You know,
that was my way of like showing you that I
admire you, that I'm into you.

Speaker 13 (48:23):
You know that was just that's some sick I don't
need no draws, especially those strange draws. I got draws
at the house. I got two sons, a husband. I
watched draws every week. I don't need no draws. You
don't do no like that upset my whole household, have me,
damn me in divorce court behind some draws. What I

want to know is how to head off?

Speaker 3 (48:46):
Do you know me?

Speaker 13 (48:47):
How do you How did you get my address where
I worked?

Speaker 3 (48:50):

Speaker 13 (48:51):
How did you know me? My phone number? Honest? How
do you know me? I don't get that. Where did
you get my trunk? I tell you what college number?

Speaker 3 (49:01):

Speaker 13 (49:01):
When my husband get home, you can with him. He
can get your draws back. You come meet him in
the morning. I have him there.

Speaker 9 (49:08):

Speaker 3 (49:09):
I'm not trying to have altercations with nobody.

Speaker 13 (49:12):
I'm not trying to have all of that you explained
to him and get this off my because I had
enough of this draws at my door.

Speaker 3 (49:19):
Okay, let me ask you this here? Will you send
me some of yours?

Speaker 13 (49:24):
You didn't? Are you not listening to me? Hell no,
you can't handle of my draws. Why don't you ask
my husband for him when he could hear in the morning.
Why don't you ask him for some of my drops?

Speaker 3 (49:34):
I thought I thought it would be, you know, like
a sign of something, something intimate, something from me, you know,
kind of like a token of where I wanted the
relationship to go.

Speaker 13 (49:44):
I don't even know you. You got my damn there
in divorce court behind some damn draws, and I don't
even know who are you? How? Who are you? How
do you know so much about me? Where did you
get my address from? How do you know where I work?
How you get my phone?

Speaker 3 (50:05):
Who for you?

Speaker 13 (50:06):
You seem like you to know you don't have husband?
Matter of fact, say what this number in you come
back on this number in an hour, and that it's home.
So we can get this trait so.

Speaker 8 (50:19):
You can talk to him.

Speaker 3 (50:20):
Do that for me? Wait, wait, wait, wait, I'm not
looking for no altercation now if if oh you look,
you're looking.

Speaker 13 (50:27):
For fun and you still don't understand. So how do
you say that's what you want? Because I'm trying to
explain to you. You don upset my whole household, got
my over here, the nerves, and you ain't understanding that.
So obviously what you are looking for is an altercation.

Speaker 3 (50:41):
No, I'm not looking for I'm looking for I'm looking
for some personal time with you. That's what I'm looking for.

Speaker 13 (50:48):
My personal time is with my person. What about that?
Don't you understand?

Speaker 3 (50:53):
I will you send me a pair of your underwell?
What I mean, I'm not asking too much. If you
just send me a pair, I'll go away.

Speaker 13 (51:04):
I said, you give me your address, Yeah, tell me
where to centerm tell me where to send us right now?
What you hell? Yeah, give me the address. You give
me the address, and my fact I hand deliver right tonight.

Speaker 3 (51:18):
See, you're trying to create an alfkase, why not just
give you a po box? So you're trying to create
an altercation?

Speaker 13 (51:24):
No, give me your address? You got mine. You got
my address? Let me send you something to your address.

Speaker 3 (51:30):
No, nah, that's all right. Look, you know what? Can
I say one more thing to you? No? You know what?

Speaker 13 (51:34):
I don't want it?

Speaker 3 (51:35):
What? What?

Speaker 13 (51:35):
What the do you have to say to me?

Speaker 3 (51:38):
Can I say one more thing till you please?

Speaker 2 (51:40):
What do you want?

Speaker 3 (51:42):
I just want to tell you who I am? Can
I tell you who I am?

Speaker 13 (51:45):
You know it told me who you are. I want
to know how to you know me? Where you get from?

Speaker 3 (51:50):
Listen to me real closely. This is nephew. You tell
me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got
pranked by your sister. Oh tello.

Speaker 13 (52:07):
Oh I'm gonna go Oh my goodness, yeah, Oh I'm
gonna get hurt. Oh my god.

Speaker 3 (52:16):
Hey. Look we started this over a week and a
half ago.

Speaker 13 (52:21):
We sell me. I'm going through helphone a week behind you.

Speaker 3 (52:25):

Speaker 13 (52:27):
Oh my goodness, I a bree.

Speaker 3 (52:31):
Tell your man to sim it down. It was all
a brank phone called baby.

Speaker 13 (52:36):
He is not going to believe this, Oh my goodness,
he is not going.

Speaker 20 (52:40):
To believe it.

Speaker 3 (52:40):
Tell me this, Bree, what is the baddest I'm talking
about the baddest radio show in the land.

Speaker 13 (52:46):
Steve Harvey Morning Shows.

Speaker 3 (52:48):
Draws and all.

Speaker 13 (52:50):
H my goodness, yeah, you have it.

Speaker 10 (52:56):
You feel strong about something, Hey, put it in the mail.
Put your draws in the mail. What love make you
do that?

Speaker 2 (53:03):
Man? I thought that was a good idea.

Speaker 1 (53:05):

Speaker 2 (53:06):
He does love make you do that?

Speaker 10 (53:10):
Okay, if you're in Dallas and you feel like mailing
your drop, well, no, I'm playing. I'm playing.

Speaker 2 (53:17):
I'm playing. I'm playing. I'm playing.

Speaker 10 (53:19):
Come on, heng come hang out with the Nephew at
the Majestic there in the June fifteenth Father's Day weekend
Saturday night.

Speaker 2 (53:25):
I will be there. It will be off.

Speaker 10 (53:27):
The chaining is Nephew Tommy's house party comedy jam. You
do not want to miss it. It is straight ignorant
from the beginning to the ending. And you're gonna get
a lot of time in this time. I promise you
that I put my stamp on it. That's for real,
all right. Ain't no half time, it ain't no ten minutes.

Speaker 11 (53:45):
All right?

Speaker 9 (53:48):
Coming up next Strawberry letter subject he wants to be
the center of attention.

Speaker 1 (53:53):
We'll get into that right after this.

Speaker 5 (53:55):
You're listening hard Morning Show.

Speaker 9 (53:59):
It is time now for today's Strawberry Letter and if
you need advice on relationships, work, sex, parenting, and more,
please submit your Strawberry letter to STEVEVARVFM dot com and
click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter
live on the air, just like we're going to read
this one right here, right now, and you never know,
it could be yours.

Speaker 2 (54:19):
It could be yours. Muggle up and hold on tight.
We got it for you. Hear it is Strawberry Letter.

Speaker 1 (54:24):
Thank you, nephew.

Speaker 9 (54:25):
Subject he wants to be the center of attention. Dear
Stephen Shirley, I've spoiled my husband and made him the
center of my universe, but whatever I do, it's never enough.
I'm tired of going to functions with him and he
has to be the center of attention. Recently, at an
outdoor concert, we were with a group of our friends

and one of our friends got us the tickets because
he is the cousin of one of the artists. My
husband had to outdo the guy by knowing all of
the dances that the group did back in the day,
and I was so ashamed to see him poplocking in
front of everyone. He had to try to outdance everyone.
When we go to dinner. He wants to impress everyone
by his knowledge of wine, and he will brag to

other people near us about his wine collection. Our friends
clown him, but they love being around him because he's
one big ball of energy. They never know what he
will say or what lie he will tell to make
himself look impressive. He's also very annoying whenever we have
threesomes erk. He's also very annoying when we have threesomes.

I can't have fun because he's watching my every move,
and afterwards he complains about what I did to the
others and what I didn't do to him. It's making
me want to go back to the way things were
before he asked me to have a threesome with him.
There's so much other stuff he could be doing instead
of trying to have me focus on him the whole time.

He'd asked me about swinging, and I would love to,
but I don't think he can handle it. How do
I deal with my husband's constant need for attention? Excuse me,
that's your question. I just can't believe that's your first question.
You waited almost till the end of the letter to

tell us that he gets on your nerves during threesomes.
I mean, you said a lot of other things too,
but I think the most important thing or what you're
most concerned about here is the threesomes.

Speaker 1 (56:25):
I mean, And it's okay what you.

Speaker 9 (56:27):
Guys do, and if you don't have a problem with it,
why should I. So the issue for you is is
just your constant, your husband's constant need for attention and why.
I don't know why he needs attention like this. Maybe
he didn't get enough as a child or something. Maybe
he's into threesomes in swinging because the more people in
the room, the marrier, as long as all of the

attention is on him. And you yourself might enjoy doing
these things, but you're married to a man who needs
so much attention that of course he's not gonna want
you to be with anyone else but him. He wants
you you there for him if he had it his way.
He wants threesomes and he wants to swing, but he
wants it just for himself, not for you. So don't
try to enjoy yourself, don't try to, you know, have

any fun in this. Please don't pay any attention to
anyone but him at all times. If this is what
you guys are doing. This is not about you, wifey,
It's not about you. This is about him. You're tired,
you say of his shenanigans.

Speaker 1 (57:26):
Anyway, Steve, I'm just.

Speaker 8 (57:30):
You know what, these letters with all these new norms
in it, and it's just amazing to me. I mean, lady,
what's wrong.

Speaker 2 (57:40):
With y'all out here? What is wrong with y'all?

Speaker 8 (57:45):
I mean, really, man, y'all keep sending us these letters
with these way out moments, and y'all just discussing them
like they just as normal, Like I mean, you know,
like everybody else doing it. No, everybody else ain't doing it.
Now it's a lot more people doing it, obviously, because
now y'all right in it about it and it's just

the norm.

Speaker 2 (58:07):
And I'm another new norm that I don't know what
you want us to tell you.

Speaker 8 (58:11):
You opened a letter with I've spoiled my husband and
made him the center of my universe.

Speaker 2 (58:18):
But whatever I do, it ain't to know. And then
according to this letter, you done done damn near everything.
I don't know what else. He won't.

Speaker 8 (58:30):
I sure don't want to be there when he be
talking about this new stuff he finish come up with
I'm tired of going to functions with him. He got
to be the center of attention. See the letter was
going okay in here. You know we recently y'all went
to our deal concert where y'all was with a group
of friends, and one of your friends got tickets because
he knows somebody in the group, right, but your husband

had I'll do the man by knowing all the dances
that the group did back in the day. Now running man,
I was so ashamed to see him pop locking in
front of everybody. He had to try to outdance everybody. Now,
let me stop right here. When you at a concert

and you trying to outdance everybody everyone.

Speaker 2 (59:17):
That's some hard ass dancing he does.

Speaker 8 (59:21):
I mean the sweat rings that's under his arms on
that silk shirt he woke is all the way down
to his belt. I mean at this point he looking trifling.
I mean, this dude, dude, you dancing way too hard.
But you can't even hear the songs right now, because
you know, you gotta focus on your next move.

Speaker 2 (59:42):
You got to you know, you gotta do the four corners.
Then you got to come out with the pearl. Then
you got to hit him with the muscle man. Then
you got to hit him with the earl fleeing.

Speaker 8 (59:53):
Then you got to pop lock. Then you got to
come back and hit him with the uh with the
running mate. Then you got to come back and double
work the snake in.

Speaker 13 (01:00:04):

Speaker 2 (01:00:04):
Then you got to come up out of that, go
right into the cabbage patch. Yes, you know what I mean.

Speaker 8 (01:00:09):
You got to come out the cabbage patch. Then he
grove up a little bit. He tied now just for
extra show that he help he throw in the nay nay, yeah.
Why he stepped in and he was just giving the
tool and right for that, a little hall of shake.

This boy is exhausted. All the group was doing the medley.

Speaker 9 (01:00:39):
Hang on, Steve, we'll have for two of your response
coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's
Strawberry letter, subject he wants to be the center of attention.
We'll get back into it right after this.

Speaker 5 (01:00:50):
You're listening Morning show, All right.

Speaker 9 (01:00:54):
Come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject
he wants to be the center of attention.

Speaker 8 (01:01:00):
Got this man out here that got to be She
tired of him because he'd have made her. She has
made him the center of her universe, and he's doing
everything she can for him, and she tired of it.
Now we're gonna get to the real part of this.
Ant a hot tide issue, but she can't do nothing
with to go to company functions, he got to be

senter attention. They went to our though concert. He up
trying to outdance everybody. He done put all the dancing
together at one time. He haled him shape doing the
pee wee herman come up out of here, cabbage patch, snake,
running man, the monkey who he did the monkey on?

They asked that, ain't nobody said the monkey was just him?
Oh yeah, he did the monkey, then he did the roach,
killed the roach. He just too much. Now the sweat
rings under his arms. He's crazy now. And then when
you will go out to dinner, he want to impress
everybody with his or knowledge of wine and brag the

other people kneel us about his wine collection. Now he
ain't no rich dude because the rich dudes don't do
all this here. So his wine collection really ain't all
that you know haul in here talking about it. I
got some man of chevies, you know, So what is
that you know? For my special occasions. I break out
my silver Oaks. That's his most expensive bottle of wine,

that's sixty but here and there on there mispronouncing names
over the drinking lord and Taylor Chavez blancat for you know,
he has the best chateau bleon, you.

Speaker 2 (01:02:41):
Know, half pronouncing French words. He's just my ass trying
to speak for it anyway.

Speaker 8 (01:02:48):
And the people, uh, your friends clowning, but they love
being arounding because he's the big ball energy. They don't
never know what he'll say. I do and to make
itself look impressive. Now hear the letter, then it just
out of nowhere. He also is very annoying. Whenever we
have threesomes. I can't have fun because he watching my
every move. And afterwards he complained about what I did

to the others and what I didn't do to him.
What wait, w y'all married, y'all having threesomes and what
you're doing to the other person?

Speaker 2 (01:03:25):
He mad, because you doing it to the other person,
didn't do it to him.

Speaker 1 (01:03:29):
He needs attention. Started popling what he started pop?

Speaker 8 (01:03:37):
Come on now, while y'all over there, y'all doing the twosome.
He's standing next to the bed doing the snake. I
wonder why y'all ain't paying attention to him? See me
back here, all them shaking, all his heirs, they name hello.
It's making me want to go back to the way
things were before he asked me to have a threesome

with him. Wait a minute, what, There's so much other
stuff he could be doing instead of trying to have
me focus on him the whole time. Because he could
be doing something else. Because there's a threesome in here.
You could be doing something on the top while I'm
down here on the bottom. You could be doing something
on the bottom while I'm up at the top. Why

are you just focusing on me? Oh?

Speaker 2 (01:04:21):
This is crazy? He asked me about swinging, and I
would love to What is y'all doing now?

Speaker 1 (01:04:28):
Just threesome? Steve?

Speaker 2 (01:04:30):
Well, what is swinging?

Speaker 1 (01:04:33):
He wants to start swinging?

Speaker 2 (01:04:35):
How far open do this? Dope?

Speaker 3 (01:04:37):

Speaker 8 (01:04:38):
Already got extra people in your bedroom? Now he wants
to start swinging? Swinging with who? How many people is swinging?
The more the merrier, But I don't think he can
handle it. How do I deal with my husband's constant
need of attention? First of all, why did you write us?

Speaker 2 (01:05:01):
How do we know.

Speaker 8 (01:05:03):
I never had this problem. Shirley's never had this problem.
Most people listening have never had this problem. And you're
the first person to roll in with this problem. So
listen to me, lady.

Speaker 2 (01:05:17):
I can't help you. My only suggestion is do everything.

Speaker 1 (01:05:24):
Suggestion, Yeah, try.

Speaker 8 (01:05:28):
Try do everything. Damn them threesome start swinging. Swinging don't
work for you. Try polygamy that don't work for me.
Try try or what they call it? What's that TV?
Sister wives? Some sister wives up in there. Uh do
what old pimps do. Get you a couple of wife

in laws. Uh, you know, and then if that ain't
enough for you, you know, just try prostitution.

Speaker 2 (01:05:55):
I don't know what try prostitution? What are y'all? Why
is the shock when she's doing all that for free?

Speaker 1 (01:06:05):

Speaker 8 (01:06:06):
She doing anybody and everybody for free. She threesomes, She
ready to swing. They gonna do polygamy, they gonna do
sister wise. They gonna be on TV in a minute.

Speaker 10 (01:06:24):
All this.

Speaker 8 (01:06:27):
That's like that showed us on TV. That's got that
black lady, that's got them three husbands husbands and they
all stay in the same what. Yeah, let me play
some TV that when I take my clothes off. Okay,
that can be only one person in this room that

has a zipper on their pants. That's all I have
to say. Can't nobody else stay here? Ain't nobody got
no bed over there nowhere? I got to be out soon. No,
I can't help this lady.

Speaker 2 (01:06:59):

Speaker 9 (01:07:00):
Days Albery Letter on Instagram at Steve Harvey FM. Check
us out on the Strawberry Letter podcast to be top
on the Free iHeartRadio app where free never sounded so good.
Coming up next, it is Junior with Sports Talk. Right
after this you're listening Harvey Morning Show. It is time

now for Junior and Sports Talk.

Speaker 1 (01:07:22):
What you got Junior?

Speaker 18 (01:07:23):
Well, surety, let me tell you about the Cure's Hope
five K Running Fun Walk. Got an update on the
registration yesterday. We are up to two hundred and thirty
five people for June first, So y'all need to see
y'all in Dallas at the Market Hunt Hill Bridge.

Speaker 2 (01:07:37):
Come on out there, man. Register Go to Kershope dot org.

Speaker 3 (01:07:40):
That's k I E R.

Speaker 5 (01:07:41):
S Hope dot org.

Speaker 2 (01:07:42):
We're working to.

Speaker 18 (01:07:43):
Change the shape the sickle cell.

Speaker 2 (01:07:44):
That's what we're doing. So I'll see y'll June first.

Speaker 18 (01:07:46):
All right, the twenty twenty four NFL schedule is out
at Man. Week one, y'all got a game Week one,
the Dallas Cowboys.

Speaker 1 (01:07:54):

Speaker 18 (01:07:55):
Brown's going down to Dallas, Tommy Houston, we playing Dallas too,
Man on Monday Night football.

Speaker 2 (01:08:00):
All well, yeah, man, we're gonna have to be there
though for that one matter of fact, let's put it
in to be off on two playing ahead.

Speaker 1 (01:08:11):
I'm not gonna do that, Tommy, but.

Speaker 2 (01:08:14):
We will watch the game, is what I'm saying.

Speaker 18 (01:08:17):
Also, man, they do have a Super Bowl rematch the
Kansas City Chiefs. We'll take on the San Francisco forty
nine Ers in Week nine of the NFL twenty twenty
four Pittsburgh Steelers Russell Wilson is going back to Delver.
He going back to the Denver bron Pittsburgh. Yeah, Man,
going back down there, Sean.

Speaker 2 (01:08:33):
Why y'all let me go. It's gonna be a bunch
of these games. Man, Why is he going back?

Speaker 18 (01:08:38):
He going back down there, Pittsburgh Steels playing the Denver Broncos.

Speaker 2 (01:08:41):
He gonna go back to Sean. Shouldn't let me go?

Speaker 18 (01:08:43):
So we got that also, man, shout out to Brownie James.
He was cleared to play in the NBA by the doctors.

Speaker 2 (01:08:49):
He can play the NBA and be drafted.

Speaker 3 (01:08:51):
You know what.

Speaker 18 (01:08:51):
The thing he did say unk that he going to
the NBA. He does not want to make it off
his dad's name. He wanted on his own.

Speaker 3 (01:08:57):

Speaker 8 (01:08:58):
He said, I want to make it lass name. You
got to go out here and play. Ye, anybody care
who boy you is. He gonna play, he get ball,
he gonna go out there, he's gonna do it. You
ain't gonna worry about it making anybody. You ain't finna
make it on your daddy name in the NBA.

Speaker 2 (01:09:13):
No, they don't. They don't care who your dad is.
You still got to play the game.

Speaker 8 (01:09:20):
I'm gonna feed you this thirty You're gonna drink it
and and we're gonna go from here.

Speaker 2 (01:09:27):
That's all it is. That's all it is, man and
shut out.

Speaker 18 (01:09:31):
Man to Paul piers Man, Did anybody see Paul piers
on the other day, Come on, Paul Pierce. Paul Pierce
said the N word live on TV and didn't suck.
Did he catch yourself so committed.

Speaker 3 (01:09:45):
This word?

Speaker 2 (01:09:46):
Because he was just he was just in it. It
wasn't paying no attention, no tention he was, I was?

Speaker 1 (01:09:54):
Or Paul.

Speaker 2 (01:10:03):
Looking down? Man, let me show you.

Speaker 6 (01:10:04):
What this I guess.

Speaker 2 (01:10:09):
Hey man for next were live game six tonight faces Nix.

Speaker 1 (01:10:22):
Sure, all right, Junior, thank you. Coming up at the
top of the hour, we'll find.

Speaker 9 (01:10:28):
Out who's most likely to do what on this show
right here, right after this, you're listening.

Speaker 5 (01:10:35):
Morning show.

Speaker 1 (01:10:38):
All right, it's time to play around him. Who on
the show? Who on this show comes to work late
the most? Tommy no hesitation?

Speaker 2 (01:10:49):
You know what I'm not. I'm not whatever this is today.
I'm talking about late, missing, no call. I don't know
where he acts? What is what I call? What I'm
supold to say to you? I don't know. I ain't that.
I don't know, I ain't. We already know that exactly.
So it's just but see, it's.

Speaker 8 (01:11:07):
Expected absences that throw us the most. We are able
to predict your absence.

Speaker 1 (01:11:14):
Yeah, Like, this is a birthday weekend, So what is
Monday an off day for him? Yeah?

Speaker 15 (01:11:20):
But your birthday is Saturday, right, So what does that
have to do with Monday?

Speaker 10 (01:11:24):
Ain't it supposed to be the next day that's closest
to the to the week that you get off. That's
how they do them. Holiday Sunday, you off on Sunday.
You ain't no holidays, just birth.

Speaker 2 (01:11:35):
It's no, I'm not I'm sorry. I'm not just a birthday,
all right? Who on the show? Because you know everybody
got days now.

Speaker 8 (01:11:46):
Now, if you don't have secretary Day, the boss day,
they have women's Day, nephew day, they start having little
people day.

Speaker 2 (01:11:54):
I said nephew days.

Speaker 13 (01:11:55):
What I said?

Speaker 2 (01:11:57):
Who on the show?

Speaker 1 (01:11:58):
Would you never take shing with you?

Speaker 8 (01:12:01):
Su You were going to say, surely, Monica not taking
Carl nowhere?

Speaker 2 (01:12:10):
No women?

Speaker 3 (01:12:12):

Speaker 2 (01:12:13):
Or Junior? The only person subject to what are you
gonna take me with you? You get out there and
get sick, we can't get you back in here. Oh wow,
you sit up here like you don't. You wasn't sick before.

Speaker 10 (01:12:29):
Okay, I've been before, But I don't know how to
I don't know what to do when you were way
out in the middle of nowhere.

Speaker 1 (01:12:34):
Boy who on the show cannot talk without coussin? Who
on the Steve? Yeah, it was so easy.

Speaker 3 (01:12:46):

Speaker 1 (01:12:46):
You what's that confused look on your face?

Speaker 2 (01:12:51):
You're the Paul Pierce. I'm surprised but he talking. Look
at this, that is you?

Speaker 1 (01:13:08):
All right? Who on the show would not be a
good spades partner?

Speaker 10 (01:13:13):

Speaker 3 (01:13:18):

Speaker 9 (01:13:20):
Plus yeah, you know my attention span? Uh, I can't
concentrate that hard. Well yeah, and Tammy too?

Speaker 1 (01:13:34):
Yeah what amount?

Speaker 15 (01:13:38):
Yes, that's my space partner right there, Marjorie.

Speaker 1 (01:13:41):
Harvey, which was another in word moment, That was another word?

Speaker 2 (01:13:48):
But I cleaned it up though, didn't I? All right?

Speaker 1 (01:13:52):
Who on the show had naturally curly hair until recently?

Speaker 3 (01:13:59):

Speaker 13 (01:14:00):

Speaker 2 (01:14:00):
All these is easy, junior? Why is y'all want.

Speaker 18 (01:14:06):
Y'all naturally curly hair until recently?

Speaker 2 (01:14:11):
Until recently?

Speaker 13 (01:14:12):

Speaker 2 (01:14:12):
That's the start wearing repeat, He got a lot of
hats on. You got a gentle tat on? Now who
on the show want?

Speaker 1 (01:14:30):
Who on the show would you ask to borrow a car?

Speaker 3 (01:14:35):

Speaker 2 (01:14:36):
That's Steve all day long?

Speaker 13 (01:14:38):

Speaker 18 (01:14:39):
I mean, he ain't gonna know what's going would you
know what's going on?

Speaker 2 (01:14:42):
Yeah? Yeah, but who ain't gonna let you have a car?

Speaker 1 (01:14:48):
We're gonna ask you though?

Speaker 3 (01:14:50):

Speaker 8 (01:14:50):
All right?

Speaker 1 (01:14:51):
Who on the show has a child that's taller than
they are?

Speaker 2 (01:14:55):
Simon shout out the.

Speaker 1 (01:14:59):
Track, My baby is taller than me, shared his way
taller than I am.

Speaker 2 (01:15:08):
Then she shout out to Trey and Jordan.

Speaker 1 (01:15:16):
Coming up.

Speaker 9 (01:15:16):
At twenty minutes after the hour, we'll have more of
the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this.

Speaker 5 (01:15:21):
You're listening Harvey Morning Show.

Speaker 9 (01:15:26):
All right, So, did you guys see this video of
the passenger that crawled into the overhead luggage.

Speaker 1 (01:15:31):
Bin on Southwest? Did you guys see that? I saw it?

Speaker 3 (01:15:33):

Speaker 20 (01:15:34):

Speaker 9 (01:15:35):
This was on a flight from Albuquerque to Phoenix. Passengers
were boarding the flight and one passenger happened to look
up and saw a lady lying in the overhead luggage bin,
leaning on a small piece of luggage. Now, according to
online sources, Southwest is investigating the matter.

Speaker 1 (01:15:52):
Uh what, I don't understand. Why would anyone even want
to get up in there?

Speaker 6 (01:15:56):
What is that on?

Speaker 3 (01:15:57):
It? To get.

Speaker 13 (01:16:00):

Speaker 2 (01:16:01):
Been there, you're going through something. She gone something wrong?
And I like it gone now just being closed. It's
full now gone gone down.

Speaker 18 (01:16:11):
Here, this one this was full, gone down seventeen a
open go down there.

Speaker 2 (01:16:16):
That's that's a fortunates.

Speaker 1 (01:16:19):
Yeah, yeah, that was that was crazy. You saw it, Steve,
I didn't. It was scary then crazy. First first it
was frightening, whoa like that? And then they're very But
she didn't react though she now she was.

Speaker 2 (01:16:35):
Cool going down fellows.

Speaker 10 (01:16:37):
That's the kind of girl you don't want hiding and
then folded herself up now and hiding all up under
stuff into the house.

Speaker 2 (01:16:43):
That's how they do like that. They don't want that.

Speaker 1 (01:16:45):

Speaker 2 (01:16:46):
It's a double eded sword, though they can do too.

Speaker 1 (01:16:49):
It's a double jointed edge sword.

Speaker 2 (01:16:52):
Damn well, she ain't in my microwave watching me. Yeah,
that was serio.

Speaker 9 (01:17:02):
All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning
Show coming up at thirty three minutes after we'll play
around it.

Speaker 1 (01:17:08):
Would you rather? Right after this?

Speaker 5 (01:17:10):
You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show.

Speaker 9 (01:17:13):
It's time now for a round of would you rather?
Would you rather show Time at the Apollo or the
Steve Harvey Show?

Speaker 1 (01:17:19):
Which one?

Speaker 2 (01:17:22):
Well? The what watch it?

Speaker 3 (01:17:23):
You mean?

Speaker 1 (01:17:24):
Yeah, but you just rather.

Speaker 2 (01:17:26):
Steve Harveys Show, Steve Harveyshaw.

Speaker 1 (01:17:28):
Steve Harvey more than Showtime.

Speaker 2 (01:17:30):
You're talking about the sitcom Steve har.

Speaker 1 (01:17:33):
Yes, sitcom Steve Harvey. Yeah, when he was mister High Tower.

Speaker 8 (01:17:38):
I love that show.

Speaker 5 (01:17:40):
Oh, I love it?

Speaker 10 (01:17:40):

Speaker 2 (01:17:42):
Which one bullet head and Romeo.

Speaker 1 (01:17:46):
LaVita Ali.

Speaker 2 (01:17:49):
Too much work. I don't want to be on set
that long. No more, got do the Apollo in the hockey?

Speaker 1 (01:17:54):
Okay, so you'd rather be Apollo. Ain't nothing like a
good boot though?

Speaker 7 (01:17:58):

Speaker 1 (01:18:00):
Rub that rum that stump?

Speaker 2 (01:18:04):
All right?

Speaker 9 (01:18:04):
Would you rather lick cake icing off your fingers? Or
would you rather use a napp.

Speaker 2 (01:18:11):
You got the speed, you got to push it together?
You left too much space in between.

Speaker 1 (01:18:15):
Would you rather lick cake icing off your fingers? Or
would you rather use a napkin? Just listen to what
I said? Off your fingers?

Speaker 2 (01:18:27):
Like lady? Off your finger?

Speaker 3 (01:18:29):
Or do what?

Speaker 1 (01:18:30):
Or use a napkin?

Speaker 2 (01:18:36):
Why would we waste all that ice?

Speaker 3 (01:18:38):
I just.

Speaker 1 (01:18:41):
Okay, So you're licking the cake. You're licking the icing
off your fingers.

Speaker 2 (01:18:44):
You make them so hard?

Speaker 9 (01:18:46):
Would you rather live with this entire morning show crew?
Or would you would you rather compliment your ex?

Speaker 2 (01:19:00):
All right, I'm with you morning crew? Who got the
bathroom for? Yeah? I'm just gonna be with y'all.

Speaker 8 (01:19:07):
I'm not uh huh or compliment your just compliment your ax.
Yes what I'm gonna compliment my ad? So I'm not
living with y'all.

Speaker 2 (01:19:18):
Come on, you don't lie to hell.

Speaker 1 (01:19:22):
Yeah, we're not rich enough for you.

Speaker 2 (01:19:25):
No, I'm just it ain't and we're not going to
do that.

Speaker 1 (01:19:30):
All right?

Speaker 9 (01:19:30):
Would you rather be very cute but you're an introvert,
or would you be very rather be very ugly and confident?

Speaker 2 (01:19:38):
Be all day? I'd rather be that.

Speaker 14 (01:19:40):
I'm already not to do that, to be ugly with
y'all tell me boy, No, I'm like, come on, come on, man,
let's just go on.

Speaker 8 (01:19:54):
Come on, hey man, we provide opportunity after opportunity after.

Speaker 2 (01:20:00):
You just come on, you need to come on out.

Speaker 1 (01:20:03):
But it's his birthday. Let him be cute on his birthday.

Speaker 2 (01:20:08):
Wait wait, wait, wait, wait wait wait, so what am
I what? It a my birthday.

Speaker 1 (01:20:13):
On Monday.

Speaker 2 (01:20:17):
If they gonna let you be cute on your birthday,
what do they say about their mother? You have sixty
fourth day.

Speaker 12 (01:20:24):
That's today's brown ask missed another opportunity coming up.

Speaker 9 (01:20:29):
Next, We'll close out the show with the one and
only Steve Harvey.

Speaker 1 (01:20:34):
Right after this.

Speaker 9 (01:20:35):
You're listening Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, here we
are last break of the day.

Speaker 1 (01:20:42):
On this Friday. It's been a good day, good Friday.

Speaker 8 (01:20:46):
Hey, you know what I was thinking about closing remarks.
I'm gonna give people some encouragement here. I want to
give people a solid piece of advice because we live
in this world of social media likes, hearts, comments, views, clicks.

Speaker 2 (01:21:04):
This is the world we're in for so many people.
But can I tell you something, man?

Speaker 8 (01:21:09):
You know, I was watching Denzel on Instagram the other
day and he said, you know, you should get off Instagram.

Speaker 2 (01:21:14):
Turn it off for two weeks. See what you do.
Because a lot of people who are addicted to it.

Speaker 8 (01:21:20):
My social media feed comes across a bit different, I
will admit, because all I watch mostly is sports, and
I watch mostly motivational stuff, so that your algorithms they
feed you what you have a propensity to.

Speaker 2 (01:21:35):
So if I press my search block, that.

Speaker 8 (01:21:37):
Little micro that little magnifying glass search block, most of
the stuff I pick up, you see some frat stuff
come up. You'll see a lot of track and field
boxing all this here, and mostly motivational stuff. And even
if I'm scrolling through, a lot of motivational stuff comes up.
And that's what my stuff really tends to. But let

me tell you something For those of you that are
handling it the other way, that are paying attention to
these clicks, likes, comments.

Speaker 2 (01:22:08):
Let me tell you something.

Speaker 8 (01:22:09):
Don't let this stuff direct your life because this new
platform called social media is the devil's playground. Don't let
this stuff affect your life. Stop reading these comments. These
people don't really know you. These people are not your friends.

The majority of these people that's trolling, they are not
pulling for you. There are people who wake up whose
job is to hate. The devil has imps working for
him twenty four seven. And if you want to locate them,
they online. I don't care if you post a picture

of a beautiful new born baby, go through them, call
go through them comments.

Speaker 2 (01:22:57):
Somebody got something to say, evil or now about this baby.
I don't care what you post.

Speaker 3 (01:23:03):

Speaker 8 (01:23:04):
You can talk about God's favorite in your life. Somebody
got something to say about that.

Speaker 2 (01:23:11):
Listen to me.

Speaker 8 (01:23:13):
Do not allow this to change who you are. Stop
letting people who don't know you define you. Stop letting
people who don't care about you make make statements that
affect how you can feel about yourself. I am telling you, man,

I've been done with that. You can say what you
wanna say about me. I don't care now.

Speaker 2 (01:23:40):
Am I human? Yes? Sometimes when stuff come to me.

Speaker 3 (01:23:44):
I go, wait a.

Speaker 2 (01:23:45):
Minute, man, what.

Speaker 8 (01:23:47):
I don't even know this dude. I don't even know
this girl. These these people don't know my family. And
then I have to catch myself. You exactly right, Steve.
They don't know you. They don't know your family. So
while you about man, gone about your business, I don't.
I've stopped given my light to dark people. If you

are a dark person, I don't quit giving you my light.
I don't know if you noticed it or not, but
there are people who are trapped in darkness. Every word
out of their mouth.

Speaker 2 (01:24:20):
They dog.

Speaker 8 (01:24:20):
Every performance you see them give is dog, every post
is dog. It's always somebody else's fault. It ain't ever
what they did.

Speaker 2 (01:24:32):
Oh woe is me? They did this to me.

Speaker 8 (01:24:34):
You can't keep that narrative up year after year after
year after year.

Speaker 2 (01:24:40):
When are you gonna let that go?

Speaker 3 (01:24:42):

Speaker 8 (01:24:43):
How you letting that person in your day? Are you serious?
I watch people do it to themselves. You know, my
father used to tell me all the time, he says, Steve,
when you're listening to people, listening to everybody, listen to everybody,
even when a fool is talking, pay close attention because
it ain't that you need to know what he knows.

You need to listen to a fool, because a fool
will tell you exactly what not to do, and knowing
what not to do is as important as knowing what
to do. So see, I watch and I'll look at
people who do things to themselves. Every time you see them, Man,
there's some negativity coming out they mouth. And then all

you got to do is look at their life. The
results will manifest itself. And the things that come out
of your mouth, your life will manifest itself. At the
stuff you drink and put into your body, your spirit,
your mind, your heart, your soul, it will manifest itself.
And no matter how truthful or how smooth a person

is online telling that lie, all you got to do
is look at they life. People who are going somewhere
and hiding somewhere, they don't have time for that. We
don't have time for it at all. And if you
see a person making time for that type of stuff constantly,
all you gotta do is look at their life. Trust me,

and it ain't the life you gonna want. It is
not the life you are after. Stop allowing people who
don't know you or care about you shape your thoughts
about yourself, start taking on the attitude. If they don't
know you, listen, you know what you know what you're
really important to me. If you don't have my cell

phone number, I don't really care what you think. I
really don't If you don't have my cell number, I
really don't care what you think. If you live your
life like that, you be in much better shape. Have
a great day today, mold and shape yourself with God.

Think about what God has for you. Think of how
God feels about you, and take from there. Quit worry
about these haters out here because they only got one job,
and that's to hate, and they work for the devil.
His job is to rob you of your destiny. Those
are my closing remarks today. I know it was a
little bit all over the place, but I met every
word I said. Y'all, have a great day. Talk to God.

He would absolutely love to hear from you today.

Speaker 9 (01:27:21):
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