All Episodes

May 16, 2024 87 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Today show is pre recorded.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Y'all know what time.

Speaker 3 (00:05):
Y'all don't know y'all at all, So don't give them.

Speaker 1 (00:15):
The busy.

Speaker 4 (00:21):
Ste listening to.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
Show, I don't joy, Yeah, Joy, you gotta do that.

Speaker 5 (01:06):
You turn.

Speaker 1 (01:41):
To turn the mouth.

Speaker 5 (01:42):
Turn you probably got to turn mouth, turn out the
the mono.

Speaker 6 (01:49):
Look come.

Speaker 2 (01:58):
Come out, you think, huh huh, I sure will. Good
morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, Come on dig
me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, okay,

here's what I want to share with you. Stop complaining,
so I had to leg it. You see how I
let that one sit for a second. Stop complaining? Do
you realize without us even thinking about it, oftentimes we

just complain about stuff and it comes up in such
subtle forms. Man, I don't know why they're still letting
that lady work there. Man, if they don't fire this woman, man,
I don't know what I'm gonna do. She me crazy.
She always got something to say. I bet today though,

the way I'm feeling right now, I bet she better
not say nothing to me today. Mm hmm, yeah, yeah,
because day it today it I'm sick of her running
in her mouth. Last time she said something to me,
I should have said something to it. You know what
I'm saying. I'm just giving you a small example of

how it starts to snowball. Once you start to complain,
it just carries over into so many things. Man, Stop
complaining about your car, Stop complaining about your bus pass,
Stop complaining about your kids can't seem to get it together.
Stop complaining about your man can't seem to get it together.

Stop complaining. Stop Have you noticed? I'm just asking, have
you noticed that in all of your complaining, it has
provided not one solution. The reason I'm telling you to
stop complaining because God is able, Because God is capable.

He is capable and able of fixing anything, capable and
able of curing anything, capable and able of allowing you
to get to adjusting to things, and capable and able

to strengthen you to get through and change anything. But
the key here is God is capable, and God is able.
A lot of times I find myself complaining because I
have not used my greatest asset, and that's my relationship

with God. You all have one now. You may not
have nurtured it, but you have one because God created
you as his child. He's available to you. Now. The
fact that you ain't went to him. Okay, once again,
who fought as that? Stop complaining until you strengthen your
relationship with God and formulate this relationship. You don't have

enough weapons. You ain't got a big enough shield to
fight this thing called life. He just keeps coming. Man,
And unless you develop a relationship with God, you need
a partner in all of this. Maybe you got another
route you're gonna take. But every successful person I know

personally has a relationship with God. I have some really
really some people that's kind of up there in the
success term in terms of business and money and statute.
I'm just talking about that portion of success. And then
I have a lot of people who are very successful

in their spiritual life, who have become great men of
God and women of God. But look at all of them,
and all of them have substantial amounts of you know,
possessions and things like that. Also, most successful people I
know have that even if you saw them never with

a big lot of house and a lot of money
or stuff like that, they had so much respect, so
much love, so much power was given them from people
that their life was rich in that area, you know,
like Ahma and Luther King or something like that, or

Gandhi or somebody who lived their life in searchers or
a Nelson Mandela who came out and just man, people
put stuff at their feet because of their service. So
all successful people I know have that, Every last one
of these people that I know, they have relationship with God.
They use the tool that was available to them to

give them the strength, the bullets, the arrows, the slings,
the shield to fight this thing called life and have
the most valuable partner right there by the side. They
heavily father God because he will help you get through
this thing called life. Man, stop complaining all the time.
It's not fixing anything. Why don't you do yourself a
favor and strengthen your relationship with God? Man? Why can

I never get over? Well you have not because you
asked not. Man, how come I always got problems? Well,
you keep trying to solve them yourself and taking them
to your friends. You keep trying to do them with
your own thought process. Who are you? I keep telling you, Man?
You going through stuff you ain't got no business going through.
And if it's you going through something over and over

and over and over, and the same problem keep coming
back to bite you again. All that's saying is you
still ain't strengthen your relationship with God. It's your relationship.
He's not gonna make you have one with him. He
is a perfect gentleman. He only comes into your life
when you invite a men. But for those who do

invite men, they have a distinct advantage on their road
to success, a distinct advantage. You can do it without him,
trust me, you can. How far you get. I can't
promise you nothing, how well you handle it when you
arrived there, I can't promise you nothing. How long you
gonna stay there, I can't promise you nothing. How difficult

it is going to be without him. I can't give
you that. It's going to be far more difficult. But
you can. Something can happen, and you, you know, receive
a measure of success. And think is you and this
move you made, And you can describe it as I
got lucky. I happened to be in the right place
at the right time. I got lucky. Lucky is usually

how other people describe other people's success. Boy, he was lucky,
he was right there. Well, let me tell you what
Lucky is lucky is when hard work bumps up into opportunity.
If you've been working hard as something and the opportunity
presents itself, that comes a match. That's not luck. But now,
if you haven't done that on a repetitive enough basis,

that opportunity could present itself one time. You got to reconnect.
Stop complaining, man, come on, listen to me. Stop complaining.
It hasn't fixed a single thing in your life. And
if you're a chronic complainer, it's because you really really
have not fixed your relationship with God. He'll move it
out for you. That I can tell you for a fact.

I know that for a fact He's mooved mine out.
All right, let's go morning, ladies and gentlemen. The time
has come. It's arrived. This a new day, another blessing,
another gift from God. I'm grateful for all of it. Man,
I know you are too, So we just want to
give take a moment out to say thank you to

the Creator for all he's done for us. That's the
best way to start your day. Start your day with
gratitude will affect your attitude, which has a direct correlation
to your altitude. Simple as that Steve Arbret Morti Show,
Shelty Strawberry Calling for Real, Mississippi Monica, the Junior Boy
and the Legend that is Nephew Tommy Junior. What's going
on today?

Speaker 7 (10:34):

Speaker 3 (10:35):
You know up?

Speaker 8 (10:35):

Speaker 2 (10:36):
I just want to ask you something. Man, I want
to know if you know me. Let me stop it now,
let me stop me.

Speaker 7 (10:44):

Speaker 2 (10:44):
If you're gonna ask me the question, Junior, don't give
me the answer. I'm not go ahead because you've been
doing that a lot lately and I just noticed it.
It just just being a little bit, you know, put
offish to say the least something. I want to help you,
but I can't help you if you already know I.

Speaker 9 (11:07):
Don't know this one?

Speaker 2 (11:08):
What is it today?

Speaker 9 (11:11):
If I was in the hospital, uncle, and you was
my caretaker, you the only one in here, would you
be able to do the job?

Speaker 5 (11:19):
You do already know the answer to that one?

Speaker 9 (11:21):
Junior, I don't know the answer because it's gonna be
a lock. Let's let's just go ahead and do a reenact.
Let me just just I'm in a crisis. Here we go,
all me and you in the room.

Speaker 2 (11:29):
Ain't nobody my wife ain't here. Ain't nobody ain't none
of the team here, just me and you.

Speaker 6 (11:34):

Speaker 2 (11:35):
Uh, nurse nurse, I need a favor. Uh hey, lady.

Speaker 1 (11:47):
Nurse, that's heal.

Speaker 6 (11:51):

Speaker 2 (11:53):
Can you do me a favor? Junior? Junior the nurse
would be down here in a minute. Just hold on,
but I need it done right now. Can you do
me a face?

Speaker 10 (12:06):
Hey, Junior?

Speaker 11 (12:06):
What is it?

Speaker 5 (12:07):
What is it?

Speaker 2 (12:09):
Can you feed me these mashed potato?

Speaker 5 (12:12):
Nurse nurse?

Speaker 2 (12:16):
The friend got me home in here home? Hey the there?
You don't feed him?

Speaker 6 (12:31):
H what what?

Speaker 2 (12:33):
Jun I need you to do me a favor? Can you?
Can you just go ahead and rub my back since
you're sitting right here. Hold you need your back rub
that you having a crisis? Yeah, the paint is in
the back. Uh the front. Oh see, I don't go

back at Jui. Yeah, yeah, I don't do bad on
me and Junior. Nurse here comes Junior call it, yes,
of course, Junior.

Speaker 5 (13:12):
What is he in there doing?

Speaker 7 (13:13):

Speaker 1 (13:14):
When you called his name?

Speaker 6 (13:15):
Was he to.

Speaker 7 (13:17):

Speaker 5 (13:19):
Hollowing down to the hall.

Speaker 2 (13:22):
I'm trying to figure out we only got these eight
channels in here, all right? How you ain't called nobody?
I'm trying to figure out how you ain't called nobody,
So you get some more station and jun.

Speaker 1 (13:33):
You already do the.

Speaker 5 (13:37):
Coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour, we'll
hear from the nephew as he runs that frank back
right after this. You're listening hard morning show and it's
time now for the nephew to run that frank back.
What you got for us?

Speaker 4 (13:51):

Speaker 7 (13:52):

Speaker 8 (13:53):
Surely, this right here is workman's comp. Workman's comp. You know,
when you're at home on disability. Yeah, there's some things
that you shouldn't be doing. You know, you shouldn't be
over exerting yourself. That means you should not be at
home having sex. Okay, that's over exerting yourself. We better
not find out that that's what you're doing. Okay, workman's cap.

Let me find out, Let me find out. Let's go catch.

Speaker 4 (14:21):

Speaker 7 (14:21):
Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Vincent please.

Speaker 4 (14:25):
Who's calling?

Speaker 7 (14:26):
My name is ed from the human resources Oh.

Speaker 4 (14:31):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, this means what's what's a well Bence wanted?

Speaker 7 (14:35):
First of all, check on you. We know you're got
injured here at the job. How are you doing so far?

Speaker 2 (14:40):

Speaker 4 (14:40):
Man, I'm I'm making it.

Speaker 2 (14:42):

Speaker 4 (14:42):
You know everything's cool and uh, you know, I don't
know how long. The therapy is going pretty good though,
but I'm all right, I'm okay.

Speaker 7 (14:51):
Therapy is going pretty well.

Speaker 4 (14:53):
Yeah, it's they say, I'm doing all right. The pain
level is about maybe a fix steal, but it's getting
better by Okay.

Speaker 7 (15:01):
Listen, have you been getting your check on time?

Speaker 4 (15:05):
Yeah, I've been getting them in and I appreciate it.
But it really helps, man, because you know, I ain't
able to work right now. They say it's going to
be a little while, so I appreciate that. Y'all the
one defending the.

Speaker 7 (15:16):
Check yes, sir, yes, sir. We all want to get
in the checks out and want to make sure that
that's definitely getting there.

Speaker 4 (15:21):
So you're yeah, yeah, it's good. It's all good, man.
I appreciate it. I appreciate it.

Speaker 7 (15:25):
Okay, let me get to this problem. We've got a
bit of a problem that we wanted to check on. Now.
You haven't been doing any any strenuous.

Speaker 4 (15:34):
Uh uh no, no, no, no, I ain't been at
I ain't been working at all, man. I just you know,
I've just been taking it either. I can't do nothing
really right now. And they told me not. I can
do nothing.

Speaker 7 (15:45):
All right, now, you do know the rules are that
you're not supposed to do anything to jeopardize your back. Correct, Yeah, yeah, yeah,
I'm straight.

Speaker 4 (15:52):
I'm straight. I ain't been doing nothing, man.

Speaker 7 (15:54):
Okay, well, let me let me say this to you.
We do have some surveillance cameras that are showing us
that you've you've been doing something stringing.

Speaker 4 (16:02):
I ain't even been going nowhere talking about surveillance cameras.
I don't even have to go nowhere.

Speaker 7 (16:07):
Well, you know, the stringuous work that you're doing is
actually at home.

Speaker 4 (16:12):
At home, I'll be inside. I don't I don't do
nothing outside. I don't. I don't even bobecue. Man, but
you know what you're talking about string is okay?

Speaker 7 (16:20):
Have you vincent? Have you have you been having have
you been having sex at home?

Speaker 4 (16:26):
What the kind of question? Who is is this a
supervisor or something? We're coming Let me talk to the
super virus that ain't know your day doing.

Speaker 7 (16:34):
I'm with human resources.

Speaker 4 (16:36):
I don't get that.

Speaker 6 (16:37):

Speaker 4 (16:38):
Excuse me, dog, but I don't mean disrespect you that
because you're paying me, you know, looking out for me.
And I mean you can call me and and just
say any cop like that. Man about have you been
having kind?

Speaker 7 (16:48):
Are you? Are you having sex at home?

Speaker 4 (16:52):
Say that? Ain't none of your business? Dollar? Have I
been having sex or not?

Speaker 2 (16:57):

Speaker 4 (16:58):
What kind of man?

Speaker 7 (16:58):
Let me talk?

Speaker 4 (17:00):
Who is your supervisor?

Speaker 7 (17:01):
Man, sir, I'm the supervisor here in human Reviews wedding
brought with my attention and we actually have you on surveillance.
You've been you've been having sex.

Speaker 4 (17:09):
Now all the way you can. I never better not
be nob in my house. I know that. And they
ain't who authorized like that? Anyhow?

Speaker 7 (17:18):
Surveilans to me you're not supposed to be having sex
if your fact is hurting, okay, you you have it?

Speaker 4 (17:25):
Man, you've been you've been not have no damn camera?
And my what keep thinking about?

Speaker 6 (17:29):
U uh?

Speaker 4 (17:30):
Have you beenvaled from me having sex? That's a damn
live sir? What's your name?

Speaker 6 (17:35):
What? What?

Speaker 7 (17:35):

Speaker 4 (17:36):
What's your name?

Speaker 2 (17:36):
Man? Sir?

Speaker 4 (17:39):
And who ed? Because I'm look, I'm trying to be nice,
but you're pitching me off d.

Speaker 7 (17:46):
R sir, sir, here it is and if we find out,
I'm gonna I'm giving you a warning.

Speaker 4 (17:51):
No I don't need no, I'm giving you a warner
you let me find the damn camera my house telling
me I can't have no sext and all that I
have sex.

Speaker 7 (17:59):
If you're that is straight? You what's work and you're
putting it on your back and we're paying you, we're paying.

Speaker 4 (18:04):
You damn about what you're paying me and what you
ain't paying me. You're gonna call my damn phone tell
me talking about you got from Nayland Kaping and my
pund that's ed okay.

Speaker 7 (18:14):
Well, sir, sir Vincent, let me say this to you.

Speaker 4 (18:17):
Don't want, you don't need, you don't need to say
nothing to me, but but your last name and then
your supervisor name that was my.

Speaker 7 (18:24):
Name is ed okay, And you don't need to worry
who the supervisor is. You need to make sure that
there's no more sex going on until your back is healed.

Speaker 4 (18:32):
Look, you have me to cush up out and hang
up on your man. I don't have time for this man,
because y'all that's what y'all do, because y'all doing for people.
Y'all think y'all can. He'll do illegal and talk to
people crazy man, when y'all talking them. I don't appreciate
that at all. Man, this is. I don't know who
y'all think y'all is down there, y'all do something for
the y'all can just call them and say anything. That's man.

I don't like that, and I ain't trying to be disrespectful,
but you got me need it right now?

Speaker 6 (19:00):

Speaker 4 (19:01):
But then there's bet not be no cameras in my house.

Speaker 7 (19:04):
Do you understand that I'm gonna tell you once and
one time only, no more sex.

Speaker 4 (19:11):
Put you talking about? I'm sorry, man, because I'll tell
you one damn thing. You think you've giving up some money. Now,
I'm gonna see y'all if I catch the camera up
in my up in my house, you ain't gonna have
to never pay pay me no more. You're gonna pay
me one big check that I'm showing out of y'all.

Speaker 7 (19:27):
Then, now you understand that I understand I need I
need you to understand one more thing. Are you listening
to me?

Speaker 4 (19:32):
Man? You go ahead, man, I'm y'all got me easy, man,
And then it don't even call me no more? Call
you this ridiculous?

Speaker 7 (19:40):
Okay? Are you familiar with Leonard? Man? Familiar with what Leonard?
Do you know Leonard your coworker Leonard.

Speaker 4 (19:46):
Yeah, what about them? Leonard?

Speaker 7 (19:50):
Got me the prank phone call you. This is Nephew
Tilly from the Stave Off more than Joe Filson. Buddy,
you've been praying.

Speaker 4 (19:57):
Man out of here. Man, y'all about to he I
mean the oh lord talking about my checking man? And no, man,
what's up?

Speaker 6 (20:05):

Speaker 12 (20:05):
This is.

Speaker 4 (20:08):
Y'all had me going out? Man, y'all had me heated.
I'm I'm gonna kicking. Let me called that he on
the phone. He ain't on the phone, man, I'm sweating
like a Oh so I'm still so. I'm still getting
my damn check that. That's what that means. Y'all have
me heiting? Boy, I thought y'all gonna take my what's up?

Speaker 13 (20:27):

Speaker 4 (20:27):
Nice to hear from y'all. Man, y'all got me though, Man,
y'all got me.

Speaker 7 (20:32):
I got one more question? Man, what is the baddest
and I mean the baddest radio show in.

Speaker 4 (20:38):
The land, of course, no doubt, man, it's the Steve
Harvey Morning Show, always will be. Especially y'all done got
me like this here?

Speaker 1 (20:48):
You need the man your business?

Speaker 5 (20:50):
Hey, hey, hey, coming up next, you're listening Harvey Morning
Show coming up at the top of the hour. In
the Entertainment News, Hallie Berry post naked on this past
Mother's Day, Tommy Gail King is on the cover of
the sixtieth anniversary issue of Sports Illustrated the swimsuit cover,

and Stevie Wonder is now a citizen of Ghana. We'll
talk about all of these stories at the top of
the hour, but right now it is time to ask
the clo. This is from Carolyn and West Phillip Coelo.
Carolyn writes, I got a fraud alert on my AMEX
card after my son decided to buy his girlfriend a
tennis bracelet for Mother's Day. He is only twenty three

years old and he is not the father of her child.
All I got was a card. Should I make my
son return the bracelet?

Speaker 8 (21:46):

Speaker 2 (21:47):
Come on, wow, Well you should make him pay for it.
You should make him pay for it. You know he
can't get to bracelet back from the girl. See what
you're trying to do now is humiliate the boy and
humiliate the girl because you don't think the girl good

enough for your son, because you talking about it ain't
your child now. You raised the boy to be respectful
of women. Then when he showed some respect towards a woman. Now,
you want him to unrespect her, No, that's not how
it works. Make him be the man he's supposed to be,
and make him pay for the tennis bracelet. That's the

key to this. You cannot make this boy go back
in here and get this bracelet from this girl. Do
you know all the levels that that's gonna take. And
it's really because you don't like the girl. She ain't
even mentioned how much tennis bracelet was, how he gonna
pay her back, how he ran. Yeah, he didn't do that.

He ain't the father of the baby. That's where she
mad at.

Speaker 1 (22:54):
Yeah, oh he should have asked as much.

Speaker 5 (22:58):
Yeah, I'm just stupid. And he only bought his mom
a card. That's the crazy part.

Speaker 2 (23:10):
Oh I didn't even hear that part.

Speaker 5 (23:12):
Yeah, yeah, he only bought his mama card.

Speaker 2 (23:15):
You need his butt well out now. And are you stupid?
You do as a donob. You ain't get your mama
nothing nothing with her card. You'd have been better off
buying your mama that tennis. Basel hadn't given that girl
the car.

Speaker 5 (23:35):
Yeah, yeah, that's mama's point, that part.

Speaker 2 (23:40):

Speaker 5 (23:40):
Yeah, he only got his mama card. Yeah, all right.

Speaker 7 (23:44):

Speaker 5 (23:45):
Moving on to Ronda in Detroit, Ronda says, I told
my husband some juicy gossip about a coworker. He knows
more about her business than I do. He told me
that I should tell her that the streets are talking.
If it were me, I would want to know. We're
not close friends. Should I tell her?

Speaker 2 (24:03):
Well? I think your bigger problem is how your husband
know the streets is talking. Uh huh?

Speaker 5 (24:09):
How does he know so much?

Speaker 2 (24:12):
And stay out of it? It's gossip. Yeah, I just
think it's gossip. Stay out of it. What's the problem?
Mine your business? What happened today?

Speaker 5 (24:22):
It seems to be a lost art these days.

Speaker 2 (24:27):
Mine your business? That ain't your business? Wow?

Speaker 5 (24:34):
Yeah, it's really not okay. Moving on to Yvette and Monroe,
Iveed writes, my boyfriend of two years recently broke things
off with me by a text message. He told me
he was not happy. I want to know why, but
he won't return my calls or text messages. Why won't
he tell me why he was unhappy so I can
move on?

Speaker 2 (24:55):
Because men don't do closure. How many times do I
have to say this so I can move on? You
best best to find a way to move on without it.
He texts you now that I was trifling at night,
but he told you he wasn't happy. He's done. He

don't return your calls. Now you need a phone call
to move on. I suggest you move on without the
phone call.

Speaker 5 (25:27):
She's never going to get it, because.

Speaker 2 (25:28):
If that's what you're waiting on, you ain't gonna be
able to move on. Yeah, and now, if you like
for me to personally help you with this, I will.
I don't like you. This is what he saved. I
don't care for you. You are so offensive to me.

I don't even want to discuss anything with you. I
want all contexts cut off. That's how repulsive you are
to me. And I don't ever I want to even
hear your voice again. WHOA Okay, if you don't need
to move on.

Speaker 5 (26:07):
From yes, help run girl, don't walk run away?

Speaker 1 (26:16):
Be grateful? Yeah with you, she's like that. Oh wow?
All right?

Speaker 5 (26:22):
Paris and New Rochelle last one. Steve says, my ten
year old wonted an above ground pool, so my boyfriend
bought her one. I told my daughter it was a
gift from me, but her dad knows I couldn't afford it.
He said that my boyfriend is doing way too much.
Why is he so mad about a pool?

Speaker 2 (26:44):
Well, it's the male ego. What the real problem is
that daddy can't afford to pool?

Speaker 5 (26:55):
Eat right, Okay, that's the real problem.

Speaker 2 (27:00):
And now your boyfriend and came in playing Disney Dad.
You know he wasn't there for all of the raising
part of it, but he is there for that. I
want her to like me part and let me just
shower her with gifts. Well, two good things is happening.
He is treating your daughter right. But secondly, your ex

husband is a bit put off because he doing too much,
well you know, for his starter taking care of the girl.
I know that's a lot. But he bought her the pool.
That's what she wanted. You ain't had the money for it.
Your ex husband ain't had the money for it. Jiggerlo

Jack had the money for him.

Speaker 5 (27:44):
So Steve, would you be mad in that instance if
it were your daughter and your boyfriend?

Speaker 2 (27:51):
Uh? At least because that's the male ego?

Speaker 1 (27:57):
Wait a minute, did you get.

Speaker 7 (28:00):
What is it?

Speaker 1 (28:00):
What is your saying?

Speaker 2 (28:01):
At least everybodys gonna learn how to swim, We're gonna
get so Memorial Day around a corner.

Speaker 5 (28:07):
Yeah, articulated, Well, at least the baby's happy. The ten
year old is happy.

Speaker 2 (28:13):
I know the pool ain't leaving.

Speaker 1 (28:15):
I know that, Marco.

Speaker 2 (28:19):
I'm sitting out in the backyard with my chest out
with my weber grell with the wheels on the pool up.

Speaker 10 (28:25):

Speaker 2 (28:25):
Yeah, Well, how y'all doing over there?

Speaker 7 (28:27):

Speaker 6 (28:27):

Speaker 2 (28:31):
I get phone, Hey, man, what you're doing all? We're
just out here splash all right?

Speaker 5 (28:39):
Well, well yeah, so yeah, so the husband, the ex
husband is mad.

Speaker 2 (28:47):
Yeah, her ex husband. He's gonna be mad because he
getting showed up. The male ego is in it now.
But let the girl enjoy the swimming pool she got.

Speaker 5 (28:58):
All right, thank you, Celo. Coming up at the top
of the hour. We'll have some entertainment news for you
right after this. You're listening.

Speaker 10 (29:10):
Morning show.

Speaker 3 (29:13):

Speaker 5 (29:13):
You guys haven't noticed, Halle Berry has been in the
news quite a bit lately. First of all, her man
Van Hunt posted a picture of her naked on his
ig page with the caption happy Mother's Day from the
bottom of my heart. In the picture, you can see
Halle's butt pressed against her middlegate balcony, her metal gate balcony,
her body looks incredible. Have you guys seen it? Anybody

tell me I've seen it. She does look incredible. And meanwhile,
she was also at the US Capitol Capital proposing a
bill seeking more financial support and research into menopause. Hallie
related to the story that she had gone to the

doctor and she in the We're going back and forth.

Speaker 3 (30:01):
What is it?

Speaker 2 (30:01):
You know what it is? I don't know what it is?
What is it?

Speaker 5 (30:04):
So finally Halle just screamed and that got her doctor's attention,
and so they're looking into it on Capitol Hill. Financial
support and research into menopause thanks to the efforts of
Halle Berry and other women. So congratulations gone that My

body looks incredible.

Speaker 2 (30:29):
Yeah, looked good.

Speaker 5 (30:35):
That's why he posted it.

Speaker 1 (30:41):
You're all right tell me?

Speaker 2 (30:43):
Yeah, No, I'm not all right. I'm just trying to
figure out. And I bought a property next though. That's yeah,
that's what I need. The beer.

Speaker 5 (31:02):
Oh yeah, the menopause bill for sure.

Speaker 1 (31:04):
All the research and upon whatever she needs.

Speaker 2 (31:07):
Whatever she needs, we need to give it to her.

Speaker 5 (31:11):
Yes, and other entertainment news.

Speaker 1 (31:13):
Uh did you see it?

Speaker 7 (31:16):

Speaker 2 (31:16):
Still looking at us. Saw it on stuff? Yeah?

Speaker 5 (31:19):
Oh he doesn't We're moving on, get anybody in the.

Speaker 2 (31:23):
Whole goal is stay off or team out of the
shade room, stay in the light.

Speaker 5 (31:32):
The sixtieth anniversary of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover, and
to celebrate this milestone, Sports Illustrated has released AU has
released multiple covers of the magazine featuring beautiful women from
all walks of life in their swimsuits. Now it includes
Gail King, Chrissy Teagan, and Steve Lori Harvey, among others.

Speaking of Gail King, Gail King is over sixty. Gail
King is six sixty nine years old, and she is
proving that you can be sexy at any age and
any size. Have you seen this, uh cover of Gail King.
She looks incredible as well. Great, yeah, yeah, she really
looks good.

Speaker 2 (32:15):
She really looks good.

Speaker 5 (32:18):
Gail against this rhode as.

Speaker 1 (32:25):
Two different women.

Speaker 5 (32:26):
Well, she's not naked for one, and she great. I'm sorry, yeah, inside.

Speaker 2 (32:33):
If you're gonna send the picture, you have to keep
sending all the pictures. You can't keep sending the picture, Halle,
Well you got it. You can't never get enough of it.
Stopped in, stopped that. I'm from the senior. Uh huh.

Speaker 5 (32:44):
Gail looks great. Yeah, she looks Yeah, people posted on
social media. One woman in particular said time to show
the world that women over sixty still got it. Go Gail.
So here's it, like, so, Gail, I mean, she looks incredible.
Here's here's the question. What are some of the things
that you think makes a woman look sexy.

Speaker 1 (33:04):
At any age? Gill?

Speaker 5 (33:06):
I think will be seventy this year. I think so, sir,
Yeah right, I think she is six, Oprah seventy. Yeah,
looking good.

Speaker 1 (33:15):
So answer the question, huh so.

Speaker 5 (33:17):
What do you what do you think makes a woman
look sexy? Sexy? Can you tear yourself from the Holly
picture for a second?

Speaker 2 (33:25):
Down? All right, when we researched and we researched you,
I like to not sound corny. I like confidence, Yeah,
I like I like a woman who has confidence. I
like a woman with a nice walk, you know, walk,

come up, bring it.

Speaker 1 (33:48):
Yes, that's sexy.

Speaker 2 (33:50):
Yeah. I like those two things. I like a woman
who specializes in upkeep. I like hair, make a total
nail polish, finger nail polish. I like stuff like that.

Speaker 7 (34:04):
I like that.

Speaker 2 (34:06):
I like all the stuff I don't do.

Speaker 5 (34:09):
That's what we like and we love that stuff to
make up and hair and nails.

Speaker 8 (34:16):
I like the confidence I like he like confidence. I
like breast for dance, booted dance. All of that is
a part of that.

Speaker 5 (34:27):
You know him, I don't know why he's in the cos.

Speaker 6 (34:35):
All that.

Speaker 2 (34:35):
That's all.

Speaker 5 (34:38):
You have anything to add to this ignorant conversation.

Speaker 9 (34:42):
You know, I like all the things that Fellas said.
But you know, I like a woman with a beautiful mind, though,
I really do you see something that I can't see
in myself? You know that that that that can pull
that out of me.

Speaker 2 (34:54):
That's what I like.

Speaker 5 (34:59):
You know, that makes it work for me.

Speaker 9 (35:01):
You know, I like that about a woman. You know,
it's just not about her body and all of that.
She's the whole person. I try to receive her as that.

Speaker 2 (35:09):
Yeah, but what does your wife seeing you though? That's
what I'm unable.

Speaker 5 (35:18):
I don't try to discredit. His answer.

Speaker 1 (35:23):
Is be quiet, be quiet. Let that go ahead, Junior,
go ahead.

Speaker 2 (35:27):
So that's what it is. And I'm saying I am
for women.

Speaker 5 (35:34):
How and you almost kind of sound sexy saying that, Junior.
Believe I'm saying this, but yeah, I.

Speaker 10 (35:41):
Can't believe it either.

Speaker 5 (35:43):
Coming up in twenty.

Speaker 4 (35:45):
After the hour.

Speaker 5 (35:48):
What are your Memorial Memorial holiday weekend travel plans? We'll
talk about that right after this. You're listening morning show.
All right, So Memorial Day is right around the corner,
and True expects that's a holiday weekend, we'll see a
record number of travelers. They report that over forty three
million drivers will take road trips and over three million

travelers will be flying, making it the most crowded Memorial
Day weekend at airports since two thousand and five. Where
they all going, That's what everybody wants to know.

Speaker 1 (36:20):
Where they going.

Speaker 5 (36:21):
The most popular destination here in America is Orlando, Florida.
So I guess everybody's going to Disney World. Yeah, Universal,
Universal Studios down there.

Speaker 2 (36:32):
Yet, Well, I want to ask the most regular person
on the show, Junior and Monica, where are y'all going?
Monica going to Mississippi. She's not going to Orlando. She's
driving to see her mom and grandmama at the Grand
Catfish Championships.

Speaker 5 (36:51):
This Week's nice. Good that she checks on her mom.

Speaker 1 (36:55):
Yeah, yes, I love that. It's a practish out of Mississippi. Yes, long, yes, So.

Speaker 2 (37:02):
What are you doing for Memorial What? I don't really
do holidays like that, and I'm I'm gonna be working.
I'ma be at the house.

Speaker 5 (37:11):
Okay, you're not gonna do that barbecuing or anything on
the grill.

Speaker 2 (37:15):
No, I got to go try to get this golf
swing together.

Speaker 1 (37:19):
Oh, poor bag, that ain't working.

Speaker 2 (37:24):
On my golf game. That's what I'm gonna try to do.

Speaker 5 (37:27):
Work and you're gone game, Okay, Tommy.

Speaker 2 (37:30):
All I want to do, man, is just get my
driver back to just a solid two thirty down the
middle of the family. Just keep it there if I can.
Every now and then cook one two forty two fifty
at the strong for me. Man.

Speaker 5 (37:47):
Golf Tommy, what are you doing for Memorial Day?

Speaker 7 (37:52):

Speaker 2 (37:53):
I'm not booked. That's the best thing. I get to
be at home with my wife and kids.

Speaker 1 (37:56):
So are y'all traveling?

Speaker 3 (38:00):

Speaker 2 (38:00):
No, no, he better I have no bad I find
out that boy got a baseball game. You're gonna be
out on the patio, big boy, patio.

Speaker 5 (38:10):
Don't know, Junior.

Speaker 2 (38:16):
What are you doing working Saturday?

Speaker 9 (38:18):
But I'm after I get off, me and the wife
going to a jazz festival.

Speaker 2 (38:22):
That's all.

Speaker 10 (38:27):
A jazz man, that's what he's said.

Speaker 2 (38:30):
He like a beautiful man.

Speaker 5 (38:32):
That's what people do on Memorial Day.

Speaker 2 (38:34):
Yeah, you know, because she sees stuff in me, don't nobody.

Speaker 5 (38:37):
Else's still mad about that.

Speaker 14 (38:39):
No, she has a beautiful man, you know what she
looking on into me, and she's starting to see things
and need it. I don't see in my felf a woman,
you know who looks into me and see things in me.
You know that I didn't even know I had like
you on the inside of me, and you know, seeing

bacteria things.

Speaker 6 (39:03):
You know, what.

Speaker 2 (39:05):
Sings floating around in me that I didn't even.

Speaker 1 (39:08):
Know dare coming.

Speaker 5 (39:10):
In thirty four, chapter Rice is coming home for you called.
Check Steve's voicemail eight seven seven nine, Steve, right after
you're listening Hard Morning Show. It's time now to check
Steve's voicemails eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve. You can
call if you want to leave Steve a message. You
might just hear your call on the air. This one's

from Robert Steve. He left to comment about Trump.

Speaker 6 (39:34):
Something was burning, really burning my butt. Man, Hey, going
after Donald Trump for this, uh, you know, family matter
of something with him and his wife, personal matter when they.

Speaker 2 (39:44):
Should be going after his ass for treason.

Speaker 1 (39:46):
I mean you many times.

Speaker 2 (39:47):
Its mayored Riot at the Capitol. I'm sorry she.

Speaker 6 (39:51):
Using my language anytime when you do something person like
that at the Capitol. Builder, that's treating man using my
language to.

Speaker 2 (39:58):
Your evil Brady warns, love you. Yeah, I understand what
you're saying. But what this House money trial is not
a personal matter. First, this money was used an illegal
payment to affect the election his campaign, and this money
was used He made this payment to Michael Cohen while

he was president and wrote the check from the White
House for a personal All that stuff is illegal. He's
done so much illegal stuff. We just live in a corrupt,
in moral society. If this weren't anybody else, let me
explain something to y'all point blank. If this was Barack Obama, Yes, sir,

do you know how this would be going? Yes, And
nobody would be accepting of it, Republicans or Democrats. He
would be held to another set of standards, the one
that Donald Trump is supposed to be held to. This
man is hijacking the democracy. He is fighting the against elections.

That is democracy, the same thing your Constitution and y'all
forefathers came up with. He is the very person that's
going against all of that, and y'all letting him do it,
and y'all letting him hijack y'all's democracy. We're not a
part of your democracy anyway, never have been. All you
gotta do is look at the prison systems. It don't

work that way for us, but it seems to work
that way for him. But I bet it wouldn't work
that no other way for any black person, any black
person anywhere, or ninety one damn indictments and running for
the White House. A job at the White House, you
get one indictment your hands, won't get a job at
Chuck E Cheese nowhere, and you pay one hundred and

thirty thousand dollars to a porno star out of your
You ain't getting in the White House. You ain't even
getting back in your house. But he is allowed to
do all of this. Now, this is crazy, This is crazy.
America can miss me on this one, because I don't
really care what they do after this. I'm not listening
to him no more because y'all, y'all just letting this

man hijack the whole democracy, the government, everything you believe,
everything he say with his lyon ass. I mean this
is crazy. How you are a common sense thinking person
and you don't see him lying. You know why, because
you don't want to see him, because that's how you
stole the country. You stole America through from lying. It's

all part of the center. That's why they cool with it,
because it's just part of the course for them. And
most people, if they could get an airplane with their
name on the side of it, in the building with
their names on top of it, and they could do
it the same way he did it, they'll do it.

Speaker 3 (42:44):

Speaker 5 (42:45):
Well, moving on to our next call, Steve, remember Anita
Baker canceled her concert at the last minute in Atlanta,
and Tommy told us about the time Luther Vandrous did
the same thing in Detroit. Well, Joanne left a message.

Speaker 4 (42:59):
Good morning to the whole crew. But this call is
for Tommy. Tommy, I'm from Detroit. This is Joe and
from Detroit.

Speaker 5 (43:05):
And I was sitting in the Fox Theater that night
when Luther Vandross walked off that stage and just left
us sitting there like we were crazy.

Speaker 4 (43:13):
And we sat there for a.

Speaker 13 (43:14):
While, and then somebody came out and said Luther said
he was having problems with his throat, he couldn't give us.

Speaker 1 (43:19):
A good concert and he'd be back another day, and.

Speaker 11 (43:22):
We all just still sat there looking crazy.

Speaker 4 (43:25):
Band was still sitting there.

Speaker 11 (43:27):
And we were all like, I didn't kick it, And
then the lights came on. Well, I guess they not kidding.

Speaker 4 (43:33):
It's time to go wrong. So I just want to
let you know I was there with you, Tommy Souse.

Speaker 11 (43:37):
Every time Luther came to Detroit, Joe Am was there.

Speaker 2 (43:39):
Y'all all have a good day.

Speaker 8 (43:47):
And it was the second note and it didn't work.
He was like, it's not working to night and just
turned and walked off.

Speaker 5 (43:53):
That proved he's a perfectionist.

Speaker 2 (43:55):
He was perfect. He was not finna give you a
bad show. That was not gonna happen. Yeah, he came
back and redeemed it though.

Speaker 5 (44:02):
Thank you to our calls. Coming up next, the Nephew's
prank phone call for today right after this You're listening
morning show coming up at the top of the hour,
right about four minutes after, it's my Strawberry letter for
today and the subject is he asks to see it
and I heard him. We'll get into that find out
what that's all about in just a few This one's crazy.

Right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call.

Speaker 2 (44:30):
What you got for us? Now? All right? I got one?

Speaker 9 (44:33):

Speaker 8 (44:34):
Thisess classic right here, man, This right here is called
you hit my call? You hit my ca Oh my god,
cut up real lived for the seat belt on tight.
I'll pull over with y'all. I was'll just be late
this morning.

Speaker 2 (44:48):
Just be late. It's a good one. Let's go. You
hit my call, Let's go.

Speaker 12 (44:51):
Cat dof Oh you wait that there rain my notices
all over the place.

Speaker 8 (44:55):
Hello, I'm trying to speak to a dal's this is
Do you live in a partment number seven eighth?

Speaker 12 (45:02):
That depends on who're asking.

Speaker 8 (45:04):
My name is Herman Welles. I live in building three,
apartment one O five. Do you live in apartment number
seventy eight?

Speaker 12 (45:10):
What you want with where I live?

Speaker 2 (45:12):
Look, ma'am, do you drive a camera? A Toyota camera
light blue?

Speaker 10 (45:16):

Speaker 4 (45:17):

Speaker 2 (45:18):
All right.

Speaker 8 (45:19):
Your next door neighbor then told me that you ran
into my car. I got a beans a black one
of two thousand and five C two forty. Now I
got light blue scratches.

Speaker 7 (45:28):
On my My neighbor told you what your neighbor.

Speaker 2 (45:33):
Matter of fact, his name is Brian Kendall.

Speaker 12 (45:37):
I told you the cross up to live across the hall.

Speaker 4 (45:41):
What the cross?

Speaker 12 (45:42):
I they live across the hall?

Speaker 2 (45:44):
Told you what ma'am.

Speaker 8 (45:46):
Listen, all I know is he said he live in
apartment eighty. He lived next door to you. You live
in a supposedly apartment seventy eights right here in Cambridge
Court apartments. Now, all I'm saying is he told me
your car is, which is the light blue car hit
my backed into my car? Now, I ain't trying to
create no problem, but somebody got to fix my car.
I got light blue scratches on my bens.

Speaker 6 (46:08):

Speaker 12 (46:09):
Last I checked my light blue clamoring. Wasn't the only
light blue camera they made?

Speaker 2 (46:14):
Ma'am? You the only light You the only light blue
car in the parking lot, the.

Speaker 12 (46:18):
Only light blue car in the parking lot. Right now,
I ain't gonna say I've been the only light blue
car in the damn parking.

Speaker 7 (46:24):
Lot, ma'am.

Speaker 12 (46:26):
I'm not look and I'm in the middle of watching
t What can.

Speaker 2 (46:31):
I do for you? What you mean? What can you
do for me?

Speaker 12 (46:34):
You didn't hit my car, You ain't touch your damn car.
If you got some cameras out in this parking lot
that saw me hit your car.

Speaker 2 (46:40):
No, I don't have no cameras.

Speaker 12 (46:42):
But man, I believe this conversation is over, and I
don't give a damn what the cross eyed man across
the hall told you.

Speaker 2 (46:50):
Look, let me tell you something. You didn't hit my car.

Speaker 12 (46:53):
Hold on, hold on, play h is you yelling at me?

Speaker 2 (46:57):
I'm not yelling at you, But you did hit my car?

Speaker 8 (47:01):
You damn the only light blue car in the parking.

Speaker 12 (47:04):
Line, the only light blue car in the parking lot.
Now and as a matter of correct, my car ain't
even in the parking lot.

Speaker 6 (47:10):
My sister bar my car.

Speaker 12 (47:11):
Go to the stove.

Speaker 2 (47:12):
Well, is it possible that your sister is the one
that hit my car?

Speaker 4 (47:15):

Speaker 7 (47:17):
Now? What?

Speaker 2 (47:18):

Speaker 8 (47:19):
Is your sister when is she coming back? Maybe she
hit my car and didn't tell you she hit my car.

Speaker 12 (47:23):
No, she ain't hit your car. She ain't hit your car,
because she would have told me she hit your damn car. Look,
I said, ain't nobody hit your damn car. My car
ain't got no damn scratches on it. Don't give us
what kind of scratches you got on your car. But
I can't do a damn thing about it. And even
if you did, let me just be clear, I ain't

got no insurance, no way, so I can't do nothing
for you.

Speaker 2 (47:48):
Wait a minute, Wait a minute, let me tell you something.

Speaker 12 (47:50):
You ain't got to tell me. You ain't got to
see me. Thank And as far as I'm concerned, this
conversation is over.

Speaker 2 (47:57):
Wait a minute, let me ask you how hung call
it back?

Speaker 7 (48:02):

Speaker 12 (48:02):
You act like I ain't got your life damn on
my car? You No, you had them scratches on your
car all ready, and you ain't finna use me as
no more and excuse to get you.

Speaker 8 (48:17):
No new paper.

Speaker 2 (48:18):
I ain't had no scratches already on my car.

Speaker 12 (48:20):
Yeah you had them, Oh yeah, you had no idea.
I'm gonna tell them an insurance justin if he come
over here, No, because you gonna be using your insurance
already told you I ain't got don't make me.

Speaker 7 (48:30):
Come over to your apartment number seven, standing in the door.

Speaker 12 (48:33):
I'm on my way to the door now I'm standing.

Speaker 5 (48:35):
In the door.

Speaker 8 (48:36):
Come on, come on, look, I got thirty five hundred
dollars worth of scratches on my car that you.

Speaker 12 (48:41):
Need to pay for you the owner only ain't even
worth thirty five one hundred dollars. So you already doing
better than me?

Speaker 7 (48:49):
What? What?

Speaker 5 (48:51):

Speaker 7 (48:51):

Speaker 2 (48:52):

Speaker 12 (48:52):
I'm already told you I'm tired of talking to you.
I'm watching TV and you ain't got still talking to
me about I need.

Speaker 1 (48:59):
To talk to you.

Speaker 8 (49:00):
Bout this cart I got thirty and touch your car.

Speaker 12 (49:04):
My car ain't bumped up against your car. I ain't
even park next to no BMWs lately.

Speaker 2 (49:10):
It's a Bens? What hellever?

Speaker 12 (49:13):
It's a ben C two forty a black Give a
damn if it's a Ben seven seven and seven, I
can't help you.

Speaker 2 (49:21):
They don't make a seven seven.

Speaker 1 (49:23):
I don't get the damn lady.

Speaker 2 (49:25):
Look, you know what? Can I say something to you?

Speaker 12 (49:27):
No, you can't say you know what you can say
to me? You can say bye.

Speaker 2 (49:32):
I just want to say one more thing to you,
one more thing.

Speaker 12 (49:34):
I'm gonna give you a one moment thing.

Speaker 2 (49:37):
Go ahead on. All I want to say is this
nephew timing from the Steeve Harvey Morning Show. Your sister
robbing out of d C. You putting me up?

Speaker 12 (49:44):
Oh that it don't make me? You know what, I
don't even have y'all show. I listened to the show
on the internet and this, Oh you wait till I
talked to her.

Speaker 8 (49:59):
Mister Dale, listen before you go, Can you tell me
what is the baddest radio show.

Speaker 12 (50:04):
In the land, The Steve Harming Morning Show. Alright, nephew,
taw me.

Speaker 2 (50:11):
You knew you didn't run into nobody else.

Speaker 12 (50:13):
Damn well, I ain't here nobody because I'll be trying
to pull myself out there, balk, So won't nobody in me?

Speaker 7 (50:18):
You know?

Speaker 2 (50:19):
All right, I'm the only light blue camera in the
parking lot right now. Now tell you that that across
the hall.

Speaker 5 (50:36):

Speaker 2 (50:37):
I love her. You already doing better than me.

Speaker 1 (50:42):
She was not having it but all let sighing and breathing.

Speaker 4 (50:46):
Uh huh.

Speaker 5 (50:51):
And did she say Raymond noodles?

Speaker 2 (50:55):
Whatever it was, it wasn't the right.

Speaker 7 (50:57):
It was.

Speaker 2 (51:00):
God that to help you out. Yeah, the man, that's
a good one.

Speaker 7 (51:05):

Speaker 8 (51:06):
The Nephew is coming to town Dallas, Dallas Fort Worth, Texas.
Nephew Tommy's House Party Comedy Jam Live with special guests
Tony robertson the Building, Dominique in the Building, and the
Nephew himself will be the Saturday June fifteenth at the
Majestic Field. That is Father's Day weekend. So bring your father,
bring your husband, bring your boys, bring your well you're

older boys, because it's gonna be it's gonna be that
kind of party. It's gonna be a grown and sexy
type of party. So come on out and hang out
with the nephew and it's gonna be real. Now, the
last time I was in Dallas, you know.

Speaker 5 (51:42):
What happened.

Speaker 8 (51:44):
On the show hosting and you know what, you know,
you get ten minutes of me here and then that's it.
This time you get off one.

Speaker 2 (51:55):
And forty comedians, not out of New York. That was
New York. They doing that. No either, I don't know.
He's been on it ain't doing nothing explosures. He's been
on comedy explosures, comedy extravaganzas, comedy games, comedy spectaclears. Now

for the comedy, it's super contro fragilistic Tommy and friends,
all funny hatem.

Speaker 8 (52:25):
But this time you get to get Tommy for real.
This is not all these thirty forty people. That is
not what's happening.

Speaker 2 (52:33):
You Tommy, and you can't count the people that show.
So Dalla's get your tickets.

Speaker 8 (52:42):
Tickets are going well, so I'm looking for a soul
I show man at the Majestic jumm fifteen Fathers Day Weekend.
Get your tickets, They on sale right now, and you're
gonna get a whole lot of timing. It's so many
people on this show we can't.

Speaker 1 (52:54):
Even name it.

Speaker 5 (52:55):
No Tommy Neon.

Speaker 2 (53:00):
Crazy Asian Gentlemen. Here comes Tommy in too many down
people Asian gentlemen, Tommy and all of them.

Speaker 5 (53:11):
Uncle, all right, if you.

Speaker 13 (53:18):
Tommy and most of everybody else, come, we have next
Strawberry Letter for today.

Speaker 2 (53:23):
Here comes.

Speaker 5 (53:26):
He has to see it and I heard him? Is
the subject. We'll get into it.

Speaker 2 (53:31):
How many pusures on? How many people on their post.

Speaker 5 (53:35):
You're listening morning show. It's time now for today's Strawberry Letter.
And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex,
parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve
Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We
could be reading your letter live on the air, just
like we're going to read this one right here, right now,

and you never know, it could be yours.

Speaker 2 (54:00):
He could be YOURDS. Buckle up and hold on type
We got it for you.

Speaker 7 (54:03):

Speaker 2 (54:03):
It is strawberry letta.

Speaker 5 (54:05):
Thank you nephew subject. He asked to see it, and
I heard him, Dear Stephen Shirley, My husband and I
have an auto detailing shop, but we make the most
money with our mobile detailing truck. My husband has been
running the mobile detailing business all by himself because he
said he can't find anyone that's as good as he is.
Most of his mobile customers are single females that don't

like going to a car wash. I go by the
shop daily to pick up the cash so I can
deposit it. I was there the other day and I
overheard a female telling my detailed shop manager that she
had to stop getting mobile detailing because the owner was
flirting with her and her husband didn't like it. Since
she was talking about my husband, I asked the shop

manager if she said anything else about my husband being
inappropriate while he was working. The manager minimized the whole
complaint by saying the customer is an airhead that all
men want her. I could see that in her, so
I didn't dwell on it. The next day, my husband
was on a deck smoking a cigar and I could
see him on the camera, smiling and talking on the phone.

I turned the sound on so I could listen to
his conversation. I heard him asking for a picture of something.
He asked for a sneak peek, a full view, and
then he asked the person to touch whatever it was
that he wanted to see. I started talking to him
through the camera and it startled him. He hung up

without saying bye, and he came in the house. He
said he was talking to a guy about a scratch
on his car. The guy wanted to see if he
could buffet out without having to sand and repaint it.
I don't believe that. My intuition tells me he's a cheater.
My intuition tells me he was asking to see some
part of a female's body. Do I need more proof

before I accuse him of lying? Now, you know in
your soul he was talking to woman, and yes, he
was asking to see it and touch and for her
to touch herself. You heard that, period. I don't care
how he tried to spin it with those lies. He
told you after you startled him on the phone, That's
what it was. There's nothing wrong with your ears. You

heard what you heard. Why did he hang up? The
phone so abruptly when you started talking to him. Why
was he smoking a cigar and smiling about? What was
he smoking and smiling about? What was that all about?
If it was business? It was If it was just business.
And a scratch doesn't have to be touched to see
that it's a scratch. You can just point to a scratch.

There's nothing wrong with a little harmless flirting. I get
that from time to time. But your husband is out
there doing the most in these streets. I think you
should get in that truck and start going on these
mobile detailing jobs with him.

Speaker 3 (56:50):

Speaker 2 (56:50):
First of all, let's just go on to deal with
the you know, relationship record herself, who just has destroyed
another relationship whatever up in here, and try to salvage
what I can of the remaining relationship that these poor
people have. Lord, have mercy forgive us this day. Our
daily bread boy is boring so much damn trouble in

this letter.

Speaker 10 (57:13):
But Lord, how can I help him?

Speaker 2 (57:16):
You know, it's hard to help for food sometimes because
I already know what Shereley gonna do, seek and destroy.
She's on a mission and already, you know, to end
them as many as she can obviously, and I understand
that usually comes to the aid of the woman to
try to offer her but mostly in out. I, on

the other hand, come with a different mission in mind
to all diversity in the letter. My husband and I
got an auto detail and shop and we make the
most money with our mobile detailing truck. I stop by
the business every day to pick up the money. The
problem is most if its customers happen to be single
females that don't like going to car washing, you know,

So I you know all this here. So you overheard
one of your shop managers talking to a customer that
said she had to stop the mobile detailing because the
owner was flirting with her and her husband didn't like it. Now,
a minute ago, you just said most of the customers
were single females. Now that lady Mary got a husband,

So you know, what are you hearing? So let's find
out what you heard. He said that my manager said
that she had to stop because the owner was flirting
with her. So you asked the manager, did she say
anything else about your husband saying anything that might be
in appropriate. The manager kind of shut the whole thing
down by saying that she's an ad head and she

thinks all men want her, you said yourself. I can
see that in her because women can see things. My
husband was on the deck smoking a cigar. This is
why I come in at because I too smoked cigars,
and I am a man, so I specialize in it.
I could see him on the camera smiling and talking

on the phone. This is where the letter gets cloudy
for me. He was smiling and talking on the phone.
I turned up the sounds so I could listen to
his conversation. Now she turned up the sound on what
that's what I didn't understand. Camera the camera, Oh, she

got one.

Speaker 5 (59:29):
She could see him on camera talking on the phone,
so she turned okay, and I heard.

Speaker 2 (59:35):
Him asking for a picture of something. He asked for
a sneak peek or full view, and then he asked
the person to touch whatever it was that he wanted
to see. I started talking to him through the camera
and it startled him. He hung up without saying goodbye
and came in the house. He said he was talking

to a guy about a scratch on his car, and
the guy wanted to see if he you could buffet
out without having the sand and repaint it. I don't
believe that mind tuition tells me he's a cheat, a cheatah,
and my tuition tells me he was asking to see
some part of a female body. Do I need more
proof before I accuse him of lying?

Speaker 4 (01:00:16):

Speaker 5 (01:00:16):
Have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty
three minutes after the hour. My Strawberry letter for today.
The subject is he asked to see it and I
heard him. We'll get back into it right after this.
You're listening hard morning show. All right, Come on, Steve,
let's recap today's strawberry letter. Subject he has to see

it and I heard him.

Speaker 6 (01:00:38):

Speaker 2 (01:00:39):
This lady and her husband have the mobile detail shop.
She was over at the shop one day collecting the
money and overheard a customer talking to one of the
managers saying she had to stop the mobile detailing busses
that makes most of their money because the one of
the guys was flirting with her and her husband didn't
like it. So then you knew she was talking about

your husband. So you went up to the manager, say
did she say anything else her husband did was inappropriate?
The manager played it off and shot it down by
saying she's an airhead. She think all women all men
won't hurt, you said yourself. You could see that. But
then the next day your husband was out on the
deck smoking a cigar on the phone, smiling, laughing, cigar

in his head. This is where Shirley proceeds to destroy
another man whatever, to seek and destroy mission she is on.
I am here to try to offer some type of
lie vice lie. Well, but you know it not necessarily

a lie, Shirley, because you don't know now. Anyway, he
heard her say asking for a picture of something. He
asked for a sneak peak, a full view, and then
he asked the person to touch whatever it was that

he wanted to see. Right. I started talking to him
through the camera. They got one of them ring phones.
I guess she talked out on the deck. Hey, what
you out there doing? He hung up without saying goodbye.
He came in the house and said he was talking
to a guy about a scratch on his car, and
the guy wanted to see if he could buffet out

without having the sand and repaint it. I don't believe that,
but you must admit this was a magnificent Oh god,
it was all what I love about What his response was.
It was related to what he do, so he turned

his phone call into a business call. Now surely you
said some stuff. Mm hmm, that's not true. What because
you can't. Well, you can walk around your car with
a cigar. I do it all the time. Everybody rubs

the scratch on.

Speaker 5 (01:03:11):
A car, but you don't have to. That's not necessary.

Speaker 2 (01:03:15):
Everybody rubs the scratch on the car to see how
deep the grooves is and if it can be rough
buffed out. That's a true statement about a scratch on
the car, everybody. If you want me to do my buss,
you got to show me the scratch.

Speaker 5 (01:03:34):
Well he could have just showed it to it.

Speaker 2 (01:03:35):
Man, come and give me a full view of it. Now,
touch it, rub it cross there with your fringers so
I can see if it's down into the pin. What
a wonderful thing he said. Now Shelley thinks that he's
talking about a woman's body part, because that's what the

wife said. The wife said, I don't believe him, But
then here was the opening. Do I need more proof
before I accuse him of lying? You already are showing
what we need, which is reasonable doubt. If you knew
that you knew what you knew, you would have approached
him by now, but you're a little bit unsure because

of his quick king and turn it into a paint.
In the words of the late Johnny cockree, if it
doesn't fit, you mustn't quick and that that you got.

Speaker 6 (01:04:39):
It fits.

Speaker 2 (01:04:41):
It fits what an autobody man would say. Let me
see it. Pull back, give me a full view of
that's great, like that you were talking like that. Put
your finger on it. Let me see if that ain't
too deep. Put your fingers on that scratch. Let me see.
How are you see what I'm saying? You see what

I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (01:05:06):
That's not a business call.

Speaker 2 (01:05:08):
And you you with your busy boy, Hey, why are
you doing out there?

Speaker 5 (01:05:13):
The wife?

Speaker 10 (01:05:15):

Speaker 2 (01:05:16):
Hey what did you touch it out there? What did
you got? Your friends?

Speaker 5 (01:05:19):
They got to come in?

Speaker 2 (01:05:22):
Now you have messed up to be visit deal?

Speaker 5 (01:05:24):
Yeah right right?

Speaker 2 (01:05:25):
And yeah you scared me because I heard a voice
out of nowhere. See all this could be true. Now
surely being the person that she is, evil just evil
has destroyed, destroyed another family. I have tried to save
a family.

Speaker 5 (01:05:46):
If you tried to help him with a good lie
to get out of it.

Speaker 2 (01:05:53):
Better than the ones you well, but it was the
lie that was needed to cause reasonable doubt because now
she is now questioning does she need more proof? Yes,
therefore you have to have more proof she doesn't. That's
all I can say. You need more proof? All right? Yes?

Speaker 5 (01:06:17):
Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey
FM on Instagram and on Facebook, and check out the
Strawberry Letter podcast on the free iHeartRadio app because free
never sounded so good, and you can download it today.
Now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour,
we got Junior in with Sports Talk right after this.

You're listening Harvey Morning Show. So it's time now for
Junior and Sports Talk. What you got Junior?

Speaker 9 (01:06:47):
Okay, Shirley Dallas beat Oklahoma City one oh four ninety two, Yeah, Dallas,
Luca Doctor had a trip for double thirty one ten
and Levis Cis. But the only person that showed up
for ok See is seat Gilberg. You'll just Alexander. He
had thirty points.

Speaker 2 (01:07:02):
You know who that is. That's g A. There you go, man,
there you go? What oh in two days? Now?

Speaker 5 (01:07:08):
You know that?

Speaker 2 (01:07:09):
You know? Call them what everybody called him, SGA, that's
what they call them.

Speaker 8 (01:07:14):

Speaker 2 (01:07:16):
Well you know that how you learn that sorts?

Speaker 9 (01:07:22):
You know he know too, Mom, it's Hga, that's who
it is. I ain't gonna let him be out there
by himself. Sure he paid my check and that was Carl.

Speaker 2 (01:07:34):
Yeah, you can leave me out there by yourself for
all I care.

Speaker 9 (01:07:39):
Boston Man closed out Cleveland one thirteen and ninety eight.
No Donovan Minchell, no, no Jared Allen, no carouseler Vert Man.

Speaker 2 (01:07:47):
And yeah we's got we got decimated with injuries. Great
great season, Cavaliers, Thanks for everything. Appreciate that, you know, attempt.
You know, it was a lot of pride for a moment.
But you know, too many injuries. We'll see y'all next year.
How many times it's something you're expecting that Oh knew it,

knew it, He knew it. I mean, especially when the
injury started happening, when the injury started burning Dawn Man.

Speaker 3 (01:08:19):
Uh, well, you know.

Speaker 9 (01:08:20):
Evan Mobley balled out for Cleveland Man, he had thirty three,
but didn't nobody else show.

Speaker 2 (01:08:24):
Up to help him. It was just Evan Mobley. Well
how many that work did they have? Uh?

Speaker 9 (01:08:30):
Evan Mobley had thirty three, but everybody else was just
in there. There just eleven, twelve, thirteen.

Speaker 2 (01:08:36):
What I'm asking is what what was the score? Oh? One,
thirteen to ninety eight. Well, there's some more people just
gold baskets. I'm not gonna let you degrade my team total.
I'm not like you're talking like we just had thirty
three points. Just what Evy Bobley was the only one
that double Biggs?

Speaker 10 (01:08:56):
Really pretty much?

Speaker 8 (01:08:57):

Speaker 2 (01:08:58):
Is eleven to you? I'm just saying he the only
one over twenty?

Speaker 5 (01:09:03):
Is it?

Speaker 9 (01:09:04):
I'm not going to be great the teams.

Speaker 1 (01:09:08):
Let's go with that.

Speaker 2 (01:09:09):
Okay, but let's give.

Speaker 1 (01:09:11):
A shout out to.

Speaker 2 (01:09:13):
Hold On, hold on before we move on, Let's give
a shout out to the Houston Rockets. Then, since we're
talking about who sucked, Oh God, just just a firm
shout out to the Rockets because I didn't know if
there was the Rockets or the Rockets show. Oh wow Wow.

Speaker 1 (01:09:33):
Injuries made her w NBA debut man.

Speaker 9 (01:09:35):
She had twelve points, eight rebounds, five offensive rebounds as
the Chicago Sky fall to the Dallas Wings eighty seven
to seventy nine.

Speaker 2 (01:09:44):
Did you go, Shirley?

Speaker 1 (01:09:45):
All right?

Speaker 5 (01:09:45):
Thank you you? And you're coming up at the top
of the hour. A woman on social media needs some advice.
She says, I want the lottery? Should I share it
with my friend? We'll talk about it right after this.
You're listening hard morning show, all right, Steve so Adrian
and Steve Harvey FM. Needs your advice. She says. I

won three million dollars in the lottery. For three years weekly,
my friend Laarnda and I went in fifty to fifty
on ten lottery tickets for each drawing, with the agreement
that we'd each get half of anything we won. Well,
right now, we're going through a small beat, just over
silly stuff. Anyway, two days later, the next lottery drawing

came about and I bought ten tickets without Larnda contributing,
and miracle of miracles, I actually won. Larnda and I
are friends, and like friends, we fight, but we're back
to being close. So here's a question for you, Steve.
Do I owe Loronda some half or none of my winnings?

Speaker 2 (01:10:47):
Yeah? I think you do, because see, you all had
this agreement running for the longest, and you all had
been doing it, and then you went off on your
own invoked these ten But you all have been on
it all along, and I think the right thing to
do is you do that? Man? You all should decide
how much that is. You know, you owe her something though,

because she had been in or with all the time.
Did you tell her you was gonna buy ten without her?
Because y'all would go down there and then somebody would
buy the ten and then y'all would split the tickets,
and that was y'all's agreement. Yeah.

Speaker 10 (01:11:20):
I just think, yeah, you do it.

Speaker 2 (01:11:22):
I mean, if it's your girl, you know you gotta win.

Speaker 5 (01:11:25):
How much.

Speaker 2 (01:11:28):
Split with you?

Speaker 5 (01:11:29):
How much from three million?

Speaker 6 (01:11:31):
Would you say?

Speaker 2 (01:11:35):
You know, really fair? But five hundred thousand?

Speaker 7 (01:11:42):
What? Oh?

Speaker 2 (01:11:43):
I still got an attitude, give me my half, and
I mean, you know, really y'all had.

Speaker 5 (01:11:50):
That's what y'all's deal was until they got into the fight.

Speaker 1 (01:11:55):
Yeah, but she said they fight over stuff then they
get back cool. Yeah, yeah, see the same.

Speaker 2 (01:12:00):
Wow, that's it. Yeah. I don't even know why you
told her you won. That's what I'm trying to.

Speaker 5 (01:12:10):
Because she bought the tickets on her own while they.

Speaker 1 (01:12:15):
Adrians. This all of a sudden she started balling.

Speaker 5 (01:12:17):
Lot control When this has been going on for three years.
Every week, you got a Burley bag so much?

Speaker 2 (01:12:33):
Still, I like I say half would be the really,
really fairest thing, since y'all did it that way. But
you know you went out and bought these tickets. Now
here you go money, then change your attitude. See money,
Money change the way people view what fairness is. Now
all of a sudden, do I owe her anything? Well,
that's why you're writing this letter, because you know you do.

You know that was y'all's agreement the whole way. But
you at least got to give her five hundred thousand.
She be salty though, because a million.

Speaker 5 (01:13:03):
You and Tommy buy lottery tickets together. You've been doing
it for three years.

Speaker 6 (01:13:08):
You win.

Speaker 5 (01:13:10):
Let's say let's make the stakes higher because we know
how you are. Let's say you win twenty million, and
you go when you went out and bought the tickets
on your own, you and Tommy were beefing. So you
won twenty million. How much are you given? Yeah, that's
that's the issue in this leg. They were arguing, we
got into a fight. Yeah, oh we.

Speaker 2 (01:13:30):
Broke up there in years. I got the whole twenty.

Speaker 13 (01:13:34):
Thing is different this letter, as I didn't know he
was beefing ying.

Speaker 9 (01:13:43):
Yeah, but they she said they got into a beach
but they still get back cool soon.

Speaker 5 (01:13:50):
But while they have fallen out, she went and bought
the lottery tickets by herself, just so you don't know.

Speaker 1 (01:14:01):
Yeah, that's what he said.

Speaker 2 (01:14:03):
You said, No, no, I clear, I ain't never met you.
If we be, I hit twenty now you shouldn't have
be her dog dog dog? Really you know, really are.

Speaker 1 (01:14:16):
The woman in the letter beefing.

Speaker 2 (01:14:19):
My wild dog? You one of my really to you
my sister's child. I told you really really ain't even
that damn closing, I bet you ain't hardy Morning show.
I bet you're not gonna enjoy.

Speaker 5 (01:14:34):
This one coming up at twenty minutes after the hour
speaking it's funny, right, Well.

Speaker 2 (01:14:39):
You ain't gonna know, I got it. So what difference
is means.

Speaker 5 (01:14:44):
You're listening Morning show.

Speaker 1 (01:14:49):
All right.

Speaker 5 (01:14:49):
So there's a new survey that found out that, on average,
people need to spend sixty seven minutes outside each day
in order to feel refreshed. The survey also revealed that
over half the people polled said being outside relaxes them,
and the other half said it puts them in a
better mood. So, whether it's grilling outside, going to a
park or a beach, or just sitting outside in your backyard.

Get outside if you can, it's good for you. So
you guys agree, I'm.

Speaker 2 (01:15:20):
A country boy. I do my absolute best when i'm outside.
What I'm out. Yeah, I'm gonna tell you man like
it's talking. When I take family few doing the winter months,
early spring, when it gets dark early and I go
to work, if I can go to the studio and
it's light and get off work and it's still light outside,

that helps me a great deal. But when I take
my days off and I go to my ranch and
I'm fishing, that's what I'm at my happiest. Oh I'm
an outdoor boy. I got to be outside.

Speaker 10 (01:15:53):
I'm country junior.

Speaker 2 (01:15:56):
Oh absolutely, I like sitting outside.

Speaker 9 (01:15:58):
You know, I sit out there, smop cilgar, relaxed you
some bits, you know, good, good thing.

Speaker 5 (01:16:05):
Okay, this sounds so serious. I thought it should be fun.

Speaker 2 (01:16:10):
Every answered that question with a beautiful man. Now hecation
on six, you're like beef mass.

Speaker 5 (01:16:24):
Three minutes after around would rather right twice? To see
you know you're listening hard morning show and it's time
now for a round of would you rather? Would you
rather have to make your own clothes? Or would you
rather have to grow your own food. Which one throwing

or growing bed?

Speaker 6 (01:16:49):

Speaker 7 (01:16:49):
No, no, no no.

Speaker 2 (01:16:50):
I thought you said you was gonna make your own clothes.
I'm not making my own clothes. It would be easy.

Speaker 4 (01:16:59):
You have that much.

Speaker 2 (01:17:03):
Little lad clothes you got to wear on the little
bitty jacket, A little bitty passed you half your stuff.
You canna ride down there the g I Joe shopping,
cut up brow my own food. You get a lot
of drop down the David Gap. You all right shop
over there in the boys department in the Walmart. Ah,
you little suit put some glit on them and stuff.

They look like Fama got some good stuff. I love
Walmart clothes, not no clothes. Y'all gonna stop this here
right now. What you're gonna do out door, I'm finish.
Tell me that Walmart got good clothes. That's not what
you finish.

Speaker 5 (01:17:41):
Tell they do they.

Speaker 2 (01:17:44):
Target go out Mark. Yeah, I stop hating.

Speaker 8 (01:17:51):
I mean like fishing clothes. I'm gonna get you. I'm
gonna get you. I'm gonna get you out fitting you
this whole time. I'm gonna get you something outfit.

Speaker 7 (01:18:00):
To know.

Speaker 5 (01:18:02):
Yes, please get it, Please get it for I would
love to see his reaction. All right, would you rather
be in a beat in real live being a real
live version of the movie Planet of the Apes, Or
would you rather be in Jurassic Park which one?

Speaker 2 (01:18:18):
In a Jurassic Park with the dinosaurs, No, not Jurassic Park,
Planet at eight?

Speaker 10 (01:18:26):
Yeah, being there with yeah, it's kill the humans.

Speaker 5 (01:18:46):
Killing at the box office? Yeah, you see you?

Speaker 2 (01:18:48):
All right?

Speaker 5 (01:18:50):
Would you rather be smacked in the face with a
whole raw fish or would you rather be smacked in
the face with a whole raw chicken?

Speaker 2 (01:18:59):
Slapped chicken breast?

Speaker 10 (01:19:01):
That's why they wrote that.

Speaker 8 (01:19:02):
That's why they wrote. They wrong for that, man, they did,
but they did that. Y'all did y'all wrong for that?

Speaker 2 (01:19:08):
Y'all know, y'all already know that. Y'all know that man
been here with a piece of chicken.

Speaker 5 (01:19:12):
Y'all had five, he's not going to turn out.

Speaker 8 (01:19:16):
Why would y'all write it out though? That's that to me,
that's just disrespected. Back to the question chicken a fish?

Speaker 2 (01:19:24):
Which one?

Speaker 5 (01:19:25):
Yeah, Well you answered, I don't know man that that.

Speaker 2 (01:19:30):
Let me tell you something. That chicken breast is heavy?
Is it boneless? It's like getting slapped with an open
wet hand piece of salmon. It ain't heavey. Yeah, love
me with that salmon. I'm cool with that.

Speaker 5 (01:19:45):
I didn't say salmon, it just said raw fish. All right,
coming up in forty nine minutes after the hour, it's
our last break of the day and we'll close out
the show with the one and only Steve Harvey right
after this. You're listening Harvey Morning Show. All right, here
we are, guys, our last break of the day. See,
before we get to your closing or whatever, we have

a voicemail call for you from Sharon out of Atlanta.
Take a listen.

Speaker 11 (01:20:13):
Good morning, Steve and Morning Show crew. My name is
Sharon from Atlanta, Georgia. And you asked both one day
about purpose in life, and I am fifty three years old, Steve,
and I just don't know my purpose. I don't know.
If I've been praying room, but I don't know what

going to have for me to do. I don't know.
But anyway, Steve, I hope you play this and I
heard and you could give me some type advice to
you and the Morning Show. Y'all stay blessed and keep
doing what you're doing, brother, because you inspire a lot
of us, and I thank you so much for they
have a wonderful day.

Speaker 2 (01:20:56):
Oh you know, Sharon, that's not as far fetched uncommon
as you might think it is. There are quite a
few people who never find their purpose in life. So
in closing, let me tell you the best way I
found to discover your purpose in life. Your purpose is

directly tied to your gift. People who don't discover their
purpose in life have never taken full advantage or notice
or applied their gift. That's the problem with most people,
and it's a common problem. The Bible says, your gift

will make room for you and put you in the
presence of great men. But you've got to get to
the part of discovering what the gift is. And your
gift is a thing that you do the absolute best
with the least amount of effort. The problem is most
people look at gifts as running, jumping, singing, and dancing. No,

there's so many things you can be gifted at. There
are people who are born to be teachers. There are
people who are born to be nurses. There are people
who are born to be in the military. There are
people who are born to be firemen. There are people
who are born to be designers and architect artists, poets.

There are people who are born to be singers. There
are people who are born to be caregivers. There are
people who are born to run daycarees. They might start
as a babysitter, but you are born because that is
your gift. You take care of kids better than anybody else.
You end up a babysitter, you end up owning a
daycare center. Your purpose. I have found this is my

finding in life, that your purpose is tied to your gift,
and your gift can just be used for the application
of self gain. Your gift must be used in sharing
it with the world. Had God given me this gift
of humor and I used it purely to make money,

I think my ride would have been more limited. But
I think what God did. Matter of fact, I know
what he did for me was he took this gift
of giving me the ability to take anything and turn
it into comedy. He also caused me to have a
sharp mind because I kept a promise to God a

long time ago. I would not dilute the mind. I
wouldn't use alcohol and drugs and diffuse this gift that
he gave me. My brain is my gift, my quickness,
my sharp wit. But that sharp wit has turned into
ability to think sharp so I can have moments like
this in close and remark without paying or paper, and

talk without stuttering or fumbling all over my words because
he has enhanced this gift and turned this gift of
comedy into as Bill Collsby taught me a lesson, He said, Steve,
when you have the ability to make people laugh, you
have the undivided attention because everybody wants to laugh, he said.
But it's in this gift of making people laugh you

have to be careful and choose carefully what you say
because they are listening, he said. And once you have
their undivided attention, you can tell them anything. Well, guess
what that turned into me becoming more of an inspirational person,
more of a motivational person, because I found out sometimes
you don't need laughs, you need information. Sometimes you need

a gem or a piece of jewelry to put on
your crown so you can make your journey better. And
one of the things I learned was how to find purpose.
Now there's a book by Rick Warren called The Purpose
Driven Life. I strongly suggest you get this book. Rick Warren.
I think that's his name. He's a pastor. It's called
The Purpose Driven Life. That book right there can help

you clear up your purpose, but it's going to be
tied to your gift. See my purpose now, I thought
was to make people laugh. Well it still is because
the laughter is healing. But I don't just do it
on stage anymore. I do it on TV every day.
Family Feud is a comedy show. It ain't a game show.
Nobody tunes into Family Feud to hear what top one

hundred people think they tune in because I turned to
show into a show about personalities, the relationship between the
host and the contestant, and most of the fun is
in that relationship right there. But I still make people laugh.
But along the way, your gift evolves and it changes,

and it reshapes itself, and it turns into more and
more and more. And so what turned out for comedy
for me with quick Quit has turned out to quick
quit and motivation and inspiring people. But my gift led
me to my purpose. Discover your gift and it will
lead to your purpose. Your main thing right now, sister,

is discover your purpose. Excuse me, It's to discover your
gift who will lead you to your purpose. The Bible
says the gift will make room for you, and that's
what it'll do. That's my suggestion. Now, somebody else might
have another route, but I don't know that route, so
I just gave you mind. Those are my closing remarks today.
Hope you got something from it today. God will, and

we'll see y'all tomorrow. Hey, y'all, listen, talk to God today.
He would absolutely love to hear from you. And it
don't matter if you ain't talked to him in a while.
He know already knows.

Speaker 5 (01:26:48):
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