All Episodes

May 22, 2024 87 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Today show is pre recorded.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Y'all know what time. Y'all don't know y'all at all
at all, So.

Speaker 3 (00:12):
Don't given the.

Speaker 4 (00:15):
Black A million bus busy.

Speaker 3 (00:24):
Listening to.

Speaker 5 (00:26):
Show. I don't joy, ye joy.

Speaker 2 (00:59):
You want to do that?

Speaker 6 (01:06):
You gotta turn.

Speaker 5 (01:31):
I can't.

Speaker 1 (01:41):
Got to turn the mouth the turn.

Speaker 7 (01:43):
You probably got to turn mouth, turn the water gap.

Speaker 2 (01:55):
Come on, come on, you'll think, uh huh, I sure will.
Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on,
dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey. I got
a radio show. Real grateful for that. You know, it's funny.
I remember when I first started out in radio, A

lot of my peers laughed at me. Some of it
was being mean spirited, some of it was just you know,
mocking me. I'm used to stuff like that. But I
had as a special guest on my show, Joe Olstein,
and you know something, man, he said something that was
I can't remember the scripture. I don't know exactly how
it were like we were having a long conversation, but

the gist of it was, don't be upset with where
you are now, and don't be upset with the small
things in your life. Be grateful for the small things
and the small position that you have right now, because
you don't know where that's going. You don't know what
that's gonna be one day. You don't know what that's
gonna lead to. And that was very warming to hear
him say that. But it also reminded me of when

I started in radio, how small it was. It reminded
me of when I started in stand up making twenty
five dollars a show. It reminds me of not having
a home at a period in my life and what
God has allowed me to live in now. So don't
be distraught over your position now, and don't be ungrateful

or unappreciative for the things you have now because you
don't know what that's going to grow into. And that's
really the gist of that I got from what he
was saying. I just wanted to share that with you,
that where you are now is so temporary because now,
like I've said before, now is a fleeting moment. Right
after you finish saying now, that moment that you claimed
as now, that's gone. So the where you are now

is a very fleeting process. Now, you can change where
you are now, and you can change how you feel
about where you're at now, and you can change about
where you're going by simply changing your mind. It is
no difference. I'm telling you, folks, the thing that I've
learned about successful people is not so much of what

they do. It's not what they have. The biggest thing
I've learned about successful people is how they think. That's
the thing that's different. It's how they think. And I'm
telling you that you can change the way you think
on any subject and start becoming successful towards that. Starting now,

you have to understand that. Man, the biggest difference I've
noticed between successful people and non successful people is how
they think. I was reading what it's God said that
he was taught all wrong about money. He said that
his father was very negative about money. He all throughout

his life he heard his father say, you know, people
who got money have walked on somebody to get it,
or cheated somebody ready to get it. People who have money,
money is the root of all evil. Money is money
is this And people who got money, you know, don't
deserve it. They've done something wrong to get it. Yah
to y'all. So he said he grew up the whole
time thinking that having money was something was wrong with that.

He discovered that it wasn't. Look you can choose to
be successful anywhere you want to. I've chosen several ways
to be successful. I want to be a very, very
successful father. I think that's one of the things that's
paramount in my life that I really am working hard
right now to become a successful father. Not a successful

father in terms of money, but a successful father in
terms of offering the amount of love and guidance and
leadership and the example that my children need to look at.
That's what I'm really really working hard at now. I
want to be successful as a father, but also I
want to be successful as a husband. You know. I

want Marjorie to always that she can count on me,
to not have to wonder about me or look for me.

Speaker 3 (06:04):
You know.

Speaker 2 (06:05):
I want her to feel secure in the fact that
I really have gotten it right, that I really am
focused on being a good husband to her because it
means so much to me, you know. So I'm working
hard on a lot of levels. I'm working hard and
trying very strong to be a successful motivator of people.

I want to be a share of information to people
that will uplift others and give others the same things
that I've learned through the trials and tribulations of my life.
But at the same time share that information and use
the power of this microphone to uplift people, you know,
not to destroy. My show is not about Ooh, guess
what so and so said? Guess what so and so did.

I don't like mean spirited things about people, you know.
I joke with people who calling this that's another thing.
But I don't like destroying people with the power of
the microphone. So I'm working very hard on being successful
in a lot of areas of my life now. Also
I do care about being financially successful too, because my father.
One of the gifts he gave me was very simple gift.

He told me a long time ago. He said, son,
the best thing you can do for poor people is
not be one of them. And that stuck with me.
And this was a hard working man who was a
coal miner who worked construction his entire life. My father
didn't have an easy life man. My father didn't sit
behind a microphone. My father didn't come to work and

people cheered for him. My father wasn't famous. My father
was just a go get it dude that he instilled
that in me, and I've taken that and applied it
to my craft and I thank God for him for that.
But I do try to be financially successful so that
I can do some things with it to help some
other people. Now, am I opposed to having nice things?

Speaker 3 (07:51):

Speaker 2 (07:51):
Do I apologize for having nice things?

Speaker 3 (07:54):

Speaker 2 (07:54):
And why should I? I work? You know, I'm not
on the radio asking to give me money, you know,
so I can go buy a car. I'm working, so
I don't feel how you want to feel. And other
people do feel that way about it. But if success
in terms of finance is what you're lacking, you can
go about the business of doing that. I'm writing a book,

and that whole book is about teaching people how to
become successful. And man, I'm breaking it down in a
way where everybody can get it, man, because I want
the college student to get it, you know, I want
the working mom to get it, to single mom to
get it. The hard working father that has been trying
to hold his family together can get it. The father

that ain't ever got it together and feel that because
of that reason, he can't be the father he needs
to be. I'm writing something man, to put it into words,
to let you know that God is a forgiving God,
and that God is a merciful God, and that God
can get you out of any situation you find yourself in.
You just can't beat yourself up every time you make

a mistake. I make mistakes all the time, man, I
just got to remind myself to get up. I ask
God for forgiveness. I will call on his mercy and
his grace and I get up and I go again.
But it's coming, man. And if finance success is what
you want, you got to change your mind. You got
to start thinking about how to produce it. The first

thing you do is you got to ask. You got
to ask to have a life and have a life
more abundantly. That's a scripture that He comes to you
to give you life and to give you life more abundantly.
That's a scripture. That ain't a joke, that ain't a theory.
That's a fact, and the fact that if you don't
have a life of abundance, you can get that by asking.

Then it starts by believing. And how too, don't even
worry about that. He takes care of that himself. He'll
send the stuff your way, but you got to be
willing to put some effort in this thing now, and
you can do it. Okay. I know I was a
little around the place today, but that's what it was.
So you know, let's go get it.

Speaker 1 (09:58):
You're listening.

Speaker 2 (10:00):
Show, ladies and gentlemen. Time is here, a new day
has arrived, another gift, another present, another blessing from the
Almighty Man, God is good. I love the fact man
that we all now just acknowledge the fact that without Him,
nothing nothing happens. All of this is just a great

greatness man, all of us. So thank y'all for joining
us with that every morning. Shirley Strawberry calling for real
Mississippi Monica, Junior and the legend that is Nephew Tommy.
Always interesting, always intriguing, never a dull moment. Junior. You
know you like a sitcom to me? Not not a
sitcom or what they are soap opera. As the world turns, Junior.

Speaker 6 (10:50):
You know I'm gonna get it.

Speaker 8 (10:51):
I mean invite you over because more day weekend, I'm
inviting you over to the house, okay, and I'm.

Speaker 6 (10:56):
Cooking for you all right this weekend. You have to
bring nothing, just come on. But what season is do
you be using when you're grilling?

Speaker 2 (11:05):
You don't need that's so nice though, be quiet, sure, junior.
If you don't know what season and to put on
the meat, don't have it over what one used?

Speaker 6 (11:16):
Ones you use so you be familiar with the meat
when you when you're eating.

Speaker 2 (11:20):
Well, that's the one I make seasoning. You might have
to go to the store. Let me ask you something.
Last time you barbecue, what did you put on the meat?
Hol r hold shrey. This is a conversation doctor time.

Speaker 3 (11:35):
I know.

Speaker 1 (11:37):
You make seasoning?

Speaker 6 (11:38):

Speaker 2 (11:39):
Right there? But why we talked?

Speaker 5 (11:41):

Speaker 2 (11:42):
Yeah, junior, last time you cooked barbecue, tell me what
you did?

Speaker 9 (11:47):

Speaker 8 (11:47):
You salt pepper, some Tony sash rays and then Tony
you know Tony.

Speaker 2 (11:55):
Yeah yeah, I'm not coming over there for that and
that on there you're gonna sell it.

Speaker 6 (12:01):
Let me tell you something. See see right.

Speaker 8 (12:03):
If you're not even getting to come, you're not even
getting an invitation time With that type of attitude, you
won't be over here.

Speaker 2 (12:08):
Oh that one.

Speaker 7 (12:08):
I don't want to come. You're gonna take my blood
pressure up. I don't want come on, man, you got
all that damn.

Speaker 6 (12:13):
Salt, see right, there.

Speaker 8 (12:14):
So let me ask you now here another thing I
need to find out. I'm only buying by twenty five
hours worth of meat. Now anything else you're gonna have
to bring yourself.

Speaker 2 (12:25):
Well, let me ask yourself this twenty five dollars worth
for me? How many people is.

Speaker 6 (12:30):
Eating right now?

Speaker 10 (12:31):
Just me and you?

Speaker 3 (12:33):

Speaker 1 (12:33):
Nice, sez?

Speaker 6 (12:35):
Ain't that enough?

Speaker 2 (12:36):
You don't want no care?

Speaker 5 (12:37):

Speaker 2 (12:38):
I don't really, junior, I kind of I shop a
little bit different, so I don't know what that.

Speaker 6 (12:44):
Shop a little different? What do you mean you you
buying the more than twenty five dollars worth?

Speaker 2 (12:48):
To mean to ask your question? Where are you buying
this meat? Let me ask right there at the grocery
what else I'm gonna get it? What grocery stole you? Back?

Speaker 6 (13:02):
Food land? Right there?

Speaker 3 (13:05):

Speaker 6 (13:05):
Yeah, where I was supposed to get to.

Speaker 2 (13:08):
Meet from you at least go to fresh market? At
least fresh market? How much that's gonna call?

Speaker 6 (13:15):
That sound like a lot because it say fresh in it.
I don't think I need to do that. I think
I've going back over here the food line.

Speaker 8 (13:21):
I'm sausage and you get one, I get one and
then we done, and happy Memorial Day.

Speaker 2 (13:29):
You don't it do me, not gonna take you know,
and you're not fitting to do me? All right?

Speaker 1 (13:35):
Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour. The
ignorance never stops on this show. We got the nephew
coming up to run that prank back right after this.
You're listening hard morning show. It is time now for
the nephew to run that prank back. Nephew, what you
got We need a ride, Shirley. Okay, so we're gonna
do a little ubering. All right, look, okay, all right,

all right, all right, but you know what it's. I'm
I'm the uber guy, okay, coming to get you. I'm
coming to get you, Okay, but I'm gonna be in
a in a hearst. You know what I'm saying, uber
hurst a yeah, uberhearst. Okay, I'm ubering on the side

in a hurts.

Speaker 2 (14:21):
You feel what I'm saying?

Speaker 7 (14:22):
Plant it room, we got playing it room, laying the
room we got in and roll uber hurts. Let's go
get up.

Speaker 3 (14:32):
Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reshawan please.

Speaker 9 (14:35):
Yeah, this means suck.

Speaker 3 (14:36):
Hey, Sean, how you doing this? My name is Brian.
I got you on schedule. You you ordered an Uber
for tomorrow morning. I'm I think you're okay, are you
Are you schedule to go to the airport? Correct?

Speaker 9 (14:48):

Speaker 3 (14:49):
Yeah? Okay, all right, and I want to make sure
you you wanted an suv.

Speaker 10 (14:54):
Yeah, I wanted the suv.

Speaker 3 (14:55):
Okay, and that's ninety two. What is that?

Speaker 2 (14:59):
That's correct?

Speaker 3 (15:00):
Okay, all right, all right, So I'll be outside tomorrow morning.
We're talking about seven seven am pickup. Correct, that's it,
you got it. Everything's on point, okay, all right, So listen,
I wanted to let you know this man, you ordered
the suv. I'll be there tomorrow. I'll be there probably
a little bit before seven am. You know, when you
guys order Uber way in advance, you know, we try

to get there almost like a car service and make
sure we get you where you got to go. And
I know the traffic is gonna be a little crazy,
so you know I'll be there on time. I'll be
downstairs waiting on you.

Speaker 9 (15:33):
All right, I'd appreciate it.

Speaker 3 (15:36):
Now. Listen, I'm an SUV, but it's a kind of
a little different. So that's why I kind of the
reason for a call. I wanted to kind of give
your heads up that I am an suv, so I
just want you to look for the black Hurst that
will be outside hers. Yeah, I'll be in a black
Hurst tomorrow morning at seven am. It's an suv or

a hurse. No, no, it's a hurts. It's a hurt. Actually,
what's happening is is I have another drop off at
the airport as well. You know there's a I mean,
it's it's it won't affect you at all, but they'll
they'll be a body in the back, but that has
to We're trying to get that to the airport too.
But you know, like I said, as matter of fact.

Speaker 9 (16:21):
It's body waiting in the hold up me, man, I
ain't not riding the body.

Speaker 3 (16:28):
Well, there's a I mean, there'll be a body, but
actually this is costing you less. You know what I'm saying,
So you don't have to man. Well I'm supposed to
lay down.

Speaker 10 (16:36):
So what you're doing about?

Speaker 3 (16:37):
Man, dude, it'll I ain't ride they hang on. Man, listen,
you wanted an suv.

Speaker 9 (16:45):
I'm not ride with the body.

Speaker 2 (16:47):

Speaker 3 (16:47):
You're tripping.

Speaker 9 (16:48):
Cancel this trip. I'll get another over. So I'm not
riding with a.

Speaker 3 (16:52):
Body, dude. Okay, if you cancel, that's gonna cost you
fifty dollars.

Speaker 9 (16:56):
Fifty dollars, man, you got like I had just downloaded.

Speaker 3 (17:01):
Here's a deal. I know for a fact.

Speaker 9 (17:03):
When you cancel over fight hours, I'm canceling, and that's
gonna be fight Outs' gonna be no fifty dollars.

Speaker 3 (17:08):
It's gonna be fifty dollars, sir. It's different when you have.

Speaker 9 (17:12):
Well, my man, you can pay me a thousand dollars.
I'm not riding with them. You feel me?

Speaker 3 (17:16):
No, understand you understand you now? But do you want
to get to the airport or nine?

Speaker 9 (17:21):
Look, why don't you lay down next to the body
and you drive yourself there with the body like in
the path to just see I'm not doing that.

Speaker 3 (17:28):
Tell me what the problem is.

Speaker 9 (17:29):
I mean, obviously you used to driving around with bodies
and that's not my thing.

Speaker 3 (17:33):
You know what I'm saying. What's the problem. I mean,
you're gonna be in the front of the hearse, You're
not gonna be in the back. We'll put by the
bidies in the back with your luggage in the back.
I mean, I'll be fine, right, you're my man, you're tripping, man,
this is a crazy.

Speaker 9 (17:45):
You calling the wrong with this crazy book, dude, I'm
not doing none of that.

Speaker 3 (17:50):
What part of that?

Speaker 9 (17:51):
Don't you understand?

Speaker 3 (17:52):
I'm going to get you there on time, sir, but
it's going to be in a hearse That's all the
difference is.

Speaker 9 (17:58):
Man, Don't you'll be riding first when I'm supposed to
be laid out in it. You what I'm saying right now?

Speaker 3 (18:03):
You got me fixed up? What kind of phone call?
Is this? What I mean, what's what's the problem.

Speaker 9 (18:08):
Obviously you're used to rolling with their bodies and hearses
and all that. Since winning over, start rolling with hearses.
To pick up regular live is to get them from
place to place. This is some crazy I want you
to think.

Speaker 10 (18:24):
When when did you think that it would just be.

Speaker 9 (18:27):
Cool as a regular picking up a body and just
driving around in the street.

Speaker 3 (18:31):
I don't know, man, I mean, you know, I got
two jobs, you know what I'm saying. I do uber,
you know, and I also you know, work for a mortuary.
You know what I'm saying. So you know, but my
vehicle is is certified and approved it so I'm able
to use it as an SUV.

Speaker 9 (18:47):
So you you call them and you gave it rides
to live and they don't have no reaction, no reaction
to riding around with a market body in the back.

Speaker 3 (18:58):
Well you know, uh, sometimes there's a few people acting
a little you know, little, it's a little different for him.
I get it, you know. But like I said, the
only reason why I'm calling you, you.

Speaker 9 (19:08):
Don't get that because you're trying to hit me with
a fifty dollars money in charge that I'm not.

Speaker 3 (19:13):
I'm not going for it, and you're trying to get
me to ride with them and that body.

Speaker 9 (19:18):
Dude, I'm not doing that.

Speaker 3 (19:19):
Sh So I tell you what, bro, I'm gonna tell
you this right here. I'm gonna get off the phone.
Tomorrow is seven in the morning, Me and Tommy gonna
be there, So be looking forward here. Who's Timy the body? No, No,
Me and Tommy gonna be there tomorrow morning at seven. Ayem,
you know what I'm saying. Just be ready for that.

Speaker 10 (19:35):
Then you and Timmey gonna have a problem.

Speaker 3 (19:38):
Okay, okay, all right, tell let the Tommy don't cause
see Tommy, don't Tommy don't take this too kindly, So
tell it to him in the morning. Who's timing.

Speaker 2 (19:47):
For now.

Speaker 3 (19:47):
Okay, you don't know who Tommy is? No, I don't
what the fuck is Tommy? Okay, do you know Tommy
from the Steve Harvey Morning So do you know, nephew Tommy?
Oh come on, man, oh man, oh man, that's hey

man coming. No, man, your boy. You got a boy
named Chase that you work with. Chase gave me your number,
told me to get your call. Oh man, yo, I'm
gonna put that in a hearst. Man. Oh, hey man,
you gotta give me one more thing. Man, what is

the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in.

Speaker 9 (20:38):
The land, Steve Harvey Morning Show.

Speaker 3 (20:42):
Hey man, I pick you up a seping, all right?
Be there?

Speaker 9 (20:45):
All right?

Speaker 1 (20:47):
Oh lord, nephew, if you want to go d up
next as the Celo, you're listening Harvey Morning Show coming
up at the top of the hour. And entertainment news
for Me and Sinbad Closed Out the Netflix is a
joke comedy special in La, his first time on stage
since it stroked back in twenty twenty. Cassie's husband writes

an open letter to domestic violence victims and Coach Prime
is about to be Granddaddy Prime. We'll talk about it
because it's all coming up at the top of the hour.
But right now it is time to ask the CLO
with a cheap love. Officer Steve Harvey, here we go.
This is from Dewan in Toledo. Dewan CLO writes, I'm

living with a stalker that put a tracker on my car.
I cheated twice ten years ago, and she can't move
past it. I got baptized and I haven't touched anyone
but her in ten years. I can't be mad because
I started this. How do I regain her trust?

Speaker 2 (21:50):
It take a long time, though, it take a long time.
I don't know that you will ever fully regain it.
I can't promise you that, but it takes a long time.
You know you destroyed that with the shooting twice. Now
you got this track on. You got to put that
track off your car because it just you. You can't sway,

drive past way because see what women do that's got
trackers on your car. They look at where your car drives.

Speaker 5 (22:20):

Speaker 2 (22:22):
You can't drive past nobody doing massage, just acupuncture. You
can't go nowhere, you can't go you can't drive past
proctologies off you can't drive past nothing that let you
take your clothes. You bet gas station that got a

bathroom on the too young. You gotta get that track off.
I can't help you with that one home, and it's
no time limit on it. Every woman is different. You
violated the trust. I can't help.

Speaker 6 (23:00):

Speaker 2 (23:01):
Moving on, they just got baptized, all right?

Speaker 1 (23:08):
Moving on to s W and Teck s W Wrights.
I was in Vegas last month, but what I did
in Vegas didn't stay in Vegas. He ended up on
the same flight I was on. He's been begging to
see me, but I only cheat. I only cheat when
I'm out of town. He's married too, So do you
think it's safe to do him again?

Speaker 3 (23:30):

Speaker 2 (23:33):
Here we go, this new normal? But she has me.
Do I think it's safe? Well, let me let me
tell you this that you cheated in Vegas, right, the
only cheat with you on trips when you're out of
town and both y'all married. Guess what you saw your
tricks Tom on the flanks. Now, I don't know if

you noticed or not, but if y'all was on the flight,
y'all was going back to the same So now, if
you saw him in Vegas, and you saw him on
the plane. When you see him, when y'all laying there's
a strong possibility you're gonna get seen somewhere else. And

now you asking me is it safe? You kind of stupid? Yes,
you know, you kind of stupid. So you you've got
to get busted because you stoopid. All right, promise you
we get the baggage plane. I don't know you, I
don't We sure ain't gonna be walking out to the

corport talk.

Speaker 1 (24:40):
That's what I want, riding in the same uber none
of that, okay, all right? Moving on to Nadia in Athens.
Nadia says, I want my husband to stop sending pictures
of different sexual positions while I'm at work. I never
know what to expect when I get messages from him.
He thinks it's a sexy way to say he's thinking

of me. Flowers are better? How do I tell him?

Speaker 2 (25:05):
Tell him just that? Yeah, honey, sweety, I don't like
these different sexual positions of all these other people. I
don't like that. Matter of fact, I'll turn off to
I would prefer flowers or a love notes and things
like that. It is right here. Look look look how

he got.

Speaker 1 (25:26):
Up against fifty share all in the meeting with our bosses.

Speaker 2 (25:35):
I just didn't think you was gonna answer that like that.
That that's just that hurts.

Speaker 7 (25:39):
I mean, he's trying to be romantic and sensing things
and some ideas, and you're just gonna shut that down.

Speaker 2 (25:44):
That's that's that man.

Speaker 1 (25:46):
What you like the sexy pictures?

Speaker 2 (25:49):
Shure it, shill it. That's why this segment is called him.
I heard what he said. I ignored it, but you
just let's get a segment last Dan's Tommy here.

Speaker 3 (26:00):
Let me.

Speaker 2 (26:07):
Go ahead and do that here to do that. Matter
of fact, I got the perfect time, y'all can do it?
Give you suggest.

Speaker 3 (26:18):
I knew it.

Speaker 1 (26:22):
You're looking at your cat two entirely different opinions. All right,
So just you were saying, Steve, just tell him flowers
are better and yes, yes, okay, all right, I like
your way. It is romance.

Speaker 2 (26:38):
Yeah, thank you. See Hello, shut up, Nat.

Speaker 1 (26:42):
Shut up, mat Okay, last one, Steve, this is the
last one. This is some victoria in casey. She said,
my first husband died seven years ago. I'm about to
get remarried. But I have a big secret. I have
three hundred and forty thousand dollars in my savings account,

and I don't want you to share it with my
new husband. Am I obligated to tell my fiance? Or
can I keep it hidden from him?

Speaker 2 (27:14):
Well? You could, you could, and you have a big secret.
And but the good thing is he's asked you to
marry him without knowing about him, So that's a good thing.
So he didn't marry you because he thought you had
the money unless he done found out body that you
don't know, see, but you I would if I were

you you're getting married, I would keep it off to
the side to myself for a while the food, you know,
if that's what you want to do. And the reason
you're saying is because something is unsettling. You have some
reasonable doubt he's gone, and so you don't want to share.

I understand that. Oh you j yeah, surey. Let me
ask you a question, because you're asked me. Have you
ever kept some money off to the side from a
person you were involved?

Speaker 1 (28:19):
Yeah, yes, of course.

Speaker 2 (28:23):
So I don't think we're gonna have Probably it's three
hundred and forty thousand, or you could just take three
hundred thousand tough of the winds on Damn. I got
fun and then see how you act with that thought. Okay,
I like that, but I got three hundred don't.

Speaker 1 (28:42):
I'm gonna have that so because you never know.

Speaker 2 (28:45):
Okay, tell me how much money you got chucked off
on him? Oh he was go, let's go. Let's come
on on.

Speaker 3 (28:53):

Speaker 2 (28:55):
Yeah, let's start practicing your segment. This ain't my segment.

Speaker 6 (28:58):
Ain't in there.

Speaker 1 (29:03):

Speaker 2 (29:04):
Money you got touched off to the side.

Speaker 6 (29:06):
One hundred hours. Huh, a hundred hours.

Speaker 1 (29:10):
Oh, look at the time. We gotta go. All right,
coming up at the top of the hour, Thank you, clo.
We'll have some entertainment news for you right after this.
You're listening Morning show. All right, guys, before we got
to entertainment news, listen up, Steve Harvey Nation, We're about

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by When Las Vegas. All right, so now yeah. Moving

on to entertainment news, comedian Sinbad closed out the Netflix
Is a Joke Festival last week in a major way.
This is his first time on stage since his stroke
back in twenty twenty. With the assistance from his staff
and family member, Sinbad walked on stage to an uproar
of applause. He began by calling his return to the

stage a quote miracle, because the left side of his
body was affected by the stroke. He said, quote my
left hand, my left leg just quit. Then Sindbad addressed
the audience, advising them to be careful what you talk about.
He said, remember my joke about having a stroke. You
gotta be careful what you talk about because you'll bring

it to fruition. Thank God I did have a strong
woman who loved me, because I know with some of
the done stuff I did during my marriage, I know
some days when I'm in this wheelchair at the top
of the steps, I know she's up there thinking I
know what you did. Then Sinbad thanked everybody who prayed

for and supported him during his illness. Sinbad looked good,
he sounded good. He had on a black suit with
a black T shirt and white sneakers. So congratulations of
the return two twenty twenty. I thought you shoid two thousand,
twenty twenty.

Speaker 2 (31:33):
He's a good brother man. Welcome, glad he had a
tribute for him.

Speaker 1 (31:42):
Good, he's a lectend icon.

Speaker 2 (31:46):
Well, my takeaway is I won't be saying nothing else about.

Speaker 6 (31:50):
That is it should be.

Speaker 1 (31:51):
That's what me heads up. She's careful what you talk about?

Speaker 2 (31:58):
Be careful?

Speaker 1 (32:01):
All right? Moving on now. In this newest development since
everyone saw the video that proves Diddy caused abused Cassie
back in twenty sixteen, Cassie's husband, now his name is
Alex Fine, Cassie's husband, has penned an open letter in
support of victims of domestic violence. He wrote, men who

hit women aren't men. Men who enable it and protect
those people aren't men. Check your brothers, your friends, and
your family. Our daughters, sisters, mothers and wives should feel
protected and loved. Hould the women in your life with
the utmost regard men who hurt women hate women. Fine

ended this message. He ended with this message quote. I
want to raise my daughters in a world where they
are safe and loved. That's what he said, Cassie Mary.

Speaker 2 (32:54):
I like this guy. I take my hat off to
him because he bettered in me. He's he's better than
me because I'm not. I don't. You don't look, man,
I can't say everything I'll do. I think I would
practice better judgment like he is. I think this guy
is on point. And I would hope if I were

in that situation that I would be able to practice
better judgment like that too. But initially my anger would
would be at the forefront. And and I'm gonna try.

Speaker 1 (33:26):
To find Yeah, and this doesn't say that he's not angry.
It's just giving support to those victims of domestic violence.

Speaker 2 (33:34):
No, what I'm saying, surely is I'm admiring what he did.
I'm not saying that he's not angry. I'm admiring what
he did. I'm just saying he better than me.

Speaker 1 (33:47):
Yeah, I get what you're saying.

Speaker 2 (33:50):
I don't have a problem admitting when the person is
better than me. Because there are a lot of people
who handle things better than me in certain situations. I'm
really really mad to suffering. I do suffer extremely well,
and I've overcome, by the grace of God a lot
of stuff. But I'm the flaud side of me as

a man and a human being. That's still I still
have a flawed side, and I'm gonna have to find
I'm gonna have to look for you.

Speaker 1 (34:17):
Yeah, I'm sure.

Speaker 2 (34:21):
Apiate this because I'm gon have to put something on
you because just my wife now and on sight, I'm
gonna have to put something on you because see for me.
The Statue of Limitations in California Old. I don't know
if I had that yet. I gotta do a lot
of praying for it because I'm not sure I had

that yet because i can't spell statue or limitation.

Speaker 1 (34:50):
Well, thank you to Alex fin thank.

Speaker 2 (34:55):
I ain't never be a spell statue ever. Statue gets
me every time, Like if I got to write it,
I just write like a figurine.

Speaker 1 (35:02):
Okay, and it's statue not statue.

Speaker 2 (35:10):
Once again, right there? Why it hits or something? You
don't even know what you add here? Right, thank you, statute.
I thought it was not statue. I thought it was
statue lemit taste statute. You really ain't getting eight years

out of me? I can't even spell it. Hey, yo,
how about on site? Bet I know what, daddy, But.

Speaker 1 (35:36):
Again we do thank you and appreciate those words. Two
victims of domestic violence Cassie Mary Alex Fine, a celebrity
personal trainer back in August of twenty nineteen. They have
two daughters, Frankie who's four, and Sonny three. And coming
up at twenty minutes after, Junior is fired up and
cranking out more poems than usual. Coming up next, we'll

hear from Junior what they special Memorial Day poem he's
prepared for us. All right, we look forward to that Junior.
Right after this. You're listening Morning show Steve, It's time
now for a poem, please, ladies.

Speaker 2 (36:12):
And gentlemen, he's here without further ado, let's not hold
back anything. Jay Rap is in the building. Jay Rap
Acroneil Junior raggedy Ass poem.

Speaker 8 (36:23):
Come on, yeah, yeah, thank me, come on, thank you,
thank you. You know you know this, uh, this poem
today is really for just you and Tommy, really for y'all, because.

Speaker 6 (36:36):
You know you've been talking about me.

Speaker 8 (36:38):
You don't want to come to my Memorial Day birthday barbecue.
You don't want to come today? Okay, all right, well
then here it is. Then the title of this poem is,
don't worry about.

Speaker 6 (36:49):
Me on Memorial Day. Now, I'm gonna roll with my poetry.

Speaker 8 (36:52):
I just can't quit it, says Uncle Steven. Tommy, keep talking,
sugar honey, ice tea. This poem will supposed to be
about Memorial Day, but I have a few other things
I need to say. You laughed ause I'm buying an
old smoky grill, but you can't steal my joy or
my Memorial Day thrills. I'm gonna be barbecuing and I'm
gonna be grilling, and the space household will be definitely chilling.

It don't matter if I got a fence or not,
neft and unk, because it ain't.

Speaker 6 (37:21):
Nobody studying all that bull job. So don't worry about
me a Memorial Day.

Speaker 2 (37:25):
And that's about it. And that's all I have to say.

Speaker 6 (37:27):
The end. That's to you and Uncle Steve for Memorial Day.

Speaker 8 (37:36):
Don't worry about me Morial Day because y'all not coming
to the cookout.

Speaker 2 (37:40):
You're not invited. Oh you're not inviting.

Speaker 3 (37:43):
I have to. I have to.

Speaker 6 (37:45):
You don't want it. You don't want you don't want
my twenty five dollar meat. That's I'm all I'm spending.
You don't want that. You don't want the pork chops
I'm making. You only get one.

Speaker 8 (37:54):
You ain't getting no sausage. You ain't getting no chicken.
You can get your mind off of that. You're not
getting none of that cause grilling on the old smoking grill.
Now you if you got a problem with the old
smoking don't come over. Just don't come, Just don't come.

Speaker 2 (38:06):
He said what he said, don't.

Speaker 6 (38:09):
You know I come to your house and come to
your event. You two girl to come to my house
and come and.

Speaker 2 (38:20):
You ain't got no gate. So we're just sitting in
your backyard. Everybody gets walking up. You ain't got a.

Speaker 1 (38:25):
Fish in your yard outside.

Speaker 2 (38:28):
You can't house if y'all gonna come over, I got
famous people coming over your house. Now we're sitting in
the backyard. Everybody just walking up.

Speaker 6 (38:36):
You're walking up, So ain't nobody else but just walked
up to you? Not in my yard.

Speaker 1 (38:43):
Well, see, in the time we have left, I was
gonna ask if you had a rebuttal, This.

Speaker 2 (38:49):
Is my short rebuttal. Don't nobody care about your new poem,
and you can stay mad. We still ain't going. Matter
of fact, that you can't cook and you can't grill,
that don't mean nothing to me. I don't give a
damn how you feed. Now you have set up there,

should have set up there and bought that ragged ass
whole smoking like we're supposed to come over there and
eat off that little ragged ass okie dopey.

Speaker 1 (39:19):
Now thirty four minutes after you better.

Speaker 2 (39:22):
Quit threaten than meat one. You're back, y'all with no
exist and everybody be able to see.

Speaker 1 (39:34):
You're listening Morning show. It is time now, guys for
a round. And one has to go. One has to
go water, central air and heat doors inside the house.
One has to go central air and water doors or

central air and heat.

Speaker 2 (39:56):
You take the doors, the doors, Yeah, yeah, the doors. Yeah.
See that's why I had to see. See that's what
That's what happened to me. You already ain't got no sense.
Now you ain't got no damn doors. Ain't you ain't safe.

Speaker 3 (40:17):
The dough.

Speaker 1 (40:19):
Even when you're inside, you're outside.

Speaker 2 (40:23):
You're suld have been your apartment. It ain't got no dope,
so open in here.

Speaker 3 (40:28):

Speaker 2 (40:30):
Now you tacked the bed sheet up at your doorway.
Come on, you got the least say something for you?
Swaying through this cot.

Speaker 1 (40:40):
All right, moving on, one has to go soul food,
Caribbean food, French food. One has to go French food,
fresh food.

Speaker 2 (40:49):
Yeah, all right, I can live without his Chrois sauce.

Speaker 1 (40:55):
We couldn't in Paris. Could we call it or champagne?

Speaker 2 (41:00):
Even good? Oh? I could really live with our champagne,
I do not know.

Speaker 1 (41:07):
All right, one has to go. This is after sex.
Now one has to go shower, pillow talk watching a movie,
One has to.

Speaker 6 (41:16):
Pillow talk?

Speaker 3 (41:19):
What is we do?

Speaker 2 (41:20):
Talk? Came about? I don't even need no shop, but
we have got youn't y'all ship up and that like
y'all need to stop listen, y'all need to stop this,
you know, yeh boy like you ain't never just fell out,

You don't never want to bathe. It's so damn bushy,
act like you overthaveing ass, move killing ass. You ain't
even sexy. Should have been here with your wife talking
about I got to go obay, get out of here.
Make me sick at the off play and I need

to go, baby, and you need to be right behind me.

Speaker 6 (42:08):
Let's get it.

Speaker 2 (42:09):
Take your eyes over there, you can take your hands
over there with this little food, with this little old
smokeing eas g real for man sitting up in there
ain't got no fists or no damn dope.

Speaker 1 (42:22):
Hell all right, continuing, Uh, one has to go on
you facial hair, nice teeth, all ten fingers.

Speaker 2 (42:33):
One has to go face Wait a minute, what.

Speaker 1 (42:37):
On you? One has to go facial hair, nice teeth,
all ten fingers.

Speaker 2 (42:43):
Facial come on, facial hair Okay, oh I thought you said?
Hell no, facial starting to look like he missing a
lot of facial head to run it all up his forehead.
The forehead is that considered part of your faith? Even

if you go back your hair on it? Why doing
me to die? We're moving.

Speaker 1 (43:13):
One has to go, tell me, said facial hair.

Speaker 2 (43:18):
See, let's ask a man that don't want no damn dose.
He's the most interesting one on the show.

Speaker 1 (43:24):
He said, facial hair.

Speaker 2 (43:27):
Off the hell, I didn't know you was ignorant. I
don't know. Do you no want to do?

Speaker 3 (43:38):

Speaker 7 (43:38):

Speaker 2 (43:39):
One has you ain't even got to do on your bathroom.
You just didn't talk.

Speaker 1 (43:44):
One has to go. We're moving on on a woman personality,
great cook, great sex. One has to go, Oh personally,
I'm an let the cook and go.

Speaker 2 (43:58):
Yeah, you're rid of the cooking. You order some food? Great,
some food.

Speaker 3 (44:10):
But I'm.

Speaker 1 (44:15):
What I've been saying. All right, One one has to go.
All right, thank you guys, for one has to go.
Coming up next the Nephew and prank phone call for today,
right after this you're listening morning show coming up at
about four minutes after the hour. It's my Strawberry letter

for today, and the subject is all of these women
can't be lying. All of these women can't be lying.
We'll get into that find out what that's all about
in just a few but right now it is time
for the Nephew and Today's prank phone call. Nephew, what
you got?

Speaker 7 (44:53):
I got one for you. Y'all better buggle up this
one right here. You married your brother?

Speaker 6 (45:01):
H huh?

Speaker 2 (45:02):
You married your brother. I know it's a little tight.

Speaker 7 (45:07):
I know, I know, I know, I got I'm the
one that's got the brain the news.

Speaker 2 (45:12):
I got to let you know you've.

Speaker 11 (45:13):
Been married your brother. Yeah, yeah, hug your brother. In
the words of Janna hug your brother. All right, you
married your brother. Let's go cat dog.

Speaker 3 (45:31):
Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach you common. This is
she Hi Carmen. My name is Keith, Keith from calling
you from the insurance group. Oh Hi, how are you good?
You and your husband? What is it? Harvey? Harvey? Is
that right? Yes?

Speaker 2 (45:45):

Speaker 3 (45:46):
Sorry, Okay, you guys actually put applications and actually went
in and got your physicals done for.

Speaker 9 (45:51):
Life insurance, right, yeah, yeah, that's correct.

Speaker 3 (45:54):
Okay, I actually uh am calling you from the insurance group.
I have you all lab results and everything as far
as your physicals and blood tests and things of that nature.
Is there any way I could possibly talk to both
of you guys at the same time, U N. Harvey?
Is that possible?

Speaker 2 (46:09):
Well, sure, he's at work right now, but I can
get him on the phone.

Speaker 3 (46:13):
Okay, it would be uh it'd be kind of easy
if I kind of explain everything to both of you
guys at the same time. That if that's okay? Okay,
So I'm wrong, Uh No, nothing's wrong. I mean I
think I need to just try to bring a few
things to you guys attention. But I think you know.
After that, it's pretty much you guys decision on what
you do. But I just wanted to let you know
a few things about you know, the results and things
of that nature, life insurance, the whole nine yards. Okay, okay,

let me see if I can get him on the phone.

Speaker 9 (46:43):
Hey, babe, Hey, sweetheart, Look, I got the insurance people
on the line. They want to get both of us
on the phone to talk to us about the insurance stuff.

Speaker 3 (46:52):
Oh cool, Hey, Harvey, how you doing this? Is Keith
Keep from the insurance group? How are you? Hey?

Speaker 10 (46:59):
Good with that?

Speaker 3 (46:59):
Me? Good? Good? Listen, And I wanted to give you
guys a call and kind of follow up. You guys
did physicals and blood tests and the whole nine yards,
and I wanted to give you guys a call. It's
got a bet if I talk to both of you
guys at the same time. So do you have a
minute that we could actually use to got to get
some of this information out to you.

Speaker 10 (47:16):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm fine, man, I'm gonna go break
right now.

Speaker 3 (47:18):
We're good, okay, great. First of all, we've gotten all
your your lab results back everything, and I kind of
got a few questions for you guys that I that
I'm a little puzzled on. How long have you guys
actually been married well together? Few years? Okay, now, prior
to being married three years. How long did you guys
know each other before you got married?

Speaker 9 (47:38):
Oh, say about five and a half five six years?

Speaker 3 (47:41):
About six years? Okay, you guys have been knowing each
other pretty close to nine years now all together. Yeah, okay.
Are you actually from the same hometowns? You grew up
in the same hometown?

Speaker 2 (47:52):

Speaker 6 (47:52):
Yeah, yeah, we grew up.

Speaker 3 (47:54):
I mean, I'm sorry, is this question I mean, is
this about the insurance or well, I mean a few things.
That's actually puzzling Carmen, that we need to this. This
is some news I actually didn't want to bring you, guys.
I mean, we have to. I have to actually give
you this news. Looking at our records, looking at all

the test results, and let me be the first to
tell you that we run these results over and over
and over trying to make sure we are completely one
hundred and fifteen to twenty percent right, Okay, it's a
problem with the test. Well, looking at our test guys, Carvey, Carmen,
it's indicating that you guys are related and nine times
out of ten?

Speaker 2 (48:35):
You are you guys are siblings?

Speaker 3 (48:39):

Speaker 10 (48:40):
Hold on?

Speaker 3 (48:40):
Man? What? And I understand the shot.

Speaker 2 (48:44):
It took me.

Speaker 3 (48:44):
It took everything I had to make this phone call.
I did not want to make it. But looking at
our records and we went over these records over and over,
and the blood work tells us that you guys are
actually siblings.

Speaker 10 (48:57):
Come, man, help you.

Speaker 3 (49:03):
Are you serious? You know what this is not that
this is not a laughing matter, not a joking matter.
You know, Like I said, I did not want to
call with this information?

Speaker 10 (49:13):
What you did make the call?

Speaker 2 (49:15):

Speaker 10 (49:16):
Look, I don't know what.

Speaker 5 (49:19):
You need to go back and and and double check
your records or something because you been married.

Speaker 10 (49:24):
Three brief check with the lab. Man, Can you check
with the lab and like, call us back?

Speaker 3 (49:30):
What Harvey and I and I and I knew those
questions would have come up, and we we went over it.
We went over it and over and over it. Y'all
need to go over it again because I don't know. Babe,
I got this.

Speaker 10 (49:44):
You make the call and this gotta be wrong.

Speaker 9 (49:47):
So what you need to do is make another call
it called a lab and call us back and let us.

Speaker 10 (49:52):
Know that you need to know they made a mistake
or something. You're talking about me and my wife, and.

Speaker 3 (49:58):
I understand that, hardy, Harry, let me ask you, is
it possible, you know, and this is just a question.
Is it possible that your dad and maybe her mom
maybe knew each other at some point And what you're
saying for.

Speaker 2 (50:10):
My mom and dad, that's so straightened.

Speaker 3 (50:14):
Look at you need to have to go back and
do whatever you need to do. But I think you much.

Speaker 9 (50:18):
You say something like that again, I think my baby's
gonna be coming down that beat.

Speaker 10 (50:21):
Your answer like that, Hold on, baby, baby, baby, baby,
I don't know, baby, I got this, I got a baby.
I gotta baby. I gotta say how he's gonna call
me with you what you know you from people do
like that. But that ain't all on sir.

Speaker 3 (50:38):
Is bringing you the results?

Speaker 10 (50:39):
Why don't you bring me results in personal? And I
bet I woop you.

Speaker 9 (50:43):
That's what I'm talking about, beating him.

Speaker 3 (50:45):
Hey, sir, even if you beat the messenger at the
end of the day, that's still your sister.

Speaker 10 (50:49):
At the end of the day, I'm gonna womp you.
I don't care what you're talking about.

Speaker 3 (50:53):

Speaker 9 (50:53):
He hate my damn brother.

Speaker 10 (50:55):
I'm gonna find out whatever you will call you in
You're gonna call me so, my brothers, my wife.

Speaker 3 (51:03):
I am he that So somewhere down the line somebody
made a mistake and you guys a brother and sister
got married. I'm not as far for that.

Speaker 10 (51:10):
Well, let me tell you that, don't you mistake of colleague.
He's in one of these numbers again in your life.

Speaker 3 (51:16):
So I got one more test result. I do need
to get you what you been talking about them? What
else you got to say? Not? It's gonna be working me.
The only other test result I have, ma'am, is that
this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show.
You just got pranked by your girlfriends. I told you.

Ain't like I told you. I got one more thing.
I got to ask both of y'all what is the
baddest and I'm talking about the baddest radio show in
the land. Steve uh uh, come on in here.

Speaker 2 (52:04):
Yes, yes, be careful who you married. They just might
be your sibling. You want to make sure that all right?
All right, sir, Julie changed a little bit. You know,
he done got real sensitive. Have you noticed that he's
very sensitive.

Speaker 7 (52:18):
I don't know how we got in a poem about
him and and and and what he do memorially as
everything there is.

Speaker 6 (52:27):
Yeah, because because y'all don't want to come to my barbecue.

Speaker 12 (52:32):
Y'all, I ever thought about the fact maybe you guys
are hurting his feelings.

Speaker 2 (52:37):
Y'all don't care hard No, I didn't think of that.

Speaker 3 (52:42):
It all.

Speaker 2 (52:43):
You don't have no f around his house, y'all is
wide open so much.

Speaker 1 (52:51):
Just go everybody, y'all hurting his feeling That's what I.

Speaker 7 (52:59):

Speaker 6 (53:00):
I'm getting the fence and I just ain't hearing it.
Man call me when you get a fish.

Speaker 12 (53:09):
Oh and then you're coming over there, Well, happen to you, Okay,
wide open ass.

Speaker 1 (53:17):
He lives in a nice neighborhood, is what he's going
to tell you.

Speaker 6 (53:21):
Nobody at nobody ain't gonna know as you ain't. Nobody
gonna know what you.

Speaker 5 (53:27):
What did you just say?

Speaker 2 (53:30):
I know you didn't just say what I thought you said.
Where I had some glass and here people just walking around,
they're just stepping in swimming pools. What nobody gonna know?

Speaker 7 (53:40):
Whats you?

Speaker 2 (53:41):
It's letters that over there look just like you look.

Speaker 6 (53:44):
I don't know who that is.

Speaker 1 (53:47):
We'll get into the Strawberry Letter coming up next. All
these women can't be lying is the subject. Right after
this you're listening Morning show. It's time now for today's
Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, work, sex,
relationships and more parenting, please submit your Strawberry Letter to
Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We

could be reading your letter live on the air, just
like we're going to read this one right here, right now,
and you never know, it could be yours.

Speaker 2 (54:18):
It could be yours. Bugle up and hold on tight.
We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry Letter.

Speaker 1 (54:22):
Thank you, ne you subject All of these women can't
be lying. Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been with my partner
for four months and he didn't want to get married
for a third time, and I didn't want to get
married for a fourth time. So we decided to buy
ourselves a nice house in his hometown and settle in together.
I have three grown daughters and he has six grown sons.

My past husbands were all in the town we moved
away from. His past wives all live in the town
we move too. Things are kind of tricky because my
three daughters googled him and found his ex wives on
social media. Both of his ex wives had current pictures
with my man from this past Christmas. I met him
mid January, so I wasn't too concerned about that. My

kids did not like it, and they said I should
meet up with his ex wives without telling my man.
I didn't think it would matter much, so I met
with his two exes at Ryan's. Then a third chick
walked in and they got up and hugged her, and
they were all glad to see her. I was very
confused at this point. They told me that this each other.

Speaker 2 (55:30):
Huh huh, they was all glad to see each.

Speaker 1 (55:32):
Oh, they were all glad to see each other. Yeah,
thank you. I was very confused at this point. They
told me that this third chick is the wild card
of their bunch, and she has an eight year old
son by my man. She showed me the money transferred
to her account every month for child support, and I
asked if they had any overlap in their relationships, and
they said, of course. Like I was the ignorant one

at the table. My mind was fried by the time
I got home. I asked my man if he's still
sleeping with the ladies. And he chuckled and said that
I'm worried about the wrong thing. He said is all lies,
and there's no eight year old. He said. The lady
is his tenant and he sends her money to cover
the h A fees at his property. He told me
that since he's told me that, since I met them,

since I met with them in secret, then I can
believe whatever I want to believe. All these women can't
be lying, right, Oh, what kind of sister wives mess
is this going on? And why would you move to
the town where your man's exes live? Please help me
with that one. You'll never get me to understand that.

If that's the case, you could have stayed where you were,
where all your exes live. Now, I'm sure you moved
to get a fresh start, right, You guys should have
moved to a neutral city. That way your new relationship
would have at least had a chance to work. But
you didn't. And here we are now. Should you have
met with the exes in secret? Probably not, because it's

just messy by nature, But you did with the existent
insistence of your daughters, and as it turned out, you
got some very questionable information about him. About your man,
is there another kid he's paying for? You need to
know that because it's money going out of your household,
and you just need to know if he has a son,
and he should have told you that upfront. Did you ask?

It's a good thing that he's paying for his child
if it's true, because he should be paying for his child.
But again, if it's true, why didn't he tell you?
You're the woman he moved out of town with and
the woman he bought a house with, So why would
he keep something like that from you? And what was
he doing with his exes at Christmas? What was he doing?
Naturally you would have questions, anyone would, but the wrong

attitude on his part. Just give you some answers. What
is he hiding? It's very easy to prove if the
eight year old is his, if the baby mama is
really his tenant if she is, and if he's paying
ho A fees and not child support. This is crazy.
And if you don't get some answers, I don't see
how you can continue to move forward with this guy

you've only known four months.

Speaker 2 (58:10):
Steve, let me tell you something you know. I'm just
gonna just start this letter by saying this right here, Dude,
I'm not gonna be able to help you with this one,
right dude, listen to me, bro, and nothing I can
do for you right here. And I don't know what
helped this lady need? What is wrong? What is wrong
with you? I don't understand nothing in this letter. I've

been with my partner for four months. He didn't want
to get married for a third time. I didn't want
to get married for a fourth time. That's seven marriages
between y'all. Y'all probably need to gonna set this one out.
Y'all need to be starting in a movie called Home Alone.
Y'all need to just y'all need just selling this. But

what did y'all do instead of going to find yourself
and settling down and getting yourself to get y'all decided
to buy ourselves a nice house in his hometown and
settle in together. Ain't that just like marriage? I don't
even understand this right here. I have three grown daughters

and he got six grown sons. Damn, there's a lot
of grown ass people here. My past husbands and it's
three she got three past hus They all live in
the town we moved away from. His past wives all
live in the town we move to. What man? What

man wants to move back to the town where all
his exes at Help me with that exactly. That don't
make no damn sense. Nothing in this letter's add enough
for me. That's why I can't help this dude. Who
does that. I'm trying to start new, get me a
f fresh start, and I'm gonna move back to the town.

This whole letter is making my chest itch. Yeah, I'm
scratching my chest. What the hell in the hoopiie hell
is going on here?

Speaker 1 (01:00:14):
Waits again? Please?

Speaker 2 (01:00:16):
What the hell in the hoopii hell is going on here?
This is unexplainable crazy, his past wives living in a
town we moved in. Things are kind of tricky because
my three daughters google him and found his ex wives
on social media. Both his ex wives had current pictures
with my man from this pass for Steve Girl.

Speaker 1 (01:00:37):
We'll have part two of your response coming up at
twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry letter subject
is all of these women can't be lying. We'll get
back into it right after this. You're listening Morning show,
all right, Come on, Steve Let's recap today's Strawberry letter,
the subject all of these women can't be lying.

Speaker 2 (01:00:56):
Let me try to stay calm here. Listen, yes, try
to stay come my voice. My voice is gonna be
unless we go through this. I'm trying to stop acting
like Steven A.

Speaker 1 (01:01:08):
Smill So no, listen, nobody thought that.

Speaker 2 (01:01:14):
I just like using stuff like shout out to Steven Ack.
I've been with my partner for four months. He didn't
get married. He ain't want to get married for a
third time. I ain't want to get married for a
fourth time. And I said in earlier that's a good idea,
because that's seven marriages between y'all. Y'all probably need to
sit this out. But did y'all do that now? Now

y'all decided instead of getting married, let's just buy a
house together and settle in together. That's just like marriage. Uh,
y'all got three grown daughters, he got six grown sons. My,
that's a lot of people. My past husbands were all
in the town we moved away from. Sorry, my past wives,

surely cut your damn phone off. I don't need your apology.
I don't go to rupt your answers when you be
giving your answer. Ye, I was trying not to yell.

Speaker 1 (01:02:07):
Really, I'm sorry.

Speaker 2 (01:02:10):
Three grown daughters. She got three grown daughter He got
six grown sons. My past husbands were all in the
time we moved away from His past wives all live
in the time we moved to. Don't no man moved
to where all his ex wives live at. I say
this again, every time I got a divorced I not
only left the town, I moved out the whole damn state.

That's what I did. I tried to clear myself. I'm
just saying things are kind of tricky, though, because your
daughter's googled the man and found his ex wives on
social media. Both his ex wives had current pictures with
my man from this past Christmas. I met him mere
January January, so I wasn't too concerned about that. Are

you stupid? They had pictures together on Christmas. You made
him in January, so you figure that within a thirty
day period, that must be part of his past. They
just took the pictures at Christmas. They still in the picture.
Don't you understand? If they in the picture, that's cause
they in the picture, oh right here? And then your

kids did not like it, so they said I should
meet up with his ex wives without telling my man.

Speaker 3 (01:03:28):
What what?

Speaker 2 (01:03:31):
What the hell in the hoop of the hell is
going on? Hill? I beat damn your dumb ass daughters,
then talk your dumb ass into meeting up with his
ex wife who made that phone call? Who agreed to this?

I didn't think it would matter much, So I met
his two exes at Ryan's. Is that Ryan's the steakhouse?

Speaker 6 (01:03:59):

Speaker 2 (01:04:00):
Yeah, y'all should have met down there at the corral
because at least they got a buffet with them good
ass rolls over there. I don't know why he rose
to rhymes, man, because anybody's got a rhyme's got a
beef corral that you should have went to beef corrall
because Rashan used to have them cheap ass or you
said beef beef Corral, golden crowd. Everybody got me that

the hell?

Speaker 7 (01:04:21):
I don't.

Speaker 2 (01:04:22):
I don't know that one, but that's what you should have,
did hear anybodys well Medie waffle House at least could
have got there on Tuesday All you can eat? That
was a thinter. Third chick walked in and they got
up and hugged her and they were all glad to
see each other. What the hell in the HOOPI the
hell is going on here? Surey did say something right?

What in the sist? Why sugar, honey and ice tea
is happening? In the hell? Why all these helpers like
each other? What kind of spell has this pimp cast
on me? These women? Lord have mercy. I was very
confused at this point. You should have been. The big

confusion is why is your dumb ass there? He told
me the third chick is the wild card in they bunch.
They told me that the third chick is the wild
card of the bunch. She got an eight year old
son by my man. Well you said he has six
grown ass sons? What what one moment? And since you

didn't mind him having a picture back in Christmas and
it was January? What you care about this new baby
for the picture didn't bother you? Meeting with all his
exes at Rhyme's steakhouse didn't bother you. And now the
wild card walk in they all hugging. That ain't bother you.
Now you find out she got an eight year old boy.

And now you want to get bothered all the summer.
You must be crazy. She showed me the money transfers
to her account every month. She said that she showed
me money transfers. I asked if they had any overlapping
their relationship, and they said, of course. I was the
ignorant one at the table. My mind was fried by
that time I got home. I asked my man if

he was still sleeping with the ladies. He chuckled and said,
I was worried about the wrong thing. Hell yeah, that's
why he moved back into the town with them. The
big confusion is, why is your dumb ass there. He's
sleeping with you and all the rest of them, y'all
ain't married. He said, it's all lies, and there's no
eight year old boy. He said. The lady is a
tenantor his, and he sends her money to cover the

HOA fees at the prop one. You try, you're trying
to tell me that this child's appro painted. You send
it to the house. You have convinced this stupid help
that they the ho a home fees. Do you know
how high them home fees?

Speaker 3 (01:06:53):

Speaker 7 (01:06:54):
All Right?

Speaker 1 (01:06:57):
On today's Struwberry letter on Instagram.

Speaker 2 (01:07:01):
I can't say enough about all Right.

Speaker 1 (01:07:03):
Coming up next, we'll have Part three of this Strawberry letter.
Right after this you're listening hard Morning show. All right,
here we are Strawberry Letter, Part three subject.

Speaker 2 (01:07:19):
All these women kn't be lying and it's so much
truth in this letter. It's unbelievable. This woman been married
three times, don't want to get married at four. The
husband been married three times two times, he don't want
to get married at third. All of them got grown kids.
She got three grown daughters, he got six grown sons.

She'd have moved in with this man. They have moved
back to the town where all of his exes live.
She moved out of the town where all her exes live.
The daughters don't like the dude, so she googled him
and found pictures of him with all his exes at Christmas.
That didn't bother her because she met him in January.
So in thirty days, you think his past is over.

He just took picture with these girls, and why are
they so? Then the daughters convince her to meet with
the ex wives. Somehow this stupid woman thought this was
a good ass idea that they'd all men out at rhymes.
Ryan state, what is you meeting at Ryan's? Whereas the
rhymes there's always or what corral?

Speaker 1 (01:08:26):
You're worried about the wrong thing?

Speaker 2 (01:08:27):
Right, baked beans and stuff? Anyway, thank you for sean. Anyway,
we would all meet out there. And now they meeting
at Ryan's and she there and she walk in and
it's uh, three women at two women at the table
and they hugging and talking, and then a third woman
walk in and they call her the wild card. They
get up and they hug her too. She's sitting there

confused at dinner with all these ex wives. Why is
y'all hugging? What is going on in here? And so
then the other ones say that she got an eight
year old baby by the man and he only told
you he has six sons, And now your stupid ass
want to know if that's her son. He went She
went home and asked him is this your boy? She
teaked ing about now that ain't my boy? Well what?

And then she showed him to transfers into the account.
He said, that's one of his tenants, and she playing
hoa fees what. This is the worst lie I've ever heard.
You know all about line, but I can't believe you
try to put the child's appoint on some hoa feed.
You are crazy, he told me. Since I met them
in secret, then I can't believe whatever I want to believe.

What met him in's secret? They was at rhymes. It
ain't no secrets. You ate at Rhyme's. Y'all didn't meet
at a hotel conference room. You was at all these
women can't be lying. Ain't nobody lying. Everybody telling the
truth except him them is not home own an association fees.

That is his boy and you the moved back in
town and you got to get to know these girls
because y'all got to take a picture next Christmas. Dabbling
up the law and do like you post to do.

Speaker 1 (01:10:07):
Should a single woman be allowed to bring a stranger
as her plus one to her best friend's wedding? That's
what she wants to know.

Speaker 2 (01:10:15):
Why not this lady right here her and went back
in time with all these people. Everything legal.

Speaker 1 (01:10:20):
Now we'll discuss it right after this. You're listening morning show.

Speaker 2 (01:10:26):
All right.

Speaker 1 (01:10:28):
So here's a question that's being debated on Reddit. H
A bride to be is seeking advice because her single
maid of honor wants a quote plus one for the wedding.
The bride imposed strict rules allowing only those in committed
relationships to bring a plus one because she fears an
overflow of guests that she has to pay for. The

bride wrote, she the maid of honor does not have
a name or even a clue who she wants to bring,
but she's still fighting me to bring someone to my wedding.
I love her, but to be honest, she dates the
worst type of people, and I do not want an
unpredictable stranger that she met a week ago at my wedding.
So here's a question. Do you think the maid of

honor should be allowed to bring a guest to the
wedding or should the bride stand firm on her rules.

Speaker 2 (01:11:16):
I think the bride should stand firm on her room. Right.
She then told you, now you're gonna go try to
meet somebody to brain cal the woman's win. You ain't
got nobody, baby, and ain't nobody gonna want you by
next week? Not at the winning. Yeah, we're nothing to
do that. You ain't been having nobody. You can't keep nobody.

Everybody you get to left your ass, and you're gonna
bring him to the win. He not coming and were
not feeding him? Yeah, sitting up in here eating all
the slaughter, picking around everything. The slot, who do that?

Speaker 3 (01:11:48):

Speaker 2 (01:11:48):
We ain't got no damn slow to go to less
than a few. He didn't eat a slot.

Speaker 1 (01:11:55):
It's the bride's day. It's not it's not about you.

Speaker 2 (01:11:57):
It's about the brides and hit eating slow and drink
and birdy.

Speaker 1 (01:12:03):
Him for another one, Steve.

Speaker 2 (01:12:05):
Type of people. Okay, no, she's not gonna it's the
bride to day. She get to make the work. Yeah,
only people that's in committed relationships. Because your wedding day,
you should have only people there you know and you
know love you. You shouldn't have to guess who that
is over there at that table. That's a special day.

Have only people you know and who love you. Just
because they're your relatives. You do not have to invite them.
That's another thing. That's another thing. That's a whole nother.

Speaker 1 (01:12:37):
Blood doesn't mean an invite.

Speaker 2 (01:12:39):
Girl. I done put on two withs I got two daughters.

Speaker 1 (01:12:42):
Man, let me tell you something, all right, we have
time for another one, Steve. This is from Roger and Lawrenceville.
Roger says, I'm a black man and my girlfriend is black.
We've been dating for two months and I recently showed
her pictures of my family albums her first three. The
action was shocking, and she asked how I had so

many black people in my family. I told her I'm
black and she laughed. I told her that I'm a
fair skinned black man, and she accused me of trying
to pass for white. Race never came up, and I
assumed she knew I was black. She ignored my calls
for two days. So should I keep pursuing her or
let her work out her colorism issues alone?

Speaker 2 (01:13:25):
Wow, that's crazy. I wouldn't. I'm through with him. Why
you got so many black people in your family? So
we're black?

Speaker 1 (01:13:36):
What did she expect him to say?

Speaker 2 (01:13:42):
She passed? Why? I bet you came past the white
when the police pulled you over. Oh so bruh, just
going man, let her go. She got some other issues, man, Yeah, okay.
And I don't know if you're talking about complexion black
or whatever, but I just want to say this on
behalf of her all my dog complex with brothers and sisters.

I gravitate to them anyway, because when some stuff pop off,
I'm telling you right, you're about to make it. Say
what you want to, but I'm not no, damn that.
All my dog skin relatives can thump, and that's who
I ride with. I don't like light skin people. They

too touch up, shooting stuff. Can't fighting all this here?
Timmy the only light skinned relative I got that throw
hands well him and my oldes b my old brother
help me kill me. Yeah, our family. But I gravitate
darg skinned people in my family. I love them the most.
They the better cooks, they more loyal, they're hard working

to make the most money, and they'll phop your ass most.
I don't even like the light skinned people. They all
live in Connecticut. I don't even really care.

Speaker 1 (01:14:55):
Are you quite done?

Speaker 2 (01:14:56):
Are you quite said?

Speaker 10 (01:14:58):

Speaker 2 (01:15:01):
Put me over heavy phillips?

Speaker 1 (01:15:03):
I do right, we'll have no Steve Harvey Morning Show
coming up, interview right after. Now you're listening har Morning Show.
All right, here's a question, guys, to snooze or not
to snooze? And how do you wake up in the morning?
Do you use your alarm or no alarm? So, Steve,

do you said an alarm? I think you said you didn't, right.

Speaker 2 (01:15:27):
No, No, I get up early now I'm up for
all you junior. Oh yeah, I have an alarm.

Speaker 1 (01:15:34):
But if you did.

Speaker 2 (01:15:34):
Yeah, you got to have alarm. You gotta find out
who walking in your damn yards. You gotta get your
ass up and look out that window. Make sure you
still got a back dope.

Speaker 1 (01:15:46):
Alarm? No alarm, Tommy.

Speaker 2 (01:15:52):

Speaker 1 (01:15:52):
Yeah you're not You're not up.

Speaker 2 (01:15:55):
I'm up. It wasn't me. Huh, Yeah, I got alarm
and a you wake me up? Yes, don't, and she
don't wake you up? Nice? Get your ass up, Steam,
Then waiting on you?

Speaker 6 (01:16:10):
Is that gonna happened yesterday?

Speaker 2 (01:16:11):
Because you whatever?

Speaker 1 (01:16:12):

Speaker 2 (01:16:13):
Yesterday? That's what I heard. Get your ass up, Steve.
Then waiting on you, late Junior? What time do you
get up to check your yard?

Speaker 1 (01:16:26):
It's really something wrong?

Speaker 6 (01:16:28):
What time I get to check the yard?

Speaker 2 (01:16:30):
You ain't got no do you walk? Do you walk
the yard?

Speaker 1 (01:16:33):
I told you a nice neighborhood.

Speaker 6 (01:16:36):

Speaker 2 (01:16:36):
You gotta have something. You gotta keep something about your
y'all buy at least keep the bugs out.

Speaker 1 (01:16:43):
Word of the fence. It's on the way, man.

Speaker 2 (01:16:47):
I'm not coming over there without no fish in the
wide open space sitting on that little piece of concrete
called it tatty.

Speaker 1 (01:16:56):
You're rather up next, you're listening morning show. It's time
now for a round of would you rather? Would you
rather be locked in a Walmart overnight or would you
rather be locked in a Bucki's overnight Walmart.

Speaker 2 (01:17:13):
All day? Hey man? Because of Bill Bellamy's video video.
I ain't never been in no BUCkies. I love, but
I got to go. I ain't locked in the buckets
because I ain't never been in that before. I've been
in Walmart, locked in there all night before. Yeah, I

went in that.

Speaker 3 (01:17:34):

Speaker 2 (01:17:34):
I went in there at two o'clock in the morning
on the super wall Mart. It was open. I was
trying to buy some I wasn't locked in, but when
they found out I was in there, I might well
have been locked in? All right?

Speaker 1 (01:17:47):
Would you rather do one lap in a Formula one
race car or do eighty miles per hour on a
jet ski?

Speaker 2 (01:17:58):
One lap in the race Carla.

Speaker 1 (01:18:00):
One race car or eighty miles per hour on a
jet ski.

Speaker 2 (01:18:05):
No, I'm gonna do that one lap in that Formula
one race car. I could just be moving too fast.

Speaker 3 (01:18:10):

Speaker 2 (01:18:10):
I cannot swim. I can swim, and I don't want
to go eighty on them. Jes you fall off that
eski eighty.

Speaker 7 (01:18:20):

Speaker 2 (01:18:20):
You get through tumbling and then you start drowning. Hey know,
all right, let me run up into these ties and
deal with it. Okay, all right?

Speaker 1 (01:18:31):
Would you rather have pot luck with your coworkers or
would you rather have an X cook for you?

Speaker 2 (01:18:38):
Ain't nobody? Well I know what you should ain't No?

Speaker 1 (01:18:40):
Hell no, okay, so you're gonna you're gonna let your
ex cook for you?

Speaker 3 (01:18:45):

Speaker 2 (01:18:46):
Hell yeah, before I eat your me, we can have monarky.
We can find out what your dish is. So shun.
If you went to our do barbecue, what would be
the dish you bro? You had to bring a food dish,
what would your dish be?

Speaker 10 (01:19:01):

Speaker 1 (01:19:01):
I might bring some potato salad?

Speaker 2 (01:19:03):
Or but you not mess up pato?

Speaker 7 (01:19:10):
No law, he's stopping at the store, Doug potato salad?

Speaker 1 (01:19:15):
Or yeah, I can make both.

Speaker 2 (01:19:18):
For collar.

Speaker 1 (01:19:20):
You can't make about the skill of making potato salad.

Speaker 2 (01:19:26):
They can't make potato salad.

Speaker 6 (01:19:28):
You don't know that.

Speaker 4 (01:19:29):
I don't anybody that's hard to make.

Speaker 1 (01:19:33):
It is hard.

Speaker 2 (01:19:37):
Break potato salad? You bring you every fiends? Oh, never
care to bushes and break potato salad?

Speaker 6 (01:19:46):

Speaker 1 (01:19:47):
Would you rather uh stay in Chicago for a week
in January, or would you rather go to Vegas for
a week in July?

Speaker 4 (01:19:56):
Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. Yeah, and it's too cold to
be outside, No way. I've been to Vegas for a
week and ain't see no sunlight.

Speaker 1 (01:20:15):
All right, that's today's round. Would you rather coming up
next to our last break of the day and Steve
Harvey will close out the show right after this. You're
listening morning show?

Speaker 7 (01:20:26):
All right?

Speaker 1 (01:20:27):
Guys, here we are last break of the day and
it's been a good day.

Speaker 2 (01:20:32):
Yeah, and it has been a good day, but I
want to close it out the right way.

Speaker 3 (01:20:36):
You know.

Speaker 2 (01:20:36):
Ladies, y'all kind of jumped on me when Junior asked
me to come over his house for more.

Speaker 1 (01:20:43):
She invited you to a barbecue that he's having.

Speaker 3 (01:20:46):
And you have.

Speaker 2 (01:20:47):
First of all, he didn't know how to barbecue in
his new home, Tony Zachary's his new home.

Speaker 12 (01:20:57):
Whatever you uh huh no, but he got and Tommy
been going hard on Junior call of heat.

Speaker 6 (01:21:05):
Thank you let me finish.

Speaker 2 (01:21:07):
Yeah, I've been going hard this week.

Speaker 1 (01:21:08):
What's what's today? Wednesday? And last week?

Speaker 2 (01:21:11):
Do you agree?

Speaker 1 (01:21:13):
Do you carry really if you want to?

Speaker 7 (01:21:15):

Speaker 2 (01:21:16):
Yere twenty five dollars word from meat though, I mean,
what what is going over there?

Speaker 1 (01:21:21):
Oh he has yeah, it's the no, no, no, that.

Speaker 2 (01:21:26):
Ain't all he got that. Don't be coming in here.
Invite me the little low budget ass picnic you're trying
to throw in the back, y'all. Now you got twenty
five dollars worth from meeting. Now we got to count
what we eating is to hey, ain't just four ways now?
One one? One hamburger too, hot dogs? Everybody get four bones?

Anybody fit to do that? Man? No man, anybody s
fouldn't do that with you. But here the real reason
I ain't coming over to your house because ye ass
ain't got no fence. I'm not sitting that. I'm not
going over nobody house. Ain't got no damn fence. We
just sitting, don't even we ain't talking about a lot
of people were talking about Junior. Now if you are there,

you ain't got no fence, and you offended. That ain't
my damn fault. I just said, well, I ain't finna do.
I'm not finish sit in your backyard on no little
piece of concrete and everybody walking up.

Speaker 6 (01:22:23):

Speaker 2 (01:22:23):
What's wrong with that?

Speaker 1 (01:22:24):
It's too dangerous, not have no damn fish a nice neighborhood.

Speaker 2 (01:22:29):
When is the fence coming?

Speaker 6 (01:22:31):
Because he ordered be he in July July?

Speaker 2 (01:22:36):
That put up on the fourth for the fourth.

Speaker 6 (01:22:40):
Yeah, it's gonna be lates. It's not gonna be like
Rye my birthday somewhere.

Speaker 1 (01:22:44):
In there the end of July.

Speaker 6 (01:22:45):
Yeah right, So I mean, why you can't come because
I ain't got no fence. You ain't tell me both
can't come?

Speaker 2 (01:22:51):
Have got no fish gonna have? You ain't gonna have.
You gonna walk out that one morning? You're gonna have
no chance either.

Speaker 1 (01:22:58):
Just have it inside? How about that?

Speaker 2 (01:23:00):
Just have it in no outside? Sure you can't barbecue inside.
You need to stay out this cooking.

Speaker 6 (01:23:07):
So what else is gonna happen? Uncause I ain't got
no fence.

Speaker 2 (01:23:10):
Right, you ain't got no fence. We go out there,
we might not have enough chairs. Maybe they just took
one or two, Jackie, Now you go outside. We gotta
eat in our lap because somebody walked off with your table.
Now we got the little Now we got the little
flims ass paper plates holding him in our lapt How
to waste barbecue sauce all on my pants because somebody

walked off with your damn tape. You showed them by
the good plates.

Speaker 3 (01:23:36):
We know that.

Speaker 2 (01:23:38):
And like Tommy said on a commercial break, now we
out there, we can't even cook because somebody on drug
off your little grill at night, your old smokeys sitting
up in here.

Speaker 6 (01:23:50):
You ain't got no cooler.

Speaker 2 (01:23:51):
They don't take your Igloo cooler. He ain't got no
I know you ain't got no yetti. Hell no, he
ain't got no yetti. He got an old smoky grill.
How the hell he gonna skip over igloo and buy
a damn yeah? Quick in fighting people over your house

till you get a damn fence.

Speaker 1 (01:24:14):
Is he coming in July?

Speaker 8 (01:24:15):
If you if you come over, uncle, I promise you
ain't nothing gonna happen if you out there in the backyard.

Speaker 6 (01:24:19):
It's nice people live over you just a lie.

Speaker 2 (01:24:22):
We ain't trying to meet all them people, and we're
gonna have to all of them.

Speaker 6 (01:24:27):

Speaker 2 (01:24:28):
Do you have an outdoor umbrella, you know to block
the Yeah? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
he had one. They thought went out there one morning.
It was stuck in the middle of that table. That's
why we know these plates on our lap right now,
because when they took the table, the umbrella was stuck
in the middle of it. They left the base. He

got the base, but he don't have an umbrella in
the table.

Speaker 1 (01:24:53):
At least is there like patio areas that screened off.

Speaker 2 (01:24:58):
Off? That's you want to get some mosquitoes? Now you
finna get that?

Speaker 6 (01:25:03):
Yeah, I gotta scream. I gotta to come down.

Speaker 1 (01:25:07):
We go up and come down.

Speaker 6 (01:25:08):
But if you don't want about to see you, I
can let that down for you.

Speaker 5 (01:25:11):

Speaker 1 (01:25:12):
Okay, already progress, Okay, I like it. I like where this.

Speaker 6 (01:25:15):
Yeah, okay, you.

Speaker 12 (01:25:18):
Got a fan to keep them?

Speaker 6 (01:25:20):
I got a fan?

Speaker 2 (01:25:21):
You can you you could be cool.

Speaker 6 (01:25:23):
I mean, we're gonna we're gonna be sitting in the chair.
You know we're gonna be sitting in chair.

Speaker 2 (01:25:27):
We oh, we're gonna take turns. Let me ask something
when I get into ship. How long could I see
it somebody else? We can all sit in the time.

Speaker 12 (01:25:45):
Why don't you ask him? As a guest, you and Tommy,
what can y'all bring? Maybe you can bring something.

Speaker 2 (01:25:56):
Furniture. Don't nobody want to come over there with all that?
I just want to try one of my cars. I
don't want that to pull up. No damn you haul
with a trail on it.

Speaker 1 (01:26:06):
Is there a place where they can smoke?

Speaker 2 (01:26:07):
Some bring a grill. We gotta bring a table, we
got we gotta area.

Speaker 6 (01:26:15):
Walkshi gas.

Speaker 1 (01:26:17):
We can do that while you're waiting on the food
and everything.

Speaker 6 (01:26:20):
You don't think you can do this one time?

Speaker 2 (01:26:23):
Dothing we should try it? I really don't think we
should try this. What's it? Just seems like a bigger habit.
I'm gone. I don't like eat standing up. I don't
want to be leaning against the wall smoking my cigar.

Speaker 1 (01:26:39):
He's got a screened in section for you. He's got another.

Speaker 2 (01:26:42):
I'm down there sitting in the grass with my white
linen pants, trying to draw my cigar. I like to
lay my back up on something. I'm smoking. People throwing
Frisbees in your yard? They dog over here. I couldn't
do that. Y'all have a great day. Talk to God.
He loved to hear from you. And who's his wife?

Speaker 3 (01:27:03):

Speaker 2 (01:27:03):
Go Fundme paid.

Speaker 1 (01:27:18):
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Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old.
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